The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 11, 1894, Image 3

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    Highest of ill in Learening Tower. Latnt U.S. Gov't Report
fl.e tBI!J Mother llrr Cuffetl Ilia rar
f ilia Mill Our ami hm.k lha tub
llrpralnlljr llecauxe lha Voufler
fc,,urlr4 and Pl).l.
" iiiii e t '"' I" "f "ct I""!
rul J11' "' """"'i ' I"""""!
I ,, ir i ulMreli." anlil an old Z'lj alx. a le ll week. "iMr oil' Anu;ii I
lM.1 a ll uf lM to a bin Iteeelitrer
,,i mile lawk In Ilie wixxl m Klk moiin
I.i;ii. I I.Kitteil I''" In Iii'IIiimt imrti.f
I , triinW. furup towanl llilt. ami when
I w,.,,i i.i murk tlir Itvr mi tliiit I ii elxe
,uil iluini it I imiUiil ll.itt a lr liml
, ,. up awl tluwn Ilia treereral time
!i a til I If while U-fiirv.
1 lure wax. l"t "f icni n Ix-ti li Imrk
r u,r liiitl. iiimI liH'klnu up I w Hint a
I, ,r lx-eli i lnwim. ami lining I" k' In
,. ,,iii.iw where the hi.ii. y lay. 1 tli.iti'f
.,nt in cut tli' irrr fur twuor three W.-.ltx.
. 1 in- ! wt re KM heriiii( liuliey f n.111 t l.e
,i, .,er of :il Kiiiuiii.'r. nn.l. fur fear
I! ii tin lx-r niitfht illrf ltit the tree nn.
.', il the lnmey la-fnre I iit re.uly In tiii'p
H, u.-e ilnwn, I tleel.le.1 loam If I rnlllilll't
, ,ti li tlif lr at it that nik'l't anil ""
It 111 it r art.
"i.'.r he! nlulit I rllmliril the lifiiil-k,
I, . , r i III' Itii-Ii fin k at a .lixiatirr. In inl t Unit thilt mlllnle.1 like the wliinllitf
.( a 1 11I1, (iiIIiiwmI l.jr a ..wr iniwl. ami
...ii ev.-rylhltitf w n xtill In the wixxl
a. it liml la-en. The Ixnr ilnln t make It
inine at the Imt In that Miilit, ami
011 11 1 y way !"-Jiif a little after tlaylluht I
I at (tie liotixe of an 0I1I hear hiiliirf
li.ltoiil hini of my eXx-rlein ein the Wixxl.
"The ii! man l iiiirklcl over my lack of
km'" ieilk'e n'lieeriilliu the luiliita of U-arx,
(,,r l.r viur tlifinik'li it nil at once, ami thco
lieti'I'l nie that the mirking I hail heanl
wn r.iuxeil I'f a la-nt'a feet, am! Hint a
lie.irul"at innkea three or four circintu
anmtiil a her tree in the liitfht Ix-fnre it np
ptiMi -he it. The hear I hail hennl tramp
ilik- nil the ilt-ml lillllM, the (1I1I hunter IMI'I.
Iinl run ni roo my track while it unmnk
lim the lirxt riretitl, am! that it h.el tunilc
llo lf mighty ui k after it hail if"!
Mint of my lt. 'Am! I'll l t ailnllar
that it wax a klie lienr with olio or twi
fill.-.' heaihlnl.
"Then he tolil me to lake a couple of
pj.'cen of Ixmnl with me M hen I went after
t.'ie lar the next lime. Triuu the time
ymi otrike lheiMU nil )m j,'i I to the
tree,' he MliiL 'keep Jiilir l.l on the
Ixianl hy taking ode up from In-dim! you
ami placiiiK it in front of you a'! the nay
Don't let your Ixx.u touch the grounil.
auil when you reach the Ire atrap thf
IxuinU ami bouta to your back ami tak
them up.'
"That niuht I followed the ol.l lx-nr
hunter til the leltet. A little
after tlililliik-M I heanl t he lirtixh cracking
around in a circle, for the nik'ht wan calm
and clear, mid no i.iml ruxtletl the leavra.
The mniiid of erni kin came nearer anil
nearer, an. I whui three circuit had been
niinle l.y liie heavy Mi- I waa n wanled
fur my loutt w aichiiiK in the hitf hemlock
by xeellik! a -he Ix-arxtenl caul iouxly toward
the bre tree, with two cub tak'tfiutf at tier
"The old lx-nr niffetl around tba butt of
(he tree a couple of time, cned at tha top
for a moment, and then tuck her clawa in
the bark and tarted to climb. The culm
Ix'tinn to w hine end whimper liefore thetr
uiollur had puielhe h lilll of her Up the
tree, am! immediately he Ixl'iiii to io.
them byK'ViuKa low uronl and lookim.'
bo knt them. Hut the culia didn't Mop
tl.iir iini-i', 11111I all nt nine the old bear
luo kid down, gave eai li cub a px"l hak
Im;, .it it upon it liniinchi. culTi d it
enr-, lHik her IWl nt it 11 lid told il to xtn)
tin re iiil xhe came down.
" i he cub were 11 Mill a mice, and the
old Ix .ir ijuickly clillilxd to the top of (he
trulik ami Ix'Uiin to tear lit the wixxl W illi
Inr t.i-(,'i. I had ilileiided to nhix.t the
t ir ill tli.- tree, but when ! anwr that the
1. i.e 1l1.1t 'u trying to xteal my honey wax
a unit tier W illi two youii one to hx.k
.ill. r my heart failed me. I Inllit liHVe
Kiiieil iicr ra-ily Willi a ciiari;e of buck
i.ot, but I wax wi deeply inlen-led In her
ill no. I her work that I nunle up my
mind to let her live nud watch her whili
M.e wax dnillK Iter lx -l to iliu thtollii'l I lie
woi.l to where tin lioin y lay.
"In the cniir-e of lidix u or twenty mill
nUxilie ruli Ix-caine lin-l of Mitini; on
I lieir hi.'id quarterx, k'ot ilon u on nil fmir
mi. d Marled to play with one another.
Tuy rolled and caixnil in the under
hniuli, ami lu a little while they Ix k-'iu to
'iH.-iii and hxik up at their mother, a
liM.uuh iln-y were roaxinu her to come
li'xn. The old bear flew into a raye over
the ay they were acting, am! hurriedly
b kin n down iie tfnve them another e
trre fchnkiiitf. xcohUxl lliem, clllTi-d llieir
rirxaiidix't them upon tlieir hnunchex
1 uen xhe ( liiiilxd the tree mice more, ami
fur nearly nn hour, w hile he worked like
a leaver with tooth ami claw Ui ffet nt the
k any. the culi Ml a alii! a xtiimiaaiid
dxia t Kile Vent to a tiuitla himx-r.
"Hy (hat time the old hear had torn
it. rou nb tlw wixxl to the honey, and when
ix- hail eaU D a lot of it the harked dow 11
w :th a .iw ful of honey for her yuunn om
Ti.e i ul gobbled it jjreedily, and the old
lar Main cliinlx-d up and feUheil dow 11
another pawful, which they ate quickly
An of a Midden the old bear Marted I lie
ctii..,fT in front of her, aud in a moment
li e benr family u out 0 atifcl.t. Tiie
li-xt nulit I ctiopiwd the ln-e down and
xnireil the nxt i4 the honey. I k'ot a
VxAhiub full out of the hollow In, and I
won't a bit xorry that I had let the hen 1
Ler cub have their fill of it for once "
-l-'or. Sew Vork Tribune.
The Mrange I'llglit la U hl h klei.lianle ol
Au.tria Uernlly I vend llerrir.
One of t he pix uliantie of royal per-on
are ix the priM tuv of never enrrv iiik nl-.tit
any money with Un til, and Ihi iheiu
into a. I kitiil of ixld . rnx and allien
lurex. Tne ipulnr notion that the.r kn k
et lire iteiicr illy full of piid and imtef
which liny xentter with a lavixh hand I a
f.ill.u y, and III innern-ex out of ten kilik'x,
qin-eiix, empiTor. a well a priurex and
lrini i-e f the lilixxl. tin not Lave a Mu
lr' CtTJ
MM'II IMF AMI IIU! PAflillTt lt.
trie I' -lit itl tl.eir xx ketx. Ill Ihellr-t place.
ill their own country no one would ever
.Il colli of H-kllltf thelll to I ..IV for nil) thllm
in cah or to ri-fu-e i-nxlit, and, x.ii'iidly.
I hey nly upon the pur-. of their k'entle
111.11 and ladiex in wait inn to fiirni-h any
chance ifohlpnx-e thai they may neel. Con
Mipieiitly when, by any 1111 11 111. 1 hiirard.
they llnd tin inx-Uex without the attend
ance of their -nit and alone they are k ii
' rr.illy ix-nnile-x.
An nmiixiiiK illuxtratioii of tlnx which
liap;x-mxl riH-eiit ly on the xoiilb xlojie of the
Stniiieriiiit moiiiitaiii, an hour or Iwo'x
ili-i.ince Imiiii Vieimn. I told by I he .Mar-ini-x-
ile I'oiiteiior. The widowei! Crown
I'rilice-x Stephanie mid her 1J yenr old
ilailklil'T Kliaix-lli bad uinbrtakeii a
mountain exciir-ioii loi;eiher and either in
tent ionally or nivideiitnlly had Ix-cnmc M-e
ar ititl from the (ient lemeii and ladiex in at
teiiilnui'e. II Hilary and tblrxty. t hey xtopxxl
nt a xiu. ill inn and had nked furxntne re
fre-hiiientx, w hen xuddeiily thectown ptiu-ce-x
retnemlx-rtxl that xhe had unthiiii' In
In r xx kel w herewith to pay. Acoinlimily
he tix.k tlif lamllndy into her iiilitldetice,
iiiforme.1 her who xhe wax aud a-ked her
if -In- would triixt her.
It ix to Ix- regretted that the landlady
had, ax xhe claimed, "Ixx ll there la-fore."
blie dix loud to Ix-lieve I hal the xlmply at
tired and iln-t ci.vcre.1 liuly ami child were
arrhdiichx4x and declined to m-rve them
with any ;tniiij iinn-xx they paid for it in nd
Tnlice, el.ll rellextiti4 thelll lo relieve the
inn of their pn-xcuce if they had 110 money.
Crown i'rii.ccxx Mephnnie tixik the niuiler
quietly lie i.'h, M-n-ilile of it luilicroux
tide, bill li v little arclnliichix wux infuri
atcil ami pmtcxtcd with llit-biiit rye to
the I11IMH...U', "AUr wir xuid tlocli rhr
lii he Ijiuc.'' (Bill I a-xiire you we are
honext xxiple )
lu the -nine way the kiuK of Denmark
waft once njxi-iropiu.-t axn ixinlldeiice man
by a Mi-piciiiux jeweler at lliimbiirK and
ordered out of In- xhop merely becauxe,
QudlllK tlixt Jie had not xlilliclelil money in
hi Hx ket lo pay for ihe triliketx that li
hail ixniulil. be hail xhowu xomeemlmrrnxa
menl and a-ked that they xhould la xctit to
lux The l'ruice of W ale and hi
xjuerry p't lluancinlly xtrambxl w heiivi-itilik-
tin- luittleliildx Jn-t nftrr the K ran co
in riniili war mid were only able to pay
tlieir hotel bill Hi S1l.u1 by pawning- (.ill
i rul Ti ilxlr'n watch ul the luoiit de piele
of the hx-ality.
lacraulty of a Naughty liny.
Jokuuiii Meyer, 11 yeara old, oue of the
witknleat bo) in Vienna, bad Ix-ell
n.xny nuie fi runuiiiK away, finally, to
et xn.e hint lo ((ratify hi (le-ire lo excji"-,
! '.' at muht be atol bi d.x.r key,
-ed tke handle throUk'h. tl.ed the end
a. xharp a a uredle point, drew them
Lrvmjjb the akin of hi waixt. and then
I tutDmllLrm together. aud tlic key hun;
' - m Lie Uxly like a ring from iIm boxe of
a -xva. Urn a thu tnablnl by Maod-
"ii s chair lo open thedix.r and h-re
'u hnuxe wheuexcr be liked.
f..rwr-k until he K"1 luaOhlwith
otber bud larja and wa. Lit heavy blnw
wh. - ie key wa 1! waa taken ciixr-
x- t.i a t.;nnl. and tl. dector were t:a
mi.e to ren.n.r ioe key (ill they aawrd it lu
two Xhe Ixiy'a l.e wa lu llaiiller for eT
el day, but now it U txpeclej that be
v-U Jur to tie .pxnkr.) .any tiiura luura.
A Dea4 Uliw.
Heaiih Off.cer I ndrr lb lr. air. jour
family niuat n-maiu in strict qixWftaMnr
tor ti.;ny da;.
Pvtwf.1nu.1a -tto ) OU expect to be aot
'l.l ti the Utrf
ii-a.iu (itrr Uf couraa.
"We... t.xi rat i iW U.
"l!y w.f made aa appotirttkeot tvtr
t a tiraa thl a.'Lrruoo." ilcLrwtt In"
A Man i.nvl. l.-.l of Murder With tlieTe.ll.
nimi) tif a rrinle.l Taltnaicv hrrinon.
rime time in AiiKiixt, lxx;, a mini 1mm.1l
Cnkcrwax placed ou trial ill t tie criminal
court of lleiiiler-oii ixituity. Une of Ihe
j.i 1 11.11 il it iiex nk-a.n-t the defendant
wa-. I'iiiii Kiiltun, and It wn tixm lux evl
di iice that the conviction w n held. Ia-t
Cnker. 11 x.111 of Ihe defeiiilaut, on the ereu
tin! nft. r the trial reinnrke.1 toa youni(liuly
w horn he met :
"While my father ixxcrviiiK a term inth
peiiit.-iiliary Tom Kulton will be arrvuiKa
term in In-il.''
Ou (he nik'ht of the loth of AiiKtixt.a few
ila)x after, Tmu Kultmi, w hile xtnudiiiK 011
lux front tialb-ry, waxxlmt ijiad by an tin
known H-iix.iii. The thn ni nunle by I
Cok.-r to the yotiiiK lady Uxl to hianvxl.
Near Kullnii' ili ail Ixxly were found mim
pi.xex of new xuia-r which had lx-n Uxed
nx k'Nti waddilut. Coker wa Kralitcd a
chaiik-e of venue to Canton. VniitninR coun
ty. Here two trial were k'lven hull. Ixitli
n-xiiltitiK in mi-trinlx. On the Pith of
April "f ihix year Cnker wnx truxl fur the
thud time, and a d.x iioii wax reached, fix
llirf the penally at life llliiri-otnnent. lie
wax coiivicteil wilely Uxiu circuiiixiniitial
evid. tn-e. The pn-cexof pax-r found by lb
lxly provi-d lo lie a copy of The Comnnche
Chief. The piece of pnjH-r fnund by the
bxly and thoxe found in Coker' hut pouch
wheu iluil Ink-ether tit -rf.-cily, and
r.-adiliK arroxa a part of Talmai;e' M-riiioo
wax dix iphenxl, which read nx follow :
Who watched you lt liik'btf Whohaj
Ixeu kixxI to you all your lifer Methink
the Kixxlm-x rf li'l would convert thl
w hole audience to repentance."
Ou the other xnle of Ihe paper wax an ad
rertixeinent which reailrti-uly. Ihixixilie
nioxt r-inarkalile f.alure of the whole af
fair ihe wordx! by Ur. Taima.;
M-.-iii.d to apply xodir.--t!ytothe munlerer,
wbmlnided thewonUby tearilitf Ihe paper
ml u.iiirf a part for a tiuu wad, which wa
found Ix M. hi victitu.
Three xi-i! ahut were extrirnte.1 from
Ihe '.-!) of, aiol threr ie in"
Mini were fi.lil.d lb Coker xbol polll b,
whii h 'mparci idi-ntuady. The looili-d
Ixtrrel of Coaer' un wa U-o rxliiined,
( ul It cilit'lineil lliree ,- of xhot, Cotllu.l
Inn wiTntl.e -tint in Ihe pouch and thixai
taken from the dcwl Ixxly. Ill trial wa
. t and continued 10 time.
Tb rifhlliuj Mriuuk.
The Mi Cook family waxweil repn-xx-Mrd
in the war of the rebrllion, art I (ne mem
l. rx were U' tieraily "bum hnl'' " the
"li.'l.tilin McC.x.kx." (iriieral Alexal.der
il, t ,.k had a one of bix xtxff o(1i..r- Ad
pliant I'm MiC.r.k, of liliim.x.
fi n. r ii.r.inix-ix. 1 the family wrre C;.ta.i.
1 I il. Mi' " X. W ho llnli,'e. to ly.k'lUX
r. .:i..I.t. 1... ut. i.alil 1-jlward Met tx.k.
w-iwikx 111 ti.e regular army, .Ma;..r A uxor,
(1 .M 'k. of the tx eond (ihioi ( aj l U
ll-.irv .V i". of lliiimi, and
M. I.". ''- -nam In t.e i.ary They
u.r (Leu. -ex I rave.y and wm the in
"iiht.tinn M-'-xkx" wliere the baXtie
r.-rd hcrt. -t -Wt.:t.r-'0l(''-
An Ki'onoiny iar Laml Tillers
Sliiiiiltt l.tHik Alter.
lie Trie Ihe I rleet ul X,rra.llii( ul
.r... Afier It lla.l lirle.l, A lung
Thr.uah Hie llrltl Itelweeil lli.wauf
r..lal.e I'laiile.l In l'.r
Wifhitut to u-e a . nie of land that
Wheal Market.
There Ii nothing doing in thf Wat
market, ami prli-re are entirely nominal,
TV per rriiUl lor Walla Wall ami 1 j
("."jc (or Valley bring 0iolixi.
rr.luee HarheL
Kim Standard brand are qtiotixt
a (olliiwe: Cortland, alcni, Cax..
and I'avtitn. fl'.ix'i n-r lrn-l ; Wall
Walla. '-'.'."I; Miowllake, l.'.Ttl; gra- :
liain, I.' 40; and MiiH-riiui', IJ.-V '
(r at ;l..i ;t7 pi-r luliel for
while ami 'Xv inr gray. Koll.-I oat are
iiint.-l ax follow: lt.', .' 7S ' U;
barrel, fi'.'i; cax.-, $.1 7'i.
Mil 1 xi 1 1 1 Itran, I . 17; xlmrtx,
rli' -'Ix; ground barley, 1V; chop l.ixi,
rl'i ' l'; wbole bxxl barley, 117 per .n.
. ..i. I. ll....- ! -x iu.r l.,.i .-I1I. L.-11
waa apparently a nioxt t.nrn-n, wortiiii-e H !., ,kV , t M.r .MtM
plot of gmuii.l, olio ul my iieiglilxir I 1 1 1 . (..k-l, i 1 1.' per ton.
tritxl aoiiie exm riiii.-ntx. Tim onlv veg- Hi i t n -M adv. (,'uotutioin are aa
,..,i.. ' ,1. . 1 follow : I irck'.'ti laiicv rreainerv, '.M
A $15,000 TICK IT.
I'n.iii (he llmotur xill..iial I ..llery
Draw In Mr. M . II. I'ru.lenr liallon
II..). a ri kel I t III U Ifr an. I Make
a ! t.iinii l'r !.,(.
I'lii- i.i . , 1 n. 1 -t-
mil 1.
. I in.
t 1 .
k Li
, H-r Hiiimi ; tnticy uatry, 1. .iv ;
1 ' I'V.
c pir
, 'H'.c;
Ixir tried a new plan, at leant new to me
ami xililv many otherx. He lul l par-tiullv-meivlowixl
pii-i-e of land clo-e by,
ami during the xuiiiiner, w lien t lie
were lnx-1 lor the laxt time, he cut
tbc graxx 011 the meadow, am! alter it
bad dried he xpread it along through the
Vri.i t tin kx- ( invoii i-ablatge, ' xk-
M-r doen ; Cnlili.ruin ctlil.i'. I J x r
cental ; caulillower, x-r crate, $.(HI
H-r doen; parxley, k- H-r doen ; xtring
and wax lx-aiix, :i'(i.i.V' er xiun.,
x-ax, I't'.'lV H-r ixiuiiil; ciiciniilx-n.. ix r xtnall Ixn, 11. .-va 1..H1 in-r
drill l-twn-n the row uf Mitat.N-, 1 1 j large Ixix : California tomato-, 1 . 1
cut the iin-M.low the fx-mml tune, un
xpn-a l the cutting a Ix lore; ami by the
time the'x were ready for dik'ging
the hay bad xetth-l well down on the
xurbicv, ami the bay wnx covered with
the nil wlii-n the (xitat.MMi were dug.
The next xpnug It wa plowed linn Ii
eaxier, aiM-arix more triable than lx
lore, ami alter tilling it well be xoned a
vnriixl aHxortmi'iit ol vi-k'etublex, am!
among tin-in M-pH'r, which, when ready
(or picking, were the Inrgcxt in tin vi
cinity. oine ul the vegetable lil not
do ipnte ax well n tln-y would had tliev
lxi-11 in other niil : but, taking all in all,
lie bad a xiirprifinglv line crop on lit"
bay fertiluer, which lie coiitinuixl to ap
ply whenever the meuduw wa ready lor
Ijt-t xuiiiiner, 111 m-li to my xurprixe, lie
put xeveral t rem hex through the low ex t
part of the i-luy bank, which bn.kc up
even letter than In-fore, ami xctout aonie
fHI or .rKW plant of White I'liime lelery,
lifting lilx-ral iiiantity ol well rotUxl
barnynnl iiiaiiure. Kvery one know
alxiut the drouth we extn-rieiu-eil luet
xiimmer, but he i-initiitiiixi hi applica
tion of buy and the rt-xult wan marvel
ou. The bay prot'i'tix! the acorching
xiin from atriking directly on the iil.
ami all the moixtiire wan available lor
the plant. To In Mire, there "till re
mained lump ol earth which were ex
ceedingly hard, but llit-xe were utilifteil
in a telli'iig manner. In Imeiug bia ci l
ery he would net thexe linnl lump ol
clay around i nch plant, alaiut two iuclie
awav f nun the xtiilkx, ami careliilly draw
the iuoxer and liner earth up to it. The
retllt wax that he had conic of the linert
celery I have ever even, 11 in I it wa aft
clean and w lute In n taken from the
ground an though it had Ixx-n careliilly
wa-htx iiml xcrtibUxl. American Agri
cultiirihl. A NM.I.M 1 Ml (IIAN(t:.
A Hr Mu. I
The u.n u-j r.ever r.'-tde-J to have
any tee'.u j niled out u tbe I u i'l it. ad- ,
tmn,' the mS'-rtT Vj "Lumi cp l-ke
i:in at. 1 Lave the th;ti out at otice "-
Another I . oi.jr Our I an. I Tiller
Mmtil.l l.ui.k After.
A writer in the American Agricillturi.-t
ay: " I xii.hi-c that ca. li year I am giv
ing away a thouxaml huii.Ih of boner;
for Ix-e get a good deal from raxpla-rry
garilcim ami (rum nearly all our (ruitx
when in llower. Clearly here in another
economy that our lun.l tiller xhoiil.l
Uxik after more carefully. It ia not al
together a a market pnxluct that honey
in valuable, but ax a fixxl pnxluct (or
homecoiixtimption. It ix a concentrated
fiaalof the ereat.-rt value. Kvery eirort
xlioiild otii c more Ix- put forth to make
(arm life independent. N long an it ix
dependent on market, the drop in the
price ol wheat, imp, corn and apple
Imnkriipta 11. A gteut ilivetxity ol
cropx, ami a purx.e to raixe aft (ur a
xxxible our own neccftxitle, elllllile tlx
prxirt ionally to Ix- imleK-mleiit o tlin t
uating price. Hut the l-e induxtry i
to In i-oiiiiiietidixl una complementary
necexxitv to xtlccexxfiil (nut growing.
Many ol our grape are not xe!(-illeiii.-mg.
' Some ol our M-ar are ( the name
delicielit nature. All fruit are more or
lexn dependent on lx-e to carry Kllen
(null one to another. I have 110 doubt
but the Mx.-xnion ol a fttuall houxe o(
In-e in the orchard will lx worth thou
xand ol dollar to a man who if row
hall a .Inen or more acre ol (rtlit.
Xitne year the li'i-d of thi help in not
o great ax in other, but there are year
when our fruit crop i I'e-t for lack ol
(xilleiialioii. The year lH!lwaof tlnx
rt; but that year I xaw two xtnall
..rcharilx loaib-d with apple. Inch
orchard had a few hived of U-e. The
cold rain prevent.xl any general and
exleiiMve aid from nixect until it wax
too late. Tin co-operation of mdtlxtrie
ia of vital importance. It hold the key
o( A mluplete holiieotlgbt
to include the prxiii tion of nearly all
that we need for fl and imufort ami
clothing. In reality we wa-te, or allow
to go to wate, a large part ol the natural
product ol the lami. Honey making a
an industry xhoul.1 not lie acparated
Iroin (rtnl ami llower growing, or from
general farming. The art ia eaily
learned, and in a family of xix pcraoti
there will generally In- found one who
find ex(x-il pica-ure in l-e culture,
rruit, Mower and honey an- a pefli t
ami natural iijinhmatmn ol iiidii'tnex.
It ix not the amount of money that we
can wake from lioiu-y that aettlea the
itietuili, hut the (art that what l.ijluy
we Hi-ore ia a iluxirahh rupplement to
our income, and 1 o mill h w ith.lraw n
(rom waxte. We have the hom y il we
have the llino't'. but we neexl the li-
a extractor and manufacturer, who
will xtore it very car.-iully (or future
ll f..r
Salt i r;ce-:m (.r all vegetarian" and aidx in the di,'extnn of the
f.xxl. Th" Ix lief thai it I a preventive
of iiitextifiai worn." ix well founded, (or
thexe parax.t.- an- f..uml iiee-tlv in ani
11. a. x of in,rlnl dig.-xtmn. The un-
d gext.-l l-xx! en- oiirj. thee pexta. a
tl.ev (. e.1 U)x.ii .1 l.r '.f.n the cm.1011 I
n.'Mlx ecr.-t.-l in ti.e Ix.aeii ul
xu;-r:ng from in li.-ex! ,,n. x.a.t bould '
! ifiven r.-ir'ilarly with every fee. I, if I
cut f'xl i n-e-l, tl.eri-e in the (orm '
of a lump of r k "ait kept 111 the manger,
where it may alyx t- re hel.
It 1I1 -mi not make d.tTerenr the ivg 1 ferti.e or not if eaten
a dar or two aaer l-n. laid, bat when
fttorv.1 for ( it'ire uxe it if important.
1. 'J-i ht ..-xund crate; corn, .tw er
doen ; egg plant, lV ii-r xmiii.I ; grti-n
MiiH-r, UV- per n.iiii.I.
Mi I. ix. Watermelon xell at alxiut
$;;.."0"i t r doen, Cnulel.iue are
now on the market at I no ht doen.
Thoi-ii i. Kurt r California lemon,
M.f"; iiiiniiion, ll'ni 3 ; Sicily, 1.1 ;
Mi-.literraii.nn sweet, $:l..pai.i:l.V; ht.
Michael, l.l.i'i '.iS.'Hi n-r Ixiv ; banana,
1.7' '' -.'x' per hunch ; Honolulu, $1.7'i.'
2. to; exlling, ;l.(i .i It.L'.'i; pineapple,
Honolulu, f;l.l ' X'wl ; nigar I.miI, i-'.
Hkhkikh Knxpln-rrie. -Ii.'-V er
x.uml ; blacklx-rnex, I n.V r xiund;
ciirraiita, 4i.rN' ht mmi d.I .
Kkxmi Kin it ( renou cherrie. 15m .W
in-r lix ; aprui.tx, ni .i!V n-r -.Vniml
Ixix . California apple, fl. '.'.' ieriHl-iMiuml
Ix.x; 7'x' er -'i xuiid lu ; pliuii and
prune, tali' xtIx.x; Itarllett x-ar. $1
ix-r lx ; grain-, tl.X per '.M-muihI
crate; Onv"' pcadie, 4().iii.V -r Imx ;
i'altlornia Crawford, 75"'NV wr Ixix
IMiikii Kmir Is'.'d pack, I'etile
prune, lluihv; ilver, lll-'UV; Italian,
Mm Ilk-; (ierman, lh"S-; plum, ll.ultV;
evnMiratixl apple", M..i Itk1; evairatel
apru-ot, I'm' I'-; eacbex, lJi-'lri-;
n-ar, "c lie n-r Hitind.
Winn. I Mill. Valley. u..i 10c H-r
xiund: rinxua, Pi.'im-; Kaxl.-rn tre
gou, f)i.'7c, accordiiig to iiuality and
Hoi- (uiet ; 1S ';I, xir to choice, ll
nt lik-. Contract for new hop are made
at llh" 'Jt ao-onling to lix-ality,
I'h.ivisihn Kaxtern ham, 1111-li 11 111,
i- pi-r xund ; large c; liam,
picnic, 1 1 1.1 IUc: bn-ak(at bai-011, v;
abort clear aide. t' ....-' I Ic; dry all
iile,li i Ilk ; dried Ini-f ham, ll")"' l.'b';
lard, coiiiKiiitnl, in tin, 1.1 UV; lard,
pure, in tin, lu',..' 1 1 '-: pig' feel, six.,
f.VVI; pig' (n t, 4, (d.L'6; kit, H.l'V
Meal Markel.
Hkkk Top uteer, ('J.oAIi.i J.7r; lair to
gixxl Htn-ii, I' .'.'i-'i', cow, $1.75 "
2. IHI; ilrexMil, 4-" V- x-r Miuml.
Mrrros 1 IUt eheep, l.7.rnu i.U);
ewe, frl.lMli.i .75.
I loon Choice, heavy, ll.ill); light ami
feeder, 1:1.7ft; diexix, V nr pound.
Vni. Small, choii-e, 5c; large :h" tc
h r iutnl.
Merelian.llxe Market.
Wiik.vt Itvii Calcutta, lle, caxh.
Hkinx Sniiill white. No. 1, 3'c n-r
1 a, ;i',c; iiutter,
.una, -I
large, white,
;rac; bayou,
1. una. -I'v"'
liii'K Ixhiml, 5.'J5i.' .V.") tier ack
CoHiMim Manilla re, I'-itii h, ix
.piotixj at I'V1, ami Sinai, 7c n-r
('.o rtu Ci.xta Itica, ZW: liio, !!. L'.'lc ;
Salvador, 1".V: Mocha, Wtii ..'; I'a
dang .lava, lllc; Arbuckle'i Columbia
and I. ion, lii. hi) n-r bn-pound cane.
Coal Sale are xlow ami price xteady.
Iiotiiexlic, .'i.(l"i"7..ri) er ton; foreign,
(M.rm.i 11.111.
SriiAB 1, ft'Hc; (', ft',!-; extra C,
5c ; dry granult.-l,b'1ni ; cul-, cruxluxi
ami w.lcrod, b'tc r xiuml; '4c x-r
ixiuiid diMiiunt ou all grade (or prompt
caxh ; maple xugar, 15i. ik- tier Ixiuiiil.
HIM rillMhl'll maiihi-:ti.
Fi.oi k Kainily extra, f:t.44..i :t.rt ;
hakerx' extra, l..'Ml..r 11.40; iuerliiii-,
Wiixat Slow; gxxl U choice hip
ping .iinlitii-x, HT't 'i'ink-; milling
are eaxier, l.l" l.(i'4.
IIahiiv A mall conigniiient (nun
Oregon came down br ateamer; lee.1,
new, hDi2'..c; old, W.inH.'n;; brewing,
new, 7 1 .'"'"ic; Chevalier, atandar.!.
$ l.'Jll'" 1. :".
(lAtx Ihe re.-eiit lowering of asking
ligtire ba hot develope.1 any new bilxi
ne: 15"i 1.25; nirprine, f l..'(
i".:i5; fancy d-e.1, ll.Jtlm 1.25; gl t"
choii-e, M.IO'rt 1.I71- ; tmir U fair, ttk "'
11.05; Mat k, nominal; red, iiominal ;
grav, ll.fc-'i " 1.15.
Hoi- Numtual at u -iic r (h.uii'1.
I'oTVTorx Karly lioxe, Jl) 1 '-'.rx in ack
and :i0"4k' n-r rental in lixe; while,
25 "4k: in at ka ami .'fl"i.rxle in boxe;
xweet, 2"llc per xiuml.
I Mum. (iiotahleat 2.i'. 15c per cental
for red and tfi"t7k- for white.
Wool. Spring, vear'a flux e, 5'"c per
pound; ix to night uiunth. San Joa-
iinn, poor, 0 "ln-; ix to mint moniiia,
san .hxviiin, fair, tene: llumlxildt ami
M. 11 lix ino, (air, " I'x-; and
Mendocino, choice, 12 ' hx : Northern
California, U" Ilk-; I'alaiera an-I loot-
l.ill. a "'.I-; (ir leu ai. l w arlungton.
liea.'V and dirtv. 7c ; g'l to choice,
a I-; Valley, 10"' 12c; Nevada, heavy,
li "ac; choice light, '.1 ' 1'.
Te DraOM llrankarda 1" III kly fere.
A achetne U Ixmg Ulk'-I up in Augilxta
to make the ntnto a trili of the Kn-ley
cure. Tlte plan I that thf Jxdicri and
mnniritl judg.-a xlutll lt empowered,
aft-r a man lia Ixx-n .-iit.-nct-l a certain
liuuilx-r of tine- to lo aetid lain to
the K.x-b-y cure at the xtate'a eii-n.
Jadgw Andrewa, of tlw A uguxta munic
ipal cotirt. i a trnng wlv.nate of tl
trhetue. He would Ijive the rountr limr
tae expetix.-, and if a man rcUld to till
jl'l habit afw takuiif the treatment
arliUar him l, Uto pnaaO for jmT
- Lewulut) vMe i Jouruai
.' Hull In made a iitall
ratnlxuit It Nile.) to .,rk. but had all
the Kern. ,,f 1 iijT.,1, a Ut.r invention.
.-( 11,,
ui. 1
.1. 1.
nun 1
. 1 u
....ri.-r, .. nni.ei. up alio a mtK.- ttir to g.x, U"( ' I V ; COIIIIIIOII,
iilautity of pour gra- or tiil.l xorrcl. I Cuii; Oregon, ll1,-'!-"
The oil waxof hard clav, ami ina.lMUth 'x'imd; voung Ameri.a. 1..
1. ..i..i 1 .'.1. .1 -i.'Swix. imiK.rttxl, :u ;
1. xxi- to to. 11. "lil v.l I..V ... rn j ( j,
inclie, ami .xxibly more; and I have K,uix'-Sal.- were made at l-",c lor
Mi-n a heavy xhowt-r, laxttng m-veral orlinary xt. k and 1 If lor candled,
hour, pout .low 11 iix.u it until it Mi med I'm 1 1 nv - Weak. Old chicken are
a though it would .U-lnge thewhole xt.r-1 '""'!; ",' ,-,",:Kw1r,1l,i!f I"
fiuf, imt to my Mirpnm ftT it Im.l or tf,VM.( Viiiiie lu kp, J .1, thl youiiki
iv mm I rmniiiw' lW tm.liinir., ttm i;r.MUil I "7.'m. Tuikry an niH t
MM-im-xt a hunt mil .try at it I ml Utti ii.i im.
U'Urt. -him Nrw Cliforin rtl, It jh t
Two yrrtrt n.; Iiu-t fiiiiiiiirr tliit li.ti.l hhiii1; cllnw, l'4t m t munl.
wrtf Itrtiki-n up, iiiHiiiiritl Mint lmitl t tu '11 mv linn Ht v'i .i h t
with HiatiM-, wlnrli yirlit- dlnntM nmk. Niw I trt'Mii an n low t uV nr ,
iiitthinv;. I.ut it hum Uvrv Hint my iiwitfh-, nark u Aii-tMint ol Umii vitv niimll.
fllel 1 li
. I Iw .,,,
I tliiMl k. II l I
' . tl I'l'nll-'M
':t.n nt I tin, tor m I
1-' III - It itl -1 I tmlt lit"
nt r. 1h.(!, ..( Ml, . i, ,.
( l -l H . ll Itf ll I tt t til I
. In . t M I !.
f i . I 1 1 m ' i - 1 1 i i ' i
Mit T 1 lit'll (Hlti, I.f
M, r , , m t ln ,
. Ill 'If, l! ail l'l Hit.
" I. l:ll .'I lll I.., l'r.1
Will ' f t I
.-! M Itl. ,
!' a
't.l It-,
Ml.-i.-f .-f
1 the hi
tali liitW
. n Im k ii
In h .Uin
i.ti ..
, I'ni 4
.rti.r I'M-
til All lit U
tun at t I-
I ''
Hi Itr l.-a
i l. f
inri, l-'in
ii"r fiHti
ho; Ii. II.-
M tl 1 Ml M.
11.111 II r
' I., r I,.-"
H I, I
l I
W ll'.
iicrniisi i 1 1
I 1 ' 1 1 I , t'Ht T ..1 .
I. '( tt I.I.
i tt'W II It lltIM t '
ill tit' 4 1111 1
' (tin iih it 1 1 - r mil .if i
lar. li il'na.l I t U tur
t M 1 I
t tit
It. Hv'.i
t th II"
'. 1 "t'l I. )
..I t, .
i H I n t.
tl'" !,
1 If
. ti. r '
; i -it
..i i ft
I- 1 ' liatllMl
Ml ill If
i-lxC, .-I
r""-,H.ii.1i-ni. id. hl.i'i
itctlr k fi ii.loftn.'!,.
I'rti li-ii il I ( r, tm
i 1
I al l .1 t h I I' .'1 '
.1'iti- r tl, 1 ...
III- N. M I If li H i illi'h,
it 1
II ( r a. (Mi
U 1 'ajl I
II- r..t . i
1 li l not k. '
- M it Mr Im. . . .l id
n. ii,, Ir.'in tlif
t k '
.o t . t ,U in tt, ,t I,
.' N". Lot tUVai'lI 1
'(! j' lt'i r
' W Ito tl A IV I'M lllf tit. MX i T (. it
" I ,!, Ii"l rift- ,t Mt
" l H 11,1' .,H fi .If III I'lMoliT
" 1 IimI lt ,1m tiol loiiii-i'itiiii 1 t roll tlo
lllltrrt - '.i nim tel. I llu Mi thnt .. not wnnl
lll lllllo M't'l rlt I I lull, t , k'iO
lt 111 I l!"l ttl.' tilMlif. , Nil.) II Nl a atllt . . tit. I
ilo not linn. I IfUlnK M (H-'aoi, nttoil i 1
1-MllM (of l -Illlll of ll.a.l. Nil. a,t,l T,
iih li ttriu l V'. 111 i lii Mtv lrnM uiK. f r mi
M ft, nti I mtU t ll iln-N i ln moiiry J ..u v)
U-rt. -1 It for hff, an. I alii tilt II i ii m '
W h atl , t ..tir ifi ( Willi II
' I 'Ll tt"t 1 UN U(. f all-' M 1 m l1 If
I'l Ml. 'Mt It I- lift Hil l 1 ali.ll l.rtV.
liml m.i1l.r fiitir. 1" Iiit
III a hi- lr-U I.i t fc. t lotitf
" ufT nimI on i r t flM. (h.i or thf,- ,mi
I alMat ,firrl lln-iit of ,rr. irr.liii. 111.
tnoto i ilin-rt t,. ilo- foiiii.niijr
' How ill 1 !, it-ivi.r tli ii. mb l In r ito. t
1ml -
' "hr nut i g hU .1 , M hii M. Mil. Ill' I N- '
Xlr I tn. It'll i t ll lol liof r.Mial.t, I t.iivlliaj
lotlff It. ki'ta Motaf thill ili-rlllliK Itl I 1 1 Ufa-.
ntitl linn t. tiuu,! tl at tronl t ti 1 1 1 ti
rt-iT'i tif! atNMit tlif lualtfr tin il"l-alili
i til i in, Mhh h, U 'lii- a r ii tititik! iimii, ht
lii noi i h.ii ifini.t'i i ) i'.iiii,.i, Jm
rlor 'rrriiiii In Hmimk. I.Mir.
Kmiu ;irnii) urn -i tuition. in.nU uf itn
mil-jut Ihe ntuhi -ii im,. MiH'rtr to In
Jlll ililll lllllt H tit; I rH I Ma.M t tif NT
rrptimi uf ii. mr t. it mvuli r ii fc;l'' tlmmhi
Civilinl r.iri'. Mil i in, nti i. It-lit ti
tin facta j-r'M-iit l ly lr '-ttr Kia
Uforc tin I'ihiiLIiii ht-tiiuii', riiiUiltl
-liin, liio stntftiii nt nivrriiiK thi riulta ul
a ll It ir-." I . til I Illlll Illlll ntlMHik llltliatl I till
iln-n. I m nf iliii U'ih )mi.
KifM'tiri li- if Ihii rliartn trr nliiiw; t h itl
In m iM liiiiin uf lii while U-ia fruiu mn
oim piirm . f tli I ininl Siuir nt Ii t I)
of I ho iiiiinUr wi.tiht Im v (iroviJ ouhn
liliml. Aniohk, nil ll.rv linliitu Imyiunl
allllt r.tM' uf thf klllil Hii iJlM'uVi rinl. -
Nt- Vurk Tnliiiiii.
it ic i r. i nr. s.u ..
HxV.lnlUfa Hh.l opiilfv won't it. Til' 1ir
ritiaa tit Hot' I hi- llff .-a t Ion tf . I Ut 1 1 UK
til llil tilt, lull altilll o I it-l Ui l Tiaf ilia Htlal
nl Ihfir iiiif tu if icoi. nl m hii hi t tr' tin
ruM-a-Hii tlif ntilv 1-1 titrvniia Irriiaituii
Mti'h lrni, ma if I v taiiiilr, tin ir lrtint ii
laliittlil in judicial lu itn- .(i lit-Nif i ritmilum
uf whn h tin-, ai t.anil in nnlrr In irii w
tlli ir illlrtltl I ttil'l lliirraMil Hln Ulirita
- rTi-littiilU 1 -i-iH i nt f iM-aaarv lnlt llrr
rttuiiiai h l 1 1 te r l nil i III. Iilit M'MlllHtf or
atirh m riiM loll ilrtlL. II Mint U thf lit-rtr h
liflM'ltia, tilllltlK , ft I r-t lift ll' ll I M at tilt' til. 'Illitrull
1 1 -ft ton ti-lWrfli Wi'Nallf 1f Ihf tif f mil
trill im thai o tin orifana uf l lt('l lull l a
iruiitf nimI irmi'atlii tir link. I In- Htt-r t)
lliilkrtritlitf a liftill lillil Hn.iiM In Ihf iliHalt,f
Nil. I awl till lilt HIV I 'I III' I toll a rotli,f I 1 1 T H IfT I MM t
I llf W tit ill atf lit a ttfol III W lllf 't till lit r f
fiini lii lot a Urf altar I ihi Hlitna in
tnalarla, I'uiiklipalloli, t.llloill til atlllf
Mr-. Jflika ! Voll ktii.w I atWa ItH'k Wat
Itl ialirH? lt I III!' 1 Who tuhl Jim lllf
Mrs. Jin. - M hu-l
im l-
I IHI IIKWlltl. aallMI.
Thf rrMtti-ra uf IhlB nMr Will Im ! lo
IfHtll I tl M I ttirr.' In nl I ital ollf n 't. iU(mm
tluil M'lfin- 1 1 Ha tMfii nttlf In run III all Up
atHL'fa, tili'l Hint I rairirth. f I Ml 'a ntarrh I itn
la Ihf till I V )hiM' l-tltl' HUN a till W II tn tlif till !
ti-nl (rati rnliy I nlnrrh, l.flii a runaiiiiiilonnl
'lUfrt, fi inlf. a riMiftlitulioiirtl i rt-Mi itii-tii .
1111 t aUrrh run-! lakfii iiitrrimlU , f hi.k
llffi'tlT iei fl thi' IiIimmI ni, miitoiia iii(Mii-a tif
I l.r att-til, tin rrhjr ialritt iiitf thf IuiiimIiIIiiii
uf tlif , im Mil l rriv I nar lh (mtiflit ftlrri'rtli
nt hiil.iiliitf tii Hi1 rtitiallttttton aiol tIIHa
natiir In ! Hk Ii work 1 In- r-.r i-lr Imte
a.. ni'M-h lal'h In t niralitt t.wi-r that lhf
ort.-i ) lliiti'lrt Hnlhir for any raf Ihnt It
(illlt to f lllf "V, f r lta i, tfatllllolltalt. Al-
,rf K J ( II t KY A i . lult-l.i, (i.
tV Kolil hv tlnifiruiB. ?-rftita.
tlint tlwrci fri-Hihlw alHvi
if yuu'rr KuttiitK thin,
H ahoWa that Vltur U"d
im iniHiviriihtal, ami yuur
urnita iitniiKt. tttnl
wlmtuvfr yuu t foil to
prutM-rty iiuurlab you.
AimI J'it an ImiK m ru
ntimin Hi ttits n.iMlitliifi,
Cnuiuiiiitiuii, rnrifiMrfiUL
ml titln-r h mfuJiaia bVJmI
ilniipffroua (liM'nafi ftr
hk. ty U ffutfi tin you,
Yuu aliutilil titulil yirur
flf up with I'r iVrttt1!
Uiilib ii M-1 1 til Iiaijivrrv.
1'unfv ami mrh-h th
t)tnnd( rmj mrr-ry iirnn Into iwtiimJ
tUim. ami ImiM up Unit by, wUilawKitas
fkMn "tjrf, jr.
Vnr Sir- Wa hwvw tit
Da R. V. riiai-i:
emir "ll.M l." in our faimlr "'i'l flnl tiollni,
ela lorxjital It. I in of our eliiMr.-n li. Ilie
pneumonia, and ime litnar Ix-.x.hmi e.rtm,u
dUxl, lint ll lie Uxe.if IIm. "Illwx.very
nx euureijr reuuvt-rw, aoa I uow
erj - tl
U rxxi
w ' ' V fT C ' T not c. ' i. J
tiu: nrr or n tox:,
Tli rrann why Ai iuh k's I't'iioi
tim arr M.MiUr ia that thry may l rvtiaU
on tu ii. rr:
1. I. a l-4i k, m ialu a, iilfiiru or twiu h
il.rf uf tlir iiium Ira.
'. I ht Iruiihii-a. atit h a itruriif pnrii
iiioma. i-uiiftiiiut'tiiMi.
'. I loiiK'rat lull, ityraia, hi I lull lirai.
knlnt-y t .1111(1.41 tit.
I hr ailt rffta. hnnrvrr, Will ilr?tli tlotl
thr 1rhaitirtira.a uf tht- (.iajitrr iimsI. 1 he
"! ilrti it ol A I 1 1 1 a I'ukut a ,' .aTkaJ
ha I'l'ti ti t,Tft that inultit uf Itiitlav
tioii" nr nrtitiK tin u-t rvrry tin. I. Tha
tuny turf i tiif t.i trt tlio Kriiunii A Lt
t a, 'a I 'oh i I'l ! 1 ii.
I'kvMhkiMa I'uia 1 111 f.rova thr 1 !((
W oIJ.,ll a .
.. .Iaatl F
i'iiiii a watn
ir,' H't or.f.
t f a fliiin
oil lllf illif, I. til
I'm Etiaiui ll!iituta HiUaa. Doi1tiat,Doamll.
TkT Oinwii lor t-i-akfaat
I Can't Sleep
t liava a irel, worn.tit feel In. Tbl
nietna tli .1 Ilie iiertruu. vx'em it out uf
t.rdrr. Wh.-n tine limit I mad.
Il.xxl'a neleil to parlfjr
and Titalie ti.u ..xl, and tli'u ti..I)r ner
i.u atn ngtli. Take il iitiw. 1U' member
R lure in get
' ' aVVfVfV
HOOd'a Plllarurnx.:! I trr li t. B.ll.iu.nrxa
Foth tlio tuftliotl ami result wlirn
Svrup .f Fi- in taken; it UI.'AMiit
nihl refrrxliiti ( tlio tunic, tli acl
pi-n.ljr yet pr.uiiptty on tlio Kiiluryu,
l.ivir mul IriiweN, clianm tho ie
li m rtlis't unity, lixM-l roKU, liea.l
tii liet ntiil fever ninl rnreg lmliittiul
i'i'iixtiintion. Hvrtit) uf Figs U the
only riMiicly of" it Liuil ever pn
iltiieil, iliiixiti) in tlio tuito anil ac
r. ptulile t.) tlio utiitiiai li, tinunjit in
it action nml truly U-ticficiiil in iu
ell'iTt, irriarot only from tlio mot
lieultliy an. I ne;rvmlilo Bulwtaiu-ea, iu
luuuy cxrcllriil quulitirf comnictul it
Id ull ami Imvo mailo it the luoat
Miitilar n' known.
Hyrnp of Fipt it for nalo in 50o
nml tl lx it l !c liy oil Kailiii dnig-j-ixta.
Any roliulilo druixt who
may not liavo it on Imml will pro
iiirc it promptly fur any oua wlio
Ui to try iu ua axpt any
louwiiu .nr. nt iv ron a r.
n your l:m nro tlio llomos
f C.i'iisiimptlon rj.'rnis. Tho
lisivis.'il spi.tH uro Wi'X'il out
.villi new ti siio iii ido hy
i 1 1 in 1 1 1 i n i ii i aaaia
tlui C.riMiii tif Ctel-llvor Oil,
.inil liypt'pliospliitos. This
.ii-ts iiiiu.. tliatcly upon tho
Limits ,i;i I iiiak"S now tlssuo
tlHrt. Jliysiiians, tho world
ovt'r, ciKlnrso it.
Don't te dccslred b) Sutslitotes!
l-,apitl ti hcvi. 1 Uu, M. y. ail IxnegiMa,
tu Mi. Iim ix trettkle t4 Ci
i ix Ely'a Crtim Balm
litli Htla Into im Nru.
I'rle.-VI ei-li !.. Iri.(lil
.f'T i ii , -
A.I lor Tlet l
Big Four Route.
i. o. Mccormick. a. a. aairm.
I'a. Traffle Miiir. (lea. I'm, a Tkt Al.
anarahle laiallrx anr) N KHVK 1UMIJL
Rukl l.r iruin. eaul l.r mail. stu..tua
ami II.UU mr lawkatre. tmmpkm frxa.
fr Uf The Faront TWTt fCTlU
11. VI II J tor lite litli awl iirm.fai,
tii IKi:: Imzl I
fir I I'liii i t tf'.raf'-r tr ( ai-t ruilt fir
n,l"al M ana . nf Mai I al ami fri!
ti. 'rixiita4ur-r.ej ati't I
aH for iiiaf r a- 't'H - ,.ra ir-a anil ra-a I
ittultie-a i ii al ' '! fu t ..! fr-a to alijr j
t,a tU-m li ar u..t"t.a i ah a..trx f-mtf (
i , pr i atf uti a 4' Hm"it . ran t ra Mat.' .
I HI 1IKK, M-l i' K IK. PU., and
i ( l f I . y ,y i,n-ri,lir, I. rtnrniatl'.D
. I hr it, iJ lais (inlfr fill .rarvaila aaaurra
I an riaMin riiii.f( lefi-arf lug frit It and
; lat'l- snf al kiinla. So Mul un tirt ol
fruii. mm time aol tabor, ami ia lb rvrr wmj
' a 'lirlilad tm ftxaa.
la miM hy all dru.rp'Uta and rmrn. and Ucfa
TkCt Hi lr Vaval aay 1 Will.
Portland, Or.
V. L. Douclas
.It t-t W'Tiintj Laa alira ar.fiir aVl'
f 1 Inaii atrt ttaflti; tl.r tiohlrM uuaii,
m.tieiij iia-ti t ;-!- 4raifc
. h ? :.-
Hi tV HU tiKlif mb (HK HACK
a. lie? li rrfftCff wetn a ln.V.en Yil reee.!
w.r . . - I i.r , r - , r
r if-r at i "arv lu i J i.r .
. all 19 il 7
V. I.. Daaalaa 13 OO Kbaa.
flaf aaaa, a ara lha larrral fnsoafartarara f
thu abta la t,a rll. aft'l ajuarantM Uta
aiua ttf staantnff lha aama aa4 prto tm U, wairh nlaar jou aaainai alh prU- and
lha aii MUtnaa rri flta, ihtr ahiaaa ruaJ ruatt
ft la la. aaav Itttinf and anr qtaalttt
hahm a-'itl vrahara ailowrr rri.-ara
iha alua aia ihsa tnr mhr mila. Taiaao auk
Malatata It jVUff CaVOaHH aHaiti fata, wa aaaaa
CAS and
In Every Detail.
Tka n(lne are rknnwleilf4 by eieertenv
Itliteer lu lie worthy ol htahexi
t.r lainlleli, hljch (ra.1 aiahxrlal ami luperlnr
workotalixlilu. They tlTelt Ik lull aelual
herxe x.wer, and ran wllkuel Klxrirtc Kpara
Hailer) ; In rxleta ol If allleu I almpl, luea
lenxlv ami reliable.
fur pamuliif ou.DM fcir Irrlnttnf aurvneee
no better eufiue eaa be louua ua lit faeine
rir huUtltit oaiat lor alaea Ibe hare Bet
villi hlalM! apprural.
tm li.torauiuui pueer taelr eeopoaiy la a.
-MaarracTTKED ar-
Cee. rml a4 Allw ate.,
Head I or eaulofae.
-w!T s mm-
kree.1 awle eiiit
It BMke, a iM. lire, aweet loal. Dealer exll
II oa the JMxxlBtarr' rUMxiie. 1 LunekT
A DlVaaa, mu4. ua,
tie tuciioi HiuitggiitEi i:h
I" enre leth ta Mmea4 a.atrrela.
roeaet, nt all
mie ih. Lxuroe la iaintu'i4.
tl. Ml aaxl axrtaln. frio. H pjr teiD
Ill kwlx.1 tnr nipBMal. XmT.
'ml lex, with dlre.-U.Hi lor ov a. a.
exeal.alloa. tot ! by XHlta tlftKMI-
jr tjff
N. P. N. V. So. 8fl-8. F. 21. V. 5a. S3
J Beat t we rr-.. T. Vm f 1
j f j W. -m fcrtlxilu. y f