The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 28, 1894, Image 1

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I.TiBLISIlEI) WR TIE OlaHimTiO!. CP OEtO!RlTin mvirir. NP T
NO. 31.
The Eusrne City Guard.
ii-iti.isin:i) s.uuiday.
titlilirr and rrprlrlr.
i ; I ".' 'in tii liet M -f viiiin't
sr.; ''. -i- t it nl ia-iiia Mrrs-ts,
i k;!h 'iv u'iwckmtion.
I' r aitn-iiu . .
, ..nlli....
I ,ra. uinilJu.
f i l
, l.i
, .71
address 6an Francisco Cal.
I rl'ttin'j Ilitt Mt'lf KiiOtru on j
Tim lvrtl'ra wilt U charged t th. ful
a-iii., rt'rn
. m. iir tlna initli
auuar. i iit'intl"
- Ur en. jrr li! ml
rriii'"t n-tit- in l-al octutua, 20 nuta
,r lino I r m h iru.-rti.-n.
' Vlta-rli'lin l.ilU "ill t melar! itiarUrljr.
All l"l wmk iuu U rili roao im ivikr.
,1 S. IjUCKKY fan
Dl'.At.KIt IN gjkij&M
Clocks. Watcnes, Ch.rnj. Jewelry, Etc.
JT-ll V ork Warrant. 4. I
iiKFU'K -i-B' half with nt 1'. t.
a.'Sii-i-i.l "it utim giiao to Cllis-tlnti.
mi I 1'wh.. .
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
I 'liytsici.'iu mi'l Siirn.iii.
:titr- ani ri-l-iii' our "tiitlii-v. Il'.urs;
T t '.' a. Hi.; 1- t.. li la '.' 1 1. m.
Svw IVs.mi. -.l Ne I'riiv. In For. Ikii aii'l
li.iliu-tl- lliili' nt. I i.raii!!.', Mi.iKiuiriili.
li.-a I.'imii in 1 iVmovri nrk of
all Mini, fir Isal
Willain.'i!.- St'ci, iii ir l'''.iSnv K"i.-t.i-. (it
(If sa M I'Ki, ni" iiuiar ilat. ut
M ir. lvi'i
S. It. Men. Mm. '.,
lltifur. On cur.
I kn l l.KMt.v ; On nrrivint; lionic In -t
wtH-k, I runt all well uikI niixloiily
utiituitf. ir little nirl, Mt:!it hikI oik
Imlf yrsirx ulil. lm Inul wnxttil nwny
to :;sniiiiii. Ih nnw well, tronj nml
vmnriiil", nml well lli-lictl up. S. II.
fundi "itn lint il'Hif it work well,
luili uf tin- liillrvii like it. Vmir S.
11. fuiiith Cure nir'i uixl ki-jit
away nil lu':irin- front im Si give
it toYvery otif, villi irrii-liint" fr all.
WMiinn yon jiniiK-rity, v un'
Vutir, '.Mil. ami Mks. J. K. KiKi.
II tii m .h tu (ii l Irr.h ami rlirrrful, ami
r-. l' tin-;",,.k'. witrk. i-lraiiw. Hie .y.ifiti
;'li'lh.- Mcailarlir ami 1 Iv. r ( urr, I'jr laklnf
twii iir llm-i iIiim. a f'k.
Nii'l iiikIitn iMiMtdvi Kuaralili'
:i rt iil. Ik r liltii- iy ail ilriiimi.ta.
j. lTpage
ll nl ntri:r ami Kaui-j iinlirt tiuugtal lu III.
('.. uarai-ta
Iiflusiviiv For Casli,
I mil oil'i-r tlie illlilio U'lUT iriil
I linn Htiy "'tin r ImiiM'
: IN Kl'(5 KNI-1 :
I T. 1 , i.-.. if nil kiluN t liken at marki t
i. i Irsi'm k,
KaKIK, .1 aU.
First National Basil
Oi Eugene.
Paid up Ush Csr,:ttl 50.CC0
Surplus anil Profits, 30,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
onrrai' !niiur !. n rai
i:VTtnfc Swtit ilrafta .11 NKW VKK,
HIi "Alio. SAN niANCI.-ii'U a;i I l' iKT
'.M. oi'.KiiuN".
Hili. aichaii. ' I "n f .rti.n "'.ntri"..
ij. im mirr-t V hix k -t "rti.
Ail 'I'.itN'tioo. tnuil4 to a f--il
I" Bitit
DavS, Henderson,
Furniture , i Dealers.
Eui!t;n, Oregon.
it the fliurcbc..
Tally iiuaril. Ju'.jr 1.
Ouiti); tu tin- fact thai Uu iri'Mt'liili;
M-rviii-a tcrt lirlil ut tin- lUiitll mill
I'lirli-tiun i liurcliia ycxleriliiy tlm imii
Kri'iiliini ut tin- ntlier rlmri'lif t re
lair in apito uf tlic aliM'iiiv of mi litany
ut tliv aiiliiliicr n-Mirta.
At the Mi-tliiMliKt il'unli a Uutiful
and luiiroMve iminnrial wrvliv in
honor nl Mr, l.ncy Ntiinilt-ro, ua
lii'lil liy tin- leaK'tK', at ":!'. In tliu
t'Vt'lllll)( tlll llllllM- HUH Will flllltl to
liinrlir. Milnturll on tlivi;ri'ut alnko.
Ho took u a text. Art 7 -: "mw,
ye arv linilireii; why ilu ye roiiir, one
to unotlier'."' We aru furnialinl a l-rirf
out.llie of the mtiiiiiii. Ilu faiil:
"We live in xtiWmi tinuit, anl tiail
lieula are ikihIiiI. Ilrmul, true man
IhmmI ik 111 Kreut ill inaiul ut tliu iieail ol
anil in every greut imiveineiit. Thia la
an hour tor miU r, earnet thounlit.
Ainerieu la lint u I'laiv to iiiuke money
hut to rou-tin loltiiKt MiMltile eliar
ui ler. Ix't the world feel that alul we
w III ii'uw to he a iliiin'iiitf rtniuil for
every iiallmi. foni;reo muat iiinel
aoiiie luw hy whleh ilillelelieea U
twet n ruilrouila and their einioye
may U-M-ttlrd. IIiii-iiuk. muat not le
paralyzed. OutMil I lit. untea of eveiy
inaliulnrtory men lnUl colli tart to
work iii-iiiniiiii; loioinliiiiiiii.t illid.
I'he law inti-t l" uplield the Kovein
un lit iiiii-t live. litrt'Kitrd for luw in
hlKli pltuvn 1 1 ax priMlueed the name in
low piuce. Aliurehinin is ut the lop of
MH-iely u well ua ut the laittom. 1 lie
common .-ople uie koiiik to "peuk uinl
they liili-l lie heurd. l.alair Hilol not,
however, run the country. Itn mia-
lukea lire diareard lor luw, viololiiv.
illl-e iilena of riKht. Arhltlutioli lllll-t
M-ttleilllli rt lliva. A Ineiilator InImnI'k
great plan.
"A hlrike cota too lilllcli. The
K'riutri-l tyranny la the tyranny of one
man like U'lm The ad Ike coat full
foriiia M.'i a r ilay. From tight to
ten tlioii-juiil Miple liuve Ui li tnrowii
out of employment many million- of
proTty have been di-alroyed
ilioiiHuinN of uiiimul periahtil inul
could not liereliiovetl. l'ure Aliiericni.a
do not xtrikc. America for Ameri
can nhoiild lie the cry every w here.
Aliurchixlil muat ille."
I'AVKII Willi (ilil.ll. ir:illt I'llaa
Courier: Few aople .ire aw an. Hint
the atreet of thia city lire pMVeil w ith
K'lld, yet alieli it the I'llM'. A almrl
time iiyo a lady walking nluiik' Sixth
alnvl, noticed till ohjeet which txeiteil
her curioiity. Mie picked it iiji and
took it to the dank add wua Informed
that it wii ;o!d. It welcheil "' teiita.
Site went lutck to the aniue plaiv and
on vlo-c lhinilioii, found iiiiothcr
piece, ullhoiiuh Mnaller than lliellil.
The gravel w in-re the -odd win found
hud lai'li hauled oil Ihenlni't hy team,
taken from a Imr 011 Itogue river near
tow n. The Imr liiia heeli liM atcd and
proMi'U Well.
AiTINU l'iml.l.illl.V. Alhuliy IVlll
ocrat: An attempted cno of aulcide
win reHirted to tin lii'inocmt, hut
an lnvct lira! ion failed to we 11 re
aiilllclelit eviili liiv in the matter to
enlnlili-li the fact. It wa diflnred,
though, that 11 very voiiug girl Inul la-en
acting very foollahly, and right here
we would like to give aeveral young
girla of Alluiiiy the latherly adviiv to
1 11 i t acting foolishly, keep good com
pany, dou'i run around uu the alni ta
except on lillaineaa lilid lie careful of
your conduct. A good nainu 1 la tter
than great riche.
Cliambcrlain's Eye and Skin.
A certain ci. for Chrnnic Soro Eye,
letttr, Salt Hiieuui, Scald lleiul, OIl
Chronic Sores, Kevtr Sored, Kc.tuiit,
Itch, Trairio Scratcliea, Soro Nipple
amirile. It it coo! inn and Boothing.
Huuilreiln'f cases haTo heen cured by
it after all other treatuit nt Lad foiled.
23 centi ier Imjx.
Kor .air l'T OatmrnA
Tiik iN-riifTK. The following ad
ditional tenchera have joined th UN-
tv inatittlte, iiiuking 7:i ill all: Luther
K. Milledge, of llerillllllll, I.ivvia
Sknggi, of Junction, iAtllia Mnitli. of
Kugelie, Klilil Mewurt, of Mohawk,
Ora Iti-eil, of Junction, and Mia. Kiu.
n it llayea, of Kiigcuc.
Pally Ouarxl, Juijf L
Sii Kin Sai.K. Kx-Slieriir N'
latld. thia Bi'lorniMiii, Mild at alienlTa
aale Iota ii and 7, hlix'k In, in original
I. 'Mil of Kugrnc, laluligilig tolico. H.
Walliu, ut I'lil'lie auction, under tx-
tf-tltloii. The property w a purcha-a d
hy A. L Wiaalisa k fur tl""-
ti.ily i.u.M. Jnlr :
Mayor Friendly viaitcd Salem yi
Mi llattlf Walton vlaitetl Ciea
well yratenlay.
Ilev. M. II. Struveii arrived home
tlila aflemooii.
Jaiue llmul la running a warcliotiM
at Montnouili tin.
MlaaSallie Wagner I vialtlnglrlclnU
III Muliim k valley.
K. It. Skipwnrtli vlaiuil Junction ti
day on law lui-iin-.
Miaa.M. lai. the milliner went to
e-nlriu thia morning.
Aunt Marv Walker la vhillng n lu-
tivea at f Invtrdale.
Jo. Klein ami wife, of Allumy Hp. lit
luat lilght in Ktlgetle.
C. W. Waalilmriie, of Junction ajant
laat lilght III Kugelie.
Norniiiii ( irny, of Floreiuv, la visit
ing relative In F.ugciic.
lien H-liiT went to 1'ort luliil oil thia
luoruilig'a liM-al train.
I. Jariiiau luia relurned from an out
ing at the MeKeliie hridge.
Mr. S. II. Friendly ha returned
liome fruiii a visit to I'lirtlaud.
County Clerk Jeiiuinga aja'iit Sun
lty at Irving' with hi lamily.
Coke llilyeii left for the MeKeliie
brnlgi- thla'iioiriiiiig hoiM'liiick.
I'mf. ami Mr. M. Ilnilcy li ft fur un
oullngnl Viiiiiina thi morning.
Kmiik Alexitnder of the Mate print
ing ollliv, HM-lit Sunday ill luigene.
JiMa ih IiiilUd and Charlie Cnuiir
left fur Hie Foley Spring yeatcrday.
S. K. Kern nml fiiiully left for the
MeKeule hriilge tinluy for an outing.
Dr. I'rcnlliv nnd lx-SherilV Noltiud
n-tunieil trout the luoiin'uiii yeatcr
day. Mr. In tiny nml ihiughter went to
Snleiu Hii. iiHriuiig fur a two wit ka'
Mi S. Katie IlallMili of Cottage
4 irovo viaileil relative, in Kugelie to
day. ico. N. Itoael , of Portland,
Ingat llie realdelii-e nf hi uncle A. (1.
Mr. Minr.le Wiililiurne ami her
two little win viaiti'd in Juiirtlou City
tleii. Melaoll, of Vancouver, W"dl.,
1 ill Kugelie attending to koine huai
lie matter.
Judge I'ulli rlon returned to liia
liome at IIo.M-liiirg on Sulurday even
ing' overland train.
J. O. Wall nnd family audi'. M.
Walta, have Km' to Crescent Lake
and vicinity, tu aja-nd a month.
Owni Vainly ne and llerU rt l liiuii
wiu went tu NwNrt w here they ex--el
to camp for two or Hint) week.
S. li. Knkin nml wife will leave lor
Floreuiv luiimrrow morning where
they will rvmaiii two or throe week.
II. C. Iluinplirey and family will
have in a few tiny for llwuco, Wuah.,
where they will na nd a liiotith or
Iaac Sinllli, formerly a resident of
Lane county, hut now reaidiug in
Idaho, i visiting friend here ami vi
cinity. Mr. W. L. I h i. ano and her sister,
Mr. Coukliu, went to VinUimt Hay
this morning to spviu! a inunth h the
lU v. A. M. William of Alhuuy w ho
pntu heil nt tlie CuiulM-rlund 1'reshy
teriau church yesterday, returned
home this morning.
Dallas Ii. Lieutenant Milton
Davis of Hie regular army I up from
San FriiticlMai visiting hi mother,
Mr Finn, ut McCoy.
II. F. Hendricks, of South llcnd,
Wash., visited in Kugelie today. Ilu
will loavu toiiiorruw morning for the
Foley Spring where lie tx-et to
stay alaiul two mouth.
Saturday's Salem Journal: Mlanea
Stella hiiiI Kditli llolman, of Portland,
who have la-en the guesl of tin ir aunt,
Mr. II. F. Itoiihnin. ut the Lahish
Luiugaluw, left today for Kjgelie.
Kiddle lnteritise: Iti-v. Currin and
W. Ilewald of I'oltage (irove, arnviil
here Saturday. Mrssr. Currin, .N'oiili
Cornult ami win went mhiIIi Wediioa.
day morning, to pros-ct for gold.
ItuM'hiirgltein: lion. It. M. Watch,
n-gl-terof the l', S. land ofllce, linn
purchused the realdclioe of Mr. Wehh
in .North Uisaeliiirg and will at once to enlarge and laautify the
same, prrparatory to moving inlo Hie
::l I
..: pi. .1..
I Mill I.
All. I lll! t!n' I.: ll li
the m nut. litis a. i I - i i
1 1 I- I. 1. 1 tiii I . : .. ;
i lar.-.l In : i . ii I I ii. t . i. : .
J. Ki-.ii li:i- hi"'. . i ! .
the Mi l I. iron l u. i'l in-.:, i.i
A coup!.- nt ei I i" .
Jll!.-. S heeler t" .lav.
The A. 11. I . in nt
i f lal i-r not to ll. I'- in l i.
Chill mi Inn I. i- ai I
t he mount-mi di-tiids .,! i
The fold Stola,.- U
aiinlli. r car of I . r i
The D.ill. I,..- a i in:. .
So lias Kugelie, I' l' it I- i.i
very rigidly.
Fiht-r .V Wai ku - . ,
of h"g to I'm ti n I : In-, it.
the local tiain.
Fishing paitu - w. i. I,,-,
tt-rtlay along I Ini". i i.
and illaiu. II,. i v
The ih liinpi. nl I'. .
place next Satin. I. .y at l!i. e
la giuniiig at In a in.
Seveial freight wagoi.'. .-,
last evening Irmn i un tiii
stealiu l l.ugeiie'a In uii!
Mrs. . Mulila i- nil ;
lory ol ihe sinli- unit. i
the lict 1.1 III ol -el !.
The Male I'le- i
hi'l.l ii annual n.. hi
ing H e lliolllll I pi
The hoy colt ...i ll,. .-. '. l:.
Sacraiiu iiln l.ii- 1 1 , ,; . !.,!, ,
Ihe local lodge..; Hi, K. I .
The Ma.-tuias . 1. 1 :, I ili. i
llu ir M-il lo M. mi t i .... t . l i
I luipliiali Is OIIC . tl,,' ice ., -I'l.
Fair ail.lieiii i - nil, u 1. .1 lln-i Inn
yi-sterilayconlil. ini.; Ilu- I.
l-r ol our (S'liple ;it ll,..
mountain i .u-t .
Ahollt 'ill or (Kief In,, irnnl- :.
It llill-elc dalice exh.lul inn nl
I lull on Mi -l l .ll.lli , 1
J.a l War.-, F. . 1 1-.. u u ai.
I'oitcr, appoiiii. il i.i i . ii ii.i
of Hie eounly lur !.,- . ,,,,
couiuieliced wmk tlii i.e. nun
Col. Iaae 1',1'ill.iii i inni i'
York City, and he t i . t . - i ne..u
ly colieernilig Hie p! .,. u, c U
of the Suislaw- an I I ..-li i n I
Silvey Slliall. a h '. r
K. I'. I oli man, ha i. i -i :.
superilltellilelit of 1 1,, luiii.i v .
purl nu n in t l.c I 'm i m.l j ..
liy l'osima-tei I'r.'lin m.
Altoriiey I M-iM'ial ( ii..iin i 1 1 .:
llieopmioli that iiiuli r I u ,.., ,
that Mouu ll eaiiiml h.-l I an .
olllce in ( licu'on. 1 1 he i- . ..n. .
ladies U Im Men- ( , ei . e...H:l -slllarilitclnli'iit-.
at tin I. ili ',
W III Is- iniiigll'le.
The heirs of the, i... .
have Iks-ii sued In tin- I . .
rorllaiid for over mn nil;,
hy Mrs. Sarah F. 1 1 ill. t, H - n
ei-co. She allegi s liauduli- I
Illations o l. . .. Moi l; . i :
her. ,
Cottage I Irove I.i ai. I- 11
lard, ri liiiin i Irmn an ,.: ..
lu New 1 .. null hi , Wis., tl,,. v a
Millard, Has lu I, . .. , ,
I'rcsiih nt's piixiaiualioii v. .
declaring thai oily lllii, , m n . .
There was a little more "im i i
city ut that time than Mr. Mil;
liMikilig fur, mid he was ni.h t '
to ealeli a uet Isiinii train. I
associated With Dr. Oe! -I v alnl
spurr in extensive iiiiMu.- n,, i,
Ill III.' t 1-1 .oh'
M "Uiiialu-
ii ii.
i '.
i a.
. . . ' . . i . M 1 1 ' i I . , ' - I . '
'. . ... . . -i, . t h.l.. 'l . t..,ll,i
. . - i . I.- :w uu- -i.i!.-
' . .' ' .i. . ,i i v i.i lii,-:. in
. , ;. ', ! I",,, '!
' I ... I I !,. it. . i.i.1 l.l-.-d III I I e
. . i . . i .i ' ; i v - i h it ., i I ;. .
i . i .', ; ', ii m .1 1 1 r.i ; Hi-Hi., ti
' .lie !',. I- ,". I'.ll'l I ec .,l,.l,..
," . . i . .m l nun:, .h it. ly alter
; t ' ; ' I ; : : I i a n l mi- i ii I ti
' . - i i I -.1. I. ai.i n .
M' U i V'.ieal-.i oi.iiii. making II a
; i p i' tie. liia:- Mr-. .Ia-.U I.M-ilii d
il .-iil a m ar a'n rvi ali alii Willi In r
i e was inti ir -I in He' Lis Mission
l:.. t. It, I : t.g I In- lit gtatc e er
', ; .' d i'l '. i' -'i I r il.e ice. plimi of
i t't I ,l- in. !,. 1 al l ehlM. C v.
1 v :i I . 'a- i- tu el.' -i I ol' Hi.-
. ,' in 1 ' ' 1 1 m as II,.- lit ( nlVli-i r
l ,.r lii- till, in 1 1:. i-.'ii, ani tl.. to
' i- tia-t" I it !. i in ant t lung i 1-' to
' . . .- III- a p. .lit 1 1 1. 1 1 1 a - v
, i .1 in io II 1 1 ! I-. I'r
II.. I.. i.
I i. ...I.
. -I.... ;
iiti, -
leaf, C.
, l"'i.
' ' ' t I . ; 1 ,,.' , lie I ,lt ..if
' I- -'.I'' - I I. . prep. 1 i , ,
I l. -u ! .:i. , i p'.pi.'.a' lull.
I '" i 1 il."ii, l.uiil-
i. -I. t... I .! I. In. ii-'ip-
-r. - n I u la- ti. al,. s , I, ...',' ,,
- I .1 ,' - a- an el,-, mg I ...111,
i : i I a i "I tt . a ..ii.i- III. in
i! pi"! ii' ; i,Mi. . T. O-Uali-
it !i l.l-a I'l" a--l-talil-,-pale
t i make II, e -!, I.e i, tt Im
I.., l- aii'l . "HI, li'.i I
- .i.iiin I i is s pa-s r ipiily
Mill tin' si, .uie of ale
1 1, , -. t.. Is- .ll. .-- ei. i hy
-I li" . plal. I.- to'.t.'s
p. I.u-als to aim, -I
I in-1 v i i nun ii. iii ing i it i r.
V- L a i l J r I'.'e'i
IS i v rrt on
L'v.r 11- V'i
I it r ii tl.ii
I a
t ll
III, all
e aligl. I
I ing In; III
ii- ample
r t-i t '.i .e.-.- hi
tmlaiiis, i-ivi. ,
In il,V j
pi -T-
I . I:
' I I
l I ll.
1 1 .
."I il. I
I ' Iii. r I.I
.I,' ,, N, v
l Mi- !
1, ,
ii it
1 1..
's IW-I
I tlla
I Ha
ll s
- a. ..a
M - I ..
M l
slip." III.-
!t it tt a-..111.-.
I.i-t I n l
.tiling lo
Is an
- lllll. I
I.- ani
M.. 1 I
I K. i
I ,
-1 i.
'- i
.,: -I .n il..
..iiii.; lie
tl .i l.y la
-, I ' . .'
I ll.
I I'
. ,1!
I. til
!,. Unit
.' il.ti Hill
' i d I III
-ml si.!-
I s. 1 1 i al
'Hi. lit l . I I,'
1 -I ' '
: 1 1 J I :
"Ii I-
t',i, i
I.,, lu .i .,i
.1,1 ,
t I-
s I S
an v
: u 1 1 . 1 1 i .
-i. nl. ih.
II .1. s.i t.g . lel-e, ample oppor-
luiiily Im n.usi'ular .let i , piueiit, llic
pun- ail i tin I Haling mil I-lining,
i-i i ngs i, nc tt isl si length and y mil Ii. it
has u en ii inai ki i In many, that the
iiiosi M-.laie -ni l truthful s i-m, after
a I - ll 1 11 III this I. m;i lily, IsmsiIiiis u a
at i li nl aiilieled to prevarlciitloii,
and U en ail .H-ea-inlis tiiagnllles I he
-i -, ti.iL-M ami alleiniinl .-ireinii
-' iti. is nl I. in. I. ing tionl. Whilln-r
II i le In tin- elevation el tin
spiitii-sali.n.. is-, an let.i, siinic 1.1 Ml
till, Il.e .!"-.- eiiiiipalinuisiii u it It
tlii.-e in maii.igeiin lil, or Hie evlnlar
at ing ell. t ill lie I . i li-1, "tl ttahr, has
li' ti r I...H s-ili-Ia. li.tilya-.i llail.eil,
lull Intliiiiatiiy y.tir em ie-H,nieiil
lia- m t jet caught the pl.-taihitg Coin
pi .ml. lis the I'.iIiim ing Ineiil. I.I will
pt.ite: A .-cilatn gitiili iuaii r.-iiing
'ml a thousand miles Irmn l ugelie.
tt In ii li-hing in tin. McKciiic liver at
tin- I'-Iki.ap Hot M ;, nil spring d.ii-
, ing Ihe pasl tt .-, k,a, elielilally iln'p i
a ti I V taitlalile jnllit sic, and III Irt
in.; to -ei l.le Hie -aloe, Ian his hand
tin. I. r a large Ing, tt hell it arc. ien (ally
I. hi i .. I lis tt at i ii in I l.c in on I h ol a lal go
tl'.ill. l lili, king he had loiilnl some
iliiie: g si'l local, Ihe ll-h al once pro-
' . . it' i s a I Inti I In- augli r's arm up lo
tin i II., m. liie g.nt I 1 1 1 1 1 mail" i lis-
; p. ialc. Units to ii.t I. in. -. ll inn. i Ins
i limit .s-, hut in tain, until he pulled
ti e li-l. i. nl mi tin' hank and called tu
a 1 1 1. ml In In lp In in in el i icalll.g his
nun limn Il.e mouth of the game ll-li,
I i i tin-
i i,
i i .
I I:
l.c I.I. .
I tt I
1 1 -It
'll. I. He
V "III nil
I. II. Ills. II
, 111. i. Hit j l-lire
., I i-i, at tie tt .11 make the
I l..- ma, I,' Mime time
...1 1 1' -. tt im p- l-i I. i III I h u lug
I . 'pi . Im - l.y leading the
i , ,t nl pa;, lug Im ll. The
i g i e p.ipi i - 1 1 . -, to I hose
no p,,., I i 1 . 1 -. I 1 1 I'loof
.1 1 .
ll I
I at Ilu- olllce siilU
a. 'illi-l illlposit lull.
K ; J I -i, .le Imi.sfi-rs.
Hup til otters jlci ling.
, li-
tt e
.1. l.i' M
..I I..I
ii v
l lo
I l N I I I .
I alhainie lilt M , I
int 10, hloi li .,11,
: si i.
A uncling Is In n l y c ,i;. i . i ai
hop growers in I. am'- cmn.t.. li,.
meeting W ill la- held at ll,,", I .;; l
house, in Kugelie, Satin, lav at;, n. ,
Aligu-t It li , at I o'clock. 'Il is. ani. I -
ly rtsiii-stcd (hat every Imp ei ., i m
the inly I, pr.-. i,i, a, l u-iin -- of
Importllllif tt ill U- 1 1 un- u I, ,
W M. Mil III;. j
I oM Id .
.- un ii 1 II. ( iii'Mian lu Flint Chris
t. an, mie hall if :..;. acres, In t. It.,
r 1 it ; -l il.
V. .Iiiuli. M. I law ti y tu Caroliiii. li.
Ilatl ll V, 1 li .'.i'l uelea, ill t '.'I H, rlWJ
A Ski. 1 1 i ii, n i ' tsi.. I;, -, I. ug ali-r; I;.. I., a ling,',-- ,,
alsnit l years, was arresi. d M..t, ,
charged with seduction under I l.c
promis.- of n.arriiige, ll;-
witness lain, Ma. lie Wvatl. a-i
ulsitil 17 year-. She came i'mm D. u-
Ver, ( 'oliiradu, a couple of moii! ,, a."..
to make In r In, tin-it it h li.-r I .r .r , s mi
liter creek, Mild is of pri si--c--:;ig al.
s amine. ,i- prelimimirv exan.iiia
in. II was In li hy Ju-tice ll.'imli.i 1 u. -
day, and, as Usual III such, -. tta
alien. h d hy a large i.uinl . r el .1,1. r
eslcd sm elalois, 1 a-ger In In iir I... I.
timoiiv. I! ti as Isiuiii i.i.r .11
the sum of .,ki in answer Is !.,:, tin-
grand jury, and n-udily tu;i I
1 .ail.
IIask it tl.i.. -Coltag.. (;,i,
er: I he Koaehurg nine has
tsl the Collage I irovc h-iim
a purs.- of s.hi, tl,,. wn, ,,, .
ln-tililte Noll's.
1 1 11 . ; 1 ' am ,, Jn! ) .1
i'mf. liall, i f I'mtlalii, delivered II
l.i'ttiie In Im.-the county teachers' lli
st it;i,' this all. riinoii, lunching sonic
1 Xainpli - in Am, in an literature
lilotogiapln r Maggie Willi in y tis.k
a p.i I lite , I !,.' tl III s in It gtullp III
1 fiont o tin- i-' loiay. v
Win. Mi A. tiv i he San li.nicis.
1 .1 f hmniiie s.i s; "ll Is ral In r aiuiis-
! in:; lu lilii l.oterni.r I'eiiuoyer le. lur
ing the Isiald uf legeuta III lie- I liller--it
y of hegmi .11 ii g ird tu ll.' ir oppu.
' -i' , mi , 1 In-II, ill,;' tx liitii i.l, at- tin--limuls
of latf and 1 1 - 1 11 -i 1 1. I10111 a
! -han-"f the funds, i he I eg. 1 1 1 s hold
1 hat I In -.- -.'huul- should 1 "til linn- lu
I. 11 it e tt ha I liny hate li 11 ai ctls
t lined In, tt lilc Hie governor liaill.s
thai lin t lilll-I Is- local, d
ihn-c fourthsoi the pu
tt III la ill . his pi.,,-,- 1,1
Augu-t. I;..- irg
Pali iiuar.1, Jul .1
Friei.ilv Is loading a car Uala.V with 1
ehittim hark ut the SmThrrn racitlc I
deait. which will leave tomorrow fori , .st
II. troll, .Mielilgau. Whole II 1 i:"i'-rl. ni
sigiie.l to a it r 1 1 1
SMAI.I, Yk.T. hie w.sek from Wed
neaslav it will In lawful to kill grousr
Blul pin llsal.ts. The lute spring rains
have caused Hie turds to I verj- hack
w ard this year, and it i to la- Imped
that guiilli-ra will r.-liienil r the little
ohea t he first f.-w d.n a.
great deal Is tier p! I ,
did ill the game tt i! 1,
last Siin.lay, .,r t In y 1.
surprised atlilet.-s ' t '. ,
Hie dilllllol.i. i,!,i. ,
It" US Ktlgi lie ,ai, I - ,
di-eovere., nml 11,
la- ill their W al.,..
i I
it th
hate l,g 1! I
i..s ;.t
i 1 1 t.
. 1 1 r
1 .1 ,ir
.. ,.r
.' lake
g iiui
;ii of
. I . a
l!n v
til, It
lit. Il I
I- ".II
I, Ite
.' ttlli
e - at 1, 1 the institution,
I ., any ii:i,, v. I Mi
, . 1 I II -1 ho.,,, of olir
I 11 I.
ml I,
I. a k
.1. I- in Hi
111 Kugelie,
, In I"' e.lll
11. Ii a ruling
slat" univi r-
11, - r-. aloty,
lo lielk.'lV.
til. long, sharp tcolh were hurled
.1' . p hit' 1 I, is cal sl.i t ,-. I he
t . 1 -. 1 . . n i t-pi . mien uf the Iroiil
1 ' coin. mn. It know 11 as the lo
I V i 'i, or lei -polled trout, weigh. pounds, and Ihe
,'. h in this s,s im 11 fur many
, 1-1 --kept i, s iiiaj- doiiht thia
ll - nil is Il.e ease Hiej- arc
'. -aa 11. illy n f. in . I In Mr. II. C.
1 ; . rey, ol Kugelie, or Mr. A. I.
' 1 I. r, 1 11 ;i 11 .11', l of r.clklliipspringa,
,t...i ..ill readily Verily ") the alule
1 . - I. Next.
I in V I . pr, ,t elilelils are l'illg added
1 . I lie - pi in-gs lur the pleasure and lie
. 1. 1. 1 1 11 11 lal l"ll ol t In- gilc-ts. I he latest
is a large dance platform, where Hn
I ii - ll ll.g III it "ll ip t he light fantastic,"
, 1. pnii Ih.- c"iiipl' limi of w hlch a grand
Pall will h given, and ll jolly time ia
a'ltlclpatc.l. iNot least ol the luiniy
aia uili. ..oilal imis Is n.c m.ill stage, ar
riving 011 Mmiiay's, Wcdiu-sila t 's and
I inlay s of each wis k, reluriilng In
liugeiie oil alterllllle data. Passage
can la. secured hv application at auv of
.1 .i.. i 1.. 1 ' . - ',.
1 ne imicis, 111 i-aigciie, .tin- f.i. 1 lie
dip ol sixty miles la inad.i lu one day
and gisal aciMUiinialallon are to be
had at the Vurioii slopping plais-a
along me route 1 ne camping grouml
1. Hi rail facilities for teiiliug, are ahadv
and well hiippllcd with pure, cihiI
spring tinier, conducted from uu
aeipiedili't hy pil-.
On last Sal unlay eveliilig there wn
given at thu Foley spring 11 grand hop,
under the management of l'elcr
Kinicy, who hy hi courtesy and genial
gisal fellottship, ha gullied thu gisal
w ill of all iilteiiding a guesl from the
Helknap springs. The orchestra wit
-Martin Van Huron, John Isoni,
Judge WisiileiN-k, Darwin Yoriin, Mr.
Ilallic Alexander, Mra. I.ydia Stnlth;
K. la-11 Johiiaou, Ihair manager. Those
Hull engaged ill the "n.ay" Were: From
liugene - )r. D. A. I'aluu and family.
Janus lluHi.iau and family, Henry
lloHinati and family. Win, Alexander
and wife, Oeo, Smith and wife, Win.
Smith and wife, Judge Wis.icisk,
Ituhl. Hates, (,isi. I'l, kett, Darwin
nrali, I. it a id llullinan, A. Melilli',
li. Di I Johnson, Ilev. Spa. . Iii. g, A.
Wei t helmer, Mai 1 1 11 Van lliiren; from
A lliunv. i lioma Monlcilh. lid. Zi.
John I sum; from Itrowusville, Henry
Wchihalil; llarri-hurg, O. H. .MeCul-
loeli; A.I', (iarduer, Sali-ln, Churllw
lltll, Astoria. Dancing waa Indulged
.11 until 1.' u'olisk, and the ill I rt 11 1 II
mint wa- main duly tnjoynhle hy
g, clog, and red light. Another
dams- Will Is- given hf the Kugcho par
ly at l ull y on Tuesday evening
in l, to I-.- fulloMod hy a dan en on
Thursday, :l.c ' ll. inst., at U. lknap
J. S. Iii,iut uv.
lii'iu t i
wl.iiii you
cm ji.ii yj:ir
r ,t
euro. A
iii M lit 1-
t.V', .. -I
I'tir. !y c.
et.iM... a.t-
in.; .i.i'' iv
i 'l il.e I.nvr
an.i Kil-
ih'v -. Trv it.
S,M l.y";i!!
i in I.i j n l.i.ri-i P iif l -:-
' iki !l il'
1 1... h.ittf .
' .. . : I .
r 1 ...
:: t ;
r X,
11.; . t t
.11. lur..
I . - It. 1
i t.
I .MS'
Oi I'MM. Divniti is. Alhany Iieiu
s lat: Jinlg" liiirnett has tiled his do-
i-a- of (.ucsM pisi Mat-
cl-lotl ill I I.e Ms- of
a-ce agt. Kaln Mat.i-.-e I
mi tu.. I ne Ira -1.
..ali'.' laat Ih
a - 'tin- i-r..w iti,
111 i V
- I
w 1
..I. . ml
(eg, tils
-pll ll t'f
l.s Wi.h
AM 1. It 1 1 All
Sfl.ltu, uf this
Vie. s I.-11I1, l'r.-li' I !
ritt .ai-r aaya a ahark has laid Mai.for.l, jr.,
there "with two rows uf 1 A It", f ahfurt. 1.1, I
of manufacturing 1 t.-j-th twi-nt v-two f.rt long and a hide '.as luml- ...1
I on him like' an alligator. 1 ' "'re t!- r-tn .-.--: ,
the isiiiiing y. ir - t
ex a-iis a arc p. .t , ,
of time at I. tt - f I'.
eoii,pljeal.oii- ..f 11 .
a. Kru'i'
. x ut .la
ma i 1
;. I'.
uighl for di-
r.i, ii tit ing Ilu-applli al 1011 fur di
re -as well as the s t. Hi. 11 of the
uiin'i r cmiiplailit, r.-.p.irnig each (u
piV is.- . I If six ca-. a 1 ol.slier.'d
.I'. lgc Kuril. It icfus, i (.1 grant Hie ill
' "lee III all the i'ih-", II-r. after di-
n c 1 a . s tl 111 limit- lu Judge Hew
itt s , p iltllll lit. I III I.' Is all I'pll.inll
thai the court Is very nun li down on
iitotiss, Jlu-lrulli Is the court ia
I :
'A h,
r- 'pining -t.
r lurn..-i,.
I'v Is- giai.t
-. - hat,
1 rui-'i
, -. an ,
1 the
- I.,, long, 1
: II., t. iit pnsif nnd
I divorci -. tt ol uu
"I. it is said that
aln ai V la-ell Is gull
I. As it matter of
ol'l.iilii d h"l all
' . li .u i' la siillii-ii nt.
a Un le foj-iuaill V.
SI-MI M. II ., ',
match game ..f I. ,
1 Siirnigli.ii and J
I piny.. I nl the I. if.
j day aft. rii.siii, I '
j Won hy a -.-..n .
I r in-; has. Int i
: l.d I .a I, run I
' t ,
I;., ti. 1 it 1 i: I . .1,. 1
examitiatim. mi tl..- , I, 1
" " " " " ? t. ry "i ui r. , - i-iii-i a
.. . . . j- r 1 . . . -1 - II. I - l' it .. , Jo-I I"' W l.i 1 , I I" 1 1.
1 dil ii answerca (Uiu or .iuiu. upjuhuc jivui jju- ,, Kri4li j 1M.
iene. Willatiicttcktrcct. !att.naii.ia.i,is..,i.,,
v tJu-
i 1 I.,.-
I ll! We
lla V
- th.y
"I this
I ) '. si 1. I 1 . I.
1 .1 I i.i, 1 -Ion precinct, IjiIii
Oi.gou, July HI. 1-I of iitir-
. : . Mt- Ih si, r Tucker, uge-l 7
.--he was Isirn ut l-xmgton,
It. i,f, ky, and arrived lu Op-gun in
l-t... H'-r hn-haiid, I hmu.ia Tucker,
'I -d ill this nullify August I, ls;a.
-ti.-was (he mother of William and
J..I.H-S lui k. r. Il.e leliiallis will las
inteir. -l iii the linger eeuieh ry tmnor
row u.'l. tu. ani.
1'rii.e'at Cream Kaklng I'uwJef
M'I la.r Ih.hc.t Atavtf.
S..u I rani i - --. huv-r are la.nlra. ling
t i -.nail 1 for -.lal s . up tl.c ."ulitialil, ill Linn
1 county at l-l i nt pi r LuahcL
..... t ,
r . I -: 1 t t. ,
llir . si ,,., la ;, .1 ,
Dr. I'rlio'i Cream Itakinjr Powder
WatU'i l .lr NIIm.I Mnlal will Diploma.
Mam Mil 11 Stone.
A n s.rl cm. ns. from the region of
liwell, regarding thu killing of a isni
gar will. m. I 11 gun. Frank lllakely,
iigcd ;:7 year, w ho reside on
the MliUle I oik ol the Willamette
river, was out In nil os t. Ing alone,
w ltd the exis pi ion ol hi dog, w hen hu
e-picd a half grow 11 cougar up a tree.
The li 111 1 1st weiv oa-v of nc.s a and hu
liiiuU-d the trt', hut ll tis.k a consider
ahle amoin.l of shaking lo ground Mr.
Cougar w ho was not to la easi
ly. hue on the ground il ran Iroiu
the dog cscaiilng tu 11 not her tree. Mr.
Illakiiy followed It up mid down
m-vcral Ins- until catchitig il at a dia-ndvant.-ige,
he killed ll with a ris k.
I he age of Hiu animal prohaliy ac
couuiisl for It not lighting Uu k. '
1 111: nrtiii: " 1 r."
I It Mar, at I la latlal hf 1 11
I'liirrhAM), July "I. The aelisatloii
al alury, luiiilcd in gisxl faith I it these
isilumna fast evening, aaj the Tele
gram, relative to thu "holding un" of
the Mount IIihsI stnge, al Laurel hill,
and (he murder of the tinge driver hy
two highwaymen, prove to Is. a can-
nnl. I lie il.-taila a pulillsheil Wervol
laiiie.i from l-ou Colin, the manager
of the stage line, who prof cased to have
Iss n liifiirinisl of the crlini' hy one
Churlisi Dixon, a horseman, who ixkIo
from Salmon ata'.loii to till city.
Col. 11 ackllow ledgisl till Inorillllg of whole
cloth, without the remolcsl founda
tion in fact. After relating the atory
to a reporter yi-atcrdny loreiuMiu, he
accrcti-d himself, fearing that he might
give himself away In the event that he
should auhjeet himself to a mora
searching interview. No motive call
Iw aw-r Ilatl lu the lellow ' comhict un
lea it wit to gnlll a llllle ehcaii ami
uueiiviitlilo notoriety; and If that waa
111 puriMNte lie ha cenalnly altalneil
Hie desiresl tl I , for today he Miami III
thi community aa a iiialicioui liar.
Thu lie U inaiicloii, l-caue It cauaetl
gn-nt auxlcty In thi city.
I.0I111 lias .in-ceihst lu eslahllalilng
a reputation not second to that of An
aiilit, which I not likely to aland hi 111
well 111 haiul 111 a huaiiioaa way.
Illll rillTIl 11. A KOI.
ui Ih. aiakbiai Allrar liar.
rubarc nearlar "taralaa-.
IIakkihiii nil, July "I. Had IiIimhI
la-lttts-n Vernon andCha. S. Warner,
hrothcra, n-aiilu-d in an encounter yea
terday morning aliut 'I oiiia k, 011 tho
farm of Mra. Sluideii Warner, ten
mile aoulhcHjit of here. In whlclt
I harli-a wua acvcniy atalia-d In the
hreaat with a pocket knife, Vernon,
after aluhhlng hi hrolher, fired two
hot fnun a revolver, one pnnlii
through Charley' ah Irt. He thou
came here and gave himself up. Jlo
claimed he acted In raif defense, ol-
though Charley wit not armed, except
with a laN-ket klilfu in hi laieket. The
exutiiiiintioll 1 now s iiiing. Di-puty
lllatrlct Attorney r. II. IvelleV, of Al-
t uny, represent the ntnte, and tl. W.
rigiit, also or Aiimiiy, 1 attorney for
anaala Pa. 1 lllll.
Wamiimiitox, July "I. Mill nml
Smith, rcprem-iiting thu two rxtroiiie
wing ol the ilemia-nitlo j'urty In the
unto, today ex pressed the oiilnlon
the party shout ! get lugetlu r and pu.s
a tarilt hill la fure nijourniuciit.
In 1 1t llaa.r.
Wasiiimitux, July 21. The Imu-m
tislay paa-cd a hill for the reinstate
ment of clerk dlsinlsaial from the rail
way mail m-rvii-o latweeii M.trch 15
and May I, 1V'. The vote uui yeoa,
I l-'i; nay-i, VI.
Mishest Uonors-WorIJ,a Fair.
A flirt Crjp Qtim of Paw,!.-. Fr
ftoro AmmuTiii, Alum of anyit'ars 'ulUxxnt,