The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 16, 1894, Image 1

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C 1 :
v()L 2
NO. 25.
The Euscrrc City Guard.
l.illlalter mI l'roprlrlr.
; -On th. Kant .1.1 of Wiltnojtt.
. yea Seventh nu I hlghth StwU,
pf annu-u ...
,t M mlln. ...
Hir avath...
12 on
Known on
lliUt Mule
Time a ivertinar will b. charged it th. fol'
Uwinj ra'.:
lit. lur 'lire, month. 96 00
Dm tur aix month. 8 00
.liinre ou jr.r 12 00
Tran.ient notice, in local column, 20 oanta
m lio. t"f Mill insertion.
A-lrtnini liiU will Urt.Urlqua-Uf-l)r.
Ail ii ""k nut b rani roa on ilitibt.
Chds. Aattfies, C!ia;n$. Jewelry, Etc.
;y'l w.rk Warraat...
very Pair Guaranteed.
address 6a,j Francisco Cal
"A oil
liovor ovv'.l
" Tri.-1
asul proven "
ii the vrl;i t
o f million.".
S i m m o n h
Liver 11. 'i-
I itur i J 1 1
II. W. Wllnoa Ulll Urdra After
30 Year of Sertdrr.
Corvalli Tiiihk: The election .if
Ira Hunter tut clerk, ami the rt-ilrt-
liivnt r 11. YV. Wllnon fmm that olllce
In rviuiiiiltT that ilemocnitlc clerk of
Ren ton county have lneii few anl far
between, nl Hint likew Ine there Iinh
been a Imucltv of ehninro In I In- ch-rk'n
ofllee ul llciilon ei utity itt till. In I ho
44 yearn Hint Itcntonmuiity ban elect
ed clcrkn, Hunter In tin ncvcnlh iiimi
that ban in-en elected to tin-1 'Ibv. The
urn i wan llllain Knoltn. w
elected in IMo atul M-rvnl until In
Moinewmil Hound.
Mr. V. K. s.nrhrough n-cvivcil tlu
follow ing I'nril from one ot I lie tiitli
it'll w ho nthn. I. 'il thcO. P. A-wciuhly
lien-, ilatcil nt I'tii iilii, ol., J utii' I :
" e Iirivi' I. nil u very pli amint trip
Vln :in ItiiIIi'Iimi mill ti.'iletl to IK-II
ver. Tln r we mi t heavy ruin nnil
were ili l.iM'.l liniiM lietwei ll Deliver
niut tliii ilee. We ion, alter a l.i
ijoiirx it. l iv here, in p't a iriuihiiT over
the Aik'iii:i river lit J:l n. in. Intnnr
rnw. Ainiiit ;;n of niir piiity ! Nik the
Kin 4 r:i r. 'iite nt ll.lrii. Thev ure
1 rlw r kit '- ii In ii 'imi.I iKiiiting
IlKFil'i: - 'n hill him intb ( I'. O.
-S.-i t.,1 tvnti'in Kia to IVillKtiun.
.n I I'nitultf Iiuiiiiiii4.
L. W. BROWN, M. D.
I'liyhiclutt niul Surnooti.
llttictf hul rrMfiic ukr NMtiillio.. Hnurv;
'VH in.; VI a 2, tt to V p. tu.
33. C. XiL2C:Z3.
Sfw H.'iljni .ml New Trim In Foreign .nil
lHuH(lr Mrti!t ami (irmnft., Monument.,
Ilivltiiiif ii l Omatcrj work of
.11 kind, for Hf.i1.
WilUmrttr lieur Coitortlre. Ktlfi'lir, Or
Of Im M ilan, low i, writM uoil.r dU !
M.rrh Z, lH'.U:
S. B. Mki. Mfci. Co.,
Dufur, On-(;nr.
(iKXTl.HMhx: On nrrivln home lat
week, I fiiuiiil till well anil unxlcitixly
waitmi;. Our little Kirl, ellit and oik
half yeiirn ohl, who hml wuxteil away
to :Vi"niiitiil. Ih now well, Htronc anil
viKorntiN, atul well Ikulini up. is. li.
Couch Cur Iiiim done it. work well,
llotliof the ehililren like it. Your K
H. Couch Cure him cured ami kept
nway all honrxnewi fniui me. So jfive
ii to every one, witii if recti npi for ull.
ililiiif yiu pnwM-rity, we are
Youm, Mil. anu Mkh. J. K. Kokd.
11 yon wlh to Irrl lrrh .ml rhwrful, and
fr..1jr tor thp work, rlmns. tli. .f.U'tn
with tin- HritiUi-li ami l.ivrr l ure, bjr uklng
iwucir iiitv. in it . wira. itnl,T. fMuivi Knarauti'.
') ri'iiu i r buttle by all ilruf glita.
ever, the water tin i-outlneil to their
i li:iiiii' U iiuu . lireat iliTtriu tioii to
r:iilru:i'li i -WA uln ui.
J. II.
in the iiiiHititMim mid can I tu t out
w j except liy hackn wilt from here. A
Nil.. Lin I. .ft lii.ri. ttwl-iv nt I v'lll ii in
A. (I. Ilovey, now iiiminuer i'f the : i,, ,.i,,i i.r',,,., u i.oi ii,..v
Ijiiic Count v Itmik. niul then a Itniii:-1 fill lilttlit I'i'V l.ri'tit tltililHtr. Iniat
Iuh deiniM rat, hut now a repiililii-iin, .n ,, ,,.,,,. Iljl4 v ,v t. veillow.
miceeedeii hllll litnl MTVed until 1-V. i i.-i.,,., nr.. iin.i. r "ualer. How.
Ji. II. I.lililie wrveil trolli INijiiu ismi.
aild Willi Micccfdcd 1V T. 11. Oilellcal,
who nerved two tcrni. and ifave way
to R L. rerlmni In lvi 'i'he latter
aerved until lst4, and wiih miiiii-iiI.hI
hy the rcdoiihiaUe Itiwhrinl V. Yil
win, wlitMt :M yearn of wrviiv einln
July tut, and illMlnifulhln him n one
of the inoHt hih.iiiv.IiiI ol!lii'.nil(li-ri of
whom there in any record. The near.
eat appnmeli of whom the writer linn
heard wan Joel Ware, in J.niie iiiunty,
who M-rved an county clerk twenty
yenm, and a nherlll'of San June count v,
Califoruiu, who hun nerved utnuit
twenty yearn. Hunter in the necoml
ili'iniHTat to Intiiiiiu county clerk of
llcutou county.
I'nifttllla IIoumu Sol liMiiiaiit'd.
nl M..,r ami Faurj liroeerip. bought In th.
Exclusively For Cash,
bettor (iricea
I can otter the puliliu
llinu any other limine
f all kiiiila taken at market
T. ti.
.8.B, F.iiin, J...
First Hationa
01 Eugene.
ral J up Usb Capital 50,000
Surplus tn l Profits, 50,0K)
Eugene - - Oregon.
A m Til banklnc bnainMa Hfi. nn rvalue
7t.r. Hxitht draft, on NEW YKK,
p "KKtioN.
.r"1"' ch,'i" 'U on foreign eoontriaa.
t"j.iu rweirwt rabjact tu cLck or oMtifi-
All oo U-tonj MtrwViH to n. will rcirt
VeiH attnUon.
KeKlirdino; the puhlinhiHl ntateliieut
that the t iuatilla hounu at The Dalli-n
wan In dauirer of bt-inir carrltil awnv
hy the ItiMHln, Mennm. Sinuott A Klah,
the nroprietom, write:
"llie lioti l liullillllir linn Hot nun.
tallied one particle of ilainairi' in nnv
renfiect which would caune any one to
fear It. The bulldltiir In oin-ii and In tie-
eomiuoilatinK every one on U-fore, and
it not noitiliiK, or lluble to lloat, until
the water rinen at leant LD or .' fti t
more, an It In very ditlletilt to lloat a
bulMklKfiLTeet hlull with nix feet of
water; at leant It lookn thnt wny to tin.
You can niul out correct I v what taliiiiw
our buildiiiK in in by writing to any
rellniile cltlM-n here."
The ntntemeiit Hint the oin-rn Imuw
near the I'mntilla houu had Ueii ctr
ried away by the lloodn proven to In
without foundation. Coiiiiriiiii. that
bulldinir Mennrn. Hlmiott A 1 l-li ntate
thnt it in ill an itimmI ninM tin ever, ex
cept the planter and wiiulown, u lildi
are ilamaired.
A DrjfWeather Kuilroud.
Itimeburi; I'lnliidenler: Tin- Jack
nonville Timen n-Hirtn that n very
heavy rain occurred in that vicin
ity recently, and in conmiiicnco tln n
of a nHi-lal t nil 11 which wnn run to
Meilford experienced connidenilile ililll
rulty In returuinir, owing to the railn
U-luir wet. It would proluilily Ik- a
rimmI idea to build a nheil ovi-r that
railnmd, thtln avoidiliK vexatioiin tie-
Inyn, cnilntil by the nil In celt Inn wet.
diciberLun's Eyo and Skin.
A certain cut ' for Chronic Sore Eye.
Tetter, Salt UriiHiru, Scald Head, Old
Chrouio Sore, Fever Soren, Kceina,
Itch, I'rairia Scmlc-hcn, Soro Xipplci
and Tili-s. It is cooling and goothin'.
Hundreds of cnsei baTo been cured by
It after all other treatment bad failed.
23 cuuU per box.
For aale hj Otburnl iH'Ino.
SvmixiI. Hkiiikt. Si-hmil reiort of
the Wolf cre-k w-IiimiI, dinlrict No. 1 1",
for the month comineucinnT May 7,
ciidiiiK June 7: Total eiirolliueiit, II;
number of day. tauirlit, Ji; iiutulM-r of
ilaya attendunw, JTTa; uumtM-rof dayn
abm-niv, 1; averatre daily attendauii-,
13; numU-r of vinitnrn, I I. Tin- fol
lowing were neither ahx-nt or tartly :
Ihilny, Johnle, (iooryie, l.illii- and Al
lie Iewin, Willie nud Harry lluniii-
cult, Ll.zie mid Lura Kami, Annie,
Trenney ami Johuie Donter. I hirteen
receiveil 1UU H.-rivnt. In deiMirtiueut.
Fasmk Ji nrii K,
Tin: Si kam iiiia is. The Salem In-
!) k-inli ii t of Monday nay: Yeter
lay wan an excitiuir day on the river,
mid noun- ricini; Man iinlulifed
in. Tin- -trainer I jiri ue nturteil from
Snli in tiint on Sunday iiiorniiu;, fol
lowed by tin- Altoiia, i ith the Modoc
It few minute liehiliil. T'lie Kllcetie
In Id tin- lea. I for about ;ui minutcM.
when nhe wu panned by thoAltonn.
The Alt'Uin kept (he lend for nome
time, and until nhe wan comKlled to
make a laiidii-i;, when nhe wnn pa-wed
by the Minloc, who ntarted out in the
rear. The MikIoc would not allow the
Allon.-i to pam her, mid every lime mi
attempt win miide to pan nhe would
nw inn ilireclly in front of the Allium,
cn!iiM-ljn; the latter I mat to come al
mont to n ntauiUtill. Thin wnn kept up
for a eoimidenible time when at Innt
the Modoc made a lauding, izlvint; the
Altoiia the lend whieli nhe kept until
nhe reiielied Portland. At the locka
all tlinv bontn were three together.
Skim. Kkati"Kkh. A Itom-burir
di-pnleli of June 11 wiyn: (ieor' Ha-
n-rm-tt, the lireinmi on wiuth-lniuiiil
frclKhl No. :tj, met with a nerioun aei l
delit thin moriiiliK at Salt Creek water
tank, .Vi uiilen nouth of Itonebiiri;. The
tmin ntopni for wuter, mid Hnpn-r.
nett ntehin-d on the tank to tidjilnt the
pi-. The ntartini; of the long train of
cum canned a violent Jar, throwing
liim liai-k upon the pilot of the wiimd
enciiie, from where he rolled Into a
ditch. He wan brought to liimchiior
on a Ik'it engine. I'ihiii examilintioii
it wan foiiiid bin nkull wan frnctunil
and bin baric badly bruited. He in
ntill iiuiiiuw'ioiin.
Day & Head wsoB,
A few day ago a trnmn tmk mi in
roluntarv and novel hnth while tak
ing a brake-ln aiu rule fmm Tort laud
nn the southern I ai illc overiaini
When the train nlrm k the Mat the
other nlde of Oregon City, wliere tin-
water in over I ne track, it Mlleii up
over him In gr.-it nhan-. He thought
the train wan off the track with him
pinned down; but bin fright at the
contact with the water did not pre
vent him from jelling mo-t hmtily for
help an noon an the water wan cleuri d.
When the train drew up nt the Ore.
gon City ntation, he crawlnl out hik
ing like a diowncd rat, more dead than
After being in the WfiUr I'l dayn the
body of Conntantine Houk, who fell
oft the Altoiia and drowne, w;w
found Sunday near Salem.
Ktl.l.Kli A CnviiTK. Konebiirg Re
view: Mm. Cal Yokuiu wan the her
oine of a little adventure w ith a large
coyote early Tuewlay morning. Her
attention wan uttnited by the yelping
of a coyote on the hill In front of
their rinliletin- and her hunbainl not
In-ing pri-m-ht, accompanied by a
large Walcli ilog nhe net out ill plir
nult of Mr. m ote and wnn nuccctviful
in eapturiiig mid killing him, and
enu now lnmnt of a the dollar Imunty
for the i-ru I p. t'cW lailien nnnenil
nllcli pluck.
Hm vn's i:i.i:n ion. In the nice
for promi'iiting attorney of thimlintriet
the vote I-an f illown: lioiiglnn llrowtl
I'iTn, Dorrin !i !l, Aniln ii.!. Inline
Itl'ouil nS, Dorrin IL'Vi, Alllin lmt.
Iteiitou - l'.row n Mii, I)orrin 7'.',
Ainin Ji.'l. I. 1 li c o I ii It r o w n
.'ill, Dirrin L'J7, Amln I'd.".. Cmw
I tmw n li.'l, Dorrin 4 :, Alllin I.U'iJ.
TotnU w ithout Curry inunty which in
not yet rciHirted, lirown ."ti; 1 ; Dorrin,
.1,'ili ; Amln, r.,xa.
Nkw linn Kits. A muting of the
Iinc Count v Medical A-nm-iatiou wan
held in thin city hint Saturday even
ing, mid tlie follow ing olltcer were
elected for the eimulng year: I'reni
dent, W. Kuykeiulall; vi'ee pre.lili-nt,
I ieo. Wall, of ( 'ottnge (irove; w--retary,
J. W. llurri-; executive committee, f.
A. I'aitie, T. W. Harm and W.
moilicimt to
which you
ran pin your
faith for u
euro. A
mi 1J l.ix.1
tivc, a n !
purely vc.'-
Otllli', ill't-
ini ilirri tiy
on the Liver
a n ii KM-
nevn. Try it.
Soil by' .til
Druints in Liquiil.or in ToWilor
toU ukcntlry urmoiliMiitoa tea.
Tli. Klna of Llenr Meillriiira.
" I lui um-iI iiurniiiiiitini .i,-r lU-tta-
tutor uli-l nut liitl-M'lrnrl,Mll M It l.llli
kmif nl ,iil li-r iiintii-ihii, I mii.iili-r II i4 uii- i-hi-nt lii liwir. linn. W. Jack-
WIM, 14.-.-IUH. Wtulllllgtllll.
-i;vr.itr pack Ai;r. .
Urn. th Z la red on w rnop.r-
ilie KIimmI TTllill.
The lik'li water ill the Columbia
briugn no remimx-ciiwn and Hon.
John M into, w ho ciiine to Oregon In
Ml ti ll" the Antoriall of the llmt big
iuxKl oi I lie lllann tie:
He ntaten Hint with the exivptioll (if
the MinmI of Imil the Willamette wan
never higher than ill iMivmln-r, lU.
It hml In-eu a dry annum-r and fall that
yenr up to Ot-totn-r Is, when the early
warm mum comuicmvd nud nmtlnuiil
until the tlood camo III Ihivmln-r. He
dintiuctly n-niemln-m how warm It Wan,
Iniiiuic of the fact that nome of the
jiloiii-em went ban-fimted all w Inter.
I'he river coiiimeliinl to rine alniut
Salem, and never evaned rlnlng until
there were but few Mitn in the city
left uncovered by water. Then wan
not much damage done in Salem, but at
I. inn City, which wan pH,ite Oregon
City, the building were wnnlicd away
entirely, and it wan a long time In-fore
the tow n wnn rebuilt. In the Imttom
landn along the river a great deal of
ntock wan lont fmni the farm almtit
Salem and down to the mouth of the
Willamette. Thin llmnl of 1M4 had no
n-ni'ptible cll'iet on the Columbia riv
er whatever. Portland nl that time
hml no existence, there U-ing nothing
but a nhingle camp on the preneut nite
of that city.
Circuit coin t In M-.iiiii.
It wan niiow ing vctcrdav ill Nevada.
I'li- l.afav- lie ( oiirirr lum gm,e
Tlie total ote ill Oregon Ihlln f.u ii
Kvi ry indiratioii of a dull term of
I'he liavi l on the railroad in reported
very light.
lion. C. II. linker, of Walterville, ia
ill I'lllgelle.
l'oliiiniiin Mathewn in in Cortland
viewing the 11 nn.
Comity Cli rk clict Ji'tiningn in In
I lligelie Imlay.
II. W. Cottle, it Saleiu iimiiraiice
man, In in Kup-iic.
I'eter Kuney in nt ill quite nick llllil in
conlliiiil o lim room. )
Judge rilllcrtoil, of Konchur)!, I- III I
tiltcudaucc upon court.
Thin weather in making an ubtiu-j
ilatice of gnin and liny.
i The x-..iou of the ciri-iiit court w ill1
. probably In- n nliort one.
JUilge Jleilley, of I ottage drove,
nn nt Miiulay in thin city.
Hairy I'tiee in ipnte nii-k lit the n-ni-'
deliiv of bin pa renin in th'n city.
i The nhrlill ' ottlce in now ijiiiti- bn-y
! levying on pron-rty for lv:t taxen.
j The nleniiier l aigelle leave. I'orl laud
1 tomorrow morning for thin city.
Sub-M-ritn-liU-rallv to the fourth of
I Julv celebration.
I t un i ii (oi in.
I. rand Jury mid llnilltN ii;nt i !
Hllll ('Mien IlMirii m.
I Tin- madn in the eouutry tire report
ed loin- marly an bad an they were lant
I winter.
Nn ItoAT Tlll.n WKI K. Oil lllintlllt
A Race For Lire.
l'cndletoii Tribune: Joe Combn,
nheriir of .rant county, arrived In
l'cndletoii Thumdny, witli a primmer
nenti nml to one i nr ill the n-uiteli-tiary.
The nheriir and bin charge
dropieil In at the Trannfer hou-i- bar
to enjoy a nliv Invigorating drink.
The primmer liindu tin bin liiiud that.
after mature deliberation, he did not
wind to ntn-iul the coming venr In niu h
clone ouiu tcm an would in accorded
him in Salem, no inado a dunh for lib
erty. He ran out the aide ilcmr, the
nherill' in nwift pumuit. He then run
nloug the inin-li to the went end and
jmiin-d If, thinking to alight on aolid
groiiiul, won bl then Inj able to get
tiwny, tl i night being dark. He wan
gn-iitly horrilied when he alighted, to
llnd hlm-cif In the niiittll nln-aiu thnt
Mown along there, and ater llounder
ing nmuml nud having become thor
oughly nn tu rated, waa captured. The
nheriir timk bin prlnoner out of town
on the next train and gave him no
inorenpKirtunlty to give an i-xlhlbi-tion
of hi foot-nu-illg proclivltlen.
The (.mud Lodge I. 0. U. T.
The grand Imlgeof the IndcM-udeut
Order of (iihkI Ti-mplurti conveiien in
n-gulnr nennioii at Kugeue on June lu
at lu o'ciiM-k. The n-preM-utnti ven from
Salem are nn follow: Capital bnlge,
W. T. ICigdon and Uro H-riln-r; I'nioti
lodge, C. V. ilrown, Alice Shirk, Jonie
Orieve; I'rogrennlve linlge, Jny I tower
mini, X. Shrutii and Ralph v.. Itower
num. iiro. John AIIwimmI rcnti-niL
Marlon Dintrict Imlge. Thin ha Inen
one of the mont pronin-rou yenm thai
ti... ! i -r r. i i
nn- imiuu ieiiiiui. nuve exnriein-eii
lor nome lime, nayn the Salem Journal.
1'rof. Crow burnt of California ban
Inn li III the willthern Oregon lecture
held for nome time and neveral new
A I'leanaiit Affair.
SIIFIlll I- n
enlefdnv no!
of the high water nt Portland, the ( hnlgin w ith a largi-cliarter liiemln rxhip
ntemuer Kugeue wnn unable to procure I havu U-eii organi-d.
the freight ilentineil for thin city, mid
w ill therefore not make her imual Iripi
thin week. She will make her n-gular i
run again next week. , , . ....,. . ... .... ...
prine wan given ev. (i. M. Weiiner,
puntor of the Fimt Chrlntinn church,
and wife, by melnln-nt of bin elitireli
nud friendn to the liumln-r of almut .
The in-canioii wan the tenth aniiiver
miry of their marriage, and it ill lony;
be ri-liii'tn In-red by thmm pDm-nt a. a
nun-t hnppy event. The evening wan
nin-nt w itii and mn-lal chat until
about 10 o'clin-k, wiiiu the ladie-i
nerviil nu elegant lunch, to which all
did ample jimlice. Alxnit nu hour
Inter the guentn departed, winlilng
tin in many more annivernarii- an linji
py an tiiin one. A (it l.vr.
,j iiuartl. Juio- I-'.
Sai.k. Sberitl Xolaiul,
1 at public auction, on ex-l
cent Ion, coii-idc ruble maebitierv In.1-
loiiL-ing to the Kugeue I'niiniug A
1'ncking Co. It wim bid in by S. It.
Kakin, truntee, for ''i.
I in.:jr (iu.r-1. June I.'.
! A luifxn. -The Kourth of July com-
mltti-e him !- ii abroad in the land to
day interview ing our biminenn nu n on
the nubjn t of llnniii'i'.
( Of Suit hem Oregon lownn. lir.ilit'n
'' Pan ea-t Ton voti-, nod A-blnlid In
Clediteil with Meilford ban .'.In
I voten, Jnrknouville C, and Central
Point L'll.
7 Dealers.
' (iooii K TllK O. May wn ti
! ifinnl inontli for the Oregon Pari I'':
'1 hree tliounaud new lien wen put :l
I tlie trni-K, othem wi n- Imught. and p -1
i for, pili-n were driven lu the . .t
bridge at Allmiiy, a nuiulr of rx.iu
; nection men were in aervice, fuel .or
I two iiionthn wan piirc.ban.-d, fither l t-
U-riiient- of a trilliiig natun- weia i iit
t on the roiul, and afu-r paying evi ry
ti nt that them- aihlitionnl lmi.r---.i -m.
eutaile, the rote In ai-eo-.iiit
! nliowe.1 nn entry of fi on the -r.-dit
ble of Ibr iitige-, nnvn tlii- I ltd' On
Coiuiiii.-ionern court Saturday nfler
noon, tiiljourtii-d until Thurmlav, June
A. J. John-nil) Wan elil'ted nherill ill
l.ane county niul eiiator in I. inn
tieo. It. Coulter ban gone to Port
laud to act an a Jury man in the I'. H.
Today 'n Orcgoiiiau nayn: "It. C.
Huuiphn-y, a mcrchmil of I'.ugciic, in
in town.""
Pronecutiug Attorneys. W. Coinlon
went to Drain thin aftirnoon on legal
The IIimmI a( Portland In -.low ly re
ceding, having fallen Id iiichc nince
lant Kriday.
K. C. Smith went to llarrUburg thl
morning to Im.k at bin large hop yard
mar thnt plan-.
Hon. K. II. Williamn, n ironiiiieiit
Portland attorney, in here in attendance
upon circuit court.
A marriage lin-nm- him Inn-u gnmtcil
to Kll Hamilton mn .ora Slininonn,
by County Clerk Walker.
Dr. Mi liilurir went to Stiletn thin
morning to attend a meeting of tlie
Inmrd of tru-tii-n of Willamette uuiver-nity.
S. S. I mm, of Albany, went to Rone,
hurg thin utli-riKMiu to altetill a mu l
ing of the tiuntiv of the Solilicm'
Mm. (ieorge T. Hall and ilaiighler,
Minn Carrie, left on hint night'n over
land train for n month' vlml to friend
in Sail Kmncimii.
It In now ntuted that the I'llion I'a
clllc will In' running In ;l dayn and
thnt the damage to the road Ih-iI will
not miioutit to over I JnO.iMt.
I!am:lill In Inllillllllg mplilar flgalll.
Prnctiiv gamen an- played neailv every
Silinlay on gn undn ul the went etui of
the Springfield bridge and at l-'tiir-mount.
Lafayette Courier: Mr. Frank I.
Ilillingtou, of the m-iilor cla-n of '!i
Lafayette ncmlnary, linn Imi-ii cli-eted
principal of the Jiim lion City public
I'.nparto, Cal., Prenii: Mm. Ituck,
mot her of II. II. Iluck, arm id line
flolll Collage t irove, Or., yenteliliiy
mid hun taken up her reniib iuv with
her noli.
The vote on governor in now plaii-d
at: 4n,7 i', Plern' liVo!', Oalln
wav I7,ti7!l. J.ord'n plurality, l i.lTli.
Irw'in .lj,n.-..l, Jury .',417, it. id .'1,711.
Irw iu'n plurality 11,1 1.'.
The iiiunty mnpn of Jom-pli Koch nre
in arly llllinhlil at the lit hogrilphern
nhop. Some tnlvertinilig -p i. i i ll II
ntill ln bud which lire valuable, nn the
iiiiiii w ill In-the ntuml.oil one for nev
eriil yearn to come.
Klon-ui-.' Went: Tin- Lake Cr-i-k
Pri nbyteriall church will In (b-.ll. lili d
June 17. Rev. K. J. Thomp- D. I).,
of Corvallin, will prriich the dedii-utory
neruioii. Servieen will i-prti ut I 'I a.
in. Kverylnaly Invited.
Two Immlgninl wiigoim from Jack
nou county arriveil in Kugeue till
morning, Iniuud for Lantern Oregon;
a I no two from Puget Soli iii I, IhiiiihI for
the num. Imiility. They will Iw unable
to ennui the inoutitain for neveral
Win kn yet.
A rumor in prevalent thnt the Stew
art mid Pickanl cattle, while In a cor
ral junl at the niiow line on the Can
cade mountaiiin, were ntniiimliil, and
t.n broke awny and were not recovered.
We do not vouch for the t nithfulnen
of the rumor.
K. P. Coletnati and K, K. Chapuiati
went to Portluinl thin morning on tlie
Im-al train to attend the I'. H. court,
ln-lng trial Jurorn. Mr. Coleman waa
alno nubinn-uaed an a regular Juryman
for the Lane county circuit court, to
np-ar hen- nt ' o'clmk thin morning,
hut wan exctiwnl.
The next leglnlature will prolmbly
ntaml: Smate n-puiiluaiin nemo-
erut H, tmpull-t .1. Houne rcpuhlli-nha
di nen ml I, inipuliit 7. The n-nl of
iratit mid Harney and that of Klam-
'th ami Ijike nre Imtli given to the ro
Vublicann an n-nwmably certain. All
the rent are reirted an elected.
IjiUi- County Kxntniiier, June 7:
Silver lake ban broke over It levee
and N on it wav to the do-rt, where
it went in '"I. The water ban reached
Thorn lake, a dintnuce of three mile
and a half, tilling up an Imtnepne
i-oontrv an it g-n-n. The gnp In .TI feet
The regular June term of circuit
innli for Lane county convent d m
citiirt limine thm mrtinin nt I11 "o
tMII.IM pre-n nt -JinU:e J. C. li!l- r
ton, PnMi-uting Altoinev S. W. Con
l.tii, Shentl'J. 1.. NoUiid mi l t leik
W. K. Walker.
The cleik cal'i -I tin- roll of juror-,
ln-illg the nlllue recently ill till- l .1 AKI'.
J. S. Medley mid I'.. P." Coli ii. an wi re
The following irralnl jury uiiv draw n
llllil nworll in: W. P. -kwinnl, I'.
N. S gar, T. M. Keii-hnw , I ieorge I la-l-ley,
Tholiuin lliuley, '. K. Hale, and
J. ti. ati . C. K. Hale wan app-iiiit-il
The court gave tin-jury nome c, el-
lellt lldviil-aln.llt iudli-llllg N-r-Uln on
illniillli'ielit evideiui', llllil al-o lea, I Uii-nw-eiul
ulatlllen in I he tin- mile an n -iiilred.
The follow ing baililln were apmint
e.1: (i, W, Kin-y, for grand jury; I..
D. Korn-t nud J. W. Cherry, general.
The following canon on the dm-kct
w i-n- dinn wd of:
is7. John Holland vn W J Hill: to
recover money. Continued.
.SCI. J M' Watern vn i: DJ.ihn-.nii i
niul Yanhll Jobii.on; to recover
lliollev. Cont 1 1 1 IH-. I. i
.1117. C A Dtilph et al vn Jnuu n
1 Inward et al, cipnty. S llleil and .li-
.'!IP. lllialn-tli CoiimT Vn Ion M
Miller el ul; fon clonitt- for iniilhina
tnui. Coiitiriucil. I
."l.iX K C Met 'laiialiau n Jane;
l.uckey; to n-covcr money. St for;
trial Tiiemlay. ' !
itlll. Alex Mathewn vn Sll-all A I
llaldwlll, ailmililntrutor of the i-tatc o
M D ll.lldw ill, ibi-eaneil: liillllrilia !
tinll. Colillrilieil. I
.'ills. S N t alt f vn C A and M J 1
Harlow; continuation. Conllrn.e.l.
.'it il. J M Itowcn vn Kale Witiant j
et nl; Injunction. S-ltlnl. 1
.'ll.'nl I 'Iiiim I i. Here. I,. l M..-. '
et til; cnullrinutioii. Contlrmcd.
.'iln I. Trilnteen of M , church of
(ileliaihl vn I. II David; to iimvcr
linuiev. Coiitiuiletl.
:ibi.i. J M Horn vn J W and
bara Hollin; tiinllrmallon. Contlrmcd.
:tii.'i. J M Itowcn vn Sophia C
ltn-vi-n; inpilty. S-ltled.
M'M. John Killy vn Spriligllcld
OjMTn limine Co; (imllrmiilloii. Con
tinued. .'il'.T. Jamil (illlenple et al vn Daniel
Vniighan et al; continuation. Con
tinued. :il'i!i. Jacob Hirllnrt vn Henry
Swart.; continuation. Conllrinul
:H7I. H It Kakin, truntee vn Kugeue
Cunning and Packing Co et ul; mnlli
liiiitlou. Conllrincd.
.'14-vi. Knle Wiiinul Vn J M Itowcn A
Co; to ntuver inoni'V. N-tt'cd.
t!i7. John McCollum vn J M Itowcn
A Co; to n-ctivcr iiionev. Judgment
iU-oli N Mi I'urland vn Jane M
Strong et nl: fonvlonurc. iK-fault an to
Jnne and A Strong.
.'l.'iO-'i. J J l.nton vn Ida M l'alon;
illvonc. Deluult. Refcired to J K
Young to take the cvlilctice.
3-nlHl. Philip Miller vn Martha K
Itrowulce and John W Hollin; to re
cover money. Judgtilclit taken In fore
clerk. j
3oOS. Hattie A Parker vn Millard I-'
Parker; divorce. Kefi rrcd to J K
Young to take the tentiinoiiy.
.Vnl l. Will Kliykellilnll V S R Con-
liiinl, ndiuiuintrulor; to n-mver money.
I M-latlll.
.'(."11. John New noin and J S Mi
Murray vn Myrtle Cnn-k Mining Co;
tu n-mver inoiu-v. Juilgiiicut In-fore
:i'l'i. X llniwu vn K O Cotmui i-t ul;
foreclonurn of mortgage. S-llled.
.'i-'.pi. J M Horn vn L K nud A P
('ro .vnnd W II Smith; fon-cloniire of
llinrtcMk:'-. Dinminned oil motion of
ii'i.lO. Ijiiuia 11 link inn vnARIIan-l-lim;
dixonv. iH-fniill. Iteferml to
J K d oling to lake the testimony.
.'i.'i'i'i. In n-lennlgnmeiit of 11 D Liu
coin; iinnlgutiieiit. Filial n-Hirt dur
ing term.
."I.'l'i. In re-nnnlgnmeiit of Royd
llron; ni".ignuieiit. Final remrt dur
ing term.
.tins. A ti Ilovey vnT M (
miiiinlrntor; conllriiuillon. M Intake;
nliotild not In-on docket.
:;"ni. A II Spare vn Lurch Itnm;
motion for nherill' to make deed. Mo
tion allowed.
.'i-'dj. Jnme Smiford vn M L niul
I ni x I ! mlrlrkn; fon cloniire of mort
gage. It fault. Jlldglllelit for toVSl,
10 ln-r cent lllten nl, tXtl) nttorilcy fee
and order of null-of mortgaged preiu-
m I'ii- i..-.- 'I i.. - ! iy ni'ti rniMiii: K
P.i.-iui, k, ii 11 t r, Howard I'otie,
P ll.iiiuiiit!, 1 i i nl; Jai-knon, Joint
Cr ol, I Inn l-ittl. tii 1.1, J K Kelilierly,
It I" Mil, -f, .Inliu stroiue, John An
il. r-'U .in I John II 1,-ln -.,
Oil In., I.
prop I.;
dlNOI.. .
Malt. -
::I7 ...
(" nut. d II .
::i"n. I!
'lull an. I
D. b.lllt.
all. , in v t'.
J .10- P
!:- 111!',
. 1',-n.;
I Itt
vn Jan K
r H-monal
.t 11!;
M M l. i. !. v vn P. K Lucki-y:
D- f.oili. ' li. fcrn-.l to F C
II to take t. -IlllUUiy.
s S sti veiii i t ill vn T T Rurt.-
I'hurniUy the etnpioven will
for Mav. 1 J he O. P. i all riv.
0 00 oHgeE?,8wgonc-
Calls ansti ivcd duj or, nild.
ei$, U ulamcltc0rcct.
O o
Opposite 1 1 otil w
O 00
wide and draw n a curn til fntttl nolite
paid 1 dl.tatiif out in the lake to the gap.
W. T. II. Morgan, who w.-nt to Port-
- land a f- w da n nlnee 1 nroiite to Unite,
Iiiw ',, June 11 I Moii tana, but mold not prn ure traiin-
lloi-n,. C. Smith, who .-ntiiiinei ; mrtation on tieioiint .f tlm high wa
hln Ham. burg vnrd, yente-nbr,-, nay. i t.-r an-l wn-keil railnmdn, 1. ft here
the promi-n- of a Urge yield In w ln-t- j lnt night again f.if that city, going by
' U T thaever Uri-,
I bate V apnaW..
d tWiat i4,li'l 'b,"1. i It. I., via n-neraiiiciito, Salt
' tTy aud Pw-atello.
3.VL1. State of Oregon vn Adam
(ireii, committllii'lit to kii p the nran-.
Ordeml dint barged.
3i-VI. D A Paine vn Mary K Fmnk
Ilcndcnton; to nt-over iiton-y. He l for
.toll. F L Shove vn lamina Shcve;
divorce. Referred to Frank Sklpworth
to n-jnirt tenllmony.
.VdS. Mary Iweiy vn J F and A K
Hardy and John Stewart; foniMomire
of mortgage, la-fault. Judgment for
tloU, attorney fee of ti) aud ale of
lliortgagtnl pn-lllinea,
X.J). A 1 Ilovey v T M (iruhb,
mliiiliilntralor: foreeltmuru of mort
gage. Journal orb-r of March 7, l-'.'l,
vaenttnl. Judgment again-t (irubbn
fur li .Tu and Urn attorney fun, Inter
ent at 10 wr cent and tlm-n-e n-l 11 forc
ing the mortgage and foreclonitre. State of Oregon vn L P.utlcr;
Ciiiiinltiiient. (irand Jury, Tuemlay
looming fouiul not a true lull and de
fendant w an Uinchargtil.
.IVti Slate of On-gon v (ieorge
Patri'k; commitment. The grand
jury Tuewlay morning rt-nirted not a
true bill, and the ih leiiilunt w an dint-barged.
nj. It It Milln vn Harn r Work
man; apn-al from junl ice court.
The I tllow lug Jury wan taken in the
ca-w Tutlav morning, at ( o'clm k:
Jame Oltutt, X I Chrinman, L K
Ward, C It Hunt ingn, J K Ki inn-rl v,
It F Viuert, John Hugh.-., John!
Stroine, J K MrKenic, John Ainler
011, A J Harlow and R R ILiye. Af
ter argiiuietit by cotinnel, and I uo-'
tion by the i-ourt, the Jury went out at ,
Ju'itlo'elmk. j
The lury bniugbt In a verdict in
favor oflhe defendant.
.Jr1..'; Ida L Corm.11 vn the state III
urn uee 'o; to remver money.
'1 he following Jury wa empaneled
l 'l!ly. .Ion M Stephen Bp-
i-ner w ith lot 111 Iniudn.
II Mia. k let t vn John V
Al'tiie Lewi.; fortilo-ure.
Jii'lunietit for ;;.ii, and tii
1 - and In in-r cent liitciW.
I I A I , Ii; l-nlir.
Hie g. .tii-l I iry thin i.lteriiiniii made
tbi- tb. ir linnl ti -uii :
lu tin-1 11. nit curt of the ntate of
Or. -1:1.11. t'..r l.nii nity, Oregon.
We, tin- i-i.i-iil jury of 1 .11 1 n- county,
1 1 1. gon. -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 our linnl re.irt tin follow-:
We h. iv. examined tlie county
olllii nnud record., ami r.n fur an our In
Vi .ligation went, w e fotlllil llielil kept
ill a neat and orderly manner, ami
Inn ing di-i hargi d our dutien accord.
iiM t-t law, a-k to In- ili-i liargctl.
C K. IIai.i:, Ion-man.
AM) Mill. ANOIHF.i; tllUTKK.
J. K. VlUln Mien tile Lute lamt-ulcj
liiM-ilgoth-g t iiiiiniltice
fur Aitoriii-y
F I'fn.
l-nllr !,.!. I, Jain- I..
Tin-ii li-brate.l couiuiitttv that won
appoililt tl to Investigate the county of-lieial-
ban fuiui-heil I jine county
iu-w.p.-in-rn many ib-inn iluring the
pa. t year. Il would mviii thai from
the In ginniiig of their carti-r they have
Ini-u very unfortunate. 'Ihn rune
agaiu-t Sherill Nolan. I wan dii-ideil In
lav.-r of Unit olllcial; then Ihclr exn-rt,
O. II. II. Simmon., forged their liauien
and wan neiiti iiti-d to tlie N-nitelitiliry
mr 11 lei 111 ot earn. .Now their attor
ney ail. -r tin y have paid large nuin
of inmii-y to ilillerctit luwyem, nuo
Hit in for 11 halantv. We nupHme thl
will In-the lift net III the comedy of
We herew ith publlnh the complaint
in the t-a-.- now on II le ill Jimlice (1.
W. Kinney' court:
"In l.ugi-nii Jii.llco tuiirt. J. K.
Aiuin and John llurnctt, plaiiititl v
W. II. Spaugh, F. M. Xighnwantler,
II. C. Pftklim mid A. C. Jeiiiiingn, de
fellilautn. "l'laliitilln complain of tho almve
liiimed tlefeiiilantn, and for ( aline of no
Hon allege the following factn, to wlti
"That for a valuable coiinlileratlon
the nlmvc liaini-il defendant dellveled
to plaliitill'n their certain pnuninnory
note in writing in the word nud tig
linn nn follow n, to wit:
"Know nil llli ll by thenu pn-nellU
that we, the tinili-mlgiicd, ugnni to iny
to Jaiut n F. Ami and John liurnett,
the mil in of tiiin, In mil. id. ratlin that
tlie naid Jamen F. Amln ami John
llurnctt act for the wild untlcmlgnod
an counm I and attorney in iinwecutlng
any nuit or art Ion ngai'imt any or all of
the nn-neut Lane cotiulv oltlclal
w lili li may In- limtituti-d, cither crimi
nal or ciul, through any ol the court
of the ntate of On-goii for nil V olllcial
tlcliliipielicy; pnividtnl. thai tS of
naid mil 1 1 1 nlnill Int paid ninety day
fmm date mid the balnnce due to he
paid nix Iiionthn then-nfter. (liven
iiiiili-rour haniln thin Lnue county,
On-gon, Augn-t :i, Isu.i.
W. II. Sl-At nil,
F. M. NlilillW A.Mll.K,
A. C. jKNMNim.
"Thnt pluiiililtn are now the owner
anil holtlern of naid note, that no part
tlu-reof ban Ini-u paid except the mint
of JTW.i'i pnid on mill liiclimive of No-vemln-r
I t, I nu t, and May l i, lf.4. and
prior to I he miiiiiu-nn iiu-iit of tbinatv
lion. That plalntilln have n-rfonnel
their part of the contract completely
und In full. That there I now due,
owing und payable from defendant to
plainlilN the mini of l.7., no part of
w hu ll hun Inn-n paid; wherefore iilain
lill'n ileuiaiul luilgmelit agniimt tlie de
feiiiluutn for tlie mini of t-'l.7j ami for
the contn and ill-liunn-incnt of thl ac
timi to Inj taxed."
The complaint Unworn to by J.-imca
F. Amln. L. I'.llyeii apin-am attor
ney for plalntilln.
The cant w ill Im heard by Justice
KitiM-y Tuesday, June lit, lsl.
Ii.lljr (iu.rtl Jim. 11
In a Ckith ai. Comiitium. Mr.
A . V. Petem, w ho went to Oakland,
California, a few week nlnco to be
in-atetl by phyniclann, we are pained to
nay, I In a critical condition. Mr.
Peter left for that city on hut night'
train, and w ill bring Sim. Pi-tt-r home,
if nhe I. abb- to w itlmtutid the Journey.
CtniM V11IK Tho Mnmhtlchl Hun
given the uuolllcial vote of Cmw county
011 pro-ni-utliig attorney aa follow nt
Amln, lovi; lirown, 71 1; Iorrln, 431.
I he nipllllnt county ticket waa electetl
with the exception of the lurveyor.
I'A.-rnuAii: Rev. (I. M.
Wi-lmt-r ban n-nlgned the mntorate of
the Christian cnun-h, of thlncity. We
iliidemtand that he will return to hi
old charge, lu Albany.
In kii. Poln-rt McCowen dietl at hi
home In (he Mohawk vnllt-y Sunday,
June in, aged n yrnr. Hia'dcath III
the n-nuit of old age.
Highest Honors World Fair.
A pur Cup. Grim of Tartar PowJn. Prei
(tutii Antr::ct.u, Alum or jny ether iJuiteiant,
O 0