The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 14, 1894, Image 1

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. a.jr a
v()L 20
MTiBLisnrn m the bimein .tio!i of OEiocinin mscipiM, hp ta ms is MummM bt toi iweit op on brow
NO. 20.
The Euscne Uty Guard. ;
I'nblUlirr avail Proprietor.
nl-TICK On Hi Fa.! .Id -I WllUuirlU
St, l-t-o Sav-iAh r'tjlilb .SlrreU.
, M.tttlK
I hnM at.nit 13
,l?trt'ni"J lltt Mil Jno"inm
Tiw ad ' W U '''
,,. .,. thrc nwnthi
.i'iri uvutln J
(iiir.o. jwar.. ........
Trnint le'tii- la o luoin, cent.
,r Una ..ra.iti liiwrti m
' Vitalising Mil wi" ' raii-lt-raj i"nrlf.
All il wurk uivut b rm ma i-iliviht.
very Pair Guaranteed.
address 6an Francisco Cal.
('tmmUloiit-r Court.
,1 S. LUC KEY 0m
m:LV.n is
Clocks. Watctics, Claw. Jewelry, Etc.
ytllWorli U.rrDt-4.-tl
At trncy-al-Law,
uKr'Ii'r - 'm )ir Id.M-V ..i.tli of I". l.
H.-il -tt- uti m givrn to t.'.illactl'.ni
nl I'nih-tt. biMiiu-a.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
I'IiynU'Iiiii rui'l Suini'oii.
I Mir ami rid.-in- "r Ml..rni. Hour;
t'i '.I a, til.: I'.' to 2, i ' p. nk
33. C XjJljKZES.
S. iK'.mu. ant Si-ar l'rlT In Ken ln ami
Iminfullr MarMe mi l liranlt.', Muniiniriit..
ll.n.l.toiniaii.l (Vuiat.-ry wmk .1
all UmU tut l't.
tt lllaiunllo Strict. near I'mtnilW. Kmiuie, r
Of Dm M.itur.. he, writ iiml.r data "I
M.rch '.'i. lr.'Ui
K M. Mki. Mm. Co.,
Dufur, Orcgnr.
(Ji:sti.i:mi.n: On arriving limnc lai-l
cck, I fimml nil wi ll uml mi x Imialy
ailing. Our liitlf j.'lrl, t lKlit uii'l nii
lmlf jvnnt olil, who Imil uuatiil nwny
to j miu n In, U mi well, niniMif nml
viifuroiiH, nml wi ll tli'khnl up. S. It.
Cuimti ('un Iuin tlmit' tM work will.
llotlinfUiofliililivti llko It. Your S.
11. Ciiiij,'!i Curt- Iihh curt'il anil ki pt
nwny ull lnuirxiioM from nit. So jtivc
it to'i'vi-ry inn-, with cni'tlnirn for ull.
VIliliiyou inM-rity, r nn
Yiium, 'Mil ami Mim. J. K. I'oitn.
If jon lh tn (! (n-'li ami rhri'rful, ami
rr.'li lir tin -:"i::' wnrk, rli-.HM" Hit- ir'1'in
null llx- Jl.a.Ui-hf ami l.lvrr tun-, l.y taklua
la.i 'ir iljriH ijiwf a wi-t-a.
Mi.4 uu.lura m.iiiv4 Ktiaraiilii!
) vi'UU pvr IhiIIIv tr ail UrufilltU.
' J L7PAGE3,
HtVINllA I kK'.K ANP I'llMfl.hTE (TIN K
nl "L.!t' auj l.licy (micrrlf. Lvii(hl In Ihv
Uhi ti.arkft.
Exclusively For Cash,
i;ui .iifrr the -iil)ll U-tti r .riva
ih i'i wy uih r lun;!i
I'riHlu.T ;if nil kiiiiU tnkt'ii nt uittrki'l
T lUni'HU'K, Ml. KaI!, J.,
First National Bank
Oi Eugene.
PaU up Ush fspltal 5 0.00 ft
Surplus and Profit, ?Q,l"J0
Eugene - Oregon.
k-aerl bankioc bnainwa J. n ra-
utu,. SLl.t Hralt. m NfcW YuKK,
' MH auo. HKS KltAKCloCO u.4 1'CUT
'.VM'. OfiKUOX.
IU1U u( .tchaoi. J.I on couutri.
'"l--iUrlTlint)jn to ckack or cartiC
ct !
All mlUcti,,!). tctrwUi to u I I r orv
Kf 01(4 UUBlUlB.
Si-rlon Itunaway Arrldent.
I'mlljr l.unr.l. Jul .
A rtiimwnv nirlili'iit otfiirml In till.
rily ,vi'ti riliiy ihmiii wiih-li n-aultel In
injuries to (lire Imliin. Mm. l'lutt
imil lu r two ilmilili-m, youiift IimIU,
wire ri'turiiitii; iinini' from iliurcli
w lu ll tin luirxn tiaik fnxlit at Millie
trivial iillnir. 'II u- Imlun wr- nil
thrown to the uroiiml, onu of them
with niirli fnnv thiil lur rluht enr
wiih iii-iiriv torn oil. The wound ar
i iiIim ii if cut w ilh it knife tin' forrr
. , n t i
ii nil mil wiia f. Kn'ni. i t. i . . . ,
llnrrln, who whm tnlliil, took wviTnl
ailtt'lii-r to cliMf thf wound. The
ynunir lnily wiia oihcrwlM' -ointiil,rnhly
iiii nintliiT nifivi-il it wwre airl:i
I to lii r li ft tikli-.U-iih-a Imiixiion otlx-r
iinrta of lu r UhIv. It b not known n
yit wlu'tluT Interim! ii.Jiirlm wi-re
Hintniuiil or nut. ut it U ft'iiri'il imi.
'I'lic oihi r linUL'htt'r liml lirr left nrm
hroki'ii jut iiImivc tin1 w rift ninl waa
t-oiikiili-ial'lv ilmkrn tip. Ir. Ilarrin
rcilini'.l tin I rail ii tv uiul iw fur a
known nil three luitlelitM are rwover-
iiitf uii'i'ly.
rruliMte Mattel K.
i :t:ile of Kola I t MeCow on, ilercmail:
will mltiiittcil to iMhute. rrolmlilc
value of real nml H-rnnl roH-rty,
f.lUKI. l-ilxlla MvCownil iiiMiiiited
ole exn iilrix without IkuiiIm, hm r-
iiliil miller the w III.
folate of lliralii Le'. ilitfel.
I'rohalile value of tftiile flJHI. Will
nilliiitteil to irolmte. It. V. Kmeraoll
liiMiintei exeeutor w ltd fiVK) IioiiiU;
urelli!.: Darwin Ilritw, HerU-rl
Kakln uiul V. S. ChriMiiinn. A
i.rai.Tii n'Milnte I: Win. Vuugliiin,
J.... p, Sharp nml hick llurtoii.
folate of lluuh lloreii; tlnul wtt le
nient uia.le ami iiilinliiiMrnlor IIn
chari il.
tiiiarilian-hip of Sarali M. Meek: C.
W. Wahl.unie, irmirdian. onlereil ilif-
lliKh l'rireil Tilcjmill.
Allen Cochran, a 17-yenr-oM SpriiiK
llelil liul, lorl mote than lie inmle wliile
nctiliK lia uieaM-mter Uiy mm liny lt
week. He wna ilellverlu It tclctfrnm
nt the n-jilcniv of John Kelley, w hell
the family wiilelulok' took ailvnntunc
of the iM'iihioii lo Kive him n aenre.
lie tfral'licil the Uiy ly the punt.,
tenrinn them in half H loeii iiluce.
lliel Mr. Kelley m l lavii near, the en
llilie wolilil Ulii'lutlhteilly ilnllf ooliahl
i rahle mure iliiinai;i. Ah It waa, Allen
came hack into low n luukiliK im though
lie lliel I e ll "truck I'V n J'yclolie, or
hiul J iine.l the Htrikefn. However Mr.
Kelley klmlly ollcrol lo huy the b iy a
new pair of palitM.
Ch r.r.v j crlain'3 Eyo and Eklc
A pertain cm for Chronic Soro Eye.
Tetter, S. !l Hlieuin, Scuhl Ileail, Old
( liroiiio Sores, Fi vcr Sorei, Kczcnia,
Itch, Trnirio fc'cratclies, pure fiipplea
auill'ilcs, It isoolinif nml fogluiog.
Ilumlroil cf eaae liao been cured ty
it after all other treatment bad failed.
23 cent per hox.
F.,r wlc l.J OiburnJi I if
A Titi K Fimi Si-oitv. A null atory
comci to u w hich It woiiM not he ail
veuturoii to vouch fur. Krnuk Klein
inif nml Huraee McKinley alnrteil
out hmt I'rlihiv to tnke the utter'
f.iiher, Janii McKinley, up the Mo
Kclizie to ileliiotiatratu their kliowl
eileof trout lUhllitf nml "learn hllU
how ." The llit half ilay only bnmk'ht
i Mintl ahiner a a ntilt, nml the
nl. I Keiiliciuail ileciileil it ulxiilt nil
prutltalile lo lav in the a I mi If. The
yiniii''cr men however, cluiiuiiiK the
McKeiuiu had been nhed dry, irntl it
all next luy lu thile Cretk. That
evening they relumed with three llh.
Suml'iy waa woie than the llrat af
ternoon. The nummary of the trip, n
handed to us i aa fullowa: KxK'ii a
?l, ami priMi-eiU 1 trout.-
lloitsij ItHovvNKti K. C. Htnitli.
w lniwaaup mi the UliU'lie jMirit lnl
we'k, reMrtn the drowning of a fine
lenm of hori Friday afterniKin. One
of the .riltln Imivh waa ciikTiifi-d with a
ervw of lui;c r funiiinc ir for the
Fui." ne wiw mill. They were at Hie
Miliit U'luw J,tMie when In me man
ner the fetltll. Wh!ll ua V,V Blill'B
Hie bunk in .hallow water, u .truck
by ftotitlutf lir nml carried out beyond
their depth. Ik coming lmicled In the
harm- lth diow ned before II u
p-.lili' tori-eUe them. The lioraea
weie valuable onhii-lj, ih blow
lull heavily mi tlu lr own. r.
... ,1 .
,j oil a.
tlOVOr OXi'ti'il-
t.l. "Trii'-l
ami proven"
iit the venliit
o f million.
Liver li'i!i
l.itor i tin-
mclicino to
a n il
whii-h you
can jiin your
faith for it
euro. A
in liireitiy
m tint I.iver
a n il Ki l-
c. Trv it.
SoU liy'.i!!
i-ii. in r.iitiiil. or in I'dw Iit
.X. ii ii:y ofii:i'!.' into t i.m.
. lie I .11-1
.-.- :i u
W . I .u a-
:V l'
:: :.:
l Hi.' .'. In r- I
Junction til j It.nia.
TiintT, July 7th,
Theaeiirc III the ball unme wa-, liar-
riahiirx 14, Junction City u.i.
Wm. ami John Milliron caiuc In
from the mine of Siutheru On eon
Mian I Jturn 'oleiuan, of Fuuelie. la
the gucat of MUa Nellie Folaolil.
The muntlial ha hivn nuthuriiil bv
the council to nlteud the alu rlira ih
lliupieiit Hale ami pmte-t certain tola
umiii which the city hold, claim.
I). A. Ilnrp la In Oirden, and on ac
count of the atrike, l unable to lenve
Hint city.
K. K, lleuderaoii and Darwin Yornn
rnme down from lOiireno Thurulav
evening In enxtall the new ollhvr of
the K. of T. lodin. of till. city.
Kil. M. llula-rliaa rented the north
room in the Oilmore brick ami w III om
cn up a atiM'k of k'enta furnUlilnif ifiMMla
a aiNiii iih the imhI can lie received.
I,, liead haa retlnM from Jnckaon'a
and will l Hiiocecdcd bv J. I. Ham
lin of Lake Creek aa aoon na lila whnol
cloaca. J. K. liutler haa had chnrire of
the iMHikn for the paat two wit k.
Married. At the realdeue' of the
bride', parent., Mr. and Mr. Frank
Kirk. July a. syi, by Ituv. W. II.
Hiiimton. Mr. N. J. Hryntit uml Miaa
hurah V.. Kirk.
Hun. Ibib't. Clow'. aildrcMi on the
4tll la highly eoinpliliieuted by thoae
wlio were mi lurlunale naato hear 11. lie
la a very forcible apt-akcr, and genuine
Amerlcaniaiii waa manifest tliruiiif li
mit lila entire remark..
A la-titioii la lu circulation pmyluir
the count v court to build a bridge
acruaa the hIoiikIi at I.aiicnU r. Thi.
ford I. Indeed a limiKt ruua one nt lant.
The late iIimmI dit'tivlied the channel
ami when It la at all up it la Impuaailile
to ford It. At nil ordinary hinge ol
water, a nlrangcrntteinptlng thla fonl
would find blmaelf In ulaiut llltccll feel
ofwnter. The ford la crcclit ahaie
nml dauireroua at nearly rI taiiaona.
I lip iititithili la la Inn iiuuieroualy
aluiiiil, and we think, II the matter la
liMla-rly fdaeed la-fore the eourt, a
brhlKC will la ordered built.
Cottage Oriite Item.
leader, July 7.
(lur huteU ii;e u.erruu with prwa-v
toia uiul mining men w ho are Ibx-klng
to Ilulii miu, the new Fldurado.
Mr. Krwln I.ea la at prem-nt engaged
In drilling lii p wel'a for the citi.eiia
oflhlaeity. In a few ln'.nr!r wclla
Imve l-( n ilrllli d to Hit) deptU U I1"'
tee. d'l'.l I'l VV(iy a cploua allt-
,ly of piiieiuld water la fuuni.
Thf (pie! Ion ol water worka fur 'it
tage (iruvv la aiaiii to la determined.
It la thought that nil exn llellt l'v:'.-l uf
water at a i'"i e!t'YUiu van ! .-eur-J
by lt''l'K a aprlug on the hill
above tlrtf reaTdeliii: of Wm. folldi".
Ill thi cum-our town ahould Iw alio-
filled llli pure rreali wau-r l j a oiain
i tlr.'.M ciiu luiiu m
P:ir '.li.ft, Jn'jr i"
i haptcr of M.iion, at I r.riiju I, j'iier-' jlt. l)ry ,a,,u , apprunebing.
ila ! ClCil till' tiiliewi'ig uuim ,
the iiiilng year: M. I.. II. I ..
C. Crawford; I . (i. H. I., J. M. H-l-.n;tf.
K., J. H. Irvine; li. S., J.. N.
ll.,iv (i 1. II. P. Miwiii; f . J
1 ltubin-uii: . C. of H., II
S'.range; i .. I.., r. I.. I oja-.
JO il
A II Fiak, cah iid for eniinty
Wi-tcrn h.l rVnT Co,
thriv road plow., claimed fr7
W 11 Kanolf, Imuntv for cougar
t.eo -n. btirving Weaver and
I ow uing ..."
Clerk nrilervd to ilrnw n wnrrnnt mi
road fund lu favor of J M (learlmrt,
appropriation fordiatrict No 15', fii.
Ordered that lit I In frncltoiml
block "A" in that part uf Kugeiie or
iginally donated by Kugeiie Sklmier
ami w ife la- conveyed to It F lorri,
naaigllif, of J A Wallace, to whom aaid
lot apcnra lo have lai n aold nt an
early day, no conveyance thereof hav
ing Ufii made, and "that Hon. A. II.
Flak, la- and ia hereby aplnled and
made the agent of and for (he counly
of l.ane lo make nu ll eouvcyamv.
Coital Fork and Cloverdale roi,d;
Frank llylaml, l't la llundy, ami A
K Parker apNiiited viewera uml C M
Collier, Hirvcyor, to uui-t June ,
1. Siinoii, au'rviaur of road district ,
No 47. orderiil In gnuhi nnd remove !
! an olmtructioii on eountv road No Ll, !
oiilheeaal Hue of J. V. lluihiicU'a ,
,t.i. i
I ... ... ,1.,,. ,. Jn.U l..l...... Irl.
Alex .Matthew, Ua Mlnur ol roail , 1 "' ' "' .....
li-triet No. L'7, iiilrueted to caue all j Atlurmyll. I Notion retunud
olntrueli ui lo l removed from Fii ; Junction lid niuriiing.
gene uiul Sliialaw ruad fro:n the end
of the present grade to the weat end of
hi ilialriet ami grade ami gravel aoine
w ith road lalairof hi tli-tin t, wlthuut
further delay.
... It II
... tt'i i
... I 70
MONDAY, Jl l.Y".
Mr. A. V. l'etera I alill ipiile ill.
Will Knv, of llarrl.burg, I lu tow n.
Vulnev 1 1 nu n w uv I at Sa'elil to
day. '
-.11. Flielldly i-ild I I l-llll 4
I'rof. J. . Johliaoll l-iled liar
riabiirg tialay.
1.. O. Potter wi ld tii .Ntletii mi yi .
terdav'a lia'al.
A. Dilley left fur the Foley Spun-
thia tuuriiitig.
The S iu batik hn di elated II ill I
deiul of 1(1 per cent.
The chlirel ica ail culitaliicl lare con
gregation y.-tcrday.
C. F. Hurlhiirt came up from June
tinu tli 1 afternoon.
Darwin ltrituw
w a in low ti tmlav
Dr. D. A. Paine ami li. W. Pickett
were ill Juuctlnli today.
Mr. Dr. Middle I rccoverim;
an attack of piicuinouin.
The euninilloiu-ra court convene
again tomorrow tiiurnlng.
F. I!. Dunn went to Portland i-ler-
t lu rru aic very dull
ug:ii nd auci-d one i
I! II. kipoti!i . in
uiil N hi- all a. Hi:il debt ol
dy l-llg h II V ele. ill
of Irving, aj nl lat
of Cottage liroxc
nt im r ihiiiiuI
I loilgla i
at are uln a
Dmila coiiuiv.
. r. lion, i
lllk.Mll III l.llgeue.
W. S. !.., uf J aiu'lioii Cil v. w a iu
I'.ugeiie ve-h nhiy.
W ill Ui v returned huuic to llarrU'
burg tin- nioiiiltig.
The grand lodge of Mai in w ill iiu't
III Portland tmuoiiow.
W iley (Ji itloii n turned yealcrday
I'r a tup to Cot valll.-.
Itev. John Paixiu ri 'turned to In
home at Salem t hi iiiuming.
The -iL-tiHV annual convention
inn I in Port land tuuim row.
I.e-ler lliiliu lilt fur Oakland ye-ler
nay allcriiiHiu In I' gone aeveral (lava.
Mr. mid Mr. ( . H. Frank Went to
Sodaville thi liiomllig (o ala'liil a
W M Andrew, IuiiiImt
T T Kemp, liridge himU r..
I I. Cniiipla-ll, printing
(ii-o ( loner, wilne- bv
I'. D McKcinicy, medieiiie fur
paiiT .' -1 iXi
J W Major, deputy aherill, wiaal
and alove for cleetiuu, t".. ill, al
lowed lit it IHI
At tlii. linie S llai aeii prwxMitwl
bill fur i. moving i.bat ruction.
from I'llg.'iie-Floret c toad,
m Inch waa iillomd lit $ 0 (K(
Hill of 1' Hold for bluirpi'tiitig and
pHintiiig road plow mutiiiued for
Dill of Crouer .v lllair continued
for vertitli'Htiou.
Mill n' J W Ktewart colli Hilled for
Mill of 11 Ilurril for clfiti, n IhkiIIii
M, Hllnwe.1 at 1 .()
Mill of lien C Irwin fur tuerciiiiii-
dina nut allowed.
Ordered nllnwed:
A V Peter., clothing fur piilipell. . It t'i
S A l'nrk. bounty mi cayute - INI
M l l'lillie, ' " '1 - 1 (HI
Eugene Light Co 'Jtl fttl
" light fur jail.... 'J im
F L Olmmhera, road material It) '.Nl
(Haas ,V I 'null iik Hue. stationery . . . 4d IX)
f rnuk II viand, viewer Cloverdale
and Cmial Folk road 1 3d
Lei. Dundv. viewer Cloverdale
andCoaat Fork rend '2 Till
A H l'nikar, ditto 2 HI
Herbert Martin, rlininmuu
Fi irk and Cloverdale road '2 (Nl
Jii. Parker, ditto 1! (
CI if I'uiker, murker Coaat Fork
and Cloverdnlo road '2 INI
CM Collier, county itirvcyor 7 70
0 M Collier, county surveyor 'J7 INI
II K ItuMM-ll, keeping pauper lH I I
.lolin Iteverly, cleaning chaH-t. . .. '. on
J h I'nge pauper atipphc 1 T.'i
K O Puller, Dep. Dial. Ally '21 til
Kaklti .V Mriatow, paner (tipplie li INI
Frank Keianer, aiiliiry b'l INI
Frank Keianer, poclaga I fa)
A E Wood, piimicr I INI
J M (leldion, bridge MJ
He Hud Many Uouta.
A good atory, av the 1 1 In-
di K iulent, wua told a little w hile ago,
nil Colonel i K. Cornellua. A few
year ago lie had a lot of gout which
iu aumuier bmwaed on aomo oak on
hi old donation land claim. On one
occasion he wanted In houae them In a
ham. Accordingly he ulatlnncd lilm-
M'lf ao aa to turn the goat col tin in Into
the front iloor or the liaru. He lunl
Mood there for aouie time aa the atreaui
of goata came nniund the barn corner
from a back liuxlure, w hen Mill Kane,
a neighbor, rode up. Kane had a good
alwd am ile on Ida face a he accoatcd
T. II. with, "Colonel." youarehouHlug
your giaila I "Yea; I want to
aclcct out a few, but I didn't known I
had aomanv. ' "Welbiloii t you tliink
to be. ku many then. An nivcatigatimi
allowed that the giatta went lu at the
front ihair, juuiia'd on a mow of bay
and pn-ed out the Upa r wimluw,
then nroiimi to t lie trout again. I hi
circle of goata had deceived Colonel
Tom aa to the number lie owned,
The train on Ihi iliviiuli of the ..
P. It. M. continue to run regularly.
W.J. D'Arcy mid F.. I'. McCornai k,
ol Salem, H'iit Saturday night iu Hi
Mi- I'.laiiche Straight 1 visiting
frit ml on S'invr Creek for a few
da .
Hugh iray went to Albany yeter
day where he will accept a h'i1i1uu in
u toutiilry.
J. W. Shumate, the Walterville
iiicrchatit and aa.uiatcr, waa in
lowii liahiy.
Mi Augunta Iteiuer, of
Vixitillg at Hie reaidemv of
for a lew day.
W. C. Itallcy Marled
: Hay I
'" ennui of
I rule low .
s- t It lio
hiiiix. ti
. coming
the In ai V
iu hvi
ly. On ac-
local pnci
Albany, i
I .co Long
a (up
you had better shut that Upia-r b
wimluw'.' May lai there won't ap
Fiiov KlTiox SfniVfiH. Albany
iKiima'ral: A letter from Hon. It. A.
Irvine, w I o went to Kltaoii Spring
alaiut two wi-ka ago, written to Jaon
Wln-ler. of thia ell tf. anva Ihn roml In
1 . " .y . . . ' ,t i in ....... ..i. i, i ... i .. i. .... .
10 III llm alaive Sprillgllci W a.aal, I )' "' "" riinuni uiiaiiiu
then fur a atn tdi uf li mile Hie worl i " ahliHl from here, for which waa
Oimnis I.i.i:'-rtii.-Mie KP"'!; J..'.uiau tuUn in lid matter at mn
Il'.lll I.UUll. J'4'T H
I.i r1-.: 1 1. i'iaici 4 lavarverud
aold 131 acre, of the M' tract today
. I irt f au-rfi.- Heitiiuiii. n-i-entlv frutii
Lyon county, Kaiia, f.r Ms).
li. nd hole the writer aaw alMiiiiidi-l,
and then the remuinder of the road
wa rough and rocky. Mr. Irvine
ay he Mood the trip finely and ba
not had a bud aia-ll aiiice . I gall
hnthiiig and drStiUiug the water. Toe
tcitu uu.l wag'in of JaM.i- S.hcltoli run
oil the grade but no damage waa done
exivpt aome alight bruiM- for Mm.
Sheltoii, wliojuui-d f: ..a the wagon.
The wiej".. tuincl over and went tl.rt i.fiilM.iikiu,.iL ala.ut l.j f.
Into the river, borw-a and all. TheM'
liorwa were cut iie and t.n.i.ght out
afelv. Most cf iil-a loud wai aaved.
look in if the xllate and
nl. I 1m- ui.ahli. o agn' nl. the
(anil' hill.
The Noithcrii Piu illc train left Port
land laM eveiuhg Inleiiding to make
the trip KaM.
I'lol. J. W. John-oil and family w ill
leave for the II r MeKcli.le til upend
a n ii 'li 1 1 1 . ThuiKilay.
A 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 k t uf F.iigeiii' M'nple w ill
have lor Portland nnd Hie liiuuiitaiu
and a coa-t next wet k.
Jami llauimuml mid F.rueat (.11
alrap left lor Foley Spring thi morn
ing to apciid a few day.
Prof. D. V. S. Keld and W. W.
Haiuc were pnt-cngcr on thi Illum
ine,' north huiiiul local.
Judge Fiillcrton n tinned to hi
home at IvOM-burg ye-tcrday. Ile
will l here again July l.'Ul.
K. II. I .niier arrived nl A(iiria on
the atenmer Coluinliiit. He ia cXTted
home luiiight ou the overland.
Prof. Coiul hi, accompanied by hia
daughter, Mr. U.S. Mean uml child
ren, of Sal, til, arrived homo thia after
noon. The c. h I. rated John I i recti arrived
in town thi morning from lleiitutt
enmity, where he ha lavll III the bur
t It'll It II rill htlhincaa.
Yolucy Hetiietiway nrrived home
from Salem thia afternoon accom
panied by hi brother I'rbnu. The
latter I -i rimi-ly ill.
Thee n re vacation day w ith the
children, and now Hie avcragti aniall
laiy w ill be hoarding up hi nickel
fur the coining circua.
The pro:nled marriage of William
Pciin Carter, aged h, and Mr. Mye
litic Mill, nged .0, came oil a udver-
tincd la-l vti k, at Dufur.
T. (I. lleiulrlck went to Hmlleyvillc
thia morning lo look aland make ar
rangement fur the oia-nlng up ef the
Hew aiala spring at that pliuv.
S. II. Friendly, oflhlaeity, nml Dr.
OglcMiy, of Cottage lirove, were paa
M'tigera on the liH-ul thia mnrnlng for
Portland to ulteml the Mumjulo meet
ing. It baik f 17,7111.711 to run Lane coun
ty lat year. On account of tho clerk
and Kherill h.-itig aularled now, the ex
n'Uc will bo much lca during the
next year.
Itev. (1. M. Irwin, elected atnteau
IM'rliileudcut of hool, will ivintlnue
na puatoroflhe Flrt McthiMllat church
of La (irande until hi olllclal term of
aervlcu iM'gllia.
Stinie of our lnrgcat w heal grower
Inform u that the wheal anlila Im
done no crecptlble damagu whatever.
Aa the gram turn yellow the aphl
leave Hie Mime, llyilig oil.
Hum nud laicoti nro tviiorti! very
a arce at I'orllaud on account of the
atrike. Theae article ought to l aum
plietl by the Oregon farmer I li tend of
la-lug ahijiped into the atulv from the
Fruit to thu value of 7,tNN) on It
way lai-t from California wa tied up
by the atrike nml loal, nml fruit grow
er of that Mute eatlmatv their loan at
t.'JNii ia-r ilay during the contlinimwe
of the atrike and blockade.
Kliaa W. Dixon, tif Forvat firove,
Im Invented an air ahlp by which lie
claim he can g'l from Oregon b C'lil
eng'i iu .'Ml hour. It 1 In the alilip of
n whale. An electric motor will be the
iowtT. Probably a bubble like all
air i-hi p..
Judge Fink ami Comiiiliaiimer I'er
ki in mid CmIIlboii went to H rut r
cn k thi afurmam to l.k at a bridge
in that acclion. 'lomurrow they go to
Junction City to baik at the ace t ion of
country lu tho Uittom thia ald of the
llarrialiurg ferry.
Another pri lamiillou wa luil by
1're-idellt ( level. ml Jeaterdav. It ap-
Mipli-a parly at Aahb.l.d baa 1 nliea to North Dakota. Montana.
Juat pai d the following naolutiuii: ! Waali'iigtmi, Coloratlo, Culitornla,
IlfMilved, That .e tkcluro that the I t'lah and New Mexico. It ia alaxil the
only tiulU.II of Hie ruilway problem ia aaine tcuor a the pna lulualloll l-allcd
through the govcriiuu'Ut ow uplitp of to CliUago uud tlliuoia.
rallrimda lo La- op. -raWO. iu the lut. -real , Mw K (1U team of Hon- F- C.
of Hie whole pctx. (Tuiely, or iiurrlaburg, wa. frlghleii.-d
l'.iu-Lurtr b vU w; "Hie Ux ui.. of 1 ami rail away throwing Mr. Tandy lu-
la.ugla Coiin'.v tie. iik and S. ' lo a barla d w ire feiuv, cutting Id lace
Hamilton. a :uii laiutlaa tnuut v. '" urm in a acrimu mmuier. He re-
have lain unia-ah-d to the aupreme c. ivl gial aurgleal utU and la
thrmigli the Cowli!., Wa-h.,
country yctcrday.
Pi' tilc nml llhlng parlli along the and Willamette river wi re
liumcrou yctcrday.
Judge Fulli-rtou came down on thi
morning' train, lo hold an adjourned
term of circuit court.
Mi-ac llelle Milllcaii, Katcniid l.u.ti
Fiirringion wfiv pitwiigera fur Junc
tion on ycatcrday a local.
Mr. C. L. McMaholi, who hita Iui n
vialliiig at the home of her pan-lit, re
futed to Porllaml yealcrday.
II. C. Humphrey ami Peter lluiiey
left fur Hie Foley ' Spring yealcrday.
Mr. Kuiicy i nrmcriiig fat!
SIiihiI Huarilltcmletit SteVcliaou
left thia morning on hi bicycle to vlMl
acluail ill Hie ljikc Creek country.
Merrill I a la, who ha la-en aerloii
ly 111 Willi an alli-ctloti of the laiwcla
for aeverul daya la reported Improving.
A Lytic arrived over from Craik
county Saturday. He came by the
Salitlaiu route and reMirta Very' little
Mim Nettle K re arrived home Sat
urday evening from ( late creek where
alio ha Jut cloacd a aucccaaful term of
j A lllllllla-r of young anple of till
, city mid vicin'ily nttemled a picnic
i . ...i...... ... . i
neiii oiling eicriiiisv, ami ri Hiri a
plcaaulil tune.
Prealdelit Cleveland Veatenlay l
Hiied a pnH'lainiitlun which virtually
dwlan-a martial luw in Chicago anil
the atale ol lllitiol.
J. M. Foalcr nml aiii, of Portland,
alarted for the bridge todav,
w here they will aa-ml a few weeUa
liiiiiling and llahing.
J. F. Itohinaoii, S. M. Yoran, W. V.
Henderson, M. D. Palno and L. N.
Money went to Portland yealcrday to
ntteiul the gratul lialge ami chapter of
li. v. J. M. Dick, only got a far, on
hi trip I jiat, a Portland, on account
of the railroad atrike. Ho ha coil
eluded lo ptrntpone hi trip until after
tin' ntrlke I act tied.
MarMiltcld. Mull, July Scmitor
It. F. Alley returtieil from Mamloii en
tliuiiMtlc over the hpltallty of the
Mumlonhtna, who treated hlui elegant
ly. Ile delivered tho oration at that
litai. W. Plekclt, W. II. Ilolluian,
Tho. J. Craig, Jaliie HoU'man, Muck
Sunimerville ami A. J. Pickurd have
n turniil home from the I'ortlmid
riu-. They n pcil living had a II tie
week uft-al.
On the Sou I hern Pail lie pnaaeligt-r
eonduelor nit-ive a lumitli;
brukemeu, f Ml; engima-r alauit .!)
a-rday; lln uien, i70: freight brake
men per mouth, frvlhl comluctor
flu) a-r mouth,
I j banoii Advance: Dining the paat
paid an average price of ' per ton,
amounting to tJn,K. Seventy live
ton will l- ahiipeil thi year.
The parly at Aahb.l.d haa
1 i
vulli Informer ajiya: J.iiiu iKilati.
who ba Ut-ti in tl- eiiip'cjf
Kratl' Mro. a -f.- i.air Cx the
-.. l,lt uiojilba, Wi Ul ' Lebitliou
oul'lrale and while there tjt
diinkmg, aoiiu thing at a rule
not oVh uudj hty k (d it "P ve
uniii iih. iu..riiiuk- iiui
w lieu he had got fur ua to have l-eti
cra,.l from the t tli-ct, and tru-d to
I tike hi ow II life by hulitU( kl bilu-iv-lf.
I,ut kdy Ida kin, ki
and be U,I 1 ll.e marked and .truck
i the iPa.r. Ihfllair tiHik phti-e in a
l.ou.-on Second alr t a . uplil by
i Mr. Hut ion.
Mr. Irvine ftvl. tiuile i.oiilldeut LU court. I he parlli- are bghting (he gradually Improving, though cotiaid-
I l.iabit will liui.r c.f at the ni.rlng. rulae ma b-by the t-aird t,f e.pial!y- en u iu a triiinu e,eiuioii at urai.
............ ...-. . : sui riiiUi.ii.nt t liH or tt.s. r. It.
thia court in their favor, j It., ,.Ud at porlUuil aay: "We
:u Ikiuuibaje, r. Wulkiiu and ' iliU"t n V ju-t ho .! the road W ill
of 1 ridnig a Wt be eould went to. I np ut' i . ti to Nui tr:ui.Lifc Our end of
K. ! fpim CorvaJha iho (i Julj lu vtlt.. tlw Iwie i U hr, and the .trikera
l.ratctl.i kou.Ul, and U laJln-.l Walk- ait. i.oi gituig u uiu aiigiueai irtKluie
to.lti'iallH way. A the dutmu- i in even at A-hlaml. the trouble at
, i..i. i i j.,-. M.ll.iliu, .
k, will pt.'ilily la altkt. '
i be dva-a niil.-a and Mr. Muumburgt-r i 74 yeara
jvt-r anice , W lt '""y ' hnngUitti how Uellyj"1'"
. o'clock I 'IB w ialu d to hear the toKi . am.
i i... . ... ..''I
The (ii ."I U.U Iw thia: "The atrike
lelld Ut.uu.kl llli'tlla to the regular
uu.mcr freighting by team l twi ii
valley tow ii. Charley Criu It-tuk d
TVi i-.iHi'l- from llarrtatairg to r.u-
ntM. Wiu tj. Al t...i and
Cbarle llurkhiurt, w ho liv. initr Ab
Itftiiy, are aiuong uhet who will la-ylu
cutting fiitl wlutil thia wet-k. Tlie re
(ul hot weather hn aliuo-t put a
toi to lh ravagi-4 of the aphl, and
getierrinav i one wagon wuri nair frilu Mn 8,u,.,, the nun will mrf
:h.a-. ' lite atrike' u, i4 n-4i ; , 1U(.h ,laiaK,.. A bountiful rft. ,4
lb)f..rlhfei.'htiuUt4aiMM lu lhliw.ntii.lh.iyU ,ur.l thMugmmt
;t tu.u uf Oregon it Ut). extortion- tm WillminO. valk y.
I'umiturc v Dealers.
Calls answered datf or ni$M. Opxxsite Hold Eu
Eugene, Oregon. enc, Willatiutte atrut.
' A ia.l 'AI H.-(Wge and t bri ' u- fn i-'fit rlw eluirg.! by the t. I
. Marx and May Itahh ! fp.tu P to li. tL A. la a well kru.a n fact, all
1 M year of ". Pdtiduy rvnilug iul i lnt .uuiiim r, fn iKht teama ran regu-
1 yeaterday nioriiiiitf mugtil m trery line Urlv U tw.-n lu-r ana I otvalll. bikI ; new ami aliirw tlutt ennfldeiicv I
, trout t il.e ue.uth .f tl Mtkeuik.' j a lik c4iditi.wi w iU I tttrrit-l ou thi i again la Ing n iMrwr.1 lu flualiclul tlr
'fiver. Pretty IC'1 fUhing tr laiji. '.uinuter. 'tie.
Wa mi n rs at P.n. foite county
warrant are now at r. Tlii la good
j itiw.i; uouk .EKin:ii.
Let I llao I lie Itinittl Willamette
j I hi prou d.
Mnliduy' Saliin I lid. udcut: Cntil
tin n-i- im the river i alnio-t at an end.
The water i gradually getting lower
withoiii any pro-ci'(.f ii ri--, a all
the -li. iw ha i iil i!- If ill tile moun
tain. Itia-a.o to m.v that In li-a
Ih. ill ten da.v tiau-iwirtatioii will
tvii-t- ami liu reliant will have to 'ook
once more to thu railroad forMiration
a it mean of tritu-it for giaul. It I
rumored that the I uioii Pacific will
iitt. mpl airaiigeiuciila for a lighter
draft laiat fur the lip r river tn take
the plaiv of thu MihIoc, but llo delllilto
Intoi illation legarding thi ha la-come
ku ii o Hie public. The Altoria will
run jii-t a long aa the water will per
mit. The otlhfiof lh atcalncr Ku
i;clie any that they cm operate ull
-uiiuner, al I. u-t a far aa Hi, city, but
tin V think it I mi-iI.i. to e ' rale a
far na Curvalll-. There are aeverul
bar la'lMeeii thcc two cillea that are
very ahallow, uml a lauit of unuaiiully
light draft cau only Mont Ukhi them.
It I aiaihlii to make a navigable river
of the Willamette the voir 'round, and
If a little lea money ol" the appropria
tion fin d wa ticO lor aurvcya ami
proiiii-cuoii mapping, ami a little
morn dredging w a done, the river
alii would have clear -ailing ami the
merchant would ! 1 m ilted tlien-by.
If the goveriiiiieut would take nil the
civil cligiliivraanil at-iid them In Alaa
ku, nnd turn the vm,im or ao Into Hut
hand of a few praetnul ateamlaiat
men, M would go u far n M ih-
iiinler the ore-, nt v-tem. nnd a craft
a little larger than n Hat Ix.ttoiu 4x1 (I
inch draft, could Ibmt ti.ii every liar
I t . n l aigcne nud Purl land Hie
year 'muud. 1 1 la a ahalne t hat a river
o rally Improved n the W illnmelle,
ahould lai ahut out front comuiirco
four or live inoiitha In the year laa-niiati
the money impropriated haa been ill-
I lie liiilcia-mlcnl ateamer I .ugcne
came up from Porllaml 1 u-t night nil
tier recently tegular ailnptcti trip. She
went aa far aa Corvallia ami will return
thia nftcrmaiii. Thi evening alio will
go to W hen) land for n loud of w heat
lor llie Willamette valley lloiiring
mill. Tnuiurniw niiirnimr abe will
go lo Portland.
W. V. C. Avtnrlatluii.
A Chiiiitiuiiiiiu Aaacmbly will la
at Oregon City on July '21, St and 31,
aid lad-tone l'ark. Among the atieak
er already engaged are aeverul ol na
lionul h'putatiou. S. Cantlnc,
of Lo Aiigelca, Dr. Selall W. Mmwii,
of Sail Joe, Michiird W ukc, of Topcka,
Kana, and Pmfi aatir Strnub, ot
Chicago. ItWlnntC. K. Liakc, (itio.
It. Wullucc, Arthur J. Ilnmn, C. C.
St rat tun nml Kolntid D. (iraut, of
Portland, havo la-cu invltcil to uaaiat.
Almill. W. Scott, of tho Oregouiaii,
JudgeCaidi-, Abigail S-ott Duuawivy,
Seimior I'linguc, of llill-lxini, Nar
ciaaa While Kinney, of Aalorlii, (iov-ernor-elccl
Iird, of Suh ui, ami other
eiiiliient a'iikcra nml muaiclnns.
1'reaidclit I hapuian, of thu Slate t ill
vcraity, haa lai n invited to tlelivcr
lecture on Shukea-nrv.
It I proia to make Tuesday,
July "I, a " Vouiig People' Ihtv," wltU
cxciiralun of Sumlay achotila, lOndcav
nr nuclei lea, Kpwnrlii l'iigile, Y. M.
C, A., etc., from all purl of the atnle,
with roualng muaic and a a tiling young
la-ople' pnigrum; Wed ueaday, July 'S,
''Patriotic lmy." devoted to 'thediacua
alon of nalioual, HtN'lal and cetinoinlo
(pii-allon, w ith tlieO. A. 11., Son of
clcralia, Wouinir Itellef Coqai, varl
on on lent, etc.; Thunulay, July '2$, la
"Fdiicntloii Duy," for "teucher, col-
legea, CliaUtuliUU, etc. Col. IL A.
Miller I chairman of the executive
committee, and will give any dc I nil
Circuit Court.
i'al.r Ouanl, July .
The regular adjourned term of the
circuit court eouvcued at the court
luHiao thia iiiorulng at 1 ' ) :.' o'clock.
I'reaeiit: Judge Iiillcrlon, Slieritr
Johiiaoii ami Clerk Jennlnga,
The following bualnca wa tranaact
etl: i'a. J II Hnnltf v Fllut A Hau
lier; forvcloaure. Continued for the
The court will prolmbly adjourn
aome time during the aftcrmam.
Ueo M Miller v. Peter Nye; con
tinued until July "1, at 'Ju'to p. m.
H H Steven et al v. T T Muruhart
contlmietl until July '211.
KJ McClaiiahan v J M lower
coullniiatlou. Conllrmctl.
Court adjourned until Saturday,
July '21, 11' b at '2:u o'clix k p. in.
Uallr OuaM, July ID.
SrtuMKit KutitxK. T'alay'a Salcni
Htnteaman any: The Kugeiie reached
her tba'k lu thi city Sunday evening
and a few minute later Icil for Cor
vallia and way point. IC im hing Mue
na Yiala aim tied up for the night ami
ngnlu headed for Corvnlli bright and
early y.-aterday morning. She arrlvetl
(here ulaiut 1-o'clock, tiaik on a lot of
O. P. aleamer freight nml turuetl to
ward Salem. She rounded the la'nd
III night of Snielii at about
.;" p. in. Thi laiat ex
! lo continue making two trlj a
week during the autnmer, Coming up
Siiudnv and Wtalneaduy and going
lowti Ttleaduy and Saturday. She
I owned hy ( apt. June. Her draught
I, light, 1 1 Inch. -a, with ton aboard
211 luehe and ba) ton lilehin.
Hlt-hest Uonors World'4 Fair.
A pur Cup Crcim of Tittjr Pov.'.c Frei
Bum Ammonia, Alum or any i.'LltcianC