EUGENE CITY GUARD. Frrttsr. EUOENE CITT. OREOON. STANFORD ESTATE The Claim of the Government Will Be Resisted. BOSS BUCKLEY AND HIS LAMBS rr-rinki mt ik imin tia mt Ik Nlralls mt lb Knrkwal U riM4H-KulM feraljaad. Poxtmxp, Oa. The flooded district In this city ia constantly extending, and now cover four-liltha of the budness portion ami a large part of North Port land, In lil h large number of resi dences are more or lens flooded. Front treet, the wholesale district, Iim even Icet of water on It. The entire whole ale district i under water, all the Unka re flooded, anl marly all the retail atom ami (even or eight hotel. Huni ut i almost paralysed. F.levalcd il walka have lieeii built, ami small Imals, nearly 1,000 In numlajr, are in constant am In the llisxlcil atreeui. r.xprexe wag on are aim belli uael for tranntxrrta lion of rood, beinn driven Into the a a tor up to the bolt. Many buninen house and ollice have Isxen moied to higher location. om haviiiK been com pelled to mova twice. Murk of gtnxln have been elevated three or four time on llmt fluore. The I'nion l'awiflc ha entirely suniidcl it I'ortlaml connec tions. The Northern I'au'illc sends pan' scngers bv Unit to kelxo, fifty-one mile down Ihe' Columbia, where rail anima tion ie secured. Southern Pa illo Irnin tart Iroin Kant I'ortlaml, the I'liion In put having Irn-n nliandoned. There in a buoy eccne of moving gixsle ami siglil eer In the flooded region. It in imini ible at title time to eetimate the damage. The lone of buaine will be Immense. Ilia lo to flahernien on the Columbia ia heavy, owing to the Huh wheel Ixing ept away. Salmon-lldilng haaalmiNil been dcdioyed, ami the season's ralch will I mostly loat. aTAnroMii ktatk. k it. Claim mt Ike llmnnl Will slal4 I" Ike rellMl Katat. 8am J or. a. Cau Mr. Jane I-atlimp (Stanford, widow of the late (Senator Ice land Stanford and eierutriz of liia ee tale, til aeen the other evening ami anked lor herrlew of the $ 16,000,000 claim reented by the Attorney-den ral ol the L'nittxi State againnt tlie property now omler her charge. Sbe Mini: " I lliink tlm ia only a lent ram. Ol course, other will be drawn into It. 1 he burden ol the litigation even can not all be placed on one relate or one Hereon." Mia. Stanford waa then anked If the intended to reeisl the claim a uri'M'iiUil bv the Atlornev-liencral. She aald: "Of course, I ahall rcsinl It to Hie fullest extent of my aluhty; IhiI real I r there la lie thing to nay in regard to the luture course I "ball pursue. U eat technicalities will be referred cntiie- ly to my attorncva." liia believed among lawyer that the nut of the government aitainnl the entale will have a serious el- Iwt unou the university. Kven before this latent litigation cropei up Mm Slaiilord bail bail aome dilhculty in ri lug all the ready money necennary for the iiiatilution. It la believed also that neveral counties that yeare ago iHiugbt Central 1'au-iliu bomli will be held by the government renmnihle for aliai ol tlie debt now aouglil to lie coiieciiM. SMII.ULMI orilM. Ilrufglal nallnshv Wiiulmll Bl aaa Unsnlln. ! Fhani'Imii, Cau Druggist Clerk Kolinsky haa been discharged from bin position at Sanljucntln by Warden Hale. The charge agaiimt him waa amiiggling opium to the iirimmera w ho muld m fur the forbidden luiury. Solinaky on an-ouulof liia HMition had facilitiea fur carrying on hia undergnMind dirxmiary and making Ma of money out ol It. J lift bow long be haa been carrying on Ihe illint trale no one know a. huaplriuii waa flmt anmaed again t him by the large numler of package he recviel al the priMin through W ella, Kargo A Co. It did not take long to ascertain that FHiluiakv waa eitremely aniioua to kii-p the am ten la of Iheee package a eecrct from evervlwily. A watch waa M-t in Well, Fargo A Co. 'a oltlre In Ihia citv, and the diacovery wa inaile that the iarkgea were wnt from Chinatown. Tlie nett atcp waa the ivrtain proof that the iMu kairr ronlaiml opium. Miuaky Ihrougb In Kiitioll had the run of the cell to II nil out II the convict were aick. lie wa caught prescribing opium at a good round aiiin, and In diamlaiMil lul luwr.1. mm Kallinal l TriMW. Tahwa, V ami. Hail road men and other are beginning to eetimate the damage dime by the flood throughout tbe Northaeat. A number of conacna live men have placed Ihe amount in the m-igliuuthood of S, (.. mm. hueriii tcnuciit Hatter of the I'liKm I'acinYa I'acilic iliviaion ia iUoled a raying that it would take ninety day to rebuild Ihe filly mile of track waafiedout N'twccn TroutiUle and Ihe lalle. rUilruad men here think it will take the tireat Northern and Canadian I'acilic a montli or o to fully reieir their track and the Northern Pacini- nearly a long. ( krla Hwrkle Taraa Henakllraa. Pa KataciM-o, Cau The Kianiinrr print an interview with Colonel P. M. Durna, the lateat manager of Kepublican WM-ietm In San r'ramirco, in which Duma (tale that Clin A. Huckley, the ei-buHi of the IVinix nn y, l.aa lxinr anoiil-and out Itepublii an. Itiiriiaatatc that Hui klcy ha not only proinied to vole the Ki-publiran ticket in November, but ha prmied to bring the large iu laiial killiiwing wliM-b he ia nupp-wed to rontrvl, vulgarly known aa the "llmklry lauib" into he Kepublican IM. Oaaralag Agatasl Ik Mlark riaga. Pai Iiix imo, Cau The health an tbontie of llua city are taking great precaution to prevent the introduction to tliii country ol the blai k plague m prevailing In aome pari of China. Al! VMarla arriving Innu art'"ie,l xirt will JP thoroughly inapoi teil and fumigated, and if there ia a upx ion iA dixeaxe, the vel will t qnarantinel. Odrlallr '. PtcTTta, Wa). The Pot-lntellig.-n-rer announnw that it ha paMrd fnm thr control of L. H J. ilunt to 'mlirj. liiant, George II. liellbroli and Jamea D. llofc, it' NORTHWEST VOTES. Waaklagta. Spokane la contrlboUog liberally to the Couconully uBerer. Walla W alia' financial itatement for May auowt net debt of 74,417. Whatcom county i pert to have thirty-four mile of planked road by the ml of the year. Kverett'a oiler fur the county-et of Hnohoimah county will be twenty twenty-five-foot lot and 30,0OO caah. The unrer for the Ulaine and Kaatern I ooinpleUrd, and lielief i profeeaed that train will be running by October. A movement haa been darted in Port Townaend having (or it obiect the reor- ganiution of the city government under the general law. The Whatcum Board of Tra-le baa a committee at work trying to ecure the removal of one of the Oregon City flour ing mill to that place. Petitiona are being aigned at lfouiatn r indenting againat the ale of water ond now lxiingaivertixeland plwlging money to fight the aale In the court. Twenty-one out of Whatcom county' aeventy-one o liuol ilintrict have an ag' vrxate Ixindnl Indebteilneaaof llftll.tlou l tlua (HH.nuo I WlntiDin a and HO.OOO lilain a. Walla Walla county ha paid nut 12,- 000 annually for ome year lor the erad ication of aotiirrel and gopher et, and now it i rather diecouraguig, but appar ently true, that theee animal are more iiuim-roii than ever. Walla Walla imnlv'e aM-meht roll i mal tip. It ahow lor IW'I: Kal eatatc, l,4.i",7IO; peraonal pniperty, I72.;IIM: imiirovemi-ut. l7M7.tiJii; total. ,.',;il7,tl7M. 1 liia i an aggregate decree-e Innu M valuation ol :r.4,0ii. Keiviver Kluurnoy of the hpokttiie land olllce in hi rexirt for Mayxay the total receipt of the oflli-e were Vl.iAl, the larifmt n'irUil lor more man aivear. I he bivgext iu iu wa I "imi for Ihirty-nine homeatead, emlinu'ing ft, JO ai re. Wilbur ba gold excitement of her own, ami i hut lx nig ileMipulatel hy a rin-li to llellgate l anyon on the l oiuin- bia, twelve mile away, where the lire l iiiiia mineral I rexirtel to lx- hidden in the aand in lame iiuantitiea. Nolxxlv ha wen any gold yet, but the rexjrt ol a vndicate a eitenalve filing ha pre cipitabil an excitement. A comany haa luat lieen organid In MH.kane that lia lor Ita olilecl the pur cbaxe of the exteunive pruerty of the SiMikaue Water lompany ami the mak ingot vat Improvement in the ahape of llimriiig mill, w mill, luim-ed-oil mill, the ilevelopment ol water xwer and eleitrio-lighling plant. Ihe hit ixiration la capilaliuxl al 7.'0,000. Alrewily over lOObomeetead have lieeli taken lu Klickitat by the Indiana, and forty patent have been ixeued to them by the government. The law due not eriiiit them to ell or dee.1 land until alter the lape ol twenty-live year from the ilate ol tlie itenl iMiieii. I lie in dian are penuitUil to bomeatead eighty acre lor larming or 100 acre (or graiing purptaie, while a tiaw at the head ol a (aiiiily can euler eighty or HH) acree ol land lor eai h one ol her minor children. There were made in the jute mill of the waahingtoii Male penitentiary uur ii.g the month of Mav lil,llo:i grain bag, 1.701 wool Iran and lnioat ig. 1 Hir ing the month the price of grain bag ha liecn reilui'eil irom 7 cent to ' cent each. The p-mtentiary now ha on band ubect to aale : 1.0tM,:iMo grain hair at ' cent eai h, tl-'ft wool lga al 7 cenl. 2.KMI oat bag at M cent, 10,751 yanl hup cluth al M4 cent x-r yanl and 5,101 xturnln fleece twine, live-ply, at H cenl Hr )inid. In dilii-rent localitie in Kaxtcrn Well ington llirexlilng i again in oeration. It i found that by eiercixing a little care in trimming oil" all the dunit.'fd grain liuin the topa and aide of tlie xlarka a pretty (air grade of w heat i ol taineil wlieni the atacka have been well built. The grain ia atill a little ao(t but, by calteriug the aacka bIxmiI on Ixianla or rail (or a few day the mil will har den It fkcdnle in 1 1 1 1) it-it , who have been Inn ing aome of thi grain, recom mend tin'" treatment, and aay a few day' hot ami will make it worth at leaxt 5 ceul more x-r hualiel. Joe, Prenident of the Montana Cattlemen' AxMR-iatiun ; Frank Kubin uu, Henry Tualler of Mile City and J. T. Iloardiiian of iK-er lxlge have iuat completixl a i atlle-purchajiing tour of haxleru WaaluiiKton. Iliev Ixtught l-i,- Oil! beail. the nru-e averaiiing 110 lur vearlinua. fin lur lwu-vear-oll ami M fur threw vear-old. Ill eelimatetl liy cattlemen that 40,000 head will be taken out of Waahiuglou ami Oregon, into Montana tin vear. the Muntana cat tlemen are proerou annul, and thene ounhaM-a will matenallr relieve the !. . ;. i.. iv.. Illianciai airingency i" raxn-ru nww illglull. Orepnn. The hup luiixe ha made ita appearance al rairvn-w, Tola county. Mil lord haa abandoned the idea of i-Munun and oratory for July 4. A aiiminer conference in the iutereala of Indian education i called for Julv '.M to L'rt at Salem. I'nion county' debt i decreasing every year. The pnwnl levy 1H.7 mill ia the In et in ten year. The Pendleton N-ouriug mill have atartcd np, and already have &'0,laa.) ixximla ol wool to oiHrale on. The Peudleloii oiiring mill uxea 1,,'xKI Mtnnda ol aoep a day. It make it own Map, conauniiiig (or thai pnrxie aome 0 potimla ol tallow. Thia make a gtxxl home market for tallow. A it lx, the tallow ha to I imxjrted from Portland ly the carload. 'Major Pot ha taken charge of the right to rave Ihe Caxcade lock, the gov ernment itandiug the exiene. Sia Irani are running, hauling liruxli, grav el, rta'k and anything that can le utilized to ral-e the biilkbeail. Hume of Ihe cut tone are being diimiei into Ihe work, and aeveiity twrrel ol cement were uel in one day In aulidifying the aaiul and gravel. A iateen-munth-oUI child o( Mr. Slieno( Aahlaud tumbled out o( a car window w hile coming down theSiakiyou Ihe other ilay. Hie tram waa moving alxHil lllteeii mill' an hour. It wa topped, and the diatractetl mother and train crew rmdicd Iwck to the rew-ueend louiid the child lilting on the aand pile where il had lallen, acreaming mad, but nut injured in the leant. The alorin o( lant week did connider able ilamage to the crop on a narrow trip ol country la-lween the dew-rt and the gap In the lialhillon the Hrowni loro ral. Jackn muiilv. The precip itation di-M-ended in Ihe (urm o( bail lone, anil aevrral bundml acre ol wheat were nmpletely rninel. The trip Uxka like a aunl'lirnt alubble field, preeenting a atrange ainht, flanked a it i by field of tvauliful green wheat. It weitii thai llarrv Ihinn, lxjlletine.1 oniewhat noinly aa the flral inmate of the Siblier' I loin, vaa rr foxed ajunt lauce by the examining lrd. The Sa lem Journal i taking up the matter and making unite a diverting i tfurt to lore an iue on it. I'unn'a " right " name, it aeeiu. i Sergeant Henry Camplvll ol the Taeiitv-mnth Maai buett Infan- trr and a w ar reoirl of hall column of imofl. Theoblectioa to him i be i able lo earn hi living. i FAILURE OF CROP. Western Kansas is Suffering From Another Drouth. SITUATION AT BLUEFIELD3. Tk Trial mt Ik C'awardljr AaaaMla e Mayer Carlar Harrlaea f tkleagi Oae Mora letaa4. Clin auo, Ilu PrandergMt, tlie a aa in of Carter Harriaun, will not be tried a to hi canity during Jane. IS agreement of counaei the caa goea over until next fall. The term of court open on September 3. " It haa been agreed that the caae ahall go over," aid Stale' Attorney Kern. "Th continuance wa agreed to at the reiiet of the defenae alter a r-inaulUtion. There ha been no agreement aa to what Judge the cae wi come before at the fall term, and I bav no idea now who will preaide. I'nder the common aaaignmeni Juuge i neuain will again la-preaiding in the Criminal Court at that time. There will alao, of coiirae, be other Judge presiding. Hut, a I aaid la-fore, I don't know now who will try the caae." Judge Chetlain naid : " I know alxMilntely nothing alxtut the continuance nixiken of. None of the at tornev have poken to me alxml the I'reuilergaat cane nini-e the laxt tune it wa in court. A to my taking the mat ter np and entering the onler ol coiitin I will aav the matter will not come np la-fore lite, for the reaaun that I ahall not then lie anting in me i rim inal Court. i iioh rAii.i Kr. Tk fenfil Horry Tkejf 1114 Mot .a Ik HaMalae la rwa-uloa, Toi-ikv, Ka. Heorta Iroin the wet ern rt o( Kanaa are very diaivuraging, and ahow that wheat in that net-lion ill be a total failure. There waa very little wheat rained went of the center of the Slate, and utile condition improve Im mediately there will be no turn rained In many cotintiee there haa not lieen any rain (or more than vear. with the ex ception of light (bower. The people of that eection are not well prepared to wilhatand another crop failure, llun tired ol (armer are without mean to buy provinion to tide them over another year, and the pronx t ol another failure will lorce many lo leave me country. Slate Senator Wiltu kaon of Ugan coun ty aaid that the people of that region would have to leave and aUndon the prairiea for dock tanclie if the crop laiictl again tin year, me pinpie nave held on in the hope that climatic condi tion would change, but tin y will he lorcrd to leave lielore another cold win ter come. I.A.HIIK AMOIXT IMVOI.VKII. Ka-llateranr :aaa I'rllllaa Agalal t alon I'aelHe IMrvrlora. Iixuvaa, Col.. Kx-iovernor John Kvan through hi attorney ha filed a new ietition in the Federal Court in the aiiit againnt Oliver Amea and other di rectum of the I'nion Pacific The new hill alliiie that Septemlier 4. 11.1, the I'nion I'acilic pledged with lrexel, Mor gan A Co. 1100,000,000 in bond low-cure their note to the amount ol tl'-t.OOO.OOO, iaxiicd to lake up Moating indchicdncn. Among other necurilie pledged were (H, OUI.WIU in Ix.ndn and i:l,UH),000 in Mix k ol theliulf nwd. In the new x tilion John Kvan axkixl leave to bring a anil againnt lrcxcl, Morgan A Co. and the receiver of the liull Company in the court of New York or any other place, rcxtraininn lrexel, Morgan A Co. from dlapimingof the dull Ixind and nharen of aliM-k until the other Ixind and xtiM-k ilwlgeil in that trunt ahall lx- (old. o o Army Onlrrr Itellrvil. W axiiiniiton, I). C Klght army olll cer have Juxt In-en retired on account of dinabililv incurred In the ervice. They are l.ieutenanl-Culunel S. M. llortmi, lepuly Siirgcon-tieneral; Captainx M. K. lavlor and W. It. Siencer, xtirgeon: Pant Chaplain H. C. Merrill; Captain William Conway, Twejity-tcoiiil Inlan- trv: John Amlernon, Kighleenth Inlan trv; Kirxt Lieutenant II. C. White, K.ighth Cavalrv, and Second l.ieuUti:t Moriarity, Klgiitb Infantry. A a rcault of thexe retiremenlit onlv xeven of thia year' gimluali from the Military Acad emy are unprovided lur thin year with full appointment to regiment, and there will probably be oilier vacancie la-fore tlie end of the year. Parian la a Trunk. Pui'iiiuiKi'xlK, N. Y. Sectiritie lo Ihe value of l.Ottl.lHHl were found in a nmall trunk near the room in which William W. Cornell died in thia city re cently. The necurilie were placed in a bank, and the definition of the eatate came up Ixdure Surrogate IVirland. Mr. Cornell lived in a mixleet huuie in Oar tleld place. He wa HCI yearn old when be died. Nolxxlv tuapecltxl he had money. II waa the non of latham Cor nell ol Troy, from whom he inherited an iron biiKinenx. He retirnl thirty year ago with alxut M',(i0. In the lant year ol hi life he allowed himaclf no pleaniire hut innecting the content ol bin trunk. He lell no will, and hi entate will In- .li videil among hia heire-at-law. ailaallon al Mlnetlrlila. WixHixoToN, P. C The Navy IV partmeiit ha received a telegram from Captain Watnon announcing the arrival of the San Kranciaco at Colon. She w ill take on coal, and will return to Itlue tteld, relieving the New York, which will atari (or home. Captain Wat win aay that Clarence, the Minxiiito chief, who waa depianxl by the Nicaragua!!, had In-en put l k, and that il ia uecen aarv lo protect American uiteret. The ...million are nut-h that in Captain Watnon' liidgment a wanhip muni re main al loueiield. The Itritmh, he nayn, take the name view ol the caae, and will keep the Magicienne. Ta Aneeftl Ik Lnaa. Nw Yo. The receiver ol the Northern Pacific have unanimounlv re solved to accept the loan ol f 1.000,000 olTered bv th reoraniiation committee of Ihe ixitidliuldcr lor th prompt pavmentof the tirnt-nntrtgaga cutipotin due July t. The linvn in to 1 at imple interfnl without comnnaai.m and directly lo th receiver, who will act with the authority of the court and re pay the name from th net earning of the month following. Tk Lapwal tail . WHmoT', P. C Tlie lloua Com mittee on Indian Affair ha authohfed a (aturable report on the bill introduced hv Kepreaentative Sweet ol Idaho to ratily tli agreement for oin-ning lor el tlement the lapwai raarryatli tnvupi bv in l.Ubo. o WASHINGTON CITT KW1 The Preeldent ba ignd th Nw Vork and Nw Jrey bridge bill. It ha been deciJd by the Houe Couioiltte on InteraUt and Foreign Commerce to report to th Houae a bill for equipment of the Nicaragua canal by th government lor earning on th work to completion. Bentlof Morgan' uieaaur will be adoplol with oui change advined In committee. The lloune baa concurred in the Sen ate bill authorizing the construction ol a bridge aero th Monongahela river, paaaetl th bill exUnding the tlm of payment for punhae ol th land of th Omaha Indian ami adopted a r lotion authorising th payment of 110, 000 from Ihe contingent fund to delray the contof th armor-plat investigation. (ieorge Oetyer, Chairman of the Kx ecutive Committee of the Stat Pehrin Aanociationof California, liaaromplaintxl to the Interior Iiepartmenl of the ex tiliaive damave to land and elream cauneil by hv.lranlir mining. He annerta that th debria of that pnx ba re duced the navigability of the Sacra mento and reather river at leaat one hall during the low-water neaaon. The communication ha lcn referred to the War In-partment. A young crank called at the White lloune the other day, and announced that hi purrxjec wa to convert the Prei dent to the wav of righteonnnea. Tin waa the third time be hail been at the White limine. The watchman tailed for Ihe police patrol, and hail him t tannin-red to the third precinct nlation, where be i held for examination. Hi name i llelb-nntein. He i a converted Jew, ami haa been delivering extcmpo raucoii aerinona on it reel corner. The lighUhip at the mouth of the Co lumbia river ha proven ol audi advan tage to the nhipping intermix of Oregon that Senator Mitchell ba been indm-ed to ak Congrea to appropriate 00,000 lur Ihecotixlriiclionof atill another lignt ahip with fog-nignal eilipnient to I 'tationed in midchannel innide the Iwr ol the Columbia river oppuaito Cn- lixapMiiutmenl. The Senator la iiiite conlideiit be will lecure aome nort ol an appropriation for the commencement of mu ll construction at leant. There eem to be no end to the mcan nren introtlm-ed in the prenent Congrei lor the protection of theralmon (inlienea of Alsnka, but none of them get farther than the committee to which it in re ferred. The latent hill wa proponed by Senalur Mitchell of Wiaconain. Itdilh-r from the other principally in that it make provinion for the re-enactment of the old law ol 1MI, with amendment i-ttiug axide certain itream aa (pawn ing ground, giving the Secretary of the Treanury dim-relion to limit the duration of the Hnhing aeaaon and directing the apixiintmeiii of an innector al fl$o a month and an axxintant innpector at $I-V) a month. Kvidentlv wine men tip in Wiaconain have their eye on two fat job. The arid-land iinention, alwtit which the W extern memlier bail much to aay w hen the agricultural bill waa More the Senate, ha In-en conaidi-red bv the I loiiae Committee on Irrigation of Arid lndn. A committee conmnting of Sweet, Hard man, Ixiolittli', Pence ami Newlaml wa innlructed to draw up a general bill on the line ol the one (or the nurvey ol Idaho land intnxluced by Sweet.' It will provide lor a aurvey under thedirec lion ol the Secretary ol War ol arid land in the Weetern State, with the preparation of map (bowing theilitche or canal and rencrvoir needed for the reclamation of land, and rexrt upon the water available (or irrigation, with enti- mate of the quantity ol land ptxwihle of reclamation ami of cot. Ihe stale ol Montana. Waahington. Oregon, Idaho, the Ihikota and perha other will lie in the bill, with a recommendation fur an appropriation of f'Jo.OOO (or each State. It I given out that thelierinan Min ister ban notified our government that il the om-tenth ol a cent m-r rxjutul tlln- i riiniiiBtinir duty, which ha Ix-n plaiv.1 by the Senate on (tigar, I ln-nnitie.1 to Innimie a law tiermany win place a re taliatory duty on xrk, lard and other product now ImixirUii irom the l nileii state umler reciprocity arrangeiiieiii. In view of thin nutillcatioti Secretarv Carlisle ha addrenncd a t-ommiinicalion to the Senate Finance Committee urging the elimination of thin provinion of the .N-nale hill which oerte againnt any iruvernmeul allowing a Inuiutv on re fined nugar. Inanmuch an tier many in the only competitor of the American Sugar Trunt, tin diecrimiiMting duty in levied practically againnt that country. Should the Senate comply with Secre tarv Carlinle'a recommendation ami ntrike out the one-tenth of a cent provi nion, the Sugar Trunt will receive a very black eye. MH iuire of California appeared helore the lloune Committee on I'acilic Kail- ruadn the other day. makimr a (tromr protect againnt any funding lull or other arrangement which would releane the entate of Huntington, StanfoM ami other from pemnnal liability to the gov ernment fur the debt of the Central Pa ri lie. At hi retitiext it wa arranged that himnelf, ex-Ceprenentative Sumner uf California and the member ol the Mate delegation in Cungren ahoold ad dren the committee. Met in ire took the ixMition that the failure of the Central Pacillc to pav the debt to the government waa due lo the divemion o( It earning to the ixx kel ol the (vndicate, which under the law nhould have a (und ere ted (or the pavment ol ita debt. He rcvomiiiemlctl that the government nhould proceed bv (orecionure or by tak ing charge under the condition ol the Iranclnne ami apply to the court to net-tire the remainder o( the debt from the Huntington. Stanford and other. Wca.lnck inquired if he did not favor government ownerabip, anil Mctiuire explained hi plan fur government own endup ul the nnvllnsl and right of way with train operated by private partie under government coiitrol. Atturney-lieneral Oilier admit that a claim haa been preaerteil againnt the staufuni entate fur I. V 000. 000 a iU pro xrtiun ol the debt represented by the Manforl xtuck in the Central Paciric Coinpanv. ami explain that it wa tile. I under the California nlatute in onler to prevent the ttatnteof limitatitma from running anainnt it. That in, while Ihe statute of limitation cannot rtm againnt the l'nite.1 State, yet an eatate agmnat w Inch ihe Cnited state ha a claim mav l-e prolmted. m-ttle.1 anil dividel withuul nvanl to the I'nitol State' claim, un len nucli claim in tile. I within the x-rnl prnide.1 in the Slate lawn for uch tiling. Htherwixe an entate atrsinxt which the l'nile.1 Stat a bad a xiMe claim coul,! never tf tr Uxl. Along with lunrxpla ntin -- another that the claim Bled i a contingent claim, tnaaiinii h aa the debt owing by the Central Pacific cor ixnation ia nut vet due. The law. how ever, provide that in vnch a caae the claim mav I tile. I and the executor or adminintrator of the entate may n-t apart enough of the entate to natmfv the claim i if it 1 made gl erint the entate J when it fall due. In the event of the refuxal of tb executor or administrator to .U tin the court mav do it. In tlm i-ae the claim i tile.1 at thin time lo pro tect ad poanible interrvt of the I'nitevl State in the Stanford eatate f row in oat of the Central Pacific rortntmction and It 3ir generally. o DICTATOR EZETA. Rosebery's Prophecy When at College Fulfilled. SILVER QUESTION IN GERMANY Tk Kagafneit mt Jka W, Markay, Jr., aa Mia Vlrglala fair Ultra ky Laa ImMi, Iaivdum. The (lory that Miaa Virginia Fair, the younger daughter of Senator Fair and ailter of Mr. Herman Oelrichn, and who i now on thi aide, ia to be marrieil to Maltland Kemey, the hand ainii agent of th White Star line, teem not to be born out by th fact aa dated here. Th report now (late distinctly that John W. Mackay, Jr., 1 to be the lucky man. He it i who ia aid be en gaged lo the California beauty, and thoee who take a arntimental intereat in audi thing find it much more itiggentiveol a pretty romance than a anion with the handxome Kngliahman would lx?. Whether the rexrti-d matrimonial ex perience ol Mr. Kemey hail anything to do with the breaking-oil" of the engage ment reported to exist a abort lima ago cannot Ins aflirmed. Five-o'clock tea chat prefer to look on il a a Hidden revelation to young Mr. Mackay of hia altcctioii for Mm Fair. It needed, in lact, the intervention of a third party to ahow Mr. .Mackay where In liappinen really lay. Mia Virginia haa hail many nuilora, and young Mr. Mackay and Mia Fair have known each oilier from child htnxl. Their reepectiv father were comrade in early atrtigvling day and alway alliea ami friend through the greater fortune of later year. A mar riage between the two children would therefore round out the romance of the great gold and ailver era of the Went in a manner iniwt approved by the noveliat, w hich mean by every man or woman who love a lover. KM. !. rilKMIr.K. Tk lleallny l'ro,hlf Ont far Hlwaelf Wkn al I'ollrg rainiled. Iikixin. Prime Mininter Koaebery'n lla won th Derby, with Matchlx necond and Kemindi-r third. It i doubt lul if o muih interent ha ever More been taken in the Derby. There were neveral caunes for thin ntate of affair. In the drat place many thoiiaanda of people were aniiuun to aee the IVrby, liecaune it i the great event of the turf. In the aecond lilac llaa, w ho i owned by the Prime .Mininter, waa limked ujxm aa being the home of the year, hi pro viou victorie having won him host ol friend, who longed to nee once more the priturone and roae lump with n-cul-ore.1 can (Uird Koaebery' color) flying to the front of everything elxe in the Held. Thu it wa that the xpecial train at I-ondon Ilridge and Victoria ntationn, run every five minutes, were packed to the utmont with the Uaual crowd ol racegoer, augmented by many people w ho had never la-fore ventured to Kp oni, but who went there in order to ee " Konelwry win the third event." TH at lltNU.BOV'a mol'IIKI'V. The destiny which l-ord KoaeU-ry nrophreieil out tor himnelf when at col lege waa lullllliil. He marrieil the rich est girl in Knglaml. Hannah da Uotha child; he i Prime Mininter of F.ngland, and he haa won the Ix-rbv with hia coll lla. the winner of the 2,000 guinea ml the winner of the Newmarket stake May '!. MtOM HtlMll.ri.l'. I'renlileal llul. Oallln Ik W.rk for Ik laaalllnlluaal (oaratloa. Honoi t i.e. The Conntitutional Con vention met May 30. The ceremouie were very brief, coniinting mainly of an addren by I'n-aident Dole outlining very fully the work it ha to do and dating clearly the reanon which bad impelled a change of plan by the President and Advinurv Council from annexation to the Cnited Slate to the creation of an in dependent Itepublic. He gave utterance alno lo thin nignilicaut expression : "Al though the establishment of a funda mental law which (hall.a far a poanible provide for the nafe and permanent ad ministration ol alfaim upon the princi ple of a republican form of government will be the paramount object ol vour iliiiitx-rationa, the original purpose of the pnivi.-ional government to negotiate a treaty of ixilitical union with the great and friendly nation that lie nearent to U( must, renpectfully ntibmit, lie a fullv recugnired by you aa a vital policy ol the new Hennblic a it ha Inn-n of the provisional government." nllr tneallon In l.ertnany. HkKi iv. In a (cvhcliMingthe meet ing of the Imperial Silver Comminsion Count von Ponadowiky, the Imperial Secretary ol the Trvaaury, aaid he be lieved the member w ere agreed that the fluctuation and depreciated value o( ailver hail entailed great loxae upon the tierman foreign and home trade; that (ienuany alone waa powerle to raine the price ol ilver, and it wa impracti cable to do o either by the creation o( a monopoly by international agreement or by the regulation o( the production. He added that the member ol the coin in ia aion would render a public aervice bv helping to spread the conviction that (erioun dilllculty attended Ihe nolution ul the ailver quention. Kaperlmenl W llk holers I'allrata. Iaimmix. A dinaUh to the Timea from CalcntU aay that Pr. HafTkyne (rom Panteur' lalmratonr in Pari made a coume of experiment there and inoc ulated 117 out of an) pernon oirtipving a group of huta and tubject to cholera. Snn after he hail completed hi work the dineaae broke out among the people. Ten of them were attacked, and eeven died. All of theraxe occurred among time who hail not been inoculated with tlie preventive. r.aela Ha 'l4 la Taaania. I.a I.mxaT l. Fret a flight from the country ia not vet known to hi force, which are now niaaaeU near San Salva dor. Iji 1 jlx-rta.1 ia practically in con trl of the American nailorn, w ho were iande.1 (nun the guulxnit Ilennington to pmtect the American Connnlate and American intereu. Freta arnveil here the other day. and with ten companion immediately went alxnvrd the nti-anier Valeria and nailed fur Panama. Ta tslaala Jn. Sr. Prrxanat an. Tli Mininter of the Interior and of Huatavndry have ad vanced a cheme to organize a Jew ish colony in South Africa. It ia proptnxxd to organ i re a distinctly Jewish colony, in which ail the Jewiah 'farmer now acat tered over south Kunia ar to be fornaed. itranuol land and aancnlturwJ imr.1. menu are lo be given them. ' THI fOITLAND HA1KET. WmxaT Export valae art notnlrjal at ?Wc twr cental lor VaUey and 72H7&c pr cental for Walla Walla. fLoca, rxiD, rrc. Fuon Portland. 12.66 : Balern. II M ; Caacadia, Dayton, Walla Walla. I2.W0; Snowflaka, fS.Oo; Corral- li, lioo; Pendleton, f2.o6; Graham, 12.40; uperfin, 1X5 per barrel. Uat WbiU, per hnnhel ; tray, S6ldoc; rolletl, In laxira, 5.7ftK.00j in barrel. 1.00'; ia cane, $3.75. Miu trr Bran. lrt'lH; diorU, 116m IN; ground barley, fJO.00: chop teed, 164 Itf per ton; w hoi feed txarley, 117 per ton; niniiiungw, per ton; clilrken wheat, bftcx 1.00 per cental. liar Good, (10 12 per ton. UAiar raoutt i. II iTTxa Oregon fancy creamery, 17lw (9JU-; lancy dairy, bW; lair lo good, lul2',c per pound. Chixxi Noting America, 12JISe; California Rat, IIT((tlc; Swla. Im ported, SO'JJe; doineetic, 16ilHc per pound. Ixio Oregon, 15' 18c tier duien. Podltbt Chicken, old, .fi per dot ; broiler. 3.00ig4.UO; duck. W.60(4 4.W nr dozen : gee, ydOO-tf ns.00 lr doten ; turkey, live, IUc per pound; dreed, 12c. yxoKTiai.x ad ranr. ViorTAiLaa Cabbage. l'4c pr pound; new Calilornia, l'vr; potatoea, Oregon (buying price), 40:Vc ler aack; new potatoea, l'4(i- nr xund: onion (buying price), 4c xrr pound; new onion, l.li0 per eak; weet po tato, t.7A2 per lxx ; Calilornia cel ery, Ho'BV.nJc ; artichoke. 3.V n?r tloxen ; Calilornia lettuce, 2V per doten; Ore gon hothoue lettuce, .'UhKV; cauliflow er. I'J.75 per crate, 11.00 n-r doaen ; tw- ley, 2Tw r duxen; airing beam, 7c per pound; aragu, $1.60 per box; rhubarb, jc per pound; nxa. $1.00 in-r Ixjx; cucuiiilxra, $ 1.2ft lnr doten; OregonliothoiiM), $l.3i per doten; new Calilornia tomati-, 4.(aJ er 2VMund crate. Faona California fancy lemon, $-1.25 (dX:; ioiumon,$:'.00(a:3.00; Sicily, $1.00 .lb ler Ixjx; Metdu-rraneAn Sweeta, $:i.00ig:i.; St. Muhael, l.aS-nO per lati; banana, .,bm'l.W per bunch: Honolulu, $:l.OO3.50; Calilornia navel orange ( Waahington), $J.7')(4.00 per box; eelling, $J.Z5(4'.'.76; Uregon atrawln-rrie, 10(4 L"c xer pound ; cher rien, $1.00 per 10-pound crate lor black, $1.10(41.25 (or KoyalAnn; gooelnrrie, a4c per pound; anncoU. $1.00 per 10- pouml box ; new rooking; apple, 75c per -xiunil box. CAKXin oiHiiia. Camkio Good Tabla frnita, aaaortad, 11.75(2.00; peachea, 1.76(2.0O; Bart letlpean, $1.762.0O; plum, $1.37 S (4 1.60; draw lie rrie, $2.5(i$2.46; rherriea, $2.25(42.40; blackberrieax, $1.86(42.00; laniilwrriea, $2.40; pineapple, $2.2M 2.B0; apnouu, $1.06. Pi fruit, aawortetl, $1.20; peachea, $1.1; plum, $1.00(410; blackberriea, 116(1.40 per doaen. 1'ia fruit, gallon, assorted, $3.16(43.60; peache, $3.60(44.00; apn rota, $3.60(44.00; plum. $2.76(43.00; blarkberriea, $4.26(44.60. KotTAhi k lomatuew, $1.10 per doten; gallon, $X0l)(43.23; aiaragu(, $'.;5 er doten; airing beana, $1.00(1.I0; sugar peaa, $l.00r 1.10; corn, Weetern, fl.UOl.25; Kantern, $1.26(41.70. Miat Corned beef. 1, $1JS0; 2. $2.1.'.r; chipinxl, $2.40; lunch tongue, 1. $3.60; 2. $6.76(47.00; deviled ham, $1.60 (42.7A per doten; roast beef, 1, $1.60; 2, lia. Finn Sanlinea, (, 5o(a$2.23; $2.16(44.60; lobater. $2.30(43.60; al- Dion, tin 1-lb Ulls, $l5itlJ; flats, 11.76; Mba, $2.26(42.60; barrel, $60. (TAeLB UaoCBBIB Corn CxmU Klca, ic ; Kio,22(a23c; Halvailor, 22c; Mocha. 2iSSc; Ar buckle'a, Columbia and Lion, 100-pound caae, $.:. Dai id FaciTa 1NH3 pack, Petit prunes, tlutifc; ailver, 10(4 12c; Italian, 8(4 10c; German. 6(4Hc; pluma, 0(410c: evaporated apple, 8(4 10c; tvaporated apricot, 16(4 10c; peache, '12(4 14c; pears, 7(4 Ho per pound. Hooab D. 4i,c; Uolden 0, 4T.c; extra C, 6'nc; confecUonert' A, 6',c; drr gran ulated, 6,c; cube, crusliod ami pow dered, 0'4o per pound; 4c per pound discount on all grade lor prompt caah ; mapl sugar, 15(100 per pound. HaANa Small white, No. 1, 3'4c; No, 2, :ic; large white, 3'4c; pea Ix-ain, 34c; pink, 'Ac; bayou, 3'4c; batter, 3'4c; Lima, 4'.c per pound. Ku x Inland, $4.76 45.00 per nack. Halt Liverpool, 200a, $16.60; 100a, $10.00; 50. $16.60; (lock, $4.60(49.60. Srxrr Kantern, In liarreli, 40(4.Vc; in half barrel, 42 457c; in case. 35t nOc per Ballon : $2.25 per kec : California. in barrel, 2U(40c per gallon; $1.75 per Pu g La- Barrel, So. 1, 2H(3:30c per gallon; No. 2, 2u(t28c; keg. 6, 86c per keg ; half gallon, $2.75 per dozen ; quar ter gallon, $1.76 per doten. Srics Whole Allnpice, 18(20c per pound; caaaia, 10i418r; cinnamon, 22i4 40c; clove, 18(4 30c; black pepper, 15(4-;M-"c; white pepper, 20(rf26c; nutmeg, 75'4 80c. Kainin Iiondon lavera, boxe, $1.75 (i2.(X; halve, $2.00(42.25; quarter, $2.25(42.75; eighth, $2.,'x0ojt 3.00. lioone Muacatela, boxe. $1.60; fancy faced, $1.75; hag, 3 crown, 4l1i4ftc per pound; 4 crown, 6Mtc. Seed lee Snltanaa, boxe. $1.75(42.00; bag. (Mc per pound. HOr, WOOL AND HIUK. Hora D3. choice, K'tClS'j'c per pound; medium, 10(12c; poor, neg lected. Wool Valley, lOJlO'.c per pound; Umpqna, 10'4l0',c; Kaatern Oregon, 4 (4 7c, according to quality and ihrinkage. HiDia Dry electetl prime. 6c: rreen. nalteil, 00 pound and over. 3'c: under tW pounds, 2(4 3c ; (beep nelu, ehearlingt, 10,4 15c; medium, 20(436c; long wool, 30(4 OUr; tallow, good to choloa, 3j3,c per pouna. LIVI AU PKInsXD MBAT. Ilaxr Top ateer, $2.80(42.75: fair to good deer. $2.00i42.25; cow. $1.75(4 2.00; dressed lieef, 4(45e per pounU. McTTog ltet heep, $2.25; ewe, $2.00. iloo Choice heavy. 14.00 -. libl and feeders, $3.75; dressed, 6(4 7c per ponnd. ial Small choice. 5c: Larv. 3i44c per ponnd. rBorinttiN. EATxa Kmokbo Mxat aid I .i an il a in a. nie.ll urn. 12 412'.i- ner imnn.l- ham, large. ll',(412'tc; ham, picnic, llt-Je- IiimIIui U. 1 -.. 1 -w . i . clear inle. Vl,4ric; dry salt tide. Wi4l0c; dried beef ham'. 12'.nl:L-- lanl, compound, in tina, Hi,410c per pound; pnre, in tin. liM,(.411 ,c; pig' leet, Nn. $.',.); pi.' 4,1, aj . kit. $1.2.'i. ' Talklaa- Tkronck Ilk Tit. (ieorge M. Pullman wraith 30,. 00, tH told a new;mprr reporter, "I believe that I waa far happier in the day when I hadn't a dollar than I am now. " That in all very tae, bm if be waa happi.T then, why not go back to thiaw halcyon and dollarli day? Th dixrxadtion of hi great wealth need not bother him. The fact that M. Pullman la working early and late to add to hi "burden" of wealth anil ra. aputuibllitie ta evidence that thai nalaea, car King la "talking through hi hat," , PbilatWlulaa Pr o FRUIT TREE PESTS. The Beetles Which Produce Destructive Borers. PACKING FRUIT WITH CARr, Mark Ktlr Hnltr Caa II Mad vt ,u lbs Ha ar Haml knra Tnaa Wlta th OI4 Uak I knra. "How many boy and girl on t) farm have bail an old apron tied aroUnj their waid and btn told to churn until the butter will hold upthedanher? Sm i, Instruction ar fatal to gixxl butter " aay the Iowa llomedeail. " In the tlrnt place the danh churn i ten year lx-l,i, the time, and ought to lie thrown out of every farm, even if no more butter ja made than to (Upply the family table. Th box or barrel churn I cheap, and it i o much more convenient and noma, h better butter can 1 made with it tlist there aliould be no hesitation in diward ing the old danh churn in it favor, lint no matter what kind of a churn ia 11 h' never churn until the butter in gathered in chunk large enough to hold up the dasher. There are neveral reason ir till (hotild not be done. One of tlierii I tiiat the grain ia destroyed. IUI butter baa a fine, distinct grain, and when broken nliun a distinct fractur like rani Iron. II line grain i ilcnlrovr.) by overcliurning or overworking, tl butter In-come a greasy mixture like lanl, and haa a greasy taxte. Again it ia necexxary that the buttermilk In- c! washed out, or the butter w ill Ix-cnm alrong and rancid in a abort time. Tlm cannot lie done when the butter ii churned into lump. o in the latter raw tlie grain, flavor anil keeping quality are all injured. The churn ihould alwaia lax toped w hen the butter i iu tlm form of (mall granule, ranging in (11 from a red-clover eeed to a grain ol wheat; then the buttermilk 111 well I waahed out, and the grain will In- unin jured if the working ia properly don. There ia no reason why the farmer nhould not make just a fine butter a any one, provided he will take the trouble 'to do it right." KKMMIIK rIK holt MIX, llMerlilla mt lb Tan Kind Thai la rl rralt Tree. There are (wo borer that work in fruit tree, naya Farm and Fireside. One has a flat head and the other a round head. They both come from egg laid by lx-e-tle. The beetle of the round-headed borer in alnjut three-fourth of an inch long, and ha two broad, creamv-white tripe running the whole lengtli of it Ixxlv. The beetle of the Hal-headed borer ia of a shining greenish-black color, with it under lide of a shining coppery color. Thi borer attack the whole trunk and often the larger branclien, while the former conline ita attack to the base of the trunk alinoxt entirely. The beetle lay their egg in the South in May and at the North in June and July. The lnelle of the round-headed borer generally lays it egg at dunk, ami ia bidden during the day. The Ixretleof the flat-headed Lorer ia' a lively fellow. He like the hot sunshine, and mm very rapidly up and down the bark in bright day, but inntantly take wing if an attempt ia made to capture him. Nothing can be done to kill tlie egg, but a good preventive i to coat the trees with oit (oap, planter of Darin and paria green during the time the beetle are abundant. The soap ia dintanteful to the beetle; the planter of pari makes it atick, and the paria green will ponton any young that may hatch from the egg. The 'only way to kill the inwx-t after they are' in the tree 1 by rutting them out or running a wire into their burrow. All tree ahould be looked over in the fall and (pring and have the borer re moved. r U KIMI Mil IT. fin ul Ik Mux! Important Problems He for Ik rowrs of Ta-aar. It often happen that of two fruit grower w hose place join and who raine fruit that i every way timilar the on will get guod price that will pay him a round profit, while the other will scarce ly cover the coet of gathering and trans portation, ay Colman'a liural World. The difference lie in the matter of bun dling. The one grower carefully nttulien the market, grade hi fruits, reject all the cull or imperfect xpecimenn, and then pack the fruit in an attractive manner, while the other iinplv dumps it into boxe, good, bad and indifferent, all mixed together. It in not surprising that under inch condition monev in often lost on nhipment. It would in- iieed be nurprising il tin were not no. Many a reputation ha been made bv caretu! attention to the grade and pack ing 01 run, ami all dnptxrr agree tlial tin in one ol the moat important prolx letnn before the grower of to-day. It i problem which become more impor tant from year to year, aa the production increase, and consequently tlie couix tition increase also. A between two shipper of fruit of ninal quality it i the ouention of attractive packing that let-idea the difference, in price. Uoo4 llralnag. There ia something about a drain that the most obtuse farmer couldn't fail to remark for year at, ar Colnian'a Ilu ral World, and it i drange that the lesson taught ha not been utilixcd ear lier. Kvery one haa observed that the result of a common tiledrain or " blind " ditch w aa to produce for a limited dis tance on either aide of the ditch a mont prolific crop of plump and well-dcveloix-d gram. It never occurred to them, how ever, that, if a cystem of drainage per- meatetl tlieir flelil nlhciently clone aa to allow the influence of the drain to cover the whole field or farm, that field or (arm would I rich lyoml compari son and practically free from flood and Iroutti alike. Ol late a few progrenaive n en have aeired the idea, and are now rejoicing in plentiful crops, orchard an nually bending w ith fruit and every ad vantage ol a luxnriou and opulent soil, while neighbor with better farms. equally well tilled, bnt without draining, are grumbling over their loe and threatening to sell out and move to the Pacillc Coaxt. Car twr Rlawa C'alll. A homeopathic doctor, whose author ity i vouched for, ba been recommend ing a very simple core fur cattle that happen to he " blown," say the $lin burgh Farming World. He poor front three to (oar drop of the homeopathic dilution of colrbicnm into a tW glass of cold water or into a small bottle a itb a wide neck. The animal 1 to be rirel by the born, and when th head is in the air poor th eolation into the nos tril, when it must t swallowed. WithinC1 ten minute and without recurring to a ececd dose the ballooning will cutlapM, o