The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 01, 1894, Image 7

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t Car. 7th 1 WJlamette lSU.
III ll.l'Ini. WISH IA - -Vf.tli--
,l,v .-ili'iii In lcn.'iii.-nt: I'licU-um-Lugciic
nrrlvcd up lasl in ning I i
t itti i'tf ' 'r"Wfl a far an lii't--ii'l-,.ii
v. Wiiil lying at ti. r d. k la-t
iiik'iiI h'-. owner, Captain Join-, ar-rtv.-l
from Portland on Ihe overland
mill HAW Ui Xe Kllcl lllp'du
,,r,.w i,( nii'il t build a w ing dam In
tii.' river at Hie IllouMi of (lie iNtnlintii
river near Hueua Vita, Ihe lil pro-,-,..ling
'i to Corvalli- where lurgc
,hlpuient await licr. Tin' rtiplaiu
v. that If the government ""
, .' ikfty I lti'( toward Improving Hu
nt, r In' will 'lo It alone. 1'he nl of
Improving thi) channel Ml the Snntiain
ill I about and when done (he
I. nit inn run to Corvalli when there
water to Kit to ftoU'lll.
- f -
hhi: rn .
IIHIH l.os K.N.
It. I'ulTiimn llt-M I i hv Itulitif r
Mnctr t ut tut.
rurniri iy Luy ham-ding.
Ja. iuv:ill, of Collate t.mvc, in
here with hit threshing liiiichllie.
The dutuv here r!t urLty cvi ning
wan n very pVn-nt.t atl'air.
Mm. M. J I Mimm-oii Mill I win
I Ihiii I.l. LI,.,. Vl..i..l.e n.i.l '! 1.'.. ....
.. , . , i, , ,,, j
llm nrhup the mine w.vk.
IF-nry llayi.. nf I ..tta., wl.o
In in-company u,g ,e O.iv.ill thn-l!ing
machine, lni'l a linger cut ml t - -1 . i by
gelling It cuiighl in Hie'iif
wagi II M ill.
Some Mirtiin n from Lutein-nre
g"illg to get Into troil.e if they ilo 1ml
alter the course they IliiVe Ui II pursii
lilt; lately. Notw ilhslaiidiug the (re
WT.INl'..IAY, AI'lil'M' l-i.
lie : i t il a I .nil firm.
o lin. .i,- n ported In. Ill up the
I M .ihlle lurk.
I he hi' Wnlkn ttle HOW In lllg Itlll lo
their full pnclly.
The I'f lll'lll i doing ;l ! I hll-i-llc-n day.
1 he ht w i iit h, r hi,, nm If it
I aram - ill I .ugilic.
Mm' l. .iiii- ur,ii.l with 'in.illi
fulfill i-ti li'.iy etching
A un load of w aP rim ll ii. arrived
In le tin. ti.oiiiiug fioiii Ji I'hine
The l.neiie I,v Wnik. have already j
hlp"d lotir cur loadn of hv t i Kim"
hurt; Mi;. ui.uilli and w III hip iinnlhiT
ear I'unl to thai plao- Suturdny.
Ii. W. r i . rl. to mnii hh n
U it Mininl hiii', I .lore uinl ii m il. ml
I IlltV lleltii.
tin un.. ai i.t r
I :
i. :
. I o
lt (4 to
u'. 4 N
"ft i0 In
IJ',4 I.
Kl'4 I.1,
I- I
:.4 W
, I . . ,4 .1
:i (W , .1 . .
in ,4 ; ,
. ft'
(4 t.'
.' i 14 I 'i
i i .
i." , 4 r.
4 111
I .' ,4 It IU
lleli'leMoil, llelltUt.
J. J. Wultoii( uttortify-ut-luw.
M.mev to liMinoti furiim. Kniulrv
. , . . '..n..i.
1 wo M'ulnl haiku from f.Vi 11 i ut
K. L. t'll.t J4IIU1H.
pr. t. W. lthl'lle liiny he folllnl
. , - 1.1 lltli'M .1 r...l,
III. 11 !' "' "
Fifth ami Sixth atrti-tn, one hhH-k wt
' . .1, !..... I II.. I-
lit ttlll ,villlliewii ii'iii-i. lie 1. i'n-
.m-.l to lo all ilentul work III the U-M
Thi in the wamiii w hell the Caxaihi
.llll. nii'i I'1-' " " " 1..... f,i'
ui "norliy they ntuy In the Kroiintl
. . . .. 1 1 1 1.1. .
a I , , I an llil'V imve 110 inii,in,ie 11
,nift In much lighter, tail 011 Y,
( iivMiiKiut and he natUlleil.
Tbe Liirtl Uarkt-t.
t n '"Howlli quoutloni Inr llir liical Diarkrl
K;r t,i retail iiuv ulOr iitr mn rurrt-uj
.vl. V ftll.t Mill l luulld ft ftit'irftl iu mrh
, rr-Tl .-an W nl:
Tm n'UiT, Ai iir-T :il
mT - Ni. ; on lonJ .
otT. ivr Imfthri. nt
ft." I lk
Hr Ivr 1
Mi it,.!- IVr l .
f ma - ivr n
VtlL IVf
II m- f.-r
rH"i'UirH - I'd f
MI.H- IVf l
1. 1 hi IVr lb
Hi n - Ivr roll (i in.)
I . ..- Ivr.l.ui-n
in. kiNn-iH.1 tun, IVr ili
In , . Ivr J.n
..ii..K - Ivr ilia . .
III - i l
I ir..-i Huibrl
r 1 !.. -Srw
1 .-Dry Iraiiulftli'l, Y r
kiinC, f
I.i.l.lrll, f r
1 ,1 rl-4'ii Kico brftl f lb
Kin f lb
J l lb
H-V lb
IVr tan, JJ bare
1 iita.a IVr lb
w -.1.-
II .r... 10
Korea !
Mr. Ihi'iim Ilutte, eilitor of the
(iraphle, Ti xurknna, Aikniin, him
f.iiiml wiiat he U lievm to he the ImmI
reineily in rxinteliif for the llux. lie
ny: "l-imt nutniiier I huil a very
vere attnek nf tlux. I triisl ullnoxt
every known reim-ily, none itlvinj; re
lief. Clminln rlain'M Colic, Cliiili raaii'l
Dinrrhit'it Kemeily wan reeoinii eniliil
tome. I iurehuil a In, ttle uml n
eeiveil alnioft Immeiliate relief. I eon
tintleil to U the liutlii lne uml wan
etitln-ly euit'il. I take ileimure In ree
iiiiiineiiillnif thi remeily to any jhtwiii
tuffe ring with mii'h a ili-ano, n in my
niliiinii It in lNt ineilieine in exl
teliee." !! unit 60 ii-n t "'( tie" for wile
Osilt'HN A PkKano.
Onlv a few of IhoKU t'M hucny har
In m'K-ft. F. L.'iiamiii:hs.
(iin. M.Miller l H-llint: rial rotate
ut prieea that uMotiUlun all. See I111
inlvi rtiwnieiit In another eoliinni.
Of lutfrrnt to Uitllt-r.
The mKvcfui of Mm. Annie M. Ileum,
nf McKii-!i)ort, I'onniiylvaniii, to the
treatment of tlhirrhu-a In her i-hiMn-n
will Ullilouhteilly le of Intereft to
tunny mother. She rayn: "I eiit
wvenil wei'ka hi Johimtown, Pa., after
the trrent Mood, on aceount of my hn
l ati'l leltin 'in oh y eil there. Ne hail
N-veml ehlhlren u'it It un, two of whom
took the dliirrhiea very hmlly. I not
wine of (.'Immherlain'a Colli', Cholera
liiarrhna Hemtily from lU-v. Mr.
( li(.iiiiin. It en nil both of them.
I know of xeverut other earn- where it
wit etially Htireewful. I think it ran
n it lo- exo'.'llwil ami eheerfnlly reooiu
111. n l it." Z uml M cent bottle for
e by
Omiu iin A PkLano.
i Veteran of I lie Xexiran War.
(ak IIahihik, Ohio. I met tii-o. 11.
Minneny an old vetenin of the Mexi
can war on the utrvcta tinliiy, u ho told
me that after remliiig about Sitniiiotm
I.ivi-r lU'KUlutor he Inmnht n iMittle,
uml the II rut three Iom- nave him re
in f. (ieo. (ioaline. Your lrii(f;it
H-lln It In Miwdt-r or liquid. The JmiW
tler to be taken dry or made Into a tea.
Dr. Price's Cream Uklng Powder
014$ Fdr HlfhMt MmUI aadDlpla
Well Known in Test.
Mr. J.C. liowell. one of the hrot
known and renpected cltzii-na of
llrnwiiwooil, Tela, nultered with dia
rrlMN fur a Iouk time and trieil many
'inii reiit remedun without l-iiettt. un
til riir.tnlxTl.ilir Collo, Cholera and
I' Nrrtioea llemedy wa iiwil. that re
hi ved him at onre. For nale l.y
Omhtkx A DkI.aso.
m. l:iw, with hli-li thi V me tvrtnlli- i r" l'"ir "'"'I ' the Mieaut room on the
ly familiar, uml ei 11 ei.ii..ieiioii no- ; i'"I"ot or -ivr tit Ii uml (Hive tnv..
Ini ak'ain.l hunliiiL' on fnrni I hey ! The ii, ut of J. W. Hail
elit. r w itll their tfnii' and iiy into , an eolleelnr of etiti.n, at Ya.Ulii:i,
ftture Hli'l muni tl. .U iirniltnl In re a never eoliliriued, Hid It U prohii
w Itll. i lt Hie hhti'.t rillll.itl front ! tile miiih- 1. lie el-H w ill In' a'.iu'.' ,1.
owner.. Soineoiie will un-werumn I The eilv imu-hal of A-hlaml .M :i
i'Miuiile. , pr. with; ;T in it 11 h"rt tune ninv.
With. ml ijHM,ti.iii to lioa.t w e he-j l'he "t hrr day he f.'llll.l the I'lir ' hill
lieve the I i. i.,i ii m li.H.I ill. In. t, No. j the d'llal w ere liii-.lin;. It taken a
11, i forttiuute in haviiii; a earefnl a 1 ifO'l ili al of nerve to rob 11 inar-linl
Umrd of dlni tom u that of any iimiii 1 hut IT i a Lij; ti'initallon tlntM- hard
try ili-ln. l of the eounty In the
.in,lyliik' with the l.:lter of the Uw. Mj r.,,,,,,;, )Uu eaiidi.I.ite f..r
No teacher ii 1 In ployed to teach IX- Mate Hh 1 iiit.u.h lit of i.ublie -eliooN,
ii 't ut n Mtularly ui'tHiinted Umrd I i Miniu-otn. hit ml iioliliciiin- to
iiuvtliitf for Unit imriiM.., while In I tnlkin over the di al w hn h nhe made
I lie III II. e II. llll.llli- 'I -II. '
u. at her
The t lir.-li. r- I. .v.- ui-. ut in j ' I
tin ir Moil..
We f illed to lin III l"li la-t Wi.kll .il
Mi Walk. r. Ial y Ma't. !i
ami I nil ic 1 1 Ian I wele eranti . c. 1
till, all to h :n II at the lift t i
e:itnii,.i',i,.tl at I'.tU'i tic
U V. J. M. W e. II. V .liinlli.l M:
Nut'tfiilirial ill 1 ri t ' I Hill - 1
lip I'lckiiii.' ci'iniiu ii. k at A I'
llylaii.l . j:u I in t M.nnl.iy. II.' ' .
i lilalncl .iiiic of hit l'i IU'lii T
bii.ln I to 1 , 1 1 -1 1 1 l,.i and will ..
;lo i-eiita f,.r 7-hii-!u I mid to 11 nt I t
!' .lllli I h.le.
I '..I,
I'l l J..11 I, t ,
-ie . .Il .1 .In,
Aii. I -1,, I ih.
t IMA .
I . well I. ..lay.
i..i uro with
1 in: i"i iivii:.
l.iiii;i' Crowd and M.itiy
t li-ti,-.' lUti.N.
n:o'i Tiioy.i.
I'.ilhii ' I Ii- l:.tli. ml Mine, an 1 Utlirr Huh
J. i 1 1 III ,,'Sm A,
VI :! o'i I.n k the 1 In 1 11. 011, 1 N r r. '!
ti 11 .1 l .1. -uni
I'f l .'I'll- III 11
l'..t tail'.
w II t.f
A I'n-ture srriiioii.
many ititilel 11 ti-ucher l etitiuti-l hv
a miiKle din-etor w hile H lha. i at. .
Willi lii r iiii.-I f, ,1111 1, 1 ill, le i'1'lx.lii l.t. hv
W Inch he ii lo Willi. haw, Mump the
on hi- plow U11111, and the inaller ol a Male in her favor, mid 111 the event 1
board inii tiliif. nil exiiliiiiintioii of up
pllcanli ceriilli'iite, inlilrait Willi
lelicher, etc., ele., 111 retllrii bylaw.
I looked Upon llMimueli red Iiii'h' ami
iilmilntt ly it'iion-il. I he clerk id the 1
diMlh l l lli-trili'tcd by the to
nek now lei I 'c the reeeipt of all iipnli- 1
eat Ion Iroin tiiuli. t uml al'lir a m lee- '
lion In made inform each ol the r.Mill. ;
If ull tllMrletn Wi re lnalini;ed 1m in thin
one, and It in but the eotupliaiiei- o: the
law , it would, In otir opiunm, be much
I letter. Many teiichein nnht avoid j
dl"HpNiilitllietiti to -ih, hi ollliirn 1
when 111 the event of having applied 1
for M-Verul nellooln they l-Ule one, hv i
111 I I f 1 1 1 H nil elerk of ili.trietn in
In r 1 lei inui in o In-come lii r ileimlv
ami lin-l.aii.l.
Albany ll.-mld: lr. I. M Jon.-,
of ihl aM!e, wan in the city Monday.
The improveiiu lit to the f 1 1 1 u " 1 1 . r -in
m arly ii.liiplete.l, uml IIm tiew build
llilT w , In' opelnd 111 N pt! mln r. The
"piiiiC w ill U- euclo-eil 111 11 ecln. i.t
w all, kn piiitf nil the fn h water cut,
uml the water i eon-ipieiitly ntroiier
and inoie n'.arkliui; than ever.
K'lmhUllf l,., 11 I'll V I lectioll Octo-
l-cr lt.
I'.vi-ry iinl'caii.'ii of a :,',"l ran'
crop h. re I bin y. nr.
Next Mum lay in l.aU.r May, 11 lepil
lleV. J. S. Nlinil. l'.aplit l ali'. .
from roitlan.l, will occupy the p .'; t
at the llapli.t ehurcli next Sun I,-.,
S pt. t. Mr. N 11 11 11 will pna!i a: : :
a. III., uml lit ':'') p. 111. he wi!l L 1 ,
bin I'l.l.ire -.un, m on the , f
Ji-mh. He I in a very tine tla . n.'
ofl'nel. -t ili--..! imj view ! .. i ll
can. I., ele, ami thi. ill'i (rat. .! in,, ,11
will prove of inliimi and ptot'itahle to
nll.i-pecially they 011 1'c. t her Siimlay
nel'VI.-i n II. II. Hal. A I ol'lltll IllVllatlnll
to the public. Mr. N111111 will civc an
illil-tl i'id li.ture tit the church nil
: Mnii I n liiuht, epl. ad, the Xlbjei'l
I line ' l'he Top.'. 1 1..II-H-," ot which
i i ' ial llollce.
' II. I.. ll'iALI'M V, I
Pi-Vtef Ileum.
w hie II thev have made ap plication for , hoii.lay under the State law.
whiNiln wl.h.lrawinic thoir npplicu-j Thirty -ix 11 nt. N-r Im-hel i. the
tion. I priii' paid i.,r w In nl al alcm.
I'. C. Cotrman. w ho renide 011 the S
II. Friendly larin at Tn-nt, while on
bin way homo from Kiit-ene la-t even
InK report, that ill h hi t ilu.k u-he wan
dnviiii; a lot n: iu hi. enrt a nhort ili.
tuniv In-low Mm. Iterk.hire' phuii two
men ntoptH-d him. pulled him from hi.
...r I I,,,.. ,.r l..rl
in ehatip', ami iu the tu-le hi bom.- " ' '"'-'" ' o ""U '" "a-i
In-enuie friiil.tei.e.l uml run aw ay j " nnoi her pel -on letter,
toward home. Two men w ho came I Smni. mv iiKllutiiiK the .pie.
down from toward rica-nut Hill late tl fa-kin the next i (i.latuie to
Vrotrrduv ivelillnf. uml W how ilroerili- , en-ale Ilic olliee 1. 1 Iv.-oMcr lor I .Mill
I.H-t Moudiiy the Ihernioiueter Trx-
i-ti red !'l ih ;rii . ill New pn it ami i'-J
Iloraie (I. lull in tcciivim; a lalL'C
1111 n .11 1 1 of w heat uml oat. iit hi. wan
lioilne for Moram1.
tiov. Wait, o' Colnr.ulo. him 1. 111 11 r-
tion cull In' iveli by M'Veinl about
here, Were -1111 illllli; hv the nidi- of
the road nl the place where Mr. Cull
inati claiiim lo have Ini-ii "hi Id up" 11
short time 1 fori- the occurrence.
Fkai iikkw kioii r.
( l iU'riUl- Ileum.
The thermometer runei from '.11 to
IM) degree thi win k. 1'ri lly ooil
for Oregon.
l)oti( S-lli-r arrive I hi re from Sit-
ver Luke 11 few day no ami w ill Marl
on hi return with loud of freight to-
Mr. Monroe left here yenterday 111-
rollle to (iilliatii county, where he has
rented a ranch I loiiinj. to W Ki l-
Mm. Joliu-oti and family left l.i re
Friday inorninn for their home Iu ( 'nl-
Mi-n lteiile Felterlv return) d lo lin-
Kelie Monday.
K. (). t'ornoii hn exchainjed hi
properly iu Cloverdule forpro-rly Iu
California, the I'on.lderatioii Iniin;
Will Sprauie, W. S. Ileudrick and
Jalllen I'arker Went to Fucli'' bxlay.
Mm. It. I.. Ilowniui; ha. Uen em
ployed to (each the fall term of nchool
at thin plai-c.
Fred Streeter arrived home from Cal
ifornia, one day l:il wi-ck.
The We-t llro. nre thnnliiiiK iu our
mid-t thi week. Tim fall grain i
genernlly light but tliefpriug grain i
turning out well, eoi:l.. rinji the time
at w hich it w im now n.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
alitarala Irililaibr l:mi
Nkw York. Auir. The morning
(upem ay Mt week wa not no heavy a
'-In the California fruit trade n
the Week Iirevlou. Itiiring the we k
ending August lh, 11 cam were tv
wue.1 rnmi aliipm-reon the racinc
"t, while la-t weik onlv Hi earn
' -me. lUrtlett ntn are l-inf rem-iv.
i-l fully ripe, a the aeanon I lienring a
!' and the fruit hero had to tie wld
. n uopeiieil. Iu unite of tin fact,
hnwever.a good demand kept the pmim
Jaaat I.aa4la( Tifi.
fiiiAxoiiAt, Aug. 2,,-It U n-p.'rtin
're that Japatiroo trannpirt em-nrtml
by war vi-wm-U are lamling tro to
I'"-northward of Taku, with the in
b-ntlon of manhlng uin 1'ekin.
Another report mv the Jpn.--o hve
w-.nn-.led in landing 3V- nn-n on
tb bank of Yalu river, pnmting
'-a fnmi Chiua, and thu rut oir
M 'lie of the large army wtii.-h ti e
l.ineae have tent down the Cor. au
!-riitiauh Another r-w.rt aaynlhe
lr-nrii mrnniinaionrr at Hong Tiotig
'n niurdere-i by the aoldiem of
Oin YeU.
W. I'. I'.aye of I'luj June Htrcet,
of llinaha, Neb., Miy of I'nrkn' Sun-
Cure: My w ife ha. I.i li eoimtitulion
ally wrecked for vent. Tried every
thing fruith -.-ly. My drugi-f r
nua.ion, backed by hi guaralit.-c, in-iluii-d
me to buy u Itottle of I'arkn'
Suit- Cure. The rcnult an- truly won
derful. I'urk' Sure Cure for the liver
and kidney i a ((o.illve h-i-itlc- for
the dincasc of w omen. Sold by A
Notice In Ticker.
Hop picking w ill Ik-uIii ut my yard
near Kugeiiu Ve.lue.. iv, S pt.
JollN llm.wx.
Mm. W. J. l uhey of Ulhry, N. Y.
ny: Have tried fifty cough cun-,
Park Cough Syrup I the only one 1
that he l-d lin-. I know it in the l.-t 1
cough remedy. Sold by A. Ycriiigtoii. j
Not i-o warm to.lav, the thermoiue
ler regi-letiiig only -l.' il. gri cn al .'I
o'clin k I hi. altel uonli. 1 he Mnokc i
i-t 1 1 1 iUlte thick.
It i. r. Hrted that ('apt. I'aiker and
Wiley II. no met with it m rnni. run
away it'videtit on theil ri'turil from
Junction Sunday night. Tin' carriage
was I ui' I ly ilc iiioli-hfd.
N. I!. l.ytle ha n turned from l'l,.r-
1 lice.
T. V. Cornell ha returned from Sac-rauieiito.
S. S. Speiicir, of l'littlmid, l.vl.iting
iu Kugi ne.
F..C. Smith came up from Hutri
buig today.
lr. It. F. llim-ell, of Thui-toli, wii
in Kugeiie ttHlay.
T. M. Hamilton 11 turned to Cor
vnlli thi. inoriiiug.
Ja. F. KobiiiMiii in home fiolil tl
hhoft tiip to Newport.
Mi Carrie I'aiiu- went to Junction
thi. morning to fiiend.
Mr. II. C. Hiiinplirey will leturu
home I run 1 Long It.uch Friday.
IN v. and Mm. F.. I.. Thomp.oii, of
Iln-churg, are viHitiug irieiid lu re.
Mm. C. II. Chapman went to Port
land thi im Tiling to friend.
Steve June, uml wife, of llorubrook,
Caliloriiia, are vi-itiug IiuiuIn in thin
Mm. Jennie II igj in arrived liomi
from a to polk county thi after
noon. la), tl, the pilgiim printer, t.tcpc'l
into F.ugilic. thi forenoon, nouth
Ik, uml.
I'o-tuin.ter Hon. ton, of Junction,
Vl.iled 'aiuiii!l bay the llr-l of the
Police Judge J. A. Cnniphcll of Sail
l'lallcl-i-o, Mopped oil hele Ihi. a(li r
luniii 011 hi leturn from a Hying trip
to 1 ircgon.
Prof. J. M. Widmcr retiiriud toS
nttle thi inoriiiug to Ic-uiiie woik ill
the city fclliMd-.
Hon. Alot17.11 ie.uer, joint Hciiator
from Marion and Clackuiiri coiiutie.,
wnn in the city ycMcrdny.
K. P. Ilodgcm wa a pa.'nger on
the local thi morning, returning to
Portland from hi trip lo liumloii.
Corvalli Time: MiM Friendly, of
F.Hg'iie, in in town, the guent of the
M h . Ja'-olm. She gm to Portland
Ciiiueroii brotln-r and J. II. Cm,e,
of Urow 11. ville, ln-lde. m-vernl Minut
er from other pari arrived on the be
cat thi. aftermii.
Jacksonville Tiini-n, Aiiir. L'T: John
Iteavetiiie and Kinii iJcllohnum uml
family nre -nding the heated term
iu the mountain.
Mr. Cha. I'lidi i wihhI leave torn, r
row iiiorning 011 the overland for Pull
man, Wi.-h . to take a M..itoii III the
Kir-t National I'.aiili of that city.
II n. II. II. iiiirny. reii'img .-i r.
tarv of the I liited .-tate.-i liat.' w ntm
fneiul. ill thm l it V that he w ill vi-it
An..', '--l. picking tun.' In ar at band.
Win. I ii illith inf., 1111. 11. that hi
'Ii.i..ii will U- tort In inning .0011. Yo
verily Iiojk' I 11. le W illiam will mic-
Mi-. I. aula Mat!,, t.i. attending n
phV-li'l III III I '.Ui lie.
A. 1 1. 1 1 y Inn. I ami lauiiiy, of l.owel',
Mai d d for Kiinon -pt ing. Monday to
U- g"lie II Week.
Tin' nil iil'; .iu.-li..n here I
"Wi.l you pick your hop..''' I nli-
plo-pei t. brighten t holl-alul. of boXi
of hop. w 111 I' dried on the poll h.
Thu -l.itig 1. ll-il 1 coinpleted III
thi Valley. A p.". 1 yield i. reported.
Ilied. At her home In ar tin place
of i-on-uiiiplloii, Mi.. I ! 1 1 : 1 1 i -1 1 1 Ni-i-t,
w lie of We.l. y Nu t. I he lady ha
Nilllered for month, but never com
plained iu In r nillieiioii. M. lenvi.
t hree .mall chl hin II on the Ibre-hold
of III.- wit bout II Inolhet'. .u-taiuiug
cure. ThiMniic hv one the fnlhlul nre
U-ing gal lu red holm-. I he funeral
wa. eoinliicled ut Ihe I'lia-alit Hill
eeinctcry Sunday.
Ki 1,1 L All.
Hop I'hl.ii..
I w ill colutiielice picking bop lit my
yard between S pleinU r 0',h and l"th.
Only thom- pii kem who have l.-eti engaged luid apply.
NYm! Nil.
A Ji l l i:ie-oN Cam:. Albany lvm
im rat: Minion eniinty papein nn- men
tioniug u cum' nl Jelh rHi In w hich an
Albany lawyer play a purl. In order
to give HollleW here Hear Ihe Mralcjit nf
it we prewiit the particiilam. A Ji ll'. r
...II mall bad l.ell Mletl fornlM.ut ;l'J.i,
Jililgllietit iH'ing recovered ugalli-t hull.
111. e wi
caw n ud II. ('. Wntwni conn-. I. Iu
the trial 11 di-puto nroe U-tw.- u the
defendant and Mr. Wat-on, re-ultiug
uccording to Ihe Vemion giv. n the
iK iii,, in the ilefeiuliint iiiuLii.l; 11
motion to htnke Mr. Wat.oii, who
plckeil up 11 hummer from a table,
which he u-nd with good cllin t a- well
a. lii. bund allerward. A warrant
wit. I ue.l and Mi. Watnoii waiv. , I x
aiuiiialion U fore a JeH'emou Ju-'i.e,
and wa held for the grand Jury uml. r
T ll ImiiiiU, w hlell were promptly linn,
i.hed. Mr. Wlll.noll I one of the lno-1
I .eaceal, lo uieii in Albuiiy and would
only net iu a can' like thi 111 -ell e-
Mr. Wat.oii wn the refen' iu the
I.aiie louiitv hheriir cam-.
o. home lien in Iregoii about ntate
' fair lime.
lowing, j !i,w. Link 1 in 1'. rt .iinl buying
It W l.l1 l. ,, If, ale, I hV Ull IM'lillnt. II'
Now I tl e time to do dry
m l mi I ilivt-r i hill, .1 1, low an
keep it lf in the ground. Call on I-. ! j i.reai. ni ! w ith an ulm-ruted 1 y 111.
.. buiuU-m for tin- only genuine and
at reduced prim- for ''.l.
Ilnp Pirkltlg Money.
or the J. M. Hun.K-'I Co., Portlnml.
It w lil U- "iiie tiuie In-fore tbe gi lit Io
nian can return home.
Llk ilv it.-m: J i L'i- '. TI,,mii
, 11 ami wile, l.-v A. . Haw by and
Ij v. Wnl a'-e of Junetioii Cm, are
AppUtoWm. Milh-r, bop grower, ,..tltnig a t. w da at I.Ik ity, hi-
loving our Ii ne 11. 11 in ni'.i a 111:1 n, ior
the l.-iiuiifi.l trout that ul"'uml in our
To Fakmkii. Ju-t completed a ....,1,,. i,i,. rr.i r.
new barn ut the Minii'-nota boil-.- for
I'm it I .Xhl'l.iTnil. Tui-t-ilay' port
laud Tel. grain: New ton II. Pi. ico,
the government horticultural ngi nl,
w ho wa. -cut to thi Mate at the 1: r u
elit r. .U. -t ot the ( In goli ntute l..'ir.,
made n vciy brief uluy here. II. w
ever, he will return III a few day., and
for 11 lllne make Ili I i-:ii 1. 1 tin I h I - III
Polllaml. He I. gall hi llive-th' 1ti .11
of or. hal'l. 11. far nolltll a A-hl ilid
mill ha. worked hi way north lie
ha xit 111 1 in .1 a greui many tin-uml
eollecteil eoii.i.lerablu datii. li'-ua.
mi l bi le by S.-ereiiiy (iinrge I ar
gent, who will render him all po-.ii.e
a-M-tniieo iu making hi luvrotigaiioii..
Saturday them' two gentlemen M-ite,
1111 orchard mar Oregon City, whi. li
w im found to In' badly lufei ted. I.a-t
evening liny left lor Hood l;,ier,
where orchard w ill I. in--, i, d.
l-rolii Ih'-re they Will The Jlalle.
V:ilV IMI'OKTAM. Iieneral H. It.
( ', of the Mute Umrd ( railroad
ciuiiiii loner., ha I. 11 eonfliie.l to
hi home for w-vernl day and ! un
der a pliy-ieiiin' ear.-. Hi ailiu. nl I
not considered m rioim, 1111 I be .'t
noon to bo ut hi lM-t of duty. The
wmi annual tour f-,r n,--. tiou of the
rnilwuy Inn of Or w ill omincnee
al.'Ut S. pleii.lnr I lib. I .very trunk
and branch line w ill !- ,w v-r can
fully, and tin- coti.litioii of tin- Irnck,
roadln d and bridge, a- rtaim d. The
work w i.l probably require not lewi
than a niotitli. Mn'i-ui ni. I In- "tnte
legi-lature will dowi 11 to put a Mop to
the JilL-o.
I A It i-i-r Pai'I-.v Tl
. In. -dav in-in-l a p ir l
1 1 .'icr. II.- wa - nt i.
lioiuuli county 01. . ar
, . II ill'.- 01 r ji-. Il- u ie- ma. i uru
i year., and hi. pardon w.i- madeoii
1 the n i-ollllln-llda! loll of the d.-tin.t at-
11 to J. S.
fr-.m Mult-
v ar fc." for tlie
I.'. ie- w a. three
the ace..iiiiii.hlation of my patron.
Hy and Krn!"
at very n irnnuin 1
Knlir. J"H N.T'iN.
o rent
a farm already
k.-l. IU f. reliiv
I '. lit l.l ! '. !..
Wam 1.1
furtnh-l mid t
ifivell. Ad-Ire.-.
lioX f", l ug. I.e.
Jno. (i. I.utt' ii, f I le y, N. Y., a
pr.riiineiit gr.nn-r ami A. K. inan,
.... 1 . 1 .. 01.
ny: I liave in- n 1 r .i.iih 1 n o n.-.i-gi.tion
and l.i l-u f'r ar.
; Tn. d park T.- and it I. a. cured me.
I I n.i tiili.i ml It lo ev. Sold
i by A. Yeringtoii.
L. N. I; y, I n-1 l n-k an.i (;--irg-
I;.. u rt 1. tuna 1 from a two w..k.'
I trip to Oh II ..ike U-t evening. Judge
i Fi-k, II. I). Paine and Mr. Chaml. r
' lain w ill not r- t irn f r two win k yet.
Mr. It.n. y -a-. th-: w urm with
II..- I.i.e.t ol trout, and that they bud
. kill"! '1 'L.T W hen h- I' 'ft. Tin- g' l-
' th men nm It..- I'Miw 111 taking wiig-
Oil into thin In-autlflil hike.
(ialvai.i..-! fruit
tlmu ev. r ! nt
drv r wire
Hop hoii
1 kitid at
F. L. (II A Mint.. ol an
F. L ClIAMtLltn.
' ho tt.j vMnl k m r' - I.-r i"vrU.
I w Un m ft CI.- t. ' -I ''''
i W!-o Im Y.m. Mt.i .- 1 .,
' Ua atni tft-1 Clailrnftt r'-u- C-i4.
Coal Hill NorM-ry.
Call on or addn-nn I'. N. m-g ir, Fu
gi ti.-. for all kiml- of nurwry i i k.
I'm ii.-. on iiini"i.l' 10 plum r-.'tn thai
1 will not rout, alno on p-. h rU.
i,'. nl,' a iiuiiil. 1
day to w 1I11. . th
Pi 1 1 I ran I, 1. eie. t nig a lait'e w iud
ii il, and t.n. k 11 , r t he will at hi. I.-I-
I. nee pr' ity .11 L i-t Ninth Mnvt.
1 1 P I. toil. .I' I.afav . tte, w an
1! -Illl.llV l.l.l. I al the hind if l.llli"
, I , I,, a-h 11 v". 'Il c. I ll .ly . hint I'm n
i.i.l y a t ui' tainig oil him w bile be
w ,- o il hir.itiui;.
-llli-e Congte-. ad .'lirile.l Ple-ldelll 1
I 1 n l. ni l ha- nppolul. d J inn W.i
Till, colli el. T of i u-t. un. nt N it. ii 1 Ii il.
I I w a. a p.. tilted I. foie but the na'.e i
in J.. tid I ' e.'l.llllli hllli. I
I he lli-t page of the lll-t l.'k of j
ie. .'id. Ill I he nlll.v of the elerk ol '
W i..'o count , C'lilnin. tin- claim of,
II, nry Actor to a Ir n-t of Inn. I on j
I i:l.. u mile i re, k. I In' date of recoi l 1
i. AUk'UM 1'., 1-..
1 1. ivenior Pelllloyer pnrdoned J. 11.
I i. Id who wa. wi nig ii I'm day m li
tem in t he Ol ant. Pavi eounty jail for
- llun.' li,iior at a caiupin.-i I
nig on W illiamni'hn k, and the pnnotu r
a. !iU rated Sunday.
l in le are '. iiunnti n of t he widie
I,, Hue III Un- blllg. I he old. .1 la Mi
viar., Ihe oiint'. -I .lOyitir-; the aver-iil-i'
i.J . ai.. Al. ait half the men re
e. ive . li-ioli., Init no I'lie i. iidililtted
W ho . CelVl n nVlT IJ tl lllolltll.
I'oda) 'n Sab III Slatenllllltl wivn: M rn.
I hapiuau, w il'c of the pni,letit of the
I 'ui vi r.ity of i iregon, ut rived in Salem
. -I. iday'iiml i vi-iting wi'h Chid
.lu-li. . and Mm. II. an at th. ir I. null
fill I ea-t inlltt Iteel,
Albany 1 s imx ral : A young lady
plnui g Ii up frog III but hllig eo-tuuie
with the null on (he Lin hat New
port ib . Hot coinpnie with theinH in
luhtv thev bail' on Ihe I'.a-lern
I. aeln .. I he 1'iii ili,' coa-l limy I.
Ilel; but the I' iM VI llll till her long
la, . - i. not .low al -i 1 1 1 1 i-r re.ort.
I'lauk How ard, hi of .int. Hou
nd, ,, the old .tage .lul i.ui on the
L'.nkville road, C'liinnlti .1 suicide la. I
I humility w nh mi over di' of mor
phine Ho had hud some trilling
iU:inel w ith lii. yoiiiigei brother, and
had repriu.amb-.l by In father
the day before the eonitiil..iiHI of the
di i d. No ot her n a-oii i. know ii.
Corialli Time.- Plof. John I'ulloli
w a-.Hn e a suitor l.'.v, mid r. iii. uil. r.
the Milne of a Mini, king hn. c. At
tin- Lux reii'iitly he bad In w hmd and
lode ..In day lnnu Ihe f.sil of the hill!
south ol the light hnllw to Jump Oil'
Joe, a di.talice of two lull.., without
ii-iiu: the . dal.. A .till bre. c at hi.
ba. k Im iu.Ik'iI the motive power, and
al tunc. In. nh.'iI wa mi gn at Unit
the I Idi r w a Ii ighlc lied.
I l. o. Macy, of llarri.biirg, visited I'.u
g. lie today,
l...' I '.I n n I H i cauie lip from Junction
tin. lift, i iiih.ii
I.. II. Lain r hn. n ttii I from a
(rip to Portland.
i h o. F. Ciuw ha returned from a
trip to the Foley Spring.
I tol rl Hay, of Corvalli., came up
on the I, al this nftcilu mil.
Sherwood Jlurr went to I'oitlund on
:i bin iiie-. trip Ihi. inoriiiug.
Cha. lan k wood, nf Portland, vi.ltcd
relative, mid fllelld. Ill Lugelie limt
Ml. Yenie anil two duutdilem Went
to Polk eounty thi inoriiiug to upend
several iluy.
Mm. I'r. Kuykeiidall and children
n turned Ihi morning from a In
I loiigla coin, ly.
Jo.. Koch Weill to the Will. Nei
Imp yard ulmve Springlleld, thi morn
ing, w here he W ill -. lid two Win k.
Mm. HoWe, ol Purl laud, w ho hn
Leu visiting In r sl.ter, Mr. C. M.
Young, n-tui ned Iioiiiu thi morning.
TiMlay' Oregoiilau: Mr. H. Clay
Humphrey, of Lugciic, w an in the ' ity
M-tenhiy, homeward Luiud from a
luoiith .lay at the w annle.
Cha.. Chiiiiilir. arrived from thu
I "n-t yesterday iiioriiing and ha. been
shaking liund Willi iniliitToU old
friend ycteidny and tiHlny.
K. C. Smith n turned to hi llarrl
l.urg hop yard tin morning. He re
port .'ton picker on tint ground and
.ihi more can o employed to advun
tuge. I Ion. H. W. Condon I 111
nt llie, residence of hi father In thi
city. The I rouble I similar to hi lck
tie nt Nt-wTHirt, doing a violent at
tack of the hiccough.
I -. J. A. Longlmttom, nf,
I'i UII., Im Ih-. ii called to the pastorate
of thu CuinU-rlnml Pn-byterlan
church In thi city and will arrive In
I line to occupy the pulpit for the regu
lar service next Sunday.
Hon. H. It. Miller, and family, of
(Irani Pun., will move here next
week. Mr. Miller w ill iiiovu into ihu
Or. J. P. liill reniileliif, while the lino
tor w ill move Into thu Oeo. lull renl
denee. Mr. Miller miliiea here to M ild
hi children to the I'nlvemlly.
T. J. Myem, advami) n-pn-wiitatlve
of the Hiii. rb orgniii.ntlon prewliling
Fdwin Milton ltoyle' comedy drnmii,
"Friend," nrrlved lut night fioui
Portlnml. Providing a mifllcicut guar-alib-
can I' .4. Hired tin.- entire organl
ulloii will be wi-ii liem Saturday,
Sept. M, The coiiipniiy piny at Port
land S. pi n and 7, and In San Fraud-i-o
two wi. k commencing Sept. In; an
liugi'iiu would I- the only city w hern
they would give a iiroductinii euioute.
Mr. Myern will l remniibi-n.l aa
bringing Maude Oranger, Jelln')'
l'Wi uml lint. Sw ifl lo thi city and
Mute thul tin. npb-iid id company he
now repn-m-nt I Hie inot ex-nlve
coint.anv be ever linti'llml
llll 111 the lilt troH,lltll Ucin-n for
the pn-t two wnnoti ami llm original
.New V..ik company w ill lmw. ii in it
here-i very tin ml r of which hn at
noine time gained di-lllntloll With
mie famou (ar.
Fur Sale.
Four hundred acnm of land near Ku
gi iie. W il! I. old In a lly or In
tract, t i -nit purchawr.
FKANK Col. I man.
I. ..: r i.uai.1. A m i.i '.
A I! 1 1 Ci i . A young man iiKined
Prim e In mg nmr I'olmrg n-ived a
bad cut m -:. rday uv.-ulng. Hi father
wa f. llii.g a tn. when the i 1 if
thro'ikdi. Mriking tin. mil" le of the
young lutitl leg between tbe hip and
Ihe km.-. A im.h tb w idth of the
axlit wa cut, alaritltig downward
tbpiiik-h thu iinin'l". II" wn brought
lo tin city and Ihe muwle eloncl w ith
nlit' h". and the skill i-l over the
wound by I'm. Paine A Kuy keudall.
Im !. U her home four in ilea i-a-t
oft ottn-.- Orovr, August i, 1'.4, of
poralymn. Mm. ImU II M'bv, 4ned 90
year, she leave n-vea childreu. -t . r..w .1 w hi Ii I.n. ntt. n
H'it ing ev .-lit .it -lew n '
. -ud at tl
l ie- I
id au
ire K Un- a-ou w i
f...( riex . I h. alti r ti-.-n . I he M.ik
oil t! W hl-kem". I 11.111' r.iee Wi .'
V-"' alld wVelal hlllldl. I Wile Ut "II
t he .id.- I'ln' d -'an, w a. V ard-
I'ho IH.k'. le. I,. W,
mull a i l .lobll W llhl '.l
III I W I. i '.H II refi re.'.
I "W ln-1
j Is'iilmg II
w a w a k
I ill x I MIX.
em" Won II. ii
l-ilr -M t. . t. I'r.
e. "II the re- lit.
r un
' iMv
Pn ;
ji i
: i
d IV
I'lc. mil Hill It. in-.
Sllloki y Indeed.
Mm. L. It. I I'M land of lug. i
V l.l llllg II lelld. hi It- l!il. w.i
John uml I. ulhi r Low land u. i,
itiug tin ir uncle I) W. Un L-.'
Wi. k.
I -l-t Monday Wa. the wallin-t
we bin e ex n i lemi'd 1 1 , i. -un 1 1 u T.
Pr. sharpie, fruit Inni the th. iiu.nii
i ter ti 'gt.t. Ti d l"l d. gn. III t In- -hade.
La-t M hi. lav w bile It. I". Mulk. i '.
hit le boy w a. i nling a hol-c, he I. h to
the ground, striking hi. eh,, k bene
He will i. in lend uncoil.. I in- .,r .on e
time, iitherlhaii n ele I i m -. 1 1 ,
little fellow In all right lew. j
II F. Mulkcy ami family, who have
lfU Vi-itlllg rehlllVen here t'T two'
weik. Will return In their home ill
linllii on Friday.
We are (old Hint in cu-ld. rale f
the low prnx' ol hop. Dial the Sin la v
and Wliilicv yard w ill not I' pi. k. d
Ihi. fall. x e arc sorry to bear Ihi", i
for it will ki. p iu. hi. v fioiu until i
i family that d. j.-ml mi tin. x ill I h
their fall .upplu .. Mr. sbell.'y i- pn- i
Hian d to pick hi. hop-, but iu . a-e
inp. remain the prii e tin y ale now , I
he cannot gel In liiom y out ,.f tin Iu J
Wc have licaid it n polled how Hue!
il I we cumin! u i II, it uio-t of the'
yard up the Middle 1 otk laiiuol pi. 1. j
tin ir laid without 1 i r-t linutgai. ing ;
their I :i r 11 1 n tu raise Ihe liiom y, w l.i. h
they are Hot w lllllig to do ill anil. up i-
Hon of low prim'. j
S ietiil hor1- lire nick, wune dyin.', I
Willi Miuie complaint nimilar to w lial '
i know n a mountain fever. 1
S. liludoii ha I. vii on hi v alley
ranch for ii mouth, hiirve-lnig In j
crop. Hn ev'ct to return to Pim
I lTilug in a lew day . I
.1. ). Seller ntid w ife are Iu from
Silver Luke lifter a load nf nuppllen for
the rancher In (hat part ot the coun
J. T. Anderson hn ii tine .land of
hop Ihi. neHw.ii, In fad then' I not a
Vatd ill Ihi. vlelliltv Hint In Hot Hue
llolui nlioiit ili. ided lo invite hi.
neighbor in nud pick on the hhnr. ..
lie will liutiille Ihe crop ami pav Hi. iu
a dividend alter the crop I obl.
We re.i ivcd the md Intelligence la-t
wm k that Mm. F. L. Kelle.v, w ho
went to Summer l ake lo U-m lil her
heulili in Julv, I on thu mad home on
account of having glow ii worm.. They
are exN'eled home in a few day if not
pivvciiicii iiy any iiii.lortuuc.
P. N. Laird mid fiimilv, J. M. Hand-
Miker ami oilier, nre going to the
snriug next week. They exiH.T to l
gone ii nioiitli, or ui leu.i, until I'mn.
gel tilled up on trout. It in said be
cull i-ut II bnriel of II dav. I'oli't
la-lleve It!
T . oM . Aug. -.s, li'i I.
I i ii. " ii. I..,.- Much luten-st I
I- ' ' inaii :, -i I hv T icoiiiicatiitnli.t
in i I'., Ii in i in, ling di-trn l; and
tl ; t i - i nt n l .rprl.lng il' tbo
' i... ( i. .' . p..r of rb Ii a
.I1. i..-l tlinl- in.-1 ui". 'I he mayor of
I 1 1. . , .'ill ..... , i',-i ow II m-Vernl
i. i ... ii 1 1 J'.oh' no. i, uml tl I
-i 111 y in.- t: -ig ,. ntlr.iet I a-ti rn
.;- ' I i I,.- lii ' . -. Slc'ill I thi Isi
' l ih V. lop'tielit
i.l v y ii . nK i Ihu
l u! .'i'. t -,!.- of thu
, ii iii.i.,i:ity
.! lot im nt. Thu
He !a. i- t:.. le. I. wiv.r, mid the Ing.
I, r'l ,: loin u , , 1 -in im .'I nt ull ob-
. I ..' t.,.-i - ion of I!.
"' -u' ! a i' ii, oiug camp spring
up l.i I'. I m i '. La' a h Hiauii il will
I.' I. r the I nn, i '. if tlie up.rWll
blUi. ' !e. 1 lie II,'!!' . 1 1 1 i - . I.- supplied
Willi ii '.., . . ii :. un 1 lloiir, mid
t In.-.' ii. an -! II. e mini . ril-ing thi-.)
arliel. w ;ll r- ap t.e- c: ate-l prollt.
I Ii . i. ii. ii. . I I. in ; ih i o'd In
I ii . . ii 1 1,.' I mi:. 1 .-'.al. - mi l I hl
.ii' I i : I , N , ; I ! i , in P. i, ill.' Meain-h.p
In .. : -1 it. : . out -hi . - matter of Intel. t
t i I he 1 '. ,. W a -hint '"II ill id On-
I '.
I I i
I i
lUrrliburif Note.
The driving of pile for the Harri
burg Water Power Co. ' dam will li
coiiipliTi d tiMlny and all the work I
prognmhing very milinluctorily. The
company hn ntroiig n ienin to In lieve
thai they made no mi. take In accept
ing Hurry W ilon' plan and l.Hntioii
for their ilam.
Wo have no hop buyer In n and Ihe
oiltliNik How 1 thai t hero will be a
large ucn age of bop left to dry on the
vine for want of picking money.
Mm. F. 1.. I'pini'ViT i inn II in. I to
her Im'iI by an attack of Inh militant
fever. Hhe I lielllg attended by lr.
Thnnihiug gritiu w ill li nigh done
with till Week' work. The team
are now making delivering to
the wnrclioune in ion- of gelling
thmugli In-fore the llml rain.
One of Mr. C. Ingnnii small chll-dn-ti
died hut wm-k from Ihu cth. l of
a done of My miIoii taken w hen 11
mother wa not in thu hoime.
Man a Salem Mail.
Salem Dully !iiilc'iiilfut: "The
Albany Ik'inocrnt ha madu a gro-n
error In aylng that It wnva pnunim iit
Salem mull that 'gntblied lady'
ankle limtead of a balustrade he wa
n-achlng for,' at New Hrt a nhort time
ago. We admit Ihern were a iiuiiiIht
of prominent Hnlem men them at the
time, but III our nenrcli, w ith a view of
ei.Mlng a man o bane and cande,
even though he mini) from our city, an
nlihi hn lieeti proven by every Salem
man, and thu rcMrt hero la current
Unit I. I.. CainplM'll, editor of the
Kugctio (ii'Altii. I thu man Hint wii
In mil' way mixed up In the 'disgrace
ful allalr.' ,T
Thi I unkind of Fx-Mayor H'Arcy,
the n-al culprit, eH-eliilly w hen the ed
itor of thi j'B-r look a naphta Initnch
to take the gentleman out to ea to
erven him. However the g'H.I are al
way 111' led.
t- hi. A -'. nn. r . av. 1 acoina e i ry
i -1 1 we, k- l i t 1 1 . n. i an I J.i an. I or
iu u i v iie-iit: -ii.'i :. i r ha taken
. il ,' r l .ni i ,r I i I , el i oiidi iix d
lull'.. 11.,. mil'., i- -hil led ner.. (hi)
. "Hi 1 n.Hi! i i .nil I It i ie ,i ami i li fioiu
N.-w ,-ik. II..' s!,.(,iii. n'. of milk
Me -I.-' ...11. ;v II. CO l-ill.' a'l I 1 1 1 1 1 - t ,
on. r or 1 1'. i, i. -ult i i c.H. I, i. -i-i
milk lin toin. I.itnr e-lahh-h. d ill
W ii-luiu-toii uml I in -,.i, thun ..iving
the Iieu'ht on sin Ii a long railroad
h i ll. Our f irm, rn i l l liillil-ll (hn
nnlk nn.l p.. k' t tl . pr'Hit-, nml Ihu
t tel. I i. f.-r eomt. Ii-im Wi.l give l lll
pl" in. iit I " i ii ui v p. ..pie.
I In- ml. i-la!,' I nr wn. dedicated oil
the 1 .III lli-l. Th" de.ll, il loll addn -n
w n. iu id" l.y C .verier M.- iiaw and
.h i-eln . w i .' Ill i I" ' V several other
gi iilleineii. A I c i f ev I vi-ltil the
ui.Himl- uml l'H:i diie.' during thu
veiling. l lie totuitl op, lung of th'i
I nr iH-i'iir tomorrow . l li' i" will I .
an Interesting stn.l parade, aft. r
w hi, Ii, iii IJ n'l'I.H 1 ii, hi the t: ' v 1 1 nor
of the .late w III pre., the button .lart-
ing I he m i.hiiiery and omuiimt thu
gale, ami the Inter. tnte fair Willi.)
".hi to all hn Ing t In" prlii' of ndini.
nn. 'I lu-li. will 1' no formal cere
inoiiic. or lue-iiim' .(..clien. A great
many luti r. -liuir exhibit, are III pla. e
but many, Including Hi" ex
hibit, ale .(ill to come,
1 1 1 ir. bow i i r, and miotlur win k will
we ilu ni all iu line. II.
Ileal I'.-Utii 1 ran. Icr-.
I I I Vol: i.ltoVK.
I.iic HamilhHi el nl to J. F. Ken
nedy el ul, .t I, l.l. M-k '.i, Long and
l.iiiidc.' nddi (ton; Jl-'.
i ot s n;v.
Wm I' lloll'maii to John lloll'inaii,
li ucn- In t I. ., r 11 w; f-i.
Stale of Oregon to W 11 Haw ley, 10
acre in t 'JI , r I w; fOii.
Jaiuc II Noland, hlnriir, tojolill
Kill v, I.n.--. ucn In t l.), rlw;
California and Ongou Land Com
(any lo Aiim !, l'....u7 aona
in t l- , r I xv ; -'. r-JI.
o a C It i I o to I ; M ItceU-, Nl ftcnn
iu I Is . r 1 w; tJnn.
W in. F. Iloiluiaii lo John 1 lolliimil,
P'i in n In t I , r II w; t"i.
ANiul.Jr, to Julie Ann Nail, ".')
acre iu t I'i h, r I w; fj,ii.
I. I'll K.X K,
FliaUlh M (inh) to Hnrrlnoil IU
Klncnid, llilxnl feet in Mulligan' do
tuliion claim; f.i.
o i; iiuikc to w.i:. simg, 1..1 :,
I t, II nml I", bl.H'k XI, F A 11 iitldl'
tloii; ( !Nl.
Jt'NiTTiiN I I I V.
A J John-on, ohi rill', to C. W.
Wa.hhurn, N lot blik .".'.); li0.
Ill rm' PiiAiTH i:. A day or agi
we noliid an unusual activity In tint
demeanor of Lugene' popular new
xitiii:i.ter, Tom Craig, luring thu
day he made several trip, to bolh thu
undertaking e.liibli.htneul hern and
Inter he wn wen with hi coat oil
busily directing tlie (li.-il Ion of two
niiiiill metallic casket. 1miii liuiillr
Ing Into thu milder it wn itvcrtuliicd
Hint lie wii only nrrntigitig for thu
shlpnienl of ajob lot of dead letter to
the department at Wellington. Thl.-t
I not tbe UbiihI iiiihIh of hhlplllcllt a
Ihu new ollleial itfterwiird learned
iihiii en. lilting thu Knta rule and
regulation. .Mr. t ring held tlio po
sition nl pi-.tina.ter yearn ago up Iu
Idaho but, having I. .hi conducting a
pharinaey of lute yeum, ciiunot In) crit
Idncd for" U'lng Jul a lltllo out of prar
IloiiN. Iu thi city hint evening
Augiihl X, to thu w ife of K. llrowu,
Kill hahy.
llnlt.V. At 1'alrmoiiiit, Oregon,
Sunday, August L'H, to the wife of Jo.
W'h'k, a i)-Hiund Uiy.
Ilurnelt Arthur
Hiemlay August
Landemoii J F ItT
llilliluett W I
Miller H C
W ilcox F.llen
A rhftrirn of nut i-i-nt will Im on M.-h
klU'f Klvll eit IVrMtiit ...Wing lor lutlrn Hill
..a mii whmj ft.lvnriiM-1.
I T i KAI .. 1' M
Sutlre lo Hp I'lrker.
Picking will U-gln at the Pattemou
yard Monday Sept. 'id.
Pftllf liUftPl, AtlK'Jll .
I)ll:li. lx ck Hamburger, the well
known Portland drummer for the II. Iiittcnli'N-fer, Ha A Co.,
dii.l at Albany tin inoriiiug, from
toruai'h troubles. II.) wa Rick only
one day and hi dmlh wa iineXn-ete,
by In friend and the physician In
W. Sunder hua a very liiiirtaut
advertinemeiit in tMlay' liiAlin.
IVad It.
Dr. Price's Cream lUklng Pow Jcr
Wane ri m-rwu
D:.lT:.rTs::r:Tsn! I::r Li:. Ai:f
u th inirifni, rtifisT iuuf imi
lht U-;i ail ft U mi I S.ii--Ii the tfmivUrf'iL,
htrm iM, -t 411 tol ci bat'tt Pur. 1 h
el ! trillir.f ftt.ii thf Biati b- Wftltll U Ult
at. 1 fftti l rtin tvi ihf r il f m to
Ulf-f "'ktNnW. rVii'l ty MMint efc lrllia.
( fti ru$ irei of tj util IrnM. A'i lrr-
T h kiuOr Cv.( luiiuinft MiUntfti
ktriDft, lull.
Pimply (i iris
Pimply Hoys
And Every IVrson
Afflicted with
illumiliatin Humors
Find Instant Relief
And Speedy Cure
By Using
Cuticura Remedies
ft. .1,1 ikranilvxil tl milj. TnTTT Te
Ai. i -.r.. Il.i.rfi. 11. f"Aii
UH.I UMI UinMi, 0.11 1&4 I'...'' I IV
-IMmrl. Mrhk,la. .H "I'B D.I '".l:n
kau innnbW4 ns wn 1 tsurmni r.