The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 08, 1894, Image 10

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    for Infants and Children.
attorla Uao wrll a.UpUl lorliOd wo tht
rmrniuMid II a nrtr t-iaiir )fTlj!lMi
Ibuwb to nat" JL A. A nta, M. It,
HI Bo. Oil.atl M., l;ruulbn, S. Y.
"Tlx na of Catia U unlrsraal an1
It Basrita so w. U known Ibal II miia K
o( ur"frlli " nd.s f siw ,h"
utlllnt famllim wbu tl. is 4 li C'o.iita
witUa aaJ rr h."
Cuuit Misers, t). f.,
rw Yk City.
('aatnrla rtirra Otic, rVmatlnaUfB,
Hour MimuH'h, I WTh. aa, I'.rwUlioa,
Kill W.S-IIU, ,1 sb-!1. and 11
Willxwl Uijurlisi nmlirMkni.
' I' BtfiTal Tsar I bars iwwnnxi !
rMtr 'raatorU,' and aball alsayl P'Silli. ' '
i. mi It ba lurarUU prudutwd bsne.s'Ut
l'i.-i r. I'iDM, If. !.,
I Jtth Hrw-t and ttb A., N" Yurk IV
A Wai.kkh. Corviilli Informer:
Corvallls hiu a young lady M year '
age who for a w alker, 1 hard to l-nt.
One hot tlnv but wk, she walked
into town from her country home, a
.n.t.iwn i.f twelve mile, hi tlm--
hours, mil after a two hour rest, made
il.un.lnrn trill III Hie Milllti Hill"', or
twenty-four milt In six hour. Hint
It if you mu.
AhillVKIi AT KoHKIII IUI.-Mi'IIiIh.v'h
Itoaehurg lU-vlew : A limn trnvi-llnic
with hi worldly g'sl In it puh cart
In In town hslav, soliciting aid n""1"
our issople. Hl little K'rl i'i,n 1,1 1,10
curt ami small l"y walk. Thf out
lit came from Hilvcrton, Orcg ami
I Isiund for Mlassiuri.
.Wire of Final Settlement.
Nolle U barney given Ibat t' Iniuaii,
ooilcraiiliicd '!' V.
Maxwell, ilecsaaatl, haa filed Ida final
Mtunt io Iht mttllrr ol i'l rUt ui llmt
Mon.Ur, lh f.tb tUy ol Nouilr, IWH,
baa IwO filJ I'T "'' u "'""f
court ol Uiipouuly. l)ri; in. lor tb lliml
bMrinR ml ftilfiuciit i l id t'lnl'. nil
ill Mr.n iulriMlcl In muI rllo M
liercliy nolitl-l nd rK,,i,pJ lo l'lr '"'
taak any olij-oti'ina Hi-y my liavo l mtiil
QDK kvoiiuI auJ at'illtiueiit on or lirfora
mul tll. . ,
ilatwl ibafilb iUt ol K. i. nilr. H'I.
J. F. Inm.
L Himc. Ally. A liuini-ir.lor.
"no riciTYt nTTi: iilicat n s.
LanJ 0m, ItowtmrK. tr.. Aufi- i. HI
Nutira II brrrlijr (lfU Ibat (. llooinU
oamatl afltlrr baa filixl uhIIihj ol uia inl nhon
Id niaka Hnal ruo! In aiMil r( t-laiiu,
ml tbal aalil prool ill It mails brluro A
V Jnuiti. oounly claik of Uno rotiuly,
Orrnoo, al KtiK iiiily, lfin,
on Octtilwr K, Smm l II i i-U'-t
no hmuK'Mi'l fulrj N'i. Ml". f"r iIik V."
N W ami lula I. 'J, Vf '!', 1 1) 17 H 11 0 W
II Oaiura Dm lolluwili( w tl ti - In
iro hiK cool iuuoiia ri l'l iii-e umii bii.I
oullitallon ol, i'l lainl, i.: J-lui W
lloliiimti, t'laro lliK'alow. Tlionion Iniiian
aoil Iboinaa J Duikworlb, allot Kliuir4,
Laua couoly, Or. co
It. M. Vti n, I.i'Mfr.
NOTIt U FHU rnu.ii VTIOS'.
Lan. Om.f, UoarliuiK, Or , Ak'. :Ki. ''.'I.
Nollr la brtrl.jr ' l'oiH' J Mor
ian, widow ol N llluin J Morgan, ilirt-aanl,
tba foiUiwii.H nanicd liltr, I' lllcl null.
Ol bi t IlllrUIInO lo niakfl llll'll )nml ill UI
poll ol In rlaiiii, ainl tltnl aui.l I'IihiI will
La main Mora A ' Jmihiiik, nnuity rlitk
ol I.ana ooimly, Onunii, al Dhkhh'. I.anr
oonuHf. Ilrrvni, on Katunlif, IIiIhIh r III
IN'.U, u: William A Morgan on linmi
alixxt cMry Nil. li'.i'iii lor Ilia KW, Si;',,
NW hK',, Hhi Ill, T. Ill, SUB W.
bba Dauir Iba (ullowniK wiliifaM I"
pro bcr rotiliiiuoiia tti.i nre iion ami
cul Ivalion ol, aalil Uml, tir.: J iinn
boo. Julio Caiilrt'll, Jolin Miiliai'i aud O' o.
1' UoiKaii, all ol Ool.Unn, I Jiif coimly, Ol
i gun. It. M. Vati ii. li'vi-'1'
prooid's ErGiua-EeiBra-
Mm I ib, l kim I thaiiillttn, tilwl Immiitw,
t 111 UT Hlall NUI H In , IllaaS l )-
ti aim, (txii, KtliHr l'i-arUr, At i-I l'i
iawtwi. Aitirmiaa. Antt lat fr AI-ImIi
nthar 1 iiv, hi, '( and it
161 1. WnUra Annuo, CHICAGO
huM by all IthkkM.
VtTMItt rt. nit
W tJwaM atitmlf MtMaMtf
UoaM II II al tiaa I I tlMff Uf
MMa laMtn ft ha l alaM
Tal H N w "rT""
J , T " 1 -i"-. -r
CURK fr-.'ir-
M,U, Kugvne ln-gu.
Not caring lo carry orrnkfry
any longer, wo will tlisjxo
of our imnu'uso Httx.'k of
: Crochrj, Glassware, Etc. :
at jirici's that will surprise
Iialljr i.iiaid, K, .ii inir V
J. 1). MnlltH'k vlillitl IliwliurK
J. 1'. Hlit riniin, foriiu-rly of Citlifor
ii In, liun niovfil to Kiiufiii'.
K. II. IiikIiuihiukI fmiilly liv it
luriiid from u trlji uj llio Mt'Ki'iiiie.
V. II. Ahnuna wt-nl tt Ncrt
thin moriiiiiK tin a aliort buaiiuiM trip.
Mr. II. J. liny lm it liirntil from
vlMt in Jliilii mill 1'olk mil ii
lit. MIkm Carrl.i r'rli iiilly nrrlvt il lunne
tMliiy from it vUll ul I'lirvallla nml N
Itiii. Clnw. Vim Vrnukiii, It. H. llylniitl
uml T. A. .Miilioni, of Junction, ure ill
tl. Itt'ttiiinii l.i iiuraiiiK a ftoro liiiutl
witli ayiiiitoiui of IiIimmI wiiuilii,
tliu ri-aull of n cut.
Itt v. A. V. Liuiiaoinl w lff, of New
York, puitl lUiv. 11. T. tlllt nhort
vialt liort1 ycniiTiliiy.
A. M. Onliiirn uml fiiuiily, with tlif
vn plloii of hia wift, nru auk ut tlit ir
new I'rouliliilu Iioiik'.
MIm MhkkI" Croiior rctiirneil liome
ycntt-riliiy lioin n thrco uioiilh'a vinlt
on thu ii'x r Mt Ki iiitif.
J. J. Wnltoii, Jr., lift t Ii it moriiliiK
for Chill tuiHNK"i 'li'liii-, lo nltt ii'l the
I. (. O. F. aovuifigii lotl,t'.
'Mum. MulUty, who rttvntly wont
to Niowtirli SpilllK' mr hi liiallll, la
rt'jxirtiiluH KrowiiiK worm.
ItoUrt Mnrnli li lt toiluy for riiilu
tlt'lihlii. Mo will fiilti llio liiftllfitl
ili piirliiii'lit of the ri'iiliaylvnliln uul
vrrxily. Mr. Hum (iol.Uinilli uml t lillilrt'ii,
who hiivf Ut-ii vinit iitjt n lntlvt'n here
m'vitiiI thiva, rt'turiii'tl hniiio to l'ort-
luutl IliU moniiiiK.
Mi AIvh Kii'hnrilMiii, of rioitMiiit
Mill, who hiw Ixvmi on mi fxtfiitlftl
vlMl to Wuilu Wiillit, Wiiah., ruturiatl
hniiio tlila ulliTlHioll.
(I co. K. Kvniix nml fitiully, Into of
Miirni-y ( 'Ity, N h., Imvn lofittitl In
Kut'iiu. lit' whn foiiiu-rly county nt
lorucy ul Hint pliuv.
A. I'. Or.lmii.Ur, J. 11. Fouler, and
MuM.ra '. II. Foattr and Wulloev
lli-mli rsoii, t'uiiio ilown from IWIkuup
prliia llilitnlleriiiMin.
lloii. S. V. ('mi. I. hi nml Herbert
( 'on. Ion w ill a.Min if.) to Culiforuia to
took up it loeiitioii for the practleo of
their prol'iiMitm, llio luw.
MIh A. K. Ilurko nml llltlu wartlaof
(litkUnil. ( ul.. w ho Imve heeil kik-ihI
liiK aeverul week at llelklinp hprlnga
euiiiu tin w II on l.Mliiy a mngu.
It I rumoritl tlmt MImi Ni-llio Ap-
pltKnlr, formerly tint 1'oatal leleKrapli
t.'o'a oiMTntor hern will aoou lie liiurrletl
lo Mr. l'enee, thu rnilrtMtil agent al
Drui ii.
A. ('. HarUiiir. of Siualnw, liaa r-
tiirne.l to hla li.min on thu Hiualaw
from Kliiiimtli FnlU. 1IW tUiiirhleni
Kva ami Itoaa w III attemt aehool here
tlila winter.
W. II. I'iiuIi ami A. (Irny, retiirnetl
fmiu the I'oley apriiiKi htl evening,
lenvlnif for their homo thi moriiliiK
They killed a tleeror two and rnught
a treat iitiiniier ol trout.
K. F. Met 'lure, who lima aiMinl
liiK the Niimmer w ith lila fulka at their
fruit fitriit formerly known a a the Mail
tleii fruit platv, left for Miiineaoll
thi moriiliiK to tK'iiti uio winter.
Murk Humine rvlllo left on tliU morn
lnu'a train fur lliintliiKtou, Onvou,
w herv ho will deliver a drove of entile
troiu hi tliaiU eounty raueh to Koat
em inirehaiier on thu Utti. Hit w ill
eomo hack hy hiir l( k.
Ki rt'lpla of t'ooiity Olllt-rrt.
l)iirliiK I ho month of Aiiiiiit thu tv
tvlpta uiitler tho new nyateiii were a
Clerk I30I.2.V
The nnounccmcnt that Mim
I'ollanl in tfoinK on the itnge h-aJ
paier lo rt mark that tho has ai
hiu. Ii ri'lit to licoomo an aetroa aa
I!ntkinri'!t'' lian to lic-tuue a con
Crem-miiti. Vt i", ji't aa mui h.
Twenty-four tirat gold ia all
golil, twenty-two carat gull hua
twenty two parti of gold, one of
htlvrr and ono of coiiik r. eihtn
carat gold hu eighteen arta of
pure gM and throe part each of
ailver ami cnniT in Its pomponl
tion. Twelvo curat boIJ ia half
gold, the remainder being inado up
of four ami one-half parta of ailver
ami acven and ono-half parta of
.Stieiice aaya now that beauty ia
not akin deep. She can tell you
tlmt half the chann of a pretty
fitft nt leant the eipreaaion ia a
mutter of little muavlt-a and a com
plex luhrynth of nrve, and that
the curvea of the lip, the glance of
the eye, the drop of tho lida are a
mutter of the prevalent Ue of cer
tain inall mucclia in obedience to
a prevalent aaiK-ct of the tnind.
Moreover, that the uue of the orgnna
of exproioion hna come down along
anceatral line, and mat tne mouiu
of tho featurea thcmaelvea ia a quca-
tiou of heredity.
Conrcfman IirvckinriJge ia nut
yet renominated, aa aome aupotie.
A Lexington difpatch aaya: The
nrimuric, which will docidethe re-
milt in the Aahland diatrict, will he
held Saturtluy, Septeinlter 15. For
the cloning two weeki, Colonel
Breckinridge will rully h-i aup
xirterH, and his campaign commit
tee announcea niectinga uay ana
niijlit for every remaining day, all
over the district. Hreckinridfje ia
ajK-aking night and day. He will
HiMuk hero for the third time in
thin content Weclneitiay nignt.
I'he Owens and Settle campaign
committee)) aUo announce liala of
aM::ik('ra, among them being many
pruniiuent afieakcrs.
('oiniiUHBloaerk' t'oait.
Court met In court houae, at Ku-
Ifene, Oregon, Wwtlliewlay, Hepteiuber
IuilI mi III in lruM.lit Jllttirii
Kiak, Comiiiliwioiiera 1'erklua and Cal-
IImhi, Hherll!' Johnwiii, and Clerk
J en n In (J:
At thi time the follow ina hi 111 were
nntM'iited. conaidered and allowed by
the court and the dork wm authorized
to lira w w arrauU on the general fuud
In jiaviueiii 01 1 lie name to-wii:
O It llniiimerMly, 3 cougar acalpa
ut IJeaeh 6 00
Frank Ultitchtey, 1 coiitrar aealp 2 00
Oeo F Kli'hey. 2 couicar acalp
ul t'l each 4 w
F M lllulr. baulliiK dead man. 13
'IhIiiipiI. allowett z uu
I. Inn A Ivav. colli II aud box for
r .
burylim Jack Mclteiuu 15 no
Jaa Ii 1'iik'i'. MUpitliea for nauiiera I 2S
r. ii aiviveiiiiey j
iiIiihh A. i'ruilhommo. Mtatlonerv.
etnimed fJl.40. allowetl 24 00
V i;hwtirtii,lalltiiiery 1 4o
A C Jeiinltiic. itatloiiery, eto 3 10
ImlW Ouard, Hvolcmhar h.
Jtweph K. Hmlth, falher of C. M.
Sinllli. who rwaldea on Weat Fifth
Htreet, died till afleriioon of pcrlloui
tin. m-ceaafd wu 78 year of aire
ami wu born In New IIauihire
He came to Oregon acveral year
aK ami liaa aluce resltlexl with lila
noii. The remain will I embalmed
hv I'liilertaker 1. 1 nil A Kay and
hlpH-tl, Friday morning lo Ibiekford,
Groceries is Cheap ts t!;e Cheapest
Call early ami have a largo
nssortnu'iit to jiit k from.
Eugene Loan and ttsfe:
lz:::zn to :ii mui Kinl int.
Incorporated with a Capital of $G0,
000, with $30,000 Paid U.
Tutitl f3.s5.30.
In I. Inn county the retvlpta were:
Clerk, tUK.taj; rtmler, H0.30; herlir,
Ki.hkk Nkixim HKili'uit. Corval
lia Tlinta: "John Henry," writi
from Alm'a: "J. M. Nelnon ha aliak
eu the iluat of Alaea from hi f.'l. It
la Willi every tli ha hi liny. Nelatill
had hia day In Una bailiwick, no be took
bldearture at iiltfht. Whether he
vhtwe the alleiit hour of IiiIiIiiIkIiI In
eriaw tho mountain for the ake of
cooler Iravellnu. ir whether be feared
tune one be bad tlcfrnilded would ive
him trouble, or heeauae he ciHil.l not
tiear to ahuke hainU Willi the brethren
of the i linrcli and tell them be could
aerve Ilit in no louder aaeltler, latiie
t 1iii of VM(iie umx ruinly."
IVmi III vi k. Corvalll Inforuirr:
V. 1. Ilin nil, of 1'ortlaiitl, who, by
nv, l a k-rent hunter, came up
lav, ami In eomiiaiiy with Itoy
and l .lin. r Kula r, took a hunt llirouuli
the country. He niurilttl home to
tlay, tukinu with lain one of i. liner
Itnla r'a il.ya, for w Inch he mltl foo."
It. ttiilly llil Miuti t lit Ionian pur-liiii-t
l two l nr il.'k- of John Imiin, of
Mt Ktiut.e I';.-, pa nig him 1 1.'0 lor
t lit in. rrlr-l ii.j.-i I., rhr. I Intrr,!
alloarl on liuw 0rp,KB, i). I .m na
appruvti art-uitiy.
Paa.ilttrr ... J i' ( III in H.
l.a I'auioaar II 0 I'tINt
Ciaaiaa t .-i.l KM
The fnrvna Ian an1 taviiij,. itA.ik hi.1ih.ii
4ixt lMtb a t i.mttim lal aifl .r. I.,.,
and jir all I r-i i o. m .
loaa lalurrt ul IL lilt tt.H .. mil.
fcj what t.Hl urr, 7...1 r.. ti lit a i
eoffimunlt.ra tlirrv ara many rr,.i. l n.iit
aolUlt.aa, ht. h, II R.M'lr.NIll in aoma
or iuau.'l, will I atwnl in on !
It la dimrQil Ut l.u amall anaom,!,
pan tw pot In a aavina Laiik ai.4 fta.U- l. tr,i.
auma rvttirtta. hviirvtog Itat lh lima t.aa
coma Utr lha aacrvaalul ,.wrniifn a hvli.
ktaiik la lloa romtaunit, wa awllrlt (.Mil fV
fuoafa la UtU atattx.
Thk t'ANNHBY. The dlreetuni of
the F'.ueeiie cannery held a ni. etliiK
thi week and dlacuMied tho matter of
drvimr ami canuinit fruit. Itwaa de-
eiiletl lo renew the old ol!Vr to pay one-
bull a cent M'r pounu lor green prune,
or dry theiu for two oenta ht oound,
orirlvethe following amouiita of dried
prune for each iJ lb or ureen one:
li pound of Italian, 111 lb of Silver
or 1H lint of French. A Mile will be
dried oil tho allure. A number of
k-rowera will ay for the dryinu. The
crop of prune ia about the twine at
Itotl year. The canuery will can toma-
toe and (H'ara If they call las obtained
at reasonable pnoea. Any lunner lit'
format Ion will be kIvvii Ukiii appllca'
lion to J. II. McClung.
OioxioN HTATK rBIHOM. Xaleni
Journal: The window frame of the
new addition to tba state priaon build
liiK are In plaee, towering alNive the
wail, and uive an Idea of the dimen
sion the structure will amume when
finished. There were JUJ 0011 viol In
the penitentiary al noon today. One
year airo, t n McptnilT 1, 1m3, the
number was Sii; so that, dtplte tbe
cry of bard times aud consequent ln
creaae of eriiuos airalnsl property.
which are rife lu every state east of the
mountains, Oreiron has enjoyed so fair
a condition or property, ana uuriurt
audi law abiding coiiiiiiunltles, that
the cliwluK of our era of panlo leave
her with fewer criminal under dure
than there were at the beginning. It
i not likely any other state In the Un
ion cau make the same showing.
A Xkw Varicty. Conrallla )-
netto: A new sort of barley liaa been
prottaaTBled In North Dakota that
promisee to fill a long felt want, la
that state the aventire yield baa been
from .10 to 40 bushels per acre. It Is
taitli In-anile and Is without a hull,
w tilth nun It have been obtained after
year of aciontiflo experiment In cross
rertiiiatlon. A sample or nils new
variety w a grown at tbe experiment
atatl.'ii here during the preartit scwaoii
ami I'rof. French Iiok s to have geiier-
allv lutroilucfd throughout the aisle
within a few year. As it contain
more marly the coinjiosltion of corn
than any oilier irralu irruwn, Its Intro-
diitiloh Into this atate will be a boon
to Oregon farmers.
A Ki'Mmkh HoTKl- Newport eor
rrHiiitleiii to the On Konlaii: Ihir
IliK the mal week till placo has lieru
viailel by a arty of San Franciacn
cnpitallsta, who are nevTtlalliig for a
site on which to erect II rat flaa auni
nier hotel. It I to coat not leas than
M Alii II I'. Ill t hi tll.V Tucad.tV af
li riiiNUi, t pt. 4 at the o-aitleiiee l the
oi!li'iu(iii( mini. I. r, Itrv. Harry U
Ikuiiilinaii, Sir. .lveaier h e amliiiui an. It I their intention
Mi Carrie Mcial were uniletl In ive it completed in ti-ne for next
iiiarrhi.e. 0 mn. It will be furnished with all
-. $ modern eonvcnUntva, and will la? aut-
l'a''f .. .at.i. !Sr-i.nir. ' pi ail with a variety ol amusements
M..i: lltHk. Aiioll T rarUntd of ' ral.-tilntr-d to n-aiat an miner vlaitors to
mm Ui.k i t'diiiciii lrk w aa lii -.l foun here to et the days In ail sicrermble aud re
,1 New Vork by f. H. ineiidly lotl.ty. i Inkling utsntier. If ibis pn.jeet I
- i carried out in tue manner ana styir
N iMl-.r Juii.-a lin. renounced the rw- j cotWeitipUte.!, it will enable Newport
piil titnii party and Is now a full ! to takt the ptawawlon of the flnesl
IK-iiil populi.t, j au miner hotel on the northwest coast.
M IT -l .r' It has iKtil ui-nerieil
by those who, while not railroad of
ficials or ciiiplovc, aro in a t.i-i-
tion to know, that the following
facta exist. ... ,
Railroad mileage "I the Uiiteti
rjtatea about 17.'i,00).
Ilond and clock debt ubout 11,-
Alleged coht ulxillt f J,.J ,!
A,.ln,.l .-,..( bitaed on Ut tuill llg-
ures, from D7 rla. f-,52Hl3.'IOI(JUi).
rub io gift to raiiroauii in uinn,
bonds and int. reitt on a.itne, com
buted bv savingt banks rule", f2,-
llahinci', actual in vi-hihiuiiw in
ua a u linle. tirovilk'd I till
directora have nut ht'".-l the whole,
Average net eurnii:gt r June oi
road, uftcr paying big salaries and
tha nun nf audi convincing argu-
menu aa may have boon ncitlitl or
available on lcgiclutive, judicial or
executive oflicialn, about f-'OOO.
Total for the Lniteti nana,
Yeatorday'a .Salem Imleiiendont
has the following account of the
lutetit act in tho railroad coin in i
ion farce:
"The railroad commitMon In Id
a meeting at tho utato Iiouho yt-Ktcr-
duv. Itcsidoa iruniiacling routine
hiirtincas the Sum liter valley rail
road, running from lUkcr City to
McKwonvilltJ, wna conijR'Unl lo de
list tho abuse ol overcharge. The
wheat tarilT tjutflittii on the O. II.
A N., that hna btrii landing inves
tigation for a year, waa ulao adopt
ed. It make a cotiriiderublo reduc
tion in freight from lVndleton to
The ciuniiiiisioii finished the ex
amination of the rcjKirtitof tho var
ious railroads today, excepting a
few that prayed for 30 days more
time, aa they hud been delayed by
the recent Hoods. Thoco that were
finished will go into the hands of
the alatc printer and tho few re
maining will be examined at the
next ttesaion of thu board. I lie
members of tho board took tho 1:10
local today for Portland.
Grand Itomle frultKrnwer are aliln-
ping large miantlties of fiuit to Denver
ami tuner r-uHiern (x.nna.
i CoTToLaw) CoTmma ICnrtmjaai
FRYI2IQ ?hll
Has come not a little
knowledge as to cook
ery what to do, as well
as what not to do. Thus
we have learned to use
the most pure and per
fect and popular cook-
ingmatcrial for all frying
and shortening purposes.
Is the natural outcome
of the age, and it teaches
us not to uu lard , but rath
er the new shortening,
which is far cleaner, and
more digestible than any
lard can be.
' The success of Cotto-
lene has called out worth
less imitations under
similar names. Lookout
for these! Ask your
Grocer for Cottolknk,
and be sure tlmt you get it
lta.1 onl? ba
it. K. r AIRBANK . CO..
. . t orrii.aMn q l'.rrt.i.aa , gy
t-.'TT.a i '.Tt.'tanal
?; ," i
...r. t t,t-.-,'",; " "
A Pago From Her History.
The Imiairtant etpcHrorca of ot rra ar,
Inlnwtlii. Tba foliowlntf u t. f. ;.l '..o
"I bad lw tr.HiNlr.1 with beait tllj.-.' i.
Iaara. ma. h i. that time trrv aorhHiv,. ,m
rar I waateoatnl I f mte l.t.i. m . .
tlntiHtolr. I waa la l.tMlnrw. I .n oi t . t.
ri-tlrw on nvmint of siv A i.l.
ai.ian lul.t ml (rirnUa I con I.l n: Ii. .
awwth. ljr fwt ai,.l Pnil wtr. 1. 4.1 ,
k-a. anil I ass In. 14 la s arrnaia 1.....1 :,r
wtM-n a ffntirman ttin-tisl biy a'lft.i.. n t
I. MiW Nfw llrartt tin, ami .11 1 1 1.1 I
aair. who had bt B aflll. ird wlih t.. -it 1.1
aaa Sad hc-a ctintl t.y tit ai. l .1-s-ala
a iiimi, hraltbir woman. I i 11. I...-.-.I
slamieoT th Hrart t tin and In l-a imp
SB hour aftrr takins lha Srt iI.m I r......l
1.4 slM'i.irU Imorx.v. it In 010.-1111.11,.
Of BiV hUaat. Wbn I 1... . I.lrn 1 1 . I
roul.l smiv S9T aakiava. i.jtliiiiff I h., .M
4je-a f.r auMitha an.l mr llmlai hud hrrn ...!-
rv a.m. U alrmt p.ilri' 1
r wtf Uiltla of tl. N.-
ai. an t ura in aarinnd sad all "io- tl. n.
an.l I waaanaato k l-tn-r I.I..I n.r on
work. Oa at? rai-tttiiFM.naatim-i an r arv
laklii ibta talualilr tvim-Jj klra. l..H-to.
lo W. Ilarrl-.o St.. I hi. an.l. Ill
IT. IIiIm' . H rati I una. a tllwvrrrrT tt an
emlnrnt anra lalut la Imtrt mvav.aa.i.1 I'r
an arrarratata tan a piMitira KiiArranira. .a wn
tjr tha It Mlkoa Mi-.ll.-al t v Unhart, In.l .
ra'lp of prlrw. II pvf hot I If, ail I..IM f,
.eneaaa sn-naia It la n,Mlllj Um rtjB
aU oyitlaa ar uWajwua ilrua.
k-w aoluuj that llw
I. f. bad Uar
Tho Orcgoiiiau boiiH wild un
fiiriita ut nil tinns w l.fii the tarill
iuc!ttim i at i-Mic Tho Albnuy
Jleino nil r.i)a:
Tho Ih-mocrat lm fretpjently
calktl uttenlioii to the uiifairnei-a of
tho Orcgiitiian in it trealmoiit of
tho tarill tjucutioii.
Hero ia another sample:
"llopgrowers on tho Pacific coast
ore disconsolate becuuao their pro
duct brine, 8 cent per pound,
agaiiibt 17 u year ago. The duty
has been cut down by tho Have
inevtr bill from 15 bi 8."
'1 here can Ik but one iiupreasion
tnatlo ujhui tho mind of tho ordi
nary Uo:i rcatling the, ami that m, that llio reason
nhy boj.s have gono dottn in price
is becuuro i ho tarill" bus been ro
dfutd from 10 toSctnU jr ouud.
This is the hupret-sioii intended by
the Oregonian, though it i very
cartful to avoid raying that that is
tho rtusoii of the decline in price.
Thousands of its unthinking read
ers will read it and accept it as the
reason of tho decline. I his etyleof
tiiaiiiluii:ing thu props that suport
the protection nclicinu is not new
It is resorted to iroiueiitiy by near
ly ull protection organs. If the re
duction of tho duty from lo to 8
cents per ouinl i tho cause of the
decline, tins decline could only bo
brought ubout by heavy importa
tions from foreign countries.
There can bo no tarill protection
for any lino of products, largo
quantities of which ure sent abroad
... . I II!
Iroui tins country anu bom in coin-
jietitiou Willi tho foreign product.
For years we buvo been ntuding
lions to London uud helling them
in coin petition with the worlds
product in tho world a market
Under such conditions it matters
not whether our rate of duty is 15
or M cents ler ttoumi. mere
could be no protection to tho hop
grower in such rates. I his proiw
sition tho Oregouian will not deny,
yet by indirection it leads lis rend
ers to Ix'Iit've the converge is true,
As an ration of the matter we
refer our readers to tho following
facts and stati-tics taken from the
records of the treasury department
at Washington. Tho amount of
lions iiniiortt'd from loreign conn
tries into tho United Stab s for the
year ending June 30, IS'JI, was
8'.'S,0"J2 pound. 1 be amount ex
Htrtetl from tho United States to
lorcicii countries during the same
jieritHl was 17,172,-ril pounds. It
is clear from this that tho price of
hops in this country, like tho price
of wheat, is determined by the
I.dihIi.ii prices of there prjducts.
This fact tho fully un
derstands, but as a faithful organ
of the protected combines of the
country it iuumI not give publicity
to such f.ict.i.
(.0011 AliVKT..
Melvillf, tho bank defaulter,
aged ... viiim, who lias j tint latii
ciiiivuttd in Ctliforina, gave this
advice j'ift as he was leaving San
rraiKisco ior ran tuenini:
"Ktt ji out of debt; pay your bills
as vou g ; " i. t bov a Hint of
clothes until you can pay tho t.iilor
tho tlay ho delivtrs it. Kat a din
ner that costs f I it vou have vnur
own money lo pay for it, but if you
t .. . . i .. - .1:
nave oiuy a iiu.'irier, get a uiiiucr
for a quarter. There is no safety
for a young man in debt, and if
any youngftir inclined b good liv
ing ami the luxuries of life is
tempted to indulge himeelf beyond
what i in his Hnket to pay, I ut-k
him to rttip long enough to think
of William I!. Melville lieliiml the
higb walls over across tho buy.
Ji ruMilcm is gmw injr in populu
ti.m hj rapidly since the railroad
has Ihi ii opened, and tho surplus of
Jewish wanderers found a way
there from other Kastern parts,
that the Turks have been stirred
out of their cotit-titutional btujior
long enough to consent that the
town's water supply le improved.
The contract, which has been
awarded, involves the outlay of
1100,000 and contemplates the
utilization t.f the an ient nqueducts
upp--ed to date from Solomon's
reign, and to which i.t-w conduits
uro to bo joined.
I'o it C.W.O'okni a. Ibwcburg Plain
driller: II. K. ll:ip r.. It went to
lVrtliind Siilnr.lay nlk'l't wheie be
Joined tl. NV. Hunt, the Well known
railroad man. Tnillier they go from
then1 to l'ort Itrtti;K-, Mciiil.Kilio coun
ty, Cat., w here Mr. Hunt Iscnirnged lu
hullilini; a ruilrond. Mr. Hapi-frM-it
Kia-a to accept the m rintt n.ley of the
aame, timl lioine will l there in
the ftitun. Hi family will rviiiHlu in
Itoat Uir for the pre nt but will pnv
I al ly Join him U fore long Their
many frieinN in Korel.urg deeply re
giet tlitir tlepnrture.
a. as
'ki-m Avmk i.t riov. Among olhtr
aa w ho w ill H.I.!r--i the Oregon
I'n-s . ittllnli hi I'lildletoll Willi.
Hon. Woo. II. Moll. II, editor of tl.e
I'i ii Inn. I Iily T U gram, ami Hon. C.
J. Curtia, eli lor of the Aboria Herald,
ami member-. Uvt of the next legisla
ture. Itoth tlie- gentlemen are elo
tiieiit and ei liTtiiiniiig saakera. The
IYii.ll. toil tliig nuuima to U-a
grainl suit-c, alnl eiy e.lilor and
publisher in the Mute sli.ul.l arrange
to In- prest llt.
ColtnKiT.M. Heli ns Mod: Oneof
the rlrwt nieasun a that shouM tvevlve
llie attention of the m il l gilsture 1
one erealing a n axinmm fieight rale
to 1 charged by the nulrtwd of I lie
slate. Such a lneaii.-e, If framed In
the Interest of the st.ite, would Is
eoiitbiclve of much, to the far
mer first, ami, mwi tlly, to all oilier
thip r. The law , if properly incor
poratetl, would no! mpple the rs I
road. and wimiI.I put a atop l.lieriiii
inating iu favor or against ci rtaiu imll
viduala aud louklilic.
Catllra leaiMlrr Dwaslale.
ClIK AH). Sepl. 8. Heia.rlS to the
Tribune from jMirtlou ul Mlnnewita,
Michigan ailU V latnitsili, IU which
forest llres are laging, sikiw
that the lomsol liroiry al a low call
UiatO bu ulieutly Ivuelied 10,000,000,
not Incluilliig staiiding timber de
stroyed, but eveu worse In the Iowa ol
life, which, II la leareo, win n-uvii a
bigll a 10"0. Aixiui M towns nave
U-. ii tleairoMtl. driving thouaauds of
fnmilies Iroui hollies.
I'lm lletald sumiiiury is as ioiijws:
"si i, .una wined out and more liuiu
i tit ail ia the record made by the for
est Dies In Minnesota III the last -1
hour, lu Hinckley. Mtiidstone, i"okt
gmiia, humlsloiie Junction, hkunk
Lake, and Mission Creek there are 366
known dead. IU amnuou severni
buiidretl are missing, wbilo from l'sJ
to JU0 ieople are stuttered on farms
throughout the district burned over."
The Times call mutt at leust 600 mt-
sous ilcuU a loliows: iiiiicaier, -s.j
r-uiiiUtolie, 40; Suliilstolio Junction, 'J;
rokeguiiia, 'Sf, Hkunk laike, -"J; I'lm
tow ii, 111; Mission Creek, U; l'artriilge,
h; Kulllu lliver Junction, U; Carlton; 3;
Kutletlge, 2; inlstflliilieous. HJ.
He torta from the forest Dres received
al tho Northwestern and NN'laconsiu
Ceiitrul ruilway lieadiUartvr ttalay,
showed a fearful loss of life aud de
struction of proerty. The Northwest
ern ntfived word at 10 o'clock that a
heavily loaded freight train had been
abandniied oil a burning bridge. An
oillclal subl the reMrts indkuted that
unless the lire swept region rvcelved
ruin the havoo would lw worse today
than yesterday. The Wisconsin Celt
Iral service was butlly dtiuorall.etl.
1'rofessor Moore of thu weulber bu
rtuu here, predict hard rain fur thu
burnt region today, aud a light rain
full begnu hero during the forenoon.
A. J. F-urllng, local mumiger of the
Milwaukee tV M. I'aul railway, says:
"Forest tires are still ruglng betwetu
Hiduow and Ontagunn, lu the north
fill renlnsula of Mliinesotu. The
wires have been tlowu north of Iron
Mountain slue Sunday evening, aud
we are unable to get any information
today. Finest llres are also raging
along tho line of our NVIcouiii Valley
division at Ncceduh ami Itutlolph,
about seven miles north of Urnud 1 tap
Ids. Considerable damugo has been
done to the erun berry marshes."
Ilrrs In .n lc I ;.
Ihiii kmimi. Mich., hept. 3. A lurge
amount of timber and larni ero lias
beeu consunietl near lslieiiilng.
Thiio are big llres south and wt-nl,
closv lo the dwelling.
Hunts' Uacbiue.
I'Mf. NVushburue, of Corvallls, give
the lollowiiig account of llio ta-aeli
mining on south Uach, bulow Now-
rort: Along the bench south of Heal
lock considerable activity is show ll
by resident millers and others III ex
tracting Due go d Iroui the black siiud,
which faextreiiiely abundant. Homo
of this ruind vld. Is lino return, nml
soiiio I not worth working. One
area, not exceeding twenty yard
square, is saitl lo have yielded tltl.ouo
worth ol the vai ariieio not. very tong
ago. The scene of operation is ul
way at or neiir tho slnt where some
little creek contributes its might to thu
occitn. It witter U leil into a liopixr
lino which gravel and sand is shoveled
by llio Industrious, miner. The Hue
sand separating from the course gravel
I carried through the stive ultimately,
reaching a long sluiiv Ihix of matched
lliHirlint. atsiut two feel wide, down
which it is curried by the water. The
sluice boxe are sold by limit a A
NViiieke. ami previous to being used
are stmketl in a chemical solution
which bus such a strong aillnlty for
the gold tlmt W0 cririit of the gold lu
the sand, it I cliiimttl. cling to the
sluice ami i saved. He tbul u It may
the writer saw a generous coating of
"the velloW" on a box In neutll one
sieve," llie result of ulsiul six bonis
work. Just what this chemical is, Is a
secret of the inventors. Thu boxes ure
m-cnurcd bv Iheni and warranted to
Inst a certuin length of time, are sold
to would Is' miners, who can obtain a
renewal of the elieiiiliid from time, to
time nt a nominal cost. l'nrtlea w ho
are working some of these claim tell
mt thev ure making tZ a tlay eiu h,
two nu n to the eluiui, which I fuir
w aires for these t hues ami far Utter
t linn doing nothing. Tl.e return fre
quently exceed this, ai d have Urn
known to reach as high us f Jl a day
for a aerie of iIiivh. The gold is
brusheil-oll tlielsixtsiin.l w hen enough
bus Urn colltrtetl to warrant a clean
lint un. it I treated with mercury nml
the pnslucl sold to parties wh for
ward It to the mint.
Didn't Come Hack. Alhai.y Dom
irrat: On July 11th Mr. John ilninil
ton. nimtmaster ami merchniit at Tull
man. came to Albany on biisiuesn, and
bus never returned, nor are his where-
alsitit known. His brother, A. J.
Humilton, of this city, knows nothing
alsiut him. It U thought ho "ski oped
out." Hi isistofllce acetmnt were
practically straight, but he owed Allen
A I a-win il53, which Mr. Hell, of Tall
man as surety, has had to muko gin-xl.
Ii You Have
Sore.", Boiln, or
any other nkin disease,
the Suj)erior
and Spring Mcilicinc.
Cures othern,
will cure you
III trim Haas Man U
MAI.KRA, Cal., Kept. 3. ' ....
moiiil, at 6 o'clot k lust evening , ''
Hiiiienu was loaluntly kllltil u' n
ry Skelton, of Madera, r-k. Ii..
Iroui here to Itnyhiiiiitl u-,t, ,, ,x ,
while I here wu apprtuehul , ' ' j '
can, who asked biiu to tM. '
Hkellou rt fused, Slid w its s. i uM, , "
Duncan ami others, nml ,i, , , '
torn oil', lie took refuge in I4 i.uri.
..ip, where he w tut followtd l,v i,.
a 1 1 . i-i . UU
mi'iu-i ;ii.h-ii, nrjr were Ih.i h.
lacked by Duncan and l,i. , ,,,., "
It ns, who bail ns ks w ill, w l.i. i, ,, . ..
made motion to Milke. ll.iry
seized a basebnll bat uml striii-k iilh.
can on the forehead, ilt uiii r -uinnJ
lllstautly. Hkellou gave Inn... t
Constable Laraiuoru and will u- ,
to await the actiou of the Ctiroii. i i..
quest this afternoon.
MAKyfKTTK, Midi., S ot. ;i t
Suitli Hhoro e press pulUd in n,rt
morning ninny hours lute, uii, r un
citing run through dense- smoki-aiui
walls of lire, ami over burning i.r
The wires are all down, un t,,,,,
along the lino are U-lieved u. ,rt.
twunl asa Hi tu, H.
Kviaiirrr, NVash., Sent. ;t -i
county commissioner Imve slm,,.,) u,e
order culling an election to v.ite on
the removal of the county h hi fn.n.
Huoliohiish to this place.
Tli a Stwla llaicliMlr.
OitKoox City, Kepi. i-N.iii,!,,,.
w ill U' done this year towutd taking
salmon nw on the Cluckuinus f.,r ,
Uiilltil Htates hatchery. Ih.. I nil(j
hlnttn llsh collillibnlolirr, l.i.urVfr
will have charge of the slide lit.t. I,, ry
on the Hlusluw, and, U-sldt s tl,;., iris
purulioiis are U-ing untile for n itn ,
supply uf eggs I mm the .-unly ,r
treatment al the Claekiimiis Imii'i,, rv.
Hurliiteliilt'iit Hubbiird will l:,!'
lilUlgl) Of tiemtlollS Hi Im.Ui p.l.rt a.
HaSIrs Me lr Un svrrrtf.
Dt'M'TII, Seit. 3. The Fveiiing
Herald luw Information that tin-total
nuiuls-r of eori h'tovered I n mi t lie
forest tire so fur I 31 i
Sing la Taitli In t'ontriniuu,
NKW YollK, Hept. 3. Sindi-lax
men from all over the stute nu t ni ti.i:
vent Ion today. Among tho-a- .rt-nt
are Dr. McOlynn uml Congn ssiuau
Mciiulie, of California. Henry I -rge
waa not present. It Is mui! I,. j lj,.
swell to any political action l y tiie
single tuxers this ytur.
Tks llres ami ltu(iug
LtiUNliTOX. Hept. 3. l-'i.n-.l I'll.,
are still raging Ihroiighoiil tl..-...un.
try. Acics ot valuable timb. r nml
farm lund hnvii U-eii i!tstro,nl. kit
tle rs are endeavoring to i-uv. 1 1 . t ir
lioiiies, and help I U-iug sent from
this city. Tbe luko ia ct.iiiiuu.illy
covered with smoke, luukilig nu Ra
tion tluugerous.
t'wuirsl II ua l.aststl Itiu'i
OA. VAC A, Mexico, Sept. 3. The oill
clal ol the state govellimelit hi re luive
reeeivtd fuither liiforiiintioii iu rt f ird
to the eoullict U-lweeli the p.o..e if
Hall Miguel, Ai'huituhi uml Ap ...tul.
The cause of thu nlliny wus a i milliii
of elnluiN a to the Isiiuulary u
twtrll thu two plaits, 'llie lattle
lasted two days. Alsiut '2't were Kill. d
and 0 wounded. The riilul
llnully arrived and the buttle v
btojistl ami 30 of the leader on nu ll
itlo weio nrresled. Mule li-oopn ure
camiietl lu 'he town to pr-vent l.. a
ahetl. The collU-st b.-twisll tie-twn
towiiNovt-r the correct Isiiilnlary bus
Urn ill progress for ulinost a eciituiy,
uml many blootly condid have (aki n
ttluran Olllrrra Hi wimlril.
IoMmin. H-it. 3. A Tieii-Tsln if
patch says an ImportHiit lieeive l.oi
lss-ii issi ttl rewartlitigtii nernl Veli Mi'l
other Chinese ullltt rs for their vh ti.ry
over thu Japanese tris.jw at l ing
Yung. A Hllalighal dinpateh suys It v.- unr
steiuncrs w ill convey the trot ) I" U'
sent to Formosa. Thu work of. li idl
ing the Chinese fort works on i!.i,i-t
is U-iug pushed w lib till h: -If. ',..r
mishes Utween Chintse uiul J: puiii -e
tnsips are iHt-uriug at scver d iu
Coreu. Ill every case victory i t limn
ed by t-ucll side.
1 he Irish I una.
Di'iu.iN, Sept. 3 nil.!.- r'r
n sK)iiileiiee I Uiug imlulgt-d in I
t ween Irish im-mUr of -nt 1 ii.nn-it
over (iluilstone's reivnl itmi i ll iitioli to
the Irish fund, llcaly wrilts li.iii in
stead of (ilailstni.e la-llig nskidto vil
tcrilH' to the fuuil, a uieiiioriai i-lioiilil
huve Urn preseiiletl lillii out i f Mie
fuiul. T. D. Hullivitu il. tli
malingers ol llio Irish pitrt an- re
sMiiisihlu fol llio eirculur sent ! lirit
iah uiemU'r asking for sul s. fpliolis
and adds: "There I no iit-ct-iiy f"r
upiK'ullug to Kugllsh pnilies."
l ana Agalual the Japan. .'.
UlMHIN, Hepl. 3. A ilisplitt'li I" 111
Times from Hbiingluii t'Hluy n..v- tin
Jlipnliese Muhjul Haignolic landed at
Chemulsi, August Mh, nml it i urutii
iatcd the king of Con n I1hiIi i.: in
attaint d hi iiiiltrnilemv. Hi dis
patch adds the Jiipltliese bold id III
jireselit the provinw-s of Heoiil, 1 1 aii
go ami llie country around th treaty
isjrts. Tho reinulndcr of llu roiinirv
Is auid to U III Mssessi'Ul of uriiml
ImiiiiIs of Corean. It Isstati d V- f cl
ing against the Japanese iu dr. it
I li creasing, and the natives an i'ia
liienciiig to wage u guerilla warfare
against them.
An Allard nurdtrcr lrrd"
AHI.IMiTtiN, Colo., Sept. -MS'
ron J. Kent, formerly a protnim nt n-al
estnteaml Insurance ninii of Mai-'l".
N. D., bus btrii arrestttl Inn- I a de
tective of Mini. eiiH. lis. K!d '
rl..r,..,l u ll Ii . V iu !' "
dr uf Ilia w ife. Mnn ll 1J. I - 'I.
eiiiU r.l. ii. cm ami forgi-ry. He
uu.h r tlio iiume of J. C. I' - -worketl
on a ruilrond a
riahf.d la Itcntb
HTnt'KToN, Cal., Spt. 3 -1"! !
Hurutlt, a young man, while d;
a grain wiigmi this iimnm -.
I l.r.iw n fr.iin Ids ai at to tin- 1 1
Hie wheels passing over Olid 1 ! .
Iilin lo tl. nth.
Tralwa lluanms-
I-At' Cl.AIKK. NVi.. Spt. "' "
l ist Irsin fiom the north, on ll i'
bit rtsM.1. rearlit tl In re al ' ' l"1 s
iir lav ufu-rinsMi, and no trm.
gone out or 111 sliitv, t xtrpl " 1 '
irnin sent fioin Fjiu Cluire
morning. lUilro.-nl tm n -w
hole region, from Csrlw n.-iii ;"
sliaw inn 1 laiigbeii, has I"' i. "
silioc faturday ut i n.s.n. I'r '! ' "
burned wires are down, nnd
km.wa w ben Iralna willUr..'
Oiiiilia train, wbith came I ', l.a.k 1J men. wolian
ehlldn-n from the buim-d vn.
Itiee Ijtke, the coii-luett r I . k.
get the refugees after lie I. '
II. rough without si. ' pii. i-N'thwi-hrn
l.uiuUr t ..ui ':
npftsof fresh lire along ' '
t I lire river. One i.f H e 0 m a!
l...M l...t ..1 tall till ft. t ' I
bur'nrd on thets.t sh and ' 1
Ulieve there would U a tr.e I- 1
rsln comes. One of ll.e '
owners of Ibe lUrnfiirM 1
j C..tiiliy'a plant saa Ibe 1- ''
tJ si.iajo. A sr-iai in-in
3S032J3S0SSC32O " u "M l Cre-
CO ff T.P-3.1
3urosn wur
fv kaVrnMl buy iu
1. It la txul t Lifhl brrv At bom.
it U mi nt th rrr fltt
ttWta-rUwi ftntl ta apmniiiUafi
In evafjr rrfjt rtiai uf
'.ps-rtcr to Utm tj brc.
S Tbr maker ari-iraj,xite rrrrr
lift aivl rr-y rTT l
uthtrrtw. lo rMum jnnr
Uuory ll a bv iwMsWt I fsu-lury
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