THE KW Oi-MlUlJi lUMIUII.. I Ila4, llripilird ami reived. Nslailn lb-l ike Kugfllf a Mil Mar Have I ellaxe Central. (rove With tho Installation f the newly ei.i ie.i ..m. uiH in ii. . . , j ,..,, Juil. 1(, ' i. ..... u m.kI Ihe bull name at Wf wart track ........ -hi u. ...,.iui..l I.. the r.i.1.11. Nil. afternoon aiifxelllng contest of lun'ociioua .1. -1. tu.l... l lMl. r (I MJMlulrly well alt. -ii.lwl by siH-clators. . i...... ..t m. r ii,., ISoili nines played i'.khI Lull III! ( III.' ... .u..i.i. n....i .f the sixth inning Mini tho ey camel l.v their rcapecilve nI.h.I B l ...... Iv... UKci.e. -i... ..i.. i. ii u. i In Ilie flr-t lii.ll nf tli.i seventh the (. r....f I ..l ... ,.,.r,.,. l. Os IIIIMlo OHO SCOIO ami ...v... n.,,,...,..l l.u. Lm ..rcimnd '" Eugene' . tin it gntl.ered i - - . . ii .... Arreatril. 'iiiviiIIU Times, of Jiilin mil, The ( nv: On Monday, a muii by Ihe mime of Martin, ctimo to Corvalli, fnmi I .turn minify, bringing with l.liii nevcrul Inn. I of horse (o mil. Willi on hl wny a htray i.iiliiml followed hi baud, which cnn-ml l.ltii nuialdi-rublc trouble l.lnl whirl) In- lull III lint get rid of. AirlvliiK I., r, M.'trtln took I. in home n lit 1 1.. wny mil In the country, ami puaturcl tin in, Icuvlng thf stray out In lliu roii.l; nuil MMit word invk over tint hiilto li oninit hImiuI the linoe. Shortly nfl. r Miirtlii'n arrlvul, party frmii lu iir Juiii'tioii, cau.o ilowii Mini f;ot the home, nml wauled it wniruut iicd fur tin) arrest of Miirlln fur lioix--Nt.nllng, I .lit tlilx n.iilil liol ho tlonena the iinlmnl i taken from I.iiih1 county. However, the hnrae him tuki II back, mid yesterday ( lie hcrill rc.iivtil word t.i nrrcat Miirtln, wlili'h win done, nii.l which, appnr- nt I y , wii n great urprie to I mini. Ho i n at ranger l.cra nn.l could nt give la. nil, Imt from III alory of tlii itllulr In' wii ullowiil to go on hi own r.i-.iuiii.iiinv until tiahiy, wIhmi tho ii.iihIi.IiIi arrived from Junction '.o hike Ii I nt l.nrk fur ft hcnrlug. The iilmvt. In M in IIii'n story. 'Mil Iti-ililn Well. Nilcin (luvcrnnr I'eniinyer fiiinul liintM'ir nr.H.t nml II mil.- frmii Arlington, i.l Willow, Tin-winy limrn liiK, I'nily. 1 1' went to thi iliM.r MM iion li.ri'imin'ii li.iiim. nii.l nipM'l. A voiiv witlilii iiNki'il wl.n wi.m I Inn'. Tin. nnxwi r w ithoiil whm, "A frlnnl wImi iiiiI to In- tukrii to Arllilmi." Tlif Inn niiiii liiinivil lit lii.iiii'. Ho miHWi-rvfl: "I mil Hylv.-i.lfr IViinoyrr, j;,, of llii nlalf of Dii'Ki.ii, nn.l I wmit yu to Ink., mn In ArlliiKtuii." Tin voiiv w ithin mlil: "I mil I'M Mi.l.ini'.v; I mil workliiK for tin mil roiiil in'iiiiiii,v; I will my to you wlint ymi uniil to Hi.- irtniii.-iit: ou Hlti-iiil i. jour l.uolm-Mi mill I w ill ntti-ml to tti l tut ' " Ami till1 Kovi-nmr Im.l In lrnip to ArliiiKiou. Thr Mldinif Mountmn. I l.u Tin. lulli- ('hroiU-li, Juno 1 111.: 1'nrtli H w ho I.nvh Ut-n over tlu grouinl Ih1wi-. ii llu. IH kinl Itoliiii'vlllomy Hint tht wliolo nlilii of th liumntnlii li Im 4-h lirnki-u tin Into ft rn-run of Im-m-Iii-m 'riii'ii mi' lnlr Inrci-i-nouKli to hury n lox i-nr In. The hif ni.- M iiiUiiK In nil il.tfi'tloim, mi.l the r.iuiiil k.iK Mi)itiir toAar.t Hip riv.-i. All m li lniv Urn ov. r llili i-iut o tin-rmul my Ihnl llio t'uU.ii I'm lllc w ill hnvt wriiiu troiihlo In .-t-IIhk ovi-r or mnuiul II, ami Hint noih ii.K nt nil run Ik iIuiio until nftor l.liii witter. AmAkKi'K I.IAHH-Not only lm Tln lnlli- In-, ii anlii te.1 with very hili w nl.T, hut It I ni" mIo bit'ti anilet ni w ith linn, w hom llu-t'hroiiicle.lini up like Uil: Alinulu mul Hnphlr. mit. iI I. l-lory li-IU lix, wen tl xlrvye.! Urniiw Ihi lr uliN-k of truth hml utl. r Iv :lvrii out, It l unfi rlunnti thai liieir ilrml-H- ilul not in en r Mot their 1'ii.. iiv Ini-iiiiii bo iiumeroiiM. 't heir iI.-mi'IkIhuiIm I.uvi .'rin ami niultl-illi-.l like a liotf weeil In a Knnleii. Tlie oilier ilny oiih lt.tM-iil.Ult txlil the Dre L'l.iiiuu lin I'liiMlilln hniiMt hn, jn.t tl hy Van.ituver, ami Ihnl Ilie wlmle tow u hn.l turm-il out to "e It tf" l.y. Tlie 1 iimtilln Iiiim U.M! fu t liiuh i.inl la in the water to tin ileptli of 7 If K-" iil'lntl, or any other of the (-rent army of II.mmI liar, ean limn ni:e to tl.t.-it u.'h a liull.llilit III that I. ith of water, 1 1 icy emi ir.l ft erma-in-lit In!. In tlie navv iteiMtrtiiienl. Ill other IHKt hamlitl llnr whowiw tlir .i-ru lnniw co out Kri.i ItniwD lAwr-nr ..riflil. Ii.:t.irk IIi.iiii,. ofthu mn. mul of the varum w.Url.- to I. I'l.l'l ami llii. miilurtukliiK Ulrl of ea. li olllivr fr tint failhful M-rfortiiniuw of lhi ijutleanf hi ollli.. The iiiiinly nlllii'r elii-lil at Ihi' liut fleet Inn lake their n-al of cimi-e July'. Th eoil.lllimlolif r Ull.l ncll'H'l aiiiH'rii.ifiiilei.t am not n.iulreil l.y Inw to wi-urily fur lue fulthful ; ., illw-harKe of their I'utle. only i iiik nil I.-. I u h.ii totukethu oath of oltlee. TlielHiinlir iilr.-il of the othi r fomi tv (illlrliili. an- a follow: h'heilir. I.VUKI 4'olll.ty l leik '.,i" Tr.ur.r W AMr 6,"" htirveyir Cormier S.Kfl Jintlif of lht iaii 1,ii foiiKlnhle I," The ml line of (he M-i-rl oiiinly oiTIiit all.-r July I, IM1, will l . fullim: Hheilir W Coiiuiy clerk J-,1"" Tho coin. I v w ill allow ami ilr.iilli- to Die .licriir ami clerk, ami IU their coiui IihuIIoii. Count vJihIk" I t '.miiiiiIh-Ii.iii r l-'l -r diem heliiMil nix rliiU'inl. nt Tn'urer 6"0 Aor Icr Hf in Purveyor Vtffn. Cormier Kec. Jiihtlivnf Ilie M'Uf Keen. CiiHlnhle Fif. their MlreiiKtll of lt ami lleetlicM of fiHit totrether III ft alrlkllitf n.mhiria lion which won thviu wore f tumuli to doiiiiltt that or the miter 'mid Knl low ln I a llt of I liu , layer ami their Miiiioiia: I'iMlliuli. I H I II .1 II It V i. r 1. V i iii r tui '-.its. w u etui,a V '....i'.rll. Jl..i'i..r..i.n. t. ,rt,l7 l tO-.Jilr-. .I.-.II.J. U.U..V. I II. Mi... I. I.urkc). M.tlwwl J. A., of Collude ( imve, uill .irel for that lilne nml I. M. (Hen for thu Iioiiih Iri.y. W, .Mcljiieeii I fu Inlu of the former rluh, ami Clnrrnec l.uekey of I he latter. IAMK I U.l:ii. Jutit aa we iio to wo 1. :.m that no iiiore wonn weru liiaile lifter the m vi nth Inniiitf Ilul leaving tin- M-..n 11! to 0, In fuvor of Kuu , nt the of tht Ilrnt half of thu Mnlli iniiinir. Thf home lea III waived their LiU-t lu lling cliMiiif thf gainv. bnrprii Tarty. Illf, June 1... Mr. i. W. l'lckett wa the recipient ofauriirlmi i.nrly at hi lutmlioiiitf hachelor room In thu l'lckett hlnck lal fVfi.liig. 'Hki niirpriw- wa coin plele. Wliixt ami MM'lal coiiv.-ic nml excellent mimic-, hotli vix'al ami lnlru- llielilul, Wll nlovfil for ft couple of hour, Hfter w hicli l.v crenin nml enke, fruit, nut, camlicH, etc., nml light uliun weio wrvol. Certiiluly a very plenniit evniliiu wii ni lit l.v tlii-x. prew-iit, nml Mr. 1'ickrtl pn.vcil him Mir io li royal entertainer. Tli.Mf pn-M-nt were: Mr. nml Mr. J. I., llollinaii, Mr. ami Mr. W. II. Iloli'iiiau, Mr. nml Mr. W. II. Hmilh, Mr. ami Mr. Joel Ware, Mr. nml Mr. ().iiri hinltli, Mr. ami Mr. J. M. I.uekey, Mr, nml Mm. Win. Alexan der, .Ml- lllnmlie Nrniuht, Mnr liucritii Kelli v, Clam Arm. I.l, Mum Ware, Anna Slili.i-, Kilythf IIuHiiiiii. ami MerM. N. H. JIiiIm.!, (lixiruc Hull, r., It. It. UuycM, Humm r Huell, Al Wertliiliuer, J.m. DuIm.Is, Otho liil-rt, (i. W. l'lckett, I. I.. Cmiip U-ll. ( ultagn (irutf Item. Lruiler, Juno li'.th. We have It fnun r. mithorlty Hint there I n t-pii'l fuu.iiiM In thi dly. Tint Annie ml lie In the ic Riou la now in full i.m riitiou nml work ing In very rich grade of ore. J. H. Mfdii', .l.H-rlnlemlrtit of tint A niilo mine hn U-eii In Cottngulirove the pail week, llu rcpurl tint mimt In full o'rnlloli nml n very rich grade of ore I now lH Many miner w ho cmm .Imri. from the llolicmln inlm-w thia week rt H.rt Hint they have Ihcii hnviiig clear ftenlher nml ium.lilnu up there w hilit wuhave Ini'H having ruin ami tho miw hn U-eii dnipi'i.riiig mpi.lly. Our Iml. I are all full of miner. Home rx-rt miner nml ciipitilll have Ih-cii to llol.emln ami reiuiue.l. They an all highly ilcacd with thu gold quint found I lure ami think there lu woinK-rfiil futiiro fm tint iliHtrict. The entire llolii inlii .lintrlcl willU acounil aa never la-fore IliUaiiniim r l.y 4oi'lor lor gold. The richiii-HM of I lie gold mine iilrvmly In'lug ilevclop cl In lloheiula, I c(iiiiug cvcrvlHiv gollig to that district to Ih-coiiii l.llnrl ihi over the brilliant rt'cl. Jftiirilou t il; Iiciiin. Tliuen, June M. Owing In tho threnlciiing weallu-r the Jiilit t l.tll City camp meeting hn lafil N.tMinel to June Ul. There will Ins n gmn.l picnic nt Junc tion City In the iik glove wi .t of the hike on the Fourth of July, irivcn un der tlie nu-plo of the'W. C. T. C HK'iikllig, drill, lunlclillig, etc., ly Mimhiy m'Iii.!, 1 1 en r y I.orctx liu commcniiil to grnile I-rout lm t Knurl Ii for Ilie H. I'. Co. Thi ahoulil I ave U-cii done ln-t full. IU Iter hile thuil never though. ilarilej. At the Hotel l'ugciie parliin, Thuri- dny evening, June II, Vvt.'. W. Kin- i-y, J. I'.. Judge Itulna l.ulu I van. A. J. lt:.l.l. and I'he happy couple liuiulnr ol (heir waa Krcvtml I'V ft frleliii who JoIiiihI In ixtcmlliiB cou- grutulnlloii. Hie hrlile wa the ii--lt-lent of a liuinU-r of kiitvlniitlal pre ftila. Immediately aflcr the ix rviiiony the Judir and hi fnlr young hrlile left In their private conveyance for their U-nutiful rinldciii'e on II. c hanka of the Willuiuetto, alniut four nill north of thlacily. (i, W. K. I he I ' mill 1 1 In 1.0110 all afloat, can no longer U- clrnwd a an amateur. Was a Woman. Allumy Iviu-iH-rat: Hwii-t Homo hn a M'ii.ition. many yeai into I.ut.ker ami auuthfr (ierinaii lime Ixvn "lncli Ing" togi'tlmr In ft aluall Iioum- at that city, living In -nce ami harmony . A few daya ago Mr. l.ul ker artncr died, when the fact wa l.itrne.1 for I lie I foie he left and , flrwl time that the limn wa mt a limn, Imt ft woman, w ho ha.l Invii living aa man for year w llliout tl. t.-i tloii, and doing the work of man and Inileved ly all to he one. Kveii Mr. l.ul.k.T Iv'iiiir- aut of the f.u- that hi. im;ii,. anion waft a woman. H'-r hl-lory I not know u. he wa l.un . nt ri't II, .me, leaving ft inydrry turniuiidirg L,-r itraugr life. (rx Mamvai-tohv. We tin.ler- xlamllhal Captain liaa kwe.1 Mv'ian- that lie w a alw.ludly the building formerly M-etiplrd by . II. Abratii. a a ruh-r factory, and will Immediately coii.iii-ihv manufacturing hi hanunerlcaa fholkMiu. lieiitltuieii, Well inform cU Hi arm. Inform Ua (hi 1 one of the !! pattern tin r I. ave ever wi n. l'.U,t'Ue liould give Mr. Kuril f wry ible f ncouniKeinciit la hi enterprise. Mauufactori.-a are w hut we need to I. mid up a city. We will hate more to ay aln.ul the entab IIkIiiii.'IH ol thi manufactory In the Hear future. Nh IAI. Xkw, rolltli I over and we now d.-alrv to rt .rt ial .'ajlnir fully. I'I.m M ild in p, r.iial of friend going and roining, l.lior al.nd, or from al.nm.l, to yourself or friend, parti.-, ten, reception, pn. i.l.w. law ii panic, v ng.ig-ui nu or Werlillng. Ileal K.I win II. lot h, block tiou; I Vl. It Walker, It (HI'MTKY. John WIliM-nried lo W laud lilt 111, fi w: fl. Martha A Andenn.ii to Cha Haiicra, UK) ai-n-w In I 17 , r 1 c; wa Kvft h Keww.ii to J W Kewwin, laud In 1 1X1 , r 6 w; t.'HiO. Tho New KiigUinl Mortgage H-ur-Ity Co., to I, J Voder, W ftcreft In t 17 , r w; fo.uu. (i.o 1Iiouimiii to Henry Iong et al, I acre lu t J) , r 4 w: f 1 . () A C It It Co io W K rurkt-raon, 40 m-realn t 1M, r w: V- J M llrewater to .New Knglaml Mort gage Hrurlt v Compuny, 1.40 ftc.ln in t 17 a, r w; '.' (,' II umwalt to I J FcigiiMiii I m-ru In t 17 a, rU w; Tln.nia A ( lark lo T J Cheahcr, 1 ncre In t It a, r H w; tl.VK). (J K HjKHtr to Mary I. fjioor, 22 acre In I 17, r 4 w; (1. Die Suilileuly. iMllf unl. Juw 1. Shortly after 1 o'clock yfterlay nf- l. riiiaui I nt Kowmaii, an ibl n-iilnt of hi.rliiKtk'lil. dropiH-d di-n.l near Ida home In ihoeaHlerii eilire of the village, The dvoeiued ge ulleiiinu wan about ift war of age ami at the time of hi lentil wa ciikhl'ihI lo mowing wime cm In ft aiiiall field. Ilylanil.m mw him full aiiddenly while whetting hi cythe ami going ui. to him found lifu extinct. A doctor was m-iit for but It waa uelcaa to attempt a revival. Mr, liow uinn waft ploiieer of the vicinity In which lie lived. He leave mi ognl wife ami M Veral grown chil.lre n to mourn hi Iokm. Ft.le TraftWer. ' ' 1 Sa KkaM Iwti, June II. Tlie .fn.Mi riinmlclu liaa apecial from N ahliig- Clieaher U W T Andrew (, uu i my Ihe rnlUil Htatt-a I, hhtlton' aec.n.1 ftibll- will bring uil f.r M-V"1.'' agalniit the lr.H-aer biki c--lalca for the recovery of the debt owed by them to the govtrnnif lit ft atock bolder In the Central I'nclue lUllroad Comjiany. Olncy haa placed (he whole matter of government aotlmi with reference to the Central ratine railroad debt III the hauda of Altant Attorueyieneml Itui-IL Though i il in- U friend I v to tho railroad cor- porntlona of the country aud liftacon- leiweil no laltn in nucn pnx-reuuig-., o Hud lilmilf eoin-IU-U by i.rure bnmglit to bear by the j.rcaldciit and other member of the cabinet to carry out the plan of auing the fttockboldera of the Crhtrnt I'acllicMlina been urged uitoii IiIiii for aoiiie time 'ftt. He piw fcra, therefore, to place the reioiiibll ity in the coume for w hicli he liaa no tate In the hiiinl of Kum-ll, a mail who apiteara lo receive the rei-pect of all IntereaU-d partle. I'lider the law ull cannot be brought ngaiiiHt Hunt Ington until ho dleo or the debta ino-lure." Xrw Lodge Organlxeil. Iii:y itu.ol, Jim 14. A brancli Imlgn of (he I.oyt.l M atlc I-gloii of America wa oivuiiiteil ul the 1 1 T hull Iro-l evening. The main feature of the orgnnizatioii I ac- cldeiit liiHiiramv. I he charter liii'in- Ur 1 1 u in I ht nlHit ol), and the follow I UK iiained were the ofllecr elected: JO Watt, W C; Dr F W I'reiitlce, V C; J C Ci.KxInle, Jr. W H: (loo N Krncr, V T; 1ev Teutw li, W 1'. The upaiintive olllivra will be named by i l.v t; at tho next meeting, J uewlny, June 111, when the work of orKiil.u tiou will lie completed. W 8 Hull, the Mate orgi.nlzcr, waa a-lnlel by Mr. WiMHlworth, of Hulciii. HifMi.AW Hatchciiy. The ()ngi- lilnn any Hint it la ttrobablo hiiM-nn temleiil 11uI.ImiI, of the Cluckamiul hnlchcry, will lM'iit to hinrenif early in AugtiNt to look after the opt rut Ion of tho nvw hatchery on the HIuhIuw nt that Miiut. Kor wime time a three cornered (orn-poiidelice tin been ill plogrcM U'twceii Culled Male KImIi CommlMMloner Mcltnuld, Htate Sena tor II. F. Alley, who accured the a- proprintloii lor ilie liulclierv, ami Mli rntti-4-tor Mcliuirc, In which the two latter gentlemen prevnile.1 UK.n Mr. McDonald lo npHiint an eXKritncctl iiinu to oK'rnle the Imtchcry until tlio legltilatiire of Oregon could appmprlute fund for that puimhh. Mr. Melton, nld write t tint he "enti provide only for tho iiruvUioiia of the work, but iiuit-t ileiH'tiil uiHtn tho atwlHtniiee of audi I ruined men na the atate hn in the nervlce." Htrauge a It may wm-iii, Oregon ha no "trniiinl men In the ccr- viiv." but in turn mut rely upon the w it ormicli men n .V nutor Alley to provide Mr. Hubburd with urlialt- mice a lie tuny meil. A the new hnlchcry I no that it ha un limited wnter power, nml the llti can Ih- H iinei In a lialurul mmiI, 1'rotector Met iulre ht-Ilcvca that one able liodicd iiihu can do the work rciUlrel If he ha Mr. Ilul. bard' experience to guide him. Tlioiie Interested In the naliuoii induatry on the biualaw are expected In provide that one inuu until the niiirh-iH-etlcd appropriation la made by the government. ChiuiMik wilinoii coinmeiiee to run In the Siualaw dur ing the latter part of July. Letter Lint. ltllg.Mt.1 M A Itrockwrll Mr Brink Jonna I. IU-uiiion A It llniiokcnhf ImcrMr 1'rlgg 1) ('Hiiipla-ll Mm C I lui k Aim or : i din T v tilue It M I in-well Mm L F lloluiea W It Marvin llenrv .elun John M O'l 'urrell J allien Hay Minnie KllMM'll i 1. CuriH'iiler K M 0 Ihtnlel Mm ltd (later Mm Molliu (irny Mm lKtra Hamilton IUi.1 Kotlmnii I) (' Mcliulre H W Neunchwaiidcr Totter Hidney Ikim Frank It HuiiU Ml-. H TeunlN-ud I.lzxieThoniaa C II VcrdiitOcoW IMimWialon Sninl F William VirglnlaWhlte f nil Young I.oul Mm A rh.rv of oi mil mil h m.-l on arh l.-ti. r inn. one IVru. ii. railing lur letter will hi tthrn 41vrrtiM,l. Ul.N.MK W A.-llBl RSK, P. II. (VMMIhSloXUn.H Mk.KT. Iloai'burg I'laindealer: Tiely a lini-llngof the Oregon Soldiei'a Home Coinmhwlon waa held III thia city, and conaidcrahle routine buinea wa transacted. The comniliuiioiicm prcw-ut were Mium. Mullen, Trnin and Mckell. Twenty- i .....ii .... . i. ...... .... tt in ht ..i iiiiiw rir iuiiiiii nil io i lie i home, aud the applications of nme 14 othere were laid over for want of tho prtM-r vitiichem until the next nuvi-1 3 o'clock, lug of the (H.nrd, which will be in the middle of Julv. The work In con nee. t ion w it h the' home 1 Increasing rap-. v,l'ug aye, i'etler nnd the other popu Idly, ii. d uppllcalioii for admittance lit no. IVIter otlertil an ariieiidmeiit are liiig rvivived fntin all portion of changing the McKiuley rate of 11 to 7 Ihe atate. ivnt and of 12 to h ivuu. Tlieamend- . , . . im nt w a defenle.1, 113 to 35. Hill re- rrniiK-il rnmi voting. Allen, IVirer, Kyle aud Stewart voted aye. Ulll ! Atttfl. WaiiiuTON, Juiio 15. lU-i.reaen- iiiiout in. n. Me w ill probably be kiv- miive oi me I'acino raiiroad enmpa- en an rxamiuatiou on the charge thi "li-a will imt a.-ivpt tlie propoaitition cvt-iiing or tomorrow. It appear that f"r inleret on the funded debt at per ........ .......... . .... !.. l ..,! l..r,.. 'j, -r-t . . ii.miai Hii..-it- inuu iiiv r.uoira aw mill, w hich u io litigation, liaa Uen mU-ine of late. A aenn-ti warrant wa itrrx-unil and in one of lUrnhart't buililliig a planer, belting, tiamnicrw, etc., were fituud, ht-iu-e the arieat. A .laraer IHar lialaaaa. Kai.ama. Wat-h., June 13. Aliout N o'cliM'k thi morning, during a Uar-n-1 over liulf an acre of lund, Jownh Ciaik hot mid inatnlltly killel John Keller. The two null were nelghltor Ing fnrmem, living uliout lour mile north of thi plucc, and bod blotxl had exiMed between tin in for a long time. Two aliota were llrcd, tlie Ural not taking cllect, but the accotld hot hit Keller iii the buck a he wa ruuulng tocwiiM Ciaik came to Kuluma lui miilintely nml gave hlmnelf up. The iiiurilrn r uud w ifehnveulway Itornv a very bad reputation, ami Cook waa mi Jer Uui.U awaiting trial for luceu (liiiriom. Mi. Cixik will 15 placed under arn-t aa an acitoiiiIUe. W'nen the depute waa tnklng placrf he ran lino the hoiiae aud procureil a hot- gun, nml told her huxliaiiU lo ahool; ami when alio caw that the lln-t allot ftilliil to atop Keller, nhe aholited "Shoot him uiruin!" Kxclteineut run high and there is frurof lynching, fflartfrrtr hilled. t'onwxwiaiii. Cal., June 15. Kd- dinger, (he murderer of K. W. Joe, at l.elon. In Trinity ciuiity, waa kllliil by I (entity Slienir I'lelu li, of AmlerHoii. nlxiut 2 mile north of here at 10 o'clock laat night. The oltlivra found him walking on tlie railroad track, and called lo him to aurreiuler. but he n-fum-d to dn o. The ofUccra II nil one allot and he threw up liia hnnd. When llieolllu r were within of hi in In. llrcd tliree ahota at them. They gave him two charge of buckahot, kining him iintautly. Klllia II r a Vrui.rl lla.kana ltl'IKAUi, June 15. I.nut night noon after oVUtck Win. I Kinney, ex- city clerk and one oi the 11 known ilemocnitlc iMillticlniiH In llutlHlo, waa t-hot and killed in hi ntoin In the Kid dle building on Main street. Iielaney died without milking any statement. AUiilt midnight (it-orge A. Itnrthn loml, a tallevmnii on the Ontario ele vator, wnlkc.l Into Ik. lice atntion No, 1 and told Cnnlnin Taylor (hat lie waa the man who killed iH-lany, and that he wauled to give liimwif up. He wild Delauvy hud Ufii lull mule with liia wife, nnd tliut he hud gone (o hi rooms with the ex pre Intention of killing him. Ilalpki llu a U'alktrri, San Fhaxi ihd, June 15. A Wash Inutoii Hiieiiul to the Chronicle M.ra "It la uid in Wnxhlngton Seiiutor iNilnli innv atrike a aiing when bis re- liii llou conic up in the Oregou legis lature. It HcciuM to have it-en aexvpt- ih! as a mutter of fact Hint lie would be icturucd wilhoiit opiKwltloii In hi own party, but It I now wild that friends of licprewntatlve Hermann, will make mi e llort to w-cure hi promotion to the pluce now occupied l.y Oolpn. tier iiu.iin has lived n long In the atate and Ihh'ii bm proiuiiii-utly ideiitilied with It development nnd Interests as the seuutor. He Is now serving his tlfl It term na repreneiitative. If ller- tiuinu would give hi friends encour- ngenieiit In urging hi candidncy, it is thouuht iikciT lie could make a favor able light for the nenuiomhlp." AllllCF C ll"C Nil l Htf efVe Wasiiimitox, Juiio 15. Stttiator Mitclitil, ol Oregon, hn accured the niwngc nf a bill providing for ouo ad illtioitul Judge for the unit Ii Judicial circuit, which includes California, Or egiHi, S'evndn, Montnna, Washington, Idaho. Aluxkn and Ariiona. I his dis trict, If IliU bill alioulil become a law, will then have three circuit ludires. The npiHiltitmcut laexiHi'teil to go to tome prominent California democrat. Klllta Mr a falling Hmlcesif . riiii.AiiKi.rniA, June 15. During the rade of a summor ectacio Inst night a Mttloii of one of the terra cot la bali-onie of an olllco bililding fell up on the crowd oil the aiilvwnlk, beneath, cnikhiug tho head of mi old man and a little girl, and Injuring a numtwr of other hynlftnilcr. Caroline llelider, agiil Ut, head cniNhcd, diiil In altout an hour. Injured: Llz.le Hilton, aitel , head cruahed, w ill die; C'linrlea Hilton, 12, arm broken; Mary Stephen. 45, arm broken and badly bniiiM-d altout the Uxly. repullal Veirft lgaltl II. W'ami ini.ton, June 15. The first vote on the wool aehcdule waa taken at uiH.i-. leller's nuttloii to re- atont the Me kin lev rate on wool. Ut,t, 2a to 37, a party vote, Stewart von The Lar- Alwais llMlil. N.w Vkk, June K Another at tempt will m made within a few da lo limits for (he million of dollar tliut an1 u a"'l to lie deep In nm sound oil' I rt Morris. Just 114 year ago the llrltisli niau-ol-warlluaaarwa utik In the sound somewhere near Tort Morris. She had f5 (H Mi (mmj the Ku wildicr w Iio were trying to turn down Mr. Washington's foree. Many jii.ple pn.fif to lielleve that the inoii. iiallerua ef Ike 'f. TkoHPA!, Aulrlail Kileslu, June 15. An explosion of firedamp ocruiml In tho Johanna and Fmnxiska mine at Karwlu. Over 150 miner are al-l to have been killed. The elevator ....ft. mrm ilex! roved, and the fire Is snreadlm In ail dlrectlou. mines am owned by Count ImcIi It is U lleved at least 200 were klllcil. Tl,. .,,!, .Inn took iilace at 10 o'clock , . , . ... . . i. i!. .... i,' lop e pntiefa (o uciicve that the inoii. t night In I . I' L I still at the boltom. and tendiir. r. mines nu rePuueu iu .. . ..... . . , - i1B- iL.- , . IJUinlnem. ,r , '"T . " In ls:2 a company of cnpltallat pi anil laptmn ryinonu or l.eoiulii- lowed by ft serlee of olliem, the mot dlaiwtrous U'lng In Jolianneas pit, , .... I . . . kill... A r ..... wbirdemM too on. of Hi. er, Con.i.. In charge of a dredge and i Sk (hUn.ornli.iral.0!r. dlvem, and told him to dig un- f i T til he landed wune money, jia The official report place the number killed at fatally Injured 20, and 14 bodlea have already liecn recovered. There were five distinct explosions. The galleries of the mine are on fire, and it is believed a majority of the bodice have been conaumed. Taksa Isl el rellllc. Wauiiixotoji, June 15. This alg n I flcai. I order was Issued by Secretary Carlisle yesurday: "The authority to nominate persons for appotutuieut a keeper and assistant keeper of light In the lighthouse service was taken from collectors of customs, June 0. Iif4, by order of the secretary, and traiiafeired to the Inspector of the sev eral lighthouse district." "This ac tion," say Captain Evaus, naval sec retary of the lighthouse board, "ubwt. lulclv take the lighthouse service out of politloe." Leekl"- Aflar lata Flag . Ham FBAXtiHit), June 14. Mayor I'.llert held a consullntion with (unr antiue Ofllcer Iwlor In regard to the plague now raging In China. The law la verv strict reitardlnff the Inspection of vrwH-la from InfocteU porta, and the quarantine oflloer luformeu the mayor that he would be particularly careful In seeing that the regulations were en forced ou all veaaels arriving rrom mi nese port. No danger 1 apprehended from the plague, a the microbe of the d incase are killed after a lapse of eight day. A it take the steamer over 15 days to reach thi city from Yokohama the conclusion of the board of health I Hint the dlnease will have worn Itself out should it 1 manifested on board of any of the Teasel bound for this port. riaae Daw a a ('asps. Red Uli kf, Cal., June 14. A log ging train belonging lo the Sierra Log glug Company, while crowing a trestle near the Yellow Jacket mill this morning, left the track aud plunged down the canyon, instantly killing ltnn .yon, uooaKeeper ai me compa ny's store, aud a boy about 13 years old, named Spencer, who were taking arldeou the engiue. The engineer aud fireman were not aeriously hurt. British Qaarlsr Threat.. Hoxo Ko50, June 14. Seventeen hundred Chinese have died of the plague since May 4. The Eumtcau Hipulatlon up to the present time have not been attacked. The epidemic Is now Increasing In severity, l'lacards have been posted in the streets of Can ton, saving If the government destroys the Chinese quartern In Hong Kong the liritlh ouartera of Canton, on tho Island Sha-Mien, will be burned. Ilaatlag a narasrtr. ItEHnixo, Cal., Juue 14. Eddlnger, th highwayman, who shot and killed E, W. Jose, last Sunday night, at Lewlston, TrinltT couuty, wa seen parsing through here laat night He wa tracked to the river, so that he is surrounded between Anderson and Clear creek. The country in that vl- cinltv belli heavily covered with soil timluap If. will niM.ltatn t some delay In locating him; but hi capture 1 only a question of a few Hours. A Very Black Sharp.. ItM Akoklk. Juue 14. A. A. Nlckemon, bod nf tho general superin tendent of the Eastern division of (lie Haul Fe railroad, ha dlsnppenrvd, and 1 an embezzler aud forger. Nick craou had been leading a rapid exist enoe, and yesterday he forged the name of two person to checks, and passed them oil at saloons. One wan for f '10 and th other for ITS. A w ar rant for hi arrest wa burned. Nlck emon waa a elerk under Division Su perintendent lk'amer, In the La Uraiide depot. A Halle ef Jeaastewa. J0HXSTOWS. Ta.. June 14 While ditfiriiiE a trench throuali a cellar that liH.l tieen niled up during the Hood of i trying worKmea unearthea a parlor car lost from the ill-fated dav ex 1, reus at Conemaugh, and It I beiieveif a fur ther search will reveal bodies. man aged to get some old bits of coin and plenty of Hint, but nothing more, so the company illolved. Then the Chapman Wrecking company tried a hand at gold digging, but di.I not suc ceed, so they gave il up. Now Cap tain Thomas Merrill protoM- to go in to (ho buHiucaa upon new Hue and new theories. Ho say he ha valua ble information iu his Hjaeaaloii relat ing to the HuMtir and expect to laud the million In gold before the sum mer Is over. Moat people think tho gold waa stolen when the man-of-war sank, but Captulu Merrill I not one of them. Lecasls Take a Trala New Yokk, June IH. Seventeen year locuats. took pfHwemiion of the lAtng Itranch train, which left Jemey City, at lu o'clock thi morning, In a wihhI near A vend, eight miles below l'erth Amboy, auu drove the iaaeu gem from the cam. At this pnrtlculur sot the earth I lioiu-yctimbeil Willi the locustt, and they cover tho trees ti the depth of an Inch. Millions of the pestllerou In sect attacked tho Itiig llrnnch train, and Ik-w Into the cam through (he oh en windows. Women screamed mid stood on the seats with their skirts drawn tightly nboul them, but they were fort-til to light the Iim-uU witli their hands before tho train got out of the cut. The mi-lie wa a remarkable one. All old rnllronder aui.l (hut he had been iu half a down wreck, had been held up twice iu the West, and thought ho bad iiltout every ex-iiet.ce a rail roader was cxHtd to, but thi wa a new ouo to linn. WixnoTKK, Ind.. Juno IK In the parlor of the Commercial House Inat night, occurred a scene seldom wituewtcd. Tliree women, each the wife of Edward McCool, celebrated the prize of four and ono-half yearn which ho bad drawn in the Troton North. Music mid duncing were the program of the evening. McCool wa charged with bigamy some mouth ago. He protested hi Innocence, but when Con fronted by three IiuiiiImiuio women, who em-h had a leano on him, he weakened aud pleaded guilty, and wa sentenced by Judge Monk. The In die register! a Mr. Mary Flaunt gnu, of Flmllay, (., Cora Stewart, of C'olumbii, 0.,"ainl Vann Hlutt, of this city. They invupled the same nwiii at the hotel and this morning had photographs tuken Iu a group. t'lavalaatt la Take aa Wallag . Vahiiin(;tiin, Juno 14. Ity the advice of physicians rreaident Cleve land 1 1 us about decided to take a short outing, going down to Chesapeake Ilny. It i lln.Uk.iit a four or five days' outing w ill re-tore hi usual vignroti health. Cnptuln Evans, of (he light homo tender Hubbard, will aconin. pnuy I1I111 ou his voyngc. Paeullsls aae Irt Waal. Wasiiinotox, June 14. Tho popu lisU iu the aennte Allen, l'eller, Kylo and Stewart held a H.rlal confervnee 011 the subject of free wool. The four have decided to vote for lYlfer' auielidments, giving wool 5 or 6 cent a Kiund protection. If all th repub licans should vote tho same way, two deinocrutlc votes will be necessary to carry. It I not proliablc theiw could be found. Five or six democrat would bo w illing to vote for a duty on wool, but for fear audi action might ujwet the entire agreement to stand by tho bill of the fiiiuiiee committee. !w llaaapshlr reaallai. Maxciikxteh, X. II.. June 14. The people part? In the state convention nominated George D. Epn for irov- enior, aud for congressmen Joslah H. W itter and E. M. lilodgut. A tilgaalle twlaal. Prrlrrrrd Usalh le Jail Si'HiMiriEi.p, Mo., June 15. Ilath er thau go to lull, A. Itnscotu Craw ford, einlM'z.IIng c.i-hler of tlie Ameri can Nutiomil l.'ink, ycnterday after noon turned n revolver oil hla heart. The act wo iiiihIciiiIv and the bullet went above the vltaf organ. He I so badly hurt Hint he will die. A week ago his iKiuilsnii-n Mirrendercd him, mid ho hn hIiico under guard, without hiiecwi', lo cet new IXllHIS. Trial l rratiui Wlutaa. New Yokk, June 15. Era.itu Wl man wa croai-exumlucd tmluy as lo the charge of forgery on which ho I laving tried. Several willlew testi fied to In prcvimu g-toil churacter. (ienin.1 Tfucy mlilriwd (he Jury. Hi mulii pirn w im the nrweiice of criininul intent. He ii-kt il thojury to consider the vuluc of Wiiimu'M scrvk'O In build- inir un the Dm. ul', :iev. nml the furl flrvfrfl f')s T,... II T... K 1- ...... blt ...... ...... . . - t ,'n.,,.n. vviuMuun ii, iiic nml,; wiw.iii.i'i in... i . v w a .:iriliei 1 u of II. It. Chamberlain, having a face ' the ngeiicy with powcm equal to thoye value of 2,0Ui,000, have beeu sold at auction for tlOO. Tho aneet of the Chamberlain Investment Company, share and deed, aggregating t,0u6, imi, are likewise worthies. Asaiguoe Ellsworth ha not a dollar to bar proved claim of 12,000,000. DOBIM FKRRY. X. Y.. June 14. The foundation of thr stone monument to mark the spot wi.ere WashlmMon had his headquarter in 17S3, wa laid to. Of Dllll hilllHif. Wiiimn w: foiiinl guilty, with re-commt-iiiL.lloii for uu-rcy. t'eanirrlrli I am I nrsrikcd I.AKAYKni, Ili'l., J umt 19. Alvln Collin, a p!u.-!crvr, was n muted ou a charge of puling counterfeit money, and wn tn ImlluuapolUby L'nit el State MiirHlml Hawkins, together Akkti:ii roK I.ahi'KXY. IX I'Uty Sheriircronerarrrtdtl T. T. Ham hart, nt I'.lmirn, thi morning, on tbecharge T l:im nv, ami arrivetl liere w llhliiin li nt., and lonill 50 year. Ther claim that the iiliinim could not pay such I merest and nmke the payii.enl on (he princial called for in (lie bill. Allaaia f aiiaa l iaaslilaa. W.-:nii ro.. June 15. Tlie armU coiuiiiiiliv on etliii-nllon au labor to lU.M.Kit. A Cottage ('rore dlwtch day uiiai.iuiou'.ly to favorably says: "Some Montaua0rtic have report a hill providing Au appmpri-l.-aml and la.n.lnl several fulnra at lion of Kt.'n for a govrmun-nt rx IU.;.. inla, ami will avn have them lul-it at the pr-tjiowil cotton expo-ltlon open for for Helena and at Atlanta, (.a., as an aiuen.imtf t to Chicago mining men. the sundry appropriation 1-iU. with Joiiu S. Weber and 'William Weber, his son, who were also arrested by Icputy Marshal Agnew. Colllna lUrhfi l.,..,,. m iv.J. T- i i 1 usiieciei or comp nity wiiu me o?2U VlPrrdllnt 1T.BTI, To Ly. ' .tofore, , ghlyr farraem of iffiE BSSonfdthX I AJ.iV o'uanti.y of bogu. Warier, mtm. j com w as uueaiTueii on lue vieuer larni Jlrs. Dlggs III. Toi'bka, Kan., June 14. Mr. Anna L. IMirg U oniicall v 111. Her condi tion 1 due to suirrage cnuipaign work beyond herstrtngth. Chlrf Jasllcs Calrrldg Oraa. today.- Newa(per men are blamed with a lot of thing they can't help, such a using partiality in mentioning visitor. fivlug new about some folk ami i-avlng other out, etc. He limply I prints the news he can find. Some Loxihix, June 14. 1.4-r.l Chief Jus- Ieiple Inform him about such thing tlce Coleridge I dead. and other do not. A reporter should ,,.... . j not be expected to know the name Daci.. A,.,.., Pa.rBa. J,uJrwWinw,ofBa ymir aunts, un- CmrAOO, June 14. Jud.-e Payne to-! cle aud cousins, even If he should see day refusFtl a continuance i i the case them get off or ou the train. Tell us of assassin rrendergasi. and tomorrow , about It, It new that make th will set a date for liu- insanity trial. newpo-r and every man, woman or Attorney on both :i'n- bad aake.1 a child can be an a.-M-iate eilitor If the coutinuauce nutil NovemU r 12. jonly wiiL Q 0 O O