I'NIVfcKMTY Or UUU.OX. !f.. i, . iir.inu iiuvg my lit Ui(, i.i rnr ncmu. . d.',.thur beomiug Voai with in- "No ,wer under liav.n , .,.. balls i.u.nl. Jim . ' vrnt the human liilmt from douhtiuu' Tlw weuthcr was not the nul fv..r- ' ,'T.i '""'I' !.' ' lh '"f''t ery fr able for tlio commencement iKf. Ua I !? '' knoH-,lK,. A Noah n n I of the liiivcrslty of Oregon which I,. I ..J' , ,v". '5'"," ! "'Irk; " ,,u""" i.i. .t . . . . IllllliI sen, la inrt li its .l..nl... . ... . ... . , , . " - .......... Ml .'-, lit waves, which 1,1,1,. tie Wor,i ,,f tude ls'iicath. seeking some la-ak mi wlilcUlln.Miii.il tun tln.t some safe ml tlnal hU'imiii. The true method to conserve the truth U hi the higher education of the tcoplj. The iuikm mu-t grow w ith the growth of the age, thU age of wonderful development nm hi n.'-tt-.,.r..i. gull with the Unfalaiinule k, tii.oii v urday. Vllhird Hull was well tilled however a it-1 the m riimii r revived many cominc u.lulious from t ! pres ent. A chorus of hi picked voice, un der the direction ol I. M. Oh-ii, ha Ut'ii organized fur commence uu-ut The following praise, aervlix' itreocdcd the sermon: A nt lif in, '(ircut Ulhe I.or.1 I'horiiH. "Ilaydcii K. v. II. F. tiill 'Mutioah." Invocation loxo ogy II J in it Iii-iuliiitf of Mcrinturc Kev. Wm. r. (.ilbcrt Anthem. "I Will Fraiae Tin."... From Furiner'a Mass ( liorti. pravcr Kev. 1. X Hulii, "Ave Marie." 1. M. tilt h. . Shorey, of 1'ortlund, de. crmnu. it in text was tK ll.l-l i seek tliv prcccpta." wa "The lien- "1 oil all know that to U- men ami women of thl character ami strength if lliil.le liuraMt, ynu mii.t grow men tally nu.l morally us well as physically. That growth must lie healthy ami coo tttiuou. Hut how many of you rea lize your lltwrty In thi urowth, and thut you are lex tlt'emlfiii upon oth er than ukiii yourselves. That you I are nt liberty is-cnuaf Hod uiatle you Mclnturtt I so; to select or reject the incut, of l.iuzl prow th that lay all around you. 1 lint ...I......... I....... '...I .1 I -i i mi ihik i....eit hi. it sua. Ilev. II. A llvi-rcd the ru from I'sulm hi lilsrtv. for 1 The theme annotiiiee.l lui or Llbvrty." "Tlio wonl liU'rty U one of the ttw wortli thut ha found a home In every laniruaire. The love of Utterly U In- ttltn-tlve In man, ami that InoiiiHt I out of your way ami manner of living all. I. IliuL 111 a MJliat- u n Art u.v..ii lexi waa iaa- 7 . i . ' . . . "1 will walk t"Kethi'r auto he ilreiii!eiit, ytt In a .. I 1 n.iir mill mnhi an. 1 I'm ........ . . i . Itniwtli In llnteiH-ndeiit of all tliw fi reta around ua. Ullieiive III man, ami iiiai iiimhii'i i ; (.nimij, ... j nu,r - of Divine orlk'ln. The telid. iii-y of Joye.1 the rivileKe which Mil laud of I'lirUtinil flVlllllllilll in til lillM rvi-aud eiilnrp! unto man thin IHvme instinct of liberty. In uiii'ieul times nian waa reganleu "Imply n a force to niiiiUU-r to povernilieliU T'alny i;nveriiiiieiit I mad to niinii-tiT to initii. Toduy, government Injudtil ly thevtamlard of tH-rwiiml lilvrty. The oljeol of mod t rn elvlllr.atlii U the liU-rty of man only laeauae It la eaX'titial thut he khoulil have thin liberty In order to I a man. Liberty l the f.Mi.1 on which he feed and M a larger growth. And thi liberty l not civil liberty alone; but It l UU-rty a exireU in every relation f man. The lilrty of the acliolar, of the Inventor, of the din-coven-r, of the dillmpher and ot the rellk'loliUl. Mind, today, atantU w ith out a letter on lit ahajaly liml, or l he marking of a IukIi aearrlnc the lieautr t.f lu fair iroortlon. Thla, man hua won; the riht to M-ak, the riht to nwd, the rijchl have hi own opinion. And this rlht U a vlmlit a tion of that liiHiintt which exi( In every huinaii heart, and exlidit there hecaUM the Alinitf lit y put It there. You , furthermore, that till in kthict of liberty ia one of the lronpt Imllcatiiiua of the Spirit of thai iu ...... I li nt liilluto to nronoiiiitv It one of the treat element in ua which make It rMiwtible for n to be the on of (iod. For one, I feel like takiiiK the broud ground that no mini ever reached a IiIkTi Mate of manhood bv the acirptam-e of any man' or l of men'a view. The atle aahl, 'Let every man I? fully erualed lu lit own mind." Auain, the apotle hit the null aiiiirily on the head with till hammer like charge, "Trove all l.i.i.ra li.il.l f.iat I hat W il it'll I ITOod." I a, . Ii 1 I liii.l irK I ..ink tltvi.lv into vour mind. That growth la not a thlnif of tiHiuv, nor or tin worw, uui n i a tiling of the futme, a think' that relutea to our (irrui utTiu.j . y i- vard 1 to U valued not for tha ulli tude to w hich we are lifted, u Rrnnd nathat I, but rather beeauae it re nare u to take another. You we that uiv tliouu-ht a it relate to destiny I not nalvntioii alone Nit an ciuipment fi.reltrnul protjreaaion. Indeed my friend", what l aulvatloti and where I It found If not in the life and rtow th of thtae Immortul jKiwer w ithiu mo. Kven n the Muat. r nid: "Whowi lievctliinme hath everlaatln life." He w ho, loving truth, at arche for It, and bv earueat etnleavor MciIh It, ha with ft alao fouml life everlaatinu. O friend, w hen ahull a milckeued faculty ever die? When ahall a devcload ia iincltvever perlah? When aliali the it.ul,tUlttl w ith the flee apirit of aeek ..... ....i ..,.. ii,,r in prm. ever betitue li her...i or ahrunkeii. Aw not these as llxed atar in the tlrmameut of Um1 that fall not, nor fall, nor ever lade, but ahine w ilh a certain gl.ry forever and ever. A R. will pa, but the very ..iii tl,..ir la-aiiia and atreiiRtheti tlie f.-rvor of their tire. I he .i....r..r ti.t. ... r t of nciuiry .... ...... i. .i.r..n.l l iIhi world. fCt'lll a ....itr.r n.rUtian Urtv. Ihi-ae men of Ki-called blk'lier t ritlcUni In .. i.i.... .))..riii.llanvi.nd truth, wa-lii to me to lie doing tiotl . work I be lieve that they are minim fr the truth, and that they will find It at the l.iti.in ofeverv anail mey a.... . j TO TIIK t I.AS.S. IIer, 1 a clita of vounir u-i.i.i.'ii and youim men w hose puat iiua hern largely preparatory, ihey huve en wonderful (Mwiriuuittm vive to i i rv one of il ehildrvii. You go fi.uu the hall of learning youuic laditv and youiiK lii'iiiieiiien inon.iiRiiiy inuiieu to atep ucroas the threshold of active life. Ill the Very aturt two tluilR.-ra meet you. One is to not fully realise what life mean. It I thai duiip r and not the lavk of opHrtuiiity that i the eauao of the multitude of failure in the world. Here la the first dan T alartliiL' out in life, a half notion that uceea grow in preat cluatera, like wild I nut liv the waysule, ana ravorn ble wind blow It Into the lap of the f.irt oiimIi. u-lii.ti all r.l i.iii.'.'tt L-niu-t on I. itrii tree, ilillloull to reach, and I . .it. i lianil pirat'.i. The other dimmer what ahull I c.ill It a certain uudellne.1 aotnttlilrik' vuu are cotiM'iou of it in your think In jr, yur lielleviuts, your actliiK, some how you are haiiiaTetl; you lianlly dure utter your latest thought. Now the ptiiiflpl we haveadvamvil walk Iiik in lita-'rty by the precept of (iod, w ill owrcome the olwtat'lt referred to, tjiviiiR atreiiBth and character, to ev ery u miert ukl ii g. The ambltiou to ucci-ed In the world I a noble ambi tion. There i always room at the top. The man w hose abaorbiiiR am bition I for money, rati Ru'u the world' inllllon, yet lie one of nature's noblemen. Make your money abil ity your friend your M-roiml and lat'fririid to help you la a larger ii'id U ti r man. Itut liberty of choice presaea ua hard er today in the line of citizeuship than of any other. The qin-s'lona thut are to decide America' destiny, are not church u.nt Ion a, or school question, nor taiitr and finance Uestion a some think. The great burning ques H...I ..r t.utav la tlm adinlnuttralloli of Lrovcrnmeut, eaeclally as I think, of ti government of ttur cities. City ilinliiiatratioii is tudav a mutter of more moment than city missions, rim rmnnnalbilitv of it. thecrriac ain in IL the burninir shame alsiut it, lie at the door of the Intelligent, high mludisJ man more than It doc at the door of Tammany. It is when the t'hriatlail neglects tho caucus for the prayer melting. It Is when the stu dent hides himself behind hlaclulio- . . . ,...,.. nil aiill.A l.ll.4iti..l. .if INIC llimwu " . ethh's, railier than how lilmaelf In the aililical anna, mat wiu men gi i away w ith nouilnating conventions and a,, direct the adiuiniiration of public allalr. It Is the man of high moral landing, gathering his role of respect ability around him and will not touch the foul thing pollllai, who U re apoualblo for ttie corrupt iidmii.latri- If convention by the cunning hand of the politician do not nominate giod men, then i he divine right to latlt al ways belong to the man w ho walk In IHwrty bv Uod's ptwepta. I woul'd cry aloud better far Utter neglect your mission, your churches, vour Institution ot learning, man apirit of HU-rty in Jeuof "''" y0urcltlwuahlp. Ifgad men walk- the lils rtv to think a Heaven ma.ireu J,,,, t.ir liberty hy tlie precept 01 Him, the'llbcrty to aay what He had (ji, ,, the favor of (i.al, l.s.k up- thouht-ha revolulioned the wor d. on t,eir relation to the city ami stale n tl.b .,.lril nt illflllirV . . ...... 4 tl...lr rululinn .... n.iii.n irnil a th. lr relation III. HBII"I. M - - ... to the kingdom ef tiinl, they will vote a surely and conscientiously as they .in ...... Tlmii will maka their voca- will in J i"v lion and their profession honor their manlKxai. i ney . m minr; ter tairs upon which they climb Il.venward. And the world will i- i-.it..r lnauMi thi v walked in It mmuiu n . " . , i w .xs w..- j do not nnd it separate imm error. i..r, wlth ,jlH.r,yi wnne uie common ... will not 1 able to divide the ,ru" 'r"M2 1 ties of such a life will crown It with . ,l.......lvM i tai win DC douebv their successor. Ihe mxi age will correct our iiiiaeonception. even as we today, are able tn ,correct the misconception of the 'ajner. 0.al d.a not H-rmlt the world to be come debtor to any ot.e age alotie. il. .... ...i.i,.i. uhi.'h art five. j ne ii.ir. iiciuii-.. - ------ - " : which history giv-s, which isatryand . . ...i.i.... ...... Iii. ii trivt of . I . , .. inillior.itinj. Frienda, the life of the man or wo mail w ho has grow n the root of fuith int n. orMvntsot Ood. aud walk lu the liberty of free choice of life' busl ness, can atand when the wind of ad versity blow fierce against It. It can steady itself and remuin firm lu the in- .nt. ......t.il i.f t .llvt.n sr.il a which history give, which , .comipuo. 7 if- musie .rive which emotion gnes u. silcoeaaiui man ""J i - music g jy, " " , ...ii. ..i.iiv he nir tostMletv and eternal luinira. iiit ..nv . v.i.. . , - ., ., - . . . n. .. that they mav be mine and re- the world, and when lod cl.s k Ice Tha " Il r mind act dillerently ; Htrikes the hour of departure from the than i ne Wl.ver brimr a bit of Viv. ,nd rons-craUi dul.es n arVwsto..e-w h.,ver brinevena , the higher and nobler .rrv.ee ZiZv brick, to the wall that rvprc I H...vcn. it shall hear. a. It on nt the teint'le of mv Intelligence and to th- Kternal Shore, he DiUne ap- . a V -.-.-. ..iiarrv . I i:ttVV.ll IWifll-" my iu.1..-. .V ; r"rl.; ciWd with the hymn he l.ewe.1 ine our. . . - , ": - " Mp K,1,.1)i.eru ... ,,.d Jlciicllctlou by IU v. V. K Iveride. we.1 the one, nor irj.iu w n.v -.- , i i,e r.. v. . - - '.- . i iti. n.iii.r.iiiKi nrniiii uri "iiis ijoni is J --- - nemoi"'"' " .:.,. : - ":..... i,v n,.V. I). K. Iveridv-e. i.ut me under ooinrii"s m ..... . Lthe ni-Htle says, "I am debtor 'to r:..i. .i.-'u and the Greek." It la n.H aamem-s of thought and unity ol Yit-w that leaden of thi tliougl t should ll.-l-t " Ki.wtki) Prix'.ipai- Harry Hop kin, w ho graduated from the I nix r- i of thi liiougni i - ( ongon last year, granuaieo Tl,. v al.ould onlv I . i .1 ..ii.. i 'i.II.h at Ots-rlln. 'bio. Insist, and the time is ci"a t,. month, ne win now ... .. hey will onlv ins.-t. that thought I , ,,, Krrilorr, and Uke a ji hall Is- Iiitelh'k'ent ami reverent. I ! tion tm ..rincii-ai f academy th. re. I. rhe w 1, Ve line wiiich must Is- jdu o- " lJt u, ,! r'i.tly elect,. y chalked in all oiir sch-'l ' "- He I. a son of J. H. Hopkins of this l'ng. , I city. A.I contemplate the i-'t!"J ! ',,.( i.rr. I foiirt-t their errors, I rememl-er no ,i,.All w t g,sl new. to our farm- their blunder-. I forgive them , their occa.lonal ha-t.ness " J' ''J1"; ! 1.,,,,-,. June ls.-Kr.gli.h mark I only r.'memb.r th. .by r labor. ( ,iu,teui:,UlT i'w'S tUt t;nc:,harm;'ceu,. higher. San FrancUto s.n.ng. KKIli AY, Jl'NK I'.. j Mole Ilk.' rUlllllitT. J. !1. f;,i.ipUU 1. In I'ortlun.l. II 11. 1'roiik of AlUuiv, t in llu- gelli'. 'I In . y Juiictloli 4 it bahiy. " ' Wullit Nii-li 1- ui.ji, t; Cirvallia to live. I'n.f. l oinliiii nliirnr,; 1 ..m,. tl.U n- to. U.S. n. .corKc l i-lui w.nt to 1 r mi i:. is ill ten. isi:i on Hi,, train. Mrs. Mary l'ronk-1 It iul. i-o.i, . f Al bany, ; vi-.titi in I!.;,! i Tlie t(udi-s of tin- -di'sil jcir, :it the 11 li iv. Tilly, are nl an end. K. II. I nul.. tin is iKiviiu' the front of h!s atoiv bull. hug ii'ialuted. This kind of Mr.tih r Is ii.. . . i s, l- airawucrries ami cl;vir:.s inri. The vounir convict, l rov. has i.r- rive at Salt-in from Sun tjut ntm. iKm't fiireet to tell vour fii.-ml r.,.,1 Iheeegle will aere.im'at l.lnclie, J.,1.' itll. The t'orvallis Maiilie I'.aud tint Uvii euuaui'd to uwiri the Mugeiie I'. iiii on July 4th. F. M. Coleman, of I'nsik count, i lu F.ugtue visiting leluimi's uud friends. The orlli lul vol,- in t'urry county on tiroMt'Uting attorney !: Amu" '.i ., llrow ii 1 Kirns Ini. A cull is printed for an au'.i-iioise-thief usMsiution to Ik.1 orgiiiiied to morrow ut rendu ton. Hon. li F. Allcv. editor of the l lor elitv West, w ill deliver the Fourth of July orutlon ut liuunou. It is rumored in Washington, 1. I'., thut Couurvsamaii 11. rmuiiu w ill Is- a Candidate for 1'. S. aclmtor. Hugh A. ll'ii r li ft for ulii'i rni:t Wedin-Kihiy ihk!.:. It is rutiioii.l il.nl he w ill not return a single iiiati. Hon. S. W. Condon ami f.unily mid Mis Alice Ihirris went to Y.uitiu bay this morning w here they will spend the summer. Misses Hat I ie and loni Iiiekii.x'ii aturted for Astoria this morning. Tin s will prolably visit Sun Fram isoi ' fore they return home. Thecilvof Ful'iiic will let a tvn- tract for the grading and gravelling of rourtli street Ulseen Lincoln uml (iiaruclloii sir.vts, from Fourili to Fifth, June '.'i at 7 o'clock p. in. The hedge on the south side of Mrs. ruderw.sMl'a residence pro'tty 1 Is lug cut dow li and the walk straight ened. The statement in yesterday's tiUAltK that ("has. Ilraiu,"r., !c.t-. -.-.I, was Mr. W. Kuvkfti'laU'a father, was a mistake, lie was only a distmit rela tive. The caaeof ('lulboriie lloiiuey agninst the ity of F.uucuc for ilumage w ill not la tried at this term ot the circuit court, but will lo continued, so we am informed The Cumlsvlaml 1'tssby lei Ian, of Nashville, Teuii., litis complimented Kugeiieaud the State of Oregon, w ith pictures of the buildings of the (state 1'nlven.lty ami Kev. li. A. Blulr. Mrs. M. K. Hols rt, of Wu-liiugloii, a noted lady ais-uker arrived on Ilila afteriusiii's tram. She will deliver nil address at the alliance picnic, to Is held near K. II. Hayes' farm, in Ss'ii cer precinct, tomorrow. 1'rof. Walter Haw ley ami hi wife arrlve.1 hen? via the McUetiie route, thi morning from Suiiimerville, lii ion county, on a vl-it to relatives and friend. Mr. Haw ley rc.rt l'i miles of snow on the mountain. K. J. Fraaier ha sold to W. !(. Hurt Ke, a conductor on the O. 1. K. K. I'l.T.) acre in H.-mlrlcka' addition. We learn Unit Mr. IttirtKes will build a neat residence on the pros-rty and oilier wise Improve it. Albany Herald: I'lof. Thomas Con don, geologist III the alule university, will sH-ak at the picnic at Tangent on the'dlnal. He la an eiitertuluing and instructive lecturer, ami it will t la.lh pleasurable and prolltable to hear him. Albany Democrat: "The grand lialge f the ludeandelit Order of (iisxl Templar con vein- ill regular session at I'.ugene on June III at 10 o'clitck. It ha Ist'ii over In year since Albany has hadalioial Ttmprars lodge." Jacksonville Tili.ea: Ml- Selie Shaw, a teacher in the public schools of Kausn City, Mo., 4tssed Ihrotndi tlie vulley on Tuesday evening, en route to lane ci ty. She will pay SuH'rtu(c mleut I'riivund family a vis it on her return trip. Alliauy Iieiuocrat: H. W. (loll', r. e resenting 1 or 1 creditors, and joim Millard, 12 or l.i creditors, have euch brought kult against the Oregon batik for sum amounting to several thou sand dollai. lilackl.urn and Watson are attorney. A good run of saIiuoii is reported nt the Cascades, and the catch in the vi cluity of The lnll s, a soon a the waters lower n little, may Is; Xs-cti to Is- the best for many season. The di-atruetloll of so many fish wheels along the L'ps ruml Middle Columbia will, however, prove a mot 'iious drawback to the sMmoii Industry thi season. The following are the new officer of Cr.s'k county: County Jude, M K Iirink: county clerk, Arthur H.slges; -In rill, John Cointis; commissioner. .Charles Ktii; tret..ur.r, II 1 15.1- knap: aswwsir, W C Coinrleum: sur I veyor, J H Miller; ..i.is.l aus-riutend- en,. W K M' Farlaml; coroner. O M j rnnele. The Dille T. M. says: The loss of tlsh whis'l during the pr.-sent UikmI has been very heavy on our cltlwns. ! S ufert Hr. have l.ad sev.-n wasli.il i awar bv the tide, Winnn Itros. six ' aiid'Cha'rlcs Hall tu . This will f ,t . up over t-r",i worth of .roTty that have been sw el l aw ay by the angry i waves of the Columbia. I Portland T.ii irr.no: The tJrand : halite of the I. O. I i. T. w iil cuire at Futile next Tui s"l..y, tin- I'.ith ltit., atlna. ni. It I. --t-l that every I subordinate and district Imle In Oh 'state will ai'l.d il.ii ."'.-. Als.ut l'i ' new l.slgm were ad.l. d to t li list the ,'pnatyear. It is said thut this a ill I a vciy im.rtstit s. i..n. Steps will I, lain it to ptiah tl.e 1 eture Wink, and ! the oraiiiatloH of m-w hu- and ! juvenile t i.: U-, and to furtii a ttate . union of a Gtciiija-rsiii-e . ie Us. S.vll'KI'AY. Jl N I , I" 'llll mint. ..in;. Ki . Ur in.-.' .n:u dil!l- l":.ui t. Tile Siiii III caiilieiy w ill l:. ri n II.. S.-HSHII. li.e U-U..1 Siitii.iU. i:. ..id ,ui in t'M II toiluv. ll.e AO I' W Oiun.l lii.t'.s III l'i Itl.tlld II. Xt Wet k. T ,m e straw Is Tries ii.-.t ;. .., f.i..r l'.-s for i"io'iit. llauy 1'i.n1 is ul'le to Is- ,,, n to :t :lgal'l. Mr. i'llloti weiit to ?-1 . 1 1 . 1 1 .... 1 1 . il,, 111"'. Ilillg. J. S. M. .Ilry, of Cotla" I .t , i. ii. in town today. Mr. Aiii.iii.ls Kt-IN'tv, i f M.i'.ioiil, i- t i-ltllli friends here. t. W. Jordan wtt.t t" ; t!!, ; i ..o tlie hs-al l In- nioriilii.- Mrs. li,,i.y Anderxiii , aflerii.s'ii to t iit relativi M r. Win. 1'realon retui n i .'. ...i a tisit at ("ln ii Ciis ii,. . ii 1 1 Kev. H. A. Shorcy, of I'oiilui.i!, i.r rived on tlie hs-al this afternoon. I. II Kols'ltsofThe ll.tl!.-s, ,,:. uf V'.!, ariivtil this uftTin'ii to I... r. - cut at ciiliiiiicUi'rKif nt. F. M. Mders, of Spriiigtleld, exs-cts to reiuovt. shortly to lKs Moines. Iowa. 'i ho state ortiivts-el.vt ill not Ii.Im charge of their reHi tivc dtilies unt.I Jcliuary 1. Jasjs r Wl'ikhis hn- taken a drove of entile ucro- tlie inoii! lam- (ur suiuiiiei pu-turaye. I'icuics were advcitlaed to ls hel l at l'icuauut Uli, Irv nig and Ss n.fr prt- .I'ti .r i . i - l si .. a I ii 1 .r.-. .! t.ly ;.i li ., I. ! i,,t:., il.. I ' hi. My I. .. .- a 1 . ' . tin ,. i I. 1 out i' c It. i I- r pr s on 1,1,1, I ii. lei is " In nlxitl i r 'in, I will. Il,e prtaelit ,,t II , lllllll Jolt press-It lio-l tuia-il'lo to work !i: '-ii. U e !i.i'l print a , ; li t!i. u . , r ul.i, lis. !!;: I u-in. at the old ..ker can - plenty of ii. i I 1. 1 hut. At 'l'a i i. rttr: "I lr.iii.iil on chiMte'i t. work, ti t!,e !,! kaiuitli sl.i'ii Ml.l'IIU l iiisr.AM:. IIIKtMT New York I.. lger: T, lat'll of Lite some ilitf-'U'-.i use ,,f su!i,i,ir in throit tasi.ial! ti.iwe of a dip i - -1 . t . lie I.. I' I' . I .ml ' i, re li. ii on li.e t roubles, 'othcriUc ch.irac'.tr. 1 I.I l by l.o mi :,n- a ll reine.ly, h.ivillg I'S'ii u. I .1 l.iioil il. -.a-.- jmtM.f.i :i .'ii. .mi i., i.-rlioMr for at lcart a iti.iil t I .i . t 1 1 u r . As usiti as inll.iiiiiii - " !' ' hil" '" trv avmpUtui m ule t e ir ii.is-..r- lie is now . it. Iii. r. A ', 1 ., , .. 11 ., , ,,.,. I .o'.il.i hardlv "" "e tliioat ws ll.or.ugM ihiiiUs. . ii. Ms nor dusted with suiphur, this trial srtt i.r My w i( ,.i In liig ri'ltMlcl t verv hour r. : .,loa:i k.ti.l.of jf ,,. nl. As Ol.lv u'' Into tho ki( hell iii t ii . ' f.l lot tiny taste. , P'"' (tom "" "'rt straiiih'eii up tbei the IsiWilcr, It wu lists I with the Kiiiii en ii not collie utniort frceilotll. S Ullctilllc. let- :h. I r .1. . - I i ,! .i.i;.,: I III ..1 lie :is its s labor. pie ex- tli i ;i: 1 1 1 tm nr. in poonful doses wi re taken wr.li tixt satisfactory results. One of the very l't pt jura tion for throat atl'ittiiui la etjllul part of aulphuMU ni id uml gl ivliue. Tin tuav lie iliaitnl in W H I'm retoti vs M Svarv. ru. I the rosttlotl ol one ti-.i-iismltil Ioliomt money. ( , iitiuu.il. 0 the mixture to half a glara id water. The throat may Is- brush-' t'd with it or used u. i g.irlc r rs- i Iv applied, it will usuallv nlu ve I r. tiiliflil of II II l.ill- ;tui,. it. I mal r. s.rt dur- I ollllUlltil i:.i; lenii .'.II .'. I o; to i , i . i r .MT'.t. 1. I' K. nt vs l.hnirn l.umls-r i n lon ttxtT motley. 1 iisiiiis-l at j 1 .ll't III 's i i-ta. l... I . . . .. I. l .. . - t ... .... I l . I urn: to Mso-cr moliev. IVfault. , un.Ieaal.t )iliptoilia u ol.. .', I;: . "lit for Hits i.i. l ll'l't lialav. Mr. J. M. Howe returned from a i-it al llr tM itsvllV via Springl'.e'd jt-t.rdi.y iiittrniH.il. J. I.. Met llilisil, 1. 1 1 ll.l-l'V, CHtlll' It. from Florenee en the stuo' l-l ni-i t, uml I. ft for li.- hoiiti' this iu Tiling. 11. 1'.. Ki. 'hinds and 1.. I.. IU.1. ittiiteiits at lint Slate I lilvt-i -It V, I. I I lor tlmir hoiiic i.i MrCov lliisiiioin 1 1 1 if. Ouitc a ii mi il -s-r of l'.iii:'tiu p,'..p. It II tliis ii.oriiliig bt attend Iho picnic at I'l.a-iitit Hill. The government went I. it Mays are nou di-plaV id on the .. .p. t rjn r Woikmtiii v the Siu-: -.aw liiv.-r l.iiuilsr Co; ttmiisiure of. !i ii. Iii-miss.,1 at I'Uuitil! 'cst. :;,... liii'na H:i-kins s A 11 Has ' I. in-: divorce. Iklault. Ih-ferretl to I J 1 1 N oiioi; to l..ke the tf Imioiiy. li-j t.rce uranlt .1. ! ;;i-.s. I A I'ait.e s Mary i: I'rotik-j I . -1 . l.-r . ; t. mover lii.Miey. The I 'llouuii; juty was tnkeli ill the case: I rank Ju. r-o'ii, II F Minert, F. It.s.1- I t , k, Howard l'o, I' K lla-tllik's, A v.U Hirlow, J F. Kfinierlv, l Int II Colt- I i r, N I' I lammill, J Iv .Miiviuie, John Mio me, John Ami. nou. Thejury rendered a verdict lu favor of .1. : ii.laiit, after Isiiig out alaiut two llOIIIS. Tltejiiiy w as dix'linrtifd fn.iu fiirtli , r attend. no'.' uiti Hie circuit tsitirt Saturday itir.-i noon. "IU. Tin' New FiiKlaud Mortgage Co . i:ii .l eth Ki-srt at; foreclosure. I'd . mt mi. I luiliiii-iit for lnii l'i), In ter. -I ami I .11 nltoriiey fees and for sale of luortenued preinisesi. ::i7.' A J Itabh vs Johu Mettauer; i.t r. .s.vt r money. 'I he following jury m i s etu I'll nellnl 'l litirrday aflern.s.n: 1 i:,hk Jit. kxili, J S Cll.Ua, II FMill ,it. ( lots I.itliellt Id, John lluirlies, A .i lluilou, John m roii ic, N I' Ham ti.itt. Jam, a Ollutt, C II Hastings, John Crnil and Houard Pols-. Ychini for plaintlll'of t-14. :',M. V.J Mi'Clntiahali V tits) H .'nl;lti el iil; foreclosure. Ik-crce of rire.lis.ure. :-V:t. M A S'. i vs J M Severs; ilivont. IUfeir. 'ltoJ K Young to le stit it'sliiiiony . ."...!-,. J .1 F.atoti v I. la M Falon; livor.c. IS-faiilt. lU'feired to J K Young to liikr tl.et't hk'iicc. lKvrwof .lixor.i'. a i.li. C F Hurlbuit vsKA and F Sptnv.y; foiss'losiire. 1 1, erts. of fore rl, -Hie und ludk'tlielit for f-sVt. inter- l.'IH a'l Hotel KlIR.'lie llai; lull. The sludelits w ill give their iitimial sis'liil .lance ill ('..user's hall next' Thursday evening. Dr. K. I'ryiv, a well known Jackson ' count v phvsiciNii, died at Oold 1111,1 June l'Jlli, of coiisuiuptioii. Fort lit nd Iisiateh: The wifeot At torney John liitchliliril gave It it li ti t twobtty Monday night, un t nil me doing wi ll. O. M. Ih.rtlett was tried in Salem yesterdav for the larceny of a hoi-e and thejury found him not guilty. It Is fX'ctfd that from (I to pi tin 1 w lli Its' present at the F.ugeuo Fouith of July ivlebratloti. More alstut il next week. (I II. Hayes, of the Havei & ( in firm, was ni-trt nil nceiilly to Mis Fraud I'yle, daughter of tlie ex-postmaster of 'Yieka. Mrs. F. T. Whitcoinh was able to walk to the hotel yt-terduy afternoon and eat her dinner, the llit tune for several month. Miasc Amelia and Nora Max, of llarrlsiiurg, anil iiaiiuan t on. n t i .i , ;(. bany, visited with Miss l.eiin i (tol.l- extrutrix; to teeovt r iinmey. The fob siniili llii ufurn.s'ii. lowing Juty was drawn In the rase: I, MN Maud Hir-i h, il.iugiitercr Jton. ; I. Ward, I. K Hay.., J I. Keiiueriy, u K,l llirach. of Salt m. caiiie up on the II ( oiler. .N V ( lui-mali, John Amler l.a'al to ss'lld isiinnii'liis in -nt wn k -ot., James Ollutt, J K Mclvelille, N I' w ith alias I arrie lTli tiiliy. ; llaoiiuiit, i run, jonu niroins I 11 U'ikII I ms l-. n in, . , iolt . I at- a. nt John iiiu'in. i -I m in 1st ivnt and t Jl ai torney fee. F 1 Spoir v Adnii I.Shelton tornev for the Is.ard ol m ! .ail laml commissioners in I. ion county, suc ceeding Judgu Wolvcrtoti. IUtw river, ulstve CottSL'e Oroe, Is going to have a regular old fashioned Fourth of July itieliralion. Judge A. K. Davis, Lo Angeles, lul., will -rate. The Dulles Chroiili Ir: Slit ritl Ward ha a sturgeon two feet loins inrialed In the Jail vanl. How it got there it a mystery, tlio only apparent solution belli; thut it came up the sewer. The Harrlsburg Courier bus susp.-n ded at least teiiiMtrnrily. Mr. Moriti will go to Imlcs:'iilence to run I.I I iHr already well ttulililied then'. 'ei Jury leiiirn.d a verdict for tlifend- .ml. I :u;i. Small Wnllin v (i H Wallln; ! ootillruiatum. Sale cttiillrmed. ' .M M I.uckey vs K H Luckey: l.livi.r. e. Default. lU'ferretl to FC : Maiti ion to take testimony. Deere of ' divorce. ! A motion f..r new trial wis made ' u-l, nlity in the case of Ida H. Corson ! v (he Slate Insurance 'ompany, and ! a arkMinl by the attorneys last even- ini!. 'I he curt bsnk the matter under advUellielit. : t he lleform School Appolntm lit., I he Courier may U' s.ld and it Issued. ; 1 1. su t. reform school Uiartl an Corvallls Times: Jain s A. M. aire ; niiuu.vs the following apMiliitmeul at and Kliui Mtsire were married at Ihe the stale reform school: residence of Oliver Trcese last Tii.-s.lsy Kx I'oliifinuii Joaepti Jatle of S nigliU They were lirst murri.sl uls.ul lem, nklit watch; Allen Khodesof Sa i.inti venrs airo. and Were iliv.tr.tsl ut lelil. liat.lelier: (I. W. Smith of I'ort- the last fall term of omit. land, chief cook; Hon. J. Jtuford of Miss Jnsle Mansfi. Id w lot . .piir, d : Kenton county, ha isssH apia.liititl ureal notoriety on ue.'ouiit of her s.n fanner; mi l Mr. Kuford a one of the nectlon with th" Fl-k-.-tok.s ah.s.tintr : t h. rs; John King of Salem, asalat scraltc. In New York twenty yean, ngo ' unt liirmcr and ortleer; C. V . Wesson, t.j-ai.MTliiieiiui'in hi tut? t..ii.M.i . n n itigM'h.sl, priuiipal ttneher. la said to lie now a resld. nt of Oregon, living a lifuof seclusion in l'ortlainl. Tlie Dalles Chronlele: A train load ed wilh wheat f.r I'ort land wus lef. on t!iH track near the Wasco warehouse. During Ihe llo.l '. I.-- wuler not into the A Kl K. The Corvalli (law tie, In giving a list of the newly chs'ted pub-li.-schtad teachers in that city, among 1 ...i.... ,i. .... ....... ii'i't.. ...ti,.n ..r II. m car. to the depth ... about two !., ,,. ( ; . Mis, M,. oVid the result U a vu-t amount of k,HM' j yj, i anti, and II Icctlori of Ml- chicken feed. i Vauvrhati and Mia Horning to fill the F.lktoii Item In lt..s. buig Ivli w: in,.Hllclts, ha Iss-n the source, of eon (itst. Smith received a tel. eiaui Moti- ; .j,,.rablc isiiiiinelit, for the reason that day calling him to the ls dide of bin ,,ti eburire of liKs.miwtencv or ttther- tagtsl mother, w ho . in KuireuH und. r rt U, had Iss u tnade against the two lei.chers reiiiovrd, anal for the further iii.slicid treatment for cancer of the stomach. Ocorgf baa tai'li tsitttined to I.i la-d for several days, ami it was lilltean undertaking for bun, having to ride to Drain on horseback. Cottuge drove leader: K V. F. '.. Nt-sbitl, one of the d leuut.-s to the as sembly of the Cumlsrlai.d I'l.-liVler- I Ian church, ts.itvt ii.d at lueiie re- i rs nlll . hs aeet lil, .1 a call to Is-.siioS , en, n that tli- principals resiri .how that they have tuch done gissl work and reeotnineii.lttl their rerlec Hon." TllK Ma.AMAs. The 'Maama" lull of I'ottlnnd, the object of whose rtraiiiNlioii is raiublliiK In the moiin si... has l.aiieil a t.redv. bealltlfulle i-..t,,r i.r i be i liurch here. Mr. N. sl.iit - i r. .i.i... Ln,u il,.. i irive t videiicc of la-lnir all able young , AW. ' he lul' CUuilr'." On the : lolnUter uml a it'sai ciiristinti worker. ! We li the ss,,. will nli 1 1 -1 a litratty w tin iino and that th y wiii j help mske Mr. N'st-ltl's luls.r pliiisi.nt I and sti.vi'-sful. Fiid's Corvullls Tinas,: There , was a - il of hors at auction in the ,il lan k of Nolan' resilience yt-terday afteriea.ii. The animals wt re tiwi.nl j by Thou.ss Martin, of Crt sw. II, Ki.ne e.cinty. Caleb Iavi wus tlie piini.sa rriif iii i of them at t, nt:dJ.C. : Mohr Istiitfht another at thi li en Ibe bidding Iss-ame so spintl. - lliat the sale wus declared ''If. Tichois were not extremely thrifty ii. :ips-iir-ams-. The follow leg i a s:-lli:l, r,' t I' UI frmi!,e ItalU-s) Tini--vloni.t!,io.. r: Dtirlni; tl.e prevalem-e of tl.e pr. v-t ni nu of July 17th, the club will ar- i ike of sirk and Is sns at (rovermueiit i stnii, and Hi's-t on the sum in it of II U H -l, July f" Ii, for i-niiaiient organ i .ti. n. I'sl.r Uii.r,!. Jut. Is. Ulhsl.lt. Juliet loll City and i.'rfisltd in it rarelv i-io b cure tlie uiort ohatinatecaMS. i'l.c oltjtvUoll to il i tliat it is Iiki aim pie fur tin medical profi r?io:i to ntprovc. No science, miles il bo that of the electrician, cun Uuiat mk Ii a womlerful growth in the pufl us.r ter of a century as that ol bacteri ology, which lia ilcvcliija'd willi reiiiiirkalile rapidity atiue I'aeleur tuadu hi iuili.il investigations. It is now kiiuwu und i-nnmlcd by ull branclic and school of the u.edi cat prolrraicu thut iiine-lciilhs (and probably even a larger a r cent) of all ti.t diseases til lattli lii.lll and ultunuU are duo to Hid presence of certain ot the bacterial BiKs.ua, and, iuaigtiiliiaiit ns Hay are in si-, their j rercui-w in iy rspidly briui; uImuI woi,dei lul atrucliiral change; this owitij; to the atuuziiig rapnlitv with wi.ii.'li certain of the aist ic pro agale 'JO IllltlUtc ill,- aolllf lllaliilices aiilVicii. lor the cotni li t liitliiiiv of a generation of millions! Tlie economics in the use ol fuel for steam production hna bet tine one of the scitntilic proMtins of the day. Uui-aia apeat to be on the eve of inaking l!iitortiil ex eriiuiits in thai tlirtcti.'ii. Fur It is staled that il lias la.cn tici'idcd to use s.'',r.leutu iut-lead of coal lor tlio liring of the locoinoliu ol I lie Uiga railway, in lUnain, and thai pt trolfuni reservoirs are to bo es tablished for this purpose ut Ucv.il, Wcaeiiburt, Narwa, (iatschina ui.d St, 1'ettTbburg, tupable of tontaiii ing collectively l,WX),OtX) po .N of jK'trolcum. It is also tattil tiial tctrolcuiil la to bo adopted on the Dwinsk-Kiga Kuilway, but this cannot take place for lomo lime to conic, iuamuucli a the coal con tract for the next live year are already arranged. Will there be any advance in too price of a heat ii a question tli.it apjieal to every citizen. The To ledo llladu nay that the low price of wheat ahowa no feature i pes ible improvement. It is offered to Kurope, by other countries than this, at price which render voiupe titioti iiuiMi.sa.ihle. On last Friday, Argentine wheat wui o lie red in London, including coat, inauiamo and freight, at ol ecu I. lint world' stock of thi cereal ! not decrease tnotik'li to inaterialiy improve the outlook for holders. The new crop is near at hand, und there is nothing on which to baae tho hope of a rise. On tho con trary, 60-cetit wheat in Chicago is confidently predicted. During the (even month eii.liu with November 1, mi. 'JM (mill ing, were struck by lightning in Kngland. The above included 21 churches and chu!, 21 farm house, 114 residences of oil kinds, nine hotel and public houre and but three saloon. Souio may ar gue that the scarcity of saloons i what furuikhf the wonderful difference between them ui.d t l.urchcs in the matter of lightning stroke but when il is known thai there aru nearly four time a many saloons us thurches in the Kritieii laha the immunity of the firmer retina miruculou und v.-ri ililli cult of expl.niatioir. Th--. Martin was arn-ted at Corvallls: ,)Ul j Jj,,,.,, ,lu-,er theruiome ttr V K' Z""' l. - .' . a for Dt 'P. J.iinistiii. Ths w came up lfore tnakl. g ne. Jai us I'.olii r I bun-lay, sud on iikk i flkputy I'rssrfuting Attorney i;. O potter, waj disiniM'd for want of acRleielit evlili nee. Kdibtr u4 a ruluare kind-i.t .rt ed an 1 liU-ral. An exchunn ttiia of a suIk riU-r a ho dit-d an i N il fourteen year uiiHiid. A t!.o lid Will Ijcilig screwed down f.r ll.e Times: , last tiu.e tlie uillor npissured and f.revaleiitr ot tl.e prt in I). --lit will if lll.lssssllite to put l.-ll llic wis kly edition of m iti.Hi. Tlie suit of J. F. Ami uvui'ist tl.e n.tiiity alliai..s)-grain.t lu- vesiiitutiug tstiiiiuittw. for atloriieyi lee.. Iih Iss-lt setlleti, the defeli.lsiits ! the Tim.s-l Miii-,iHiynlu'""U"t due and Uieeratt. f itreckmridge Keitt'ickv uuiii "lake : i- ; W li.li et . i II) . urose w no He voU,loii'l t'uic in i.ilits.s.uj a nits ie.vi.ily s.id. . f.r in-tame,'' i in the null . ot: I-... r..: "Ili-nlc it I do," and the i;. r had to aland Ut.it or die. o O