The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 23, 1894, Image 7

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JINK il.
il full of new and
H-.-OH I IiuikI wheel from
ill it I I II V
ll.inlir"". 'Uttst.
i I Walton, ultorncy-ul-luw
u,,n, V In Imill 'Ml farm. KlHUlre of
No 1 ll'1' 'I'"0- repair your old
' ,.r,l,n't wait utml your Imy l
"ly t cut. K. I.. C'lmmlnTN can fur
2,1, jou extra for cither old or new
.tylr, ' maki'.
pr, ). YV. Middle may 1 found Ml
1 1, residence on Olive treel, U-tweeii
fifth and !""itll streets, one blink t
j the Minnesota hotel. 1 1 I pre
arcd t !' Ifiitul work in tin- best
jkiublc l.urHhin hfy fork. Imy ear
ner, r pulley everything
nr.Ys..irv t tlx your Imy Imril to mvi
0i-lialf the exjwnse oi uttiMK any
rour lit eiop. !N''' ' ' namin'n
ia-puec ami full dirveiioii for put
UOH Hi a" ouuii.
Tin- M'('oriul('k I lu; voting Ma
rine I'ouipauy, of (hlctiuo, ileslrv to
.ill. Mince U die I.llllicr ol IJlllu
.univ. luut they will have a ivore
ntnfive in Kucelie luiiHK the present
,n, ith a full line of repair for
1 their machine, ami will bw pleased
lotiTVf tiu'ir oki euHioiiitTH, ami new
our all-', who inuv is) III lieeil or out
iinir machinery. Notice of the Coin
miv') liKiitioii In KUKene HI I
made Inter. F. . rIIKrHKI.I,
licticrnl Agent
( oal Hill Nursery.
full mi or addre T. N". S-if!ir, Kii
iriMic. for all kind of nursery toek
Prune mi uiuroliolfiii iiluiu root that
will not sprout, alto on ucli rootN.
knew It Worth,
Dr. .M. J. 1'ivis Ih n piomliiciit idiy
kii-iiuiof Lewis, Cunt county. Iowa
MU.J 1i:i l 'II u lively ellKHKed I" the
pructiee of incdieiiie nt that place for
die in - r ti year, ua tnu .Din or -May
ahlle in iKn Moines, ell route to C'hl
ng; lif u suddenly taken with an
attack of tliarrhn-a. Having sold
Chiunl rluiu's Colic, Cholera ami 1)1
arrlncn Kcmcdy for the past 17 year,
un I knowing it reliability, lie pro-
curiil a -Mini iKiltle, two iloea o
which completely cured I. nil. 1 he ex- Ill, 111 I Mllll lillMlllh, (if U'.l I.. U 11.4 .1 ...I
,111 llllll, l,.l, 1 ... f ,1 .
iucMi'UI to Iravelirig often pnsluceu
uinn Im'.i. 1. very one should iir euro
a bottle of this n-mcdy before leaving
limne. ror-a e by
Omiciix DkI.ano.
Are Von Inureil?
II not, now I t lie time to provide
vnurrtclf ami family with u bottle of
Ch.imlHTliiitr Colic, Cliuli ra umt III
arrlni'u ltfincly iin an luuruinv
auiint any m ri"iH rt-uil from an it t
tie k of Ini'Vel -ouiiluillt tlurilig tliu
iniimer niontim. It i almoHt ivrtain
to le mvileil ninl limilil be procured
at onw. No other reinedv can take It
place oi ilo ItM work. 'S ami Vl cent
not lie lor Halo by
).iit its A DkLaso.
Fok Sam:. A twowated hack, hIii
gle, with ImnienM for wile cheap. ill
trade for wood. A. (ioldnuiith.
tinier Ivniug Mowem ami Itiuilcm
early, to lie Mire of netting them.
New hii;gy mid chicle M-t of liiirnr
for Ml. r. U t iiamiikmh.
JiibI rotvived, u cur load i f l'uin Wag
mm, both wide and narrow tin-, illnt t
from factory; !- ear of Old Hickory
wagntw; ali n rnr of Kuciue itui;gir
and Ctirringoi.
Thrv full carioniU of vehicle tone
leel from. Can xntify all in, either
in nutility or prii-e.
F. L. Cll AMIIKIl.H.
To Tkaiu: kok Hay oh W'oou.
A mower and hay rake, lu i;doiI condi
tion, imjtiin.' al'llilit olllec.
Wanti:i. To purchiiM' a tlnnlinp or
hunlwareaud tiimliop bunino.4, at Ku
gene or town near by. Addrnui 11. II.,
4' ill Hull M reel, 1'ortlaml, Oregon.
I Ant.
On oralNiut the SStH day of May,
loitt iH'tweeil 1'alextillit church on Coy.
ote, and Kugene, a lady'a black velvet
satchel, containing "a muwd ahell
money purse, a ilvcrocn fux-ed watch
and chain, one Niiiull gold ring, and
two cutrpliiH. Finder pleane leluru to
(it AKD oillce In Kugeiie and receive
suitable rewanl.
The above art idea Udoiig to an or
phan girl, Kva Stephen!), and were the
kccMake from very near relative and
are higlily valueil by the little girl, not
for their real value, hut a present
from loved onca.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World' Fair Might.! M4al utt Dlploau.
To the Public
All thoe having n-conled lustru
iiient In the county clerk' olllec are
kimlly rtiUetcd to cull and take out
UiHMune tiy July I, i.
lUi this June II,
V. It. Walk mi,
County Clerk.
Or. Price' Cream Baklos Powder
Mot Perfect Made.
We aell Park' Cough Syrup on a
Hwitlve guarantee to cure all throat
and lung trouMc. It ha tood the
test for many year and today I the
leading remedy for the cure of cold,
coiinumpllon and all diwaaeaof the
throat and lung. Price .'jO iriita and
II. At Yi .ugton'i. Nlm'.. tm-t drug
HijLest Honors World' Fait
The ateainer Kuk. ne 1 due here to
morrow allernooii.
iuite a number of trumps were lu
Kilgene lat evening.
CoiuinlMilouerM roiirt uievl lu ad
joiirneii K'mioii tomorrow.
The banner tra U rrie kIiowii ih
l4il H'liMiti Hen- grown by O. W.
A meeting will be held next Monday
eveiiing to organle a permanent re
publican club.
Alhany Herald: It 1 tnke in
band to Mil I (y Kugeiie' llillliiil enr
on the Fourth.
No lime in tow u and none can lie
obtained in Portland on account of the
lilu'li water In that place.
title Immigrant, team northward
Ixiund uml two fouthuanl Umud
i'l thPiugli lu re hint evening.
Junction City eople inform ih that
i.uie I iin I oi that city will lie the nrw
deputy ciiuiily cl. rk umli r Hie new
Prineville New.; S. J. .eniie
leave today for Fuiruiounl,,
where lie will remain with hi
family lor miih time.
a, I.. ...
i ,j. aihinni, itie piii-w inner orn
tor of the ii:-tlnelleiiuivenity, U.'ll
"omeuiing Hi i.tlilelie, l:iingwou
iiie nri prize nt roie eiiiiiblng liel
A letter from ltelkiuip Spring ntute
that keverul H'lesti. are there at prcwetil
uml more coining, i omNhleralile 111!
proveinent were made during the
winter ami hpriug.
fhe Latin county circuit court ulll
hold an inljourned term, commencing
Monday, July , KM. It will orolia
hly last only one day, and Ih called to
hear mutum and to hand down a few
The tyH- work of the Oregonlaii wa
aet yotenlay for the tlrt time bv their
new !yiM-ettiiiir Iiiaelihie. One ma
ciimc win no i ne work or live men.
and their iilw.titut ion caue about 4U
met; to lie thrown out of employment.
A number ot them had been employed
mr many year in thai otlliv.
an A 1st lite, who atilictcd this city
wiui in pre- niv a counle or v ar.
ha recently It-en oiK-ratlnir lu l.ast'
em Washington. He Htopixil at liar
Held several wtvk and represented
himself as a fruit tn-e aeeiit. and tiHik
a large number of order which he neg.
Iccted to till, and lie nlo left siiildclilv
without settliin: a several week Isiard
Inru'lar case w ill Is. triil in ltHw-
liurg. Aaron ltoe, sr., ha bnxiL'ht
nil against H. Wolleiiberg tit recover
the sum or ?lmiO, w hich he claims i
due him, Is-causc of over payment on
hi share of the Arriugloii trejisiiry de
falcntiou. ll Heeui that Mr. Kose
inalill-il in the sum of und Mr.
Wolleulierg in the sum of t-H.i. oil
Arriugloii' IkiiiiIs, and the former now
luiui that he wa then-fore only
liable for one-third of the delicti. A
he ha paid one-half the amount, he
now sue tu recover the over payment.
The ( la i ree-AJtlrr llif.irc the
I ulveTsitjr 1 lie l.tterary le
tnlvrrsity Kruaiea -i:rrrisr of
'I he Law lerliaenl.
i.iniii Arii:u t..
Kugrn- Will Celebrati.
One itf the Inrgest ever here. Itnnd
contest-, hand from all over l.aue
county. Come lu and haveagiHxl
time. Make i:. Dunn' store head-
iilarters. Von heed not hur it you do
hot Wish to. We W ill lie If lull to see
you and make you fix l at home. We
are now oil, ring bargain. We will
you i)i Per cent cotton tires irood
for l.i cents; ; lie lit- uudcrvest for -i
shirting t! mi
calico 1 ihi
muhliii 1 mi
Ladle shoe 1 l.t
corset 4(1
Men shirt lit
llring in jour egg.
F. K. 1)1. NN.
Acrui.iai'nlntlou lor Student.
Person in Kugcue who can take tu
lent to worK ror their board next vear
are to communicate with the
lially OiisM. June :l.
Foi'.Mi. A caA of Htirgical instru-
nients wa taken from Dr. ImiiiiI
hiiKgy a few night ago about inld
night. Ho advertised oltcrlug a re
ward for the r -lurn of the cane. The
Kiiilty party Um-hiiio alarmeil, else hi
iiiUMiellcc trollliled him, and he left
the case on the sidewalk, near 1. M.
Kisilott roiiicncv. w here it wu found
by S. W. Taylor and returned to lr.
Maiiiii.k Wuhkm Sol. p. Albany
Herald: Jerrr lieaui ha bought of
( leorgc Harris hi marble work on
Kroadiiibiii stieet. P. II. l am II, an
hi and experienced marble worker,
will Ik- tint malinger i f the otaliiish
nieut. Mr. Keam I a reliable business
man of ample mean. The ll nil i nil
be deHMidel iijxtii lu every particular.
inl'.v i,iitrl, June .'1.
I)li:n III Losl Valley. Thurslav
morning, June HI, Mary W., wife of
I). S. Jlunsaker. the liiteremut will
lake place ul the Pleasant Hill ceme
tery, Saturday uflernoon at -:.'! o'clin k.
uneral service ul lite lainlly resl-
leuceintbe morning at M o'clock.
The deeeai wa the mother of Mr.
Win. Proton, of F.ugeiie.
Considerable I'nloii Pacific freight
ha come over the Soththerii Paeitie
road for valley tioiut during the pa-t
few day. Thl i a portion of the
li-eight that ha t-n lilis-kadetl tit
L uiHtllla since tlte ilenioralizatioit of
the I'liimi Pneitlc line. In order to
get It here the freight hail to be
hipil east to J, and then trau-
rreil to tlie sxmtlieru l acillc road.
Sune Kugeiie merchandise wa in the
freight that went through to Portland
but will le rct-iried to this city to-
urd the lat'i r part of the w k.
The road I in a bad condition audit
i A take Mime time to straighten
thing out. It will is- at least six
week Is'fori' a clear line can ! on
tained over the l iiion, but the S .tit ti-
ern Pacitlc will handle her freight.
c V
JHirt Cripe Cfimof Ti'tif f'" V. F !
4gra ATtnwi i. Alumorany ut -.r. x!unm ;
A Happy KBdmr.
OrTKlivtM.K, Va., For llf'i-en years
I wa a great sufferer from dyi pia
! and not bin if ndieveil me until I tried
j l.imiiiol.s I.ivtr lU-gulator. This Is
the Is t metiieliie in I lie w orld. 1 am
' now in good health. Mr. N. J. t ol
; lit-. Your druggist sell It ill isiwder
; or Ii'Uid. Tlie iw der to be taken dry
i or made into a tea.
Pt l',f i.l'lM, Jultr Jl
Last eVi iiim; wns di Voted to Iiie
uiiivcrlty re ininii ami tlie following
1ri!raiii wa rendered:
Music s Util
Lup nu Hand Mandolin Club.
1". Chant I', oft). lilceClub
Thtiv Little Kitten."
.1. lUcitatioii Mr. Fred Fisk
4. Piano S.I i Mr. W. Olll'ord Na-li
a I (iavotte, I minor, Hitch-Saint aeii
I'l Melisly, ii Hat major, Moskowski.
i. YiK-al Iiiilt...Mr. I.oul-e I. inn,
Mr. Irviinf 4 It-it
"Lovt and War." i Itv KciUesl.i
I Urge I". of O. dice I lub
"Jobatili ll'lbiwii."
T. Ite. itation Mis Amy t Powell
The llnsik."
Mis MeCorti.ick, Accoiupanist.
Mi Holt, Vocalist.
h. Piano Sol.t. ...Mr. W. tiillord Nash
ia. "Ilii am , f Iove." No. ;l.
ib Noveheltc, f major, Schiiruiiiiill.
A Willi. ceii. tlie exercise Wile
iiiu-leiil ..r ti e mint part, tlie music
Is ing iniieh enjoyed, flu. reeitatlons
were Isitli rctvived with itpplauf.
The pres ine of Mr. Nah, from Cor
vallis, wa a treat to tlie amliem', and
in iiiiiiiimTs were gr'leil with en
corv. The i;'iitleiuali ha but nivlit
ly retiiriu d tiom abroad, where he ha
111 stiidving with the masters.
At thcel.we, Mr. I. M.l.lell.ttlioill.
rvtil the evening' exercise, all
lioiini! the uual promenade and t
litimlsT renin, tied to participate in tlie
socnu pun ol , lie culerlttluiiichl.
itetwtx'U ,'Ul and 4l inrmUr of the
I.aureau and Liita.xlnii literary
etics, were eu ertaimsl Inst evening ul
llieelegnul i i.rlors. of Mr. ami Mr, t
J. r raster, the evening wa pleas-
anuy s'iil 1 1! ilalicing uml w hist, the
nlt'nir termii iitiug w itn a banoiict at
the Hotel Llliri lle. All the ilellencit
if the seaoii ere scrvcl in pleasing
tyle, uml tlie hour wa a lilting eml-
Ing to mi i vening long to ! teiiiem-
Is-red by tins. so fortunate a to lt
mi: law huapiwti-.
I'llls moi iiini: at ID o'cI.K'k the exer
cie for (lie li,w itepariineiil were held.
Tliere tire i'.'i i ritiluute tin vear but
only tlirei- Were s. lu te I to deliver
Tlie itrogntM lgau w i:h n "Swing
Smg.'' by a chorti of eliildr.-n s
voli'o, followwd with prayer l.y I lev.
II. F. tiilt. A trio lor 'lnv lie Voice
also preceded the llr-t ornttoii, Unit of
Chester V. 1 1. l li ll. Hi kiiIp,- was
Plllllnhllielil." Ptllilslllfielit surely
will wiui' either tlimiicli the priss-s
ot law or a generation that inaKi-stlie
criminal in niliie of hi condition
while he Kniduuliy i degraded in the
moral and . ial m-ale. ICoiormutiou
Is the true end of punishment and our
own state constitution provide that
law for punishment of crime shall t
loiitidcd on retorutiitorv principles.
The s aknr olnti! out renuIU- nee-
essnry in our prison system and lu
coucltikioii nnid:
"There l a thought we aomctiiiie
love to cheridi, nlsiui the unknown
future from which no message from
those gone lieforc ha ever come. We
have only sut h thought a fancy rt
Meet from our hope that ill another
world wu slut I continue our puric
that often viii thwarteit In re. If it
be a we Iion). It will I', I km a ll so the
bleinishi have Urn renin ved from our
live by puiiishuieiit which will fol
low every WMuir until all have nv
driven uwuy, u the tlnnv livnl of the
retim rs tire drives oil the ilnwi ami
leave luillght but the nure Hold."
i oncepiions or lAiinl J list hv. " wa
the Miihlect of the oration by JeS4 (,
Cii pie. After outlining the condition
or le mil Justice tu early 1 1 mm, hesisiko
oi the concep.lcii or ll at all tlim-s a
U'ing in iiceenl witli the foundation
of the uatuinl and eternal Justice of
tiisl. Formerly the conception wa
thul h k'M ut.iiv wu for the lm llt of
the few, the aristocracy, ami for tlieni
only. 1 lie evolution of reform in thl
n''l, like Hie evolution of all a
form, now h i a tendency to the op
iMislte extreme. Iegal Justiiv How
Iin a tendency, through the ellect of
Mipuiur opinion, to lavor the many lu
st end of the f -w. We must lisik to the
iHlucutlou of the Jsiple ill the iros?r
in reel ion mat puiiiic opinion may is;
so connected u to prevent, till ex
Irelne tellilelley.
"Let U pl.ui' the foundiitloll of It1
gal Justice in the Immiiu of (iod, uiuke
it voice the harmony ol the world
that nil thiiii- in heaven uml earth
nay do It homage, the least a fueling
It care and the greatest Hot exempted
from it twvr."
The vocal solo, "Who Knows," hy
Lulu llellshuw, wu greeted by pro
longed llplilltllse.
Ile lnl oration wu l y J. K. Itro-
naugh, "Frnneti Another l-.aslern
llouielarv." The discourse wa. an ex
xsitlou on tlio condition and charac
ter of the people, of the French repub
lic. He told of their ancestry and the
varied historical cn-Ii down to the
time of tliu Krniico-I'russiaii war. How
the French, w ho had hardly known
defeat Is fore were so iiiglorioiily is at
en by the ieruian, w ho demanded
I'i'iii.iioil.ootHiidemnlty and the ceding
of the territory of Alsive and lonilne.
Ity almost siis rliuiiniii toil and denial
the ople of Franc through their
high sense ol honor and thu bllteriiesM
of tln lr woiiiided fi-ling have already
Paid tlie inoi.ey. The liMt territory,
Iiowever, has ill way ln their great
et worry. The lo rmatisolilig.-d lhoe
Frenchmen who remained to
subject of the empire umt talk and
learn their children the lieriiinii lau
gtiaife only. Forty-flve thotiwiud pre
terreil to hwve their hollies to live In
French terrii-ory. T'lio longing to rtr
elalm the ii territory K-rvudo the
whole tif h yal Frau'ee. TliMlsllie
ineauiiig of tint maintenance of tlie
vast standing armie in l!uro.
Fmnee i no longer iiiiHiverisln i to
duy; lie luut recovered and it only
await some arbitrary act of the tier
man enin,r, or w.iiiit other slight
caile, to prt'ipilate one of the blissl
lest war ei r know o t J jirope. w hen
r laii'-e w ill k lo iis'tivi r Ai-i. e and
I)r. I Iiup nun, in a fitting ad. In ,
presented th iliploma and Lev. (.lit
prohoum! he Is'iietlietiou.
I I 1. li ll.l. I.AMI .
The lall V un.- yesterday did not in
crease in lot rest after the und in
ninif. The C of i). Uy improved in
Held work but th Collate (iroveV
morv tlnttt made it tip at tlie bat
nd of nine Inning the
in favor of the latter
I I I l 1H A Ul ATI:.
liiiat.l. Jui.s I.'
J. A. Laurie, president of the cIam
of 'ul, iiiade a few Introductory re
mark. Wilnexliiy itfterniKii, uu
the su-uui of tlie planting of the
via lnv. I. M. ttleu, clas ikwI, re
cited a very Is-niitiful .ti of hlon
com posit Ion:
ct.Asii tiim: ii.m.
S..H tnvll,. :i,,l.!ir Hit. ith .-llll Lnalh,
Aiel m it, imt.jr ,l. ttitr tlorsl rw nof
li-l lusy . I. .i,ii it. Illi.l.itvt U-lulel tail
on Hut l,M ii-r thy t, ililfttie.
I I'm In,, tl.jr rt sUiut ilij M'.l In r I srtli:
pr I t.. , v ...t iHMitiy limn her l.rss.i,
V 'i.l , tulimii. it, .m llif l.'lttr hritlit.
I h..ii .ha I u ii..,.. I. ii. ih Hi) irieii'liy .n lr,
1 II. MH M I,,. II, ,M .1. Ill Ul.1' iii.itiitii-si.i.
on. Int.. ls'i ) rarr l ift lilxlt th) I" tel.
K..r tin. i un .-ii n I.. n itiaiti. stti.-n
,.e S..I.IV i Its ( III rll .'l l.'tl lll.s..
M I,,. ,i, ,1 inc.. I, if. slut so) lh,. aiil
He l.
i. I ii llsr. Isfll lilt till1',
I, ll'iis ',it,-f, -lal.t In r.tiniiiiinr
In, hi lu, ir t.-fi-sii.iu have we.lrswn:
I'sll .1 II,) I He. 1111 .'I Hi' s.k hsvr ts-eli.
N.iw K' li'fO N.i iiion- ,li tlm tw .It
A. i'l il-l. , It) . .n.l. M Ith Istlmit trauicltl
N.Miiiire I inn.,, m uh tli .mis
All'l .IS'l.l.lrr. Iflste, er n r. tis
A. .11 III 111 Is . is-e ttiiitr J lot ,1,-lnsti.t
No more i,. lit eiif is- In eie,-nill sour
1 tu viir are lu.w t. n. hut lilelni.rl.'S.
It'll a. tin- S.aK :aluv. I HI, (III t l"l
ol tl,,n, '., s lil tint awav, llll rvery s-Ut
H lli. r. .. ) sl.l. It. I..HII anil Its Ills,
s., wi'. it Itii'llliili,'. lltia-erilltf ttlt.ur heart,
I ulll tlieif U-Mlilin c sm. 111 llirte ahiile.
P. J. l'.iattian, elas orator, tlellven!
a l. elinn nml appmpriule di-couise.
The Ins-chisM'ii was a thrifty vi
men of the walnut.
The tiiatiou wa a Is aullfiii coiiisw
sitioii of tsiiisiderable lcii(th ami wa
Well delivered. Ill conclusion he
sjsike lo the class;
"Now classmate, when weaiealut
to liNik into the unknown future, and
Isegiii contending with the -rllou
baltli-siif life's stormy Journey, Hi one
elusion I would say, w hen -rhap we
shall have cast our lot in di-(nnt land,
with strmige s'ople, afar from the
w alls of our Oregon protector; even
when clouds of tlcpalr lif up Is-foro
us, when tin bright and youthful
countenance shall Is supplanted hy
the faltering look of grim old age;
w hen we are alsitil to turn from the
Journey of life ami pas away into that
Rllenl country Irom w lilcli no iutcii
ger iMinm; then limy Me through fond
meiiioty's eye cast a relleellng glaiita
on our collcue tinvs, recalling ino
hope, juvs and ambitions Willi wlilcli
they stariil us on our life labor."
Die annual meeting of the Alumni
Aswm'IuIiou wa held at thrt o'clis k
in Villard I lull. The exercise Isrgatl
Willi a itinrlclte, on two plnuo hy
four voung ladles, followed with prayer
bv Hev. W. S. Ollbert. Hr. Chapman
delivered a short ndres to tha associa
tion. Hi theme wa the liilluciice
w hich have Is-cn and can l exerted
in is-liall of their alma mater by grad
uate of thi Institution. Hi remark
were timely and retvivetl lu gisnl
Mi Stella liorri tutng a solo, "For
bidden Music," after which Hon. W.
I. Vaw ter. of the cla ef 'htl, dellvere!
the a n mi ai oration. Hi sulijcct was.
"The Colli ue. It lUliitiou lo Social
Problem-. '' I lend led attention to the
d.i adc wlilcli wltntwsi'il the founding
of tlie first institution of higher edu
cation in America, and followed the
intimate relation of the growth and
inultlplli ty of college w ith the devel
opment and progrv of our social and
sillteal life, lu conclusion he aaltt
"From the 4ul eilueatloual InstltuUoti
should, und witli pocr arousal of In
terest will come the Intlucnce thai w 111
overthmw the baneful eltiTta of mm-IiiI
istic teaching, i'roiii them will ime
the Inllueiite that will give the child
of free America w hut I Is ttcr than
the elfl of hi share of the wealth
iiitnn ly, a common kcIhmiI education at
least w ith Intelligence enough lo earn
hi sliuie. Let the Unit aim of tlie
university l to graduate men and
women who thoroughly understand
the philosophy of government, who
know at It-aH, historically, the princi
ple uimiii w lilcli it I founihsl, and the
hidden reserve force by which it may
be protected."
.Misses llovey and Sawyer plnycd a
duo for two piano, and Mis 'Clara
Condon, of the clasM of 'UU, rend an es
say on "Art, tho Index of Nullohul
Art I the lightest expression ol
thought. It I the culmination of In
dividual thought which represent the
nation; hence it I the lilghuat expres
sion of this thought which indicate
national character.
Art ileis nd iiisiii the aocial and In
tellectual conditio!! of a people. A
n-viow of the history of art, in Fgypt,
iriH-e, Italy and America wa given
in upMirt of thi Bjssertlon.
The exercise cloned with a iiuitrtette
sang by four ludlen, and wa Immedi
ately followed hy the alumni business
meeting lu Solely Hall. I lie follow
ing olhcer were elected for the ensu
ing year: Arthur Ycazie, president;
M ! Aunt Whiti-aUcr and Car
rle Friendly, vice president; ami Mrs.
r o. roller, secretary and treasurer.
1IIK AlilillhHii.
The addnsjiM Is-fure the university
Inst evening wa deliveretl bv i'r.
TIioh. Newitti, of New berg. Hi ule
i-l wa "ftoeioiogy
mint !. shal to one moral Ideal.
Thu lUlIled world I Is gllllllllg to
nalle thu value of a true ideal in all
the avi tiil. a of iiie Mi I Hue gn at in-
11 lie i,iiii of this letituty-a higher
Mi Mary 11. Colli, r sin kit on
' Shall tint ftili. y of the I litssic I.'
Sitiilary to the Study of N ieluv."
I dili alltui I sut'Jei t (o the law of
progriss. 'I be relative pr.ihrtlou of
lnif ai ami ic mule studies former
ly and at prc-chl w a spoken of. Thu
lildy of the classic itnit give way to
the study ol science. Our systems of
education have Is-cu too narrow for tlie
practical cud of lite and our sclusd
must adapt them- hi to the In-.! ol
the scientific age. A eompntlsoii of
the value of the two li,.i u as made
and Ihe study of science iltvlarcd sil
ls nor ( that of classics n a uicuii of
nielltal dli ipltlic. Ihe mythcal
leaclillig of elnssica will ls Punished
by the advalii of sclent e and in the
iinhcrsitv ol the future the study of!
si leinv w lit Is- lirt.
Mi. ( 'urrlc I m ildly ' oiatioii wa
on, " 1 be I jinv Piotn r t I On gun and
their Legney to till stale." Mie
sike of the 'motives that btmiglit the!
pioinsj r to On gun. The piniin i wen- I
Ihe leader ol civ ill It loll ill id t bought, j
I hey Were His leader III l.lM, i dm a
t"ii, teliginu, linaiiti' aii'l ilitlt rent
In allelic of Industry. I'liey have
foriiiitl the religious pal t ami Hitc.l
in lay it g the edilcntiolinl fntiudat loll
ol the slate. The nnllli cl the plo
lieer women sliotiltl m placid on the
roll U. id. ' tho-e honored nu ll, for the
plolicels who have left Us their legacv,
oue their strength to (In in. "Let
kn.m le.ltc guide our step, s-lf n il
aiuv and virtue stamp our progress,
l t tlie know ledge of tiisl 1st our I a
onu-hght and we will ,e that the his
torian w ill record tioh the brightest
Jiage of his history. ' i'he Oregon I'l"-
iHr I'tilldul Istlcr than they
A ladle trartittc sang "Couiln'
Thro' the Lye" Isfolc the omtlotl
of I rv 1 1 1 1; M. (ili u tii" llllani
the Silent, II Coliipieror ill the
Ilfllil Slise." "Ihe buttles
lought by W illiam the Mleiit were
fought for ll. Ikiwn to our day have
hi (simplest rvni'lied. He wa the
one smiI less mid heroic figure In Ihe
great struggle whereby Ihe Nether
lands were lrtl but like the diver, ill
In search for arl, he found his
grave. Hi last word were '(mil
have mercy iimiii tin poor Mtpli..'
That prayer was nnvcrcd and the de
sii ndants of that sstr ;iplf hold In
sacred n u:eliibrulice the one that ill-
lied the cloud of llliM lltlitlg terror
anil grtinttil (o tlieni aii inisliakeii se
curity. Ml Mi ll i Hill' ilimur was iih
on, "Should Politic Ih- taught In the
ScIiimiI of Ilii Nation." ll ha long
liccli rifognlzed that t he Work of the
sclnsil is to make gissl cltleii. 'l'lie
M'hool ha never Ih-cii aide to reach a
very dangerous cln of men, but the
achiMil can leach the children of those
men, the foreign Immigrant. Publics
should be taught lu thewlnsiU of our
cisuiitry from the kindergarten to the
highest iiille-je. The sclnsil 1 the
leading factor ill determinating our na
tional character, (iirl limy I' taught
the principle of our government to
gissj advantage a well a tiy. The
lniMirtaut branch of leaching citlen
shlp should not I' limited. I lie youth
must learn that oliilc and parly are
not the same. True and Ii fly Ideal of
citizenship sboiild U loruied curly In
life. Curcful instruction in the science
ol government will ! the constant
strength and glory of our national life.
tieorgi' W. Jones had tlie same sub
jeet. intelligence i the only safe
guard for free institution. Thce de
velop witli liidividtial development.
The systematic tniiiilnir of imli vltliials
for self govelllinelll I lltgli-cted ll. the
I tilted Slate mid thl neglect reatllt
ill corruption lu isilitics, ncgli t ol
civic duty und irreveretnv of Ihe law.
Our li ut n .mil fault are but the result
of faulty training of the young. Poll
tic must Is' taught lu the sclnsil to
girl a well n Isiy. It would give an
impetus to the science of government
nml intelligent cilien m demanded
to solve the great iiictoi Is-foro the
country. Patriotism and an under
standing of the principles of n tuition
are essential to il existeiitv. I he
sM-uker In conclusion pictured the
happy result of teaching illticlu
our re liool.
Jiiine A. Laurie's siil.Ji 1 1 .i. "And
America Itcdeeinftl by In i.-atloii."
The only remaining ihiMic laud of
our country lie In mid Ameina, of
which the s'iiker gine a binl's eye
tlisM-riptioll. The ledet uiitig of arid
America I imt a visionary pioji cl nor
i the irrigation idi u a new one His
tory ahow that throughout tlie world
agriculture began in arid laud. Irri
gation 1 today IlliltcrstdlV practiced
and ha wrought wonders in Califor
nia, Colorado and other slate. I ne
ildein a a w hole i a nutiounl one
sts akt r drew a comparison Is twi-eti
the On-gon the plonts f foiilitl and thu
tiregoii of tislny, c.inchiiling with
rcinilcctloll of the pall played by Iliu
(limit or in all the change hlch have
taken pl'icc here.
-Mi I linn M. Wold had Hh last
oration, mid her subject wik. "Lvery
Mull lo AiN'omplisli the Actual must
have an Idral." To accomplish the
actual all Ideal i Int-ilfl. ihe Itlc.ll I
of the lli'lividilal lead tu the a' colli-I
ol isli 1 1 of the actual, in fine art. In !
IUiV.;i il life, the in C"llipl:-lillielll of K'-,, .
work. -in I the itM ill 1 1 un n ot i 'tiaracti r. 1
Tin' attaluuii-nt of unity In nntionnl)
life the idcnl of ihe past and present.
I'here must Is? a biil iiiee of the
and practical work. !
ItlcMit the :k 1 1 1 1 .1 1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 i t of tie I
actual the Ideal of Ii i ulMo. itlt- j
out un idcnl (lie woiktT Pill- short o,
hi swer. I'.i know t he Id. ill and
advance (.ul aid ic I ui in iiii i-.ii '
iniiii-i'iiit r court in Mission,
tier 11. an camphor for moth
Ceil.,r i'. ii: t at Osburii iV Ivl.ano'a.
Tlie nuth Isiiiud overland train wa
three hour late thl morning.
Cl" np. r tli in e.vnpli'ir for moth Osoiirii .te Is-Lnno'i.
The ahn r Lug. lie left Harrlsbiirg
at 7 ..",u o'c!..i U thl iiiornlng with a full
I Ml'I'IIUII lIM.trilc l (lie I nil. I.
prie of ;l '.ii ninl I'.lm M I t . 1 . r o i
the I'm Lilian ptlc of f inn.
1 III', til ll!.!; i:tlli Ki ML
s-, p. Pill V ! IHI'
CoiAi.i; Onovi, Or, Jiiu,. il.
Mi i. s-eiitell and l.i a i I ui in d fi.iin
lloheuila today, w h. r- Hi. y have In u
linking nil. r li oiiiing nml fnitht i
search for Weaver, wh i n Mind
about one mile dnw n the cri k.
Ihe li-mnlli were bulled tbcieas
well tt they eoiilil, tm lug to sii, Ii
lough siit'ioiniiling. i:tate I r;ui-t. r .
1 1 i.i.m;.
J P t 'liesher lo T J Cne.her, lot J. il,
blk 4, lot ... blli I, t lusher s nil, a.i
lots ;t, i,, ;, iilk J, Cln sher's second ml.
I in. A Cl ark p. Milan I'.tikt r, lot
(I, blk -, r's 1.M ml, f I.
ihi x rit .
Jmiies J linn, tu Amanda 11 Jcu
ning, L".' ncris In t in r 4 w; ;ii.
Win II Vmk to Hannah I ay lor, I t
ncn-s in t I r .1 w ; j'to'in.
Michel St lu yilccker to Joi Clo
sctl, I.M in iii t pi r I e. rlo.
Win. II. oik to Hannah l'.iy cr,
bio aciv in t l . , r :: w; t : ;i .
sI'KIXt.l n I II.
CO Ncct to I) Y . Warner, lot I,
hlk '.'; f Itn.
t oi i ai.i: i.iinv i .
Lhislu Holey tot h L Wolveitoii,
lot .1, blk S,', Moiiller's ml; Kill. ,.f the de!. c
T. rtali l lo..-e b'lV
sj etlve limiie.
MoSli-, ino'l,-,
M.. Ill Lalli will .1
I I. aii'i'.
'I I e i.. w I'l'dg,.
Is tlf ,i :. KellI
pr;i g- i-1' ady f'
to th
. rt for
i. . ;.
their re-
kill tlinn.
Osburn A
net." Hors't crii-k
hi l lgii mid h'olry
r travel.
I'riin ," t!it liore owil'-d by
-iiiniiicrv ill.- r.rns., of thl city, won
th" , p. i'.' ilaili in J.';! second.
N.I'.. ISiiM. r, of (.o-lieii, hail a leg
lu 'k :i Till lay, v hiln engn.'ed ill
w "i iu- ih" inad. Wo did hot learn
Mi - ii ; h i,! u s.
-.Ie your d.'ll.iH I y llring IU-1 S-ul
P. 'iMn.r I'ow del - '-'. '. r cent strolnjer
than imy olln r puwilt r., I-I Sal Sins' 1'ressing
: u I (.res, rvi your slits and
s tin llnet lustrt nk for it.
..rt. I,
pro I
ami lllllst he solved ill I. , as It has Peeu
elsewhere, hy the t'ovi iiiluciit. tiov-
eruineutal and c.inti.l may !" ii,iplu d
hy building stor.i.c sy stem and treat
ing nrte-laii supplier. A l 'iilifol'liiu
example, lil'-i r-n.e, i.n i neti nn.i uie
Work of the Ulll. n il lo l;.l lll'iMll'UI
tsipgrcsa sp i 11 ol. I lie i i inclusion
wa ii glow I. k worti pictiiic nt arm
Ann Ilea red. clued.
I he second oration this nflellnsiu
wa by Miss Amy ti. Powell. "Thu
.Mellllil Jllllllcllce of ileal l'.Velil "."
A grenl event alA.tys ti-m rate a
frrcsiuiin lueiital ili:i;c The
Crtts.ider ptotucil inelitnl llill'leliw
by Ihe study of nut un-. The intimate
isniiuct with the link which tlo-
The Wheat Insect.
Call) ll.iaril. June .'I.
litsllieV Scott relsirt that the slllHil,
giei n lns.-ci, that lias Ih ii iiollivd lu
Hut iKillglaa county wheat flelds, I. as
apM-arcil lu Lane county. Mr. Null
say the Insei-t iinr Istttis li Ihe
row of grain and are ipiite uuuif mil
in field lu hi vicinity. No one seem
to know the nature of Ihe st, but it
I feared that it may prove destructive
to the w heat crop." ll resemble the
aphi that I found mi rose leav.
Mr. WlHard Simmon, of llairl
burg, stated o u tin lav Hint th wheat
field lu that vicinity, are covered
with the insect, hardly a hssd ol
gritiu Is ing free from them. I'mler n
magnifying glas it I in s the npis aniini'
of a gns'ii grassliops r. The liead o
the w In nt, also inngiiilletl, shows no
damage thu lur hn n-silltetl. Mr
Simmon I of tlie opinion Hint Hie
warm e cat her w ill cause them to
leave the w heat, lie any that farm
er am grratly alannisl over snsbe
iluunigc limy l indicted by Ihe
IlllWelcoli: t Visitor.
i :cwrll Casunltlt'-.
J u nit 1S1.
A lar;.e ilelegiillitli of otir lKsiplu lit
telitletl I' e I'lea aid Hill plclllt! lust
Sulunlav, ami as ti-ual eaiiie home well
A propo-ilion wa uiudn to soun
Creswell lieople at PleRsulit Hill Sat
urilny to have a Joint lebratl iii by
the citl.'ciiM of PleKsaut Hill mid Cre
well at the ground lu ur the river it
of Cresweli. Acisirdiiigly a lueellng
wa bel l on MondaT evening when u
committte of six wa mdeeted to confer
w ith a coinmittisj from the Hill and
make all ina-iiry arraligemeut.
We will i-ortnlnly have a ci-lehratlon
und thai It will I, a success I assured
b, Ihe fai t that wenlwnv have good
relebrul Ion here, and that thu Plea
ant Hill tiile never tin thing ly
W. A. Tculsch, Henry IS'k and
Mr. und Mr. S. it. Mors n! tended the
drainl Lislgu I. O. II. T. In Lugciio
Ihi- wi'k.
Aitoiuril Po.t in aster.
i.i ... , . r'.
ill tnrougii i no iicveiotinieni oi i ,i ... , .;....,, .. ,i... ,.,.. i...
iu- .'.I... III.... II. It..l..
, ll I ' I iiii: 1 1 A v.. ill iik iiii.r.iii m.T
ps-d the i hurch' fallacy and en
iu.'.t;'il tt;t in to fight for truth. I'he
ICi'iiuissanco also created mental In-
llueiiee by creating a love for learning
which larilieatetl Italy
other Kcienee Uml we aomlre mi
leresi in MM'ioiogv. r-MM'lology i me
most complex oMhe tx-lellee-. il Is
linMv.ible to deal with ms cil !ne
iioiiiina Willi the same I in part ml cl
ing that we view other aclem-.
liovernmeiit promot. ss inl we.uie
by (irogresMiveuew; religion by ac
complishing reform. ih.oi-.i iirr
variol but the truth of soeioioty wi.l
only I diHefiven-d through ihe ibvel
opinnit wlilch are sure to utt ud the
work of the irellellt, put If I.l rtlid Mil.
The tendency of iirisieiit (irn.rre i
toward Individuality. Witii tills
come an im n-n-sl iiidivlduiil t'-rpt u
silnlity for ws-iul tsmditioii.
Toll A V.
Villard Hull was fllli! toiluy ut oolh
loli of the graduating exereim of
tlie literary department. The nit. ru
ing erlon osucd witli musio a
irayer, ifter which President .'hap
man read the ri'juireiiieiits of cmp
tilion for tl e .t ailing met IU--t wi
prize and the Jiid..-e Ps,g their j i -i-tion.
'Ihe g.lilli lii-n wlei-ted Vile
lion. W. I. Vawter and Prof. N. i..
Narn-gan of Mislford, and Prof. 1 h
N'ewlin. of Newljerg oollege.
Miiloh's Viti.lier i what you lus-tl ! that at the ni l or run inning trie l he nrsi oration w a l.y y. J. i.rat-
. . .. i i ii. . . n ... wire sPssl to i in vor oi tne inner iuiii on "r.very .nan to croni-i i-i.
for Iy. lria. torpid liv. r. i' llow , ( )(j the Actual Musi Have an Ideal." Tim
kin or kidney Trouble. Il i gunrun-1 id.-al In. it.-s the real, promote ,iM iiu-
tl to give you satisfaction. Price 7V A Miiall lloetor Ulll. man avaii' foent and the n tw iiing
cent .-'Id I v I'r. F- I. MeKenney, i Fifty --ri1 i- a m.i!l doctor lull, but I towards new ideal ha U-en t f""
' ' ' t but i all il will il you to cure any I behind all the ehiinai of tie- lutioii
Kail's i ir Ie.t, the new blissl , ,ir,,....r v i-i-e ..t rli.-iim iiii-tn If oil um- nnd rm of the eart h. Th true ideal
purifier, g. vis fn-siilu-ss and l.-nriiiss ! fb:ul rlai
to the injipiexi 'i and cure coiiti.a- j '"U will ! -urjiri-. I at
on. Hi cel.ts. V) cents and IL So.d ;
t n t l .I.". .,.... 1 .1
oy pr. r i. jiixvi-iio, Mje j y
Iih ln thu iiii an of pt i noting all
lu,'r'vi tnsiit in the w iM, all ad
vaueeiit. ll! Ill science, ll, . titloll Iilld
Pain I: .Iiii. Try ll nml
I at th- prompt r-
f i r-t fepiili. ut lolt
cent is.ltle for ili-tsjivi rv. A tuition' (i atite I
i m-i.i!-e.l itcirtlnig to It' si aii'lard of
0-i;; r:x A j morality. For hannony till thing
In-ruicatcd Italv and niirend
thioughoiil i:uro Study of the
past bnmtletis the inlinl and the mental
influence of an event I the only true
test of Its ((rent in-.
1-Jias M. I ndt rwissl spoke on "Arid
America lU-ih.mei by Irrigation."
The history of America I a history of
development. He sMike of the cliang
liigestimate of the arid region during
the Inst half century. Thu vastm-
ami rli lines of the region were tl-scrils-d
und artesian well and liioiin
tain snows mention!! a availulde
water sourer. Mntrrial redemption
is the basis of intellectual develop
ment. 'I he home Is the safeguard of
the nation Ihe ami region i most
fuvombl" fol home and will con liter
al t tlie l-olii 'leasiies of our eille. The
'.it I Ist .'Uiitig the home of typical
iwnciitiiii civiliiulioli. Ill coin Iti-ion
J he dwelt ursui the Influence of re-
p-e . t aria Ann rica ujs.n thu future
of thl llUtlop.
t Oiirge F. Welch's oration was 'i he
, I jirly PiotiM-r of (logon and Their
I legacy to '1 hi State," The right to
Oregon wa to tb s nd Uhhi the siio---lul
is ciip-ition of It, ami the rn'
wa lt wit ii lireat Krilsin ami the
I'liltetl Mali. Kveiit lake llieir
(.1st e Iii history according lo I heir no
ortaiicc ami the 0 r-t immigrant was
the most Important In the history of
Oregon. 'Ihe erhet settler wi-r
liil"iniiarii ai A their w a the first
government hiTe, but a provisional
goviriiUieitt wa Q'i forim-d. 'Ihe
Pallj liuartl, Juimi '.'I.
A dispatch waa rrrelvetl here thl af-
lei in sui that 'I'hiM. J. Craig had l'li
npsiinteil Mituiaster ul ihi place to
stiececii ,i. .tunnle v unhbtirue. we
in diet that Mr. Cnilg will miike an
exi-ell. nt olllelal, and tender our con
Ir AimiI.iniiku. The Linn
paisT are Urnming one
count y
C. W. Walt for slute ganio warden
Thi is one of olllce tiiut Could te
easily uIsiIIhIiciI without any detri
ment lo til slide. Lugeiie Oilanl.
'Micro I gissl reiiibllenu ilis'trlno ill
thi. The ofllcu shoubl Is alsillshed
anil Watt along with It, If neiiwary.
Salem Statesinnn. A fun ay thing I
that all these olllec It I desired to
altollsh were manufactured by repub
lican for republican. Thi game, war
den oltlce though only st a ainall
amount, and I a gtssl thing for the
state. Allsauy democrat.
fisllf OtlAftJ, Jutlff -1.
AKiiwrr.K. F. M. Nlgliswaudcr
wa arn-sUtl Uiis wi-k hy the consta
ble of Coyote precinct on a warraut
charging film with willfully breaking
down ami destroying a fulice eiiclo-ing
the laud of It. A. Ilollliisworlh, of tlie
value of M'l, contrary to the statute of
the state of Oregon. The rase will be
heard l-fore Justice McCullogli of that
precinct Saturday. la-puty ppsai-ciit-Ing
Attorney Potter w ill aps-ar for the
state and l. Ihlyt ii for the lUfeinlutit.
Pally '.'ial. Jans '.'I,
Itl.Tl Hri) IloMi:. A. J. Piekard
returned home frmn Fatern Oreiron
t.shiy at ihkiii. He Inform u Unit
very head of cattl" w a dclivrrel t x
cepllllg the three tlilll Were killed ttlld
drowned. He came over the iiu.iiu
taiii last Tuesday, and foiiud ll mile
of snow from 'i to -Ji) fi t In depth.
He say a few light vehicle liave
crossed, but think ll will Isi a month
yot load.! wagon ran cross.
Will un. tte river at Portland
s!.i,, lightly above the Uo-fiit murk.
I A I..!! ol v. u :il Imt htill high wa
' t. r.
i The nil thi inoining, nt I'.ugen,
rigisti iid .' I ii t above low water
' Mint U. a fall oi hi. of a I'im.I during Ihe
(: t t'liig '.I hour.
I I a. in iiiii tickets to Ya'uini buy are
now on side at the Albany O. P. tit pot
: ish from June 1 to t pi. :i I. Koiiud
I Hip tickets I. . si frmu Albany to Ya
, tiiiiut.
Albany IS inocmt: Wallace McCain
I nut, the 'young I'mllnml attorney, in
Albany a few day ago, w ill delivr the
j oritli. ii nt Lugcue mi the 4th, Mr.
! Mi ( 'n m i si ti t I un orator of ability.
I'oliut hi moth ilcstroy your will
lr clothing. Cedar l'.all will keep all
fairies, fine fi atlier, silk, wool or cot
ton, fiee fi un I tie so destroyer r
iiiemlM'r it I ls!!i cli. -r ami better
than cniuihor, Osburn At I Hi. alio.
The l-'ree Mcthisllst quarterly lins't
ing w ill I. eoiidiictcil, Juiitt 1U t 1 1 and
"t. i, by le v, II. F. Smallcy, chair
luiui, lit t heir Usual plat' of worship,
Comer of th ami Olive street. All
are cordially Invited.
A. L. Tl miaupkn, pastor.
Slug me ts'gitiniiig to mukn their
ap'uruiice on the leave of aoiuo
young cherry orchard in thi vicinity.
Air slaked lime dtit thrown on the
tn. from the w imlwurd aide ellW-tunl-ly
extermliiuli the -st.
Mr. J. II. Harris lrptlt 111.
J.W. Ilrow u ninl w ifi, of Salem, am
lu the city.
Shciill'elect Johnson und Clerk-elect
Jeiniiiig are lu town today.
Peter Kiiney ' health ha Improved
materially during tint last few day.
Commissioner Parker ami Perk In
are in town in tittciiikuieo u(mi court.
( apt. II. L. Hatch ami wife, of
Salem, un I veil here on thl afternoon's
Mis Lum- Laiicr, of AlturuM, Califor
nia, 1 visiting at the residence of
('has. Lauur.
Curti C. Strong ami Mis llnln, of
Portland, are here In attendance, upon
Mayor Friendly entertained (lover
nor. elect IaiiiI und Judge Leiin at a
dinner Inst afternoon.
Judge I,. L. McArthur, of Portland,
a reg.-nt of the Stale l iiivernity, canto
up on thi afterniHiu' train.
Mr. umt Mr. A. V. 1'clcr returned
hoiiii. fit'in Oakland, Cal., this morn
ing. Mr. Peter i still iiiltu sick.
Obi it'AliV. Win. Ilowmnn. who
tiled at hi home lu Springfield, l'litir
day, June li, wa iMiru in Kentucky,
Jiiuii !, ls'JH. Ftiilgrntetl from there
W illi hi father to Indiana, thence tu
Illinois, and then to Iowa, from tha
latter state coming to Oregon lu lsor
Is l.i, kettliug near McMiiinvlllo for a
short time. Hew a In California dur
ing the gold exciteiurut, then returned
lo the Willamette valley. During the
last slxtien year he wa a resident of
Springfield. l'tsik part in the Cayil6
war of is s In the company under tha
coiiimmiil of Cat it. Owen, a brother of
Henry Owen, of thU city. Mr. Itow
inan learesan aged widow, four aoua
and four daughter.
Itathrr .Strep
Than take lu any other form i what
many iide think and i'urk1 Tea la
made ror jui iiiomj roiK. it cure
constipation and though not a cuthnr
tin move the bowel every day. For
snlo at Yeriuglou'a drug store.
Dr. Price' Cream Ilaklni Powder
Weld'i Fair Hl(kt Awara.
Clltll in AIM ok Kl.HTloM. ('imn.
ty ClerK Walker di-sire to call the at
tention of the newly-elected county ol
lieer to the provision of Un- eh limi
law, w hich require ther'crk to limit.,.
out certificate of elretloti ami to tl
liver the same to ofihs r elect enti'.l. d
to them, Uiii their npilicntioii at hi
otllee. Thl sliotiltl I. done on -r Is
fore July 6, a the county court ucN
on that dut- for the tire of approv
ing the bund of the oll.vr-vlwi.
What is Eczema?
It is an aiony cf s ionic's.
A torture uf tortures.
It is a:i itclii::;; anJ buniirj of thfl
stin almost tryotj ciiJuraiice.
It is tliousuiJs uf piii-heaJgJ vs
Lies Qlcd with an acrid fluiJ, ever
forming, ever bursting, ever flowing
upon tlie raw cxcoriateJ stin.
No part cf the human skiu is
It tortures, dir-figures anj humil.
iates mure than all other skin J Leases
combine J.
Tender babies are among iti most
numerous vLtims.
They are often born with it.
Sleep anj ret are out cf tha
Most remedies and the best phy.
sUians Reneraiiy fail, even to relieve.
If CUIICL'KA did no more than
cure HUunu, it would be entitled to
the gratitude of mankind.
It not only cures but
A single application loften suffi
cient ta afford i;;tin relief, permit
rert a id sleep, a id point to a speedy
CvrtClRA works because
it is the mc.-t wonderful skin cure of
modern times. O
d 1.1
iu I 'm. a
fwuUl kVs s au4
' rut lh '
rsl. Prirs, (SfTIf e,
i sr. II. I tt pai
Cr..-.. Ka, "Ail
afeatssi Its.