The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 01, 1894, Image 4

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    Kiifjcno City (iuanl.
M- u nr- k imn-li Hi" i l I itor m
I t,!n .a a- ..iii'M, l"it Ui-y cicii
li.n "ii ;i (lill'-n-iii ii t nl' tiiu .ilur.
With nun tin' f ilii"ii (iii ! t'i iij.irn
mi 1 club r - mi'l y.Hiliiit,' ;ir-
tie aii'i wino mii",i. J'l H"-'
I nil'.l .-tite-i t!ie nu n t in -v ujiuii'l
hinoki! i,Di H i,( HH) worth of U
.iktu every year. Tli:it i tli.-tr
ft-liioii. In I. mi-Ioii not 1 k5
u mini lit 'l li" t-tarte.1 in lil'! Willi
;.VVH, ''"'I l ul '"
Khittoiii. , i-' inlinu' 1 i nniiti tJ 'l
nirts of thf i.irtli i it eniiif nru d' I-
ieaey forth" al.lte, f Hiietinieil nlli:
j.Iuw of f.x. l ro-tiiiK :!'XJ or t I'Xi.
ll iiti-Ins wli'ili! fortune ami
only luul inn piiwii li ft; with that
llM lx)UKllt il Wool'-'!., Illl'l llii'l il
ilnn'il hi tin- very Ix-ft ftyle, ule.
it, gave, two Iioiim for ilig.'!li--ii,
thru wiilki-'l out on i-htiiiininti r
l.riilgi- ami threw himself into the
Thiini' H an l ilii l, iloiiitf on u l;irn;
ttoiih) what you uml 1 have often
MI'll (lollO Oil ft MIHlil HC'ul"'. Kill
men ln not iil-.tiiiii from millinery
nnd i labomtion of hkirl through
any rJ"riorily of humility. U i
only iMvauM- hiich uji'iiil.1),"
wotlM he a hl'H'ka'le t'i lillhili'-M'.
What wotiM hjihIiih ami traiiiH
threo uml n half yanln lon ilo in
htork market? An l 'l men art;
tin) diHci. I' M of farhion juxt thu
caine mm women. Smie of them
wt'iir hoot hi i ti'ht they can hardly
walk in (ho paths of rinlit'-oiHiu r".
Ami Hu rt' are. men who Iniy exiei.
hivj Miitu of clothes ami never ny
lor them, nml who go through the
htrit'ti in great ctri- of color like
Htiituatiil .heckerhoiinli. I nay
theno IhiiiK'K lx'i'au.-ii I want to
chow you that I am impartial in
my tlicour"i,1 and that hitli m'xch,
in tho langiia'D of t lit) Surrogate's
oilier, hhall "i-liaro and fliari
alike." AhIiihI may IkIii me, 1
chall hIiow Voil what ure till' ilea-
t r v 1 1 1 i and ileuthful intlm-neci of
iliordniatc l.ihhioli
It now look1 liku IIih iitteu.lauec
ii toil the Statu I'niviTMty will Ik)
very l.irgt- thin winter.
The hot wave Ii;ih llow ii and tho
UVerae of the peat Wil
hlllietli) valley rejoieen thereat.
Iloji I'ii'kin will M'atter thou
H.ui'U of dollarri in Line eoiiniy,
and all kinds of hiixinex.H will feel
iU i ll'eet.
When Iroiu I,NKI to t.'.IHKI in
readily het on a foot nieo and o
jde will pay 1'cntn to witiiexn Ihe
Kline, certainly hard times lire
uhoul a thing of the nt.
( are i-liuiil'l ! taken I V i'.iliin rH
and hiuiter.H that hrei are not nl
lowed to g t out in the Valliahh'
t i in Imt in iiiouiilaiim. Any
ihth'iii maliiioii-ly guiltv of (Mich
nil net hliould ! pro.-i euted to the
full extent ol tho law.
A ui.iii who was work 1 117 mniern
new ho was aked how he liked
hill). "Well," he replied, "he inn'l
exaellv the kind of a hon would
Il lV" picked out, hut when colli
JuriHl to lilt pie le cpM.r lie In come
a jewt'l." So the nverage democrat
feeU nhollt the new tarill.
l'lirtliiid 'I'elegr.iui: Internal
Keveuil't ('ulle.'tttr I I . I - k 1 1 1 . 1 1 1 Wed
nend.iy received a large (jiiantity of
.-cent revenue Mamprt to Ihi useil
on playing card-i, in accordance
with an art of emigre that went
into practical i tied yesterday. The
law provnii h llial every ilek, or
package, of playing c.inU iiiumI
have ii '.' cent Mump attached to it,
under a penalty of n heavy lino for
tin) dealer in thU article.
According to mi article in the
AllgilHt Korum, the Methodihl of
thin country collect for current ex
peneef, principally the eahiriett of
their luiuiHterH, uUuit f I t.lHX.(KKI
yearly, the Dpim-opaliant I1.1HK),.
HH; the IVfthyterinim li!.(HNt,(HHl;
the ILiptiHtM ",(KK),l)(m; mid the
t'oligregatioualit.H 7,(Hk),(KHI. The
uverage of the Methodic!
iniuixier i-i estimated at $S'0, ex
t hlive of fees ulld donatinlin; of
the t'ongregatii'tialif t minister
('ill; uf die I're-hyterian uiiuixter
Moiiii'thing more, and of the Kpineo
pali. in r 1 1 1 1 more.
llln HrHiinliia ird.
M.miiii 1 1, W. V., Ainr. J
t'lmirin in S il-'ii, of the av niiil
iih in iMiiiieiii'f, iiiel ili'iiioi'ratle ur
Ill leu'li-r, in ( In Iiiiiiw of r prekxiilit
H, w :i ri tiniiiiniiti'.l (or eiiimi to-
ly. W iI-.ii iiii.l,. ii.iIjiI.Ih a. I In
to the OIIW llll'.ll, III Wlllcll III' lie
i lnn , Hi., j.n -i.l.n t lm-1 'ruMil,
IIhiii.-,I lr,.'ii Ihi. rferinif Willi 1 1 if I
"rk of ltiil' r i -k n Lot In , nut
leu.lfallv fur III." fulfillment i.flli.'
platf.'Mii i.l,,l,-. In l. l.ti.r ami
H4 I naugli viarrf.
I..'l'l h i i:, K v., Auk l.oui
rtt., I'NIikrr, nil. I tin' Wi-Hllliiet citi
zen in ll'iInif lirtvii, innrrie.l
lia aft.-riio.iii to Mr Mary Mcl'i lll Ii,
aici-ilMi. pit, ri ! niiil tiaicoat
KiaiHli hiMi. il. mi Ivi- ni ii-o tic 't lo. K..l,j. n i',.tn,tf Ta
jMira k'i lii ii.' ill. .t. ta cli
liavt" all Ihi-ii .n. ,.-. w nil (.irtuiK-,
ml tin; fri.-ii'l li. arraiik.'.-.! tlir
liiat Ii, ntvivt-il a i lu-i k l-.i t !",').
Vvlrraa MaliA4 Wlllalal liaa
('IIKAI.O, Aug. J!. 'Hit. Vi-l.tMl
rallnial oftlclul, JlIui C. linnlt, il,-l
early UnUv. Itf ik-vit noivi ntl niu-
rloUlieM ailnv he aQfl tri. k. n.
Dav & Henderson, Undertakers v-C
mbalmers. Cor Wil. anj 7th itt)
X tlawtlrr I'araar.
'I'AlliMA, Wllll., All. -tinVl III'
or .M' l.inw hut preoM-il tliu liulton nml
th" I nit rotate fair l- mm oiu.
It ut ii'i'.u to lay, uh.'ii, ktnh.l-
ill oil Ii Ul l"l III ill Hie llllilll I'llll I-
Inu. tli'1 g.iv-riior, w ho t o ut--k bki,
ili' '1 the Irnlll the aainc
Klull'l. ina'le a In Ii f li.l'lr-, ili-clullllg
the Nortliwet lull r-lnle Kxpmilloii
hi u to tin. "il l aii'l l.'ii' li. l a "iniill
i l.i trie lull ton that Ml iii million nil
t ie uhiiinu Mli'iN in m i, hiin iy
Prevloiia to tliin lielioli lliere WH a
lii.iti-l. r nlr.i t panel.'. It Ktarti-.l lit
lil:VI o'eliN-k u illi l.'H. rii'ir Mclimw
it ltd hla tult rilnu ul lie-In ii'l. In
Hie pr.Ht'wiiiii wi re all the cine ninl
military urifuiiiatioiiN of I Ii if. anl - ir-
rouiiillliK llll.'M, the Tiieoiiiii I'll
trooii ot cavalry with iU wuvmir,
low pluilH', tWl . ' ill 1 1 1 1 i' of -lale III-
fiintry, the iii'l, r ill l.iki unh mi in.
mi ll--tullie l Ik lit the hcK'l, I hi' l uikx
nml KKitiuin from the lnrkili Ml-
Iiiko Willi their ciiiii"4 iiii'l 'inihi,
repreM-nlntivea from nil Uh-' r. nl
eoiilitrlea Hint lire ex llitf lit Un
fair, en, Ii in lialiiiliiil i-omIiiiiii', iui'I
m-ori-H of ol In r fi-nl iin-".
Taeomn u in eariiiviil iii rny f. i
the O'-eaaiiiii. Clue, w hile ami si llu.
the lliter-lale tiur color", were every
where. Thfeilywii" (leci.ral.'l a it
lievi r Wait l"'fore. Not II lill-llie
Ii. iiim' will there Uml Illl'l Hot liilule N
di-pliiy .
'I In-fair k run ii. It were hrillliuit with
jcnili'l'iii", Il ik'- ini'l I'lintiiiK f all
m.e" ail'l i."i i Ipl Ion. I' nun (he I VI
lixit IIuk Kie hi I In- K ru I H I eouil tl tt-l
Him larie"l Allien, .-in ling in the I nil-l-,
laitering the iii iln IiiiiI Iiiik from
Tiieoinii avenue niiolher mi ni' ol K'ol.V
colon-it liiiii'iu mi-.-!" the view, link'"
nml hie .era Iiiiiik from 111" wmN iui'I
ei-ilimt Ijilerniir, the llr-l exlilhit
well 1" thai of S little. It i" il coin
poriltf exlilhit of Scuttle'" maiiufac
tlireil proillietH. K. oii, I it U II 111 IK
liltl.i lit earveil woo'lcii l'.:it IihIiiiii
M-reell, froutiiiK the fori l'll w i'tloli".
'I here uri' hIxIii-ii of IIicm- f, r. ikii ex
liihit" a" follow": 1 1, 'lia, luikiy,
l.k'VI't, ltii-iii, Aulriu, Italy, Spain,
Krniiee, ( .unan , Norway mul Swit-il-en,
laiKlaii.l, S.ntliiii.l, Irelaiiil, fan
Kila, Japan uml Cliliui. I I, e forelk-n
ilepiiltuieiil iH-i-upii'" tin. eeliter of Hie
Kr. nl hall O.iIkkI.. of them ami ex
leinliliK all Mrn Illl'l the Wall lire II H-rlea
of exhiliit" from Ihe tniiioiiN Iniililifiic
tliric" of the I'nili 'l Male.
I'awiug from Hie uiai:i hall to the
machinery hall one IIikI-i in Ihe Inter
department an inl.-n Iiiik eollcctiou of
maehim-ry of all kiinli. Then Journey,
illg to the x-ciiikI It. Mir to Kirn) hulls
are follinl lllli'l to the l.rllll Willi at
traetive i-xliihit". Ill wv. Il larKe
KHiui" ileVoli il to the nit ,1, pultun III
I" irathereil ,'i;, llicr the lllli-l i xlnl.i
tiou of pletiir. " ever hioiik'ht to the
1'iiellle N'orthw.l.
On the iiili.l II.Nir " f the miiin
I'liil.liiiK lr lik'ht in n"'" Ihe front, run"
a M-rlc of hulk' routii" in w hieh are in
"lull, , I tin et liliol.'Kieal i-xliihit lin.l
fllllhiT on the i-.lileil i.ilitil. Ihe fill
liiih'Klciil ili-parliiieiit eoiilalii" eliih:l"
illiixlrnt ii the maimer", linlul" nml
life of the Imliaii of IhU country.
There lire iiuiiiy pholoKraph" nml
pailltillK" of fnlli'ill- ehii-N, liotnlile
nnioiiK I hem l iiik a lilt fi' oil t.iiliil
IliK of Chief Seat lie, pailileil l.y Itapli
nil Comli", luiki' pli'liuiM of Chief
(iavory, of Spokani', I'eler Sliimip ami
other" of K'eal nil. rr-t are on tin wall.
I ii'liiiu w. mi. ii lire to I"' "-. ii in Hie
Ii p'lrtiiii nt Wciiviiii; their uiil,iu
lntKct" iui'I inal". A war canoe titty
f,- I I. nit; mul M-vcral nmaller ciiiuh i
lite fcnllin-" of Hie exlilhit.
Near liy I" n taxlilermy exhihlt run
InliiliiK H'elnii'ii" of rcry w il. I mil
lual that llilialiit" Ihi" r.-Kloll. lu ml'li
I Ion to -" eimi Ii" of one Ihiiii-ainl na
tive liir.l".
Ihe fiiiiinii" illusion of I'liaroali'ii
laii;htcr, w here a "tatnte turn" trom
"tone to hie in plain view of Hie llllill-ein-e,
I" to he m cii III a r.Nim oil' ma
l ino, ry hull. Al the othi-r eiiil of tin.
main ImililiiiK are live other illil-i.nij "
In the imni'lal ileparl ineiil In mvii
n liillilalure a-l 1 1 1 1 1: 1 n coal limit
in w Iiii-ii miner" are m en at work.
l.i nviiiK the main IhiiMiiik mul pa-"-IliK
'low u I he ItoihI Htaltway one en-
ler" the L'roiiiKl-i. liiillii' tiKht mar
the f'Hit ol the xlair" I" l.,hvui, I'.io'.h
er " N ll.l Aliimal Mmw . .ct conic"
w hat ii.H ar" to Ik' mi IlL'.vpliiui I'via
mi'l. Il colilalli" the wiiiuli'ifiil Mir
mr Mae, wlilcli one enter" only to
Illl'l hliii-. lt l w llili ii il I'V (he luillti
Imle of hi" ow II ri lleetiiili" alnl In ill"-
cover hi" Innliilitv In tinvlk'Hle the
my-lerioil" pulh" i the liltle I'lilhliliK
I cnvliiK the pyrami.l nil. I isintiuii
liiK, ii lyplenl ol, I liifhioiicil (icruiiiii
I" , r k'niil. ii l" Iiiiiii, I mi oiic' rlk'ht,
ami then on the left the lllliolllK UK
rl. iiltiiial mul horticultural hiiiMniK.
l aitcrliiK the grmnl court in Ihe een
tcl of w It it'll I" a lake of go nl Iwuiity,
Hie other InilliliiiK" tire hroliuht In
view. On an t ionic nee o llic rik'ht I"
a circular luiililliiK w ith a enlle front.
It eiuitahi" the evt Inriiniii of Ihe hattle
of MNi-li'iutry Klilk'e. l uitlur nloliK
mul dill to iiiu-' rlKht l another
1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 lllii-iuii "how, Ihe Si.irit'e,
in n hull. Iliik' of It" ow ii. Then come"
the wnll" mi. I miiiitn l" of the I'll r k l-li'i , w lllnn w to-"' Knti " nre t Ih'
f.niii.l linnur", ciiui, I-., .loiikey nml nil
Hie li iitur." of a in Cairo.
In a lurk-e l'urkili tli.iitre In the xll
InKethe 'urki"li thtncliiK i:lil" tlaily
Itixe their famuli" inu-cle thince Hint
attrncle.l ihi miieh all. ntlon nl I hi
cairiN IUniiu.' trniuetl miiiual how ami n
plclun iNiu In. Hun i neaiupiuelit collie
next. I'iiiwiiik then nroiuul to the op.
iNMiti xiili. uf i ln lake one conic" to tlie
il"heriea InilliliiiK III w Iiom' nail wali r
lank" nri' fniiiiil w iimniiiK live nvi
llietia of every ll-.ll that ' inlml'ilt the
alera of the I'aellle Norlliwi-"!.
The Sivnie lirnvilv Itnilwny ouiie
next. It liluiiKca ila irri-iiular li tiirt Ii a
pinrtcr of a mile Into Hie f..ret ami I"
a cmicinaiiiii licit iM'i.ul ir.
Clii-I. r. ,1 uUnil on Una aiile an-Hie
Iriictiin-a of a .I'.i'ii or iiuiiMnluiia
of mtiior liniMirtancr
l.eax IliK Ihe i;raiiil court one Mart"
on a tour of exploration I. iu n a ru-lic
mtli Into linvlue l ink, 'J. nere f
A intern H.liiUKl"ii wil.lot ami
in."l clinrtcli rilii forint wiirrv. .r
l".r" ami ru-lic IoiIk." have Ihcii
cn cli"! In k-reut iiiiml" i wuh.'iil ii. ar
riitir 1 lie mil uml l"-atily.
I he li-atun-" iiametl arc hut Ihe ch i. f
tuicf. uf llir fair. I In re are in n.l.lili.ui
nintiy reuiarknlile" nml eon-
I'lie fair w ill remain open until No
vcmU-r lt. j
Mrawiilail I rrHrU m aman. j
Ni wii'iir, K I . Auk. .".). - Talk ';
Ihe .1. mt -tic Inf. Ii. lii.- nf Mr. ami
Mr.. Willmiii K. mii. I. rl. ill. at Nt w-;
"rl, exlcn.U over a ri."l of two
ii r or inori. I'w o oiniiu r" a'o V. '
U. Vai.tierl'il' luriic. up at New p.. it!
on the I dllu. aiul w h on it l.t'll ,
il WH" "in," In Vinex anl "oiiii'l. A 1
f.-w m.'iili.. I.jti-r, N'ainli ilall, who i
an iiil hli'.lit.-llt' ) a. 'if .lloili. Wtlit to'
I lik'luli'l w In re lie n t4 ii.e-l Willie l.i
i n -. nl j ucl, I Vnliaul wa l" ini .
I, n (uriit-il iT' 4' w it" ilt'iiciil I
I. .( l'ie aim. .tiuci mi i,l of" f,r a
.,i'K Ho. wnli Mra. Vamii-rt'ilt ami
olio r (J-II kiina ii " rni. Curimi"
1 1 l. t .m m r .4. I I I.m. . -f ..n.rn I.
x'Ui.l tin yacht which hniillvil III llial
ahiii'loiiui' iil of tin i-rulM. al an early
Ink'", uii'1 i i, lir. lv l,r.nkliiK up the
pni i.v. .Mi. uii'l. iliill lot" t"i'l Iter
Ii a ii. It l lint h" hail no I ii ten I ion "f r 1
luriniiK I" N'eu p.rt for y.-itr-., mul l In.
murlili. lion-.- whleli ol, I
u l which In r M-itlt-il on Iter j
will nnium -l -I. I.'"'W llr-t li.-unt
ol the I ite troiililv when III" l-l"i eri"l
wa" at It" helKlil lit Ciil'-.iKo. W'l.'il ;
the "Iriki wa piaclicilly o..r lie I
.illl'l, Illl'l lllllll M'.f'l Wil" l.i.iM.I
M t.i.uv to the com rary, it w.i" U
Ahead of Time. K
We tile ill o-1 V .1 1 ,i ol Ii
ii -
.a-.ui, a"
1 1 1- Il : I . lu ill
pln.i inirour new
.1, .' k. Ilui Hn n
w e l.n.l lii fun -Ihiiil.-
in hik'h
i ii ii 1 1 1 y - i ii
-"lfl Mill in ill.- i.iiiiiiiij, it i. 4:'. .. . i , V t
lievcl he hll.t III keipillg I' "".'f . Iholl Willful -
Hie N'aii.leil.ill family IIiii ii out ol Hie V: 'v' - . ,' '''"-I Coilichu Vim l.rl.lll li.l le n-H. -lu
lia-I. ft New".it. Mr. V. K. Vun- 'd "ei'tl"ii
tl.-ilull i" a "outh. rn woman of tin. r-VY ..; '... i t' your w mil"--
fmiiily of .-iiiilh", of Mohile, A!u, who i -VV ;. .''-.v ) 1 the iii-
are niii. li proii'ler ot tin ir IiIinui iiiaii
Ihe X'mi'liihilt lire of their million".
M.e i" a liuii'lw.iiiit won, nu, nml, nl
lln.llk'll he in i-xeeptiolinliy t Xi llile,
Hi"-.- who know her my "he I
Knt'ioii" ami cliunuliiit to tlew w liom
"lie lavom Willi her frieli'Uhip.
Nl.w VoliK, Auk -" Aicorillntr to
the Colnmereial A'lverlin T Ihi" lilt'T-
nooii, liiiiiic.ll .t' ly ufter the running i
of the I iruii'l 1'nx ite Purl" June 17, 1
V. K. Vmuli-rliilt km liilrotliuv.l to
Nellie Nco-triiti r, n womnii well;
known in Turn for her Uauly, ami
w a mi fax-inale'l that ln-o"iily pre-i
M'lili-il her with 10,0k I frinic" he Iui'I I
wnli on Ihe race, no nitcii up a
miiKiillli'ciit c"talill-hiiniil for her in
I'uii", mi'l Mil""tif ully k'ave her a
rei.eliee lit la attVlile, Willi M rvaliU
who wor.' the -nine livery un Hint
worn Ly Mr. Vuiulerliilt'ii h rvant-.
It I-all' k'' 'l "onie time HK' Vnli'ler-
I. lll liun-cii to M'tlle IIJioll hi" Wife
Ai.iia.w, N. Y., A'n;. 1"J.-JoM-ph
II. Choate, of New Vork, pre"liletlt of
tin- coii"litutioiuil couvciitioii, whin
n-ki it IimIu)' If tlii'ie wit" any trutli in
the rcHiil thai lie luul Ini-II Velailletl to
pio-ii utc the "lilt torillvortv Ii i-li it
l" nll' k'.-'l Mi". Vamlerliill will In.II
lute, refuwil either to c uillrill or ileilV
the "lateliielit. "I never tell IllV pli
vnte alliiir" to the pie""." llllill ItiM.t
il. lll.'.l he Illl'l U-cll r. laiue.l I'V any of
Clf Valnlerliilt" III tlie ilivoree pnatvii
IliK". )UI limtrn llainr.
Wa-IIIXOToN, Aug. -"I. The Kidler-It-"
of the Eeiuite were pncki 'l totlav
W illi". Oil the Moor were ex
actly a won. of neiiiitor". H u." mi and
.M .- it. It-r-M hi wen ii ".lutet a coiiiiuit-1
t") to notify the pri "iileiit thill coil-1
gr-" wna to u.ljoiirii. After aev-1
nil "hurt n-cc"-c", i.-""lutoi)4 nfj
thank" to Vice I'rc-iil'iit MeveiiHoll j
nml Senator llarri", nl pro teiu,
W ere a.lolile.l, nml Hie M-u tle a aa ii.
clull'l lit tj i ill riK'il "lllf tlie lit J p. lu.
lu tha llauar.
WamiimhoN, Aug. ;. -Toilny thti 1
k'allcrlt" of Ihe hoii-M- were puckcil to
overllowiiiK with I'ylliiuii" ilruwii
Inl h r to w it ii'"" the c.'-iiik "i-eiic" i.f !
tin. m inn, which wii" to expiri' nl '1 '
o'cliM'k. The nll.ililulli"' wa" very
IikM. tlx' mnjorily of Ihe meinU-ra
htiviliK all. inly k'"".' home. 'I he riiOK
nation of It' in-" iitniive Uitt. , n-cent-ly
i Iiiii ii k'uvcrimr of Aliiliiima, wii"
Inl. I l"'fore the hull-.'. Wilmitl oltiTeil
a ri-M'liilion which wit" w il li
mit ilivl-lon for the n pp. l 1 1 1 in. ii t of
llirei" IllclliU r" of Ihe hoii"e to loci I n
hlmilar comiuillce of Ihe -i nulc to wait
upon the prtlileul mul Inform him
that eoiiKn -" wa" In inljoin n ami
a-ecrlnin if he luul any further com
it i ii ti it iit ion to make.
The chair iip"iiuteil Wil .mi, I il
nian nml llepliunt.
The "N-nker iipHiinteil the follow itig i
eoinmitli". to iuve"lhiate the I'oril'a
tin aire ili-a-li r: .Minl'lox, I'.iook",
Hire, PIkoII, Paiiiel" mi'l I p.l' k'rull'.
A r.'-"luli"ii to print in eouip iri"ou
the new tarill' law wild the pr.-tiit
law ami the ll-ui lull a" il pu cil
the hoii")' wa" citllcl up l,v liiclnml '
"on, ili-iuiH-rat, of Teiine"ti'. The vole ;
r. -iillt il ycii" 1, mix " .1. Johiimiii of '
i lino inn, le the point of no tpioriim. !
A" II wa" apparent n ipioruui coiil.l not
Ih- mii-tiii',1, an npiH-al wax imi'le from
nil "iilr" to in, luce JiiIiiikoii to w itli-
Iritw Ihe "iinl of nnler, hut he re-
Joliiitnn t luiiiicl the ismpnri"oii"
prop'"'.l In Im prinleil hiel Ih-cii pn- i
pnretl liiuler the tliifiiinii nf Ii,, iiuitii,
ami Were mi-It mliiiK, ami ft mil I y Kich-
linl-.'ll Wlllullew the lem.liilion
The coiuiultlee nppoilile'l to wail up
on I he lit n "'rle.l he ha.l no
furlher f'liilliilliliiitloli" to make. '
" The pn -iilcat nlo r. 'ii, -Id me," !
ali hi, ' to conKmtiilale the 1
hoii"' nml Hie oi'iiate on Ihe clo"c of it"
In Imp., nml w l"liei Ihe lu.liv i.liiul
iiicmU r" u Imppy uml propcroii va-!
i'lillon." I
At '1 o'clock the -" itkcr ilci-larcil Hie '
eco'ltl "CKaioil of t he 'i.'l. coiiKrt-" ml-'
Joliriieil. Olent cheeriliK gleeteil Hie 1
miiiouiiei'iuelil. !
i : .
i "ym
I T o- .
iKxjmiine Our
lin"ii liint of all
In price. That
m what it nl
wnxa "Irnlll. I I"'.
AN 1)
in r
NO. 181.
Ki.i Aii r.'. -in mil.
Hop Pickers Wnnt( .1.
( nil a mice on
(to .00
InrKe "lock of
lioul .- A SlIOKS.
A I.I. new K'""l" hotight
Spot Cash.
II.- !( jru if Ir')
(.,r i;.-.'l. lu lui In t.
-I-. w ill i, r
'o1;kt, ijMi-. 'ati'ly,
Nut-, NutiiiiH, Toyf
les Cream, Summer Crinlis.
M n mi xtmiu rtrolt rdliitfrM
irr liattt
I 'li. i.i.j. k1i.i , wry trl . .
lit oviTali- ....
our thlrt AW, or. .V
kniv- ri. (orh. r . ..
l;ii iiit'i iimir liiti r iurlr... I"
i -iur ft-. I in(tnlctt our folu r." 0ur
(.rt-r hmw --u riirrI oti firftrly il Mori.
: : Oregon.
N. l 'I.H.r in lliitt-t
n- in I"" ii.
l.ii.'.i'H Call m It, li -,,i
I'M III i. li '.mil I'lll, Il nlllif'll. N"'l Ii'. f r. Ill
i.l i . .if t. iii.i"t;',n.
H. t i i . ii la COlLttt. PHtPAR-
Atony, murmal o businuj ... ii- ;.
HAS fir N . . r in 1 n l ili.i,iii .,r :l c-iiiw..
II.Htil In W..I 1 1 aj 1 1 . . I'll. I,,. ii.,-. ,, .
Il'.t ',. I.'O '.r .-itr f-r UumI mil
pall Jer.Ti Oper;s Sept i8tr;.
f 'iii4livivk will (ri--. ,illrta.
. I'. .-IK.n loN ,'r.,
( r ill"-. VAN y.'uV, I ii
I lilVi-MU) r.t;k. i'r ifi-n.
Next w-kkIoii U j-iim the 17th of rw-jt-teluUr,
Tuition, fiei'. Ilounl, r-Vl m week.
Kive courM-a: ('lionlcnl, Hclentltlc
Literary, I'.iikIUIi nl.d ltuxiiic-a.
IM.nwi iniiv.
The ltonrtliiiir Mall for joiiiih linllea
nml the Itoiiriliu-; Hall for young gen
tleiiiin will be uii.l.-r the cronal
mi rvi-lmi of Mm K Munra, a
of relhieiueiit ami la rue cxa-rlcnee.
I'or cataloi'iiea, Hlilrea,
J.J. Walton .S-ey. lu-genu.
Hot Medical Springs.
I i." r i
-, mi w.'ti'lrr(u'!)r tUicatimu la
lit V. Ill !"' -'Ill .Iri ,-t ,r;
Wal dies
Sterling ar.J S il r-Pial" d Vars.
trjjralcli Ic-pamu'.; a .p -cialt y.";jj
ICi'ij i:ni- . tlwiM ioN i
Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Liver and Kid
ntj Complaints, Catarrh, Drops;,
La Grippe, Private Diseases,
As'JB, Etc.
Hot and Cold, Steam, Electric
and Shower Baths.
I'roo l'.itHtur for 1 Iutmoh
A'l Mini f umi: ntMiittitl. I ! river
t"'Ui lt i Stllh'li, (IhIIiImiW 3'l SH'ikl
in ih. tiioriiiiu.tiiukiMt tl itnt in Ujr
! I 'tnviM'0"lt'C will nrciv lrt;mtt atUo
1 1. -..
I III. .. t d ,k.-tl. . VI .1.- f
t . t..- I it.. I'r.n,
I '.fill I Hp S'lil.,
I ..tit- I'n , (lrr 'tl.
A fOOTIint.D
for C.'mmnill. u tint jr,l
ar I'ltt'i tnr., il H'lir I.I..-I u
lini'iirr. 1 ..iiiiiii;'tl"ii 1 iutv
It 1.uiii N-rititiln. A -n.f il
ium txi.lill' n, mltb a alulit
cotiKh or f.l.l, la all tUtt It
lir U to ,!, I,.. II.
lint JtiBt aa il tlt'fk-iiiU iipon
lit 1 1--. I fur Ita ur,jlii, au It
ttt-K' li I -n ll. l'l..l fur
Ita cura. ilia ttirt-rt rvtnrtly
f,r N-roftila tn arrrr form,
tha in. t riT.-'llTa !I,1 1 Utn
r, l.iiil lrr. aiul ln-n;tl-rmttin'r
Hull a know a um.II
ral mit-nor, la llon-va
UolJrn l'laii'Trrr.
Kr In all Ita
mrllfr :a-' "'"I Wak
I.iilii.-. Aatliiiui.Mttvrral'oiiKliiL
an. I all llronrlual, Tlirtmt, an.l I.uiir ait
ti'.ua, tliat la Ilia enlr manly ao unflllli
I I It tan la yu,ir,inl.,l If It tltxMit
lMMtli , cura, you luira jruur mtinfj lakk.
t n s. c rzz: : rtrrs a:;d ::iA:vr.r
ia imi1 I unitt-r u-,iit. wuio ti ii.r.n iv, lijr
nuilitirizt Ntn !it- (. !) , to rui ciik Mi'iiior) ;
liiNHi nf tint m nti I N. r. r r: a i Mm Immh);
i'uii hn-: IWv ,.-,-; h Vi triti:tii: Ijtrlti'f
t (nh.lffiN; N' i '.n : 1 'tsifnl.'; nil hr-it ;
I.OM if IN'Wi r-f i tn it- fnlir l'irt - in iMtln-r
tfi, onumi t y -.. iortni'1, V.-iHl lui !.triir,ir
Ki-HMtitt I ff it I u , Vntri nr I.i'iunr,
lurh l.tvW t' Mi- rv. ( ii n, It int
ami mnth. liy " "'. I n ik 1r y: if U
writli-n ifiiariuilif t. nr.' ir n diml in. nit)'. Wril I
liTif M.1 riirn hi. k II. ...lM h" lUhmi-iioai.
l.ivr 4'm.lint. H..tir h.-tt . U, P)ifi.i miJ
tatUiUuu. iiLAKAN U.KS iu-4unJjby
Uiri;N A H1tV. Iirmf.-:-! ana m.W
atrilta, V. Ik't'lif Mm .n
E. BANGS, Proprietor.
f ihi riotitt-r I -akin tu-v; frt mailf
Mtnty lu Kt.
ln niH'ki trvr (trtnrrlr !-. i'om
mmii titt at ! ctwt. A.jmi Mile. lt.y and
I n k trii a lit ntir.
Itw hiilf ri air Imilntnt cut and rhalrs Imt
loitiitl ill inkr amta! tu-av f tit-l hide in i tart
pAviii nt, alt trnilt (itf work. NKldie irrri
v.ivi rrd and rriirfil.
i ftar at"! hile lir aiilnirl.-a lor aalt al mill
or ill .1. ilirr lii-ti ni.l.i.'.l. Mul take farm
.r".lu.v In t-krlianne.
m i i i.xi. K iri.t r i':.n.iK.'.
I -:Vr f..r . nxy liiintU' null, n.-am rnnliip.
hiut-'lt tmltintf and drnK a. i'itfr, aaw
K'lttnntr. hitlttnK, I'Ulli-tt, rip, t-a(allv of
rnttinit rrda. all tir-l r aw maotilnerr
al nitt nail cT n al a -nr. Atllrtai,
1). It. I.AK1N,
Xarirn, I.aiu- I n , n iton.
on. rcLix lc brum s
ar tioritfi:ml and only KUKNCH. nfftand r.
iall cnr .n lit maraH. k'ruM iLAJU; aunt H
Ibaji. Ofiiuii ft Mtld nuly by
lrii.'KUU and aolr
Mum ltat I ilk' i i- Mmi'UTr rditf.U
and t'rlda at - h k a in , . i c f nrri
Viu III Mori in c 'tn- mi j liuU'H li k ttt U ii'rliH'k
in- I i elicits A I'KI Knl
Kt'tiiPliltia ia uir. rtj avc i;.'tt i f U.tii i .k , ,t H .-t i tr.-amn
U, in ! mi'l r r:.n nl n i ii k p tn j
and th lar ar It in I ut tir ihr ,ifl tint nl i
: .'.i. I- XOTU'E Full I THMlMTlOS
-is.. I K r 1 1; K. . . t .
Hot Mi 1 Klf I
Outing Flannels.
I'm 8) ytla. Ioiik, lake nie for ; nin 1 Am (il y.I in lenctli; w,,u, ,.
worth tl.nn.
Only 4j . ViU. loint; Hint wliy ! imi
have me for
I ineaaun.. lo yiU foriaa', really worth
tl.O: am held al Vie Im-uii.. only 7
yila Ioiik. I 'ri'il toai-ll fur HTli.
0 ytla 1 ineiutun-; fl.l my value.
Cita-a for 7C.
I jrly buyera l.l l'-' e for me; now
Kir taki-a ma lavan-e only Sj yila.
MyUyda will make aiiutll woman n
larKe ilivaa. Am worth nor; why
not take me now for i'm'.
When I ineaj.nre.1 mon iiieh jil
lirounlit I'i.c. lw" luktM liift 7 J'N.
t a, i
I f
. 'l-
; i z;
L'lMiil kliirta or U nl-U
Only H'ii.l.. 'I hey .m i,
Ui'iiim- I liit'it-iii,. ;
In w hut I oiiL'l.t ,, , nu,.
I wnxh, wear aiul l.,lt ,, ,,lt.
tun imi It-ri- l.l.r.t., ..I ! 4
have nie for sik' n,-, ., ,,. ( ... 'v
Am u at ray il! yiU ami f., hiiil,i.,.
Uiia.Va' tit-ki t I uinr. It ,,;,j
7 V.
Am lu-tof my fmnily ami nn.urk
yila: woilh so., fay I am j.,,,-, ,
Am U'l yiU; ImiKeai ,ittv ,tn- fi
my ,ievloii, tl.wimy ,ri--i,t ,r,v
1 l.krta li.r valt al K Hmiiv.' !lit ri lrn. Ill
Htir, .if al lliinl .v I 'an-li, nil In KL.t.
N.i matter b liu T'"I V 1-aJ Catarrh,
cr Imw arra, I'r rwtK-r'ii lUnnl wiil rltot
a rmanit curcv t'"1 ruiaanl la t.tTri
I r ilia ..-ui. ra "f lir.a nioik-iua, fur ajt
lii. uraiu oaaa of l auurh.
Graduates of Eugene Schools J
Von are emit letl to i-nler the Junior
t'l:i of tlie ."-l.-ite Normal fs-ht'l at
I'rnin on ynur ili.otn:i Hithont t in Hi
ll. nliull. Two Ii,i .nr' Wt.rkwill
-t fur tiu Ihe St.iti" tli'loni.i.
Il'.'i y.'iir .li.l i aihiim'
for a .fil. Sli.l .-r eatalomie un.t
l il' t- W. T. V.iNS.iv,
I'ri -itli til.
Too llif mi To Ska
I ml i I v r I'lalttl tea ji tii . .
I Inlile "
1 Hi I'l.lti ain.'Uii)- tuLu'it) only
I Ih .'re-h Ori-iroii liir.l
I II. line glo-i alan-li oi
'.'l II- tine hairy Milt 'in
Mate mul aisle rfif i j a :iy tloH n.
A Ul l l i v.
U'wunri ... Ohim i. A'ii;nl 111, la l.
N'llirt. I- h rlir kiv.-u ttal lb iulloairi
nam. J III, r 1, fllt-l uoiic- ol bia iulan
ti, d In in, k Dual irt,. in tiipt.rl ol bia
,-Ulnl ar I Ih. I -ui.) priN'l a ill lw mails b
1 I t.. A. C j. i t'll,-, I'l'tintv I'Utk,,.
' . I , at K,ri.t, I. in- I'o , dr. ion, on
t i Sitnr.lai, ll, lnh--r, C. v.t i: J,.hn tiat-a
., h 'iiif t.l mr, Nu ."'Jo'.'. (,ir iba liia
I I an t . aul N 'juIXE ',, S.-C , II, T 18
I S, K rt W.
II,- mm a ttja lollovli'M aHumwri tn
I r i.i' l,i t ii iii.ti.iiii u"n anil
j i ultiiail'.i, el aal.l laB.I, K. I.nn. lU'lt h,
-".nl rmar, l.iim ouuotv, Orninn; ll,nry
ID ' lia e , ! t'm. I. o-'imly. Urrg .o; Jf-
I r- I. U i il.i li .f H,ll.;il. Una
'tin ) . Uf i .1., JuUn Ul;nllo. b, I IUJ
I. I i.l', toun'T, llrtiT'in.
It M Vriua.
lli-k'i-ti r.
You have heunl uf hrk-f-tuM talf-. Stop iin.
our center counter ami may he you will alopt um
If not you will see sutnctlilii nut inentiolieil jil M i
ejually as attractive prices.
"k at
"t" ll.M.
Commission Merchant
And Wholeattle U ult r In
California and Oregon Produce,
Oats, Wheat ami l'litatoes.
S. W. Corner of Sacramento and Davis Streets, San Francisco.
Kt-lvra .M. I.KVINUKK, Kugt-ni-.
Special flttentionl
tEND us your prescriptions and
n we assure you that the utmost
sare will be used in dispensing them
anly from strictly pure drugs.
Osburr; 9 DeCaijo.
Hardware and Agricultural Implements
Studebaker Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts.
7Yj ' f f. S. f 't
--.1 .KTA
i Z " . -
IMowers, Headers, Hay IJakes, Hindinj: Twine
Ami the must compu te htmk uf ii-pairs on the lm i tk
Coast, at rhino Mfc. Co's. IIealniait'i.
I. Is. Sl.MP.-oN, ,ale Ap-iit. with
I-ouirhinilh r it l'oter, curlier Uth and Oak street-.
Kl'tiKXK, OkKuuN,
O 11 II II
o o o O O o o
Tocillt the liliiet", If It iIoik not Mill it".
We ilo i.ot naU ymi Inxt yeiir'n prii-i-a. I.ut
l.rli ea iii Uii'i'.in w It'h the rln "f
I .tine eoutity irtMliii-tH.
Cfnuee DdnnftP enfl Uait fine nro M' ilniiir, la -.tove fiiiiiilure mul
OlUlCO, nanUoS allil llCaltjrS tin wnre. Il (.iiH-aiiret luMi-r.
llllll M'!l it l'hetll. llol il' U .1:. i'r f,
ami lliinl.' to lit l low ty ttt preVelit Hii' R'
iiiKr. i'iiII aiul Nt our ikkU nml '
I'ritt. o o o o o
(JHIFF1N lIAUDWAKi; oo, I;in,
I Tr
t' vniniK1 1 vii imwi
mum iWLJN'i ;l:il Wi
'imi 'I I
i ii ii ii i ii
1 1 1 1 1 1
Of CIl thing:, Boots and
Shoes, and Dry Goods.
tmi a mu ma cf suitikes.
J. ( i. iin!'..;. Iitli')t an,
''..inn a.
My ht le aim k ill I aol'l at your ow n .rUv.
r I of l-f..rv Juiiimry 1, lv.V 1 1,1, j. a g tiuinv
uarn I ! KTLKAlTlOX
o ' O
All ,-lkN IllU-t ! lik.
Aii'l I'rl.v our is-avU an.l la nivin.v.l that
Clothing. Undcrwtnr, Overshirts. Extr
Pants. Trunks nnd Vnliscs Lntest Stvle Hats. a:.-i
no ;ro thi:
HOWE &: RICE. Proprietors.
If fan nt tn plant fr nl tr- lh:t fl' !
cam 14 wf rt-tit uxi y.ur utilrr tjr '4fi?
tnMi:: i'umk:: co.mi:
e nrv in iaiut-l.
lot I- -
Wiilcetts Uq larserj Co.,
Ol ..I'B!'RS, i.ali'.i.N
H t' - T".
Norton & Kinsey,
T .
I i
nam, u
v fi-Hra. Nrw-i-ii rK kkti-in..
Afi.1. .1 Mn-hti! 1 1. tai i-. u Irani r.lnT.TTlaI
i mu aiiin..r ..-j arnL n.i i-.r la.i
DM in niauo. usBrt ia llama I n I
atxl IT' IU- e;a.l.-a a )-