The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 07, 1894, Image 10

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U.M.'4..l a'i a .ava.i
for Infants and Children.
fMbiria U ao writ txnUl torhlllroo thai
I mmamaad H .irtiic loaiiy raiTlHlfi
tMnUM" II A Aaiiita. M. I),
III (bx Olfifl HI , l.rr,l!)U, .'( r.
"Tlx i it '('aatoda b to unltrnad and
lu naflta m will kmma Itut II aana a w.a-k
,4 uvrfisll'a U rwlno II. IVaaralli
laU-Ulfmt famlJU-a hu do 14 lii-pCaatorta
althU w nli."
' Cajuu Muita, I). 1 1.,
Hrw York Cllf,
Tai nwriil Urafrisr, T7 Mi'WUT Hratrr, Nr Yia Cm.
nasi, am mtttu
Caalnrla rufwi Colli-, C.amlialaai,
(iir, MirrlfM, l nillU,
kills W., k'lo-a ak"i, ! pnaiioO-a ill-
Wliliuul Uijiirluuanixlii'alliia.
"T'iT awrnl ymri I ha reeranmro! I
fair 'Cassia,' itfl flwll alwajrs caillniM. .
to fci II lv iiitariitjr prodm!
I'liww K. rAt.r. M. I,
lX.lh Hn ami ith An'., N' Y.rk I
JtVrlaa'e l'rk (.nnmUs tree
To tiik rriu.K-: My grounds, Ut
ter known Mi-rlmi I'urk. are mm
otan fur lusia-ct on. I hcrv Iiu Isa-n u
Treat ileal nf commenting li this
grounds during the pa"t three years,
ami Interested partl In search ol
pleasure and tunii-iiiiiMt,. mi now have
their rurliMiiv snid-licl i.v cxamliiliiif
them fr theiiiM-lvca. Tli comblmsi
m track-1 mile klte-ahai'. II mill
circle and 1 1 circle ia completed, wllli
the exception i.r Ii-vi'Iiiik hiiii a man
rradcr, which w ill ! ili immediate
ly after the Cotiilh, nml adiiilwion In
III grotui'la will Im free I it' anil ill
fur iTriviiiK ami picnic iiirMea, w hich
are very extciiahc.
Tlio gniunds contain lit acn-s, ex
tending from tin' river mrnl to t lie
Irving prnlrlc mml, with tin lali-sl Ini
firnvfil i-any imlciit irnli-, u lilrh enn
w m-iii vt lilt com- l.y tin' Inillin with
out mIIkIiIIhk frixii tlifir ruirlk'i - Tlif
pulillu will ilituMi n-"H-i t tin Kluii'liiiK
irraln, tin1 mitiiin iii tliriHiKlioiil
tli RroiimU, ainl kn i Id wiilini loxil.
Tin KriiumU will In liuiiniviil In
th future a In tlii' iat; clow, inv,
ami to kti pniv with I ho tinii-a.
Wry rcxiHi'tfiillv,
H. M Kill A It.
Tlif'omrlal Vol.
rWrrUrv of htiilp-Klinnlil 41.lli";
MlKiti'Iii r iMos, N ! h, M 1:i,iki,
Waki-hVM 2.'i.:us.
Tn-aaiiri-r alilwi'll 2.'l,liHl.
IHJ'JI, Mi'tmhnii A,M, KlrlmnUm
Hrliixil HiiMTliilni(lihl Ihirfiinl
2.77H. Irwin :ai,MM, Jury J,:n.', Iti hl
I'rlnlir a M),'X', MiKIIiIkii
SI.'tH, O'llrli'ii (Irti.n .l.'.'ll.
Attorn, y (l. ni rl -llrllil !,
Holnii- 1 1, I'll, I.lli limn .'illli, (llin
tin. I L'l.l'.l.
Huiimnii Ju.lift Iti'linrlt '.M,M7,
Itolw I'J lliu klcilllitl ,.'IL', Wolv. r-
ton .iu,h;.'.
rill ll-lrl.t-ll.rniHiiii J.'.lil.
Hunt 1,(mi, Miilt-r 1J,i'.1i, Wfiitlicrforil
Kti-oml Diatrli t-r.llla ls.ST.-i, Miller
775, IlaUy n,oi:i, Valilmi, 10,71'.).
A Sili nilli N.ln tlou.
Tin iMnir.l uf ri'Ki'iita ol lliu 1'nlvi r
ally nf (In'Kon Imn I'liKiikiil Mr. H.
Mti urn to titko clmrj;.' of Hi ilurinllury
for tint ui'Xt vi-nr. ThU It a li'ii.lll
at'lfc'tlon, un.l la n Kiiiirnnlit' Unit tlila
ImiMirlHiit nil)unrt to tin' li-mliiiir cslu
rationnl liiHtltiilloti In tlio Nurthwint
will I manairiil In a tiiiiniirr Unit
will lve aatlainrtion tocviry iMiunlcr.
Mra. Munra la ivrtulnly Jntt the u r-
aoil fur thu MMitlull, aa alio lnta liml
llllll'll riHTifli(v III mmllliitllK liotrla,
UmnlliiK hoiiwa ami dining rooma.
Si-If Kxilaiintory.
The following luiila no i'Xlfinatloii
only that Mr. .Met'ninnnt won the
Fourth of July nitor.
I'dliri.AMi, July ,1.-1 Ainl alum
iloniil. Houthi-ni Vucille rallronil tlnl
up. lniMwilii to rviu'li IHiio-no. K Mi'AMANT.
lion. I'. lU niill. t IiiIk of Mich
igan, will till tl vniiuirv. .Mr. lU'in
Uil't la ul.l to lai ollf of thi-IIHMl Mo
tUeiit oratora on the count. Ho ure
ami hear him.
Al.l. Itliiur. Someone k aUmt
the tiiialnetti of tho t'orvitllit inrrlune
faetmy. All Item til the Time e
J.lalna the itualioii: liiiliea at the
earring (aetory la thriving. A giaal
order wa hti'IvinI from Kowlnirg vea
tenlav, ami kliiiutienta to other 'lnla
ar liia.lealiii.wt ilnlly. Then' la nil;
aitlv ili'iuaml for all the veliiden the!
lireaelit fore fan turn out. Manager J
(llclm'aaon, of I'ortluinl, la with him'
Nkw Vokk. July i. Tin- melllla ra
ofihelJnint fiiiiuly In thla illy ilwiy
till) reairt of the eligiigeiiii'lit of Mra.
Nellie hiirt. rla t.i.. M. "il Henry K.
ikmil'Iiui of Murylaml. Mra. Hurtorla U
now In thia eity w ith her iiioilu-rat
the home of Colonel Knit tirtint at L'l'i
Went N-vcnly.fourtll atnvt. Mieeaioe
from Wanhiuiftou In the luldr
iiiirt of laat wix-k to ilo oiiiv Hhoi.iiig.
Mra. Kntl tJnml wnt very much aiir
prlpt .i w lieu alio :ii toli of the re
jiort. "My nlater-ln-luw la liot engiigi il to
Mr. l)ollgla or anvoiie li-t-," lie aiii.l.
"Mra. Hurtorla ami Mrt. tiem rul tirunt
have engiigil nHirlmeiita nt the lilue
Mountain Jloiif In Marvlainl ami will
go there. In anlioit time for a hrlef atny.
Sc are iiiiUiilliti'i with I iem-ral )oug
Ina, hut then' la alnolutely mi founda
tion for the rumor nhout liia engagi
ineiit to Mr. Surtoria. It rolially
(irew out of I lie uniioiiiicrliii'til of the
iroi-l viait of Mr, tieiieml Smut
ami my aUler-ini.'iw to Mitrvliiml."
iem iiil laiu-liia la one lit the lat
kliown men in Marvhin.l. He ia now
at Front hurg in liiurge lu charge of the
atate tnxijia (hat were ordere I lliere to
protect the iroaTty of thu coal oa ra
lora from the Mrikera.
Has Kkam'Wh,, July Tonight
elorat the llml wii'k'a atrugulu U twii ll
the Houlhern I'licille Hallway t mil
imiiy and the Aim rlinn Itallway I n
Ion. The alrikert have the iM-r
Iimii. I, and the cnliro avateiu la IiI.h k-
aded completely. The .-until Ku la in
IllUell till' Millie eomllllou. Knllway
Iralllo l at n hluinUiili on the I'lieille
eoUMt. At the two parliciilar point-, of
Intercut Sai'lMtneiitii ami l.oa Aligeliw,
Where Hie I. I. I dilecling ita forein
aguinal Hie alrikert, exciting dnvelo
IlieiiU lire exa elcl.
I'.verytliing ia iiiiiic lu Snu I rau-
h Those who have a
. , f fr V-
I Good
! Digestion
i -
have little . y
loruictiysjK'ptic. i;.iy ml
enn cat cvcrytlmiK that J
comes alonp. While r
they can cat rich food 7
witliout fear of the fl
dysjK-ptic'8badcxicri- J
ences, they ticvcrtlic- U
less Rreatly appreciate M
a delicate uavor In t
their pa.stry. J"
when usl as a phort-
enitie;, always pro- t
duces the finest flavor- t
cd pastry, which is cit- i
ttrely free from the JJ
many oiijccttotis which tj
the use of lard always m
Produces. Test its H
value by ona trial. -RaruM
all tubal ituu-a.
fv1 ihfw imii In alampa in N 1C I
hlilaiiK a lik.HiUw. k'l l.m..
ai.iital tlbliH.tio lkMa.HAln. 1
It.aklV li.iiMlnM rw., irvi-l l.y
BUt''.u.M-iti auiritio..4i4iMiaa. I
CXMUaaaM la aukl tr aJ (nwia. m.
MaitMonlrhy L
ST. LOUIS and f
Hcmicaoo, niw voaa. aoaroN
llrw ! Ih Nralltli,
Tol l KA, Ivan., July 2. The rmeu
tW committee of the National I'arni
era' alliaiicr and Imliiatrlnl iiiuoii wiia
to have met hi re t.Mliy, tint ua only
one mt'iiila-r of thu eounuit !-', I. r!.
Dean, of New Vork, put In an apa-ar-anee,
Hie meeting waa Imlelliiitiiy
Mr. 1 an II waa aurpriae.1 to learn that
th recent etlort to n-vive the alliance
In Kaiiaaa had proved a failure, and
Uvlared thai Hi order waa gaining
aleaillly In the jt, raarially in'New j
Vork ami I'oiiiim Ivuiiin. I
II aaiil that the (aniplea party In
New Volk Ihla ear would a'll IH'.t'M
Volea, nii"t of m liicti would It' drawn
from Hie Mpnl'll :m pnrty, and that;
tUe atate would I atuuia-l ly Sua- i
lora rtea alt and Juliet in the llitcrcat
of the a.( uliata.
Iiiw l , July .1. - Sul'l'ie n.-ia ;
have laa u i.ii.-d from the I nlt.d
htatea court riiiirlng lianl li:aiingi ra I
of U-legnijih itunpMiiK'a to prmluc' It
furw tor irraml jury teli-raioa that
Ittaattl la-tan-u Ivtia and atrlke Ica.lrra ;
Q thia city. J
tMi)X. Or., June :'al. J. I.. Carter,
tha repul.lieau .Tin. lei lie tor Ih oHlee '
of aehiail aufrinleudcut of I ' liloll
count i al the ntvut i l.i 11..11, ami liu 1
waa defealnl hv Ml Nellie Mevelia oil
tha x'pnlit ticket, lntituti-l ami to
day rontintiiig an I I eliviimi. Th uit
la ttv-d on th all.-tri'il e.iiatitulional
gmunda that a wotnan cannot hold the
ofllna. A recount of Hi vote la aUo
prayed fur. j
ClIICAoo. July S. The J iry In the 1
J'relidrivaat raf ttalay found I list the J
prisoner waa not luaane. rreiiderKt, I
the murder of Mayor I Urn on, w ill t 1
Laugwl July IS j.
IIMI awrlaaa.
, , i- ' al !.-If a 1 1.11.1.
' r-Tit41.Kin.-r )iu ii..iin
"i..i.i. t ..; ,hk a. an ii.-iAiMv. '1
' ' ' ' l ' I' ) I'l .'. 1 1. I
I- li ! l.-l atlh In r.iti.a.
ha I I mi t 1 11 , r,- nyi vt h'-r r k to an.u 'n
. 1.1 . , 'i a .. 1 ! 1 1 II. l rf I. el u a 1
h f I. ".1 1. -t a. I ai.il4i li.r fr.itw f
1.. In 1 .. . i... ,. r , m In it ih.r.
a.v r,w ! 1 1 .. t f . . l-n.f'ial ... f.i.oti ,1 ,
I Ini.. . ,1 1.1 I. ,-n.,. a.Hi. ivti' i
I' mI I I,,,,, .j, . j krty tti1 ttf
I 11 I! I I 11 1 n l 'l l4l ii-lrl ,
r i'.i . ai I Miili.M,,,;, c ttm
tl. 1 ... , I f - ..! ,1 S,f, ,ltt ,,
a.v. I - .. i-. I., f H'ii m.-ia an.l in-!
fc ... tf - '.. arc riit i, j 4.i. ,n
a". -u't. 4 r ."wm, m. I iiibi.!, anh ,,,
"l ai. I . 1 tUfltfiil r-tu4l
Ut it HI I. Il'-r .-! (. ft .).!. t..Ml ait.' 'M
van f li I 1 i- nrr 1. .n.r .U. ....,-! tb feta.if
l-r Wilm ni).i- llM ltllil h.f
i"t a r !f nii.ii,n.:.. U mm
I l n l- ' lu --i.l B.!ft 1,. .4
a4 I'ra ui '.'-ii t it 1 ut r.i t.r . iti .d
a 'iU. l .1 ill H'tf M I 1 I- lu hr . I r r
:i - "I IT. (illl. u ' K u
t hrtl 1 ft V.
I If tut. U...','ii, m'n(vl.
IT nr.. il a w. ;t- r ..'a.. m til 1.
If '! It V .., vi.,.,. . 1 (. 1, ,
. . .. r-ontM in l i.r l.i.r n I.hi... n
rutMle report belU-r lUovcujrlil, tli all- ,,.i h u.,uivi; ut our
IMOJonUUUa.l.Ja. -K.Uav.,4.iv
The Ciilifi-riiij fruit grower am
t.lace.1 in an iiiifortuiiut cindition
by th r.iilr I tie-ujA Tim fruit
irop it re .ely t.i fhip Tint tlu-rn i
ll'l traneMr!.i t i'Xl fi( ililiea.
lleware of the ct.ite Iniliti;!.
Kven their rmiliiiig i daueroua
1'ilife. A reiiort from (ieriiuny
M ill s llml a pi r 1 uie.l in a IhtIiii
Iid-iii tn I from blood iioiaoiiirK
cauteil bv III light lil uo tunic of
ln-r nnldn r wei'theart Uiucliing a
cr.itcli on her arm.
1 Inn may Ini aaid lor th .sugr
Tnift magiiuten: They uk Ixil.lly
for lila-rty to rub tlm jfopl of the
I'lii'i'd Stritea ill orillT to pllt IIIOII
y in their nH'keU. Tin y do not
turn up tl.owliitea of their cyea and
prcteuj that thn tax ia lor
tin; Iieiu-lit of thu workiiiinen.
I' for tlioao who toil
and for tlio null. 111 ut large, theyii.
tern of protection ruhlilicd in
tliia 1 ounlry lum not extended to
l.ih.r. Tlio fruit of hifth tit ri IT
liuye gone to tlio fivored lnliciar
iet a ho have inia."cd inilliona at
th exjiemiri of the iiittHWt. Labor
lint lni'11 itiiHirted friti of duty mid
w iiliout let or hindrance. It ia the
tindi "irnl'le element tlnia iutro
.Inn I in l.iruely rivpoimibli)
for the outbreak which disgrace
Hit country and work harm to the
caiici! of thoni who are atruggling
toMiiriU the more favored Hiition
which it tlieirn by every ejnniJera-
tioii of right uti l juntieo.
Tlio Kugeiio road nuK!rviiwr are
hung inore work thin Dcanou than
for aeveral yearn pn-t, in fact alaiut
the onl v intelligent road work wo
bavu ever had. 1 he county court
dincrves niut'li enilit for the efforta
it i niitking to ceeure la-tter road
work throughout tho country.
Kad ruderit'h:ive Imtii provided
wherever neceHsarv and a rock
cruhfr will probably be purchaed
in tint sprint; Ix foro road work coin-
iiictiecg. I he latter m a iiei'ily,
uh thcn aro many dihtrictM where
line )r.ivel cannot Ini pnieuriil,
while tlicre in plenty of rock and
CoiigrcM appropriated llfijXIO,-
(XK) fir ciiMioiiH thin year, and
(irccn It. It.iuin, then comniii-Hioii-er
of tn'iiniiiim, cntinintl that there
would be a deficiency of at leant l.y
H0(l,(.)H. L'nder ('oiniiiiniiioiier
l.ocliri'ii'a coiiHi'ientious iitlmiiiin-
tratioti there in instead about f'J.'y
IHlD.iHK) Hurpltin to turn back into
the treawtirv at th approaching
end of the (Heal year a few days
hence. In other word, an honeht
lemocratic a'lminintration of th
H iion ollico hti8 navcil 10,000,1)00
to tin.' M-opIe, wbilo paying every
hoiicft claim and enforcing every
law however liberal. And thin
eiiormoUH aviu will lie rceated
year by year.
Thin talk of demanding a "par
ity" of value of gold and nilver,
w hich ho often timU itn way into
party platforinn, ia all biincomlai
mid made with intent to deceive
thu voter. Tho California republi
cans hit thu nail mpiare on the
head. liiey uueiiuiviR'any ui
maud the free coinage of silver at
tho ratio ol id to 1. I here is no
iiiguling with tcriiix, but the open
Jcelaration that nil vrr "hould lie
coined in nueh proiMirtioun with
gold an ban been thu linage for cell
tunc. 1 hey do not propone to
accept a bullion value brought
about by bontilii and mimical leg
lalion made in the intercut of bond
holders capitalist.) and creditor,
ny wiitcn anver was demonetized
and goM relatively cnlianccd in
Acconling to the Colfax (!aette
an exiN'riuicnt is to he trie I in
Whitman county, Washington,
which ought to bo very carefully
considered U-fore 't in entered U
on. It iav that (icn. II. W. Liv
ing-tone has decided to erect n fii,
gel a supply ol a.purrclH, and, with
the aid ol liH-a 1 doetora, inoculate
the squirrels with the virus of some
foi.tagious disease. As sihiii as
the Nuirrtl show the dlccta of the
Kiison they are to be turned loose
to spread the dircae among their
fellows. This method of getting
rut ol noxious animal lias long
Urn talked of undouite recently it
has Um reported that a plague of
Held line in (.recce waa successful,
ly abated by the introduction of a
couticioiia diseaae among them by
an expert front I'asteur's labora
tory. Mayor Kinney, of Astoria, has
called a stvial met ting of the eity
conned for the purpose of adopting
resolutions calling upon congress
to take prompt action in regard to
establishing liatcbcries at suitable
inti on the river. They will aok
the Oregon and Washington dele.
gations m eongn's to have a rider
put mi the sundry civil appropria
tion I. ill providing for the Hpprt
pri .tion of l.'iO.HliI for thi purpose.
It would It well for our city coun
cil ami Umrd of trade to take a
tion in It matter and aid in the
good work, ami every other local. tv
ill the Northwest, whether a.ljuent
to the river or not, should do the
sine. The salmon etch of the
Columbia river ia worth ne-ulv a
much as the w beat crop, and all'..r ls
work f r a tmall army of men. l'n
less steps ar taken by th govern
nmt to re plen:h tbe shv-k, the in-dui-try
will die nut in a few years.
Uli-tn gathered to forward with
rnolutioii sl.ow the govern
nient collects from the tin inisrted
for canning th Columbia salmon
more than lV) yearly, Itidet
th revenue from t ine and other
tuaU riali Ujnd iu the businef. 1
Thia weath'r will put the farm
era to buying.
No visihli! h.iriii h.i s i I.r re
sulted I'rom the wiieal npiila. It
diK-a Hot niiii prolKiblo however,
that heads of grain covered with
audi a liU'iiUr of inn.cU can
eseu) injury.
We are U giuiiing to i xji-rieiire
the iiieouveiiienix' of a rail
way tie-up, esjtrially in
mail mutters. I her has been no
mail from the south beyond K
burg for two days, and last night
the smith I mud overland failed to
get out of Portland.
I hn railroad companies are
virtually partners with tho 1'ullinan
company so far ua tho etiaches ure
concerned, hence their determina
tion to stand by the millionaire in
thu strike now on. It amounts, to
this: They charge full faro to
passengers then exact extra eon
ensatioii for furnishing decent
No accurate account has been
kept of tho nuuilierof gavels and
walling stick made, of timber
grown on the (.inn where Abra
ham Lincoln was born, but there
have been enough of them to raise
a ipiery u to why Honest Abo
should have-emirateil to In liana when the wood sup.
ply waa inexhaustible at heme.
Tho attention of tho chief engi
nt r of the firo department ii. call
ed to the condition of the
cap to tho citorr.H. At th drill
la-t evening the cipofth ei'-teril
at the comer of highth and Olive
strit-ts iiad to lie cliopiod ohmi.
Had tie-re la-en a lire nt which the
services of tho ongine Were esen
tial much valuable time would
have la-en wasted.
Thu Hitiili-t iiu iiiIht of the leg
islature are: S. II. Holt, Jackson
county, W. S. Vandcrburg, Jose
phine, Cooa mid Curry; lr. Will
II. King, L iker and Malheur. In
the house: S. M. Nealon and J.
A. Jeffrey, Jackson; 1 A. Stewart,
Cooa and Curry; J. C. Young,
Hak-r; Thomas lluckman, Coos;
C. D. Iluirmau, l" ii ion ; J. A. Bur
leigh, Wallowa; making ten mij
ulist mcmlMTs in the legislature.
The senate has voted to retain
the inomotax fiaturo in the tarilf.
Hut three il. tno ratic senators
voted against it; Hill, Murphy
and Smith, while only, nix republi
can senators voted for it; .Mitchell,
of Oregon, I'ettigrew, I'ower,
Shoup and Teller. Tho jsipulist
senators voted for it. It apfar
that tho telegram of Cortland aris
tocrats asking the senate to defeat
the income tax clause had little
Albany Hemocrat. Now that
(iovernor Ceiinoyer has shown such
an inclination towards pardoning
convicts, lH'titions Tor pardons are
crowding in upon him ut t terrific
rate, from all parts of the state
The sentence of a man to the peni
tentiary is a mere farce if punish
uient d'M-H not follow. The power
Is a good one; but it should I
used, carefully nml discreetly only
w here very strong eases are made
llailroads should he compelh
to carrv the mails instead of
abandoning trains because employ
es refuse to work if a Cullman
coach or two is attached. They
receive protection and especial
favor from the government, iin
should not be allowed to stop mail
service when it may performed.
It would lie just as reasonable for
tho contractors bctwieu McKetuie
bridge or Florence, and Kugcne, to
refuse to perform the service if
the could not carry passengers on
iinir own lerms. in i.iets are
that the railroad managements are
becoming too autocratic.
To Restore
imir which
lias become thin,
ami keep the scalp
clean ml healthy, use
a fill
It prevents the hair
from falling out
or turning gray.
The best
ft - -
A' ''pi
I), at S n 1 can scarcely ra.iline I
vn a.i i .ir .i -.ith't d.air, the resn't of a
I'll. I .iM. i - ( mil. iinliiiili. ill of tlic kid
neys. .. ill. lie vaa l.l.imly uiid l.rii
i lie i::i, n.'.ir the aine. I tried aevcial
ri'iei hi i. .it ini relief. When I
nan -ill ii...' t. r I ly a lony of y. ur
M. -.In ill Ad i. er was received l.y m. me
iiih in ur liiiii'lil.. After rcNiliiiK
pint of it I sent (ora!eof I'r. lirantV
l.i. lin y i i. l l.iver Cure, ..i d after the
loses I f !t reheveil. I eoitliiiilcJ tukiii(
until 1 hud tukeii three lttles, and waa
ftuii)i1t't.'!v cured.
(jiatefillly jours,
lloyt street, I'orllaml, Oregon.
Frico $1 per Bottle
For Sato l.y all Kiieiia HruUU.
Mr. Joha Kllby.
'flic Station Is Growinjr
IVokc lloill'lj'.
lalvnar I K lianirul al ftarramrnla
Sai'iiamknto, July 3. (Ircatest ex
cllemi 'ii prevails nt the Houthern Ca
ei lie il. t ot. of striker are
present waiting develoiiinentN. The
comiinny say they will move mall
trains today ngardh-HS of eonse
Disk IB Paaataalaa.
Kacii AM knto, July .1, 3:30 p. in. A
how lii n nioli la lu inxwa-lnu of the
detMil. The iMiliee ami deputy mar
shala uio iMiwerleaa ami have (riven up
the sli'iKu'Ie. V. t. Alaraliiil llalilwln
narrowly em-ueil U linr kille.1 hy strik
.Mil l aaaii.
Han I'kam isxii, July ."I. There ii
little i l.aiik'c In tlie situation hen- ami
at Oakland. Huhurhau trnlna are run
nlin; at Oakland. A slight conflict be
tween Mrkcr and company men oc
curre.1 this afterniMiii.
Wasiiinoiox, 1). t'., July 2. lU-p-
nseui!iiive t nun, or lex an, iiurouuevo
a reaoliition In ('otign-as to luvestiirate
the riillinuii strike. I rnln la tlie luau
who was a inetnlsr of the com
mittee, which aucecaafully ended the
strike llml year.
I', a. Traapa
San KkaxiIwo, July i Attorney
(Jeiieml Olnev haa winsl tieiieral
hIt to furnish triMipa and execute
pitMHaiiea of I . H. courts ami prevent
destruction off. H. liinlls. Olney fur
ther said for Hodgcr to arm hlniwlf
with warrants for other ordera.
A l.rartar al Ik airlhrra Arraalatf.
I'lxriNNATi, July 3. Kdward Che-
Ian, a leader of the strikers here, waa
arretted to-day on a warrant issued hy
the Jud.f of Uie I. H. court, eharifinif
him vith Interferinir with the man
ain tnet t of Die railioads. The hearing
waa act for I hursday aiternoon.
T Apprmr In laarl.
Clin Alio, July 3. President IV ha
waa at rvisl w Ith a chrncery auhMaiia
to-day. , It waa simply a formal notice
to aiic.r ts'fore the court at the August
term to answer the hill.
Ilraalar Traapa Uaaoi.
Clin Alio, July 8. fulled Statea
liintrict Atiorney Milelirist ami Judtre
(inawiip haveaaked Attorney (ieneral
olney for rcirulur tnsa. No mure
deputy marshals will he I'ncd.
alkallr aaal Prairtiaal I alia la
Suffered Fain
Dtar Sirs: For eleven year I of
fered with a bad caae ol Fait Uheiim, ol
Kciema, and wa hardly able to move
aUmt. My doctor treated me a long
time wiwiout doing me any gsa. A
friend minested me to try Dr. Oram's
S-maparilU and Grape Iloot. I did ,
and today feel very thankful lor ao d.-
linr. I received benefit from Hie nrai
hit tie, and kept on taking it until I had
token over a dozen bottlea. The result
is today I am perfectly well, and I euu
not say too much lor l)r. Grant'. Sara
60 Fourth atreet, Cortland, Oregon.
Price 50c: 6 Dottles $2.Rn.
Fur sal by all tiiarua lninla.
Inir miners and deputlea. Three bun-
drvl shots were tired. Heveral miners
fell and were carried away by their
Mara arrlaaa.
Oaki.ASI. fab. July 3. -The situa
tion of the railroad tie up la assuming
more actions proportloiia hourly. No
iirosiiect Ol a.ijiisinieni 01 uiiien-ncr
ltw:en the H. C. Company and em
Si a Opaaalllaa.
Wax Krani'Imcxi, July 3. A sa?-lal
train bearing f nited States tnHiaover
the Niuthern Cacitlc from this point to
I,oa A n ue lea baa li ached hauford. Ni
farpasxaKe of train la-aring l.'nlteil
State triMii has not been opsaa.'d hy
the strikers.
1 hla
Clllrviio, July 3. A petition laar-
Iiik lylt'io names and representing
many i- lluiona ia to he im-scuti-d to the
Iloiird -f Kdiiciitiou urging that the
Iord'n Craver and certain testa of
!cripti're Is read in the puhllc m-IiihiU
every i. ay. I Ills ia la-in done In the
schooK of lomiito, l ana. l.i, with the
appno I of taith Catholic ami Cro
lealant . tiun-lii-H. Auioiur the eti
tionera ire 1'nideiit llivri r, of Chieairo
fnlver :tv; Charles C lloiiney. wIm)
was iu cliaitre of the Iti'liKioiiaCoinrrem
at the World's lair, and W. J. Ona-
lian, wl.o has reeelltlv lafll made a
Count t-y the Coa.
kal llralrn,
Clin mio, Julv 3 Crvidciit 1st
of the Xmerican luiilway In ion haa
ret'ivi I a diaptteh froin
Ohio, t ivlaring that the National Aa-
nh mt.-l train emnlovea. atalid to
asoist tue union w ith all their re-1 "oi'l"'
Afrala af a Mania.
Ciiicaoo. July 3. The Cullman
boycott la gradually spreading. The
Durliii:tou, which employes non
uulou men, Is theonly route not all'ei't
eil. A new ditlleulty ia prem-uted by
the refund of engineer and firemen to
risk their Uvea by working with green
hands, and railroad niaiiutreni are fi ar
ful of preelpitatinn of Imltle on the 4th
of July, and will make no serious ef
fort to move before Thursday morning.
Al rarlaaa
Com i.amii. Or., July 3. The strike
in this city haa extended to local busi
ness. No liH-al trains left terminal
grounds thla nioiuliig. The tie-up Is
Rr. Loi'ix, July 3. Htrike situation
worse today. Kiiglucera refune to
work with green hands. h irst regi
meiit state militia order-d in readiness
for sen li-e.
Chuaoo, JulyS. "We are niak
ing every etlort to prevent trouble on
the hourth," said 1'iesldetit IX-Im, to
day. "If there Is any trouble It will
not be of nur making." ivlai fuither
said: "None of our officers are run
nlng iroiu any circuit court iinieesa.
I lie Injunction aeema to restrain men
from doing exactly what we have al
way forbidden them to do. Ita 1 1 road
eniployia have an unquestioned right
to withdraw liulivl.ltially or in a laxly
from the service of a company, but
they have no right to interfere w ith
others employed lu take their places,
SiipiMirteit aa we are financially and
otherwise by all labor organizations of
tlie country we have no mixglvliiitt."
I'okti.ami, July 3, 3J0 C. M. The
Northern 1'acitlc sent out a train with
Cullman attached at V2Xt p. m.. by aid
of a non-union fireman.
Taoim a. Wash., July 3. The North
ern I'aclll.' sent out a train east this a.
in. with Cullman coachee attached.
sixty I', ri. deputy marshal Mug on
the train armed with Winchesters.
Another train will be sent out this p.
ni. Two trains anlved from Seattle,
hut none sent out. All enirine are lu
charge of non-U ii iou men. Supt. Me
Cabe says, while the road Is badly
crippled, he Is gelling enough non
union men to keep the line osi.
Ciiicaoo, July 3. The flfteentli n-g-imeiit,
f . H. A., at Frt Sheridan, m
held In readiness In proceed to lilue
I land at a moment's mKU-t. (Mit-ral
M ilea ia on the way from Washington
to aanume coutnd of Hie triaa.
Naa by araai.
SKATTl.t July i Train service was
rcauiucd on the Northern to-day witli
some ri-gtiiarny. 1 lie trains arc
man lie. I u.tli acali cn-wa, who are ao-
eompaliied hy deputy uiarshala for
prot.i Ii.-ii Kveryiliing ia ijuiet uow,
nut w ith no aiimocc of n-maiiiing so.
smart a linrk a I , ala.
A immliiier Halo on the Italtlm.ire
tt Ohii nael wua Oi'i at lt.k
l-laiul Junction .ilay l.y atrikera.
The einrtm-er waa badly Uurl. Strikers
train on ll.e Nickel l'iate
To Ton Xoow Vhort It Ii?
Lifei Thr and telli in toa Follow
Ing Letter of the Wondsrful Btneg;
Baoaired from niing Dr.'i
ELMiaA, Oatoojc, April 6th, l.v.n.
Da. Cacl Oaar, Cn-sid-nt 0. W tt
Mfg. Co., l'ortland, Oriyn.
Sir.w, wiah toexpit-hs inv li.-nnM.
thanks to you for the great la netit I r
ceiveil from Using your nnsk-i-im. i
have been a constant sutr. rvr .r
Twelve Ye.irs
with spinal tnuble and the roui.Uinu
o peculiar to women. I have..-tnrMi
with aeveral different d s-tors, ami (roia
some ol them I received teii,.,r,irv
li.-f, but from none of them have (
caive.1 the relief I have from uin Voar
remedies. The '
Congo Oil,
was particularly beneficial, an it in-tant.
ly P'lievesttie pain and quiets the n,.rve.
and after usimr it 1 can g to .,
nol awaken until breuk of il.iv. I tm
very grateful for the reli.-f ol,i
will U all I can to eneoiirs.'e ti.e .i!i.
your medicine. I huve tiwl ,,i,,. 4, 4
half bottles of Coniro Oil and t., ,
half Uttles of your Native hi .-..v.-rr (,t
women'a diseases, and Unit ia all'
medicine I have taken in
Six Months,
and I am in better health tlnni 1 hata
been for the past twelve year-. wiL.,
more and can work without fi-c!i;i M
though 1 should
Drop Den I
every minute, and it ia , n- to mur in(s.
icinee that I h-cl this w.-lt ,' :u.,
willing that all who am ntHti-t. d )
know of the wonderful rraiill from tiir.
your meilitines.
Mks. w.t. k.vYii:r.
Sold EvaavwiiKRi.
Congo Oil, price 50o. and SI.OO.
Discovery, price SI.OO.
For Sat by all Etist-na Hrusiilia.
Purity dnJ
io Immlara if sja bar Jr
''"""ii'soara.n to r-norn.
rJ""" c"4 ra.aa t
lUMutic-OMiniif a..N. .rmi
ii-fcl.(TOl nu.,w awJ
lawt.arvi liiMinu ertja.ra .M, .J
f . S Marshal Aruohl waa call.-. I otf
a Cullman car platform at Itlue In
land, durinir a lively flirht was
aeven-I beaten and kicked and rolled
in the lirl l.y strikers.
llaa la Haa
Cm. i. July 3. Caatw Qkman
laindh 'ini, chief of KlilnllTa nf L"tsr,
Cis'k i 'Jiity, aaid tialay: "We ar all
ready l. strike when aked. Tlia
KniKht-of l.alr are heart and aj
witli I . American I'jti'way fnlon."
Traaaa Ia.lri.
Sax r'RANi Irn-o. July 3. Tlie sjo
ial trai l tenmig l'nlte.1 S'ales tronpa
w ill uot reach Aiifi U-a la fore to-
iilcht. The train is mcrting no oi
atructi mi from sinkers.
I nd. The eiigiiut rand tl reman were
icomsiifd to U-aVe llw train. Alanine
mills have atuit down, lliMwIng .,iaju
men out of work.
laalrraaf al Fanlaaat
j I'oHTI.AMi, July 2 N'. tl.r.iiikih
liatna on the Norili. ru or Southern
I J'aci.'ht roails left or arrived Ualay. !-'-nl
trail ia run linlav. The Northern
Cacitlc l.aJ Ua-k a Cullman In Ta
eoma, leaving at 8Us) in liu Bfterii.n,
and a train fnm the Sound with a Cull-
, man attached arrived at huU p. at.
Haallaglaa'a la.lraillaai
! Sa Cm a. mi hi. July 2.V. I.
i liuniiiiKtou baa leleKraphni (iei eral
I Maliagvr Towne. of the tsHilhern l'a
eifle railnwd, to do the hrt he -an to
: run traina d urine the strike. Itut if
he ran not find sufficient euiployea
i willing to work, to let cars remain in
St. Johki'm, Mo., Julv :i. iiinr
stranger ilmve up to the limine nt
Henry Ilolker, a farmer, living mirth
of this city, yesterday afternoon, an. I
proposed to buy his farm. They pre.
tended to la returning gold miner,
and displayed a valie full of gnl.j
brick. Ilolker Hiine.l to aell and
when the bricks were welched It wna
found that t-,l wa due the si ranger.
Ilolker wenl to the lunik and returiiiil
with the V..IHSI In cash, which he
turna.l over to the strangers, who at
once took theirdeparUire. llolkertilt
lias the bricks, nml is nibbing ? I'M f,,r
the enptureof the clever trio.
Ottawa, III., July 3. Jniins II.
Kckles, comptroller of the curn ney,
who is in the city, said today, in re
aMiuse to Inquiries as to the
of finances:
'The condition of l he banks of tlie
eouiitry preMiit a atrikimr coiitr:it ti
that of a year ngo. At that time hnr.l
ly a day piiiussl w ithout a failure i
eurriiig. Tislay a failure is an txivp
tlon. The money starvation which
was everywhere met with, has lint
only disappeared, hut every hunk it
glutted with Idle monev.
"The reHirt of May 1 showid more
actual money In the hunks than ever
before in the of the syatein.
while the individual and bunk and
bankers' desmit wert rapidly ap
proaching hitch water mark. It'iim-i
he evident to every one I hut the pres.
eut standstill in busineaa cannot Inn,
continue when the tarill' quistiou u
CoKT ToW.NKK.NI, July I'-Tli
steamship Queen, which urrlve.l fr.-m
Alaxkan wtiters to day, hroui.iit iieas
of the w reck of the whalluc Julius
Allen. The Allen was w reeked ell the
' coast of Western Alaska, and the sui
vivors. Captain Huntley, third mute
nml 1) otbers, Micii-iih'.l in n-uching
Sitka, w here l hey took pawaue for San
Fiaiuise'i. The survivors re.rt la'ing
subjis-teil to such severe liaril-liiji Unit
tho ttesh of comrades w its eaten. Kmir
men were drowned when the Ismt cs
sied. Two others starved to death,
ami still li more are inisaiug.
Ciiicaoo, July Chuiles M.
Misire, a day lalsm r, Inirishni d into
the American Hallway fnlon t.ahiy a
firoMa.ition for tlie estahlixl, incut of a
Blair trust company in every slate,
with a iremnil ld'y nt Wiiaiiiui:t.'ii,
and a tartre capitnf stock, to le i.l-acrila-d
for by workinirmen.
The ).ursa' Is to create a h ri'
fund fiir the Is nelH of wia'.-uin i rs
and the carrvlmr on of strikes. The
Idea will probably I a- enliirL'..! ui-.n
ami adopted by the convention.
CoKTI.ANO. July 2. Ill the Ihn-e-
fourth mile dash at Irvington l';irk
this afterniMiii three horsea enme un
der the wire infk ami neck, liny
were Jennie I lean, ltiiimlmp, m.d
Muwidta. Time, I. in.
la uarara la Ih llaaar.
Wakiiimiton. Julv 2. No l.ii-im-
of Importance waa transuded iu the
house of representatives to-ilav, omihi;
to the dilllciilty in maiutiiiuin),' a
in the sk.natiu
111 tlie Semite the only bin.nn-- "f
lllllM.rtance trausaetisl la-side the v. .(e
on the sugur schiilule was the pii ai.'e
ol the bill exleiidnii; the lime of tn'
On-ifoii and Washintitoti liridtre
aliy to (smrtru.-t the bridge aen H'tf
uliiuibiu at Kalama.
The Vote wa taken lo-dav on the
liLiitr m-hclule of the Wilaoii inn It -1 -according
to iireviou agns-mi-nt. Il
ana miopteil l.y a vote of ."s to ' 4.
Cull. mi and Quay Voled for it ml"!"
tion, and Hill, Mur.hy, Mint!'.
M.TIiir-ui and Iilauchard (.-:! i.-t.
Otherwi-e the Vote w as strictly a -.r-lixan
vole. Stewart, of Neva. hi. 'I'
clin.-.l to vole, foiigreaa ha a.lj'jurt-"'
until Thursdav.
iKoNwiain, Mich.. July 3. A battle ; tlieyarda until traibUM-n can be
tavurreJ thia aflrriiuun belwrvn trlk-j cured.
Chkngo, July 3 Tialay for th- tit-t
tiuielii its hialory, at the live i-t k
trade iu Chicago, not a single car l" l
of aiiimala n-acheil the Ctil.ui !- Thouaamla of ai kingi' --r
emi.ioye are Idle.
Ihe liurlitiglou, w hich i-mpl. ya le-"-union
m. n. !a about the oti'y r.. i i r---.1
not a(Teetel.
A new difficulty ia nr.-eiit. .1 by r
ful of enuiiieera and firemen to ri-s
their Uvea by Workil g with if r- "
lianda, and railway nianatrer tlui
j -lvi-a are ii'.t aniioiia for nVhln
They are fiarful of prvt'ipitatlng a ba'
I tie nn July 4. and w ill make no aa-n "ii
err.irt to inovr traina l-fore Thurily
; nn rnlnir Thev think the lno.n'"
j elite multing from the au.p-n-'ii "
I Isi-ilieaa will I keenly ft It ever here
and then public opinion w ill l a c'"1'
as fas-hir In defeating IX-La and hi
I pie.