D W for Infants end Children. J1- TO I tu..va . a a.a a'. av ...Naf ' r . a- 4 J lit' n ' Cutoilt la ao WI1 .Ujl to rhftlrro that I irrunnml It aaeijwl.a-t.aiif MTltlr4i kautra to dm." IL A. Amnti, M. P., Ill Bo. Oxford bL, Pruuklja, S. V. "Tha u ot 'Cufci ti n nnlrmtl nnl In tia-rlla m mrU known that II aan rk 4 ifTnirlfa lo rtuaaia. it. ara IM Infe-IUfOl famlllr who ilu la ki I'ortorU ulUUa Ma MA" CaauK Vaarra, I. P., Jiitr Yrk dir. Caalorla mm C!t-, O ant I pat l I'.air Monuu h, IUrrl.aa, rnwHaii-at. l.ilj W.auit, glvt aba-it and Htfl WUUuul Uijurluamr.la-ll.i. T atrrul )rar I bar rornri"t rair 'al.aat,' anl alu.ll oJwai r..nil- k a e It lua lutailcU irliitt l-. .1 madia. " bin r. I'itiut. Jt. I IXIU Bttwt alal Tib Ate., N-w V-J ' Vi:i).Mr)AV, OCTOIIKU 17. The Kutt'iu illy likvll U to la? com pi. l-d. There are l ow x;."! pri-oncr in tli ahite -lil!i'litluty. IlillaUro, Oregon, lml a j3W Are lul nighi; liuuiaucu (haa lieltya, of Ht atoll, I.ahr county liiu Imvii couiuiiaalone.l n notary puh- li. Ureal In the property "i John tlr ton, win nephew lie rlalinl lo I. Ilortoii died Intcatate alul alx year K, tnvliiif properly wortli lul U.imi. I. rli-IU-y. wlio baa I'H Tlieulinoii run im Ihe lower Hiu- trying to llnd Ihe heir. hapiM-tied lo law river l aaid lo l the iMMircat for I In court, and ouealimiwl dayuor a Ikirr ) i tmm im lk Mak.rft Tin: Hal.l.iJ'.tir., IM. I Nilur-1 llaV llllillt Ul llll'llllulll tohhtta till. led llie nlll"l lllf ltclllc CXprtaaa at lllla JmeOnyur, who waa brought up ' place. '.ii. y relieve! the alrohK la.x ol .... . ,.i,.r,m i,f vairrmiirv. l.avln.r alHit H !.) I" fa-li. h"T miiu Iiiih-i aal.l . aii,n l.erp lo l.aik afl. f lila III-) llie li.ka In i have U li obliKnl Mar M Hair Kiiixno, l l., IM. 1V-TI. Ul-t aiMllloil lo lh llal of novH In Jualiiw ( rldilou'a rourt. la that of Tui fanTAt a Cmnrr, 71 Mi-maar Itm-n, Ntw Yima r Tho conmimption of wool in tin VnU-A KUU-s Ml from (;i!l,(KK),(XH) iun(U in the yenM-wling Junn 30, 1'J3. to 474.000,000 ikiuwU in tl.- vear ending June 30. 18'Jt. No farther cijiUnntion of the canto of tho low prico oi "ooI 14 nifdfd. I'rof. Henry lay in tho JrwI tr (Uiclto that wiioat which in to be ftil to cattle or hops hhould ln rolled lightly over or crimlit.il, no an to leave it at loose and lipht n MMillo. If ground liko Hour it will I pahty and heavy. In fail ing ground whoat to tT it in necMsary to into care not to over feed which will develop Hcouring. When bran in availahlo it in well to mix it with the ground wheat. Mointened cut hay will niiawer tlio ame )UrjxiH0. Home feeder Heeure giKxl reHtilU from ground wheat while other will havo aomo or all of their cattle off feed iiiohI of the time. NOTICE FOU ITHLICATIOM. LDil Offloa at KiMutbnri, Orison, OcU.Ur. Ifi. IX.it. Nutioa la blj viim lliat Ilia lullovinii nainml Miliar baa Dlnl nulioe ul hia lulrn lion lo rotVa Anal pro)l la anpporl of Li claim, ami thai aald pioof will la maila Im for A ). Jonoliiif. county oli-rk, ul I. ana eooDijr Orinon, at F.iiK'ii. Laua roiinty. Oregon, no Nirmlar 'iT, IK'Jl. tu : Cbarlra II. Ianilnn. nn lliu-laal antrv No. f.77ll. (or lha N N E S K ,'' N K N E )i H E lt, w 0, TV 17 n, U i Waal. Ila namv tba f.illiialnji wIIiiomi to prof a bia eonliuuona r'l li'iwa iiikiq an. I callitratlon of, anij lan.l. vix: J. Hi.nrr Holm, ul Moliaak, I.ann Co Ornioli, Sialic. n )aia, of Muliaak, I,na Cxi., Orrnon, Crora hmllh, of l.ii(rnK, Lana ( o , OrcKon. V, I.. IMauo, ol Ku geua, LauaCu , Un-Koti. It. M. VkiTt ii. Uryj..r. ji ubnnT : iHti.u. I'.aalrrn Itrrian 4laia I'aaa li MrmiaiM Math. HAI.KU, el. 111. Coliaifleruldf i'X v lenient wt rile In tMilltlral ein lin till moriiliiif when tlie reKirt K"l"t-l iiiihlieltv Unit the atiim-ine urt of Or eioii hail rvvcrt. il the lutalcrn Uri'ifon aavluui Injiiiielioii mm: T lie title of the enxi la Htule of On-k"ll ex rel A. V. T'livlor, rei., Va. Sylveater J'elllioyer et ill, Hop., niiiN'al front .Marlon county. 'The jllilKlii.-nt of th lower cinirt la reverat'tl ami the enae la reuialiili il for further iriKii'illiiK opinion ly Wol verton. Ill thiatnae the iIi i IhIoii of the court i ImimmI iiimiii the ol.jcclioii iniitlii liy the ilefeliilnlit I hut tie) rolnilnl;it iha-a not atnte fnela aiilllcielit to call Into r.-Ulltlon Hie retriiliiiiii; pou cra of a court of eiiiill v. 1 lie c tun lionia I lint it w ill not miial.lcr jtravo ii-t Itut loti- ul illea(oia iinlll they are prvaclllcil with liirtaotlicrw l-e allow Ink a eaiiae tor anil. The nui-atloiia preaclitetl are held to U) III ell.'ct the Millie a tirelit- e.l in the cne of Mieruiiill va. ilclli.w Involvlnir the IihuiIoii ami erection of the Soliliera' lloino at ItoaehurK, mid the liolillnif of llie court npprovca the iKi'laion. nie iii-ciaion auaiuilia llie ileiiiurrer lo llm complaint ninl (he iiiiiwi la reillilllileil to llio court la'lnw with ilirti'tloiiN toaiiNtiiiu the demur rer there, and to take audi net Ion there im may Mi'iii proaT. BfroHiz Arini A NEW LIFE U lil nnitr HMiiin rili tt atiurntiiw, ljr KtillMiHrH imtOIw only, tu cum Wtnk Monioryi !, of llniin hl NtrT rVfr: liNt MniiImmmI: (yKiii'knaMi Nitftit lmn v 1 1 Irt4iiii(i; irk uf 1tblnntt NrTTimiiifwt Ja.nitiiil)M all llrnnmi Mtmt i'iirrif lliUM0niiitfttrimn in eithrr t, ran! rarnr-(irtion. Ymli(ul Krnm,,r I.immmiv L' of 'llirt, OtMiuii or I.iiuor, vhirh lU to MImvjt, ii.unittin, Ii -iiitir Mil iWth. lf niNil, II Ihii; an for '';iii wnttrn .riMraiilM to run or r fiititl mimny, Viit'i Llm rUit rir Mi k HmkIm.'Ih. liliiMiatwv a.r I winiUtiit, HMir Htimmrh. lriMiia niiJ (NtUpftUoiu 01 AUAMLi-ii UMioti uuljr by (milt'HM A lKI S'o, ItrtiKHlM ant ftruU, Kaffti lrtuii. CUP or If -III - . .." r0VE9 THE C0WCL3 lri THC MORNING rriiir'i ;'.firuv;'rTii I Kiifaalpal Yrfiitjinir '.Mil at r.ttrna' tnn. EXCLUSIVE GROCERY. Not curing to curry crockery any longer, wo will tli.-jtoso of our iinnu'iisc stm-k of : Crockerj, Glassware. Etc.,: at priccsi that will surprise you. Groceries is Cheap as the Cheapest Cull curly ami havo a large assortment to pick from. C. U. GOLDSMITH & CO. TIIK Mm Loan and Savings Ila ) Ilia Ilia; tlajarllf ama t ram I to- Mlirr l-laak San I'ltANtiMii, (let. M. J uile Ulllliini 1'. Iird, Kovcriior-cUrl of ( Irt'ifoii, la a uiieat lit llie I'll luce with hia wife. Jiidiie Iird and hla wife ex-iH-ct to reiuniii in the city for a few liiya, mid will then leave for the Kant on a plciiaiire trip, koIiii; hv way of lliiivcr ncil St. I.ouia o IVIiiwiire. where JiiiIko l ord will HiM'iid aoiue time with hia parelila. " I here la Hrou m H iitllnclit III favor of the fn-e i'oiuiu;i of all Ver," wild Juil'c lird, ill fM-iikllir of tho hiII. cal Munition in Oregon ul Ihu l'ulaco lict I'Vciiinj;. " Thai la only nmuiiK the lunaMw, however, nnd not nmoiiK the (oiiiuiereliil ehiax-a. The way lit wlilcli thill Niihjcct wna hiiliilhil lii our platform hud couaiilc ruhle in lo with llie auci.a of our ticket. I llnd that thu Hiipl in t trefoil lit t rl I .lit e the III dilaliiid ililllcultl.-a, the dii'line In the priiv ol products ttud the depreciation of projH rty vnliica to the di'inoiictl.a tlon of allvcr, Hinl they hclicvu there w III he no return to pnatitcrilv until allvcr la lcuinuclifd mid plnti'd on nil couiililv with (.'old. How thai la to tie hroilKlil ulMiut la (he autijcct or illpilte iM'IWi-cli the ihiIIIIcmI purl lea. Iliey lireull, priicticilly, hillieliiliata, hut the ulleNllonor wliellicr hllver lionld U' rcatnrcd tlirotiuli liatiolinl leuialiilure or by liilcrnatmuiil aKrcciucut la the uuealloii on which thn areiiuient hlne;c. The populiata are nfler the tree Biol iiiiIIiiiIIimI eoliiuire or allvcr. I he eollimcreliil eliwaca are hiuieliiliala. hut only in the acuae that thev la'lleve allvcr Hlioiild la Icalonl thniueli an Internnlloiiiil aitni'iiieiit. That will never come, ill my opinion. l jiK'lund would never ngrvo to It. I lie rcmihll oaiia dii'lare tlieinaclvea In favor of the rcalomtloii of allver Ihrtiiiiilt iialloiial IcKinliiltire. 'I hut plank lit our plat form wim one of the cauncs of thu big repuixicmi viciorv in "recoil." AllrlMla4 Mabbrrr. 1 1 1 l.lxiioito, (h. III. A th-aiwrateHt tempt waa iniide to rob the rirat Na tional hunk of lliia city laat liltflit, w hlcli wna frilalniliil bv the Ciailiua of J. . Mnitc, preaideiit of the bank Mr. Shute wna walking along the nnd to tlie furiii or John rewall. When alauit ;M inllca from town, at a lone aoiue aHi, four niiixU.il men atcpjail out lulo I he rond nud ordcreil him to halt. They look him in a clump of iiiick nriiaii I. v the nwol ai.ie, ami liav InglMiiiiid lit til. aenrched Ida HN-kela an. I iin.k me ki j a of me lunik. Tliev I hen under penally of death (iitiiH llci nun in Kive Iheui llie imiii- bliuilioii of the vault. Two of the men started for tow n to the bank, while llie other rcinnliHil tta a gunrd over Mr. Miule. After a Hum they returned ami reported thev could Hot get lulo the vault and that Millie had ttiveli inem me long, eoiiiiiimiiiiiii. Alter coiiai.lcrnbli. l.nrlevlnif and man v Ihri'nta I hey alart.il lowarda town with Mr. llute, but w hen the out- klrta of the citv were reached. Ihcv turned him l.nw and went olf. Hv Ihia time It wna nla.lit 3 o'clock, and Miute went to tlie n-i.L-nce of J. l. Merrimiin, the ctialiierof the tuttik, and arntiolug 1 1 1 iti lol.l hla alnry. They found the city marahal and pria-.il.il to llie luk, where thev fun ml evl- leniv thai the lotila-ra had la-eu there. but nothing w a mUaiuir. )!l.i r are ou I hillillliK tlie men, but up to ikniii nothing ha.l tavti .-. ii of llicm. veal a. ItcaCUe. Illaw U'UIII prew-liletl It fill npN-arnneu luat evening In their mil form drill. Ye rexirtcr aeknowleilgeti the t.aitli- aouie ipiallly of a large IJcuny plieaa- aut baggel ly loin Abrama yeaterUay The r-prucv roint aaw mill, near Florence, 1 now running on full lime, aawing liliutar for the INill Frauclaco market. Mm. Ir. Itrunke, of i'orlland, haa lavii nrreatcl on a charge of man daughter, by alairtion, plialueed on Mm. Mary Arala, and held lu t-VJUU tamd. The ahip I van hoe, bound front 8 attic to hull r'raiiclaco, la thought to I foundered at aea. Kditor liraut of the r..t-Iiilclllgvhcer waa her only paaat- llger, In the cn- of Dr. L. M. Davla agalual Dr. ('. C. Newacaatle, fur .j0UU iluiiiuL-ea for brekelt of eoutract, at I'ortiuiid yeatcr.Uy, the Jury returned a vcruiei ior .leieiioaui, the Jail III thla city. Deputy Slerling iiieiittrrianurg ater rower .oiu- ,,t Wltn killing Uaiinoii and woun.l puny turned the water Into their can-I , Hhort In the leg. He may die al on laat halurday about o'clock p. from Iomi of blood. It la believed that m. I here were prevent a large t'Uin-1 nu n weru Innocent of thu crime W illi lr ofoitizena to witueaa the aucci-aa of wlilcli thev were cliarmd. aa many una enterprise. miner ueclareU that Im.IIi were at A docn ciuloadaof upplee have been I ball III ictor al the time the robla ry to hia relalioiiahin to I lort on. t.ay iir ajawrte.1 ;hat hia mother and Mra. Jlorloii were alatera. If thla la a fact tJaj nor may give up bia pre lit career and aetlle on the fine 'J acn l"t left by Jlorloii. I blah Ovarraa Hlik . klataa. L'KIAll. (ul., M. IV-Since the atea'iier S)Q arrived al Fort llrngg With liaila for llie coliairuclinu ot tin Itouml Valley roilnwd, traiii. mi I deaM-rjle ehnractera have overrun the country. Velerdy llie nnleinv .f A. t erf, In thla city, wua l.nrlan..-l, amlfMJlii coin atol. n. yjtry tin inorniiig I uuiiiiighaiti a warehouae Wua eiileMl and llili-e barrel ot lai r itoleii. The burglara were captuml. A barll'a Iaa4lf Ala. CoUiHAIKl Hl'HIXOrt, Col., ih-U 13. Tliomaa hhort and Jaiuea (Jaliuoii, Hull Hill miner, arn-atod hy Deputy Kherllt Kerney '. hterllng on aeharce of having rohlail the ictor gainhling houae, altciiiptcl to cacaiw at the l'l vide luat night when la-lug taken to aent from Colfitx within llie paat two wti-ka. Four enrbatda of iK.tHl.a-a have b-f li ahipa.i I nun there during the paat week, there being a almug de mand for iMitulian In mill-went aLatea, where llie cnp haa been a tuliure till Jeur. C company, O. N. O., of thla city, will have a coiniN'tltloii about at the waa committed. t latrlaa tVIII Vale lar lllll. New Yohk, Oct M. A ia- lal from Waal Ington aay: 'Trcalil. hl I'leve- laud. on Ida Way to Wu-hlUL-tou from Urny (iable will atop In New York to reglater, and on the ilav of the elti'lloii be will go to New York and vale the tute ticket lieade.1 by Imvld li. lllll Fair mil range, Friday afternoon at and the city ticket beaded by Nuthnii 1 o'clock. Major Voran. Muior Mrauaa. 'lliia liiforuiiition come til- . ... ... . I - . . 1 . . !..... iHiiuia ami i.ieuu ciiamuera nave larll aelected aajudgea. I'riAva will be given for the beat ahoU at L"U0, 3t ) and BANK. iz:: !3 '1: Rz!:s Si:;:: il B;:t. Incorporated with a Capitil of $G0, 000, with $30,000 Paid Ut-. tVl.-IH niN-lTT.1 a.lhwt li. rhrrk IlilrMl allur. ..a Haw .IrjaMlia, au4 .aii( lfia.ta en aprulrl arruritf. r-Bn t J r i li ' i;. it V. I aa.n.iar H l I 1 N I CtiMiaa a in.l k Tha ttnrrna l.a at. aavtt.ra Hank utilmn IlKI I ..mffl.-rr tl ait-l aa .tif l.titiuraa, aa4 J'wt aaaial alU'ilion ! ra '.--J n. m. ? . lua, lllir ol IL 111 tt.l anal ynq ii.a.., bul ahal ym IKal m k 1 ... r,.-k. li a 1 e.n.niuiH) llirTw ar mai.f ira... f .ina.l kt'liita ehlru. il all.-i-ii-4 la a.mi ttf u U.-I, a ill l ajM-nt It. tim war in a...' f... It la .Itfbrull td a... o.all ata.-u.il. l-tit I i. , raa ba mii ia a aaTiiit tauk ai4 a.a.lr ., t..,.s oa rvt.irna Itrurf ,ua lhal ih- t.r.m , om ff lha aac.i'wi oil a.ft...a ..f a at.i.r, auk la a,nounaitjr. mm wnrti vuur i tua ia Uin aii. a") yard range. The public I Invited lo W illie the Hhoollng. Acorua are reiairted plentiful thla full. liillealilo A Hon have cloaed their meat ahop. Frunk (lilatrap haa returntil to hla home lu California. J. II. Ilarrla la having a Hew walk coiialructtil in front of hla brick block. See change In attorney Woodcock' cum in another column The govern men t weather bureau predicted rain for today, luatead wo have bright auiiahlne. Work la progreaaing rapidly gravel lug the alley went of Willamette at lift between I'.lghtlt and Ninth ntrccl A IbMH-burg hiihliund ami wife, (Tin. ami Jane I hi via. la aulng theS. I. It. II. for rlU.ouu duiiiutiin for ptittiuu .Mr, tmvia auu child on i ruin. 1'reaidelil ChapmaiToTthe HLate uul ventlty will deliver a nubllo Iwlure at iioaei.urg, t nurwiay, "et. i,i, al 7 p. in on i no iivaiiiag or iiiuiier Kdu ca tion." Iln uImi Ititeiida lirturlug at other Stuthcrii Oregon tuwu lit the near future It I unite certain that an attempt will laj made to lorm a new county of iHiriloii of CriMik aad (Iritnt, with the county M-al at Mitchell. Some fur mem now have to travel a long way to rriueviiie. Mill tlie protxMitioii will be warmly combated. Diivlilaon, for year a ucwaboy trnv cling on the Soiilhcrn 1'acillo trtilna, reiMirt thai thu II rut trip out fn.ui I'ortlnml Willi the Morning Sun, lie aold M to Ilk) Oregoulaiia. The de mand waa mi ponuhir that ho extiecta hereafler to curry an tiiia iiuinber of Clllll. I he Dalle Chronicle: It de not mi'iii iHmaihlo that the thief who wiHil the money front the ex pre oiiiii, con in nave goiieu out or town withotil ta-lng holiivd. It lauuite prii liable, therefore, that a iiart of the plunder, at leant, haa laeii hidden, ami that Mtrt iiaturully would lie Iheailver, oeing (no I'-aai vaiuatile ami heavier. The aioney atoleii weighed ISOpouuda. l.d imt I vlalting In Portland '.. 11. Sklpwortlt vUltcd Junction to day. Hon. J. Carson returned lo Portland thla morning. Itev. ( A. WiNilcy went to Albauv una morning. C. F. llurlburt of Junction anciit luat iiigui in r.ugene, Charlie Johnaoit arrived home from I ulifornla laat night. John M. rorwvth. formerly a clerk for A tioldaiulth, la now an luaitraiice agent. Miaa Carrie M. llovev went to Port laud thla morning for a few day viait wiiii iricmia. W. (. Ituilev ha returned from Floremi'. He drove from the head of tide to I'.ugene In 10 hour, Hon. Frank Itakcr paaaul tlimtigh on the local thla liioruiliir enroula nouie iroin .-muiiicru "regoii. II. D. Mill r and family will leava III a rtv i f.ir H.n 1... t 11 1 . .... ...... a.,. n. II. il ma, wuere tiny w in probalily locate. Miaa Holmail who da been viaitimr wiiii Mr, rraiia Hampton here, re turned home t-i Priueville thia morn mg. Miaa Mat I Craw 1 confined b her na.iu with aicknca end I threateiien wltlt typhoid fever. Mr. Cleo. F. 'raw I now recovering nicely. Janic Wliitinker, Dr. ScarbMiigh. apt. Noland, D. P. Sheridan, and aevcr.il other iiicmU r of the Crtuwell Maaoiilc halge attendetl the reccttiuii at Maaoiiic temple laat evening. Orcgouiaii: (i.wain I already buav alauit (he aiiiivaaor of Colonel livell. caw he I dlaiiilam-d fn.lil the aer- vi.v. The choi.v of the Sinn. I n-gl-meiit will la la'twivn Mkjor Voran and Caplnin Sherman, laith of whom aland hii;h in the c-timutioii of the irunrdoiiien under their comiiiand. l lie hnii.va are lu favor of Muior reel from a member of the president cabinet. He auya that the preai.lcnt la anxioua In have Jllil elii'ted governor of New York thla fall. Tin anme inemla-r of the cabinet aulil he la-lleved the iircaiilciit would alao take occualoii while In .ew lork to let it la known thai he alnn-relv d.-aire the elu tloii o! Senaloi Hill nud Mr. Strauaa." Iraca Ovarlaraa Nrjrclaal LoMMiX, I let. 10. The Central New claim to have the hlghcal nil tliorily for the vlatemeul that over ture looking to a declaration of Mtice between I hiua and Jupaii were made yeaterday evening, but J a pun rejected the liniMwala made, coiialdcrlug theiii lnatliiilitte. Acivirdiiig to I he t clilrul New, however, there I every reason to lailcve the priMM.ua were cuillieut ly aatlaructory to I hiua and her repr aelitittive Niglillhil the williuuueaa o their government to actiicce in them rr Thnu vchn hnv n aJ e Good i Digest? nave uttic , forthcayspeptic. They can caievcrjtliinK that J cotncai along, while they can cat rich food without fear of the dyspcBUc'sbadexpcri- 4 enccs. they neverthe- I less greatly appreciate a delicate flavor in i their pastry, I uitir pu&uy. f i iCotlolefie 1 when used as a short- U I ening, alwa-s p r o- J ? duces the finest flavor- I 1 ed pastry, which is en- i I tirely rrcc from the L I many objections which I at r -1 H I uic tine ui taru unvaya j produces. Test its r a value by one trial. I Ptl (hia nana In atamna In Tf WL M -lrhan it I'm, iTik-m. lur hand- H I amualrfl4rta 1iHt !!. c"i.in. i I fm liim tmtt.lnl nvta-a, pfan-. ty m4 I luiiarmiiwattauinofiiMaiHir.HHiina. I UMubawkiauidbjraanui i I Madaonlr by L II N.L FAIRBANK L CO JJ st. louis mna . j BOSTON pcHicaao, new vena. i-i-i-l-t-l-t- iici inirp t.eview: M.tie Mali atelliame Protector MiKiuire wan lure I'ri.l.iy Kv'kihg.iftcr tin South! I'mp.;u.i (Inn lit tlie New l'.t& null'. Ii i.It iitH of tlie anutlicrn i part of the county have long! . I iini.il l. ml :..l the hMiare MOJa.M Vnii, U I. K,U. ta-cnuae beia a.pular. from :i-rt i lin the river by it, and and haa mvii the moat at-rviiv in the have M::ip! line.! bitterly uUut ' "e"t. it. Mr. Mniu're t.ilkul of hav-i i 1 1 t aa t . r i 1 liirttia f rata, tab I atti.l ixt " ..... ... Mallrr Tkaa m a. rack. l.rii-uu' uit B-iinat the .r..j.rie- Wii.t.w. C,., tvt. M.-Hn. Ja tor of tl.o New hr.l mill and II K. Ilu.l.l. .1. ui.a rnlic candidate for Knai'liitrg U'at. r hut the in it ' governor, w ho maa holding the noriel t.r .i liuallv arran. bv Mr. V " ""t l,rTr ,,",Uv' ? kjn, ,, . . ..,-. I down and iinrniw ly cacAiail aeri.Mi Itv ! aitrc. n,,. t conatruct a li.li I jrv. Hi. . i..ih w.-r. .Wrt.ye.1 by l.l'M.T. llie oncraof ti.- I.Kil , lire ami water. IhlVC.'ill along contci!. led lll.lt tliryj aa,..rlara of I bl.a'a I laat. built the i-l,W IV nn. I. T the ilirV,-- Siltl.illal.lKI. I.L-lt ia reported ti ni i f Mr Kml, who w.ia fi,(, that Port Arthur. IIm t hllira airong-commia-inher at the time, and tlt ibol l. where the Chl.H fleet ha t-u .. , ttf .1 recruiting; mik the tail tie iif the lain t ;,ey , re tluia r. hi Vcl ot farther r(v,.r( llu t-n raptured by the Japan rci -uaibility. . i A RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN. A Pace From Her History. Tli Imrkirlant rm.Fti-t.-M i9 ... .. H Inireattna. 'I be fol.ua in a 1 n., .-... ! ... I had ta-ra InniMril anli bi art utx-.u- i' Jaara, nu lii.( lhal lime rry a'ri.ai.v. I r ft.a y.-ara 1 waatn-ale bt iim l. i n llnuiul. I aaa lu 1'ialiam I'.il ul' i -! I. rnra ihi an'.nit ( n.r baanh. A i lull ohllKid to ulitaill lurge uloouiita ol kllvtr from Portland lo ay lln- li-ln riiien au-i farm band wage. Thla money al way a cm ne on the 11 o'clock night tram. T Im robla-ra evidently knew thla ful ami llin.le their lulia acio. lugty. Agent F. N. Hill, a:t r hauling the alnmg Ikix from the train to the oltliv, Went out on llie alrci-t for u abort while and w hen he returned mill Uli later louild the coutelita ol llie Ihix k'oue with the exii'ption of alaiut T I ,iai lu ailver. The uuilioriliea were llolilled at once and the mutter kept a rftii aa-cret, but Up to the procllt lime lio due to the a ra'tratora bua la-en ol, tallied. l)fit'fllvc are here from I'orliuml watching every avenue of eacua'. The luixl plull'llde llitury lulvaiici'd ia llint the robU la ai- 'retid ihemnivca lu tlie hack r.M.ui of iheiX prea ollln-in il walled lor llio ui;. lit to leave the building, a no than nor liN-k were forced oja ll. They mual have known alao that tlieexpr.-a me acliger W ho alta-pa III tile nllicH wua ut tending H daiiiv. Hud thu ui;. lit re turunl a few miiiuie MMiner lie would Ulidoub(e.ly have laell killed. The i.il.la'ia laing uiiuble to curry ull the ailver led flWkl of Ihe ailver con alglimelit to French Jc Co. ill tlie box. Uul i.iule Haawa llrra. Pi.HI I.AM, Or., ()et. 13. Marly ye lerduy foremaiii the new of the roll liery w aa telegraphed from The D.illea agent to Mr. 11. lleckwilli, the local route agent lu thla illy. Aa there waa aaiiul Irani going from Portland, Mr. IWi kuith Mi no time in proceed lug to the ihviic. He lik lepi'tlve Sum Siiiimoua uloug with him. They are now milking a tli p.uuii luveaiigii tioll of the mutter. The Ckpreaaof llclala here are very reticent, claiming that they know but very lltliu of the robbery. Il 1 uilmilted Unit thu aum liiimed In the dlapch i almilt the amount that wua loat. It I bmit tuliied that the bulk of the money wu alllpjajd l.y l.udd Jt Tilton, of thii lit V. Thiil linn aent (IU.IN4I; (T.Vm lu gold and r-'i lu ailver, imiaitMieti to French .fc l'... Hie Flrat Nutioiial bank of thia city aent f'toto in gold, collnlgned lo Till' Dalle National bank. It mi'liieil the allvcr proved u little t.a. heavy for thu roiila-r and they ubaiidoiicd the idea of trying to get uway with the entire "awug." A later iliaputfti fn.in The Italic atale lhal the ligent hud b ft the olllcv for Ihe purpiMi of iultitig it hoise in the atalilc. Snliirilay wu the luat niglit i'f tlie fuir, unit many piinhlcr and fakir weic ui the town. The expreaa company will ln rca on nil iU for the baui, ao that the biiukaund jH'iaoiia In whom the money wu ahipa-. will la-out nothing. Mr. F. C. (ientach, tlie gclieiul all lieriliteiidclit of the Pacific Mxprcaa t'olnpaiiy, a'. Suit Luke, haa been lioti Uul of the roblaTV, and ia How oil hia way bcri'. lie ia exaiiei to arrive ut The D.ill.a loiiinrrow. Meuntiiue every ellorl will la.- innde lo ferret out the a-ra tri.tor-.. I. ate thla ufleruiHrii Mr. Shelby, of Wiila, KnrkO dc Co.' ekpreaa, rin'lved a telephone iin-aaiige from Mr. lU-ck- With. I he liith-r alutcil that he tilid Ihe detective were working hurd oil aeveral liewa, tilt. I lioai kihiii to inal.e aoiue iiniHirtulit dlM'overiiM. I p to i that hour no arieata hud lai n iiui.lc. mi Iblng Uaadrllul. Ch a rr a mmiii a , Ten ii., Oct. 13. A remurkiiblu a r!orniiinci' waa made by llie wuiroii rjad nie again in it- c !lc nt I'oip 1 . t iuu. Marion county I... a thu la tl.i f . 1 1 atole ii cliuri h nrt' in. Tin' ColiyrcL'ation almllld be tlilllik- ful thai he ii: I not ttcul the pulpit and riii.ii. i lierc la ii c.'hlcat in the lieu a I .. r ieiaii t at Portland U twceri iii.ii'hini rv und hand lalur. J lie lire gciniiui liifiniiBiil with about furty coiiiiiiiaitur nnd t! k-s the work of t ! iH'ttin with niachiiRi. The employe thu deprived of a job have commenced thu publication of tu" Sun, a rival morning pajcr Tb aaaaa UI4 blarf. I.A1AVITTK. Ind.. Oct. 13. The Hew hn luat lai'ti made public that John Mom, a wealthy Caaa county far Incr, waa bunkiad out of l-'i,tn) by two tr.-tnger uppoa.i to b Hay ne and N ribner, the noted eoiilldeiice men. A few day ago a nutty looking young man drove up to the Ma home and Introduced hlmaell as the a. ui of Jjii.c Murdock, the Iifayelie hunker and Hiltlclati. He wanted to buy a farm fur hi fui her. Moaa' iiluce waa for Nile, and llie couple got Into a buggy lo drive over the larm. On the road the men met a third party, w ho engaged them III conversa tion. He hud luat heard i f a new inline. "Murdink'a" curiosity wa arouacd. 1 1 w u the old atory. Three curd were prodm-cd, and "Murd.Hk" won fcVOU. Then Ihe at runner protaiacd to pluy for ti.iNM alakea. "Murdia k" ill.l Hot have that amount of money with him. Miaa, aiaiug "a eliaiice to will, ai? commodatiiiKly dmve to town. lr-w f"i,o m, and went into Ihe game. The atrunger lit, and euraing hia luck, ilia ap'ared. ' MurdiK-k" pliiml the money In u tin Ik.x, and dmve with MiMa'lolhe latter' home. Halldillg thu tin laiX to Moaa, "Murd.M'k" nid he would tliive lo it livery atable, put up hi horae and n't urn and divide the money. He never came back. K'V. J. II. Arrr Arullll. Siorx City, Io.,(M. 13. The Meth iMlial confi relii-e al I'liiar lia aiiUit ttil lUv. J. H. Avery, who wni charged with (imdiict uiilaiiuiilug a mlnlaler, and whom- elieinlc wunlid him e.M'lliii from Hie church. Avery wu paator nf the church at Fott Dodge, a married man, ami wax acciiaed ol miiintiiiiiiiig Immoral rcla tloin with aoine of the aixler of hi II.H'k. It w,ia mad" ho mi nmforlahle for him tluit he left Fort Ikidge, and nothing 1 known of hi win reulMiut. Ilia friemla luiide a defeliae for him and H-curcd a vindication. l(Hii(rraua frarilr Al-IIANV, Or., Oct. 13. Deputy I' S. Mnralial Hiiiuphrey tialay arn-ated (ini. Ketch, Southern Pad lie agent at Tulmaii, I. iuu nullity, on a charge of lining frui. ked government envelope for private uae. Kn-eh furnished laimla to the amotint of t.'h -. klrtrniaa'i awrlnlita Ttar. Sr. Lot is. Oct. 13. The kwiiiging lour of ViilPreai.lclll Steveiiaoll through Ml-uiiri la-gnu ut Kahoka thi momiiig.Kn.l will end at St. Ioui next Monday. It ha tarn arranged by the ileiiiiM'iulic committee that Stevenson will make live minute aaiiiic nt every atalinii. IimcI my frien.1 lhat I .iil, n.,i , Bvolh. Mr f.a-t ami lln.l arra .J, . a-ij I aa lixlii l In a mt ,i ...i .! han a r.'n :.Tiiandins-te.l ;n atHtiti,ii o- 1 Mla ,N.- II, nril lirv. a:,. I an.. I t ' :. I I . aUtrr ana had tai-n fttl. 'rd alth ,,-i rl Ci ba.l rn-oa cin-l I ji n..- rvnjilr, ae.l u ;. arfain a atis.i.t. I.r-iiilr aou-nti 1 u,, . , a Uatieul ll llarl I urw, atd In 1.-- 1.1.11 a hour alter iaiin l'i to. u. m. I i-..., i leel a .Ital.led ImpMie Iln Im- tlr"lll.i I r. .1 utn.Tt.Maal. IIIh iU . aa. u lima- ,1.- r.I.il too. m aakla. .. n-.li.i, I had I.. -t tm f, ik. Ilia anil ni l.m' hid Iw .w. . Wn tatkma that llwf artunj altiai! putr:r.-l h- f-aa k4 lak. a hm N.iim ,4 ih. Heart t'ur ihe aarllina bad all .. tl.ian. 'I I eaaanmtt- b hrller ll.nl I il., o 'a. tef eai.inii.'adalaai it irthyn ana aln kla aalaaka. raiMlir -Mra. lor.:au. 4n W nrr' ai .t'hi- aau, 111 lr kiin' Naa llaartt iiraiiHaiirrrtnfta eia-al ania-lallat la bran olaav. h-.iil I f II rtruff l.a nm a nMll fmntlnn . i l IIm. It Mi.a V-.li.-aH1v.lJkh.rr l.l .w. the Ciichritled bliHallioiilid, Jllil the ChulluiMMivu ikiIicc ill piiitmi lit ycalerday, when llie Hliimiil Iriickid a llegro over 111 mill a mid eliul.l.il the nlllcera f..ou lug to cupl :irc one of the luiatt ilul llig l.urglala lhal l.i.a opeiuled III thla Vlcllill V lor Millie llllii FridilV lilglil the ticket ellirc mid freight depot 01 the Niiahville k Chut liiliiM.ga railroad ul Wiiuhiilchie were broken into un. I everything valuable uud iMirtuhle waa la ken. 1 he auliie IiIl'IiI tli.- po.ii lllee nt that place wu bailed. Saliiiiluy inoi uliig w l.i ii the i..l U ry wua iliaitivi-rcil hv lliu .ahvillc .V (iiilttitlKM.gn atutioii ligelit, lie came ut once to ChulltiliiHieii lor "Ju.le." Her owner, Perry Piiippa, tiiUM'lited lo let her go, mid iiceoinpmiied linn und aeveial other olllccra. The party Went liumeilluttiv lo iiiihiilchle oil a Miiiil iliginu fumlilied by the mil road. Arrlvii.guttlici.tiitli.il, the niiiiual wu given llie Mi nt, rhe took it up at once mid ktarled ilowu llie rut. road track. Hoarding the engine, Ihe olll cct I'oilnwed. T be dog full I v llew over llie ground mid mile niter mile wna rapidly covered, with llie engine cloau behind, until nearly mllca hud gone pual. I hell "J tide took lo Hie wihnI. Leaving the engine ti c ollln ra fo- IowimI her. iiine miK out in the couiurv the intro wua run into n thicket. The olllccra followed lili.l covered him wilh Iheir gun. Movid by Ihe hllcnt cl.Hiicinv of the wciihiii he ciime out nn l xurreiidcred, giving hia iihiiic n.a I hull, a i'.inl. When he wua brought to (iiuttu- liiN.git It wua lotiiid lhal be Hot only roliU'd the Wauhiitchie il. t and taiat nllUe, but I guilty of tlie half ilocn .urLiiirie a ra trate.l uni.ii Wildmuii. IhivulM.ii, Klgga and other pioniinciit uier-haut on Market .tr.a l, during (he hi.t lliolith, In Ihe biilllcllielit of Ihe police. I.Mhiy Hir.l iiiudc a coiifc.aioii. lie niiid he ciime fmlil Chicngo nnd had aer veil thru year in the llliuoi Peni tentiary, l.ccviitly he rohlail a Jewel ry atore nt Augualu, ia., und alupiM'd aeveral thoiiauiid dollur worth of jew- iry In l incngo, w here he H.ld It. I una aaiM-a t arral itrarrt a. W amiimiT.in, D. C., Oct. 13. What o do w llh the forcala ri-erviit haa la'- Come a aenolla tiiieaUoli III the ilclurl- Ilielil of Ihe interior. Cougrca inMil law for actum; lipait trucla ef lumia aa fur. al naervea, hut when mi m I apttrt they tiMibl Hot lie entered Umii for ally plirjM.iH' W hulover. Acting under thla law lit pr -aid. 'lit lia iroiu lime to lime M-t apart Inu la w l.hii are known na fort at t..ri ul ion uud wiiii Ii nr.- how on t he goveriimclil lamia. In nil there arc o, r I7.(ti,uai acre tbtia r.- TVnl In tin-alulea ol Culiforiun, Ore. g.., italiiiigtn, I olomdo, yoiiilng, Mohtttiiii, ami I'Uli nnd Ariz na I. r i- tori.-a. No .r..VIMo,a. halev. r. lllul ai II tlllt'le for luklllg cure of llieaena. nation-. Alrvn.lv 11, .re l.nve lain plana prwciitcd for inukiug ii.iti.innl parka of Hum- rca-l i.l ioii, nnd if the lira! plan l..il., then an .11.. it Wiil ! luu.'-e l lorn th in nn r ... ihe . . ,l alati for at ille parka. W Alll. .', Oi l. I ). It la the policy of the bureau of Indian ullWira ; lo aiNiiidoii the ii.i i tract ai,ia.a n aa.n U" aalhle. Thia mill la- Mi. 'Ill-' pli.I.ei .y trni.f. rrji;g the Imliiti. pu- ; p.la from M-clnriaii lo ) t I i -n..i.. 1 It pr.. lol ly will r.'i.rc a ta.uple f )eaia lo earrt ajt II. i aehi-u e. a. there are la.ut .. pupila tlinUdln t!ie inn tract aelMada. W A.II1M.ION, Oct. .V All' .Id.l'g to the Irm-ury Ua.ka nn o t.alar tli-' r. ripeinuiun l..r Ihe .. tear have Mexican Mustang Liniment for Kurns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Painj, Bruises and 5trains, Running: Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Morse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates iN1'.:c!et ittembrar.3 and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain an J Ousts it 1:: a Jhfy. Rub in Vise rc -sly. iMu.i'.m; Liniment conquers I "Hill. Maiiea .Tin !.'e-t wud anain. I he ( IreLTnni.iii ;. , . the wriu-m ..f tl... i the tiiihl,., ael... :r'"u'-i ' , . " oi t. I ne miior ol ,ui lir I "'I u, '""ililr. Iol e "'.e,. "It. write one thut u. U hiinaclf. (Jrejit ja llie Imp m.tr i , from il,.- Willaa,..,,,;:;!"! New Yi.rk.Cincinmtii,,,,., ,J,!u Few are Uitigcxiairted ii. llah crop u ulli. i..,,l fur . ' deinund. ,",rM The oja ning cunj Sfrnciiae V j ' i - .. Utu U.e En. (Jllaf. Vt'aler.l.a. : . cute tl.Rt an ' . - .. a,, U,(j coiuiBi win laj Wage .l .A .In... I f M I l (.lit .wir, inn i,M.. ter from niiv.n i ... a-r..iial H.j,u.,riu .l,,.r',l'U!" ele iion prolmhleag'iin.,,,;, j JNiIltlcal i.painci.t., tlv t J'1 can, with mugwump., i,,,, dent a:nl factioh t!.ro' in',ft' The cho.il bmk .ju. ti ,, ceiving conaiderilblc utt. iiU,,,, -rl" mple of thia vicinity UTv u 'f tnoualy oppoBed to u Chung... tv are not in favor of U-ii, every few year for the lanefiirf, few puhliahera. The . hililrr-tu now an plnd und it .t, hiirdahip lo couija-l heai ,,f ft ilim to purchuae new U., many inatumv it n(,ul, r',,1, tlii' chMdrcn h,ig c..u,1.ii.lj iimin at home. Al Lowell. Maa..., tlt, ratit., in the c:ira t mill have air. .li a. ccived un it Ivmice in ;,p.t per cent, n the direct n -iilt f cettlcnictit of the t.inil ,,u,.iK In the woolen mill at 1 -! ini , VI., thn ren nt atiik.- f .f u p. . tion of tho 10 1 1 r nt t ut ,,,,. hint Feliruary waa aucie..fi1l Ki,t the clos-e of the day. The n.,:';, are running ;m oril.ru f,.r n,sl year' trade. Wia,en mil't t t.f. iuu other place hate iajun Ub. ning ovfrtime, with f:!l f,,H llio (loniistii! pr.Hlu. i.i.ii o i j r ,a inrreiiHing i rapnll . tl.at if tinucd hr two imn l the Hiiine rate it 4 n ri- W ill alir l.aa : - bighi'Ht figure, on r cid. Salem .Stutcamaii: tiovrrtf I'cnnoyt'rTluiri'diiv r.i ivul an-t urgent telegram from S. rt t.iri L M. Wardall.of the C.ihforiiu tr.;. ulift Rtatc committee, inviiiiijr to FN'ak at Metr-poli! m innj.;., San Franciaco, Ociolur IT, mi the Oregniiiiiii. The govi-rinr re iollilcd that the ri-..-urt- ..f j vatu mid (illiiiul iltitii. nill IKTinit him to leave t !. u. Thi it the hint of a tn-rii of if.t.r und telegram the goycrnor lu it ceivwl I'll. in the California 'j liftn. They eeciii to hair l.rt nnmt Hlixiiii.a to acctirc Mfii.n, but the governor apja arn lo iaie given up u u lio- . tu-k i: work of wnvert'tig the public k hin view. (ircut atreas ha been lai.fcntu fact that the ll.rcatciiul (i.'.i.rioQ of ailver a money haa cat)! ral taltOHtk hiding plana mul iim rcault we have a timiiu-iul lt.r. gencv. Jf it i thus poibirf. in ncv to he itlnlraW n il ini- poanible for it to U- u i (lair. n li tt any other reason. The .r.''.i:i' itcelf ililplie that tl.c Im.'k of tt money of the country i. capal lf being manipulated, ami if it an 1 la kin out nf circiilation f..r ui. reason it can (or mio'.ln r. Anlt1 very fai t that it can If tin- miL druw:i and it" puriiiu-iiig 'rr increaced, in the basi- of the dr iiiuiid for a riiiirii to tiie uefni" VIT. aolh.it tlni-e who iia.r' U plice money in hidti.g tuny iu h withiul injuring er iiiiirfniif with the ordinary d mm ! "f I'1" ini'M'. Seliutnr Vest lit KlillMis C'ii t. J III U lew Word the pivolll rn .... . i .. Hull lor IUhHtaWlHIl 'Hal important rcimon for taxii.g eolliea. ".o count rv, l.e " 'can be proapcrotis ii O 83 rrvi nfarwi ti r l.aiw. an WEST BAKING POWDER M I. It UniIf rlht hiTfcibo-n- S IS t 174 if th9 rrrr fn-t mi.ru; an ) m KTir tit-1 u;arrtr to lit rtj 3. Tu nukni nrDr rrrrr l:t mini r,-ry rmeT i utk nwH to urn roir hwj if ti h not 9miiiucturj CAN YOU ASK FOR MORE? ft i a i a tarraaa, PvUaa4. Or. C4 o O o 65 o O 83 O 83 O 83 O 9'A C3o03S03SS3SCSS03SJ i th w rcasing Nipuhltioil mi. I ilccp-afi: money. A little later, hi.iic the u me cuhject i.f cilv r c -inape. he eaid: "CTofing the uni t of t! world In ailver ha incn J ,l,''f' motialy thu purchaiiiig .-'1; gold jt lid the value of ino-nv. While we limit the Maii.l:.lJ"' gold, ihe .r.eK rity of lia- u -"' i ilimiiii-iid ami the i'r ,"' large iiumiie iuthe haii'N "i '' i increased. Therefore, ti e (I'S a.-r.itia: party i for bimetajo'' ' age and tli- taxation n- a Large iniimie. can la-tl.r can trt aflord to ii.i.trihiste d:r--tly t.''M Upiri of the govern!!. ch'. "J t ion. ui. .1 1 1..: nr. n viar r -r-ai' as much I ".ivcr a ISC, . Jacksonville Times: st.it. il I fore, the Tiu. -"i il change nf iti hool i" llienlia liiithihg hut tic' "i m ill V thoii-nlid doll ' (.a-kel .f an hlr ady ;o.h!ic Thi. sei. 'inc . t- sli:.reil by a lii..j"r: In w .. . I r- of li.e it i:aii tint their i '' T"' il.'tjnl hi 'Ii. r..rtli.i..l Chr.'t.i' ' ' Kat rn Uik iwi'i:-'' n liicl. 1 iye laen !H S. 1 lllll! Ill III I'M ,.'"! ' f text Ihh.U will lii.d I f.-rt III reiul?: It! I ''ur (' nl laa.ks j one ex.i'ption, are j and arc ijrni-h'-d " cinpare faV'.ril'b any t.i in the ui.o i pal t r iii Hf th it made that would ii ; high tandir.g of our plea flll"l'0 n'i . r lrt i. "U""' ..k". ':'': 3 I.' -I- i x'.r . I'r-.m ' r'-'.ir r'.e. .:a- I r. t n r i:al u i ! jr: .! t" j ' . !:'. r- pr ni Imokn." publ: t.er