The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 16, 1894, Image 3

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    I California State Analyst. I
Royal Baking: Powder is Superior fj
to all in Purity and Strength.
" Tor purity amlcire h jircparatirn t!u !v..!
I'akin iWilt-r euals any ia tlic mark t. .sml
our ti st shows that it h u j;ri-:it r Ifavt ni.i;j
j nver than rany of which vr haw any kaouli-tl.'i ."
'.." Ci -mittiy. I 'ntvrrrifr ' .
An!)"... California .Mate I'narJ i f tlcalCi, cu..cU mtm-ii --- . - ay, vv --, .,.,.
No careful housekeeper can afford to
use any baking powder but Royal.
New I oast Lights.
Additional te-t made with the new
furiii tf natal Itk'ht devised by Sehirin,
of Ui-rlin. have proved quite satisfac
tory. The trials, it hich wi re mi
the cmi-t near lli'- iimnlli i if tlii K11-.
show tli" litfht !) brighter Hihii either
ga or ehsriVicity. while the cost of oper
andi; is id ' I"" very mall. The ate
parutu. with nil ll it -cessorie, islterelr
seven feet it height and three feet in di
ameter, Mil' I rnlisiMa uf a blast engine
for driving hit thmni;h (miincr iinnx
itiinreunuted with U-nniiie. The Is'iirme
gal thu obtained Ik curried through fin
inagnesiiuii der, utnl la-mi; saturated
therewith jina-ced upward through
pip ami i miisiiineil in a small flame,
vicldintf a lij,ht. it i ihiiied. of 4ini,i)
candle Ni r. The apurHtii m cnu-trullt-J
by I'lm-kwiirk. Mini i inclosed in
gin to protect it from the wind anl
weuther. The iirriiiiKcineiit i ejMrially
aluteil for j;i itm un intermittent litit,
the consumption uf iiiiititifniiiiii la-inu
(null, dcj-ndilii nil lire Jaiwer of the
lilit winch limy l-e required in any
given case. An important advantage i
alno claimed for tlna apparatn. tiMinely,
that it run lie without condenser,
tog arrangement or reflector, although
the M of leiiae fnrt tier strengthen tha
power of the litfht. Berlin letter.
Lining a Railway blalln.
Tha joint railway cotiitaiiic have sue
emwfnlly completed, a remarkahla un
dertaking at Krodaliam aUtion, Cheahira.
Complainta have lieen mada for rear
of iiiaileiint platform accom modal ion.
anil finully it wa iliH-idl to remove tha
tat ion maMer'n lioie. lamking nftii-4-a
and general waitim; r..ui wnns ail ftt
back. In order to aerompliith the taok
without tukiiiit down the Ktnirtnret,
rnvatioti were made between them an
til they were miportl un largs baalki
of timlier. Then t-atua tha crucial point,
whether they would Hilda into their new
ituatioti. Eleren powerful jack were
brought into cieraUon, under the auper
iutendence of Mr. Johnaon, tha com
pauy'a pnKiimT. Although the maaa to
ba uioved weighed quite 400 tona, tha
work watt n--otnli)n'd without hitch,
wive that a rhiiiiiiey t4 k. which
cracked, had to be taken down. Thin U
tuti-d to Iw the first la'canion on which
an Kimliah railway Ktation haa been Mir
ceufully liftel on the American pri rum
ple. London letter.
Ua Itka Ugard4 Him.
"What do you take me for, anybowr
queried Chappie when Ethel anked hlui
iJt owim out in the aurf and get her
pariuol, whit h hal blown awar.
"I don't take vou fur anything," laid
!;, "uu l wouldn't if yon proposed, a
million time" Karper'n Bazar.
Watch your Weight
If you aro losing flesh your
system Is drawing on your
latent strength. Something
Is wrong. Take
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
to give your system Its need
ed strength and restore your
healthy weight Physicians,
the world over, endorse It.
Doa't bi deceived bj Substitutes!
rtmtt kf aeutl a Ban. I. V. All Iteaaauta
S Swift's Specific S
Blood and Skin
s Diseases s
A rlibl care for Centacleas
Blood Polwa, lnhnud ten
fula aa4 tkia Canctr.
Aa a tonic for ddlcata Womaa
od Childna It baa a ual.
B)c mraljr nituMi, ia harm
Icaa la Ita tScct.
A tfMitw na RWal and Mia Ok
MM Riuinl rui um ai4tilua.
CnvflJH awl It.
swtrr specific co..
Only Ia do II. TJr l onlyno
ll lba be. b'l1 nt BM TIN- !!
HixR mn WlAk H ui! L kIKIP
Hltint Mlte i r. Klr aoil n4
w iL.M1ai o1 w.tor H'-e. 1 b
fl' Wxxt tk ti f iin 1 rery
Motrin fiuuautont. Iwmn4 ib
yoai tlalrr.
Gutti Perchi and Bu$rttfg. So..
Koakiiaioal i est.
rortlaad. Or.
. f. S. U. Wo. W-. T. V. V. 5o.
a tlr.r KalHillar.
If S'.lliertt.'.eli li nt ;.rn.- would otil
run do n a very phiuiliit indler who
laa jtit U'itun oi i ah, .in in the old
Ninth ward, the j M,iior of the ninny
aiartini'iil h.,n in p.irt of the
City Would leep helter tllt"H- hot llliillta.
The man i a ji'inn in ln way, and
owe hi n to the perfect iiiauner
in which he hu work ! out th detail
of hl m-lieinp. V terday liiorniiij
when the j.nutre of a hoiine an
ewered hi rnu h wa coiupletily la
4,-utled by hi t 'iie-tertuMian manner,
w hich were (nt th. i enh mnil ly a ty.
th Milt of clotlo'i. .Hid a k'loy mlk hat.
A he looked at the iiparl nii'iit the man
tattled off a plati-ihle toiy that wni
well calcnl. Itfd lo iin five He wished
aflat tor hi old mother, who wan an
invalid at reeiit i. -i.litij; in the coiiu
try. He w.i u. I thy. Iiemg in bum
lieia In HroadwMi . and at he wished to
make hi inotln i .it day aa comfort
able aa pmailde. only the Unt roome in
the house would Milt him. The jaui
trea showed her -11111111 t aartmeiita
and the man apHuied didi'lited. He
ordered the rooms 1 in T'liinlily cleaned,
and wan aUmt taking hi departure
when the jjimi r. siiested that it
waa customary to hate a ilesit.
The hihii put his in hia acket,
and with an etclniiiatiou of impatience
ninarkiil that he left hia oflir in a
hurry and forgot to In iiu; any money
with him. Then he rcmeinliered that
ha had a cluck, which of course waa
juat the wiiiie. It waa for ten dollars,
and he requestis! the jatiitres to take
three dolhu-s dfit on the r'nt, one
dollar on the keys, and k'v the woman
two doll.ira for the cleauinx. He wolil J
leave the whole amount, only he would
have to pay for the inoviiiK la-fore he
got back to his office. The jiuitrene
waa so impre.sed with hi offhand man
ner that she resetted she hadn't four
dollar ill the house, and felt rather
mail when she came law k and told the
man she hud only three dollar. He
eeeiued a little disappointed at first, but
took the money and said he would trust
her for the Iwlum until he returned 'n
the eveimu. I he jaiiltre conicratu
I lated herself upon having secured a giaal
i tenant, and it wasn't until the rooms
I were all a clean aa tlie proverbial new
I piu that she took the check to a store to
! have it cashed. Aa soon aa the grocer
u the check he said it waa no good,
' aa it waa not drawn on a bank at all.
J Now York Evening Sun.
j A Will Thai Make o lleqnesla.
I The will of Edward ('. Knight, the
; angar refiner, haa Wn admitted to pro
j liate by Register of Wills Shield and
! ia a aotnewhiit n-culiar instrument.
1 It uiakea no laqiiests to the heir of the
testator, providing only for the appoint
j ment of the eectilor of the estate. The
I large prosi ty w ill therefore las divided
j according to the intestate law. The
I eiact value of the estate cannot la
I known until an inventory ia taken, but
; it is estimated to lie worth nearly lit,1""'.
' 010. The widow and on of the de
j cedent, Anna M. Knight and Edward ('.
' Knight, Jr., are iiiiiimhI a the executor.
! No diiitioii in made of the la-autifnl
; park near Colliugwial, in Camdi ti, but
! the o.Ter of the proja-rty a a ift to the
! city ha not U-en withdrawn. Mr.
Knight spent considerable money in im
proving the ground, and alauit four
year ago threw them o'ii aa a public
park. Later he offered to give the
grounds to the city of Camden if the
city would agree to care for and main
tain them, but the necessary legislation
for the acceptance of the gift ha never
been obtained. Philadelphia North
A Olaal Mama Hand.
Tpon the eat side of North Sernth
irreet, about midway between Poplnf
Itreet and Oirard aveiiu, stand
itrikingly enrion tree, which attract
the attention of every passerby. It
j Hand juat in front of a ruble yard, and
I the employe.- of the place say that
I of a"i,le come to them every
week and make remark or a-k qu--
ttoti a la n t the strange growth. From
ithe thirktieaa of the trunk at the !
the tree i prolialdy alut forty tear
Old. but Its bratu-heaalid foliage are lie W
ind freaii and bs.k aa though they were
but the growth of a year or two. The
trunk run straight from the groiinl to
height of alanit fifteen feet.
Alsjve this for a short distance I a
thick globular mas of foliage, the leave
appearing to grow directly out of the
tha wasl. AI'V this growth run up
three thick stalk or stuiii. n or
ejght feet high. al covered with a
dense, chsse musa ,4 foliage. When the
tree IS Viewed fp-lll the tjorth side It
preneiit a s'.irilitig re-a-m'.Unce t a
giant human hand pmtrudiri fr. ui the
earth. The threw big stnui t the lop
represent the thr- middle finger, and
nn either side of tne can easily
seen (-ot.finrationii of the siirT"Unhtig
foliage which correspond n the little
finger and thumb
The nplanation of the phenomenon 1
acnnons' tie. Tli tr-e was onre foil
grown an I ig'Tns. but was attack.-)
by blight 1 "Uie other diae, and th
dead tmtik wa pnined d ru to it pr.
ent pros,rtion. wherenj. n the pre-
new growth deVelo;-J -Philadelphia I
I awn ae roaM tor tier he,
A red and white, to h Inn teakj
It t ttii(tit It ml nn wear
I'll kkow l.r itius Iter lev dselar,
t It drtKa l wear the hils
Tehl tell as well u .! -.K mlatiU
A "A If sli rhiisr In rar Ihrm lab
I li turrly Hi i.k stir's nolhlna k.lh.
If leins si.r wrarst t li).ltl Bill sbnw
Hlir's tin demur lo Irl! His so!
Ah! roses, j,,- )iur taauty ooutil rellpoa
If I daml liaxsut b faith la hrf sweet I no.
-TUuiuu J. Moon.
"If any relative of the late Jamea
Handfonl.some tune curate of W ids ton.
lay anil living, they may hear of aome
thing to their advantage by applying to
Messrs. tXald A S n. solicitor. King
lUrlssra ltee put down the paper with
jerk. "I wonder if that mean me,"
she said thoughtfully. "My grandfa
ther's name was certainly James Hand
ford, and I know be waa a curate, but 1
did not know there waa any money in
the family."
"If you think it worth while go to
Messrs. iKsbl tic Sm and find out," sug
gested a sharp featured, elderly lady,
who wu stitching at the table opjaeute.
"Uf course I will! Why, there may
I Hi i'.'i.Oou waiting for tun there."
"Or live pound, more likely," supple
mented the stitcher
UarKiru laughed.
"I'd rather think of the thousands.
Mr. Stewart; they would be very much
more to my advantage."
"I know of something that would las
more to your advantage than ull the
money ) 011 are ever likely to get from
advertisement, if you had but thegiasl
sense to nee it." returned that lady sig
nificantly. Ilarhura lliishi-1 a she left the room
to get her 1 loak and lamiiet and set out
tor home. She wa the music mistr
111 Mr. Stewart's school, and had la-en
one of the most promising pupil in it
before that; she wa almoet aloiie in the
world, except for a distant mint with
whom she lived, ami after scluad dav
ended it la-; lime necessary that she
should do something toward keepiug up
the little household, she had lat-u very
glud when Mr. Stewart proamal to
retain her for the younger girl' music
lessons saved her from applying to
Still, notwithstanding her obligations,
there were tune when IJarlmra felt
strongly disposa-d to protest against that
lady's authority, which waa pretty much
a it had been in the day when she wa
"quite a child," us Uarbara often phrased
it to herself. "She never seem to re
niemla r that I am grown up and able to
manage my own affair. It dia-a not
follow that l-caii I wa her pupil once
he ha any right to interfere in the mat
ter now."
She wait marching down the road, her
head well tip, while she argued the mat
ter out to her own satisfaction, w hen
someone quietly fell into step behind
her. The shadow vanished from her
brow like morning mud aa she looked
"What are you in such a hurry for?
I could scarcely keep you 111 sight," in
quired the newcomer
It was the subject of Mr. Stewart
admonition, her draw ing master 4-lever
enough at hi profession, but of hi
industry and general dcpemlablcnoNi
he had not tho highest opinion. Not sj
Mlaa Itarluini. w ho waa foal developing
a very warm sentiment for the gl
looking young artist.
"I am going home to dcaiit my
music: uftt-r that I think of making a
journey into the city, to King street."
"King street! That ia an expedition."
"Isn't it! Hut I have some idea of
coming into a fortune, and that ia the
place I am to upply to."
Mr. Lawrence's face showed such gen
uine interest in the news that Itarbara
speedily told him ull she knew, perhup
with a little unconscious exaggeration
by way of justifying her lirst announce
ment. "You will la) sure and let me know
the result of your eXaditiony" he said
earnestly, with a lingering clasp of her
band, a he left her at the corner of her
own street. "I shall I at anxious to hear,
and no one deserve such fortune la-t-ter
than yourself."
In King street she ran full againat a
plain, rather commonplace young man
coming out of one of the warehouses.
"Why. Mis llarbara! its not often you
find your way to this quarter,' he said,
as he held out hi hand. It waa a brown,
ungloved hand, and Isiru evident traces
of hard service. Barbara gave the tii
of ber finger rather ciadly. contrasting
it With the well shiiH-.. yellow gloved
one that had pressed her a little la-fore.
"1 came on some biisimtta. Mr. Grant,
she aaid. "I believe there is a legacy
waiting for me. It waa advertised in
the paper, and I am going to see the so
licitors about it now.
John Grant laughed.
"Well. I hope yon may get it. Mis
Barbara. For myself. I've never had
much faith in legacies silica I wasted
tw-ity five shilling once in answering
advertisements about one."
. "That may have been very different
matter from this," returned Uarbara
stiffly. "1 bad better not detain you any
longer, Mr. Grant."
"And that is the man Mr. Stewart
think is worth half a dozen of Alfred
Lawrence," said Barbara to bernelf. as
she walked into Mer. Dodd Sc Hon s
office. "It seems to be a decided virtue
in eotue people' eye to Lave coarse
hands and shabby coats."
Her face waa several shade longer
when she came out again. Mensr. LHald
& Sou bad not received ber with by any
mean the respectful enthusiasm she had
xpected. There hud been awkward
qaestioDs about proofs and getieulogiea
that she had not been prejain-l to an
swer; ludet-U, she lia.r luucleu uiai mey
took her for an impostor, they hud been
so reluctant to part with any informa
tion. She should bear from them in
few dav. und in the meantime she must
kindly 611 in the answer to certain quea-
ttuns on a p-r they tiad Kiveu Iter.
Mr. Lawrence ) in4itliizel witu bee
over the uy mtii'sl as oeej.iy a sue
did w ith berx lf w In n she told hnn the
rnlt r.f br visit t'o next day. Barbara,
waa quite rt ruck i'h the way be seem-
ed to et,ter into all her feeling.
John lirar was the next person to
whom L Lad to explain her nonsno-
"Just whst I erj-eered. Mi Bar
bara." said l.e cheerfully. "One ia
never sure of a chance of that kind till
one actually ha it I wouldn't build
nprm It if I were in ynnr plara."
"Yoa don't seem to have bad fortu
nate experience in that way." retorted
iiartasra oi.rktrf ullr. 'it la Olslr 6e
f erred iu this case, and 1 ain in no hurry
for a few days."
"l)ays! echoed John. "A man in our
office ha waited years, and la likely to
wait, so far as I can see."
Ten days later cam the much looked
for communication from laald & ri:
We are IU receipt of Mlsa Heed's
aprr, and would assure ber the matter
shall have our Int attention." etc.
Ilsirlatra flung it into her Pk with a
disapsinte. f.tce. It was tedious to !
obliged to wait in suspense like this. She
would scarcely know how to get through
the tune but for Mr. jwreiue's atten
tion and warm interest in the upshot.
John Grant s indifference, not to say
skepticism, (in the sul'joct, threw up bis
rival s superior qualities in full relief,
and vet there were tune when lWtvara
felt just a little putled that Mr. I.w
nine went no further With all his
solicitude and hks that meant more
than words, lie never alaudutely com
nutted himself to anything more bind
lug than the merest friendship
"I can't ask him," she said one day
under iier breath, as she walked slowly
home after one of thee "accident.!!"
meeting "Hut I do wish he would say
straight out what he means or else May
away altogether It makes one f.-d un
settled "
Poor Barbara felt more unsettled still
before she reached home. It waaaloely
sumiiier evening, and lift)' tarda further
on she waa joined by another cavalier.
John Grunt this tune. She shrank lan k
at brat, half afraid of some Jesting re
mark alauit the legacy, but she mmu dis
covered that he hud quito forgotten the
matter There was something else on
hi mind, and he hot no tune in saying
very struts-tit out what it waa.
"I may not I a' able to offer you a fine
bouse and luxuries," he said, "but I have
saved plenty to la-gin in comfort, and I
think we might l very happy together
if you would only try. I have thought
alauit it for the lust two years, and
worked hard to be able ls tell you so."
Barbara Iiked up ut bun with genu
ine tear in her eyes.
"I am so sorry T she said. "I never
thought of such a thing at least, not in
earnest." aa she rcmcmls-red sundry re
marks of Mr. Stewart "lV-sldea,
there lot of other better girl you
might find."
"That ia not to the point," lie Inter
rupted; "it i you, uot other tfirl, 1
want Try and think of it. Barbara. 1
don't want to hurry you. but let me have
line a aoou a you can; It means a
good deal to me."
Fur another wo k or two thing con
tinued to go 111 much the same fashion.
Mrs, Stewart wore a chronic air of dis
approval. John Grant wa invisible.
Duly Mr. Lawrence wa to the fore with
hia sympathetic inquiries, but in com
mysterious way Barbara began to find
them irritating rather than flattering
She got tired of giving the same re
sponse, "Nothing yet," and of hearing
the same polite remark alauit hia con
cern and admiration of her. They did
Uot go deep enough.
At last on Saturday morning, a she
wa setting out for Mr. Stewart's, she
met the aatiuan, who gave her a) bluiv.
official looking fuvclo(M. Barbara sbaaj
still on the step, holding her breath aa
he o?ned it.
"Messr. Diald & Son' compliment
to Mi Heed, and beg to inform her
that Mr. Elizuleth Drake haa been
proved the nearest of kin, and conse
quently heir at law to the 1'Vnj left by
the lute Mr. Jume ilandford."
Mis Heed folded tip the letter and
put it aolierly into her jacket porkut
She bad scarcely realized la-fore how
much she hud been counting upon it
There waa nothing left uow but to put
on brave face and make the best of it.
A Barbara cnawed the hall to the
achoolnajin that afternoon she en
countered Mr. Lawrvuce. He was
landing at the table buttoning hi
light glove. She saw at the first glance
that Mrs. Stewart had told him of her
diapointliient. She hewituted one iu
taut, then went straight up to him.
"You see 1 am not come into a fortuu
after all," she said quietly.
"So it seems," he said coldly, not hs ik
ing up from a refractory button. "But
it waa not much of a fortune, anyway.
1 thought it waa to be five or six time
that amount."
"1 wish I had never heard uf it," saike
Barbara, looking at hiiu in scornful sur
prise. "It has la-en nothing but an ute
aet and annoyance from the first."
"Y-es, rather a pity diaappointiiif!.
and waste of tune too. Well, I'm ge
ing into the country for a few weeks,
Mlaa Kced. so got! afternoon if I don't
chance to see yon again."
"Good afternoon," returned Barbara.
With a frigid bow, aa she oa-ned the
schoolroom door.
A tiny note waa dropped into ths let
ter box that same evening addressed lu
Mr. John Grant.
"Dear John." it ran; "I'm uot half
good enough for yon, but If you wish II
-1 11 try."
It wa not perhajs) great achieve
ment in the way of composition for
young lady who had been under Mr,
btewart's guidance fur so long, but It
perfectly satisfied the person it waa in
tended for, and much loftier epistle
bare often failed in this rect.
"Mr. Stewart, that unfortunate legac
was something lo my advantage after
all." Mr. John Orant said once sum
months later. "I dou't know what Mrs.
Elizabeth 1'rake did with it, but I di
know 1 would not change with her. The)
missing It bus brought loe far wore hay
pincsw than the getting it ever could."
Sew York World.
Tbe r..o I rlsr. s a-rd.
The emperor of Germany haa preaent-
id magnificent sword to the crown
prince, hi son. tbe youngest lieutenant
In the Prussian army. On the hilt 1 tha
following inscription: "Trust in (Jod
and defeud thyself bravely. Therein li
thy honor and glory. He who fight
heartily on the side of Gal will never
be driven from the held. Thy power
belong to the Fatherland. To my dear
sou William, May 8. IV-'. Wilhelm.
R." Kan Francisco Argonaut
The frlurs tolling Old.
Reference ha frequently l-cn uiada
of lute to the rapid way in which the
Prince ''f Wales Wat agi tig. Since tha
dnatb of his '9 n it has s fleeted hi ap-p-sararsM
still more snd robld bits cat
what had la-en b-ft'.f tue once peculiarly
boalthful bu of hi complexion. Ex
change. .
Tbe wkMe of mm tit C are a Mara.
To hasten tha cure of a burn; arald
there t nothing more soothing and ef
fective than the whit of an egg. It ia
coatact with the air which make) bar
so painful. Tbe egg acta aa a totbUq ,
and exclude the air completely and also
prevents inxVamcuatioo. Philadelphia)
Ll-ar. w (
A Ueadseta Milkweed.
Traveler to the aeacoast of southern
New Jersey from Philadelphia cannot
have failed to notice the bright patches
of orange colored flower w hich so de
light the eye aa the train jes through
the meadows. It is the Anclcpins tube
rosa, on (lf the milkweed family and
one of the most easily transplanted
plant there la. It ha fleshy rsts,
which penetrate to a great depth, mak
ing it suitable for rather dry place.
Furthermore, these riaits, when
broken to piires, form new plants, so
that a large numla-r of plant can easily
ha propagated. The common name of
this siirb wild flower Is butterfly
weed. Among the la-la of flowering
plants exhibited at the Centennial ex
hibition there was brought by a gar
dener from Holland one ccinased of
these plant and it excited aa much
attention a any Nil there. Phila
delphia Pres.
Tea I otrrs at ( auusrhrl.
A story is going the round here w hich
rauascoiisi,b'ralile amusement. A short
tune ago two lot era, who had come out
for a walk in the tinauilight, strayed
iuto Mr. Sprague's grounds, and their
sweet dream was rudely broken in iqain
by the bating of the hounds, whit gate
chase to the inttnder. The young lady
stoisl not tisiii the order of her going,
but went at the top of her seed, w hile
Iter lea nimble lover cbllllsal to the top
of a hat stack, where he remained till 3
ocl.s k. w hen he wa re-ciu-d by Mr.
Sprague. Canoiichet Cor. Baltimore
llO AMU t.lllt ttr AMKIIICA.
W tit It It that te-lsr tn Amerlr ws'trp 'mm
mtr liisl'.tlill.ii, et lesriiinc to lie eil all
hiMM-.i i.4irtiiiiliy of esrtoii livit.t? I it
.l.!e ,. hate liu tlels (m ear Ihicll rtil -(.
tuft.? Mu.l we fo ,,ia n ie , ur srale ttletn.g
sn uii.Hxs fal liii f .tie.atr irrmt ssi lo
.t in inr in las in- T w. noi't ii 11 1 te 111 11 r1 -t. r
iiiiiisiiiiii uul 111 lull 1 lie m dais 1 'I tore an 11 r.
si ll tmrtl Nil traitors A .nisll lssk..iilli alr-l
I.- ti 1 Iso- ami Bill, i.l Amnl, a. rid Ir I i
list i.l kr le ssui I toiiki " ? ' .n I nr. Isli I,
full, ahsl we are 11I1.I111- nh Y II ill
in-, r r,urrl a i. o i ti retu ti V"o si
Holier er o-iKliirf .'1 (ur .auir It r niru
nisll tu ii,. snoier aiel iiti un, r loKllr.
M t Kill 1 I l,..ol h el -herl.a t l.l.s i, I bird
sikI osk street., I'urilsiiil. or.
ushsr I oa. l"ii t 1 on think I miftit tn
hat iu .11I v .-ill 1 1 r ie 1 ? I'si. I IMhX you
nuslit In lisle M'meli.liig ,lnn,' tu II.
"fruH ii'i rVooirriiiii T'irif" are tlunile
slid t-oiiiriiiriil tor hrouchisl sllrt lions
Slid l'iillha.
J1II.1111 say an tH-es.liinsI riMi li all ris ht
III II. i!s e. I. lit lir lis. Iiiit'erit III
la-s s laillrr But kii s tu blow 11 tii. I
liKilM't I Ivmit li r: I It r I
Ci t Mrs yenfie Decker
M -i'irt.itiii, Ihrjr mtiuttt tvr ilr
llM-as triliu I ittr rf. I Uvf m Miiit Ur
Wuy III clirr ilfUllU'we., allnl ttlttl t til MiU (1
litifial rrni'il f-lna t 4riM1 It. aft In
1 Matin 't it tti 1 1 inn n( ttf rtiiitii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n of itir
rtiU Ina. i tur W Iin tui lir ( I Maiiit
, 'U hat riiinliMhc t-iiit'l if ttntf U l.rsir
in, siiMl Hlii'li tl 1- llMfrU cltti.( ittnfiir la
ih r ill. in I titiU the i tUminniloi. r in Of
mi I i hi I ti n nfft In II inrntt
i tMtititinii, hcariti. Mill In- tiri)r I tirr-r.
I little I'tM't Ot( lf Il'fl Vt' l'MIus 1 r llf ll.
1 mum h i (lothiiiri Imii an hktlainiM mifll dm (
Ik iiiik mi tuf ir
vfttll ivi Mit Htitttlrist l.llti f..f nriT
inn n tfiiM'w ,im(ims lit ciarrli tl al ratitt
I i'tift-ti ti llnll i ntri'ih i "fe r - ti I tor ir,-.- r J 4' tl rM V A i ti ,
1 ..Ir-tu, U.
Ml. I j .IniiKlkU, 7V rt-nta
Ad rtiflfiaJ rv9 U not iiijkIo In tli
ftinn if k'-0. tunny n im
tin, hut ia tnurh the nlmt of a Imtf vri
nut hrll, thtmh not no ltvp, athl vry
thin .tml llK-it. Kvfti thin, howrvr,
cum irntntiou if krjit in tht Mn.kt
t'tJtiiUutly, Ami i-iuh Intel y t m ua
drr tny uWrviitiou in hojitHl of
young "f-n ' lnl worn
t ontmuoiuly, niht ml tiny, for tvtveral
ytar, with the nnult that un inflmnms
tion tHrttnl in the socket, which will
probably prrtnt hia vver wrariug una
Again. Loniluu Tit Utta.
4'Hohnimi iiu ti. tri-
l aiittllv ttintUr fNlrkitfM. When f lia mv
.a itilch bihI i Mtiti ,,11. roti tnrr1
mutt lr thr altitnarh tha' rail -181111 I' w rh"iit
n-vultliiir .Mirif, timt lal tra,f Irr,
)a'huttrn, inarOitr .all i-fift thai H.-tritr a
Mttniav h Htltrra U Ihr ltl rnnoli iir th nmi
Ma ria'rl'iirrl In much Mother on ihr Muter
XefTniia niM. Metk v travrler l Ulltl l tell f
(rm nmrthniK ak n l'i Ihl", aii1 tit In Hie
llittem Mm aurel rem tlr. Nti iw rlr nf the
it tnartt, Her or latMeW I m tilat Itial lhat It
tnajr imI le n.erfNMiie In the rmii4 aii ttr
ittifh retniNlr. tpia U rfttrae imii t r chill
iil letvr. tiiliw ati't iheumaOr innihle att-l
hriviiiiiMakt, Kntrni to I he Inntiler all tl
rMhle ihetnltt Mhh I hi flue me I dual
a.f'tiirl una it -l the rfT-eii.f irtaitii l (
ritinale, har ihl, eMsurv atnl latigue
Well, her tinihtr of hem k'ti xaine
l're illMNiriTfNl." Hanr---M hal a lhi.1 " I ht
hill f if Mil j a al rhtak."
arrrittoii tu aii, tiniMiH.
A1.1.1 ih k'm Toaora I'lirtrm! art th icrrat
ritrmal rrinnly of day. Tha iiii( kenl,
aft-it, aurrat, het. Not only iiiimeaatir
ahly iiirerlor to all olhnr ilaalrra, but alio
to litiiiiirtila, ointment, uila ami almilar
tiiirtu.Mia ooiiiMMitnli.
Aaa for Alm n i i, and .lu not btra joint
into arreititn a auliaiiitita.
llk-.MlkiTHa I'lLLa purjce atvay all ilift
rac. WlVr Mare )oti ti iiIIimI thoiiKli'a ol
thai old riral of yoii'k? Iluhh) Yia. I taatr
bun lrra Je uu Jut- d aim.
To it-hanK fr pmiMFtiy in Orriton and
WajdiiiiKtoii. II. K. Noai a. 1'urtlaud Ha tr
ill a Hank htiihllny. I'orilaud. Ur.
(iiiard yoiirel for atimmer malaria, tlrrd
levlliiK, h ualua Uow Orvguti MHaxl 1'uriUvr.
Vm InaaiailuaHUiva hnliaa; adiaH.MaaMll.
Tit OsatftA for braakfaat
nrinirs comfort and improvement and
U-tid tu la-rsnnal eiijoviiunl when
rightly usfsl. The many, alio live last.
U-r than other and enjoy life more, with
'a expenditure, by more promptly
uliiptinK the world's heal pnaliicta lu
he nei-la of physical la iiif, will attest
he value to health of the pure liquid
aiative nrinciiile embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Klg.
Iu excellence I due to its presenting:
in the form miwt acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the n f reshiii(? and truly
Isoij-Aetal tinifartie iif a iarfeet lax
ative: elfii-tually cleanaiii(f tbe system,
Uisia llinn ciiiiia, iieauacuea ami lever
ami permanently ruruiK roii"tiation.
ll ha (riven satisfaction to millions and
Diet with the approval of the medical tiM-atisM It acta fill the Kid-
n.v l iver ami Bowels without Weak
ening them and it Is perfectly free fnm
every ODjerllonaiue sutisianee.
riyrup of Fiir is for sale by all droit
gi.Uin .Vh-sikI II Isilth, but iti nisn-
ufattured tiy the I sliloriua rig pyrup
Co. only, whi ate name is priuted un every
(uu ksire, also the name, Syrup of Kijr-.
ami Isfllisr well iniorineo, you win uui
aei-ept any sulattilute if ottered.
CISSSSSS MM ksssl FSStSfSS, aaifs f Sis
ss4 ! lis. Hsslt Is Sent, Rs
ttsns tstst is tsMH. Carts Calarr
Ape'l I'll' Ilia t'O -li us. lirusKi.i tt
OncqpN Blood PuRincR?
1 l J . I T -
LlOMfy kHVlP OSfAlS fJVsietPMiA.
PMPinoiKSoija rxsfAiis
rALACHfk Kr:TlVtrw98
"How Well You Look"
Friends Surprised at tho
! Wondorful Improvomont
"fvrrr erinf n,1 ,, -r fur tit fir
j niiir.1 my li. a tit l.s. i... so s r t inn hs
ti.tiMi. n (rnrral lilt I al al Ul
as! s Uiiolrn. I auulil l rt.nir su
imaclated and Weak and Pal
I' BI nit Ir ri'it. Ih. nli I ,l;, ii,, lime.
I ri'llxt ilti ir.rirlt aii wort .1 all a il hsit Ut
Mr ih.wii ttrrt Ira tiiuoi,B I Is tan rll'i g
HI 'a lis-r. I In) -ll ami I , lln( I I I. iiir ( l ul irt Hi. i ssr-si
el, aul I am li 17 tu ssjr I sui lu iM.Ut
Hood's""5 Cures
tirsllh llisa I bstr Iscn for a n nnts-r ( jresr.
11. 1 u... o .,.a a I., in, m w.-ll ee
si.' I u-ii 11,,-hi .t is 11. v . .., aril, thai
'sb ilmie ihr aork " Ms- J-svi i is.,
in Cet Only HOOD'S.
Hood'a Pllla i-'io llrr ill. r,n,.iiit,n. bi I-
1.111 r
Tin: Micitoscoriie.
A earefiil nili-naasi)iii-a rra
examliwlion and elieiiiical III
analvsH of the unite, la a ff
vahiahieaid ill deteriiiliiiii; it L
trw nature of manv ehrtmia
ilmsui. pnrtH'iihtrlv th .a
of tb nervous system,
blissl. brer, kldneta, ami
I1la.l1' -r Tbtsaa aiils make
It aulil to treat su. h ills- J . 1 Jx
eaam suisnstfiillv at a ill- fr B
taints, with. nit peraiaial el- TST" 4 If
amiiialion of tlx attieiit 1 1 f
ThuallriKlit'atitia.orUia I l-aa.
Kktnev, liiltaiiiniatiiin uf It XltS.
the llladder, llravel, snd
other Uiinura ul the Uri
nary llriran are uei
fully treatrat; Nerviats la
bility, KthaustiiHi, inHr,
laver llismse. ami litany
other Chronic Maladira are
cured without areniK the ait lent W rite fur
qumtnai liUiika, treatise, ami other liifisriiia
teal. iImstiIiiii- ease, and inclose IU rents. In
stamp, tu atr aa4aire,
AddnM, WoHi )' lMsi-ar lln 'ral.
Aaaia-UTloa, No, U Main btrsa, Uul
faio, N. Y.
-sv w s a 1, aa 1 .
asa vasssbsai 1 s
1 Esfl lll'JTI
I .Mi-', and
I I.M) lUitll.
It Is S"ld en a a-narsntee j all rim-.
(! It cure Incipient Conaiimpltifs
and i the boat Couttt aud Croup ''ure.
Swift, Light, tlrang,
Hallable ami Haae
llful. III S'tt wsntrl .
r rf rity aid town 111 tire
titii,Wa.itliil'iti aiel hlatiu
pint lor vataluiae suj
tl Wssklngloa !., fortlaarf. Or.
a Wills list or Usveatlla.
Your Wife esa rua IL Require no llesnsrwt
rnsineer. M a k re no smell or U irk Neksilrrif
or klorulo eirk.
Haa rsasc sro. Oak rosruss, tie
P 1
ANrtKt HMKITIM' erraervr IPKH.MII.K,
HI Tlkll.l A1-I F I K K I K -. rlr . sli.l diaat Ii
SI t'Osfr'l I I V Ii. .retenllli( larntealalloti.
lheasnl ihlB Wftuile f.ll fsrval!va asturr
111 res In raiifoi- ain! tire er In- frulli ai.d
. lalilra nl ail knels. Sit Mill I.l on lip
bull. Mates lime iii lalair, anil is In sri)r wa)
s ilteMrd BUreass.
U buM rrfsll doivflsis soil erneers. snd ttsi'sa
sstssii lu do what wr 11 a ill.
Portland, Or. .stem i. Ihaworl t IHaheatsesnls
sl Morlil rSir, 1 kl--, Iih arlrt siilnx si
meiitB l.earsi 101-ui anil iiak, iirnr nen
ateri'B 41 Ituuie. Ynu ran Make and
. wa le.rh t lltllri, f Ml. roll, sud
Urvasaiakliii ennit rlr. A chiui 1 4 isiss
Jackson's New French System
Ji;kiii'i Franco Prauln Tailor S;:tia
AT ll'iilK riy M4fl. fHirarhiMki 4mf
awd f vvitl. 1 r vt-ry tvi y IhmimI k'Hw tl. -
Visr tjff mjtri irirrMt mr y Um. rtT-
no; no aUsrMtns. no trying on. fvr
frr-llllHa I'alloriia 'Ul to m-aitrt 5".
-mI Jr stamp atialll Mini Hm in Tkp
Maati ptupiii-, air. II ton waul arf ft-il. Its sa
gm I mruta, m-tt t to tis .r Faifrrna nl Irara
Mirnv tmr al ral-a fur tirt Mllrn f ba
daru Ut lirt-aaina kmr. art g-uraj Mmiwo
aaitia. Utal Rviiia aiiti.
aor enllar at., - kaa rraaalsre, fal.
rr. at . Oa a-I emm P"U with ihat . ih. ... nf unib-a lkw .1 ... I
KKWr.liV nrhMataaDft w ra'm-M Irorn an o -l raa of HHt I MATI ati.i m
Tnurii Uif msi iiiirsif uf I ri.A . y (TiikV kiiti u.ii.u a..k ik.
t-as-iof l rvui4 gat di4 bin ih. cmm1. Yuhi ia iratitu!, Mu. . V. at cat a lal ) W laaL
avusu a, jauu
an a Itra4at lia, Itiuiaraium.
mm mm
Regulator of ths Liverand Kidneys
-a iricmo roi
Scrofsta, Bhennitism.
Silt Rheon, Keanlgii
Ind ill Otbir Blood KdSkliDlmiu.
II Is a ansltlT ears for sit ikose painful, dell
est eoaiplslnis snd enmpllealed Irmihlas and
eeakiissBiaeoaiBtoB assouf our vivas, Bulbar
and dsitffhtrrs
Tb elfrel Is Istmeitlst and Isatlaa. Two er
three dnsaaol Ha. f aanss s ksasnv laksadsllf
tar pa ih blnod eonl, th liver and kliliwr set
It, and will iillrelf (radicals Iron Ihesfslasi
all traes ol roll. Hall IUusi, or aa; etket
lona ol hlned
No nd Irl 11 ever Intmdoeed la this eeaatn
hs ssel with aitrk rvtr sal, anr sir auck
uiilrrrsal satlslsetion vhsoever aaed as Ibsl of
lis Ftsnss Hsasev.
This haa baen ssed la Ik koselutl
throughout lbs old world tor lb sasl rwnl
.rs ss s srasrlae lor tk abnre din.aa.
snd ll haa and will eurswksa slloUtor wraul!
rsstaillss tall
Hand lor atallet el taktlasoauU from I boa
wb bav bu e (red by 11 nae. !ru(sila aa4
11 si li.U) per taitu. Try ll sad be nooiont
Tot sal k
9 and II Prant SlM Pranaiae
Blsdiler. Prtnarv and Lira IM
Uravei and Lubt are eurad k
Carsa right' Olssaaa, MtMllon sx Noe-ro
smUoa ot Urlaa, falu la Ike , Loin a
i.'nr laleaipersaee, Narrosta Pissssss. (reaera
mmiiij, rasie mIom aad Himia,
Onre BllUiamaaa, Hsadseks, Jaandlee. Soar
ttoataca, LjnpP-l tonaupeUosi su Ml.
lira tT t.JK oaths Mlasir. live
uid Mewrla. rlorlu tki to a ksaiikr
.loa.and I I kl.aki ail tkr astsUcloae
'all. Hundeso fcv Saw sand who bars beast
flrea Bp le aim j Irtaads aad pbrslelaa.
WI.D BV ALL, aartoeilarn.
w. l. not-cri 4vs anosj
M)ai rwssna wmk.rsalM boa
Sa 10 x- brsl vla iar Ihr avarf
ia in wwio. is iaa aaa pnrl
tu mned mm the koiiom. E.sry
puir wsrraok d. t ska no Buroti.
Lriiaalrprr fall
srriptiiaiot ourrraapsn
nr v-r iMIe- I M rra-
la-rm or sen .
k" ' .7- a4vaMrwsl ttlmUfm
n J-ZtsJIr Tfn "is
' Li Ji srI?tsBssk
' W Baa. I. fsaatarrm. Yoa a Ik kj
kaaua ( dralBtt k ptisk rar aba.
e ilr y-mtK wmx
e 9
ti sn-e daatk le lironod Rqa'rests,
rV sk rt iuprs, kabbll ud all sue
siais lhai barrow la ik smottit- Ms. it
S ss.l earisla rrww.tiperlati it
bsaiai ta.l-1 lor blpatl. ..M SvV
'srtrl lira, with dl aril.m, bo wsl a ! f mm
analli llia. for sal bf SHUtJa KXlKkMI-
i a vu , toae..w, maaa.
ha no arrxainp. m
soy paruruiar.
j so J (roc-,
Maaa ra revrvisa sr
Clots et ft Defers.
i 4 "Lst r s -it UlVaTz 1 1
I J I lua arras, taw tsuu. Vm 1 1