Kugenc City Guard. H.lTC It I A Y H KIT I :.M II K H ?, Mr. .'ullmaii in interested to larn that the Jittmncse have notl" ing to arbitrate. The nomination of Hill (or gov ernor f New York will coiiifl Morton to open up another barrel. It in not strange that tlio Chi min) army at ring-Yung sulRrcd from nervous prostration. It wan cnintnart'liil by (icneriil Tso-l'oak-Wai, Wti-Iiik-W'oi, Nayu-Kow-Knir, Sei Kin-Lin aivl Tso-Fonlc-S'ai. Their defeat was pronounced if their names can't be. Tim auir planters of Louisiana have (Ht their heads. They are giving tho country an olj;ct lesn of the reckless. scIfishneKS of boun ty-fi-U interests, that may in the eii'l return to plitgue them. There is no tenable in i ItJ lo ground be tween bounties for everybody and bounties for nolxxly. La (jrando t.'lironicle: Over in thu state of Wellington tho inort gngo indebtedness is a liltlu over 41,000,000. Oregon has a littlo over one-half os much, her records showing 21,000,000. Tho insula tion and assessment values in the two states are about diual. Oro con is a littlo bit slower than her neighbor, but is on a more solid basis. intf Umii 4-tty and tiiUlfBilliiic local leauea. sti-k l divert pulillo attention fruinllie iiiieii vlulilu record I hey made (lorltiK tli recent fuur jeure' of iimlnil i f tin li'lernl Liiverniueiil. 1 lie pea, pi.., however, have not forgotten It Has III rci'iil.llinn admlnl-trallon which In Unit Ill-fated year, l" l, Middled the hi ii try Willi thu unw lreaiiil vicious li fllull"H willed lum alum crippled Its lrHTll v. riidiiligercd 1U llnanees ami uiiKHienleil It militia burdens." Mill Ment mi ili an arraignment uf I lie MeKlnley law, ellellliiK frequent RIllilllUltM. Ill entlltlll'llllalloll oft leve- laud Mild Hotter aet the convention Wild. When lin ciinli'inlieil the Allier lean Protective Aeeoclutloii method t lit re was hearly applause. BOOTSi hrMr, Mil HILL WAS NOMINATED. The Killo! tower is to Iks removei from I'aris to Baltimore at a cost of .100.000. and set up over the latter city as an ornament and speculative enterprise connected with the fair to bo held there in 1H'J7. It Miid verv well nt the I'aris exofitioi), of which it was one of tho chief features, and it doubtless has a satisfactory finan cial futi'ro before it in tho new lo cation to which it is destined. When Senator Joins of Nevada was a miner ho cuniu near being lynched iK-eauso ho was found in M'lc! of another man's trousers. He hud appropriated them by misluku. They were stamiied with tho name "J. Owens" on their broadest part. Ho told those who wanted to hang him that that was uclnh for Joins and they beliovcd it. Ho has al ways h id a pretty ami sometimes a vindictive wit. It was ho who said of tho sabhi emblems when (arlield died: ''A milo of mourn ing to an inch of grief." I'aris has become second only to London in her devotion to cycling. Tho uso of tho wheel is so general thero that tho French academy of mi'd'cmo has been seriously dis easing tho habit this week. There are more than 100,000 bicycles in I'aris, and they aro ridden by young and old, fat and thin. A prominent jihysiciuu drew tho at tention of the academy to the death of three jsTsons from heart disease recently while riding bicycles. Ho said that not lees than 1 n r cent of tho riders aro suffering from car diac n flections and aro in danger of the same fate. Ho argued that no one should uso tho machine with out submitting to medical tests. Senator Hill is playing a dcscr ate game in ucceptiug tho nomina tion of New York. If ho cun win in this otr year and during these bard times, when tho ruling party is held resjHinsiblo for the condi tion of tho country by the unthink ing, no Mwer or combination will prevent his nomination and elec tion to tho presidency in 18. David II. Hill is a mapnetio man, and the nomination will result in an exc iting and uggrcsrivu cam paign in the Kmpiro state where Ufore it promised to bo a tumo af fair. The republican candidate, Levi i . Morton, ex-vico president, was nominated on account of Ins money, and to prevent tho nomina tion of & presidential possibility Hill is a poor man. It will bo a contest ot brains against money. t BMCCSSS IM StlfMltli t-UHAfxMIA Htpt, '. Henator Mur pliy called the dt-uincnitio Ditto con vention to onler, at l:M p. m. Senator 1(111 was iinm.il fur teniMirary chair man amid intern eiitliuxliu.ui. Mins rniann II. Anthony and other women ultrnifUU are hem lo urge) the stlop Hon of a plunk In favor of extending the tttllol to women. Hill wild: "The unte rriUed ilemoc raey ol the Kuipliv atate aancnililc. here today undimiiayerl at the premature I ox.u and its'tmi.-d conlldcuce of our advcraarlra. are nut UIIH.t'll. toined to their annual and moan-covered K one of Militleal tduir, rvnewrdthlt year IUi nine. Miliary Vehemence and uiililuahlng eitroulery. If vain bomU alone could tiring victory their battle 1 indeed Won I fore it I actual. Iv comiii.ii.vit, hut we tag to remind tlieui that there ha not U-.ii a cam Iwlgu In the lut twelve years when they dl I uot awumo in Auguat and K pteniUr, that thev had carried It; when In truth, with a mnKl exception dniiiir that whole H"rio., victory has rehi-l ukhi our bauiiera on the limt Tumlay In NovemU'r of each year. We win our victoriea on i l.-elloti !, and not hv exulM-rant bravado In convention halln. I he unexinrUtl victiirr of our opponent Iwt fll haa lurmil their hi-, and rendered them airoifant and oiiiiUuiali'.l. They fail to rr.wl the fa, i (hat the total vote pole, waa nearly i,iiu ,l.rt of the lull vote of the .tu-. The victory which they them lvn did not aiitlci ile auriiriMNl thnn, and a.iut kwd ra the aext day afu-r rlx-tmu hiiinoroul v attributed it to divine pmvidrno and not lo republican streiiKth. Ith a urilteil party ami a milted vote, N. w Vork iaatill dcniiM-iatie, and if we are true lo ouraelvea w III thia year rouine her rank la the democratic mluioit. (uroMlieiita by viiroruua ta-allne oC lftgu potitiual toiu-lums and tuit- j I)uvld II. Hill ban aen pled Ihe noiu liialluii I r governor. Ixm IiwixmI wik nomiiialed for lieu tenant governor ami Judge (Jaynor n- ei lved the iiouiluatlou for the court of aiiitf al. The convention after giving three cheer for the ticket adjourned, lorlaa "el la Tearai." Ill T.M'H Hay, Macs , Kept. 20. A renn-M-ulative of the iireia waa the find to notify the tireoideiil of the n- suit of the democratic Mute convention In Saratoga early t It it evening. Mr. Cleveland waa a-ked II he had any thlhir to wiv M to the nouiliiatloii of Ihtvld II. Illll for governor. lie re- t.li I : "I am not in touch with the tolit! cal situation in .New lork, lull no doubt Iheeonvelitlou hiwdoiiv the hcl thing xlliln." Iexter ItemsT Sept. Ih) you ikv1 a pair ? If von iio. vou can have nioiiov lv uoinx to t have tho newt unl th-iii tin? lowest. We hiiv for CA.SII. we k-11 for ('AMI I. No one undcr- luivs us. no one tuiilemells ii-. It'WE DO MORE, nVe WAKKANT Our Boots. YOKAN cS: SON. NO. 181. Uttrr List. o o o o o lllowtl Itolit t'ooley Mary .inn neiim r. I'otli t Ow-ar Hluigrlek K HiiniiMin Miiggio WhiiiMiinh K T rN'pt, onnera J A liarrlMin M arv II Miller (1 It Hhimp I'eiila Hhimp (' It Ht Clmrl.-a Mary Williams (iuo u 27. KiiuliioctUI duyn. Mrs. Itrilen Mayo will tea-h our full term of m hool. The roud in exteiiHlvely p:itroni.ed iiowhiIiivm hv travelers anu m-oiic do ing their full milling. The llour mill l running day and night to auiiiily the demand mr the "ML Juno'' llour. I let In and oiu the big iinsxuxlon and eat good bread thin winter. A n ii ii i lie r of M'ople ol this vicinity have I i' 1 1 ruxllcating in the moiiii laius during the punt lew Weeks. Ilig storicM are riiiii,uut. Clem I'arker lias leaned his ranch near iM'Xler to I,cnicr Wlnvler and In lirtiiaring to move to hin luouiituln ranch. Mr. V heeler ex to engage III Ihe hop lillninenK extelinlvely. A littlo daughter of IMuard I'hulld ler is duiigi roii-ly 111. Ir. ThoiniiMiu lum Mild hi Trent farm to Mr. Jiimen, of Cienwell. lie Will give Hmm-floii iiiimediutely. John l arker, of t lovenlule, was shakiiig liiiinln witli frit mN here Mini dav. lie IlilemU nirt-uilllig the will ler In Vunililll county. A coiihIii of Mr. Chandler, Mr. Itldgwny. and ulwi a brother, arrived from In I on im-a few duys ago lo make Wctifoot tlieir hi'ine. They have leared Weley .Sect's place. J. A. Hrl:gH took hin cuiuerii w ith him on hin mountain trip and took a number of viewa ol cainii and tMipular mountain scenery. t'oinu und see them. A good Mirtlou ot Ihe hop here Were lllirventeil. A. II. llVlalul left severul Mcrea of line Imps on the miIcs. Al I'arker is erecting a commodious dwelling on the mill corner. Mr. I ell ton the architect. Mrs. Itlukelcy. of Middle Fork, has letonil her farm to Mr. (iillin, of Cren well, ami in pn-iiariug to move to Au- telos', Wanco county. There Is a nnmiicct of a revival meet lug U'lllg held here noon by Kev. Arm strong. May Ihe ellort nuccccd, is the Wlnh of ltKlltl.All. Dr. I'rlce'a Cream Itaklng Powder WhM'i Pair HlghMt Medal ana Diploma, t'rrituell (anualtles. Tho i'rcswcll aehiHit atarted this wivk with sixty pupils, Willi Miu tierlrude tirounU-4'k, iirlueipal und Mins Nillle II. Maul aneinlaut. HcIiihiI at t'uion sehiHil hoiinn U'gati Monday with twenty pupils, with Mins I-niiru Sam, teacher. Mr. II. C. Hunter Is sinking well hear his new building. W. II. Williams left for Turner Wed- ueiwlay to remain all winter. Ho left' his ntraw berry patch looking Hue, and his melons In charge of Harvey Scott for another week. Married. SeptemlnT i'l. at the renl deuce of tli-o. Petty, ico. V. Mct'oy and Mary Katon, all of Marion (miiiiiIv. J tint let li. H. Miller olll.lut.il. The couple left on thin morning's train for lurner. I he bride in a hinur of Mm. (ii-o. 1'ctty, and ban U-eii very ill while vinitiug here the pat month. A 1'iug, slim sardine from Collage drove was down this way hod week, prenervlng the M-aie in and a Unit Itugglca' t-ircim t.1 Ihe hop yard. II. CHiipoiisly Informed the small y that he was an "otll.vr of the law" ami alno privately Informing a I strnuger that he wan a "deputv alter- IIP' on a nalurv of f'iim a year, and made hlin-nlf very luiMirtaut generally. t hie of (Imheii a olllclals w nn acting rather ntmiig. lv In this nelgliborh.nHl one evening hml week. He waa diiv lug rntluT ainil.t.-ly uUiut liupurinR alHiut imiiien, when all the npare Iiriinea Irom lien-go to the ilrver m-ar iU home, lie wan tiealing Ihe place where a wedding wan to take place that evening, cvicleiillv In plug to heal rvpnre Miller out of a Ice. When learning he wan loo late, lie iMiught a nl. kle uiiink iiielou and Kl iri.il for home. We don't want to get lined for contempt of court, lull he had lel carry himnelf straight Ihe next time he comes this ay. Or. PrUe Cream lUklnj I'owJcr WarM's lair Hl(kl Aaara. Map. You can't nmko a Chinaman III town Itelleve the Jul are gelling Ihe bent of the war. We told a Mon golian here the other dav, the outline of the illpi?che mvlved here bv the American prvn, giving an a.T-uint ol the Vielorieti ol the JaM on laud ail IhuCclential w.hiMii t have it that way. lie wild "Melieau nin r no nalihv; heep lalkee d n lie. China pitiH-V all.- lite; he nay Jap not in It. W liatta Malla? Cliw ! China soldier he do 'em U out o' alghl; see? u in wall A llnimmell T. J. KAIU, r M. Pallf Ouam, Srilialier It. l-'oit C'amkohma. ('has. 1 Under soil left on this moriiliig's freight train for WatHonville, (. allforuia. Jle takea Ir. Walters' honu-a, consisting of four head, which have been here since the doctor removed. liittratr Angela) Alias rallaaaai. Hl KI.MiHKI.il, III., ht. 23. Oor- ernor Altgilil tmlay aUilrenaeU the !ute Inmrd of coiiull.utlon on the aa- neninent of the I'ullmaii Taliuw Car Company's pnunrty. He showed many llgiiresaud facta conceriiliig Ihe compuuv s mauiier of escaping taxa tion in thin ami oilier states, anil in Canada. The company, for lnstanne. gave ill tlHI.WHI.oJSI a IU capital stock, when It should lie 1.000.000. The governor l'gged the board to make a protn r ami Junt aanewiment of this pro- in-rty, in lunlli-e to the iieoplo of the male. OUR PRICE LIST OF Ladies and Misses Jackets AND CHILDRENS' CLOAKS. A I'ltiVAii: Fna!'. iNilem Journal: Kuilway Coinniiiwlonern A. 1. Mar- cum. J. it. l.iliiv ami n. i iwui, al ien. led by Cl.rk I.y.lnl Kaker.aml ( apt. Jolien, aideHlv-enmp of liellentl Couipnou, arrivtnl in Ihe city hint night on a niHi lal train comisneu or two I'lilluiaii earn. One car was the prl- Viito car of hilM-rlliteil.leUt Fields, of the Soul hern raclllc, who al tended the couimlwiou with other olllclals of the road. The necond car was a richly furuinhed l'ullinnn sl.i per. l'lve col on d waiters atlendiHl the functionaries on wheels. The party visited the state fair and raes. In the evening the (rain pulled down town ami Ihe party took a stroll ror cxcrcine. me com- mimlnii are very well groomed and ap pear contented with llieir lot. eailalna 'I kin 1kataa4 nm. Wasimnoton, Kept. 2l. Today's advices fnnii lokio that the second Japan. tto army of 3ll,0iu men sailed from lllrimchiuia yesterday Is regarded In (dilelal circles here as a II rsl move In the advance on the Chluene capital, Peking. Thetiulfof I'e-ehl II, which Ihe dinpatchca give as the probable des tination of the army, Is the entrance lo the river leading to 1'. king it is salU the forts ut the entrance to the river are practically impregnable, owing to antictchof mini (lata annum itieiu. It In uot Indicvcd. therefoie, any ad- vamvou I'. klng woiihi lie made up (lie river, but :o,is) men will be laud ed at mime other port whence a short overland march would take I hem to the walls of Peking. A circuit of the forts ! tho strategic move advised by a I iilte.1 Htatcs otll.vr of high rank who has made a ntu.ly of the propoeed In vaniou of China. At $3..50 Lndiea.lteefer Jackets: stitched edires, regular length. At$G00 Ladiea Iteefer Jackets; braided edgo, j length. At $7.X) Ladies Heefer Jackets, (Jray Mixed; excellent value. At $9.50 Ladies Tuilor Made Coat; braided edgo. At $ll.o0 liadies l'ur Trimmed Double Ureasted Jackets At $13.50 Ladies Extra Length Coats; plain tailor made, At $17.50 Ladies Hlack, Blue, Ulock Braided and Fir Trimmed Coats. At 22.50 Ladies Brown, Black and dray Jackets Very Latkst. At $25.00 Ladies Brown Mixed Covert Cloth Jacket. Our assortment of Coats, Jackets and Wraps is complete. Your early insjiection is solicited. NEW 8JFE tr l. a. TLti iritri in stitv tititvtxt la aohl oniUr p,aiti wntl'n irnaniiii, t nOwrisnl aanol inlr, to rut Wonk Momorri I"J Hram nn.l N.-rra Power; Um1 MnnhouU: uirdnnni Niaht Uimni il Dmaow: lrof (.otulrarat Niht.hi.d'o.i ljwiiaili all Drainnt LxmuI Puimrof UmOanfraiirtrnainaiiur eg. raaaxl lroTw.i..r1inn, alli(ul Kmira, or KioMtin Vwm of Tlmi, (ltum or Liquor, whirh leada to MImott. I'unaamiiliim. Itiun.t and Daaih. Ilr mail, ft a Ui; tit for with written anaranlw lo rum or refund monr. ThI'i Urw nUi ear hick llnuUrha. Illllouuma. Liver Complaiat. limr Htomnrh. DyiieMiia ami LmwUuaUua. U U AlU.Vl ttS lawwl oulf by Oeni'RM A HKI.ANO. DtunltU and aola acuion auavnr ifrraon. n TAKK II K ART, If von Ye a tuiT.rliur womaa. The chronic a rak nenana. painiul duwrdera, and dalii-atadaraof oiaota tlial coma to woniao only hare a pnalUre renwly lo Dr. rimva's Vaorlta Fraarrtp. .. If rou'U faithfully uaa it, rary dlturhaiH-a and lrr;u laritycan brparniananUycorad. It's a lAKimnate matlulua lor woman, rarafully adapted to bar delicate organization. It builds up and uivlxnratas tba antlra ayitmn, regulates aad prorooUa all tba prowr luno- tlona, and rattorai health and straitm ".Torlta rtaarrlptlon" It tha oniy ramedy (or woman l 111 that's guarantttd. li II fails to banctlt or mire, yon dare jour tuonej sari. H. N. CRAIN. Wat cl ics, Clocks, Jewel rv, V 7 Sterling and Silver-Plated Ware. traT Watch lb-pairing a Hp-dully.- EUOBNK, OHHOON II. 1). NOSTUK, 0. W. KisasY, Norton & Kinsey, Attorneys-at-Law. it-vi..k, i- ii k. . . . i i. . r- larrh a meduine that claims lo hare cured others, or a medicine that Is backed by monar lo curs van I Tba proprietors of VW. haxe s Catarrh itamedy a(ma to cure your ( aiarrb, nrrrWfy and pemtanaadv. V they'll pay you im la cash. roramarelal and Pro ale BuilneM lallr Ufllcs In Uarrtt' Ulock. a S- Dav &. Henderson. Undertakers and Emb.ilmers. Cor Wil. and 7th its. JUNCTION CITY MILLING CO. Brrr-rrie or ths ''WHITE ROSE" FLOUR D. R. LAKIN, Saddle Tree Manufacturer. Best Quality. 5?The most popular (lour in tin1 K-ailin market. I ft a J a tJ fa, IVAVIP. S?old lv all Kur slc! ilEUeENE-FLOREHCE STAGE LINE. E. BANQS. Proprietor. Imn kan-e r.icne Mon.len. Wr.lneiUa en-l I rl.la. al o r irl a m , e rmrre arrl ena lu r'kivitre .be Uat lUeu.s at liio'rknra Tli Kuiri'iie Iron Worka. Fiiuir of (1. N. Fkazkk, at tli Works. Dr. Price's Cream tiakinx Ponder aaerete CeU Staaal atalwaMer fm, kaa 1 a nt. Krliiriilrt MM.rtin Ireve Florence Mon il.M M Ii.m1i at-.! In.la.a al 1 o clock at I e'.l the alee er-lrre ta t uaviie the aeal day al J ' t.a I- ni mv.i r. im r" I u kru l. aa l al K Kuin1 llrrry Sam, la r. ui el llut'l a 1'ateuivrie voir la Fka Maker of the llonrcr Lakln trere: Drat made In lane count In I v. A Arat rlaaa aiork trre K'. formerly 110. Com mon trace at Iran coal. A lao Side, Hura and Park trace to order. kaw hide chair hollcma rut and chain hot tomed. o III lake (nod hrarf herl hl.lca in n pafment. alao trade lor work. Saddle tree cutered and relrcd. SHINGLES FOR SALE. Cedar and while flrahtnilre lor eale at mill, or will deliver a hen ordeied. will take term produce In eirhania. SPECIAL KATES TO DEALERS. MILL FOR SALE. I offer fir eale my ahlnile mill, .tram entitle, hlaeie uulliiif and draa aawa. nu-kcr, aaw U miner., eheltlni. pullrve, etc , caimnle ol cullina .Mrt.i (writer, ail dr.! claae mechiuerr al our-lielf uf real raiiic. Addrcea. I). II. LA KIN', Varlea, Laue Co., oreon. Hop Pickers Wanted. Call at once on JULIUS GOLDSMITH. lie eenta ro.tr tra.te for j'mde la hia Una No trouble lo Show eoude. IS ill aot he nndrr auld FI LL LINE OK Tobacco, Cigars, Candy, Nuta, Notion, Toys, lei Cream, L. jner Drinks. ASH UOMPETITION. LOOK AT THEM! $3 Mens' SHOES for $2.50. WE HAVE A VERY In re atis-k of IMJO'M AKMOE.S. A LL lit w ro(hU bought for Spot Cash. Women i oil train (hoee 7T, II ro Mena' nil iralu Creole cuitarcae I fi "'' 1 H Straw hale m llarreet (lorea 37c, Tc, tile, he, I On ladlee'hop lorra,rvry beet ,-a) Heal oreralla so "nr ahlru ., 40c, .Vie Knlrre end lorka. r et vi Heel itrel auacr blla r quarter 10 "11 tour feci Interrtew our footwear." Our prlcce hare been reduced on nearlr all line. P. FRANK & SON. Eugene, t t t Oregon. THE BEST WAY.-. A B jM's ercmc-CBlerg. rlall4 eneatlee aeenl for KaremM or Slrk IfwMtecea. Urate lihMaM.. Lnnal or pml Swraleia. ! ..t Ubm mium, lloul. aiouer IHurdera, And I'l patMta Aee-mla. Am t.bAm for Almbof njl mW iihi aa fftca. ak Siead a) eaela CINE ARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. 1 1 SI I. Mlsra Artaaa, CKICAC0. Sold by all IiroriUte. Veil d.wr to. ll.ttel Eucrna. are la h.wa. Call when jo 1 FRUITJTREES If roe want to lant fro 1 1 tieee thle fall, eon raa eare ta per eenL aa jour order bj parrhae Inf Irom the ft'tlioetti faSej Isnvj Ci, CM WUCtPaTBS. OEEiK. fmTHo roa PleCf LIST. NOTICE FOB PCBLICATI0S. Buaiucso. Ossoos, Aogaat 10. 1991. Notice i ber.br tlrrn that tba following nanird aclll.r haa filed nolloe o( bis InteO' lira to makA final proof m aopport of bis claim and tbkt aaid proof will he made be for A. C. Jenning, County Clerk, Lane Co., Ore., at Eugene, Lane Co., Orrgon, oo 8lur.lr, OrtotM-r. 6, lint, li; John dates on bomeetea.1 entry. No. 6.1X1. for the Lota I and 1. and N of N E See., It, T IS 8, IU W. lie names tha following itneeaea to ptote bta ontiunnna reeidmoa npon and rnltiratioa of. aeil laud, tic Lou la ltaocb, ol Crow, Laua coanlr, Oregon; Uenrr IUiic'i, of Crow, L-ne eonntr, Oregon; Jet f.rrot. U.-Cull.Hb. of IlaJlrVTilia. Lane count). Orrfoo; John UcVuCoch, of Uad- let elite, Ijio eoantj, Oreyon. B 11 Xrkicn, Begialer. ADMISISTRATOU'.H SALE OT HEAL PB0rEUT, ET4T r Cisi sti Bitaaw. ri. taaro: N o!i.w la hrrel.r girea Ibel l. rirttie of an order ol ibe C taMjr C Jan. of Lena t'ounli, Or.g.n. made al tba Sep tern tr t'm there.. I, v, I will offer 'or eale to tba big beet bl.1 ler, for caeb In band, at pnblic ancitcn, at tba eourt bonaa door is Eugene, Lefe t'ountr. Urrgnn, on Wedaa . Jar, O-tober Ii', lst, at t o'clock in tba altrrno nolid d.jr. tba following de arriBed real property low it: Lua 10 and It in Muck SO, Fraeirr 1 llvl.a.l't adliuoa to Eaeae a'eo lot No 1 to block No 1, la ElUwoith eaJJiiion toEo f Da. Geo. W. Kiwit, AioilaUlralor ol Ihe Eatata of CaaUeos Balabaw, daosastd. I Whi n the lliiuiltlv nwncr of llisranicl saked tltaat patlrnt an . "Would yon rather go up hill or down?" ths nmVl waa Yat k ' cnmit'li to unawcr tha iuntloo by aaklng another. "Pray Ma i Is the level way acroas tha plain shut ut.?" 80 wli,'u'.. Havel no ilfvliiua way to popularity. Hlralght taivnlii, airal.i! jirl-a and straight Methods are gtaid mouti for ua. ' 1 THE BEST FOUNDATION. ueiiicew. mat a witai we arv Worklnv for v. Iva price- Hint will attract you, out ttrtii,e,,, Uy doing this we dlei.nive the ataU-iiu i.t ti .. Ip In trade," umus a mail had la-Urr hat. A POPULAR ERROR. Traiialeiit trade Is all right for a supcTtrut'ture, but steady ri.i,.n. i n... r,......i,.iin r. i....i.,. n'i..i. -i... : l,'""nl ...w .wH....M.,wU w w aiw wurainir for. truiwT w ii. r uiii irw lliul win liolil you. Jty i "'I'hcre's no frU-ndahlpin no customer than be without friend. We do nut believa "the American people like Ui be humbuggi-d " r say that we, aa a nation, enjoy being huinbtiggwl la t ,u', ''' iiitvlllKvnoe; to attempt It will bring swift and terrible punUhn,ci,L Wo not only know a good tiling when w sea It, but we aiitireclata men i wnen we rtieei li, Ik-llevlng this we Invite an examination of oar stock which la complete and much large than usual and prior the lowrst. If you fu' buy, It Is pnaslble we may call In qui-etlou yout Judcnicut, but ou will have diecharged a duly you owe yourse-lf and family and wa hall have done our beet to please you. Your very truly, J. H. McCLUNG, 5 Don forget to ask for the Merchant's BENEFIT SILVER SCR Consumers Take Notice That for every Cash Purchase of ONE DOLLAR from any Merchant whose name appears below entitles you to a 5 PER CENT SCRIP, Which they will accept aa Five Cents on every CASH PURCHASE of ONE DOLLAR. And take Hpecial Nolle that the Merchants who belong to this Aasorl tlon are the most wide-awake and keep the best selected stock of (ioodx. and their Trice are the LOWE8T. J. II. McClung DryOoods. The Mliwc Walton Milliner. Obum A IV La no Druggists. J. O. Watt Jeweler. K. Hchwarzm'hlld Htatloner. Howe & Klce Clothiers. Linn A Kays Fumllur. Loughmlller dt Peter Hardware, Winter Photo Company. Lane Heir Wall Pr. J. L. Page Omrcr. Bl'OAR EXCEPTED. Huy vour Cliinrs of A. C. Auten aud get your money back In Silver .Scrip. Kl t'undy t'hcoHT than ever, at K. D. Pool's. 'M m r ot-lit. savchI on meats at the Ninth (Street Market. W. SANDERS' CLOSING OUT SALE, Of Clothing, Boots and Shoes, and Dry Goods. My wholo alis'k will I sold at your own price. All good must be llpov ed of before January 1, 18116. Till is a genuine COME!.'! And price our goods and be convinced Hist COME! COM E!! we are In earueat. W. SANDERS. Established ix 1852. H. DUTARD, Commission Merchant And Wholesale Dealer In California and Oregon Produce, Oats, Wheat and Potatoes. 8. W. Corner of Sacramento aud Davis Htrceta, Han Francisco, Cut. aV-Krfcra ttil. 1.EVIN0ER. Eucrna. Special Atte ntinl EVERYBODY! VJLNO us your prescripts na and w ssure you that tha utmostl era will ba used In dispensing them only from strictly pure drugs. Osburr; 9 DeCapo. HARDWARE, oooooooooooo To suit the tlmea. If It doe not suit us. We do not aak you last year's prices, but prior In keeping with the prior of Lane county product, ar alao cheaper, as I atnve furniture and Ofnuaa Dnnnnn rlnrl llaalnai OIUI&O, liaiiyCd tllU UCaiCI'S tin warn. iumpand well pipe are cher, STOVES FROM $4 TO $50; Any price you want GRIFFIN IIAKDW O 0 s Homethloi new in Lard PaVlIa C'lieap and Oood. Call and see our goods and g't prloea, o o O o 0 0 1 J F f 'D ITWia fellowa Blnek, Ve' a -ERII! ES YOUTHS AND BOIS! Clothing, Underwear. Overshirts. Extra Pants, Trunks and Valises, Latest Style Hats, and Neck-wear. 00 TO THE. xBKOWflSVIUiE CLOTHING eSTORE. HOWE k RICE, Proprietors.