The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 18, 1894, Image 10

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for Infants and Children.
I rt-Miiua-uJ It aa aiMf U.arijr -
1 n.oiitoni '' II -V. A- ma. l I' .
Ill ft. llifiatl M , rn..Vtil. S Y.
MTI lB of ''tal.a-i I' uiiliefwil nl
lt ua-rila m B-lt kiaian It Ma-ma A wtfk
i,l t-n-l.-r It. I fw an-tlta
latrllltfrt.t fawlli'-s Imj 'I ' l" l at"U
lttUaaijrrt.ii.'' Uiti, 1 1. r.,
Ji.-w V.kCltf.
Tm ( wti nmrAt, 71 Mt tuut ttma-, Nw Y' n
Castorls i-tina CaV, ftatatlpalliax,
ir h, Hirtii.a. ."n -talk at,
Kljla Wiirtiis glut) ka Is al! I""-
Wltlait liijiirkaia naala-Blkai,
Ti attend ,rrt I hato Mn- I
y.air 'la-l-a-la,- ail iall aJaa, omit-
.i at It lua lutailsUjr ilul !.
Into f. 1V.U, M. I,
th ianH and Jib Ah ' V-a-k ';
I sulfa' lta Mitf m-" UrUf
CAKIIM, Ncv., Aug. II- I" 'I'"
cases for obstructing C nlted SUitm
ItitiiU and Interstate ciiuiincrit-, burn
ItiK railroad bridge '"! II-m1I,K '"
glue In tv, I'at Murtiti and A. Thninp
ill made a cnnfel"ii tialay which
fastens Ihv guill on the other defi ii
dnitt. Their UhhI-iik ii gave IIhtii up
nml they were rviiiHii'liil i the custo
dy of thv lulled Hitiltn marshal.
NtlTH K Foil Allu.V
I.JtMl Oil" AT !:- l OHrMI. I
a'. n. i i
i.1 ..llwniii uaiiir.l "rttl-r l.aa hlnl
n.ilii ( liia itnti. a I" maks "'' I"""' ''
.,t,.,rt n liia claim, ami thai pn'l will
Its uiad belnri' A C Ji-liiiliK.'"'iu,. C.iunty, On-gnn. al lam' us, Itrrirmi,
,.ti K.tar.Ur. K"- iU"
Hull.r, on Ii..iii.'i-!.I titf N- 0.J.VI, lof
Hi ',. H in. T 17 H. It i W.
II. nn,. Ihr f.,ll..in1f itn""- l""
liia nuitiniiiiiia rr.i.lni. n i ullitli"
! aaiil laml. tiinf" J"r U. 1'i t' i
Tlniw, Kiilinu 'O Milli r, Jiii. t'iM.k, all nf
i.liulia, I.alif t'l'lllilT. lHK"ll.
;. M. Win it,
Si) I'li K.
II S I. in I OUlif, l!'iilniii;, 'r ,
Aunt II. Ii'.il.
'uiiiiliiiiil InivniK Iwfti nitrnl al tbi
ulUi-a bj II C ll'iiiiu k'mt' M.iuiik-1 Mutr,
fur aliainliiiiinK )' I'litiilti'ii. Nililii-4tl"
N. .Vl7:i, iiii'"i lli hi-', Tuaii
lil 17 rt lUtijif !i WV.I. iu l.ann C..miiI.
lfif'ii, llii ! ill llio rum i ll''l"U "I
anl villi y. Ilm mill irll- at" lii rrlijf uin
liiiiliril In aiiral al 111" i lliiw nl Jnl Wain,
Nolatj I'lililU'. in l.ii'ii, l.m i Ciiiinljr,
I'm "Hi '" ' I"' ',my "' ''l,il''i al
III u'.'li i k a. in , In tt .i.n. ami (iinil-li
Iriitiiiiiitiy niiii i rutin ',l alii !( il alumlnn.
tiii'lil. Hi nritK al till" ntllK no lb" Iratl
lii i. n ao Inki-li on the ItMti ilm nt Oi'IiiInt.
Im'iI, al ID n'l'lnrk a. til hullli-ii'iit ktI
li-ura liatliiK Ixrti nliil In lii lil r
annal ri.rraniiiit I m l'' ' bi n-hjf
lil.l. le i III ul mra ln tuaii" l' iillilli'tliill
Hi Ibr Kui.tiMc I li nn, ill I.ii,;i-Ij, Or. t(iin,
amiriliii t Ua
H M. Hi. it, K-Kialir
It S riiii,n., Kioomr
Ill llif in il'i r ( llin -l il" i'l 'Ibnluai II.
WhImiIi. iIh-i-hiiiiI
Nuti. ! Iii n hy i:iriiili l Hi" iit'iii r
aiHliril h - n a H,iiit..l hi llm t iiiiutj
DiiiiiI. nl Ijiii" I'iiiihI) , r K". a-liiiliila-lialni
of Ilia Imivi-.iiiik All n riiiia ba
II K ,'Uiiiia auiiial miI'I -lain an- bin I'" r
iiiatnl tu iliarlil tin III llb 'lfo il
niii'lirra In llii Iiiiili t-lttiiiil, al liia linlii i u
Ilia id K't.n- nvrr, In I'mniiy, "
Kim, itlun alt miiiitba Itmn llii' tir-t ulill
i-atH'U nl 'hm ixil ii--.
Ilatn I Annual I I, Iv.'l
It I nt .r
A liiiiin-lrali.r of llic ralutr i. I li ia II.
Walaiiu. ill i'raai il.
It icki-rv
Not rarin-' to rarrv
any lonrr vn will iI'isium
of niir iniiiiriiM' htiM-k of
y, Glassware, Elc.,:
at piitfs that will surri
rhirriir" llrm.
Tim Weal, Attn. 10.,ul 1'u.liir UililliliV. who litta
worki-il no fuilhliilly In Hm ItttiTvataof
Ilia lli k l lil 'l'. M'lvool ' to
lla nil SiiinliiV lual. liia imaloful tvrill
litivltiK vxpiri'il.
I J.-o II. Tiillarl l llio iiuioi' of tl
....nil. in M iit from Wualiltiuloii l'i
naalat III till- ploiatlti"ll ol aulllHUI ill
our luilrhi-ry.
Thv I lit; him K""" l" Aalotlaaml
I'orlliiitil for Hiipplnn for tlie miinvry
un.l mni-liliivry fur the Hpruit) I'nlnl
altH lllill.
Atlorniya lli iiiilh t A Moldrii Imve
ciiimih iki 'I I'li-lni i hy hrliiKh'K ll"'ir
-nv I a-fuif Jil'K"- t'hainlaTllll'l
rniirt thla witk.
J. (I. IIoIihihIm', I'liitlmi t III I'harKf
of Ihv KowriiisiMil workint Vmpilim,
una III Hon llii'a fvW iluya Ihla WW II.
Id- la to litki- vlmrKv f th work livi,
Miwunrv lolil, uIh ii Jilly liulhlliiK
uKiilii voiiiiiivnii'X'
It l rvMirlvd Unit tin mIiiiihIiiiivv of
in y la olli n il to pay Tor IUIiIiik vx-
na. a tlila m'iimiii. Thla B prno'.lvul
i-onlrnilirlioll Hint Ihriv la no niiilii-y
III Ihviiiiililry.
Nolhlnifia Hi"!" ilnlvilly i-vrtuln
Hum Hint iiiorvvxtviiMlvv pn-pnmtloiia
forlUhlliK In thla rtviT Ihnn III ny
prviitliiiif oitv, will U iiimli'. Alrvmly
Ihv m ta nrv mil foi rvpnlra. tlm lamt
la itnr litillilvil IHkI I'liulkvii, W hlluklllr
tillm are ahlfla.l from hall r'rnin U-o
III liiri' iil:ilitllla.
Jtiai nflvr our dial Ihhiiv, Ihv nvwa
n m lu il ua Unit I r. 4 . r. Kvimvily,
u h.i rvahlca li fvw loili-a iilaive l-'lor-
vtiiv. Ini'l M wviTv ntlni'k of pnrnlyala.
I n in lual n iMiria liv U in vrillvnl
vomlillon. Ilia muiiy frivii'la In tlila
town nvnll tlivinai Ivvai of vvvry oppor
tunity loohliiin nvwaofliia allnnllou,
fvnrlliK Hi" 'lnl iK Hie lor nun ia nvnr,
H. H. Ilnaa. who luia vliuriu of the
llah luitrhi ry. wna In l lon-liiw Thurn-
iluy iiinl n'MirlH aomv lUli at thv iIhiii.
Ilv iiImi hiivh Ihnl n 'lillliMik anlinoll
niiL'lit. anil Willi II In' vxutlilnvil, liia-
i loat il Ihv fnrt Hint Ihv virita woulil not
I a- Niilllvli'titly mnlim-il in (hv Hah for
uv In thv lintvhrry lor wwmi wii kh.
Inotlivr wnnla thv xpHWIltllK la-naoll
will la' Inter Hutu iiaitnl tlila yvnr.
i:iili iillvitaiiiHlliT lunula r ill llah ia
In la' hnii'iil III Ihv riwr Hi thU avtUMin
nf Ihvrnr Ihnn fonnvrly.
A Kri ni'li pliyiicitui wlm hcohiii
l.;lllil'l II lit'lillll-lit uf -'!) eolil
it ri for ni x i it In for llio itirxine
of innkiiii; nl vi TViitioim on thvir
iiiiiiim r of lirpinij f' (tun I that
m r vi lli liahiliuill v nlrtit on tliv
riL'lit iili'. 'J;i mt ri'iil on lliv I-ft
iiinl li n-r wilt on tliv li;uk.
Tliv L'rvat font iiiinvH nvnr I
lirnwmia tir i'lnn, Uui-ia, Inivv Ih-vii
liiirniiii! Kiiivv tin IHtli. Tliv lire
hlarliil liy tin' 'iliHion of nti
ttliilv tin' full furvv wrv iiinlvr
LToiiiiil. Tin- main xluift hum
nn-vkvil. Cuiiipiirativi'ly fvw mill
ft wvrv rvHi'inil. I ho lalvat rv
Hrt iii l'i(H) invii nrv i iiIuiiiIm iI ami
n II linl'V "I aavmi; tliviil Imi Ihi-ii
Ali l.tntl TiiliiiKn: Tim vuiu of
tliv I'liitnl Statin iiLMiiift JuIiitH K
Groceries as Cheap as the Cheapest.
( 'all t al ly ami haw a larp
llsnltlili llt tu 'irk flnlll.
Miiii-r. nl MiniiviilHilli. IN now Im-
Crockery, Glassware, Etc.. : iMk! i.var.i in tin t uui oiiw at
Kiim luirj;. Mr. Mint r owim nvar
v lh.(KH) iivrva ol tnnlMT laml in
Ihv Knpiv riwr n wm. Tliv mv
tTlinivn'. nlli uin that of It is a
HiMiiiiiN "ill cliiiinti (nUitit MHX)
iu'ri ) witv ariiiiriil in violation of
thv law w hu h li ili'Miiivl to prv-
......I .in., iii.iii lY.titt km'iiritiif l .itil
Iriun the government t li rmili nth-
ivrn tiling upon it. nn iigeiitu in fuel
for I. i tu miller tliv timlxT laml ue'.
i Mr. Miner in t:iii to hv prvpuring
ittxut thii liniU r ami o'il l irp
' ImnlM-riiin hiiitinvcK en Knuv riwr
in the went of thii ""it terminal.
I in in hii f.ivur. Thv raw will
take uiiii'li time tit Koavlmri;, nn
' miniernu w ilia.iTi are to I n
iiiminiil, nti'l nil teMimonv ii taken
il mn hv it tviH'it riter. Kx Jiitlv
"' ' 7 I Weh-ter in lit Kom huru nn viiiinw 1
fir Miner.
AS A PREVENTIVE i Anl. lt.ia- II. rnl.l: lliawoml. r.
, ,11.1. Ml...aai I I .
,i w 'ia fnl Ii i loiij; aotiiv atiiin.iln cm rx
. i r-1 w itholit ftaul or drink. Thv
I ft'lltiwinu in triii mil I "rati tliv
' rivord ! far iin we know. Not
I loii); ai,M O. V. I. aiie tta.k a trip to
j l'liv I.iIIi n, lvaiiii on Ttivnl.iy
t al o;it liotiii ami ri'turnini; on me
fillovt iii MoikI.iv at tiitoi llvforc
f t'uvitnr. on IiivniI.iv. hv aeeiilvnt.
, hv ha ketl Mtititv, hi" ilti, in tliv
i harla r hop north of In,
I :iti'l lie rein liiutl tlu rv until tliv
flrnoia's Bromo-Ceierg.
"i o4l4 -t w 1 1 - wnt f.r Wt rr H'.k !, l'itn t i liMuM. xt, Mwj !',
tavl IK iM tml ScumOi. mIouI"! )!
tit Bt t MM, (tMUI. kiallM-t 1 1 -.1.1 -, Al 11
i-iv ! i . .tili't.-f fr Al'-l'"lt'
,AV lakaM. I'll 10, 3Cal tWMl.
t I -fXatat (.
Ill I. Wtlttra ily, CMIC.CO.
h'M I'T .'I It
LE DRUM'S :;r!
aaaa-aaa ai aa
A m
It K tha M atf
al t
-MI H V A lr I IMI
rlit, t -Ifc i null
Incorporated with a Capltil of $C0,'
000, with $30,000 Paid Up.
lii.Vt Mol'tlaV nt
'ii, without
itt-i-....'. tr. i ,,,i . , t ,,,
alu.a.-l . .. m,
a',.rnlr. viui.if
I'tt i'T
i a t'kn.ii.i. r
I i.hii a
1)r I'lr'li I. aili an. I .. ,
lliM I U.;h a I i"tt.f-ft ai al.-l
B'i'1 "!ir n ail. ' t - ii
liia I'livn l.f it II I II. -t
but a !'! V"i Mir, a..
f.tnliiiiiii::.. In. .. arr ti.a t
hiii.ltiia. a II ' h : I...I t....t,
r lalli.. a I : I nl II, . ur
II ! illfti. '.! .. . n,
raa lap ml in a i i v. i .i,i ai
acaoa ri-uirn. It. .,n.a ti,.
rttmm l" Ilia ait' .-.'i! nti.
Itank la llna r.'Woiiiiiut. mm i
fvuf la Una taalit-r.
I. attf
nt hN
. at I
l-l .M ,.
1 tl.-' I ii.v t a '
." ..I a li ,1
tHinl l.HO aiW
lute tt) eat or nn tiling In tlrink.
W hen illNi'oVereil liv wna lvill in
thv h.irlx r'11 eh.ur, nii'l wa nlmtvat
fr.intiv with huiik-'T mnl thimt.
In n li l hi thv w ad r, hv iliil not
hip it, hut nelti illv -m kitl it up
like a h"rv. Ilv w ua )ivvn nouiv
lilit f--l at lir-t. :ni'l ia limr an
u''al a il.i( na vvvr. thiTinotil
eii r that wii k re'ati in nUmt VH
It Ttl a. Hil l l.' il l l ll.lllTi'.l thl
for i il iy mnl fit n;i;lil.
Hon l. s.
lailil Iii Lugriir uatlay.
a . . t.
ant a,
f Idaai'lHUIg,
Tanmalrawlarrlnar mill fur nl
iy ;iiki ii (jtovi ry invii.
A rar limit of i iiihanra la-vr la
hiK for llio Ion ami lolil
hioraK Work Unlay.
Owr IM (M-opltt arv now cauipNi at
Hit) Itvlklinp aprliiK, la-alilvt lti tiotvl
I vrowiltil.
C. J. Mulkvy, coiivIvUmI of ihuk
kIiiik, U now 'f king fairiloii from
lit prvBhlviit.
lUlpli llulta ilivJ at ItrowDivlll luat
wevk at th Dilvaiiitil aira of V yvara.
lie had two blind for thrva yvara.
Thv rvirular ntrtliiR oftlivciiy iimiii
vil lor lual evvtiliiK waaailjourinnl until
nvxl Moin .ay vvviiIiik, uoiiioruin tn
liiK prvwiit.
Thvl'atlioliu clinrvli and It ant
,Ih inalia at tlvrvala waa Uvatmyvil ly
lirv hut rvviilliK. Tha daw la lwtwli
lnimi ami f.MjO; Inauraiii, ').
Charlie Kennedy, well known In
thla eily aa m forintr Hiular eontluetor
on thv 1). I'., haa aii-vptrd a oallion
aa voiiduelor on tlm L'nioii Pact do.
The Oregon Inalltute for tha blind
will oivii for atliolara Oclolivr I, IMU1.
Kwryililon la fit. I'arenta to fur
niah vlotliin and travcliiiK expelia-a
A trawling plioloKraplier Uarouud
taklin. anap hot of hu.iiivaa liouava
aiitl rvahlvinivti. In wvek or two hla
partner will I here telling the ple
num. It la ail old racket.
Prlnvvllle Newa- County clerk
II -iKiahnanone tothe Kolvy aprlnga
to inift Ilia alNter, .Mr, t arrie tt nK"ti
whowlll n-t urn wild hi in and rvnialii
In I'rlneville for aoiiie time. Ilia broth
er I vi I I aulllig aa elerk In hla abaviive.
Tl.rj ladle etiti nil a ehureh In all
vaait rn rlty and, addnnaliig the uaher,
aakvil liliii to tfive iiieiu a w oy
lliviiiavlvtn and to olvaae not put any
one viae In It. They explained that
they illtl tint want tlivlr big ali-eve
('. I). Drain and (.'lay McMakln and
their fMinlllva, 1-evl Kent and daugh
ter Klla, "Auntie" Jaekaon. of Drain,
anil lr. Kuykendnll ami family, of
KtiKvnv, are camping at the mouth of
the I'niiMiua, any the Marahfluld
Kam lltown who ahot and killed
Krvd Klneald at Oakland, Oregon,
yvNtvrdny altertiiMiu haa It-en com to the county Jail at ltoat-burg
without U'lnU Itotli the young me.i
had hveti paying attention to m Mlaa
MatliMin. I'lrown halla from ltandou
hut had lat-ii working on a farm near
Oakland dm lug the paat year.
Portland Telegram: Portland link
for aoiiie time heeii all agog with the
wliittMlrvwi, whlte-ahoe crane among
the gvutle ael. Kviilvully the fad haa
luat Riruek an uivailey town, lor au
exehauge aaya: "While kid alioee are
the vomliiu faahlon for ludlta. A
i-ouple of faxhloiiable ladlva inarvhliig
lowiiaint t today with their dainty
little loolay wootaya envaavd In while
khl alirneti-ii rouaiiivrniiie aiienitou
nod vrvatiil many remark. They
liNik all riirht when rloae to you. but at
adiataiieu Ihv laillva apearvil aa If
they were ill their Blocking feet." Dla-
tuiuv IvmU etielianiuieiil to tne view,
you know.
ltev. I. 1). Driver arriveil houielhl
Dr. Huam ll, uf Thltratiill, waa In Ku
geliv tinluy.
Hon. IC. 1'. Culeiiiaii, of Cohurg, via-
lUil in I'.ugviie today.
Mr. and Mm hUi Howe arv taking
an oiillng on the Moliaw k.
I'M Wvat and wife went up the Coaat
h'ork thia moriiiug to camp out a week
or ten ila) a.
tltti. K. L'raw will go to the Foley
!ipr!ug in a few day for hi regular
fleorgv I'IhIht ami Mac Hummer
villi rvtiiruvil from Purl laml on lant
nli;lit' truln.
J. W. Hhumnlv, the live Wnltvrvlllf
luvniitiiil, waa Irauxaiiliig IiiinIiivb Iii
IhUvlly lialny.
Mr. JamiNou and Mint Klorvlive
HumantcM. of lUmehlirg, VlalUtl In
Kugene over luat night.
Mm. J. I', tlrvvn and vhildn n left
for a viail with relative al Toledo, on
Yaiiilua hay, thla morning.
Mm. loathe MvCoruack-Well and
little hala, w ho were vlaitiug relallvva
here, have rcturuvil In rorlluml.
A parlv rotiNlallugof V. II. Abraiiia,
Jiiliiia lit'iltlaiiiith. N . Mer'arlaml, W
K. llrown and li. Ih-llniaii left for
Kloitiiie thla morning.
T. J. Cmlg and family returned
from thv Wolf Creek apringa laal
night. T. tl. lleiidrlvk and Iniiilly
w ill return next Monday.
Mlaa Initio Johnaon went to Col
Ingvtlrove llii afternoon to attend
the Mlllcrd -Ogleahy Wvtltling tomor
row morning ut H0 o'clia k.
Mlaa la via, who rvaide with Mm.
Wealey Minuiinti, rvluriutl Willi her
vealenlny from the coaat. Mm. K.
I'oumT will remain avvvral day longer.
Tom Atiratu haa returnel from hla
outing at the llelkitap apring. Frank
Fleming will (lay theie aome llinv yet
an he I well pleated with the pi nee.
Tom rvMrt plenty of gnme and a
pleaaalit I tine gecernlly.
Paturitny' Corvalll Informer: Four
lenm loailed with giMNla for K. IL
Fiatik left lialny for Kugviie. Mr.
Frutik and fumlly h fthv private con
vey alive thi afternoon for their future
home In that city, huvceae attend
II. C. Humphrey hna returned front
awvt k'aalay al IK-eait Park on the
north alio of the Columbia. Hi fam
ily will remnin alamt a mouth longer.
l(ereairta the nnort al that plaie a
great opMirtuiilty for Intahful liielor
ttliliira, claiming about 1U women to
.' men are riijoying rtiTrallon there.
I lev. II. Clark, who haa ta-vn avrl
oitaly III bo loliir, atartvd back lo hi
n. I home In Indiana till morning.
Ilv wa aivoniaxiilid hy hi wife ami
d'liitfhtvr, Mr. Kaufman, ami they
w III atop at thv latter' home In Ihaxl
Itlver for a ahorl real and then prtHwd
on tin ir trip. Kvv. Kaufman exavl
lo lollow Iiieiu a mniii a hi vear'
ma'oratv la eoin(ih-lc.l. ltev. Clark't
ailment l aaid to la' ramvrof the
Dtnv Fkkiiiii r. A daily freight
a rt Ice hna ngnill lat'ii Inai gtiratcU oil
thla , ranch of Uie Smtlwril Pacific
rnilroail. Trnttia la-gnu ruiinliig on I lie
new M'hiihirv Italay. Theaotnli lamml
fr li(ht w In n on time will arrive at
ti.ri a. in., ami the iiorlli laiutitl al o:3)
p. in.
To F.NrmrAii Kihimkm. IVmlle-
loii tAl At m n'tlngl
utiilay of reirvariitallvr of the uewa- j
iNtiar of I'eii'llelon the voitiilig of
tl.rifon'a etlllora waa iliaeuawl, ami a
committee of llinv waa nMi tiled toad j
Ith I he Con Tcial AH iatitu com-
imttee ami prentre for Hie pnr en
lertaiiilnelil ol the Jmirtiailla. The
14 mi 1 1 lit I itmalala of Fell! It. Mlleh-
II, oWliv Kttal " a-""'"'!, chalrnian;
tlvonre I lata, v, of the TrilKine; IC II.
Vkinla.ui, ihT llie Alltauce llvrakl.
Tht DallM T.M.: The Orvgon
Hute I'rrM Aii-ix iation will hold
the annual mittiiiff i IVmlletou in
HeptemU-r. That i lly i niaking
eitvnaive preparation tu prrive
the (jcticil puaher.
The Kural Northwvtt report
Vatuliill'a atrenge of prune 2.1W2,
nutnher of grower 121, ami uuni
her of evuMirator 15. fhe thinkt
the averse of cured fruit fhoulJ be
I00() pound to the acre, which
would give ti a total product of
325.CXX) pouinlH. Kvpnrta cowrini
two third of the prune iliritrict of
the tule give the Intnl nuinlxT "f
grower 2,4(X); toUl vrwig W.IX!,
ml nuinlji r of evnHnitor I7".
Thure wun it city Iveti"ii in
BniivrH)rt, lilnhn, the other tl iv.
It was held to till n vacancy on thu
board of town truster. Three
vote were olK'd, and when lite
quiet of Main trect wa broken bv
theollirial voice of the marshal,
announcing that the nll wire
clont-il noile U'giin ucking what
wa going on. The KooU nai Her
ald oint the moral by saying
that "thi i the usual rv-ult that
oomcs from oHting imMrUnt legal
notice on atrmpa, lvd tni-s,
barns, lertvd building, out
house and other place, instead of
informing the public through the
medium of the prvHn."
It In thu law of supply ami de
mand, not tarilfa, that regulate
the price of product. The I'endle-
bi i Irihiinv, a republican pawr,
adiniU that in the following para
graph: The wool dip in Australia
in DJS'J, "JO, wa l,4u:i,(K0 bale,
ami wa of the value of I108,2li0,-
00(). The clip of 1833, anJ 18U4
wa I.M'iT.fKX) hale and its value
was ,J-'.15,(XK). The flip increas
ed 400,000 bales, while its value tie-
creuscil just about 10,000,000.
That is, the average price of the
wool hns fallen from 4 down to
below fiO jit-r bale in the lust live
years. The fulling off was just
about 33 r cent, and yet we are
treuted every few days with a dis
sertation on the fact that the Me
Kinlcv law did not keep up the
price of wool.
Ku ire tic should fee that a first
class (louring mill is erected here at
The head and face have 83 in us
clcs; the neck has 41); the thorax,
78; the nhJoinen, 33: the hack, 78;
the upK T extremities, '.IS; the low
er, 108.
The Questiono
0 it a simple one eatily 0
0 decided by reuon and 0
q cooimoo lease.
ths new tdratifically
prepared shotleaing is
mad from pore beef net,
and highly refined vegeta
bit oik Lard kt made, ia
lbs majority of catet, in
the packing bouse, and
not a of old, from the par
leaf of th hog. Which fat
likely to U lh mott
healthful? Decide for
yoarieu. It must be
rWad laraa caatt h attap la K.
K. falrbaak C0.,llUca(O, far
Siailmaw Ctttottaat look
cuauaaaa lis a tlml ,
aarfjarra tiy auw aauatat awlw
Colitlan It tola by al grotata,
Rttaa al luUuuut.
Paaa Ml k
Mat '
Um tr eunn akilt j. rt
jlla IV I niMJitr. u --v.i -a.
0 aosToa.. 0
I ft '
I m
SXVa '
i tJAiiTrt itrnttn rftt-i-imiM
KiNhinf apia-alt an atmoflr In mil'.
BflrttkNi aa hvr ilatifhlrr J'a) taakli i. .
Bianaiihtaal. nlkiauta la an iiu4ihx-. it
datiatiu-r. HlalH'ha. BiW l ara til a':i' am
two h-mMy altla-Kal a Ith Itarxiaaui.-at n
batl kM U rnura im of tx-r r tin aim
aa aa tub a cuotlilaai llial hail ki ..
aw-r than arbia4 au.l aiaiutluti h.f aiuaic r
ata. a fa.-t, wa Iranal M. Vltia aii.v u
ai raauiva tail rt an lnaluau vai. i
kt k. thai bmi" aittHtan )
ba. riair.l 4l)ata latta, lail ! rtavlti-tanx-M
tnaa Ihrla Tua Aim ut laal tutu ' it
Vrlalwul hill ?i ptailxla, axi.l allhtaiatl !:' In
tataa otilt II iff, taatlta) tat Nmib ti ,k
trrutka rat rhaiiala: hrf nrrrownr-m alitl iiir
awna o Vlltat ilaif-a ara mnmj ftaj .'a
allatHBt artaait rrvularlt a mI Bau.lMj Biih ai
San au-t mmm aba ktaa , . uTrrt 0 i-.ari .rti ,
f aaararm. te-r am-Hiu.- m f ait. n.
taiaM-T niultl patprura a- tair lauliui Ut b. j'll
In MiUat NtW ha brtaarbl b.r
W kaal BIT ftaln-r rmatiua!. .1 tha n-RM-tl
I Bad Bat Bait k la raunM tarJrtwa.n4 ,tiH
a laaaa kg hita, tail aa Uat aa a. arm ia
laatia. wa tanfan iiin R i. H.aix tt. at I tr
ai waa aiuaaai ItuoMti.aM. - kra, K a
Huiaa-k. Hrt( R V.
1-r Ml af kat.raUT Kerrtn k anl.l I a.
ttrmtata taB atatlllra ruBraolaa., na an.1 ilirM
Vf tha tHr Wiia aa.ll.aJ ia. I.ikhan. ltt-t. ,
rvoaiia oi a-w-y II taat Kauic. aii htaiUa inr k
tfanaa BraiatkL ll kl pUaUITaljr M ClUB
BC aaliaBaalltTaa.
WOOL! I M roi. r NT.
Sah in Suti ntnaii, Kep.: The j
liiaimhiaiiui of Anril 'tli hm',
ia weekly review ill the wool trade,
quotes pnev as lollows:
"i heae wry low prices nreijtiuv
. . .. . . i : i! I I l..
eJ UY Ui .luairaiaaiaii t "
7 1. mt .uiid in the grea, and
from II Id to 131 1 for scoured, ac
cording to eiu.lity. That i to
say, about l.'l to j ij viub i
tHiund in theureaw and t' 27
cents fir m-oiired. Theav, he it ob
served, ale MclUtirnc pricvH, and
the col of trainHirtatioii, insurance
ami commission must be added to
get thv price laid down in New
York. At leusl utiolliiT ceil l tiinsi
Ism lidded for these items. Il sUtts, owing chielly to the fall
in the prices of wool ami to k the trrow-iiitr industry has fallen
into a state of financial stupor from
which even a succession of tho
most abundant seasons is nut like
ly to arouse it. What is wanted to
infuse activity uml new life into
the industry is a substantial recov
ery in prices until they approach a
more remunerative levei. ii now
appears from this that prices are
iijw so low as to discourage pro
duction. Therefore, it is not" to be
expected that they can full much
lower without making the iinius
trv niiitu iiniemunerali ve and caus
ing a great curtailment of produc
If the forcL'oinir Ire true, and
there can be no reason for doubt
ing what the Australasian say on
it, surely it ought to encourug" us.
They cannot iniiort to coinix'te
with us on these terms ami our
prices ought to grow better.
Corn has Imi-ii sellinir for it hili-
.. ... o . -
er price than wheat in the Kast.
Thv iiewsiitiiMT men ofOrcL'on
i i
in tin legislature should set! that
the present unjust libel law is rv-
Mr Ann Wheeler ilivd rvceilllv
a giil 12 years, at Ashumrv, Kng-
, ; A . I l
ami. in nil' noiiw n in re sue nan
born and had lived all her life.
Tin. nverairv I vit'ltt of thv mvtt ill
the l.'nion army in 18(53 was 5 feet
and 7 inehc.i. The natives of this
country averatri a irreater height
than those of uiiv other.
X. Y. Sun: A smart hsd is nl
ways dangerous, ami if he is igimr
ant tint man ia tvorsv Itut when
he is compliciited with lnli moral
pretetilions he may easily become
unsafe ii, the extreme.
I i:iiiililiiur mi lliv in-it r.iin anil
. - - - n - - -
its iluiiition hits beciiiiie so great a
..: :.. ( .1 il I
vice in t'iiicu tot tout too K"n in
inenl has Ireeu called on to sup'
i.ress it. Clerks on li e wav lo
their ollicea stop nl citiiinlh-ioll
houses In I'liiev Is-ts. iiinl the wo
men have Is en seivtl with tin
mania so that they ilo not only
pawn their own and Ian rowed jew
elry, hut go firtlier to procure
money lo . nihil with. The
biMikiiiakers rirk no uioney of their
own and eluire a small cnmtiiis
sioll for !i:ili'l!lli the Is ts.
Mis. .Ii Ih Imi I .i is is said to lie
iiIhiiiI to leiisi' her lieaiiv.iir estate
in Mississipii so ihat hv installing
rt-a h ii t 1 1 ! i- Ivn. mis I here sin can
prevent the de ay nl llie oil luitne
stviul ami prvserte it contents in
tact. It is nsaerted that furniture,
books, silver and china known to
have la en the proja-rty of the faini
lv iiiiii,.:ira iii vlerioiisl v utnl frv-
j -i i . -
ijtletilly in the curio ami pawn
shops of New Orleans, ami it stop
would he put tu these s'lty lar
cenies if thv house is M-rniaiietitly
oecilpieil. The estate is it very
chartiiiug one tor a w inter home
Salem Slnlestniin: III ri-jMHiliri lo
(he InvilHlioii to la- prcM-til Mini lulk to
the a-oilc, nt the slnlv fair, ex Hover
imr John Whitctikci suya uinoitg other
thlliKs: "I should la much pleased to
la present nt Ihv tiinv imlieiili d Slid to
iliachartrr Ihv duly mentioned. I am
Ifcttlnit old, hut I will la- will, you If I
To Restore
uair which
1ms heroine thin,
and koop the wnlp
clonn ami healthy, use
It prevent the hair
from falling out
or turninjr gray.
The best
Baking Poji dvr
Purity dnd
fa ImrraltM-a txl l".i aa Sata 4a.
tanblaaat U. dlalrtl a hJt. -of. fat r-aaajr.
a ao-nl.t ot c.tstl ri.:.a Tt
tl paratta orrlnk ratorttinf aaiha larvaat
Itai.harp'rafU artlatot off haf.'.aj., 4a f
lavt. traart laiva araaa raa ol .tat. J
t ua Kt larca a-tt mr a tna.r artaaa
rjkOtttnmH fH f ARIL
jart-rp't Ik Saatal Trraaa,
Waiiiim.ton, Auk- U One hour
la fi. re the time tl l-T Hm eaucu,
ki. iti'i I'riao waa i"llnll III hi TI
vale ollltv hv ( Imirninli Wilson ami I
... II tlilll..
lU preM-lilntlviaj lun.ei, ii jiiuiii ati'i
.Moiittfoinery, lint full meiiiherahlp ul
Ihu home ii. iiiia falle itilifervlice colli
mlllif, and lU pre-eitlatlve lint kin
rldifv, of Arkan-na, ailvl-iry meiiila-r
for llnal cotisiilUtloli. I lie current 01
ftt liiig uiii'.iiK thv member uf the
house net ineil lo Itt) la lling inii(ij m
favor ol ncii'i'tiiiK the senate bill with
out fuilhcr lit lay. At IU o'clock I rlsp
ami Ihv eiuifcrree filed out of lite
l,.kci'ai.nw ami liak Beat III a Al that time I iKiims ibi
were on the lliair. t'tmiruiuii llaoii
tiM.k Ihv ll' sir immeiliutely after roll-
all, l ie inciiila ra erowileil aniuuii
him, liaieniiiK inieiitly im very worU.
Wllaou Is itun W illi a reellnl 01 tne
illilleultlea encuunlereil, which, he
alii, at each att p hud been pursued
witli au urilein uesire touppori wiiii
honor the dcain- of the liotiae to le-
aiat what was rcganled aa the Ulirea
tumble deinaiula of the aeliale. liv
review til the dlltcrc lice In colifiTelii
oil the disputwl lleina. lie liaik Up
each prosautloii on atij(tr and ssike ol
the vast iinillls to llie sujjar iriiata
vt li lilt would rvault frtiin many ol
them. Ilv did not Indulge In the
sharp criticism ihnl waa exeelei on
the motlvea of the aeltatv eolifertfea.
While Wilson waa ss-aking, worU
waa pnam d around I hut the l onferviii
In the speaker' room had rvstillvd III
decisive ncllon, and I hut hsaker
Crisp himself would litovv the house
rec tie ami accept the aeiiulv lilll.
W llsoli siMtke ot the lliilit mailv by
the house (viiferree for a sMi-lllc duty
on augur on the gniuud Hint umler the
ailvulon-m aysleiii It woulil tw IiiikmiI
hlu to tell, on account of Ihe invoice
methiNls, thv exact advantage that
would accrue lo the sugar Iru I. lie
liiuile the n tnurkal'le atutcmeiit that
hv had I ru credibly iiiformvtl, and
iN'lieved the stigur tttial, alitlei'atiug
the eliuelmelil of Ihu senate augur
schedule, hail purchased, vllJ.UXt.iSiU
worth ol raw sugar. II tin waa true,
hvsiild, the prolli accruing to the
Irutts limn llii luvealmeiil on ac
count of the senate schedule would be
at hast tto,iaai tuai. "Tliv great bat
lie," auid Wilson wurmiug, "is U-Iwi-ell
the Americmi iN-onlu It ml the
sugar trust. It la a bullie in w hich
the trust hna tuketi the aniv by the
Ihroiit, and it w ill never end until we
throw oil lis grip."
There wua eiithiiaiulu aii!uuse al
t Lit. Ilv jilnccedcd to alnle that the
bourn' eonlerrii-a liail la-en willing lo
concede mIiihb.1 everything exeenl
tin sii vllid items of sugar, iron and
cihiI. The setintii coliferrees hsd also
eemetl w illing to eoltivtlv liituii, but
were iiiiureiitly ilolniliiited by the
knowledge thut if they coneediil whut
the represelitutlvea were di'iuaudiug,
Ihv bill could lint puss, and the agree
ment woulil la; llM'leaa. Wilaotl elisteil
ul I lii o'clock, hnviiig talkeil Install
hour. Montgomery, Mc.Milliu and
Turner corrolaimted hi slati-incnts.
Crisp followed; be sinke Willi litlleh
spirit, and round utter round greeted
his remarks. lie ssike of the . ritieul
comlitiou uml tliv iijiiiireiit lieeil In ae
eel'l the m-iihIv bill, mid then, if Heed
I a', Introduce separutw bills for free
stigur, Iron slid liail He said It was
"llieseliule liill or liolhilig." A long
ns there wua u oiitH'rutv chance of ae
curing thv volieesatons the house de
manded, hv wus In lavi r of siiimling
out, but hv was suliallcd the time bnd
come w hen further luniatciicv by the
hiillav w ua Uselesi.. He ollereil ll rests
liitimi iiiatructlug the bullae eonferreea
to Kt t tie flnlll Hit' disiiKreellielil, uml
the wnvs ui.d minus coinmillev to
brini In si'parulv fn-v sugar, Iron and
coul hills. A hiital of iMitiliiuae greeted
tin n ulling of the ri-soluil hut hull
a doen I rule dcttiocriits wen- on tin i r
fiet deliuiudilig n-eogititioli, rotiil
in lit iiinolig tin in U iiiK lloliike I'ts k
tan, of New York, flu ing lo ihv lute
lieasoflhc In lir, u rulv was adopted
limiting fin I Inr sjni'chc to live milt
II te. I'heli CiM'hiuii deliveled It vig
oroim nun elihiietit sai-ch uu'.iiiiat sur
reudiTing to the semitc. "I'ctler no
lutill legihlnlioii 1 1 tit 1 1 (he si mite hill,"
he ihrlared.
A division of the Crip resolution
was demanded, wi na to Imve n M'inr
ate vole on the lir-1 pint to irci-dc limn
the iliaMtgrccmi'Mi In the scuttle
nun iidiin nls ami Ihe proviaioua for
. hi rule bills. Tin- litl pnrl was
tnlopteil Icy ti ning vole ol I. 'In lo li,
mill the Mtullil pull A 1 ( tit ill I lliviaiotl.
The ciiiicits Iheu mljoiii tied. Among
Ihoae w ho voted attuni-l the resolu
lion wen' Ihe l.uiii-iiiliu luetiilars,
Warner, Si runs, Tiuii'y, Cisiimu, Co
vert ami I'tiuph.v, of New ork;
CinimT, of linlliiiiii; Johlisou, of Ohio,
Kilgon, of Texns uml Turiicy of
M laaouri.
The vote on tl e pnsNige of Ihv s li
sle larill hill should occur ulaiul II this
When the vole came lo Is- taken ut
ti o'clock, l.'l ilcuiocrul, Moses, of
tiiorgui, Hurtled, rnchrnii, llemtrix,
iMiuphy uml Coveri, of New Vork,
Ihivvy, Meyer and Price of Louiaialiti,
Kvvrvit, of Masaiichtiseits, liormnii, of
Michigan, Johnaon, of I lino, nml In ra
in , of Miaaoitri, Voted wiih the re
pnhlicuna Hgaiusl Ihe resolution. The
il. uiocmts then put tliroiih, one ufh-r
ntiother, w hut the leiiiihliinn describ
ed n the sipgiiu ! lit placing i nl,
iron ore, sugar uml huils-d wire on the
Ircv hat, mid which, in Ihe debute,
they mmiiliiii.fd Wotii Im- proHned
only lo go to th nl ll In I.,,- M'linte.
I hv o!v sIimmI: Vena, sj; unya.lllT.
I'lit n-were I ! IkimsTnts whn'voled
with tin- rv lihlienua. The (Mipuliata
Voteil Willi Hit' lit'lliia lata.
.t ki-all It Juttrnt. lain,
Sll A St it VI, Au.'. I i. I'hi re haa
been Im lontiiuiali o ol li.e ri aiiletl
elii! uicli.eiil la I .tft u Hie I hilltae Pel
i.lik' mt't l ! i uii'l toe Jupaie ae lii t.
The t hlut-t tin I a t-liia lo haw llla
a aiireil, and their w l.t rtalauila I u
mv-lery. K sirt hna it lhal Chiuetv
war vt la iimy ah"t 1 ! la unl Iroiu
nil H e Japalux co:at.
I iik l.l,
ti tl, An- . .iri-a' Mi i n t hi i i v, ahiliesi
-trtll'ii up I. t e llivr a - j.ial lo ft.glii
ell lilt III t'l.t "I lilt I' lill . ialtr- '
ilaj Jiiiiii and t ia i. a i I . at ll decldttl
Inr -- ri to in. I :. i .. u. it, y ,,,
end l.i.l Iii.iii. i J. I . i, aume
wny. I heir lit 'in. it . a iniiinid to I
imt li e row- oii , !.ir,. lo n'r.v I
liorav, wl eit the lit-.- liin-w llie I
ri'f nn r llie hli.b o 'u llie Bill It I kill
lino up. Ml, fii ( Ii.-v hrouglil tl I 111
il.m n Jniiiit'ii u a-1 1 1 1 t ! ii.. t Hint ihe i
ll l m ll. (Hid tint u Ii in- It ii the lof. j
licit help cjiiie JohliMtlt wusdt-U'l. j
Wi.. vi, fal. Ang. I.1.AI l'
o'elta k tittlny Jutlwe Fihei n Inlervil a j
'l.e -imi i,i thf imiu w n i king i-nae. ,
He n fu-a-tl to nlloav the llinlli tl of ills- i
u,l--i . ii ! . i I Ihe i vnlt in e w art tin I-
eit ll.' I inn: of ai five 'It ft'ti'tauta lo ,
a,eir Is'torr the U-ri"r itiuit. Mot
lvli.'X Waa . kll'l'lrd by Ihe1
J ii ;;' th -vial, nt, and cried bitterly tlur-1
ti g hit rellinrkt, Thv I .--a- la a at-
(Hiiioi until the Jtat ull.. w hell the tit- i
feliaewtll la iiiii lla ti-tiiiit.ny. Ilvt-rl
iio w lluusaoi have tartl auhjaeliad. I
aaiatlB)iaa Mat.
Wasiiixoti., lo., Aug. 13. ii ,
rXrtiei that thi town la mmiIi n, ,
voiiie fiiinoua la-tauao of an Inv,
. 1 J tl... ! I ..... 'lon
in lr. n. .a. aict lean a, i, , a t,.,
other than moat deadly Infant,,
arm the inoal deadly wiaani (, t.l
kind ever iiiauufaeturvil, a now la.
Ileveil. Ir. Mi lean bat Ut u work
ing III hi little deli In thi platw f.,f
lhn long year on thla thing of death
and, having -a-rli-cled It, has ai-curt-d
Ave itatetiU uimiii the arm lu Ihu l i.ii
eil States, and a patent each In Kiii.
laml. r ranee, tiermatiy ami Canait.
The gun I a wonder. I'mler Hit) bar'.
rel la a magazine that oa-na on hint
into which a whole Ihu i f iurt riiltr.-a i.
(lnipa-i. The magasiuu ia then il,,.
vd. With one grip of the hand th
thing are aco impliahnl, with altniat
lightning rapidity. r: I, a eartrnlKe
ia drawn back; 11, placed hi thv barn I;
.1, llretl; 4, shell la tiaax d mil; ,',ain.i r
cartridge Is aeUed. The w ork la ar
eompllslied aa raiildly aa the guini, r
can oinmi and ela hi hand. Tin
uiHgaxiue rille fires six hot a Mtnini
and no other arm save thrOatling guu
ha It iatd of action. Thla gun ha
one motion, w hile to mott other crack
ritlea there must be four or five tnotloiii
of lite hand. Ihe cartridge I nm.
in.llcd hy cam and act wonderfully
like the human hand. The it of
ahell extrnctora work on a plan wholly
dilletetit from the usual linsle and ant
controlled hy converging cam. It
fire IU bull looue of any other gun.
A rille ball gia-a liiOO feel a second. I t
It la aupKad that then are men lu a
formication armed with theae maim-
due rillv. I he enemy form a mile
away for a charge. It would lake the
enemy llfteen minute to come up. In
Hint I'imevach man lu Ihe earthwork
hna wilt from ,aj to 6,11 bullet at
them. It amount to practical aniiihi.
hit ion. Thv gunner due hot remove
hla eye from Ihe sight In the grip uf
the hand thai lire Hie tiivce, nor that
tin hand action shake Ihe guu.
Ir. McClifiu ha had au opMiriunity
(odlaptsae of III woiideriul rille tu
tiermatiy, hut declined the oiler, lie
will msiii take the guu lo (ieiieiul
Miles, al Chli-ngo, for liisat'tloit, and
from there will go on lo Washington
to exhibit It to the military authori
ties. The lanior will construct several
models, one each adapted to the Kng
llah, French and Herman cartridges,
and he will visit those ctiuntrica in
order lo show what hi wcusiuwil
do He will enter Ihv ih in tint at New.
port for a guu to be adopted by the
liilted Stall Navy.
Slatrlan' tnklllatat.
N:w YoKK, Aug. l.'l. It la already
nppun'itl that the fnll election lu Nt w
Voik alule will Uml the two old irlna
npHaeil in a very exciting w Ii lest at
the (sills. The lUputilican leatler
have practically decided Uui the
iiomlitiitiou of I-t-vl 1. Moi ton lor
(iovcruor. Mr. Morton, who Is in
i:urof, hna slgnlllttl hla w itlingiie
to run, and unless aollietlillig lispeiia
within the next two Weeks, to prevent
it, he will surely Is unmnintt-d by the
republican slute ci'liveltllon at Sura
toga on S'ptemla-r lil.'. Mr. Morton
expects, iu the event ot Ida election, In
receive the republican nomination fur
prvtldfiit in s'"t, and ll l with thia
understanding thai he hua
Ihe use of his uaiiiv ami latr'l.
The iciuiH-rnla Inteml to see Mr.
Piatt and Intend to go him one latter.
They ate "getting together" with
View- to electing their candidate w ith
out any particular regard for the I'reai.
deiitiul ambitions of ihe Homines.
With them thv prlnclml thing In huml
Is to i.-n-e Upon the slmngeal set "f
cniulldale for coiign aa and alate nlll-it-s
that can la- found anil then priaiail
to elect their ticket, llinv thut I (lone,
the pn-aldelillul iplealioll will adjuil
Itwil, thv big pnriy men say, and (Ii
cliiiiu o' New oik's favorite sum
will la- duly considered ami pttl
The ileliiiHTativ stale convent lull
w ill, I am credibly Informed, U'cmIIiiI
lo invti in Saratoga on Wi-iltn-.lsy,
S'pleliiU-r Ll.lh. It will not la- a "alisp
eon vent ion" this jenr, but a giitlniing
n preai ntiiliie of nil the eleliu-lit" III
the delliocrutie nilly. The Cleveland
men and Ihv Hill men are smoking the
pi ai of la-ncvatiil discussing the silua
lioti calmly, etiitiestly and in n spirit
of KiHllellowhlp. The two wings of
thv party art gelling nady to Hop to
gi lher uml pn'senl a solid front lo Ihe
i tieiny. I hv letiili m y liiwnnl harmony
tuui uiiillcatioll ia nteivmg Ihv en
eounigelueiil of iidmlltistrnlloli news-piia-r
umler Ihe lehdership of th
New Vork Tunis, and from tins fail U
is liif.rnd thut the president will lend
his co-ot'iHtioti lo Ihe vlid of -iciiriiiK
a more coliipnct orgalilalion. At th
pn tent w riling it apis-ara thai ''
ernor Flower will la reliommaled ami
Hint iiingrvsainaii Dniilel
llultalo, who bus Hie distinction nl
having iiomimileil Mr. Clvveluud sui
itusivt'ly for sherlll of Krie county,
tnuyorol Itullulo, governor and prtl-
deiit, will la? inated for Lieutenant
t iovcruor.
'.. Meeker, ill dlaeUsalng Ihv h"
picking problem, says: "'I here n
l line yet toenliiely cliaiiffi the cmnli
lion of thv iniirkcl anil selitl hops Up
lo a paying ptiit. Fmiu Hie prvaciil
outlisik I think we ought not I" I)'
more more thaii from ti-i to T'i ivnta
Isix for 1H biiahel laixcs. We have i ll
inurngitl thiaH' w ho iuive applleil to W
for wink to t-xiect that price if he
would hold uenr Hie 13 vent line here,
uml I would vet favor that, even ifw
ismld get bull:i tvllts, hut il the mark
et dn'pa to xero, ua toinv aiiliclpale,
and it latniiii'aa ipivatloii as to wlutli
er it la la tter to pn k or imi, then
w ill litt'd Iii la' tree to tnnkv a oarKan.
for lliv picking w hich wouhl ! tiUil
able. I can see how, If we i-ainn't act
ually allonl to pay litore than .-. "ij
st-r l bushel Uixm, and can att'"
thai, that It W'.uld ! U'ller for I us
ers and I rower and the aisle at
to my thut rulher than have lliv I"'f
oil Ihv sica. We hov there w i l ii"
ts'ain-ha eonlingeiicy, hut invrttie
has do not want to lie ourselviti uu
rigidly l a price we cannot allord
imy. ' If we i-ali b.i-ome aa-uretl ll'"!
In. pa w ill move at l"i cent s-r - i"lJ
then I wi uld y pay one ilolli'r l'
H biiahel Isixes, aa berelofore. 1 1" "J
la this to I- Hiid on the tiitti"". 11
ll" ti lit" i Is bushel IslXIt pllkl'
eurnliifa w ill buy aa much thc-e H ''"
as 1 tr Is la.x would a 'r
or two inio, and that ut ti t- pin" J1 '
tin line In ai;ia la Hi' mure thaii oi''r'
farm w;igv. I udi-iiiubly thfrv t '.'i.'1'i
o la-aome lutltudv allowed fur tl;.. r
tut iniiilitiotia. lu yanla with hi1)'
lohsgeor with a light yield. iiw'l '' i
III '(Ut nt change r sile, or woo '
mulure hops, growers will il""1'1"'"
itttl In im v more that ill JuM
heavy lii-lda. litihl ("llsge and
Highly ri-ned hop."
rtaratr Taafaaait rtt-
iikiix.i.vii.1 k. Im., Aug. l-,
Uwl that tia.k aii exciiraion from f
ford. IK-I . to Ih-la l.lnlid i-ami'li'" '"
wasalartllig home Sum V'' "ru rl" .' '":
new wa rtceived thai a sailboat ''
lat-n cai-alieti in the boy. oalng t" i'i
management, and were tlrowne'i.
The steamer It-ft larfore the reja-rt