T 7 Eta EM! AH il ! Y ARllo 1. . - t HTlBLISIIEri KIR TIE IIMEimTIO!. OPDEIOCRITIP. msriritS. 1P TO 11 ncXTLIino BT TOE tMKIT OF 01 B BSOW EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY. JUNE HO. m. NO. 27. The Eugene fit) Guard. ririiu.siir.ii kvkuy satfuday. I. I.. (WMTIJEU,, riiblUttrr ud Proprlrlor. i.!TI',i-" Jin th. Kt i.U of Will.m.tta M ... t, o( t wu rtru.b kil l KltfbtO !lnU r k i i ' f s v iwt'iii r no.v. p s 00 1. 00 ;a 'r annum ix Month I'hr. omoth. .1 li'irtiuii t'.fo-n .V.l'i .i'j''i''ltin. Tiuir advortUr will It ehug t tht (l li.arinj rm'e: i Lt i'ir. till month. . .! 00 HBr ! m.iuliui M 00 l)n.iuara im rttr 12 00 Tranurat .otic. Id load oulunto, SO roU ,r lin tor mill luMrtlna. A.lvrrti.linr bill, will b. rto.lera.1 quarterly. All iub jrk mutt b. fAll) roio himvi.t. T:,l I 1 t very Pair Guaranteed. Better address 6an Francisco Cal. ! J S. LUCKEY df.alf.u in C'.cLki. iVati.r.es, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. KKI'AIIMNU I'KOMITLY IMI.NK. CP til Work tV.rraaUa.-l A. C. WOODCOCK, tlKKICK -' half liita. tonta of I'. O. ".Sd.J 'Ot-ntl.n k'ivro la l!.illrcl,.ni ao l I'ntbaUi ltiiit. L. W. BROWN, M. D. 1 'liyMlclMii nuJ JSurueott. OlH.v ati.l rilriii-a ot.r lMMtntficw. Hour; 7 I" ! a. m.; I.' to 0 to i- m. O. XmA.HZJE3. GRAKITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Sew iiigii aiiJ Nt-w I'rlrr In FurrlRti ami Ihiui'Ulir Marl.lv .ml liraultr, Monument., I..i.-I"nr an I Crmelvrj work of all ktiitl. I.ir tfjS. ALL WORK (il'AUANTKKI) ! M lllaini'tlt' Street, near Pnatoflire. Knarn, Or J. F. FORD. (Hant;MIt,) If lira M .lnr, liiwa, writ nil Irr ilata "I March 2.1, IttOi S. II. Mi:n. Mm. Co., Dufur, Oregon. (iKM i.kmks: On arriving lmiiit lat wivk, I ft.ii ml nil well mill unxloiialy waiting, (lur little girl, eight anil oiu liulf yrnw iil, who liml watcl away to :w miiiiiih, h now wrll, ftnmtf nnil vli;oroiiH, ami well llcnlicd up. K II. CoiiUli Curt' I (tone ItH work well. Ilolli of tlu'i liiMivn like It. YourH. 15. Coui;li Curt- Iihm ctmil ami k-t awny all lioiirn') from me. S l' it tiMv-ry oim", willi (rrw-tliiun for all. WIhIiIhi you jinwjMTity, we arc Yourn, "Mu. axi Mkh. J. K. Fokh. It rim wl'li t" fl troth ami ohwrlul. and ria Ijf l.ir th work. rli-aiiM a ! .i-.ttrn with IhH HtiUchp ami l.lvrr Cure, j laklnn twti or thnt ito a wwk. bolil nn.li'ra jmmIUvp i(Maranli JO rriu. r Uill.f Ujr all ilruMiiU. J. L. PAGE, tiK.VI.KU IX GROCERIES UtVIN'i t.AIt'.K II ASH COUIM.IiTE HTih K ul nui.li' anU law J linvrivt Uuuiilil 1U III' UmI inarkuti Exclusively For Cash, I ran oftl-r tl.e utillo Ix-tU-r prici-fl limn any otlier lioum) :IN EUGENE. : 1'ro.lii. if all kiinN tuken at ninrk-! I't'vijt'ut, II I. If 1 1 .a. ii. EaKIH, J a., I'a.l..'i ft in national urn i Solillert' Mume Inuiatra, lioM'lnirK I'liiliiili nli r: Follow ing la U Hat of the iiimali-a uf tlif (Introll wil tlirra' Inline, toKcllier With tlm rom any ami rvKimi-ut In wlilrti they -'rel ami tlicir forniiT rwiilfiiir: Aaron Xotliue, Co l, kmIi Itnl. inf., (iliil.-. IVler Sn-IIUi k, Co K, IM (Hilo Inf., Jni'kxmville. Nathaniel Wljfulna, Co F, 1'itli Iowa Inf., Mvrlle Crw-k. K. C.' WlilihiKt C. C, lt (ir Inf., Silvtrtini. FralirM'. Hlekey, Co F, Mill Ohio rav., Ijituuri lie I'u'll.. M.ihen A. Mii-ttn, Co M, lllll Mo. e.iv., I'ortlaml. Allnl Ijtwn-mv, tailor, hii Treii Ion, C S. imvv. J.pli J!. Il..ke, Co(i, llth K:.n. eav., Mm tie Crik. t)eo llrowu, Co I, IJtli New York Inf., fs-oiNluirir. Fivlerlek Shnlt, Co F., 4lt N Y 1 ii ft-, I'ortlaml. Huvl.l Vlnivnt. CoC. Itli I . S. artv. oaklumi. (ieo. F. (Irifflth, Co(i, iltli Olilo Inf. I'ortlaml. John Hullivau, Co K, lot la Minn Inf, I'ortlaml. J it ii iin K. Wnlin, Co I). 4th Mieh inf, Aahhiml. Yirll I'. Ncwaoine, Co II, Int Orlnl, Salem. K..lM rt KoMeway, Co K, nth 1'. S. inf., Allmny. hainuel CcrneliuH, Indian war, Sa lem. John llylun, Co I, Kith Win. Inf., Fiifene. lanae Cram, I'o A, -l Mo. inv., Ililla-iKiro. I MONDAY, Jl'NI' : 'I In A pit irt In DuuifU County. The wheal aphl win flrat notleed in Iloiiulaa mlility anil aa that Mrtloii la atiout two we'ka earlier III growth ami harvetiin; of erojiit than (hi valley, the comliiion of the iet therv will lie wateheil with Intereol ly our ieople. It niMnr they are developing into wiin;ei inatrta'aml leaviux the wheat lleldx In Mime Mvtiona ol the l'uixint. The I'lnimtealer of June U aay: "A lart'o iiiiiiiIht of farmera wi re In town Saturday, and aa a coueuem, 'the little ifni ii luitfa In the wheat' were iliM-uiied thonmuhlv. Opinlona coneerninK them dlllen'i( really, and while nonio thought the wheal erop would he injured hy the IliM-cta other were of the oiiinii that their vlita tioti would ri-Aiilt in no injury. The inxrt are provided with wlm;, which they are lining to kimnI ell t In aoine Miiiona, iuiir'uueh a they are (lying away from the wheat field an him m a their wlhK are lull y matured. It ap M'iira that no djinuiKe hart thtii far re Milted, hut how o many Ihik ran U on a head of whrat w ithout eauxintf more or leaa iIhiiiiik'P Ik more than they cuii umlerrland, and niiiHtueutly they eoiileiid that later in the aeaaoii the ilninaue enuwd hy the hut' will ahow ilrlf." (in at Xortlieru Uuclor'a Kill. Teliiiniiu: A phvalciall haa for warded to (ieliernl I'aaiwliifi r Ak'ellt Whitney,, of the (ireat Northern, a uniiie claim airaiuat the coiupauy. When a reo-nt mrike waa in a truiil u ua delayed, A woman on laianl gnvv hirth to a ami, who wan named niter the preaident of the Ameriiiu Kail way I'nlon, Kiiuna lla-lm. The phy sician who alli'lidcd on thia Intercut ItiK iN-caalon now want, the eouipany loaetlle hit hill for nervlm-a. Chamberlain's Eye and Eton Ointment A c rt:.;a ci.' for Chronic Sore Eye, Totter, bait Ilneum, Scald Head, Old I'hroLic Sorei, Fever Sorea, Kczcma, Itih, I'rairio Scratches, Sore Nipples and Tilt n. It la cooliint and sowthlaj;. Hundred of cnca hT l-ea eured by It nftiT nil oiiier treatment bad failed. Vj per Imix. Tot aalc lir OitmrnJi Iirljino. iNtllv (iu.rd, June A A N'oVKt. STKflTlHK A lulnU ture reaidenee on wnvon w htrla wiw to U'Keeii at the cvuil inut Miiarv to day. t wna built the width of the waitoll, klxmt tl feet loni;, 7 fi't hilfh. and covered ii . i i uva-a. I 'a new of 01 Eugene. PU up lash filial 50,0W Oregon. j I'n.f. IMd ia vi'iliiiK at Alliuliv. I II. I.. S..I, of SV.cin, i vifitin in FuKeiie. J. II. Wait, of lioM'huiv, wu in I town todny. II. I. Norton returned to Junction I thia liiorniiiif. Arthur Yea.le n tiirinil home front I i'ortlaml today. I (irilllii plaved mwii I li:ie lor Coyote. No liia-eot. I I .if llil-tnti left yotenlny for a viait , at I'orllainl ml I Atori:i. I Attorney A. C. WianlivM-k l iiltind- I Ihk I'ireiiit ei 'irt at lwhurt,'. Ted Cro-I.y returned to hia home at I Astoria tlilo iiioriiii:. 1 H. II. KolMrta i. II fur hi home at The llallia tl.ia molliill. i Ir. Kuvkemlall went to CoinMock on a pnili -"li'li al l-it today. Mr Louhmiller arrlvml home today fiom a trip throtvh WaliiiiKtou. The wheat nplila ia reKrti d aa pr'a cut in lull w heat till over Wii-tcrn OreKoii. Miaa Veinu Adair ha eeured a ai- aitiou aa teai'lier ill the I'oitlalid puhhc rH'hlMlla. I'.. I. Cohi. urn fix k it in ii up from Ilia I'ortlaml jury ditliea to vi-it liia family over Sunday. Mra. John ilemliTMiu ia daintc roindy ill at the family nfldemv on Seventh tm-t n ar Willamette. KeV. lleek la IllllirovlliL' hia re-lilelli iirojartV on Ninth ntnet he.Vt to tli ournaf ollle today. Mr. J. (i. liray went to Alhaiiy Ihla inorniiii; l vi-.il at the reHldeiiiv of her daughter for :i few day. O. C. Illchea, of I'ortlaml, who aia-nt aeveral daya here lat wi-k viaitlni; frleliil", haa returned home. I. L. ('iiiiii U ll went to I'oitlalid on the Sunday iiiornin overland, and will prolmtily return IoiiIkIi. Ir. J. K. I'avtoit, forinerlv of thia oily, la n'orlel M-rioiialy id ut hia home lit tioutlicrn Califxruia. marriage UiN-uao was I tailed lit T. J. (A'wia and Mr. M. C. 'umiiU ll from the county clerk'a otlhw today. Tliv Northern I'aciriu train are now arriving in Portland on time, the I1nmI having mlwiiled ao the railroad track can If iited. Mlta Martha Wiluht, who ha Ut-n vltktiiiK relative here, went to I'ort laml thia morning to aainl a few daya. Mr. A. A. Cnttron, of Monmouth, and Mm. Clodfeltcr, of lnden-udeuiv, are vltitiug at the rtideiice of Or. T. W. Ilarrit. T. M. Martin, of Florence, vlxited hi mm Carey yealerday. llewaaon hi way to Itntcliiirg to serve at Jury man in circuit court. Chat. Wililermcier, of the l:o.t of ''.Mi, atartnl for hi home til The I Mil lea thl morning. He excct to return lo the Ulilvertity next year. A tug loaded with (i.'l excurhlonUta tiink J ii- t outtide of Ni-w York harltor yealerday. Thri-e biMiie were recover ed uml N.pMiiiH are itilsaiiift. Amir Mel'hcraou e xpirt to finixli the Held wotk of the lvi Bttetanu lit during I lie nxt two weeka, mid will then eoiiiineiuv work on the toll. Ii. F. Itice and Imvid lluiler left for their Snitlaw nuchea thia morning, where they will aM'lid Home time cut ting and aplitting rail, grulihiiig and iiiaking hay. S'Verul uuivertity graduate, chit of 'HI, left for their lloluea thia morning: Mia MelitMt Hill, f The Dull.-.. Mian Amy I'owell, Aatoria, and K. M. I'n derwoiMl, for MeMiiiiivllle. A. F. Hurd, of Florence, cnine upon the overland Sunday morning, on hia way home front attending the A. O. I'. V. (tmnd lialge at I'ortlaml. He k-ft for hi home thia morning. Sol M. Stock, of Corvallia it in town making arrangement for the apN ar anoe of the Corvulli liramatie Club in "Ihiinon ami I'ylhiaa'' at the oa.'ra house tlie evening of July ,'ld. The ateainer Kugi-ne left on her re turn tripalaait daylight Sunday morn ing. Miel.uk H (on of oata, coiiaigued to INirt land by F.. C. Smith, and a kitiall (piunt ty of other freight. I. Nelaoll I irat'lie, Milne lotttl oelelt rity clever x.ltli the peiii il, haa neat hkcti liit In O-liuni A lie Lauo'a and J. S. I.uckey'a window Illu-trnting wlmt limy lie exia-clcd at the Waller n van Pills Surpli Euicon j - - A :n-rJ liackini! InwirMa !.! o. iraxai Ma Urni.. Mu-tit draft. n NLW VOKK, l ltlr Mid, SAX KKANtT.sru Md l-OKT-LVNI'. OKKijuN. bill, i.f .irhaa.'. ld no f.irai "n coui.lM.. INawiu rcaiTt w.l'joct W fc.k ur eartlS rata c ' X J otnutaJ to u wt.l noeitt Dav& Henderson, ghiaa'ive light, utld through one ofj tlit III etrtlld la- ecu growing plant.. The nroiirietor.with hia wife ami child, itiine finni the lower portion of the ville Fourth of July celehratiou. valley and are ueivlnij t; I alunruia. I sheriir N"Iand haa about cmplrttl They cook, eat Ul.J live ill the novel i the work of levying u.n the .r.. rty ,la.(wMiv. ' for the t'.t (Ivilii.i'it ut tax. ( ollee lion have l--rn made eloter thauu-iial and Mr. No.uml w ill go out of a.ll i -- with a Very tinall dc liliiiciil tax liat to hia credit. W. L. r.rt'xn, who m arretted laxt wi-vk l lr cm k with thn Imlwa iu hit ).. vi-'ii, that I. ad l..-n I atolvU from Alla-rt A'Uint and liarlea Ii.lljr Oua'l, June J.s FlNtil.lt AMI'fTATKlL tlaear I'ar tona had the middle linger of hit It lit hauil amputatetl hy I r I.oomia llil forenoon. The flner wa bitten toino tinita(.aud bltaal Hiatinlng followetl. U hell thia was curetl the linger ahriv- ..l.l ..,.1 Ij.... l i lakt-r, hit'l aifuinulate't varum (iranta r.aa haa rvdutvd II. Ikpior other nrtielt a that are la-ing gnuhially lita-nae one half; formerly Hi, now nutored to their rightrul owner. tVo, w 1th a fii lita-nte for l-cr. ! Hrown'a li-t included everything from Furniture V Dealers, fcujene Oren. I LINN & KAYS, FURNITURE DEALERS, .UNDERTAKERS & EMBALMERS. ffi ..'.'. in ', i r t i. -!! i-t tht" v o f ti:!!',i i;i . I 111 !:l .i !M L'.wr 1'. i hur it '.'.o dill V I.!..-:- auTK.!:. y luf.lit'i:i. t wlik'h y o u i u n you: f.litll fir :i euro, A m i 1 .1 Im tiv., 4 it ii .! t'urv'.v vcj: i-ttl.!.', a,-t-iti tl.rr.-tiy on tint I.ivt-r a n tl Ki'l l;'V Trv :t. Sol.l i.y'a;: Pnijr:.HM in L' jui.l, or in lw.l.'r to I f t .!;on 'li y onna '.i'iiit ' .i tea. Tli. Kln af l.l.-r Mr. II. Inc. 1 l.ux ti-t-.l ..ur i in in. .ti. h,r 1 I-ir .1 t Oi.r mi'l it-i ...h i. ii. i.ail .ut 11 i.lli.. kin. .1 to I t iv.t iii. - linn,..., I r. in l I. -r It a 111. .:c III.. . h.'.t III II.. i( -!.(.... v , jAtk- wim, 1 a.oui... Wu.iiiiik'iim. ri i.ut I'.trk ttit: t lltta tit t tiauip In rr.l n wra.rr a pair of ting -kin glove to a quantity of grot-eric. Salem Statetmiin June 01: tlco. F. until mid K. I'. Spalding leave todav by private tonvevainv for Folev Spring, l.n n.iinty, where they will remain fur a mut four week. Our iourni INlic frleii.lt, Senator A. Icy, oil : V eat, and Kepn'aelitative elet : Me. rh- id i f the Time, are hav ing a monkey and a parrot of a time through their n -felive paier. The AM'niiy lirimt rat lint an inter-c-ting letter Irom the ih-ii of KeV. lieo. W. Hill, w ho rttciilly went In China a a iniaMotiary. It it dated at Sin In, China, mid mailed oil Mav 1, and hence am nearly eight WeeliH oil the way. Tlie contractor are getting ready to foiinncmv aiming the city hall and ta il tower. The dinner Heed it badly at it hat not It-en repainted aintv built, m arly tllteeti year ago. in the aoulh ami weal "iilit'tlio paint I alinott en tirely gone fr nil theaatli nml aitling. I'riuevillc Newt: Alex lavl, who own the Finley ranch hen, ha turned liMt-e about .Ki head o young Wcbfuot cattle. He eiiiininli-i. il little or mi difficulty ilk getting them over the mouutaiiiN, though the miow wat very tleep. In Klamath county the unniv ccdciitcil high water uhiii theiiieailow land will make the hay crop very abort tint at'iiton. At Sw an lake many of the claim Ita'.'itetl by hoiiietteadcr within the patt few year will he under W liter all Hit Ml ilK-r . Salem ImleiM'liilent, June Z': About 11:1 a. in. today Hie liugeiie laiiiled tit the upT w hurf. She had altiard a large . 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 i t y of baled hay lorthi Mirt. Hie w ill return tomorrow and w ill then probably make the lat trip na far iiii aa liugeue, ami only run lit fnr a llarriahurg. When thi I tlonu a time tt-lietlulo will Ih iirrauged. The hop vine in the Campla-ll-Walker yard, in the Judkiu' IhiIIoiii, ahow it Hurprirdug growth for hoim planted tliti miihlle of April. Many of the vine in the upier Jtirtioii of' the yard have a growth of aeveii to ten feel. The entire yanl of HI am it i planted in iMitatiMD. Kotel.urg I'lulinlcaler: The militia bor. are a yet undecided a to where they will hih'iiiI the Fourth. They re ceived invitation from Oakland ami Kugene. There I to ! a band con- teat at Kugene on the Fourth, and the K. of 1. band I thinking wnoc of go ing down and getting away w ith the llit pric. An exchange any that laborer on the I nioti I'acilic. la'tweeti allula and Portland, are paid fl.ii r day ami Itatrd. Men mutt furni-li their ow n blanket. A letter from the ht-nil of the lalairiiig depart met. I ay: "S-ml a lilg lot ol llltll, got hi worker. e will furuiah trautirtulioii to the imiut at which we wunl tliuin to work." Tlio Sun I'ubllHhlug Company, of rortlaml, wna iuenriaimti'd vetteidav by John O'ltrl'-ti, (tiairge l'o l'.eii toii Killiit, W. F. Oahitrti and Ii. H Ml Ktf. I ho coini.aiiv proi - lo publith tlti:ly, weekly and Sunday liewtlinpeti 1 be ciiprul -tnt-K I --.- KM', tlivliletl ,n!'i t-iOO shart t. Iii-i- t In - p-r tl at V ill H.lblv If -la 'I by tin typ-w'tt r lett-mlv tb'o.n out of in lovinent in lite Orego 1...11 ollitat by th. iiitroditt-tlon of tyja- .- t- tin.; inai bine ry. Mlianv I tt-ni'M r:tl : W I i the Malt altmt Tow n eiiine to A I turn y Hot amall eat clialig" Wilt 1 cent-: aonll aflt-r- wanlt it dropp'- l t" ft tit and im ki It It'eauia very pl.-iitil tl. Now tt-M-r.tl pi iinie an-itHoiiit.' into u-e ut.d they are gradually i ii-lnng tin ir way into ciri'iijation, and tt they are not 1 - u In general bu-un -t Ir ni'actloii la re. An liitcrcthm- iiieni. it iH'ciirn : m A ! ' wilt v yi-lt-rday. Ailuiiiy ju-t from tl ii i:-ia, j i n i : i tn W ill farmer ale t utting hay. . Oil' I'lollt lt.. I hi I'.ut- it i oiiiiii.iii-ed m I. inn IV. i too ii. in h like w in. d lO' to loixal- -on Tb. land. I'lli'llll to e mi.t Mon Tin - w . I tt r to If pi a-ant. .. f.oi k r. ti.i i Ii thi ii'.oru.iig. I arw in r.r.-tow wa iu tow n todny. IS to. Iir Jot. )a- ha 1'. .111:111.1 tlolil I hi. -.it o. I'aniter line eouilnt lire. I weik the oulM.le of the i lly ball. , Curt it II ,i ; i. w ent to Cottage I trove llil- aflt iiitM'ii to vi-it lelativct. The t. bt caterpillar ha attacked . . ral hop a aid in Marion count . t law It-ri e-t are It t-olning ratio r m an . . loo loiii'li i old damp Weather. ; Mr-. I.. Itil u u arrived liome tbit uf ti i iiiH.ii l.'oiii a rliorl vitil at Albany. I Mr. ami Mia titoigt. Ilauilviki-r. of ( Cottage I i rove, Ittiilliid lo n At (lie lieKi itt' Meeting. I'lie ei rt tary having rompi!ei1 tl: minute of tl,,. h.t mrt t mg of tl,. Itiard of lei'flltt of Hie I lilel-HV o! Oregon. In Id hi re 1. 1. ( wet k, w an- -n ablvd to furiiltli tlie following n. I 1 1 -tional ileiii of l!iti-ii't to our r. -il. '- I'he IIIMril la-lug recoguit d by the regent and further aiippli inentr,! . a I'oiiiiiiiiuii'nt Ion tlem .t b 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. i..i nlutniii, tlw board i-oiil. ir.-d Hie l. , i- of A. M . ti I'rof. I.uell.t CI. iv t ai nm. II wa tit ei. letl bv the l-.-vd that n t -nlariet iu couuet (mu w ill tin- in-liiu-t lull I' Ineit att d thirilig I he i-li-illii- Near. I'n ti.li-nt I hiipuiriu and I'rof. n, thorne were np.iuici a t -oiiiunt tt .- to e iid t be money tiffining floin tin Yllhinl lUil llbiary fluid . luiiiig the tear, irt the ttlcitiili of additional li.M.k for the hbiitik. i n motion l he matter of I h rpnt atioii of the l.aurenn and lail t,.iii -ocietic w a referreil to a t tiioioitt.c toi-oii.it of . s. t, an and I.. I.. M. Art litir, to HM-rrtNln the It t in.-.m o! I . . i.i.iii.iiitii vi. l i: I'.Y. r t i i iirt-v.ir Wmkltig In I tn Vlnnio. i 'I' i .i ..in . J. i:. i- i , , in i loiti. W. ,1 I" in a-t o! '..i I I H e Wo l.t'l. 1 .1 tuna ., -ol'- I lo. :.-ititil .-III:!-. .1 o "I 11m I. i I, n .1 . I " il. II: . : K lo:.;. of n. e a ..III. "U HI to' I'll t y i . , W o I, ti I w il 'i t l.i I ! I i. . I" Ctiner, iitiug .i I... - ..? ...b.l iv .1 I '"' I 't w ife It ai. r oiitiuue to she tie like with Junction, were in tow u thi afternoon. getting rid of aanl corKirati.tu and If. I Mi Carrie Mntlta k ha a.tvptt d a lN,rl "p "oni'l. pition a ali. lady In MatliakV:! On moiion it wa, rvlvc. that hf rt- aiier no ita-r tlnill if puiuitiieii ov the -tie lent of the llliltel-itv the aallie la limit r II.- mi-i virion of the fneiiltv. t In nioti ,ii two inliln iniial tin i tin,, of the It.ard wen' pr iviili-d for in t iu li Mar, in M'l lition lolbe iegul.irainiil.il meeting, ct'liiuieiii I'liii-ut Wit k. One to If lii ld on (In. . lui t.lay the achool M ar I iMiia, and (be on the third Tuc.'l iv iu January, at -:."i p. in. A iMIII'ililliii'itl loll floin (lie family , aupplcuieiiliug a former it.pic-t w.i laid on the table. It rt-'piette.l provi--liill for the timferrilig of tb ultf a follow: Only tlie il. glee of A. I. Ilpol thow atutlciitt grnihiating from Hi. clataical courte; that if II. .., tho-e o' the a ietititle; It. the literary mid It F. the F.ni'lih wuni. I o. a Mote. M i l iii : rii. W. S. t 'outer, frii ii.lt In-rt' . Albany !,.,. -el V. t it if alio the blllte. O. F. Hull, i w ork to w e-t iu "-.mil eolfii : all aiivt "1 i ' t . ' . one li I . I t.-a-oii. fuliiplli'd and tin ing I be w inter t.-: t'olllpleled. Tin. - i: ini'i have r tbe a-t few b! lor k loi l..t ,: r, I ut tin- a--i-t.t bv paralory Worl; l. n. i.t tl tlgblll I-en lo. alt t) at Irvnu' and a!-o I bey are u-e .-ii and taking i t- i ..unit ti d w nil ..lk a I ii. b d Stati ti.l -e.tol. Soll.e ! r .i I put iu a at-a-' !. kk ' Mel u I 'recoil. ! i-oitiiin in-t' ill tbit ill ti, and. If .t.lble, w ..i i. I..; nn 1 1 y done ;o,i, ( ii,e party ean -I i.!:i.-: l work over , , i . 1. 1 i.itf mil. ill 1 l.f w oik 1 tin n iliawiiiL. mailt' tlitr "ii and Hit' lunp map contain a vio.1 k ha moved .Igllth atrcet, hia tiaht next to pureha-e w ;t!i tl.tr- and at am.: In r : e'lit woith i f ir- ' att-llia flltllik t'l a: ea-ti rn i w readier' t paid f. It in l!: purehateil all of ul .ii man: l.i Miller' mar!. 1 1. It w at i -tlmati tl Ihal ?ikm a-ople wine in a'tt ii lain c at the Turner eninp met ting miii. lay. r . A. liaiii.in n lurm-.l la-t evening rroni n vi-it in Sod iville. J. I'. Chi'.h ire acctuui . unt il liiui houie. Mi-.a Am.k I'ltkkell, who recently grnduatt-d fruit the Slate I nivertity, i viaiting M . 11. . licau til Salem. A man iiigt- lii-etite win i!iticd from the coiiuty clerk'a olll.-e btlav to Atlalit li. On n ami Mi Maggitt lluri-h. Win. I'fii'hnw reti lvtel a car loinl of Iht front Milwaukee today. It came by the South rn I'acille route. The Junior I '.Hid aver Society of the I'l'i-t-opal churcli will given '".Mother l"'f" elite i tainiinnt in the near lulu re. Ilev. and Mr. J. K. Snvtler went to Salem thi morning. They will at tend cauipiiitt'liiig inar there for a wit-k. The aherlll of ll.iugla ksillldy re erikttl fP'i.iM.l lax itiotiey Salurthiy. The ilelit'. pi.-nt li-t will' amount lo alaillt ti'i.U"'. lid I'.-t went to I'oill.iud liii morn ing oil the local, iu reapoa-e to a letter containing the inforinfilio'.i that hi baby wa Very ale k. J. A. I lalnet and Wot t'iiiirrli have ri'tiirneii front a vill "t the iiiiilw iu U r fair and San Fiiiin i-en, They re tnt a plea.aut trip. A petition ha br-eli prt tented to (lovi-rimr I'l iinoTt r u-king for (he par don of Arriii;toii, Hi.' id faulting treat un r of I Niugiu coiiuiy. I luinln-iUof iiiiiuigniut are pasting through K Iuii in I Ii c. unity from Cali fornia and Nevada, en rouiu to Oregon and Wathiugtoii Miinit. An-ording tn the tally of Slo k I II-tH-etor Fllpatriek, V aaiai county ha ii,.Viti tlieep. oung A Son, come that on iheh-it of owner with II, mm. The health committee I baking the cnti-h baaiti in the aewer elealied out today. Thia work If Ing aUeliiled to will remove any tlaiigi r kk bleli might come w ith ikaiiucr wuilber. Mia Slella Coiiittoek, w ho h it lai n vititing her r-itler, Mr. C. M. Young, in tin city for tei i., I ncfkt, n tii'iiml to her home at I'm! land tbi innrniiig. Mina Coiuttin k h i in:. dc iiiaiiy fnciol among our yoi.ng people In re, who hold her In high cab. in. A letter from 'ha. I'ihwt-geii, at SI. I'aul, Minn., nay be Im a ".-itmn in a rail mad olliee lit ret order of foreign ami freight catt Shmt oMde bout nndpavtl'i r month wlthapri 't l of a ; IU riii In (wo month H bii- work I ratlafac lol V. I.Uthcr llowland nn i-iilllpntllor w ho In Id ciimpoaitig room of ; Ii III Hie introilllt'l inn of machine, eatnit up :i iln- local Hit af tt ini'oii. An. .'..il mil loin n.-il hi trade IU lh" .Iniirii.'il ollb-e, mid occil pit d a ene in He' Ol'.klilt o li'-e for aoine lime. lie ill k i-tt ri la live In FUgfllf. Ad. i. Her- Id r,.te. Aibanv II -iiioi ml: I be k In it at. Ida Hint it i au-i g e tii-ld. table talk I not a l.ew thing InOregiiu; in Inet It haa bein ii, e 'or yiitr. A iniiii tell a l in... i I in. ill tiiat he taw the aphia at i a:lv ita l'7. It nj'a ar till year in : iiger iiionlf r thiin u-ual, but it i pr .bible wi I caiite little damage to ::. - u In nt, tiartieularly to the fall win at. Ill i bit lilt-ail time aotlltl giaal k. o il In r it In filed ill the crop Imal lie. Thl i not rt-uaauring, a it will lie reiiniiilf red tliat 17 wan thu mat vear, when 'he wheal erop of the Wll laiuel'e valny wa almoal entinly ruiiietl. The win at never baiked la-t-tt-r than in that nnn, iu which ralna etilitiuiit d until Hie I'll of July, when it (urm d extremely warm, canting all t xccpl the "priug grain to la- proell-i-nlly wort hit ta. tav - "ihimiiti ami I'jtlila." tia'y I pio.-nr.-.l b I o llln etc. I kk II Ii k t y, mi' I -t i II i nu entili-lv tlilifl. nl att- r ! it paity I- A-iinn. 'tin r J 1 ' tult-r In tiii.f i lvii -In t. graph nlTii I'hireiii'e .Noti.v' Tim W itt, Julie t. Fourth of July celcbrallon at Acme, TholllllM 1 Im i It V ia n-e.ing the upper precinct on tlie Sitklaw, Oil Tin. day the tug lowed the arhooner Ma T linkup into thia rivt rami the will b ail with lumber at ('toll man' null. We ought to have a Methotlitt church In Florence. W. pietliet a move will If made iu that direction at amount of iniorm it mn e-ia-eiallv vain- be In I lie geologltt an, I IliillerilloL'ltt. I be in nt in -itle bv Cut I -artv may lata. neat tpriug. the L'.-ological aur ;t d ill w rok altuixt llolll the nth iner S, S. loiniiett. i i-ioii a w iie h i hi I Iron, the W. C. telt e ill tin city to tlie State I iiivei-.ty ol-iikit'iv mi skintifr llutie. He I. a- pi - e, , hi own telt- tcope in po it, on, i a i hrouotiicter. Cum. . ted with I ii'M. by electricity i a In. i. bine wlm li rt "i-ler every Ikknxoiiiil oftiiiu. recordi'd by the ehrotioiiii ler. Tl,. i.-r:iloi- at tint teleiof corrtrt hia chronometer timed,- the ttaraflnd lifter adjlltling hi appainln brie a con ma lion I made over (he Wc-trm t iiloii w ire with Hie .".kli l'raiicieo olwrvalory and tbe fegl-ter of thi chronometer Ink. n ( iii re. I'bit enable a colli pari ton lo if made hy which the exact longitude of llil point may la iihcci tail, e, I. riie-e coiiipiirion will prolt ahl.k extend over a f riod of two or till ar Week lilltl the dllhrcllt rrattlt vcif1atl n f illy n. po.nlble. After the lollgltud.t i tleterillllietl obaervilt loll w ill la- maid' to tiacci lain the latitude. The olitt-rMitory will alto I. ntcd In aomc extent in at-i-t in Dte tootHrniiib. atani a the airing y in hiitiiie. re-i dal party with their work. laxe. ... . I W . I.. Wiighi, -ilti.it Ion- In Hie ' I iregoniiiii tin- the I viie-i King I. M. Franel", of Kugene, hn niovetl hi family from town to hi ranch above the mouth of Wild Cat for tlie aiimmer. They viaitetl a few day at A. D. Itceve.' aa they went dow n." Mr. SI ilea ami F.thel Ketinltloti, of 1'oint Icrraiv, returned thia week from l iugeiie, w here lliey have l'it vl-it-lug film. ami attending the com nieiiff mi at rxt-n in ut the I'uivir-ity. Florcmvcilii'iiahavcrM'ut lor a large baa drum and il i expected lo arrivt on the Unhurt when "lie next return from Yiupiiiia. The drum w ill If ucd at the A' me Fourth of July celebra tion. Mi . it. Joel ami Waller McCoriiack have com mciicetl the erection of their large barn on Ninth Fork. We are told it w ill lie completed in time to ttore tin Ir exleiitlve hay erop that will lie cut l ni year. Mail. hallf Uii.r.l. Jinn .. At her hoiiitf In thi city, thi morn ing ut o'clock, Marv A, w ifcof John W. Ileiidertoii, Hgrtl .'I I year, .1 iiiniitha, and II day. I be funeral will iM ur from tli.ir reaidenee, on "III .tract, If twit-n Wil- Iniiii He and illve atreel, Wrdrt-tdav, (he HTlli, at - p. III., to the I. O. O. V. ifiinlery. Frienilttif the family In vltetl to attend. ). it ii-il hail been a nillt-ri-r w ith parulyti lor a long time ami ycater tlay alie aiiU'cred ail atldlllolial ahiM-k which prov.d fatal. Mm wn a ilaiigbbr of II. W. I tn ma n, who funnel ly readletl III I .an it county, ami FiM'Ut her glrlhotxl year mar Kugene. She wa a niece of Metilanie John Stewart anil I'realey Cotltcgya. While living ill Fattern Oregon alie tnariliil Mr. Hell ilertoii and alMiiil two year ago they iiinkiil to Fugi-nti when liny have -i iit-f readied. Thu If rcakidl hu-band ami other relative, have the yinpathy of llllillV friend here. fllK II A II, liAUK. H li K AT II VliltlSlll Ut;. The Min Mill ami Lumber Yard Are I'oii.iiuieil. The Hani. burg l.uiiiU-r Company' mill burned .tatiinlay evening, being totally eou-iimetl. The i'n,. nri.-liiaied fi'otii a tpatk from the engine ami w aa ao far under way la-fore It wit ili-eovered that It waailti potaible lo check il. S vcntl thotiaaiiil feet of lumber nml picket were burned. The In-, wa about j Vl, Inaured for fit MO. The eoiiipaiiy w ill umloiihlially re build iu a ahoit 1 1 1 ti it and may put in a water w heel a lint motive mwcr, which will remove the danger from lire. Thi I the aet'oml mill that ha I at' II burned oil thi aite. .Mutlier' (ioue. Corvallia Time, Juno II: Mr. Snn tier' writ of "coH-iihageii" ha arriv etl. Attorney .le l indleii brought It down tioiu Kugene ytttt rdny, but in tlwad of II If Ing a w rit of half a (Mr pu, It wa a reduction of hvr'a ami "lltie'a" iHind fraui a II x etl by the Moiinaj precinct jutlltv, to t , a retlucetl by Judge Fullertoti, ami w 1th Witt. Maekay ami Sol King a. un-tli. It iiiitwen-tl all purattj, however, ami tit 7 o'clock laat night, the gratetl ihair of the Jail awung open ami mother ami ion uiarchitt out ami left for l.ong l oin. A thu liir cloaetl I-hind tliein tlie new roomer looked mournfully around the aombro walls of the Jail ami exclaimed dejectedly, " hat I home without a mollier." Uu I'ugflie and Slirlnifrlelrl !u Flu) at Stewart it Irark. The Spilnglh Id ba,. ball nine played thu Fugelie club a hard game al Stewart' race track Saturday afler niain. The ground wn In gota! etui tlitloit ami la attendance ttr.ia..rmi a. J. Inula taaaaart t. linn, t .a-tiran J'i'Iklii. Ilrrijatinli Ibii'i'r rf i.ii.litl. r f tfl.l.anl I I. The nltive w a the Inakeiip of the team, C. lllaker, Spilagtirdl, aet iug a umpire. The wore at the vtid of nine intiingt attaal L! to "7 in favor of the vi-itor. Ml I II Hour llemuvrd. dally t.uar-l, Jan. 'J. Mr. A. Miller who realties two mile aoiilliwctt of thl city, aubmltted to a Iiniufiil aurgical otfratlnti Satunlny. le wo allcctetl with decay of the tib ia or aliln tHiueof the right leg, ami Ur. L. W. Ilrown ntl-ictl by Hr. CtJ n'ltioved u large portion of it. The patient will nmliiubtrjly recover. Ilit.e Lull itte. The .-iiriiiglli Id and Coyote teatua crotned bat on the diauioiitl weat ot the spiiiigili-M Li'lg.i Suniliiy after iw.iti Tin. Mitir. r, iiltetl .Ml ti "I hi nuiiil.rofaHclator were ; f.ivir f n,,. s,,rinei:el, !.. j The Coyote club and Collage drove mi end nine will play at Iiranu next ' Surdity. It h. exptftfd that arrangemelila , w ill If tunde for it match la-twccti the Fugeiie and Coyote, at the Stewart I rut on the ai'tertiiMtu of July H. lit -i Cot M. tlarn ll. .. tlll I. rllliii II. .1.1. II loin II It k ' II. Ii.o .. I -I. V t)i:tii.:l M kiiiin n.-T. J. I wi to Mr M. C. lauipUII, at Jlitwl llugeiie, June Z 11 a. in. I It v. U. A. Llulr officiat ing. All of Lune fiiibty. AwarJcd Fin. ii Hi) ami Co. i a. The trial of I F. M. Nighawiuitl. roll the charge of I liif. J.C.t llonort Wtirlkl' Flf. Inking rail iP'in a iciice la-ioiiging m It. A. Hollitigawitrth wn held la fore Jll.tie.' Tim. MeCulb II, In Coyolf preeinei .tniuMay, r.. i. rotter apmr- 1 Calls answered dar or'jxiilit. Opposite icne, Willamette street. Ahlaiid reoiig-: Klaniatli ct. '-. team ifgan einobiiig Hie liiojiit i.u towartl the Hoe if riker valley iu nn animated way l.vt w-k, ami wlan the ilnrert arrive.l in A'hlatul It . It timed that the p"'pl OVt-r II i r. were nearly "'It of lloitr. Ilain ' i , John I .li.-iii i had iilmt all the II fir or j giaal w l.t-itt It ft over from la-t m nr. and In--t t: j nif at -' -r t ('.t'l a-r t"i pn'.Lo-. A tl'Mir w ! - ilitig on thi ide "f the uiotiiitain f r (IJ to it .'ind. it -' irted tlo- .IV'lia. . .. Itii lap, who. IV with n-vet I f.-aiii". t f) Mrt tl,.-.n -at Iklatuat.i r.ill now to ! I f r tn. k. It-: f ill km I Ilotll Elt- wi'.l'l he I lamath raiieh., ft tl all their Mirpiu. l.eai to no ir inajra. ing for the at ale, ami I.. Ililveil dr tin , ' tlelemlanl. A line of f PI and coat, wa ll.-lmtt I.o.lif.. No. Knight, of i'thia, of thi city, haa inndu ar r:ii,eiiieiitt w itli Ihei orvalll Dramat ic Company, lo play liainon ami I'y-tlna-, on tl,.- eviiiiiig of July .1. I'ark- t I oia r:t li ii-e lin lafti a-fiimi ami ..r. ..t mo, la i. i.l ii irftf ,il 'I ln, I in tl e blind of g.aal all.itelirt , mipo-.i ) ni. yw. , Hid the Ootlitliy Ita rttt IV t lluiler- I diuy l.Uir. June i.. ' iiigprtt-tfiotitia larfli nt( orvaJhaaml lts Tixr..-Tbe aoiifid.uu.l over-; In.d l- lidet.,-, the only ph..- w here nn(, r11 ,III1,.IIW1 ""' baveapi-nr.-.. a.( k1i. ( j,., m, fr,,, (, to three bouni latv for the pat ten tlay j I f t, ..ri. i it,. i on .i-couiii ot waning tor me nrrivai Da- TV H a i. Aea l X A rfnivTiC Mil H'l: St. u It I.--1. I', nnver m pneiict r ity tatai irom me .trio-i hat tin-d J. IS. Dunham ill the Jua- ; eru 1'acille. I ii -.- t .iiri for i for .rvieen reii-1 -'--,. j dr.. I Dtit.liain paid Iln all i xtpt I m I r J AH.-Hie Liig-ne grmary-1 the t I d r wbifh Driver iaaiictl exe- I men tlvtd large n.ii.igntin nt of . : . .1 1 fr.,! I..M l,v fl.M Ml.iit..r I'll.'etW 'I lll'V ' eil'loo. .Ill'l III COII-'-I'ltinr toe aoer- 'i"J ,' ....... . . ..... Ill oilbf 1- III I O" I. r v .-.if t.nl.iv t bat l a lev In. I III . . ' . , . - .' -fi .. I ... I tf h i t.i l.-lait.ii htr. d.imtit arv huuti.ij f.rf cow wet i hou-wlve. can pa. k the fruit away lu , !- Atnt:o,.:i Ahimut my .;hct i.luitrjm. -ion i.f a young now come in tpnie a convenient lono.i I'-tT rrrJFrrT M VDF waalevintf ,.,: being paeketl.d -en to a . a with, U . t ! n , c ATTr la.loi. Illle.l r4ai.'- rut ti i 1 . . .c Lttir- the an me cav. 43 yfa:;s t.us iT-