EUGENE CITY GUARD, rrnprffr, EUGENE CITT. OREOON. BIDS FOR BONDS. rortlAnd'a Water Issue Brinjr Satisfactory Preiiiininu. THEY WERE UNCONDITIONAL. Boaloa and Chlrage Newts Otter I OS. -lllhxr Straight sad llaaa Oftxr Mada-rortlaad' t rad 1 1 (load la All 1'arl of lha t'allad Stale. Pobtmxd, Or., August 8. An ad journal meeting of the Water Commit tee w a held jeslerday to receive pro poxals fur the purchaae of $.Vx',,000 ol water bonds of the rity of Portland. Chairman Henry Failing presided, and Messrs. Frank I H-kum, C. II. I-cwix, C. II. lUircrty, C. A. Ikilph, J. Iiewenhcrg, II. W. Scott, I.. Therk.lscn, C. II. Ca rry, ('. II. Hill ni'l )( II- Knappwere present. Nineteen bid were received, ami thirteen agent uf Ixihd buye r were in attendance and were admitted to the meeting liilo the hull were 0iied. The prtiMxal were for 2X 01X1 of bonds, to I paid fur ami delivered Ut the pur- rhaxeron August 16, ami for I.IOUOhU on Scptrmlxr 16; the proposal to tw for the whole or any part ol the fO",J. The Ixindx, a i well known, Ix-ar 6 per rent r an il in interrxt, are i Intel July 1, Imi.'I, ami are payable thirty year from dale. The bidder waa required to pay the accrued interest Iroiii the dale of the Ixuid up to the time of delivery; Dial la tlm Internet coillxin 110 to that time are to le removed Isidore the txmds are ileliverel. There wa quite a Mil tier of excite- liit-nt among the agent collected in the hall when the com mi I Ut met, and one of them tame In shortly a(Ur and axked to withdraw liii hid. A there wa no way of telling for a certainty which was Ins hid till il was opened, tills could not lie done, and he concluded to let the Iml (ami. There have been an many attempt! to get in bids at the different sale ol I mild which were indefinite, or which might 1 undeniUiod in more waya than one, that the committee ha been obliged to reject all hi' In which impoerd any eondl dition or diil not comply itrictly with the term of the advertisement. Mot of the buyer have come to understand that it w an no nxe to put in anything hut " Hat " bid. There waa euch a iiiiuilivr ol amenta present that the committee rould not help wondering w hether they were putting up any job or not, a mine Dew scheme to avoid making a wtraiglit Up or Hat bid had be-n tried by some of the agent at every prevlou aale ol bond. IU lore lx-g inning tooen the bid Mr. Ifcilph aaid il any iiucstioii wan likely to arise in regard lo tiie hum of hid which should be considered, ax bnd happened at the laxt rale, it mould he advixahle U settle the matter at that time. Chairman Failing said it waa under Uxxi that I he prom.alx were to be uncoil dilioiial. There were to he no condition attached to them at all. If the bidder were fully advlxed of thia, be would pro reed to oM-n the bids. It may lie remem bered lu re that the hida ax a whole were the liio-t xallxlactorv lot received yet. I Inly a few, mo-tlv (nun itcrxonx who bad not bill for Cortland water Ixmdx lx' lore ami who appan ullv dnl not umler stand their value, attempted to imix any condition. The hid ran higher than wax exiiecteil, and the premium re ceived amounted to (IH.I'xl, which wan conxnlf iel by the commiltee ax a very smvexi-ful rale. Hid came from all the principal rilic of the Faxt lloxtnn New ork. Cincinnati, Chicago whicl gix'a to xhow that the credit of I'urtland l good in all part of the Union. DElEltrKl fO SCCCKBD. ladlaallaa Arm Tkal tha later! rlr Will mm a Oraa4 affair. Tacoma, Angoit 7. The Iforthweat IntanUU Fair, to ba held hera from Augiut 13 to ovemlier 1, U to lx a great big vipoaitlon. Tliat U a fact of which the people of the Northweat have Iwen but lately eonvlnreil. To audi an extent did the itrikea and flood aet back the enterprise that many feared it coo hi nut be held at all. Notwithstanding all the dllflcultiee that the found in Uieir way, the hnaineae men of Taoonia, who have the project In hand, determined that the fair thould he held, and that, trio, on a big w ale. The peat two week baa ihown that they are raiable of carrying out what they promlae. The very Ix-xt amnxemrnt enlerpriaea to Ixt THE ANARCHISTS. TtIK HEW T4TKX. Tha Tartar mil lulrrre With Arllna t'tfun Their Ailinlaxlua. Wahhixoton, A liquid 7. With the exiun ol Congrexa drawing to a cli and all attention likely to l concen. trated iiui the tarilf bill, it i not coll iili rvd probable the Senate will acttlxin either the Annuia or ew Meiico Mxte bill belure the llnal adjournment. Thin waa the undcManding when the bill were reHirled from the i'ommittee on Territories. The ibite nf adiiiiaiun in the caxe of Aiirona and the ixinxtitu lional coiiveuiioii in tlie caxe ol lui) hae Ixi'ii ini delerred in the henate bill that no change a ill be nee exxarv iu caxe ol xxitHineiiieiit. The provixioii in the Arirona bill i for ad mixaion Aiiguxt I, 1H'.i6, wtiile the con vention III Sew Mexico ia not to meet until July 1, IHH.'i. (toveruor Hughe in of the opinion the I 1 1 1 will have lo lx' chaiigiil to provide for a new coiixtitti turn before it can pax the eVnate. TIiif opinion he lw Uxn the pwilinn be find to enxt in the henale to the coiixtitution adopted in IHiU on acitunit of the irrigation anl ilver payment feat urea. Hh aa In Uulirrd-MIIIr llullug. WAxinxorox, Aiiguxt '.The r-ecre-tary of the Interior ha affirmed the ile riion of the general land olllce in the caxe of the Central I'acitlc Coniaiiv attaiuxt V. A. Calknuia, T. M. Morxe, John T. Clark, lx-a Hurcli and John I'. Watt, involving lamia near hhaala, Cal and a large numla-r ol raaea involving elei tiiiii id land male by the Cnion I'acitlc Company. The aelection ol Ixjtli compnnie are held for cancellation on tiie ground that other partiee in the xettlisl on the land prior to their eclcvlioh by the comhaniea. The deci aion in thi-xe caxea i tnurd on the retvnt liuillord-Miller ruling. The Urlllah llarvaal. IjtMH.s, Auguat 0. The Mark lane Eiprex in romnieuting on the lUitith barvext extimalee, aa baxed liin the uauxl rrporta from all part of lireat Hnlain. ay that the yield of wheat will Ik- Id per ivnt letter Uian ln3 and will l the ta-xt crop iratheml in xrveral year; that the condituiua generally are raiculateil to ranxe reducing among farmer, and that the harveet alUaxelher will m ix-tler than prrvinti harveeU for tuany year, if the weather (avore gar Bering. Kim aa4 rlaiaar Hill. Wiiicin, Auguat 7. The confer ence repurt on the river and harbor bill ha been attrrvd to by the Senate. Thi complete lite bill, 'and it gor to the I'rexident. ail In the Iniled htalee have tieen eecnreal; the influential buxinee men of the commonwealth the fair aim to reiireaent have become Internum!: an eihihit of the reaourcee of the entire I'a rifle Northweat on a grander and greater m-ale than ever Ix-hire attempted ha liex-n ecure'l; rauntiea and htate are wing with one another to have the beet exhibit at the fair, and lat, but not b-axt, there 1 enough money already on hand and in eight to open the fair aa Ivertiaed, Auguat 16, without one cent of debt. All tin requiree work, and lot of it, but that work i going on with rapidity and vim that i axtonixhing. A an eiample, one ween ago the con aeionaire who la to exhibit the great rvclorama ol the liellle of Uxikout Mountain broke ground lor hi building. Tu-dav the atriiclure. which i circul in hape, izi hl in uiameier ami fe-t hiith. iaalmiMt roiiiplettxl. Hardly li-ea rapid haa lieen tlie wora on ine wri enlal villaa-e, which 1 to I an exa- flmilii-ate of a afreet in Cairo with a I. imairiM nf iloiikev. ilonkev Ixn camel and Arab driver. The fair build ing proier have all l-en completed, hut many conreMionairea are hurrying their work with inarvfloui rapidity. lecora Ur (iorman i now alxiut Ui Ix-gin hi work of deitiratinc Ixith the fair ground and the interior of the building. There ia anmle atviiie for him to eihibit hi re now mil arttxtir ability, for a more Ix-au- tiful xi In for a fair ground than the lllty two-acre iiark on which the Interstate Fair i loi ated could not le found. Mr. iorman will eifiend t'l.btlO ondraiieriea, llaga, hunting and itreamein. lllue, yellow anil white are the color he ha xelerted U prevail in the decoration. Theae will lie known aa the Intentate Fair color. Already they have lieoome fail hera in Tacoma. tientleinen wear tliein in their butUin-liolee; lailie wear them in their gown. Itlue, yellow and bite mnxhadc are Ixwoming txipular; in fact, one ran go nowhere without see ing aome patriotic citiu-n flaunting them At laxt the ofheer ol the fair Axeix-ia tion, thixMi gentlemen who have devoteil o many long, weary month to making the project come np to their meal, anil tliat, too, without any hope ol com lien ation, are happy. The aticrexa of tin enterprise ia axxured. From Aiiguxt 16 to .Viivcnilier 1 the people of the great I'iM-illc Northweat will aee a fair mich a waa never liefore Been in thi ecrtion of the country. It ia their fair, ami in it they may well leel a pride. rNUI.AMI'K HTAMII. a Will Mat Allampl ee Itallae la Caalrahaad af War. Ix ixix. Auunxt 7. In the Hoiixe of Common to-day Sir Kdain tiray in reply to a iiiellon (nun Mr. (iourley, a prtiiiiinriit xhip owner, aaid that Japan had promixed that no w arlike operation xlioiild lie undertaken airainat Shanghai and it approaches on the condition that lima li N-a not olxHruct the appnxachea U Shanghai. Japan conU'lid that the Hiwera have no right to interfere w ilb neutral vcaxcl ricept In the event ol a blockade, due notice of which fhoiild lie liven, or iu raxeof carrying of contra band of war. It wonld lie dangerou lor (real Itritatn to define by a general xtateuiciit what i not contraband ol war. (Vial haa been held not Ui lie con tralml ol war aa a rule, hut It wax IMieaihle in aome raaea that it might be come ao, (treat llritain mutt adhere to the ilia-trine that it i not lor fighter to decide what ia and what i not contra band of war regardleaa of the well-ealab-lixhed right of neutral people. Tlifj Can 'o Longer Une This Country as a Haven. MOST WILL BE CIRCUMSPECT. Hill aarH la llavlag faaaaa III Hill fur lb Hvaorlalloa af Aaarchlal Jiaagaraf lolagBM lajaalle ta Harm laaa BarlalUI folalaO Hal. SmxuuI, Augiut 7. Kenmark ide manding the releaaa of llerr Mubleo- xfedt, a paxarntfer on the ibxiaU h lioat t'MION MOT HKxrOMXIHI.r. la Maibr HM Nul lilray Hallmail Pranarly la i'hlraaa, Ciiii'aoo, Aiiguxt '. I'nring (he past wtek a committee of the American Hail way I'nion held xeveral mnultation with Mayor llopkin. To-day K. W. Iliirnx, a director of that organization and the head of the committee, ad mitted that the purixwe of the commit tec 'a ylxit waa to liimixh the authoritiiv with information touching the damage claim of the railway com pan lex. The iiiiiiiii men cav they eiiect to prove in luauv iiixlamv that the dextruction of proiiertv for which damagee are claimed waa done by men employed by the rail road and the lieiieral Manager' A- MH-iatum. They claim to la able to prove that the men arrested last Friday. charged with leading the riot and bnrn- nit car on the Itock Island tracka July 6, were at that time in the employ of the Chicago and Featern lllinoi road. They aleo claim to have other aimilar caxea. I'hcir obiect i to how that the union I not rexiuible lor the riota and destruc tion ol property. tries la a Taeeaaaal. Chic too, Auguat 7. A panic waa reateil U-day by a fire which broke out in a tenement house on Wet Fortieth and Ohio treat, a hundred families tuiublinc over each other in a wild scramble to saw their elTect. The tire started in an alley and, driven by a strong wind, wept down the row, de stroying the back porches, kitchen and outbuilding of suty-sn house. The Haiiiee threatened for a time to wipe out the entire neighborhixkl, and the tene ment tied in terror, but by hard work thtt firemen finally controlled Uie blare w ith a loxe of lea than 110,000. Aaarrhlat la be tpart4. Komi, August 7. Sii anarchist were arreeted while holding a secret confer ence here last evening. It i etimatel that 2.CXX) anarrhiita arrested in raid tbe laxt two month will be deported. Fifty have been sent toNapl lo embark lor Maxoali on the Sea. Paeal Kaxffllaal l.allar. Itom, Augiut 7. In a papal enryrll cal letter atldreaaed to the ItraiiliaiO ltibo hia Holiness nrgee the Bishoie to sxlucate and enlighten the people itti all toe mean at their commam ViiiNTo!, August 7. Chandler' resolution looking to the Investigation of the Dominion Coal Company of Nova Scotia and the lulxttitute offered by Mill, providing that a xjiecial commit tee of five hoiild lie direx tedlo reort to the Senate whether any memlwr of Congrex it or waa intereaUml in any company engaged in mining coal in any of the StaUe or any railroad company wa engage in tranxxjrting coal which would come into comjietitlon with the Iiominioii Coal Company of Nova Scotia, and whether the removal of the eiiiting duty would reduce the price of coal Ut consumers, and what suction of the country would he lieliefiled hy it re tention, were taken Up. A dixcuaxioii anwe U-tween Mill and ( handler a to w hether the old augar committee would Ixj aplxtinled. Mill favored the reten tion of the old committee liecause, he aid, It wa honest and capable, and recently rcporUwl that charge made again! Senator had not been iiixtained. " I that the reaxon the Senator from Texas favor thi committee7" inquired (. handler. Mill denied he wa influenced by any such motive, and expressed a willing nesx to have a new committee apxiinte if Chandler prelerreil. The resolution went over under the rule without action. The hill for the deiiorting of anarch ixts then came up, and Hill ei plained it provixioii. 1'n lex some action waa taken by thi government, surli aa wa now Ix-f'ore the Senate, thia country, he aaid, would nxm Ixi the dumping ir round for the anarchist of the world. It wax not intended to make the lielinf in an arrhy a crime, and therefore no attempt had Iwen made to dellne anarchy. He favored the provixioii of the Senate bill for iiixiMt-tion by treasury agenta instead of li v Consuls, aim waa sure no one would attribute, hi attitude on thi sub- lei t to a desire to an in ire the patronage of the Secretary of the Treasury. There were no Militic in tlie lull, ami he fa vored it liecanxe he Ixdieved it wa bet ter than the limine bill, lnlgeexpreaxed the Ix-lief that Ixith hills were inaleiiate fur the purpose of restricting immigra tion, but be wax anxious to xee some re striction placed on immigration, no mat ter how slight it mav lx-. Palmer ixiinteil out the difficulty ol dealing fairly with the ipieation and the danger of doing an injuxtire toliarmlef Stx-ialixtx while protei'ting oiirxelvex against the danger ol anarchixl. Ile axked Hill whether the bill wax appli cable to undesirable ix-rxon already in the country, ami Hill replied it would be. The dixcuwxion then tixik on a legal aspect, and hinged on the right of a country to proUt-t itself against unde sirable aliens. Hill pointed out the moderation of the itcmling bill a com pared with the act recently paxxed hv the Fnglixh Parliament, and Kyle axked him to more aavurately define the term anarchlxt, for there were, he xaid, peace able and learned people in lloxfon who held It wax xixxiblH for a cople to lx come so highly civilized ax to live lo gelher without laws, and therefore ac cording to the iixiial definition thev were anan hixtx. Hill replied they were at lilx-rty to have this lielief: bill, if they tried io overturn the laws for the pur iMWMif putting their U'lief to the text. then thev Ih-i nine dangeroux. After some further debate ami the introduc tion of xi ii ne ainenilmeiitx the bill was axxeil, and 1 1 ill, Faulkner and Chandler were apiioiiitcd conferreex. xioNx or imi'hov:mi-:mkmt. ph bed l(xrelit of tiolil ami lienver'a -ear- ani-r lireally Inereaaail. 1'rsvtn, Aiiguxt il. The receipt of gold at the IVuver mint for the paal week ain.Minti-l to IHtH.13l.5t, against HI, 611.HH for the corresx)iiding week of laxt year. Thi ia an increase of $ 1 23, 6M7 (11, or alxiut 2.H1 per cent. Of thi gold a shipment waa made to-day to the Philadelphia mint valued at IH'.'.MXJ (told bar are shipped in hoxve made to fit them, each Ixix holding about f76,OU and weighing aliout :UH) pound. At present the lVnver mint ia making a shipment of one Ixn every other day. The lVnver bank clearing for the week ended veslerilay showed an increase of 175 M-r cent over the correxnding week of laxt year, and the receipt of the IVnveraiid Kio liraiide railroa.1 for the fourth week in July were $17(I,S00, an increaxe ol $7!,2tH) over those (or the ante period ol last year. Worth Ovar a Million. F F"M'lxt), Aiiguxt 6. The laxt will and textainent of the late F'ugeiie Kelly Murphy of thi city stand with out a sMnor in the Supreme Court ol Alameda county. Investigation showed that the law ha not lxen complied w ith. The statute iirovidee that a testament shall If filet! for probate within thirty day after it haa been found. The per son named a executor shall prexent the dtH'tiuif nt for probate within that time, or rise he i presumed to have renounced hi intention lo act. The w ill haa not a vet Iteen formally tiled, and the moment It ia the widow will make a bitter con test. The estate i said to !e worth over l.UV.Ott). Hat HaaaHl of the War. K City, August tt. The Armour Packing Company may prove an impor tant factor in the war between China and Japan, if pending negotiation are carried to a siuvexiifiil end. Keccntly it received a cablegram from Yokohama, Japan, from the Mikado's government, axkmg for it price on 600, Oui pound of canned corned beef for the Japanese army. The company cabled its answer, ami pending a reply, which i expected atxin, haa prepareil to go into tlie limi ne ol supplying tm at to the battling Axiaticaon a big St ale. The company ' haa also opened negotiation with the Chiuexe legation at Washington. TatAT FAITOBAL LBTTES. BUhaa Watlarxaa Gla Ik Feat Laa4 lag np le 1 1 lusaasa. CoLCnaii', 0.. Aogmt . To a pre agent to-day Iliahop Watteraon gave aome interriting history leading op to hi now famou pastoral letter to the Catholic Total Abstinent Aid Hocietie in relation to manufacturer and vend or of Intoxicant. A week before Thanksgiving, last year, a member of one of the Columbu ocictie, belong ing to the Knight of St. John Union, told the Iliihop of the preparation mak ing In hia society for an entertainment at which lieerwa tolas sold and pro miacuou dancing indulged in. After reproving the member the llishop re ceived promise that the objectionable feature ahould be omitlol. .Votwith xtanding thi the entertainment waa held aa orginally inU-udnl. When the Kishnp Ix-ard of this violation lie re fused lo longer renyuize the member of the eucicty aa Catholic citiein. In I lecem Wat the regular election of the MM-iety lakxin keeper, reganllex of the Ihxhop'i wishes, were e let ted President and Captain respectively. The Hmhop therenixin warnetl the memlx-r that, if these officer were installed, he would deprive tl whole division of it rank and Privilege a a Catholic ociety The society thereupon resol veil to Con sult the Supreme President of it union. Tin the llishop knew only after the appeal waa made, and during a visit to Monalgnor Salolli lit rehruary Iilliop atterxon. in the meantime having heard a minor that an appeal hail been made, asked the delegate If uch were the caxe. Monsutnore haUilll anxwere. in the negative, and the liiahop decided Ui wait another month. The very day, he savs, on which the Pax I ora I letter waa issued he waa served by the apixttolic delegate with the apNal of the ptx-ietv referretl to and the corre spondence with the local President re lating thereto. 1 lie ltiiliop s action in regard to the atx iety waa not satixfietl, however, and bearing that the delegate waa to visit Columbu in June, drew up a second appeal, which it axked the liishoD to sign that it might go imme diately to the delegate. While this waa iroimr on in Columbu the National Con vention of the Kniishte of S. John wa taking place in Ilull'alo, and a few dele gate fioni Columbu attempted the un precedented thing of arraigning a Iliihop lM-fore a convention of lavmen. Many of the delegate were afraid of (licit ac tion, however. The second decision of the delegate i dated July .'I, and i addressed to the Secretarv'of tlie protestingsociety. After Satolli firxt lav tlown the general prin cilile that, ax it belong to the olllce of a Itixhop to find out in hia own diocese what lx hurtful or helpltil to the spirit ual good ol the faithful, it belong to hi power to commend, forbid, counsel or jiermit to be done whatever he may judge conducive to hi own duty and the gixxl of the faithful, lie then says: "The letter of decree of the Hmhop of Columhux concerning Catholic aocietiea of Uital almtinence to alxttain from in toxicating drink ought by no mean Ui be subject to the judgment of every pri vate individual or every assemblage of simple Catholic or citizens; but every Catholic of gixxl conscience muxt hold for certain that the Ihshop haa com manded those thing which seem to I for the greater gotxl of the faithful and the honor of every Catholic atx-iety. Therefore thi thing w hich the llishop ha commanded in hi decree I approve, and I decide that they are to be observed ; hut, if perhap they for the time being xt-eui to hurt the material Interest of some attorney, they will have to Iws pa lieiitlv Ixime for the niwl of the many and for the honor of our Catholic chnrcb.' The llixhop add that he inserted the aedgeof the reform in the affair and tlioxe w ho are alhvtetl by the division had the xtolic delegate drive it in. ITISAB0UTENDED;ri:r:....!PASSESTHESENATE rrokaallltls. There W'AiuixaTo. Aaa-utt 9. There are The Strike Declared Off bj the difference of opinion among the trraa- nr official aa to the prolxilillille oi American Hallway I'nion. TWO ROADS NOT INCLUDED XIIKIXO TIIK MOUTH 1MU.IS. The Jarknn Kipadlllon Ha Mailed front a ltulan Turt. Aut'iMNoii., Ituxsia, August a. The steamer Windward, having on board the Jackson Klar eixition, sailed hence thi afternoon for Harlxjurova or Jnger- skischar, aa circumstance should deter mine. The expedition procured store, furs and a numlK-r of Huxxian pomea, At Harlxiurova or Jngcrxkischar a few Sainoveilis will Ixs added to the crew, and the steamer will then prtx-eed to the out hern shore ol rrani Joxcl land The place ol landing in Frani Josef land can only lat determimtl when the ice condition are known. All the members of the rty are in gixxl health and spirits, and are coiilldent of autre in their undertaking. The departure of the exxilition was made the scene of a remarkable degree ol enthusiasm. The city waa everywhere decorated with flair The government and city officials and other notable went on lxard the Wind ward, and went a considerable distance down the harlxir. When they left the steamer many happy wishes followed the vovagers, who reeiKindcd with cheers. to mriiovK hi yen. AgraaataMt Itaarbad by Klvaread Harbor Caafarraafl. WAxiiworoft, August 2. iHilph has had a rather bard druggie, but he ha pulled out of the conference committee with all the Oregon appropriation in the river and hartxtr bill. Practically an agreement to that effect ha been reached, and the agreement will prob ably be reported to-iuorrow. The amount (or a lxat railway at The Pallee ha tieen reduced to 100,OUO, but PoIphav that will be sufficient to acquire the right of way and l-gln the work. The main thing i to have it started. The other appropriation for Oregon remain nndis- turped. Washington l alio fortunate. Kvery increaxe made by the Senate re main in the bill, a a!so di the pro vision made for the lake I'nion and Washington waterway. The Oregon and Washington delegation are feeling very jubilant. Oregon haa a $-to0,000 increase', nearly ilouble the amount in the House bill, with the entire amount for the completion of the work at the mouth of the Columbia. IVtloh say boat will he paxxing over the dalle of the Columbia in lour veat. May Halld a Taelfla Cable. Moitbul, Jue., August 4. The out break ol war between Japan and China has revive. I interest in the protxiaed Pa Tha lleaeral Birla Ceaaxxlllae af lb Aatarlraa Railway I'alaa Ha Ua alarad II OaT la lha City af .blaa Ksveal a Kagards Twa Kaada. Ciiii aoo, Auguat 5. At a meeting of the general ttrike committ aelecUxl by theMx ial committee of the American Kailway I'nion laat week, which waa held at I'hlriih' hall tlii morning, it wa decided to declare the itrike off in Chi rago. Thia doe not Include the Chicago and KaxUrn lllinoi, nor the Atchison and Tope k a, where the men have voted to continue the ttrike lo aetlle total grievance, and where they think they have a fair ihow of winning. There were twenty-four local union repre sented at the meeting thi afternoon, and each representative hail lieen em powered to vote to declare the ttrike off. The meeting w aa a secret one, and at adjournment the only (taU'inent given out waa the following: " lly a vote of the local anion of the American Kailway Union in Chicago they have decided that the ttrike (hall lie declared off in the city of Chicago, with the exception ol local anion on the Chicago and Faalern lllinoi and the AU-lueon and Toxka, where the strike till remain In full force and effect. Thi ia effective at 7 o'clock Monday morning, August 6. The decision di not apply to the system outside of Chi cago, and the Pullman employee will Iw exiecUd to settle theirown difference." Keaolution explaining the reaxon for calling off the strike were adopted. Tlie example aet by the Chicago anion will lie followed immediately by the union throughout the western country, and by Wednesday night at the latest the itrike w ill be declared off all over the country, eicent on the two mail named. Iielxi left tin city to-niuht for Terre Haute, and will go from thereto .ew York, w here be will deliver a lecture at Coulter Institute. Delis ha hern ottered a large aalary to travel and lecture under the auspicie of a Itoeton laixir bureau, which lie may accept w hile r.aat. TIIK UK A II or NOTK. I'atll Ko.a. lha WHI-Kbowb HawbreMe, la liana. Boston, August 0. Pattl Roe, the well-know n auubrette, died to-day. She waa the wife of John . Dunne. Patti lioxa had intended to leave for Newport the laxt of the week to (pend several week before entering on an extensive tour which had been mapped out fur her. Not being in good health, how ever, she decided to undergo a medical examination, and Monday laxt It waa found that she waa fullering from severe form ol appendidli. Mie waa oierateI on at St. Prancia' hospital Taextlay, from the effect of which she died to-dav. I Patti liosa wa one of the best-known comedienne. She waa of Fnglih par entage and lurtli, and came to this coun try when quite young. Her first I'acillc Coast suevvx waa made about twenty year ago, when with Iter huxliand, Kob ert Scott, she apieared in cometly skeU-he at the Ilella Union theater, San rrancisco. Mie unetnently s-ured a divon-e from Scott, and shortly afterward married John W . Dunne, a Block actor, and under hi manuuemeiit (he starred for many year. By aome compeU-nt critic she waa pronounced Lotta only rival ami legitimate succexaor, ner an being in the same vein aa that which brought fame and fortune to " the Cali fornia Diamond," The ileceaacd actress made her last appearance in Portland, Or., laxt March, when she preevnted " IMly arden " and a couple of other comedies specially written (or her. She wa a strong favorite of the Portland mcmliera of the 11. P. O. F... who once presented her with a handsome gold bailge a a mark of appreciation ol the clever way in which she presided at one of their social session. Her home wa in Chicago, ami she wa reputed to be quite wealthy. m.lNKU.H LAW'TOK, Mt. Viknom, N. V., August t!. Frank lin Iawton, one of the oldest and l-t-known resident of New Kochelle, N. Y., ditsl yesterday at hi home, 307 Hugue not strvet, in that place. The deceaxed in lK-ltl went to California from New Kochelle and located in San Francisco, where he became prominent in financial circle. Several year laU-r he founded the San Francisco Stock Kxchange, of which he Utame Secretary. Ile held that position until lH5ti, when he once more returned to New Kochelle, taking up hi residence in the old family home stead, where he died. The homestead wa built in liMU by Mr. I aw ton ' great grandfather, who wasoneol the Hugue not settler of New Kochelle. lie leave a w idow, two eon and one daughter. AM ATTHACTIVK I'OI.M. Wallman Coatlnae III Hearth, Thaagb Hla Val I Leal. Ciiicaoo, August 4. The following special cablegram waa received by the Chicago Herald to-day from Tromaoe, Norway: 'Captain Kmil Peterson, Engineer L W. Wilship, II. Wratfall, monnuinrer and cook and one sailor, all of the Chi cago Herald polar expedition, which left thia port May 1 on the lU-amshin Rag. navald-Jarl under command of Walter ellman. have arrived here on a whaler. i bev bring information of the lose of the Kagnavald-Jarl Mav 24. Soon after leaving thine Island the boat encoun tered a great max of pack ice, anil de spite every effort to escape the vessel wa hemmed in and crushed to piece. The w had time to transfer the ereater portion of their provmions. scientific in. trumentx, dog and aluminum boata to the ice before the boat waa destroyed. The men who arrived her to-dav' left the partv after the accident, bat Com mander W ellman and the remainder of the party, undaunted bv the loss of their vexacl, resolutely set out in search ol the pr!e, another bond Issue. Neither Mr. Car- liil nor Aitant Secretary Curti it willing to admit that there ia any real cause for alarm at tlie preeent financial ituatlon. It I known, however, that tha Preaident and hi adviser are watching with eagef Intereet every change in the financial eitualion, and tliat every phase of it I being carefully and moan many duuieti. .-toiwun Landimr ihi aolicitude it il believed i the judgment of the Preaident that the itnaliou doe not furniah any Jut ap preheniion, and that better time may txt confidently eipecieii aoon. rroin ion point of view it ia ancued that the paaa- age of the pending tariff bill ia lure to result In a prompt and general revival of buiinea, and that in ronse)Uence there will be a large Increase in the gov ernment revenue. Receipt from rue- torn, which for many month have beet gradually trowing: let, it ia believed willihow a marked improvement (mm the very first, and will continue to in crease until normal condition have been reached. It i contended that, not withstanding the gold reserve haa reached the low-water mark of about lAO.OOO.OtKI, the government I really far better able to meet it obligation to day than it wa just prior to the re bra ary bond lasue. There are minr. however, who take lea hopeful view of affair. They ob serve that the gold reserve, which si month ago waa brought np to it normal condition by an increase of f70,000,000 in the public debt, ia again melting an i already reduced to a point 1 3,000,000 below the lowest point reached prior to the he tiro ary bond lasue. They content plate with uneaatneaa the fact that lor year or more the ordinary expense i the government have largely exceeded the receipt. Thi waa true even during laat month, when in expectation of material increase on the tat on whisky tlie receipt of internal revenue were ab normally large. It ia argued that. houl the pending tariff bill txwome a law an go into operation a early aa the middl of the preeent month, no material in crease in the revenue could reasonably Ixj expected earlier than next Iiecemtx-r, lor the reason that the tariff bill wil have paaxed too late in the season to real iza any considerable amount from the fall importation. The treasury figure show there I now In Una country at least a us month supply of iiigar: o little may be ex pet-tod from that aoarce. Thi i true also of whisky. The statistic of the in ternal revenue bureau (how the tax haa already been paid on over 13,000,000 gal Ion of whisky in excea of the aiiioun upon which tlie tax haa lieen paid a year ago. Therefore but little relief may I expected from thti source before Decern ber. The only recourse therefore, it i contended, will be a bond ixsue, am! there are many well-informed persons who believe that, il this longrvs doe not pax a prohibitive resolution Ix tore adtournment, foo.uxjjuou or more will so lie issued. That there wonld lie no difficulty in placing any reasonable amonnti even at the premium exacted in February, it waa apparent from the fact that the February Ixind are being old at a premium ol 1.-7 per cent. ci tic railway, said in an interview to-dav that sufficient prog rex had been made financially in 1 for patting through atil t heme, had the Japanese ravern. Rntiati ' ment given it the aasixtance that waa ritisil , ,111 1. 1 -u.'.v-w . uiitB, x B'MIM cilic tV-eau rable between Vancouver and Japan. C. K. Iloamer, tiemral Man-' It prciUble another boat will b fib. ager of Tel.-graphs of the Canadian Pa- ; p1 P ' otu nJ to ,h rMfn ...w f Blaaaxar Kajtaraa af t'hlaa tf Ivtixrxitl, Anguxt 7. The Archibald, from Vancouver via Yoko- prtaent war a ill extend to other naliona in ute rar raxi, ana mat li win result Raaalvan far Zla Caaiaaay. K Cnv, August A. Judge Phil lip of the United State DUtrict Court ha issued an order appointing Arthur Walmdt ol New York and Galen Spen TALK WITH rOKTKK. Tha Ks-Seeratary af Nlala I'poa lha War la lha Orlaat. Wateetowx, N. Y., August 0. F'.x Secretary of State John W. Foster, who is sojourning at Henderson Harbor, near here, with hi family, and who haa re cently returned from China, Core and Japan, waa Interviewed to-night on the China-Japan war and the deprivation of l.i Hung Chang of the yellow coat. Gen eral Foster raid : " When I waa in China laxt LI Hung t hang waa the recognized rnling spiri of the Chinese government in all foreign matter. It must have been a very great neglect to bring atxnit a severe a meax ure ai that reported in the paper. It protiaMv indicate a rhanire of nerxon nel in the administration of the Chinese Km pi re. Chang i past 70 year of age, and two or three year ago wa in ptxir health, it may be that the Chinese r.iu- peror, entering aa be i upon aifreat for eign war, ha been recommended by hi counselor to put the management of af lair in the hand of younger men better auapteti to near me strain oi me greai DtiMen winch I certain to rest upon tnem while the struggle continue." lleing axked if the los of the vellow coat i irreparable, General Foster. w iioee long diplomatic service and famil iarity with thecuxtomiof foreign courts aside from hi service aa Secretary of State, give special weight to hi opinion, sain: ... i nun, u iigninea more than tempor ary displeasure. It i rather an indica tion ol the Ion of confidence of the gov ernment in him a the administrative head of affair." concerning me particular issue on which the war hail lieen declared he said he knew no more alxiut that than what he bad teen in the newsnanera adding: " China and Japan have for genera tion occupied very much the lame at titude toward each other a the French and German do in their national and race relation. Itiialxoa well-known fact that for a nnmWrof year there ha Iwn a hostile feeling between them over their relation to Corea, bat the enmity i more deep-seated and long standing. and the Corean emhmglio ii probably laaen advantage ol to settle by war their old difference and animosities." THX SKIT TO EMTKR. Hill af lirnorance. lie aav. 1 i m cause of evil of the day. I hama for fhanghai, i ashore at the lat- in the lavirg of a Pacific rable either to Joplin receiver of the Western try port. It will Iw neceasarv to dis- Japan, t lima or A nit rah, aa the exist- Zinc lompany of Joplin. Fa ' rharve all the canto liefore she ran la in cable Paxa throutrh ao many foreign bond in thtlAim of l.lXX.1. The floated. Tlie Fmprea of China I a cotintrir where serious complication ern Zinc tompany in Jane, li.1, isaunl vraer! ol 3.1'V Un regnter and a regular are nxeiv to arxe at any moment, Ttie nna vi me amouni oi iiao.uu, which rrwvldlag far tha Adrollaw New xtailea aad Arlaoaa. Wxiitxoro, August 4. Tlie N Mexico and Arizona admiseion bill were reportetl to the Senate to-day. In the ease of New Mexico a constitutional convention i provided for, the delegate to which are to be chosen at an election to 1 held the second Tuesday in Jane, 1M5, and the convention ia to meet the second Tuesday of the following July. In caxe they adopt a ronititution, it'is to be a bin i tied to the people for ratifi cation at an election to I held the Tues day after the flrit Monday in Noveml-er, lf. The time of resilience nece.r to become a voter ii fixed at six month instead of sixty day, a in the Hone bill. Arisona baa already ailonteii a constitution, and the bill in her caxe I provide for admission Anruit 1, and the election of a Ivlegate to the Fifty-fourth Congress. Sundry Civil Aiiiroj,ritin 1UU With Aineiiiliiii iitK. DESERT LANDS ARE DONATED Thia Leave lha lloflaloary lha Oalr Ao praplallaa Will la be Arlad I pan by Thai Mady-Tha Uusraxllns land I Largely larreaaed. WlllotoM, AtlgUlt 5. Only one more appropriation hill, the deficiency, remain to he acted on by the Senate, the auiidry bill having been paxxed to day after a three days' disc uxaion. The moit Important amendment adopt. -d to-tlay were the increase of the quaran tine fund from (illM.OOO to 1 (XXi.Ooo and donating 1,000,(XJO acre of "di-xerf land to the State to which the desert land law apply, aa well a lo Nehraxka, Kansas, Utah. Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma. The report of the ronferrce on the District of Columbia bill wa next agreed to, and then the Hatch auti option bill waa reported by Waxhhurn from the Committee on Agriculture and placed on the calendar. Gray, Chairman of the committee to investigate the charge ol bribery agauit Senator, presented the tiiianimoux re port of the committee, lly the resolu tion of June 11 the committee wasalMi instructed to investigate certain charge against member ol both Hotixe in re gard to the con t ruction and charter privilege of atreet railway in the Dis trict of Columbia, hut no evidence or testimony had lxcn aubinitu-d to the committee, and it therefore axked that it lie dixcharged from further duty under the resolution of May 1. iWge and Davis, Republican, and Allen, Populixt, made supplemental reports. Objection was made by Chandler to the retpiext of the committee to be discharged, at It-ait until the report could I read and ex amined, and accordingly the rcpie-t went on the table for the preeent. The following lloue bills were then passed : Placing J ame William Albert on the retired list of the army with the rank of Major of engineers; placing Charles 11. Stiver on the retired list of the army aa Captain of infantry, and for the con struction of a military road from Fl Paso to Fort ltlixx, Tex. After Chandler's iMminion Coal Com pany investigating resolution w ax placed on tlie calander the sundry civil bill wa taken up. Amendment were adopted to pay the widow of the late Senator Vance of North Carolina and Strx k britlge of Michigan fj'i.OoO each. The appropriation for quarantine puroc waa increased hy $:i7tl,000, so as to make the total amount I.IXJO.UOO. An amend ment wa adopted to grant 1,000,0ml acres of surveyed desert land to euch of the State to which the desert lantl law are applicable and also Kansas and Nebraska and the State which may ho constructed from the Territories of Utah, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Arizona under certain (tipulations. An amendment appropriating :JOO.0tK for the recoining of the uncnrreiit frac tional silver coin in the Treasury wax adopted. The bill, with it many amend ments, was then presented and paxxed, and the general deficiency bill was taken UP- MOMTIII.V ftTATKMKNT. Harralarjr CarlUI' Hhotxlng of lit Pull He llabl. Waxiiinotox, August 3. The regular monthly statement of the public debt issued by the Treasury IVpartment shows that the aggregate of the public debt July 31, 1804, wax l,ti;t:i,WNi,40, as against fl.tUS.aM.ti:! JuneSO, 1M'.i4. This apparent increaxe of f 1,552,1104 is owing to the increase in the ixmic of certiticatex and treasury note, which, however, ix olfxet by an equal amount of caxh in the treasury. Axide from this item tlie statement show a net deireaxe in tin- public debt of litf,0ln. July 31, IV I, the showing in detail is: llllxreat-tearlllf drill . '.1lH.'i Inrrcas- fur tre mouth ;0 lialil on which luU'iral hai rruad ttm-s mxturlty I,hni P i-mur Ii'..i-i IVlrt Urarlni nil Inu real :7'.i.n.,,M UrtTi-a-r M.-'I'i The increaxe in certificate and treai- ury note, offset by an einial amount of caxh in the treaxurv, wa increased from InlS.aVUCJO June 30. 1H!M. to liil.:i72,- 3H7 July 31, 1HH4. The caxh in the treas ury ia classified as follows: loll rolu sni btn Il .'ii.i.'.'.-.a'. xi:r .'c:i K'.-.' l'xjr Ul.mU i"l Uuuit, etc I1j" I Thi make an aggregate of 1774,201,- 7'M, against which there are demand lia bilities amounting to 'if4.1:til,3U. leav ing a caxh balance of lItf,0i6,4X'. m which f)4, 1175,1107 was gold reserve. The increase in the caxh balance during the month wa l,ti,-H),l'15. WANT TO I.O TO JIIMX, l lsvelaad Toung Maa Who Would o right for lha Mikado. Ci.evki.and, August 7. Washington lispatche to-day note the receipt by the Japanese Ambassador of a document in which a number of young men in thi country had offered to go to Japan and eniist in the army of the Mikado. Only a brief note to the effect that the offer constitnU an offenxe against the law of the I nited State wo appended to tin- dispatch. It now turns out that one of the young men making tlie oiler hold a commission in a National Guard com pany of thi city, and that at leaxt a half lon-n of hi comrade are memlx-ir of ii company. All the signers of the of fer are resident of Cleveland, and among them are several well known in so-ial circle. A half-tloren mctiilx-m of a local company went before a noUry public a lew day ago and procured the trail oi a iiociiment otlcring their srrv- to Japan. This list wa ulxteiuciit- V circulated alxiut town, and w a. read- !y signed by seventy adventurous young men. hen completed it wa sent to the Japanese Ambassador at Washing ton. Nothing further waa learned of it ontil the dispatch of to-day wa received. MTtKXTATK TAIH. Arraagaaaaal flelag Made for a Arrlr of t'oagre. TAt'ow, Auguat B. Arrangement are le!ng niaile for a nnmlx r of congrexxe to txt held here during the Interstate Fair, which open August 15. A call wa issued Saturday for a Northwest lntrr- state Temperance (Vingrexx, to be held September 3, 4 and 5. The delegate are to reprexent Oregon, WahingUn, Cali fornia, Malio, Montana. Ilnti.ti -111111- The local Itrand Osra la lha rahlla. Vahixotom, AuguA7. Representa tive Richards of Obk to-daf ntrtxlutinl a bill providing that all sraaions of com- T-ao kiang, captored by the Japanese sutler and rxecative sex ion -tf th JalyS. SenaU shall be opea to the public Ta Make aar. Chio, Cal., August, 1 This mornine 1 Innihia and Alaska. h gave th Chino sugar factory, the largest and Arny P-J" re fx-rfecting arrang.-nirnts West-'most complete factory and refiner. In -f 'I'TT' a'r! - - ix an me timnu armt mrn, ni-tiri t.i'Ti the I nited state, started up with this and Sons of Veterans in the Northwest, trader between Van..iver and I hut. diancC from Vancouver to Japan 1 were placed in New York. It I allege.! . Z. -t . 1. " iw 1 wwi. rrpniwr y in .iciru and J,nr port. M,e baton., to the JrxX'm.lea. A raid 1 eat 1 mated to met that the company has default,! in pay. 0M Ulol tArmi 7 u7 "Ml!KU '!:,ar'!'T?,m u tanad'an Pacific Kadway Com,iny. leea lhan M.J,l-J. ment of InUreet. ' iilpatf ri 1 t earpui ei reined ugar wiil be ItO tone. hoU a three dav' arsaion ber. 0