The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 29, 1894, Image 1

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1 ;--
VOL 20
NO. 40'
The Eugene CIlj Guard.
I. U CAM I'll ELL,
I'ubUatirr mu1 Proprietor.
iihTH'K -On th Kwt .IU l WlllaiwtU
MrtM, IsHwsea Hralh sal fclshlh KtnwU.
I'rt attaiini W "0
Month l.W
This awnlh '
A'loert'iiiit'j IitiU HaJt Known on
A judication.
Tin adrortLwr will b chanted at lb fol-
1 1.. uiu thraa month f
lot ur ail Buoth H 00
Mntura mm Tear H 00
TrAiuWnt aoticei la looai ouluma, 20 onti
itr lio. t" Men inseruoa.
1 .I.;-.. I.IIU .ill ha mIu,I nn.rt.rlv.
All tub wurk mint bs rain kioi delivist.
Clocks. rVatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
fa-AM Work tVarraaUe.-!
OFFTCK -la half block sooth of P. O.
nltonti-Hi givso to Collsctioo
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
PliyHlcluti nrvl Surueori
OlKc uil reddme. o.r isistiirnoa. Huan;
7 to V s, m. W to 2, 6 to v p. oi.
3E3. O. IiATCT.
X.w PMtias uil New PfloM in rorrlfn and
Immclle Marble and Uraolta, Monument,
llistd.toue. and C.mslcrr work of
U kind, for put.
IILmetW Hlrurt, ncr I'n.tofflre. Eufro., Or
ol Htaul aud Fancy Groocrto. bought In tht
bMt uitrll
Exclusively For Cash,
I ran offer the publlo better price
thau any other house
Produce of all kluda taken at market
T. O.IIrsnauxs,
& B. Each, J.,
Cub tr
First Um Bank
Ot Eugene.
Paid up Usb Capital 50,C00
Surplus and Profits, .0,()(K)
Eugene - Oregon.
A .Mrl D&nklnt boa to m. ibms oa lea
1.1. irrma. Hight drafts on NEW YoKK,
Hill, ol siehaaxs kIiI oa fowlga coontriw.
iVHMiu rvoirl ub)o to aback or osrtin-
CU of
All collecti'su aotnutsd to as will nocb
pruviiJt aUratioa.
Of 1st. Molars, Iowa, writ. Bodr dU ot
Mvcb d, liTJJi
H. H. Med. lira. Co.,
Dufur, Oreiron.
UK.VTi.CMkX: On arriving home Int
wet k, I found all well and auxlounly
waltmif. Our little girl, eight and one
half j-eara old. who had wanUnl away
to AH pounda. la now well, atronK am!
viiforoua, and well fleiilied up. H. It.
CoukIi t'ui haa done 1U work well.
Kutli of the children like It. Your H.
B. Courh Cure baa cured and kept
away all haraiiea from me. Ho give
it to every one, with RTwtlnifa for all.
Wlahlng you jroperity, we are
Yount, Mh. axu Mh. J. V. Kobd.
If rot wlh to (ml Imb nd hrrful. nd
ry for ih. ?;r!:if' wor. rln th
wiirs ih. IIimiWIk aud lint Car., by talu
two or tbiwduM nt
M4 andr. potitlT. urantr
M Mti r botll by all droitl.ta.
Day Henderson,
MONDAY, HEl ir.MIU il L'4
t'oiifi-n iuv over.
( irii.iii; Mimky atiniu.
Ili ii. r. i. Iru in, of
X Hit I , II III
I'-ilClie toilay
very Pair Guaranteed.
address San Francisco Cal
A Ills' lire lu Portland.
Dally Guard, irtrmtr 21
Tixlay'a UreKoninn aaya: Fire at the
Alblna terminal RroumU yeMcnlity
dealroyetl the Pat' I lie roaat w'hrat ele
vator, warvhoiiMt and cunbiitM, the
railroad hunkera and content, a vat
tretch of wharvm, (10 or more frelglit
cara and wheat vontentit, a uumoer of
cars contalnlnir a nart of the gn-Ht
tilanl of the Portland (ii iivrnl Klii lrlc
('otiipany, aUiut fiur inilm of rnilnrnd
trackage, and the river "Iraim r Wil
la'iiette I'hlif. The eonllnirration eon
nuiued in round nuinUrii M,(xi,(n)
worth of property, though at thi time
it la not powiilile to give mtliiinNn. It
wa. nn-ttv full v miwriNl hv in.iiriiiiiv.
The tire Jcpartnit'iit could do little or
iiiuiiinif to may me rroKremi oi I lie
llamea. and thev eoninU-li-l v devoured
evt-rytlilng in their pnlli. and aulwlilcd
only from lark of material. Tlieorigin
of the cnnllaKntlou in not di llnlli l v
known. The dlwler waa altoiretht r
the moot aerioua that haa vixtted Port
laud inee the great lire of Ih'Z
Vtu'itic coant elevator f 4 V),(m
Wheat iu elevator 7.,ll
WurehouM and coutenta. 4(i,ll
laden wheat cara lim.mNl
3) empty cara 4o,iimi
Cara and electrical machinery 7(l,io
Coal bunker I.'i.inmi
Coal l.l.HMt
Track aud nlutform iii.ikmi
Steamer Wilhuiictte Chief. ... ",''
Wharvee IMi.khi
Mlitcrllaueoui U.OuU
Total loa
Phi'SK Dryixo. A biillctlu nynt-
Iv imued by the California Slate i'rult
KxohaiiKe aava that tlie .lirinknirc on
prune in drying did not exceed to 1
in the Santa Clara valley lu IMC In
ls'J3 the ratio wan about L'i to 1. Near
thoooaat the ratio run about 3 to 1,
sometime S to 1. The coat of drying
prune by co-operative amoclatlon la
about three-fourth of a cent tier
pound The price which have U-en
paid for fruih prune have ranged from
IM per ton in Napa and Sonoma roiin-
llea to Mu in the Santa t una valley.
Theae prloe are oouaidercd eUlvalent
to s to 4 oeni per pound lorcuriM
Ski.MA, Aht., S-pt. 21. A negro
about 30 year of age imiiK'd Sum
Jnhnaton, today went to Colon el
Starke Oliver and oirered lilino'lr for
aale. He aaid he wanted to lie a nlavc.
Colonel Oliver told Mill that he would
give him t-' to be hi kIuvc He aid
he wanted more aud ti0 wna otk nil,
h it-It he accepted, ami aked that he
be tied. A plow line wn pnM'iiretl
aud he wa aevured and htl out of the
city behind a wagon. Colonel Oliver
is a prowiM-nui runner, ami in con
tract bind the negro to him for life.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin
A certain ei.i for Chronic Sore Eye,
Tetter, Suit P.lieiun, Scald Head, OIJ
Chronio Sore, Fever Sore, Eczema,
Itch, Prairie Scratches, Sore Mpple
and Pile. It I cooling and toothing.
Hundred of case havo been cured by
it after all other treatment bad failed.
33 cent per box.
For tr iHburnA I!-do.
MoKK HTKA.MKKH.-Receiver Clark.of
the On-gon Pacific, wa in Albany
Saturday. Hehadjuat returnetl from
Yaouiua, where alilpping prominea to
be lively thi full. On account of a
large amount of freight at Yaquinu,
lcelver (.lark haa mane ai range-
mentawith Mr. V. P. Croaby'a firm
for putting on two additional ntcauicr
to carry thi aocurnulateii freight,
which oonit nioxtly of grain ami
other product. The Homer I mu
lling regularly, cairying grain bhu
merchandise, and the Scotia la alw en
gaged In carrying stone to San r ran
clsco. Thi will make four steamer
running on the San r raucinco-1 atjuiua
Thk Ei'oexk Ai'iii."TiXT. The
M. V.. conference appointed Itev. 51.
t". Wire, who ha U-en Tireslillng el.ler
nf (ho Portland district for six years, to .Hiilr of lhe day., and another mr
the pastorate of the church at thi rj,i Krank Mi l in li. al-o pronuiii iilly
place. At one time no ws wi"i cinnei'iei.
the churcli here for one year ami wa
xgainot a ( haute
At a regular inn ling of the l.iuie
enmity Pumoim tiriiiige, held at Irv
ing, Lane county, Uniion, on Suuir
day, the 22nd day of In pli iuU r, l''l,
the foilouiiig rcMiliitiuli w:m lilialii
Uinllaly adopted:
WllKKK.S, The illrllnll of lldopl
ing text hookx fur (he I'oiiiuioii m IimiU
of the slnle, will he Hiiluiiilli d to the
votes of lit- various county i liool fu
ix rliili iiili iiU of the ,-lnli'; then hue Ih
. lti', lly l.iine'iiiiiiily Pomo
na tirauge: Tliu'l in view of liic griiil
ly depntuMtl price of nil farm products
and (he coiimiUc lit il i-t ri among die
laboring I'liKva, we wmilil rK'ctiully
urge the H'hool KiiH-rilileliilriil.x of the
state, ami fa-ciully the -ii rinli ml
ent of I. mie coiinly, (n ole ngalm-t
any change in school lHkx al the
plCM'iit lime, ns we U'lii ve any change
at t lie present time would he detri
mental to the csliHc of iK-at i .11.
The secretin y w as ordered to furnUh
copii-a ol (hi- utxive r lut ion to Hie
(iCAHU, Jiiiirunl ami ItcgMer, fnrput
licatiou. J. C. Ji:MMif,
Nr. pro teiii.
Florence Item.
The West, Sept. 21.
River steamers are kept busy now,
One Ismt load of caliui d Milium has
left this plaiv.
(ichcral Lyon 1W now numb, rs .'II
1. T. Tophaiu and wife came hi the
Siuslaw country from (oihleinlale,
Wash., and will M'ttle here if limling u
sultahlu locatit u.
E. li. Miller is the night watchinnii
at Meyer k Kyle's cnuuery, and his
duties are so fail hfully executed, that
he is continued from year to year.
A ilsh net was luiilly cut in pieces
one (lav lat week, this was cou-
temptililu work, mid if (he party is
caught he will Hud the law sharper
than his kuice.
L. P. Tallmuu is erecting a neat and
cnmiiHMlinlls residence. Ho Is the
genial and accommodating dlss'iiser
of the mail al the .Meadow poxioiuce
Mrs. W. W. N1f, of Seaton, was
an outgoing pie-wnger on yesierday's
staue. She la hanteiiing lo the Is ilslde
of her father. Mr. 1'ouutiilii, who is
seriously ill.
John Wlilxiimn has gone to Ijike
Creek with the Intention of putting
into that stream, this w -inter, iilsmt I,-
laai.UMi feet of logs lor thu spruce
Point saw mill.
The other day a little sun of Mr.
Moore, who resides at the Cuts-, met
with a painful iiceideiit. lie had
climls-d into n tris- and by some means
slipM-d and fell, his fis t catching ls-
tweell two limlis. in (ailing no siruea
a hard fir knot breaking his collar
bnuu. He hung with his Itvt su-is'iid-
ed in the air and his face completely
burlisl In the sand, and if help had
not Ist'ii near he would have smother
ed as he was uuuhlu to move.
.Noted Pioneer Dead.
Salem Statesman: A pioneer lady
. . . . . - t i . : , ... 1.'..
with an liKcriKiiug iiinior.v men ai r.u-
gelie a few day ugo ulld Was buried
Sunday. Sho was Mrs. A. A. skin
ner, and was one of live lady selesil
teacher sent here fmm Vermont by
the governor of that stale In with
the self sncrilUingaiiii of civilizing this
far-away barbarous region. Her name
w as Lincoln, and after teaching schisil a
few years she married Judge A. A.
Skinner, then a territorial Judge, who
died some years ago, leaving her a
widow, which she faithfully remained.
Ex-Hoy. .. K. Missly went to Eugene
and attended her funeral, lie was in
the same company with lier w hich
came around the ' isthmus of Panama
li year ugo. I Iiom; live young ueues
i..l - h,,Hrliil,luiuhir iiiu( tiliiveil ail
on., a i. - i
linportanl part in the building up of
Oregon, ss'ially and Militlcally, show
ing that they had the shrew due- and
Yankee gumption of (he righ soil.
(Jne of them married ( iovernor ( iaines,
another married Js Wil-m, ufter
ward a ixugrciiiitu, and another
marrieil Alnnson IW-ers, onu of the
early Metbodl-t iuUlnary wltlers
....i ..r. .1,01, ..nt iii the iruvc riunciit
ifpnrallv lieloved by hi Congregation
He I a tine sneaaer anu a ciioiiiriy
pntleman. Rev. I). X. Mclnturtt, I.
li . wa transferred t" the Columbia
river conference, and will Is? stationed
at the First M. E. churcli of Ss.kane,
Wash., with aalary of jjxt per year,
I)IVoK K Scit. Martha I. Hay bus
suetl her husband, Jarvis J. Hay, for
divorce. The couple were married In
Jixepblne county, Oregon, Oetols r 2.'t,
1-vV.i. There are 'four children the rv-
. 1 ( I... n..l lit.
Ulk "I x.e. ... - . - ,. ,. .I,r. . l
Cl'l.-t ... I "I-"'- - - " "
lug 2i year of age and the
Many people are ill
buy ii:g Mipplies.
t he therilinllietiT loin lull (In
mark this afti rinsm.
, The i;iiverutiU'lit Weather blireuu
pretlicU lain lor loiiioriow.
I The funeral of the late Mrs. E. II. I..
Skinner occurred yesterday aflerm'ii
at .'io'clovk. A largo nuinU r of fin inls
; wi re In attcliduiuv.
Lane county 'sends two pupils to the
I deaf mute school at SaU in this viar:
(teorge Villi Sclloluck and Flossie iiom.
! A car load of Portland tileisUing
unli'iiilnl at the dcst tmlay by cilj
eiiiptoyiK. They are for drainage Us'
oil V ifl h street.
i The I'niled lln (hieii rhurch of Irv
ing gave s plca-gu.t H-sial at the rei-l-
; deinv of Mr. and Mr. E. A. Iloml mi
Satlltday evening.
Wm, Miller, of Irving, llni-lu-d pick
ing hops on Saturday morning. He
cMiiuuU (hat he "will huve 40,(kh)
' siumN of dried hops.
I The greater part of the Visiting M.
I'., mini'.ters ri turned to their hollies
on the local (his morning. Iti-liop
Joyv went lo Portland. Others went
on this aitermsiii's train and ni'sd of
, the remaining visitors, including lr.
Kit ii, w ilt leave tonight.
The bi .villi acknowledge otiliga
tinns (it lUv. (i. syki-s, of Oregon City,
for the repott of the pnsis dings of the
M. I:, coiiiereliee ytxl ehwssl III thi
city. The report was a complete one,
cxivlii i. lly ai ranged mid II Is w ith
li ami t- that we express our apprecia
tion In (his item.
The Dalles T.-M. says: Emile
Schaiino received today a colony of
Australian lady bugs fio.n California,
w hich he w ill turn Iishhi iu some of
the orchards on Mill creek. These aiv
Very dilruclive to the Sun Jishi scale,
and (his vicinity should have several
I'olonii s of (hem- iu-ect to rid fruit
tnvs of these s'ts,
Albany Iteinoeral: At least four
diHirenl linns are presenting plans
and are n ady to present tlguresfora
new interior to the county Jail. Judge
1 iiiiicuii and (he county commission
ers, as well as all others who have In
vccligated the mailer at all, realize the
necessity of action in Ibis matter al an
early dale in order to make the Jail
-ale, uiid it is probable bids w ill Isi re
ceived Isjlore many mouths for the Im
provement. Judge Duncan ami Coui
inisiiiiii r Pugh who were at Mc.Miuii
ville mid Tacomii were well pleased
with the MeMiiiiiville Jail. The one
at i'acoiuii would not lie suitable for
Linn county.
J. R. Wcthcrhec is on the sick list.
Mrs. Summcrvitlc has returned fnnu
a visit to Cicnwcll.
II. 1). Norton made o buKlucsH trip
to Harrlsburg today.
I ed Crosby, of Astoria, sis-nt Huu-
day with Eugene friends.
James Whiteaker and w ife, of Crca
well, visited Eugene yesterday.
W. W. Haines went down the val
ley on a business trip this morning.
C. E. Woleott and family lelurmsl
from Meiiford on thi morning's train.
11. I). MeOuire, of Portland, Ore
gon's game warden, spent last night In
(his city.
R. S. Ilryson and A. M. Weaver, of
Corvullis, visited Eugene on their bi
cycles yesterday.
lien Rush, of Chesher, Is in town to
day having a hand treated thatlsiiiite
sore from blood iKiisoulng.
Mr. and Mis. Mrs. H. M. Titus ar
rived home ti slay from a visit at the
.-al. in fair and with relative at Al
(ieorge H. Small, of Hllver Lake, ar
rived here lust evening. Ho will take
home wllli III ha several loads of pro
visions. James 1-oVeiill, who boa Iss n a resi
dent of this vicinity for several years,
started in company with his daughter
for a visit at bis old home In Indiana
Hits morning.
Mrs. I Mia V. Pengra arrived home
umlav morning from a visit with rel
atives al Ashland. Her liltlc daugh
ter will remain there this winter for
her health.
Mac Siiiimervllle returned from
-astern Ongou this afternoon. He
ha wild his ranch and all his cuttle iu
i i rant county. Ho brought over with
llllll 10 head of horses.
liarney May, foimerly of Harris-
burg, is now traveling for Ditieii
his lb r, H.iss ic Co.. having sucivcdi-d
to the po-ilion inadu vacant by I?
Ilamliurger death. Harney in said to
Is- the youngest cominercisl traveler
in the slate.
I '.x-i iovernor Z. F. Mosly, of The
Ditlli-s, sis-nt Sunday lu Eugene. He I
came hero to attend the funeral of
Mrs. E. il. L. Skiiiiier.who he crossed j
the plains with iu IM7. The (iovern
or was iiiit roinplimeiitury in hi re
mark on the aps'uruuee of Engefie.
Wm. Morgan and wife, who have
hevti visiting relative In Eugene for a
short time, left for (heir homo In Mon
tana on (he local Sunday morning.
Thev will take the steamer to Sun
Furniture ? Dealers,
Eugene, Oregon.
ii.i.f '.it
,im Jlisiiii
including a parsonage. Mr. .Mein- I ne couipiauu au-v. -, .
!'. I.fti- .,,,.1 i.,M.uent oul. ant is a common drunkard; abo that
w i. ii,.of,i n,nf.-rei.n l be ha bis li guilty of cruel and III-
I'll, ...,-'- - - - -
1 ' I liiuiisn In mi' it.
ARM BkoKEX. The flyear old in
of It. A. Steven, who resldi near
Waltrrvllle, fell from a hay stark and
kroke hi left arm Just above the rit
Saturday. He waa brought to thi
city and the fracture reduoed by Dr.
Paine & Kuykelidall.
An.oiia, them's) to Montana.
At the Paliile Vlnxils.
i Thutv tlve ihoii-
li.ll liu.r l. s. i. iulsr il.
l.'i nmre pupil entered
il.l it' M-hooU Ih1hv, which
I the tt.titl enrollment '12 to date. Thi.
sand bushel- of beat have Us-n -Ion d i , , , ,,, w,.r,, ,.nrol,.,,
i I l t. !,..!. r..l.. ., . tet I r. I . 1 ... .
lust year on tint . . nd .Monday
in J. M. Kitchen s warchous.- at Irv
illg. Ho Completed the acnanll yt-ster
day at iiisiii.
Calls ansncrcl day orlnitU.
ienc, milarfutte street.
Opposite Hotel Eu-
There are i.i en roiled in the eighth
ra.l,., central si lesd, aud on account
of the erowdi d -ondltioll of this rtsiui
tin re w ill lc a 1! class eighth grad', or
ganized at the tenry aeliisil and all
pupil, living in the (itaiy ward, and
(s-iiig In this t ins', will Iss transferred
In the lii-ary school today.
Tin. Am V.m iNox. The
un lias now ue. the tlin-e-ijuarli r
o-t iu its traik, and the day. and
night Saturday were ejtial, and the
fiilliis'lial gal.- may lie lix.ked for at
any time. 1 he farmer havo their
harvest pretty gtnerally aecured, and
i.-ople who have work on band which
i. hal.l" to l- liiternj.ts .y rainy
weather are pu-hiiig operation as
ylgorously as Mihie.
TI.e river i still iuiu low.
A Sunrjr lo be Mudit and lnipru
llli Ills lo lie Mlggestt'it.
Poltlaud Daily 'Telegram: Captain
( levelttiid Riskwtll, who will have
charge of the survey id (he up t r lb
Lunelle, under the general u rvl-ioii
of Major Post, has Just rituriud front
ail examination of (heclmuiiel of the
river. He was accompanied by ( ai
Waild, of (be steamer liugeue, who Is
lumiliar with every turn of (he stream,
aud every shoal, tilllo and sandbar,
from Poltlaud to (he c xlrvmo head of
navigation. From Eugene to Harris
burg the trip was made ilia small
"I tisik Captain Waud along with
' me," said t iiptaiu Rockwell, "lor the
n-itsoti (hat I did not wish lo get lost.
' That may sound rather odd w hen ap
plied to ilcst ending a streuin like the
I Willamette, but it is true. There are
! many channel-; the stream splits and
divides up so that a mtso uol s r-
I fectly familiar w if li all the turn and
(wists of (he current Is likely lo he led
I away; to take one channel which limy
emi'lii a blind slough or )ss ket. In
thai event one would have ( return lo
the starting sint or elstt fisil It. Hut
limit r the guidance of Captain Waud,
I got through all right.'1
The balance of lint trill down tint
! river w as accomplished by steamer,
1 and n careful examination was made
of the channel, and (he many existing
olisli uctiolis were noted. lu the river
and hnrtsir bill, the sum ot H.l.utnl was
appropriated for a survey of the ups r
iiiauielte, and lor (he Improvement
of the channel. For the survey ihu
i sum of tl,ll will ls exis-uded. This
I imisirtaiit work w ill Ik tlonit by Car
tain KiM'kwcH, ami lie w ill enter upon
the misaloli Wllhntil delay. Ihu sur
vey Is tti 1st made from Port land to
Eugene, aud a plan auhmitted.
At present the stage of water I Very
low, ami the tlllllciillie of navigation
urn augmented by (ho fact that the
volume divide Itself Into so many se-
arate iart ami spreads far aud w ide.
Naturally, this action of the stream
creates tin end of long narrow islands,
sand and gravelhars, and shoals.
Coming from Eugene lo Harrlsburg,
( upturn Ids'kwell said the stream
con Id 1st waded across with compara
tive safely iu many place. Even
their small skill grilled mi the gravelly
txil a they tlestvndtsl many of the
To c.miinvr the Improvement of the
ups'r W illaiiiette has ever tsvii a vex
at lolls problem. Asa mutter of fact
(he problem is as far from practical and
-at isla "lory solution as ever. Among
(huso most c xntIc hctsl, the xTinuuciit
improvement of Ihu ups-r Willamette
is considered all impracticable enitl
nocring feat to accomplish. Tempo
rary Improvement at Isst Is all that
can Isj hoS'd for, It is claimed. A
gentleman who ha bud a long mid
ih'ImiuuI experleins' with thu mutter
said to a riMMirter tisluy:
"What we nts'd llrst of all things is a
stable river; or, morn esiieclully sis uk
iug, more water during certain seasons
of (he year. 1 here I not a more ca
pricious stream of it size in the world
tliuii the beautiful Willamette. Rut
plcturestpiu beauty ami navigation
don't always go together. Jt I a very
tickle and changeable river. To con
duit it witter to one channel I iui-
Iinxxihlc. That could Hot 1st done uil
ess solid and indestructible stnnu wall
aud bottom were constructed from the
head of navigation down to where the
water 1 dtsj'p enough. That proposi
tion is utterly press(erous. Il would
bankrupt the nation to do It. Just im
long as the water la not coiilliiod, them
w ill 1st no end to change aud iiiihIIH-
cations to (he channel, and there can
1st no such thing a aisMiluto ierma
nent Improvement under such tircuiii
stance. If the entire volume of water
could 1st kept iu one channel, a reason
able g'ssl stage of water could be se
cured for the boat even during the
very low xTlod; hut when it spread
out Hiid cuts channels here and there
navigation I oul of llieiUcsllii.
"Nor tmn the outlay of any small a
propriatlon made from year to year be
of much avail. Only teuisirary aid to
navigation can 1st nltonlcd. During
the past 11 of 20 year a great many
wiugdum have 1st-n built along the
channel; none of them have Is-en of
s-rmaiient service. Thoutt that were
constructed one year and Improved the
channel, would, pmlstbly, the very
next year Is- a serious obstruction, and
1st condemned and swore at by pilot
and river men gunerally. In some
case the current now cut right
through this-e old wingdams built
year ago, ami of oouran they become
serious obstacle. Home year ago a
wlngdaui wa constructed at (he
mouth of the Clackamas, Just Isdow
Oregon City. Afterwards, It Ist-auie
such an olmtruclloii to navigation that
It hail to Im blown up ami removed.
Every pilot and ateamlsiater knows
that the channel I constantly chang
ing, and is not the same for two year In
"All that the government can hope
to accomplish, iu my Judgment, I to
eflect teuisirary relief to navigation.
Experienced engliHs-rs am tif tlie opin
ion that work tloiie at certain point,
and at certain tlmisi will be of much
advantage during the low stages,. For
nine month la the year I behove Ismt
may Iss able to run regularly; but there
Is not Btillli leiit water for all the year
round navigation."
Captain K'M'kwcIl will isgln hi Im
isrtaiit work in a few days, and Is fore
long hors-s to prepare a resirt which
will emissly rnoiminenlation regard
ing tliH various plums, where work
should Is- done. lUlief it 1 holsvi add
exss-tel will wsin come in the way of
copious fall rains.
illinhT lit AIWhiij.
fic Tn fi'ii tjif. For year the Wells,
l'ark" train exjiress mtsMeiigerit have
bad an end of division, lsth way
from Portland ai d San Francisco, In
Ashland. All order haa gone forth
that after October I tlio intxmehger
must run right through froiu nan
Fraiieiwsi to Portland and vice Verne,
w hich will seriously disarrang the
living of th'sso who have made their
home In Ashland, which will be very
much regretted by Ashland people
ho have Us-oine acquainted with the
eiprex mneu-nger and think very
highly of the bo) a. O
RoHV To the wife of W. L. Mat-ks-k,
near (t'sshen, Sunday, Sept. M,
It'ji, a daughter.
' piti'.y i. mr-i, se; s n.'. r ;V
! Two voung gentlemen returning
' fiom a n ei ptioti ut (lie Albany college, I
Ills. ill 1 1 . il p, iu. last tilt; lit, found the i
ls.,ly ti n man iu the alley back of t he :
l' lilted I'rcshy ti riatl ililil'il with Ills.
Itet on the walk. Thinking the man.
drunk (hey wtnt for Nigl, I watchman ,
Jones, Dr. J. I.. Hill and sou, teturn
ing from a call, arrived ut the place
. t. - t i . i. . . '
soon hiut ntni loiinii tne ninii w as
There w ns a bullet hole In his left
side, mult r the heart. They sent lor
tlie acting coroner, J. C. Powell. On
I he Usly w us found a Masonic pill, a
Masonic diploma and u nivml from
the Coivallis lislgc, A. F. A A. M.,
showing the man to 1st E. II. Ituru
Imui. In tilie of tint pants sM'kels
weru soiui' kevs, ami a knife In (hit
other. Ill the lilp Isx'kel w as a liaiul
kcrehlef. There was tl-Vi ill looxe nil
vi-r and a w atch key in one v. t sM'kel
but no watch. The Issly w alaketi to
engine house, where the Iniiii4( was
held Ihls morning. It wa pluinly a
case of iiiurdi r and rohlsTy. Mrs.
Crouch, living lu the house opMisiie
the church, heard a shot aud Mime one
cry for help, ami awakened her bus
baud, but others found the Issly Is fore
he reached then'. 'The Issly was still
warm w lieu loiind.
Ktal (Mate Transfer.
E A Hillings lot W Muxnn,l'.j.('i
acn- iu t V s. r 2 w: Mo,i.
Maggie E Mist to M I. Ittitli r, 13
acre in t l"i , r I ; p.V".
S in J P Eddins, .'ll.'.fi acres, in t
17 s, r t w; patent.
C S to W II Fisher, 320 acre in t 1
a, r I w; patent.
O A C It R lo Sarah Jane Harper,
I'k) acre In t 20 s, r 1 w; f.01.
Jl Nll tnN.
C J Ehrmati to C P Houston, ( In
terest In the Junction City (Inuring
mills; f l,iii.
In (his city Saturday evening, Sept.
22, Rev. J. E. Snyder ollliiallng, Her
In rl lliiltou, of California, and Anna
llaskins, of thi city, weru united ill
(he Isiiuls of inatrimony.
The newly married collide will make
their honiit In Eugene, w ficrethn gen
tlemaii uiiike hi hcailipiitrter as dis
trict agent for a prominent life In
surance company.
Yot'Nii RisiKits. Saturday' issue
of The Dulles T.-M.: J nine llliikeuey,
city marshal, received B letter till
moriilng from Mr. Roger, of Eugene,
making Inipilrle iilsiul her son, who
has Is-cii mis-iug since March this
year, and asking for a description of
the mini who was killed near Celllo.
Accompanying the letter wns a photo
graph of tlie young mail, nud the mar
shal, having seen tint iiufortunuto fel
low who wo killed by the train, while
the Impicst was Ising held, say there
Is not the leant rcseinhlulice (s'lween
the two. Young Roger I alsnit 21
yeai old, I a practical printer, and
was last heard (nun at Seattle.
Thk Mkaimiw Siiootinh. The
Florence West, give (he following ao
count of Hie Hhisillng atvident at Mea
dow iBsttiiitlcc, .'li mile wtt ol Eu
gene: On last Sunday the young son
of Mr. and Mr. L. P. Tallmaii, of
.Meadow, and a neighlstr anil by the
name of Mc hoi, met with quite a acr
loil accident. The Xichol Isty had a
revolver In hi hand and wa snap
ping It when the hammer fell main
a loadetl chamls-r. The ball passed
through one of hi leg, shattering the
bone, and Into the knee of the 'Taliman
boy. Mr. Nlcliol' win I In very
critical condition, while Mr. Tailman'
son la resting easy, although the bullet
I still In Ills leg, the doctor not ts lng
able to lis-ate 1 1.
Hkaw Itoiiiu: nv. Portland Tele
gram: Saturday evening Mr. ami .Mr.
John Murphy, proprietor of the Mich
igan r.xciniiigti hotel at aneouver,
tlistsivensl that a small treasure box,
containing money and Jewelry to the
value of atsiul :S). had Isstn atoleli
from It hiding place In a Isml mom of
the hotel. A quantity of baby cloth
Ing hail also lax-ii stolen from the rtsuu
aud the empty box wa found In the
hack yard covered iy a piece or tin
clothing. The rohln-ry wa undoubl
tslly couitiiitted by somo one familiar
with the premise and the hiding place
of the treasure box. Detective are
working on the case, but so far with
out any reliable clew to the thief.
A Match Ra k. Rtse burg Plain-
dealer: There I oousnlerable talk of
match race U'tweeu the tmlter Oak
land aud J. L. Smith Ralley I back
ing the former, aud so coutld.'lit I he
that thi morning ho phnssl .VI0 In
the First National back aa wager
that Oakland can beat J. L. He give
tlie backer of J. L. three day in
which tn put up their money, the race
to take place al Ccutial Poiul Inside of
:kj day. Should the match be made
the ruce will no doubt be a grssl one,
and would attract a gtsat crowd.
psllj Ouard. tiuUr i
W R C Htx'lAl.. tjuite a liumls-rof
ptHipIo aasemlwltsl at the II. A. R.
half, on tth street, to enjoy msial
given by t ho Womaiis' Relief Corp.
IU'V. Smith of Ashland gave apletsnnt
talk, aud wa followed by Rev. (1. M.
Irwin. BUs-rliiten.. nt of publiu In-tructiuii--lect,
with a short but enter
taining address. After some delight
ful music the ladies furnished the com
pany with standard army coilce and
sandwiches, which, needles to say,
were enjoyed by all. A baao drum nolo
clooed the entertainment, R.
"At oil at
ll 'VeT CXi'i'll-
cl. "Tii. l
nti'l proven "
i.-t thu verdict
o f million,
Liver 1Uk'u
"v later to tho
hfPTlP "only Liver
mo.licino to
wLich you
ran pin your
fiitl for a
euro. A
mi Id laxa
tivt and
purely vci
dtiblt, ncl
iiiij directiy
on tho Liver
and Kid-
neM. Try it.
Sold -y all
Pnuvisl i in Li'piid, or in Towder
tolsj t.ikon dry ur 111.1.I0 into a tea.
Th. Kliif of I Ir.r Mfdlrlnr..
" I bse n. .i jitnrtitiimon. I.lvi-r Itvn
I'tior siel eitit i-,iu( 1, 1,,-it iit.i v miv 11 i Dirt
kintf ( nil liver iii .ii-itii., l r.m-i.lrr il a
In. ill. 'Imp ,-hr.t 111 It, if liK. W. JACB
a, 1 tesima, WimIiiiiIoii.
rrtr.iir r.tcKAiir-ha
11m Ih. Z Ml. nip la ml on wrar
A Nkwt Isni sTKV. A Tangeut cor
respondent write a follow: The
Jenk brother have beeu having quite
a time harvesting their ls.-au crop.
Jauie Jenk ha a Held of M sen-, aud
Mack Jenk ha a Held of 10 acre
which 1 quite an Industry for Tan
gent, aud there are several other (mall
field. Mart Johnson also ha -t acre
of bean. Mack Jenk ha adtlTtrfiit
kind of a Is-an, the tree bran variety,
which promise to be a good crop.
Lakok 1st lit ask. It I reirtod
that 275 student are now lu attend
mt at the University of Oregon. The
largtstt uuuils-r ever enrolled at on
time lo the history of the Institution.
Two girl In (ierval. picked thirteen
boie of hop lu on day.
Pally Uusrtl. SVtomtsrr 1 J.
Hon. H. II. CHirry I visiting In
Dr. Russell, of Thurston, visited Eu
gene today.
J. D. Maths k arrived homo tli'a
Frank Alexander ha again resumed
hi iMsiitioii In tho state printing ollloo
at Salem.
E. IL Ijtuer I now visiting In New
York but will aooti leave that city for
Mr. M. L. Camplsdl and little son
arrived up Iron. Sulem on the local
thi aflenitMiii.
Iasi Tciitsch and Dr. S. V. Heiuler-
on visltetl Corvallis Sunday returning
Home ycalcrday,
Ijiwrenco Cavliust and (Jeorgo
Mac. of Harrlsburg, are sis iuling tlie
day with frlcnils In Eugene.
Marshal Eastland ha been on the
sick list for a day or two. IL M. Pratt
l acting a marshal until he recover.
E. Hmtfcr, of the Sulem Journal, haa
gone eiutt. He will make aoine repuli-
lican spevcue lu Iowa before he return.
(loo. F. Craw received a lottur from
Albany this morning stating that Mr.
Craw wa recovering fnnu her sick
lies rapidly.
Mm. II. R. Mlllrrd, of Cottage
drove, topH'tl oil thi afleruiMin on
her return iroui Junction (o visit with
friends here.
Mr. L. V. Stugge arrived up from
Portland this afiornisiii on a visit at
the homo of her pun uts, Mr. and Mrs.
J. A. Straight.
A Yerlngton aud wife went to Port
land this morning. Hit g- on luisl
lien ami while there will sis'iid several
day visiting In Portland ami vicinity.
Dr. Henieuway, who ha been prac
ticing weet of tliis city for aoiue time
past, la over the military route for
Klamath Fall thi afternoon. He
will engage lu hi profession there.
Rev. II. F. (lilt, pastor of the Con
gregational church, aud Dwlght Hop
kin, went to Salem this morning to
attend tlie filleting of tho State Asso
ciation of Congregational Chuiche be
ing held In that city.
Mr. Dell V, Pengra went to Port
land thi morning to enter the class of
'tsi at the medical department of the
Willamette I iilvcrslty. The lady bsik
one year of the course several year ago
ami now goe 10 finish.
J. R. Mullay, of Portland, a deputy
V. H. revenue collector, sis-at but
night In Eugene. He waa around see
ing that all playing card for sale by
dealer were pru'rly stamiaxl. The
new larlir law miuire a two cent
stamp to Isj attached to each deck.
lUtv. li. A. Waller, formerly M. I
pastor here, returnotl to hi apiHilut
melit at Forest (irov thi morning.
He atonned over one day after the oon-
ferenco to visit some of hi numerous
friend here. Ho wa acroniianied a
far as Salem by Rev. T. L. Jontst, pre
siding elder of the Irani Pas district.
Fish Protector II. I). Mciiulre has
gone lo the Siuslaw, where he has laotl
Informed by 1'nlU-d State Fish Com
missioner SlcDoliald Illegal llshlng U
belug carrietl on to such an extent that
It UimissMible to secure any salmon
egg at the new hatchery, built there
last spring. He win return in about
10 day.
A Ok.nkkoi'b Act. Eugene Engine
Co. I, at a meeting held a few even
ing since, voted Mr. Tally and M
family t- out of the treasury. The
gentleman and hi family have been
sick for quite awhile, and the money
was a (iisi-send to them. l no com
pany I deserving of particular men
tion for thi commendable act.
Highest Honor Worir Fair.
ir ml u All
A rur Crr Gum of Tirt jr Pew Jn. fm
stem Ammonia, Alum c any other .Juitau,