The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 01, 1894, Image 9

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    l By Authority of Congress.!
U. S. Gov't
Baking Powder
The report of the analysi s of Raking Powder, made
by the l S Government (Chemical Division, Aj'l
Uep't), show 4 the Royal superior to all ether powders,
anJpvcjiti leavening strength and thcstrcngthofcach
of the other cream of tartar powders tested us follow s :
fwottl Cubic la. OA.
kOYAL, Absolutely Pure. ij.oo . . 160.6
u.jH . . 151 1
The OTHER POWDr.RS I 11. ij . . ijj.6
TUSTr.D are reported to con- ' . , uj.a
tain both lime anii sulphuric . o.jj . . 114.
add, and to be of the follow- ) . . 111. 6
I rig fttrcnglltt respectively, S.oj . . 06.3
7- 7-4
These test., made in the Gov't laboratory, by impartial
and unprejudieeil ofTit i.d dicmUls, furnish the highest
evident c that the " Ro ai " is the best baking powder.
SKE BCLIEVlS in matrimony.
tlr. S.ener II Verrle.l I leven Tims
W ith tartlii HurrrM,
"All tl r-. uril 1 I..-I.I time vvlilow
(I 1! Iiiiw lir.I..-ii int.. print Lit. ly nn kiso
rf- lt." t :i ..r.T Collin ..f Inili
.in.i t ' it ''liliu" i'iinis In. ill. There's a
V...111111 down hi imr Mr. Jlr Sis-n-i.r
nf llourls.n w Im ImliU tin' world's
n . r. 1 if miirrl.-ijiT. I think. I r. Ss-in-er
I- j it t noil fivii y frtiv Miu Intnii'l li.-nl n
liu-lsind fur live fmn or so, but sin) aiu't
y ti m hi.
II V. a person : v Iiiijk'Iihh anil tli prey
nf i'i-..iir. Mil1 U L tlnin no yinriilil
iiiiw 11 mI lll iiillve initiiy a innn who
Imi'I ili a ) t.
' .Mr. .':nvr hiu timl II hin-lmmU
Siiiioitf thi'in kIio IIkxI nf hy ili'nth,
ami utlii nt lu piirtiil wltli at tlio etui i f
a liiutiilt; till nllirnt II11I fnim I11T. Hie
lia vrn klml of rlilliln n. Kmirnf hrr
iniirrlinf wt-re unliliwJ liy any of tluw
jiii );! nf n!T.' ti'HI.
'.-In' 11:11 nnilly lirul ! U-uIn wiiMiil lifi
virlv to innUn in li a nnliln muni, llff
11 inn' v.ik nrliiinlly Cnimii A. It. Lynn
ni. Ixirn In I 'rank h uvl I !.;ii.-ii
i.niniv, X. V . mi"! ratlin wot Willi li t
(iniily In I .Vi. Tivii y.nni latir, wlnn
Ik-Wat living iliiwii Maxltikiirkiii way.
In Marshall rnimty, rliv wn niarrlnl t.i
Nrluiil llniki', a rarit titiT. f-lin win uiilv
ID yrarx nlil thi n. Uraki' illnl In alirt
titnr, 11111I kbi nrxt lut nnio tlm wlfi of a
nan 11111111x1 llul rt. Hiiwik a rl nf
trilling. 1111 mi-mint rritti-r, I Jtulm. H
liin r rut tiiurli nf a IlKun1. Mm. Si- ihit
liiTvtf rriiii'iiilnm Ina p-ncnil way that
)ui had l(nl ri fur a Ini-lxiiul uhmi; In
tin' liniin Minn H lien, hut rithi r Hiu' ran t
or iliK Kii't want t" ninll nnytlilnu 1I1 1'inti
alniut Mm. At nil I'VriiH. I10 tlri'il nut
nf kIkIiI illiil nr inayU' lit out ami -lie
lui-amn the wlfn In tine tlinr nf lr.
M irv. tliv Min hiuilliil luiillrlnn mnl l
11111111 a ihylriati hi ix If Tl r lnul a
pl prarllii' In I ml In mi 1 n 1 1 a. whrn tiny ami K"t nl. m n rutufiirtiilily until
Marji'ttu tllxil.
' Tlio liluw wan ounfnrtiil In lirrwir
ri.w !y a jN-rmiti nf tin nutui nf llallurtl, a
frit in! of the i. 1wrt.1l, anil wlnuii hu mar
rnil nt tlu) mil nf a lirlrf K rl.l nf mourn
itiir Tin y llviil at Kukiium. Ilallanl na
iim I.wi ntla.Tiiiii iit to any family, am!
til.' n ,t t tit 11 ir . (.v, r ili. I fur hi wifi-
Co I. ivi'. an. I Knk.iiuo km iv lil tn no lin.rv
"Dr Vitn lili n kiii itiil. il llall.iril, mnl
th.y liviil hiiiplly until ihmi.I i)' Vauiih'ti
lii.ulii rt.'iitly tinl In fr uit nf a li"viiiu
ti. in Th. y linnlly kuviiI rii. HH'li nf liiin
In In M a I. i;al ilnil. t nr to nlf. r In r i
I n.o ill n ilamaui' oult. Tin" U
"hi niarrl. J 1 'in Mrnw Ium krr. Thi"
r.n In 1 7'".. flriinlwliif wihh'I .i
!! II.' inu.1.' no iitnlrular lmin'l Hi
on any mil'. Wh. thtT ln nr win ill 11I 1 rnn't my.
' Wlllimii Mi.nwn h.T tint w l.1tl.1n.
Th -r livnl nt IVru. friin uhirli pl.-m' th.y
r. in. .1-. .1 t I'Htm lit It. win Mrs .M.r
f il a ilhimv. V.'ii K-.', klu' I.:mI Im n mar
r; ! ii ,lt. ii I'V thi tinif that khi'kti. w
Kl' itUml nf tn iti-ii'iit khi' wiu rtil III. l
I i M. in- I. t in t i v I uav ninl Hiftinil
l ' .lri.ii thlin;. IiIiiim If. In' 'ui' lilui
t riUKNuiil.' ii tin' yomijj nu n kay,
t -i ..ii!.-L In If 1 j.!i wn nmrrliii to
T .'. .in.i 1'i.rlan inr y. ar wan Mmuirli,
anil !. i;..t Jiv.iM' 111 ! A farin. r
i nn... I J., (in Cunningham wan tin- m XI
iiniMiif . Hi'waia tin -r. ami tliiplrit
I ' "M mi il:. nut iiiliirr him ix iii"iith.
"Wi ll r .,t hu)uiml. William
('P'-n.vr. kho an hhal l:f-. I"it It a.
t.-. ..i t to la.t. r'lk-nii rw.ik t.ik. n away
In 1 nn. I li ft quite- a fortunr. In 1'
Mn .".ni . r Inmio thi' wlf. nf J ml"
I i l.v . r-.11l1.111 nf l',.itir!iii A h
- p iMimn nml iliT-ni. thim ir
r: iii- kI.IiIi u l r I11M vriitun- In that
1- l alf it t.a.k ;n 11. it k nana' ii'un
"Niif," . rim l,i,.,l Mr Cnft'.n, pitrf:iirf
f r h r. ' kl.uw mr th" marltiti ta
t.lli that lai tlii-w I have offuruii"
Lk of tMlk Afft-rlk laglb mt l.ttm.
T:!iif tin-liiaktlratllirf tnib !
for the tiiir'ii'th )-ar a al.ortrii
tnof the life of the null vi.1 wl of frtu
iK'olufin jmn. To know the extent
to whu h man of thn tn-tb are lit
vvn U-fiire the fifvntb riiir. one tiak
tnlr to turn to the T'nrt of the n
atiuiian. n t.f the t"rth of chiMr n in the
h...!i an.J or han bmuea of LutnloO
ti l rW hrr. If at.tiie ff.t tive ni. a
cr.-. r not a.lnjitnl for corulatinf the
r; 0f iiertaj dtiy it v.ry
l.'K h an t)iorit;b anotluT baif ernturj
"tiH f.i.l t!i ,r.-r c I mi of Kng;ia
l-i't i jmi-ticaliy Jeotulon befura th
"nt-.rtu yew. Xw York ComiMrcul
Tin I lrl AlniNiiark.
Tin-almntiiir. pioN-rl In Itaori
rlu. I U' t in. n ly 11 ilrviif for krt pina o
in 1.111.11 1 f I hi-pp'k'ni of tln-rnr. Il
in an iiitrni.t to how what il.-Mniy ha in
tore for in 111 imli.ati'.l hy the il i..m ..f
I hi' tar in any i.irtnuhir jrir An. I n,
aniinlintx to atroh'i;ir.'il lore, the ilrt ii.i.
of iiiimi lire nihil hy t he tlilVtvul iiiMitsol
I he plaiii'i i. mi u!i the liiiuinii Uly i ml
ju t to the ililliieiiu' nf the roiilrlhilinii
Ihronh hi. h the uii iip .im to in
hi yearly roiti'. A I'ti'iuli almnnic of
Pol' Kite a ilia .'rHiu of the hiilluili lli
iliroiiii.h-l hv ail the l;ln of the roliar.
an. I iii.liratei 1 he varioin oruani anil niein
ln iinr whvli tli. v) kii;uk have jKimr,
ami thu for a uuhle Niur le hIk'oi'. or to
khoiv nt whiit jK ri.U Iiih1 may lie li t with
kafrty. Hut the line almanac alo give
dinvt 10111 rinihli' I'tioiiirh (or tha avoiil
aiire of the I I.1U" If. Mhiill wolll.l not l
foiin.l fault nh hy a niol.Tn fivliionahle
jili) ii inn:
Wln 1.111I1I kii-p hii txaly In health
Ami rrili.t the inf. 1 1 oil of th plague.
lA t him Mi'k l"Y nml lullirM (1),
A 1 .0.1 w here !tilii-t!.n alM.iini,
Ami . I. ri-l J..)ouk ntiiipany.
A f I'l.iinpli 1 rit of nlmanark of thl
rharart.T l oii. the invention of printing.
altliiiii;h iioiii'. it i In lieve., earlier Ihaii
the Tn.'lfili iiiiturr. Hut koine of the
earliivt i iiu. in of printiiiK are hhn k
priliti'.l tierm.'iu hut iilinaiinrk, ikhlrli art-
rl1ieflyr.1i ri'i-.l alxiut hl(l letting. All
tba Year lloiiiul.
r-raiM. Julra for Winter I'm.
GraHn klioulil l very rijw to jrir tha
fin flavor ntihvnlnl hy any other fruit
Tha dyik jitic w ill I'm. I grapa juira tlio
tnoat il. In inn ami r.Hilmu of all ilrinkn.
while the ki. k HToti, no natter .at
her ailment, will liml ImiIIi iiounliinent
and cimiIik'mi in thu ilrink, artii'iilarly
adapted to tlio neeilk of the fever pa
tient It 1 aim delirium for mim e ilea
and Uini'i'i. Nothing rould be Hirer to
arnre with rako nt a railing recejition.
The lin-tliiklnnf iri'iitration are: Pick
jrriijM'S from itrtiin, l.aik over carefully
and whkIi in cold water. Pack in
a-inch layt-ra of white kiiuur. When the
jar U full tie over the uioath of it a
klii.'k rlolh, after which cover with pa
rx r. Tlure iii a rool lace in the cellar.
Wlii'U u.-.'.l, rtrain throiik'h a wir
ktruinrr. for u.ic at Chriatmaa.
Pick ami waih jjrajiea. Cover with
water in a k.n-rliin vewiel. Uoil until
thoroughly cooked. Strain th juio
throtii;h a jelly cloth, sweeten to Uat,
heat au'iiin and put uji in airtight glaal
jura. Housewife.
A liB'k Citurwi lilnner.
The apjH'tlte enjoyel hya do owned by
John Knox, a well known fanner of West
Manayutik, la a matter of prhle to th na
tives of that kiilnirli. It is a Xewfoiiudlatid
don of more thnn average IntelllKetire and
rare illnetlve rKHVera. One ilay hetarted
bit Inn. li on a box of axle Kreana. Then be
eiit-Tnl the hlarkkinltb lmp of Caniurl
hturuik and ate wltb evident rvll.h two
pouii.U of putty. A vllt to WethrreH'a
jjroc.Ty atore yielded him tlire poundii of
tallow ramllf. whii li be devoured with
h'rrat K'i"'. XeediiiK exerrlk after tbla,
be ran over to Ifyan'a iiirry, where bl
attention wnk atlraitnl to a at irk of dy
namite that was being thawed out Dear
the klove. The rxplokive aeemed to suit
bia taite, ami he promptly began tocrinch
It. A atatnjmle nf the men followed. They
were afraid to kirk the dog away from bit
meal for fear of an expl.wl.m, o be lelaure
ly the at irk and then joined tli
frightened workmen, ho for tb rwt of
the day treated him with marked consid
eration. I'biladelpliia Keford.
liltalronk auagnieai.
There a a woman of dignified bearing
:nl apparent Intelligent- tan. ling at a
ltr.-a.lwuy MtliX tlie otliiT uy. .ear nv
a iikiii the Men with
the hili and Indifferent air common to o
l.-ntnti-k. Mie had ilniil lneveral letteri
and I.-.U.-.I hriitiitingl) at a small hu kaie
hi. h she held Mie glanml alxmt for a
ki-tanre In her irohlem. and her ryes lit
upon the Milicernan. An expreion of re
h. fi nme ii.n her fare, and sb wliauenl
it ti hrr iarkate
"I l g)oiir 1 anion," khe Mtiil meetly
ioldii.g the ii kage up for his ln-nitim.
but do inn think that there are enough
fatiij" on t Iii to tarry It "
And mch U the 1 hivalroin alt itu.le of
nan tnwanl jierj.lexnl woman thai the
;'lueman mi.I jin.inptly. without milking
ru n an aftrnij.t to weigh the pkage in
lii h ind-
"i li'm hure then-' enough, ma'am."
Iler ih ul.ts tiiiLed by this ktatement
I.r lady rirop-d hrr bundle ami went on
-tr way rrjoiring, Xw Vork World.
Ie liars klite of l.lf.
It I., learthat at the L.ttom of Utiddhi'n,
li.-s the 1.. ti. 11 H ut life is a and a
l.luii.'.. r .-. f .ra I! uhliia held tl it "theie !
. In, I r.,!.I !! '' life." ll.-liopl npl. -tol.e
thinks I... li 'e "a hideous fa!-t-li"al
o It Mill. to maliT -rotis. If ll'l l.'.l.a 1
had ewr t Im.d f a half volley to leg. or :
"wi.-d a I. ni.) l.i le w hen tL kyeiani' j
kame." or taken a l.ea.thy human Inter. t
In lowering Lis Land;, ap at golf. ia- led a j
forlorn hope, .r ih.i.e a n.iili' of other 1
things, he rould l. .ni:y ba said that l.fe
baa no bright sale to it -I-i-ndoU .Vrwa. J
A yaeer keele f tmrrwt.
Io New Z-aUi.d a "es of j.vrrot '.. I
found that, tind.tig it f"l HM:: the
grouiid. taa l't t'- r'"'r f ';L, 11
CilTen fr to the ret of Its fam.ij It
Ibis j irt c:.:r and lo beu., a-u-ol " - (
tea. .-orta
"That would Ivvoti hundred thousand
"Vi-;i, maybe I here U that tuu.'U
"Are you dotif?"
"If I mil v it v 1 'I y.m say!"
"tio to khl.i .."
"II. inruli! 1 in. y,m think of that
bur j..y J.n-oli klit.ui lin, outudo the
fetiro iirotiud tint big v.-re the
hi h g'-ntietn.-iiH tint la li.i are, nut ka in"
mil a jT0k.11 l:. .ii, M. ,11 .,i,.r s.iM all
that fur a K r l.i-ll.' t.-u tlioiiMii l d..l' Ai h. ll. iiiri. li, von j;,it no h, art
tall f..r that pot f
"-t nun' the ex.ik.T old 111 in, .!uti.-in,' nut of Ik-,1 and
ltd real 1 11 to the gu.-t tli utiVr, where
he 1K k.-.l liiuix'lf in and tri.-d t.i get
aoine r.-t during tie r.-m.-uuder of tut
night ill Hliotiirr leid.
Ill till' C.'Urn of t!li f.T. llOntl follow.
itig dio'iisauitt a middle
ag.-'l. tough lm kitig i ituni k,itmt.-r.-.l up
to the k.n fi 1111 1 iinjuiri'd of Farmer
Kro.fT. who was as seated there,
if anything t.--l in th- way of his hiv
ing illtim-r Willi the family.
"Ye; tlio old voniuaii have got a gol
tmaal btvjii'lii'" against feedm' dranij".,"
r-iid.-'l thu ni l mail, t-yiug hitu with
Uiarked dikfavor.
"Tr.lili:" erhmr l the tough ritiz.11,
eeiuitlg rut h.T lltilil.-d than ill. lilt. J.
"You'ro away oil. wnator. I should
think youM live long enough to U' a
better jiidgo of 11 man's style. IVi the
tratujw 111 this irl of th.' country carry
letter of introduction like tlien-;"
As he kjkike he .lr.-w a ki t a
handful of t.-ti niil twenty dollar gol. I
piece and K.iire.l th. iii, clinking inehe
diouIy. from one arrimy paw to the other
la-fore the farmer at. unshed eyi-a.
"My gracioiikr' fjaculated Herr
Kroj'tT. "Kxcumi ine, sir. Yill yon not
take a seat;
"I don't wonder at your taking, me for
a trump, continued tlio man, accepting
the invitation, "ioj my get up may be a
leettle off accorditi' to eastern notions of
tvle, but in the country I mine from
clothes don't count fT much, and I've
got to lie sort of careh-k alamt 'cm, I
"From vere do yon come, tuein
"Montana, Idaho, wherever there'
gold, to'ard the smiM't. My tiann-'s Dan
Chiphind, but Put li lt, r kn.iWai an the
(Jol.lbiig of Kalige.M
"My grm iout! Never 1 did hear th
like of that."
Trob'bly mi. But there' lota ha.
Tin a inodekt flower, hut not aciirco
when-1 bl.siiii. Why, aenutor, I've more big mines and inado and
api'Ut more big iiuuiey than any other
man wet! of the alinaoiiri river. I'm a
Iro-i-tir from 'way luii k, I am, and
dou't yon forget it. These are some of my
own pr.Mucing." And iigtiiu hi'da.e.! the
farmer with his haudful of gold.
"Your broducing? Mow van thatr
"My digging. Hot the gold out for
'em myself. Staked the high luuck-a-nitick
of the mint to have, my own dut
coined for me, the hull hundred weight,"
"Hundred veight of vat?"
'(J..1.1 du-t, that I washed out myself."
"Oh, I'm Ihiss of thu placer, I am.
You ought to Mil mo toy with a pan."
"Vat is that 'toy mil u 1'ati!'"
Thu (loldlmg comliK'riiditigly and pav-
tietitly wt forth by miiij.Io .lirax and
ample illustrative pantomime the art
ami mystery of placer mining, embel
lishing the. dry detail with a wealth of
romance resni-ting hi achi. -vein. -tits.
Uerr Krojitr, with ojs-u mouth and luilg
Ing ey.-s, list. 11. -.1 in sil.-nce, thu wlnlu
tin. k layers of wonder j.ile.l uji over hi
mind. Uradiially 11 su-pi. ion stole 11 p.. a
him that thu mst.-rioua iirocoediuga of
thu New Y'orkers must huve been soine
thing ukin to thoM) now liroiight to hii
kiiowleilge. Ho therefore ri's-ute what
Itcubeu had told him, and asked hi
gurot'a ojiinion u j-n it.
"There no tellin'," answered Mr.
Ctiijiland, with an nir of grave consid
eration, "in thi offhand way. Uold,
you see, is just a lik.-ly to be found in
one place aa in another, 'moat any
where. It ha been got in every state vt
thi Union, more or less. Wherever yoa
find black sand, if thu other indication
are right it i pretty safe to look for
"That greek Ins. Is full of black sand."
"Yon don't say so! Well, then, thcrt'l
proUtbly gold. I'd like to take a look at
it. You may have million right under
your hiimL"
"Ikmiierwetterl Unt he got a optloa
that he shall buy it alt f r ten thousand
dollar". "
"T.s.k an oj.tion, t h? Oh, well, thai
(-(tie it. They have found the gold, of
"Arh! dn lieberUntt! Vat rill Anna
aay now?"
il.-rr Kropff rould hardly wait until
the (ioldhug had dined to hurry hi 111
off for an ei-rt examination of th
rre.-k sand, th" result of which w full
Confirmation of his fear. It wn almost
miraculous how fortune and instiucl
tiK'.l to favor the exs-neti-l miner.
Within ten minute he had miearthed
the spade and pan from where the New
Yorker had "niched" them under nin
rs ks and l.m-li. In as much more time
his deft manipulation of a panful of sail'!
reduced it to aspooiiful of grains, amoii(
which ahone aeveral bright yellow
sji ks. Those, he exjilaiii'il. were gold.
"Oott im himmel! flolL' fiold!
Oold:!!" khotited Il.-rr Kn.j ff in a parol-
.... t . . . 11. 1 1 ..... . . ,.i
yum i uni-'iiinuiHiiin ii.-hi.-iii. i
vill not aril my fanu! No, no; I viil not j
limy fanu! Nobody shall make me ;
11 my farm! I got a g"M mine all
trull ownl Arh! da lo tier (; bowj
Bear I gome that I In him!" I
"Iint V01 sure von haven't if;
you've fold nn tiptioii." anggewt.-l th!
eld mii.-r drily. "It a juty if you!
have. With mi" man to help me I cuM
wa-h that j-n'-e right out of this creek ic ;
a month's time."
"I vill give him m k hi two hundred
"Hut kii l.e h'Ms y..ri to the bar
gam. If it w r- -it wet. where y.,o ;
t-oti! 1 ar!!!e t:.- d::!i i!'y with a n..t-.
gun. it would ..11 J i enough. liut
li.-re in tlie tff't- eat, what' goiu' to ,
..nis of Jo'i when the lawyer get a
cin h en Ton?"
While talking li" w-hel down a - j
ond n of and and found it even rirhet
than the tir-t In annf-ro'i grain. j
"Arh! I' h bin ein urigln.-kll'h
mn h! M- in herx is br- ke-ir waill
the old man. I tir'tir. into tear. "Vea
Anr.a f'. this ouet it v .'il 1 be for m
better .u I va in my cool, q-j-A graver
An nnbapj.y man durinj th mtning
week wa Tanner H-inntb Kritt
When not in aniiuu priu couui'-a-
tion with the li d lluig, who s-i-tn.-l tc
hale Ui oiiie a tilt 11 re nil the p!, e, In
w as unk III lm-1 uicholy or ill .11- li in rv
o'.is ilight a trivial thin; w.. ilJ
surth e to tlito.v him int. 1 a j i.m
Knu UroplT .li I not u ruph. to f t. hi r
min i of Ui- v.-li.-im nt conviction that
"K ine guil'y k,s r. t'' was wotr.Mng him.
an 1 had !-.i.:ii.- sug.-. .live s!m : 1 t.i
tell i f II lll.ltl 111 N llllorenlkT, i f wh 'til
she once In ard, w Im went on in that way
f.-r Jii-t one iiioiiili, and then h..n-.-d
111 lll. If.
on.' day tlnsH. klm-w-l,
M'-r. t'ut- an I Sharp, reap), tr. d at
the firm. Nhl if th.iii trail. funnel
lb rr Kr. !rs gin f to in I'gu.iti. n
' K il.iirs! N luviti ll. r.!'- be 1 ri. 1. "1
got a b.k.r i pitn.iti of ymi. Vat tujf. l
kh.ill w tit tour shkinuy f.i. . . my
v.iv to schm. 11 out more aU.ut my f.irni
ai I kt.ow milieu lluf.' I imt a lul
when I give oii U rini.-i .ii ,.u
shall m hn.i'p aUiiit my bl.t. t? 11. i
They laughingly rvilifltliat it w.n
test l ite to talk alioiit that How; Imi- 'i -.
was l ii'iu. ... an 1 tln rt' was im r- .1 -n
w hy they should not utilize a g. I ti .1 4
that he did not fV.11 know he In 1. I!,,
swore th it be would not sell tin- t inn to
tlii ni. but they .li I not aj''ar ltli.-r mr-'n-.-.l
or di.turU d. inert ly re-lv 11 g
"the colitis would settle that.'' II. rr
Krojilf I. ike lii.-t h. n -st
In. 11 he had a horror of courts I'lv.iiN,
after a 1 i g c liniltatinli Is I 111 th
J artuerk, Mr. Siiat j s.ti I to him:
"We have a l.-gard for y..u. Mr.
Kroj lT, and do li t want to is-hoggish
in tins matter, so we can probably ngnv t-.iiiijir.iiiii-.- tli;it will le mutually
satisfactory. We only want the north
ern half of your farm, and w ill pay you
for thai tiie same amount we hud
ligi.i'd to give y,.u for the entire place.
K-.iUh. rinore, we will let ymi have in
j-iyineiit 111 tiie company we an
orgamitig, and will put y..u in on the
jTi iin I ll- r. In oth.-r words, y.iu shall
liavetw-,1 thou. an I kli.-in at lifty Js-r
cent, of tin ir par value, the price at
which will If p-it ti 1 ..11 me market the
first twenty live thousand sh ires."
"How many sii.n.-a altogether ill
there I"
"One hundred tliotisand. Tlie divi
dend on your two thousand share will
bring you in froiu right hundred to one
thousand dollar a month at least, and
if )'oti chiH.i' to sril out within six
months y. ui will g.-t jirobably twenty or
twenty live, dollar js-r share."
To that ai rang. 111. nt, w idi little IiuhI
tatiou, tlie farm, r ugreod. Aside from
the brilliatit pro.jsi la ois-mtl up by
Mr. Sharji' ch. iu., ho had an idea
. 1 . 1 .atwi. T r -m - m iu. .
. L '. il. 1 ' . V r . F
1 . . : 2 . .
Vri.ij. thi-y vrrt nut I... in-;,
that he thought wo hi own, though in
r-ality it wa u ray from tlie . Idling'
gftiius, and it mngiii'lceiice ei-ily rec
oncile.) him to tin) compromise ro
Jseied. "Krankly, Mr. Kropff." aaid Mr. Sli irp
aa lie re-entered hi buggy with Mr.
Cute to drive away, "I am very glad
that an amicable understanding has
Is-ell reached ls'tWisMl us, Th thing Ik we rim afford to Im lil-ral
ml hardly any price would be psiiinii h
to pay for t lift good will of so estimable
ml ileasitnt a neighbor a yourself. In
four or live day I will bring you up
your stock and we will make tlie trans
Mr. (Iiijiland wa .resent during that
interview, but tsk no part in it and no
body sn iiiiil to notice In tu.
lien tnu .ew iorker were gone
Fanner Kn.pfT went out to the barn
lone, and using a piece of k.-il on tla
nn sit li f.u e of a toolroom d.sir, iluiigsl
into a ken of calculations. Ho would
not ! oversangtiine, be said to hiiuvlf,
and so would take aa a busi the low-.-st,
and not the highest, figure of income
that Mr. Sharp had named eight hun
dred dollars per month or nine thousand
(ix htiiidn-l dollar Js-r annum. Thai
he c.uld easily loan on gsl s.i urity at
six Js-r cent. Allowing one year for ac
cumulation of that sum, aa a starter, tu
ten years more dividends and interest oa
hi loon would have reached the sum of
fi:H..''l'i. Hut his magnificent idea would
dwarf that. He, without any company
to share the jirofits. would work thr
southern half of Ins fann as a gold mine,
and of coure it would y him a re
nine etiiil to all lhat the company would
Uke from the north, r 11 half, or, mi othei
words, tifty limes as much aa he would
get from In two th ill-. Hid siiares. In
eleven year, then, h" would have from
that antiri-e The roiitemjila-
tim of tins fSgnns aim .-t t.s.k his
breath away. Again nt.d again Im went
over th. iii, io. h time 1 (. laiimng "My
grariouar when h" r'-.e h.-d the grand
tolid of the two sums f"! klJ.M ",,
"I Till lie one of tl..- rn li . I men In th
Torld!" be ex. lalin. -l.
Teanng lnm-lf away from the fa
citiatilige ihiliit, he!- I f r the js.ndi,
walking witti a sl i. iy, f . tr. ad, a
he b-Hi. il bs' f r a in. in i f hi
mean. Jij.t as he .u a's,ut to take
his s-t which alrr.i 1) a!iust s.s"ind
a his ej.-s f. I! n;.ii two figure
down at the gute 1 e n:i.g into the lane,
tiie figures of I.i-s. ie ii an I -rge, far
to In and h iti.i i on the gate.
i' thajsi they w. re n- t k; but if
not they were at least i enough t
gether tod'i . O' In firt im
pulw, the old man iT'l" to them and
roughly broke in ti.u tiieir tender corn
mniiing with tlie stern pr s Umati-.n:
"Is.k her-, now, I got enough of
that. Ik.o't let in- have some luoro of
thi f".llhrieM. Li'Si ben, gl io th
"Wby. Mr. Kn wht i th tuaU
lrr t-icUiUitel (isura'e lu blank as Urn-1
Uiiiuci. t.
to cornrn.(
Tlie I n Io pi 1...
1 hi' I ropl l. !
ITinsls 1 a- II a I. '
r.-t . .1 , It.
a .-- a 1 nit. 1
b.i' I I
Ill p. f. tlie
r. !'..r. f 11 . .0
O.if it. ig 1 1
i l. Ii
In ... ii.
cn ,t i.n
ir.l I t m Illiterate fug-
... 1 I.. I ual.'Miers.
-lil a,, wlioh-Mi'e dry
:.n,i t t m 11 n.ii. Ii tns r
' : 1... I I ui.'. ,114 1 l i'i I. id
' 'ill. :i ii!.nt. S"'iik l.iir
1 ' I 1 . f, l.n JV.!i
1 .' e of 1 1.. .1..111..1 l;i
:. ;ii t . a . r I r 1.1 1 1...
.i g . !. t. re pr. p tial.'i v tu
111 l 1 1 In- I en; I .land II. ml .tig
l.-o . I
r or other three of 1 1.
. I s .l r in.:i at wi l
I ' ; 1 .. ' .: I-. 1. and h.lle of
I ' .- t 1 -1 1 I r lisg i . d
.1 . I . . ;t tire t li an in tl.
, I. . nt I l.e 1 'i In1 is an .11 ,
ii- .n to 1 l.e m r. ha i.l
11 d Hie liar. nt
k .:'..! So. li a
- f " I ti .1. ii- o r kinni 11 Is.
1 1 1 . 1 tl .' thr.e half .il.
! t a; I 1. ill itlillii.lls lay t.a.l 1,1 till
I 1
. 1! ir.
A 'i
. i-.t- I . ,1 1.1.1 a am al I
Ifl.i". i"' I .1I..I1 ilidi-U nn r III fn I t
of : he t. r.v Ill t. t ill fl f. r .:i pllllle ;e he
t , t ll.e si.I. M.llks mid t..k tale t-f tlu-
C'iti.t. lie poti.r gat tin. limn tin
li 1:. . I.. .1 ... , ,.f I I,,. I'liglishinaii, Ii .1
1; g 1. Il" it- I I'll-. li.-... t-vpos. d llii-tll oil ios
kt.-.i'd Im ..!.-. I.t. t the ill i leal nr. .
f. nn. I I " p ui I ,,.. rs the lit day.
"I 11 1. II . 11' the mult, r," sal. 1 a
mi-, l.n 1 ons 1. il.. e hoy to the (run man I he
t .Hotting in. ruing "i'luple ih.u't Im'.i.r
the I. .1111 Vnil fight to bale a ign to "t
tnu t tlu ir ntli ntit.ii. I'll wliit one for
"I'hiil's a g.ssl, kind gentleman." re
markul the nthi r "I ran t nador write
nil s. If or l il liml 1 nedi.philtil )estenl.iv."
W nil a uiarkiiig and a "lint if
broti 11 wiapjiing piir th Is.y ir.luc..l
t:Tit loiii'iN M;v 11 Mm us. :
: lt.ilf 1. Is ..! I 'l.e W.t k. :
: 1 .11) I . his I a. li.
Tins sign the I !li i-1 1 -I. Ill nil ta to I. is
stand 1111. 1 raltnli att tiinl a rii.tomrr It
Is tiiiiUisa to sny that the laller lielir
r.-ime, but wiihin til in-11 minute a rrots.l
of j.vnng iinlntis gathered nniniid tin
stall. I nml I-1:111 a ilniiiiiistnillnii. 1h
nttra. tul the 11II.11I1011 nf the siiieuinn nn
the Isitt. who ..111111. nil lii.iirrlr to ti t
(dace. nn away and th blue
r.stt na.l the ntiiioiiiiiement.
"Is it trui-" he 11. k, .1, "this sign'"
"Ktery wool. " n plu.l the stntiilke-s-r
"l ine, 1 illj
flft y rent e.v h "
"Hut II .Ion 1 say that. It sats tliey bav
tsi 11 ihad a wh k. If that's so I'm going
to take you in for violating the health or
iliiniiii e. I'm going to lake ) ..ti hi slit w ay
for selling game W ll hnllt a license. oll'lf
a iiui-jiii. hi Is'it."
And the polii 1 111 111 w ns on the inl nf
Inking the In. -ill nit Io the slat i.iu I.oiim
w ht-11 the dry g.ssls iiit-n'haiit amtnl upon
the M-i iie, and taking ill the situnli. .ti nt a
glance 1 vplaiiitil Hint the mall, r was sum
ib-i ilttii-nt id one t.f his Isiis and sii'iinil
the mini's rrl.-ii'. 1'he him- w-t-re nevi-i, but tin-re was one lotingitfr in t tie
employ of the in. n hunt who nn-iie.1 in
a.liiioinlioii ,av that be has never f. r
gotten. Ni-tv i.t k 1 1 . nt 1.1.
A 1. 1111 Intuits ( lirlslnia I'reseal.
"1 fain ) I nin making a t'hrlstuias gift,"
said a in a dr ig shop, "win. Ii will
not la-dilplii atnl III t he w hole rily. I I111I,"
she went 011, s. hit itig to a large ps. Luge
the rl.-lk 11 nd. In ning, "is a halfd.xrii
Imtth a of rl liter oil for a young wi.inaii I
know who iinils J'l-t that tonic and boa
not a n ut to spine to Imy It. I'm tint sure
lhat she will Is' . ami, but she will take
the oil, and I bat's my chief roti.i rii. lint
II isn't hii altou'-tht-r npts-tiing ls of
Christ nuts li.iil.nis. Is it)" And In r lis
tener rould in say It was. - New York
hssisliie sii.1'i it.t II. Tit . iier
ri nes .1.. In. I luske I lie iieit.-lriitf. sill fall In
It. tl.. this, fill .li 11I .it .i..liieili lite es litis
..1 tlteir .pile in. I. -1 A 11 1 v. Ill is III .1 In me
ess.-s - sn.l these iinly-ol iitrtiiiis Irillsll.m
.11. Ii .tr.ia nist 14. silt, tl. .-ir Irrspieiii ns-
ll lilitlilt f i-l'l'l'. 11 I" I lie .l.-llesle t ruslilkltl
n..n wlii.-li Kiev s. -I, s.i.l III iol.-r l.i leii.-w
Hi. ir .iii-tin . it. 1-1 imrrs.l sn.l .Isiig.-roiis
i.,b event. lull) lfe. in.. ...i-e..srr II. Ml. Her s
S'i.iiisi 11 Itill.r. I. Sli ettl-lent klllelllille lor
Stieli sf Tile l.'tla .Irt.cs. 1 1 "lillels I li lierv. s t.y
l.rseln. liM.liitf, kli.'iiliieiiliis llielll. 'Ill eon-H.1-II..II
ls-l.,-ii Hi.klii'M i f Hie lirrv.Mi SS'
leln sn.l i tl.e .irsti of .iirelli.n Is s
irons smt svniMiili.-lie link, ll.e Hnt.-rs l.y
lll.lMirl ill B lieHill.fl.l llll.llk.' Ill III .lsstlw
kli.l mssIiiiiIhIIIi tulirll.tli. .r..ln..les I li roils In. lit
tli w hole it stem s 1 Ivor Inahli-n th itertv
ii.nie III Inr a lr.t .hsre t se the Millers In
tnnlsria,, lillluii sinl bniiiey
I.IHls-llkTe vi.innr.ll.lslil n laltinaT Muleh
-N; liillie sr.- sli near viioiikIi to villi In al
m. .rnsiit untie..
aom eoil brgr uU tb llltl mony
thai au Al l h t's I'.-h-.i I'li.rt c all,
and lhn wbfii they ar ra krd with am
from a lam bark, or from th soreiir
arums' from c.. I, thry will i-n. any
sin. unit of in. in..)- to r. list e ins pain. Il
they onli had our I these a. 11 I.I rei.naue.l
: I .asters .ui hand, fhev won d l satetl
ts. aniouiilof Biilteroitf and h noiisnler
j l.y richer. At the s.rl of
, ol the joints spply one of lliese plasteis
I it li mii any .leisr In neness w nl t
. S'. sllt rel.rte.l si .one s' i .sill dlssppesr
I entirely. Il will he monry sse In have
1 IIis-iii on hstnl, lo sy iiotlntiK ol the com
fort I hey I ring
IlKisi ksiii I'll i i-otitaiil no irrilstin,'
mat rr.
Hie hetel i.rier iti'iluli I.. 1..IHM. 1 runt
ti.-tl in. Ion 11, 1 1.. a., 1B. i. tu I
sahlltlt-il nt I.I. . Bill)
aioo 111 w 1 nn, inn.
1 h res-lf r of this 1 s-r a ill Ir j. rs.. tn
leain llisl Itirre 1 si I. n.l ..iii- .tn-a tr.t .I'.esM
llist seirnre lu, U , It sCie n. mir In sli it,
Ist'.-s. It'l ll'BI t. I si soli II nI . t starr I. t up
I. ll.e ..I. It -llll r ntr li.. I T i. . w 1 1 t III.
I. si Irsit r nil t l slsrrli, I -li s t it nil. lis.
t 'l-.s, r..'.lr, b roii. I lulioiisl tr. slut. ill
llsli I slsllli I III." I. Ufc.-lt llilt-riisn . Mil
1 1 l.i 111 i.. th.' I., .s.l .i, inn a .nil .'. til
II. e atat. lii, tli. l, l.f ,1.11... nif h, ,t It. I.
ft Hi- tl-.-sse sn.l i. In ll.s I'sll.'til aire tl.
1-1 li.ll .111. I.. It... ti. I, . Ill-1 .. i, an t aa.l-l.l.
iislur In .1. li. n. a.. is 1 hr .r.-iel r. h.te
o tnu. Ii Isl-h In II. i itrsii . e . rs thai tliet
.rt--I li llnttlp..t I'mlsra f,.r ant ra.e llisl li
tins I.. rule -sn-l t . li.l i. le.iiin,,nlsl. A'l
Ire.s I' J I IliMV .1111, l.llaslo. II.
T" Ss.lil li) .Iriiimala, ;.. reiiu.
I'M Iusra.lnSUi pnlliri. na aust. on rall
Tit OtiMti for hrwakfasL
It Disease Germs living la
the Blood and feeding upon
its Life. Overcome these
erms with
the Croam of Cod-liver OH,
and make your blood healthy,
skin pure and system strong.
I rhyticiann, the world over,
endorse IU
Doi t ti .iciiiid If Sibttltntit!
wBsSAftM 9s9sM 4 atoWaMt; IL T
Cream Balm.
Afi'lr lasrt'rlf ol
lti Halm fll hii Hitu
thi liowirll. Aflrf
niontftii itr athtiif
lrrih llinttnh th
ihimp. I Ihrrr iltni
n U , ilt r m r skis iri
liT rl, siiiil Im ir rr
llr lliat
. M (ItK A M H KM
i liiii ftinl rl-iixF
turn N I I'wa
A I lav I' t I II ht III
Mf tiitirsiiir (mm roi.l. . .it.d'e hrr.,,.Ma
U-lr Mint Hint-1 1 Th Hl'n U iiurkU lirli
Mini k'Un ri-li' 1 tine. I'f ! r. ttta ! I'rug
sjiau nr by mail. M Y hlU'iiltH-..
M Wrr ii Mrrti, Nw iuk.
iT""1 !
1-mr'llnt ntl iUr
tIkniI tur girli.
ijvn(i rlmbsr
MAtu yi f i. i
LsJsT " - .l. rt3
A.lilres MIMSKS RObSKY, Portland. Or.
Ir Coin mini brought
L K- eulil'litellllielit In Ua
7 World New field nf
lillKhtrlllliellt in tbla
reuiury are In I 1st IIimsi
of -1elire. I'lak triuni4l
. of 4 onseivnllve Nurv-
Jery la well illu.UaUal
l.v the Is.-t tliat
1 r.iK runtl wiiIhiuI the
- kiiiie an.l without siin.
i iiinuir, rrisnnf tniss
lu ier cure i.ut nrtin In
ftuee Inflsmmstlon, strariiriiisli.rt u. death.
TIIMflfJC flvarlan. Kil.rol.l I l lrrlnel and
luiiiuils), riiatiy nliiers. are now reniovMl
arlllinut Ore wy.s if c-lll I lnr ots-ratltins.
PILE TUMORS h"""- '"if. Klnla
r Iks. UIIIUIIO, .,, ,,iM.r OiMraa,,f ib
lower U.wel, are Is-llnan.-lillr ruled witbuut
(kiln nr reanrt to the kttlle,
STONE ln """ "Is'l'l.T. nn mailer how
W I WlU Urife. ISITltklMil. p.ilverlatil, WBslta-d
nut snrl tterf. .-rt n-ni..te. aiili.iui rulliiiaT.
'sTRirTIIRP I'nrisrv I'sasnjre I slao
Ol I1IUI UIIL. without eiillli. in
bunilren of eases, Kor Isnilphret. refen urs
and sini. ulsrs, sn-l lu nuu i In Manual i
In Wnrl.l's liias'iisr Mulnwl Aasot'UUoa,
M Mala HOen, HulTslo. N. V.
at rmrLJr hi
- tj' r-. . ;.4i.
Anaa-Ts-whss laisllv arvl h K.MVK TtMi
hosl l.jr l.r.i!.. anit lr n.sil. ..toa,
ais ll.uu isr lakcaa. painpe fr.
irn ix n ti- F.roni rm xn
MlaiM Maehlaarr, Mrfaa Mill., J,,hn
Ina Coarnlralir. Ralne. Bwllr.
rnmp ait llsiral Maclilnerr
lslliiiat la wa all lass mt Irua
w.rtk. Ad tlrs
K. II. MOO II B, M. It., I'urllaad, fart I asst. Or,
tk BVSsI IIMIkl IMIo . S) Vh wt4
MTII M It Mt f wB M-wk4 Hkl
sW tf Htm4 ItwililMM, ss i tatkffe SMfkl. to
tmtptt Ik 4ivstal Bksto aw f 44
W TKs aiij, stvJ
H tm mi Umm mt W-a
Lieal. fcsat) htr, m M4tvMi tit (a
kM) f ' 4 Slssf. Vakil ) ft)! H T
4. M M'Miwvl ttai tL Vtltl f
tsM km Uisfl IkM I 1 W - ? !- haw
SM4WSl tt yv II 7,-tv -. MIMIilH,
fm ikel rV sSMstoa m
il ail bf iiat f, -7 -t.
tw ) .44 x 7 " T vX. "
mm m tt-m t m mm4 rnmm t tmm mitk-
mmf M Ikwvweit; at t4
is lo
v totf mt )
mm Use .
barf to tmm
A Umm ster'ssMuw.
(I If Im tt4
VkSkUtM MV IsMkt frW
tfaf tt 4r,.-t
to asMM. f'-w I
l-wtowta i '4.
Ail mf f a M. we, ft" T T f -
Mr Y"- I If ( 4m.
to, eu-r. a-sttrf s4 toir mt tt im
I mum al mmA v Um i4s mmmf, isBilia4, mm mmm " Mf - .
n-t (to tM af ittwaws mm tVto4 tiajm,
isttost kkfBi mmmt mvtmm. TWf $mn m to t4
i ii - 1 ! tm IM awt.l s.sitoiisgi w4 I' astMavsti
pmmmut ra)iv ' , Wsiia pm -,
4-4 taith iis StW f-4 aa, rsa-l I. ! to
to4 mmmmmm Wl - fimmftf. mkm mmm m
' . If ' imm m
irr"'" Wil m4 rillsMa (atkafa,K
SyiStSHI MW mt ItMt totHM) f ll
aiif lautlcular.
MONEY mn vi iD T
ao; f rarai,
M.i.1 IS rnsTtise it
Clossetii Devers.
S. P. . U. No. M'. H. F. N. U. No. 67.
ar eauaol by Isvd blood, and by
a run down, worn out condi
tion of Ui tssly. Umuibr
- Cures
Bo Suro to
Ot t Ilua.',
""Hotxf PHI n i.ui.,mildu4if.x"Ufs.
V7.L. Hcuglaj
.jstsi OI(Vl NoeouiAKiN
fm04( VJi'LUiLCJiX
I3.UPC1.ICE.3 301U.
i.xniA riNt. '
rir fo ciTaiMLf
v'J-(- BROCKTON. MA 31.
Ta e a saa asaser r arl lh
V. I.. Ilsasla II OO aha.
Heaass, ws ar Iks larrl sxaasrartarekea e?
Una sk. talk warUt a.1 guaraaiks) laasT
stua If suat,isf tka aaa ssi srsra aa u
b. llom. nklrk pn.Uet saw saaleM klk r-rtrsasa
Ik ati.kllsmsa n.sta our tko .ual rtawast
w k Is lf la, saa Sinn as Baaria, SSllOa,
W-kavlhaaa k-nl vr7sker allow prts Is?
Ik Ihsa lalisle reals. Tska.ik
(Mala, it war ala sa.a ul r aa.
Horirn auk ua i at
laal. Ni tt rt, nn lit, no olr, no danivr.
A ii ('( mrUiol o( grtirallti Bittl biirMluff vM
IriMii 'lrlruM nil. Ktir hsxsllni antl rMi(iiitg.
His any invr; also .itt4l forliuiiav N.ib mm
hNici Mul fr (. Af-womtrly -. ho poMl
I'llil) ol rip iMiion aiitt rnHr lhan any t hrr
lurl. rail an.l tamiii lh la I! luttu 1hi.
Agfiiii wanfnl In arrry lowu and r -ui'ty In
i alilitrma, Nataila. Orrfua cwd V abllJgUa..
Knr rlrruiart a)dtta
rttnc i'u4tt Auaurr,
tt l.arklw ntraal, Ha fniBalaaa)
CAS and
A l.rtl' ff ami .la a. I,. a. I Inr Is. snd inun ssen, uiMa-r aillltar dlael.tns.
. . sv ttl.-1. tli II.) .ear an.ler .reiil inst.sermelil will ..n seplewi lasr Is. I hor
,' ...l.i. (...I rail.... ..r e..o,a arnl aern'l' r sr I marelaj I uurs, Al A
' I I Ml' , I II rKA I'lhV AM) I III V( ll-.V 1'KI AKIKr.Ms
tljt i. W. HILL. M. P.. Principal. P. 0. Drawer 17. Portland. Or.
In Every Detail.
as- snaine am Kimsieim o lien ar.
tiaawrs lo I wnribf uf klhat eoaisseailailoa
ior aimoeii7, niia fra.1 malarial and
wiirkmalialil. Tba rtsrsh.B lh full aetuai
terse s'Wer, and ran wtthi.ul aa Klaeirlc Masrfe
, . - n w. m.mvs. as siaar.v. uaaa.
lakital and reliable.
For smplii( oatdu lor Irrtcatlat arwtB
no ballat aitatua au rba Inutui .a t K. kuiaa hnlalln nut a ta (o Bna lby bar I
V.i liiU.m lu.l Miatf tksla
omy I nav
Cwr. rrwat aa AI4r kta..
Sand lor ea'aiof u.
Opa all Ik vaar. tisdat sV
sal. last al aa tlaa. laaitctioa ta
k-arc. skarikaad. arawwolis. te. Colia.. s
juissst aciatas si akkani iii rw.
J-"V rort!r.4 5itrlrini Pil'sr.
ll isnmiiai. krua I A wsaaat aa.
a ,(,'
rft Dr. Williams' Irellsa Ml
LNliniiaaiii will eur Blind,
f W HlakU,,, and llebl.if fllasas.
mm It ahanrlw lb taesora. ailasa
... itraiai aionrw, aeui a a p. Hi .
i. ritrsa inaianl ralu-L Dr.H llU
I ... w, 'rvisill IV UT. to Uf
lama Ift-lu I'll omitoiit U trmxrm,t
iiistanlralUL Dr.WllW
fur l1tr and llrhlhf ol tU ftvat
i ia warrantao. pr drug.
frsTiatM of f'a. V) crttia.
CmvrtaU-fi. CivUiaut Ohkj.
arbe? ! ercr tep ses-m a luinlen? Yon n-!
kaii l' '
av.saaraldaaa) nsssOsnwb
Cnawaaisiiisk. Il aaa aaa a
Ik aaaaSa tl aaa an lata.
Sea. II H
lasanl kssk