The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 07, 1894, Image 3

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Take no Substitute for
Royal Baking Powder.
It is Absolutely Pure.
All others contain alum or ammonia.
InM Inleresllng Inlurmellua tipniM
a Lars figures Tbe DIITaraaee lla
taaan Ctpm aad Urglaterad lloaila,
IJuw Intrtesl I'llea l
A nntuber of sntij fortuuet ar. lyinjj
n tl:o United Slates treasury waiting
( r nmieloily to step tip ami dujm tlicm.
iimney I due on Ixiinl lonif at'o
cillej in. Some of tlieui have nevrr
Is-en cnsli'il by tlie hoMera. On tlie
o, 1 ilrlit." which eiiilinirra nil loans
m.nln to this Rovertiuietit np to 1R.T7.
fUl.OOO is ti!l owing. Since that ilut
more tlinii $1,000,000 him nreuiiinlntetl,
beins!fl fr ljr the intmhim en
titled to it. either thronijh m-glto'iM' or
for othi-r reasons.
A fnirtion of this (rrrnt
inn now hclil by the treasurer of the
Un.tfl Sl.iti in the hiio of cheek.
Interest on rrtpstereil tauuls In pnM by
chrvV. but a people aro constantly
clwnin their mlilresse it not lnfre
fjnin'ly haiH'in track in lout for
nwhile'of mi in.livMuiil bonJlioldcr. Un-ili-r
such Cirrtiinstanoes the quarterly in-t.n-st
check are rettiineil a they full
nr nnl in the course of time pile np.
TVy nre kept for nn Imlefinite period
ami nre i;ool forever.
There ure auch checks tn the treasur
er's ofl'ico now which have acrtimulatoj
Jiirui',' niuro than 10 years. On theoth
rr hiiti'l. knowing that they aro always
cno-l for the nnmcy they represent. eo
plf often b-ep these intern! checks, put
t in t them nwaynml hoarding them, just
a if they were no mnch cash. Only the
other day a batch of 40 check for $1
each wan received at the treasury. Tlie
owner hail aimply put them away aa
they came in year nfter year.
The millionaire i commonly repre
sented na en-a.''l in clipping coupona
from lind. This In nn e;.Tej;ions error.
Hii-h men. ns n rule, do not hold coupon
honds. Such iMind.i are not wife prop
erty. They aronlwaya uyuble to bearer
like treasury note. If lost, the govern
men! will not replace them. According
ly, for the sake of aeenrity, people are
constantly rschnnidnst them for reps
tered lxni.1. The '"'"I conpon
bonds is now nls.nt :n.000.000, mostly
in the handr. of small holders.
K'.'.-ist.-red Ihupio nre rich tnen'a prop
erty pir excellence. At present about
(rjn'i.oifet.niM worth of them ts held by
priv ite indivi. Inula. Of thia great tnn
ls;.(H)i.i0. or not far from one-half, la
owned by 1 .000 persona, roughly apeak
ins. whose holding average 30,000.
The name of these fortunate individ
uals nre kept aecret by the treasury.
Some of the fortune possessed in thla
stinpe nre enormous. Among the great
et holding nre those of the Vnnder
hilts. Old William II. Vunderbilt had
fl.V003.00J in rendered bonds at one
Almtit 20 years n-o f 10.000 worth of
tS consols of IMtt und 107 wero stolen
in Havana. The thief altered them by
era-iii,' the tiaiim from tho face and Bold
I hem to ignorant persons. They were
for fl.OOO each. Ever since then they
have Ihi-h coming in to the treasury
through Innlcsniid otherwise. Of course
they were useless to the holders, being
registered nnd only payable to the orig
inal owner.
The originnl owner lost nothing, of
course. All he h id to do was to notify
the secretary of tho treasury, givin) nn
affidavit and n bond of indemnity, and
the stolen consols were replaced. That
Is lie advantage of registered bonds.
The number of ech bonds that have
oeen lost nnd stolen is astonif hing. A
list of them. ntimWing nearly 1.000. is
limited and circulated by the govern
ment. It is called the "cavent list" and is de
signed to warn bankers and others
agi.inst nccepting securities of the num
bers mentioned. Sometime ago a report
came from Indianapolis of a bond that
wax said to have Iwen destroyed. Affi
davits, etc.. Iieing furnished, a new one
whs issued to replace it. Ten years later
that identical seenrity was forwarded to
Hie treasury from Ilolyoke. Mum.
It Imd lieen found in lot of waste
rier at n pajier mill. There waa no
pieMion of fraud in this case. The own
er lot it and nppoed that it had been
A L-reat many bonds called for re-
ditnption CO year and more ago bsve
never ls-n presented forpayment. Some
of lliein hive doubtless been put away
and forgotten. It is imspned that oth
ers have liwn lost ut sea togetlier with
their owners. The qnantity of gA and
stiver in com and bullion sunk from
wrecks in the ocean amounts to many
millions of dollars in the course of a cen
lurv. Only alsint $3,000,000 worth of bonds
is iHMd by comparatively poor per-
us. Mini tli"e in snms of fioo or lees.
Ai-nt :W years ngo Uncle Sam lent,
lot of m n-y to help build various trans
continental railways. It was understood
that tho comp.uii.-s would refnn 1 ths
ca. as soon as they got well started.
There is little l.k-hhood that any con
siderable irt-f it will ever be jM
Then-is still owing r4 OoO.UiO of orir
innl in lebte.!nes. plus fTO.OuO.OoO of l
'terrrt. To raise this money for the ne of th
railw.iTi. the covennnent issnel Ixini!
at i!tnervnttimesfroi:ilsA'toi;9. They
were to rau fcr"v)y. ars at p-rcent
Toe tressory is still lmg this Ujf In
terest, which it more than twice what
tr loao U worth to.lay. New Tork
he Lhm Snatch MmU.
LaA? Egin is very musically lnrlhsl
and has speciJ pre-lilection for th.
cUarattrnsTic cuirsi:ionJ of bernativ.
Un I and his taught ail b r children .
ng theCnoold hcotua mellie. Ilia
hr cnUota every eretjjnj to h t ha
Join btr at tli. ritatio, from tle oldt
slows to Lv!y Bril. tiny U;ry of
turee iiaotrs whose piece de rati-lane
tU prtacat (a U familiar "BoswUs Eova.
AtMtatelf In llnlir That tM
I Ulna stair II I'rMrrtrd.
Wh'-n the eyes are trciitid fairly, they
are trngt blind, not wiakm. .1. ly
work. Just as the nrinsuf a Idacksmitb
grow the stronger for his trade, so th.
ryes of watchmakers who work under
beulthy conditions are found to improve
and not to deteriorate in vigor and
quickness. It is the nhiiMi of the ryes,
n t their use, which is to le avoided.
If a limn is aware either that his eye.
teed no artificial correction or rise
lave rireived their projs-r adjustment,
und if his work, whether literary ot
mechanical, is done in a light Uitb
steady and sutllcieiit and with a due re
gard us to ordinary sanitary rules, he
may f's I suru that he is strengthening
his eyes, not weakening tin in. by hard
work. Men of intellectual pursuits
sometimes are afraid of losing their
meiitnl (Miwers iu old age iH-cnuso tiny
havo drawn so much tion theia when
young. The revere, is nearer the truth,
and if they have not overtaxed their
brains the fear is alisolutcly grcnndlcsa.
The man whau intellect K'x-s lirst in
old age is generally some farmer or la
Isirer who has never strengthened and
invigorated it by use; not the sditiciun.
the lawyer or tho man of letters. So
with the ere. Those who had strength
ened their eyes by using them projierly
keep ki-en sight longer than those who
have never trained them. In the ens
of the man who has neglected to give
his eyes full development they will fail
in power along with hU other bodily
functions. When, however, the man
who. born with good eyes, has kept
them in constant bard work nnd yet
never strained them reaches old age, b.
may find them cnpnldo of performing
their functions better thnn any other or
gan of the body. Philadelphia Time.
Threa I'rajrrrs or a Mule ClrL
"(iod bless iis every one. " A littl.
girl in lied in the other room is praying
to go to sleep, hut fighting to stay
awake. "O Lord. "said she, "make hie
good and let me go iu tho omnibus to
see Aunt Margaret and .11 the aunts
and nieces and mothers. Dou't let it
bail or snow or rain, for I want to go
in the omnibus to see Aunt Matgaret
very much indeed, and all tho aunts
and niects nnd mothers. Make me well
so tint I can go in the omnibus, please
do. Die grandpa and grandma. Aunt
Kate and Aunt Siphia and Mr. Charles
Swan. I'.lesa pnpa and mamma, and
mako us all good so that we can go to
heaven at hist, for Jesus) sake. Amen."
There was a short pause, und then tb.
wide nwuke. defiant voice went on:
"Keep grandma from dying before
th. gets here. lVm t let anything hap
pen to her. Don't let any bears or wild
beasts eat her up. illcse grandpa nnd
grandma and Mr. Chnrles Swim and
Aunt Kate und Aunt Sophia."
Another pause, a little longer than
the first, mid tho nucouucrod on. bo
gun again:
"I long for apple. I long for milk.
I long for pie. I long to lie good. I
wi.ih I hud not that cold. I long for
some brown bread. I long for soma mo
lasses. I long for some white bread. I
long to lie a woman. I thank thee that
it did not ruin or snow. Give mo
clean spirit. Let me be good when papa
ia hero, for it grieves hi in to have in.
nuiighty, and he buys me things play
things. I have prayed that I should go
to sleep. That miiki's three prayers."
A yawn, a long drawn breulli. and
then silence presently announced that
the luct prayer wus answered, and sleep
reigned. Uiin McCuuley in Washing
ton Tost
Ham It's aa Aluminium Wedding.
The ulrcady long list of jubilee, and
family ceh bratious bus been enriched
by a novelty in the line of wedding foa
tivities. The family and friends of a
rich manufacturer living In the neigh
borhood of Berlin deemed the interval
between the silver ami golden wedding
to be altogether too long, and halving
It iiitnxlnced last week an aluminium
wedding by offering the bappy conpl.
on the occcasion of the completion of
87 years of wedded hfo a choice va
riety of presents made of slnininiuin. If
this now! idea should take, the alumini
um industry has a great future befot. it
Tbe Prussian capital, of all Uertuan
cities the one most given to societies and
fetes of every possible name and descrip
tion, has since gone even one better by
cehbruting a seven year wedding, which
thetriendsof the parties, with true Ber
lin humor, christened th. jubilee of tb.
seven yeats war. Paris American
jmpathrtls Tarclaatloaw
The Listener bas heard of something
very queer and quite new to bim. It
ia sympathetic vaccination, which aer
eral eople ar. said to have suffered
from. Witbont having been vaccinated
at all. but with vaccinated people all
aliout. yoo presently feel at time, a
stinging it itching sensation in a spot
on your arm where the doctor would
bave vaccinuted you if yoo bad been
vaccinated. In some rase this sympa
thetic vaccination afflicts only tbe left
arm. bnt occasionally it shifts from on.
inn to the other, appearing first on tb.
left and then for a time on tbe right.
It is believed to a n'tvotis outgrowth
of the continual complaints of vaccinat
ed - ople and their everla-ting descrip
tion l their sensation. lioston Trao-
HI Via mt I ha rM.
TV editor of a daily to bis reporter,
who lk savjge, " What ia tbe matttt
with yon. friend?"
The natt'Tf Just this: I waa toM
there ba l ta a collision on tb wet
em Jitfjk 10 killed. 20 Injured! 1 wlrtst
for rarticnlsrs. Nothing ; cot tbe alight
est accident isn't it raxing?" Pa
trtute Nurtuind.
ataifcar rfmalr.
Id tbe fir namber of a oew rr- sn
n rlodiral appeared a Mfr to the edl
t r mtf-4. "A hushcrtb.r c-f M1
Wars' btaodina"IIn3anrgw Friv
1)1 ;U
He Describes the Sensations ol
His Own Death.
A r.lTL r.U.t. I'KOH A (HIT.
Irlug AliHia and l uiarrd for Wllhla Ilia
aunl if I uln - llriMarhable (.bia4
Mury Vuuilird ir I'ja ltriulalilakrailih
A Kns' loin !i nini-t.-r In lliimbnrton
biro. oiil.i!itl. ot lsfor tho follow ln
i:hot tory, i h I - i hi ull Us con
Hid kirts l itlu.liiii I - inie. Iu printing
II n.-il.iliior Mi ni of Tim
ltrvi. ,v o( ;-w.u mi I that l'iitfrtlie
empli;ilU' foiiitur of tlie h r.rvuiaii he
should Law ilniibti -d ll.o .il.iliiy of any
slati'tni'iit long nnd mi iVliul'-d Is inn
nimle by a ; host. I.oosts nre usually ei
ther lllolio-i' or etessllligl.r rvcrVKil
tn their eo.iimiiiiUatioiis, wlutv-ts this
IIK tO!-T Ills rooTllol l AMI fill.
ghost untile iiiite n lorig hnrangue. How
ever, the story U lot, n- .tln. nml In one
i lit quite nnliil hi lis grewanine iletall.
lien' It Is:
The Wayside hiitr.t lt.illvon;i. In the far
north, was pit tun siiio and einnfortulile,
and within ony ren h iilninilanee of
eiccllcnt lllin. I a ' ghillle" w ho
wiu tut well ten .1 hi plx iilorial Ion- an
ancient Wall on IiIium If. liotmhl .Mitclvor
knew every ssd hi the river ami every
nisik in it whero n itilnion lay, wind he was
an equally unerring not hority nwny among
the lonely mountain lis hs und sinitms.
Ho was an Intelligent, manly fellow, light
of hi art nnd foot, nnd Jn-t sm h a guide as
makes n holiday bright mid pleiiMint. Lit
tle did I ilo'.uu ns I urtel ullh him one
evening lift, r a lueiitonible day's ssirt
that I shoiiltl nevrr ng:illl bear his chivr
fill IiiiikIi or listen I i thiesiwelnl high
land stories that so often liuhteiiisl tho te
dium of the homeward Journey.
Itonald was ennf' I to l tunrrliM to
the miller's ilmmhter, n rnsile Is-nuly n
siding In the adjacent hamlet. It was his
custom to visit lierut I lie i lo-eof day.
Ills course for inon' llian n mile lay along
the ledge of bl'h Tn:a which i-ossl down
to the sen. Though the way was danger
ous to one unacualntisl with it, lie nns fa
miliar from childhood with ever)- step of
It. Due nl;;lit lie starti-d later than usual,
and In order to shorten the distance he
struck down toivanl the Ms'k. Willi the
Intention i f p ttln-; to the base at n (silut
farther on, but III iloln.t n he h-l his f.xit
hol.l nnd fell n ill-t:iii'v i f ::) f. V.
The following morning, after waiting
for Konald until midday, 1 hud to itoulnnii
to n favorite moorland stream nnd did not
n'turn till late Then It was that I found
he hail illMiiqs'antl. Ominous fears and
wh!sx'rs wcr.' sisui In full wing. Ilut tho
general iilarin did not movo inn I had
tsinll4i nee hi lionald and wus certain that
hu would shortly turn up. This ho did,
though In n way far oilier than I had an-
In tho gloom of tlm third evening, aa
Kwnn Matheson, it thoii'.'hlful hut nbs lit
mlndi'd vlllagiT, was vending his way
homewanl, he kiiv Konald coming In his
din vi Ion from one of tho nelghlsirlng
houses. Never doiililing it was he, Kwan
accost. tl lihn n.i tiny Imt, but tho wonls
that fell on Ills cars, so plaintive nnd su
peniatural, lilted him with iiniilt. nihlo
'I am gone gopo forever," said bo.
"They ms-L me, but i:i life th y shall never
find me. It 1. l ot I you mv; It Is my
spirit, my shadow. As wo move on I will
U ll you hiov the i:n :;t change enine."
With that thi'lno inovisl side by side,
the living bnirnn 1 1 rvomility und thii
strange, unearthly sst ti r, and tlm follow
ing monologue v. hu h the narrator after
ward divlansl held him with a grip nnd a
fas. Illation that wcio morv than human
Tlinv iilfhts e;-o, v. hen on my way to
Uiecld mill. I tool, the shortcut along
ther-lgrof thcrlllf. but In attempting to
Hike down th:u'ih tho pOMUgu In the
v i t.- i
-i.v;Wa?ic l-v-.
firi;s I put my fi"t on a tuft of wet grass
and and fi II. It as the work of
mi Instant, but it ft ii,' d in. nge, nnd then
there was a sharp, l llndlng Ion, and
I knew no more till r.t midnight I awuko
ns from Iraihl"! dnaui. There was a
dull pain In try h mI where the pnTti'd
ft k eiune in ei'.ntai t Willi it. Iltherwlna
) u is unhurt, f..' I fell on tlm ! soft
.-mil within the a margin. The imam
s up, nnd In ltheoU. nlitfht I n.anagxl
to bind liamlL. n hh f sn.und
,he wound.
I then Iny down nnd Irh-d to rest, bal
I could not r--t. fy t rain was In a tmi
,luous wh'rl, nnd thought rhiwsl
hoirht like i,e e an-s which rolled on In
fri'lt Vii:'l Wis" to I - 1 1 of tnef Would
I die 1 f"r" tfi'i l--n. in,-? Or If I llvisl to
the waa t!.- tj any rfcnm e of tny
r In . :i tT I lo.-i. -J or .01. J hi tl.
hji: la .t f '" i ne might ls mar,
but the p4i,'K- I ..n- ly and
oiifr-'T'i'sl. ri.'l Ihon'i I h tiri Ihe dis
tant UirLr'S'if l - '"d t' " ' nl-d try
U a s..litarr - 4 bird as It lle-.v uverhead
no liuican Is it'g v. n. ar I'ar out In the
hay 1 s.v-tr t!.' Ii-!.t f a n.lng ship, and
hisiioctiT' It I ni l- a..r-d to t ry, but my
rou"-r sires' lo'l by the wind .nd the
,,-, rJ ;!i L.'l.t -'ii went out In the
void. Tu n I km -w t.. m was no d. liver
oat that tii.-l 1.
fterft.'y afterward I V 11 ulirp. but tff
iVp m ii,.t'irs-l and full of Uraams
U bt-n I 3'T'jU, tho s in was nli.g ts-hlnd
the m'W.n'r.lf a: 'I,:n;tli hiKs and
ths d .le. wiiri ins glory of a newborn
lay. tho light f r which I lonin-d was
men1 li rr.l'K tlian the darWneaa. Tliere to
the r.-'hl s:n-: IkiI the Isnutlful sands 011
win. '1 v.i uissl, wliti frts-. Joyous In an s.
to pi. y "iir Isotsh fames. And then., far
th-r io' ' he gn-n sloiK'. sl.ssl the v il
li," I-1-. 111 g-oiuid. w lUl lls tall while
st. 11. . Hut ,.rs.' Ihi.tinll I m. Willi
horror. I.. t the waves were within a few
f.vt of 1,11' a-i.l that the last tills) bad swept
ihe pl..' w here I lay
Oh. I la- ii foiiri f It, to hnve life, full
and l'ii". on. critslusl nut slowly huh by
hu h' Tin- w.o.-s Ki n nenrtng, rns'pltu
ell lit." m rs nls toward their pr. y. I'oul.l
I onlv it t out of their n nch. I f. It sun I
should Is- found by tin children on their
way los. or us lin y wnud. nsl at Ihe
play hour While I thus n ll.slisl a wave
i. one it. 1. Mug over me nnd st I mil up w hut
eia-igy th. n n.u ull wlililti me. 1 loan
lost, though tli. mtti was rtcrueiatllig.
Io ilriLj 111; s If out -l.le Ihe si . t level, nnd
then f..r a tiino Ihctv
W In n I in xt aw..l.e, I heanl Ihe tolii-s
of the hit In n nt play ntsivc me, but I
could 11. ither nli nor cry. A pan-hlug
III still. si tho wonls ns liny
rnme, nnd tiny lo myself like
painful hl- rs. And the ehlldn n w. m
so near I caul. I ping 11 im th.-lii by tin ir
Volii the ehlldn n that could save 111.
did they but know!
The sun bad parsed slowly to ttu'W.s,t.
nnd the dark shadows fi ll once mure. I
waa falnl and tlnsl, nnd hi utter wcarlne
I lay b;u k oil the can Ii. with the skymcr
heiul ami the stars I s. king down with In
flnlte pliy hi their faraway eye. I could
not pray, for my soul sn'itml heavy ns
I. ml, and wild, nls-lllous Ihoiighla lllhil
11 1 y heart. And yet 1 was dy ing !(.!. m'
1110 1111 pns-n l-hin. n.s.- nut of the Inllnltc
bl.u kn.-s no h iM ti of pence low hl. b I
could llis nnd Iw ut ns.1. Ik lilnd me,
amid much that was 1 1 un then sl.ssl
forth the memories ni.d Ihe dissls of the
past. They became as living thltu-s.
t imsi each one w Ith my own lltfiirv and
chnrm ter. They on neiinT nnd
nean r. I to ccna' them, but I could
not any tiiori' than I could rise fnim the
place w heni I lay. A I last I hey came up
Is hind me, nud with cruel hands I hey
thrust me out over the margin into tho
dark and lsuiull.s.a is van of death. The
earth nnd sen anil sky nn out fnim
my view, nud the wis- mid the mystery of
tl:o eternal s'iietrito every chnmls rol my
Tho sss'tnd voice, nnd Kwan,
lisikln mutiil. mw what he had not no
tlissl Is'fon thai the his. nnill he Issly
of his ghisitly companion went burning
fnim within oiitwnrd and yet wero 11. 4 The nluht, pnssslisl by the
welnl story, was much for him, nnd
coming at tho Instant to a house, tho donl
Ttti.v Mscovnu n Tint br au nonr.
of whit h stissl nu n, he in nnd
swisincd. On recovering ho told what he
had lus n nnd heanl, but no one believed
his laic. They said it wits Ihe cn-ntlon of
his own Imagination, the mem phnnlnsy
of nil ovcrlienlitl bruin, nnd so llttlo hctil
did liny give to It that they did Hot even
sivk to verify its truth or discover lls fnlsr
his si by going to I ho ss it where Hnnuld
Was said lo havo met his dentil.
Next day waa dark nnd lowering. The
clouds eluiKil null other in wild army,
and tho blnls lmven-d low, with wlilo
cln llng flight. Alsmt midday tho storm
riLnl, nnd the wl.lto cantsil waves nillnl
mountain high nnd dashed in fury against
the ns-ks of tho north, tho first barrier lo
break their course during nnunnnnl ntu h
of mom than n.isid mill's. In luttum,
grand ns It Is, there Is nothing grander
than this war of tho storm, tho sea und the
beetling clltf.
It was not, however, to admire Ihe
grandeur of tho ehiiientnl strife that I ho
Inhabitants of llnllvnnn liaslenul to the
shorn. A vi-ssel hovo In sight with dis
mantled masts, nud nnnblo to brnvolho
heavy sea bad turned landwnnl nnd was
drifting for the buy. This wns her only
chains, but It was full of risk, for them
was no ileplh of witter, nnd Is-nenth went
tnvu'liennis hanks of sand. On she rnme,
with her living freight, nt 0110 time bid
den nltngether fmm view, then s'n In d
aloft, but nt last there Is a rnish he has nnd Ins l'il over 011 her sido.
TIiism. on shore put out manfully to tho
rescue of tho iiiiforiunulo cmw, and sis in
all of them not already swept uvcrlsmrd
wero brought In snfeiy 10 land.
It waa a rml day, and it rust a ghxmi
over many a henrt. Ilut Its sinldit sight
hail yet to Iw revisdnl. As the villagers
who luul (si n viewing thoshlpwrt k were
returning they discovered tho deed Issly of
Itonald Mm Ivor, stn ti hut on the sand a
few fis't Isyoml tho sea margin, with a
gash In his fon lii iut and a s ki t hand
Lenhief usisl na a Imndago for tho wound.
List af rraadalaat. t aararwa Whaae
UrawlKS Ksser Take I'laea.
A Chicago daily publishes th. follow
ing list of taindling lottery concerns
w ho are general advertisers. It will lie
noted that these Uigus lotteries use
names similar to Ihoae of legitimate
concern :
The Kansas Mate and the Little l-nii-
isiatia run by J. K. Iliady, alias M. Ol
ten A Co. A f'audiilent drawing is
employed in the Kansas Male, and if a
ticket drawing a pure 1 sold in the Lit
tle 1-oiiiBinna. payment is refused.
I he fsnlo Isauiiiiiio lxan and Trust
Ihe Isiitisiana 1-osn and Trust to.
I he llramlinil lottery.
The lioial 1 1 ana.
I he I jiuinsns ol Kansas City.
The 1-ouinana lirsiul of New Orleans.
The Matanras lottery.
The Original 1-oau Assia-iation of Illi
'Ihe Kosl Havana (iiiarantee Ixian
Companv id Havana. Ciioa.
1 lie Original Uunsisiia I Jdterv I 0111-
psny ol Kansas City t.aleAt'o.)
I he r.inl'ite Mate ldterv I o.
The Cuban lottery Company ol Ma
tanras, Cuba.
Ihe Mexican Uilterr lo. it.anio A
Co )
The Original lottery of Vera Crur.
The I'aii-Ainerii-sn I otterr Co.
The Little l-ulterv de la Itctiellconcia
Public o( (iiuvnias, Metico.
fr' Cummtrctiit f'niofi.
Klsard Ih I tiling Out nf llrr Telh.
A klsa luiirintiil on his sHii'tlM-nrt't
IIm has Involved Henry Ives, a lleruen
county fanner, In a suit. N venil months
ago Ives met nnd w.sssl Mlsa Annie Itnf
ferty, a comely young woman living In
Manchester township. His wiailng san
rls nnl Into a betrothal. .Miss ItntTerty
had told him during their first tryst that
she ivould null nono but her future nua
Imiul to give her a lover's klsa, and her
diynisva won Henry's heart. When alsiut
to go away 0110 evening several w.i-ki ago,
Mr. Ivm gave bis sweetheart a (wrtlng
klsa. during whlehtho gold lining In Miss
Itafferty's tn'th fell out. Hie told him of
the mishap, thinking he would compen
sate her for the lose. He did not, howev
er, and now Mlsa IlafTerty has n-talneu
eonmad nnd ha brouirht suit atfalnst Ives
Fhs has the bs.ih p and has funii.h
ed her lawyer w ith a bill of rxis-nsre. Tb.
young woman's suit haa frlghfned tb.
fanner, and the engagement Is off.
The t.arili'a Jaamaf.
Tb. earth dsw not travel at th. tarn,
rat. all through its Journey. Its orbit
being elliptical, it must at some tiro,
approach neanr to the tun than at
others and will tske bs time In mov
ing through one 1 art of ita path than
through another. In winter th. earth
la nearer tbe sun than in so miner and
moves through space more rapidly. On
Jan. 1 the earth is alsmt 8.000.000
mile, nean r the snn than it la on July
1 I, and at the vel.sity of a planet In
rreaarawith it nearin-a to the aun tb.
earth passes over .-. hslf of ita orbit
in lesa time than over the otber half.
j Between the vernal efnlnil. wblch
happens nn March 21 and tb. aotnmnal
leiotnot. whh h fulls on IVpt. S3, tb.
' earth la 14 days In accomplishing tbat
balf cf ber Journey round tb. aun,
whll. the other balf occn pie. only 179
days. It baa Nn tsid that, owing tc
th. friction caused ty th. tide, and
otber reasons, tbe rartti is moving nor.
lowly than it oseil to do, and tbat tb.
daya are crins.-tjo. ntly lengthening, but
at lb la ia only to the r it. tit of balf a
acotd In a century It will U a long
time tafora there will be any appwssl
differenoa. Hrooklva Eagle.
Millhrae.Fsn MsteoCo..0al.. is a first-lass
bums st hool l..r Isiys. Willi brai.ttf jl sur
mil ml mat. The best of rant, superior lie
strueiiuii Prepares huys for any university
or for Inisiiiraa. Kail trrm counoauora Aui(.
s. t'stalogue and sll -a.ituiars tan ne had
by aOilrrwing Ira II. Hunt. I'll. l MaaU-r
l.i Mate oii't. Public Instruct iuii).
fauks Mar Suiuka la Ihs KIWhaaw
Clg.m tte smoking by women Is so fat
iMnlluil that an Kmtbsh court Urcldad to.
otlr day that a mistress Is not la
dismissing a ns k w mioul n-Mliw Uveus.
She sin. ikea III tno am hill. 'Ihe nuuna
traie nt the aunie lini expiVMast ssrudg
symiuthy wnn me tun.nj' iiviUuia.
A tvitiah, eold or sore thttal rsipiires
imnieiliaie niiention, as tieirlert rrsuns In
soma meii'ali'e long diseasa or rimnin
thrit Inmlila " i ..'i trnii-i.if fro
thtt" .ill liivarisblv sive relief
rwhetl Is sanl lo hv Ihs t' si k of kevi liK
m i.o mH g niui.e). Mm h. II fuuu.1 liim
vny rli U.t.'l
It Oalllvsd lha I'baraaha.
The stons age and thebmnieage bav.
passed, but the advrrtislug aire rrmalna.
Advertising Is not so very I.. .stern. The
phsraohs wi-ra prudrnl advertisers. Wild
what aubtilty they put Ihrlr aila In crafty
II lira on ols-lisk and pyramid, and tbry
bave drawn In the shekels splendidly I
Advertising Is lb searchlight of trade.
The advert tser Is more privileged tbaa
Ihs plaintiff's attorney. The former not
merely has the opening and rloalng ad
dresses, but keeps lbs ear of tbe Jury all
the time.
No noosltlnn ever bad snrh worldwide
reputation aa the Columblnn. Why aotf
No 01 her has ever advert Istsl an ably and
elalsirately. Cause snd effort f Carpet and
Upholstery Trade.
Matheaaatlre aed Maaaf.
Ilusbaml An-onlltig lo your own fig
ures, ynusia-ut over) lis) thla year In cheap
fripperiea which had lobe thrown away
after once wearing. That 0U would bave
bought a piece of Inea that would bav.
lasted a lifetime in fact, could ha used by
your disMTiidniita for generations.
Wife Well, give me 1100, aud I will
buy Ihe Inee for tint year.
Ilushaiiil I'm never mind. I I don't
think Inee Is very Iss-oinlug to your atyle
of beauty. Here's to cents for another
niOle. New York Weekly.
Head of lha I Inns (to young man at
front disirl llnvrn't I told you, air, never
to rnll hero agalul
Young Man Yea, air, but I haven't
Sailed to see Mi-s CI urn thla lime, 1 bav.
a Ihrre months' gns bill In collect.
Head of the Hons.' (ln a milder tone) I
are. You w ill please rnll again. Loudest
allll ion.
Ills lavs.
Primus Although you are a million
aire, my love la so grent, sir, that It em
boldens a poor man like myself to erck a
daughter of yours In mnrrinie.
HeciindilF Width of the girls la it,
young maul
Primus Any of the threw, air. Park
lit ami llyslsrla.
Aa authority nn bypnotlani aays that
bvstrrlual iersons nre vrry dlflli lilt lo lOr
nurnce. They nre so wnldetl to their owa
(ancles, menial nnd physical, that thrf
oruve very obstinate hypnotlo pa 11 an la.
irwn If an Inllii.-uca la sralneil It paasat vaT
fary quickly. Kvehnnira.
I'tiiall Involves .assies. iraa. When ihs waves
.lsy i.iirh ail Ims with yow. slrtn.g lo.lea-t
Hiosl ia ihs oinwh ths' esu isimi 1 wi n "Ui
ri'Voliliitf. iii.ol-is, rsims-a-eial traialers,
)aehiii-rn. m .rue r . all leal Ii that llos'slirr
sliitna n n tl-ta is nit ist rsniri. nr ins nau
sea a.ia-rn-iiev.1 In mush weallirr en ilia wsisr.
Neivniis snrt wash v Us vela. a b Unit olten stiffar
tr m .oinrih us sk n I i tnl .siel fin. I In lliv
lliliais I a surest rsmtv. Nn ill ler til lha
I mseli, liver or Isiwrls Is to ohs Insla Hist It
niav mil tivme'cnm hv ilia i.niaii! snl thnr-
muli rrmtslv. K.i.ia lyeitleaa ku.I l f..r chills
ml lever, tldn - sml iheutnslie Iron 1. la ami
movniisiirss. Kmivr.nls 10 ilia fnimler si ott d
1. r..t Ms wllh lhl Sua mail elnal
si an .I'l lha affeeaiil vlr's-liu las ol
eil.uatr, hsr ,slili, aipnaura sml isiigus.
" Yon a.y Ihrra Ii siasi 'fly no l.mmlst'on
for Ilia s nrr Inst hs arllra p.rlrv. What
makes you to nm lost ' "l is tarn asaus 1 1 II.
Person! with arsk lungs Ihues who are
constantly catching oold should wear an
Ai.ixsm s's I'osocs I'lsstss over Ihe cheat
and another bet warn ths shoulder-blades
during cold weather. Ilemsiiiher they al
ways strrngthaa aed never weaken Ihe
part to whu: 11 ttiey are applied. 1) 1 not be
.Ire. lvd by lmariiolig aajr other plaaU-r
like them, liiaitt aiwavs on L-eiM-a's,
iha only rthalde plaster aver pro-
Dbasiisith's Pilis will purify ths blood
" My avtisrla." asl.l the pits nithtar, "It ss
iisnl as armor plsir. I aia a rrnular waa ol
OssBnaawlloaSUiTerollaa: BOnst,B.aWMll
Tar Oiaaa for breakfast.
l not Inherited. It develops
only when lungs aro weak
and the system run down.
amrxuiuaLiiiL. jl'ttt Trrrrr
the cream of Cod-llvcr OH,
often cures Consumption In
Iti early binges and alwcy
prevents It. Couyliing, Is
stopfwd, Lungs are) strcnglli
oncd and the system built
up. Phifinant. lha world
over, endorse IL
D't U decehed I SuL.!i!ii!es!
IlK..rr.4 CAKMOT UK CfllKO
tf -.. ipfHrlln-, u ihry ran not tr-c h
ill-raM- t iril I 'Ih rmr. Ti-t ( oiiIt t
mmf rt ruif mtw; ! '! ! lTstiall u
tliiiial rrmiflls lit f m m mil i tin In
flannt-sl MtHtlMliltl tf ttl ITIIIIIvMB I ttl 1 11 at iHf)
'!. h I if Itrii tl. lu' ) I Rgtmr.l
situ iidiTf rtimb tt m i,. i- lntit !.
lit, mt'l w htM I' ! I'MMfrlv i.esii'ta Ii
th r Ult, )) Mule- the I flftm ma l- ii n I1
Itttr-i i.mI l ihi lilt's- itrr.1 ut ll norma) I
rMiiilitit. hrirlnv Is iltlrmt fttrrvrr;
Hill- 1 . mi' tn s Pioesvi i- -l .
wiitt h U iHtthin tti 1 an imla tl cihiiU lull vt
tl m ur mm titfait-s.
M t - til firm 11c Mitfu1r1 Pllsr fur anr
raa "I ilr-lif (rrtii. di rirrlt) raiw!
Isa.rtm-stt.ft lUU slate. ih ' n l for rtr
ruUra, lrv. f. J. i HKNbV h I ( .
TlrltH.U O.
rt. I J by (Utiiitat. ? crntt.
OnaM T"'tM'll fur mmmfr malarU, tlrrtl
Irrltni, by tiaih itnw Orrtnii HIixhI 1'i.rllW.
M Ifervous Da
. V - r ousKshaust-
tion. Neural
gia, I'araly.
sis, Ixnims
tt.r Alalia,
Molan. h.iha.
and kindred ailments, whether resulting
from over anilely, tirerwurk or study, or
from unnatural hahila or eirisirs, sr.
traaled aa a spsetalty. with great suceeaa, by
ths KlafT of HelalisU attaeheil to tbe
Invalids' tl.el and Hurgl.aJ InatituU at
HutTalo, N. Y. I'ersoniU eiamlnatitwa not
Blaray neceaaary. Many eaata are success.
fully traalMl at a distance.
Ornnif t A new and wnoderfuliy
AOl 11 ill A. sueeeasful treatment bas
twaa diarovered fur Asthma and Hay Fsvsr,
which ean Iw sent by Mall or Kiprnaa.
It hi not simply a palliaUv. but a rod (ml
Kur pamphlets, quest hw blanks, rWer
aortw and iwrttctiUm, In relaUtm to any
of tbe above ntautamed diseases, ail.lrew,
wit ten eenU In aUimW, WurMl l)issw
ary Madieal Aasut'iaUm, 03 Uain btnet,
Buffalo, N. V.
7fi ifi&V s?SjE8T
I.U0 li-mla.
It is S"ld rn a jruarante. bf all drtia
(-h'l. It cures Incipient Conaumptlcn
and, U tb. boat OougU aud Croup ''ure.
Ttisl Irntaiii1)rneeiirswtili wwif
lla tins s- .1 II' s , hul S"T allh
W.iNAlU II iir HKlt siK V H...I
Ins. nr Mll-sa m s. Hl.laraissl
or tt's'l In i sits, in ami M tar
lliw. R rrgr lenaih ausrsiit ssl.
Ask enurtlaalar ! sua
rlor iirauds.
Gutta I'crcha and Rubber Mff. Co.,
Kstabllsheti 1SSI.
rartlaad. Or.
la ajulrklf
('Iran IH
Ffftagll !
Allssya 'H mmd
I MflwimMial Inn
HfNlM I lift Hrri.
rrslrl Its
MrnibniNt frwm
Atl.MllMM laid,
Hiwrf) IH
) nt 1bmI
mm4 Mmoll.
A Mils la l-al.a I dlnloaMS nn.trll.ali4 Is
atre able. I'r.ea SO asnl- al Heusstsis nr L
ail. KLV HKuTHKH-,
(t Wanaa at cm I, Kae Vara.
MoNEY tailing ha, allba
May Press
Ttmnai.t uiitwff ln1 rf ma. K nfy. Waarll ht
NaU ftrfxi an I ll ih f ft ritM hat pr
ftutl lor cial.ur. . J TRUMAN 4fc CO .
mmm t rmmm , vai.
Cider. Milk, Buttvr, Catsup,
Pickles, Eto..
And liea It arcCK-HITt.l Y tj pfavaeilng lea
avnlaiUtn. Ika ua (4 llila w.iuarfnl an-arv-
attra asanr s snerssa ia and pr.s ruin
Ini'ta an.t sraatab aa nl all SID.I.. Sit MM I Ii
un I..B ol Ira I. U a au4 leoor. anil It ie
rtr wsjr a Uerliled sa re-s.
Is sold lit all rlr.1a-l.1s and f r.r. and s (aar
aau-l lo lu what wa say 11 w-ll.
asirt-L, UKtTautr a woouaed,
Cert land, r.
Bee Supplies,
Tot best ea the mark'!. We an Nurtaassieia
!l tMsstliisti, rrtla. Or.
rrai. (is -I ran 'lata an ih alaasase thai fc Ihaasant wmiitva agvgALRI
HkKkUY IT aaB4 was a"a- (mm aw sM w " HI 1 MTIM aa-l w
Hii,as' nr.. a.t-wl aniira.f nr I sri.A a is rtlHT ali I'l-l wna tna aw-.
factor I c.u!d ssi 414 hiai aa guisl. tssii la treiiia4e, Mas. M V. etas La. ass n sav Se)ia
Flood Poison
Hf Tf or I'" . PilMW'l Ifflammu'lo", P'li.
tlOOi Uti IstlCUftsi ill i. , 11 If I wi tu u u 00 111
legs. I rt. rl.hil
lo inr II ..uil '
It ate taken
II.. -i a l:... ..a.
ri Is sii'l
lutf aviif Min Tini1ci:i . I ; H ui 1J
I HI litis) aiiliis Ukl itj iloo-j't.' t'. K li'lULI
V.I I'tH 1 1, li liewi a. C.COIOOO -
Hood'8 PIHur Ail 1 rll'-.K ' :
CAS and
In Every Detail.
Theaaanslnaa are arknnwl ilgail f st part ae
rlinwra 10 tai w..rih el hiati. i en.m. a. a Ion
rlmi4el jr, hlah-gra a malarial an-isiiistt I r
wurkman.hlis I war itetrel e ihe lull aeusl
k raa auaar, and ma without .n Klaeirlc Hst'k
Ua larrt Ihsaia'emol lnulilou I. sluia, lUtt
aiisivtan4 ie labia.
Pur praili.( ihi lis for Irilgallng rnrtaa
no us. lac auglu. caa vs louua ua itial aaibe
fnr bnliiing eniflts lor biIinw I her bare sas!
Hk bishsaiau ruisL
t't luwrwiikat twaer lblr eouueaif Una-queiUunail.
4.A-4.T laaaeaaa .treat, kn Fraaetaaw.
Oae. frwal awdi Alder la.( rartlaad. Or.
tW lead lee salalogna.
t s
Is sas. Has Ik aa droned aaai'rrels,
rv a MtMiabars, RabtHieatMl all
aiaat lhal aarmw le lhafsnan.l. -Ira- I '
ata.ttasn4eartaia as luS t
an al s: auftl Kw shlasaent. V
-artrt'tfffsi.wlth ill erit.His ku al g as-t Arnnj
snotl-ailna. rnssalabr HHUiOal IXftlMt
sirvt Cil. Moso-w, Mahn.
tsaai asade a US
3mm wmrnR
4 nnhiatarad bf CUawLT A liSUks, ISda
and, Oni.aa
I 1
Dr. WlllUw lad aw Mia
OlHttsiani a l.l a-.ra Blh.d.
Mlaaitli.i a d lu.-l.u.g ril.-.
It stasirlai ike tiiw.srs, aiisss
Iba Itebli.f slaaass. aruaa a a-wl-lles,
ai'as l-Miaat ralwL Or. will-
Itas' In4iaa naXMnlaenl M tfaestraij
lot riles aad lieblng ol tbe ss-tsat
aarta. Kvarr kss la ear ins1. B ertax
. Is Is. k 9mm' aa nl e- a-. s ml
and ilut VHUItt thU'CIUIM CIL.
l-raoriaiaN, Clwaaiaml, Okto.
X. P. V. U. No. Kl-8. r. X. V. No. f
1 sad
Is haa asa tame I
K ass aas) , ia.
Is as saa aaat aaaak assaa.
f f