The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 22, 1894, Image 2

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H. mm In.llaa lira? CiraipUialf
aluard a tala Frofeaaa.
Professor Murh' Investigation of
rxtturt animal wcrortiinlnctod year aft
tryear In sect Ions of tho far west which
hal (Kit been explored by white men.
IIo had unmy adventure wliilo he wo
dbonvcring hi 20 sialic of fiawil ver
tebrates, but perhii tho mtmt interest
ing wa an encounter with au Indian
warrior in the Hod Land.
Tlio irnfir, whilo searching ono
in f tut hi trlrtnutic eis horned mam
tual, cretaceous bird nnd pmdou pter
odactyls, wu separated from the other
mcmla-r cif tho cxtiodition. IIo wiu no
IniHiIr inti nt uiu blsscicntiflo occupa
tion ho did not hear tho stealthy
approach of a (Military horseman. It was
nu Indian buck im the warpath in full
paint iiii'l feather.
Tho professor i rnnn of high mtir-nil'-,
hut In- involuntarily fonnil himself
yearning for the (iiict and security of
in mill 'go c! iKriiiii at Yulo when ho
was suddenly confronted by thin star
tliug iit p.u-itiotv. His companion were
riot within call. IIo waa completely at
tlm iiuTi-y of tlm snvago.
Tim Indian molly dlsmomitnl from
hiii pony, mid stotal motloulcs before
him, rf ilonilciit in paint mid with
ilume waving. Erect, sinewy und dig
niflcd, ho wa a splendid piciiiieii of
tl K 1 " ' 1 K l"i''k. 1( w "a "1,wt oiimin
fortablo moment which tho jirufuMHif
had ever known.
"How?" wild tho profmsor ti rnus-
ly when tho silcnco hud btmiuo intol
crabhi. "In thin IWi-ssor Mandi?" asked the
Indian In ch ar cut I'.iik' ''-
"Yo." answered tho professor, com
pletely Inkiti aback by tho unexpected
"Of Yule college.?" continued tho In
dian briskly.
"Tho same," confessed tho professor.
"IIoW in lYofewtor Hadlcy." naked
tlm Indian without a moment's delay.
Tho naturalist wim nIinot siatrh
leu. To l' suddenly interrupted in hi
M-ii ntillc lalmrA by buck in warpaint
mid f utli. r via sufllcicntly startling.
To hiivu the warrior, in pluco of sculp
ing him, call him by nnme mid then
ask sympathi ticully for a rollcgn asso
ciate sti-und nothing le than a mir
acle. The profeMir win fairly trilled
with astonishment
Hut it was a iniraelo that won cosily
explained. Tho Indian had Ix n sent
ca.-l during la.ylnaal to bo iilucuted mid
hud lain Id friended und iniitruetcd by
Professor Dudley' father. Whin bin
iiliK-iitioii won coiupleted, Im had parted
pleasantly from the iladley household
iiml hud retiirnid to hi tribe in tho res
ervation. lu-dcud of profiting by bin low in and
i rn iM inof ( is illut inn, he had grad
ually Im t ii overMiwered by trihul pride,
nlairiginul liioi im-tM mid tlm Irresistible
faM'iiiiitioini of wild life and warpaint.
Ho bad illKiipKiinted the txpcctutliilisnf
the minsionnric by reverting to suvago
Nevertheless ho paid civilization tho
roiuplimi nt of rct-pcctlng acudemio as-lUM-iatiiiiiH.
He did Hot scalp lrofcor
M :ir li, but dow n mi tho rock mid
had n ilcuuut chut with him. Ho even
made im attempt to lntcr t liinihelf in
Koino of the bone which tho naturalist
had exhiimeil. Ami when ho remountixl
liiitpiny he n ut "bin kiudext n;anht to
tho lladleyn. " YouiIi'h Compiuiiou.
llnw Viia IMn la I'arla.
Aptictizcr Veriuouth, with m
(loco of hulphurio m id iu it
Soii Tiipiix'0, madoof mtatont;ir'h,
highly l pH'n (L
Horn tl'u-tivre Ilutter miniumlel
with venl fat mid mhrel with lend.
Ho. t T'.ie wort meat procurable,
with trulllm molded out of earth.
Veuetaldi A nulud acidulated with
nil of vitriol mid green ;hw verdant
with copicr.
)i'ert Chiicolato cream, wecteiii'd
With kIuiiwo mid colored With tho ox
ide of mercury und ochcr.
(tTn lioiftel hir liver, with ina-lio(.-any
Miwduit and caramel.
Liipior Kinuh, lUvoird with print
le in id.
I'i rhapa Vou fancy that thin bill of
fire i r:n.'KcratcL All you havo ti do
la to look ut Chevalier and Ilcuudir
inoiit'ii Soliimo entitled "ralNillculion
of Alimeiiatry SuUl.inci ," and yon
will tl ml the actual fact, 8uti Fran
eiw o Argonaut.
Tha Ira Watrr Habit.
Tho ice water drinker in jnr-t m much
of a "licnd" m the morphino cater. In
many cumk tho habit of tho former U
jiiKt uk htroiiK a Unit (if tho latter aud
jin-t in hard to breuk. It ban inn-ii fro-
queiitly demonstrated that tho drinLlnn
of hit water in au aciiulrtsl habit ami
not iiuo that mine naturally, tiivo an
infant iin water, and you will notice by
lis aril. .ii that tho drink in very due
ta-li ful. It usually ban tho fame efTi-ct
iil 'ii nu Indian or upon any ix'ii not
ii.fiist.nnd in it. IU shim it in very tin
hialthy, und any ienon who can avoid
ilrmkiiiK iv water ahuuld do aa Chi
cano II. ral.l.
klual hhara I ha ftauta (irata.
"A ouni( l.wlr w latti-e lo marrjr. She la
vrrr laaulilul, Iiiu a Tmy rouiitc iiniir
Iraiiietl In dark hulr, t i l.rowa In the form
t.f tliv i r wviit moon and a niinll but in
t i.m in.. old .-lie i alwi very rich rich
t-nout.'li to s ml tho ilaj by tlie attlo uf her
l l..til m1 in trltttr fl.'in ami to uum tlie
Mcl.l lii hmkiiih to the ainra of henveii
1 In' Hem on w hom her cholee lotll fall
must t. j.nitnf, lianilMime and ntumlitl.
II" iiiiit nlxi ls wIIIIiik to aharn the antnv
ki.ivi-." Tlm iwltartlM a girl in m Jap
knot. uiwsp ia r
A I'uMllila t ua.llllua.
M.iuil I'rank l'lutun haa pr pMd to
Cum.., but alio aa) ho baa uioro money
tli. in 1 tuin.
lMith Corio doean't K-m to mimid
it that If ho hud morn brain than
in. ley it 1 not likeiy be Would rTiT
haV" prossi to hi r. Diaitoll TrMt
rip t il Wax II.. Iiriglaai klrhar.
In the tlri U k f luulM 1, at-rund chap
tar ami Im hit nimli r. ra, "a man of
I. .at" aati tu I II, Wli. n f .ra kli k at
U7 aarrtliiv ui.J ol Iiilna ntli rlligf
That lllal AlMMt a(fcr Horf Bi
tha Walaaiaa yuartr.
"OtiiitlHim-n, " aald atmootb lookinfl
man to the crowd In the Hirnr atore. "I
law funny thlntf today. "
"What wm Itf" aaked three of the
crowd at the lame time.
The imooth looking moo loaned
afrninat howrae and beRan: "I wo
(toing down tbo "treet thia afternoon,
and aa 1 waa pawing the poitofTloe I
livord quite racket imddu I went in.
There waa one of the big Iriah women
who arruh out diuiciug around In the
middle of the lobby with a pulr of box
ing glove on her hunda Hho wa hit
ting out iu all din-ction aud had al
ready Moored a couple of men. An alarm
wm M iit in, and pretty aoon a police
man camo running down and arretod
her. Just a ho waa alxiut to haul her
out to tho patrol box that atnnd on tho
comer near by a dignified looking man
tcppcd out of tho crowd and (aid, 'Let
that woman go.' 'Why ahould I lot her
go?' aaked tho policeman. 'Ueramie tho
L'ulted Htate gorernmelit nay that alio
ciui do what alio ho been doing.' '1
doti't catch on,' replied the tiolicemtaii.
'Then read that!" ahouted tho dignilinl
looking man, pointing to tho ign on
tho wall. Tho polici-mon turned and
read anlgn, 'Utter iJox.'"
The mnooth looking man atoppwlhero
and looked around eiiH'tuitly. Ko ono
After adepreaalng ailenre fora mnplo
of minute ono of tho party naid, "Well,
what' tho Joke?"
"Why," naid tho amooth looking
man, "U'ttor uox let ner uix, wi
!( her box, meaning the woman
who hud on the boxing glove."
There wa a aurctioti of dinnal
groan, and every ono wive tno ciera
walked out into tho night Alter all
hod gono tho ninooth looking man turned
to tho clerk mid Huid hurriedly: "Hay,
Isajt, I didn't mi-iui nothing by that I
only wniited to get a chauco to talk
with yon in private."
"What do yon want?" Baked the
Tho mnooth looking man approached
him and aaid hoana ly, "I only want a
quarter. "
"Well, you don't get it"
Tho mnooth looking man' fare took
on a hard expression. "Then I will tell
yon another utory," ho kaid firmly.
"Not on your lire, you won t! aiiotit-
el tho clerk, producing tho dcaired coiiu
And that in tho way ono man got hi
drink. HufTulo Kxpreaa
Hacrad' Wiln AaaljraatL
A arientitio analyai ho lately been
mndoiu Eughuid of tho Zcm-Zciu water
from tho aucred well at MiM-ca, which,
according to tho Aralm, 1 tho well that
tho angel allowed to Hugur, and wh
wuter aaved the lifo of Ishmael. After
reading the reault of thi auulyHi ono
cannot wonder that pilgrim who drink
tho wntcr are frequently attockinl by
Tho aiMH-lmen examined, which wa
hermetically K-nlcd in tin bottle 40
year ago by Kir Uieiiard liurtou during
iiia visit to Ucrca in tho iliguiM of a
dervish, coutaincd C'J grain of chlorino
to tho gallon. W uter which ooiitain o
little a 0 grain of chlorine to the gal
lon i ordinairly regarded a acaroely fit
for humnii consnniption.
JloreoviT, In thocaao of thoZem-Zem
well, it 1 believed that tho chlorino
originate from tbo custom of pouring
tho water over tho pilgrim and allow
ing it to run buck into tho well. Tho
auiTcd wuter wiu found to poMtca an
extraordinary degree of "hurdiica,"
three timea aa great n that of average
water. It ulwi held 20 time a much
ammonia mmouiidH a drinking water
ahould contain.
No bacteria wcro diaeoveretl, but thia
i accoiiubtl for by tho fact that tho
water had remained for ao long time
acaled up in entire dark no. Forty
Teant of audi miitiiiement had mmpleto
ly aterilized it, but the chemical im
puritica rcmainiHL Youth' Compan
ion. Uluotl aa a
"Ia'I mo have thrtw ounce of that
bottled bloal quick I" bid fair yet to
Imviiuio a not uncommon order in tho
corner drug atore. According to a Wtdl
known I'hiladclphla ihyaiciun, atari ling
iirogrcHN baa Nt'li made iu blood Iniiling,
or hematherapy. "HUaal ia not only
life, " ho ibvlariw, "but live itaa-lf In
depeudeully. It in a highly organire.1
living tisane atmply in tho transition
at ate. It can tie inude to live apart from
tho laaly iinh llnitely in pixftvt condi
tion and can then bo returned into any
tissue by any oia-iiing nt any time, when
it will Instantly resume it full creative
activity. It can even Im awallowed
when the tuiticut, auflVring from drain
ing of IiIimhI or hemorrh.ipw, can tuko
no other drink. IVuth from Mood alar
Tutiou will ono day Iki rxcediiigly rare
indeed, and thcae mrki.1 up vital corpm
eh will Ut umsI not only for iiniul
neiitly diuigcrou but fur intriictable
liugeringcuM. " rinladelphla iiocoriL
A WouuuT lalak
Letter patent have liecn tukrn out by
woman in Mudiaon, N. J , for an im
provement in envelojiea. The invention
ronaiata in printing a amall device of any
iha on the under tide of tho flap of the
gummed envelo iu a aenailive fluid,
table when dry, but which will run or
apread on the application of ateain or
moisture, thereby allowing at once that
the letter ha Wu tampeml witb. The
government baa recently iuvited in
ventor to aubmit their idea for mm
mean of detecting tho unlawful opruiiig
of tealed letter. Washington Star.
Irntrii irn'ir iiiiiv ti i it
I aaa IIIVIHI vaiBM aavaa
A l'lilladlhU Itanrk.
Mnry a Inan mIui ta Oai h'.nrat to alaAl
will l rtvi mi. I f..rm-l all ala.ut It. Thua
rtturaliaiai C.u.ii.Uui blitgvrly lu LU I'hll
Krhora ot mm Allamlluia.
'Dut Antonio cannot rswaibly hare
aatd any audi thing!"
"1 assure yon he rxprvaacd hiuuelf
precisely iu tluxe term."
"Aud I rea at that it i out of tho
queatioii (getting excited). Were you
prcaa ut when he aaid it?"
"No, but"
'Very well, then; I wa preaent when
tie didn't" Motto da Kidem.
Kalara ! mm lailaral HataaUb
rrof.aor C. 8. Sargent, the eminent
botaniat and promoter of arboriculture,
haareturneil from a trip to Jajwo. It U
phaaut to know that he regaril hi ex
ploration a a remarkably aucceaaful
una. lie traveled nearly all over the
empire, made very large herbarium
and brought home number of wiea
of tree and (hint, of which a cooaid
rrable ra-rtien haaneveryet been brought
into cultivation. Every lover of tree,
plant aud general gardening will extend
Cordial welcome to the pmfcaaor OB hi
mU return. MtNthaa'a Monthly.
Cheiro the Palmist Tells How
Me Went Ghost Hunting.
fha ;hot Wa Thar Kara Kaoefh an4
Thoroaghlr rrlcbtaaad Iba fafcbM IU
aramhvra l acwiay MaalfaaUllotM hf
Ilaj aad Night.
Cu right, Amarlcaa Ir Aaaorla.
Till Hocirrr Fob larcnict. Itraatacii, I
llUalSUlUaMHltl, l-THllli, V
Mr )A Kiugm-M! ma lenlghl, lllark.
k alii ataln.n. II u i lock Itrlug )"ur re.
t.irr-uiar want IU iJuu'l i)l-ai.lnt. la
baala. Max .Mammiiam.
Thi trnnge epistle arrived by iecliU
meaacngvr ono ev( nlng Just a I waa pre
paring to Join Mime frlond at a theater
unrty at the (iitrrlik. Iu ono wny It wo
dlMpMilntlng, Iu another pleasniit. Mark-
ham waa alwaya on tho trail of ths Inter-
eating, and aa tho drama uf life la ninr
foaclnatlngthaii thoalnKtiuf art tho prom
Im of an exciting evening were fairly
The few word In Ma letter meant in
mo another of the many gluwt hunt that
wa hud lai n ao often ciififtKi'U in to(cilnT.
Therommaiid.' llrinityiiiirn-viilver," wa
not In tho least atartllnu or aurpristim. It
wa In keeping with tho man' churaeUT.
Thai wa all. Ho alway hunted ghnat
with a revolver. It wna a necusiiry to
him a holy water would Iw to a prh-t.
However, ola-ylng instruct lona, I ll.s-d
mr British IiiiIIiIok and aoiue ranrlilKua
lulo my pia ket and atnrtixl for tho train.
My friend .Murkham wuaiuioof Ihcinoat
active iiieinlxmof IheSa-lety Knr I'syelde
al Iteaean h. Hu devoted hi entire tliuB
toeiamliilnit tlm trick of pretended mo
illuini, ghoat or nolac of any kind In
any part of the country, and yet at heart
ho wa a aplrituallat. Ho llrmly l lli vl
In the communion betwivn tha living and
tho aplrlt of the dead. He wa a wlf
elerted oenaor, and In hl neiiaindili, al
thii(h he excited the enmity of the aplr
ItualMa, ho wa In reality their friend hy
hla eiMMo of fraud and the rvlcutlcaawuy
III which ho pulled up weed of Imposture
hy the Bait. "There U no auliject that
lay Itiadf ao ni'n to deception," ho UmiI
to any. "Ileeaiiau wo have proviil frnud In
many caaea, that iha' net prove It in all.
It ia my duty to deatmy the weeds, lest
tliey, gcltliiK too atrong, deatmy tho
Uowera nf truth."
Max conaldenil me a arnsltlve a clair
voyant althiuiKh only one did I ahnw
him ony evidence In that dint-lion, and
that wa wht-n he went without me to
"aii, is noon tivk!" nr aid.
Mancheater to riamiuo Into the enw of a
Klrl Ihnv iiiontha In a I mint. Without
knowing he waa returning I lc li'Kriiphcd:
"Don't tako cxprcn tonight. Walt."
And a It hapM-ned Dm exprcaathat night
wa wni kitl and nearly all It puciigcr,
Injurttl. At nil event, there at-mitl aomo
laind of aympaihy U-tween us, and thu It
oamo to pn-a that two very opposlto na
ture lat-nlllO (list friends.
A the train nulled Into the station I
aw my friend, with a small block Iuik In
hi hand, pacing the plat form from end to
end. "Ah, In K'""! time," he aald aa I
JuniHtl nut "NVo havo a gaal two in I lo
Irnnip la-fore lis, ao don't nsk any que
tlnna now. I'll explain on the way. Wo
must reach our silnl of iim rf Is-furo I J
trlki- "
"Thi aoiind quite Rlmatly, Max," I
aid. 'What' tho cnae?"
"Well," he nn-wcnit, "If the funnleat
thing I've met lately. What It w ill turn
nut I another thing, but up to imw Hie
evidence lli-a in favor of the ifisali.ltl fosh
loiKtl glnmt that walk at lit. The story
la to the elTivt that I ho house we are alauit
to visit haa aa line a rttunluf l.l.aal aa any
aneieut riutle. It I quite nnali rn, built
In lt)7 by tho Kmndfathcr of It pre
rut owner. It occupm a lonely alto with
in a tone' throw of tliuruina of an old
alila-y, and It la from thia very iihla-y that
all the trouble come. It I n-Hirtcd to l
bauntitl by the ulnxt of an nld monk, and
llscartfr of erlmo I laid en the shaved
head of till early and loiigdepartiil I'hria
tlan. The rt I cannot rcconrllc 1 why
an old monk who illiil a few liundntl
year ago almuld turn up now to tmulilo
well la-havitl aople at thoelid of the lilnv
teenlh century.
"Hnco It wo built murder ho fol
lowed murder, suicide followed aulchlo,
but yet there wua no talk ataitit any kIuwI
theory until within the lost U lu.niilia,
and ilmti then tho old monk atviua to
ave mwle hliuaclf mastcriif thealtuaiion.
The pnwiil tiwner a year oro while tr.iv
rlitiK In America one inornliin ntt-lveil the
(lartllng new that hi father had hung
bimn-lf In the cellar, ao ho hurried homo
with a newly made bride to take poM--lon.
Hi wife, a young and fearleaa
American from aomo out of tho way
place lu Texaa, a woman who never heard
uf ghoata, wua the Oral to ace the nmrl
lion, tiohm Into tho iiurwry one nltiht tu
look after her child, alio found the nurae
aaleep and I he form of an eld monk lean
ing over the entile. Hie ft-renmed, fitlnt
I, and when penplerame tolu r oaiiii.e
the monk had dlsapiawnd, and the mark
of a rnaw waa found on the child'! fore
head. Krm that moment the monk via
ktatl them regularly. Kvrn In the dayll,-hl
he niliiht Iv aeen w.tlkiiiK down the cor
rider and the stairway a, and a alruiige
nula commenced every nltflit at 13 o'cliak
thai aeemeil to shake the house to Its foun
dation The acrvant of coumo thn w up
their place and left, and the only tine that
remained, an eld buthr, a few data after
Yn.p' l'-.- fuund hUUalill tcUy the MalU
place aa the owner' father. Coder tliea
etrruiiistanit- 1 can hardly wonder at
theieoplerlenrliieiit. Mm-elhen, though
... , i 'it. f rt lo n-vlv
, .1 . . I. -nJ fdemnly,
"I in . .."...IJ. ti.i. U l.
aerloui a bulne for u to meddle with.
I uw that thing rln today In brood
darM't. and 1 never In all inyllfaw
auch a d. vlll.h ha.klng face." "Oh, buh.
Bian!" aald Max "It too late now to
turn hack. W have Un ly IS minute lo
M-a. h the hnue. A brisk walk will pull
up your coiiroire. Come on." Making
aome remark al-ut fa.U venturing where
annela b r to tn ad, tho (ha tor put on hi
coal, and In a few moment we were again
under way.
A U iiiinulea' walk broimht ui In alb
of the old nlil-y. fold and a"aunt Hie
rulm h.k. d In the I nllght, llkoa akele-
ton of Hie I'd. At II law kawo-at of
pine awnvi-d In Hie idiiht wind like an
army of Khoat walllim b ra leader, and a
t t ( lo farther mi. surroiinihtl by theahadow
of the tri, stoal a di-atilole hsiklnir
house, with empty window and broken
pane, the v. ry picture of all that wa
hMiinteil ami uncanny. Making our way
under the shallow of I ho tree, we roochitl
the li.-u k of the house and w ith a llttlo dif
ficulty fi.ntd a window oan and were
BtMin insld.i. Hy tlio lluht of tho In. am
ahininir tiiMuuh the lilludh-a window
wo moil r way to what appeared to bo
the dlnllU ri'im, and then, closing tho
abutter and lighting a olltary candle,
we ant down on a emiplo of empty Ism
to await n suit. We had not long to wait.
Exactly aa a nelghlriiig eha k truck 11
we heanl a sound that made our very
henrta stand still. Wo aprong from our
eat and t"d baiting at one another In
oonstematloii ami illsmay. It aeemeil aa
If on the very stroke of U tho house liatl
rttt-lvitl atuiie blow that alnaik It to it
foonilal Inns. Kvery (hair aeeined In open
and creak and luiug one after another a
tho wind moaned and wept on it way
from rami to room. Instinctively we
turned oiirej i to theihair of theehamta-r
wo iMt-iipled. It wa iia n. There waa
aomelhing alandliiK there. Tho imam
Ihudied nut fniui behind a cloud. It wa
the monk.
I could hear my heart l nt like a drum.
I mo nlmit alnklUH with fright when
iiildenly, with a hollow, grating laii(h,
the fltfiiro (llaaiN'antl. In a attund wo
I . ui tili kitl up our Ihlnifs, nH-netl tlm w in
(low, Jumatl to the law n and were run
nlng a fast aa h k would carry u In tlio
llnt llnn of Appleton house. .Markham
wua tlio unit lo rvover in ctimiaanin'.
What dariietl bad we are," he aahl, "hut
Uhiii my wonl I never got auch a frtifht In
in v life." That sentiment wa heartily In-
.l..r-Mtl by Appleton and inyai lf, aud we
Hit li ao sinuitfly optMiaeii the idea of fur
ther Invest lual Ion that Markham gave In,
and the iha tor put Ui up lu hla pluce for
the niulit.
With theduyllulit, however, our conrnKo
n'turnetl, and after a giaal breakfaat wo
tiaik a walk around tho old house lai
f.,re n turning to tho city and vowed that
tho three of in Would make another at
tempt that night to penetrate the mystery.
Onvliuhl la a wonderful thing b r illa-
pclllng ghost a and glmatly fear, mid wo
could hardly believe that we went the
iiino men who tho night la-foreran aa fust
a leg could entry from that very room
that tho following nmriilngwo ao con
t.-nti illy examined. It waa exactly a we
had left it. Them were the two laixi- on
which we ant, there tho grease of the
candle, and there tho open window
through which we had lied.
The dia-tor wa Inclflied to regard tho
matter in a very grave llxht. I i to that
moment ho had not given min li thought
to the domain of Khmtlaiid. He therefore
roiialilered the npmrt(loii a direct rebuke
for audi negligence. Markham simply la'
llevetl that hla rye had iliivlvnl him, hut
how we three aaw the aamo thing and
In-iirtl that aw ful laugh ho could not ex
plain. Wo vlsltitl all the roonn, aw tho
nursery where tho monk had la-en mi n
benilliig over the child, nnd lastly turm-d
on r nl ti nl Ion to the basement. The eel
lar were lari;e aud freely admitted light,
except one which faced toward tho alila y
When we entered the latter and got act-UK
toimtl lo the ilarkneaa, a gnWMimo aluht
met our eyea, which atartled ua nearly n
much o did tie.' apparition of the prevloii
night. Hanging from n la am lu the cell
Inn wa the roa-and lusise hy which tha
unfortunate butler luul hung hi mat If.
Theru it had n inalintl. white with mold,
winging soUlyln the draft, a grim trophy
fWINtllMi IN TIIK MatsKor liKATH.
t crewsoiue pa-t. Without a word we
tnmcit away from the horrtldo n llc, and
having ngn-etl to come down that nlt;ht
nil make one in.. re attempt to Interview
the ghost .XiurUinm mid myself returned
to tow n.
NUlit came. Again I met my frlmd
at Hlackhealh station. Ho hail a man
with him- a detective from Scotland
Yard, named Mitchell, who hail often ac
roinpanietl ua on auch enailltloiia. So,
without di lay. startingoff at a brisk aee.
we the loiit ly eoiiimoii and n-aehetl
the doctor' hoiw. Aplilcton wa nt llrat
I a Utile ainoviilat the preaeneenf adeteet
Ive. He ilit-lantl that Markham' akepU
rlun would provoke the apparition to do
ua lulachlcf, and It waa only after consider
able dlsfuaalon that we prevailed upou
htm to aecoinpaiiy ua
The pnaavnea of a r preventative of the
law hntl. howrrcr, the t .Tot I of (ttiuulat
Ing our coiirittfr ton gn at extent; ao, chat
tltiK anil l.tUMhlng aa If It were a fox hunt
and not of a ghost, we In upon
the aib-nce of the abla-y. titling on a ill
mantled tombstone, we lookitl toward the
houae, th'liat Init uam our plan of attack.
Mitt lo II wa for dlvidliiK the party, two
lo tro to the cellar, where the rope hung,
and two tokivpwalch In the dining rtaitn.
Al is' the eournre of the Invatlera wo ii"t
ftiial to ani-h a trial, and It waa eventual
ly decided that wo ahould all kit-p t.v
p-llier, but estal.llsh our guard In tlio
lartre entnunv hull Instead of In the din
but rta'in.
tinoe more we burirlarlouly entered by
a Iwk w ludow ami wire ..n eroutlutl
ti vet lor en the 11. r In a dark corner of
the nld bistih'netl hall. We were ao brave
lh.1t we w.Mild m4 even have a lltfhl. but
that waa not mvcury, aa the nuainllglit.
... ..... ...m. t Alter atmie dlseua-
aloii we Bgpttl loeiruln reconnolur the
cellar, and wlllioi.l HKiiuog our v........
w groped our way fnmi potige to pa
aagti, but found, lo our lunirlae, the cellar
door cloaed. MltclM-ll. looking through the
keyhole, announced In an aweetruck whl
per that oinethliig peculiar aeeined tot
I . I . . .. In tl.a n.ltlr. Tha ductof Mt-
rred. He h-nieniU-red that the only thing
that could I in Hie center wa im..
ly trophy of death. Markham wa the
next to peep through. We could we a
.in uvaa ihroiiKh hla Ualr, and, while
aaaahit-t, he turned away. Neither the
doctor lior myselt canti io loan ma mi.-,
I. o li wr made war for Mitch
ell, who wo pn paring to bunt tho door
open. JUt a lie waa aiann iu i"i..k.
i .... it atriinif luu-k. and the
altfht that lin t cur rye almoat paralyxed
our at -us. -a.
sinliiKiug In the nooae of deatll liung
l... II. run. ,,f Ihtl lllllll It. Ill face. B loudly
.....i i...rtn.i.. a.aiiii-,1 to if rln at u In
Ml... ... ......... - w- '
aKiiiiy, a white and awful eoiitniat to the
il.irkni-aa of the vault. lpciiouunu, wo nailed to tho ait, but wo (ilddeti-
ly lafaine eoliaeioii in a new tt-rnir, met
...... .. .11 nnotsau-iuiiir. i nero vtcrv
teiia coming la-hind ua Theaouiidof ll-
. . . i ...... ti--
alnl aalltlal came neon r aim nearer. Mr heart failed me; my kmtw
ih.s.k a if with aituo. Coming aleatllly
toward ua In tho miatiillglit wa anoiner
figure of the monk. In a few aecomU ho
would touch us, but, swift a lightning.
. .I.....I tl.n.tar tiiil-at'lvi' Itlltl all fllllitV
Mini on our rluht, and ahnklng with fear
wo four st rung men uiinii on racivca attains.
Ihu thair to kei li It closed while that aw
ful thing will, post
litv ii'.uat- r. titniiitit rtiiiiiT, lint utuat . . . . . . ,
a k k k ti '"timing I hroujjh a largo w ludow over la
httiiae at mldnlitht, and the form of the
old monk wna s.i n no later than yeatenlar
by a man w ho Uvea here and wh.tat word I
have every remain to U-llere. I have ar
rangitl with him that we rail at hla houae
on our war, all three t.f u to aprnd the
night In the old mansion, and then nt ma
Terrona "
To tell the truth. I did not quite fancy
the Idcav Fortunately for me, I only half
N llrvttl the alory. and so, atopplng out
brlakly, we tunn reachett the pretty llttl
buua beltwatluat to Mavt'i trUfid. XXM
d.a.r, the entire place a hrlirht
day. Twelve o'el.a k camti. W e could h.-nr
the nelflitsiriiig rhurrh dock chime the
hour, but nothing hnp ned. The atillne
ef death reinned In the old placet Mark
ham wa Inl. nst ly illi.s.nT.ii, the doo
tor att-ntttl re I if veil, while Mitchell evi
dently considered o a party of bail and
hlinaelf the an-ateat bad for coming.
"Why, Mr. Markham." he aald, "w
never had a .-U' Ilk thi before. We
havrn'l had even aa much aa (om tahl
tapping. The Kltuat haaflJJ given tu fair
Js H :W; .
II :i.lT i
n I : , V. i l-v-wa: a . i .
t i m . . , - v r -
' rt.fxo iiftfr'i vr auaint Tim noon'
The aliuflllng aunilal camo nearer and
nearer. They passed our thair. Wo could
hear them enter the cellar w hero the mm
hung, and then mint Hie atillnen of
death occu pled the place. Kor a few mo
ment WO did Hot dure to sa-ak. Then
Mitchell noflly nM'liiil the tl.a.r, und peep
Ing out Inf.. mini ua that them waa noth
lug In aluht, mid that even tho wliii;lng
Isily of the monk had illwips nnil. With
out a word ho In I I he way. Wo follow til,
one by one, and in a b w minute wo were
outside the house and on our way to Ap
plelon'. There wa very llttlo aald ttlsiut
the matter. We had all mentally deter
mlniil nt h nst to let our ghost ulone for
the future; fonstitu nt ly no further rcaolu
Hons were pieu-il the next morning, nnd
hinly ment lolling the auhjift wo ro
turiitil to town to the ilifTerelit walk of
life to w hich we belonged.
Ono day, three month later, picking
up tho morning mcr, I read:
IIKA1I1. a n rrosxo mai mti o iiocsi tu mesoht or
Ah, thi la Intercut ing, I thought, and
I wa not disappointed. It turned nut to
ho an account of a raid by tho police on
tho house wo vlsittil Our glnaita went
nothing iiioru than a di-pcrato gang of
collier. The terrible nolac had barn pro
diiettl every night by their letting fall in
the Imsein. nt a. In in. iiiloti Inui wclirht
iimiii Iho foundation stone of the house
The laaly of the monk that wo had mvii
hanging by the link In the cellar wa
nothing men' than a well made dummy.
With it clothe st.i-ail In phoaphorilA.
Aud inch waa tho end of tho Hlack
heath mystery. Cllklllo TIIK 1'ALMIaT.
luw Twe "aislt falUataa llaepaaetl le
r.ifgti I F TMiritwei.
There U a ni.ill all night rcetannuit
In n Twenty-eighth itretl oaacmeni
wIito gt nt lemeu of more or lcaa bo
h.iiii.iii Instinct ometiniea go for
inlet bottlo and laato of aeaouablo
A I aut tlitTO ono night I obaenred
lint two aharn featured celltlemell
in ilres suit w ho mt at the tublo next
1 1 mine hutl already diintched their nu
t .i.l la.iile of Chateau Yuuelll. bcaid'
lila-ral array of tiaitliwimottlibic. Tin y
were now chatting over tlicir cigarette.
Tlio griulcr nrt of thomtivcrautioii wa
hi Kiiuniah. Finullv thcT Kathercd np
their overitiut to go, and aa they tcp-
ped toward tlio tieak, appaniitiy to at t
tle the bill, one of them (aid to the
waiter, "Call in our cab driver and
give him a drink. "
Tho John Mitcrcd promptly. "I'll
h avo tho door open if yon don't mind,
mi a to keep an eye on tho boa, " be
tuld. "IIo pluy trick on rue aome
tiinm." The benmlnr"n!gbt hawk" bad raitl
bl gin, of a liberal three finger of
whiaky, and wa Juat retnarking.
" 'Ero' baiking at ye, gciitlemcii,"
when ho glanced out tho oja-n (hair and
realized that the "htMthut play trick
minctiini-" wa leisurely ambling off
toward Ilroadway. Dropping tho ghu-a
oucinptieil, ho bolted for the door, chari
ly followed by the two getitlcnuu who
wore dree uit and talketl Hnniali.
The bitter were laughing merrily, a
though the whole affair were good
They didn't come back right awny,
and when tho cashier, aomewhut um u
ily, went ontidde and baikcd down tho
trift, night hawk, "ho," hMiuiah
geiitlemen and all hud diNuppcnrcd.
Then the cashier camo luick Uhind
hi (leak. IIo baiked rut fully at tho fig
ure on tho unpaid check, bntipcd tho
cnnh rcgtcr viciously a ho nuig np an
other customer' 13 cent for a cocktail
aud rcmarkiil, "I'd like tokuow wheth
tr that 1im' waa taught to play thueo
trick nr whether my Hpauiah friend
simply took advantage of whut wa
really an aivideiit"
Tho worldly wiao bartender Mopped
ringing a glasa, dipiod a towel disdain
fully over hi ahoulili r and Kaid with n
peaaimiMio griii: "There" more way
than one to la-at tho houxe, I never miw
that trick doiio befort but I'vo heard
tell of it" New Yolk IIcrahL
(iarllmliU'a Island.
Tlio roiuniitio I.-duiid of Cuprera, foe
which, according to common return,
(turilHildi uiid lea than (.I.ixm), wu oltl
to the Italian government, which want
ed it for fortification luirptmce, for f m,
0U0. Among the heirs wa the general'
daughter Tereaita, in wlmae lieluilf her
htiHluiud, (ictiiTuI Cunzio, aignul the
dttsl of mile. Tereaita now claim that
she did not authorize General Cunzio
to deed awnv her ri'lit. and that a
In r own signature wu not uflixed to th
dttil the rale i Void. Mio ba brought
tlit against the govemmeiit, and the
case will l trieil in the mipn-me emir
of Sardinia. The ;rovenimeiit will claii..
that, a under Italian law the fortune of
the wife gia a to tho hiicluuid in the nl
enco of uny provision iu the tntirriugo
contract to the contrary, the govern
ment' tillo ia ta-rfii-t. Tlio (Kise i at
tracting grout iutertttt tlmmghout Italy.
Chicago Tribune.
Ta Trll Ilia Kpt-rd uf llallrt.atl Tralna.
Arthur O. Leonard, privute mvretary
to II. Walter Wt lib, third vice preaideut
of tho New York Central railroad, ha
invented a watch which i auid to en.iblo
tho holder to measure the rate of speed
at which ho or alio may 1 traveling on
a railroad train, a steHinboat or any
other conveyance. It i thu deacrilatl:
lu tho haiuls t.f jfratin on a iwiftly
roving train tho watch may by prc
ing tiny lever bo darted at a given
(oiiit, nay a mile poet, and when foe
next mileast i reached a quick pn-aaure
i n tho lever fill (top tho hand of the
watch on a figure which accurately in
iticutc the ruto of lattl per hour at
which tho train i moving. Uuffalo
Insaa rrnm I" irraa of VVrtltlnl toy.
Dr. N. A. Key of Kamui City nnd
Mi Kuto Cameron of Priuifton, Ky.,
a'nl rvapevtivcly OJ and 51 year, were
marrinl here List wet k. They hud never
teen each other until they met here one
week before marriage and were drawn
together by their belief of aauctifica
tioii. In her e jce of joy over the event
the bride of three day lu hevoine a lu
natic, pnuiouiiced o by phyaiciuna. She
had to la.' eut away from home. Mis
Camenm wa a very estimable lady and
well off in tin world' g.xl. Prince
ton Cor. St. Louis (J lol-Democrat
A a an all Ttre) CaHrb4.
The heir t Char lee P. Knight. mil
lionaire, who died in Brooklyn Jn Sj-tetnU-r,
live In Whitneyville, Wualiing
ton mnnty, for the tnoat part, and the
little community i greatly agitated over
thi uuexptvted great actpuiaition to it
wealth. The will i now being probatcL
and the nv'cetasary rertinl have la-en
forwardeJ from Waahington county
f it I ,i ! n I T i I, , I . . V. . 1 1 n mte Il.n.
...... . ... . ...v.u.., . wup.i
M.) CottuuerciaL
A I amoaa llradla ut IWrla.
Discoura, the beadle of the Church of
St. Koch, in I'uris.died on Saturday. He
wa almoHt fainoiu for his tall stature,
ituMiiug air mid jairtly figure, and wn
st once tho tallest of the I'urU beudlc
ind the senior of them ull. Prevoat, the
la-adle of the Madeleine, stood next in
ituture, and after him enme the beadle
nf Notre Dame, an ex-drum uiujnr, who
was engaged two year ago by ArchbUh
up Kichurd.
Diacour wn a tuuwionute lover of bil
hard and went every evening to play
It the Cufo Kegence, where ho ned to
measure hi skill with 11. Urt-vy before
the latter wa president of the republic.
lie constantly saw there tnan taller
than himself, Mr. Theodore Tilton, the
American K.-t, who went to La Ke
cenco to plav chea and wu more than
a mutch for U retry. The pot of beiullo
In a Paris church is a much envied one
aiuomr the clua of men who eoin-te for
it. At Notro Dame, the Madeleine and
St. Clotilde the sulury is iOo, and there
re jfrnuisite at grand wetlditig and
funerals. In smaller churches the pay
is 140. The gorgeous uniform and sil
ver headed wand are provided by tho
vestry. London New.
rtt.llrr Kralr.
Tho uso of oil iu preventing boiler
scalo now so prevalent i met with the
objection that in using other thmi sluml
ord oil of 1.10 to 800 degree tiro test
there is danger of tho formation of whut
is culhtl oil scalo. This, according to
(In micul authority, is owing to tho fact
that when tho higher flro tot-t oils uro
lntnsluccd they rise and float uam tlio
top of tho wuter, and tho latter, impreg
nated with sediment und mud, boil
and bubble up through tho oil scum oil
top, and on tho water hemming vnpor
I znl it liberate tho particle of mud
and scale contained, which full luck
upon this layer of oil upon tho top of
thu water. After uwhilo tlm layer of oil
IsvomoH so impregnated with mineral
sulistuuifN that it sink to tho bottom
of tho boiler, forming mi iucruatutioii,
or oil scale, which is a injurious to tho
boiler ii i tho lime or inngmvium
scale. Hut tho Kline objection, it i re
marked, ha nl x la-en made to crude
petroleum. New York Sun.
Ht. Trrraa la Hi Tolled blalra,
Teresa I'rrca, the living patron tuint
of the Y'aqui In. Hans, who wa banished
from her mountain home in Mexico sev
ernl months ago by order of government
authorities, the charge against her being
that she wa working np spirit of war
faro among the Indians, is making her
home at Nognlea, A. T., just across the
Mexican line. Shecontinue to perform
many niirnciilou cure by simply laying
on of hands, and thousand of ignorant
Mexican and Indian have visited her
since she was cxiletL The people of No
gale have taken kindly interest in the
remarkable girl, whose power of heal
ing the ick and afllicted are mysterious
"bt." Tenia i a beautiful girC 17 years
of age. Cor. St. Loui (J lobe-Democrat
A Onlary From Cabot to Lodg.
Henry Cats it Lodge I the 30th man
who hu been honored by the state ol
Ma.ssachtis.-tts with a seat in the L'uited
State senate since congrea was organ
izttl in 17v9. It i an interesting coin
cidence. by the way, that the great
grandfather of Mr. Lialge, George Cabot
was United State senator from Ma
sachiisetts juxt a century n-o, he having
been elected in IT'Jl to serve until I'M
His grandson's term will expire lu 1W9
so that there will lie three year In the
two centnriee when the great-grand
father and the great-grandson will have
been wearing the same toga, with a ccn
tury between thorn. Ration Herald.
Oaarf taoagk For a Xaatara Book.
The British museum ba a book pub
lished by an anonymous author in 17A0.
It ha the odd title, "Hid Yon Ever See
Such Stuff: or. So Much the Better. Be
ing a Suiry Without Head or Tail, Wit or
WUV awlClaaaa.
The African traveler, J earn Tie, aaar-rt
thai In their natural condition the negrue
of Africa obaerr the rule of personal
aleanllnea much nor carefully
mot of the laboring clumi la Europai
Harrowing Experience of ,
wnaung Crew In Dcrir.j Sea.
rtwAwrul AllrruatliaTlial '..t,rr..r.i lk
fMauf III. J.ii.m 1.1 .
tr, Jraa,
llarrra Islaiid-Talr. ol rrt Tol4 k
Itta Surrltora. '
Koiirttt-n aurvlvlng m.-m'. r. ,.t ..
whaler .Inmo Allen, whl.h n... .i
w-nt'Lnl til lUrln a. .. .. ... 'r
hit ntly nrrlvnl In .-aii Krun. i
l.itnl tale of hanbhlpa and .
.i,ii.i r .n i.. ti... i... . ..
Ulnae w ho brave Iho tlatuen, , r tl.,.
and the rliiora of the Ir... n n r: li
Tho ship foundered In tl..- i,,..,t
the en'W, iiumla-riiig I J m. n, (.. k i o
A..- I fl-l... I . . l,J
fivo laiat. Tho ItMla Ui'anie
1 mut is
tho darktiea, and In the liiumin,- tw
dlaapia-nntl. Ono of thin wa pi. kn ua
by the steamer Dora alsiut a in. i.iliUi,t
anil mo aeven uii-ii wiki ,( n ,
all alive. 1 he other has m i. r i
II li.-.l
The reiiuiliiln lst, ,i. ...
tain Huntley mid s.,5un 11. I n..! . I , ur
fix na k. one of the Aleutian i- t!.,w ()n
the inorninu of the third . I , .liirt K
liiatlo for Cnalaska lu Hie I,. .-, y, .f
day later, after eight of the . 1,
pertshttl from cold and privut 1. n a bindicy
wa mnilo at I'liuiak l-l.u. l, m4 t
hands suffered terribly throu,;li tlio n: .,t
from cold and hungiT.
When daylight enme, it w.i (.. t),4
Harry Taylor, another of 1 . - uM; , (.
Iiatea, had ellditl his mlaery. an I a p,,,
of the men setaipul a t . 1 . - 11. i.
and hurled tho laaly. W lul.- .1 --;nt tlc
grave a few niusa. Is were foun.l a- .l .a
all hands went hunting for tV- - l- 1 1 11 -h.
A short distance hack from il..
they found a small dmrout, aid tlutt1
starving nnd shivering men s.,
Ono of the sailor found s- n..- imi.
that had not lai n asiil.i I i- H .- w it. r.
and they soon had a lire. r s.ok.d
drift wiaal wa all the fuel tl.. 1 ..ul,
and It luiwle a MMir lire.
A llttlo lake In the center of i'k l.hnj
pruvidod plenty of fresh wa .r, l.ut tbt
men could not remain Indefinitely ..n tie
barren Island nnd live on ll-h 11 1 1 Aft
er a n st of n few days Captain llniiti.y
dechhtlto muko another start fur I iials
kafor relief.
Ho picked out three of the strnst
men nnd mnilo a start. Adier-- miiiUi
drovo Mm Iwtck after ho had Uvu awayi
day. The cold was lattnning 1 11 1 n . nisi
along with hunger mid cold an. I
weather tho men were sufferiiu' fnm
fn.t bitten finger and feet The slurp
rta k had worn out their slna a, ill. I atrtp
down to the laa. h from tho hut hhu J
start scores of stirca bht-ding lu the mini
swollen bi t.
Dally their suffering grew In In: ti-lty.
and lafore the captain made a hi nil at
tempt to lea vo the bland two lie rem.
Joaepli I'eiia and Joseph Ham t
Ut-n laid a nay under n pile of e M r-- U
Again (.'aptalii Huntley and !.. -v. .11
crew went fonitl to n-tiirn. A t! .::.! irnl
pmved unsucii'ssful, but on the I at
tempt, nfter la'lug 011 tho I f. r :3
duys, ho nnd hi crew of 'I n- m. n ,; l
away with a fair wind, and tl." I"
watched tho small still Iom.m ..- -n I'.t
horizon with mllighil liu " aii.l ir-.
Tho aeeoiid day after the 1.1; '.; i b '
tho final gave out, mid tolnen-.i- 'I tr 'i
hie of the men one of the I,..-.;.-1 . .im.i
caught In the na-ks, and In ait. ni;.:ii..' w
extricate It the llnehnike, nnd 11 i-1
1-jirly tho next morning the oi' r l " k
wn lost In tho same way, and si.i.iatle
tnnil tho men In tho face.
Tho next night Austin Cul.-on 1 i:!"r.
died, but the men wen- t'si wiai. t" l ury
tho btaly. It waa a few f. 1 aT
fnim tho hut, and then' It '
That wa 011 a Monday nl.-ht I '
until tho next Thursday the 1"
unto sailor bat tlnl with start. im.
all hope of leaving the bland al.'
rd them. One after another ti.. y
Into the hut to tile, and l.iv tin n-1
William Andrew, one of the n.
hnttr I Lev "llnu of the lie n ' 'r "
thair moved, and presently he '
wa ttai weak to pay any uiore
to him, and I ilo.. (iff, prat In;
I low long I waa that way I !'
but for a long time I fancied I
ladling meat. It waa s rli.i - 1.
before 1 could bring my s iih
It, and when I did I no up. and '' re
the center of the hut wa a sin
Are, with tho kettle over It. I"
phvo of meat, eoventl with s. '
bllng water. Ia nn Instant I had
it fnnu the fail and wa isam .1 1
shntl of It that I had torn fr ..1 n
ctaikttl Jdece. Other grahlsd t
fmm my hamK nnd aaiii
eagerly devouring Iho moix 1
Us asked where It came
rami. After tho mud life i an..
n, and wo dnnd not t
where our meat came from, tln i
"I got up and walked down t-.
tie gully lu which Uidenn' I""!.1 '
lulled. Moth leg were nils-liifc' 1
luu-k into the hut and sh pt ag "
ently I got up nnd 1
wiaal while the renewtil stn t -'
Tho next day more of ttldn.n'
missing, and again we all l.a -1
Horrlblo and all that It was. t!.e
fn-shlng, and we all Is-gan . :
fornncue. Nine da' '
lain hail lai n away, and ull I- .
la-en given up of ever seeing I-1' 1
Once 111. ire a visit waa made to t
i.f the dead Portuguese, nnd an
uf the btaly of our late al.lpnia"
Ing In tho pot when tl.etap:-t'
wa bt-anl oulslde. It w.i a j' : '
and with him wcro several of t:
he Iler. with provision f. r us "
Talking Throogh His T.I. .
Oeorge M. rullman w. .o'
COO, 000 told a news;uper M
llieve that I w as for h.ipi r .
dayt when I hadn't a dollar t . .
now." That is all Very fine. 1
wa happier then, why n. t g '
thoee halcyon ami dullarlt ii
disposition of his great weal::! i -bother
him. The fact that
Pn'tlman is working early and 1
add to hi "bunlm" of w ah u
spnosibilities i evidence tie
car king 1 "talking through L:
PUlade 1 phia Prvaa,
in t.Vti
, nf .nu
ll until
, - .m I' J
r l.'-l.rv
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r .Lath
..: I -::i.ll
1. n .iil.e
;v l.uls
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..-ef U
1 i. k to
, lit
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Jr ft-
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