The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 21, 1894, Image 4

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City Guard.
JULY 21.
Another state, Utah, lis Ulan
her .ilaoe- in the union.
Solf Lindi-rs are at work saving
the curly grain. I'lio wiu-at apliia
from all account lia dona but lit
tle damage.
For a wonder Governor I'euiioy.
er has not during tiie but few
days discovered another innocent
man in the penitentiary. i'crlmiH
no one baa made application for a
The old man's darling usually
turna out bad. December and May
are too fur apart and the latter too
often find a June. A cae in point
haa given the gonitis of thia com
munity a chance to wag their
The difficulties of printing a pa
per in Katcrn Oregon, during the
flood and atrike ia illuntr-U-d, in
two acnaes, by a copy of the La
Orande Chronicle, jut received,
printed on the back of a flash show
In France prune tree do not
come into full bearing until they
are ttn year old. In California
they are aaid to reach tho period of
full bearing at the age of si year
In Oregon and aihington it rt
quirea at leant eight year for the
tree to reach this period.
A Lexington dispatch say that
Congressman lireckinridgo and Mr
Owen addressed large audiences at
Doncrail and Muir, in the Ashlund
district today, there were many
ladle present at both meetings
They threw bouquets at Ilrvckin
ridge by dozens, and the pious ones
were (hocked when ho compared
them to the women of old, who
sympathized with Stephen when
stone were being cast rt him.
The regular troops, not content
with attempting to run tho truiis
!ortation system of California by
orce of arms, invaded a court
room, in arms and uniform the
other day, while a session was Ixi
ing held to determine a liulx-iis col
pu proceedings. When tho sol
diers are needli-saly used to sup'
plant civil authorities tiiey are
very likely to overstep the safety
line. I he army knows no law bu
ing blindly subject to tho orders
of a commanding officer.
Tho boycott in Germany is lia
ble to havo some queer complica
tions. Kcccntly the socialists boy
cotted certain breweries; and one
after another the breweries began
standing in with tho boycotted co
tcmKrario and began in turn to
come under the ban of the boy cotters.
The peculiarity of tho situation is,
that if the boycott is kept up all the
breweries will Ik? banded together
and tho socialist will havo to let
go, or go without beer. Thus the
socialists will boycott themselves,
and become crfori-c, prohibition
ists. It is safe to say that this is
ne case where tho striko or boy
cott will make its effects felt where
they will do tho most good.
The bill by which Utah was ad
mitted as a ft. ile provides for hoid
ing a roniititutioiial convention to
meet liext Jliirrli. a peculiar re
quirement in ll,n bill is that the
constitution hall provide by ordi
nance, irrevixtahly without the con
sent of tho United State and Uih
imxiIiIo of tho staU-, that ix-rfect U
eralion of religious sentiment shall
Ixi secured, and that no inhabitant
of the statu shall ever be niolct-d
on account of hi mode of religious
worship, provided that x!ygainous
or plural rnnrrin 's shall le for
ever prohibited. The government
provides lilx rally for colleges, etc.,
donating about onu acres
of land for tho pnrixw. TheiMip
ulution of Utah is alxiut
and she will be the firty-fifth
An exchange says: The city
comptroller of New York, in his
annual report, shows that the city
government has on its rolls 1.1,000
salaried employes and eitends8'J,.
OOO.IXK). This it more money and
patronago than ia dispensed bv the
state governments of one half of
the United States. The average
alaries of state governor doe not
amount to 15000 a year. Oregon's
i only 11500. The governor of
only three state receive us much
n 1 10,000 a year salary, but in
New York city there 13'J offices
that pay $5000 a year and more,
and 41 of these pay yearly salaries
of II 0,000 and more.
t'uity Item.
July 18, I Mi I.
IvIiiiui.dMin hss nturted w llli a drive
of nix tern hundred hop inil.-s, for lili
yard near Kugein.
Tlrw. ( mil and futility, of lliinli I.
Und,vlnited at J. L. MiiltVa over Fun-day.
1 lie Hull. lay M'IhhiI wn. Well repre
sented at Hit) rMiiiiliiy M-hool eonven-
tlon at Cnmp Creek last Numliiy. There
were six nil twiiiiy-nve p i.ri-s. tun
llvin. Con.
TelrpUone vs. I'oiter.
The w lelirtitiil river slimmm Tele
plmlie ami Hu-I'otlt-r liu.l a riu-e liil
Monday, the lint for a Ion tune. Tint
Potter Is a khh'-wheel em ft slid the
Telephone l a Mem-w heel Unit, Mild
t tw tlie funli-st rlviT sti-ulnt-r of the
knd In the world. Iii ull former
riMim the Telephone "done up'' the
Potter, and .Miiinlny wan a reietiilon
of the Millie. The Potter left Portlulld
seven minute alu-ml of the Telephone,
having a light cargo uud a few put-en-gers.
hhe wixxleil up the night la-fore
m a to he leudy, mid HtopH-d nt no
luiidiug on the wuy dow n. Thu Telu
phone hud to winmI up on the wuy
dow n, and hud to ntui ut every land
ing Im-Iw it'll I'ortlund mid Artoria.
Till gnvtt the poller the advulitnge.hut
lievi-ilheletM, when thu Inwtn urrlved
at Pillar Itoek, 14 wlli-a uImivu Antoriu,
the steiuners were mImiiiI t-vi-u. Here
the real mm-i-.niinuiitvil, uud In the
run every ellort wu put forth hy hoth
Intuln. At Hie II limit the Telephone
liuule thu Astoria dis'k Junt ten lulu
utn ahead of thu Potter thu proving
1'.xiii;m tiik Thick. Au uinuiiiiK
Ineldeiil iiHvntly iM'Cjred at a tow n In
thu Houth of rrmnv, during thu vi-it
ofaelreii. Onu of the chief uttnie
lion of thu show was a troupe of n-r-foriuiug
tlogx, uud, uller they hud goliu
through vanillin feats, their inilm-r an
liouuei'd I hut A .or, thu iiiokI uecoui
pUnlicd of llieiu ull, would fuvor the
audieuit w llh a piano-forte nolo. Ae-
cordlngly A .or mount. il thuehuir and
ntrtHk iii thu ".Murmllluixe." At this
moiueiil wiiiie onu In the audience
diluted "llntn!," mid Azof luudu onu
IkiuiiiI In the iiireetloii or thu cry.
i'hi created great luughter, which
ilouhliil w hen ll wa notnvd that the
tilntio went on playing, thu revealing
thu trick that hint Imi-h inrtnl rated.
Tiik Fish I.admkh. Sali-tu ludi-
IH'iideiit: Wu are luforuied hy the
ilghcNt nlllclal authority that us wmiii
a tli water fall nulll.i.ntly work
will begin on the INIi ladder nt Oregon
City. Hut thu w hole mini, 10,11, ni-
iimprliitiHl nt the liwt session of the
leglnhlluni Will Hot In S'llt. oulv a
wry miiisII Mirtiou, mImuii sum. The
prcwiil plan Is to inuke a IUIi ladder,
or wny, liy blunting a ehuuiiel In the
rock, With tcM, or i-iMu-s, at nhort III
tervnl. A lliin lUhwny w ill only In
a hole, orehnuuel, In the solid rock It
cannot very well wanh sway, ll U !n tlml (ssj will be sulllcleut.
l-atl. ' U'nl. Jit'.j I .
(J. V. Kluilsll, o( lUiLlurg, U In
KiiKi lie.
Prof. John H:rii'i rml fuiiilly arust
Kofi. ('. If. linker ol WuMcrvllle,
wm In tow n lixluy.
A. M. Onliiiru vi-H d hi 1. ml her,
K. K., In Hiileni ji".terdny.
MIm) Oglenhy, i.f Collnge CroVu I
vlnllliig friend In thin clly.
('. H. Frank nnd wifu have icturiud
fndii a week' Mijourn si Nwlnvill.-.
Mlna Carrie I.aui r went to I'ortlnnd
thl inoriilug for a few day Nil w ith
A. M. ( Mill r ti returned lii'loe thin
sfternoon from a viil to Portlnml and
J. H. Illgglim went to Polk county
tlil morning to nin ml M-vtral wtt-k
with niallve.
I!ev. I). Y Ixiverl.lge and daughter
J tut li went to Portland thl inoriilug
on thu ItH'iil train.
K. J. Franler a i rived home from
I'ortlund thl morning after a ucc--
lul hunlllcM trip.
Mm. L. N. Ill Icy of Portland eaiuu
up thin sfteriKMin fin a luoulh's vUlt
With hemlnter, Mln Klla Itiehurilnou.
Ir. and Mr. A. JShurplea went to
(lo-lieu thl ufterinnili to nln lid the
time during the ho! w rut her on their
Mm. (ieo. II. Ifcirrix, Win. I'.drln and
w ife, and F.. J. Fru.ler and wile, rv
lurued from Portland on hint night
overland train.
tho. Smith, of Kaii-n Clly, Mo.,
who ha In-cll here vinitilig frielidn
fur nevernl Week, left for hi holue
thl luorilll'g.
Wcdneiuhiy' S.ileiii Jouriiul: Mr.
I'.. J. I'jtnlhaui r. ( to her home nt
Kllgelie yenlerdny afterilcMili niter a with frleudn.
Will A. Piitlm, iigeht for the Chain-
Inrlaiu rt'luedien, arrived on liMhiy'
train. It generally take him ulniiil
n wm k to work I jiiic county.
J. H. Mci 'llire, w ho hu Inn ll vinitilig
wveral Hin kn Ht the renlilellii1 of hln
llliele, A. S. MeClure, ol thl city,
-turti-d mi hi n-luru homo to ToM'ku,
Kaiin, thin morning.
F. T. Whiteoiuh and wifu It ft Tue-
lav night for Man Fraiicineo, w here
they will henarier n-nide. .Mr. Whil-
enmh hu Hccuri1! u (hmiIIoii an foreinuu
on w veral large eoutriicts that
city, wu are lulormed.
Fouler FIRM. This I the m-unoii
to liMik out for forvnt lire. Kvery
thing has Inhiiiiiu noiuewliat tliuler
like uud a little carvlcnHiicM niav re-
null In gn at damugu to Umber, grain,
etc. ll nliould In-cniintttolly Imrnc III
inlml that lliett. I ditto law which
provides punUhmciil for all htmoii
who thoughtlcnnly or otherwlnu ntart
lire In thu wimmU. Thl refers nv
lally to thofw out hunting or llnhiug,
whoiuuv bu cnrclcwi ulnnil leaving
burning cniniillren. livery yenr thene
fon-nt linn denlMy greul uuniitlty of
NoT ho I'ltnt l TAIII.K. Thu huIihhi
hunineiw, uecordiug to thu (iregoniitu,
I not no pnilltnhle an It iincil to he. Thu
liumlier ol invlincM Imueil hV the city
tin to July Pith wa a follow: hu-
limiin, l; rcnlnurautn, ll; wholennle
liquor, mall liquor, I. Thu ninouut
received for liivum-n Is f lli.ii'.U.M). A
rebate of fill .Ui wu allow ed to each of
'ls mtloou on si-oiiiiiI of lutcrruplioii
of htinincn bv the iIihhI, making a to
tal of L',l:il. Lit. There ure 41 kuIimhi
w hli h have not yd taken out llivnw.
and alMiut .'Hi of theiM- will i hwe. For
gencrut lltviincN, a,i,ir,.ii.lVi hu Urn n
ivivetl, inaklng a total for nil liceime
no far thin iiiarter of K'iJ.IlM .l'i.
(Umk Law.- I'nder thu game law
buck dtvr cannot he killed M tit 11 alii r
Augimt Int; nud nKi(cd faw u cnliliot
Ih killed nl any tune. It I uulnwfiil
to kill any deer ut any tlnm unlen the
eurcan I unci) or preserved by the in-r
Hill killing It, or In wild for finxl. I! 1 1;
can I killeil fioiii Augunl Inl to N.v
veuiln r 1 . Trout ennuot le wild orof
feretl for ale nu v time excent duriinr
the llloiit lin of S'pleliiln'r nnd t K'toln r.
few day ago o.i-go iinrmw Iv
csinil k iinat pdd 1 1 1 1 ll I ll k cxi'Uelnelit.
Ml. Murr, or Unit phuv, w bile dlnm-cl-lug
a tame fowl found lu the gtanl a
thin pico- of the prtvlnu yellow in. Inl.
A clox- lnxvtloii rwi-nleil the fuct the
gold had Invn orke, bv luiiiiuo hand
tin. I that klliN'kcd Into "p" I he theorv
that there wen-any pl.-evr deinnit In
the vicinity of tin- town. Itwunn
gmxl deal like the ntory In the old
render, of a nnmlcr dixHivermg a vnlu
able diamond ring lu a heap of rul
A hop picking liinchine ban !-, n mi
exhibit III I lie. N. V. ll in claimed
that with the aid of two tin n It will the work of !' haiid pick
er. men of tl.ln nlaie deiln-
tliat the machine may do ull that I fur It lu New York or lu
land and yet prove a failure in the
rank growliiK It. I.I-of the I'HCith- cot
w here the j icld of ho fri.ui three
to four Inn. a great.
Portland in calling f.-r a rcvinhm of
itn nnwwinciit Mil and n rtilii. ll -n of
hinti.ii of at U-l J i r n ut. ir-
i : i ,i i .i ir i iiaoii'iiiai rem ciaie vaiioiiin nre n.-l
215-, Which was the lowest bid for ',-llUur y ,.r,. , .,,, f
A lawyer in the
World: I know these things,
know that in my own rsouul ex
penence, and I say now today for
the first time, and I say it asniim
ing the full rcstHiiisibilitv of what
I say, that it has got to be a ques
tion of bread and butter for a man
to belong to Tammany Kail. I
know that my own professional ca
reer has suffered through my oppo
sition to Tammany Hall; that I
have lot clients who havo Im-u
told that I had no pull at court,
that I wu not a Tammany Hall
man. 1 know of other iix tnlx rs of
my profession who have felt com
js-lled to join Tammany lUII to
earn their bread and butter; and 1
say this now on my own rcionii
bility, and I have never said it In
fore, that it is not nwible for a
lawyer practicing in the city of
New York to acquire a practice and
earn a living purely upon his mer
its, because Tammany Hall has
made that impoihh'.
Steel it now cliex r than iron.
It seems hardly h.mI,!c, but the
estimate of cot in a recent bid
ding for abridgein l'ennsylvaniato
be made with steel stringers and
steel rivets was lower than a like
tatimate for the same bridge mad
with iron stringers and iron rivets.
Four bid were made, and in each
case the bridge could be made
cheaper of steel than of iron. The
uccensful bid was H'.H-, as against I
the iron bridge. Owing to the
greater strength of steel, the weight
of metal in the steel bridge is much
Jes must necessarily be for
one of iron.
I la) I m
W' ami I xiiton, July 1?. The presi
dent bhlnv signed the l lnh (atehnl
b.lL I
llalkl Star Srt-Hl llrlrriulNi-S).
Washington, Julv s.-hi-nker
4'ri-p Miy then- will In no i. x,il ln..o
Die lurill l-olllerelici- eoliiliilllee liMlay.
The bonne ileliiiM-ralle leiidernevldelitly
think it iniglit prove exHilu nl to cur
ry out the pliiu of reporting a tola! h-
agreement uud n-kimt lor iiintructloun,
an mu h n n M.rl would only einphii
nie the liiurui ler of the diU'crcliiv, and
nliould (he w'liale and hoiine ilmlruct
their colifcmn-n to nlaild by their re--clive
Mwilloii It would precipltutc
a dendlm k. lue of Mr. Crmn' clo-x-nt
ndviMT Raid the rt lMirt would probably
ouiu in tomorrow. The Ikhi-c hii-
fern-M di-nlro to inuke a partial iciiort
of niieh iigni-inciitN un ure miiwiIii and
a-k for iiintrui tlons iihhi It, nubjci'l to
llMigii-eiucnt. I he M'litite (i-ulerrii-n
have nliNxl for agrei'lueiil or ihnagn-i-
incut in toto. The dciuiM-ruiie confer-m-n
IimIh v luailu allot her lln lli-ctual
ellort to reach nu agni ni. iit, nud nl with thu uuderntuuiliug the
full committee to meet nt 1' o'clock w as
to reMit ilimigre-uicnt.
(Inuof the hoiine eolifcrrec nnld the
rcHirt would he a dinagreemciit in toto.
ll in eni' lo tx thu llrxl bumnen
taken up by the houne tomorrow'. The
republican confer m-n could caune de
lay, but niieh net ion in Hot niitielpulnl.
."-iiu'iir, iron, ore uud coitl were the
Nilntn that lorixil the total dlNigrcc
lllellt. The tariireoiiferriv dccidcil after u
llflivll lullillte's M-nnloll thin nfti rinnm
to reinirl a iliniirii-uicut on the entire
Iiirwininl lh Tariff
Nkw Yoiik, July is. A Welling
ton dliuiiach to thu Kveliiug 1'o-t
nays neuator (ioriuitu I by a
MiMHiuri repn-m-uttttlve an miliig ton
grnun of .leiiiinr.illc repren-litiilive
"(ieutlcliien, there are two turill mean-
linn, thu .McKlnlev law unit the wnutc
bill. You can take your choiiv." Thin
I Ix'llevcd to bu the tun It' lucuniire here
Al Tlirf Nrrm I nlriilral.
ClIll Ailo, July IN. President IH I
panncil a fairly eoiufortaliie night lu
jail, slid early ttnlay olden .In good
brcakfant Iroin a nclgl tnirlug hold,
lie rcfll-4'd to wu Interview cm.
I S im, Howard, K. llln r und K.nlgers
WeiV III the bent of hiiilll t.nlay nller
their night' exiH-rieucu in jail. 11c
fore II Isdm enme dow u Irom hi ti ll
to uni t Sleiiirnpher lU imliel, ol the
American liailwav liiloii, who had a
bunillc of mull for him.
"I hud the In M night's nlin p I have
hud for a luoulh or more," Mild iK bn.
"Nolhiug dlnturU-d Ine, not even the
ghoni of that man bunged the other
day. I have ulwolutely nothing to add
to what I have already mii.I iiiiniriiliig
our urrent. We are here and w ill May
hen- until iiexl Moiiilay ut leant."
I'n-nl.leul I In then "fell to I. mking
over the mail. Ncrelary Kelihcr,
w Inle wailing hi turn in the tuirln-r's
chair mud: We nrv enjoying thin res
pite fit m work."
now Aim's m:ns ii i,.s.
At the couuly jail today
the Alinriean Kail
way t iilon, made the follow ing Mate-
" litis thing is going to Is- a t. t c i-e.
We don't consider on imivi-n bigger I iiall
the law, and liui.leiilally think the
nu Iron. In nieit't. We nre gelling wniie
cvi.leu.v for the coming leirul tint tie.
lleie In a Liter telling ol I'Vl.lclice that
iikmI ol I lie Iteight car burning in Chi
cago wan .lone by two men in the em
ploy of I lie lielu rul Managers' A-ni-ali.m.
i he Mi ri'l ngi nln .if n n rlinii
c.'iiipniiv miw two men golu throiu-li
the yard w ith a hand car Iim.I.iI wnh
liillaiiiiiiuble w.i-lc, which they light
til and II, tew nmong
thecnln. linn agent i.verln aid a imii-ver-nllou
ln t. u Hie in. n froiuwhicli
he gleaned they wele to rnvixe ;.ml
dou n nnd more w tu n the J.-ti w
.lone, t ills uu. Iclslan. ling w a In . li
the lrnps wire called out. An it!. Hi!
Is now is-n.g iiiiide to nrrc-t lh. -c h .1 !
Un n. e lurll.t r have pn lt --Hue
evi.icii.v lliut the I'l:; loan iio Inl tl.e
mob i .'i.ianl ul lllne l-inml wan j
I'llikeil.-o mail I llipl.-vnl by the run-'
roiul-, nii.l n is niinileaiii, al- '
I lli-Uk. li he ctillhl In- i :iil v l.lelll lllnl, he '
linn not Ihi-ii arn-sti d. it Is sa',- t.i y '
this ca-e will not Is- iniiiiiv .'lie-i
At the American Hallway liii.ui !
hind iiart. r- tb. r- was a I rgi r cum. I
t.slay than lor w wnil day p;il. I he ,
sc'.i.itl nf the nulh. Tilli Was m VcniV'
crllleltsl. Tin- citiiui that I he:
strike Is still uu Is load.-.
1lll ! last l-aal j
Sr. I'ai I, July IT. Tin rlil N.-rth-eru
I'acille limn Itotu the iisl In Ji
.lnynnrriv.ilt.nlay. It left Portland!
June -i. I
r .kii.k.
I himo tuinil ! Il' n slnl.
Hsl mi. Hr.
1'oiui.AM', 'r., July 17.- i J. Mul
key. rl-ri'ciul Sgi Ul of the lnur
lcrliiiciil( who wa c. hut
Inn-iiil- r of isiii-plrwy to ilk gaily
lull. I CIiIihk', Wm Unlay M liti licul by
Judgu li'iiiiig-r, to one year's Impris-
onmelil lu lh .Multiioiunli county
lail and to puy Uvu Ihoiinuiid iloilui.
P. J. Jiuitnou, another nmnpirulor,
w ho Wtt COIIVIctnl with Alulkey, wu to lx months Imjiriwiu
limit III thu eounly Jail.
Ill IC M S l Ml IH-UtM Ull..
jtka I Iru-IS, al I'raul.litu, tf
Wamiimiiom, July IT. Th pnt
d-ut made the following nomination
todav: iMVld A. Well, Jr., of Cornice
llcui. ."si-oii'l fsi-ieinry of the lega
tion ut I , 1 1 1 I - -1 : Julio- A. JiickMiti, of
New llanii-shin-, Consul at hiir, ijit. ie; John C. Arnold, of
Pendleton, .-- irveyor tn-iii rl of Oiv
gon; liimrgeS. (steveliwill, Keglstef at
'mi(i. over, Wash.; Murk I- Hughe,
P.-ttnii-t. r ni honora, I al.
Frank i'. Zimmerman, of California,
t.'lllte.l htatis t'ounttl al Jk-rlin, to suo-
cevd relgne..
I Aail-4 aasplrarr Law.
Ai.iiASV, N. Y., July 17. Among
the In tiilon l.laivd In-hiru tlieeoltntl-
tiitiomd iuBVeiitioii l.xlav wan one
signed hy Tih'.inil worklnguteu for nu
autlciunpimcy law.
Mrr klHrlatfs and I Us .Ian as. Kv., Julv 17. After a
lllas-lliig hint night the Mason lefllwil
to tnlk alniiit the lini kinrhlgecaM. It
1 generally iM'lieved hi name was
dn.pjn J tl.Hll the list.
Ill nm llaa I Ira.
HAX FlIA.MInio, July In. F. V.
Ilouau, w ho went to San Iln-eo to i f-
(i t the hrreil of 11 ir.i.i- l. 4 'utter,
cashier of the defunct Klr-l National of Sinikiine, under it grand jury
ilidlcli ieiit for einU vzl. Ineiit, has re
lumed h.-re w Ithonl his man. Cutter
cvii. I. .I arrest by ll. t ing Into Mexico,
al lia Jitiiua, on tin- nigh: of June .'in.
ArOlnn an 4 riv llrn.a sl.
Wamiimhov, July Is. The w-nnte
iiimmiilis- on territories hnlay tl.i-ided
to reiii:tillielld (he udlllln-ion .f Ari.o
na nnd New Mcxima nlittcn, nnd I is
ntiuclcl the c iiiiinllt.v having tho
hllln in charge to make a fuvorabh re
Hirt at the meeting of the full commit
tee next Wednesday. After adjourn
ment of the full coliiliiitlce the Mit
commilteeoll New Mexico, mil-l-ting
of Mi .rs. lllai kliiirn, Whin- and
ShuH-, met nud put the bill In shape
for iin-s.-ntatlon.
Tin- iiinendiiieiiN ina.h' provide for n
i bailee i dales of election nod a con
nlilutiotial eonveiitlou to correspond
Willi tin- tlate lu the I lull hill. The
rlolll ntlln-oiuiiiittiv ban Hot yd
tuken action.
.n.nnlii-1 ii l-ji lilr l )..
Sr. Pai l, Minn., July 17. The
Northern Pui-ilio uasilniared open lo
day, uud in o ralion Ihroitghoul the
entire hiugtii. iin reiiri- eiyht Halm
coitt ilielilal pli--en-. r trains on the
main liue rtiuiiiii on m heduU- lime.
I ill I rr lor In t rrn.
Sax liiAXiiMti, July 17. Judge
Murphy tmlav nwaidul a f.-e f .jsit .
(Sl to the llrill of NupliSlilv. Fredeli-
rich A Aekermaii for lour year-' mt
vice to the lale public iidiiiiiii-tl'alr,
I 'clinic, In connection ih the l.lylhe
Kinks ar . ftirlke.
Cilli Auo, Julv 17. The railway
strike I not in evi.leti.i- today excupt
at the head quarter of the American
Kail way tinoii. Then- the commit
teemen d.i hired the strike oil "ml
hot,'' but the railroads hIiow- no sigun
of trouble, rucking hoii-i-H ure all ul
work, nnd bunitics in apparently as
suming uoritial iimillllons. l'riil. lent
li I n, while admitting thai thel'hlca
go uiiioiiH npn'tir to lie weakening, de
clared they will eventually limine
nulled uu. I w ill in.
Tram I lam I'nril aiil Tlirniih.
Sai IIAMIM.i, jfjf 17. The Port
land express, Li- tip ut liiinstmiir on
the wiiiii.K j( the strike, left there
last liicUl new-ort of soldier. It
pacyr ... ,i to San Francisco thin
moriiiiii;. Ills reported 1 1 ut thecupliiin
of n StiN-kton military inmptiiiy i un
der in n st nt llllllsmilir. The town cou
ntable lil r. tcd uud lin ked him lip for
ordering hi coitipauy to el.ulgu the
A loaded caution which has Ihi-ii In
the Mwscssiun of striken w as captured
by soliu m tills morning, U-ing found
In a box i-ii r. It wan taken to the
Orders Irani ll-bs.
SAV I'ilAM IS o, July 17. The local
branch of the Amcrieaii Kailuny I'll
li Ion aiiiiomiiv.l i.mI.iv (hat or. lei n hud
lrli niiived frolti Idiin to declare I lie
sinae on on ine outiieru raciiii- sys
tem If the company would agree In
take buck all the lin iiiU is ( the union
without pnjlldiiv.
l)lnapialnl.-l llrlrs.
VaI.I'AKAIso, In. I., July IS. The
I Kiiav. n heirs, w ho have Ucii living
lu high eXni-alion of recovering
Imni the I'uitcd Slates govt nimeiit
f I,ini,iio, an nu accn-limi ol a slim
l.-nuiil the government during the rev
olutionary war, for the ntipHitt of the
Anieri an army, by a relative who
died in th rmaiiiouii, pa., In 171" will
I- disappnititiil to h arn that on Inves
tigation at Washington uf the record
no prmif cnii In- (..nnd of any such
transaction. A large iiinuU r of heii
live in northern 1 n. liana and I br-iiii-li.
out the w. st, nud have Im ii contribut
ing to n bind rui-c.l lor attorney fiin
to rvcovcr the claim.
fit bire'cotc. whea joy tan bu;
FOR $1.00.
Excltisivo Shoo Store.
No. 181.
Oay St Hcnrferson, Undertakers and
Embalmerj. Cor Wil. and 7th sts.
ly not buying grocericn from
Musou fruit jar rubbers per do 05
" " " eaM and rub'nper dos -10
0 bar of our 5c toilet wap for. 25
Itird c-ngea for 7 eta and upward.
Washtub, onllnary aize 50
WiMnlcn milk or water bucket SO
New pickle plain or m'xed perbtio 10
" olive, per bottle, CAllliillK ize.. 10
Our best t-heetie will melt In your
mouth; try it 2 pound for So
To make mom for a new stock of
giMHi now mi the road, we willolfcr
aome of our go. sin at very low price.:
Mru'i nn ii.sslT.vr i-lt thur. In lh UImI
nhnis-s. li.
Men . iisst Karr.n .his, latest nlsle. $.1.
Mrli niir is 1 1 .h.s. I J. 1 17. I-'. sail I.A.'l
III i-ur niu'f tins mil thin- hv tli lsnt
iuskt, ti. M-ll llitn u nueh, urntliif
lli. iu m mrs Hiillni'ilun lurvrry in.lsiicv.
Mrli'l Inn ntirs, J.
psirn ranr lrr .h.-n. In rtias,?.
W inn,. ir. iliitig.a lip stiis., $l.m.
Ijulm rail l..s.. Ii.u.and II. wV.
l.s.h.V n-l.lilv urn l li hisv. l I mDil HAS.
is.I.e.' ull ntslii .h.s-s. ll,.-. II. a ami II ).
M. n'a tins Inii Isn.i,, I.- lu, j i au.l
Mrn'i . sl alp lasia, l.'. si ami 1 1.
Men ml ursiii issii.. j In. I.'.i-. and ti 'i.
Mi n'a ilur kip aliis-t, ll.T I anil ti.
M. h i lo liiirklr plow iliin, II IV
l. ii i Hue seal .lrmii iliirra, 't to II.
vii n line rail Ki.iv.-s- will u.-t let hard Kle.
Men', lias Isrs Lurk Klovet, Tue.
M.-ii s tint- M-al tfl.Mrrn, 1-.
M. n's lino .Iiiviik u.-a. ITr. joe. TOr. Kic. we.
nii.l II
I.a-tl.-si' null Iratlu-r jloT.-s for hnp plrklng, Vn)
nn.t 'in-.
Vallert, r, !. II, .10. fl.TI. -'. and 1-1 VX
We have a full stock of Itnrr. llroa.
hand made cutlery which will lie .old
at factory price.
Eugene, t t : Oregon.
I. Iind oitti-p, K.Ms-biini, On-iron, July lrt.
1-1 I'.niii.laliii harm Is-sm rnu-n-d at thl
i.lllrs I.T W m. U .Nu ljr aaln.t His hrlra (
W in. I'. Tnrnrr, .l.-r-.l, lur alnniiluiilng bl.
Iliilnrslvail. sulrv Nu. .'4;.t. flatnl leffinlsr li,
ishs .Mmti iiiv w ui ,i ... anil .1. ol n
ms-Uiiii I. Inwti.hlp In is raliits 9 weal. In
Ijiiis riiillily, nn-.ili, with a lew UilhpMlierl.
Isll.iU nl il.1 etllry His aal.l -artis an hereby inaptsur at ine uitiee ni j.iei ware,
notary pulillr. at Kllilolie, lane rounly. Ilrrsul
un the Ith ilalr of Sr.rliil-i, yl, al 10 o'rlin'
a. ni , tu re.siti. ainl lunii.h tasilnmny con
.--rnlliit asi alleirel ataii.loiilili-nt. lleartnR at
tllla oltif-i-un the llth -lay ul scpn-mtier l'A al
l ori.s k a ni. suiii. havlui been In .tiunr that s.rsniial M-rvlrv rnniint he
tnailp. It t. hert-l'T ontrml that M-rrlee Is niatla
l.y putill -sti-ni In the Kiinrne Kunrna,
iTi'nu, n.-romtiiK' m law
H. M Vkt. M, Keater.
K. a. 1-HkSlK.n, Hewlrer.
Hot Medical Springs.
liiaiirpanard no I
wun.larfull edicatinu I.
to mcr tiik rnocRrss
.f l iiunitinn, will Ihsl Imt
om n ru nlreii
rimeil jr
I'li-ive'n Uoldsn
In a.ivaiicwl nuaia.
It Iricn n-nif.Tt
nu. ri-iii-r : if
han-n't delaje.l
t.i knur. It wiU
eertaisjrr cum. It ..nmn't eUini t.n mueh.
It wr-n't niake n.-w luna ti.'tliiti rnn ;
but It will nulls , tsnMl .hs4 aMiil aud
tsatltiir. alien eirrMlim,- i-U- baa f.oUxl
Thea-nifuleu. nlT.s-tt in oT tli lun.-s that",
rsiisnt '.-nimi ti .a. Iik-s ev..rv .-tlsT form
i Si-n.fula. an.l rvrrr l;.i.. tatnt ani ilia
enl.r, o. i.ti to it.,. "H:,.v,rj- " It u lh.
nvsit cifi-tie I .a -. Uii.r,' .tr.-tik'tb-rs-t.-er,
ajvl fl.h bun. ht that's kiHwn l mnl-h-nl
a-iesi. In ail Hr.-r-hml. Tlmwt, ami
l.ung Atr.s-tl.-tin. If It i-rr fail. t beuwit
or cure, tit! liaie jrenr i:i.-ii. y a- lL.
Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, Liver and Kid
nej Ccmplaints, Catarrh, Dropsj,
la Grippe. Private Diseases,
Ague, Etc.
Hot and Cold, Steam, Electric
and Shower Baths.
Free l'uaturu for Horavs
All l in. la i.f name ahmitui Ths river
treii.a wttli .Saltu.-n, Kainlmw aa.l SnM'klsl
Msk- leave, hotel, ia Ktisvce '..r I Will nap
riiurs, .Monilaya, ielnea.layn and rrtitara
in tin- D.orMtii-.nialotiit the riii.aui on day,
t '..rr--i-s.lriice will r.iri prompt attan
A.l Ir..., A. P. tiSTKAMKK.
ltelknap i-prini,-,
I Mr I'u , Ureifoo.
T!"BM.U m
Ilanhvare and Agricultural Imjih mnis
Studebaker Wagons, Buggies, Carriages and Carts.
v -1 . -9 -J o Jr. yC-- -.r-t; -:n'
Mowers, Headers, Hay Hakes, Uindinj; Twine
And the inont coinpk'te Ktock of repairs on tin lVitii!
Coast, at Tlano Mfg. (Vs. Hea!iuartor8.
I. L. SIMl'SOX, Sale Apenl, with
Loughmiller & Peter, corner 9th and Oak streets.
Kt'liEXK, Okkcon.
O O O II o
o ii o n n
ronult the tltiun. If It ihnn not milt u.
We do tint link ynu hint yi tir'n priii-n, hut
nrh-- In kit-pini; vii"li the yiin t
I.Hiiu iiititity jirmhichi.
Stoves, Ranges and Heaters VSZZ.
We are agents for the
nil M-ll It I'lli tip. H' p i!n' Is rht-tinr,
ami ninth' to III i lins-lv to pri-vi iit nini.k
In If. Cull mul m-V our gmnln mul pt
tiriit-H. o o (i
In ti Kt Uot 111. VV.
W illaiuvtte i-trtft, lie.
Special AttentionI
tEND us your prescriptions and
jU we assure you that the utmost
care will be used in dispensing them
only from strictly pure drugs.
Osbun? 9 DeCaijo.
i 1 1 ii i in i in i iii 1111
i mi
' A perf.-.-, an-! rwrmftnent mm f..c roof
ratmrh . .ll m .-ia. Thia la -r-siiuss
J-t tha priraMurm inf l r. Nt- Catarrh 1. s 1 ae Mack.
U,Ki.Mi. July Is T!. striki-rs
In n-are j-il.ilulit i'Vi-r tin- f..ll..ti
ili-pxlrti i.m iv.-.l tnmi T. II. In.iik;!;,.,
Ii ml, r ul" l Ik- li -kt-m at S i. rtiiiil-:
n u k am I NT", July In
"Kiilni'-n- nr-i-n In tali- lun k all th
ll. i ll a Ith. mt pr.ju.lipi. riu-.-i'iiipritiv
in'.iM ;t.t withilnivr tin- rulitium's
ithotit a suit ai-siii.t thr- nirnpaliy.
All trams art annullrd uu'il furthi-r
Otih t. '
" wlr at Ymsfinn". -trt airert drot atnre.
H. N G R A I N ".
Slsilbg v.i Si!ier-Pla!ei Wart.
jwl-NVat. h llt-jiring a fiv-a lalty.-fca
Clothing, Underwear, Overshirts, Extra
Pants, Trunks and Valises, Latest Style Hats, and
HOWE & RICE, Proprietors.
The Things
We Prize Most
are not the errawi and pimrracki
we gather about ut. Every life, of
courae, haa in iacred tinseled treaa
urea, but la thii practical aork-a-day
world man ia prone to value meat
tboie thing which serve him best.
Not much sentiment In this, per
haps, but tome tente all the tame.
Machine of Steel
takes fim rank the world over.
Hundred ol thouundt of grain
growers call it the best harvester
and binder that ever went into a
pain held, and they prize it accord,
ugly. It isn't sentiment with them
It s just plain, old-fashioned com
moo sense. They like it bet be
cause it serves them best.
It costs more money than some
harvesters, but that's because it's
more valuable. It advantages more
than offset the added cost.
The " Machine of Steel " is built
to riarvest the grain crop of the
world, and to do it better than any
other machine.
Perhaps saa si, car ta knosr anon i
barvaatrr. Uar cauhaj ua ui
McCMttici mmsma uhiki Co.
CNicaao. iu. !, ,
rndrew Suneruil, H.ent, Eugene. L ,
Not cariii'' to carrv irncki-ry
lonui-r mo will disiHif-o
of our iiiiiiit-ii.-o htdi k of
: Crotkerj, Glassware, Etc.,:
at prices that will riirriM?
Groceries as Cheap as the Charest
Call early anil have u hr
assortment to jiick from.
Saddle Tree llaiiiifitlDrfr.
Makrrotthe IcLln Irre.' Inl fn..l.
In lavne eriitita in is.,.
A arsi rlaaa ans-k tre i'.. l.-rmer!. :o. t'om
moo trees al Irs. e.aL A au Mje, burl and
l ark Ima rn ...tirr. r a i rut anil rhalrs l.m
tnmeil. VI III tak- ..-: h.-.i r il 1.1.1m in tart
rayaient, .m ks? aork. BaslUie Uvea
wverasl ami reireU.
edar an4 ahlt Br ahltiaw. l,r aaie al ml.l.
0 will deliver alien octered. Will Uk Isrm
aeisiura la tiraanca.
tin Uj.(it (l u imrkrr, m
I. It L.KIN,
Euseoe Loan and Savinus
Sc:::wr to ll! Em.:. N.!!o::l B::t
Incorporated with a Capital of $60,
000, with $30,000 Paid 1).
Dt l-sftiu rr- vitr l n t -t-t in rhwk. Intrrr-.
ftlntNil HUM iK nili, ftUli liattlii vU
ftlrivti KH'nr Uy.
'm ir!.T 3 V C H' T.' H.
I' K I RK.-ll KT B I I :
ciknikk r. W. h
Thr Kur-rir 1-n and rluc Umixk
Jin i fuiiurrriftl tnl Mfinr t.uii..
n4 ) mir r-i al alit-tition It rmil-! t lh-' T
lima f.-(iir-w iu Ut Ml iihat J" n"";
Im.i hmi ynu vr. (ht innkr jn nrh. In
ro" niuliltl'- thrrr f- n-n iy rt'liw "f
h".ilti, hl h. 4f Iiitif-Mtlfi1 III !!.' '
r liMiifnt, vaiil tw ( nt tn in ) r r
it . .iuhcult l ln . anu'unu. i n ,r''T
cn tt put in a MTtnr tasi.k ami in'! t.- : ' i
n.t- rrlurT.. Hrli-vti.c that tli- I nt
crr.f fr thr -.if--iii . ration l a
tun in tint ri'mmiuiitj', me tMillrlt tuu. I1
rftia.r in thu matter.
f TlrHTK, XrmapArtR AI'VIKTMXii
Agent, aU Mrrrhaota Ea barer. f raa
nam, la mr aoii.iMawl aruL Ibta HP
wm u.m ia at
m grove rornnY vark
J. M. UAKIUSON, l"n-.
Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks,
Light Bra h rrn i,
Brown end White Leghorns.
Tht Fire Ed Brteds cn Eirih.
My Urck has UMd in th- WU Ut Ut t 1
Ut a yrar.
A Urn r hf ! f.r '. . a'o frm
Ut (fxr-littf t.rl un lh I arihc
ivn l atatub K-T ClUKt"-.
AJilreaa, J. . 4i 4 II I 0