The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 01, 1894, Image 8

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"TilC CM5 VV'Jtit OH."
Che l"lriilM VCorl. Ind.d la (In- Mil Ira
aaii.r.w tia "I lb IUkr.
Til"1 game W'i!i-(1l
Tim banki r, who sat ul tho head of
table, waa I opt l.ti.-jr arlliiig slot k of
rlojv. Tho I ttiiigwus hcuvy, and there
Worn liut two iii.u who xviuiil to 1
winning iuij-f "?
Tim liluu chips all mmo III' ir way. It
wmsimply n ra.--o nf Imlllic wlml Iui k. If
mini In M four kings, mm i f thi pair
would Ik ib up with f iir am nr kt ruilit
fu-h or sonn thing if tlm kind and asiil
nil ccloulatioii. It wu ciueperating,
but it couldn't U In l (I.
Mi milium t)i two lucky tiluycr con
titmkI ohm-i fully iiUmt their link ami
what tlii y inti-mlml to do with tlin nulli
fy. "I ahull," .iii uiii "go down to a
fur at nro ni'l buy my w ifu Hint rape dim
till lsl wanting Mi lotlg. I know It It
rather lain in thu acnsnii, but tliU U uu
fip"riciico of a lifi lime, ami I don't
think thut It ill spoil by thu km ping."
"I ahull," miiiI tlio other, "t.iko part
df in I iii mill gt t a new Npri 114 hiiit. With
tin' rtt of it I intend to luku a trip to
New York. 1 haven't Uti down iIhth
In a your, and I'm just about duo for
uno full. "
Thn gatnn mutinuml to wear 011, and
tlm other jiLiyi r ruraml their lurk be
lli nth their various breath.
It ramu tolut midnight, and 1 n'rlmk
and 3 o'clmk, and tho gnmo wu Hill in
prngr-a. Tim two nun with "till win
ning. Nothing rotild atop tin lit. At 8
o'clmk vrryUily wn tirmL and it i
derided to fpiit. Tho tublii in front if
thu two In' Ly uu:u wiu covered with
Thu banker pushed back hi chair and
mill, "I inn ready to ml (In, gentlemen."
It iliilu't take ulig to M-ttlu with tho
lin n who hml tint t n lucky. Tin 11 It
rtinio to 1m the turn of thn lucky one.
"How much Imvo you got, Jim?" asked
the luinkiT.
"Thrmi hundred and forty," ropliml
"Aud y.m. Hill?"
"An v. 11
The hanker look a flip i.f paper and
did miiiih Hum nig. Tin 11 lin dnvu down
Into 01m of hi ) Li M mid prislm-ml
IKimi) thin whiti' slip of paper, "lb n-'u
yours Jim. " lm "id, pushing twidii
Brrii-ji thu table, "and hero yours
"Vh:it aro those?" nsket tho two
lin ly lin n in conceit.
"I. O. I'. "s," tho banker answerml
nti iitiniisly.
Tim two lin Ly nu n gasp.;). Tin y
lisiked nt tho paT UMil mw Unit tin'
aignuture wi rn genuine. Then tin y ton'
tin 111 up mid stalked nut together.
"I'y licnrge, " said llni hanker, "1
thought lin y wmild in vi r it' t 'iuiili
Won to my 11IT tin nm I. t). l?. V"
"What ilo ymi lin an?" luLid tlm
itran'i r in tin' Kimi'.
"1 tin an." raid tlm I mkir im lin
iiioothi'd out n, biff wail nf l.i IN, "that
it H ilini'l tiriiiiun wmk di aling bi
lnunln to (wo j ix t IlLn thrill jll-t 1
i':iiim' thiyhtii' k yuu I'ln i' w ith tin ir a-
And tlm Klrani'iT in thn (,'tuilii mw a
frrat lii;ht. ItulV.ilo Kxr.4.
KM-Ing I'litllU l.row,
Iii tlm l.ilmralory t la' nmu th of n plant
limy U' iriiih n d lniblo by nttai hiiiK a
llni' plat ilium w irn to tho rtrm or j,T"W
liiH J'ait. Tlm othiT t-nd of tlm wirn, to
Mini h is .ifli m d 11 H,intitl plo t' i.f rliar
riKil, itpn -Mil i tilly 111,'aiiiht 11 drum.
Tlm drum ii com nil w ith whitnpapor
ami ki pt rrvnlviiiK by rim kwmk.
(If roium if thn growth in M.itioiuiry
a htrailit linn I maiLi il oil tlm paper,
but 1 vi 11 tlm lij1iti'it Inrn iimi in Imw ii
by thn iiii'limd trm iiiK 011 llm an r.
lv a 1 11;. p'. i'' .'at. 11 1 f tl : it
riuij; tin tit, tlm growth of a plant can
l n inli 11 'I au.lil.Ii-. Tlm drum mind Ii'
covcrnl by narrow Mrii nf plaliniim
foil, kiv nuc i ik'iIIi nf nil im-li wido u:ul
dim t i-htll U twi-i 11 t-iirli .trii.
If tlm xtnpii of platinum lm 111:1 in to
cniiiph-li' tlm rin-uit of a pilvauiu ImiI
ti iy to win. h mi vUt trio N II in coupli-d
lip. tin 11 tlm U 11 will mntimin rinuiK
wli;ln tlm plant row mi t ihtli nf uu
linli, fullowrd ly nliin- whiln thn
pointi-r in i:i .mjr owr thn hiv U-t w m-n
lwotriM, f..r thn in xt p-owlli of iui
eighth nf nil in. h, nu. I M) on.
Tlinsnrt. th of M'lnn Vi ry rapidly jrrow
I11K pi mil H mid ( !i ( K-iiiii' if H..HU' How
i nt. uu Ii nt thn miii.a . plant, can 1-0
hiard dirm-t by iiu-min nf thn inlrr.i
plmiic. Uy tlm iiIhivii tin aim it li:u Ut 11
proviil that plaiitit rmw iiiiMt rapidly
U twix-ii 4 and U a. in. Ni r York Journal
Poor. llrd hrnl thai Mlxl as bM fur raa,
Al rm try1" " I Ituia lrln.
Tlr ino .0 liinl. ni )vt iv m-ti t
IWilii u dying.
Piwr, pnuli, rxl builo that 4rVi MM .
Wttt clar.
HHII tur nUa lU b4.I-W4 ra
Oft luiilna on until aay
Of df r,.ur..lii.
II I couM !! and h"ld ll- Urwl batnla.
A ad r. I il a ai liUUuad wiUiia tLaa
tai - sub hrr atraaa lb IwlUadit UaJa,
Moo. l.lnd ounU npaallnc
I iliiiik biiilKlit lhal I wmild lv kwto,
And I ruuld Irli my Utrt l liar aa Irulr,
That a lUmjgh tired, alia would But ia
li go
And Irara nia UiOa uudulj.
Ilrrd hrart Itial had ao waarf groira.
TUal dralii caiiia all Uliliadad u a II ara
$ m al 1 II II la In all In-ra all aJooa,
Whlla ana la alMpinal
llrar, fat I'M nrarl itaamad ll.a htarjr rara
Of dnntirliia ImuMlndd toll lla I.Utaldulr:
Thai laid al. lla rat.aotta raanUns Uiara
Alixi allh lagl.
Uaar lirari and liaada, as bulaalaaa. Mill and
tllow arafullf and dreaiulaaal alia'a 1m-
Tba ailraa ah rood of raal about iLaia fold.
And l ava m wrrj.n.d.
-A. U. I'aina Ui Wurtl.lntftua't Matfaalna.
hr.l liar Wur.l.
Two younit hwlira wnm walkiiift in th
Wo.U elm day, w ln u tin y wnnnx'.-.ti d
by 1111 old mid much Kypy,
who politely olTcntl to nhow Hi. iu tlicir
liulaiid'il f.icci iii a bnmk which nui
in iir by f r a alight n-iiiiiin-riitioii. Ki,
paying dm mini, tln-y follow ml thn hau
to thn brmik, a tln-y wnm V117 curioii
to nv bow hn mnild do ho Woii.I. iful 11
tliiii and 11U1 imxi.nm to ami tln ir fu
turn !.ul..iiuU Hut iiiHtcnd of 1 lii.l.lui
tlm fa. -a, i f th,- n u i,( y ail fondly
Ii, .-.! f .r th. y aw thclrown. "Wo can
iin'liiiirf but cur own fiuin, " a.iid
mm. "Very triii', nu in, " n-pliml thnHV
K'-i su f -rtiino telhr, "but th... w ill
! your lni.l .itnl'a (.M-ca wln u you ar
butriie'L " Y.
A I.Hlrrn rn.MMal,
Y.iun do hi j lc .w iimrwatu!.ito
Bii my il. ih fellah. I m tlm liappimt
ban oi.tM.lo of I.uiuion.
Kriitid I h? U it aK.ut thn lovely
JIlMi lie 1.1,.:, I. ,11 ?
Y. una do Myln That'a it. lawLml
Lit to fhaie my Iwcnty thoumud a y all,
and lm mid alia wouhL Nnw Yiak
ll.a I It.t I nrnpraa Almaaua.
Tlio fir-t a':-.. mac prinfsl 111 Kur'ji
or in tho w..t'.d for that matt, r, waa U10
"Kaliinl irium Novum," mmpil.-,! ly
nr H limoiit ia aud putii.ln.l at
lln.l.i. Hungary, in the ye.-ur u;j. jtU
Win rfm-t copy la kmm u to l in i-iUt-tlKtv
and tiiat la nun in tho IUitiiii m.
icuiu. SL Louu ICt'publllV
A Medlravl laaail.a.
luiwrn ta tba quiation. "At what
jx-noil 01 ilia tit i 1 pmrtii 01 a turn' r la
Tlio canon of MurimtU reaidtil In the
aama Iioiimi with hi anduta and elderly
houarkrrprr, and ho had rat ami a
thrtndi 0110 ut tlioao which nro rallml
muloi'M-a in (lulicia, that wliiatle and
trill in the nu . t n-markublo inanncraml
t-nn imitate all the other aonitnr.
Tho ciuioii'a rmi.h nee waa not only
plum, but i-ven ovnrly tntki-n, and
ahowtl 110 aiirtii of the acrupulotu mat-
nnaa UMially the chief cliarui tenntlc of
thoas who wear pni-atly guru, for
you uiiiHt know thut thnriuion'a liouw-lm)-
r, lloiia lUmona Villardoa Cuba
leiroa. bad formerly bn-n of rank,
and therefore aha waa n-aolvml todoaa
little lioiiM-work aa jwol.lo. Hie wnn
fond of dwi'llinir oil the (Mint and of pv
inn biTM-lf loinpli tely up to doleful nt--ollnctiona,
iuoniiK tho fnct that there
were mch thina aa awm-ping and rook
inK to be lit tell. led to.
fctuh aci'tn aa the following were
tlmrcforo of frmpii-tit occiirrntico at the
priint'a dwillini;: Hu would coino in
ufter aiij iiij iiiiiM, mid while lie liuiii lilt
c-ltMik and hut on a nail hia atomiicb
would i biinor loudly for iioiirUhtunnt, ro
mnulitiK him that it wna time to tuko hi
Clip of C'lloL'olutn. Fortified by prmipnct
of Una comforting U-vcra', lie would
nit down to wuit until thut nutrition
iM'VnntKO pin mill be brought to him.
liut, alua! a quarter of an hour would
i'lnpn, and then another, without any
HiK'na of hia brciil;f:uit. Knmlly lie would
timidly and gently rail to tho hu
"Uona Kainoiial Dona Kaiiioiiar
At the nnd of ten luiniiti-a doleful
rou e would reply:
hut do you wuut
Ah. w lieru in my cup of chocolate'."
Alan!" 1 Jaculate.1 the hiiITi nnrf dil-
pna. "I cannot uttciid to anything tmlay
Do roil know w hat tlay it r
Yea, Thuraihiy, Feb. 6, St. Dorothy
and M. ltov. iit.i."
JiiHt ao thii unnivertnry of the day
un w hich I lelt no Imppy and wna and-
ileiily khockiil by rm-civinir thn imwa
that my brother-in-law, the major, had
.lied of yellow fever in Cuba. Alan, may
the lTtl icrant inn niti-iu-e to Ix-ur iiji
under my utllu t ion T
Thu worthy, H'hkI luitun-d riinon ncTi-r
ilartil to a--k tlm .lame whether thn f.n t
that her brother-in-law had diml of yel
low fever waa any mnaoii why Imr iiiiid
ter aholild lo Htarved to thiith. He
would meekly opeu thn cupUiard in thn
kitchen, take out a piece of rlmcnlatu
from ita ureaiy wmppi-r and nibble at It
awhile, wailiiiirf it down with a la.-tof
water. Then ha would endeavor U
comfort IKimi lUmotm, who waa umally
-nitV.i'i on theiu'fii, with her faccti.-.l up
in a hundkiTchief.
"Dona Hainoiia, you aholild bti renik'n
ml to your I'.. You oiiKht not to rcli-l
nKniUHt (ol. Come now; If you keep un
crying we ahull no longer lo frieii.l."
Aud to on, aoinrtimc tor hour at a
Occaalotiulty the canon, with tlmae
very lianda which aliortly beforu had
rnlae.1 the i-oliMvmted host. Would lm
couiN'll"d to perform tho bumble ofllco
of wiifliunx iNitntm-a or pn-purinu vee
tuhlca for hia brtith.
However, IIicmi thimra did not worry
him aa much tut hia lack of oratorical
trtft and hia failure to couaole the trou
bled Iioiim LeeKr'i ipirit, for if the
worthy cation ever hud any loiiK'iiitC It
wiu to bo t-tmpiciit. Hu would have
Kiveu hia riK'l.t huu.l In order to l able
to comptNio a itrikinit aennoii. Lvery
tune that a nlviT tousled Jnauit woul i
aacend into tho pulpit aud deliver a fiery
addrvaa railing aKaiuat thu Irndi-ioua
theortea of Drnp-r and of Strnuaa, who
were totally utiknowu In Xlanmsln. or
aomoyotiiirf pn.-at cut after the pattern
of would diacourao aNnit "Jil
Jahal hard licurtctlnnaa" and the "epo. li
nf tho rvolittieat" or "thn liht of civ
llizatiou aprnud from (lolcotha," tho
worthy canon wna not roiummed with
auvy, for ho waa incapable nf men a
weakueaa. but hu wou', I Iwcotno pain- I
fully conarloua nf hia own di licielit iial '
and wculd lament hia own Incapacity
for preaching.
If we were to gather together hi di-
jointed retlm-tioiia they imj;ht read aa
follow: ".) my Lord, It l evident that
I am K'od for nothing. I am Cot worth j
my aulL I am aa duiub aa a Ash. It
waa folly on my part to doxim, aa I have
done, thut I mixht lie aeut to preach the 1
(inepnl to the heathen In tho wilda nf
Africa, wht-m a rich liarveat nf aoula
mitiht ba (;1''nnml. A nice aptli I
tlioul.l make, with my faltrrinK tongue,
my commonplace remark, my crooking
voice and my ordnury apprarancet O
Ixird. why Inu-t thoii w ithheld the power
nf apeech from uier
At the confeaaioiial the ration encoun
tered the aauio difil.-nlty. He never waa
able to maka naet f thoau bitter awertaU-
from behind tla Krt!ni( of the coufi
On th otlw-r hand, the common raopl
Mug th pruiaeaof thocauoo and luud -d
I Jm to tl. aky. Huilor. artian mh)
- aaatkera, whi-n they aaw Baal aaiaao
17 with a k I tally wuilaoa kaa Wawaruatiail
ana, wuatld mf aa awaalwo aa lw
taaa, "U a aavlat."
Mawy Mardotaa aa Vd4 uf th faud
man at tlm cigar faatory, where all tb
newt la known and commented npon.
They Would tell how he had aolj hia ail-
vnr buckln to pay tho rent of aome i.r
people who were about to bo ejected
from their dwelling, and If a beggar
akcd fur alma and he had no money to
give him he would atrip off for tlm auf
ferer hia own iiiuftli-r, hi huiikcrrhii f or
vi n hi roaiiry. Ho utl.-red all aort of
privation in order toallvvlato the want
of other pmiplo.
Una night tho cu nun retired at th
time the chicken go to rut, for ho hud
at-vcre cold. It waa a dreary evening,
and the ruin waa falling in torrent,
while the wind ahook tho bull- and
wliintlid through the trm t.
For that ri ry reuaon the canon en-
Joyrnl lying In hi wurm bml, nuigly
tin ki-il up and expi nonclng that 1I1
lightful drowiu-sa w hich prvcedi lm-p
Hi aching bonea, tortured by rhi-uma-
tiam, were feeling gniteful warmth.
and he could breuthu quite frm-ly. It
wa a moment of aybantiral enjoymi'iit
(tich a prolong tho feeble exiMenro of
old limn.
Tlm canon had juat murmured thn luat
even 1 11 g prayer, w lien tlio uooria-u wna
violently rung and a hot diaruanioii win
heard K"ig 011 in the autet liumlx r. It
grew more and more excite.) until Doiiu
Kuinoiia, liol'ling u ciunllintick uu high, j
burnt into the room to Inf. inn the ration
that a ahabhily Un-oacd woniun, who ,
liaikeil liko a Ir-ggar, iimiitml on awing
him at once. Like a aol.ln-rut theaouiiil
of the reveille, the canon (prang from
hi bed. and nrcely waiting to clothe
himiM'lf went out Into thn antm humlx-r
to timet the atrunger. Tlia water wa
dreaming from her garment, for the
rain hud wet her to the akin.
'Oh, inont holy inniiP he eiclaimed,
endeavoring to kim tho old prii-Ht hand.
My brotln-r I ut hi Iat gnp nnd will
not confix. He i dying likn a dog,
Honor, mid turdon me for aia-aking a.
('ome, good hit, try to move hi burdened
heart, ao that hi Hinful aoul may not
thu lm launched into another world un
" ho la your brother, my good
The notary Itoca."
The cumin gazed in atouLihmeiit at
tho woman' ahubby garment, aud a
he read hi thought alio atuiiitncred:
I am a cigar maker, uud o my rye-
Hlglli in nnir t ail t ill 11 .'10 a hmui;
livelihmnl. My brotln-r U rolling tu ,
wealth, but hu m-vcr give 1110 a ainglt)
rent. Hn ha 11 wicked lioiiM-kccjicrw ho
liuiLea way with ull ho haa, and lu re 11111
I, w ith my four little oiu-h, obliged to
earn my broad by thn aweut of my brow. I
Hut do not think that I havneomnon nc- j
count nf hi money or bceuiiau I wish ,
him to leavo it to me. I wa Iwrn immt
ami ahall din n h ir, nnd I hIioiiM not cam
if it were not for my children. Hut I do
not want my brotln-r to Iomi hi aoul. I
do not want him to bo condemned for
ever." "Smi lu re, my poor woman," aaid tho
ruinni, nlreudy touched by her volu
luetice, "I nui not capable of coiivineiicj
any one nor moving hi heart, (ioto
Futhi r Ineieiiso."
"Ah, father, that priift may la very
g.HHl, but thorn is no other man as Kiiut
ly n you urn in .M.inno.l.i. We, thu ci
gar maker, would put you ahead of thu
hihi himself. If you do not wish to
come any ao, but don't toll urn to look for
any ono else, for if you do not perform
tlii miracle not even Christ hiuiM-lf
could do ao."
Oil, human Weukneaa! A alio apokn
thn ruuoti felt 1111 Inward aatlafac tinti
and aai. I:
"Dona Ilainona, give mo my uuibrel-
"f b'.a.i-,i...".' uollcml file entrance
of the canon, am) wildly wavmij hia
arm and uttering hoora cry he
4a.e. k I d4.!aMia.
Jlrfa-a'araaaltjvf Wat, iaV.e aal !
kawfMakiHd aaaalaxa It Ua jalkiWI U wKlaJrrW, aaavaa) hia aliaM
With tWa i.a-4 ha haaaU taf B"k
The ramoai atopTMsl oa tax tkraakold.
aa tkouiili kwaitatikc or waatinf ft the
iitapirutioat of the moment to move I1I111.
Hi limb wi re t rumped with cold, but
tluro w.i an ardent k'"w withiu him
now whit U (.lied hi aoul with holy lire.
II 110 longer thought nf wanning hi 1
atoiinu b by a tip of wine, nor of draw
ing Hour to the cratt fill blazn of the fire
place, tmr of going back to hi cumfort
ablo bed.
Ho went up to the auk inaii and knoll
Ut si.lo him.
Tho uotury fiat d umn hi visitor hi
dim eye, ulreudy glaie.1 with the film of
"What what nro you doing thomr
be painfully i-j.-n-ulatoiL
"I am praying," replied the priest,
"thut you inuv confes and limy n-pent
of your ain mid auve your aoul."
"And you by heaven! hut busi-
net la it of your, I would like to know
Hero, I'. i."
"Don't tall Pepa, for ahe know thut
I ahull not harm .m ii; I am liiti-nnti'l it
uvlng your aoul," ropln-d thu riitiou.
(hwtng hiiiiselr tip ami rai-uig hm
voice, while lm H--iiiml to lin-ream in
at it 11 ro and apiril u ho found within
hiuiM lf aatreiigth of will nnd Bow of
Idea which were fully eiiiJ to any of
Father Iliciellso'.
"I am interested because you limy die
tislay, but I am aure ilo you uuderstaiid
me? thut I myself ahull not live eight
day longer. 1 had fccvcrw cold and
Wiu ill in liel, but 1 have colne to hear
you i-i'tifosa. I urn drenched to the nkin,
and 1 know I have caught my death, but
1 do lint wat t to present myself before
tho Almighty with empty lunula, mid 1
liao Hindu up my mind to aavu your
aoul iu order lint to loan my owti.
"I have not lfii of much im' to (1ml
during my lifetime do you uuderstati.!?
of iKim at 11IL And now hu cull mu
to hiuiM If, and do you want 1110 to say
to him, I urn ho iiicornpoteiit I cmild
not even touch the notary Kma' hoar!':'
liut now I miss) a power of noe!i,
ucli as I in or bad U-fom, nnd 1I.1 j.mi
want to pn vent uiu from deriving any
Is 11. lit from it? No, air; you must lis
ten to mo. I shall not go uwny from
hern without nbtiolviiig you from yuur
hiiis, even if I am torn to piece. Kill
tun, if ymi wish to, but listen to ine nnd
hoed what I any."
Tlm last episode iu tho history of the
rnnon occurred nt tlm portal of heaven.
Thn imtary' aoul uud hi own n-a lied
It at tho Minn moment, for the iMt.irv
wna converted by thu apostle' tardy
elmiionce. Tho notary, both ahame
faced and ovorjoyetl for, to toll the
truth, bo had never dreamed he sliuuld
bo iihln to g.i to heaven tho notary
ati-pjail back politely to imikn way f. r
thn canon' soul. Hut thu caiioii aaid
amilitigly to thn repentant aium-r 11 ha
drew b;n k, "No; you nmst enter first. "
Translated from the Swinish of Liuilio
I'ur.lo tlo Ihiziiii for Roinnncu by Mary
Followed by Grinding Poverty In
the Slums of London.
tlmlra, tba I'almUl, Hrlalra a airmng tl
pvrlrBraThal lllu.lral Ilia Mrklrara
nt lala-Tlia Hand rruaa Aoalralla A
Vjtli rf fcnUrd.
tC'nwrlfclil. IS. Ii Amrrlt-an I'rta Aaam-la-
I loll.)
-You wen. mnrrlml at It, at SO your
tiiisluind iVm rtol ymi and your child, but
llmiigh ao lung s. ianilitl hu atlll lives
and w ill colon Imek ngnin Into yuur life
win n you ui- tlm age of 32."
The thin hand cliitthml mlnn nervnu
ly, the hluu eye llllml, and In n few
inotit thu (ulluvt lug story wna poured Into
my ears:
' I wa iiuirried on my eighteenth birth
day. I mnrrlml against the wlshea of my
people. My hualiand and I came to !-
1 v 1
t- ',-:
, "Mr
1 ' r . r?i 1.
Kimtioua w hich s,Kithn the con cicution
acruplea of the J. vot.11, nor fuhninutn
th.wr acathltig apostrophe which touch
the hatlenisl ainm r heart.
Tin n f re Augolita ltauioa, the prwi-
dent f the "Daiighti r of Mary " the
M art-hloU!" of Vetiailoa. the foundtT of
the Koponto, the wife of Marshal Celia
In fact, tho rn-me du la crvme of th de
vout church gm-ri of Mannoda all
agrtasl tliat the canoo waa a roy
"Your umbrella!" annpped the hmi
koes r. "Don't you know that it is in
tatter, like thu banner of thu Lib-rat ios,
and t tint I W a obliged to aelld it to lie
Thu canon hesitated fur a moment uud
then sai l timidly:
"Well, bring mu my cloak and my old
hut nnd my miifiler."
Hu left thn Iioiimi with the woman, and
thu rain beat down on their dofeuaelis.
hoa.l. while thu lleuvy gust of W ind ul
most took their breath awuy a it drove
them along. The ruin penetrated hia
g iriiiKiit nnd chilled the poor canon to
the very marrow.
"Oh," he thought, "if I only had a ip
of wine or brandy! If 1 could only warm
liiyaelf by tho bluzo of a good tire!"
After a long tramp they mat hod the
house and the cigar maker boldly k nocked
on the door, and aa it wa tint o iiml at
once alio knocked atill louder. A for
midable looking woman, with mus
tache, bulging oyta and lloahy, heavy
form, imule her nppearntice at the door
aud overwhelmed them with invective.
She endeavored to close the door again,
but the cigar maker had thrust herself
Into the opening like a wedge, and foam
ing with rage cried:
"(let out of the wayl (let out of the
way! I have brought tlii holy man ao
that my brother ahull not die like dog!
Hot out of tho way, yon horrid thing!"
She iMiintml tt tho canon bvhiud her,
ahiverlng w ith rol.l.
It wna lingular, but the flcahy woouitt
knew him at once, and a ahe recognized
bun her bearing changed; her rye no
longer flaahed tire, and ahe meekly aaid:
"Come in, good father, come iu. Par
don tun, for I did not ace y.m. Yuu r
llevtsl thu distress of liiy loor mother,
1 don't you n.o'.ltvt? In heaven i still
recorded the money ymi gave her to en
1 able In r to buy n vogotiii.le iu thn
' mat k. t place to earn her living. Oh. lio,
; I shall in vi r shut my tlm.r in your lace
Come in, air. and make yonra-lf at liome.
but phase rtimiiilsr thut 1 have la-en
doing thu w oik 111 tin house for tho past
three year, mid it 1 only just that w hen
Snor ll.H't tin hu aholild leae Inn
aomothiii ;. Come in."
Thn canon dmw himself up. Theapurk
of lifn within him wa rt-Lindled 11u.h r
the glow nf that eiithusiutic rveplion.
of that unexpm tl gratitude the result
of a good a-tion w hich he ha.1 long ago
forgotten. A iiiyMcnou l'ght Illumined
hi sj int. and a Hu.hl.-n thought, terrible
a well
llwlsalipl lllvrr HnualalMJUta.
TheruustalHiuta' faults are excessively
human, nnd the coiistueiicn of a stur ly
U-lief thut tln ynmtl ahnrpi-r tmutinotit
than tlm rest of ll loads to their being
urged to do mom work than a white
man. There were night 011 tho Trnvi
iloiice when thu landing rail close tin
got her and thn Nr wretched got little
or 110 aleep. Tln-y "tote" nil tlm freight
aboard and buck to land again 011 tin ir
lieii'l or ahotil'li r. and it 1 crushing
work. Whenever the old barbaric in
atinct to loaf or to move by thrm-sat on
man' work would prompt tln-m, one of
thu miito wo hum to spy thu weiiLno-i
and rour at the t nlpnts.
The liiatea showtsl no actual unkind
lies or aovority w lulu I was on that bout.
Hut they nil on all thu Isiats have
fenraomo voices, such n wo t rmlit to
Lirato chief on "low, rakish, k
nut," in yellow clad novel. Any onu
of them would break up 11 11 opera troop.
They roup at thu tlarLic in their Im-i-m-sa
voice with a "run up the plank,
nigger; now, then, iiigger, got wood,"
and then they turn uud aluk to the pua
aeliger ill tin ir Sunday thore leuvo
voice aa gently 11 uny men con talk.
Julian Kuljili In Ilarpt r'a.
tlask Tar Soltrme.
Many year ngo nu Knglishman em
ployed an honi-st who had quit the
aea as 11 gardener. Jack had 110 Msm.'r
enti nil hi aervico than ho found him
an If inucli aiiiioyod by n dog who night
ly invaded thu gaidcii. One morning tlm
mi lor reached tlm garden In-fore thu dog
had loft nnd m.nle him captive. A amiii
a lin had aei.til thn animal, Jack i!e
lil rately took a spade, cutntT the dog'
tail and net him at lils-rry. Shortly after
thn owner rntensl the garden and In
tiiintl if the dog still annoyed the gar
dener. "He'll in t r trouble ti again,"
replied Jack, "1 caught him tlii. muni
lug. niishipivil hi rudder mid net him
off ls-fore the w ind, nud hung inn if he
will l nblo to atocr hi way back."
Iulllrneaa of hwrd.-a,
"Tho niif.uling politeilmm of the
Swede i a coti'tatit aource of Wondtr
and a-t. .iiisiliiiu nt to visitor," nil. I
tleorgvC. Trtimon of New York. "Tin y
have a large n-vMirtniont of Isiw nud
rurt.-.-i according to the a-v and x
of those who nm thu recognir.-d, but
thu lift-.ngof thu lint i ao universal thai
it am-nn to ! going all thn time, I'v.-n
thn biib-her' Is.y in niontiiig thu baker
assistant, instead of passing him with a
can !i hollo!' or giving him a friend
ly but!, t. a nn American lad might d.i,
il.'tTs Ins hat to him with elaborate cour
tesy. " .m. imi, 1
In the In art of Iyniub n ia a miblie
liow.rm in without a librarian or any j
one to ! k after the paper. They are !
chain, d and Kullm-kml ao thev cannot !
Titt this niJCM rt.fTritED MINK xcnv-otst.r.''
don, and together we tried to light lire a
la-st wu coiilil. Ilo was 11 young engineer,
ninl I mot hi.ii nl my father boiiso In
Yorkshire, whom ho had been brought
over I.lvt-rpmil to nisrlnton.l an
rleetrle light plant that wa Islllg in
at11M.1l, Whi-n 1 found that my father
would lint consent to the marriage, I ran
away from In. tun w ith my lover, nml on
Ibu following dny wnwt-re tjuletly imirrlml
In n n-gistry olliee In Imdou.
"Alas! I mi nml to bring 111 lin k to
bl m, (or f n ui that moment hi onn-or
Ms-niiil to fall. Wu m.ii came to la almost
s-nnlli ss, nml In ii.l.l to our inlsfortinitsi
fur little girl wn Is.rn Kora long timn
('barley It bravely, hut when wn
emtio nl last to live In mm ns in in a mi,
eralile street off llnllsirn huhnikudown
rompletely nnd am-mt-d w ithout thu desire
or the energy lo am k for work.
"Itwiia then my turn to try. I hatl
las n well educated and hail n particularly
imml musioal training, so after Home lit t lu
1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 y I in obtaining nil on
pagomoiit to teaeh kinging to thnv girl
lit their own lioiin s In this way I wim
nlilo to Hiipsirt my liusluin.l mid child for
aome time; but, alas! n now fear si.n stole
Into my heart. My enforced iilisem-c from
liomu hail tlmclTtvt of mukltig the man I
loved turn for eoinnany to the m-arost
IHililli; house, nml night nfter night I hail
to go nml mat him from hi illssnlutu
imsiK'late. With my woman' instinct I
felt certain that those men wore tlishiiltesl
and l longed to tlm lowest class of life,
liut Charley would not listen to my warn
ing nml ptsilip.ihid them ns the morbid
Imagining of n woman' mind. Si thing
went on until mm evening, when I had re
turned earlier than Usual, hu came in,
kiacd inn, told me that ho had got work
lo tin that would H4NIII bring 11 In money,
hut not to wait up for him, a lm would
lint Isj home t lint night. Hi last word
were: 'tositlliy, little one; ohm r up. Wo
nm getting hack into the auiishliio onoe
"lin seeinul so happy nnd bright, so
liko thu gay, f. arlcs follow who w.ssd
nml won mo, that a the tlmir closml after
bl m I threw- inys. If on my Ltu-c nnd
tl11111L.1l (iod In the f nil m-sa of my heart
that ho hail given mu kick my huslinnd
once morn.
"Tho next morning I niso earlier tlim
usual. I wont out nml Ismght some rm
from a man In the stm t and placed them
on thu brenkfast table a nn onion of
brightness. Then, having prepan-d n
cheery moid, I nit dowu mid for
bllll to ii 11110. I e.illtiot help crying, lliotl
aleur. Time haa not dried the tear. Suf
fice It to any hu never onme Uu k. Oh, my
( how I waited fmni hour to hour,
from tlay to Jay, from iiioiith to month;
waited till h..v .11, i out In my In-art, till
fovt-r raged ami burned w ithin my bruin,
nd ut tin- end of n long time I nw-oke In
hospital nnd rommemtil life nguln.
"When 1 rm-.ivond, I movid to mint her
mrt of London, nml nfter a hanl at niggle
aiicctssletl Iii making my way and cdiictit
ln my Utile girl, but the memory of my
1 1.1
. il l.,,-.
if? 1. i 1 1 '1 CTn-u.
1 i -r : 1 - r 91 jf. ,r -it
- Viv.
l cam.
and the
d nfT. Little damage i tl.uio,
r.s.m i usually quiet and or
ita itirUoO j-istiiUbhir" fur a ha g ' pm.h) r, while Kath.-r Incienau waa
timo have bmn divided U-twrrn early Very pnpuUr. and thry liked the way in
and Lito uri ..l intervention and Hon- hich be delivered rlietorvai phraara,
UitefTc-ntioa. I't-j uhtx SutK.a Mun'.hlr. bUrwuTia wiih tuuiual uhatirTtUuba.
Missoiiri piwv J 19, 00,0t)0 buahoU
of cvirn. nii,tHHl,Ot.0 of oats JO.lHMl.O
of wheat and 13,000.000 pouiuU of to
la. Thu Imvl prtxluct ha nomtled
ivmfortiiig, thniledhiintothe! Io,iV'0,(..oO isiutitl in aiug'.e
v.-ry reuter of hia heart. Thi thought
chanp-d hia deadly roldnes into ardor
a aprcio of r.piotolic fervor. He entered
the su k man room w ith firm atop.
The notary wa in cue of thoee painful
rn- which are the forerunner of death.
Hi 1 hit r-s.' and fell a he gaapeil for
breath, and hi painful reI iratlon could
and thu line hna eiiualtsj 12, JoO tout a
Mia Mary M.Omevy of Indianapolia
tl not am m to ahare the aapjsasii
fcmiuinu tl.-sire for au elaborate wed
ling. She waa tmvrried the other day to
Juha IVmr. and the cemmony ocvauied
lJ t,r fr,- .V.rtf.i-,TT IA.SltO,,iCt:' WJ tV.tJ? Wfeh.
bait huslsvnd hna never left my heart I
111 8J year nf ag t.slny, nnd yet at thl
very point of my life you any that my Inia
luiid will come lu k omv more. Ab,
riitinsJeiir, you have only an Id thl to give
me hope. How ran ua h bo bow can uch
I wn silent. It would have been worse
ban rnirl after auch a stnry to attempt l-j
build lip hosv I hud not the heart even
to any to her thai thn way of fate am int
our waya; that as we nm aubjm-t to mylo
rloii law of ls-ing at our birth, ao an
we the aarvnnt of those Inw to the end.
I would, hatl I dan-d. have pointisl out to
her that iii our finite wUdotn we ask for
what we think ia gmid, not knowing in
our bllr..ln.-ss (hat Is lilntl all 1 tho hand
nf the Intliiite. ahapiug all. tnoUlliig all
f..r the bet. Ahl what oldldn-n we am
ehlldren corrf rtlna- thi'drvn by nirrr h
of niiij.a-h7, our wonls of r gr t We
w . uldf.ilil lunke the world and the lives
within thu world nn to our Utile
b.Tton t f thought o would ! a 1 ; -d to
o im Itisv th it the sun might ) inn,
f rg ttlng Ih it the night I na ti. c.-mi't
the day Wa have 110 Ini.t In this 1 ..1
b y i f the gravr. We most t. 11. h ,:h
our hands, and . It h 1 tire) .-. an 1 I. ..r
with our i-nrs. and rv. n thci e can!" :
will no ta b. re Nn won. I. r that from a.
! atfe. fri'in jear lo Ih ar th
wtirtla t.f the NaAarciio with rery pray, t
wa ray, O ye nf lift le faith!"
I was all-tit She rmr ana aaid, V,!1.
4o you Mill give me boj'"
"Ya," I cvulj Sot baiSaalIVa; 'Th
11 10 1. 1 I nasi, llm Uuwn will aoon uoiuo.
phn went out Into the it nit, but I aow
her lurti and Im.k lawk at my window with
an expression of faith and lhankfiilnea In
her eyi-a thnt tniiclnsl me to the heart
It ia nt aurh a moment that one fmJi
how utterly Iu Iples we are In th hand
of futo. 1 had nil 1ml tutt k hosj Into thl
W'iiiiiiiii heart, but having hrM her ter
rible atnrr I almost mim tlml thut I hatl
iloiiu ao. I nluiost iloiiblod the atudy I host
al a) found corrm-'t
One morning a few day later I wn
nrprlsml to lin. I large w.sslon hoi
ninoiig my loit.-r. Il hatl evidently come
anine disunion The st mark wemrubUsd
and lnissM.ihle to make out but Inside,
nil the top of anliie wadding, I found th
following letter
lioi n f'Hrra. Mai i.aiht. t
liloin. Australia. I
lirtn Sin I g"l l'ur aihlrraa lUroab aa
riitf'isb sii r xlilili rtsji-nily rama Imo 111 r'ls. Il i-iiiitaliirii a lima account of )uur
i.uil rful sirr la uitrr.rollng Ilia lire of a
lr n's 1 sun. Now, air, I anl )tm I" Kim Ilia
hit .)il rut )"'.r n ) lal altrniliai. I will
Kit). )..u a slLlit sk'-ioli ut liiy life tulirlpynu
lof-iuiaii) imr 1 iini'luslnns, a llirra I only
one tl li.ii In my fulure that I tlraira Iu knua ;
tl.rrofurr, ir, I will write all hunt reaarr of
any kind.
Win n I aasl yraranfagr.Ioiarrlid a rom.l
al.d Is-ailllful girl, aim gave tip In-r LiiDia I
share my late, and ti'in-ilier f It-f 1 th in.rthnt and ari.t in Um.lon. I waa ans "uliarr
I.) n: v l.'tt. hut shortly after my niarrlaga I
fi ll mi hard times and rnuld not maka annugli
lii'inry to ki-rp tusly and aoul logvlhrr, Alsiul
thl ninai.iir lllilr Kl'l wa Uirn, and though
f..r awhllvil.e thought nf n.r lulls on fan
tm-a lr.-li stlmuius in srrk for work, )rl, sir.
1 am ashaiin-d In say thai I Inst heart hi mui h
Ihst 1 al hist gala up and allnwrd n.) self la
drift iiitn Ihe 1 oiiilsiii) of 1 1. lot rs aid lora-on.
Una mailt, umli-r tin i ri.n.lss of srurk. I louml
m ss-lr ilec )) t-.l Into tl e hands of a dt-.a-rata
gsinc t.f tiiirglara. Tln-lr plan waa ti rob una
of I I.f larwt-.l hank In Ih-cliy and fly ll.a
country I.) fm ans nf an Australian vessel thai
w In loatr irl Inglll. I was kept III
Ignorant r ut tin Ir real iurs.a nil lin last mo
mrni. and thru In a .rui:i;lf for Irrt.l. ui I as
tuntird by a blow and carried arnaclras twtl.a
M.rn weeks at ara, ami almost within
Igl.t nf Inn. I. rniiiiintrrrd a hurritanp, ihr
hip as lust, and 1 bava iiarpr aren my
riatra situ. V..U ran undsrsland thai I wa
Drvt r allow id to srti.l a t.-tn-r to my w Ifeoni
un IsMiril, and wht-n I arrlvtsl here I could ind
entile, a I wa iM-tiiillrs. wrutv aaaln and
ak-aln, but k'"t lm reply. At last, wlirn 1 bad
li.ailalii.ini )' al ll.a, I returned la
I l.j. so. 1. 1 ut ailvrriiat-iiient In the paut-raand
)-ari hetl txitolun, but rnuld find no Iraea of
11 tar ur if or Luy illtl girU I bava not
1 r, S . I a
-' Tiki v
si-v I'm .-.-! . :. 11 t .
Tim iNrujirricAsT.
yet bst hop, and I send thl east nf my band
for you tn toll ma If you If we shall mrrt
s-a:n. 1 coii'.l watt on pall, ntly tor )tars 11 I
tli.iiiuhl at tunc I would see hrr lure iimrr, 1 rrinaiti. dear sir, very sitn-erely
yours, ( iiaiiI.m TiiouI'som.
Churl. Thompson! Tliotnson waiilso
In-r mimn. There roiilti Is' no posility
of n mistake. The lost w as foiiiul.
Six Wm-L later I had the nl. n.ure of
dining with Mr and Mr. Thompson nt
llm Hotel Victoria nud shortly nftenvnnl
saw them i n Mine to Australia. As the
big ship hoailml nut to aea them worn
three happy mm mi Isuirtl who waved inn
tlu lr lost gmsll.y. The night hatl Indcml
piiaseil. Thu daw n had come.
t lll llio TIIK I" ALMIST.
Wr3. LAVC'3 QULER wavs.
aba Vloa It.a Only W..m. .,orl1
Ainarlta, l'ihas. K n,. ,,,,
Mra. MuriliaJ. Ln.i.b. e-litrt( f 7,
M.iif!ultie of Ann man History. a.'
aingular and roinurk.iblo wotn'.,'ti. m!J
wn aninething i f a wn'.t r, aou U u.'. , j
btisities woman, aotiietlii'i ( f a 7 1
Utltlimpist, aoluethilig nf al) or.iicj'j
a.!. I a greut deal of a historian.
Mr. Lu'iib wua the onu wmn.,., ,i t
hna written history atu-ccx.fhlly. ; .,
t.H.k aa mm h delight in hunting t!,r ,' ,
Ulllsty letter, manuscript. Ulol r 1" ,
nnd in digging into ancient ruini i. ,
Lite Mr. i:uticroft. Ni t mdy ,i,
tuko In, crest in histornnl 1, !,,;,.. :.
rosy enough and common enou,, 1 ,
to do but alio won the rtvt u. I j .
iniriitioti i f eminent and erudite 1,,. t.,r.
icul scholar 011 both aide of tho A:!. ;
tic, uud camo to lio rt-ogiiiz.-d m m, .....
tin. rity 011 Ait'irit un ina",rv
Mr. Lutub atrolig. kindly, w n, , ,.
face wn familiar 111 nil of the l..-,: r. ,
111. rime and tlnMOout of the w .y I,
marts In thu city, tho existent e , ( ;
i iiuLliowii to most busy Now Yo.'.
where lin rury s.plu, hook 1". r. ;
aiitiipiunan cotigregato to f. .!', ,u t
atudit and fum-ic. Al'hoti-'i :
three year i f age, for year, r-- 'til..r'.
vacation wi n tpiitu unknown t,. 1 ,
ut 14 o'cl.s k in tho iiioniing she 1 r ...
ut her ofiico in thu building is-. v,...
the tH-ribner. IndtsisI aim broo.,-; ,
her death by )"-rsisteiico in ntf. mi
her dtltie when her health v. nil t,
permit it. In tin-detail of h. rv.. :, .
wa u systein.itio n a h.m! ;.
hu would brisik nothing 1 Is.- out'
of her assi.stiiut.
Editri-s uud biisitiiT inaiia r i f i.
mugiuiuo, an uctivu particiisiiit i-i ti.. .,
fair of llllllieroll a-s ii lie .1, voh
historical rest art h uud tlm .
of women, au author of hi ton. ..1 .
constant writer on historical ti.
dm iiccolnplished nil with the m l . t
one Monographer, nud ahu had ls .
to say thut thi ateliogr.iplier w.n a
11 rv. There' nu example nf in ti f
1 1,
t 1
! - a
I r II '. il l
I' 1 1 ,
fair Woman' Ituling 1'awlnn.
A young latlv of Owenalairo, Ky., whllo
recently visiting In anot her state, narrow ly
111lss.1l n horrible tlonth. She wa walk
ing iimiii n long nud high mllniad trestle
with n male frleiul. nnd they wcrvovcrtnk-
en alsnit the mni. lie nt It uy n ngniuiiiK
expn-s train. They hud aulllcletit pn-s
oii.-e of mind to stop out upon thu end of
the tie, nml crouching down rlung to a
water barrel fastened oil thn aide of thu
trcstlu. Thn Hying train caused su. li a vi
bration of thu tp-stlu thut the young wom
an wn ao frlghtchfd ahu nil but loot her
grip iiain thn barrel, which would hnv
meniit a borrililu death nsm tho nxk ls
low. Afterwanl she wild alio did not think
III thl moment of great peril of her fa
ther, mother or sweetheart or tho little
Hlu of her past lifts hut only of the fuel
thnt the greasy bnrrel nnd rnasatle were
ruining her new spring gown. Thi re
minds thellwelislairu Messenger of the rx
IN'rlcnro of a girl lit Itusscllvlllr, whts
when run down In a carriage with a gen
tleman nt n crossing by a train, uihlonly
found lierst If aiispetiibsj in midnlr on the
pilot of thu engine supairti by ono nrtn
of the getitlemaii alaiiit her waist, while
he clung on to the pilot with the other
She aaid alio only rvmcinl red that ahe
had gutio out to drive with her ahubby
shm a oil and wondered If nnyUnly wnaace
ing them.
Twa I.urky Areldrnla.
Several coloretl turn wero pla1n(
cra on flrove atreet the other night,
one of whom waa b:u-king tho game. A
qnarrel artwe lietween the backer and
one of the players, when the player
drew hi pistol and tired. A button 00
tho vest of tho backer of the game saved
him a ?erimi wound and perhnp hia
life. It received the bullet from tho
pistol of the enraged man ami turned it
aside. Hi narrow rrape made tho
barker mad, and he, too, drew hi re
volver. He corked It and pnlled on tho
trigger. A it fell the chamber of tho
revolver, tilled with rartridge. dropped
to the floor. Thu two current accldeuta
tn uccrsi"n permitted two narrow es
cape. No further attempt waa made
to hont. Hartford
uo vi. uon 10 tititv 10 id ii'iiiuri 1 t. 1:1.1a
aud woinati alike!
Mra. Iiinl) Is-gan writing at'y
age. A a girl alio wu ahy, tu.. l. -t. t,;,.
assuming nnd never ucc.sm1.1o to
gem. When ahu Wn fifteen year i f .
show-out to visit tlm birthplace nf i .
mother, who diml when ! was a 1 1
Shu wrote a long account nf the im; : -
ion elm received uud Hetit it 1111-: 1
to a pnper ut Northampton, Mass., u. ,,r
by where alio wua living. The i-ht.-r
loariied who tho author wu mi l pub
lished it over hi r nigniitnre. Heforo
wu tw-etity alio had 11 number of stori-
for children ucceptisl by imigaiin s on. I
perimlical.s. and during her lifetime
wroto eight Isaik for childreii.
Win wna often abrupt nnd original in
her derision). Sho would mlvuiice a
ctiliar njiinion upon n mibjm t, mi l u
bein askml for her reason W ould un- v. r
limply thut aim had none, but slm kn v
w hat ahu utated to Ut tnte.
Mm. Iiinh hail her hobby. It wa
rietie. Sho wa Il lllellila r of Inoro i r
gani.ations than uny otln r wotmiii w 1
ever lived. When tln-ro wa no a.s i
for her to join elm organized one. Tl."
wall of her npartnietit were cover. 1
with framed certificate of uieiiils rsh:;.
in ms ietie in nil uirtsof the world. Slo
wan thu origiiiatnr of the liomu for tlo
Friemlles and tho Half Orphan Ms i'-tv.
tho Colonial Ihiim uu 1 uuiuorou nth
rr. When ahu attended a lum-tim; of
historian last year ut Montreal she w..
grunted tho freedom of the city fuuo
thing never given la fom to 11 woman.
Although most enthusiastic in all mat
ter of woman' work, Mr. I.umb 1.. r
aelf most enjoyed to work with m. t.
She mudn Tin) Magazine of American
History pay 11 miraculous nccoinj l.-'.
meiit iu thu eye of publisher.
'Tho History of tho City of .V w
York" won for Mr. Lamb In r spurs n
a historian. Many consider it tin- m t
complete nnd nccuialn record ever 1
pilttl. Afterward sho published h.,.t t
dozt 11 Work which wit - r
ceived utnl are looked tiini inc. :;'.:..
from high uuthority. What hIio h.
done in her liingazine toward prt-s'r 1:.
American historical nfen'tict catit.' '
fuil to W'l.f vnliio to thu ftitiir..' hi-to.- .'1
in his work. Ni w York Pre.
XV hrr f holer Raced riereel.
Nearlv thn-e-fotirth cf all tbecoaoa
of cholera in southern Hussi, or In tho
region la-tweeti the Caspian aea and tho
Black, have proved fatal. In St. Petero-'
1. M.. hi tti.r allttW l..n '
-s,., .-... .. luuuntuu
Itrtl virn of C.ulauaw
Th'-ro nro still "n d men" i i (iai.uin
according to Mr. Smith Dcldcntir' r--port
tlesceliilant ('f thn inhabit n.ts
ho timu of it tlisc.ivtry. Tl. .1.
fareiitly of three or inoro n' ut .
Tlioolih st inhabitant. 1 iirclx '.lev. .1
lm the Wamiis-, who h ad ni-miiiti. In
loti life, without ii.n iculture and rata
ir UJ llslu r than u hunters. Win
thniMj ptsiplo camo from ia not ku .i-u
Of certain origin tiro the sic.n l
istt, tho Arawack, who Wire dnv u
southward from the Wct 1
lainls. After I iii-ia catnn a whnln m -of
Ciirib trils s w howim nli f .r i
annthward frmii tlio Wert Indie. .1 '
Is foro tho advent of thu Europeans t
last if thuCarib tribe imnlo it n'ts
anno, nnd its jssiplo were known il- t. j
"Trnn Curilw. "
lit life and HurToiitiding there i' 1
great iliffortMico Is twecii any nf th" '
isting trila. Tin y live in snull f.titn.y
gT.nips, the 111nlt1.1l relations of the uu n.
U-r laing admirably n-gulated by
very tl.-ciilml though unwritten coo
Tln-y pn.a rfm-t!y simple livt. t.
bnppiuetwof which wins to K'tuhaii
by the collision with nti. r
tnU1. A atifkiotioy of f.ssl i pr.i t:r. 1
by hunting nnd fi.-hing nnd a 1 r: 1111: i'-
kind of agriculture. Their hou-i s, a '. .
Mr. Smith I lammr, are of the aimpl'-'-but
txactly what i rminirctl, mid tl.
funiitnrn i nnally a liamtii's ls. C! '
in;t i ".1 (jui-stioii for tho future."
Ls'Uu.ill New.
Mliuur Triill.
Tho akin i f fruit ahnuld nev. r
c.iten. not ls-ane the y nre in it p.ii..t.i'
nr iligi-stible or nn unhealthy in tl-- '
elvca, 1 nt nn a.i i'tint nf tho thing, r a:
exist, over half the cuv-i huvo proved j ing fr..m micr .li w iii h have 1
latai. 111 llamrnirj the r.itio 01 deathf
In cholera ca ha la-en nearly ona
haif, while in tiorrlmrn Oermany, tn
De'ginm and in France it La been
about one -third. Als ut W per cent, of
the cose in IVrsi are thought to hav)
proved fjitaL A quarter of a niillioa
Ierinaro uprsed to bavo perlihotl
ly tho Asiatic cholera thi year. Patio
A Isaaahler lirrullaa.
IT-. daughter nf a Knn anfe robN-r 1
f"t J tl sirfn.tti.n- to a petition for ht-r fa- i
Ihcr ar.t .n and then raised nioti. T r
ashing and rui I. In to pay ra-lrmul fire
ptl into Ihecovt riligof the fruit, l.v- -r-lsly
111 iK'timtl that at titm n '
atTatch w ill i reate a c iisidcrab'.e s- ro
011 the ls!y. It is p r-:.T
crilssl to nil unhealthy cuniiitioii of t
bhssl, but a chase IiiiiTitsci pieal ex.iml
nation will thnt it i due t" tl "
prtss.-nce of microlssi thn iutr slu s l
into tho system. Si with au i 1 :'
ptaach. a or a pr.iie. Tlie fruit may
I perfts-tly .iand and healthy. Ir.t :'
the akin or covering my Is; mi T' ! .
which, intrmlamsl iuto the human sys
tem. Will brmsl dis. a. ThmK g rnis ar
nnt nncomni'iu: neither ore tiny otw.i;
fnnu her bom, in Norton ctmntv to To- ' rr.-s.-iit. It L rsMible to eat thi'
pek. Th. re she aw th asnreroor and a- i jnj witbont injurr, lot the dang-r l
curvsj hi pardon. It U aaad that U.a Utba int.i, that it 1 b.t'nct to locur tho r-ak.
.Ukr,.krAWur. it. Utu Poat-lUpaui. .