The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 26, 1894, Image 3

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all receipts for cooking
requiring a leavening agent
POWDER, because it is an
absolutely pure cream of tartar
powder anil of 33 per cent,
greater leavening strength than
other powders, will give the
best results. It will make
food lighter, sweeter, of finer
flavor and more wholesome.
Doing II la Ural,
'ntlo,TlirvrlulI.."iyi. Iliiokn. "DM
act know jou were farm. TakiUK la lb
"Will, I md'I any that I'm taking Id
tb whole town," Mill Tbreeshrll b
deftly extraeteil a nnli enamelled balpln
(rviu Ilia beailh'ear f a lady who win paa
InH. "Hut I'm uot lettlnn anything escape
ma."('biraKO Iteeortl.
Bolltail ITWrrrxi.
"Lrave Die now, lobelia," said Mr. Mo
gwat, pasaiiiK Ills hand nervously across
kit furrlii al. "I wlap to lie alone fur tba
(til utiurortwo."
What Is the matter. llllliiprVMoqulred
Sirs. MtSwst, wllh some anxMy.
"I have not toconsult a railway irulie!H
(rruaneil tba unhappy man. CbicuKO Trib
une. A Sweeping TW-toty.
Witt You ahoiihl have wrn lb sweep
lnu victory my w Ife Kilned ovrr an unusu
ally peralstriit book agent tbla morning.
Watts Kuoiiltl. tht llow'd kha do It
Witte Chased hi in out of tba bouaa with
broom. Buffalo Courier.
A Jamil ParaaiM.
Flrat Boy I wl.b wa lived In South
Second Boy w by do yonf
First Hoy Tbe schools down tbc
waya close evrry tima tba town la
barded. Good New.
e al-
Be Waalc Tswtb.
Husband I wUh you would get a saw
drma maker.
Wife Why, dear, I bar bad tbla on for
UusImmhI Tlist I lie trouble. Sbt'a too
old. Cloak Keview.
1 lie It
"Why, air," Mild I he youug man, "do yon
refer to tbla a a dims muaeum ourmf"
"IJecauae." replied tbo editor," II la a
freak. It baa mora tban tba normal num
ber of fret." WanbiuKtoo Star.
A raaallag Qwery-
Tommy Say, papa.
I'spa What, Tommyf
Tommy Would you bare been any re -tire
of mine if mam oia baUnt married yomf
New Vara Woaa Onlelala.
Einlity-five women were nominated
for school commissioner in tbelufocan
vass In New York and four were elect
ed. The Repnblicani nominated eight,
the Detifocrsta 80, the Prohibitionist
42, tba People's Tarty 43 and tho To
lllicul Equality party I. Tbo Hit of
women commissioner la increased by
ouo over last year.
Is wanting In most foods, or,
If present, Is not assimilated.
The result Is loss of flesh
and strength.
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil,
is a palatable, easy fat food
that any stomach can retain
and any system asslmllato
without effort. It gives flesh
and strength. Physicians, tho
world over, endorse It.
Don't be decelud ft, Substitutes!
"pared by IMI Bewa. M. T. all O a
The launch CYCLONE, one of
the speediest boats of its size
on the Coast. Length, 30 feet;
depth, 3 feet; beam, 6 1-2 feet;
7 ft. from top of cabin to bottom
of keel : half-srlass cabin. This
by blaetdrd on run .pray,
Mr cumin eeuM ) in .urprtaa.
Tna rry aloud and A) saay
On wlna-a that glitter aa they rlaet
Rn bin ar the). i akyry rlrar,
l'niiak4 blue ibrir biwmlii hrtacsi
For now I think of one nuwl drar.
Whoa.Fr.ear bright aa hi uehlt'twlnc
From eov.rt miv clidre fiu-th a trill
Of wild hinla aliie-ni lo.lll).
Yt wbila I IM my tliimahi alll Mill
Meek her wIm U tnt ilmr la roe,
fur, oh, n.r mii ami emHtilna; rntra
Hound, mrrrlrr than Hi Iraplm tbrnof
Or watrra hm aprlna rllU iiur
lla nm.le mam tlie linnet', long.
Cpon a biHtraeonpil whli blrrh bma4
A Mnirrrl aanihil. .prr ami flret,
Vnlll. hf nir rwle nlrl awtd,
Hh. hlaht r mount, nn liaaif fiwt;
And a. .lie hound wit liimt a fall
Krnra kiwrr llnth In llmh abora
Il.r btII niotliHi. w.ll twall
Tb flukr-Hahl fixMf.ll.of mr lora.
-Maark-w V. l la Hnaioa Ilk.
Adtlea I'rwaa a tilaf.
Kabarega. tlie n-gn king nf Unyoro,
In Central Africa, la a nwu who rule bia
nbjerta with a roi of iron. Like all ty
ranta, he regulatee their amalleat artiona,
and a hunt of apira inform him of any
dinolieilifiice to hi nmimatida.
Among other thln.'.n. he haa tnado a
filed tariff of prtt-ea for everything
bought or anhl in hia rountrr, and every
deviation from it la aev.rely pnnUhed.
An inataiu-a of thin la given ly Vita llaa
aan in hia Umk alnnit Einin Ptwha and
tha Equatorial Province.
Abont a month after Haaaan't arrival
la Unynro lie IxiukIH a fowl and paid SO
cowrie for it, while the market price
waa only -V In that part nf Africa it
takea alut 2"0 rnwriea tn make 1.
Boon aft-rwarl a drNgoman of the king
appeared and brought back 3 oowriea,
with tho meMwge:
"A fowl nwta only S.t rnwriea, while
yon have given an. The aeller haa don
wrong, and the king will ptiuiab him,
but he aenil to yon tha advice to be car
ful hemreforth in your pttrchaaea never
to give for anything more than it if
worth, firt of all in your own intereat,
and next to tliia in order not to dUturb
tb market." Youtb'a Companion.
Aw taterwatlag lfwdleaaaat.
A man who Uvea in a flat near Central
park recently had a peculiar experience.
A couple of deaf mute rented an apart
ment underneath liia own and were
bleated in dne era in by tha arrival of a
bouncing baby with an excellent pair of
Innga. At night the little on wok np
nearly tb entire houa by it criea, but
through all of it the parent alept until
the tenant above, at the aolicitation of
hit wife, went down ataiia and fairly
forced an entrance, Tbe deaf and dumb
couple reaort to many tngenlona device
to overcome th dieadvautage under
which they labor. They are nnable to
hear their doorbell, an they have ar
ranged a piece of colored paper npon
th gong in uch a way that th paper
flutter when the bell ring. By keep
ing a watchful eye on the bell they ar
able to receive their viaitor promptly,
but their inrentive geniui haa not aa yet
devised a acheme to indicate the baby'
diatreaa at night. New York Mail and
Mra. nawaMi' Water CwaUr,
The Colorado jonnia'liat, Mra. Rom
ney, ha patented, among aeveral other
article, a water cooler which doe not
require Ice. It i a covered receptacle,
of cellular brickware, manufactured of
clay, aawilunt and aalawtna fiber. In
the proceM the aawduet ( bnrued out,
leaving tlie product cellular, or porona.
Th receptacle, with the water to be
kept cool within, atamla in a tray of
galvanized iron, which bold water to a
depth of two or three inch;, liy reaaon
ot the ponwity of the cooler and tbe force
of capillary attraction, the water in
tbe tray constantly riwa thrwngh the
cellular wall of the tereptacle, and i
aaconatantly evairated thereliy keep
ing the water inutile a cool a It I nau
ally drawn from a well or apring. Den
ver Letter.
The Kaaawrwr Ik I'lrala,
! Alexander the (treat waa about topaaa
tentence of death on a note,! pirate, but
launch, fitted with the cele-1 J' Wm- "Whjr imt lbon
brated HERCULES Gasoline En-! why." rejoined th rover boldly,
gine, 8-horse power. In perfect ! "dt !" trouble the whole world? I.
. am j . ..i- ' with one ahip, go in qneat of aolitary al-
runnln? order, Is offered for sale rntnnmnAm tht.nniwi pirate.
St a gTeat barsraln. For price Thoa, with a great anny,warretagaint
and particulars address
Portland, Or.
nationa and therefore art called em
peror. Sir. there ia no difference be
twixt na but in the name and mean of
doing miarhi-f."
AWnd-r, o far from Wng die
pleaded with the frrelotn of thecnlprit,
a o impreiarl with the force of hlf
ppf-al that he dinmiaaed him unpun
i)ed. Sala'i Journal.
rb. Ttowta Waa Uraat.
A certain city in KimUod eent a depute-
tlon toCbarlra II. wbo waa very ill, aoliciU
Itor brnxla of H.LTlX. wbira. u 'ttrf
with MalUa Crrmm. Rldnwond and W.I
labout bruut. ol a.aaai and W.t Ho-K,
1 oar oaJr trrf ; u noi,wni aa. mm . . ..u.u w;
merry to tbe .irk mau, made a lima, tarfluua
Gntti Perchi md Rufchsr Mf? Co '' j enyibiug m to
0H rCl.ul aUil nkuCI IBIJJ. Mil., MjrttlilbtBrrrT1 ,onarcb lm,-tleot.
KMablth4 la. rwrtlaw4. Or. I If. "Notbind." roilrd th oralor, "ezorpt
I tbat if yon do not grant oar request I am
II had written other winU. pra.
thero. Titer ar too aacred for
Vblio reailing.
I at onre anawered thi Irtter, telling
Olef all that had happenisl, and went
out to pnat it la time to catch the drat
ateetnrr. ,
Uut I had no aooner returned to the
houae than a uraaenger brought me a
dxpatch. 1 opened it and read three
"Veraiadeadr (Signed), "Itaji."
"What muat hapjien to m nowr I
mediuted. "Her tn thia itrange city
am 1, unattemled, unprotected! My
oooacienc will not permit me to atop
her alone."
A week went on, with no further tid
ing from my uncle aave one letter, in
which be aaid that it hail been decided
to lay pour Vera at reat in Either family
Within tea day Iran came home. He
wa attired out of aevcreat reepect for
tu departed wife, and aa I tried to con
sole him during our conversation tb
tear ruahed into hia eye and he cried aa
if hi heart would break. Endeavor aa
I might my wonli tee mod to afford him
no anothing. Upon th following ilay
and for a week longer he atxadtly ref uaed
to go to hia buaineaa office, declaring tbat
life bad hatt all attraction for him now
that poor Vera had gone.
Tbe aeaaon flew by. Olef letter
came and mine went I bad entered a
musical college and arranged for a term
of vocal inatruction; and before I real
tied it May month wa npon ua. Nat
ure hail put on ber warm, green robea.
Tha flower never amelled aweeter, the
leave never looked brighter and but
for the absence of the music of Olef
dear voice the warble of tlie bird note
would never hav rung out in more de
lightful harmony.
1 bad already begun to look for an
other letter from Olef. I remarked to
Ivan that it wan quite time. And I also
told him that upon receipt of that let
ter I should return to Stockholm, hav
ing Informed Olef to that enL
What wa my surprise when Ivaa at
once began to wean me from the notion
of going home!
"Why, do yon know, he exclaimed,
that 1 had fully made up my mind to
aak yon to write Olef to pay us a visit
that he might be enabled to go back
with you? I like Olef very much. lie
(eema such a capital good fellow, and 1
am heartily glad that you have aet your
heart one upon the other.
I thanked him for hia kind regard, al
though not without blushing a bit. I
muat confess.
"And now," he resumed, "let me offer
yon a bit of advice. Olef la getting
ready to enter the profession of law, ia
he notr
'He haa graduated and been admitted
to the bar." 1 replied.
Unite to my notion, then. If I am
not mistaken your dot, left to yon by
your father, Orefve Melin, amounted to
one hundred thousand kronor about
twenty-eight thousand dollars in Amer
ican money."
'lea, waa my answer, a hi words.
"Not half aa charming a her dot," ut
tered upon the night of my arrival, flew
back to my memory, and still 1 could
not connect their meaning with the pres
ent, because Ivan seemed so interested in
Olef and my future.
"Could your fortune be converted Into
reaily money?" he bluntly asked.
"It la invested in ecuritie which
might be negotiated," I returned.
"Very good. Of course yon want to
double your fortune. It would be but
quite natural that you should. Olef, be
ing a barrister, can quite readily accom
plish the preliminariea for yon. If you
will write to him and instruct him to
fetch over well, any, twenty thousand
dollar of that money, I, through my
brokerage office, can invest it for yon in
New York Stock Exchange listed se
curities that will yield yon 100 per cent
profit In fact, I know of such an op
portunity today. Do aa I advise yon and
I will make your fortune double Itself
and give Olef a permanent place as man
ager in my office. Hia legal learning will
tand him In to great advantage and be
will find twice tlie amount of profit In
stocks that he would in the law."
Being ouly a woman of inexperience.
I. of course, gave harbor to Iran' ad
vice. Twenty thousand invested would
yield me an additional twenty thousand
beside giving Olef a start In life!
How happy we could be upon our little
And so by tbe outgoing steamer I sent
Olef a letter, instructing him to carry
out Ivan' suggestion.
I must mention here that for a fort
night paat 1 had experienced the stran
gest sensations a feeling of langor steal
ing upon me and spells of morning
dreariness. At times my limbs would
seem stiff, almost dead. My back ached
and I felt giddy. Twice I recall having
stumbled over the floor when those dixxy
ware swayed my head. I looked at my
skin. It wa growing pan lied, color
leea, lifeless! I could not make it out
My exercise and habit were regular.
My mode of living wa perfect 1 took
plenty of baths, fresh air and good,
wholesome food; and yet I grew weaker
day by day, almost tottering at time.
It seriously affected my vocal powers:
four or five notes droped out of my reg
ister, top and bottom. I consulted the
old housekeeper alsint it. We called in
Ivan. At first he suggested tbe advice
of a doctor, but finally concluded that
tbe cause might lie in the tin poisoning
from certain imported fruits that I had
been using a KwedUh brand of pre
serves of which no member of tb family,
except myself, had ever partaken.
It happened that his snrmiM tallied
with the cause, for I did put aside the
fruits, took certain reme.'iea. Including
a powerful tonic, anil within a few days
my physical strength brgan to mend, my
voice came Wit and tlie rises rushed to
my cheeks oner more, a. if glad to meet
old ai qUMiiitiiicea. and I got on without
the least bint of my former failing.
IlmyplriU fell beneath their load of
sorrow. 1 refused all offer of consola
tion, and in spit of th fart that my
musical t lamination waa to occur the
following Monday I resolved to return
home at once.
"1 hardly think that 1 would lose your
opportunity to carry off first prti if I
were in your place." urged Ivan. "IW
eide, Olef detention can be but mo
mentary." I remarked that it wa strange tta. .
had not rtvrlred uir regular weekly let
ter f u'tn him. Uut Ivau soon turned my
con m of thoughts by saying ttu-t no
doubt OKTs duties at home had crowded
npon him so f.ut that he could find no
Urn to write, and especially wbil
W-i a a wa a a) L i
J-rinted With Jaenffke-UI- matrucui y y P" mna- , Jatier had died, and that a visit to tbe
tnin Ink.
PAf.vm rev. ,".r!rr.rzrrr3v3i
w asaaa. as . aj IfWIT IM IttWK-mtt I ! I M
Tbe Thingraila. which waa expected
to arrive at tlie end of the following
month, would have given Olef time to
convert my securities and reach New
Just eighteen day after posting my
k-tter I received a Qulegram dated at
HUJcholm which to" m that Olef
, lt. -'w York Ledger.
ould b impossible. This cable
gram bor Olef tigaatnrs, and. e I reed
Ont slM ai ire tmlkttl n ifuulotf ftll la
I mat of ua
watching at the tieilaido of a dying fa
ther. And thi argument, together with
tbe stimulating b"pe of winning tbe
prize, won me over.
Hide your time, Cesca." Ivan went
on. "The next steamer may fetch good
I waited a week, anil In the meautitn
my sorrow had Inh-u somewhat assuaged
by my ni-cipt of the first prise fof vocal
honors at the Institute.
One morning Ivan handed me s) letter
fust marked Stockholm. It was In
il.Ts handwriting and yet it dd not
I -em the same. I turned it over aud
I'Ver again, nistide down and then held
it between me and the light of thd sun.
"Here ia a double crow uiade with a
pen upon the lid of the envelope. I
wonder what he could have Intrndod
that to mean?" I atked, showing th
cross to Ivan. I
"He might have made it to revpd to
you any attempt that should lie made to
open the letter," he silggrated, looking
at the mark.
I tore off the envelope and read:
"Do not let your heart split Uon the
rock of this, my final adieu. Urvrity
must be my parting tnemnge. Cease to
boie. My heart ia lost to you.
"You will ask why 1 hare not kept
my troth. I can but say that my fa
ther's will, opened after hia death, haa
reversed my life, into which now shines
the beam of a new lore.
"1 am to marry the daughter of Lieut
Hotline to-morrow. ou.r Olhcn."
My heart, torn with the anguish of my
own sad life, I could ouly sob and weep
over it Aud then, aa often a Woman
will do, I tried to lull my sorrow to
sleep by the strains of melody. And as I
played softly I followed the line of that
plaintive song. "Drifting Apart." that I
retnemliered having read in "Broken
Drifting awrt! aa lb. enl thadr
Of lb reuis rne up lulu jroj an I met
Imfting Brt' two separata tides
Ovtt us out o'er luo U. wild anal
tNifum ausrt ! foe aaoHuv a lov
I lath Mlalrd jrixa Ui tbo love I lanaaa
I Tiding aiwrt ! tat tliat alira lor
Hath f rosea jrour ivrrnn and rhllled four aaad.
fmrtln! Imrnuic sud lurthrr sdrajrl
Uf Oud f ill w. ever a?aln on. ilsr
!! la Ui I mm. km of 111. a hottml frsf.
Sod hits, aa dhl, la tlx nd old wart
Tor the first time since my arrival in
America nearly one year now my Un
cle Ivan begnn to show me warm atten
tion. And embittered, weighed down.
galled by Olef a cruel letter. 1 had let
myself drift into closer communion with
Ivan, and yes, I confess it to avenge
the past I bail given him to understand
that his ministry was not wholly re
jected. He waa not tooold thirty-seven.
I seventeen.
From the moment of Vera' sail death
Ivan had taken every precaution to
throw aliout me tbe barriers of protec
tion, in order that any posalble attempts
to criticise my almde at bis houae might
be set at rest He bad engaged an elder
ly houaekeet-r, in addition to whom I
had Induced one nf the young women
from the Conservatoire to make ber
borne with mo.
We walked a good bit, Ivan and L
And by this time his affection hail
grown to firo. It waa no mere assump
tion, that love of Iran's. He was ilwply
in earnest 1 am not the woman to read
a man' heart amiss. The name of his
wife. Vera, had faded Into a mere mem
ory now, and I received oertain proofs
that Ivan would hare at ripped his heart
of all else In the world for me. "What
were those proofs?" you ask. Oh, that
ia but for a woman to understand.
I must say that 1 returned the passion
measure for measure. I had come to
honor, respect and love Iran. Hia image
grew daily brighter and holier in my
heart And aa we walked together,
wrapped in one another' confidence, tbe
very soul of Joy light ! our pathway.
Of ooursej Irene, my con.. union, had no
ticed it She seemed astonished at our
mutual affliction.
"Why, yon are uncle and niece blood
relatives!" she exclaimed ue day.
fir, a mvTTaTzn.1
VIOLtTa, tf O
Ta wtndMre' calls, tb
Tb ua oous fold fron tbe m4
Across Um aweuow aa I strsf
k"or rua t las la f.ra frincW way.
To satttar vkl.l wrl a lib d.w
rYalcli only bloota. sup lov. for row
For ) os, any tors, alou for rout
TS iraMH brad. th. drodrops ah I as,
Th bswtlKWa's brraih la awe.1 a wiimh
Tb soft wind alrala witb prvaaace swawt
To din w bit. srlsla si Biy fiwl
And lilt Hi. kstrs fn'tn vhilrta bloe,
llul lrn to wall, m U.ta, fur im
I or )ou. mjr W., sIimw fur )oul
llloeaa r-ur rM. abk k Itrarta brsnlla,
Tbrir taint r(iiiu. aai aa our auilia,
I satlwr I Una, taith fret rat ra).r
That tlie, niy is-aliiii ma, drvlsr prtala lr. Ir.r ataltml a lib d.w,
laf tall liuw I In. hut fur i0
I'or you, my !mt, slon fiar )out
iHMislio' Maaaslaa.
It's llaataw Malar.
A well dnwet'd nion got on the Sixth
trentin eleriitetl the other day and
groptd along for a strap, which bis
companion linslly placed In bis hand.
As tho former seemed quite uncertain
uf his footing and was Is-ing partially
suportcd by the latter, people stared
st lit in rather hard nnder the impression
that be was intoxicated. He was not
only well tlrcsMd, but wore a handsom
ring, heavy gold watch cliuiii and other
jewelry. Pasaeiigi r Jisttli d him con
siderably as be swaytsl from the strsp,
and pretty soon It tsvsine evident to
thtsw in the vicinity that Instead of be
ing ititoxicatcd the tiinn was bliud. A
young lady mada the dircovery and im
mitliati ly arose and motioned the blind
man's companion to take her sest
When this hud N'-n communicated to
the blind man, the latter turned In tha
direction of the lady and raised bi
bat resiNftfully, bnt declined the prof
fered courtesy. His companion whis
pered something tn his ears imatt like
ly that the lady waa both young and
bsndrome for the aflllctcd man began
pluming himself ami finally turned by
changing bands on the strsp so thst the
young lady might get a more definite
view of a rather fine face. He straight
ened np his rings, settled biscollar, felt
to ascertain whether his coat was but
toned and pulled down bis cuffs just
ss a vain yuan usually doe when be
want to make a good appearance,
New Yoik Herald.
ram ani aches.
aoft Words.
One of tlie mit curious of current
beliefs is tbat of hypocrisy lurking in
pleasant manners and sincerity in thoa
that are rongh or stern. It seems a
relic of our Puritan forefathers, but it
certainly is ont of place today. One .
foolish, or very Innocent, to giro bee
to more than the letter of society oour
tesit. Hut, on the other baud, the
wish to please is a good sign In Itself,
and the willingness to hurt, by word
as well as by deed, Is a bad sign In it
self. Selfishness Is, far more than hy
pocrisy eren, a usual failing. And
there is small bnM for the habitually
self absorlted rough speaker, while there
Is always a chance tbat the soft manner
may sink Into the heart To those who
tell us that aoft words hotter no pars
nips, we may retort, oil is also better
for a wig than rinegar. If proverU
mean anything, it is because there is
one for every side of a question.-
Th. atnat Inhuman ontraf rs, nutraf rm wh'rh
would diajtrse Hi aava.. man tt.rfwtrstm
upon hia own ayatata hyaallowltigdraaiti'ur
Satire whtrb eotiviila hl atomacli, aaoiiii.
bla tuuatinra audwtasen Ma atatrm. Many
onntil ronaisntly do tbla ued.r lb. laipteaalim
that mrdlcain.iila only wt.leb ar violent I setlun, sud particularly rslbsrtli-a, are ol
any s.sll. Irt-tatalila Injury lo h.alih la
wniURht iindi-r tbla ailatsb.a Idea. Ibvlaia
II. wblrb MfWt uear y approac-hoa Ih brlM-fl-rent
stf'Uin of hsliif is Hmlallrr's Momaeb
Htil.ra, wtil h Is patnlraa, but lliiHonsb.and in
lrirlew th. ititeallnal siil lnlead nf mil
.ulna and Irrltsllnt II. Tbr llv.r sud (b. atom
srb ahan In lb b.nii dlaeipllii lii.tliulr.1 by
llila e.imprrbiiai m.dlrlne, wboa. balthtul la f.ll ItirotifflHiHI lb ayal.m. Xlsls
rlniia, rhiamatlr, hi.inwjr sud nervous coav
plain u auieumb la It.
This Is th -eaaoa nf Ih year when th awn
Inamaker brf Ins lo put tb rmaludr of aau
klud lu lb auad.
0s BuaaMlln. aun rnliaa s ao duat, BO assail.
Tar Osxass for breakfast.
I'll 33X10
and tlx w soon to be
come mothers, should
know that lloetor
I'mrea's Kavntits lre
aertisUoa rolst child
birth of Its tortures,
larnn and dangers
to both nadher and
cbikL, by aiding nab
ure la preiiaring the
syatam for par
turltton. Thereby
"ialMir" and tbe
period of confine,
ment are rreatly
Bhortened. It also promea tb BBrreUHi "t
aa buodance of oounahiiipnt fur tbe child.
Mra Dob A. flcrnaia of OaAIv, Oerrtu
Cb, rns.. wntr.: -Shis I Is-sso takln
Iour ' Ksvonte 1'resrrlt.tli.' I was t
i stand on my fnt wttliout sulfrrin alns4
aVaih. Now I do all my housework, waalnns,
oookln. srolns sud evrrytbtna for tny Ismlly
of thk I aiu stoutiT now than I hsve Im-n
la all year. Vour Kavorlt Prescript !c ' w)
the bra to take before enfitlnnnrat, or st bwst
H proved so with me, I -rrt autlen-d ss little
wlib soy of my ebildrro as I did with my bvrt,
and al W the bealtlik-at we've t'- Have lo
ueed afverai to try ' r'svorit I'rtwuriuiluo,'
aid It baa proved gtiod fis? Ils-as."
W all bar palu and ache, but they
needn't last long not any longer than It
takes to put on an Alumm ' I'o socs FLsa
tta. Tb only tblng to look out for I that
you tt tb right plaster, for ba you need
splatter yon aenf It. and there's no time
for iirliiiiiliig and ftndinRoul mistakes
then. A-k for Am a 'a Pnsot Ptssrssa
and sea thst you gl thrin. If lliey say
that some other u Just as eooil, tell
thai only the hrel u nood .uooKb for you.
Alhim i i Husoes 1't.savsas sr quick and
stir and arknoalnlsd hy th hlahasl nietl
leal aulhortties to b th best outsld rem
nljr for pains snd aches uf every deaonp
tion. llstai'kiTH'i Pats Invigorate tbs d I (ra
tion. Mall Ik world dnraa'l know how lb other
kail lives.'' Nrllb.r diwe lb olbrr bail.
Throst diseases i nini.nca wllh a ootiirh,
eold or sore throat. "Ilr-nrnt Hnnrkutl
Tmrket " ff iiuninliate relief. Si d ly
in hurt. Price. k rents.
"tW yo Il.r klaali,f" h. aatKl. "Alt aur
prlwa sr piiwaaiil," au rrpllrd
Sitiib-nti, tea.h.ra (msl or friaalrl, rlrrsy
mm si d o'bera In iirl id rlistis. ol vmpley
mrnl .hiMint noi tall t.. writ to U. K. Jobnaoi A
l' ... Kiehinotid, 'a. Thi-lr rrl lire. .hnoa
Ibat tbry t'SVr sol th. tru. l.lraa sImiu! making
ni.'iii') Tbrv rati tliow you how lo employ u.i.1
hour, pnifliabl).
(M'llv nioimb lb bnm.lleat nl old maldi at.
fiwtslly iria bo w.r mslfbhas la Ibrir
mm' Tin
W eff.r On llnnlird IMIsra' It. ward lot
anv rsay of ratatrb Hist rsntiot b rurrd by
Hall a l at-rrh I utr.
f. J.t IIKNKV A I'll., rmw..ToMe,0.
We. th. un l.rUid, have known t J. t'he
n.y for the ls.1 bfieru v.sra. snd nallev. blsi
wtf4'll) hniiiiishlv tu sl btwIiiMS IrstiMrllona
and ntisiH'l.liy a 14a to rat rr nut snv oliliaatloa
mails by Ibeli A'tn. lr tkl At,
Vthxleaal llrtisalala, T-'Ir-l", O.
M boleas Tnll.i. O
Hall t Catarrh I'uir la lak.ii internally, ai-llni
dlterlly utsin th. blnod end mueiHia aurlareeni
th.ay.i m. I'rtrw, ;Aemtt km bolll. Sold by
slldiuMiats. TeallmonUls lie.
Onard yourself lor tnmmrr malaria, tired
fvellng. by ualn now Orratm Blond f uritler.
nringa comfort snd Improrement snd
tends to person il enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who lire bet.
tcr than others and enjoy life more, with
'es expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best product to
the needs of physical being, will attest
he value to health of tbe pure liquid
axatire principles embraced In tlie
remedy, Srrup of Fig.
Ita excellence ia due to its presenting
in the form mtt acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, Uie rcf realiing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
stive; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has triren satisfaction to millions and
met with tha appmral of the medical
profession, because it act on the Kid
neys, hirer and llowrla without wr sk
eins them snd it Is nerfectlr free from
rery objectionable sultance.
Kyrup of r in Is Tor sale by all drug
gista in &0c snd 1 bottle, but it is man
ufactured by tlie California Fig tfyrup
Co. only, wliiass name is printed on every
package, also the nsine, Hyrup of Figs,
snd being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if ollered.
Oreqqn BLBooPunincR.
-cunr s-
' . !T ,bh.
. is-'V'Ir
1 '
It anr death to ilmund Son rrelt.
fnrkei tlophen. Habbluaud all sot-
msls thai burrow io ihnsnuiid. Mm. I
J, ul. Mil Milalii Mia. II Inl A
bnoiba: bo i d for ahlnm.ui'. S,moia V. J
rartridro, wllh dl rt m fm vat se-it tr mg
mniraoon. riw asi y roisiaJB aAltBMI
bAIOK Co, Missis, Idsho.
nun t iey. tu rnuues. ql ui rutiut 01.
D4 all Um Wos-ld Koouia tba CUItM ta SUKB.
, fgjxy
flflffj SSB IV VotK StalMKas) UOBA HUT r
1 1 1 I U II Cklckaa ar ssslly sb nasal
1 1 1 1 1 raJase by astuj lb rtalumA
IIUI II pubAtora ssd Braadara. o
luairsied Mtsbsyue Uii all aboo
win, Mfht, atroag,
tellable and
tiful. A llv snt wantf-d In
very Pltv sod Inwa in ore
feu.Wa.blucton and Idaho
amid lor ostalojfu aud
1ST WBehlwe;.M St., rorllsod, llr.
On aent a 4amTt V ' Jl
Ills sold ea
aiJti. Ik
aad la tbe bast
a ruarsnto by all ctros
st In'-t pt.nt CWmsnmpiioft
CetasA ba4 Ctoub ln
hut far.
imi in
or II
knHl It
Pne't buy sny bat th fetaluma II yoa waul tiron, vltorou rblrkv
wa ar. raeiaeioasi nMuariara lor Bon sad love to iters, Mark
era. Hooka, I spouisln Toola, rounulna, Flood's Hmp Cur, Morris
foultry l.'ure, :nne tbe real ehukeo-lliw killer sod every other
artlrl rnulreo by poultry ralaers. Hr tbe marblnet In operation at
ur aablblt with ih. NorwaJk Oat rich farsi, Midolnuafair. batcblni
asulcaessad all kind, nf ma. Cauuwue In.' If yna want it, wnu
ra isLywa isvusaio cu
7b-;u-lH-)M Main airosl. f .talus
Hood' tarsaparllla Easily Cured All
tha Bad Symptom.
"former it yrrt I hav ufr red Imai l msl
enmplaltit I wssmldnm Irr. Irnm en nanrar
a ti. 4b Iw the amatl ! sj. Ierk. Stif ov- r
et.rtinn would nm. me bt II. no my led tm-w
l wka lo Iw atoatha. la lb slulat vf last
1 bad a sever
Attack of tha Crip
whlrb tsalnt thnmih Ih . riM Into 'h tvisi
m.r I smtrvd s .upi ly l II"- d a sseater.l a
snd It mail a w--w wnman 1 1 m I am 1-
Ima lt lavksrhr snd it krpl at Imm ha. In
the rtp la.t wtnlrr. Mr itsiislit.r baa alee
hn-a bru.sttrd hy llnnd i HariaMrllla aa ah
aiao had Ih (rip at Ih asm aa I wa
It siakas s I f tit II re, tweet loaf.
H rm IK. maiiufaetiir.ra' s-uataulse. CLAMabT
A blVaad.f'ufliaad.Of.
frintfd with Jaeneckc-Ull-
mao Ink. PALMAR k BE?,
fow WllaCaa Kua It llmuim Vm r eaeslaw
J-alatar A Ey, A r , Lai. sad lnlaad. Oa
M m I 1 Ih Itebtsf at arie. arts as a aoal
t lire, atvea In.lanl rallH. Dt. 111-
laatt' lodiaa file hbIbwI Is petered
or rtl-e and Itrhm sd tb prtvata
Ipena. avrry pot M wsrrsteI. avaru bv Mail fM, , i . i tA nf r'rw Ml an.
aad in wtLiuai atauf sctuiiaa co
J-roprlalofS, Claveiaad, Oaia,
Lwafl Dr. WlUlams lad.a HI
LaN rniiimeoi wnl rutt Blind,
f W aiee-llii and llehlnf Plies.
Sae It eneofte) tb tnmura, sitsrs
!. f. R. C. Wo. Sit-8. F. V. V. So. Ctt
Sfltlrted. ft hssrurvil Bie.d se-iiiMiua l-.u id
dlsM.sll st Ih. .tprnae nf a lew nl an"
Mss. Bsaiua A saiiw. hnt t. Kti.s.tal
HoOd'S PHIS breom th (avnr te eathartl
Bllii eteiy owe wbo tin them. IS, per boa.
fin vi el n r
rH MKS nri H V
Bsnlalor of the Liver and Kidneys
-a irBoino roi
Senfilt, Rbssmitlsm. .
Silt Ehtsa, lesnlgii
hi 111 0thirlloo4 indSkliDlifita.
It s pnaltlv ear 1st all those painful, 4.1V
esueamplslntsanenmpllesid troubles sad
waskneseraoossaMa aasonf eat wives, mulbera
Snd dsns biers
Tbtfentl lmstlst snd Isallnf . Tweor
Ihra doaes of lis. fisnsrt Hsu anr uksa dally
keep th blood cool, tb llvet aud kidneys avb
ive, aad will enllrrly rsdlrsl from Ihe tystesj
all irsots ol HrrofBla, Ball aVkeust, at aay sHbol
lorst of blood dlsees.
he medicine er.r inlmdured la this eauatn
kaa m with aurb reaily sal, Bor elvoa aura
aulveraal sailalsrtlna wbeaev used ss Ibat at
lis. Psanaa t Ksnsnr.
Tbla has bees aaod la the bnsnltsl
Ibroufhoul tb old world lor th pesl twenty-
bto Tears aa apertBO tor las soov Olaeaeaa,
aad It has and wUlaarewhaa all albar ea-callo
remeillaa IsiL
Send for pamphlet of bsstlBmotsIs from thoa
whe have beeo eared by lla ihv lruti.u a.11
II at II ta pet bolU. Try II aad be eoaviuead
B and II Front St San Franolao.
ladder, ttrlnsrr sad Liver Dl
Urarai ssd btabeist ars oured by
Cares Bniktl Blisses, MteailB or HB-ts
wauoa at vnae,raiaa la UM Pact, Lotus e.
Carsa latmapsraBea, Xarveoa Pnassia, leMMsr
iMIMllly, raule Weatoeaa sud Sinn
Carat Billows osss. Headaeke, .aHBdlne. Swat
Slosaaca. tyspsi la, Conailpalloa and riles.
a aet. I tees
In a healthy a
MIT" T '( oa the KUw., I l..t
taa mo . e. r tortus taem In a k
Uoa.aBd I HASiwbea all other BMalli-lnee
tail. Uaodreds Save beea saved who here I
(ivaa Bp bt 1 by Irlaad aad pbyslolaaa.
ULB BV ALL. UN I tiailaTA.
w. i norr.LAS Ai anon
Jeala ruatoni ., enMie Inaaj
m i, m vsiue tor tin- mrnry
t-'i. wawld. hmm sm! onrw
.taeinrd oa th bntum. I .rry
wsrrtab a. 1 ik n 9u
ltm Inral mnm fr full
ytfiri,k Sw scac-iptifmnf ouf rmnpart
I f.7"- or arao wr
iib in.
jiunnjl.-Bae-' Lmikm.
fe'bymsil. rWinfiw, Yum ft tbs best
isrTT i
iiwi a
Dee Supplies,
TI Beeoad Btroet. . rortlaad. Or
Bead loreslaloftks.
S'ewaspiliea aa people
wb have wee leea-aor Aats
.saeaaBas) Ctae-aCere lu
flissssninaa. It Ss tseid
is.e.eaai fl bee ent ie;e
ea eee. Iiwi4 ha4 louae
U la ta kea. eooek -a.