The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 22, 1894, Image 7

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L Cor 7th and 1 WiMilJfo.
Henderson, liclltisl,
J.J. Walton, attorucy-al-law.
Monev t loan fii farm. Enquire of
Judge Walton.
Two seated hacks from i55 up at
K. L. Cham hum.
Dr. (. W. Middle may be found at
hi residence on Olive street, between
Fifth an.l Hlxth streets, one block wwl
of the Mluueaota hotel. He U lire
lred to do all dental work In the Lent
ThU la Hie season when the Caaada
aulky and (Jang plow show their ureal
suerlority they Uy In the ground
and aa they have no landallde the
draft la much lighter, ('ail on Y. L.
CJIAMHfcria and tw satisfied.
The Local Market.
Tb tullotrtu quotation fcw th local awraal
are o mall ria imj lb ara wnckl
akl, aiij will luuod as oeuiUM uc
a r port can b ml:
TaesaDAV.tlsrr. V.
Wnit-NX.m, en buard I
(AT-rVr buM, M4
Fux'l-l"r Uwa .j....
ftr-rr Ik
Ml'TTOH ivr K
fo-rr Ik
Vlab Par Ik
Haaa-rvr Ik
HH'icLOiaa ' B
Smsa-far Ik
uu-rn a
HiTTa-rf roll (2 taa.)
Kooa Per tlrn
fan 'ss brut, I'M do
Decaa l"r do
Ha-fl Ik ..
Potto- Y Btuhal
aeoas Dry (rauulatad, l
KilraC, 0
Ooldsu, Ik
Copra Cos la Klou t
Hlo Y Ik
Java M II
Ts- Ik
Har Pt-r bos, JO
Caaas Per Ik ..
i beat B.
U6 M 10
U 1 10
II (4 10
usg to
U't '4 U
a )
I TS a t oo
00 (4 I
ai A
( uiii
I Ml
1 A
Only few of those 50 bur try har
nesses left. K. L. t'HAMHKlia.
A (Jooa TblM ! Keep at llaad.
From the Troy, (Kansas,) Chief.
Home yearn ago we were very much
aubject to severe spells of cholera mor
bun; and now when we feel any of the
symptoms that usually preceed that
ailment, such aa sickness at the stom
ach, diarrhoea, etc., we became acary.
We have found Chamlierlaln's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemedy the
very thing to straighten one out In
stioli case, and always keep It about.
We are not writing this for a pay tes
timonial, but to let our readers know
what la a good thing to keep bandy In
the house. For sale by
Omiunx & DkLano.
Coal lllll Nursery.
Call on or address T. N. 8-gnr, Eu-
Sene, for all kind of nursery sUn-k.
'runes on inamlMilem plum roots that
will not spmut, almi ou peach root.
Try It.
For a lame back or a pain In the side
or chest, try saturating a piece of Han
Del with Chamlierlaln's 1'aln ltulra
and binding it onto the affected parts.
This treatment will cure any ordinary
ease in one or two days. 1'aln Italtn
also cum rheumatism. 60 cent bottles
for sale by
Ohiii'k & DeLano.
Cable From (ut-eu Lll.
Dear Uresham: One more boon I
I trust la your aflectlon,
'Tie not to murder Dole, the knave,
Or put down Iniiurrectlon;
Tla not my crown; but me to save,
I write in deep dejection,
And so a package I must have
Of Parks' Tea for my complexion.
When I received your cablegram,
I thought I sure would faint
For though I often use Parks' Tea,
'Tis not for your complaint.
I reared that Mrs. U. would think
Wrong about our connection,
'Till on her dresser there I saw
Parks' Tea for her complexion.
Sold by A. Verlngton.
Wfcaa Uby atek, w oa.
WIms sb was a Child, ertod for Csrtort.
Whi ah bnaiM XH clun to CMorU.
Whoa au Ud CblUrM, shs twtbsia Corla,
Or. Price'a Cream Baking Powder
WorU'i Pair NlgkMt Awara.
DoilTiiliiKoSDlt orsaoit Your Lire Aiu
Uiho truthtnl, Urtlliif HiUol a Hills teak
lhal toll til about No-lo-bM, th woaoVrliil.
birmlw, iiDiamillo btm btbltrura. Th
Mt U triUliiK uid lh man who wruiu to (lull
nd rn't rou no plTlrl or Snanrikl rtik Id
utlni So-lo-b.'' SoldbrOtburn A IH-Uno.
buok at drag ttom. or 1J Ball ln. Alda
Tha mrlln Krawif to., Indiana Mlnaral
Sprlnca, Ind.
Iu Ihlldbuod'i Happy Dart.
Among the Incidents of childhood
that stand out In bold relief, aa mem
ory reverts to the days when we were
young, none are more prominent than
severe sickness. The young mother
vividly remembers that it was Cham
berlain's Cough llemedy cured her ol
croup, and In turn administers it to
her own ofUnrlng and always with
beat results. For sale by
OaHCR & DeLaxo.
The Talus ef a Friend.
Corxema, La.-Forover six years
I was greatly troubled with oonstlpa
tlon and biliousness and was often un
able to work. At the suggestion of a
friend I tried r-lnimone Liver Regula
tor and am now free of these troubles.
Uarrlson Tarleton. Your druHKt
sells It in powdul or liquid. The pow
der to I taken dry or made into a lea.
Ha Ills Area C at mil
Bs Joat. 8pl. 13.-Gay Wilcot. aged
IS J wm, wont lu aloep oa lb trark ia a
yrj br I ha circo rara mm ataadieg.
Oas ana Uj artosa lb trark. Ha a
aeakanad by a sbarp ptia. A wbl bad
sot off bt ana althslbov. Tb boy,
boos faihar baa a reach aboT La Oato
earn to ton aad joiaod the eircas ehicb
aa to Wave earl Ibis morning.
gprlDgtlfhl Item.
Kept. IS, v.4,
Mulilupa are gelling to Iw ntiiiienMia.
Wm. Neia flnlahe picking hi this
Mr. It. A. Waalihurne and Mm.
W illlam are on the sick list.
Mlas Ida Itriiigle I visiting her sis
ter Mrs. Walker, on Hear Creek.
A tiumltfTof hop picker returned
homesick Ut Meek, sli okm to Is-
nop M)aniiru.
Mr. Purkeyplle, of W.nt Point, futli
erof biirlnutli ld'a genial express acelit,
is viaitiog nere tin week.
Ilev. Piert and wife came up ou yes
vruaj vrening s train irom Mivenon,
on their way from Hilvertoii to the M.
eonrereiiie at hug-ue.
IteV. F. II. ('aider iiicm-hcd at the
Nets hop yard hundav afternoon, un
liouueiiig a dime ais-lal to 1st given at
the parsonage the 201 ti of this liuui'li.
J. W. Htewart is having a wind mill
put up between his dwelling liour
and store, the tank of which will hold
eight hundred gallon. He I going to
oe on lue safe Ule lu case of fire.
Messrs. Ned and Fiank Power
started overland with their families
for Palouse, Washington, this morn
ing. They will be accompanied i v
Mr. Wliiieureid a far na iillluiii coun
ty, Onvoii. They will prtllily Hud
s:ine snow ou the mountain and some
cold weather before reaching their
Journeys end.
Monday morning as the Miae
Thompson were driving throiiKh town
on their way to the Nei bop yard,
ineir norm isvame unmanageable and
ran several Mocks and In turning a
corner came near tipping over, and of
course like most ladles m-rcamcd rr
helii. Heveial men tun to tlielr als-
taiue and stopjs-d the horw. No
damage was dono but the young la
dles were pretty badly frightened.
LooK!l AT Ahtoki a. These As
toria rallttmd Items are getting to Iw
sort o' funny. Tho Iim'iiI ers liave
to say somuthlug so they get olf thing
even like this: Houllieru Paeitle peo
ple are Interested in Astoria Just at
present. They are making no noise
nor talk to any suidy committee, Imt
they are doing considerable Investigat
ing. It Is tiot at all likely that the
citizens of this city will wasie any
time with the Southern outtlt, as old
Huntington, like the rest of the rail
road bilks, had them rustling fort. in,.
Out) two or three year ago, and w hen
It was raised he went back on them.
If the Houthern or I'uion wants to
come to Ai toria, let them come; and
pay their way In.
Tkt Irraaraaalbla lllfTa"
Haw Fkancikto, Hept 18 In the
supreme court the motion ol Alice
Edith Wythe to have the remittitur
recalled In the lllytho case has liecn
denied. Attorney Hart, representing
Florence Wythe HlncKley, sH-uklng of
this matter, said: "The motion to re
call the remittitur was ou the ground
that the ludicmeiit rendered ly Judge
Cotfey had not been properly recorded,
and the action of the supreme court
negatives that assumption. nils is
one more step toward a settlement of
ttie litigation." me itoiuitinys, re
resenting the gypsy Wythe, huven
petition pending before Judge Colley
on the same point. This decision Het
ties IL
The Telegram says thut Indication
point to a heavy Immigration to On
gon during the coming year. Ittveut
ly many request have been received
by (secretary r. it. .Municn, 01 tne state
immigration board, from several of the
railroad companies which center In
Chicago for literature regarding Ore-
foil. Travel Is reMrted to 1st on the
nrrcaMe, and Oregon I attracting
much attention. A dozen boxea pack
ed full of immigration literature will
be forwarded at once to Chicago lor gen
eral distribution. It is expected that
this matter will he the means of direct
inir a irn-nt manv tieolile to this state.
The outlook in this regard is encouraging.
A Wire Wanted.
Ladles please write to me, an honest,
sincere and respectoble young man,
who wants a wife. I am 31 year old,
height 6 feet and 6 inches, weight I'M)
pounds. Dark hair and blue ?ye. I
do not use tobacco or liquor. Am an
engineer by trade, but can dr. other
kinds of work. l.aulcs please write
and you will learn more. Address
a f L ..... ...
j. J I. r i,
Comstock, Or.
iilnw r...nku.rai Tn,lv'a Orr-L'oniaB
coutaln a long articls iu which it docUrra
lhal it ia proteble W. W. Hauudrr. who
Dmrderrd C'bsrla Cauiplwll 10 Alhanr,
about Olu Vn sgo 1 to lx paruuoau uy
UoTaroor I'enooyer, saying great prasturs
bad brn broasbt to br opoo lb gorD
or, and intimating that Attorney Otncral
CbamterUio. wbo was proacuiing attor
Dry at tb tims, msjr aiis'o tbo prtilioa. A
raaams ot ins inriueai 01 iuc uuroir
given, which sr vciy laminar lo sil nm
rfMldcuta ot this city. It i Hated that Mis
UinnU Alliann. in arhntn Haundrrl tU -D-
gaged, sud br sister, Matlis, now tusrtiid,
mitts In Montana. mi uiaiur wm u
watrbed with great interett ty Aluaty pco-
Kemsral .Notice.
V..liv ll.nianwav haji nlllllVel Ills
drug store to the obi stand iu the Titus
block, corner or lllametie aim .inui
n l.un, Iia la nn.liarel to furnish
gKslslnhlsllneof tlrst-closs quality,
and at reasonable rates.
For Male.
Four hundred acre of land near Eu
gene. Will I-? sold in a b.sly or in
tracts to suit purchaser.
Frank Coi.kjiaji.
Heed wanted by C. C
Co., Eugene.
Orchard (ran
A New Bakj. Just conijletei in
connection with the Minnesota Hotel.
First class accommodations for both
man and beast. I lay and grain will
be furnished at low rates.
Now I tl e time to do dry t li.wing,
get an Oliver chilled plow and It will
keep Itself in the ground. Callon F.
L. Cliamls-r for the only genuine and
at reduced prices for 'tt.
To Fahmkk. Just completed a
new barn at the Minnesota house f.r
the accommodation of my patron.
Hay and grain at very reasonable
IloiiT. Joiissro.v
Oalvaiiit-d fruit dryer wire lower
than ever twfure at
F. L. Chamueiu.
Farm fr I. ext. A gosl farm to
rent. Inquire of Ax Dilly.
Krport ef Hie (Ipetiliig of the I'orir
ereild Session,
The Ort-goit Annual Confen-mvof
the M. E. Cliurvh i' iud on Wcdnca-
ii:iy iimriilug, ss-pt. 1:1, iv.m, at ;TH a,
m. After singing ol a hymn llishop
Joyiv read the scriptural' lessons slid
afterward the Sacrament of the
Lord's Supisr w:i adniluUteretl
I he-.- exerri-s were Very Impressive
aim a larye immis-r ot preachers and
is-opie pinii'ipatel.
Aftet litis , ver Issly said a hearty
amen to the hroiherlv nraver of the
llisliop, into the spirit of which It was
ini)ssilile not to enter.
The rll was culled and fifty mini"-
ters answered to their name a fol
lows: ALU-It. J T. AILatiy.
H'S'lli. K, lirnnts ':iw.
Itiislionif, J W, Astotla.
ILivcl, T p, Sunny view.
ltI.Uin. It T
llrink, M ii, Wilbur.
Hiickner, N S, Ashland.
Craven, F. S, Meilford.
Calder, F II, Springtleld.
Craiidull, C E, Amity.
iN-nisoii. J N, Portland.
Driver, I D, Fiip-nc.
Klworthy, 11 It, llillsUiro.
tiraunis, U W, Saleiii.
tiardlner, W J, Caiibv.
Uould, Hiram, Corvalli.
One, II W, Ptvrtland.
Ilarrington, W S, Mt.Tulr.
Horner, K It, Lincoln.
Jones, I'L, (inuits Pas.
Kershaw, A, HuLLard.
Iav, S L, Mn-dds.
I-w Is, C A, Portlniiil.
Metiiinger, S I-:, McMintiville.
-Mcluturir, D N, Eugene.
McLachliiu, J Kti:itl, Tillaiiusik.
Myers, W II, JchVron.
Mulligan, A S, WiHslLurii.
Paron, John, Salem.
Hoval, I' F, llnsiUs.
Itoyal, J II It, Sulem.
KHirk, J II. S.-tleui.
Starr, S A, Dallas.
Sw wney, J M, Lowell.
Sumiiii rvllle, D T, I-Iiuiioii.
Spaugler, J W, Mehama.
Smith, J S, Ashland.
Sykes, linl.riel, Oregon City.
Stratford, J L, Dnuu.
'riiompMin, E L, Itoseburg.
Win-, M C, Mt. Talsir.
Webh, II P, ScIIwishI.
Walters, D A, Forest (Srove.
Whlttukel, II, Salem.
Wigsieatl. D S, Cornelius.
Wolfe, David, llrowusville.
Whittlcld, W
S liulse, J M
Skiduiore, J II
McCart, A M
MiMire, Frank L, Cliitskauie.
Peart, Isaac, Sllverton.
Wuiinby, II W, Marshtleld.
Ilelkuup, L F, Dayton.
Stryker, S W, Portland.
Ilrowu, F J, IW-avertoii.
Comer, It M, Turiier.
Diuiick, li D, Lakevlew.
Dr. lieiiisoii was re-elected Confer
ence Secretary, and cIhsh- for bis as-
slHiulitst'. .. l.cvlsuiid I.. 1,. 1 1 it mi 1 1-
son. lliniui r. Welch was re-elected
Statistical Nt!'y., S. W. Striker was
apKiutel as Ins assistant. Prof. Starr
wus riM-lccted to the. position of Treas
The staiiillni: CoinmilUi-s were noui-
Inatetl by the Presidlnir Elder ami
elected, and Hisrial couiuiittee were
apNiiutei ou .MlrsiniiH, .Misnlorary Ap
propriations, Ministers Conference
Traveling exiieiiscs, and Cuiiferviice
Conference i to meet every morning
at m o'clock, and for lirst hour to give
Itself lo hearty devotional exercises
under the direction tho direelioii of
Dr. Keen. Tho jssiple of Eugene will
U- dellghtetl should (hey coiuu in at
this hour, a by all mean the should.
Dr. Kii n will also conduct a service
from 4 too p. m each day.
I he M. 1.. Cliurcli of l lngoii is nskrd
to raise during next year the following
amounts, for Frccduicn'a Aid and
Southern I'.ducation .society:
I teliend Conference i-Xs.-uses (''l.1.(l
Ephcopal Fund H4.'l.oo
Sunday Sclnsd L'nioii
Tract SK-lely LIih.00
The Conference n-i-elved as IU divi
dend from the Methodist I took Con
cern fsW.
The following viitiug pn-achers
were inUisluivd: L It Ford, Samuel
Moore, ft M llooth, J H Anderson, O
C Wilding SS Liilliger, J M Shiiles,
(1 II Fease, John Fly II II, Wllmol
Whitfield, A N Fisher, etlitorof P C
Atlvocate, A M McCart, J E Sny
der, pastor of I'nlted llietliren church,
J It Carter, P E ot same church, O O
Smith, Dr llerth r.
The examination of the character of
each preacher now coinine nct-d.
T. L. Jones of (traut Pass tllstrlct
pn-seutel his resrt In which he indi
cated the very faithful work of a mt
self (Inning body of men. The aver
age salary of the stor In this dis
trict was not much more tliar.
Five imstors n-ceived l.-s than lion.
The Woiiiun Home Misaionury So
ciety luut given assistant- of a unsit en
couraging cliaructer, and without it
muny would have sulFenKl worse.
There, were 1'J revivals resulting in
more than .VW accessions tot lie church.
After thl the character of the
preacher of this district were passed,
and E. E. Thompson was granted a
certitlcuto of location at hi own re
quest. Tl en the Porllauil district was roil
ed and Dr. Wire read his report. He
close his term of six year at thl con
ference ami gave a mnt hopeful and
ehsjiieiit review of hi work.
He had to report the death of II. P.
Hatch well during the year. The bard
time have bud a depressing ell'ect
Us)ii the finance here as in the other
district, but taking iu the six year
there ho 111 much advance.
In cl( lie expressed his apprecia
tion of the minister under hi charge,
and in a pleaiug inuiiiit-r I' Id of his
mis-t varied exs rleiii-s.
At this Miiit Drs. Hammond, Hsrt
U'll and Kis-u were iiitnsluii-d, the lat
ler add rc-st-d the mnferemv, express
ing a tlesire that the community gen
erally shouLI Is- Invited out to the n
tacostul mts'liiikrs.
Dr. Hartell pn-s-nted the work of
the Frs-dmati' -M l and Snitlii-rii Ed
ucation Sis iety in a very eloquent ad
dres, show ing the comolitaiilui of
the M. E. church. He claimed fol It
the t . 1 1? of the National Protestant
Church of America ;, tL;! In- would
chanin-its iiaioe. Uit thai to .-'p. ill It
was I hat, as it was iu countle of
the Cniti d Stat- With the exception
of 4' "I In th uth.
W-hop Joyce spoke ill a very kind,
brotherly wsy of his work a bishop
and made everyone feel at ease under
hi- presi h ncy.
The various committis- were Called
and con fere tiff adiourn-l.
This a!t-rinsiii IT. Keen will bold a
ts-utenistal servhs at 4 o'ci'M-k and
eVervoiie w ill l-e welrome.
At T-'sop. in- Dr. ILiri r. II will deliv
er one of his stirring addn-wse on the
thniie he spi-ke upon this morning.
Dr. Kn ,iiilucii a lVnteooatal
service this aft rnoon commencing at
4 o'clock. He based bis remarks oa
Luke 2:1-1.
lie aald: It Is the gift, not of a
blessing but of a WcsM-r. Adoption
make u eligible to the ntiptioii of
the Holy llhost in 111 fullie ,. When
the Holy lihost come he set II ill a
ttiiillngnillou of love. I he got tlrttl
brethren of hearluir of Hie irn-llllie
tidesofof iutsUuhly. I Lev are Hot!
irrvsistthle if we v get llllitl with !
the Holy (ihost. There is not much of ,
lue but I ant free and that came
w hen the Holy (iluwt came and touch
et I my w ing and away I went and I
am on the wing yet. Thank (iod 1
w a a Isiy and aw those early Mi-tlnt-i
tlislsaud I liave never got oi-r It. The
rmiisDAY, i:ptemi:i:io.
New -lock stoves.
I'. I.. Cham in its.
hop luaiket is still thill and llfo-
A line heating stove for tT at
F. L. Cm.vmi;! .us.
(ila-ut cut to onlcr.
F. L. I'll A Miu us.
EiiKi iic has s. n( alsnit lur usual
nuiiiU r lo the annual liorM- rain.
The painters are iloin the llm-Miitf
Work ou tin- out-ide of Mayor Flielid
ly's new rc-lili'iuv.
(in- liuinlre-l and lo mw
1 1 - I v tihosi rt'isirts liiin-s If.
lu (he evening Dr. Hartell uiinlcati
t-Xivilelll ssss-ius.n me woia oi inu Mudt ills i,t Ihe I nhersitv. .Nearly all
I-recdiuane Aid and soulheru l.duca- tiM.ld students have refurm d.
lion HtM'ictv bristling Willi fact. i.. ,, , , .,
We have 4d sclus.l, .Lung voriou i 'V-. i' !, i l' ,.A V"u '''I"
kind, of tthlca.lonal work, alid n.anv '"'r ' .N''LN:,1r Ur w"-v,
of the tslucausl class are U ginning to " , ' t u t r , I I VI
U proud of work which I. developing . , X"k "ur
the negro where at llrsl thev did not, several cars of lie. arc Ulng loa.le.1
U lieve it isstslLle. He said that he at the depot for shipment to l omstiick
challeuuetl anvo-ie lo sugm-sl any ul-i 'on, where they wilt ls tnated by
lift thev could think ol iiiel he could , " l"v 1 ' piw inaciiiiie.
Ilud negro ts-V and girls w ho couid re
cite it as well aa the Anglo axoti.
There are H,.Vi,ui iitgns- In the
South, and lk births every day. There
is work enough for all tin- churches.
Dr. Mason, the field actit of this
society Is a negro, and a mrt time ai;o
L-livi reil the sermon at tin- service lor
ordination of elder in the North Indi
ana Conference.
Dr. Hartell scoured nearly M stil-scrlU-rs
of tlO each for th e yt'ar.
hi-xxinu I'.iv.
The following adihtloiial mliilsters
to the iiiihiU-r of M, w ho were present
yesterday, answered at roll call today:
(.' AldiTsou, A (' Falrchild, Edward
(tillins, E (' (Iratle, Charles Edward
L-kc, Harold OU-rg, O F Itoreiid, N
M Skipworth, J II kid more.
llcsollltloll. from Ministerial Asso
ciation iii refereiiiv to the apsiintineut
of chaplains for state institution were
referred to a ssrlal couiuiittee.
Kesolutioiis of appnviatioli of the
visit of Dr. Ilnrti ll were adopted.
Hie following visitor were intro
duced: Dr llines, M 14 Dixon, Henry
Moyts, Mr. McCart.
Dr. Parsons presented his reisirt of
the Salem district showing splendid
work at reduced salarie, on account of
hard tliiu-s, Ciillis-lluli for U-Iieviv
leucesw lll U- much the same a last
year, though mission will probably
realize an increase. Over likl conver
sions and sou accession to the church
on iirohatioii.
'i'i .t-....t i i .i.i. .o . . t
t ne eneeiive eioer oi mis tnsiiiei
were pnsi-d nd n-isirted their work.
J. II. II. Itoyal, a suis-rannuate
sMike- concerning hi eroiial health
and i-xpn-escd his dts-n interest lu
-Mi IIiihIimu Uols-rt ILsith, another
ilieralinuate, ssike of hi faith ill
Jesus. Dr. Doane, still another, raid
lie had us gissl health as ever In his
life, and was lining us much work a
Dr. Fisher, the editor of the Pucillc
Christian Advis-ntc, addressed tho con
ference iu the int. rests of thl iimt.
He paid a liohle trihute to the heroism
and w isdoiu nf those who came us pio
neer .Mel iKsllsl preacher to On gull.
Ill lo years since thl imisr was
started. Yu retpiire not merely a Iim-uI
church pas.r but a general large pusr
representing tho I iiclllo .orthwt-sl.
1 Ids Is i-siM-cially emphaslod w hen we
remeiuU-r that then have Is-eii Good
conversion iu thi iortioii of our terri
tory ilurliig the pn-M-nt year. I he cir
culation must U largely liicreaswl if
we are to have a first class church pa-PT-
iir.iiiammoiui added a lew word to
this and a to the Usik concern.
The bishop read from a letter from
Itishop Ninde, who Is In China and
unable to get Into Corea. Our mis
sionaries ore able lo rvorl through the
nail; they are all well. Hu said It
was a U-uutiful thought that notwith
standing all the traveling of our bish
ops no accident hud ever hups'iicd to
nuy of them. He then sjsike very earn
estly ou the ecullurl(ie of -Method-Ism
and Its marvelous successes.
Couiliilttee will be busy doing their
work thl afternoon. At 4 o'cha-k Dr.
Keen will hold a pcntccostal service.
I'verylsHly I given a pressing invi
tation to the revival meeting at 7 JO
this evening, and to the devotional
hour from N to tl each morning.
Candidates for admission to the con
ference will beexamiiml and addressed
by the llishop at 1U o'clock tomorrow
Adrrrtlsed fur Sale.
The s rsonal prois-rty of the Myrtle
Creek CoiisolldaU-d Hydruulio Mining
and Manufacturing Company on Myr
tle Creek, in I long la county, is adver
tised lo a Itoneburg pas-r to be sold at
sheritl ' sale ou Friday, Oct. 1, IM4,
at 1 o'cliM-k p. m., and the real estate,
quartz mining claims, placer claim,
lodes, lead, ledge, or mineral dep'isiU
are advertised III the kuiiia puM-r to I
wild Saturday, Oct. 2), lv.4, at 1 p. in.,
lo satisfy, first: A Judgment in favor of
J. II. Foreman for H-lViw and inters
est; second, lo satisfy a Judgment in
favor of John Newsoin ami J. H. Mo
Murry lor ttl!2Uu and Interest; third,
to satisfy a Judgment in favor ot A. E.
Wood for UU1U and Interest.
Cheese I ( tiefne ! I
Ask your grocer for Pleasant Hill
Fuctory cheese. The best mude hi Or
egon. E. C. Smith, sole agent, wholesale
and rt-tuil.
A!Uny Herald: Mr. J. II. (inty,
trc.isurci of Lane county, send the
Herald sonic sH-ciineiis of Silver
pruiiestliat uresuperli Is-aut list of even
Oregon fruit.
The funeral of the late Mrs. E. J.
l'arriiifton occurred tins morning at
II o'clis k from the family residence on
Eleventh street lo the l.'o. O. F. vui
etery. It was largely attended.
We iimlcrslutid that the Eugene
butcher were entertained Lv one of
their uuuiU-r lust evening. It I need
les to state that the evtning was ss-nt
In a pleasant manner.
H. II. Friendly received leli-gnims
tislay from Salem, AILnuy, liidcis'ii
deiitv and Drain, wanting' lo puniiaso
brimstone. He only has a few barrel
on hand and will keep (he same at
homo for (he use of our ls-al hop men.
It is said that the Portland market i.
entirely bare of this article.
Delightful full weather.
Onlv two more days of the statu fair.
It I statetl that a marriage will oc
cur In Eugene Sunday.
Hop pickers finished work at the
Patterson yard yesterday.
New students are U-lug enrolled lu
the state university dally.
The EiigMir- raid ttorsgn work reci-ired
snuiher rsiload ol bier llii- afternoon.
Tho ill a f mute schisd os ned at
Salem yesterday w ith thirty student
In attendance.
The On gun one mile runninii rtstirj w
nisshed at llie Uti fair yesterday, when
MnwiUa weut a uulu iu I Al't.
The Albany iViuocrat says: "In
the matters of stand up and gun ac
cidents I jne county continues to keep
up it rword."
The trotting record wu broken at
(lulcslmrg, III., yesterday, when Allx
trotted a mile iu ":o:;j. The former
record was l':tl.
The ilryrr of llie Kugeue iMUtiery alartrsl
np last niglit. They are now working ou
llurllelt pi-sra aui primus. C'oUi.i h-ralde
fruil it enuring.
The pulsiuieter is a new thing for
dis-tor' use. It Is n watch which re
cords on the dial the liuiiils r of pulse
U-ut per minute.
Ths Washington n pliblirau nouiiuaUj
Dooliltle aud Hyde for congrrsn vralt-iday.
I'b platlnrui ilwlaret for Ires sud uulluiit
ed eoluag of .liver.
The railroad ctiintiiissioiiei srritrd her
this allernoon, at J ut" o'el.s k in a spseutl
train, consisting ol two Pullman car. Tbt-y
are out iurling llie railroad track sud
probably drinking good wiue.
The (ll'Altli Joh oftliv Is supplliil
w ith a large assortment of fancy sta
tionery, curds, wedding gissls, invita
tion cards, etc., of latest style. Low
rati- for Jolt printing, good material
and llrst-clus work.
Statu Printer linker has completed
the 1'lth Oregon supremo court rviHirt
and it is in the hand of Ihu hind
er. The volume contain over noil
printed l-ugc and the work I well
done. They will Is- ready for distribu
tion in a short lime.
Italn. lire rcxirtcd In the Pnlotise
district during Ihu post week, and far
mers are fearful that last year's exs
rlclico will be repeated. Same aoll
ditlons exist at Hcppuer and vicinity.
The Pulouso harvest hclug late, the
damiigu may lie great to grain inter
ests. Itom-burg Pliilndealcr: The prune
crop hu Ist-n considerably damaged
by tint late rain, the silver prune cs
Mx'lully, and many of them are rotting
on the trees. There wa every prist-s-ct
of an enormous yield a few days
ago, but In many places there will (mi
scanvly half a crop of that variety.
The Italian ami is-litu varlctic are a
yet uninjured and their yield Is heavy.
Person wishing notice or advertise
ments in the Wkkki.v (iUAUli should
bring them In Thursday as the i-r
gis-a to press early Friday morn lug.
The Wkkki.v Oi'ahii has a very large
circulation throughout the county, and
I an excellent medium through which
to rea h country customer. Our sub
scription Usik I oMn to the lnssTllon
of advertisers thai they may what
they are getting for their money.
Astoria lludget, Kept, In: Two can
nerle starusl putting up fish tislay,
Hanthoru's and Kinney'. Tho price
they pay the fishermen 1. one and one
half cent. They claim there is noth
ing In it at thut price and that they
would not Pack If they had to pay
more. Csk, at Clifton, oilers two
cents for fish laid down at hi cannery,
but It would not pa v the fishermen to
tuk their catch there for the differ
ence. There i not much money In
full fishing, but everything helps a little.
For Kale!
The Eugene Iron Works. Enquire
of O. N. FliAZKU, at the Works.
Attaciikp. Word oomre to us from
lUstehurg that the Annie mine, In the
Itohetnia district, wa attached by the
sheriff of iKuiglu county yentvrday, at
the Instance of three laliorers, for the
sum of Ho, and the mill w hich had
Just stalled up was closed down. The
mill ha Is ' M closed dow n for some
time on ais-i unt of the scarcity of wa
ter, but snow fell there Inst Sunday
and wnt. r is again plentiful. It I
thought tho trouble will tw speedily
settled, and the mine put to work
again in a few day. In fact, w li-arn
that a good liond was offered hy Cot
lag" irove partitsi in the cast-, but that
for some P -"ii It w as not act.-epUd.
Can't Stavk CitiTinsM. Jovern
or Peiuiover, through hi private seo
retary, fr. Munley, ha placed the
folio Ing rule in force at the capltol,
the text or wi.ien iscertainiy not am- i the lllmH K)r, nn,t tUrt.w , ,,.), i
l.iguou.: " I nder section .4I of lbs j ttlH My as well s to bsvo hit him
laws oi i in-iron, me governor mui re-, ki.m w hipping a 6-year,
port to each legislative assembly all ' ,,,,, lu r,,wrilee U.y Is only II
of reprieves, conimutation and ' y,r of age and only did what most
trdoii. ing to perslsU nt and ma- ' u,y wul(J ,1BV(, ,lim,.m ,,.
I, clou, represenialions, no report herr-! f lurruhurg tss.ple was almost
after, of such ca-s,, other that 1 , yiy wlln 1W .Vfendant, and Ly law, wl 1 be ma-le from ,lU e ,,r UlP jlt, K,ve great
To 1tAS. My loan company It
now In fund, and we have a few
thousand dollar hi loan on farm pio
pcrty. E. J. MiClamaha.k.
14 acre of gissl farming land situ-
aU-il w ithin a inllu of the d ofllce of
a town of lit l Inhabllants, w hich lias
river a well a railroad tran.sjrtation
and a graded school, will Ui sold rea
sonable for cash, or will tuke desirable
pnqs rty lu or near Eugene as iart pay.
Address or Inquire of E. C. Ijikc, Eu
gene, ( iregon.
TlIK liKoWMI.KK ItoV. Wednesday'
AILsny Is-mis-ral: The examination
of the Itrownlee loy created great In
Un-t in HarrisLurg yesierdsy after
noon, Justice Howell' court U-ing
packetl. L. M. Curl apis-ared for the
i slate and Hon. J. K. Wt alhcrford for
! the defense. The evlderpst sliowcl
Or. Price's Cream Bakinr; Powder
AveU Os KMd MiSanalar ", ka Fri
Hop house and ntinn supplies of all
kinds at F. L. CiiAMiitKa. EslilD Irausfers,
K AlltMot'Nr.
A C I '-les to l.llcllo I'jtVe, lota !l to
i inclusive, mid lots 4 and Llock M.',
l uirilioiiiil; r. il.
H Pliilmort lo Frederick W Folsum,
N j of lot land U fis-t oirof the oul h
side of Ut -I, Llk 4o; mmi.
t lam m i:.
Duvl-I Moise.Jr., to Mark ll.els.ll,
lot ... Llk I. Morse n.l, tl""
t nlM HV.
C.lMuth L Fre-lt-rlca Muths,
aenst in t is .. r I and w; tl.
May II Thompson to EHaU'th
Jam. s, I ucrcs In t I'i s, r I w; Fum.
I PCopleti to II F Martin, 37 acre In
t I'.i s, r I w; -IVsi,
FW F.-Uun to S P liilmore, Jm
acn-s In t I'i s, r 'i w; ro.iMi.
W T II Morgan to P E Snislgros
an I Ia-h is II Johnson, l ji7"i acre. In
t hi , r 'i r; Ion.
John W Piirkerson t.i N P Purkir
son, .IJii acres In t I'i , r 1 w; f I.
Arthur L Fraer to J H McMurry,
so acn-s near Eugene; rs.m.
Arthur L I'riKer t i Milton W M
Murry, mi acre near Eugene; .s,.'i.
Iratiniv to Joseph . Miow bridge,
ID acres in t C, s, r J w; 1
O A C li It to J C Ulchardsou, 10
acn-s In I Is , r "i w; (li,
I'uiil (icrsLach to J W Klrkpatrlck,
lU.7'i acn-s;
Hop House I'liiriii'il.
Psllf liuanl. s, ,l-iuls r .',
Ijist lilgbt alsuit in o'clM-k the hop
house on the Sih-r yard on CamiiCrvs-k
W us Ml st roved Lv lire.
Our Informant slut, that they had
not lliiishtsl picking in the yanl, and
that w hen the tin- isvurn-d the two
IL sirs Imd only Iss-n coven-d with hop
alsmttwo ho'uis, and that a spark
from one of ihu fiiruucc, two were
used In the house, caught and set the
drying Ibsiroti tin-. It was not known
w hi ther or not there w as any lusiir
aiice on (he house or hops, or the
amount of dried hop hurtn-d. Our In
formant, however, Is of tho opinion
that no Imps had Uvu removed from
the lioii-e, and as the yard of l-'i acn-s
was nearly picked at least l'i,ui0
s. ii mis w ere di-st roved.
This Is tho second flru exs ricmtsl
by the Silent. About two years ago
their n-sldeiu-e and content were ifu
slroyeil by II n.
letter l.lst.
Crawford I'll
Davis E F
Duster J
Fisher Mrs Itosa
Johnson I.Ia
Maxwell Ella
Morris C II
Ithynard Etta
at sou J J
McCollum Fan li lo
McFurluud W II
A chare n on rent will Imi mad nn rscti
lelier itivt-ii out. IVr.oii.eallliix lor It-ltvrs will
I'lrtM ajr shell WrrllHs.
T J. UAlii, P M.
Iliichanan C
Curtis O P
Dlxson C K
Emasoii John
Foley J U
Knighton Wllliu
Miller W J
Peln-e Dr
Trout man H F
Ward (ID
Wiio II I. The Albany Democrat
) : l lie man arrested and held to awall
llie action nf Ih grand jury to Lreaking in
to the U. I' depot, prine. to bavs lsen s
realdrnl of Oregon at least ill yean. Hu
name la A. 1). Arerlon. Heteral years sgo
sn Albany lawyer settled up sn e.tats lor
him. The ludicsliou are uow that b baa
been in Oregon for souis tune. Un the
Mouday in the allernoon when lbs O. P.
depot wa Ami mliUd. a nian wa ranght
going through lb house of Fogsns Fisher,
ol Miller. 11 waa aak.d why b did iucb
things and remarked lhat it wai hi busi
ness, Mr. r'iher weut to the jail today
and reeognued Averlon as the man. An
examination of Aferton diaooered a book
wilb rpiile a nuuilier of eettlngi to stones
Inside, fact lhal makes itaowasnggfalion.
The prisoner, bond are lo), and lis slate
be lias flleoili la Salem wbo will go on
Iheiu io he can aeeur hi. liUrly.
Mork lloi.ii l i-H. Two or thn-e
more hold up am nqwirtcd front
Springfield. Two wagon load of il If-fen-nt
fumllli- of hop picker were
held up near that platw last Monday
evening and tnhhed of their hard enrn-
Ing. it Is also n-Mirtetl that an at
tempt wa mnde to hold up the mall
carrier but failed on accout of the gen
tleman reaching for hi gun. It seems
to us that these amateur highwaymen
ought to be easily captured by the o ni
cer, If due vlgllunce was used.
'Another Tot Cask. The Albany
Ik s-rat saya: Mr. Horace Farwell
has begun a suit against the county
clerk to n-strnln the collection of cer
tain fees In advance, as a test case of
the new law. It will be argued U-fore
the coming circuit court aud be taken
to the supreme court. The next state
legislature should make the law so
plain that any one can understand It.
lially (Liard, September 2ft. "
Laaoi Attimjisi i.Dr. C. II. Chap
man telephoned o from tb nnireraity this
afternoon that liri new atadent had been
enrolled sine Monday, lbs opening day.
AuiiRKM Wanted. F r a n o I
Loughran can learn of matter of Im
portance by addressing this ofllce.
Twer Hell. I.aal Bern Warckle.
IO. nos, Kepi , 19. A 8hsngUsi dis
patch from ('bine aonrre report a nsral
engagement at the moutb of lb Valu nrer
between Ihs ( bines northern .qnadron
and Ih Japanea fleet, lasting six boars.
Tbs Chinee war ibip Yang Wei aad ( hae
Yung cangbl Br and run aabor. The
ship Into snd King Yneo wers sank.
Four Japanese Teaael were annk snd tbs
remainder steamed away. Tb Chines
then ioweeded IB landing troops from tb
tionpabipa Ihs sqnadruu wa ooneeyiug.
Home ot tb troopship are belleted to bavs
been inuk. Chines Admiral Tiog vs. -verely
wounded. After tb engagement lb
Chinee Teaaeli proceeded to Wei liel-Wei.
Ureal oonaternatlon pretail in Peking,
lb mperur i. deteriuined to a a. urn the
managemenl of affair, but ncb s step is
not fored by goeernmenl olllciala, who
aay .ucb a oourte 1. beneatb bit dignity.
Tb foreign oflic ba. received a cable
gram from '1 enoflrmiog tbs report
of Ihs n..l Latlla at Yalu river.
KrK'HKAT Monkv. The district at
torncys of Oregon have received In
structions from Gov. Pennoyer to Die a
bill In equity against every banking In
stitution iu hi district, a dis
covery. This bill compel the banks
to answer under oath, certain Inter
rogative prepared and furnished by
the attorney general of Oregon. The
pns-ecding is for the purp-ste of ascer
taining whether or not the banks hold
any funds of deceased M-roii, w ho
have died without heirs, In their pos
session. If such a fund is held In the
bank it shall he tran.fcrvd to the state
treasury, Into the Escheat Fund, to
which It U-loiigs, The Interest of this
niom-y la a part of the state school
fund. It Is said there Is considerable
of such mouey lu tbs Oregon batiks.
Pally r.uaid, September
Dr. Paiiiu's little boy continue bt
John T. (illfry, of CrcHwell, wss In
town today.
Mr. L, WeoJel aud son of AlUny, are
tuitinj In thu city.
Clareneo f.uckcy I still vlslllug
friend at Priuuvillii.
Mr. Hi -o. Verlngton, of Springfield,
visited in Eugene today.
Ja. M. Ahrnui and family went lo
(he statu lair thl morning.
Mr, tleo. F. Craw, who I .till at
All any, I a littlu Utter today.
I. M. How retnrnej from a trip to Port
land on last nlhCi overland train.
Albauy Diuiorrat: Mis Frankl Taylor,
of Ktigen baa been tiiltirg friend! her fur
aoioe lime.
Judge IU an and hi two littlo boy
came up on thl afternoon' train to
ss-ud a few days.
(iisirge Hall, Jr., went to tho McKen
r.iu bridge, thl morning, where ho will
ss-nd two or three weeks.
Mr, tleo, M. Miller and little chilj re
turned last night oa Ih overland train
from year' .lay in Hoaton, Uaaa.
C. Marx and wife returned on thl
morning' overland train from a visit
to Yn-ku and Etna, California. Mr.
Marx nqsirts a very pleasant trip.
UiMf K.l and Sirab Jacob, of Cor
talh. arruej here in s private ronreyanc
thia afteruisin. They w ill viall for a euapls
ol dT with the lam llie of U.jor Friendly
and Chaa Ijtuer.
Among thiste who went to thu state
fair on the hs-al train thl morning
wen-: Hon. II. It. Miller and wife, F.
A. llutiklii, Miss Lulu Mullock, (I. It.
Chrisman and (ieo. T. Hull.
Ja. It. Smith wiitu. that tbsy ai rived
I ltorkfmd, low, aafely, and lb remain
ol but father wet burled September l.'tb al
Ibal plac. Mr. and Mr. Smith will vialt
several week In Illiuol before returning
lloh Jnhnson, thu cx-elltor of tho
Corvallls Times, and the newly 'ap
polnttd o"tniaster of Corvalli, ar
rived on this afternoon' train and
will visit In Eugene for a few days.
Hu I Just a handsome a ever and
wear hi new honor with dignity.
H. C. Humphrey and Cha. Hadley
returned from a ten day' trip to Flor
ence last evening nUmt o clock.
They left the head of tide nt 8 o'clock
In the morning and stopped alxnit two
hours at place on tho route. They re
isirt the run of salmon light but stead
ily lucn-aslng. The silver salmon are
Just beginning to come Into the river.
Probate Matters.
Estate of Will. McConnell, deceased;
Maria McConuell, executrix, file her
account for II mil settlement.
Iluardlauship of Folsey L. Pols', a
minor; Nancy E. Tabor apsiiutod
guardian Willi VuO bonds. Surety:
Thomas Talstr.
L'.l.'.. f l .. 1 1 V .'nf -t
Jost-ph Lvons and (iracu 1 Kirkland
apsiinte( executors without bonds, as
invldcd under the will. A di-ceascd
left pto-rty In Douglas county the
following appraiser went duly ap
pointed: Chaa. Drnln. Ira Wimberlcy,
and Walter Kent.
Estate of H. J. Hwlft. deceased; Hani-
uel Swift, executor, tiles Inventory of
prois-rty U-longlng to said estate situ-
ati-d In Miiltnomafi county, appraised
at t.'l,:nl'J.i'i; In Ijinu county, l,iXI.
Tke Soldier' Home. .
Iloseburg Plalinlealer: A mevllng of
tho Oregon Soldiers' Homo commis
sion wa held Tuesday, and members
of the Isstrd was pn-sent. The resigna
tion of Mrs. Walklns-Slioiid as mat
ron was accejilisl and Mr. Fanulu
Lathmp was apixilntcd to till Ihu va
cancy. It WO decided to fit Up the
attlo as a dormitory. There are now
ol Inmate and a a consequence the
Homo I overcrowded. I he ixmrd will
endeavor to get an appropriation for
an addition to the building. The
iKtard resolved that only cltl.en of the
L nitcd States and On-son lie given
employment at the Home, hence the
Chinese conk must go. Commander
1 luld win was grunted a leave of ah
seiice, and Adjutant Walsh will fill the
vacancy (luring lila absence, llie next
intN-ting of the board wilt be held on
October loth.
Cuticura Soap
And a single application cf CUTI
CURA, the Kreat skin cure, will
allorj instant relief, permit rest
and sleep, anJ point to a speedy,
economical, and permanent cure of
the most distressing of itching,
burning, bleeding, scaly, and crusted
skin and scalp disea5es. after phy.
sicians, hospitals, and all else fail.
Cuticura Remedies
Exert a reculiar, purifying action
on the skin, and through it upon
.the blood. In the treatment of
distressing humors they are speedy,
permanent, and economical, and in
their action are pure, sweet, gentle,
and effective. Mothers and chil
dren are their warmest friends.
!UJ thrasikatM ihs wmlL Ptti Den in
Csim. Ion., Sols Ftofs. KsS-st. A!I
about RjUry'i aka Sulp, sail llu," laaad tie.
f If llesd, arh Is. arra ityotH
SZ! J see tnw ihs cositin, Min(th. a4
fy lV vtuliiy t Cllra Plaalrra, Uiv
I 'fU wosU sw ka wi Knut Um. la
, v Mwmry vT til -'. asj U..I.
A 10c bottle of vaseline only . 05
A 21c box of 35 envelopes, 25 sheets
of fancy note imjs r for only...,. 10
A Victor flour sifter, regular price
,"o, now only . 15
These articles are not bought on the
regular market and I cannot ssy how
long they will be In steak, so come
arly If you want 'em.
Ax Billy.