The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 02, 1894, Image 5

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Tlie Assembly (oiiilauVt It lliislnisa
ami Adjourn
liallf loianl, May i
The committee on ministerial nli
iivm'Ii their report and I lie same
wusrea-i i.y nr. i isiis-r; rvixirt umuii
mnuslv m 1 i c I .
Svnodlenl - .in ri 1 1 1 1 - rcx.rt from
Illinois iiihI iVuiisylvutiiu were r.-inl
ami adopted.
The ri'ii( of tl.a committee on Kib
hath obcrvanoe m um riin I by Dr. Hone
Adopted nil-1 recommendations i-uu,
curn-d lu.
The repoit of the coniiiiltw on sys
tematic Is-iit-Mcli-ncc wax next rvnil,
It provided fur xrinincnt committee
on i ri im xiii.j i-t; report auopiei.
Cemmittceoii . 1'. 8. C. K. of the
I'hurrii mudo n report wnirii was
Nearly ull the svinxllcid committee
inn' If tin simple formal report.
Tin' n Mrt of t lie committee on fed
eration wnt again ml ltd up mill dis
cussion began. J to v. Klchard moved
to reconsider iiie minion 10 m-ier ne-
tlt'ii fur one year nml Judge Kt-nton
ndc. tlu mot !::; iimt.
It-v. J. 11. Miller, sixike against the
Idea of adopting the urtlclc of federu
lion nt tli In time on the ground oi in
sutllclciit consideration. 1 It-made one
of the most practical addresses on the
itcv. Lewi also stxike In favor of
caution, llev. J. W. Henderson fuv
vd million until the opinion of the
presbyteries in the body of the church
might be obtained.
The vote was taken and the rcKrt
A tesoliitlon wim adopted appointing
Itcv. l. II. Kusscll financial agent of
this nsscmhly in the founding of an
orphan' home, and requiring a rctxirt
from him nt eiicli succeeding assembly.
A Motion carried providing for the
reference of the whole, matter of feder
ation to a committee of live to rcirt
to tho next assembly. The moderator
apjMilnti il, Itcv A II Miller, Waynes
hurt.', I'a, ItfV II D Coohrill, Tehuaca
nu, Texas, lii-v U M Tlnuoii, Lincoln,
111, lion K K Heard, Lebanon. Tcnn,
lion V F. Settle, Howling (Ireen, Ky.
A iiiotiuii to adjourn was carried ami
roll call followed. Itcv. llcnj. Fuller
oM'i rc.l prayer, ami after the singing
of tho doxology the imxlcrntor pro
nounced the benediction, and the as
sembly flood ailjiiurncd to meet again
on the .'Id Thursday lu May, IMO, at
Meridian, Mississippi.
J Hit before iidjotirninelit, the follow
i if resolutions were ottered and unan
tmntisl v adopted:
ltt-Holvvd, That thl assembly return
a vote of thank to the gisxl H-ople of
l-.ugcue lor tlieir generous hospitality
to the tiustec of the university for tho
ii of the assembly hall; to theMuitor
otttiecity ami surrounding country
fur tho iimu of their pulpitis; to Miss
Kiln Loomlx, the young lady who no
klnill v prodded nt the organ; to Miss
Wilder Camplsll who kept the pftMt
oHloc; to the local press for 111 consid
oration in reporting the assembly news
to t lie choir br llicir vuarmlnir mimic
the hand that entertained ua ito plea
autly; to the ooIiooIh of the city for
incir vihii to i no aMM-muiy, ami to the
citizen In general who have made our
Ktav ho iiliimant, nml lliut we iro from
t It it city rciiicmlicrlnir kindly all who
liuveHhowii thcmtclves no willing to
iHintrltiute to the enjoyment of our a
xeiuuiy on The raclilc Mlope.
Jilts. WooSt.fV'H 8KRM0N.
It had Ihi ii previouxly announced
that Mrw. L. M. W'mmley wou hi preach
lit the ('. I'. church lut cvciiIiik, but
mi the Axociiiblv iidjourneil in tne af-
. tcrnoon the uiiiHiintment wan rhamred
to lllard hall. The room wan 11 lied
whi n the iiervict'K iH-irnn. A number
of the pMmiuelit hu licit auoil(( the
.'iiiii v vi-iiont ami or Kugene oc
cupied the platform with the other.
Aflcr I lie iiftiial oiH'iiinir hymt and
prayer oll'en-d by lr. ltotie. Itev. fair
noii read the Scripture lemon. Mr.
Wooalcy tiromniiici'd an earnest Invo
cation ami after the Hinging of another
hymn wn Introduced by liev. (I. A.
Ulair of thl city, and began her aer
The text taken wan NuinU-r 13:30.
Her diiHiuirte wa Hubmltted III two
point. ".h i kkI in unchangeable ho
now, u it ever ha been in the hUtory
of the human race, the door of UM-ful-
ni' will Ij oH'iieil to each aud every
HTon i.y It 1 til. "
"The uiiMi golden opportunltle of
I fc are governed bv the wnio eternal
certainty that control all opMirtunltier;
once gum' iliey are gone rorever. '
Then followed uu appeal, beautiful
in li himplicity, for the church to
nvad tlie opiMirtUllitleH HOW open for
uiiwioii work In the large cltle of
the Went. ihe spoke of the eitliM of
IViiwr, ftttii Fraticitco and Portlaud
tliosu point which have been referred
io mi miicii during ttil AKeiiitiiy
Aud iilthoiigli Hhewn allowed no voice
in t lint tMly lie hud Ixcn given, ill
thl wrvlee, an opportunity to Heak
oil the HUbJeet which wm evidently
iicareitt her heart.
"An opiHirtuuity ha been om-ned
before the 'iimU-rlaml rreubvteriail
church In thl broad Held, which if al
lowed to pa unheeded will be gone
forever. If we do not avail the opior
tunity fome other ehurch will. God
hu h ue for our money, our peiii and
our voice, will we falter ob
olai'lc prcxent tlieinwlve."
In connection with her text nhe
rpoke of I lie I'hililreii of I true I fullering
u hen ju-t in night of the promhjed
land; how they aw the giant and
other obstacle which apparently lay
iu the way of their eaceuble entrance
and xclon of the land of Canaan;
how thev returned to the wtldernena
and hUhIo their forty year; ami then
to liter the laud (lowing with milk
and honey, it wa net-emtary that their
eyn lo removed from the olxtaelea
and their viiion fixed upon the prom
i of(iod and that they trust Him to
overcome the difhVultle according to
th ie promie. Then availing the op
iHirtuuity. iiretMing onward into w
iiuan. thev found the way had
prepmvd for them.
The application tie l-fl largely 10
her hejiri r but the aernion wa w
l-ointeil that the denired aptieal could
anvly have failed in ita tlleot.
The iK'rmoii wa ken of by tlne
-r. -i.t in term ot approbation, and
coiiideriiig the mental atre the g'xl
lady ha lrn undergoing for the pt
few day, It wa considered a very
worthy i ilort.
The feeling at thl. cli-ung exereiM-,
here Ull iiplc of Hie city met their
iiior logi'iiier Tor the la-t lime pre
viou to their departure, wa the ino-t
Inieimeof any meeting ince ineiuN r
of the AHmmbly arrived. A Judge
1'ndgetlexpr.wl , In piw,,tlng a
banket of beautiful llower to Mr.
V.Mx.ey In behalf of th,. Indie of Ku
gene, he had to n prtwiit "tin. iuo.1
delicate Jet, the kMc t.t ami geiitliKt
of all the kind act of hipiuhty and
eiioourageiiient which hal Ih-ci'i con
tlnuallv extended the member of the
AHM-nibly ainee they arrived." The
Juilge made an appropriate aud earn
ent presentation hmvci.
lr. Woonley wa nearly overcoinu
w ith emotion umiu receviug thl token
of alaterly love and approbation uud en
eourngement from tliim; Indhv of the
NVet. Her reply w a touching wihIii
cerrly did he appni late the irviudoii;
and ho nearly wa every heart in that
vaxl room moved with feeling that it
cvtned a If the Holy Kolril ii lire.
ent a on no former ocxvulon during
the Aiwmhly.
lr. FergUMUi wa aske.l to preoide nt
thl meeting, and announced that
hort ajteefliea of farewell would lie In
order. Tlie Kugeue Ihind arrivetl at
thl juncture and played atclectlnn.
Dr. lliinlinell, expn'HM'd hi appn ela
tion for the hoiltulity w bl.-li had Ix-cn
enjoyed, Judgi illlouo followed in the
aiiie Hiraiii, itimi ir. ruiicrton ami
Itcv. F. M. M.ire.
(Jen. II. 11. Norman ntxike of the
generally admitted contention that
tlie awevleat wi rd In the KugllHh
language are "Mother, Home mid
Heavrn," but the liiemlxT of thl Ah-
embly, with hliiiM-lf, were now aux-
lou to controvert that with the awr
tlon that tho aweetcHt, moot dif-tln-
guUhed word WM "Welcome."
Vt. lkuie thought thl lie of the
immt intellet'tunl uud loyotiBa-x-inbln
ever held ami this wa mainly due to
it urrotinding.
Dr. Willlanm, or Chicago, niiukc of
the tribute paid to the pretty women
and children, but hu dcHircd to nay he
had lounil Home very good hih-cIuicii
of men. Altogether the Ai-xcniUy
had never reit ived a more gloriou
welcome or tn-tter arranged and com
pleted entertainment.
Itev. T. N. William had "eaten
more, lept more, aud enjoyed hlin-x lf
mole, than at any Aembly. 1 have
enjoyed uiVHclf hughly.
IteV. A. II. JoliiiHon, the I lioctaw
Imllan miiwlonary. In hi giNid heart
ed and feeling manner exprcwd the
prevailing Heiitimeut. llev. Jicrgcn
thought thl one of the be-it hull ever
uned by an aM'iubly; aud Judge (iaut
who ha lieeii m member of la lienern
AHHcmble remarked that never U fore
had audi royal lwpitallty been re
eel veil.
llev. (!. A. Illnlr made tin earnet n
spone thanking the clioni. dlllerent generally for
their axiUtance lu the reception and
entertainment of thl aactnbly for he
knew full well the credit U'longcd
largely to them for without the nwi
tunce o generoiiHly exteudetl it could
not have been done. He thanked the
member of the a.Hwmhly In behalf of
hi church and the people of Kugwiu
for their many kind expression of ap
preciation and hoped their vlxlt here
would result In much mutual liencllt.
Judge Wulton alo remarked that
the good Influence of the Awtembly
here wa duly appreciated by our eo
ple who hoied their iiiIhhIoii worker
would return here to the eoat ami it
would lie admitted that tho gain to ti
from this meeting would tie of ten fold
greater value than our hospitality
llev. Woolcy cxprcsncd the winm
sentiment a llev. Illalr.
Dr. Ferguson made n llttiug closing
add rent aud the meeting closed with
auother M'lectiou by the baud and the
benediction by Ir. Ferguson.
Nearly of the visitor left lust
night on the overland, for their homes,
t'oiiiplliiii'titarjr lleoittiou.
At a iiKS'lliig of the n of the
r. ciiuri'ti iay iu, ini' toiioMiug pn- i imi, n , at rnrki r h 'ih
umtili- and rifMilulloiis were adopi- I: lloii'. l-'riday i veiling, May !),
WHI KI AM, I he telleml
'. !
o !
y t
o ,
l'lildlr HrlnM.1 iMM'lay.
Iiljr oiiKr-i. May :
The pupilsnf fxitli the (icarv uud
( ell! ml kt hiMila brnUk'lit some ui tlulr
work fordlsplny In tlie latter biilldini
yterday. I lie teaclii-r nrninge-1 the
di-play ou Im mul on the wall of
three of the lower room, mi that vlU
tor could examllie the wurk Very ci ii
Several hundred 1-1Ikib vtire
hu ti tbriiii;li the t-xhiliit yi-ter ! iy
utleruixn and a number tlii- iiioriiin'. '
The ihildleii of t.olli s'liisd w . r,
nlo assa-lulded hi tin fell (ml bllildtl g
this nu ruing nml allowed to npcct
the hide work
The exhibit ! nun li the :ime a la-t
year although then1 l a verv s-ni-p:i-lle
iiniirovemelit of Ibe iUnlity of fie
work done in inch grade. In the p i
mnry depnrtiiietit the work is larn. y
of the kinderuartvii clinraett r, butt e
next gradi' In ai'h m hihiI ha di-pli-t-ed
work re-iiiilni no-re skill In dr.i v
lug and iiii-i llii i. ..ii. work. I e
wulieii work in liiiii'iiagc, uttlhiin ! .
and geography rapi lly lgilis In t
hii;!.er and then tio--iii il wotU n
map draw lug. Ilikilu riip the draw
ing include pliy.iolny, Mower au l
nrelillii turc ami I'm.. lly portrait .haw
ing. Ihe work on the U
was iinwtly of dower done In colored
chalk and a pnitlciilar feattirenf I hi- :i
well as the liner .haw hu; In .tdor. .1
chalk, on pii-r, 1 tin- den lop'neiit of
the -en-c of pr ". Hon. Itoth ti e
map, drawing of fruit and (lower
in tlie higher glade are done in color,
either chalk or water color. Km.ei
map made In relief aro made fr-.m pu-
t pulp In color, giving very acciir j
alely the physical feiilim of tho
country rcpn-s.-uted. Auother uni'iie i
feature was map of di ttereut iMUlitti
with the dlllerent prixtuct repre'iiti I
bv grain of u heat, cual, colhs', lie,!
atllxed in proMT I'Hutl.-ii. The praell
enl idea can U-ln-ttit ly di lceti d ru'i
ning throii!i ail (hi. work mid ll e
improvement In rriiturity t f outlii e
ami is-iceptloii of d tail 'l gradiia!lv
ilcVelos'd until in tin- hinhe-t crad.'
much of the work w ill hear hone-t I
criticism c'ii:il to llmt of amateur ar-i
lists. Some of tin- Mrtrit nml build
ing were icclally iHiniineiiilrd by
the visitors.
The gruinmar illiigruins and compo
sition in the l ingu.igi- woik a well a '
tho arithmetical ill play nil gaveevi-1
dellivof can-fill lllli ll -t oil the Hurt o'
teacher and pupil ulike, Mime of ihe
formrr work slinwing n knowledee of!
literary writer and tlu ir work which ! week. Mr. Hurlhurl I very weak.
one would not anticipate in the inter- '""I I1' '' "'no on earth I apparently
uie.liarv gradis of a public schisil. I limited to u short tunc.
The display was arranged ipiite nrti-! (ieo. Wilkinson, of Ik- Moines,
ticnlly and tlie tencher of IkiiIi scIkhiI Iowa, 1 Ihe guest of hi uncle, Frank
in chnrgn have receive., many gratify- j Wilkinson. 1'hi I hi second visit in
I'ulillc Vhmd l.rtiluatlug t:ieri4.
I 'r. ,, ,i ..... .f 1 1,., rtr.1 .IU I.I
:.'Ki p.
Astern hi V
of the Cumberland rreshvtcriaii
church convened lu thl city .May H;
Wiikkkan, The citieu us
i:i uminlaining sal I a-weuil-ly. I'li.-re-f
re ! it
Ittsolved, First We extend
-hi. -ere thank to tlie pa.tors
i liurche of the city, w ho henrtllv
'osmted wtth and aUti'd u.
Ni-ond, That wo expre. our gta i
tiido to the Isiard of regent and inc.
i.ltvofthe State l'nlvi-ritv for t'ie
ue of Vlllard hall uud the groun It ' I'is.Mvcry of
n. every favor no kindly shown u
I'hird, That we expre- our gi
tudo to the city iMiincil, ehaiuls i
isilumenv aud to each of the follow
- Millliitt.v, elltertaillliielit. re.vpt
lluatiiv, Moral, music, conveyati-s',
formation, u.her ami taee.
Fourth, That we otter oui'il.s
truest and most slncen- gratitude
e li and every one w ho in any
ii-si-ted in Ihe work of the a-elii
ami luaile the stay of our gtn-st
plen-.uil w title w till II.
Fifth, That We recognize ami hi
knowledge the giNsliie. of liis In . i.
nt'llng u to maintain said assembly to
the satisl'aet loll of ull.
Sixth, 'Mint these preumbles .id
n-ihilioii to I.- spn ad upon our - I
ioiial reiurd iiuduiMpv to each ! .e
1-sal p.i-rs for publication.
ItcsiHTtfuIlv Higuetl,
ti. A. lll.Allt,
S. I.,
J. I'. ti.s.D.M.i:,
It. II. Siiai Kl.irn.
Jnnrtiun t uy item.
Time., May t.
It. M. lioodw iii, grand organi.r of
American liailway I'nion, was in t n
city 1'huisday evening aud
a branch of that order here.
Next Wednesday in IVcorntloU Iay.
It w ill not be observed here, a tins'
w ho care to take ii part III decoration
exerci-, w ill go elsewhere.
The follow lug delegate from here
will attend the Lane County Sunday
school coi.ventiou, nt Springfield, May
-s: M r I AJIarn. Mr S K String,
uii.i .mi W a-lihurne.
('. F. llurlls rt ha Isvti at Ihe Is d
side of hi w lie in Fugciiu the past two
ing word of encourng) ineiit uud com
1'leUsAnt Hill Itilns.
May is.
M) degree'!
lloyd paid the
the first ol the
wife Visited
for niediiiil
"Hen" Applet-ate.
To the many residents of Kugeue who
have seen the l-t when it little owner
lived here, the following letter will Is.'
roiiTi.AXD, May in, i wi i.
Mil. F. I'KAW,
Kugetie, Oreg-in.
Deak Sik: It la my privi lege to In
form you that your favor of April -
to Mr. Kugeue Shelby, notifying him
of the shipment by express of the deer
"iJeii," a girt rroin Master Aiu-rt A
plegate, to the l'ortlaud City I'ark, was
jiresi'iitetl ami read Is fore the Com
mon Council In regulur nesxlon, the
llth instant, and a vote of thank to
the donor wa uttanliuouy ndoitid
by said body.
lour very resjHi-trutiy,
A. F. Uamiikm.,
Thermometer slisi.l at
W.J. Mulkey uud 1
coutiiy aeul a visit
Mr. F. H. Killv mi. I
Fugetie this week
Irealmetit for Mr. Kelly
S. T. t 'ol 1 is. in ami wife returned
fioill a visit to Cottage (irove last
lk puty Assi'fsor Ki.slnger
lip the ranches of Ibis) licighlsirhiuil
IhU Wivk.
Mr. I. Itarelav was the lsM-r of sev
eral tamlw lately. It was found that a
cougar had Uvii milking Iiuvih.' among
liiHHheep. S. A. I'ark wa notilled,
Is'lng the crack i-piirtsiiiun of l'lear-ant
Hill, lu a Verv short lino- In. tool the
varmint laid low by hi well dlreeb d
vi incticster.
The Isiy that wu s hudlv hurt bv
Is-ing thrown from Hi.' wagon tin- 1 -y
of the camliilate h uking an ull ill
proving a well a eouhl He exs-ctel.
The ricnsnnt Hill elus w factoiv cut
one of their llrst eliis-.' this wisk nr l
iis-rior to
tin plait
Iregou, and as he seem to Ik phiusil
with the country, we lini he will re
main. (). 11. II. Simmons, the ex-rt, who
wa employisl by the luvestlgutnig
committee in tin county, and w ho
coiiiinllted forgety to rniso a little
ready cosh, was seiileucs to year
In the iH'tiltcntiary. Thl probably
wind up tlie great fans' played In this
county without even u gissl moral attached.
in., sharp:
.-Audrey Close and Ituby lieu-
Country Life Anna Cowgill.
The llipis.iM.tamut Frank Craig.
, Small Ik gi jiilag Man tlordou.
our 'pnM-r.. tlrcn 1'. Howe. !
n. id. Itighl uv of Time...Abble Hemenwnv. !
AniericHiiiing Foreigner Thomas I
Vival liuct lysine aud Cnrrle 1'uliic.
Fiiergy aud Heroism of Martin I.u-
(her Jessie LiVeriuore.
America ..A rra Johnson.
I'aililllig Jcliuie I'eterson. !
1. 1 Trip on Horx-huck ticorge I re. I
if liesounv ot Lane County I na
U hippie. !
Itevolutioiiaiy War Mile Kuykeu-i
Tho World's Wealth t Hive Owen.
Violin Solo Mini Wllkins.
A ioo. Start in Life Ilally W.ssl. i
Music Ida (iold.mitli. i
Character Fnilik Harlow.
I'lidcMTved l'raiso of t juccu Isabella...
May Sander.
1'unctuality Monl SehwarJtchll I.
V.snl )iiet Mertie Aulen and Ina
SIlUMl MVIslllN.
The graduating exeiclses w ill Inko
plinv at 1'arker' os'ra house, Satur
day, May I' at l:.ti t. m.:
I 'net Kate aud Urace CampUdl.
Ileutlty Lie 111 lASiker' Fye
Alice Italdwln.
Our Native Tree Klvln Crawfonl.
IVrscvrraitii' F.lliel KitiM-y.
Indian Outbreak, '!, and id
Irvln Wold.
Scholar Hoh-h I'lnrn IVterson.
1'raveliug West Augusta llmhhaiu.
Vis-al Silo tiraiv Hidden.
Lvils ot lmuiigratioii..John A I'almt r.
A Loaf of Itn-a.l Kate Cartwright.
A Trip to The ( Joldmlnc
Jauie Ikiunlilsoii,
heading Mrssly Holli.
Littlo I'liiiig Laura Tilton.
Naturnl les k llridge, Vu.
Mustiii Tutlor.
lU-llit Watt mid Hattio 1'atUraoii.
A (iixxl Cuusu Make a Stout Heart
Until Stevenson.
lutleofa Hoy Harry Washnuer.
Suntee .Normal Training Sclnml
Mao Wold.
Searching for Happiues
May Haldwlu.
Day Spi'iit at "Old Cenlral"
Jmiie (I. Ilnmiuoiid.
I.hI Hie Our l'ubllu
Kthel Cottle.
"song Sweet Otvgou.
Tho cli'oiion of Mi. Aiii;ii-t.i Vit-
ttTMill is now looked tlTsiii n.s u i .
oiN-riC taiMty I.y well informed politicians,
at on all fide. s. will inake an ex-
It .
ccllelll nlhi'er.
liii.s in.iii v lrii i. U
id' I. aiio I'
U tter I. t.
Hailow, Mr Dixon, John
Doyle, Lucn lhi Dunn, Mis T
Faton, Mr Ida M F.lllnet, Aihillne
Kllmaker, Mrs It Henderson, D
Howell, Chii Huttmacher It
l.oiigmirtli, Mrs M Ia-wI, Mis K
Osls.rne, A S l'cck, t) A
Itandull, Norn Smith, J Kmniltt
I ny lor, Tuiil . Vlnlow, Misa CJ
Wnl, llr.JH W.hxI, Itufu
A nl one rrin will Im mails nn h
lein r iclvi-n out. IVmiiiarsllin lurlvtlsra
p!iv fsjr h.-a a-lvcrtlMt.
Alllaure l'it ulr.
Tlilflir Vila Hllll H fn llilaUi- f1llllllaP
of other left to iro over the northern 1,11 I " It Kr.-itly
routes this toorninir mul .III! . f.v t liny chii-se ever teite.l nt
others will remain and visit with rela
tives and friend hero for several day
I-I.KWKI. I.V.N, Mav .
I'.lilTOK (ll AKIii-Theni w ill 'lie 11
Alliance iilcnlc at the beautiful gr- -o
near 11. It. llayi-s' place on June. J,
lv.d. A liasket dinner w ill Is- served
Ihey ure pructlcal clni-x maker and and a gcuernl g.xid time I until
are sure to plea' the public. S. A. Thero will ulso lj a gmnd ball
.McKenle I their salesiiimi. Send ill plviii III the evening for lln-lH-in .lt
your order early nnd you w ill Imj m- of those wishing to "trip I lie
i-oiumodatisl by the U-st chs;-ie in the light fantastic too " A gem-nil invita-
Children' day exercise will be olj. the llr-t Sunday In June.
Iwi-kct dinner after the 1 1 o'clock nt-vlci-s
will Is- served, of which every
family w ill Is' reiius-te.l to bring, anil
the i hlldrens' exercise will take plni-e
iuimtsiiately lifter dinner. All lire in
Vited. A liKs'tingof tlie clti.'ll wa culled
last Tuesday evening to make ur
mngement to have n iiieuio nt the
turn I extended to nil.
C. 1'i:iikis
A Mi:a.n Thick. The A.toria Ha I
get think it wa a real mean trick
that wa played on a young niuu nml
a widow recently. ll wa the llrst
real iileasaut evening f the scummi,
mid It wn nolxMly' lusiiierH if tiny
did sit down on a board by u burn to
look at tlie star and things, then to
go IiimIiIh tho barn when they siiw
some fellow coming that wny. In or-
Ural folate Transfer.
J II Ferguson to P It Wall!, ICO. ",5
acre lo Tp 18 S, II 3 W; f-'ymO. Hmd
for died.
L J Ijith.ini to Nellie K Chamls-r-
lain, lot 5, blK k 1, and 8 J lot 4, block
Geo II and II II I la r ret t to II D
Chamberlain, tot 3, block h; $HM.
(ieo M Miller to Julia A Ice, lot 7, 2, Miller's atlditioti; tlon.
IsillT Ouanl. Mar A.
rillLlC Sl'luA KINO. Hon. Tho. II.
Tongue, of Washington coiin'v, dtliv-
ered a republican addn-ss at the court
nouse nut evening to a gisxi aiHieiioo.
He wa particularly sevire in hi n-
mark on the txipullst. On the tariff
Ui-tloii he Used the usual line of ur-
I he sreakrr wa intr.slu.vd
W. Harrl", lu few well
liosen remark. The Kugene bra.
band furuishe.1 some xcelleut music
for the occasU.D.
I'l. iiit K'oniins on .-aiuriiay ino ..-r lo ls not oliscrved. It wu.n't
l'.lh day of June. Ihe time Is limit, d n,0 tW(, gen,,,,, to tit down on
but a program will I. mid the same ismrd and inoke cigar and
try to suit nil. Ollh-er w ill Is.- on the n il
ground and those .siiuing with whls- hived up nearly all night. No, bov.
ky we would u.lvis.. b, stay awny. f..r tluil Is not right; you may get taken
the full force of tho law will bo used ill that wny yourself some day.
case of druukcliiien mid disorder. '
riense n-memls-r this. Wo shall lo 1'ol.n : lll-TKAI.Ni:i. Tho ilice
glad to welcome all and those w ho d.s-' depnrtment of Portland has lss-u uoti-
ire to (.nine to have uu enjoynblo time
will be protected from tlnsMj that are
not calculated to take cure of theiil-Hclve.
oeen irument.
by Dr. T.
"Haclerl. loiry."
iiuar.1, M.jr .i.
A fair attendance of clliin mid
student listened to Dr. H. K JiSM-phi
last evening at Vlllard hall. Hi 1-t-turi'
wa on "Hac-'.eriology" and wu
appropriately illu-lrnte-l with nngic
hinteni view. The iliM-our-e indi
cated a tliomugli know b elt"- of the
subject us furnished I.y the latest
ieii'ifl" information uud while the
disctiiu,,),,, in tisbliicul
term ui.stt ol hi hearer were iinu li
interested and highly i-nt'-rtalued by
the lecture.
1-allT Mar
Ol Mi .H Fl.WTMi. The Vim;,i II
the World, last evening, elected the
follow ing ofll's-r for the eusuing term:
Con-ul, W C Voran; Advisor, M S Har
ker; Hanker. A T C.s kerline; Clerk, J
W Kaj: l--s.rt, W It;
Wutehiraii, C II Hale; s-iitry, Itfiar-ri-.n:
Maiiager.CS Krank; I'hy-icini.,
D A I'aiiM- and W Ku vkei.dal,': d. h-
lle.1 by order of Chief Hunt lo refiam
from any way mingling lu iM.liili-s in
tho coming election, with the excep
tion of depositing (heir Individual
vote. Tho orlor stateH that Ulile.
the strictest attention Is paid to the In
struction, ami heeded, tne violation of
the same will give sufllcieni cauwi for
the dismissal of tlx violator. Tho or
der will lie in efleet until tlie closing of
the mIIs on election day, and appli.-
epially to captains, deteeiive, patrol
nu n and ssi-ial.
fl.r iilrt. Ma
Hn vn.K itn.-Cass Matlock and
Hurry Holdeu made some km time
on their bicycle yesti rd'iy. They left
her.-at ! o i l., k n. m.; went to Cor
' vnllls, them-e to Albany, arriving at
1 F.ugcne at-lfi p. in. "Tim distance
I covered wa !' inilis). and the actual
j time ou the road was W hour and II
j inlnutesi, an average s-ed(f 11) mil.-
1 r hour.
Pail; '.:;ar l. May
rsritii K n v Li'.iir.MNd. The re i
deuce of Mr. 'IhouiMn on the east
nidoof Springfield a struck by light
ning during the thiiuderxU.rui yei. r-
lay afteru.siii. Tin- ldt alnn k the
chimi.ev l..n follow in if it lo I he irminil
li.trict con vi lition: K O -hutU-ruu It.e v unit shlillii'fA' I. ill
0 . . I I'ott. r, A T . kerline. V t Vorjii, damailng the roof. I be cans t at the
Markieo. In lAiie county, Or.- W li Iloll. nl-k ami C II Hale; all. r-, lln-nlMi- was l on fin-, but wu er.
May Zl, lt4, by Itev. H. S. Wal j nati ., K A l.n-l, I. O )U , kw ith, S tinguishe-l Is for- any dnmuge w it
tille ami I.ucrvtia l nrk- r rank. It I larn-s-li niel Kin k. ri-. done. None of the familv wire m.
f Lane county, Oregon. Mall. fjunsl.
gou, May -i
lace, W. IL
I er, of Lane c
I gates to th'
And still It remain warm.
Kugeue should celebrate July 4, IHlik
The town 1 again assuming lis nor
mal condition.
Mis Nellie Hampton was visiting
ill Kugeue today.
Dr. J. F. Henry .of Hmwnnvllle.sneiit
lust night lu Kugeue.
C. C. lU hnke, of Fiorelici'. I lu Ku
geue for day or two.
i in warm weatner is mxxi or irar
(leu aim growing cro.
Mr, t. . Osburn hn returned
home from visit to Salem.
Many are talking of a trio to the
mountain after the election.
The horse races will take place on the
Hurrl truck Juuu Nth and Oth.
Mis Kale Hanson, of Cottage (irove,
visited Willi retutivisj Hero today.
Hon. S. Condon arrived homo
from Lincoln county thl afternoon.
I ho town npiM-ars very unlet slnco
the adjournment of tho assembly and
I ho delegates to the State (irallge
have nlsiut all departed for their rvsiico-
uvo nouns.
Assessor I. J. Mel'lierson well! (o
Cottage drove thl ulternooii on olll
clal hlislness.
Hon. I. II. Touguu went to Ibiso-
liurg thl afternoon where ho nenka
wn evening.
Arrangemeiit should I si made ut
oiico for the prois-r it lebration ol the
l-ourth of July.
J. II. I "hen ha Is ft hi ton In
S. II. Friendly' store and aoocptcd a
piace wiiu a j.os Angeles urm.
Dr. Jiss phl airlvcd up from l'oitland
Kxiny ami win deliver u lecture al II
lard Hull tonight ou "llaeterlology.'
Tho Klamath Indian nmrvatlon 1
to Iss allotted. I he excess hind, alxxit
.'xi,i"i will li thrown open to sett le
nient. ThoJ. K. filll Company Ixxikseller
aud stationers, of i'orlluud, have made
an aiwlgnuieiit. Liabilities, $125,0110;
assets, f iw.oou.
The Htoamer Eugene left for Port
land this morning, carrying away sev
eral tons of freight. She will be here
sgnlu next Thursday.
W. II. Hoffman returned from a
busuies trip to Ilavsniiort, Wash., last
night. Ho rexut that crop proepects
are excellent lu that section.
The I'xal oommlttissi having In
charge tho work of entertaining the
Into assembly are at work nettling up
the financial part of tlieir bulncM.
The official laxllotsare already Ixdng
deli verei to the county clerk, by the
irl liter. The sheriir will commem'w
ellverlng the election supplies tomor
row. Dr. deo. S. Wright, weight 2fi0
x.unds. rixle from Dayton to Mc.Mlnii
ville, tlio other day on a liVMind
bicycle, in 3J mlnuu, a distance of
7 mllo.
Mr. and Mr. J. W. Huir have ar
rived home from a vl-it to tho mid
winter fair lu San Francisco. With
their Utile daughter they returned to
lloneburg thl afu-rnoun.
II. C. Humphry and Al AuU n re
turned this morning from the Foley
spring, l hey p-rt having ha'l a
j'letiiiid time, and Udlhugu flsli stories
that make Dave llica bluali.
Hon. J.I). Matlock and J. II. Mo
Clung went to Portland on thl morn
ing's early train to testify before the
C. s. grand Jury In the raw of the
government against It. F. Finn, of
Iahurg, whoi a-rued of disjssiing
of stamp Illegally, while xit master.
i:o!-rt M. Day in tl,o in:iii toil el
coroner. I lo w lsrn tunl ni.-M
in I..ttii iMimty, and is tlie scni-ir
metnlM r of l!u well known linn of
l.iy t-ni.
Tlio ban. Is of tr.nnps that miig'.f
to In- fed by the public, ii ii. I to j... t
free tr.ui-Mirl.ition over railroads
under the inline of', 1. '.'
about (lisb:ltnK 1.
W. 1 1'hi shire
in every tiortion
who Appreciate his littn s for !'i"
ollice of County Ci r. oil
will lctnl li i i ii aid at t!.,- p.. IN.
'J'lio Orcgoiii.iii i very badly
fri;!lt IH'vl over tin-1 1- lllM r:it i--JnJ
list combination in Multnomah
county. c ar iiu'otme.l tint
papir lias go-xl reasons fir Uio;;
Portland jH-op.- expect t-i be n
ing tlieir gum b.Kit. if not stilt be
fore long, us tin- river N r.ipi'lly
enrping up, now lacking but livo
lift of covering Front strut at the
Mark street ferry l.ui'ling. 'lho
last extreme hack water iI.miiI expe
ricnccl liv Portland was alx.ut tin;
lirst of July, lSTii.
Tho N. Y. World published a
column of ilii-patche from tlio dif
ferent purls ol tl.c cast showing
how liusitiCMi is IsHitning. I'ao
torie are idarting tip ev. ry where,
many on double time. In tho
uieantiuic silitical dctnagotn . are
lying alntut tho country simply fir
political cupital. Kx.
Henry Day', nrord us ncoiupe
tcnt impartial oflicial cannot be
called in question. The people of
Kugeue. especially, have known
him for a lon time, nml without
exception of HliliYl cm d, testify
til lli.i lit lies H fur the sisitlou,
11 is private character or public in t
cannot bo succvHfuMy attacked.
When you vote, cancel, crons or
mark out the names of all candidates:
except tlio one for whom ymi vote.
Be very careful about thin matter
for if you Icavo the names of moro
than ono candidate for any oilier on
your ticket your vote is void nn to
that ollice. Do not use u yellow
ballot. Tlicy are only Hnmi.lcH and
will not lo counted it voted.
In conversation with a gentleman
from Washington, who heard the
county cnndidatcH tho other day, ho
complimented tho democrats on tho
excellent allowing mudo by their
candidates for tho legislature on tho
stump. Ho also says tho n rsoiinel
of the entire ticket impresses t'ie
people very favorably and n go
canvaxs in being made.
Jacksonville Times: The Times
is now in lino with tho other lend
ing paiior, having a libel suit on
hand. Kzra Popplcton, who was
hero last winter exsrimenting
with a dry-washer process of saving
gold, has sued tho Times for li's l
Imjciiuhc, it mentioned the fact that
ho had left several unpaid bills lie
bind him when ho llilted from this
section. I ho 1 lines has in several
instances rendered valuable scrvieo
to this community by exjiosiiig
bilks of various kinds, and will
keep on doing so, no matter li jw
tho present suit may terminate.
Foreigners havo alnioct entirely
supplanted nativo American labor
in tho great coal fields of tho Kant.
lho tnino owners uro continually
lowering lho scnlo of wages to tho
starvation point and in conseriuonco
riots and bloodshed are of ordinary
occurrence. Hits is another in
stance of tho falsity of the claim
that a jirotctivo tanir benefits la
bor. 'I ho emjdoycrs biro thecheap
cst labor, bo it foreign or otherwise.
they can obtain, and do nut as a
rulo care as to the condition of their
workmen, so they obtain full bene-
sfit from their service.
Mr. Worr is running around tell
ing iieoplu that a i.rostx-ct of a tariiT
change has caused tho hard times.
Ho Is not honest. Ho does not ex
plain that while tho McKinley bill
gives a protection of 6J to 100 tier
cent, tho Wilson bill leaves it 2o to
40 per cent, which is as high as tho
Morrill war tariiT measure, and
should "havo been made lower. Tho
old fraud docs not itiform the farm
er, who is getting 3-j cents a bushel
for wheat exported abroad, hovr
high protection helps him, w hen it
has tho contrary cfl.-ct, as he is coin
lcllod to pay tho manufacturer
more for the articles used on tho
farm and in tho household, whilu
ships carrying tho grain abroad
come hero in ballast, thus compell
ing tho grain to pav the freight
charges both ways. Mr. Horr howls
about tho bcmliU of protection to
labor, while for years past practical
manufacturers have been import
ing cheap foreign labor, thus con
tinually forcing down tho scale of
wages without regard to tho welfare
of the working man. A high pr--tective
tariff has inado many mil
lionaires. Lut it has only alio . ved tho
laborer to exist.
iinAil' at Ion
I ' I, saw lit
v r in hi of
iy business,
lv oppisx) hi
in niiswcr, I
lit StoVcllsoll
any g'xsU I
now him cr-
u-kell to loin
ve to my bus-
y la!-i!i'Sor
r r--! tb-ii
i Iisni tlie
. 1 dins-tor
at l.e b is not
r. i"ird t' vls-
l I.AM",
ll-l lllg I o.
i, ..ur
i t- l.iy and
I -..wiiii la m
-I- .tli. The
l'-rthnid in
e tlie depth
gr ater.
lie. country
'olnnihi.'t the
v.-ry warm.
the I nloii
id and lho
red ami all
sal pattern,
tun.". I'rl.s.
I I ll"titlltl' of
ti Industrial
rter- in Paris,
M.I.I bv,
i:. In mx.
ogile free.
slilleld Mail:
H manifi-sted
he ciL-i' nf the
Co. v M. J.
actum by tho
lid. nit on one
us. The ca-o
ntative one
haio unpaid
oils to kllONV
I toindit with
.and the Jury
the plaintiil
t for ;.!, tho
ml -criplioii
oria Hudg.t:
of Columbia
p, forslierlir.
va on a re
(orsed by re
nurse of time
id, and is yet
u were mihhJ
itimi I now
urt of Colum
and I one of
in party has
lice of county
II lx el.s,
w ill lie plnili
llireli, di fell
fill prviloml-
. man L'lvlinf
Smith, ami
rdav on the
va examined
dn Flsk l
eutlng Attor
V. Harris and
I committed.
bun at Salem
train by
W. foeli-
gemeiit have
ig of a new
vek, Is-twwn
oley Sprlim,
in washed out
ood w ill meet
lire already
, isiurt ilis
tin-in are uu-
lho very l?st
dressing.. It
leather. Ho-
ted hack, sin-
cheap. Will
!1 tho Chit
Will pay the
dnz Powder
I sad Dlplosu.
bark to W.
Iilghesl price.
,t, twectnt, snj
tf soapt, tut it
in, nt prcrent
.1 by unirfett
x ;. 0uf
f the ani!rhcal
it skin, p'tmpln,
.tnrss, dry, thin,
i.,:nz hair, and
tat y l.lcnuihrs
lied n I cured t y
i s Sr, great
' tkin punfriBg
because it ttnkcS
t of all com
nil iii intiomj
t!. cl. fjfl, ia
k iniuiel, ot
th IV-ns. ?Ie
i- l sales oi ail
i ;-.
TrKS, S'f.: I
( 1 fi ., H- SkM.
ip.usja, Hss4s. sssl
O o
0 0
9 ci o e
o o
OqO 0 O O O O
o o o
2 ? t.eejacassc V QO OO o
of Pains
'uini, tv krm mA
o o