The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 16, 1894, Image 6

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    HATUltPA:, JI NKU.
A bur k ward spring.
Variable Heather today.
Wry llf'.e travel mi tint ruilnunl.
There, N a big demand fur hay In
Olio week Inoru of nlildii- Hi I he
Hute L'lilvemity.
Hermann wilt huvo a 'lur,ility of
Vt-r U.wm for rnltgivnn.
Thon. Ilnrdy uud wife havu r moved
from Junction to Hpriiigflcld.
0,ultu ft iiuihIm r of farmer In town
tinlwitliMnndiiig tlin liirli'iui'iil weath
er. Tlio republican tvlcbratcd their vic
tory hint night hi lloM-liuri( nii'l Al
bany. ;
Tho Coburg nawmlll la now aliipplug
many car of lumln'r In llio northern i
imrtioii of tlio valley.
The county commliinioiif i court lil j
not adjourn before conic tlmu next'
The Cottnui) (irovc F-cho-In-udcr in
announced for aide, thu nlllor, Mr.
TlirN, iL-i.iring lo cugngu In oilier.
J. V. Cimiek, hn:ierly of Kugciic.
hu Jiiil let tlio contract ut Albany for
new bniik building. The contrail
pi ice In .'I,";W.
Ilmchurg lb-view: Kherlll Miller
ll.u) collected to-,'""' III luxca Up to the
pncnl time, Indicating u very lurgc
llelln(licnl llat.
Hilt-m Jx iiiiM-Mt: Wc liotlt' un edi
torial III the Alhnny iK-mm-rat on "N
hmakn' Hiiblcrriiiicnii Ocean." It In o
very timely mihjccl.
Tlio nlalc nciintu with llm Joint tlln
trn t of tlmnt, Morrow Mid Harney to
ho ir from will attunl republican l
democratic H, mid MiiulUt 3.
Dr. O.htn, Uow-burg pl'ynlcluii, hun
been commuted to the. iliniine Itnjhiiu
nt hnlciu. Kxin-nnivc unu of morphine
Id the chum-ol li in mclitul trolihlea.
The Hull Frantinco Ilulletlll publlnh
id the tux h-t of that city in lurge
pamphlet form of Inn thnn column
puge. containing uImiuI :;u0 muni-.
A ainitll cyclone- ntruck the edge of
Iong Crctk, Omul county, hint Sun
tiny. killing three 'a-moim, wounding
a iniuiln-r, und v. rn king eight buihl
Ingn. Captain Ward, of llm Mt-nmcr F.u
gene, Inform. -d un vcnlcrdny thnt lit Hie
mouth of Hie Willamette river, the
wnlcr cover u territory II mile In
Itnm-burg lU-vlt-w: Kev. K. A. Me
Alllntcr, of Fugclif, Hill Hienk lit Colin
Valley m:Iiihi limine, Juuu I", I Mil,
at II n. in.; everyone Invited lu ulli ml
tiiu lecture.
Tht Hull-in Joiirnnl, whin' editor ha
Jilnt lecii cli-ctcd to the Icglnliituiv, get
till thin; "F.vcry vote In lird'a plu
rality will lie worth t'n' to Oregon
within it year."
I'iiIoii county elect llio former
I. iiiio county people: t' l Holt'iimn,
mi., reprcncntulive; MIm Nellie
hlcvi-un, rep., kcIiooI i.iih rlnti ii'li lit;
uud J It Oliver, ilcui., clerk.
Corvnlll Tlmm: Twt new I'nnhy
tcrlitn rhiirchcN have Jul Ut u llni,ln-d
In l.ime county. I r. 'I'hoiiipoii lm
iMt'll Invited til preiii'h the detllentioii
M-rillon ut thu opclilliK of them) hliilil
lliK. There lire thre ciiiidlihite lor diplo
ma ill the coiiM-ivulory ol iininlc nt
tlio I'iiIvithIIv tin year. They inc.
Ada llcrtha NVnlter, piniio; Ada I'eiul
Tlioiiiitt Hlid l.lnna Alinilii lloll,
Charlie NieUell takea ilefeitt philo
wiiilileully. In hii piiMr, I lie J a. kn. hi
villi Timet, he coiiiuieiita on (he r
til 1 1 nn follown: " I'he hilunl Inn In too
Keiioun to IuiikIi at, and we urc to bl
to cry over It."
Thin in the time to Invent tthcil val
liennn' tli pn'wd. Tlio w l-n- inau huyn
w hen tithrm waul to wll nud priiin
an low. The limn who net-urea prof
crty now will ln the man who will get
the Hilvnntuuc of the rino that in Inniud
to come.
The Siilrm Journal Miva lluittiov.
crnor IViinoyer reinarked upon lienr-
liiK the election n tiuiin: ''My parly la
done up, mid my nuw mill Intillil lecl
umler w liter. 1 think t will n'l out
Uhii a httlu much nud take to the
Alhany leiniicral: A private U tter
from Crook county, received In Alhnny
IihImv, iitiuoiiuccn that the entire n
liilhllciill ticket wan elected Wilk tilt)
exception of Arthur llodtf-n, ilililo
crntic cniidiilali' for county clerk, who
rccvlved n popiilitr plurality.
Cottnite tintve Lender: A.J. Arm
alroiiK, a votuiK Chrintinu miuintir,
and Minn l.uey Adumn wen1 inurrleil ut
Iho Chriitian church, at Cuttne
Onive, WediittMlny, nt It p. in., :id r
Hk.iificn, of thin city, 11 llltillif. Mln
China I'Imt tictetl an hriilcniuaid nud
Henry lliixhuell wrved a f;riNiiniiiiiii.
After the ceremony H Hue nupin-r wan
nerved ut the renldclice of I lie hridca
Oregon Citv Knterprlne: Thti iIimhI
whirli now holdn I'orthiud lu Itn
clutclitm in a dire calamity, Iiihmiiiui'Ii
an it In not only ilenlroylutf loin of prop
crtv nt a IIiiib when htilne and la-
UirliiK men can 111 atl'ord It, hut It hnn
lirai'llciillv hrotiKht lunlinM ton aland-
null. The wornl of It In that ft IIimhI of
tint I'liurartc r of thin one iltnm not nub-
nlde ill n few thivn, but It iniint (VII-
tiiiuc till at lin-l the middle of June. ovea. PN) homcnteadn hnve
ln Inki ii In Kill Lilnt lil- the III
tliaiin, and 40 piitt-ntn have (n-eii Imiutl
In tin-in 17 tlio Kovcriimc ill. 1 lie law
ihn-n not permit them ! nell or diitl
land mini after the hi of . yeaia
from h tlutu or tlie pult-iil a.
The lii'linim are tn-ruiilled to lioint
atead acrcn fur 1.11 ihIiik' or l'j'lai'n-a
for frntlint purn"nn, w Idle a wiin nt
the hind ol a f:iiuilv cU enh r mi or liitl
acn of land for each uue of her minor
Culture drove lender: At about
linlfui-t nix o't l.n'k hwt MiiiiUy, n
hoiw belomriiiit to Ibiiieiiwav Urn.,
euinii piling I iirf out of the aUhle with a
Iniard lluliKllifc' to the IV n- wllh wliicli
he had lt II tuil ill the ntull. Whi ll
near the SlierniNnt llotme the lo.ird
Kettllitf Ivtweell hin for len, tlirnid
up oil end an Unit the home juilinil
dow 11 oil it w till Mli ll frie thnl hint II
I ml U came out. r ullinif down alimxl
llllllli'liali ly he wan nil. 4 lo put hi III
out of pniu.
Alhnny m-non-rnt. A iiihh at the
front door I a - U 1 1 1 a r. . li 1 Lu ui4 i-t
why In Allmny, Wi-t Allny and
La'l Albany thi re were only nine pro
hibition Votia cnt for cnnirreHtiiia!,
while tin rn ure more ml,il.-rn alone in
Iho priflnct t tut it tlmt. He In luipiir
lni( If tli"-y practioe w hat they pn-iu-h.
'I he prohibition caiidldute for auprt iue
JiI'Ik'c ulvin It up. The little fellow
u bo nk-d the ipientlon buitlea ahead,
thinking he hnn Kiveli aoiiiu one a live
hit. W 'under If he ban.
tNtleui 1 iiiin-rul: The On-toiiiiiii
hun now l iuht llllli lllllen which will Int
u--d to act tvjie for that pu r and the
Teli-tjrniii. They will probably l In
f'll I oh r.itii.11 by the flmt of the w k.
Thin will throw ut leunt '3 iiriuUm out
of employment, whlc'i w ill mime linrd
on them Mont of thoee who Will liwe
their plnocn are men w ho liava (niwn
old at the cone, Mid ll will be hurl for
tin-in to llnd 1 iiiploymeut. The Ore
'oiiImii will nave from thu woiKim-u
Ihlln ilii-n-nned r'KKJ ft Week, and ill a
fi-w inoiitbn will liavo moiit-y enoiiifli
In put n not her nlory or t wnoil Itn build
liil(. The ri-nlllt of thla liioveliieiit oil
tliu part of the On-foulim will pnb
bly lw the Intnl. IIkIiiiiciiI of hl(
morniiiK dully In I'ortlaud.
I Hill; iunr4, Jiiimi II.
Ir. It. F. Ilo.vlim, of Junction City,
In in Lunelle.
Ivl I'ool nud wife retuilieil thinufti r-
iiikiii from l'lirllund.
O. I'. I loir, of Irvlnu came upon
thin afti-ruiMiu'a trnln.
I)r, Cbnpiiinn n-tiiriiol liouie thin af
terinniii from 1'ortlniiil.
II. I). Norton cume up tliiaafl'-ruiKin
to nieud Hunihiy lit liouie.
Clio. K. Woh-oit, h tii'Aiui rrK.rt-r,
left oil (he ateiiiui-r J jli-lie tlili morn
iiiK 1.11 a few tluyn vinll lo I'lirllnliil.
Jim 11I1 uud Malk (lold-touu will
noon leave for New York City w here
they will l-ntllhlinll ft wlioli-Nilti Iioiim-.
Mi Mat tin Martin, who bun been
vlnitinK with Mrn. ( hiiinln-rn fnl mune
time, bun relumed In her homo nt I :1-
l'rof. K. C. Yoiiiik, prlnclpitl of the
Portland IHkIi N-IimiI, arrivetl licre
thin iifteruooii. lie lecturen lit I he I'lii
vemity tonight.
Attorney Winxli-ock him retliriud
from 11 Irln to Portland. lie rciortn
the llmnl nt Unit plm-e tloiii( It huge
aiuouiit of ilniiiui;i
lion. H. I.. M.n.n head, of Junction
City, In III EilKclic thin nfterniNili. He
wua coiiKratiialated Unui hin niicttnn
fu! t lictioii (i-neriilly.
W. T. York, one of the proprietors
of the Medford Mail, iirrlwd In rc yen
lerduv fioin Hon-iiif, nud lll leave
tonight for hin I101110 in Mmlford.
J til inn ( loldniiiith, w ho hnn Ineii con-
II I to bin rcnldfiicu a few dityn with
di-kiiciM, wnn able In In- tlouii town
thin Miolliinx for ft nboit time.
Mirn lli--.lo liny mid Miwi flora
Younu returned I hin aflt rii'mii from 1111
extendi d vinit lo the Kin-t mid Califor
liin. They it-port Imvin had 11 nplen
tlid trip.
Attorney I'otter went to Junction oil
I bin niorniiiK'a local trnln, lu pnweciite
Mime individual for an iiH-iuilt. We
were iinitblu lo get the partliuliirnof the
row nor the coiuliataiiln.
Mm. II. K. lli.llnnUi.k, of thin city
k'Nidiialed May -sth, from the M.
Loin-, M.., coiiwrvatnry or inline,
m 1th IiIkIi Imtiorn. hbe cxni tn to re
turn home the lunt of the liioiilli.
S. A. Meteulf and duuuhtcr Aliiv
nud A. M Mar(llln, of Pill 1 1 hr.iln.lM-o,
nud Minn Macule- Cruller, of lliln city,
left thin morniiiK for thti to ley .'-pi I nun
where they will npelld thu HUUiUUT.
Fridiiy'a Salem Journal: Mirn lt. n-
nie iHiv nud Mia Flora Youmr, of l. i-
Kcne, eiiroute hoino from thu K mt, nr
riveil linlay for II vlnit lit Salem. Tile
voiiiik ladiea are Knenl ut the Imiue of
Tho. Cnullcld, 011 Chrmekotn ntrm I.
(leori;t) Yonm nud wife leave for I lie
Kant on 11 ttvo nioiithn' vlnit one . k
In. 111 tomorrow. Mr. Yorin will ht
Iclld Hie Nutltilinl l-idilorbil CollVeii
tli.n, nt Anbury I'aik, N. J., which
CiinvclieMiil that pluce, July '1, Ih-Iiikii
tlele(fitle ft tutl the Oregon I'ren Anhvl- I
ul loll.
j Hie I'ortluai Hnoil.
j Tit- 'oliiinbia and Wilbnn. tie river
ire r,illliitf nt all .lnl. The river ha
i fulli 11 oin-hiitr fm.t ut Portland and 1
j atnliol.iiry ut I'mulilla.
IU I tloiibt the l.euvle-t loner on
the bv ri-iinon t.f the (rent flmnl I
the I iilon'Puclllc Itallniad Company.
. Hnperiiitetideiit ItnXter K.iVa tlmt the
! (rin k ol the O. It. A N. for n dutance
t.f till) lliili-a flint of I'ortbilid luw Ui-ll
ttimt nitln-ly denirnyi-d, and to ri-
Kev. II. A. Illnir yenleldiiy rt'idRt-cd
I lie pimlornle of the CumU'rlniiil Pie
bvteriitii church of thin city to Inke
t-licft July I j. At that time he w III ic
In Portland lo take charge of llilneioll-
II ry work under din it ion of the 111I
nioniiry tmanl of the church, tit HI.
lU-v. Illair hun I in-u III churKe of the
FiiKciie church for four ycaiauud eluhl
lie. nt Im, nud by bin enruent work and
ellortn Krenlly Increamil the ineiuU-r-hIi
in eiicoiiriiKeil the zeal of lneiiiln.'n,
built n line church cdlfliv and pamoii
Hire, lnniden anlntlut liircely lu having
t'hiiri ht a butll nt oilier plmva.
Ileliaamudu ninny friend III Ku
Hi ne w ho n-iiret hin Intended ill part 11 iv
hut wlnh him aui-iva III the new Ikld
of hi lulmra.
Imibl It and nut It lu flr'nt-clu eoiidl
tioii will com In the vii.'iliily of .',,
mm. The Ion in the (vimpMiiy'i ilH'k,
warehoiincn, rolliiiK nt'M-k, and the In
tcrrilptlou to bllniuen I entimaleil at
another I,'l,(nJ. It will Ik- probably
thrtnl lliontlin till nlntfll of
I rnd I lully n-builu
I lie liilo portaifo railrimloii llio uro
Koli mrle nncl Hie I'nloli Pncillo (Hirlaife
oil thu Wu1.l1l11nt011nld. huVe both Un-ll
witnheil uwav. Tlio wnter will have to
full ID fm t In-fore the Union Pac-llU'cau
muke lh inniKnarv ri'palm to aetiiru
coiiniifftloil ili-nlre.I. It will bu proh
ably Imi two week before thin cau be
done. Thu material and nu n are ou
(lie Krolld, uulllliK lor thu water to
Uridine No. Pl, cant ol Troutdale,
went down with uu i nlni' two or
Ibn-c tluyn ai(o, and the eiitiiie naiik
out of nliht. A trnck hu in-ell built
over It nud when thu water aulwlde It
W 111 In) ruined.
Cuplulu Orny, of Ia'wI river, aaya
thnl Hie Hiilo all aloiiK the low I11111U
have ilenerteil their home and taken
refute union thu lull and liiKher
ground for nafety from the water.
WtMHllulid, a low 11 of 4iW or 6U0 illhabl
Itiuln, III Cou liU county, WunhliiKtoii)
In coliilileleiV nlll.lneriflsl. Captain
limy nayn, and hu Inx-u ilevrttl by
all but a lew, wlm rcmuiliiMl m nave
their ell'-cln and are now living lu thu
necoud ntorlt of their lltiUM-. Of
thoM w ho lied, wiine lira caiupiiiK III
Ihe hlKhliiniln mid other lire Maying
w ith frielitln. Ho far un lie could lenril,
IIO one wun III tlintrenn, hut that Will lie
1111 ulii-r 1 lb i t of tin- IIihhI, n inont of
the In-onle hnve lonl nil, or nearly all,
nf Ihclr worldly Mnu'nnlou. Manleia
I of Imuln pl vlni: in thu ( 'oliiinbia are do
Iuk all in their jmwer to oiuitl thune
: people.
in nv 1 rrv iifTovt:i).
New n-KiirdlitK the alt nut Ion ut
Hilby ( Ity In an lollowa: Ituby City
nud the In-uutiful valley In which thu
little town In Mtuiiled are tlcaolatcd.
Wliul 10 tiny nun wanft thriving little
illliiK'e, InHlltllul Kardell ftlul fertile
liiiidn, verdant with growing cro.
coiiimaiiding ft property value of
many thoiimiudn of dolliirn, la now
ihtHilntu wiinle. The llmnl that destroy
ed Concoiiudy wroiiKht fearful ruin In
thin twin village of thu Oknllognil.
Ituby I only 11 mile U'low Coni-ouully
011 Ituby crm-k, w hich wnaawollcii by
n dninhiimt almve Concoiiiilly, ami like
Kilinoii river at that point, awept
everything In-fore It.
From Ituby down the valley iiiiille
to the Okuiiogaii river nothing I left.
F.veu the noil whieli for age hnn no
cumulnted uud fiinleiietl Itwlf Umn the
rin-kn hnn Ui-li witnhed awny, and the
Imuldem and cobble alone now lie a
they did age ngo, white nud bare.
Wlicre there were vuluable rmichr It
now loukn nn if It w 11 the bill of n
river thnl hud recently run dry.
Fvi-rvthiug in thin once bt-uulifu!
valley In Inihi-d but denotation. The
Kiiple are rtliiig together w hnl they
cau and are moving away. Many are
In norc tlintn-nn and ittvd UMilhtnlice.
( nrrenpoiiUeiirr.
Cuijiw ki.i., Or., June V, '01. riiH (it Aim: Tim Junction City
Tiiuc htui hint come to luind and In an
editorial il nnyn: "No other calidl-
Hale rcci'ivi'il no nigu a coiiipiiiueniniy
toll, nt liome." 11 lie. which lanll rlubl
i noiighlflt were true. I claim thi
honor for Crcawrli. Acooniing 10 me
uvcruge vole or Junction tliere are uu
republicnu there. He received 1I
votin, or 4j nhead of hi ticket. In
thin precinct there lire but 70 demo
crat and Whltcakcr ntvlvcd l'JT votca
or 67 iihend of hi ticket. Cull.
I ulrrmlty Urturr.
Prof. F. C. Young, prinrlpal of the
Portland High School, delivered a lec
ture at lllnnl bull, Saturiliiy evening,
June nth, to n gmnl aiidleuix'. Hin
nul.jectwnn "Kducalioil." It Would
U' an injuntlco to the enkcr to at
tiuil.t to uiiike a nyuotnila of hla re
murka. The ndilrin proved that the
in-nkcr hnd put ui'icli time ami ntudy
011 Inn kiitiject. Prof. Yniiiig In an ex-
eellclit n-ukcr, and tboe prenelit wui
Ireatcil in a literary fount.
I .Mil I TIIK C.WK. Tim KXttlllilier
cave 4irly ho buen lienrd from
through an llluatrntuil letter lu that
Journal. The rxplou-ra bud peiieliat
11I to a depth 0 thmv and a half mile
with the aid of lulitcrua and liickn,
the hitter ln-lng until In kum k the
limcnlnue projection out of the way
to admit ol aivi-n In new nparlnu ii!.
The wny In very dlfllciilt uud a gmnl
pari of il in gone over tin baud
and knit. Thu cavern are dripping
with (he mi intge from nulling aiiow
! at thin lime of thu year. Flash light
j picture reveal ueinl and ghoaliy
chamber, ntutuary alinoot human In ita
I carving and contour. It w ill take money
' In render Ihone great cavcrnn neve
I Lie t 1 the nvt-mge lourint, who prx-lim
. walking envl In Muicli of tlir curlotm
and inn in iintuic. Mnn- lulU-m are
yet to In- plll'iiplii-d lu the mpcr Ic
; gardii.g thiae givitt cae.
' A Cacii At mr The Medford l!
naxa: W. T. otk, of the Mail, in ovt-r
all lor liiv, Ijiuc iniunty, thlntk
. looking utter hi farm iutervoln. IK
ban I H ni-ii-n of hind limlde ol the In
coin.inle liiniln cf tbal cily , and, nn a
iiniltcr of leiirn.', it in worth Im.king
Siati: Pii'iimao. Dlplonuia have
Un-u imiietl bv the ft ate ncliiml nuMi
inleudeiil, i:."ll. Mi i;iroy. to the fob
lowing graduate of the I'lilvernlty of
Oregon: l.innia M Wnld, Jailie A
I .niiuie, Lawn-nee T. Ilnrrln, Irving
M tlYiin, and Mary Collier of Kugelie;
lieorgf F Welch. Antorla; Fllna M
CiiderwiMHl, Me l 1 1111 vl IK-; U
Powell, Atrlii. tlcorge W. June,
Jelli-moii; M. I !-. K. Hill, The Ihilh-n;
uud P1111IJ Itrnltuill, of Puinly. Thene
ccrtihVnte were granted by Mr. Mo
Flroy, nn m-cn-tnry of Hie ntate Umrd
of education, the exniiiliinllon mpt-ni
having lnn-ii niibmitted to that Unly
lor n'-exuiiriualion a provided In ft
Icginlatlve act ol February, ni.
' l.ilr i.un.-J. J.u I.
1 No IXi -fliMiiM.- On account of l!ie le wmtlit r, the t-xciimiou 11 I
i vertivd lv nttantt-r to IIrrtLurg t-
dv wamltt Urvd fit, aril the lnt h fl
an'iiniul for Porllnud.
ItoK.M. Near tbiai ity, June Im-4,
lo the w Iff of y liarmil, a aoii.
lioiiKMiA Mi.m.-A Coltnge Cirovt
dinpntch of June loth naya: The Itn
l.emla dlitrict a inniith ngn wna cover
ed with niinw nvirngitig from 10 to Uj
feet lu d. pib. Mm w ho came from
then- yentt-rdnv report the anow ban
alin.-nl gone. Thnl reiiiftlnlng lain the
low channel, but w ill atnui go. Cap-itull-t
nud pr.n-ctnr are arriving
dailv In liiri-ntignle Ibe mine. The
holdci are nniin-d of tht Ir luimeline
wi alih an I w ill not m il uulim fairly
nnrl.-.. lloti In aru full with nn u,
for llu-n', and there I every indication
tl.nt the lit. b una dintrict will lw one
of 1 be lariji-t mining camp on the
I'a. lib- nunt Mill. ill two Jearn.
T10: Anm i. Pi.tMiiN. On Fri
day, June 1 .1 1 , the annual reunion of
the On-goii Pimm r nn intloli will t
I., Id lii l'..rll:in.. The pn.graiuine pnnn-vnion, luiml.-, addit-mm,
litt mry 1 .-n and m d, lu.llng Ith
a IntK. Tlio .n-iniilllt.n-n are
, tmnily t n-ng l 111 making all neinmry
1 arraugi iin iiln for t lit- coining event.
X Wiir4 Frntu tb KdHr. J
.... . 11 1.... 1. ii.. I Hi.. I'.IIm I
ilie ioiiomiiiii
'County Mirror, publlahi-tl at Waxu
! Iiachie, Texaa, la K-lf-Ilaliatory:
1 i. .-.. 1 .v tiutL. Mw 12. l.lW.
IH.ah Mikkok: Our delegation .
rein-lied thlallllluclty, lJ)nille outU j
..1 i.,nUi..l mi the niirlitof the ljth, !
and waa glad of another chniico In
aleep In bed" after being crowded ill
leelieni for ail lilghta.
We went to work u, follow ing
...1.... ....1 iiinv m-ttluir toward
..... ....I Will urohau v ntnrt
IIIO I'll. .-. " , f t 0 , 1 .
for Maii Fraiiclaon Wednesday night,
and If ao, will reacii mere rimj
morning. It I &'" mile-, retpnrlng
ttavii III I'll fa ami one (lav. The trip I
arranged that we a over the moun
tain in (luyllgui.
'ci.i. in 1 1.. ...t. .f i.U.ut ,1(100 noli In. in
ft IJIM III HW V.. .
beautifully alluatetl lu the lllnuietle
valley, fanioua for Ha iiihiiv and diver
allied ftttractlona. The H-ople here are
...,...,,.n i,,iIiI,Ih and c hi 1 ' -.'.1 1 In
our Oeneral Auihly in ae,ii.i l,vv
I till time. 1 ney uiei ua at me --
iKit wllh every ex prennlon or giou in-
aee-you, and are tlelermlueU Ui Keen 11
up until the but man aliall have taken
but departure. 1 li tutl la mav 11 royui
trealuieiit could lw made to hold tnt-n
r.... .i.ior .,,,1 liiiniM Inili.iliiltel v. Una
nulla u-'J - - ..... rf .
la w lu re It would have audi an elici t.
The State grange la In acmlou Here
nuw. 1 have taken 11 Ukiii niyneii 10
Interview" aoiue of the "granger,
and And them about a warm for Pen-
noyer a the Alllanoo wa for Hogg in
'I' U a and wind blowing from
the Weal tbl evening, aomvwhat like
our norther. It la alraiglit from the
aua, -10 mile away. Our Oeternl Aa
at 111 bly baa Juni n-fum-d woman
preacher, from Kentucky, ian ordained
uilulnter) ft neat 111 the body. Thu
vote wa & to Ml.
I uirrv li tmtliw Itl tlm I'ortlniid
Ou-goiilan of yeterdny that you aru
liaving ironi iu ivxa. nope 11 1 urn
a bad "aa the paper any." There
haa been fine while front here nluce inir
arrival, with nnow alwuya In night on
llie lllgn inouniaina aniuiiu ua.
Tbia I a un-nt fruit countrv. Fruit
of every kind that are raised here arc
on the table.
The editor In ouriiarty werelnviti-d
to ft picnic and flnhiiig on the Mclvcn
xle yeaterduy, but we could not get oil.
Thone who went, however, brought
back aoine fine llnh, for we nw tht-ui.
111.... I. ..Ma f liat-A nii.1 l..4a
rilllT wui.'H i.i.v a H... -
TeulMCli, brother of Charley Teulnch.
of our town. He I connected with uu
exteunlve dry gmnln lioune, nud ho
placed me under obligation for favor
aliown. Ilel quite (Nipulur, anil ha
a voumrer brother, (inn, living In the
country near liere. I wa alno with
bliu a little w hile on Hunduy.
T.J. .M.
Iarar llllai Hrpllcn.
I'oi.t'MHiA. K C, June . In re
ply to Itcv. J. J. Hull, of Norfolk, who
write of the slander agniimt thu peo
nleoftbe Hiuth ln-lng circulated III
l-:iiglaud by ft colored woman, Idea
Well, who waa run out of Memphis,
Tenn., for nlniiili-rlng the vlrtuo of
Soul hern women in a uewnpnin-r alio
publinliml there, Oovcrnor Tlllmau
write thu following today:
"lu reply to your letter of May I
l-g to nay that I am oorn-ctly reinirt-
etl to till extent: I aald in my cun-
vnn two year ago, ami any now tint,
Oovcrnor a I am, I would lend
mob to lynch any man, white or
black, who bad rnvlnliod any woman
white or black. I am en record an
having anked the legUlulure to give
nm Miwer to remove any aherllt w ho
allowed a prlaoner to tj lyncheil while
In hi custody. I live pnunptly or
dered out the militia to protect prison
era wheuevor called 011 by the nhcriltn.
I am opimtted to lynch luw for any
thing but raie. That I n crime,
which, In my opinion, p I noon any man
beyond tho pale of the law ami put
him below brute. The Soul her 11 nn
plu aru not blamrleM lu dealing w ith
the tiueatlon of lynching, but nil our
lynching are nut of uegroea, and but
for the fuel that every outbreak of thu
kind I lined a a text by n'publican
newnpaper to ilnntler and inlnrcpre
cut our ijople, they would excite no
more comment than elnew hero lu the
l ulled State. I think thnt ntntintic
will how that they occur aa often In
Weatern and Northern atatcs ns they
do In the South."
Mrs. Well.-' lecture In F.tiglimd
havo created ft aeiinatloli, and the pn
era there characterize the Hmithern
Mople aa brute unable to govern
Mill anil I If hi Hr-ckarl4a-v.
Lkxinotvn, Ky., June !. It I
learned that many prominent Indie of
till city, who took a leading art In
thu anll-ltreckenrldgu protcnt at thu
oht houae here several week ngn,
have been warnetl through ft letter,
tinted from Pitlaburg, thnt they nre
akeletoua In their clonetn, and they
could not altord to take part In nin-li
"tleteatable proceeding agnlnnt Col.
The letter wa aeiit from iA'Xlngton
lo the PHUburg HHliiianter w ith the
nnpuent that he n-iuull II to iA-xiugtoii
a nddniwed. The inminianicr w rote
acroa the ton of the letter In red Ink,
"Sent from Ix-xliigton with the ie
iiueat that It be n'lnnllcd frotn here."
The ladle n'fun to allow the letter to
U iitibllnheit. One of them auld imlny:
"Well, we know the handwriting hut
we do not blame him for doing nil In
1 hi power for Col. Hreokciirldge,
j though It I done In ever no mean a
manner. The letter will hnve no
effect. We know our huabnntl pretty
well and uch threat are beneath our
1 notice."
an excellent v!e
iti'd il rl.oiiKl lw
I.ticone has
',vtttr -1. In. uu w rvire
tin ir app' arm.. In very fonnld-! Civlrnor I t tuioycr im
n tin A
to liin saw mill ij rectijn r.ilc Hu
is not i Hl ioliti'ul proplni
Uim iilaii a) Umm'f
Nlw YoliK. June 11. 'I'he 1
In I In r not
uLle iiiuiiut-r. In northern New Jvr-
vlhutrmn nic In inany liialanci-s 1
' . . . .1 u, . 1. it. .!...!!.. M.t Km ImwIa I I
r-o'ioi nun in.- iiiii-uw " 1 . . .
.'...t only the triinl n of the tree, but ll.cne u.ij f.
t',e haven nn ui !l ure pninliil nil tin- ' 'flic llootl of tllC Columliiu Uinl
natural odor by the l. u-t niiell. ! trii,utaric Ij.i vecaucil inimi ler-
A trie wanolancived lu Snith Orange 1 , ... .
v .i. ,,i,.e ibui wo literallv covered ah'-lo- of lift' umi imuicndo Una I.-
w Hi ihe'liH-unl. They were crawling
up the Uxly of tlio tree Hint theliee to
t.iu foliage. Many of Iheclumny In
, , In 'ell. end the nhaklng of ft branch
Li. .in-lit tln-m down lu abower. They
I. .ve a. U guil to nttm-k folluge autl
II. -uer In the ynnln, nnd uiready n
in-tlvc crunade hn Iwn-n ln-guu uguilint
tin-in lu their depredutlon 011 cholcu
pl.tlltn. ThoM'Wlni reliiclllln?r tho lat
n pciirani-c of the Incilnl predict that
tla t nr "ciop" will fur outnuiulier
tinit'of fi77. One truck fiiruicr, wtioau
vegctuble are nullerliig coliaiderahly
from me "unkiiowu" t, a he
thought, linn eoi, rlutled 1 1 1 lit t 111) Im-Unt
ar) reponnililu for the tlniuage being
tlotiu. Farmer from the lower end of
I-otig Inland any the locuntn have made
lln-lr Bpn-nrniice In that aectlon In
lurge tiuml rn. Similar alorlc come
In. 111 widely m-parated point In the
tute and from Coiincctlcut.
5lrre I lalvala.
IllHMI.MdllAM, AU., June 11. Sn
Ing the advantage with w I. ieh Ala
bama coal operator have um-d Intro
lUr to overcome the nlrikc here, cer
tain large Pelinnylvaliia ot-ratom have
lividml to try the name nn-unn iy
the llrt eoulliigeiit of 'JW colon d min
er, left here in fpei lul cam for Jobnn
burg, Pa., to lw followed by ncverul
huiulreil more wilhiu the next ft w
daya. If the experiment prove uc
cenaful It I naid the Pcnnnylvaiiia o
enttorn will Import euougli negnm
fivm the aoutli to till all the idle mil .
lu IV atate. The matter I In-ing
worked very quietly, il In-iug fmtiv.1
thai If the IVunnylvaiiia atriker aie
ai beforehand of the coiniiig of
the negnn.-, vloleluv may In- d-.iie t ie
African on tbvirarrival. ibnuge.
From the tenor uf our re puLlican
ex'liHnRc it umi-ni nearly itrlnin
tliut S nator Dtilpli will be re-elect
ed next Januurv.
If you wnnt Iho Iik-uI hows uf
liugcim ami Lane county nubnortlw
for the Guard. Thu i our cc
inlty and we never get left.
Lane county cust 4,ir0S votes lint
Monday. A kuoI inert-aim over two
yeara ago. Muny preaicieu uiai
llm vote would ahow a Lining mi.
Uugincfs In I'ortland i recover-
in from the effecta of the HiumI, al
though it will probably bo the first
of July before the wholesale quart-
era will be enureiv ircc iroin
Tho election is now fully over
and all phould work for the pr.m-
pcrity of the country. Don't
atund on the itrcc-t corner ami
shout hard times. It nnlv innkcH
mutters worse.
Tulk about hard tinic. A whole
village in New Jerey is to lo void
fur debt. The mortgage w hich is
being forccloHeil includes every
house and lot, every store, church
and school houe in the place. This
is foreclosure by the wholcmila
The examination of the vote of
Lane county shows ccneluMvdy
that the iiopulist party wus com
posed almoHtcnli rely of democrats.
An. . 1.1: I... 1....1 1 ....
i 11U It-n rcpiiuiit:;&ii n uu iiuu urn
training with poptihs m left the
party and voted their old ticket.
Many of the democrats who were
inveigled into the scheme now real
ize how they were duped. They
have nuMHtcd in electing a republi
can ticket, legislature, and Uolph
to the senate. We told them be
fore election that a vote fur popu
lism would accomplish tliut re
sult. With fewer prime cattle to come
forward for slaughtering next au
tumn, winter and following sea
sons on ui-couiit of the depletion of
the range of this coast by death,
driving into other states uud the
free slaughter of calve, says tho
.S. F. Live Stock and Hutclu rn' Ga
zette, it looks us if an era of bet ler
prices would shortly ojien. Yet who
can tell, ns the cattle market hart
gained a rcpututiou for running
the opposite way to that whieli the
best judgci", on what were apparent
ly sound reasons, predicted. This
contrariety may or may not occur
this time.
Dr. C. II. I'urkhurst says: Di
you know what tho tlillcrence is be
tween statesmanship and politic?
Well, Klitics is tho statesmanship
with the moral gristle left nut
Politics is in certain resiects n
great deal worse than depravity,
pure and simple. I have had to
deal witli men who were tlelilx r
ately ami consistently wick-nl und
with politicians, and I would rath
er cujk) w ith ten of the former than
one of the latter. I know we are
told wo ought not to mix with
theso earthly pursuit, or to trail
our clerical rolies through the dust
of secular life. The idea of a rab
ble of cut throats, thieves ami lib
ertines, presuming to stand off and
to tell God's prophets to keep
their hands ofTthe ark of covenant
when the sole regard they have fur
tho ark is their sacrilegious npic
tite for the golden jn.t of money
that is preserved in its interior!
Don't let these dirty hypocritta
fool you. A short while ago I ut
tered a thirty minute indictment
against the blond-curdling scound
rels who are sucking the life nut of
the city. It set then all g
like vtorms on a hot shovel.
Junction City Times: Owing to
the arbitray ruling of one tho
judges of elcctiou in North Junction
precinct, nineteen ballots were
thrown out. This i a very ser
ious matter and while it will not
tuck, a chorun girl. Her mother shot j c,anKt. the result, every elector has
Ptmle In her ow n niiurtliientH, tni-nuwyi ., r ... .
he reiu-nl to umrry her daughter 1. 11-' 11,0 rl?,lt "lovs his sentiments
mediately. I by the ballot. I hese ballots were
- I thrown out on the Hitnsy excuno
PnoH.wii.K p.irinNi.MKNT.-Pnrtinl j tlut the voter um-d a common lend
arrangi Iilt'lila had In-cn nindo to hold . .. ;i . 1 r .. : 1 11-11
Ihenlatfleacliem nnn'intio,, the flmt'l"0.11 in-tC-a-l of un I id.'lllt le ..I.e.
tn-lt liuiiivat ewimrt. hut III View 1 "c i""!'-1'1"1" inauny i rinuu
canc I, cros
A I kitafl HUiwi
It'it'I.v.TlK. Pa., June II. A Hime
iiiiihonlug Valley local newnnr
print the notice of the luarringe of
Sir. Hnrnh Kl'h-r to David Hal ley, but
d-n-n not ntate that Mr. JUtiley wan the
1 liaiiiplon widow of the country before
i-he becaiiu' Mr, iliiiley. Her nialilen
name wit Orr, but her nntno In-eame
In time by marriage Itartn-n, C'alaban,
Klx, Kiiihi, Kobliinou, Kldrr, and now
Itulley. F.ucli of liernlx den I hu
baud had Inn n a noldier lu the late
w nr, and nhe inurrleil the llmt one lu
&':, when nhe waa 17.
It In hardly fulr to any, cither, that
thene hunbinidn were exactly nix, for
not one of them had all of hiinnelf left
when he niicceedtit to the title of Iiun
baud of thin nduiin r of the military.
1'hnnj of Ihexe hiinbnutln hnd only one
leir nnleee: one had only aeveu llngeni,
iKiile In-lug abort a leg; another
wmM-d nud wtm the widow with one
leir nnd one arm. mid the nlxth wa
iiiinu one eye. Thin one died 3 year
ai'oon ibe llth or Jlny, tlie dny mat
Mm. hnrnli Orr lturnen-Culiihan-Ulx-
Knon-Kobinnoii-lJdi-r added her eighth
name of Kaili-y. Till hunbalitl in not
n vetcriiti of the wnr, ami ha nil hi
I-r. urinn. II 11 gem ami eye. Mrs.
P.ailt-y In not yet l, und 1 the mother
t.f V2 childn'li, two each by her noldier
I. unbuild.
Lincoln, Neb., June II. It ban
Un-n M'ttletl tliut neither llrvau nor
Field, whu made the fiimuu tight for
congrenn iu the r irnt tlintrlct two year
ago, will In 11 cuniliilnte thi year,
Judge Allen W. Field renlglird 111 neat
on the di-lrlrt In-iich In 1KC lo run on
lie republicnu tic Wut againnt Itryan
for cougn-n. thinking be liud a mire
Miiug lu n dintrict republican by WWO
plurality. Hut ullliougtl lie 111111I0 ft
cooil cuiivimH, liryuii wun tmi liilli ll for
Tmbiy I I. -Id follout-tl Ilrvan'a e.xaiu-
I . t bv Miblinhillg a teller ill which he
let-Inn lo be the republican cant!l
date. He nnvn bin prolennloiinl duties
I are tmi great lo n-riliit li t lit to enter
the rniv. It I conceded he could have
: 1 btniiietl I he nomination although
I there wnn nome opixmltlon. Field's
1 lenlgnntion probably meniia Judge
I M rode a liomiiiiitloli nud r lei. I n n-
1 iK.iiitinei.t to hi i.litce on the dintrict
j I ciich. Thu Mipulin(n ami tlcmocrnt
Mi ni pro nniv iiiiiic 011 jiuigu ivnmoy,
i very iibk' di'inocratie fnnxoimigu
b fttU-r.
On Hi iu ,iiil.
I IlKltl.lN', June !. Herr I.udwlg
; linmlnTgi-r, an eminent authority Up
on thu iiuemiou of biliiftallnm, uud ft
' llielnln-r of the nitver (iiunuimilon. de-
ilun-ntlmt nftcr twenty-one dny of
: 1 nrni-t dinciinniou, thnt no iMIiglblO re-
-tilt hnd ln-en arrivetl nt, but the nitrt
' lugn of I he fommininn hnve flllliinhed
' overwhelming proof, thul in the future
' un colifrreiiti-. cither luttloual or inter-
1 iiutionnl, will arrive at any dlllereiit
I call It.
i According to Herr Iiitmin-rgcr, an
; iindt-rntntiiliiig timu bimctulinin aeeni
; to hnve Inn-u illiponnible lietwecn the
! dlllen-nt ntnte iiicludiiig Kngluiitl or
without Knglniitl. Hu nnv the tliirt-r-
clice of luterent III the tlillerelit conn
1 trie pn'clude any mitinfaulory ngn-e
; iiieul
The Ocean lire r 4 l.wirf
lit i.K.Nsiiiw.v, June 8. The Cunnrd
'lininiT I. lunula nrrlved Unlay from
( New York. Hie lowered the record 11
iniiiiiten, nnd at the niiuie time nailed
IT in lie uion than lu any of tho ear
lier trluln. Her time wo 0 dayn, 11"
hour and M llilliutes.
M Ural .narhrl.
nci il o lliu Iiiitjr tli'tan:
PottTI.NI, June U. Cnrgoea ullnut
a nhilling denrt-r. I iveiponl nin.t
dearer. New Vork, Chicago and tan
Fraiicinco w inker.
San FltANclstii, June ft. Mr. June
Hiattuek wan toilny nentcticed to prl
on for life, for the murder of Hurry O.
I 'mile, a well. known young man about
loin nioiithn nln.v. Ptmle hnd been
imyltig atteiitioti to Futmlia Hint
of tin-m noun brenkn 111 the line of on each sav-
ravel In Oregon It in CXIM-i tid
'lint the unwciutioii Iniint be litnnmnnr
ily nlniiiin until biter III the Vi nr.
! in bnr.lly pmibie thnl Kntern"lre
roil ti-neliern will be able to attend un
til late In Augunt. Mute Schtml Si.
n-riiili-ndeiit McKlniy h.i received a
iiuiiiU r of It ttt-m froi'n lencher lu tlmt
iilloii nujkint lig a Hnl;olu-lllellt of
Ibe ann.n iaii.iti for the pn-ncnt.
Auuirt.l. Henry le.-ilfrey wnnnr
r -nted at Irving Saturday and triml l-.
fore Ju-lliv V. It. Vte on a com
plaint nworn out by John Max ill
1 tinrgitig bun with earn ing colon, aled
weaiHiii. A verdict of 11.. I guilty w
ilnl. rinl and tliedt feli.laiil tlincliMrgin.
K. M. H rat tain wa elected
Judge of Ijike county.
county Crik county clecteil the t-Dtire
publicau ticket, except clerk.
or mark mt, nnd while tin' i.-iw
navn In unc no indi llib'c -ticil the
jtltlges Mvnimi to think ti e lliltnl
of a vi. ier wa :i nci-niiilary in -.tit r.
The dic.irdl lial'ut.n cannot lo
coimttd lllih nn ,1 t-'il.U nt tsio-till:-Itil
ami He tru-t a iv.- nil! lo
tn nil "Ut nn t re-u'' e...ii!J lu,ve
.1 I. oh .m.c 1 11 '1 1 in f-".ri- chc
ti .'i- V ki'-i i- I;. n..' .1 '. a-, vi-r
1 on.--: :': 1. the I miii:"
i.,n i-f 1 - i'-!,i-t. in i' !ii r w,'. i.. i" -.- 1 .ill t i wi; jijtii-i'
met 1 d o il ' ' 11 ! ! nid" thi- il
Mould lunke a lt:ir r!i'ingan tn
the m.j.ul.itiwii.
1. 11 rc oe a content bv all means.
SalHJ MM afj W, fl
. vj. niuiiivC 1 , Vll-'I'.