The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 26, 1894, Image 10

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r - ' ii:lu '-.. I -i 1 - ' -v-x, ........kx-XX..
linod Hrr Kxrap..
If nothing could ! ..Kit'l
against Mr. l!ron, tin' l.' ,
mum...-.' for I..-tnt Alti in y, m j
coll. illel III securing signutuie i
tho whitewashing Mutcinei.t mint- I, i alone, aUui'i' lit ro.i!
that lie in unworthy
lllf vot: of
for Infants and Children.
Tli recent chui:,.-' III the ell
irmi.f t" tl.ti in lloum linvliitf f aa.llie pull!...- lOIICx-rll. I Wlll to
tiilc ' II.'-'' win. .-mil. -inpUt" altciid
lug ll'tf ""in Miimtri Uur the public
M'litxil niudiiulh.g cxciiic. or !u fad
. . 1.... ..... kU'iiII III
itnv i iiifriiiiiiiiH-'.i in-ii-H.i'i ! i . ,, r,.,,,.
piiYkr'. (.i.rulloue. Uml the fat-Ill- any honorable man of any part)
il.- f.,r r ail. Ill cnwof a lllf. mv much All over til" cll-tricl in' r II mii la-fore tho change. m ,,1. ,1 bv hading Ucpubli
mad.. I i.f .l.'t.i.l" i.i .i'" " ,..... ... il... oroun. of hi u.-m-ral
auditorium are nw nrrniik'i'.i u
llllt'll I.I 111" J i-'ii"'V', , 1 . , , .
I .' . . t .. ..1. .1.. .. ;.tl1. ..I a .1 .. ....I... f ...... u.rlill:i L'lKlUN
able I lit re I nil can ill" iiin. i" iinin'ii p''. nmii j-
M r MtarU tiMn Unl U ( hlMn Ili4i
I rmuiiiMd tt nirt.lnr ls-r!KaB
IwnliiiW It A. Aw ma, M. l .
Ill gu. OifurU .. linaaklra, !'. Y.
"th om of 'Cu.JorU I. u. u.ilrrrml aw.1
lu uawlUi au w. il Inuan 11x4 II ""in" rli
( 41 to rn Tax- II. ' " Ha"
luta-Mrfl iJiii!ll J- ' l"1il'l
vlUOa aaxy n-b,"
lui VxJrrra, !. P..
Yufk air.
H.xir I :,,iu 'i, PUrr'n... Jj-u.-Utl.,
WHIiuul Uij lIni mII-H'.
f"f f l )in I !. rtiu."i. . .
yit ( VI. rtV n. 'l i!.ll I .J tllli '
iki i t II lli.arUM liJ l-f!
l i.ll V. I'lii
iir.h ;ti.-i wi ;ii . !f V'i ;
IiikI.' tLxor tliniuun tin' " y """
lore riMiin. 15. f..rt thf i nl ntiiif '
. l.uiiji.l tli. mnulu il.H.r t ll't etui.'..
I'lilru hf iml His liiuln fiilriiinf i-rv il... i.lin'a nviiilulilu fur t xit.
Willi i.ll I in I.iriinT miriiiiiirt unit
(lit wliltli of out. i!.r uml mif
.lni1' .I.Mir u.l.l.'tl. tin niiiiiui.'iiii'iil
.-nr.- !v " miv KniUIHl inr
Hl'ri fir Irmii 1 il fur ma 1 1' Hi tli'V re'l.-il h n li il'l'".
Mr. liroHii, ly n .m uuiin'
liU in iuli't'ri that lit' ai ch.r'-l
nil Ix inu u ilruiikanl ami vi ry
iiiiiimrul iiiin. ii.'lnl Hk:ii t
u..r ..r iL'll .1 ft it.lli. lit Uii'I-T Ilia
. :)
Tub rTi vriT. T7 Mi ubxt trmrr, Nw V rrr.
lU RuIur aumin. r wt iiili. r.
I. l CniiijilN II n tunif.1 Ik.iiim from
PortUml lut i-vt iihiK.
Anotlur r :n K"iiu oi- Hit
H. K.-Yillim May mule.
Tim Hate CoiiVfiitloti ofllit. V. .
'J'. U. U In ti.niii at hi.l. in.
Ml Mimj iK.rrit rt liirn.'.l Iioiiii- liil
nlKlit from vl-il to r..ri!aul.
Tim nU'ttiui r I'.iiS. iif I' d ri tlnii.l
IliU uioriilliK l"uiiil for liiiU' lii'.
V. II. lloir.i.mi U t lav-iiH.rl,
WuhIi., Mtti'iiilimt t liiiiif" hilfnt.i
Ivputy SlirriH l'nii r wml to Al
bany Ibl morning on otlli'lal bii"l-llt-wl.
Mm. Muttlf Holt, of HurrUburir. i
vl.uliiK frli'iiJi In tlln lty lor a few
What about " iint tlii to tll-'ii tbe
l-iillillnirof ln .liuim iN'twet'ii lit re
ami llarrUliiirK.
Mr. and Mm. flint. IIUIiop. of K-
I. IH. are vIIUhl' at the nldeiiiw of
A. K. rntUTMiu.
Mla Murv TiiiiKiii. of IIIIUImihi, ar
rlvtsl bert Oil iifternooii on a vIhII to
MemU mof tin) t'. I. ami
Hi.. Orviriiii Hltite (.'ruiine lire ber III
iilfiKlful iiiiinU-n..
Mm. lit hleln.r nturiit.l to ln r
lioinu in hali iii tliU moriilint nflt r a
very i.leuanul vlnlt lu re.
IUlili NVreiin I K' tll"H 'M an al-
.trm t nf the liroliertV III Mllltliolliitll
eouiit v. Wreiin formerly rtnldfl
The eotiiity riincllilali went nt
HnrliiL'll. lil Oil Nflfrnoon. (Julie it
llllllllier of KliLfllt. fllU.'ll ltllen.lel
the unt-aklni.
Tim river 1 now hImiiiI t. n f.t t'
low water mark uml Mill eomlnir up,
The warm weather i cvi.leiitly l.rlnK
HiK out the mow.
Soma iHTwiti ktolo wvernl rnom
from the Nlnlliftreet ImrU'r ohon yet.
trrilay, iiImhiI iiooii. A tntmp I u-
liU'loued of the crime.
John O'llrleii U workimr for a tlmu
a fort'iiiitu of tlm H. P. It. It. yard
nt r.irtlatiil. I la will return to hi
lionie lu (ierval In hImhiI a moiitli.
Tliee aw tn-at tiny. A rorllnml
MitN'f tmiHMf one mull UraiiKt. be
wenra fnatl trtiuer. ami tl.flarea It
will not liiereaiH bin flmliit a fur elec
Kiank I1. I.f. tin' lrenlal, wbolt
aotlletl edllol of the I'ltelllo Karilier, of
Ptutlun.l, U in the fity, n irtln the
proeetHllnH l the Mute (itaiiKe for 111
Tim irrailuutlim fxer.'lf of tlie I'.u
Kruu puhlle at liiMil w III lake plaee at
the onera liuute. KrlduV eveliluu. and
haturdny afleiuotni and eveiiniK. All
abould attend.
Priimvllle It. view: If I'reneber Ir
win wa not 111 to t.'Hi'h the linliaii at
t'liemawa, I be lilt the kind of n
loan to put at the head of tlie pul'lle
Hfli.Mil ny nleiii of (be k'rvul atitte of On.
W. It. Walker, W. II. ri.ruuli, J.
M. HuH'ord, r". M. Mi;liwiiiider, A. t'.
Jflllllllirull(l II. ('. I'erklll, were in
I'urtluiid yci. nlii.v iuiini:i. wilue.'
In tlie raw of the Mule v t. II. M. Mr. vYulkcr returned luuim
lant t Vi nliiK'.
Aliotlier lilaur.
Ki.lni. Indrix tnli lit: t'litnk Mill
arc lii. llned lo U lievetliat win ueera
imwnmHrexK- their irau.i iue
..all .ill. Ii.r I Hat' I HIIII lllf "...
i r-ia - - ? .
........ i l.ui. v. r Ih. v a-k lor. I lie ii
' . . .i i ..
vnl one I- r....leloll a f
I .nil ii. Hie I'lill.d S'lltea
I. .-I Mi'kl II. liUIIIII-ll
un ..r ...II I H. J !.l R""H H" I
.i iMiiiillihite for wt-reliiry of
lule, to r.iov. r fiu.uoo, for .laniaife.
Iivnhl.'l. Mr. I'.'t'l.lelon. ii i''lr,
..i. li... I l,., L.,.i.i ill.. In InlriMlllee wtine
Llii.l ( o ilrV U II-lllllL' iinMi Mi. lilell
u i..i..i..i..'.i in i.-viiiiitionlx' I'liot r U In. ii he li ft the town, be
n...,. ii.i.i M. Li ll iiiil.ll-linl au urll
..I.. .? I, In. in u hu ll be Mil t letl
u I. lib i.ii.I ii k. and It wu Miit. il
lln.1 I... ha. I, ft llimalil I. HI im-Iiiimi
I, l.n . !. .in ni'eoiitit of whiell Mr.
I'oppli toll d. llialitl tlll,lHlBIIUIKeit
FititMi. fal.. May L'i-Purinir tne
iii.ii'.i.r. lit iikIoii r-iiiir'imi: '-
. Tl.ii main t litrnn.f I
.'..' HUfllrleiit for exit oil
..r.iu.'.rv .Mii.iiiim and In rm "I
j . . .
Mr., i.r i.ll.i r i-liii-rif.'ll'V tne oilier oini
U rul'IdlV Utilized. 'I'ruatlllg Unit the
..ui... I,. i.r l iii'i iu' w il lit their in-
il. ...i,.... I.. ..Id rather than inieriere
uin. il.u iiin.fnl InaliiiL'.liielit of
llm o ra boiiMt and tli. n-t.y iner. He
the t hallif lor liavmif a i.-u.-r w...-
1 1. .1 I.... r rotor.-. 1 n ha II l HIV IIIUI'MI
" . ...ii i
I to Miuku lie liotl eoinionaoie iio't
f..- noil ell. elivor at nil lime in
plea-.' the patron of the thtulre.
IW I'llIJi
fiiAtt. K Woi-torr,
Manager Patke r'a 0 ru lloue.
Jbuut Kltrr liliiitilf.
i. I'nu'. I M-al aL'eiit for tlie
Kleiiiuer I jiK.'iie, In an Interview wilh
a (ii ahii r.' thi niorniuu.
Iat..i Hint he hiiHlheii.urun.eolfH I I In- owner, that the Ihn.i
il i , I v tin- iioi. r r ver all aiimm.-r,
If u nil nllK Hlf Hot Kill III IM-IOW
I.'. Mr .liin... nwrlt that lie will
luillil a wareb iUt l l..w Meek" ware
In (iiUHmlle Jlllirtloii, oil tin' ruer.
He I. now iu iotlatiik' forth.-piin liii".'
..r ii. i. iii-i i .irv laud and ill own and
i, ii. mi.. I. tin. Ulin llllll'M- Il lll-'II.
Kn-lirlit hil I'V III I Mil Willi
hr.ini.-lit to tin warelioiie and taken
from lln reellher with team or ley rail
and hroiiirbt tolhielty. Kn-lKht will !
ilellv. red at Kll.'ene for Hie aallif rnlea
- ' . lll-l.V.TIMI II L I .11
n puhlleiili primary . Im ll-il e-ier.i ay , WH I, ,. mi ,,,
III KliiK oHiiiy. j i-i " 7"" Bth.. wuv. ThlI.H.k If faptaln
roiinty line, tln-re ii.'iiok
allruv in liieb Jain.- M.-f alln-y waa by J. It.' an, nnd llyan waa In the lrent lilld Will
lii.nllvrrroV.-r. Thetrolihlc " "" i.f Mrf ulhev'a refil-al to let
Kviih' l".V Vole, lailliililt that be did
not In Ioih; to Ihe ill-tri. I. Hie puriie
nlr. ..r iln- nlhiir are inc iiL'i r. It I
aiiid I lie Hho'itnn; wh K.-ueral, and
hut at Ira.t t i'lit i t".k part lu
it. V-llii llyan, on liof iieeount Hie
kbiM'tiui! iN-riirr.-d, ii .b"t III tlie le
. r.-- ilnv. nun hv a man wllli wbom
be bad pi. ki l n jn;trn-l.
Many of Hie pr.-flneta bave not ft letl
iioinltiiil nil W ll'l III"' 1 i i.-ia
therefore the tlrk. t will I
I. lank In tin parlh'iihir.
Ji x I. In i-arm-l and menu to hold
the nln-udy lu.-ralive I.U-.IU.-M lie una
built up and InereiiM" It a 11111. I1 a.
HMilie. (Mir Mople .boillil l-iit.tiliue l.HI riillini Ull.l III... .i-.r-t ...
maintaining rinaiu nt rlv.-r lrnnaHr
tatloii nn.l the l.-net)t in lyni ' "in
u i.iiiin tlni. allori eil. I He aleauier
will eoiitlniie to come the whole of tlie
uhv to KiiL'i'iie thi week, and In-real'
l.-r ....til (In Junction wareboum.' I
arrrllrr In Jail. fuv. Mav l'l.-Slxty fox
evil. btwrded a fn lj-'bl train Ml Nam
.. . . -i-i... v.. 1 .. 1 1. ..1, 1
. nn till lllli-rn.M.II. I ne Irani .
l.rlnlttl ,hal rinkham baa
io eat are
ffll betftr vVieri
Iktii u.IvIm-.I
in- ( i.-m-ra ( II I that troop nave i'ii
1. r.l. n-l iii Nuiinm from Walla Walla
. ... 1 1
.ml ,in. now en rollle. I le I hiko no-
vIhci! llmt tr.K.p have l.t-n Hlarie.i to
Walla.v In Hie (Wur d'Alelie. A
dispatch from la puly I liarli nwecn-
' HV.i 1 l OVt'Vlie riiiiuan nn...
hear III" Idaho iiueiiu.i aie in.w
linr i:al thmiiL-h Moiitalin. tlnelitlli
.lre.1 nn.l llfly foxeyltc arrived lit re
tbl. inorninif fniiu t.rceii river on n
iH-cinl Kiiardcl hv eoiiipany "K
I . K Infiuilry and f. 4ib infaiilry,
uIhii four clli. n of Monllieller cliarn-
i-d wilh Inciting tlie wen It m to violate
tbe liijuiicllnn of the court. I Iicm-
rciiicr wen' niacc.i in m
ui..i 1
county Jail w bile othem an' Kuar.lcl lu llrotvii'a Imme, in tlie
Ileal l.t.itr 1 rau-f.-r.
1.1 i,i:m.
1'billp ami A J Miller to J A Hnrdon
fil'ixpm feel in Ui inl. ruin'x mbtitiiiu ;
Philip and A J Miller to HcrU rt
(ior.lau, o'J lKi f.t-l, lu H'hlcriiu'a
addiiiou; :.').
K J Kin-u r 1.1 TIioiiih, lot il,
hi-, kill, KA II' addition; t.n'.
1X1 (iovt-r to I'.va I. ti.ivcr, lot lu
Ili-ndcrMiu'a addition; M.
I' A I IMIor NT,
tie.. M. Mil!.-r to Mm A J Mill. r.
tola It l.i, hliH-k f hi.
hum liv.
I. Ixe to P i: Kennedy, Mo ld
acrea In t 111 , r ' v ; tlloT.
Havid M..-Jr to A It llutt..lph,i
0.31 acre.; tin.
N 1. IxvlnJ (' Kciiii.ilv, 'hi in r.-. lu
t in , r ." w; t.t.
lino 1. Mvitije lo Jaiiie. S;iri, i-'t 0
acre., in t I r II ; t'
T J Hurkworlli (o II A Wa.hhiin.c,
1 acre. In t 17 ., r (i w ;
.N. Hi. 11 W lnl. i to I lioinu. f.iiiil.iii,
l"i arte., in tp' 17 nnd l" , r :i ; t
r-ntvr l.)u to linin .in Null, Hi
acn-., in t 1 7 ., r I ; ? Ii".
W J Illnv'i . lo I I' l..-verall.v,
arr.-., lu I i-i , r '. w ; t-'.
Paul 1I-..II. y to I '.in. h.. A Sinltli. I-'
acn-.. In I 1 7 r .1 ; t (.
1 in in nn to M.lii.y Horn, !:'
acn ., iu t 17 r 1 u ; ; ii.'i.
hrlhes ara
from Q?ElSa
nnd arc casly d-
gtsied, for rrytnjj
yiorTeninj, ani all
OffOLENS is fiTr
the ro'uud boiiHiMind iu (he cam.
For Stomach
FiiviT CompLiints, tnul
Hoiuliiclie, use
TIuy are puiTly
vrcfi'taliK'. eiiL'ar-fuittctJ.
jifi'tlily tlissolvi'd,
uml ca.-cy to take.
Kvcry dose
proiiil-" lliat il a in 'i ki 1' I"'"
Svuriiig tl.ecivi-l.-il itigiiu
tun, wliich any man td' reiii-e
know i cay to do ui.d. r urcutii
vtaiitt'it of llut kind, li pnx-cidcd
to bri nk liia promiM' by publi.-liing
tbe Htatcmcnt with II"-' al(?iialur-
uttaclicl. To inuki; the Iraml inure
fll'.-itivc, the hUtctn. lit wa pUl-
lialicl an an "l-Xtnof tlm l'lalll-
leal.-r," tlioiiL'h it was not litnl-
. . . 1 ui-..
Ilte.l t l the rcnl' MoI lilt' 1IUH1
I.-alcr in DniiL'lax i- unity.
One of tlie most prominent men
in li.nila-t o.unty w l.o rigiicl the
art it-It-, w nt" . 11 ".I..-t nflhiii-e tt ho
aigncl the eii'lorr.-iiii nt r. fcrr. d I",
lid .i car-1 -Iv, :i I'.row 11 n a.
. . . . 1 ...ii....
stir Hie.' Iliai II I" I.H'-'l amen i-i
ilia rr .lit and lit-r .1 ! i '. y , ami w-'
nut to la- I'iiiill-ii-'ii. I I.OM.' who
li-.i. it ovt r ' 1 n f -illy, alt that'
tlie w .: lii g of the endoi seiin l.t
wax (!. iliu'. 'I nllcr lie il -'-laluM-a
were o taimti. .ir. iwdmi i now
ill I'oo ClMlllI V, itll'i ila h 1011 a- lit!
return, tin-' doi-unn-nt will
lie .lciii.iuili d ul I. nn. A in. . illy
of the aiuer-, irre.p.ftiv.' l puiy.
ire iinlignaiit over l.i- tit .n-litry
and trickery, and il i- generally
t-ni..-li.d thai he will hi- ".-n itti.l
und.-r" at the poll in
county uh u conac.iiicnte."
. - . . ... r I
One of the leatliiig olln cr. ol
llollgl.lil emility, add one of the
moat prominent in thi tate, writci,
'tltliera here nay the ptlhli-hcd ar
ticle i not w hat they aigiml." aUo,
lSrown a record i roiten. He
could and ahollld l! cxponl."
All of the alaivc nilotations are
from letter w ritten bv men of the
hil.c-t promiiicticf in iKnigla
I'uunty, and v withlioM tin'
name for the rea-on that He have
not I'Xprc authority to pnhliali
tbem, but knowing the writ, r r
aonally, we c;in vnm-ii lor the truth
of each htat.-ment.
1 1 is not charged in tliia eoiiiity
that .Mr. liroivn i a c ..tnmoii
.Irtinkiird, but it i char,;!.! that at
the Hcci-nibcr tcrinol coitit at i!o.-e-burg
Mr l!rowii appear..! -fire
the jury to make an argument, and
he wa under the iiilliicn -eof liUor
to audi ail extent that he waa unable
to liniali bin argument. Thi
ahamcful incident took place .-
than fix month ago, at Mr
prc-clice .f
InlaiiEiii of II13 Ki5 :us
I) ,li S i-l 1 ''.in n-.ire.-l' re.ii.'.e I
an. 1 11 1 'I- itli'a d .r, tlie 1 --.ft -.f a
..t,l m'I 1 ' ! -ill.llllNl.ltioll - f t i - - ' i'-
1 - .i '! nil I --I ' ' '
tie fiilie.
: ."it 110 I
. n r i !v 1
r ).
!i i
it ,1 - 1
: -.!:.
tic i
...II L'f W.t I'
, I., ll.el.i.ld.
! , i.t fur 11 .l
i i l.iv.-r f '.ii
it r !: -M.--I. I 1
;. ' !..i 11 tliree Imttlr
I v cured.
( f'.llly No na,
77.1 rtreot, 1', Oregon
,. ..,- I f.
'it.lil I Ii
inp'i ti
I t.i,-l -'i.-f.
" v III
l..'l In
Vhr 1'.
( i.l.l.,i4'
.1 :-.;i.-i : - -.1.1.11
-.I l.n.
illl'l u.u
-. :re
. . . . 1 . .
li.vtrlV iwo huii'ire.l lit-opie. 11 wa
witnessed by prominent rep'ilnii-.iua
ol thi county. No prominent citi
zen of KoM'hurg w ill den v it. W'l.a'
Prico $1 per Bottle
l or .-.tit- .. ll riUK-i.e I-iui.Im.
AN til.D KAHS VI l.K.
"The rte.imer Kugene which left
Harrisl"i:g for Kugene bad a li ird
trip,' I heavily I tailed. Ihe
liu-ine - in-1 1 1 1 hu'cue and the
hoartl of rude rhould meet at once
ami tl. 11: tml the building of wing
damn bv th" covcrnment. itb
thi i 111 1 loveiueiit 1 1 10 ooat eoul
run here until late in the summer
Now in t!u time t act in the mat
t.-r. TI.e river i 3 feetaml 7 inchi
above lo v water mark."
Ouotiii-' the alaive from tne
lii .Mtn n girtling the arrival of the
steamer ..ere last week the Salem
Inde-ii. cut promptly udd:
" b it aliout Hermann river
appropi i.dioti now
What ban
a chani;
biirnacle been tlomg in
r the l.iat few- vear. It
nt the time ha conic for
To To Ibow Vbtrt ItliT
LItci Tier, and telli U tk ToUow
lsr Lettr of tho Wonderful Bonefil
Beoeirtd from niing Dr. Grant.
Euia, Oatooic, April 8tb, 1894.
D. Paci (,bJIT. Trealdent 0. W. E.
Mf(f. Co., 1'orlland, Orer"
Sir. I wi.htoeipreM my l"rtf"
tbanki to you lor the rat I Tt-
ceived Iroin U.inu your ineaicmc
have been a coniUul iunervr or
Twelve Years
ith aplnal trouble and tlie complaint
ao culiar to women. 1 naveaocwrw
with ievrral dirferent d.tora, and from
aome of Ihein I received temporarr re
lief, but from none of them bare I re
ceived tbe relief 1 have from unnf your
reined it-a. The
Congo Oil,
. . A t I I. l...l-
waa particularly nenenciai, u
ly relieve the pain and quleta the nervea,
and alter uainir it 1 can go to ileep and
,..t nntil hrvak of dar. I am
very irratefiil lor the relief obtained and
will .11 I ran in enroll rixf the ! Ol
your im.lirineg. I bave uaed one and
mil U.ttlea of Congo Hit and two ana
,.lf U.itl... nf vnnr Native Diaroverv for
women'! diaea'aea, and tbat i all tbe
medicine I have taken in
Six Months,
and I atu in better health than I bave
lxwn fur tint naat twelve year weiga
more and can work without feeling a
though 1 ihould
Drop Dead
vrv minute, and it la due to rour med
icinea that I feel thii well ; and I apt
willing that all who are alllicted inouiu
know of the wonderful result from Uilog
your medicine.
Bold Evkbtwhxu.
Congo Oil, price SOo. 4 tl.OO.
uiicevery. price -! lijt.ii r..."i iiiiliim.
Mr. ISrown
do again.
Oilier a. rioil cliarf" al.llliilaiit-
ly verified, are tii'idc agt;iil him
in hi own county a well a in
I.ane, by intelligent and rc.ivta-
ble repilhlican, who nn- above do
ing any man an injury.
lie ha proven to what depth of
treachery he can atoop, ami hi tin
fit lies being generally colicctleil, il
w ill be a stirpria.- it' he get one-hall
of the 1. 'publican v. to of l.atu- iMiiii-
He riclily d. erv. evenl.-f!-. Mi
.... ii. ii-.
l. W 111 la- nvcrw l.elllilllg.
Hief hurtr mart Urd.
(.c tiu'itei niA-i cmly bf
Chicago, new Yoaa, aoaTOM.
Ilvcrv Villi r
si ntiM rcuieiiila wa the
in Line couiity
r that longer lit r-
rvatil of the 1 "i t- tin. le a:id the lieu ! ring,
which pla.-cl lil'iv toMil.ip of our
valuable ngi ii tiltural, ami tiuili. r
inim ral Ian I Hit i a .-eaii. l i-or-
An ex liange t.-rely reniiirks
i. not i" ibable that tin- I i.ltt-t
Slate w II tuake war lini f .natla
because she seized a coupleol pleas
lire ho it ' ow nctl by American w ho
neglect"! to take out a fishing li
cense, hut the episode will not
stlengtii' il the boiul. of friendship
between the two countries. Sir
(.'baric Tupcr say he i deter
mined : prevent further infring-tin-nt
! the Canadian laws, and
intiinat - that the United State
ought ti follow the example of hi
country md impost' a license simi
lar to ti. t exacted by Ca inula. The
sugg.-sti- n i iin rtinciit. If the
I'liitcl Miib a prefer to allow free
li-hing i i the water of hikes wash
ing In r 'hitres that is her bllsines.
It i jus'. pisih!t that thi country
will lin i some otln r way of getting
.-v. n wi' i Camilla than by passing
law pi . iiig restriction on the
right to .i-li in the great hike. In
the hum;, tiaie we suppi-e Canadi
an liil! a much asthev lilcuae
j in our w it. r and American will
! I for lishiug in Can. di
' an wat. .
Pirnral.lng and (.tilltlnir.
May 1
M r 1). f. Mutbewa. of tlia-r IVx
ter, ulamt alxty RUeaU laat
Vedues.lav III n pleaaani ami pnuun
hi.. t-iHiinc'r. The celitleint-n "aereeu
Ktigtil lu rni.lng the atruttturenfa large
hum and the ladiea were occupieti in
oinliiiiL'. (In the itrounda near tbe
home of Mr. Mat hew lay the huge
ilml.-ra nf the ham all ready to be
hoisted Into the uh; to theae tlinU'ia
ihe gentlemen were es-rted anon al
ter their arrlvnl. lihcre each trletl bl
.treiigth in lifting. The lad lea in their
turn were ewnrted to the alitlng rtami
w here hum; a beautiful Ullt reatlv for
ih.-ir iilmlile HiiL-erH. Kverv lady and
gentleman workt! futbfiilly until tbe
noon hour w ben Ihev were amply re
paid for their labor by an aetblng
dinncr prepun-tl by their genial bnateas
Mm. Mathew-a. All did Ju.tlce to the
irootl thiuira act la-fore llieiil, after
u hi. li th. v reitaired lo thetr reaeetlvi
work until about 3 o'clock w ben they
wt-nl to their aeveral boinea more than
plenaed with their day accompli.!'-nii-nla.
The barn when fttilhel will
! large and roomy and tbe envy of
Ihe iielirlila.rlH.Ml. The only onjectioii to It uti, that it waa ao bigll
that la-rhnim It would abut out the
lM-nuiiful view of Mt. June. Mr. an
Mr. Mathew desire lo thank their
man v friend w ho an iielieroiily aa
aiaU-il thelll.
lVndl ton K.O.:
country are on the
sl.iverv i on the in
If ih ht in this
increase then
.-reuse, Ix-i-ause
list k llurglxr.
Ha. hiidm.i, May .'1. Ulllci-r
IOKHI-. w hue puiiilii 1 o ii, i n who
bad tne. I to lmirl.iri.r a io.e a! IVnth
ami M aire. Is. ca i.e l.i nr xii:l. nn,- tin
fate of Ix-n ll irti.. llw- of Hie burn
Jam turned and hol nl him, the built I
going IbroiiKh h: tlotliinit.
1k.l.lllt. na.l aa la Jail.
M'AlltM.loN, May '.'I. Jildne Mill,
tialay w-liteiit-rtl lim y. Hmwii.' atnl
Joliea to 'JO .lay. Iuipria.xiiii.-iit lu Jail
for tliaplaviin; a l .iiiier . IIh i.ti.l.-l
oil the iM-i' i-l fir MhmI.iV th mo.
Miration, f ..ii v an.l llnotn
) m -t
My 1 S ' V-S hy the b rr'tory convert..! hv Hi- I ,,
Purity cind
Leavening Pou'cr
ir own pn-kti i l"i mile, wide '
11, Ilcrui inn :n!v.vit.-.l nn.l j
puah.-d the incisure in!" le-ing a !
law. Why? I'robably the s. l ... 1
laililli. ll I I'l.lcr cnul 1 r. ...!;l v ;.n-awt-r
thi piesti.n, -r 1
f i.tigrcssiuan II. rni.tiiii. Iiim-ll. !
The I.H.ple sh "il l thi
the privi.i g'-d. Worker and pro
ilii.-er s'louid vote to discourage
tl.hl-ma1 ing whenever they call
and in tl i way U tter secure the
full fru; of their toil.
l-l-otur ."if I-."'... B.
1. t ualartr-u air- iia r -nU"-
. i. i i:.r t( I ll l'l.i.l 1
I i , r. i.rt- ii rHuri...i lUi . ..IT -I
It" L t . I i . .11 l. -r lf""-J in-1.
It- ,. lllt..lip.lWi.l xi I
I i ... I leil-". Ti'l" i-ltl. r TJV
rui.l. iron, ft !..; I S V .all
M-ntf nee. to a i xm line or 10 day . Iin
riaoiiuit-ut for tu i axiii)i n th tup
tol ground..
ColTAOl: UlioVK. dr.. Ma - Mm.
O. P. Adum w. f.rtind I -.nn' on the
floor iu h. r 111 1 1 . in ry t-xUl.h-0 i.-ul t
day iilieiilitx Intl.. A l.a-ltr waa mi
nuillalelv .uuniii and said ahe
AN INTERESTING SKETCH'iln iivfwr-a! awi MtvcM,!? I ft inoihrr't li-lluHit U a Itirt&iitv: Ktf
iU''ii-f. t.'aUit -tit. iitv I. yrr iaf btvl
Iwi l-rn' if a VKltt Hh DrrneiaW)-v n.
lievl I r4 inn riiliro utaf hr riffhl avriu. Mi
t'i nit i tn1iU41 lht Wr bmi Ut krp
ir frta ul mi t laiikan hr? itniM
-av In In I, mm fTA M. elimN ftlt4
ha-.tivtj U ,ar u inhi-iM rrnn-viy h
iMif Iiti hft. ium. u-rrtt.itj aftlta-thMn.
ht r4iMJ-' 1 ituut, l-ut tip mviifd no
tatHflt (f ri l thftU fltH Of laV4 AltftaM
utaM I'M kvxntv, u4 e-lttw-Ueth hm
Ukt ll (till Kht1 l-alti. uf Nirii h tM
t-tifh t'-i nn U ; bt-ff irrtniMtr-s uh1 ttiK
Itatu ! "1. tttta (I tki.iaf ekr trtitirrlf (tn. aVtt
iit uott :, rriii7lf, -iti'l i.u.m uU
I -.). 1 -V- .. X- ...
Tl h!vO q I,,., Br, . -r ai-MH.l l nfirtulitl. eui h
Wi Miin rftT'l, a n mi Hi
will :i1a.ii U tiii (:
it I..
V. . a
I'.. it li tiovcrnor rt iinoM r and
M.i)r I ...r.l liaxe bit ii t'.nvict. 1 of
drawing aalari. a in t x e-s . I' the
.liin. allowed by the coti.l i ! ul i.ui.
Jlldge ti.lll.lW IV ph-.L. - hill. -.-If. if
ei.'i le.. In .lr.iii only l.i- ...n-t;t'i-
.ii il
s i . . i r v .
..II W hi
- 1 T
1 ; : t r
Bwwv nn. .1 .artir h rar it..Itlcr lilt btmlUj
1 a una i-nin. itxa t.n.Mitiibir
Wlw-n aor ixxi.r rmuu...xl-l th rraw1r
I hx.1 no Ixltli lu l..l bitxtii'tiM--xa'al ...1
liara to lilin. l"it xx b Ul r.x ll. ft-lit u.
a ixxiio. v Ixxa Kiting It I. hiMit ii. bikI lha
r . -X . hi. at liiiu.til.xM. Jin. H. M.
Kuwl. Hr-.-hl i. ! V.
la- heM.-'iilt. Kerttn. ki mlA by all
rirvvtf. a i.ii. a-tiariiti'. . wnl ilirn-B
.f ii.. .r. Uii. lr-ltix,i to. rikh.n. IM i-a
wrrl4u I'l.'r II lr t.4llr ! lUlln hjf B
w..utt.-r.i.gui,. P.r..H..'e of' JZJL
ta'r'. , ' .-'i . j jf'i 4 m ... .......:... ir U ,
. i''.'"y. I 'I'- i-;-!.-n - I'- t.t.n.'. Ue .
r l 1 i
I s-cio !' , Top.: i iovernor Pen
n.nt r Ik 1 1c a very l"..rcibl.! aildr.-a
ito.ilit audietice in Albany last
! S.i'.ur I .t . While we con-ider that
I the govi : ii. -r i. a g.t l man and i
; genera! I nn I he side of I he people.
' he wotll i tl fill a will to letup
.curing 1 "' of Hie la-t legishi
tare I r a- lrn-rea-ing t '.ilcer sal-iri--
ir- -on. ern.-tl, when a a fact
: !iis own - il trv wa iii.-r.asc. more
; than 111 - of an V other olVl T.
i .
..ay ,
U a-..
VX-I. Mil
1 v -r H..tls.-. 4 r i &
111,0 . VIII A U.MTV 'if - !
Tit. i.i ic ' r m i
Ikri.t, H-iiti.i is... w.
At.'.m fir .. i !i- n
ba. cu-il tlwarxu.. . ,.n . - ... . .'I
text, in iitmv I ' ) i ' ' r '; -antra.
l" r a I .r ' '
BHiLOIt a bKt.a.T a ti-a.
.Va x. -
ltliri.".a.x.. ....
al lu irura jvu. J'r... .'.).-. lu...
i , AT
I. to V- 1'
nr... i nt 1
le ao f,...l
I. .tl.ll'
I 't r ia-; r
;i, 'li.; r:v.
..- to .
-i 111 I
r and
I 'I
1! a!
w .1 -n
iitf Vnt Mura.
1 1 irra.
The li.-i pt.. r Ke
"t'oxcy tiild t :
; v.-r tin f.i.-t ti. ,r i
j t ii.v coi grc-
i KH: of (x'"p!
j .1 that f. r ti.
1 anJ failed."
O I thil.Ka t!,.lt
le di-i-our .l.-.-l
failed !. iiill I-
v t .ir
A I. .-:t iiflv
li. ai, I
.lay p- t
-i'.-. e tl,.
Ilt-lli- v
th- ir c. t
: ..k.
cro; in '
liotu i a:
n.-ri- .ii -'
toii -sl
hard r: .
d th.-r. will la- .1 lit-
:if.r broiling cow
. The at. a k i- lowt r to
il than at any time
I., ginning f the U. in
r- a.'... Th -' v !io ive
au I ht-il' r iv ii! cat; it
- -xT T x ', '
Mr. John Wl.l
Var Sin: For eleven veto. I
fered with a liad caae ol hall l.v-:
KcM-ina, and waa hanlly ul l- to i.
aU.ut. My doctor m-atex n.e ii
time without doing me any ir
friend reuiieated me to try P . i..
SmafuriUa and Ur(.e le t. I l i
and tt.lay feel very thankful (or -
lug. I received benefit fr-on r
b.ttle, and kept on taking it iiniil I
taken over a dozen bottlca. The te
la today I perkftly well, and i
njt ray too much for lr. (irant r
P-ri11- ti.ltv L-tl I'V
(JOi Fourth itrwt. rortlinl, On-;
Price 50c:
fat aal by all Mugrna bnuflU'i.
at. r rtion ..f t! itraf
.e low. r vineyard of So
! Napa valley. C ijiforiiii,
.mi fl by the fr.-st which
:he nt storm. In theae
I!;:- blow f.lla with
Urn try
t!.:i t v"
The iL n-.-rat. have a
l.k-'-lati.,' ticket. C!or,
Cluru xiuJ Malloik.
lie Wan kuockrtl Hilly.
Thev wen teturiiimr borne from
ailitlcal eonveiitloii lately beld III
IW.-rn (In-ifoii. and liaturallv the
isinveraatioii turnetl on the aiibjeot of
money, aaya an exchange. 1 he elilel
la-nkt-r wo a Kfiiilemaii of poiuli.ta
pna-livitiea who lli.iatetl that money
need not Mmaea any Intrinsic value.
All that wa needed waa the
.'overuuietit atamp. Tho govern
ment could put ita stump UUI
a piece of leather and make
na dollar. "The It lit could." aal.l
-lie of the listener. "sllpKn.
i he government ttaik you to tbe corral
win-re they brand tbe government
inulra nn.l i'lii.-.i the brand on yoll,
.tould that make yoll a government
mule'.''' I'he only unawer waa a roar
of huiifliter in which the flat money
ilviH-ate joined at bia own eiwliae.
A frrllau. H.wa.rx.
Y ii I K v , Cal., May 21. A eloud
iv bich ha bung over (ltrge IKn-ker,
the Yreka rancher, for two week, waa
cieiiretl up Satuiday, by tbe arrival ol
,iia w iff uml .Itiu vcliler whiun be waaao
.used of miinlt-riug aome year ago.
the t-a-e I a inoal remarkuble one.
1'wenty-tieven year ago Decker's wile
ml v .ii n n iliiiiKhter left Yreka and
-hortly afterwnrda obtainetl divorce.
Atut two vv.tka ago aome boya
found a heap of la.nea In a cave near
iH-ckcr'a place an.l the cltizena jumped
to the conclusion that they were the
remain, of Iw-ckcr'a wife and baby,
who bad ibaiip.-ared twe nty-aeven
year no.
Decker could not prove tbat they
were not, a. all tlioae who bad aeetl hlr
w ife ib part from Yreka, were .tea.1. He
a it nrrctcd ami accuml of nmrd.-r-inir
in arly everv 'rn in the vicinity
ofYreka'wbo bud died suddenly r
had di.tipearvt, for a number f
yea r.
The ehargi-d to biili by piv
-1 tl li .tit eiii.ii- nm.Hinietl to ten and be
wax I.H.ketl Umiii by hi nelghlaira aa a
nioiist. r f liii.tiit v. Totully Ignorant
of la-eker' eril. hi w iff and daiiiiht-i-r
armed ut Yreka t.alav, and IVt ker
waa dist'harge.1 from eii-Iiilv. Iloth
he and bia w iff had ax-aiu nnd
bad ralxetj famiiiea uud t m i. 1 1 1 a fami
ly reunion wa. held ut vtlii.-li D. ki-r'a
eacae fnun petit wu. .- I. br.tli-d
M'KIMI V.vl.l.iV, III. Mny Pi
NiimU-n. I, 2 nml 4 of the SprliiK Vul
lev coal roiupa iv '. ininea III Ibi. city,
an- on tire at I Ik- U'ttniu, and Ihe coin-i-aiiv
tin. nioiiiitiif aske.1 the alrikrr
to allow iii.-n lo k. to work
iiij il.t- M.tim-x. A meeting waa calleo
tin. I by a .1.-..- vote it waa det-ldetl not
to atl.iw li en to gn down.
A nun ia i .-i 1'reitch a.-an lil-t art
up a about, 1 t thrill burn," ' tear
thrin ili.w n," i le. (l-ra(ora are tie
t. to bave the lire rlt iniriilhel
if they bnvr lo imrt men. If they
do there will likely he trouble. The
f ncli-li -nkiiiir miner. ae all In fa
vor i.f puliiiiK .Hit the Hrr, but the for
elk'ior. an- in the majority.
.orallpos Im Oi.. tn Kai.ix Or., My Itf -Kroin
a letta-r rcel rd fnun Dr. 11. A.
I Wrtiihr. of thi. place, it I. Irarnrd that
j in ti.e Yil!tw ranch pn-einct, theie
( are ix authentic caxra of u.allaI
j Mid one In I-akjler. Iu Mod'"
) i i -ixilitv I 'Mlirnrliln . ilxl irs-x ILolllM.
i . I . I . . i ... .. , I
pa inn ..oar-, iia.v wru j.iv. uorax
0. 0. Know Ira I. out lo.ui Flt-rn .'.
JaanerWilkina waa over from t .-
burg today.
Carry F. Martin i a.i-lil.i )r
ri-ort.r n -4y.
fk-iuitv Hherlirtieo. Cront-r went lo
Junction oil legal buainea t.alay.
1. la. Campbell a califd .'i.lJn'ljr
Portt.uJ h.lind.jr itrMiig. Hr I.
pxx-ttal hem lo tilil.
County Hcbool SuH'iinten.leiii J. i.
Hteveiiaon, went to Jaaia-r prtclml t
visit aclioola l.xlay.
lUv. A. i. Honwlirr, ui . f
mixaioD. ol tbe lltil ibiiri ti iu li.-i; I .
a.ut aoulh on to-d.jr'a li.l
Tbe family of Itev. II. F. (iilt. the
new Coiigreifiitlniiul paator, itriiv.d
from HimhI Kiverthla all. rii.H.n.
Will Ilodra areonipi.lrd by Iii. '
TbrrtM, ipect lo Lav. lo-uiclit fi.rh.u
Kr.o.'lvo lo lb. llt.l.iuirr fa r.
II M Cbaiutwrlaio baa .triv-.l U. k
from 'b.I. O.O r. liniia abill.u
for bia boat al Flurrm-a ibi. uii.u.inn
MfMtra. Allen and lloblen, Sealtle
capitaliata, liilvreaetl In Floreiiee n-nl
eatale, left for the latter plutv llil
luornlng. Hberlll Noland expect to have the
delllltplellt tax liat eoliinlcted ill a ilt.y
jr two. Ho bua llin-e ticptitica wt.rk
Ing on the aauie Italay.
A marriage liceliae wua iaaiu d t.alav
by the county clerk lo J. W. fruit.'
head ami Miaa Minnie Dickey, la.lli (
Cottage tirtive pn.rlnt-1.
A numlerof Kugene (H-ople went l.
Sprlngllvld yeuterday afteriitam to ( k
wild Btrawberrtc and waieli u
Hpriliglleld hare bull team pnicti.v.
Mr. anil lira. It n Uill.r.l. Jli .1
Mr.. J.T. II I. L-Zif JI '-
Ui.n J.IV litm.l-. i . S Ji. ill'V
Mr. Kioi. all of Uoivr,
do an on lb local tlil liitiiuilii!
Hevernl uf the county precinct, have
not filed with founty Clerk Walk
er their nomliieca for contublca ai .l
justice of the IM-ace. They ahould
have la-en filed la-rore the I'.u 1 1 of tin
The imiil coming to Kugciic ba- L" u
very large during the paat week. i'..e
vialllng (lelt-trate receive large bu.lg. I
of mail matter. The p.tiiiiisi, r in
forma u-llial the alt. rn.ain mail i
nearly doubled.
11. S. l'uiriie, in Sun Francia.i, will
nsiu be relieved by Y. II. lliiiiiiu..ii.l.
V'l.o luot for the hist six yeiira lt n i.l
Ihe head of the wtathcr Uarell t llln ,
ill St. Poiil.. Mr. Piiglle will I .-III I il
to Portland, Ore.
Seven Hann.a-k. from the Fort hull
reaervatlon 111 Maho. bave come in
tbe L'matllla reservation, five im u
and two women. They all engage in
trade with the Indiana on the nerva
tion and will If followed by tunny
more In-fore tbe large laud arrive. . n
July 1.
Hon. 8. D. Pu.-tt, bia wife, uml i
Max, of Iba kvllle, Ind., ure V'lsilil K
with Mr. Puett'a nephew, Win. Dm-rtx-n.
The vlaitota art1 rval.b-hia ..f
Senator Voorlieea' tll.lrict. They have
been apeii.tlug the winter on the S.ulli
ern I'aelllc eaat and will visit l'"ii
laud and Ihe Sound country on tie i'
w ay home.
Walla Walla Is atantlulieil by what
an ofllcliil lliapetiioll of the Chiti-'
ipiartera alio, in Ihe way of lillh '
Mitlulor. Stiine eiiergelie clt uiiiuv.- i-l
likely apmlllv elialie. Ill flic "I 11 '
worat plaeea, Infealed with vein. in. '!
eayiliic anlmul n l d veut table ii ui'.i.
aat a white woman, ul home urd '
tented, w ilh her opium pipe und '
praved companion.
E. V. FIUatrlck, Inaiactor for W..
Co, tlnda that there are M.Val slut p i
the County. lVtwoh The Dalit i""'
the lleachutra lie ha. fiMllid ll.a-k- v. ry
free from acab or olht-r dlaea-ei. und m
H.a. I eolldilioll. Nt'Xl W ct k l e u
lend, to vl.ll tl.i-Alitelolxt and l--'
oven ii'iintrv, an.l tin n i 1 '
to make hi. fu.l re..rl on Ihe t.i '
Fb.rrlirf lielll.
The Ve.t, May I
Tht heavy lel band I y tie
Hlon-nce hlrel h Inn vVrk., uinh r
U-rvislon of Ia.ier Met humc
It -It like, la eofupleted an ready to l
Hit in place.
Iey. I. D. Driver l.rxpectttl in I '
rm In the near future. The ..'t.-r
baa Invrated in a farm on the N-rih
Frk and will la? n a lour t.f ln-f
lion. He la like Ire a very lmri . t
griillrman, an able and rvady -j. . r
We understand that Walter Ijh
who Uae.1 to re.ideln theSiu.iaw ohii
try. U at prvarnt eiiirire. in the x!'1;'
pint buaineaa ou the Wiliamrtt.- ai.
foluiiibta nyera. r bavlntr pnreli..-.l
On interest Id a .tatohije lauiici).
o o