C 5 C The latest investiga tions by the U. S. and Canadian Governments show the Royal Baking Powder superior to all others in purity and leavening strength. Statements by other manufacturers to the tontrary have been declared by the official au thorities falsifications of the official reports. NOV AC tAKINd BOWOt CO., 104 Wttl IT., fcCW-rORK. ' APirziirg. g?n7iC5f; zr? n-; a s 5 fSTROLEUM FOR MOSQUITOES. jTluialjr huigrmi im aa ! liner Destroy lite I wlialrhrd I1a(u. A Mr. L. O. IIwurl, who live n.-nr be city of WasbiriKton, lust year and the year bcfiirti nimbi txtsriiiiriits with view torbblinit hi iir-Piiii.-) of the nxMiuito it (lint pmrwl IiikIiIt witU f.vtnrr. Tbo detail nf hi f.iNTini-iit have iiiiprvssil tbo rsopln uf Now ()r hum to fuvrrrnblr Unit thi-ra in talk atiinug tb city fat bent them of apply ing tli"' Ilownnl syati-in of insert killing on a iCTiuii i."tbi in nml alsmt that city. lr. Ilnwnril liH-atol bisiiiiaMiaito brw-rl-IiijT jrrutiml in a inilliM.ntl ami tho ad joining innrsbr luml iH'iir hi rraidenen, lift hail previntislr rtiiblisbil the furt ty text in a ruiiiwutir barrel that kinswii nil in certain ib-alh toths mM quito larvm. Win n ho liwl lis-nti-il the wholesale hatcbi ry of un4iiiti-, b prurccdcd to pray tho w bolx un a with rruilo petro h um. Tbo nn-n wwt ulmut 4,000 wiuarn fwt, anil l.'i Kalloim nf oil at a cat of ft. 70 Rufllml fur the work. Tbi he did iu Murt li, when tbo lniHst-nt iiKiaqaito papooN' wit" till ftltitiiU'riiiRaiihatrh ed in tho mud and nom-. Three wwkl alt rr the cprinkliiiK them remained a scnm of oil over tho area, and most of the larvn bad la-en killed. Duriiift the m in mi r following Mr. Howard' first exj riinent very few nnannitoiwnrTiY vd to annoy him. Tbo m it spring he repeated tbo sprinkling, and during the summer of that year ho bad DO naa (or mosquito tiets. havtuinah New. MAN WITH A HISTORY THE TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE THAT BEFELL JOHN W.THOMAS Wlial dual rlnllira Are Tor. The chii'f indiw-iii.'iit tirixl in an in vitation tom ik- mil of it woman' camp ing party in l - itn-mli of August lata assurance: "You mi wear one drew ail day loiiit cv: v day until it ia dirty. That' what w.- all did last year." Then tin? imteailiis: lie ure and tell ine right a way bow to have my uiouiweline dol umde. Mrs. It.' lui-lwud and lot of the KirU' brother are going tip for a week. You'd better take something cap tivating fur the dunce in the old barn, and one or two pretty day rig, bnt you v-on't iirsd them till the boyt get therej." New York Tu-es. A lea nf Adfenlrire. John Switzler, w ho now live within onti mil" of I'eiidleton, thirty-nix year nuo wivod tin' live of thirty portou at tL ( .i- adrH, on tint north tide of the t'olninliia river, nt a pluee at that time l u'lt-d the iri'r('ux'ade. John in now old and well weuhi-d with yearn. H'lt then lui was a young man and after making thirty mtoii wife he ran tbo K'untlet for u mile with other partie. uinie of whom were wounded, while other were kilh-d by the Yakima and Khkit.it Indian. Yet he arrived at the fort Mife and wmnd and in time to rare for the wounded in the fort, where twelve Kobliern were impriMUied three day and night. ant Uregnnian. Am MrphantlMa Nurw. Mix C. F. (tordon-C'uinniing, in her Ux.k on Ceylon, gives a few line to a pet elephant, who Reeim to have been a creature of iniirh mniiibility and intelli gence. He hud been captured young, and wa known a Kumnegalla J.-u k. Housed to go the boepitul round with hi nuist.T. a medical officer, who kad taught liini to lie generally iiM-ful, and even toatlminihter pill. A Malay tuldier one day dropied his pill, whereupon Jack picked it up and dropped it into the titan ojieu mouth, with puff that blew it aafelv down. A .analtc'a Ad t Ira. Mr. Lionel Urotigh once played a game of billiard. in an aylutn with one of the patient, lie conceded bis adversary twenty-five point, with the renult that he wa bopeleaoly lieaten. Then the patient took bnu quietly on one side and Mid: "Look betv, if yon go on giving KiuU ret klewt a that, you'll lie in thU any Inm '.n-t-aJ of iiieT London Tit-Bit. rumaell'i MrliliaM Crjuiw. ll. of all men, has perhaps h.iil ijot uickname applied to biiu. tie wii.4 known u "Old Copperface," -The itrewer." "Hi Nuamhip," "OU N.ill," "hinil" Hi'd a a-ore of otbtr. SL LoIlK Hepuldli-. FRUIT PRESERVED! LABOR SAVED I Antifermentine PRESERVES FRUIT WITHOUT MEAT. Antifermentine - hK-ir.KVr - Cider, Milk, Butter, Catsup, Pickles. Etc , AM .. t . rr-f I t.T by jrr.rilnf fe- tnnui. lb, ll.ll"0'l' ll frm '!' uum in ruinliif !! irwrtmi l"n-.. A mriinl all S" I a Ituii. rata urt au) lalnr. SO'1 1 ID -rj lf iila-lMlilie'. ANTIFERMENTINE -1 ! a!l lnu(W and grmn. and U a. 14 ui 4a lkl a Mf II alll. neirHi- imiud, rmrUmmd, Of Thrla, Taanraara .tllllrlett With a I'rrullar ItUraaa- III Huily I'aterad With l.aniM Inula Xnt Kat, anil Thuughl II Waa linlB( In lrf l Ilia H err lha Martvl nl Tea aaaaea, r'rum lha NaahTlllr (Trim.) Haulier.) Mr. John W. Thoiiia, Jr., o( Tbeta. Ten ii., i man with a nioet interesting hidtory. At prveent be i interested in lilixxled horses, (or bicb Maury county is famous. " Few people, I take it," aid Mr. Thomas to reortor who bad aked him lor the story of hi life, " have passed through as remarkable a chain of events a 1 have and remained alive to tell the storr. i "It wa along in 18H4, when I wa j working in the ilrer minesol New Mei- ico, that mr trouble began : at tint I ! sutlered with indigestion, and o acute did the pains become that I went to Cal ifornia (or in v health; but the tripdid me little gnoil, and fully impream-d with the idea that mv last davhal nearly daw ned II on me, I burrieil back here to my old home to die. " From simple indigestion my malady dcveloKs into a chronic inability to take any substantial food ; 1 was bandy able to creep sUmt, and at time I wa prostrated by spell of heart lpitatlon. This condition continued until one year ago. "On the llth of April, 1 '..'!, I suddenly collapsed, ami for day I was uneoiiiH'ion in (act. I wa not fully myself until Jnly. My condition on September 1 wa iniplv horrible; 1 weighed but seventy pounds, hcrca my normal weight i iV pounds. All over my body there were lump from the sie of a grape to the sire of a walnut; my linger were cramswl so that I could not more than ball straighten them. I had entirely lost control of my lower liuilw, and mv band trembled so that I could not drink without spilling the liquid. Nothing would remain on my stomach, and it seemed that I must dry up before inanv more day bail passed. "I made anot tier round of the physi cians, calling in one after the other, and bv the aid of morphine and other medi cine they gave me I managed to live, though barely, through the fall." Here Mr, Thorn displayed hi arms, and just alxive the ellxiw of each there was a large irregular slain as large a the palm of the ban. I and of a purple color; the space covered bv the mark wa sun ken nearly to the lione. "That," said Mr. Thomas, " i what the doctor did In putting morphine into me. "In the llth of I lecemlHT, 1U.". just eight months after I took permanently to Iswl I shall never forget the date mv cousin, Joe Foster of Carter' Creek, called on me, and gave me a Ixix ol lr. Williams' I'ink Till for I'ale People, saying they had cured bini of partial paralvsis, with which I knew be bad all liut died. 1 followed bis directions, and la-gan taking the medicine; as a result 1 stand la-fore you to-day the most sur prised man on earth. Isik at my hand ; it is a steady as yours: in v face ha a healthy look alwut it ; I have been at tending to my dutie for a month. Since I tieiran taking the pills I have gained thirty pounds, and I am still f gaining. All the knots have disappeared from my body except this little kernel herein mv palm. I have ago! apiietite, and I am almost as strong as I ever was. " Yesterday I rode thirty-seven miles on horseback ; I feel tired to-ilay, lint not sick. I used to have from two to four slls id heart palpitation every night; since I began the ueol the pill I have bad but four spell altogether. " I know positively that I wa cured by Dr. William' I'ink Fills, and I be lieve llrmly that it i the most wonder ful remedy in eiistenceto-dav, and every fact I have presented to yon ia known to my neighbor aa well at to myself, and tiey will certify to the truth of my re niarkable cure." Dr. William' I'ink Fill for Tale Peo ple are not s patent medicine in the sense that name implies. They were first compounded aa a prescription and used as such in general practice by an eminent physician, ho great wa their elhcacy that it was defined wise to place them within the reach of all. They are now manufactured by the Dr. William' Medicine Company, Schenectady, S. Y., ami are sold in boxes (never in form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned agaiiiRt nuii.erou imitation sold in this shape1 at 50 cents a lux, or six boxes for I and may 1 bad of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. William' Medicine Company. Am lagraiww, Iaa1. A scientific journal i(-Jl tbi story iA a t"ud'a cunning A bnssl of t'bk'k-Iia wa fed with moistened nie&l iu Mtui-ers, aiid wbi-ll tbedollgb toured a lit tie it attracted a large timiU-r f flu An il-rYB!it twl tutd evidently iiotnttl thut, and every , day in ward evening ho would iiiako bia ai i-aruiJif in the yard. Imp to a ! sttuct-r, cJiiuti iu awl roll over and over until be wa ivi-ml with uii-al I having done which Le awaiUaJ d- I Tel(iU)euta. Tlie flies, eiitmed Ij j the sincU, i-xiti swannts aruund the I scheming ltraibuii. and whew ret- ! one jiuiM-d within two lUchew f Lis! Umm his tongue iLirte,! out. and the ' y dwti Js'aT"!- The plan work-J j so well tiittt thr t'aid made a rvfc-ulaj- V. P. 5. U. 5. F. S. V. Ha 620 AN AMERICAN STONEHENGE. Tar ap as (haaa handon.l rvmMain fartM o drift 11.4 t. k to (ureal ilt aaia. TLe low, trar sail siubJ tbair tlmmfltg arms. ribilc nonamaDU vf rsBlUad mo. ni la t..nr. H.fr" Iml o'rr hill sod Aril 'VlJoB lar.il k,ni liror-rinl, Itral, un-lnvrn: Tk srumltlibg (laamaala rrui,g br lli t.lU ronrKlm. sortLlaa, tusrsca aewbnro. NVarar than eftra of toricd Haton itaiua Tbaw tacUlet rrlH-a luuur braria abould rants. fe Urilrr for a rlrat't f r mnnarrli', fame, Tbi, farmer lit aU and dml to atiap a tiiima. rVtiat d, of b r.rlf l..:l hr ui.dort..k: M kal Iran of lrn Ul..r; aud f.r al.slf To laid lha li 1 fin uii k iim iimrv mtM liok, Tbs lildlnrf liakeuiia niiiresr.iurlrrs4 Smi. Ho Mill, lima nn ,rlli; to ttiiirli to iln; Vrt all thai .! or ..rr. ..ilnrn bsndsl Ufa rama and ami: il,a r"iil tsak Is llirmitiii. rb men sra iron,; the I. lis irin tura Manda. T. W. HiiCk'ifiMio In Sra K.ugiand Matfuina. Till: IMMiY MAX. In 1715 a smalt slave schoourr from the coast of A f lira, l.nnd for Virginia, waa blowu far out of her courto. toward the north, and put in at the port of Hus ton. The cargo consisted of little else than a few families of Congo negroes destined for the new plantations of Virginia. New F.nglandcr did not then fi-el any peciiil abhorrence to slavery. If not regarded with siitivo favor it wa not regarded with disfavor, ami the slave: found little difllculty in disiswing of his cargo of men. women and children to the good citizen of Massachusetts hay. Among the purchaser wa Mr. Lem uel Clark, owner of a large tract of land on the Men-imac river, in New Hamp shire. Thn-e families of negrtw were nought by him and taken to hi estate in tb wilderness. Once the tenant of an English baron ial estate himself, be inclined to play the baron on hi New Hau!)shire do main. A great stockade was built upon tne eminence overlooking the Merriinar, and within the stockade, ujsin thecrown of the hill, stood In large log bouse. Lower down, but within the stockade, were three cabins of the slave familiea and the more pretention house of the familie of English lalsirer who accom iiiiiil Mr. Clark to the New World. I lack from the stockade and stretching to the fisit of some clifT that formed the abutment of a range of low bill waa a wide expanse of level, cleared land, ou which the estate raised its corn and po tatoea. Beyond the few charred stump that marked the edge of the clearing waa the forest trctching away a far a the eye could reach. As the Merrimac wa one of the high way of marauding French and Indiana, the stockade wa very strongly built, and from embrasure in it wall pro jected three small bras cannon com manding tho sweep of the river in every direction. No fleet of cams could safely pass the stockade by day. The iin'mrtance of the place was so well rec ognized that Mr. Clark held a colonial commission as major and the stockade was officially sly led Fort Clark. 'Die children of the fort made no dis tinction between white ami black. The little Clarks, Sjtulsirns, Tcmiy and Martdeii played with the little Qua hoes, Ctishee and (iambaa upon term of rfect eiiality. The children of both race whiskd from house to house. Alsmt the hearths of the negris- the little Englishmen listened with fusciiiated horror to wild tale of devil and evil spirit, great serpents, huge river monster and Mie gigantic manlike nsn of the mvster'ons continent of Africa; of bloody tribal war and human sacrifices to the heathen god. The little black boy learned of tne gay elves ami gnomes, of dainty sprite and fay of merry England, of the good cheer of Christina and the port of May Day. The rival story tell er strove t' outdo each other in the marvelous tab's; but nothing so pleased the children of both races a Sam (jua shee's storii-s of the Mtimlio Jumbo, for in bis native village ham himself had lon MuiiiIki JuiiiIhi. The big Congo negro enjoyed telling how wheu a crime hml lieen committed hy some -roii unknown. Mum 00 Jumbo wa called upon to detect the guilty one, and how, mounted upon stills, witb a long grass cloak completely enshroud ing him, a great faUe head fastened alnive his own head and a pair of wooden arm sticking out below it, he stalked alsmt the village like a giant, terrifying the guilty one until he con fessed his crime. The children delighted to hear of the Mutubo Jumbo imin-niii,' up and down the paths of the Afric.ii illage, crowd of people dancing ulsnit 01111, heating on tomtom and singing wild chant. And when Cnshee and (iambu gave the bat tle yell of the cannibal tribe for those were cannibal familiea the satisfaction waa complete. Of the ta'es of the English merry making, none pleased the little African so much as I'lnhp Sanlsim' descrip tion of the May D iv sport. The Jollity of Christmas ll- knew, for Lemuel Clark wa not h I'uritan and kept the Christmas ho! ida .. hut they wished to dance alsmt a May pole crowned with flowers. One Christ maa night, aa all the people of the fort were gathered in the big common rsim of the "great house," Mr. Clark promised that the ap proaching May Day should I celebrated in English style. Philip Baulsirn waa tuld to take the matter in band and make any preparation be wished. Philip Kan born wa pleased, but seeing eloud npon the face of his rival story teller. Ham V1"'1"0- asked if the negro families might not have the after noon of May Day for showing their na tive games and sporta. The riiiet w as readily granted, and en the next day Sam Quasbee dragged to hi chm two well seasoned pine logs .1 L 1 I...il.l,r. l,a tuai uai is-v-u 11 k ,iii-i isuii'iiua they re tint at the cliffs! Mary Clark when the clnl reached the middle of th "I'k uvcf the edge of tiroad stretch of greeniward before the gate of tb Hocks le. Around this pol the children danced and played old English game. A bountiful outdoor j retwst called th merrymaker from liieir run. Hastily eating wiiat wa placed before theiu, the older liegrte left the other at the fcat. (toing acros th clearing they dlapprarrd among the heai of ns ki at the fisit of the craggy hill. All the mysterious things Sam Juh" bad U-eti lalsiring 0s.i for theiot motitbs evidently were hidden ill the cliff. The children 1111 patiently awaited the lveut of th weird pns'esslou w hoe grotiMii strangeness w-ould cause them that de lightful terror all children enjoy. An hour passed, but a yet there w. re no signs of life alsmt the ln sx of n'ks The delay was lltiai-'-oiiiilahle. Sin Ouashee ohb-st lnv, U.1I1, prosse IH they start acroNi the Melds to tm-et Hie delayol pns.-esion. The other chil dren eagerly agreed, and off they all start eil. Picking their way hut the soft plowed laud, they went toward the lulls, all the time on the alert, rxct ing to turn and fh-e at any moment ! forn the appnuch of the Mnin'si Jllllllsl. Why, all,' said dreu had clearing. pines." Sure enough, they could see dark fig ure among the buniisl trees at the 1st- ller of the furest liostlly colli eilllllg theiiiM-lvi-s from the uaze of the little crowd so suddenly turned iisn them. "1 saw Villi" cn.sl Luke Sanborn. "One of 'em had a feather bat on. I could see it just a plain, but I didn't n-e anylssly on stilt with a false face. !et's go over." "It's tisi far away to see any stilts or false faces and we hud better atay here,' aid Patience Temiey. the oldest of th gTOIip. Just at that moment there sounded from the fort the bnr-h hlure of the trnuiM-t used to call the lalsirer from the held at mealtime. Looking back the children saw a sudden Hash of flame, and a deep roaruf cannon rcvcrU-rated among the bill. The next instant the crackle of musketry c ame faintly from the Merrimac; it was answered from the fort; a blood curdling war whoop burst from the edge of the clearing near them and three Indian warrior raised from among the stumpa and came leap ing toward the nit Almost before they could turn toward the fort loud drum" x-ala sounded from the rock at the f.x.t of the lulls. A if in reply to the war whoon there rang forth the wild, savage, African laittle cry. There stalked forth into the clear ing two immense, hideous giants, ac coinaiiicd by four strangely bedecked creature Is-atiug on tomtom and creaming forth the battle cry of lh Ansgari cannibal. Fearful, huge, led. distorted gashes of months, knobby, black cheek, temldy staring white rye, altogether dialmlical face had these two giants, stalking stiflly out of the clearing. Scarcely less terrifying were the Is painled creatures with moose horn rising alsive their heads, who leaped and danced along In-fore the giant. Away, with loud shrieks, the children rushed toward the fort. The Indian balled amazed. The giant and their attendants halted tis. Tiny bad just discovered the Indian. They had thought the tiring of the cannon a salute in honor of the day. The Indian In-sitated, and the Mum bo JuiiiIhi hesitated. Hut one cannot stand still on stilta. The tallest of the Miimbo Juinlto stag gered forward and one of the Indiana turned and m il. The other giant ad vanced, the attendants struck their drum again, and again the horrid An gari war song H-aled forth, and the sec ond Indian followed the first. The third Indian drops-d on one knee, and before the Miimlw Juuilssi could turn he drew a la-ad and sent a bullet crashing through tho wisxlen forehead of Sain luashee's mask. The giant neither fell nor faltered, aud with a cry of terror the last Indian rushed after hi coin jwtilon down th river edge. Slowly, aa befitting their brave con quest and the soft nee of the ground, the pris ession of Mnuiho Jtimlsai aMsed across the th-ld and through the gate of the fort where the children hail just pre ceded them. The idol of Africa bad : overcome the redskin. The rising gen- I . 4l..l.- a . . u 1 M rraiiou 01 viaisn, leonvs, nunoorris suj Manideti would never doubt that fact. Meantime the white coated Issly of a French officer went floating down tb river, and two canoea rapidly disap- s-ared up the river. The attack upou 'ort Clark had been repnlsed. The war with France had Irfirnn.- uoitt- oak anon: (ihool, I a ioiiMux.at.stic iiortKHrrrKK. CONJUGAL LIFE. later ling HlalUIIrs Wblrb tiara J sst Ilaaa Olvra Out bj ska Uavarasaanl. The first data on conjugal life in the Cuited hlatea ever gatbeml by the gov ernment are given in a rensn bulletin. It show that of a total population of 62,8&,0 in almost three-fifth were tingle, a little tnisr than one third married, and not quite one-twentieth were widowed. The divorce con stituted a amall fraction of 1 per ornL The actual number of t lis classes are a follow: Single, 87, 12 9, 58t; widowed, 1, 9 70, OS J ; unknown, 70,114; married, 12,831,42s; divorced, 120,Wrt. The male ennstitnted over SI per cent of the total population. Of 32,007, 880 male in the country, 10, 943,670 were single, 11,20.1,229 married, 815, -437 widowed, 49, 101 UivortnL Of th f.mah, 17,ft3,9s) were single, 11, l4o,10S married, J, I A4.AI5 widowed, 71.VJ5 divoreed. The proportion of widows, sayi the report, waa nearly three time aa great aa of widower, indicating that a great er portion of widower remarry than widow, while figures) show that di vorced men have remarried to a great? busilieM of 11 stockade, and for week thereafter em- eiteut than divorced women, ploved everv evening In carving from W married male there were II tne'log niy.ten-u Lbject. whl h even "f ll,2w.Wii und.-r ISyearsrrf age, - ... . . H II.. L-l.l 1 - . al Olll bl ,l.ot,-...i insiTU aM and 24 years, l,'i.VM oot of 2,423, CC4 between 80 and 34 years, ft0U,2S out of 1,233.719 6S year and over. Of married female, there were 1,411 oot of 10,UA3, 1WJ oncl.r Iu year, JlS.fcbJ out of 8,85,0S from 15 Ut 19 yeara, 1,444,711 oot of a.uwl, 73 from 20 to 24 yeara, 1,0J,M, out of 1,820,404 from 25 to 29 year. 1.U7.J04 oot of l.lSa.WGo from 30 U 84Lyear. 2.J44, ',a out of 3,Sl,0.11 fnn 85 to 44 yean, 1,793,979 out of 3,430,iiT8froia 43 to 64 yean, 90S.627 out of 1,49, 997 from SB to 64 year. 411,899 oot of 1. lbJ.46 C3 tsar mud ovar. bis own rbildren were not allowed to -e. The winter i f I7?2 melte. into an early spnt.g in N- Hmp-hire. The r! vers were fre fr in i e in April, an I the first uaies-s ttist am lip the Merri mac brought the new that war ws d riared with Frame. The weapon and defense were duly lkd Vi, but UJ precautions sin- taken, f -r It waa a long month's journey thr .u.'h tb wild-rues to Cana-U; 1 .t i. it uA. likely the snemy would move at uttrm. May Day cam at Ut and a tall May poU decoratel with wrea'.h of Bower aud stm of colorsU cwlb stood ia tbs) Mlllbrse. Ran Msten ro.,CsL, Is tirat-clsM bom schuol tor hoys, with hsamtif il sur routidliiss. Th tiaat of rare, supanor In trui'tion. I'rears hojt for any unlteraity or for bustnrss. Kali trrin innitiisiicas Aug. . t stslogus snd sii I'Srticulsn ran he hsd hr sdilreasins Irs ) llolll. 'h. I'.. MsMer 1 Ki Mste tlii,. I'ul he liisiriicliuiil. I'l fr.oa I aba Vala. The lat vote di iswiti-,1 in Klusl Is land at the riM iit ehi t inn was the Vols ' of F.llgelie McAulltTe, of Provldi lii-e The gentleman was 111 Cuba when he re felted a caldi rain telling him of the urgent mvesaiiy for eery vote. Con sulting the .hipping register.he found that by taking a steamer w hu h sailiil that night he might M lib giasl weathiT resi h Itsitoii the day l for election. Two hours later fouml htm atswrd the hip Adu rv weatln r 1l1l.mil the ves. sel. and at the dauu uf 1 hs lion day the steamer was still out in the Atlantic Port was reached late in the afterinsiii ami Ml' A 11 1 ill- was jut in time totakea train to Proviib uce due just ten miniitis Is-lore the tune for closing the 'll. The tram w.u four ininntia late. Hurling himself into a hm k he hrils-d the driver to get to the ardnsiiu 111 sit minute or kill the horses. The 1 lis k was alsmt to strike the hour a .Mr Mi A 11 1 1 tTo Uiniided into the lth. His cnos uiaik were made with lightning rnpidity. ami he got in Ins hallot right on the lust stroke He will return to Culut to coiiiphtu the liunn-s lis dropd to i-oinu hack to vote. And yet there were, some thousands of snple In Providence w ho. I have uodotiht, forgot to go to th polls or were "too busy" to give the lime niinrid for walking to the wardroom - Cor tton (ilobe. MmI her el Iwriili-ltnir I hlldrra at Ttilrly. Near Yuuktoii is the ims-t remarka ble family on this coiiiiih nt, s rha In the world It cniiit of father, mother and ? I chibln-n, nml the 11, other of the brood Is not yd !n year old. She is a Norwegian woman, an I her busland I a Ibsaacr. The chihln u wen-lsirn trip lets, and the oldest of I he lot is under 12 year of ap-. All of them are boy 1 but three, one set nf triplets bring giruv Rrtdgewater iMms-rat. 4KOSSIM1 IHK ITI.tNTIC t'nisllr limiUes ii-Nitt-kiH'sa When Ilia wv- ils iillrh and ! allh nn. -imiis Im1-r.l nniBl Is- Hit- ainnisi'lt iliat rsu .land Ii aiilinui n-vnlllns. lenrlits, rum ip-ft-lal Ostrlrrs. )arhiBtin-n, nisrour .all n-sclt thsl llmti-iii-r slums, h Millets la ihr tl rrin.1, lor Ilia nsn Ma riH-rn-lnrd In miisll Si-nllir 011 Ihr aairr NerTull and arskt lrarlrrli Uhilitlu-n ailffi-r It . is nnrllilns akm In till-, ana nml In llir Millers Ma aurt-al rvnitslv. No ,iarrilir d Ihr al -niarli, lllrr or Istarla U ao ulMilhala thai II mar mil Isroirrminr ! Hie rnniH ami ihnr iitiati ri-tnrily. r.tia l rrtn-ar iiui Ii it lr rhilli ami leirr. Sldn-r ami ihruittalle Irmilila ami rit-iriMiani-aa. kmiaran la 10 ilia Irniiiicr asmrd rutldr 1I1, mx lli-i allh llila Sua inisl rlnal .ahsnard ausliial the rrTi-eaol Iris-nn.lta ol f-lliitali, har jlili, elf laurs and lallsue. Fwtsldv (IlK-titliia a risan-tlel -VM -sw Imi'i rtinid 111 jr ami, km-;, dn imi siraiivrr nl al all. air. I aura in a slur 1 1. mr) . "htis-ii lif iwAia 7'os-Ara" have a direct Itilhieuc 011 the lullsiiiel parts, giving re lief In coughs, colila ami lha various llinwl tniilhlea to ahu ll singers and public speak ers are listlle. Siif imy in hnirt. lip -oh. vu mar Isuva. hnl I sin not o bia a I. Ill sa )uu llllltl. Hie 4odllfsat I hua IIOI. IIKAKNKSS l'AMIT UK I I KKIr llv hieal siiiltesllnna. sa Ibey rsnnol n-arh lite iliarsai-tf Hirllou id lln-ar. 'their la onl) olu ay to eurr deahieaa, ami llisl la by s-iiallru tlulial remi'.llra iM-alniaa la eana,i by an In tlalnt-d eiilnlllliin ol Ilia utnmiia limns ol llir eiialai blan Inls-. W ben llila Intas gr la lutlsniril vnu hat s riimliiltia. miiiiu! or lmiW'fra-1 hr-ar lltl. and a lint II la ,-nllrrh rlna4 ,( ilralneaa la lha ruallll, and unlssa Ihr liinammatlun can is- taai-n mil and Ihla Oils- rra orrd to Its normal condllloii. liranns will ba ilvalro)rl lurrvrr hlnr i-aaia out of li-n arr ranaasl by ealarrh wiili h la iHillilns bin an ludsaiasl condition ol ISr tnlii'ima aiirlsera. Mr aill sire una Hnndrad Itollara Inr any raar ol ilralm-sa (raiiand hy ralarrbl ll'Bl eannot issenreii ny Hall i alarm i ure snii lor rlr mlara, Ins-. f J CIIKVKV a o , I nlado. O. gW ") T driiKlaia; 7S rents. linard yonraell lor ninissr Dialarla, tlrrd fi-ellng, ti) iiams mm Oregon lllissi I'urillsr. No on Is 9-ltrr ipialifled to ipesk Ii r rsrdtowbst 1 Useful In famlijr life than Msrioii Hsrlsnd. In hr popular and val uable Iskik, " Krt a l'aoghtara or I'uliiliion frii fur Maid, Vil and Mothar," on I'Sgi-s hat and 11 aha aaya " I or the s lunrl lsi k should ll 1st alnw In renivering Ha normal tlrriiglh an All- 01 s a l'.ia-n a I'l si a la so riivllriil coin-forli-r. coliiliiuilig the arnastloll ol the alis lainesl prraaurr u a airmig sarin hsrul aithirilalll Lour i alltira drtrluirl III thswrsriug ll almiild Is- kr t titer the aesl of Ulirsallieaa lor artrrsl CSV III ole alinsir raara lur ierhs'a s lorlnia-lit- "I" -o.i in i'i '..1 1 a ear su A 1 1 s 's I'osoi a ri .!s iiiuaUnilv. rrnraiiig sa it araraort. I Ina la an inisliin'ile auisirl ahrn the Wrliihl on llir amsll ol the hack iKi oun-a heat r and llir srtiiug lin raaaut ' Hstsi'ssrn'a I'll 1 a are aslr to lake at any tune. IstliMft' M:-..'..n . I 1 III J' 1 (' S i " t rlllifc -V tin II HO. AM illt m tM(l . U h in 11 it,..t Ii- Ia in m . f.. mr p frm Mir liialitullont k lrttiiil. lit I- liiiii l an h.lnl IH'l-.f llllllty l ,-Mf tla 1 IT' 11 f s,,.,l.,. m lia.r lui Ii-,- lui ...if 111 f fil gmt ( lot l- Mul t-'n tn 1 11 r m.i-w ! 1 1 1 14c II Hli'U'-'tfsti iifc Te- u r . ifil.lt n I m w'it tiiri In l.laiif W r ttint 1111 11. 111 f ! -1 r liiliistlluli not lnl.1i: Ihr I ll na.-l f r i rt' lit) Ii iff . Hti It si 1 1. a A aiM.ill i-H'k , .tin nl-. I Iln lti m .ifia Vim th n. mil Ir I "ii tlml I I lull- -.. tit I III Ilk I 'tf ' ii lull let till fii: whm r Nit loiMiiniiiif with , ti 1 1 In t . r r u rrl ttfilri Hnf i ii ihroiikth .nif aiai ii-'iu'i hi i ii.,iii( ' i . nit nr in- I i r t u i ii in 1 1 In NtiiiHr an.) t iiiahir i IK' Ml It 1. 1 I I . Imiilh ti.-.- 1. 1 -h.-rl.H- hUm , lUlld Htl tiaa ftlfi-rta, l iaM.'ilnl, Uf Vm InaawlluvHUiT INiluii. iw dm-4J1. Ttr OaiHta fur hrrahiMi. To Imikt un I!! Ihl Ilih im1 trrfik'th after icrip ,iMHihMniri, fr.rr miu Mi lirtHtrntnisf th----., Hmti Ii iitthiiiK to LujUhr. rrfrcs i ii'Hii Miiliml liiaivtirj. PROJTRITIOI F0LL0WIH8 CRIP. Mr. Hitt' hum lUnnrrr, riit: ' I m Uk'-n nh rfip vhiih IlimJIjf riilli-l in 1'iMMitinmm. na iralrili-l fur lhrr iiiixiih lUil i rriM fdlllfll tul Ui'IMiiili rtflllr Mink. WMIaUi tridinn lnlti"MUk k out llltllill." Tin ili act I if mr iim itH-ilh tin all 11m- Htm-, I f rvw oinkrrs III Hill nHsl iinI Iiiit nil IllllUrllfl. I I'wk two Hlliiir ll Willi. Mil Bllf rvlh-f. I IhI biiii in mjr tlt (.uliltT IMl tsa.lu Mhj. (Uhhktt. I '' "'"I ,V,U trfiHrilii uir 'i.iil'tw-Q MMirml Drt-npfy.' I ltk imiI mm UHtM- ti. fiefT fi ll tn'ttiT. Arti r li U'lU-41 i4iul. tit ii, nml fi ll I hml lHi-n Mt- fnm HerT, I iMi-niwatil rift-IH in ll"Jt mwi M n-nm h. ll I h r v -Prs--sW II Wal . rtf. a a ii .i ti ami a ii . l i ?.Vr.( .vt'-a. and t.iUlHttle. lnrent ailiats. It la sht rn a fusrsnta by all drtia fh. . It cures Ineiiieiil Conaumitk.r and ia the boal CouaU aiid Croup ''lira. Pale Faces or Loss of Flesh, or a Hack Ing Cough, reveal a condition! not a theory. Something ll wrong. Make It right with Scott's mWAmmmAmmmmmr Emulsion the Cream of Cod-liver Oil, which restores healthy col or, builds up flesh, stops coughing and gives strength. Phyiiciant, the world over, endorse It. Os.'. Ii decilrid bi Substitutes! fnylill ay aU Basraa, K. T. All fi ill at rilnrrnrj Ri nnnPrtmnrnl i IN cunrs- Oregon Blood PumncR traiA. A iIDNCVi UVtR D SfASfS. OYSKPaiA. P HPiiaixoTCKSansi'a mvAiis MtAtACMf.S OCTlVtNfSS fS-ASK YOI R IlKAI.KK filtl MONARCH RED STUiThELTIXO, Maltese Ciomi, Ki(lrwood and U al ia Imut Steam and Water Hose. iW All fully luamiitnl. Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co , r.ataltllakvil .1. l-urilaatl, r. Rambler bio re LIS. Sarin, l.lihl. Kallablr llful A lira acant rrrr ellr an fliil,VValilul arinl lur catalog OS Isrmt. M wanted la fi f '- il Inwii in lira- fcA Jtl.i an.llilalm 11 1! ultimas suj EJ VJ FRED T. MERRILL CYCLE CO., 7 M aaklnilaa at., rorllaad, Or. Slaudant araurm n Ihr worl l IlKhaalawanla al Wnrlil'a fair, I lil'-aan. lor narlarl Bllliis sal- mviii. I.rara lui-ui auil aiaka tnurnwnsar. mfftii. ai iiiisia, luuoan Maaa aarl aava Munrr, Wa kravh I uillns, f nlahius aud irrrsarassiu udii vis. a child na uiasa Jackson's New French System AND Jichn,t Franca Pmnlu Tailor Iplii AT Ho Mr HY MAIL. Ounrhmil U nfwn Amf mmn iiinii r-rrry iiiuuiu irwiw ll. mikrrnrt tmirfrtirtttmt mr ft IWaM. N riT- TiNUi nu ftllcrntlikui; no trying on. tr ft-vl-tMMssgj l'llri mi Iu avi-aiurt hm. Nlii1 'ill llaiiip allil Hill Mlid HtiWtoTah Mau'vinviiU, tr. If iml wiiil arf-frf Diliiii fa,raiiui, arn i Iu u (nf laiiiriia ami ltii urn aTalm, rpt mi mii-a lur blixk mllm y hm dtifvii to Un-mikra. V a r gi-uvral iVwivin mgrlt U. L-aliil afcMMIU ftlltil. JICKON'S UIL0RII8 INSTITUTE, 07 Maiiar at.. Saw fraarlaas, f'al, ENGRAVING! I'MIVrMtH hllul'l.t KMlW th tlta.ullal mni Imhh rhuuiiKrav l i. Ih in man t rMn- I ia u rotaliltalsaxi In t-77 bv ih Umummmt of II.4 lit V t V tVN liMA VIMl il.o .a a- urt-d iimi aaloa, and m at t ov Mu iita a t.f-l f ii i ami i anl a lull isftitil tl lla M trut1 M4SM hltte-C , IiImMiI aa- iiai- iigiiia nr. iiaV tr1i aj-rrisri HM) auiMrtr arilaia. Ilna ptinr C'u. Iur anil lha Liai ii-4 rltaaai nf ufli (iiiill)r. avliMtiiy al uuifof mlv RititairMl prW-- f'r all atitt'lf at.rii')g. rmi .(, aiMP1 to Up au rial Mm JIi ritivrtt mt4 tMhe-ra laVrUl'l mi lor Baiiiiil- svaiuiiHtrarfii4 lir HalHHl A I. I'MIY. M lutr. JaV M .1-aataM.. m. T , CaO. tint V; a.SMaS f"r llr. WllllaBU Irnttaa Ml. run i mam will enra Dllnd, r W lllaxlluf a d llrhlnrj rllia Ssa alsvirt lha Inmrtra. allava Ins llfhlli. si niira, srla s. a Isiul ttfm ii.u Ii. .ltl W - t.,,, . . ' r ' 111" lama1 In.tl.n l-ila ,,.,.,....., im . . lur I'l Us and llrlnr.a al lha .r,..i. Tatrla. Lrrrr Un la sarrsnlad. Hrdrus- alata. I,v ma1! ,.n aMla.i . n.iMn .. . ind n MIlLIAai MaaUFACTuaia C(k nil MIL- rniiirialors, I lvi iui, Ohio, r """"IrrLY'lgltAfrl BALM-ClaariM tHarVaaal T I I IM-rssJ ibay rmfn aui JnltaminaAaon, llaaia I 0ii nl I Jta Is-raa, Kaatoraa laata and buiali, au3 Curaal rnj I V y l.lrs U. I.rl a oh. ..r l. in 11 I. TW!V I saa' I ir-'r Ssa. im Ataarita. rt u ufir A-t I .v LvV Ii.,,..,.... IC arruaaWkfaua, urim.- V- kt! -yX-s ... HB THAT WORKS EASILV, WORKS SUCCESSFULLY." CLEAN HOUSE WITH SAPOLIO Aiinrn sr.sia,iB !. win LllHMl fc MlUY SM'O s-rai VWIILW r.ilial Ui. aura-l al.llr.it ol That Tlrad PaallnR "1 au tmubinl allh diarwiaaand n H ssTaasJ ararlur. and diltanrnl siail'mies al hnlt av-tl. Alupr Ullug Ibisa bulliasul Hissd mtymiil& Hood's IkMiiiui i ssas liTrl lm..lh"! Lv IsSaS h'.ur.ilr iii.s 'sBs- ssa-av ak WaW II ii bad aui rVWA bm Inr Hand saraairll,s I aroald a baaa drad ama lima siuaa J. S. Waiaisa, t.ada. Slila, ludlaua. Hood' Pill r surl trau ,ra. aud d Bui ur(, atiu or f rtfas. Sold lr a4 diuasUia. FALCON Bee Supplies, Tht ba.1 on lha atsrk.t W's sr Nunhwraiarn Asanla. PORTLAMO SttO CO., Ill asanas) a.rval, farll.ad. r. "l in evrry pitrticular thrro is no superior amonjjall lakmppow- tiers to the .... .'a.... "'- Golden West i lrnmu rn r- HtKUULLbS? i 1 . - CAS and OASOLINI Engines sotid rot- SjMmClTYs STRENGTH, ECONOMY -AND- SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP In Every Detail. Thaw sntlnsa sra srsnnwlrrfiad aa t asrl s Blliaar. la ba wnrlbv til hl.hai iaabi.ii!. lur aimed rl r,hl(h irsMaraal.rUI.B'lauparl r aorkmaii.blu. I'lirjr rlaralir. lbs lall anlaal h- nr aaiaar, and raa wlihoul aa Klaairlc S-a'K Us tart I Ibaaralrrs al lsull.au laslapis, lu.I- Fnf tiu m ill 1 1 . hm Ala fo Ipilaalla. - - no bailer aiislua eaa aa kiunii oa ih. 1'a.ma L'issal. ITfir hnlallna oulflta fna aaltiM I Vi. k... h.i Ilk hlshr.1 anirufal. Fur lllw-rmltlanl raoaaff Ikslr aamaorav Is nia. qussiluuad. STifTIOHIRT ZHQIHES -MajrrrAcn aED IT- PilKEB I RET TTPE F0UX3RT. I7 aaaaaasa Barvas. Baa rraaslsaa. sap- Car, rraa aad Alasr ass., rniaa4. Or. ra 4 let aBlaksjaa. TIE UitUSI P1TEIT I0OIHIEL B.KB it. i la sas dsslk so Uraond aqn'rrals, K.avliii-Bh.rm, Habniisaad all anl- rsals thai barrow la la. iron ml. airav it sis. sal sad certain frane. U aa. la. 1 1 bo at., boied lor? hlnraanl. Maasoaa SlV rarui tssa. with dl'arllrxia ror m. aa-l S. aaj aiylKalioa. For sals bar KUUiOai aiftaHi- -ii a iu.i suaajwf luaasa H tarlir I n.u.d S'l did blla no (u.a. wllh lisHHs) Ibsl bl Uk IU. al ti'Mir-.r s KaVI.AI.KIi -si iruia art old mm i.I HUM M AT I 14 and at. 1 N Fl.s III 4 Ina V klUI Uiil.u h.. I Tirara la (raliludr. Was. Si V. rrsaLS Isl a tss Isnl Vaaasasatrassaaa sad soa I skabm.ral baasaar Aaa V Bsv saaaal aas Use .Cars Bar 1 Ciisasaaasaaa. It ass asapaa) f Ibaa.eaaa It Baa so tares. aa eaaa. I. si awa eaa sa lass. I b la tea baaaauaataa.rea. I aas a air aba, a. . ii u o