The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 09, 1894, Image 7

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    CITY ANP COUNTY.' wkdnksdaViji;nk.'.
Chert ic are tin ning red.
' "lllllli-dollers' court III I
Lane County Election.Returns-Official.
I' rilluv ha n Ij.iunr w IIit to every ID i
Voter. ' I
Tin- Harris bi,
1 painted.
I J. I'. Holland went to
following is a rimy of ihcpn-hleiif 1 Mr. W. C. Yoran
Tke I'rorUtnatmu KxpIn Jlur
llwhetul Klulnicl'i"lrlrt.
nna-lamatloll setting apart I In- Id
jieiula mining district from UicCu
cad forest reserve:
W'llfcKKAS, It I provided ' iK- t lull
24 of the act f emigre, upprovc d
l.rth 3. IsM. entitled. "An art to h-
a-al tlmber-eultiire laws, ami for other I
nurixwa," "That the pn-ildciit of the:
t'uited HUte may, from time to limit I
(i t apart ami reserve, iu any Mali- r
territory having fuitilie laud bearing j
forcut. in any part of the public 1:111114 1
wholly r in purl covered with tlniUr
or uuder-growth, whether of com
mercial value or not, an public- rcservn
thin, and the prcldclit ahull ly
proclamation, declare the csliihlirii
ment of such rt-m-rviit i iib uud the
limit thereof;" anl wlu-rcn, on the
2th day of isVptcuibcr, Iwri, 1 l-am-d it
proclaina'lon reserving, a authorlcd,
certain pulillo laud lit Oregon, now
known tut the "Cascade forest nwrti1,"
Wiikkkah, The Ull.ln llcreiliuflcr d.
cribed arc mlnerU land, unit should
unt have been Included in .M "Cas
cade fonut reserve."
Now. t lien-fore. I. t 'rovt-r Cleveland.
president of the 1'iiitcd Hfatt-, ly vir
tue of the power III me vt-aleit by nld
art, do hereby Imuu thin, my m-sind
proclamation, and hereby except fiom
Mtld "Cascade forest reserve'' eMail
llnhcil on the 'Jblh day of t-H-ptcmls r,
Iku, and restore to the public doinuin,
all tiiat tract of land situated In tho
itate of Oregon, ami dcscnlicd ax fol
low, t wit:
j -Ik-ginning at the southeast corner
of township 3' south, raiigu 1 Wwl,
Willamette meridian, tlieiieo south ll
miles along tho uin.urve.ved Willi, u
ette meridian; themv cast 12 mile;
tht-uce north 12 mil -; thence we-t U
nnlrt to the oiilhul comer of town
iiip I'-' aoUlll, range 1 cul; thence
west (i mile ulolig the southern Isiuu
dry of township VJ aoulli, mugc I
rant; thence, south along the eastern
k front i Ulng re-
Albany this
tiiting at
"klpworth'n new j
Mis JeliUie Allderwill t inilcd
lion iHHy.
Hon. I'.. I'. Coleman. (,ri'.,,. v.,,.
I in town loduy.
I hi- frame of K. ,
riiiib iHi' in uti.
I K.-v. W. I). iiluir ha n tiirn.-d to bin
lion, iii Ml-soiin.
Mol ktlll the lil AKIi r for a
fourth of July ii lelir.ilioii.
l! i r.inionil thai a Wedding will
t.lke piare ill tlii, ,-ily WIM.
S. K. Met I ;in- and V. V. llou-ton, of
Jlllielioii lame up thin alleniooll.
I Il'-ail will In ehlef jutlif
ofttiexupleiiieouirt ulter July l-t.
('.piiini-.i..ii. ri rarki.r and lVrklnn
are i i town in all-iuianiv Umhi court.
i. W. oolidye h:i Urn elected Unit
i.-e pn-nHieni ol ttio Kleoii fruit
e s
A , V. 3B T. 2 i. - r-
J -4 '
.;.-: r j
T r i 1 7. 2
boundary of IowiikIiIp I'll aoiitli, raiu't-
1 went, to the place of iK-yiiiuini;, I x-1 1 1 v;
IIiiho tract of land whicli, wlien the
pulillo aiirvt-ya are cxtciideil, will he
lncriled aK lowm-liip Jiiwmtli, r.-inci-n
1 ami . eiiKt, aim towiiNiiip .1 miuui
raiuri'a 1 and 1!, and I'lnbraeiiii; an
nearly an cull Im ilelcruiiiieil, the llo-
heinla iiilnliii; iliKtrict."
lldiilclMoii, deiitUt.
J. J. Walton, attorney -nt-law.
Money to loan on furum. Kiiiiiire of
judM allon.
Dr. O. V. Illddle may Ih- f.nind at
lilt n-Hidenoe on Ollv ntnv between
Fifth and Sixth atrectx, one block vit
or III .Minnesota hotel, lie In l.i-
paretl to do all dental work in tin- lnt
Coal Jl til .Nurnery.
Call on or aildreM T. N. Si-trur, Ku
Ifi'iie, for all klmli of numery nti ck
i'ruiunon nianilNiiein plum dmiIm that
will tint sprout, aim) ou pi ucii rootH.
'i'be tomet.
Lawn and vardeii force aiidiprayint;
pump. It la worth the price for e'xlcr
liiilialiliK InneetH, hop lii-e, mule hue.,
canker and currant woruiH, nre tin in,
and every wi-iea of vermin. It
tlirowi a continuous Kin-am fnun ') to
m fuvt. No family can allord to be
without one. It in iiutdc entirely of
bra.a and hua no wimhI purht to well
up and get out of order. Kvery pump
warrauted. Kverylody liken it.
1'ays to buy it. It in alwav
ready. Never fail and will
never runt. Ha no couul.
for aprayiiifc tn-ea, v I lien, etc., uiui Ii a
(wrfaet KyriliKu for uiilinali. The
price of the pump I low and within
the reach of all. Hold in two nics.
The larger unliable for Inner orehanU
and hop yard, having barrel uitueli
nienta. The bent known n-iript for
pray material furnished free with
Can In wh-ii at the Implement xtoiv
of M. LeviitKer, i-orner of inli and o.ik
trii'tK, KuKeiieOn-)(ou. Anentn want
ed. Miller Jc Hawyer, AneuU for Lune
lie Knew Its Worth.
Dr. M. J. Davia in a piomiiiput phy
Iclan of Ix-wln, Caaa county, Iowa,
and haa been actively cnaed in the
practice of nieilicine at Ihut plaei-for
the lant .V yeant. On the LUth of May,
while in Ih-n Moinen. ru route to Clii
caio, he waa auddenly taken witli an
attack of dlarrlui-a. 1 laving wild
Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera ami I)i-arrho-a
Kemeily for the pat I" ycum,
and knowing ita n-liubillty, he pr-turi-d
a mnvnt bottle, two doaea of
wlilch completely cured him. Tlie ex-riti-nielit
and change of water and diet
incident to traveling often produce a
diarrhu-a. Kvery one nliould pn.cure
a bottle of this remedy before fenving
home. For-a'oby
OhUfK.N &
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
WarM-t Fair Hlghnt Mtdal and Diploma.
Are You Innuml?
If not, now I tho time to provide
vounn-lf and family w ith a bottle of
Chamberlain'! Colic, Cholera and Dl-arrha-a
liemedy a an lunuraiii-e
airainat any serious renult from an nl
hn'k of bowel complaint during the
d miner monthn. It In almoM ct-rtmn
to be Deedinl and ahould be procured
at ouoe. No other remedy can take ila
plaf or do iu work. i' and .'y cent
oottlea lor wile by
Osr.i KN A DkLaso.
The i learner Kugene will arrive here
tom.,i r.i.v arteriHMiii w ith a iood IohiI
of freight.
'. S. Smith hai n-turiii d lioni from
Manlor.l uiiier-ity, and will ml a
ie wei-kH in rc Vlnllllig III pureliln.
K. W. o.U. iii nndli. IU-ttiimn an
the delegate-, tothe A. O. C. W. irrnlid
I'hlgi-wliii-li uni t in 1'orllalid, June
Tin- fontli-Uut.iI overland wuaone
hour and .:n miiiuun late thin morning
ow ing to delay by IiIkIi water at Port
laud. The I-h-.iI train wan forty mliiiiten
late this ufterniNtii ott iug to delay by
the high wnt. r at Portland thin morn
ing. hie of the iiie-.tionn tbnt i Interent
iug a number of n-puhlicuii now, W,
w lio u ill In- deputy clerk and deputy
xhcril! miller Hie ollb-ernelii-t.
Shel ill elei t A. J. JoIiUmiii, of Cri-.
well, wan iii I'.ugeiie today. He n
iviveil the eongnituUtioiin of hi
friend over Inn -iliveWul election.
tWro Oiilloway .... -V. 71
-In Keuued) Ill -r
W PLord Kill.'.
;XhIIiii lVreo.... 1'-'
Siiftrrm Jmliji".
A S H-nuett "' ?.
;it P lU.e I'.' ll
1' PHiM-kleuiau... I I
I! KWolvurtou.... 171 I U
of suit:
H ll K:n-aiJ ill I".
l H
I 7
X, 1M
tn lit
M I."i7
io .ii :..-.. 7
i ii :i l
!.' ".7 .fjn.i n
: i b; m 17
4. .l't ."'.' M 7
. II .V- I -I
- II -'
- J" hi ill
IT i. ' J. 1 1 -i-1 ; 17 Jl :
7:: t.
ll Ul
!1 IMI
;i n .
: r. v. ;
i i
..' b, i
: 11
.ii :i i
. ; l I'' I.' n
I .'. .
-I 11
: -i ji ... ...
In hi
I' ll
1 1' ;
I'i'.i 1 1. hi:
Kl l::i
II 7(i
lt I.V
11 M
1 ''
:t 1'
:tl I'd
s S
1 li'
:n t:"
i:t l
... I"
10 47
n i
41 i;
aw I
is ,.n
Dr. Price' Cream baking Powdet
WorM' Fair Mlfht . rd.
Tmb Baby tu rick, gn brr Cueoria.
lb ni a CtUId, ba crti for
Txo lb baoin Miflk aba clunc to C'ut-.rj.
riensiiit Hill Item.
Juiieli, I V.I 1.
Kleetjoii i ovcl.
Thuiiilvr mid lightuiiig Mouilay.
J. II. Went took poll bookn to Ku
gene Tiienilay.
The populi-t got there on the ntate
ticket from thin pni-lnct.
Tht chi!dn-li' exi-rcinenon children'
day wa largely attended, however
ntoriny. They did well. Hoihj to tx
favoivd often w ith their programme
J. I). W'lUoii in ehalrinali of the pie-
nie to In- iriveit June I'itli. He will
make it a micii-m. See If he don't.
Collie mm coine all.
S. Kigdou arrived in gimd hhaiie to
the Pine (Ipeliiugn. Had no liilnfor-
tiiiint along the way.
Ninety four vote h11i-iI In thin pn-
cinct lai-t Monday. There nhould have
been ah on'. 10".
Mr. Win. Lemley grai-ed the voting
place with liUmiliug "phi." snout of
the day Monday. Lute iu llu-evenlng
he wan a-ked if ho wan rend v to vote?
IK-said, "there in no one on the ticket
to vote for," mi he did not vote; think
well of bin cou. itry no doubt? If it
nhould have Ihvii anv one cine but Mr.
Lemley it would have Ihh-u thought
alrango of.
I be follow ing in tin- programme lor
the picnic to I held here on June loth:
Hand -March.
Song -" ) come let ll nilig."
I'niyer-P. It. Ituructt, of I'.ugeiie.
Snig-"IIal!etiljah" Anthem.
Aildren of Welcome J. 11. Hemp
hill, of Pleat-ant Hill.
IiepeiiM- !. (i. ('alll-MHi, of JunM-r.
Hand mimic.
Song "Our Ilont In olf."
l!ecitation-.Minn (Uie McDuillel, of
Cn-wi 11.
Chil-lu n'n ext-rci- by eight nmall
Starved emigration of s-V.'l, by K. P.
Willluiiin, of Tn-nt.
Song "The nong tliat i; nung by the
Ili.op llrill by l'l young ludien.
lialld IllUnie.
Song "He joyful in the Lord."
Oration Mr. C. S. Hunt, of . Spring-
Hand milnic.
Sn-in-h Subject to In- cliom ii, by II.
F. Keener, of ( iohcll.
Song -"Call John."
Old Finhcrinan, chief of the Cali-
Moiu Indi.'ilm P. L. lirintow, Plea
nut Hill.
K- fre.hineiilH will In.- ou the gn.und
forJi.-VJ n-r ntand.
r MeKeri-Uer
tCbit Nickell :E M
tlraWakellelil U
St. Trtntunr: -
Jit P Caldwell 17 4.1
r L Dnvidnoil .... 7:1
Phil Metaohan.... ll ll'.'
, I N Ku-liHf dnou . . . U' I'.
Att;. (ii utnil :
0 j linglit 17
tVV 11 Holme i 77
C M Idleniun 17 :ti
tM L Olnmie.1 i: 41
Su.t. p,ih. Iiiftr n:
Helen Harford.... s
t M Irwin U'i lllli
jrc.lorr 12 :n
1)VH IUiid 122 121'
St. 't infer:
W II U-.-.I. 171 141
I II M- Kil4.en u; V,
t.lmiO'llnen 74
JOeo M Ot.ui It. 42,
I 'on; rem iim ii ; - .
Iluiger llenuaun. . 171 111', :u; l.'.l
.1 I ILir.t ' M 4 . . ;
triiitn .Miller 11 41
'.I K Weatlii if.rd. . ' N2
I'ttr. .tty: I
;.l F Ann II :i'
Oe i M ltrowii I '.'I
tlii-o A Uorn. . . .
N. .. - -
Uiot.t Clow
-I II McCiuiig....
:' II Sphii.-li J." 41' 47
I'ly.n iifufii in:
U II lt.iker 172 117 -li I.V
JA 1 IJiiiton . :IT 4."i 27
M J Hdli g.. 1.V2 I2.'. 2-.1 11
i O Kuole :l II 4.1 21
.1 l '.M bi if. i;;.
S L MiH.rbrad.... I f. Ill 27 11"
iV W Oglwuly .... .'-i il'.i 12 I.".
A M Onimrii ii7 M III fll
;.lno HuUierbiiid... 1 4.1 21
( Vi i A :
AC J. lining Ill 114 :i2 1."ni
JW II Itohrer is 11 41 2!i
tJ 11 Wiuteuker ... S2 pr.i l.". :.f,
Slirrif: -
til .1 lv I til ll.". 11 m
A J JohiiHou :l ll-.l :is nil
;V W Wither .... S :t I.I 20
Vrtiuurrr: !
tii K Hriatow f.n 77 I'i .17
M (Hlrav lf,7 1 7.2 X, 1 Is
t F Kirk 12 .17 41 22
Auuithor: ' ,
U P Hurtou 127 127 '2-'i 1 11
1J V Jeukin 21 f. f4 27
TP J McPheraou... 102 Mil Id 70
'! miiuioiwr:
JTUalliaou 11.1114
tW" P Cbenbire !Hi KCl
JLevi (leer If. 4U
School Siijit : -
JKwwi Malthewe 17 .'!'. 47 -U
tAiignntii PattcnMiu 7s 71 4 -V
J U riteTuon.... 152 151 'M ld7
Survrmr: I I i I
tJo Koch ' 72 K2 12 4.1
V II Pengra HUI 12il W 15N
tu o lvtkiii i i:., i m z;
'oroiier: ' I 1
1M ('aiiadny.
fit M Day...
J f Harn.
is b'.'.i p iui iiduj.t'-
4 1
:.i in '
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!7d.s 45dl ill
.v. :n; 711 f.i 1;1
M til 1:I2 7N.I2;
i7 2.;2i;'2li:v; 1' lt l:t 7:i2:' rim
1 1 i. 2.' it SI If. f .ni b. ii.'.s 17 07 .;; 12
i i .-.i :i;;,'.i 12 2'.' in f.' 2 1. 'in
1 ' 1 I 1 1 1 I . 1
dd ;i2 I'll 122 dl n;;ii .V..-.5 21 15 If, .'s jo If, 1.1 ;., 11 p, 11 .V! 11
s :I2. ! 152f. !ls.".:tn 1 1 . . : f. .15 Id XI 4 2 :t. 111 XI ... dl 12
In PC, 15 5f,.!iUI 41 21 Is:i2n.t 1212 0 4 15 do pi 7 17 In
I ' ' 1 I M ''I'M ' 1
.-I7nf. f.5 75d;i n:t:i.df,5l .nil II do 2:1 15 ; ;757 15 II i.-,.v2
s 7;i 2S ;u;:lf, s ;i 2ii:,Ji:i7 25:is Hi ll 7 ;i n 2.1 22 7 dl ;I7
7 l ld'2 111! IS 11 72X5.11 52 X,X, I I. II 4 ;n.'l5 Is 2s'... .Hi .i
. I ' ' ' t I M i I 1 1 i 1 I ; 1 I
r. 11 iii 5f, 2.5 1:1 77 d2 .11 5ix5;ioi2 20 5 7:hi2l .".I'...:i4 4l
do 7d; On '-"'.2.'.2I II 25 122121 :il 1221 2 7 7 27 1.1 7.!l:tii
1. Hit .1 .3 II .11 III XI ilV 27,17 21 2sd.',2"2 li 4S 22 11 li7 -V. iW
.. .. .. I I I J J J.. II1''! I
-,i ss, ..ii i. .is iii 1 1 s '20 r.i 2". d7 1 1 d'.l ;l 712117 7 d2 d'.i ,11 22
.). 111., n. "i r. 11 ill 11 .. 1; 1 1 H.2.1 11 l'l 7 I .11 17 11 112 in ti.i;t'2
t. 2'.U2I f.'22 ss 2'U1 ..I :r,:,5 1.I.12 5 1 22."2 ... 1.141
1 1",
- I.M
7 :t i.-.-hi
s I . :.:,7
i'. ti 1012
'- 12
U Is .'i!' n !i21 11 IIXI
MIX-. 2 l'l 20 10 Ml.
:t; is s in in li.n pi
51 21 15 52 I i 12 2
1 I , I '
HI dO In 21 211 15 10 1 1
XI 17 7 -l 7 II 2
41 17 h 15 11; ti. 'Hi lo
:;,; 10
2i in
7 :15.1un
5 Ki 4d
4ii lu7l '.is
l',7 2t in so -,1 :
iHidd 17 I I i
!m:;i i.idi is;
15 .Vi ;t5d I ld2f.
12 21 25.; 7 II dl ,
s.-:; 11112:121 1
Pi'IHlblii-ali. i Populist.
H, hd2 s .
II '12 ...I 0 5 3
11 27 20 pi II p; .
5:;; 1 11 5 ri
II il 211 II ti 15
:ts is, 10 10 10 11 37 ! .
; I .! 1 I ; ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 ;:
' MX.22.".I ... .'1141, s Is H 111 III !i Hi II
'. 7 112.112 OX. .Hi X5l!ls.".7 I f, li ' 21'
US s;,2 2ii I2i;i5.,i K,37 pi 2" 15 lllf.
ConunHidouiT Court
School Kepori.
The foilowimr is a correct report of
the fctuM'l in district No. 14, Ijine
county, for the mouth cominenrlliir
April ;i i and cndini; May Sj: No. of
day- taught 2, No. riirollisl 34, total
attci'dMU.-e during month 17, No.
duy ul. ni .'Hi. Thow neither aliw-rit
nor tardy were. Harvey Horn, Joe
Mark and Nora Thuriiian, Alb nnd
Clilb.r l Kisk, Frank, Klla and Cora
Humilt'.n, Jc- Fountain, Susie and
Myrtle Ihiy. lt.rtha AIll.ii, Ktt
Kvuiik. The general deportment wa
good. The parent are mrdially Invit
ed t i Vi-il the ehool Ht their leisure.
YflU HlsToX,
Take your chittem bark to V. j
aunder. He y the hiw'lnt price.!
"fler IVrtlnn Mower and Hinders
'rly, to be ur of tbnu.
F. I- 4 II AM 111 K.
Hieyele. full tiM-k "f new and a
n uniir 0f icon.j hand wheel from
I Ij.OU up. Q
F. L.
W". Smud'-r iy the hiirb.-t pri-s-r,,r
ch.itriii lark. " Interview him.
I4.:t ',.inl, J'iDi. 7.
r turn- f,"in all the pni lni-t in Ijii
ciinly have Ic n re.-eive-l at tt. is.uii
ty 1 1. rk' ',:!!. r, and at the time of ir
iiiL' t' pr -1 1 he . :ir.vafinif laiard. eon-
1-tltiL' lp'lty rlerk fherwood
P.-.irr, J11-; i''- 1 '. W. Kilii-y of Kuif. ne
and l.l II s-1 f ',l.urt'. fVre limk
ing the ..:!.. i;d 1 :inii ,v1he tlie.
I he (,i15 i il r. turii" ill l- iven in to
morrow' l.i'AKI-.
Dexter ltt-iim.
Met at the Court Hoiihc, In Kllt'elie,
Orvgon, VeiliusiliiT, June 0. lsnl at
1 p. III. Tresi lit Jllilire A. 11. H-k,
Comiiiiwiioner Jiiiiic Parker and Kli
PcrkiiiN, r-hcrill J. K. Nolaud and
Clerk V. K. Walker.
No bimliiess had U-en traiiHacted up
to the hour of koIiik to pn-wi. i
At thi time waled bid to furnhdi
county riK-k crusher weie opened, one 1
from Aimtiii Mfxhr and one from1
Wcsturii Co. Matter i'oniden-d by 1
tHHtrd 11ml taken under adriwineiit un
til tomorrow. '
IbtdRiiiitiou of K. Wade of rond din-'
trict No. 67 acivptcd and F'rank Pi-plot
appointed to till the vii. iil.ey.
Ordered that clerk draw warrant on
road fund iu favor of L. Vaughn Iu
full for repair of Wild Cut bridge In
huiii of $10.
At thi time the cou rt conclude to
continue bid for rock miidicr, viz:
...-.1.. or. i'.. v.. .i r... ii,..- 1
numiii i.,.u .1, lor fn 1111, l win ' ,
No 4 for tl'1.55 ami Western Co for I r "
t'j-u, for further consideration. range of euMf
At thi time come C. J. IihU tth,
by K Jt f-kipwortli, hi attorney uud
claiiu of county rl42H) paid redemp
tion of tax aalc on land which he had
t.itld taxe. After i-xuminutlon (siurt
llnd claim Just and orders clerk to
draw a warrant on ic.'iicnd fund In
favor of xaid C. J. Tibbita for (14 .10.
Matter of Dick road continued from
May term to Uii; ordered continued
until July term.
Ordered Unit the prayer of -titioii
of H. JL Krii-ndly et ul to hav county
road running south from city limit
bv the Driver and MeMurray farm to
Maaoulu ci-metcry graded and gravoli-d
bo irranU-d.
Ordered after due coiilderalioti,
clerk I limtru.-ted to draw warrant 011
ireiu-ral fund In favor of Adam llichcy,
u rviw.r of ditriet XI, iu addition to
former amount allowed at April term iu
the mini of (5.
The commisnioiier court will be in
aefkion all wevk.
Iy higheiit market pri.s-.
!. 11. Fkiem-lv.
1 1,1: Sai.i v. ml t!r-t- !- fresh
iiiil. h i.ufor sale, bru.-i r.-a-oiiable.
Addrc. Jam. (StarLiirt,
llverity Lecture.
Prof. F C. Vouiig, principal of the
Portland llii(h chs.l will deliver a
lecture at VilUrd Hull next Haturdny
evenini; Jum- 0. The Rtihject w ill In-
Fluration.'' Admi aion fni-. All
are cordially InvitiU.
Hutlier .Steep
Than tak in any other form is w liat
many jieople think arid Purku' T-: I
made for ju-t tlio-- folk. Iti ur.-
contipation and though riot a cathar
tic move tin- tx.wei every oav. ror
Mile at Yerinirton' drug Btore.
Jut re-eivel, a inr l'd of llaln Waj;
ou, wide and narrow tin-, iiir ct
from factory; l-o enr .f old Jlickor.
wav'.ti: alco a car of llariue Hui(gia
and rrlr--.
'1 br-e full carload -f vehicle to
k-ct from. 'ari sati-'y all in, eitler
in ijuality or pri-i-.
1. L. 'AMI!I.I!.
Fob .AI - A two ba. k. ,n-
Ifle, w ith bariie f..r .! vi"-p. W ill 1
traile for won.1. A. Oohlkl th.
June 0.
More ruin, more rut.
A number of ht-oiih ittteuded the
H-iklni? at Lugeiie lunl Saturdiiy.
There will Ik.- a l.a-ket dinner ut the
ii'lni.,1 hotim- next hunduy.
The h ind held their unnuiil election
Saturday cvililnir.
A'pil.t election was held ut thi
place 51 iduy. The vote wu the lari
et ever polled. W. H. Fcnton win.
elected jutiiv nnd (j. , Kimball on
Mtablc. Jaim-s Serivem r and wife mid Mr.
Wushalu vli-ited ut Kuuo Wcliies
duy. Alee (Jriflln nturted bnlny with J: -
fit till to keep on the
'Utern Oregon iturinthe
tieoij,',, (iuiley Isi rvctiiiK a unit un.l
coiiiiiioiIioiis l :irn for him-s-lf.
Wu ate liuviug 11 k'shI i hool a' (hi
plnco Ih'i Hpriu. Mr. JU-ry is proving
hilll-elf :i uikmI tellcln-r.
A tele; houecommuiiii-utioii 1 1 11 - U ul
arrunisl from Flunk Taylor' to Mr.
Vinis-nt , thence to Mr. llurbru' and
Mr. H-riveiicr'.
lUrulc..- Wurl.intou lo.-t bim-ell
while K"iiiK home from band pri.cti.t1
hnturday liii;ht, and camK-d uud. r hi
Middle bluliket In the driving rain ull
nl.t. Pretty toiiirh.
If flying t'lts'ilou r.rt m.-ioi
crediteil we ieiiio riit m:iy 1:1 o.wl
durinif tho next two yenr. It " ill U
all riKht in xhort tim-.- a tie
fell iw have demoiitrute, time in. I
eain that they ran'l lUn l
l:i .,11. Alt.
Klnilra ( tlebration.
Vaih an, June 5, ls;i.
1. I'll. iK (JlAH!.:-Th" .plel.f tl.e
wentcrn (Mirtiou of Lane county un
invited to nui't at Lhiiiru, 011 tur-
Ouy, June 11, to arrant,' h.r a p ;,.
eelebratioli of tlie inl'iilitf l ou.lh
July. D. ll. Lak t-
A Trlriitn la iter I'mUnn
Mi MlNNVII.I.l., June i. 1 le
publican club here w-nt th folio .'
a-uriin.' difpal. b to I'r.-id'i.t '!
" Voll attel.d to ol,: lllilie
l'.-I.liov. I id a-1. 1. 1 t' b..."
t'lcMu ll l',i-iill ic.
June 7.
'J in- lightning -tiuek i rellv close lo
t n-swell on Mouilay.
It U r. .rle.l that one ballot was
in the lm nt this pluee 011 which all
the 11:11111 were marked out cxcij.t
Mr. HhiIoiiI, Ih. 1 probi lioinlnee p,r
siipcriiitviiilciit of public iii-iniclion,
uud Auuiikla Palterson for county
school NUjH-rinti'iiil.'Rl. P. C. Nnluuii
i chua-ed wi'h votlmr Unit way. All
ot her ballot wit said to Imvo every
1111I111. on i-lale and i-oiinly ticket
. rat died mil, I. living only the lliiiuo
of James Hiu ih for con-table. 'phi
iscliui'Kwd tou man who ha not voted
for lot tin-so many year, but for om
cailo ili-i'et'(Md.'. tl,.- tlliic-honorisl
,'ii-toni (hi Jem.
Two democrat who do not lead the
county iieWBp:i r-4, ,t th,. chance to
v.'le by akiin' a republican neeH.r
w hen the el. ctioii was to take place.
Ho tt.k care to inform them that it
would Is- 011 '1 uc-.lay, and they came
to town one day too lat".
Idder Jon. ill boll n iiart. rly
in. tim; liere on the third .undny In
I'l piii'.ilioiii , i inj; mail.- Iy the
Mm. lay school to bav.i a chiidn'li'
day programme on the fourth Sunday
iu t Inn month.
Tin- heavy ruin i f Monday mudu
plowing jio dde ui.d 11 I likely we
VI ill have Home ;'ooi road plowed Up
when the Moll, r-hould Is. put on that
plowed up lat year. Thi I a Kisid
v.-ar foi M'.immi rfallow, but il ought to
I-coiil'-i.'d to Held.
Lli rflull .Note.
It i thoiH'ht the total vote III the
Mate will V.'.IXM. Thi) ri'l.ul.lleull
Mtati- I ii-Li( uill Iimi-m n. i.loinlilv ofl
15,noil, Willi the exception of Irwin
who w ill have alsiiit lu,'l.
Tim only new thnii; nd.l.'d to what
was known yioti rday alut the. lat
iinli- I tl..i elis tioii of John II.
."until, dem.K-rat, from Clat-i.p county,
nuikini that Uxly stand Is npuhli
ait", s 1 1, mo raN, 2 ipulit. it 1 rant,
Harney and Mm row, joint 1 still in
recurs, iii.l.-j-iid'-iit, I undoubtedly
clii-tcd sin-rib of Multuomali county.
I he r.-st of the republican ticket i
I rank i I bd n.nyor of Portland
!.;.- p'i plurnhty.
The r-p'-hll. an lurried J.wphllie
i.unty. Two yearn utt; il wi nt popu-!l-t.
'I In Or. ,'i!.ui p,ii,!i-i,. n tin- follow
nik' tola's f : he !ate as fr a riis-lved:
l-opl '.-,'7.. 1'i.r.s- 21,17-. OalloviB.v
l"i.-75.0 If .n ",275, J.,rv -2". 275, 15-id
21.2. I. II. r i.anu 2.1. .!".' .M, II. r II.--2-,
A Jli-elbii- Ulli-il lo Tak Artlou In
the Matter.
A mu lini; of the citl.en I i-alled to
no tut the coin t hoiie ou futurday
im ,iiiir, Juan !i, at s o'clock, lodlNcum.
the propriety of n cclcbiutlou July 4.
We think this should be done In an
1 inli-al manlier thi year. A bua
kit picnic, plenty of inuaic, public
fpcakim.', iLilieiiiK, a lirls-llv, Bmilm
Inciil and a Ki'liend (.immI lime, leav
ing out the parade ami firework.
A full iitteiidaiusj I nspicMted.
I Ki-rluits Accident.
h.llj Oiunl, Jui.fd.
rthu M.ttlock, hIxIm-ii year
1 1,
1 1,1 ihn I, .1,1.-1- of I I..,. I ll M.lf.-.b
. ..n..K..... ... w . aMI.l n.
mu I lie victim of a painful
iiccul. nt thin aricriiiNin. While
ri'i,n' horsbnek thu animal
1. .'.:,l throMiuit the ilrl to the ground.
'I I, -hi, 1 -4. coiitluurd llouiidcrliiK and
kicking, slriklni? hr twice iu the
bc:;d. There i all Uly llesh
wound on her left check and auuther
In tl.e buck pait of her head,
but il 1 Ihout'hl that 110 hone are
broken ulthoiiKh al thi writing the
extent of her Injuries ha Hot been
fully aMcrtuined.
Tho ii,. -I. lent iHTurred near th
youiix lady' home ohortly liefore Jl
o'clock. Dr. Paine wu calleil and
1 1 rinsed thu wound.
li.'ini i r tho r ev ut tho Jlarri
I lr:u June 1 an, 1 ;i.
; i-'.ive your il.ill.ii t l,y UnJii;; IhslFtfit
l' IVwder-2"i js r cent ".tnwirer
, than any other powder.
Ladle, Ped Sal Hiou Iln-hlllK
I wfi. im aii'l pntvrvc your hi.- and the fluent lustre a.-k for It.
Th.- r. piibll, -an Unt eveiilmr. flrtsl an
anvil hal 1I.1 in honor of tin lr great
vi.-f.Tylii Lane county and thenlate
of I in i;.,ii. liiite a liilliilier Wer dia-
j pl-IMn l'iltliUnlUlll.
I .-hiloli' Vi!.il!.r 1 what yoj need
I f.,r Dy-i-p-i i, torpid liver, yellow
1 Mu i r I.i, In. y Tfouble. It Ruaran
' l.i.l to i!'.r you Miti-f.iclloit. Prb-oTj
e n'-. .-..;dly Dr. i:. D. Militancy,
1 In 'e nre li"W tWf hit Inmate of tho
I or.-..ii , r' Home. S fur there
' hse Uen 2'i application for adiiil
nnd II In i.iinted that aevural
more will Uj u Imiu.d In a few day.
A r. ivptb.u ill l b-nd. red Prv.
ilut Joi lm. of the .-Stanford L'nlvr
ity at i'i. 1 .laud, tomorrow evnlnr
under tl.'f the llitfli chool.
Dr. i'i.i. man of thm ciiv, will reiKin,t
to the t.-cl, ' State .-ch.'sd."
Kail'.. 1 lover K.h.I, the new blood
put ill. r, fiv fi.-hii. - and cleurue-a
I. the c .iiipl.-.i..n ni.d cur. colistlia
li'.n. 2". c ut-., 50 ,i 1, In and (1. Hld
by Dr. i:. D. M, K.-nney,
Ci'tv Din ci isrimE.
In r.viiion county tho ibmocraU
.'I. it.. I t lir.s- m. 11, David (Inborn tor
nhenlf ! iilul I ,i majority. Ira
lliint. r I r el. rk, and ir,l Wnlra
for hmu l.-r by 11 bi' plurality. Tim
".piilmti cut no (luiv iu that
! To the iin iidn rn of ll,.. W. V. T. I.
I We ill ohm 1 1 e our National Flower
t Mi--i,.!i Day, s.tur.lay, June ll. You
are l ai n, ny n'-iU.-ste'd to bring (low-.-is
to M..imt'n ball at .1 p. m. oil that
day, an i.-i'-i-S in urraiiKini: Isspiet to
I . I ii 1 1 1 .ii 1 .... p.y ord-r of the Prul-
; del t.
, Toe stru t isimminniotier I cleaning
I out the KUtler.n uloiij; Willaniett
nfrin t.
A chi.iiv Kiijiply of genuine Import
ed inncd oi.h r Just nsvlvod by
( -l, in 11 ,V iH'Lauo.
It Isi-tlmated that thu U. P. It. It.
ha been .I nnai'.d by the Columbia
1 fiver Hood J2,l"l,iNI.
1 The meet iinr of the Munonlc grand
: lodne, ubich wu to huvo met In Port
land, on account of the Hood, ha been
I nub lluiti ly pMond.
lion. J. K. Weatherfortl, a UiemUr
of th limnl, wu cIiom-ii to care forth
funds of the tato agricultural isillngu,
by the ri-Ki-nt ut a mis-ting held ill
i-nlciii yesterday, Trvusunr Applo
white, ilisH-aiM'd.
The river at Portland I now at
land alill. Ilreai bed thi luornlaf
nillbs-t. The river I 4.3 fisrt hlijher
than ever bidoro known. Itiislui-Mi In
the Inini, late, I district I entirely ail
H'ii.l.d. It Is pn.hahlo that thu water
will fall very slowly. Tim mint
w hole-ale nil'! liiuii teiith of the retail
dlntriet ant suhnierKcd, and the water
stand fnun 2 to 0 fis t d.s-p on Waah-
ingt Morrison and Third itn-cU.
(leo. H. Coulter, of (ileiiada, I la
Hheriir-i'lect Johnwiit rcturuod homo
to ( 'rcKWell this afternoon.
Mm. Loui-w Kiikwll ha returned
from a short vlit to Cn-swt.ll.
ticor(.'i. l-'rl-m-ll, of McKenzIa Bridge,
I M-iidlng n lew day hen-.
Mis M. Pul, of Kan FrancUoo, la
Miding a few day lu thi city.
W. K. llniwn nnd M. V. VanTyn
lira working In the Clerk' ofllee for a
few ilnt .
H..11. ItnWt Clow, II. M. Ilybvut
and T. A. Mllliorn, of Junction City,
an- in Fiigeue.
Mis F lora I'nmton and little bnitlmr
went to (iosheii this afternoon to
visit rvlatlve.
Mr. J. Davis and sinter Ml Peter
ami arrivisl homo thi afternoon from
a visit to Junction.
Mis lln-rtlm Mullock, who wa
thrown nnd klekisl by 11 horse yi-Ur-day
nil. rn. h.ii, husatioiit rm-overeil.
Mrs. M. I'i. 11 ray, who haa bem via
itliigut the n-sld'i-iice of J. (I. (iray In
this city, went to Oakland this after
noon. W. T. Morgan started on his return
to Untie, Montana, this morning. Ha
sustained an Inlury to his leg whllii
holding a KMiiloii a engineer In
mine then nnd ha Ins-n visiting at
homo here- during his rdsjrery.
Pari rough Syrup
Has been no highly recommended to
us that we havo taken thu ajeticy for
It and now ask our friend who are
suit, ring w ith a cold lo give It a trial
and if it il.- not give aatisfactlon your
money will Ui refunded. Kvery l.ttle
I Hold mi a iswitive guarantee. Price
M is-ot and 11. At Ycringtou't Ninth
Htrisyt drug Htons
I'nlr liiai'l, Juu .
Kikamrk FlimuiiT. Tho steamer"U waited this morning one hour
at Corvallis, mi a to Is-ahlo to catch
thu freight from i-an Kianclm o by the
O. P. nteuiuer. Therefore the Kan
Francinint freight will reach F'ligi-uu lu
extra quick time thi trip.
liftJIf Ou.r0. JumI
Disi 11 AHf.Bt). James VrFarlatifl,
who was nrp-rted on the charge of
having stole some harness from Mr.
.-Simon, wa given a triul yisiterday af
t.rniK.11 l-foie Juntli-e Kllisey. He
wn iliw hurgisl, the evldeuca being lu--iitllcieiit
to hold him.
The M m bi t Fair
Can imt n-main micIi without tie'
bl.s.mlng look and radiant complexion
u Inch health alone lint. art. Park'
'IVa, by clearing the blood of Impuri
ties, make the mmplf xinn regain the
hue of youth. 1 or sale at Ycniigtou'
Ninth stns-t drug tore.
Ll.u l!i(..Ki.s. . " i..m- :.,,iii
I'lenna-.t Hdl that I'.. J. 1 1 upv.
While working '-il t he ro 1 '.. . ' Willi
sn accident vi he li r.o'- in the
fracture of one U-ir. II- ' .11 a ifrav-
I I it and tb- ert!i eii..- in i. j-.i
I, on cm.-d the .r,juru.
1 1..
Ja- ko
lb. 1;
I ..mri"-
all el I ,r-i
1- "7'r I'
I.l.i I'. .'.71, Wal-
y :',
;, -I'i! 1 i f
a- follow
n - Ht:i!lV
I. .N-i.,ii, p.
t el. ete l in
liat-.r, M. Jl.
John J.'lf.-rv
D;MT:::iS;i'o:rSi:i; Y:cr Llls At!?
'!. i'-.-.i.f..l. itj.niiiiic t;of a mil l"ii
ii.i ..i i .t -, .t s.ii. ic, ih wnn.ltfrf.ii,
l..n, lrn, .,,.i4nT.', ,.l,'r, l,k.,it ruf. 1 h
"l I. f''lo .i.-l t.i" n,a:l all'. Wl.t. to .'l.l
ran'l r.n.n l,.. t... f.u mi i.r fll.ani'.Al
Prix's Cream Lakloz Powder
Most Perfect Made.
( on.
D'i i, i, n-piildn in .
! i i !'i i..-, i t
I... ri of John
'..(,fc lw-.
h-p, ' Iriix t'..
Th- i-u- i-.t I..
-I'flin. lu-4.
lo 'l.l
r'.i in
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"' j ti m JUiiK he .- in n-l. Will pay tLu
.mm. r, a , tgu-l mark, t prn .
f. II. FlULI,LY.
Fimply Girls
Pimply FJoys
And Hvcry Person
Afflicted with
llumiliatins Humors
I:inJ Instant Relief
And 5-Kcdy Cure
By L'-iin
Cuticura Remedies
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IM n i - "Vrrt m v'JVir