The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 21, 1894, Image 10

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    r.-.l-rxvvv.VV.,'' '...' "W
for Infants and Children.
" r aatort a U ao w !l aiUptiil to rlUMrm I hut
t i r-tntmstil It Maei-i-Var louijr rcriUx
lauan to ins." IL A. Axn, M. !.,
111 Sua Oifunl KL, BrutAlj-n, Y.
"Th list) of 'Cavtirl U so unlm-wl ivl
lu u fit to wt-U known llaavl it --ti work
i4 nwrrnll" to i-ra-It, fVwwlh
lntlllrf it fainllim ho do But k p CosCorta
within ejr horn."
Ciu Mm, n. t
Hrw York dir.
Til rurrai-B (ttmxr, 17 Mt r Hrirr, Nr Yta C'rrr,
Castorl cnr tVii-- Omttlntflnn,
Kixir i t.un MirrlHM, rnn-Uiht--,
K.H WoTIU, fcitf Us-t, Will TUltr ill
C"tl"n, Wlllwut Injuria! mat
"Ki srTfn.l I Iit r"xrmr-:.i? t
jnwr 'f Vial'irU,' iwl alwajra .tl:,iii l-t
ilu mi It luu iusrUliljr rutlu-J Im-iu- a lA
F. fi-uK. M. !-,
lAth Ftns4 utd th A vs.. New V'irk .'.
lieu to (lie
And (till the i-eoplo
niouiiUlus and sea count.
Several heavily laden freight wag
Din arrived here from llarrisburi to
day. The Albany I fernld tlcnlcs the ru
mor that lliu city ha Mil anurolilnt
club. .
A train u fired on at l-.ltciisburg,
Wash., yettlcrday, hut no one wa In
jured. It In likely that the Oregon overland
train will leave Han Kraiiciaco thin
The funeral of the late Mm. I. Sunn
tlent occurred thl morning at II:. Ml
V. French haa l"eii npnlntcd Kd
luaMtfr of Hingcr, ill Ifciugla county,
Mm. K. J. F.aMtliaui arrived home
thin afternoon fnnn a visit with friend
at Malem.
The HmilliH continue to Ihi heard
from. There will be nix oft Item III the
next legislature.
No overland train passed over the
Siskiyou yenlerday but un ntteiut
will be made toiiinrrow.
All that In Heeded How to make I,' lull
title, In the president' slgnuture. It
will irohnhly lie forthcoming hooii.
Farmer are still very busy haying,
till with the exodu to the mountain
aud ca coast render the town very
'aiiiN'r are pawing through town
dally going to the black Is-rry phli-he
and to ruHlirute In the ('anemic moun
tain. Thu (IchmI Templar lodge of tlilselly
w ill glvu a btiskcl social al their hull,
F'rlday evening, July 'JKh. All are
invited. Aduiliuilou free.
Thirty-nine suck of until were re
ceived and distributed at the Salem
IMMtollliw Hundiiy. '1'he carrier deliv
ered It in wheelbarrow .
Judge Walton In having the lloor of
III brick block rcutlred. I'll account
of Insulllelcnl vcnllliitloti, tlu
have la-en nlleeted with dry rot.
lieu. A. Inrrl I making prcpura
tlolin for bullillUK a hoi houm on hi
raueli ohort dintitui'o iiImivc hirliii(
lleld. He ha i itcu-n iltiu(ed lit
We are iuforini'd (hut a Hulem hop
buyer oiler to contract iiom lor II
cent ix-r Hiuud, uylni l et'iil down
for picking inoitey when I he Mime I
A little 7-ycarold miii of Jack llelte
inu fell from a tre and fractured hi
rlirht eolhtr Ixiue IiihI evening. I r.
McAlllnter waa railed and reiuci-d the
A bitru I bclntr. built on the lot et
of the l.'ulverlly U-tweeii I'.leveutli
and Twelfth Direct. It dee not form
a ileal front! iecu for the I'nlvemlty
K round.
The l'ortlaiid itrikliiK ntllway men,
with the exeetloii of one, readily lie
kliowltxltre ilefeat. Home of the old
men are wllllny taken back, but
aome are reluwil.
Hatunlay wa nty day on the O.I1.
It. 1C The H. T. It. It. emidoyc un
now rayiiiK for a nlmllarday, a the
aliike hw ireveii(ed the ay ear of tire
latter company from vlmilng Oregon.
V. II. Huilth wauirdoiied from the
alnte rlon yesterday by the governor,
lie waa acnteiieed froiii .Marlon county
for one year for aault with a dautrcr
on weaiMiu. Ilia pardon wa recom
mended by the tliMrlcl attorney.
Today' Kalein Mailman: Mr. and
Mr, tb'-o. It. iKirrl, of F.uirctie, were
met at the overland train on their way
home from l'ortlaiid by their ihtiiKti
tcr, Mr. 11. II. Tliompioii, and iht-
auadiMl to Moo oil and make a Vlnlt
here butt eveiilUK-
J. I'. Holland, w ho ha ullage of the
1'atteraon hop yard, inform u that
the Hoe are U'k'innlUK to how on the
vine plauted ill the low ground.
From aome ratine the lice tile w hen
atul half grown, prolNtbly from the
eltci-t of dry hot Weather.
Monday' Knli-m Independent: The
Fiiireue I yet on the ii.H-r river bav
ing mlMHia trip In order to handle
wime wheat at llarrixburg. She will
be at Halem thl evening, however, and
will leave'for Portland tomorrow morn
ing, returning here Wednesday ever
lug. Hit will lirlug up over foity
ton of gnavrle lor Salem and lu-
deieliileiiee, aud enough other freight
to make up a 1 so ion cargo.
V. I. Keil, wife and children accom
uniiel ly III father and brother, re
turned to their homo In northern Min
heMila thl morning. They have U-cn
H-ndlug eveml week in thl viclully
liNiking over the country, and are
aomewhat inclined ton turo hereoiu.
They will make their return (rip
Mr. Win. I'rvaton I vMtin rela
tive at I'leaHltllt Hill.
The content for the I'oitland mayor
alty hitiln-cii rnmmeiiK'd lu earnent.
Tito turlll ronfern-4 of the houe and
w-iiute have ugreed lo tilaj;ree.
A rouncll of the lyu' Mytle le
gion w ith forty charter member, ha
iM-eii organi-d ul Itoneburg.
Hptre rib lu the market. Thl i
aometoliig uinmual lor thl m-ou of
the year. fold htornge make thl
Monday' Salem Journal: Mr. K.
C. Aflair, of liUKiiie, came down
today, and I the gnet of Itev. 1. S.
Kuighl' family.
Deputy I'. S. iiiarhulwlioeX-ctcd
togelKHT day for taking an S. I',
tram to Ahlaiid lei iilly, were much
put out at receiving but J r day.
I'uul A. MohImt, of Well, Fuigo A
Co.' fxprc ollicc, ut I'ortluinl, wa
lu Cumuli Friday ami Saturday on
hi way to HeceU llht Iioiimi to
hi iter foriiliorl lime, aay the
Hupt. O. H. I'arker.CiiemawaTritln
lug School, m-iir Salem hit cnl out
the iiiHtilute progiiiui for the week I
ginning Monday, nt - i. in. I'rof.
1. V. S. Held will deliver ail itddrc-
Umiii the iH-caxioii.
The lti-H.-hur fair will Im held S.'pt.
II, III, I I, II. uiid l'. The race are
free for all lior-MK owned ill Oregon
prior to Jan. I, IM'I. One-half the en-trtiu-e
li-e iiiiihI lie paid by Sept. I.
The entire pur-j amount tol,'."".
Several Lane county hoixn will pro
baby luke pirt In Hie meet.
The Ixmrd of direi'lor of the Capital
National bank, of Salem, at it rci-ciit
eml-aiiuual liu-etiug, declared a divi
dend of live per cent of the earning of
the pant year. The curlier' report
kIiown that xiiii-e the oraniatloii of
till bank it net earning for it nlutic
hohler aggregate t-T'l.MiU, over one
hiiudicd x-reeiil iihoi It capital.
Albany ).-inM-rat: The election of
C. i:. Wolvcrli.ii and II. II. Hewill lo
tlu- Ih'Hi li Ihii ntlracted lliu lcal eye
low anl Albany, resulting lu four new
attorney for lie city. Itexide Mr.
Naidi and Mr. Soniera, ulieady located
ben-, Judge V. M. Coo r ba moved
here Iroin California, and Mr. Norton
from IviL'ene. Judge Cimiiht wa at
one inn -judge oi mi.imooK couiiiy
Itev. Mr. Clark I reiMirted erlou.y
Frai.k llever went lo Foivol tirove
t'.:! morning.
J. L. Miti'hcll, ofS.ilem, c nt lat
night lu Lugi'iu.
Mr. and Mr, l-iank AiiiIcpmiii aie
vi-itlng relative ill Kllgelie.
Frank Mutliiew returned homo lo
Mc.Miiiiiville tin morning.
K'-eorder H irri will leave lor the
lllue river mine tomorrow morning
1 luring hi almemv lieo. A. I lorn
will m l a nvordcr.
J. W. lleiidenuiu left for Silver Lake
thl morning. !t will lake hiii nearly
lour day lo make the dr ive. He Went
via (he military road.
Mr. W. L. Wnrreu and win Ivll, of
Mu.Miunville, vtliohave Ihvii vixiting
at 4 he reldemv of A. K. Wood, re
turned home tlii morning.
Tlie parly roiiniNtiiig of Mr. A. K.
Patterson, daughter Kale aud Angle,
und Mr. and Mr. W. J. Fox luu re
turned from their Itow-burg Milt.
Jn. Hammond and Karucnt (ilNtrnp
have reliirm-d from their .Mileuio
trip. Tliey claini the dotiuction of
lauding the largi-t trout of the eauill.
MIh Nellie Applegate arrived home
from Ihmglit out n iv (hi morning.
I She ha tvii enjoying w vera I day
recreation at her hoiiie in Applegate
! valley, near Yoiicalla.
i Wiii. Itlautoii, vile and ui Frank
; ntuiind laxt evening from a two week'
l vlnlt to the Wolf creek oda uprillg.
I He I loud In the praim! of (lie mineral
I water'from lheaiue.
I Prior lllalr titrted on hi bicycle Ihi
morning for Aiil gle valley in I King-
la i-ounl v, w here he w ill enjoy aeveral
ilavouling. Hi little iler, ltiua
lilalr, aUi went to the name plav on
thl afleitiiMio' liH-al. Prior made
very good tune on hi wheel a far a
Collage tiiove, covering 'li mile ill
two hoar.
Monday' Albany IVniocrat: Mi-
I let Mi' Miller went to Kllgelie tllO
iiimmi on a viHit w ith liev. ami Mm. T.
J. WiUu MlM Nellie CIki-h-, on
d Fugelie' l-"l ladle, wa III
AHmiiiv thl noon on tier way borne
from a trip to Ibe mtdw lull r lull, re
turning by w ay of t aiiiua luty lu re
-he bax Mijoiiruetl lor a It'w dn.
To no: Uit.oiM s nooi.. Tne 11-year-old
l.y. Hairy Wright, w ho wa
arretted actcrnl oat nov chaigrd
w It li luniiiy from a dwe.lmg In the
Woteril t I ! li ol I he eooult, aud Hi-
over ' caiivrate.l lu the county Jail, wa glv
the Canadian Pacilie mviiiu route, hav
ing purcham'd their ticket of the F. J.
Fraaier agency.
Sherwood llurr ha tukni o 111 re
Mom with A. I". Wimdwa-k for the
F.. C. Huiith and e-i (i.nirgt I
Foley pringn Ihi morning to
out till Augu-l. ,
C'.W. Wa-hburne ami T. A. Mill
lorn, of Junction, -iit l-t mglit in
Kugeiie on hualut- matter.
A. C. Woolin'k. li-o. W. Plckell
and It. IL lUye left tin nioruiug lor
the Foley soring to spend a month.
W. K. ScarhriHit-ri and wile will'
leave tomorrow morning for Slaville, I
w here they w ill spend couple of j
President ( hapmall I one ol the
rarty w ho will climb Mount H-l.
Ie nxle to rortlaml on hi jtxb l.ii.-.l
grar charger.
Mra. Joel Wart tluiighU r Marie, ami
.Mtxwa Jcwie Winkley and 1
i Johnaon have nturnol fr uu their
.JJohaw k trip.
I ell n hearing U I xe
j ycHierdav aiteiuoou.
I laiieuy (nun a dvti
Ju-Iiiv heler
I lie chalge ol
lllog with-
iilrtwuhy Is poly PuMvulitig Attor
jiny tliiams, and the justhv llien-
iiihui eiiteuc -d him to the Male K -
; loiiu school. I i r i tt Johnson bsik toe
" i incorrigible ly lo uleiii on the over
cam ' land Irani lhl' morning. The boy'
lather rt-l'lcn at ('rtalli. While III
moiher ban Ut it il.-iel lor a liumU r ol
A lin i l : Ctiiti. I orvalUs I '
loruu-r: Antll-m is Uiug made lo
hve a m rt t l l ii tcle Im- lu Ibis
city oine Inue lhi inonili lor suitable
prixts and luedaU. If Ibe rltoru ul
the proiuolt I arc su t -t I ul, iiui-i.ji-r-ahle
..rt will l- bad. J t w ill lueiii.le
rnii r fioiii iu nloii, l.inu, ilrku and ,
Polk colllitlt . A laiv In (ttt-vu Jlnuv
P.utln II slid Ibe AHmny II. It T o
lo li is a hal our n-o-e Wool.l like tu
n- inoie llisi, mi Hung ilr." Why'
n. t tin Imle I -nc muiiiy. We Itatc ;
solne ridel M lio M ould atttUil 11 ad i
lit I tied. I
Following- is tho telc'Tani tent
Juno 'JOtir iv Ailolpli Sutr, of
Sail Kram iri , to I'rt si'lt nt Clrvw
laud: "I i ift.r v hiII rtir'J you fc
the greatest le :n f.lct r of tli A U r
lean iH.-opli ( toil will rccomuicml,
by cirfl nifs.nago to congress-, the
loieclosiiru ol thu inort.i(e on :ii
r.u il'nj r;iilroailn, 'tyin oil' exist
ing ciiciiiiibrtncc. jiurcharing tlie
roml at forecloHiire alu uml falling
hack on the i rimnal liability of
utocklioldt r lor Jtficiciicic. The
government iiiiifl not n'rati' tlic
roadf, but Imlil tlieii), a a great
national, highway, for the Uiullt
of tho Aimricuii tropic, a war
ti. isurc, un tliey were intcnilitl to
f for dm tr.innportation of truojn,
aiiiiiiuiiitioii, uplic umi null.
Then nnit all American railroudi
to run their locomotive ami can
on tiiirt vnul highway, starting
from the Micsouri river tu the I'a
ciliu ocean, timler payment oftolli
to lx! ngiilateil by thu trettourjr tie
partiiunl. Ixft out thcgovcrnmtDt
transportation to the lowest biiluVr,
uml money ctnugh will le made to
pay the intercut tin thu outlay, be
niil'111 giving low freight and fare.,
and tin- incalculable benelits reaull
ing from ridding the people of the
corruption, the bribery, the rn
dlavetiient, the tvil inlluciice of
tin-he giitht, corrupt uml criminal
corporation, and furninhing the
r.icilie coast, by ono great iiioater
stroke, with not one, hut half a
dozen com'tit.g railroad."
San Kranciaco' usuiiiciit roll,
jusk completed, show a net de
crease, of 17,lll7,;iJ'l in the total
valuation of pro rty a compared
with last year. Nearly the whole
ill-create i in the valuation of city
lot. The improvement alio a
flight iniTeife, but iH-rhonal prop
erty fall otr by nearly .(XX),000.
At all the principal citici and
t iwnii on thi coitht there in a de
cline of value.
It is reported that tho real cauw
ol Sherill" U'vena' rcignation in
Dniiglat county, wa becauxe, under
the law coinpciling the ahcrifle to
pay their own ami depulic cxmn
ca while traveling uliout tho coun
try, it would take nearly all the
salary provided, $2,.ri0.
The Central mid 1'iiion Pacific
railroad claim lo bo bankrupt, yet
their owner arc multi-millionaire..
7 at. . .. a - V
V lipeunoiotriOTweaaBurmisea)
tVi, ItMS fftaWkf.
r v W W w 4s
slnre COTTOLCNH ha tome to
take It plate. The satisfaction
with w -hk h Ihf people have haikd
the ajvcnl ol tlie New Shortening
evIJe nerd by the r.iplJly Inrrrsv
Vm Ing riinrmnin salr Is PKUUf
it Pi )isl I IVb not onlv nf Its great
( value tin a hw artkle of diet
A but I alvi suttklent pnxif of the
4 desire to he nJ nf InJI-
l Hebl'le, uiiw holrome, linappt-
y timg l.irJ. anJ ol all the ills that
i LitJ promotcj. Try
10. ut ome ana wasie no time in
jv uivntering like thousands of
o'iK'is that you have now
no use
v r.-
Hiruat kk auaarnuTia.
CmuM auJ coty bf
CHicann ttrw voaa. oitoj.
l-!r j. k
.in ,': 4
.'-V'V ,K
' y r T
.$ F oiled.
i t
hi-1 , .i
i1. km: l
1 1 i, . t
n. Ill tf !
s4 V.t'tM44
U4iie fit fc.
orrsrtit aill ha
' - I -.11, lint tl. aa'H'
nil ,i .o .1 In aif
I I ..1 l.t fii.i sii.l In-nl
t . .. .: .t i , r a
.1 I- . I II. .'I I. i.l Ukrl
l.i s... oi..!.. I k.i.l a
i v ' t mil ni.tuii.l tev
I i It . l .1-1. i ',; lie
I I. 1 .11, .1 It
. f ! t I.l. t s.'.i-nl.
I . a, ! . Hit rV l 11,1
to- ( r-... lit?
l i 1 ... . ... . r llitltl
4 a ll" -.Ul. t. tj.i
I ; 1 1. i i,n-.
, !i . I to s oh t-t r-
! I . - I t f. I .t r!.att a-llt
n tM' '- iti-un-tl a
r I )...r.-t.Mis sn U
. , I ..I tn-f..P
. t i 'a If" to.
.i. t lt lli-,ti-a.
It 1 tl S.
I I Kiln. 4 t
I ... ruu tlttsp
l.jatajt u-f-aj la.
n v ret-, an n,-
, . t ' ttirv In tlM-ir
1 - Ktatt. lillaa. U.
tr-ti t N.-, a u lat aautl J sU tlA4.trs, t-r St hi
M M-Nii .U t...t vi-rt.
a-f It-t-a tl rr tat-tlMf.
iim-IHU. II u uvm uum
.t. IOtli Hepublir: Otiu tlftft
of tho 1'ulluiaii sympathy strike
may be to stimulate the legislator,
of the country to put sleeping car
under nublio mtulation.
l'rrhapi gratitude is due to the
Pullman Comny for making
night travel comfortable. We
think not. as sleeping cr would
be abundant if uot a Pullman had
ever been built.
Without dwelling upon that
trratitude btinif easy enouuh if
called for we can be sure that the
sleeping car is now a necessity and
need regulation. The business is
a close monooly and does not reg
ulate itself. The public pays chat
it paid when cars cost twice u
much ai now. A traveler has iu
privilege, except to far ss they ore
allowed in order to induce him to
travel in sleepers. He get only
what accommodations the corpora
tion regards tu to iU advantage.
The railroads and the public- must
obey the dictation of the Pullman
Nothing in the common carrier
business need regulation more than
the sleeping car service.
The Oregonian has discovered
that tho Southern Pacific railroad
monopoly is a blessing in (linguist)
to California. A great mind.
But the tieople of our sister state
are obtuttc, and with the press, cry
nut against the methods and exac
tions of the corporation, the own
er of which have accumulated over
a hundred million of dollars in a
comparatively short time. Thia
money haa been taken iroin me
industry and wealth of the state to
enrich a few. And the same pro
cess continues. Oregon is a sutler
er in the name way paying exorbi
tant freight charge, fixed and en
dorsed by a commission practical
ly owned by the railroad. The in
fluence of the Oregonian has al
ways been used to help fasten the
railroad" collar tighter on the peo
ploof this state and no one need be
surprised at any position it may
take when railroad interests are
t-tfected. It is to be hoed that the
next legislature will give the eo
pie relief from railroad exactions
by the paage of a maximum
freight and fare bill. The manner
in which a orlion of it was elected
however, we refer lo the Portland
end, gives no great promise inade
quate and j tint legislation on this
question ol vital imirlance.
Tho California supremo court has
decided that a Klitieian can not
run a cold Ll utf on a con lid ing pub
lic without paying for it. The
story is this: During the cam
paign of IS'.HJ Col. .Markham, the
republican candidate for governor
tMiHcd i tho S-cial advocate of
white labor. Tho Democratic
State Central Committee then stole
a march on him by iiublishiiitr a
letter from .Markhain to tho iii tn
ager of the mine of which ho was
part owner, in which he (Markham
advocated throwing out the white
labor nnd thu employment of Chi
nese. 'I uiu glad that the Irish
crowd i out und lmiie the China
men will I all right." Kcpubli
cans chart-ed that the letter wan t
forgery, nnd Irwin C. Stump.chnir
man of the Kc publican Mate I en
tral committee, publicly offered
(XX) for the production of a genu
ine letter in MarkhamV handwrit
inn containinc the statement. The
democrat produced the letter and
demanded the 1000. I lie genu
i ne lies nf tho letter could not be
disputed, but Stump did not pay
the money ami was sued with the
above result.
li Wit ) la Ik irr.
IIki.kma. Julv LV Particulars of
the reixiverv of the cash box stolen
from the (Irvat Northern ex pre- liien-
srnirer at Wick t-rldar are at hniui.
The lx was rvcnvrtxl. with all it
treasure, $iU.
Vi- j
Witt. h --Vi
T J"r-' v ' c'i ' i
N f"
i . m 4
1 citll -e.licel, rt-.t.i.e I
- tilt's tl,.M , tin rc'ii!t ( a
i ii!.iiiiiii.ti inn t( t 'i i t
..i- s i..ssv ai tl I . i i-
i. li 11 1- pftic. I iiie I f . I
I it uot no "lief. V.i---i I
tt r i ly a "I'.v o( y ur
thai Sn
-VMS .! I --.ll -
bail ul1.' a. -nrys.
.' lv
hie p i
reme i
Mil "
Mt-lical Alti Or wj ret eivetl by i-.ine
.me in our hotineliold. rt-Hi'li-i;
p.nrt id i- 1 H.-nt for n b title "f I'r. i ;i..i,i '
fi liiev and Ucr Cure, .nal i.hei i e
dose felt rt lifted, I colli I inn .1 tukll
until I liutl taken three Isitlle. ami Ma
Completely t tin-d.
(rati fully )0iirs,
7T.I lloyt street, l'oriland, Oregon.
Price $1 per Bottle
for Hals y sll Kuriit lrutiU.
For Stomach
Liver Complaints, and
Houduche, itiio
They arc purely
vegetable, sugar-coated,
speedily dissolved,
and easy to take.
Every dose
Purity dnd
in IntrodaM Mr tvwil tSTS 4.
tsanasl IHstflttmsincil IM f-nwn.
a.t.'-r vt ca rttizaa t
tssiism D treMrtiinlBf iksisrsisi
tlJrt,(rt.'V'..aJu bsr-roitUSl,
Is-twfi.i rir- rasa tu t ia s4
talM SaiH laju. rn-.r. -., ritwtulJH
rajts mm Nsrili CJUit
The prohibition law in Iowa is
now in the fix of thu famous Illi
nois meaiiM which Lincoln once
moved to Hinend by milling a clause
that it should not be enforced ex
cept by unanimous consent.
The Duke of I'ullnniii should re
duce the dividends he pays his
stockholder, and not the wages he
pays his employes. As for reduo
ing thu price of berths, that is not
to be considered as a part of the
Pullman txilicv of "the public be
Lady hues are nuim-rou in some
of the hop lit Id. It may be they
are trt-i:triii' to exterminate the
hop louse when it makes, an ap
itearance. The ladv bug couhl
clean a head of wheal of the aphis
in short order. It is a valuable aid
to the tiller of the coil and its hab
its and method of propagation
should lie carefully studied.
The climate of British Columbia
is not so he.tltliv for the uetvspa
iht "fake" as on this side of the
border. The reitortt r who started
the story recently that a ( anadian
Pacific railway train had been
wri-k' d und that forty members of
a l.aviiioi,d-U hitcoinb excursion
party had been killed, has been
arrested on the charge of criminal
liU l, nnd t ill U- tried at un
coovi-r. Hntisli t'olumbia dtn-s not
approve of that kind of "newspa-
ier enterprise.
An Astoria paper is diositl to
Ut a little rough un Portland girls
I he editor shvs: ' J lie summer
ilirl was describing her bathing suit
to a friend on the Portland steamer
while on her way over to North
Beach. From what -she savs it
must be a bftvildcriiii; atom of
nothingness. On account of hard
times, riiriil economy as far as
quantity of material has Iki-ii
practiced, tho skirt lieing fully two
a 1 . . I . 1 .a
Indies snorter man last season.
Sleeves and collars arc also tabooed.
Those Portland girls must ho hummers."
Klein Recorder: The iiutiilnr of
newspapers in Kastern Oregon is
growing rapidly less, there l-ing
no less than three that have sus-
Iieudeded in the last few days, they
icing the Sunitnt rville Sun, Athe
na Republican, ami John 1'ay Liv
ing Issue. The demise of tlie lat
ter was most probably hastened hv
the numerous suit f.r lil l which
its publishers were called on to de
fend in the past fiw months. Con
ducting a paper in the smaller
tow ns of this portion of the state is
uot a very profitable huMnos un
der the most favorable conditions,
and when it vonn s to digging up
lawyers' fees and co-la it will
swamp the best of them.
Now that the time for using a
hammock out of ihxr is at hand,
the following old rule for its prop
er adjustment will I ar ;e-atit)g:
The head end should l-e six hid!
one-tuarter feet from the ground,
and the ftd t ml three and three-
quarter feet a curve which secures
t J the occupant the greatest ease of
ttositiun. t-(. lie rope uIih-Ji
fastens the head end th.mld be less
than twelve inches Uv.f, uhiie (hat
ahiilj the (i i inl gh.i:!.
be four feet an I a i u'.i lr -. li,.-
object of this arrangt uu nt i to
give the lower part of the bodv
freedom in swinging while the head
remains almost stationary.
'I v .
Tj-Si - ' f.'' "Vi ts -.
V -4-"'..' f a"
'-V-v. 'Mi.J .Si..V
f' I
t -i.
Mrs. John Kuk.. .
Suffered Pais
Ptr Siit: 'ir eleven veto I uf
feretl with a bad ea-u of Salt I'.lieu- i, m
Kev-lna, anil w its hunlly able to
alutut. My trouu-tl me a I
time will,. .ut lining lue uuv K -1.
friend ictuetfil uiu to
Strt i.iri,'a and (jrapu Koot. 1 did
tu I ttHtay feel veiy tli.mkfill for so do
l.itf. I leceivetl Ivln lit from lie i i
h t:t!e, ami kept on tukin it m. til I --!
t.ilien over a dozen bottle. The re-ult
i totlay I am K-r(ectly well, mul I car
nt -uy ti inut-li for l'r. (iruut's Sarsa
(.) Fourth street, Portland, Oregon.
PriisSfe fiiflUlBlLia
For Sols bj all Rust-n PmsiUu.
l u.nniintH au.ia lunnu.
Tki blsf Olllrrr ml tmm U A. IC
l'oltri.AMi, July M. Assistant Ad
jutuiit-lielieral V. X. More, of the le
partmeiit of Oregon (1. A. It., hu re-
celvetl a coniiiiuiileadou lnui Atiju
lanl-(ieneral Jaliie F. .Meech, stntmu
that Coiiiiuatider-ln-Chief Adams, of
tlied. A. IC, accompanied hy three
member of his stall', will leave I to-
ton in the coupte of a few day, for ( III
ciil'o, Oinalia, Denver, San Francisco
aud the (Jrand Army Association
meet I ni?, lo I held at Santa Monica,
('!., eoinnieiiclnir July 1. After
MiM-iidiiitr a day or two at Santa Moid
ea, the comiiiMUiler-iii-ehief will come
directly north, prohtihly to Portland.
The lot-id tl. A. It. veteran arenrratiK
lug to give him a lilting reception on
hi arrival here.
Ikrtl Hlllc-J, Twtltt Vtaur4
C'liiCAtio, July Pi. Thi afterniMiti a
ItotcliktH KUll UelotiKlUK toilful (a(
tery J Wit uecideutaily discliarK'ed III
tlie south part of the city w hile the
troo were beiui; moveil. It set tile
to a caisHou ami explotksl a siiiply of
etirlrldnc, killlnir three soldier and
iniiiriiiir 1J, ItllliiiK 2 cavalry horse
ami brenkliiK window sitt a distance of
twoorthret) liltM-k. 1 lie explosion
ilrove hullet IhroiiKh drown stone
house and creutttl n panic in the
lieiKhlHirhiMMl. The dead and Injured
were taken III charge by the surviving
soldier, und acces to the scene was
cut oil while surgeon wen nttt-iidiiiK
the w-oumled. One of the killed sol
dier was luiiucd (ialler, of troop It,
seventh cavalry, of l-'ort Sheridan.
Thu other kiiied and injured tire
member of Lattery F, second artillery
of l-'ort Ki ley, und troop II, seventh
cavalry, of Fort Sheridan.
Thu en use of thu explosion I un
known. It 1 supMtt-d tlie fuse lu one
of the cnrtrulue trot lotstc anil was II red
by friction wilhlhe shell of lheciiloii.
The explosion occured nt tiratul nnd
Oakwoo.1 boulevards, the most fashlon
able part of the city. Thet.'oop were
on their way from thu lake trout to
thu new stullou in llydu Park. The
shock of tho explosion wa ierrilllc,
throw ing iM-oplu to the ground at con
siderable distance awuy.
Follow ing 1 a list til the killed aud
u-m1 l'.,rlu,l!.ll.. i... n -.1.
aaa.m. aitint vaaaaava. ..aa.F i.,, 111,
cavalry; Artilleryman ionovan, but
tery t, L'nu cavalary; Artillery mull J
I)oyle, same battery.
Injured fH rgeant I. Inner, 2ml artil
lery; Private Slolu. triMio (1. 7th cav
alry; Private Allen, PiivuteO'Dniiiic 11,
of (he aliie trtNip, aud a liumU-r of
others whose iiiiine an not yet
lenriied. The lody of one artillery
lun riding on Hie cnisaon was litter-
ally torn to pieces). Portion of the
body were picket! up ut a distance of
lUO yard from the stvne of the explo
sum. I lie itolice have Informution
Hint a fourth unknown artilleryman
was aiiicti.
railaan mpawr Hrit.
(II It Alio. July HI. Vlee-rrvsitlelit
Wieke, of the Pullman Ct initaiiv.
says the company I willing to lake
hisrk It striking employe. He nys
the manuirer of the works ha been un
der instruction for several week to
start up the work a soon a enough
men are ready to go to work to make
the running of all the dctmri incut inn.
sible, or alut lout).
I'Mbrslla Trl ItllrS.
Nkw VoltK. July Pi The t'm-
trella coiiipauy, which ha Ist-u
known a the ft.(),iio uinlirel a lru-1
ha gone Into the hand of a retvlver.
( nun-el for tlie iniiiiniiv il let- the
liabilities ul jl.."'"i.iio., U . tin.
cent lial'ilities tf lease, t . lit r:tel, , t,Vl
but the v do not ext-et tJoo.lsU i,u.
side of fl,ii,MM ,, , iiluie -It k. A-st-U,
1" U IIH U'tXnt' lllllitr
Al.litNV, N V., Jul I. - The ni.-.
al eoiiiuiisti.iii In i. en-e ol" .'al r.
Lllle llallnlaV, rtt-ai,,: tun leionttl
totlealhat ..tiii te. .. i..r lue iniirdi-r
of Mr. Mci,ni.,n, itn- I- nnd she w a
Insniie. (i.txe' r'l"cr w ti lute
hercolIiTiiitteti lor tf- o U,r slaU-eriiu-luul
Do Yuu Ksa Whirs It It?
Lifi 1 h re anJ tells in iu rv.iQ.
in? Litter of ths WonJrrful Bc--t
iag ui. uriati
w. It.
H.eiifed from
Ktwist, OHr.ui.t, April oUi
Dn. Pa 1 1, listxr, Presideni (I
III. it.. I a I . . I
.ii i. v i , i oru. inn, i irrj ,11.
Sir: I wish toexprt .- h.-nif,.,
thanks lo you for thu great b-nei.t
ceivt-l from iling jtmr in.-ilii-ii,. j
have I .ec ii a constant miTt n-r ..r
Twelve Ye tra
wilh spinal trouble n I the r.tiu;..iiiit
so peculiar to women. have ..-r
with tevernl diirereht d, an.) i,,,.,,
Sotnil of them I receive I tett p.r.irv r
lief, hut from none of tl.i-u, 14VH ( rr
eeivl the relief I have (miii u.u. y,mt
reme. lie. The
Congo Oil,
w particularly, sn it in-t.tnt-
f. !.
I ii m
ura.-e l 1 .- . l
ly l-flievt !he pain ii'i l ipiiet
ami nft r in-ing it I can g , i,,
not attaken until hrek of tin
very grateful for the reli-l .-M:.
will do all i can to em
Voltr uuslicine. 1 liuve liMtl t.ii.a I ,
hail Is -t I let of I'miU'i I hi an. I t-.i , ,
nan is-ttics oi your .Miiive ; .-.,. ri- (,
women S ilie:te. ami Ilia' in all
niedii-inel luive liiken iu
Six Month a,
nnd I sin iu l-tter heaitii th in I !,,,.
Iteen fur the past twelve ,:k.,
more sml can work w it hunt ft-rlm . it
though I shniiltl
Drop Do
every minute, ami it i due to ynnr rrn-l-icines
that I feel tlii" w --'1 ; ' -n,, ( ,,,
willing (hat all who are :t !t .- . . I .,,, ,
know of the wonderful r sn't- fr-:u n.u.t
your medicines.
8o.n KvKavwni'HK
Conge Oil. price 50c. and $1 to
Discovery, price tl I'"
r li'. ') 'l K u -in Or i u tt.
N it vt
A t'inpHitr
flrt ki
Ttln lo I tint ii,,
I'atllli itMllrsx
Al.HA.NV, July Pi. John D. Iialv,
Joint repn-sciitutive frmu mul
Uelitotl counties, Wlio lin IiiiiiIkI In
terest iu (he Ciiscatle mountains aNivr
I N t rt dt, I w-en litry of a coiupaiir
which I forming, einii o-i'd largely nf
Salem, Albany nnd YiitUinu -o-lr,
which proH to extt nd Hie I in c-'U
Pacille railroad 10 miii cie.l util li"iu
It present terminus, or to Intl- ii.l
clice prairie, provided Hie court Kill
allow t. It i said tlnit -O inil. i
now remit for (hu ti'-, und vieulil
tiring the Oietron Pacilie within mi.Ii
of the vviiL'nn road which ( 'riik ct.iiii
(y is (o build (o meet it. T hi- vn.iiltl
bring (he pro-lin t of Crook county
within easy itin-li of Albany luaikitn.
I.akar l.raU. r l:tirt oitliunir..
Poiti i.ami, Or., Jul.v PI. Tiiiiw
nre now i iii: n ing in t verv ilircctinii.
Everything is reporit t! ijun I totlay at
(.'hlciigo, W. Iuii end ( aiiler
nia ptiints. In fact, it lot Us ns if Hit
stiike is now ut It l"v il l'. l.:i!r
leaders claim that they will yet Ir
successful, btlt ll lbs tl--l lot k Hiat
t.llllillld Mill Arl M -Irdlitli.r
Lo.Mhi.s, July II. The Pari of Kim-l-rly,
seert lary ol stale of lon-inn tf.
fairs, has prolleit-il (iital laiili.-in't
gtssi olllct-H Willi u View of lilll.k'll-o'
alsiut it si tilt-mi ut of tl.e I 'on a iji-
piltc. Japan hits ace. pled uml 1 1., re is
Very little reason tolsliiVe ( lulus;
not tlo likew i-e.
wut d by I lirral.
Sr Pat I., July Pi.--John .-eui.lun
an Omaha cut: ineer, lias Io n H iif t
St. Peter' as I ti tu. Ihieiii- ly --ink
ers unbalanced his mind.
kftrral trr Iturut-tl
1 1 r NTI Soi'ox, W. 'a , Julv ''.
FT re today swept the ea-t side ol Ninth
street, U-tHtt-n l ourlli ini.l l ilth av
enues, ilesiroying the li.tily AdvertiM-r
olllvc uu I s-vvriil store. I iie Floren
tine hotel was partially humcl.
I Hlqucl.nM I'M I it I.
Li.Nttii.N, N'eh., Julv IT.-Afttr -ix
year' litigation lliu upienu nil li"
deiidetl (lie case of Jtalisolu Vs. Sln-I-
lelibargt-r, involving the uiiitiie law
Hiliit w hclht-r or not a iniinli ii r ia
inherit pro-rty fniiu In- vitiiiu.
fH-Vt II Veals 111:0 laie Mn Mi unarm r
ll.Ulilele.l hi daughter ill older lliat
hu might inherit some valuable ;
Ktly Kit lor by her moiher. lh
eunvietetl und sentenced to be lialik'ttl,
but whilu the ease wa H'Utling in (be
Supreme court hu wa l.v nclit d.
licfore thi tragic cpi-odc he had
dettled hi interest in the dead ;iri
estate lo his attorney, F rank llan-'in
ami John ('. Wiitson. The git I s la u
ctm tested the u'toriieys' rights, ii-i rt
ing thai thu law would not all"
uiunlert-r to prolll by his ciuue
attoriieys colltelidetrihat III llii-it uti
try cmiiu w. irked no inrruptMii "'
bitsMl und no lorl'eiiure of pio-rty,
and that Nebraska's statutes et.niaintd
nothing to preveiil I 1 1 1 1 1 i t r
Tlie trial court found for the alter
lle, but the .-iipniue coutl r. t-r-td
tin holtliug. .-me tin n (In- pci-eiiiirl
of Ibis trilniiiai ha elililt lv i-liani.'"'-
aud When (he wise came lip the -f li'l
lime (lie court unlit-Id tin- ail-
Il'llt ikr I . , Auiktarlil-
ST. Iii if is, July pi. The M
Italik no a. eiiii'pan) bus sl.i
eutiru i-Miie f the M: is-.-i-i
wuriants, lo w hlch the 1 nil. .1
Sti'lt-I M-ivitv hits lukcll t'M't ti
I ti.T
i.ik' on.t retl their immediate -.tM'l r
In lite nliltvrs of I lit- gttVt rim.' "1 '"
the Mtssi-aslppi uuthoritle.
KlllraJ bf lalltna !'
I'.i.mika, N. Y., July p; - wi''"
la. -Ut Is Wie It-Velll.g pit Ki ti-t " '
t. o. k-t-slay. the wall-b ll. it : i I l--:-'
m l Met'artiiy was f.ifall.V i: :
Jo:,:i Louerfe-ali ati l Jack l"'." ' '
ly burl.
TH- I'rtslJ.ttl lner .
Wash i.. ton. July p;. P.-to-lay
adi'ptt-l -troiii.' :t -o'n i - 'i"
yacht Yigilaint.
Jl'i'T' i.! - .r lull nll. I l'r"v"tf tbe preIt. i.l - i-t.'t-.KV
i.Hh. Julv l'i - A pel in:, i.t i.l Theminonty w i.o
Injunction ha. Lvirgraiitrd by Jude e'"'ia'h lo get ail Mr an 1 li"
liayiior, of llicsupreiiiu ruiVl. a( Hit.' tt lr istni".
Iiistaiiivof Canary A lieli-n-r, inai.a-' t'llii Atei, July 3 - l'!
ger of the ( usino, riwlrali.lng Lillian ipi-it-rul :rike at the ..ckj v 1
ItUsm-ll frtain silicing or darning either UirWened. ,il tin-pa' si:
for money or gnttuitiMisly, In private, were runiiing wit!i r.-lin- I
uinlt-r any olber inmm.-i nieiit than i The lifr rtt ivetl inf..niia;
that of I 'miarv A Lttb rvr The i.. ' a nti l l.v u..-li us- plain -l
er e dl br m-rvetl upttit Ml Ku HI purp- of stopp.n wt.ik in'
.a. I. . I I'. . aa 1 a.:... ..... L.. I I I. . 1
' , , . . I a llll IIS VTIS. I lilt IIIIS lltlllllt-- tltal Iia-ta-a. I - r ti.i..-.
'O i. ll 1 ,., U .. ll,.. , l. ... ra- -ala,t:ll 11,
is hintetl that liouM l anxious for guilty 1 1 i..ui-rupt .,f qoiirt sn-l liablv
social nvotrni lion at the Knclish ' for tUntire when she sitiirs fu I.n- The "P. hie M.iiint.iMi
court. then-frv sails his yacht slow ' St-ptrmU-r 3nl under tlrau ii..tii-. bull.nmr t l i,r:;de. I ..
enough to a-low the heir anivarent I f.' ,.,., m oSiw i i.I .,u
Uelt ilouday.
The American
which has been (s-alen several
time in aii i contists by the
Piiace of U'ifitV
ma, is owne 1 hv (it
! Prttta,,.-
come in nuncr.
.r I-
t -.t
tlffl.1""'. but h'llg ti It U ' I . V
oi l wiili it- sitr ot the r if
1 can be got fur iu
" I a