nsy afc44.-a-fc.fc 133 t 1- " .Yi)l V. -1 - - -1 for Infants and Children. httrit tomwll UtItichn.lrr ! I pnamwl U M irt"l"r -fs-ri.il..B kaoa-a to n." IIA. '. " 111 Sa Oif.inl I t, I n.-kl, n, S. Y. cf cM.,rl U a-.lr.riJ. atvl lu BMflU kuun tut II -' ,rk erf taiia-nrocall a lorwlKwIt. " latolllfnt faml'lt lj da ii- ."-p Ou,tl wllUa avy nwh." Caaua) Uam, r. I1 .4 Knr Y (17. Ca.K.rla ruf die, Ciaiatlpaltui, Hour Muni Ii. tiUrrh-aa, tlna-un-at, Killa W.iniu, fc-lti-a ! IS-unwOa ill- rotti.-, Wltlnt lii'iriata wll. ttin. r- pnnl 1 I- lwni! y.air ' u.t.-i.' wl tlml! Jw)i omi.mi t.t ilu It Im liiartal.ljr ii1ik1 Un. "l rwaill.' r.rwlK P. r . M. t).. lJB'li Rn aixl TUi A"., ! Y'-k .' Tm Ciirr.i-a CViBPArT, TT Mri Horn, Nr Y Crrr. Marl. Will w rracretl. Dkxvuk, June ft. TIm strike at Crlpide Creek ha I""'1" settled. tliln wvi lilnir tlw itf r.-li. - lalwccii Uowrimr Walte, J J llmriTiiitto nml Ihivttl 1C. Mwltat n-uHil in an ifrci ment which I satisfactory l nil l'r Ilea. The poiifcrviu-e Ik kbii at ' I"" ' at the niiiet of llovcriior Waitc ami m anon m th ixirty n uil-li'l tl' ITvriir uiioiimvl Ihnl I"' wna an thorlwd l t for the niiii' r-, and the coti.ldcnitlo.i win U-ifiin. One l"l" rauacd coiialdcrable complication. "' tliatWa the till"' allowed for lulll'll on. Tli inlni rw Ii miiiihII "" uUn, and Unit tlit-y In- rII..i-I y tor the tun-. Tin- urlii I. ff Kr.i iitftit pniviilo Ihut tl'' niliin ' work i-IkIiI lxiin m ly ith J ulnt tr I'ltii-li; thut lin y I""'' 1,1 tliu rlo f W I-t ly. "l V'",1, ll'V niiiitMiwiiont employ in nun hIihII not diHTlinliml itnlnM lllT imlii t nonunion inlni m. At tlm til" . .1... ....f..r..i.. iIih irovi-rnor Iiiii III III V"il - - - " . . i.nM-Unmtlon calllnK uk.ii all "W' In Kl !' anility who wi n- fori iM.V liolitiiiK th n.-iiy of olln ri, nnl who went InnrlnK itriiiB In violation of law, to ilrllvi-r ni mirh To rly anil to lay flown tn'''1- a"""- "u' entire iiUtw militia I M iihmi l f o to Crlppli' t'rwk kikI iihl th nhi rill 11 nnhirliiK onliT. hrllala ImprarMMrMl ( II 11 auk, Juiih 4.-Tht ili inix riilK uf fw.k oounly, ihrotiKh tlulr ii-ntrul liH-ullva iiiiinitlii lnv nilvii to rail JwIkb Arthur II. I Ih UuIii ilown In lii pnnilliiri on the criminal bench. 'licllnlii l thi wtn"' Jl who got tip at inlclnlKhl to Knuit l .ti gi'lii' IVinliTKnot, thi uwn-iin of 'r lr lliirriMHi, nplli'. ThU ariiii Inn nm-I all fulr nilinliil -,l- of tlti city iitt j inin h hkiiIii"! thi'Jiiiltri' m i,h 1 1 ihI l'r,.oili rLf:L-it. All.lnl to I III" rpiMii, Jtulk'i' hi tliiln h"" t'lroiiuli u u-rilu crnniil iurv. Illlili r liikrll to plav the rolii of a Mlllirnl Inmm. lit- III..! ..11... -a-l.i.l.i -til,, llMVl ImI'II uiriioniio i'T ,,.- - grouml out l.y thi Kniml Jury of cx- rrpulilloail oinii'lloliiiTii nini o" alllKlu ollli nKlttlint a n-pllhllrtill, llllr on the IliniHii-nt pri'li'Xl .r..in lm lit ,l..i,-rala -.tnoil loiln lml. Nil law VIT ofntttiiiliiiK UOii'vin ihnl 01 1 tin- in- illiliiifhlii will I10I1I, ntnl It i- iloul.t fill If any of llii-in ri put to Ilu- tit. H rankly aiti-iiii him U1-11 Chi'l laiu ami hi gmmi iurv thut til tin lu (IlKuatlou iiiii'iiiiu hi'M hy ilriiiHTiil troliK rraolutloim wi'ri -iihi-iI ih llounrlliK thu pnrll'Hit imn of thi Jmlri, ami a coiumlttii' of proiiilnriit clllwuii apiNilntiil to 10II11I I'Vl li iiiv liNiklnK to iilw iiiM'iirhmi iit. liiivi-r-nor AUip lil will In' urp-il ( mil thr IikImIiiIuiv ill niriiil mniion for thlf purjMiwt. fln, l.raaa tauaai llnutor. T. n-i ui ICh J 11 1 it- II. -Dr. V. II. Jtoby, Who wiih rnlliil to lliillii two I Liya no to mv Mm. Leu1, niurmil tiMlny with tin information that i-ln' i-niiiiol ninvi-r. lie miii k'io Ii foil-! ntniilly Krowlu Hi Mtiil; Mr. U-iwa-, a frw vi-iiIiik" ", thollKht nhi WW liolliK to illr, iiml xlu rallitl all of hrr fiti'iuin iiIhuiI lu r ami guvv tin iiiiitiuwrlpi of lu'r Uaik, W ll It'll In almllt toU' .lll'lllli''l, to I iov- rrnor hi. John. hln tkiil him to proiulMi to Mvlluit It wim pulili"hi'il ami or that hrr i hililli'li n-ivivnl tin priMivila from thi' Uk. Mu wiil kIi' waa tin' lirviolw inmr of Ilu iaiiiily ami laiiii'iititl ihnl nln IiikI lo K" unl , li'vi Imt hflpliiw I'hllilii'ii iilotii' In the worhl. A naa lia rrr Mrrpi. WAHiiAW, III., Jlllli' ll.-Jalllin T. HiKhtoWiT, loom n pnlriT lu the Wiit aaw WiMih ii Mill, U a ln'irty, titoiil, ahlvlMMliiil man of m arly t o vi nm. but for tin' lut Ik yi-art hn laN m vi r Ini li known to nlii'p. Ilo k''"'" nyularl.v io bll1 ainl if mil a fi-w liourx luliT of niiiiKi tliuu 'Utomnr.v In-1 XhtU iiii- lli miiui t y M'liMitinti that ordi nary inortnU ilo; but 110 malti r how IniiK he it'iiiniiiH out, or how many IilK'ht' in aiioiiiwioti, In' calinot Ui -liealinply nulaaml will aiiwrr nny quintluli put to him roiui'lly nl any hour of the lilirhl. Ux al ph nlrlium have mailo a utiuly of hU but are tumble to aolve the proUnn. A ( rim la llnaaarr- IOMnin, June.'i. The TltiuV VU-n-lia ainaU h wyi: "Win n the i tti r or'a train urn veil at llmbi-l'i-tli, Count Apnv, t'ounl Sinptiry, Ib rr I'lCruti, a nulnul liaorr, hiuI other lueinU ni of the Hungarian iliet were In waitliiK. The emii ror i ntin ly Ij; norvil Iheiu, although he a.hlriw.l a few wonli to the IuukoUwWT ami mil nlci pal aiilhiirltiin. In well ltif..niu,l itlrlPl the ultunlloli i iiiliil'lrnil M-rloun. The utriiKule nuaiift tlo-iu-croai'ltineiitii of l'Tn ahiu lu jh1iI k--. ainl the U-iuli 111-v of Hie eoiirl nt Vien na to Itillui l.ci' lluiii:ariaii all.iii-. w wl not finally ! ili-p"-'l of i vi 11 by Hie return of ir. WetWi le to ollhv." Tarrl" ,H rw It!'- l'AKIH, June .V-Tiirpin lm brnkni ofl lieiolliitlolm w Ith I n-riii.iny ittnl l niaklm; pn-i-aratioioi fr hilorinntloii of JU-tclMll inllipaiiy. It I- li iievnl publio oMliioll w ill lori-e the Kivltrh (OVirniueiit to iioIIit the In vi littmi. faar JtwalM Jrraaalritt. IXJMMN.Jiiiie5.-The ws-n!ary f.'t lha relief of the per Util Jew ., I to the TitiH a h tter 1I.1 ril.inir the Work of the aoi let v'i liiii"imry ill Jerusalem. Mr. Nlotitlel!'. the aioDary, foutiil Jew lu ollnm uii'l oarea un-rinif from ho-li- ill t--, aoni U'lnK bhlul, fei-r ttn lei I coiuuiuptive, ati'l all cil of a hlf- Cimy ehaxity r wii -k. Ml of the ,uuu Jvwa there are inteiim ly 'r. Hrff al Mar lUtxiKWAt, l'a., June .Y-!l.i!l. Kan A Co. have I TO n.r.-at w k Uxlay at the hhawinnl aii'l N '' I' niliH hixty-thn-e .trik. r. r. in j i l her for uiilawful -My an l liat tag th lujuncliou. o o . 0 30 g I'linuiH DRAin.-J. It- T.nI.I, who iviitcl of mull rol.Ury In aoiithern (ir.'.n when J. K. Walon wiii I'nlteil Matin attorney, In ami -eiilemiil to Impriaoiimeiit In the iH iiitentiary at halem for life, ami w ho U mi l to a iliitnnt relative of Mr. Ahrnliiilil l.llieoln. hn N'tittomil the pri-l-h'iit f-r a panloii. In hit Idler to the pn-l.lelit. Tinbl prny that it Iw onl n il that be Iw eiei uteil rather than t remain In the penitentiary the lemiiiml. r of hU life. lie rliilnw that he itiliiKviil, ami that he waa eon Vlete. on rireillil-lilllthilevblelli'H only. The pnnlon elerk Iiim refernil th MiaU U rto I'nitiil Mahn Attorney Murphy for lnvi-.lltfiiiioii. AJii'lv(e Iteailv In ileail, he will have to eotmult with Mr. Wat-011 ami ueh of the Juror an he i-an llml ami tui rtulli the merit" of TinIiI'h pleu. To CAl.lioliMA. The IbwhurK lt..vl..u- linn the follow llitf about a Ifell- llemitn well known iii Ktwne: II. K. 11 ..n.11 u i i. Hve lor 1 a 11 oriiia 111 ill u fliort lime to aili'pt a mhiiIoii of iiin'rlnii'mieiii 01 nuiwnio"" - new rtiilroiol now la-lint built there. Mr. lltippcroett 11 i-i'iuliv wen ipiai 1I1U. huvlnir 111,11 l"l " . - - 1 ...... u.,..rMiii.inli'iil i.r hrlilirea lor tlm ."" V. . .... hi Holltlieril l iiellie laiirixiu i"r .. . ...-III. .11 uf vrenl IllltMirtltlli'O ami n-t Ibllity. lie la ihoroiiKhly Venn il In all tlepurtliif lita or milroaU rttiif '1. ill tullll 1m I Mn lihn. n irelilnl irelitlelimil. w ho him a hot of frieliila -I.. ..it I Iriii.till Till- I HI mill of Kihm bur); hoH-that Mr. llapcrctt' iiiim nev will la' 0111 ieiiiioiiii.i , iu ininiot well ulbr-l to Iom I'illw tia of Ills Mainp. The Aiil rail. in hallo! la inoie Inr than ever la-fore. popU' 5"It is ij II.. fJ At. -A j uic minii inai mitw l!i min " luaawo iuw want (iii.l Wuiu.but modrrn ethics deny thl. and give tlir credit to the tailor. It U qnealioii utile, however, if either art Food tas some claims l iulliiarciipcct.therrforelhoiio pnrcuU who would build up Uie physique of Ihcirchildrca jy atrict ntlcutioti to Uitir ilicU Children are all fond of pastry; for thi to U Ucullli fully pttpurcd. ! ! : : 1 3! ! 1 1 ! 1 RDTTOLEHE mut be used a aaUoncniug. ll U Recommended by the best Cooks. Consult your ph vaicuui up oil it hiulUifulucn. Krtiil IhnafWlU in Manmaln il It. IwiiMnk a in.l lifc'M-v l'i huo anui 1 Bahama 1 Mk liu.r,Miiu lua alt liamtn-it lwt. m-rr.l l-v lilua NulnaulaullMmiM uu naiklua. liaiiiWna la a.l l- all (nm-n Ibfura aUMililtui Mail nnlr hr N.K. FAIRBANK & CO., ST. LOUIS and ! ! !i wvwwwf A ST HAN if CASE. . v ) C;.rT,iy v. as Foiled. , 1 -1, -, -I- in . -. t ' i iiiHt t M-rtt-a -. . , . . . . I h ti I !i -il - t ial a I III it 1 . .,- ! . I I i1 ! tuh Btul I wit . , , 11 i-' . 1 1 I -1 1 Vi m Ti' tn l Ihi 'lt. " - ! il f v.' 1 at 1 1 a I L U 1 urn . .1 11. "n. In iiM.t).n. I Ii "I h hit f k mil) riuii'l nir t'v.-n hi In... n!'tti ..iM ; 1-1 , v ' 't'l.i Ii. I'lijoti 1n It . - , fn.iu tii h. ft-. a rl , t, - ,- t. r ' .'Ii UtU ti. Ilu n l . ti f 1- 1 . 11 m ifMi, iii' f 14 I ' .l,. '.' l.fo.-- II 1)1 ft . . , - 1 . m l i' u,? rr i . 1 , . . t I t.-l !- n iliK'l riii( 1 . 1 . f Imii 11 h no i'r- r . . v f i I n vi rrt wr i r itt 1 . t .1 i ir i'-v rt un4 , t tf 11. - f t klanrlinil H It . , 1 4 ( I L- 1 U f'r r. 1 1 . f , . . i f - i 1 I .l Iff! m IU I '..! i,l I ii tn.l H'w lia I-,-: t,,ii 1 I ! t'l.'t I l 1r i M t- t I r i . I "! I1 !na-t I-.-., ; in ., I f t'l.'u.h I I i I run ) M - t! t! ' 1 I l' r ... Ir 1 1111) EU.LTIU.X. "Wo liav ini'l tlm iiietny nml .... it'. are am t u-irH. ' 1 III! ri'PIH'IlOail yeah nl.iy arriil tin-county hy a womlerlul iliir;ility 11ml MMiiy a nuiuitv. .M.itty tiling roiitriliuU ml to thin ri-nult. Oiw of the mod imjxjrtunt oiin wan that they hml plenty of votM. The jirivailinR hnl titm a c:iuf( many to the rciiulilican tirktt nml the impii- lint vote wai more lurgily inadi' u from foriiK r ilciiincr.-itu tlutn mi tiling elue, iwat of the ho-ouIIihI re publiean nijniliiitti li.-iviiiK retuni'il to tl.eir hrat love, leaving um u Iti'l'.'il iletiiot'raU "holiIinK un ttii- ty au k" an it wi re. It wai ver tlma KciiuhlicuiiH (It-cl their atatu ami founty tii ket without tlio Ion ol a man. iieruriuy 1 heir tii-ket were e)tlll-i'l of Dot, cleuti men ami w Iiomi they wt 1 i?ivo t 111 iH-onle a wiac aii'l - - f s t . ecoiiomical inlmiiiiatr.'itioii. Laws that are eiani for republican lo . " . 1:1 : ... 1 i'.:.. 1 uvo un-K-r, ore luewiw u-i-i.ii to detnocraU and even to our jhijc ulint fritrnla. ( if pi.nraii I he ili-niiM-r ita weir il nniile, a they ulwayii Uv natural w liell they aro U aten oui 01 hkiii. It hiii natural to them. 1 wo year from now, when gool time". liAve ng-iiii rolhn back, they win lai found rk'htiim airain in tin; ruiika jul u 1 arneatly a i v r. THK IIKAVK.NS I.N JINK. Contributed lo the Seattle; IV wt. Int llinencer liy Orrin K. Harmon. "VellU luia croaai-d the c--lff tutl equator, and during tho month will move nortliwanl alnil it 11 ! wrwH. (In the laht of tho month hIio will rixo twenty-eilit ih rira north of eiiHt. H10 ri-e at -r.Zi n. m. 011 tlm liriit, 2:11 a. in. on the lifUH-nth, and ut 1 :-"S a. in. on tho 30lh. Mar i growing more cotiHpic uoii in tho morning fkio.i a ho near hi woatorn ttiadrature, whii'li take iilace on the lotli. Ilo will then ja: tho meridian at H o'chxk in tin1 morninu and will culminate about thirly-iiino 1 (5re' nlwvu tho horizon. Ho nrine at 1;0J a. 111. on tho lat, 12:27 a. m. mi tho loth and 11:1') . m. on the ?,0th. Jupiter take leave of u a even iiig "'ar on the 3d, when ho will I' in conjunction with the huh. Nep tune alo make conjunction with the huh on Ilu1 came day. After that timo Ixith plaint will bo moruiuo; ntar. With Vcnim, Mar, Jupiter and NVttino in tho morning xky, there will lx a Ki"11'"! quartette of heav enly voice should the inorniiig al.-ira ioi tOL'etlirr a of old. -'-- --p - n aturnnhow with great brilliancy near the nicrnlian in 1110 eariy eveninj!- Ilo lae Iho inoruiian at S o 'clink on the 'Jtli, anl on the )Ul lm la-trill hi caatcril lolirney. Afli r lua noti'il western loliriieV to ..... . - .... , . - , . Pica, that ho might make lu r in l.ri.le. it look train!i' bo Kholllil I. ..no her ho HOtill. It II1IIV I"' he I.,. a Iiml f.iinul out that i-he ia weddeil to another. That wonderful clc;.tial nc finder, the np'etrocope, lia deter mined the fact that ."pica has a coniiuinion tnr that revolve about . e 1 . '11..;, lier overv lour iiourii. 1 inn i' tileaaant new to the astronomer; but Saturn' t-udden departure from the lieautlful white f tar co hoon al ter their wedding indicate tint hi dm not relich the discovery There i no fee for lawyer in thin hic.iinv caae. tin the l.'ith An ttiru paf-i a tin meridian at H:.i 1 . 111. ami Kegu lu etat 11. 'JO . m. woniiH nii-Y sroKK. "Hie mistake which we ni rt.il make when we have our own way might fairly arouse Home wonder that wo are co fond of it." "The cll'ective life and the recep tive life are one. No sweep of the arm that doc some work for (iixl, but harvest alo some more of Un truth of liod, and sweep it into the treasury of life." Hishiip Taylor reports wonderful siieeos with hi self-upportii.g mission work in Africa. He has recently op ned 40 new mission station, cover a coast line of .'ItKH) mile, with numerou chain start ing from the coast and running far into the interior. Hi entire up jrt conic from voluntary tiller ing from friend of the movement in America. Kngland Australia. Australia I greatly bothered just now by nn Indian iUiti-u akin to our I'him so problem. The t'hii.en' immigration evil I. as In - u chit ked by strong restrictive inea urea and the iuiKiition of a heavy bead t.n. Tln re is now a great ami growing ititlux of Afghan, l'antlirin and other Asiatic tr;! from the odd corners of India, and the-c j-i-ople have laconic a peril and nui-aiice in nunv wna. I J 1,0 TUr. H fAl.lrOKM. In the old C'.ilifornii day-, one of tho miner Iwvinjrdled.iiiid l-ing llltleh re.-ia-ct'-l, it waa d ti rmine I to dive him a pg'ilitr funeral. A digger in tho vicinity, who eon-. port t-Hiil. had oni o bi'ti a iwcnui t.reacher in the l'nit-a S'ati was called ll"'" to ol!i-i.itc, and after "drink all round'' the pirty l-ro- o-edi-d with In-coming gravity to tlio irrave. whi"h had lai n dug at a distance of 100 yurd from the camp. hen tii' rlrtit .is roaelic.i ine ollii'i.iting iniin-ter iihiih-ii'I witli an ex-t'-nip 're jiapi r, durmq which till kinlt around cm grave. N lir .til wa Wni, i n th" pr.i'.'r was iiiiliix-sk.... Iv loin'. and ut last snm" of t:.'.-e wh 1 k in! I la -in j:i an ah tr.ict'il 111 inner to linger the h -; earth tliat had Isi 11 thrown uj for tho grave. It wa thick with gold, and the excitement wa immediate- ly apparent in the kiiii-Iuifc crowd, t; ihiii thi the preacher utonp-d, and iii'iiiritiglv said: "Kov. w hut's that? Cold!" he continued, ".md t: rn-hc-t kind of Jiggin-! Th" e'liin -.Mt i' hi h ill- misseil." The isior miner was taken from his u'lnfer ii gran- and wa buried New here wlitle t!t" fiiiieral ptrty, with the par.-on at tiieir le a-l, lost no time in pro-iH-i'tn g the new li-gin". a ' I .III U' l-.w , l..t in.' , 1 ti ..n ,i a v-..iTn- 1. T, . - r s. LU, 10111-1 J . Kim- I I'll. . V . ..-.t. r 1 f - V r 1 ii. I M.t.l t f ft II :- .-a a i- -i 'i ra'i',-. i-r m - - 11 m 1-r i . il.. 1 al u. F.kharl. 1 -1 r-- i-ii-l i-l .ri-- at i-r Knie an I. -11 . .f -r- . . t rr -IV.''J- ltlUT(lMa i-uuiia Uauvlvua uiua l . ' jre it 1 i-tire .-;.;ii:- 'UiitV P f - A P DEATH'S OOQ.i IK( M Thi naiKT f'i'1 a thi- rnis hi al t'l of atiiin.ni' i 11 z that ' !" "I 1 e-'. th in-! f. i-H- '-unity ii i re-opened it.- d -m f.r business. The former p.i.Mi-N'i have i -.iwi i, ;i nn-r-' ' . . . r I I. oil- ciLigni'iiaiioii, irotn :n--;i 11 z- ainl inllii- nti.il in linaio i il i.ir- !-, Uhi'i tie-ci'li!ideiii-i- and c-h"-iii in which tin- li.mk was In During the p tit -trir.geiiev w.ih-li nli.lg- 1 the in-'ifition to el. 1-0 it do-.r no rn-t ivi-r wa asKi il hy a hingic . lai-ilor und noni: appointed. Iluring t!ie i.ine or ten month of closed door not 11 single suit wa brought against it. The -opie thu widely displaying confidence allowed the firm to close u; all buint ss air.iir and make M-ttlc-mcnt with bank depo-itor with out erowdin patron to ruin, re hire the re-opening of the haul; II. t". 1 1 uniT'li r y retired from the linn. 1 In- bank win imw he cm lucted bv A. (1. II leV Co. A. i. Hovey, Jtri sidi lit, h.t been at the head i-l tin' bank ev r si nee it was found- 1 and the g 1 standing f the Im-iiic-- i l.iru'elv due to his position. J. el. .i1r.1111s. 1 now cashier and A. (i. llovty, Jr., iisiH- tant cashii-r. The latest fad in men's divs is to have Ilu- skirt of tin 1 nig frock oat lined with silk that rutli. 11 mime instance fashion aide tail or are putting a certain kind of material lu tween the s;IK iiim li.e clotlt to supply the ".-wish when the silk dooMi't siiil'u-ii ntly rustle, ). 1' .' 11 I 11111 .i .ireely r" ' I a:iaal. : ' .. ' ' l 'a ' 1 - ir , t he r '" 1 1 'f H l ei .,!... ' ' f! '- Mii-nii. ii i f I - !- IU,. ? .i 4.1 I 1 - H -! V ll-al 'Mil I,', i -. i- the spine. I trie-1 v ii - J-it Ml O-lil-f, V '"Ii I wa- . . : I r i ly a i " y of y. u M.-.l : .il l-lii-er uia rieiv-a) by i Hie ill ' lioll-ehoM. .'ifl'f i-.l '.'K ; it - f i' ! - f..r a h t'!i- f I 'I. t o:-i '. i.r - v .' i Liter t 'lire, .: it al!ei , r - if. r . i - i.. 1 ii-nt. tun -1 t.ik,, . atiti; I 'i : u.l-en t'iree laittlea. alel r n. j-' l. . eiiieil. i.e fully jour, J.A. AI.KXAM'KU, ,'T.: i. yt t-'.reet, ri.rtl.niil, Oregon. riic.- $1 per Bottle l or sale i ) all Kiur- ni' iTI.'g'.tK. To Eestore imir wliicli lm iit'ctniic thin, and U'i) tin scalp floau nml la'althy, r.o HAIR VICOR It iiri'vcnt the hair from falling out or turiiinj' gray. The best Dressing ELMIRA, OREGON. Do Ton Inow Whor It Ii? MRS- W T. KAYSER, Llrei Thert nd tlli t6e iollow- ing Lettr of tho Wonderful iJenem EeiTed from win? Dr. Ormfi MoJicinei. Elmi. Owkoom, April Cth, ISM. Dk. 1'avl (Uikt, rrei.lent 0. W. H. Slfg. Co., l'ortlatiil, irefcm. c- T ;..i tn pxtirea lav heartfelt tlianki lo you for the (treat la ta-tit I re celvel from uini jour uimticinei. I litre been constant iUllerfr lor Twelve Yenrs with spinal trooblo and tho coinplalnti IK) jHtaliar to women. I have du-torei with teveral aillrreiii u.a-iora, aim irou some of them 1 receive! letnporarv re lief, Imt from none of them have 1 re ceived the relief I have frm uiinrf your rumeditti. The Congo Oil, . . . , t . . wm particularly neneiii-nn, aa u inaiani ly relieve t he pain ntnl quiet the nerves, and after iisiin; it I can tro to !ccp atnl nut awaken until break of day. I very erateful for the relief obtained nml will do all I can to encourage tho sale of vottr medicine. I have used one und a half bottle of CoiiM Oil und two and a half bottle of your .Native Discovery lor women' disease, and that i all the medicine I have taken in Six Months, nnd I am in better health than I have been for the past twelve year wei;h more and ran work without feeling a though 1 should Drop Dead every minute, and it i" due to your med icine thut I feel thi well; nnd I ant willing that all who are tttllictiil ihoul 1 know of the wonderful result from nsin your medicine. ttepecunuv, MltS. AV.T. KAYSER. we 'Jl 'St Bakin&Pon'dor Purity and LcoveninjilPow'cr UNEQUALED CASH PRICES i A luiuian face cha'k is mi it in the window of a St. l U r.-burj watchmaker. The band are piv oted on the ie'e and any ine-aaea aik'-n into its ear re atc-1 by i boiavr ic.h thr'iii;!i it inotitii. It l .lid t' la' the only clock of the kind at present in i i-teini'. From the election ntiuw. it would M'in that t!u-re were n t dcniiH-r.-tt en."!;:'.i in the st..te hardly for one party, let aloi.e tit It now l.Kili a if I.orvl, f--r gov ernor, wouM havf a clear majority over both (iallowav and l'it-rce. lu l-itri-tui" o if I'ow.Vi bava U-mnit liiill-liu-iuta-ii- iSa r..-it r a t, ii ii .--r r C -ll r.okS ll . tm- I oi c'-lb nHiirnlnc li.Ti- nn-l Mi.t--r i-rr-fio fiini r t--i-- -J - ... I, ll-.l,W Ull.HMlll ' J-il'il.l'l -- I I " , l.t 1 I .1 .. .l. f it- - r. t 1-rt era ral.lMg fr.'ii l lof 7 I N CA-'L aOSSEf; tT.YERS, PORTLAND, Or. V '" , - "'.I IC ,,,.,.., , . . , . . - .y . X i - ' .1 -a ' a ,, ' "'- 1 j ' V. ".. ' -V; , i ' ' - '- ' "- - i-h l-T . ! ,' ' . ' .' frmii .- t . I - - - nl W 1 '--! A ! . ! . . . i - I i ,.; . ir, . v:,i --1 ; fc.i.LO1 i:. - A i i - tl.f.l.v,. ' c-- rn -trrnv ... : v v..' . ' i.-i'uUi. i r . ,i . ' . rn'c wit ' "' . - in , ; t : :- k . nv m . ; rr r .ti u i n.a pi o & i l:r 1 rut -i MKtlKIIINU lull 1IIMI. ltuniN iv, 111.. June 4. Ilobinsoti lm lai-n -tlrreil bv ll seli-ntlon tialiiy over the iii-i ovi rv that there ha la-en llilelii tivi , Hiltior ). Mi ic, Here lor the 'a-1 mouth utteiiiptim; to un earth l i S"l In L'ol-I aii lo have laa-ll left hvtl -'late lr. lltiirhl Wil-otl, who lied sei al liioiitha niro, ami n-iairteil to have I it a-veral thotisnnd ncrea of laiidnti-l ;.! at t in inoni-v. Several warratf - have lain ,-rveil for the pur- aMi of -i .irehiuir the hollies of relMivin lor the I t i hi.ooo. A nephew who w aited on the iloetor diirilii; hi Inat ililie-a Mil w ho-e holt-.-vna the llrst aeatehe I, lm- lai-n tieetiaeil of iviliK lioisi II to hi- lilielc to aeenre the llioti ev, nnd " e proliHliilit ie arc that the doctor'.- l-alv will ! exhiiliied for the Mtri" i-i- ' I a eheinii al analvi. Tin liollm in which he dieil ha la-en nl- ini'-t iii tro.ii its 1'oiiinhition in the alt t.t to secure the eovetial tn-h- IID'. irirmi Hi Id I'tlHuirit al War ('t.ii".'i i: Ciii i k, Colo., .lime 4. A skirnii-h look iilaii' tialnv la-twccti thns- inn -er and live deptiliea thrown mt in a.ii 'aini' of the main Ixxlyas pickets. John Davi, ti miner, wn shot in t'li' ih iii. A ilej'tity sheriU'wa -erioit-lv lojnn-il. Iliaiih taking IV.-hIi iiI W.H..I-, nl tin- letor town -it.-1 'icii-'-iny, into eii-tialv, the mill- r I. t iuhl iniitureil ( lafeiiiv 1 1, lillell, iiilllity -Uarintellilellt of -ehoiil-, -oui I . !!. Wilkin-., ti Colorado Siri!!'' -i-h-iolieaehi r, mid they tire In hi in'- in r- a ho-tML'ei. for rn-aideltt Culil ru I or tin-other miner w ho may la o re'.' d. John Shatcn, eilltor nl the Hi itilil, the orcan of the miners' union, I,. ii la i ll arn -teil by ileptlties. Toefi-arei-.il of terror Iii thia city, and wi d children lire Ia-inif re- inoveil I.- ptacea nl' Mifety. N'Velit.V eiht I-1 -f limit miner Imlay Joined the lure. - mi Hull Hill. It 1 reported that hsii ili-pntic- have la zuli an ad vance on Hull 1 1 ill front the Ihvide, takit u' a tram for Midland. Mi..nca are lel'u-i il at the Itivi-le telegraph of lice. T.-aVi-lin from heri' to )ividc 1 foihi-hh o. l.lri irli- Mo nn al lillriiabnrf . Kl I.k--in mi, Va!i., June 4. An elect .-ic -torill atrtlek lllia plnei" about s o'cliH-l, lat iiiirht, laoiilinj from the -out ii. i lie eloinl haiki-il very turbu lent, an 1 cmi-c. many to prepare for the blow. A fur the wind struck j town it I lew Very hard for or s mill j ute, nn I then" irradtially Hiili-ided. I Kaitt foil veil, nini fir the next hour at.d a h i f tin re a a Wonderful dii I play of imhtiiin, but si-nrcely tiny j tliiiinler. -how the atorm wna a lnnir way oil'. The (.-reiiteat ainonnt of I liuhtnii!'.. mi-ii to the i-K-tward, j pn-l tn.il -!y a'aitlt the Columbia river. Coiui'tu.uivcly little ilama-.-c waailoiie. A few o .Un ll-- were blown down, -onie lr.- pro-tnited and "otne tlasa broken. On.-wall of the new Klein- la-ru l, . i; jll tip to the Jolat Was Ii own ii . ii. So far a heard no ihtiti aire w.i- ilone in the "iirriuiiniuiif i-oiiutrv i i er-! aii'l no f.-italitii- are rc'rtci. It was the lir-t -t'Ttnof the I kind ev i know n In ri- nnd the never- I I al - cr i -jH-rieini il. lel.-nrr In His anlllrlda. M ' t;n' Kniliv. -June I.-'i.-i l.-ini- in i mill in the eo.-illli hi oil the ( 'lei-, Kit . , I.--r.ih'.e .V Whi-i-limr rail 1 road. N-ar I'ort Cii-hins lat nik'ht two U- i ii- wi n- ran ont on the main tliu k in iow n Hie cr.i.le one mile. ; I'lii-'V- -'ruck ly mi ea-lUmtid i IrcicHt . .in but no one w hurt, i Neatly i r-i'lio:i-l II - re piled on the t mi .. The -Inker pro.e lo -" i'i!r:l:!-. Itl.-'k-tl- if the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . :v . . , !' i iiunet i-i-c u i' Ii t In tn, a in iti . ti at ined, Ann ml lllait I p a Mrlir. I ! I.i . ' S, 1 1 id., Jl: tie J M ilicrx ut ii.i-;-- :i:i atti-mpl to l-low- up a t. .i!i n-itlh of it with : 1 i The Work wa not aini I !., ilama..-" I.. -la la-en r !;r "i liiia an- in camp her-', .1 : ll.e alletiiiain tiorth- (r. in. lUnl .1 lir.l Irrllau. '. Jane t -Coiiirn -tnan i- t .-I a can-!l-lute fnt ji -i lii--. t i .. - ell re of the I et:"y- - t . 1 1 1 Ir.c i.tn . Ilrnmr II..H Uinhrl. IN I-.... Ju"e 4 - H e lliit- i Hiin. lt- n. aii'l.. on her ay .-'.f.hal to Tai-i-tll-l, waa ii ll.e ot.t ii eiri.t of Jl-:i!l. Nr. i-f tin .li.,-ti r had ta-. il p to th" t int- tlie Sydney ! it wa- Hot ki'.'un whether r i Htti ti l. . w rh ! of Irrribir Mia.ii.im. Mi n.i---. Ji.nc I A t. r-(-"in j -.-( 1 1 i-nr Vahuaii- - bn k. ll tin- count v. .le- n-v ii e -.ori-n.t .ivn-iim-a, a;..iiij r ).-. x - . -i ;;' vv . . In - : , Sold Evkbywiieri. Congo Oil, price 50o. aod $1.00. uncovery, prico ai.uu. KnrSale l.jrall Knt.-ii- lirui:mta. Natlvi . t V . - , Mr. John Ki. ay. Suffered Fain EhEVEfl YEARS. f;ir Sin: For eleven year I fer.-d with a bad cao of Salt llhetiin. ..i r.cein.i, und was hardly uhle to inmt ii'i-ut. My dia-tor treatiil me a ln-j tine without doiti me any ?. friei .l ri 'ine-U-d Hie to try I'r. lir.itit i .'.'ov..-.f.l and lirupe lha.t. 1 did o, .ml ... 1 . y feel very thankful for so .1,, i-e. I received U'tielit fnun the firil '. "le, ntil 1'1't on takinir It until 1 l.a.1 t -ti over a dorcii lsittle. The reiil i tiiay I mil 'rfclly well, and I i-an i:o' -ay tia iiitieh for 1 r. (Irani- Sarin pat ilia. MKS.JOIIN KILBV, OU- l'oartli street, 1'urtlund, On gon. Fries BOs.: 6WteS2.l l-.r -..I- I ) a l tun- . I'lllUKl-la. Tlie (auailrr la llaaded. Vam ih'vcii. It. ('., June I. J-'ot r iinllioii ilolhir w ill htirdly cover the pn-ant loss by the Krascr nvcr ll..il, nod there 1 yet no alpn of lihlitemelit. lhewturnre Mill risiinr, uno "" warm weather i-oiilinues mid nn Its the now ill the I!h-Mi a there I no Inttn -ill-ate p-oaH-l of la-niniiiin: the w..t ; of reloralioll. One prieiiillelit It'll- wuy oflleinl think the los of life will reach !. Ihotitfh conw-rMitivc csti iiiale are not so hiuh. Itridfin, tri v th-, tunnel und irackhi); iilom;tl e Cutuuliau I't'elllc have ii.ne. nini tl-e i-ompany ha over l''s n.e't t.t ti e -ccihi ni' ilainr'-r worUini; iii :lit " "d .lm- l-Viiin l:,-veUtoke Ill t lie M il. - u mill- nlonu' the railway, l ti wa'ery wiiate. The la-t point iilaive Van- o t ver w hich can now la-ri aeo'-d i li 'l y Creek, imlea ill-tant. Tln-nii' nil i w ater. Ma.iii, Mi-ioti, Chilltuai llat.ic mid l.ntik'ley pttiirie. nnd the towns of Cetiterville, l.ancl. y, Cbiiii wacli mid Mis-ion are till u n. cr wt.br. Not u firm building i h it Mati'iiii'-'. I'tilly ln.uio cut tie have tihe.. The blockinle wna hroki n Satunbiy b-r the flrl lime by a steamer from lJuhy Cna k to Wiirnock. ru- iiuera on il layed Kastorn trains were brought th'rouh. Teh-ertiphic and lailroad Herviiin are completely ilcmorali.ed. A I aiidlliiB"a I orlimr. Omaha, Neb., Ju i. Kr -.nei Itamaciotti, the T-year-old f oiiulliiii? tidopti-il when 1 moiitha i-l-l from Mie St. I.ollls folllldlltli; hoapital by the lUlllticiottl, baa l-eeli ileelareil I in leiral heir to a .tn,lo; e-tal.- left bv Iii fo-ter mother. The attack made '.- break the will of Mr-. Mary K. Ih.m i eiotti by her uiothi-r, Mr. S-ir.ih ln I dou, her tltn-4' hrolln ra ami lour -i-ici have failed. Judm- I'.axter ileeided to ilay in the prob-ite eotnt that the will nni-t stand and Ihechild yet lhee'ate tell him hy Mr. Itamaciotti. l.ii plen-a-N lr. Kaniaeiie ti, hi r husband, a he i iMIardtall of t he child and v, ill tlalify til otui' to iitliii-. eoiitn-l of thee-tate. Mr. and Mr. I'.amaciotli itiarrclcd fr-.iifiitly. I.a-t -iiiii'ncr she eliuaeil him mi tiie -tre. t ith a r - Volver. She wa all KliL-ll-h Holtian. Siie die 1 lat Oi toU r, Icavim; all her rivate fortune to thi- t.iundliin.'. Jler mother, siatera and hrotlu r f n: i: 1 . 1 the will desperately, alletinir that aiie tt:. In-aiic. IliM-lor tc-tilied to (In- same la-liet. hut mativ hii-itn nu n and lawyer testified to a contrary bclii f. larral I Irra HiiKinil - 'T SI I'Kltlon, Vi.,.lune 4. For I eat fire started yesterday about i,j mile from mi city on the Nortln i u j I'aeitic railroad. All day crvat el..iii' of ainoke ob-eiired the sun, and ti e j llalltes lllllde iimal pri'Kn-. The W itnl i 1-haui.ed today, und ia driving' tl e I tl.-inun back. I.ari;e tract of valuable j pine w ill la- th -at roved. Tuiila r tilot i: the Meal.a and Northern i nlo burn -1 Inu. l ali ti nl In- iralm. s San Fit.iM ts' o, June 4. The fo!-j low ini; catches bv si-tiling w-iiooln-i-a , hail la, ti n H.rt.-d at i okiihaiii'i tt to I ( ), .nl r. .May'.': Jane I trey .o, r.ntnl.i , ; ,;,,. n,. Siphv Sulherland !mii, Carlolta Ci x i -in.-c tl r....l ..:......v 1:..:.,,.. II I. isi, .Minn- i aim .'', i.iie ii"., nun- . IH i.ur' lurrlo tl no it lln lr llanir. , i ll Vnltli, Jill liiairce I inlihl Iim t-it 1 1 ii d out hi thieal liiade antnu line lico that latin r 1 1 ill tl pay all ull miallnx 1. 1 tln,im on the a'raotial e-1: I. i-l I In- tiollld heirs the Varlnll ti ctnla t- of the family would shake ll e i!ti-t of New York fiMu their f.al at d m k leslilelice i-l-ew here, lieore J. li.iiilii. Kdwiu (..iiil.l, llouutd (.,,. ;. and M.sa Helen Oollhl have tiled ii:li'lait ill the ntlh-c of tlie I .iii.mi-f-i.iliet of TaV-s ntnl A in. lit lo Hie i licet that they an- no li.t.e,-r re-tilctit- oi New York City. Ml-- Anna tc.lil.l i- let Net of k'c, but till the i. tlu r bciia ol J.iy Colli. I win) have re n In d lln ir imjoi tty are opMsa-d lo pa lie; the a 4- 'in-lit llpoll their pi ; inai ti ; i tty wli.chl.ie laa-ll lie-tn-iinl'-il i.y tin- Cotniiii lolier of la.M niid A-- iiieiit. They have mi I.-.. ' t lo il tip their abiding place i !--. I.il4- Ihati tlie luelroailia. J: y 1 .. .-il-i in l.i ll'' lime paid taxes oiionlv : .oo.oist of a-ronnl pro-rty. W in ii'hc i. n il and tlie ii-tale Welit in to ill.- ban.!-ol the surrogate, a valu ation of f 71 1,1k ii.i mo Wlla pllicial llMlll it, ntnl iho Comptroller colli ited the .'i ii-r (--nl inln iilamv tux on ,'l.cii the 111) the (hat lax Coiiimisaion-a--i--iii.nl liat in I .ri d a viilnatlull of M'l.l""',- I he i -r-on.il c-tale of Jay i New Yoik ntnl (ioorno tin- head ol the family, Waa n.ih Matilda 11, and l.oiii-a hay lallnre al a hnlt-aalr llaua.-. ST. JoSKI'll, Mo., J'll.e I.- Steel Walker, the lari:.-t w h"!i-:.ie hou-e i n the Mioiiri nvcr, I a- con.-it l. 1 1 e hiillda uf trti-ti . 1 In- n.l iire tn a out of the mviit liiihne .( . N. Scl-.u--ter A Co. Tin- Ihibilltiea al. l a t a e largi'. t l-rral I In Irlr 1 llil. S.lM'V IbaiK, N. J., June Ti.e KTi-at elia-trie ':-l.l .- 1 h- -. wa e1. .iuiii 1 1 : 1 1 l ' i- - , - ; . . t - - -oa rati d la-t lin.-' ' ! '. .. - - - - . low II a t he J- y -t .. .i . ..-',-U at hi i --r it- ; - . -..I up alino-: ,a j. .. - . . , . - t ... i- Claimed t I , ' t . . .- -.- ;. - -.- l ir Ita I'll. I .'''.. III. t .1 II i; tl I r r ., i . 1.11 I. , er iiinde Ivi.'l they ISm ii m i t i-'tiM it (..iiiM. ,-i-.-I I-' pay t.iiiit llml rate. He ilii-liiie.! at flr-l lo ilraw a cln-ck for ;i-o,oiiii, but after ex JinUe 1 ! tjuri Iiml earrt d the c..-e into court am! Iai...l '' i.av. Ilu- v.illialloti m.i.iI , , . -. t . , !r. t .oui. I paid the iiniin-y in r i I.-'- -'. ll -.ml nt the time thai In i-!Mi!'l I In tux ti- an iiii Min, i.. Mi- dnl tiot lali.ve 1 1 1 14 1 the city -'..ii!. I a - the estate foi aiiy -in Ii ru. nun!, lie wa- will. in.-, il l--:il'i. that ll.e cx'iilo shetild : i -. d at a v.ilirilion of s.l.tao.uti, and it is vi ry 1. llu.t lie would IllVe lien i.ilit-.' to pt-.y lla. ail na si . d valuation oli,ii,( isi. Hut the aiith-'i it re-t.-i -I lo i-otnprmiii-e ti). on any m -li la-i-, ami ti e olieji.-al a'.tiallo. ! - l-l,1 oo,.m reinniiinl oil the lie. k-. Mr. ( ioi'l-l I -l I lie nn;--imi. r ut tin- 1 1 1 in- Iii it rather than submit In 1 w hat In-e n, -l.i. led nn liniu-t tax he j -.vo-i!. I reiiUAc In-ci.tire a able "-r-- .malty In-ia N'-w Ytnk City. He la- l-a'l to'dotlii- 1.1-1 fall. lie'trillislerrnl 'hi- n-snl -i-e. i ti i -t 1-Vrty cvci.ili i-tle.-t. jil-t ia ti e n ai ol Ihe'resiili-lii-a of t: e iate I. --nhl. lo hi lie and j -li .-e.l ni -i li.e i !he: proia rlv he j.. VI I. id ill l lie lieiv'hbol l.elal. Ml-4 lib! ll l-'U1 I 1 t - liol ih cII) ii d the ri-l-I th .. e at 1 1 14- li.itl:ea-l eoiln rof Fifth ' avi -:'.ic and l oriy-M-veiith stnt tfur -4-vi ii i r ei -lit m.'iilh-. Inln rat!! ! cavil -he -ay - sit'- i a n -iih id of Tar jrti.:i, N'e'w ork. H-r brothers 11. 1 4 Iii ami llowtitd (inillil, make -ilii-i ilar nimlai They, ti., an- n-i-i.h tl'-of I'arryto'.i ll. Ii.re li.iulil elaiui. r.-tl-leine ill New Ji ra'V. i lm- hv ! at I.ai.i WihhI amir la-t I Ii- n-sidi nee in thi- city, I i-l l.i- -i-ter, hii ben eliwil :.l tin e. I leore Itnii.d i l.e ai -1 !.'- -i-ter lb h n i al-" there i' liiH-i.l !', I .,v,. a I'..r l-'-l i '".t Tl in J n t. ii i-. til May ..i t tlnV call i a-:iii- t ila Hi: ! ,!,, t!,.- i n nt- r nine of the .,i'y. 1 1,.- tut ih.imiii n.ii'-r -.--l' Ii . i - - ui-1 -r-oiial i-t-ile tl.. . Id Vain: II - tlo.'M',- I.. li-l a., c-liipi' '-d ' ar!y un- vet- are i-ivi tl .lu ll I i.-l- ..1.. ... t . .. - .1 o l.a l r III. .i il u til r r Faii;-. J'l',. I. I .a i.. Vi : . r.l.lekWia.. . 1. 1 .1 d.i';--.!. i ,.l lllltl-ll .i.;,..;'i-... ... r, M.,r ,-I - . . l .; erin, wa- ii. am, 'I today 1 , lilltll l.io I'll. like', i Ult-' - ii i I 1 .. -i 1'l ll.kitt. Ili-ehl i-'l. pol Imi-l.tl. 1 i fat I.i r -f . i I k-r.s-m if. .a' I .-rd It.:::, ii .- - ' aw ay. I ralla c II n ( trri- (tautiln. Cai i 1 1 C Jt .. . - 1 1 ..iv tioti i-f tr-e 1 : 1 1 : 1 -1 n ,r in th- I.c' r trtet slnoi- it to .oinc d 1- .1 .. ! l-ritt le riiibltli ac'ull-t t.ie : ! Iravi-iniir iiieiidicaiita In m e pi i ilnul- d t'e- i-a iii onl. r lo i . 1 !art.i .oi I enable III, in to m. .,iu u. ) Uaiktr (Hilar Tta.r In wm:. June 4.-la ri:! Ha l: ' i 1 Ij, Annua roiin'y. has n a.t.- a iti.iti I ii;-.n (overnor Wa.te : r ;r- saytinr hi f.iriT are itiai!.-.) ;, t troll he niltiera who ate mak ' thrVt4illll;-'ak'lolii'tITWoa 1. iri any clialiw1 w n. n tl c.'-iiimi i"in r- (.. - r: tiould lil.d hi ul'h rtl. a 'ii k or two la-Inn In:. l-T llti.-l itnl. and the , .-: i1..-1 ' i r iin-mla r- i f H e ;.- I i : . :i tile about the 1 . . -i d Valuation "f i 1 I.- t. I ..Hi ver, I n t-'h" .. , i - ..t.-l there is -"U-e : v I ! ..: t I.i comuii ii't-ei . ' :.t,-l mi k to prove . .1 i : .!:.i -i ii! r. min iln-tr : . it: i- i ity. I'ri-i.lei't i . . ; 1 1 I - i l' r t.-l Id ell 1 li.i- l.iet I - retarded : .' -i- ' -.i.i i ti' ti- i ( . r a a ol i ! n : lliMI. F'l-.M :-.i., .1: i.-l't i ll-.'..-. -I a 1 1 v. d in -rtii!- : , '. be I ItLI -I earo I-f bill. hut . I. .I - ... I III thia HIV IM . : '.- I ,,e shlpll.t lit ' ' ,i -1- :'.-!; i- lr--tn e:il ' - 1,-w 1 .1. 1 1' X'lcf M ... i ii .- ..t o-, vi In re it is s.t. i -. :..- f...ii:. I iii l.irirc I ..i- e:ir.-- 1- ci.t.-IJlii 'I t" ' '"'' III, ill I (T): I o 1 1 in Un I - I 1. l. ti. . I' O o o o o o o CD O o O o 0 o - I "S. . a . J nl '- r- a-ru - -t in VS in!:' ii I a I ii:::iit r t:.:lr.':nl tr:n k. .-.I- .it i in p". l.i l ' i ' .'. ; i - m .1 w -ikin t ! il.l..i.ati w 111 take il fonxB ii J.iilita I-y sp4-4ial tralD. - o o o .1 V! .-IV III ,1 M.' 0) o C3 o o o o O 0 O CD o O C3 I