The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 01, 1894, Image 6

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t .
il.f, A'i
CtiiitiuimioiK-r I'crkiti ivniu ' it
1 ir. It. I. li l II, "I l:iirtni, v .a
ill IvlK' H" I" I
i:. C. Smith vi-ited lti Imp jur I to
ilny at llarrintiurg.
A (iulilnuilli expel to 'luit fur
Nuivpnrt tomorrow morning.
tv. ('. A. Wi-nlry arrived Iciine
fmiii Albany tlil- nil- rii'xiii.
Mr-. II. II t"ii.) . nt In rl'iv.r
dale to hicml (lux ulli riiiMiii.
I'imIimu-'Ii r J. W. Shumate if Wal
ter villc, vinitcd tin' county "Hi today.
Iti'V. Mruvi'ii went tn M'Mirin' thi
morning to cnmlm-i Sunday wrvii m.
I;. I' 'I linr, of Intlmi- (inivr, liii
ri'tiiriii'il Imiiii' fmiii to Net-
Il' iiry (twcii, Jr.. n tuim 'I Irninittwn
wiilm' visit witli relative nt Si"
Alviu Sli vi nn litiillinl la le by last
hlglit'n .Mlil Ir.ini Ir mi I'reni'i, 'al
ifuriim. 'i.-liiiii-li m Ili.ii"tnii, i'f Junction. Jllll, III living, Vl-itnl 1:11pm
Inst night.
Mm. K. t'lin-i r h ft mi tin- l'-cul 'hi
ini. riling tor it t -1 1 w itli i i r si-h r nt
North tuuihill.
lion J. II. M. lung I' fi -t. r.l:.y
iimming, Inr it lew ihiyMiiillhi.' nt tin'
Mi Ki iiif -jri m;-
Allli' Kiiyili'inliill liif ri'tur I limn
from mi inning nt iiirdiin r. Il'-nimh-tin'
trip on liii m hit I.
I'mf. II. J. Hawthorne li ft l'r Sal
Itork, niiir Vinniim Hay, tin nnmi-
l"it. hi "'H'l f'1
J. Iloliiiifiii went In Ni' vMirl
thin morning In ttiitrli tl.i' i" i
nymph bathe tniiii.iiii'.
I'fnf. mnl Mr. Tliniiiii I'midou nr
rlvi'il lioiu.' Iroiii their summer
tuning nl New poll llji-. ufl rii'M.:i.
Tim In-all h of Hon. S. W. t oii...n
uml family, ln urn lit Nye I'nvk, I
i'Xiflli'iil,' notwitliit. itnlin contrary
Mi Mhv Hunter, who hn Im ii
viitlhgttt the Inn f .Mr. I
returned to her home it t Tai-oina tlil
I'. F. 'a-tlillltn, of I'. n t lllll'l. I'lini'i
up mi lint night's train In make nr
inni'iui'iil about pieking lii lioi
near I lnir-l i ii.
(ii'o. Hall mill family reluru. I
It-nliiy evening from iievi u-i koiit
nig iti llii'ir pl -annul summer luralioii
nt McKeh.ic llil'lfi'.
C. r. Matl.n U uml Hairy M. Il .l I' n
itn- lit Portland in iilti inlaiiri' U H"'
bicyelc rait wlii. Ii uii- in pioi;ie- in
that i'ily.
Mi. I lor. I Mail: Jnlm lli-av. inn- of
lingi-iie i paying relative and 1 1 1. n-l -it
two wivk'"vi-lt. Mr. Hi itviiiiii- in
1 1 I nt 1 1 y uilli 1M llihn Imtli Jack
hoiiviIIii liy itn- iliniiu' it 1'H'"" rmi
lill-llle III lalim- liny ill pro
prietor of n viiru-ty shue.
llmrii I ii . I x ' I. f 1 1 : Hut Mil
h-r, wlm lin Uvii it i'oini'i'-ilor mi tin"
I ml. h ii.i. nl for tin' i.'i't y.'ar lelt on
l u.-H.lav lii I ! in l .iitfi'W'. Tin
V I' h t ' K. of tin- l irt ln Ii nan
i'linri'li gave linn it horialili' mi Moinl iy
iiIkIiI in itniiirrlioii w ilh lln ir nioiilli
ly I'lixini'. nul l 1 1 1 ir
lilllrtr tttlt Utlllll U !
Viikiill.VM v, Ann. -I. Arlui- null-
litrv irriaialion i'oiiIi iih.ii tin-
i.urt of KiliilnH'riiiriit un'
o vk ritiitlly nilvancril In tin' flout.
,i' lia Ihi II liifiviil lirri- that I",
t M M 1 1 'hiiii-i' triHiji tin' nl m I In inaki'
nil itilvuni'i' up hi N oiil.
Knlghl ! ! Miiuii.l' iil.
V.MllM.lnN, Ann. HI. -Wii-hiin;
ton i'htU to fiiti'i lain Inn.iUKi M-.itoi
ni'Xl Wit k. iliiiiiin tin' t'tiriiini'iiii'iil "I
tin' KniKlil'ii "I r.vlhla. Aliinily
H-oili' li.'lii i.lli. r .l;i.v all' In tliniiiii;
to iinivi'. 'ut nili on i M'UI-ii'ii
liikit In I'lutlili' tin' Knik'htt ini'l
Iiii-ii.Ii to nil. ii. I tin' i;i"il I'l li'l. ration,
w.-nl into i-tlit't TiHflny, mnl it I f' ilioiiMiii.l'i uri' tnknik' ihImiii-
lant' nf Ihi- oiHirliiuily tn vlil
liiKton. I''.vi ryllilnn ininl In i
liraniillli'lil. I'hii riti.rll
linvi' I'outiiliiili'il hi-rally, mnl tin
holt I inn I Umrillins Iuiiim ii Iiiivo t o n
triitiil with tin' itiiniiilltrti ihi nrrmiKi
mini In innkinn rviioiiulili' ritlf
.Ni-iirlv t'Vi-rv Iiii-iiiih hinii' iiloiiK thi
ll np of tuiirc'h I .i-is.riili-il, mnl tlu'i'il y
iri'i.iitM it K'iv M'itritiuv, hlroinily
n-niinitit'iil nf iniiuuiiiiilioii Unit. n
tin-KrouinU nf tlm NVnlilni;lou uimui-ini-iil
17il tt'iil un rnt'W-.l, mnl in
tin-in iiii'IiiIm'I of tlin unif'irnii'.l rum
.iinliti w ill hIivi mnl t-at.
I lii l'nai k'UlliiH ur.
MaiN t'ltv, la, Ann. HI. lln-i-.
li-hial. il I't'lli i k iillair hut nt la-t
foiiml IIh wiiv Inl" r-'int. Tii y-'ir
Hn"Mli"" W ilnall, n woinati of K'""l
family, l aini' Iroin I inulanil In inaki'
lifr li'onir with hi'r unrli', tlinrifi' I'nl
lurk, n wrallhy i ltli n nf thin roiinlry.
A yi ar nno, I'l'lloi-k, hi wili'innl Mi-
Witnnll miilili-iily lift for Nutil.'.
W hili' tln ri- MiH''itiiallilii'ililil'li'ii
Ivnii'lInT nMiiun With liroiinht ti
tin t ity for Inirrini'iit. 'Iho iifinl
Imr ll.i lr.l that nil Wat Hot liht,
llllil till' turmiiT Inl'l tin- li''ilv r
liuinttl, llnililii; that Mi Wilnall lunl
illiil in rhllill'irth. I'ollit k Ht't'iiti-tt
JainiK W it null, it hrnthiT of Ihi" unlor
tiinati' ni' I. i'f ruininp; hi itrr. Wit
nnll hiui lntitutitl it "lainli T nit for
t in ii ilainai;. . ainl Mr. IVlWk i
ui mi for k illvnrw mnl a iliviioii
thfir iro,i'rty.
War urrlrI lilit'
IiMiin, Ann- HI Thii nftlivr nl
tin' llniin li'iit A fhatiillial l-ank in
llimritv i'litirrly ihtrritlil tin- n '.-rt
that t 'liitni ntti-inl'lnl l r:ii' n loan nl
,tM,iimi tai I" n"ii tin' M-,'unly i'f I l.i'
I hin iiuri'liaiit ll.'i I. It I n .ilr.l
i Inna I liinoliatini.' Willi Ihi niinn
ham linn tor it lain'' n''l.V nl war
imtli mil, itn. I Ihi' nni nt inliiiiN t" !n.
Ihi' ii I" .t.ani-h or South
Ainu h-in "it it'i-l thi'inv lr.i!i-'i t
thrill to I hum.
Imiili an I rull tn I adon.
Nu nliK. Atltf. HI I'livnti
i ih--at. l,i . r-.t in J III thm iltv
tiHhty Huiioiiu.t- tin- arrival in I. on
lo in i xn lii nt it. II. hti. mi, n I thr
ii,.mt r tram Ina.l of li..riii;t Irilll.
hii'l .1 ihri- l fmin S n raiiu ul.i Ly n
fruit Hum riinniun m wln-.liili- Inn-'
In Nrw Vnrk nn. I ..ri.r.l.-1 lii. n, - !
Iho Aun rn-JU Inn- "aain- r I'.in
ll ni Au.c -" If i" r. ...r. .1
l...r' Hint Mini' Till-i HI . -11 -111 I' Will
l.ttvet ninsl.tll, Aun-i-'. '
I'm i lie.
... r. ..r .-,r.,--.r.. ;
l.ii.M.N, Ann. HI. I hi' t i liiul
j Nrw him ii'lviri Iroin slianlial m
tin- ll'.t t thai ii loki'i iliiuti ti n- '
I ri ivi -I tin ri- nlati that u -mail ' I n h-
tin i.l "I J i;-.iiii i nt nu t foil r ni
I I..:,. - al l Imlin H mi li'' I'11',
'iiiih.' t nn ini'uinil that rii-unl II vi
m'i.iiU Mrii- wiiuliii.l mi l u hi ui. iiant
kilii'l lli.'-iui'- ilii:tlt-li i.v Hint
, a ri-ill. I.lttli' I I XlM . ti ll In IK i'lir '
.lulls. i
A . ntt n-'.V ha ..'. iv.. infnr--inall
ili thai Hi.' I 'hiu.i K'Hi riiun lit !
Ill, Inp il.'lll f imt to I'llU r
on tin- nvi r in ar Kinnniitiu at- nal or
lln- l.irii.i v nt ."-hminhni, t J ii'la r pini
i mn al n 'I n in .
A .li--ali ii to lh.-1 '-lit rwl Nrw - from
sliahnluii, -inllnn that Jain. ln-, n
.T-.tli-n iin-ioiiury , wuii iinl.-i.-'l I'.V
t him - "liln r itl N.'W t '.iw inn, l"
l-olllilllli 'I h.v I ll. I ll'U nt -. 'I In "' Ml
vi.t- ii.-rt tin itttai'k on W.lii' w.i
i him ly uii.niMil.' I. In.' mi muiny
wa rluhlxtl i.lih. i i. ml lai.l 'I tn
ih-alh in it .iihn: "tn-' I. A i. in-iml
watlini'h' ii.ou tin- ii'ilhniiln that
I hi- arti. " i. ii ii i i in I in Hi" .-"Iiiiiii-ffll
nf III.' rlllll.- Ii" till -1 nv.-l ,n till'
I v 1 1 iniilmnii, -, i'iit lln- nilli-nl i.'
fn., ,1 i.i .in r.-u-l' r tin- k'uiii.v t'liti. .
I In- Ihni-ii t.i'l- ni - nl
W lit. II I -I-it' 'I. I' III"'
l. r t. m ml a war vi -' I tn tin1'.
Itltal-i a--ull..l in Hi."- n-lvir-
that Hi" n -inrt ol .-. u n-lllilliiu' at
Tinn nun ' iilmiil fnuinlallnii. I In
only i'linn; i nn nt lliiil h i- n.-i iirinl
tin r.' lin I" n an alla- k on a J ip nn i'
j.lrki I I n -mail il ! n lHiii nt ol t hi
lii " ra '. a 1 r .
A Mi hi A n I urn I Mi.r).
Tin' Hi nt nvilii' 'Hiiii l i vhli-iitly
irvli.-tn t- Ii a wlin-'i- r: A Ilriiwrnn
viV . loan ww t liilkiiujt nttntly.
II- mi--in irt ilr-'-r-i'i-"! ctj turum '-r
-:-t i . a lii. i l.,i.--'l.-i i. I imniiiKliiy
i iill'ln I f il III" lla.V hi' iullle.1 lorlll
in l.u it ino inr. ;i ill tin' l"ri t. t uu
iiou.,y I..- i n 1 1 thiiiiin'i.ll"' iln
nrow lii ol nhiiiiiii ry mnl i a nlmrl
Hiui' hi nu ll w.i ri-Wttiih'il h' Hlnl'
Inn u llni' ' ix iMiinti r wln wn iUi
V iiii'i'lnn th" mii
Floreare Itrtu.
A II. Kit. H i nt I Hi 1 1 . Inn'
hloii il in lln- It'nal I" Mr.
man -a.,-: "Il II Irm- Uml
Inl 1 1 i.t i an out- II I In n-' n m In r
mail.. I in tin- uiiii-uKiini r
ii .In.- to tin ir mi iii r i m ii
In I,. Ili r tin II" i'i- nl I'lnilili ll"ll anil
inaiio linn In lln- i-aihi-r aii-l I il. r
vain ll. an. I III th" liml" ili ll' -it"
fiuili, t ah ini in i iini-t a I w a hivi- I In
mil aula.'" ol H ; 'ii ; Iml in . iui"
lllnl nl In I -'li ll -nil Unci. n ollk'ht In
I . 1 : 1 ' . ' iil UllllV Mnl il:llll.V rijllal In
nui. Nn i.l. !m nia I'Mnnr imilil
think nl ih ivum "II iiiL'lil In pin'11
II" jan nl li.IV I -V i of llllil tn III ill.' I.
i-l ...Ii ' wli.-iiahiii' nl la
ali-iin-i'l" h' r nit". Mi.noii h i in
-. Hi-n I li .i lalil"l-, a Inn
riimal" nml it -"ll 1 1 1 i I V mlaili"l In
,r.hln. I hut hrr ."ii.l" havi- a i?"--l
.1. i.l to I. ai n Ii Inri- I hi y i-iii inal" I In-llii'-t
nl lii" i' a'lvanl i'.:"-."
iili iit l.uui-h i;ruii.
1 1.;. . i un n fx a.l nur hllliWT rihot, hut
uiifnrliiiiutrlv, n.i.V rniin 'l th k'nmi'i
f l who, imt tiikinn tin- innlli r bm It Juki-,
i mini.' u .iinn - m Un- ihrn tiiu nl th
; hunt, r, w ho Ihli-w uwity in Kult """
iitiiiii.i", in .:, - ii. t v iii lliKht.
i Awnv run tin-Iniiili r . ln-ly iuritoil
: i.v tin' il.t r; il win iii nil lurk.
I li iiiml mnl mun i lin y m ill until Jut
lit Hi" man ilmlnril ln-liiml Inrit" II r
; tr.i', lln-il t r in i'i" u uil'l-n 'iunn',
Imt lalliun In l ltt"ti th iurut-.l,
, liurii-'l itn iiiiiiii-n-- li'irini l--ly Into
Itln-haik wIuti- In- r.-iiiniiii-'l (Irmly
! In-Ill. 'I'll" Iiuiili-r tin liii-itiiif hrnvi'
' an I a hi' Wa alxiut In Mi'miti'll the, wiiHiitiiiliiil to ., iiu.l'lilily Ti
1 I Ih .1 thruunli Hi" inr, Iho l-nly of
,. w t nwann liu.'i- t'oiinal, whohinl " miwait-u
tin ir ininlf w iiniii tin- trit- hrnui'hii Mlmvo but
unw' .niiiiif. ii. iil Ha- ln-lile ui l.
I 'lifm uiiial"ly for llif L'uUinin", lit lil
Iniriy In-iivi-r juuiH-il, mnl lulhntf for
wur.l, wi-ilniil hi" h'l la'lwwii Ihe
il.t r horn ami tri i-, w in re lie In lum
wn In-Ill lirinly. The fortunuto liuul
, r iioa' l Ihoiilit hiint-lf of hi gun,
whi.'li he hail in lii-liuul lliKht throw n
itwitv. lln- wi'iilMin wnn iml tn l
liiiiii.l. nn. I ufler liilli ll ri lli-i-llnn lie
iliftili .1 in return to i-iimp. iirm'iire mi
a mnl rhoii iluw ii Hie tret-. Thin lie
,r.H-.-".,-. to ilo, ami nt tin.' Ir.t) full,
nri nl.ilin the liei'k of hnlll etiil(ltr Hiui
lit-r, n in of "iiiirlmiiul Kniw liirei't'
i .l hi ear, lllnl irni'eeilvr it fewr feel
Into t In- l.'i-h In- ill-.oVi nil ilii-
in"li" I-;.i, whl.-li lunl Ih--u klilitt by
the laoli.,' Hie. The lriuiniliant
lllllllnil ' -I' I'llly illll'lt till' lHHllt HI
Ih" hear, coiinal lllnl ilivr uhle by clile,
nroitt i In i iiuiii, neeiiivil the imtiii-
Inn. e ol l.i- eoluraileii W ho lli ltl llllil
bruin 'h" v:,ne liollie.
-a-'-ll, ll
In.- ami
The manBRi rs oi iw
I t..H.ryt.. fair nt TllCHim illVlteii
The Went, Auj. HI. ,.w,r)K.r ,.n nf tin r-O'int to
'i f.r fr, lmi il.lii.riiieii nil the "l''M" . , . . .,
riL -v.., a tirtvalu vit-w 'l th
About Sirt tnw-a nf Mtlmmi raiuieil at 1 afteriHVin uiA
Mr Kyle' eannery un to date. ' "2 H 1 1 1 .
The run nf nluioii h Utn lurgv In
nl(e but few In II u III her tills week.
" in laruu nimn-r l ueiun I'ui hiwi ,
,laiut the .Spruct.' 1'olnt lulll.
No Klmlar from nuUiile illHirtcia
w ill he Biliiilltfil liitn the wjIihoI here
thin winter.
A itninle of fellow from han Iran-
clwo linve puri'lntwil or reiile.1 a acow
I, ami are itirnluclllin a aaiuuu mi
the craft Iii Hie nvor near Acru-. Tliey
have un lleemte ami are, nn (louht, vh
IntniKtlielaw. It lit reirlel that a cniniiilerable
iiuinlmrnf aw lKi have eca)eJ fmin
the boom ul Mitchell & Jlelieilli't,
en u it I by a urn hn flnatintf ami rvl
Inn utmii the Ihhuii atlek.
Jnini n Xerlv u"l hln partlier have
cut uml put into till river JiX.iMI feel
of an Hue aaw Ion an rail Im fouml Iti
the ntute. Mini the work all ilone, with
out the ahl nf a team, ill 40 daya. Tlila
In rnniil work, ami If we ouly hail a
miw mill HUlllilfiitly larx to cut all the
in ollereil, tlilai-iiternrine of cutting
on wouhl lie icrratly iuultiilleil.
I'he. HIiibIhw Klver LumU-r Co. will
wrtuliily get thfinnelvea lilt trouble If
I hey (lou t quit tluilininK aawilunt ami
other debrU Into the river from their
1'iitroin of imtiiiiii r nmr!
U''iiiiiiii); to llit iinim .van!.
Ttii 4 inuiitry mil ni" I i'i-in, i
it morn lilu r il t.irill l.i- i',. r m
Moiniav. I'h -i'li i t 1'h vi laml
... . i-ii . . ...
will imt mnn un tun b.ii win i.u
IniT it In take i ffi'Ct witl.ntit l.i
Ni' r men will ni rei i.iti
thi from Th'i llalli- I'Lroiiii ;. ;
Wo Imve ftnteil Iwo nr three time
in tlit-im i-oluiniin Unit wis n i'.l n ,i
The towun of Antuhnj ami Mitchell
ImiMj by coiuhiliiiiK their vtl'orU, to no
cure the creation of a new county from
a pari of Waitcii, Crook and Uraiit.
They tolo thut they exa-'l to moot
..iiiMMitlnii fmiii tiiaut county for the
Miiioiiiil of terrltoi v they are deairoun
of tirant. nav the h'jutlv. If count it
ueru en-ateil ill eatrn Orenoil to ac-
.'OII..M bile every little iMinulaled valley,
wiiiie nf the original cnuntien would be
taken oil the map of our atate.
Iloti nicker lire moving to the
it-i-no of their ooiuinK l-th"!". .'"
ly all the Krow'" wl'' l,slf r"r -v
centi a x of nine liunln U, uml
thit rate will be K'iH-TMy nccepu-l
without con)iluint.
In Minnnuri until fi'nt! .ire ju'bl
Ill lilT-.r- ru in- ... . ... , t ol(Uu.irv ,hK.,ry. ,.,,.,
pnrties arc Imh e to be arr. nlen I'T; jf t , ,; , , jt
hinunv when tln-y marry P"in. . w' f..
Thenil.l.okin.lofa w .,: r,.fll,:i, .,,,...
,0..ntomcurrhiwyi.r..BU.n.t, , (
iH-inscWitlhyliaitant. who arc j-
mud. mor-unxi....n v, marry l?11" fuH0 thl. ,i:l!,al,l rhyme, in ..r-l. r
than to pay thcr .livnroe fee. )tUU(. wU wri. witll.
The l-'iO.OOO pivi-rnmeiit money I ollt r,.nil,, rlyn or vhum
tliat will be pxH-ndeil on the Ya- j
quitn Imv harlwr anJ the Ili.lH)! y,Hm Kiuiua Hate, camliil.tle f r
that will hikiii be ilintributi-il amnni; h(atu ctix rinli-ixli nt nf j.ul.'.i.-
the Sllctz Iniliatm ollk'ht to imnimi
fir u while the complaint of "no
money" from Lincoln county.
TIih SjMikane SK)kiHtnan-to-view
places the coat of placing
wheat iii the ackn on
Id i
ml i
r. nl'
i.l. ..-.!
Mai; Weal
Mil. -I,.;!. l
il. ha
1 1 h i
. I. ji-i-iiir
r Imj- m
.-.-ni- ..r
r tin- pur
v thai Hi"
I- ii will t -1 U
hi i-. We hear
lln- in -inhii-'
- mi. hi -tai" I that
halnlt h.i-i'l "II
I . . i v ...
inn I ll. .1!n lithal. ha
I la. I- .hll .m: III" p i-t i
th" 1 1 1 1 ' I - ill" ill-Ill' t al
p.. Ill I ll I III h'.l-lll I
pn-e nl iin-ilin '" I'-I'l' I"
ir ; n a i I - I i.u-i i'i 'i 1 1 1 ai-t , a-
aliniil a ! l-i v III" Mi
ll Ill . a.-l i
at lint .ll'". We
nillli- a I .t i-haiui il
li.i--. pin-- -.
I mly 1. . nl '
Ki I 1 1 mil ii. l ln- i. in. nn nf I
. iiitv, w lin ill" I ii i'i nll.v nt Walla
W all.l, W i-h., .l" bioilk-hl hi re
liu-lil I- t'.i" la-t an. I inli in-il ill the I
II 1 1 I rillll Ii TV l-l"l'laV. I'll"
Ha- I.. " ll 1 1 ai'.n -I I'.V Mr. Siili'v'
hint In r, 1 1, nil A 1 1, a n- i-, ulin will M-ll
..r a l.-w ila.v at the ni.h li f
Matthew W ahl-.
-.,ilr I. Mi. ..I . -.
A linn Ii ll I IL 'ha- II. Il.-l-h'tw,
i -til. lav, flit - In-1 l!i" w hi al I mill ni
in n -nl iall -nt in.', Ill" - inn- nn a-iir-lun
Imiii the ni ii'hiii" hu-ln l-, or
II bii.he! It I Il. l". Ill -lilte of the
iil-lil- an. I I he ill V tia-nti, -nine
i. ! I ' ai " It inn I' P'ii t' i'-
Ol Ii Ii WnllK. I he M
If. fill
Hiii nl
.. ...
-ay-: "Joini i 1 1 nit i
I...I I.l- I III Sllll. IV 1:11 II" I""
Iro-lui'.'.l h r in I'. II- Small, " "M
eeiitl. in in of M.iiioii enuiiiv, nni 'l - i,
lln' iiinuiintanit' I ripeiiinn
love. Hi ll Mini' il iV they
inl. i
I nil) I, until. liKH! ' '
In i am null. Il. ilii it I hi'inp-nll
of thi eiiy, mnl .laUe l.un'li of I 'nt
lane lirove, went to roitlainl tin
luol'lliun mi' I Will nn fl'illl there to
t'ahfiirni.i, by li alin- , In litli-ml
Slaiil'.'t-I iiniiiT-ity th.- i-..uiun .M ir.
l-itil) i.i.n-l. V i "l :
I in-1- . u'. I'li - tli-l I-'I Imp
wn in-. -ivt-d ill S. II. I'lii inlly'n wan-hnu-"
thi-niniuinn l"i -tman". Tln-y
Ifliiiin to It. Miin-ile ami I ha. Wrl-r
mnl i -i-t of -i-veliti-eli hilt nml lire
of vety line uilahtv.
n. r i.ii.i. I'l- i-i . I
I III- W A 1 I.U. The river lit I'lUi lie
-laini 1 ' li- l nltive low wall r mark.
It i lalhun ni'i'l'inlly.
A lei IJi'lil.
.1.. : .iiii, A UK uat J.
I u.. ii. I. tii" Wift Side: l.iotl
1 1 1 1 1 1 . i eveinun, n Win. Kuril, Jr.,
ami ill Nounn wife wt-rv K""K
eliun li at tin' Autrneli ti' liuue III
I'iM.iMT llnllow, four inlhn tHiUlh Went
of Imli I'lTi'li'lii-i', I lie tt-itlil Itt-uiiie
fiai'li hi ami eniiimeiiivd to run down
hill, ii I the liortiti got to kicking
ami Mr-, r.uru wn Ihrnwit from the
bunny ami III nt the Hide nf the mud
iiLMin-I mi oak -11111111 w hicli t"lt a feitr-
inl na-ii in h r I. nf, trt-uiiig her
chit k bniie. V ii arm wiw nlo broken.
ir. I.." tint hu-iily Ktiiiiiiiniii'il fmni
I mil in li iu'i' mnl lh. Morrow- from
li.ill..-, nml tin- ehtt-k mnl Jaw Imii
taken nut, nln nun eye, but oil Mon
day iiminiun Mr. Iliirnn ilied. She
wii v.iuiii,' woiiiiin, only iilxnit twenty
vi-ni of nne, mnl lunl Ut-n married
iilioul it Near, lu-r iniinli'ii name liuv
inn Ih ini l A ii Malvmiy mnl lu r former
Iiiuiii- w a- ill laineue.
ii...v 111 K n.iM'.-Albany Iiem-
iH-ial: I iithier I-.. W. I.iiiikiIoii of Hie
l ii-l National Hank, lutn reivived u
li tter from -S-nat-ir ( iitneroii, of I'cnn--ylvannt,
n-kinn lor a hintnry nf the
Moiinohnii nr nun lu'i'kttl plieanaiil 111
Hi. l- bow until v there are, mid how
liny have thrived, ll In ilenlritl to
-el Milne Iihm' III rinriilil. The niibjeel
i all ml. ii -liun one, itn llio I eletuil
I probably the lfl name bird in the
l .S. I!iiwi-u eight ami nine yearn
hl'.i I lmi. . N. 1 K'lin v, then itiuul
L-.-iu-ial nl I'hiiut. neiit twelve pair of
Hie to bin brother, John iVnuy,
of thi count v, w hn h i thclil I oie in
thi i-ouiitv. A law wn. nnv-tl pn
tecliun I hem lor live year, which w nn
exteii'l'tl two venr-, e'.xiuriiig alKiiil a
vi ar mi l a hair nn-i. Tin' vxperi nt
aii:n al hucc. , tin- bird Ihrivmn
in the mild ellimil" of III" vttlley. How
l iiianv lliere are mi one Known, i lie
lai-l thill they liirtv It- foninl III every
nrain Ih ld in the vnlley - nkt for the
utiiiiher. The lilrili'.tn only tn lilti-
iie.l fmiii the Htate trnin I ictnU-r l-Mli to
to Noveinli r 1'ith.
of I
Si il I 11 V MI-tnN, Ann '-' -lieornc
liould ha ritpieti d .1 . Il irvard Hilt-,
proli-tHor of naval nr. Int. -cture nt the
univi-r-itv nf lila-now, to make a c
lal -niM'.v of the Vmilant for the pur-po-'
nl'in Hi" lal-ilv of the
niiiinr i ii. ulaii d nl rowit n nar.lnin
the ti.vnl ai i-nh nl tn thai ytu hl
centi r l. I In- iirvi-y will pmh n -tilt in Hhowinn it tn I' tut
nrv to riiiu've one nr two of the
inilatit' p!a!i- in nidi r to n-ivrtaiii
the i-xli'lil of the tinman b' the
ifiiti r-l'ar'l. Tin niorninn work
nn ti Ihm in i-uilinn out n portion of the
h ad kit I, w ith Hi" I'b.ieel of li inn inn
the hrone pivol-h.'k which h riind
the Uiiird'n ni. Th Ifald l U nm
lev. led, mnl it cnniiit-tinn clntiil mnl
-li-nkli have It en ri palii d. The
wntk w ill probably it t Mpy live il.iv .
lll.lll( Ml . I I" I Ht--
limljr i.'innl, ."t .'
1 1 1. 1 1 it Min llnMK.-The I .irri-luiin
party H I u riieil liouie finiil it trip to the
uppi-r McKenie late yc-tcrday after
iiihiii, with the exception nf ti.ti. A.
Ii.uri mnl w ife wlin w ill remain nt
the I'liilne for Hcvcral iluvn Vet. Kre.l
ami IMiia 1 Ml 1 1 1 1 . K. II. mi.l Seth M
Ah-ti-r. mid Mliwt Sue, Cecil and
lleiiiii ltii I K irriM mail" an nivnt of Iho
inlihlle or fiHik'n H-k nf the Three
M-tel. I'lii'V n-lHirl Hint III View
wan cretitlv ob-Ulitl by thenmoke, but
the ilillerenl ntiow i'tik a far north
ii Mount Hood wi-ie plainly dimt-rni
l-le. A nreitl ileal ul hiihw in Mill nil
the peak mnl it wnn impnmtihle there-
I'.ire to explore the gltit'ler.
.. . .
bully num. I, AiiijiibI -' .
A Si nrmn:. An elijnyablo event
.vein led yenlerday afteriitMiii al the
n -nh inv i f W . r.'l'Hhcr, mi Went Mil
tint t. when iihi'Ut -llnf Mr. Fialiei'a
tin-mi nave lu r mi old l'a.nioued nur
.ile ii.'irtv. The wan nput
in vi-iiim.'. and at il n'clnck cake, iiv
en am nml h inntniile wire N-rvel
f-.nn" nl ihe "old fathom!" out Ilii'
ihitl mi a i!tert nf "tiatoii baked
It-mi." The nllntr wn a nuctt-nn, all
pri'-M-nt di-clarlnn they litt'l fpi'"1
hnhtlul alb moon.
W i -1 1 1 .x i . I i x , u.;. -.
poll- r . . it . I at l. " -lal"
li ai'tt it- the I l l'i I SI
pmn I-' I ul.m l c.'t: li I III
.1 i,i tl it
t- to
Ul int.
1 -'roil i li
pid tin nt,
l -hlp-thc
unity i-.'i
in Hull
A W '.Ntilhai it. Mat i-ui i l. nt -at that Ih" h
k.'iiili ili- "'ii i-'-l t-y Hi" i",iii...'S o;
the low i'i - I I. ; - 1 1.: .-..lulll.: -i a
a; I. ili. t art' i..'te I,
there I- li i .1 -.inl I ... re ill a
Ki.n! tiint.t I. "l- t'".I "ill ""I !'
picked, for tli" -:mpi" r.t.. i lnt
ni. nn 1. li li r- le.'ii-e to a.lvaii.e pi. 1.
inn ni.'::i y at th.- pr.--.-nt prut .
t ., i:..i lit I- al- i h iv inn ' in
wi ni in r. ! therm. 'in. ti r y.
r. i-'. r d 1 1 ' !. wi.t - at K- d U
al .t. t. mi. ul", !''' at I t.-i"
I'li.- l!:iierii Ori-g.iti l-'ruitgriiwrnt'
I'tinui at Milton w ill have their large
ilr i-r ri adv for I'lH-rnliuii thin week
lle-i.ti - aiii-viiMirnb'r with ampacity
f..r ham limn almiit the bum nf gnvll
Hint a day, llu-y an- en-ttiiin a ware-
Iioum', .'.). i lift, two ntorii-n In Ili-lKht,
ll II M.t.rc
i- a pat tn. r
Mlaana fr.aaMHl.
Wahiiimiion, I). C, Aug. 117. The
annwer or the Secretary of War to Ihe
resolution reipientlng that he inform
the neiiHte what iwrcetitagv, If any, nf
thii eiillnted men in the army are
aiieiin, ami what n.n)eulage areeitl
r.enn by birlli or lialuraluatioii, will
t of luterenl to all who follow th
growth ami development nf the mlli
i.rv aireinrtii of tliin country. Adju
tant I icncral llugglcn, In the place of
the aecretary, anawera In the following
language: .
W AniilNoroX, 11.17, Aug. i:i. 10
the Secretary of War: Sir I nave
the honor to return herewith the Sen
ate reMilutlou of the tth ult., calling
for information an to what pereeiuag
of theeiilinted men, iniiicomiiiinjiloiieU
and coiiiinlwiiohctl olllcera of the regu
lar army ara ulluna and what percent-1
nne art) clttzenn of the L uileu Slalea,
etc . ...
While the recordn of the olllce ntiow
the nuuiU'r of coin in Innioiiod ollh-er
and cnhhtcl men who weie Imrn lu
liirelng countrieit, they tlo liol hiiow
Ihe nuiiilM-rnf forelgii-lioni olTlceraand
and anhliern who have been natural
l.ed. Hence, In order to obtain the In
formation tlenlreat an promptly an po
..hi.. Hie chichi of the auventl man
corm and the cotumamliug ollUvra of
nil military pinna were caneo ut... i.
rciMirt a to their rcnH'ciivecoiiiiimiiii.
Id'porU have laeii received from HH
out of a total of M pout ami from one
ntnir dcpartmeiiU from me itaia
already rect ivi-il iuformalioii litut Int-u
rceelveil aa followa:
(oinminioiied olthvrn, in-nvntage of
ciliutin, W.Xl; nf alieim, .17.
Noticomiiiinnioniil ollhvrn, nf i'lii
.cnn, 77.5.1; alien". "il.)7.
I'rivaten, cltiwnn, ".VIS; alienn, ''l.TZ.
(I IX). I). Kliiiii.i,
Adjulnnt (ii'iiernt.
A kwrrplatf '
WasiiisiiTon, I), f., Aug. 'n7
i'i., .in. mo Suvern of the ai.nronriiitloii
cnmmitlrt) him reanou to lw proud of
the mibjntlied ntiitellielit of the renult of
the work of bin committee for the pre
flit aeiiiiin of collgrean:
The appropriation niadf at the
preHciil ami extraordinary M.--niiiu of
congreiw, including n-gular and annual
iipproprintlona, amount to $l'J0,WW,.
;in'..5l. T hey are:
IjCMtthfli (he e.tinmtcn huhlultted
by -.-.l,lH,471.11l.
thttii ihe appropriation made
at the htnt ntiiiiu ol the ll enngremt
bv tiJI.h.Vi.ll'i'J.'U.
"U-nn than the approprlatlnlia lliadt!
at the Unit nesnloli of the lant congn-tw
by tlil,lial,sill.-Jii.
I-na than the approprtutlou iiuidc al
the laat aaanioll of the Kitty fiwt coll
greM by f.V),.VKi,4sl.7S.
Iai than the appnipriatlun mad at
the tlmt miuilnii of th Kifty-flnit
cntigre by U,7S7,S7U.I I.
Malf Tlrkrl I antli4
Sam Fua.miihxi, Aug. iV The
ilcmin-rntlc ntate convention completed
the alate ticket Unlay an follow:
I'omptroltei, Mluliael Meagher; aur
vevnr general, Dwlghl M. Angler; aii-H-rliileiident
of public Inntructlnll, t".
S. Smith; clerk of ntiprvme court, 1.
W. Mclilaile; a'ate printer, John H.
Currle. Joncph I'. Kelly, of Sun Fran
clmi, wnn iinininatetl congrennmau of
the Kirih ilmtrlct.
Tol'KKA, Katu., Aug. 27.-J. S.
Siinniiinn, whohaajunt returnetl here
from t'ht-yi-nne oounly, Daklalioma,
(clln a remarkable ntory of the aatracity
ol the wild aulmaU of thai country.
There haa lnfii but very little rain In
t'heyenue oounlV thin aeaaon and all
the nlreanin ami iring aw dry, o
there tn uo place for inuny wild anl
nala alNiundimr Itl that rcsion to
iiuelle ll llieirlhirat. The aoil there in!
well minuted to watermelon and bun
drvtln of acrva have been planteil by the
M-altentl netlleni. Simv It han hceimie
.11 eenU per bunhel, itcmizJ u
follows: "Freight rate to tidewater
terminal, 1 1 centi; tlirenhing, i
ccntH; iackH, 4 cenU; warelioiino
charge, 2 cent, ami hauling f
The lecislature of the following
twenty-nine tate will elect I'liib!
state K-nator to take their ' Beat
next March: Alabama, Arkann.-i,
Malio, Iowa, Kentucky, Ixiuiniana,
Maine, Macachu!iett, Minneota,
Michigan, MicnigHipjii. Montana,
Nebraska, New Jerney, North Caro
lina., UIukId IhIhiuI, South
Carolina. South Pakota, Tinn-esin-c,
Texan, Virginia ami Wyoming.
It lias U-en a cause of womler,
nays an exchange, why the peni
tentiary tove foundry of I.owen-
burg iv Co. was sold to the tato oi
Orenon fur when it act.tal
value was not over I lO.OW.The my-
Itery i explained lv the Buit inti
:. . ii... V. r ii..i
lUU'U nv .nr iaiuib rtuuu, in ...
land, against Julius Lowcnbtirg for
10,.'JG0 duo for services performed
by her late husband in securing
the passage of a bill by the legisla
ture, providing for the purchase of
the Northwest Foundry Company'
plant at Iho ttUtc initcntiary.
Albert Smith, one of the leader
of the late railroad strike in the
west, and- a friend of l'rei-iiloht
Deb of the American Hailway Un
ion, said to a reporter a day nr
two since that, al the In-ginning of
the recent trike, Hebs told him
that he did not exect to win, that
he had a purpnte in having the
strike ordered; that he la lifived a
strike Ihe only way in which the
laboring class could be brought to
eo that they could do nothing fir
thetnelvc so long as they were
nut politically organized; that the
strike would bring about thi or
ganizition, causing the men to
break away from the old political
parties, the announcement in the
newpaKr that Mr. Deb will lie
a cm li i it for emigre! i in line
with thi nf hi views
made to hi friend Smith.
VI wa never up to the price
nf the duty last season, ay the
Jackonville Times, and i from
blur to five cent lielow the duty
on that commodity at present.
Why vhould not the wool of our
own slate bring the rate of duty?
Simply because there i no foreign
or export demand and the local
consumer dictates hi own price,
ami the producer must accept hi
term. Whv i wheat ilown to
the. tireent low rales? lias tariff
anything to do with regulating the
price of wheat? Why are borne
not worth anything in the matkd?
I their value affected by tariff
legislation? The man who place
all these affliction oil the tariff,
fail to understand the true rea
son. When the demand for an
article ex eedi the supply the price
goes up snd when the supply ex
ceed the demand it goes down, and
thi is the case on all commodities,
even including labor.
Hchool in MiniHsnla, !m ml poli
tician to talking over tin' in-. ii
which she mad, with hr tim-i
formidable opMinent, by which !,
i to withdraw, stump thn slate in
her favor, and in tli" evt i.t if lnr
. , i i.....
flection I lo iK-i'ome in r uep'ry
uml IiuhIihiiiI. If the women un t
iidnpt such tactic in polities
they finally secure, tln ir politic il
"rights," married candidate h r
ollice will have very littl show.
According to an article in tin
August Forum, the Methodists "f
thi country collect l.-r current ex
-ense, principally the salaries nf
their minister, about ? 1'i!
vearly; the Kpiscopali.-ii. tl-'5.l"X.-6()U;
the I'rcsbvterian -tl-'.lKM.Dun;
the l!aitists 'ifS,000,(H)() nml the
Congrcgationalists if7,()lHl,fHt. Tin
uvcrage salary nf the Methnlii-t
minister is estimated at Jf Sof). t -elusive
of fees nml ilotialifii; of
the (ingrg:itioualit n i i n f t r
m.iO. of the l'rcsbvteriaii inini-ti r
something more, and of tin; l'pi
palian still more.
Th price of whe it has steadily
dccrcatttl fir a number of ye.;r-,
say the Dalle Chronicle, am! imw
it ha reached a point where pro
duction except under tin.' ino-t fav
orable circumstance i unprofita
ble. There ii one remedy fur tni
and only one. Tinier present con
dition tin larger Hirlinti of the
wheat Ik It caiiiiot b in-i-i l"f
other crops. It is true that Kapt
ern Orcg in prodiiii-s tin lim -t !
melon and fruit Imt tin- wind
(.oun'.ry cannot be used fir that
pnrMie. It i a natural win' it
country and should Is- ii d hi
producing that crop. Tl.i- remedy
lie in the disposal of it. It nni-t
be sent lo market, not in tin- shape
of breadstuff hut a meat. Oregon
ha never raised the hog product
she consumed but the present pri'-t
of wheat are going to lure hr to
do so. Now th I'l'-t of gi'ttil.J 'I i-
wheal to a sliippini; point, i i'.'
largest portimi of tl. expense. Tin
bill f.-r thrhing. sacks and haul
ing taking up all ll:i- profit. Wi.eii
all of these item are tlispensi'd
with, and a coupl-J of men can
drive the w hole crop to market in
on or two days, ther will In
something left for the farmer, but
under present condition the crop
eats itself u-i mi Hi wav to niarl.i t
I.uther C. Challi-, once am
the leading financiers of Will
street and several time a million
aire, recently died in poverty in
Atchison, K in.
III 1-
Salem Journal: A Herman immi
grant started with a baud cart thin
morning for Anhlautl. Ilia cart wa ;
covere.1 and contine.t Ida ramp outfit, I
i hln i-liithiug and tiro children. A l
third Imy, big eliotlKh to walk, went I
ammr barefiM.i. Thev went aoulli at
I, ......V l - . ,
provi.l. .1 t uii bin and sweat tnixen Ml ,try the fariiu-r nml tnal mr in - , , ,
-tilll-i. nt to hold the i-uiiii'n output, ilrnt time, the ttivote are after their i
until n -att-factorv market eoimtj Stntermeloli. When an auhlial In" Along the aeaaide hammock for
idong. ' ' coine thlmty, Mr. Simmon ay, he two In popular. The male and the!
Mho mhiic time siiuv gm Into a watermelon pau-n, ami , einaie inn iu uie iuui' in a ia..ii..u j
f l-'leti hi T I.lllll. in l-.u- Willi III long, anarp n-eiii, i-.u o inniLii iiuiu ...u,i.j R. ...
l-i in1, i iti tn' Several ytitm ai.n
l,e a- tr.a-uiir nf Jnck-on county
am I i al l it arrant Hint Innl tn-n
.1 H nu ,:l n to JIH'l vi. Kitvntly
lii. c. iiuty clerk ha Nt-n ex nnii(
lln- I. -.v. tin. I niH'le tin' il:.ttvery.
Mr. M.H'ic ii"M riili-n in I'l'itlaml,
nn. i a .l. tnaiid I.:.- Itt ll mad on him
the i San I. in- ibi-po. '.ti nt
at sn I'n go and '.'-' nt
t. i.l. it
.!,. .
-ii-i, '. itt
llK'' I' . "'-'
V laiii l-c.i.
f..r l 1-' .
.i elu l.i i- i-
i . i ii- '
.!.-; ...i.l, .1.
U- luti n n -
li part mi i.l
i .to of tl.
u -t to date. d order
I tog ;'..e il. pitrliin nt hit
I In- city cniincil I n.i.1 to
I ill a rentg.illU ttl'MI of tile
Iml.. throuuh the rind lie can limerl t-r. llievnwtng totrellier lu Ulntni
h; sharp now Into the liielou and acmua blinafulnean. lie with au arm
oucncll lii thtrnt. An nmn M the llrl ' around her waiat. ahe umg hi knee
' covote diit)vertl thi lie lutinclively for a pillow and toy ina with hln uatch-i-oinniiliiicateil
the nei-rrt to tln army i ehain, and purring like a gentle inal
i if covote" in that aei-tlim, ami now the : tew. An engareiiieiit la Pol n.wry
entin' melon crop of Cheyenne county ! for the nervine iif the hauiluock allien
bid fair to lie dcatrnyed in this way. I It lea. The people of hot countries
awing a hammock with the head nix
A gt iitleiiiail vt ho ban Un-u a d-ictor, ' and a half ferl aud the fool three and
c'.itgvmaii and lawver, de laren an the i lhre ouartern of a fin from the
nnulinf lit experience that men In I ground. That make ll comfortable
general will npeud mole money to ami natural. Hut the leve initilnf
tixht each other In law nuitn than to j of our hammock huddle lover In au
ave either llirir bcnlien or auula. fatbioa to lookervoa.
Klwtric fnr-e has In-eti tun.'
acctiunt with sheep shcirimj
chincrv, and now we hear of
other list; it i put to on th i-m '.
rang.. A novel system nf I raid
ing horse, cattle and sheep U r.'
ported from Australia. The hnu I
i kept at the re juir-l In- tt by
electricity from storage b.ttteri.-.
From these a llcxibl rubber lub
carries the electric energy to the
brand, which i heated from with
in. It i chime I that this brand
is perfectly safe, thut it mark
without a blotch and i kept at a
uniform teiniMTitur.
Twrrlvr Jl in.
VaI.I'AHaii. Iii L. Aiu. ST. l.mii
li. (iirtnii a wealthy enieii of I!.-.
tol, HI U hart county, lb' hn n vioi'-t I
li tnpiT and hn fri iplelitly tlgured in
the court. I le I now under heavy
bund fur a-!i'.l' il It intent lo mur
der. T-hIiiv li.'toi i-ui--l a in it hi'
the public, pin,, i:u l"r l.i-' n mint
lllelll of 1.'':. to a -I h 111 I'I '
forn.ilig hi- III.-, lie mali- that a tin
renuM nf a -tran.'e hnllu.'inatl'in h -punt
lite hn tint lvll It ;.-" 'I'h
but he wi.l In-able, with Ihe mora;
operation of 1J ein. ii- ho lire to ill
rect Ins bil-ine and it ine-t c nil .ir-.
to make Ii It tt ll t
it i l.i i.
l.fXIV.'t'i.N. 1
I i-t r 1 1 - -. t" '' -day
.1, fit. ,.-. i 1
urged all .1 I ' ' i
Husk, m ..',.. i
oil et.i I i . .
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