Fill DAY, MAY 5. A liltlo ruin lust evening, drain ami KrtM growing rapidly. John II. I Use. of CUm1mt piecimt, wa In town tisiuy. Kx-l'rcs nl lluirlwiii Ixmsii ..r rtliotlilliullnll Imiii I xi-1 1 laillichcd. (Ito. V. lickctl wilit to Junction fit v Hit moriiing mi short buslne lrl. Allot ncy di. A. lfcsTrl relumed home Kiln aflcrinxin from a tili to Sa lem. Mm. M. A. Ilunsakcr returned home tlila uflf rmioii from vlil to I'ort- laiul. (iovcriKir i'diiioycr spoke loag'sxl audicm- at Junction City lust oven-il'K- llarrisl.urg U going to have a Knighla of i'ythlna lixlgu In the iiiiir future. J. A. Walker, of Haw I Iv.l, U vlxlt Ing l t lie residence of hlx parciil In hugcm. It'll Lurch, of Cotlugu drove, went In Cortland on thl morning' l'nl I nil n. Tlii-rn wcro HftKii ilr-jiiiuiw In town I .-I nighl, and all n M.rtcd biixl. lll-M picking Ul. lion. Win. dallowny mid Hon J. K. Wcatlierford went to Southern lire goii on last n Ik til' tmlii. Tin-funeral of I he Into Alice Macy liNk iin-i tliU nfti-rniMiii ut 1 o'cliH k to tin' 1. O. O. I'. cemetery. Tin I tl' I toy Dramatic, company la iidvcrllsx-tl lo jiluy at ItowlniiK next .Mnliiliiy ami I'ucsday evenings. Tin county clerk yesterday after hooli InxuiiT a marriage- lliviise to Frniik rilicngcr ami Ma Mny Cole. Ari'liltUliop (IriNM arriviil here thl He will lecture al Ithliie liHrt' tltrntre tomorrow evening. Iir.Oglesby cnme down fioui Cot tage drove tlil morning, to Join the cniiillilutua who left for Florence at noon. Itev. I. ). Driver U announced lo lecture In tin- unlviTxIty -Iihm-I, at Sa lem, Saturday, Sunday anil Monday evening. Conum-uclng M.ry Ititk, UicH. I. Co. will Issuu no more coumui lor admit Unco to tlu iiill winter fair at San Francisco. Janic V. Ititll, who ha li-ii sp (minted -olliitor of cmihIoiiih at Yu iilnn, km ul inn) tunc In the saloon hiialm-ae at Junction. Mr. Ioutsii ItnliliiMin, w ho husls-cii visiting lier sister, .Mm. John Simpson, here during the, past ycur, It-fl lor her liouiii In Cmnnln tlil morning. It. Knlili r him m-iiI a coiniuuiilcti tlou lo"ull (lie shell It In Vtern Or gnu, asking their In In to free S. 1. It. it. train In, in tramps, If their scrviiv nrw hm-viasary.' Tim Statu Hunilny Schisil convelillon cniivcncil In Sulcm ycsterduy. twelve counties) were rcpn-xclitcd. IteV. (I. A. Illiilr, of this city, coiiducttd the open ing prnlx scrviiv. W. A. Shulli wn arrifili'il at llnlscy for xlcsling wheal from thv wareliotiM. He wn al.oweil to vlxll III lioiixa, hut klix'i nit of I In- Imck iliHir anil imx(I, ami Inu not yet U-rn itureil. A mule iiirtetle him heeii orRiuihuil In K.iiicet for the mrMMu of fiiriilxh liiK miiih fr the varlou Milltloul nut tlntf lurliiK thUcamiiMlKii. Miwn I.Hkln, llriiinley, IHIInnl mnl ItoU'it an the liienilx rx. Mr. i. II. Ail llton, iiliite lecturer of th W. i'. T. II., will ileliver an ail- ilremnt tli" lliiptlxt chiireli on Sntur hiy evi iiiim, Muy A. hul'Ject, " Tlie lu'lation of Teii'ix'rnnei to l.nlxir." AilinlttHlice free. Tlitimlttv' I'lTtliiiiil TeieKmni: Jiiilue M. L riMnurKUiil Iheileiniirrer to llio Imllclini nt tiKuliiht John IHIeli hiirii mnl Alexnmler Kiinin Ixfortj Jiiiliie Miinly tiMluy. Thu etiM' wn taken uniler uilvlneinenl. I A eoiit'iiiHirry flml thitt the fol low iuk iniiiii lie tin vp iioiiiinnteil la dle to llll the oilier of county m hixil KiiNfiiiti'inh nt: Harney, Morrow, t'luutllln, l4ine, Khimath, Crook, ami many ol liem to hear from. The Uny Di-iuocral I In fur mnl that therv I a wiclnlUt club with M iiiciiiIxt". In Allmny. They are a lirnnch of a Kvneml orKitnliuiilon that will iHeupy acre of land III Mexico, w lien thu tieniutnry iiuiiiIxt I wciired to atnrt thu rolony. The Kiili'iii Htiilt Ninail U an oi.tlmlnt. I li nr It : The Axlorla mllroMd I nlxmt to a "k"" once more. Certainly the M'Hirt I'lly d rve a railroad, and w hen ln K' l "III It tdiollld 1 extelid rd frmu Hie M-a to Kiiteni and theliiw acniM Hit inoiinlatii lo a voimiN'tlon w ith Iho '. II. A Ij. or the C. A N. V. or wnne tillier line thrtt aeek roont ter minal. An ovn nmn wa mnit enough to uceutuulatt money, hut entirely too nmnrt to luke Hie aeni, or to read them. llleeouomy In th newHiper line eol liim mort than thu uliw'ri Hon for a local dally for wm year, for when Ilii three cnril-iuoiite man ranie aloliKtlio -tMliiimiht nrted with f x0 U'loru In Km w w Iml iiaiM'iiel. The I jixlern vUitlnit inlnlxler waa ireHchiii( to a Colorado eoliKreirntloii on I lie now Jcrtiimlf in. "Aiui," he win !!, Inc. "the Ktnvl were veil w llh k'oI.I ' "IMii'I In.Ut im that," I iitt-n iit-l the home oviclicr In a wiil r. ax he iilled on hi coal lull. "Ik.ii t I ii -lot on thitt, II you rxH't to net any liinnli;r..litx for heaven, be une ihl coiiKn-Kutlon I for frcTilvcr 'er iluy In the year, and K"'d I la'it to tliem." ViHtturii lndeeuilent: Two Da tloiml auw-mllii will tw held III Ort Koii IhU veiir. The Cumlx-rland I'rvw- terlaii ieiii'ml AxM'inlily will meet In Dii'iit-, mi, I the I nitial l'rehyter lau llciif ral Aaxemhly will meet at At li r. Tlie anminl irniherlii)r ar ii-lil ilurtiiii the inontli of May, when OrvKon iui on her no ml rharmtuff iln-iii 1. 1 wear tier moot hewitchliiir. nillr ( ur vtaitor will return t'jmt Willi Klowiiitf rrxirt of (In'a-oii a did thoac of I he rrraliyterlall (ieneral A aeiutily w lilch met In I'ortlaud two year aao- HATL'ItDAV, MAY. I. N. Itllry, of I'onland, la In Kn Kdie. J. It Wetln rU-o vlxlleil Haltmyi terday. I xx- Itlanlon raine up from Junction IIiU W. W. Miirtln went tofiimhell on the local llii aitcmooii. J. I'. Holhiml, of CoIIhku drove, vl- lled Kll(i-iie I.Mluy. V. hrali, nf I'l-rtluml, I In Lunelle on I.uhIiicm iniifi r. A la rue iiiimlxr of farmeni were In town thu nfternooii. John Withrow Inw rvturiied home from Yamhill county. Mlaa I.nura Ih-attle hax rw-l-ii-l ft editor of thu IHIi etor. The frnat kllleil a portion , f Hit- early t-herriea lu Hit vicinity. The llroad Axo nn-elved a hand pre from Corvallia loiluy. Fruit ha not millcred from tin- fro-1 a auveiily a wa iixxm-i. Hon. Ih-u Hardluir, of Cottiiiri'timvi-, vlxlleil at Halein yetenlay. I. M. (lien went to M. Minn vlll.'thl inornliiK (" "X'"d Tew iluy. Mix A ii lie OkIcxIiV. of (.'ottaKe drove, villiln( lu l'ortlulid. The xtefiincr Kuireiio leave l'ortlulid for tlil rlty TticMlay inorning. Mr. Klla Ithlnt-hart N vixliin with Mr. Or. OKlinhy, at Cottne (irove. Hi-mitor Alley arrived tlil aflernM.ii from Florence. He came via Vmiiliiu. Iti-v. I. I). Ilrlver went U Hulem to day where he will lecture thl evening. AaliiKInK inatcli I reK.rtti on the atreet at un early hour thl inornliiK. It I rumored that I. V.. HiuxlKm-oi dcxlre to piirchuiw a K'xxl lni;j;y Uri: It I liow definitely atati-d that the Axtnrla railroad will' In- l.uilt thlx miii mer. IU v. Wcliuer went to AlUny llii liiornlnjf, whero he will preaeli loinor row. Wexley Wharton and Hurry illjfx, of Lnkcvlcw, arrived lu Kiiip'iiv yester day. Mr. F. W. Oxl.uru mid wn Wuvtiv went to llalxey thl morning to vint u lew uny. (leo. M. Hyland, formerly of Fuddle I now ih llvt-rliiK Hplrltunlixtii- lietun In l'orthuid. David I, Inn relurned llii inoriiliiif from a uioiith'a vlxlt to hi old home lu Jacknoii county. Itola-it Mclean, of Camp Creek pre cinct, Ixxllll aerlounly III Willi euhirKf liieiil ol I lie liver. C. V. Hliirr li Imi-ii npx.lnlHl a mx Inrv in J unci Ion t ny ntnl .liv, J. It. Htlleaat I'olut Terraiv. I'rof. C. II. Joiiik. of the (iuirv m'IiimiI, ha Ix-en milted a life diploma liy the Mute Ixmrtl ol eilucntlon. Mr. I'. II. Klnxey, Mix Klnxey mnl Mr. John Krmixe arrlviil from rnleiu thl afteriiiHiu for a vlxlt w ith friend. Hulem ImleN'iuleiil: John T., of J u net mi , l.n.iicr ol the xipulur n u ii ly clerk, I vixllluir In Salem to day. Jack I'oill huxjuxl riulxhiil cullivat I iik the at acre prinio orchard In-Ioiik-Iiik to the (il AKl. oltli-e adJoulii! low II. The collii'tor of cuxtom at Yaipilua collci-ted 'Si eelita laxt year, and the ex-H-iixe of ruiiiiliiK the nlllee wn tltCi, ut the rntu of f I Iml per II. Tin-Itomliuru uutlmritic refu-H-d to feed a kiiuk of Iraiiit. the oilier iluy, wiiereiiiMiu the leniler wrnl to a pmc cry tor, put up the money and pur chtiMil the net-onMitry pri.vlxloii. The remain of the lute Mr. Sumiiel Meek w ere taken to Junction City hy llii luoruiiiK'a liM-ul train. The burial will lake place lu the I. O. (). V. ceme tery, alx.ul 0 mile went of Hint place, thl Collar drove U-adcr: I'nuldent John M. llloHa, of the alnteaKrlcultiiral oolli-Ke, will In prem-ut at couimeuct-tut-lit exen-lxo of the w-Ikm.I, advert Ixed for May II. Mr. liloa I one of the moat uixtltiKuixheil rilucatora lu Ore Knit, and nil Immense audience will ho pleaaed to hear lillii. The welching tf all mall on the H. V. Hue from roitlntul lo San Frauclw-o, which I done every four year, I now U-liitf carrletl on. 1'he work I carried on for 34 roiim-cutlve day ami an aver aire of Hie weight reacheil, hy uicniii ol which thu comM-uxatlo'i of Hie compa ny lor carrying the mall I calculated. The l'ortlulid Amurlwnu 1 1, brew Xi'wn, ay: K. II. Ijim r, of KiiKeue, who I alteiidiiiK Iho rhurniiiivullcal i-olli'lfe of liilladi lphlu, w ill vixit hi liomu In July, eouiliiK via. Sail Friiu clxeo. Mr. ijiin-r, at a hamiiiel ulveii, Kvv a tiMixt w hleh waa hlirhlr xix.ken lull; Ouanl, M 1 Thavki.inii i Fout. The Coxey ltiebuiic rontliiKeiit, numlriiif ub men. were at Jklaml al ihx.ii havinc walkeil out of lt.m-tiur. At Oakland I hey rit'ted lo rapture tixlay' freight train, hut that train did not atop at thai plaf , tl nby foiling the plan of lh train pT of. HI xubj.i-t wa, "The I'mcIHc CiMixt." We ahall In our next puhllxli the art liio. of Iho police depnrt inent I callcil lo lint city rk. It aeem trntiKe that It would he liecei ary for citizen to do thl ami for Hit cauxe. I toy and yinR men are al low ed to coiiKrt'uniu there, In and alxiut the hand ilaud, Ixii.lerou and iimIiik vile IniiKtiaKe at lime, which I very aiinoylnu to ladle paxHlm(. They alxo climb the tree, often breaking the bnuuiie of Hie xuialliT one. There will l no prtachliia w-rvlce al ChrUtiaii church tomorrow, May II, on account of the atwenceof the paxtor. (Hher n-rvlcra a liaual. The Y. I'. S. C. K. will take charge of the euliin ei vice at 7UtO. Thl ill ox-i. w ttli unit and devotional rxi-n-U, alter which the following exivll. tit iix r read at the county convention lat week, "The I'M) " Mi. Schenck; "(IimhI I.lteratur-," Mlxa Kmma Wold; 'd.Mxl Clllteii.hlr," It. Mc.Murphev, w ill tx? prmrlited. All, and eMt-lally Ihe yoiinir, iieople, are conllaily luvlti-d lo attend the M-rvkva. Akeat Euvelope. ii at MMi.a ij iinr. l'i m land! Mar . dt tieral hhn f. Her. of the Induxtrlal army, wa lu town thl Iiimiu, KeltlllK liieUlcilia f'tr nine of the lek al the camp litnr the houeyard. J lu aay theru are at pri-e-t-ul -lxJ int-u In i-ump. A yel no time Ho he u act for the departure or III reiiimuiit. due Ihiiitf I certain, and that I that they will not move till llii-v can M-cure IruiiitM.rtatioii. ' . - . . . . - . I -lm I .1 une or lint theatre nan inviieii me n-fclriicnt to vixlt the la-rformaui-e t niKht, and tomorrow eveiiiim er forinaurc at the auiue liotiau will I for the regiment' Ix-m III. Wahhimitom, Muy 3. The follow Inu cahleirraiu waa aent lo the lord mayor of Imdou, npnxxi of Hie bi metallic conliirciHv: "Wedexlie lo expreM our cordial xyinpntliy wild thu movement pro mote the ri-xlorallon of kilver by un In ternal loiiul agreement, lu aid ol w hleh, Me uiidernlalid, the meeting 1 held umlcr your lorilxl.ip' pn-xideucy. We lx-lli-ve the free coinugu of both gold and kilver by liiternutloiiul ugreemeiit, with a llxi-d ratio, wnubl xeciire to lliankllid Ihe blemliig of a nuflliii nt volume of metallli' money, uud, w hnl I liuidly I lex Imporlaiil, M-eure to the world of trndu Immunity for vio lent exehuugii lliictuutlon." Thu iliM'uiueul I xlL-neil hy the fd low ing M-iiulor, w ho voted lor the r x.-ul ol the Mii-iiiiiiii law : John Sin r man, W. II. AIIImoii, 1. W. VimhIh.i, (icorge F. Hour, Nii-xiii W. Aldixii, David II. Hill, Kdwnnl Murphy, A. 1'. Uormaii. t). Jl. liult, Calviu lirlic, Jom-pli II. Can-y, William Frye, C. K. I lav ix, H. .M. (ulloiu, Henry luoot IiKlge. arMt I ler 1 WfXIf rar. 1'oHl l,AM, May S. J. d. Cormiuix, a gray bain el olil mull o-i yeiu "I u. ', w ho wn convicted by a criminal conn Jury of Hie crime of committing liiol with bix yj year-oiii iiuiiuiiti-r, vi bmuirlit uii for wiitcnce to-lay. Win n uxked If he hud anything lo wiv, ti,e wn-tclnxl old man irombliugly inuie u fi-eble pica l-r mercy. "I huven'l llilliil lo Miy, Jildj.e," he xald, "exce;-! I have ahviisx l ien a loynl cilleli and tlilxwivi thu llr-t tiniu I wn ever nr- icxlcd, and if every one else kin-w .i imiii h uIm.'U till, ail do, they wounl know w lu tl.. r I wax guilty or "not." "A Jury of IJ gixal, upright im a, von r fellovveltleiix, cnn-tully cx:iiu lueil thu evidence Mihmltlcii In yo!ir caxc," remarked the Judge, "and ihey have duly iiiljiiilircd you guilty. '1 he reutenci- of Hie court i thut you lx- Im prlxoned In the xtnte K-iiitciitiary for n iiermd of LD year " A Vixlble tn-llior uv d over tl primmer' frame ax he received Die i m-lenci-, but he n-maliu-.l xllcnt. Twen ty ycur In the mluimiliii iiuiiImIiiiicM for Hie crime for which lie wit con victed, ami the court mi remarked a xenleiicu wun piixxed. lu the catul"i."ic of crime iiicct come next to murder in the way of xevcro puiiixhmeiit. Thu crime I puiiixbiible by u life wiitcm u, 11 year ix lng thu lowext. The textimouy of CornelUi' daunli ter, a girl of III ycarx, went to almw Hint t lie depraved old fat her hnd flrxt overixiwereil u ml axxnulti-d her one evening and afler that continued hi reiiulxlve relation. 1 lie Imrtlm lived nt l.lnntou. jolt SBtlOO. ball OuaM, MJ i- Cotlauo drove waa the ni ne of mull MiiMitlon last a'fternouu and thi morn I n ir. It antx-ar that John Ii. Mclire. auiH-rilitiBdent of the An nie mine, alxjul two weeka luce WMU In Dr. Oirlexbr. deluiM-ratlu liollllnee for the lei 11 at u re. to hire a crew of men and eiid them out on the J'-o- hernia wniron mod to reilr It. He hlreil a number of men and they wire put to work. All went well until yea- u-rdav moriilnir. when Sir. Mcio, who waa tlml and worn out from hi trio, arrived at the fluce where the men wure at work, when lie aummarl ly illacharLiil the nun Willi auine au gry word, claiming lie had not au Ihorittrd thuireuiployiuulit. Natural ly when the laborer arrlvid lo Cot luge drove they were not In a very inxxl humor. Thl morning they went to Dr. Oglcby and wautel their t.av aecurMl. Inforiiilmr Hie ircntleman ofIr. Mcdee' mlion. The dix-tor Infi.riiied them that he would ate they were mild ami took theiu to -Mr. Met ice ofllcn for an esttlniiatlon Thut ieiitlcmaii madu Ihcin m xii-h, mivlnif that he wa worn out from hi journey and waa little cranky and hail acteil hMtily ami axxureu inciu that he wotild xettlu with them tomor row mornlnir. I he lalx.rlng men then eacorled Dr. diilexby to thu train cheeiltig hi in luxtllv for the manner lu w hich be hail Mood by tlieui. O. X a very TkrN II lew lb aaf la I'lrri So.mika, Cal., May It. I. ax t evening at U o'liiM-k a lone hiuhwayninii lield up the Soiiora and Milton htugv on Funk hill. Itu Ntcppcd out from lx lilml a Inrgo IhuiIiI r on Iho rtiudxlde and ordered the driver to pull up. Ho then onlereil the puxxcligcni out or llio Inite ami the driver to hold hi horx while he prtH-ccdcd to blow open mi Iron aafe w hich wax not locked. The giant miwI r expliMled and blew to piece a vnllxo ami a w nlxkln aciUe Ixionglng to ouo of Hie lady pax-en-gcrx. He then n-lnoved the Iron lid on ine Kaiu ami remnrKeii io tin- pax- M-uuer Hint ho hnd got nothing. I ho rohlxT then directed the driver to hitch up hi liorxf und drive ahead and not liM.k hack lor live mile. The mail wn alx.ut xlx frt tall, wore a blin k enp mid maxk mid u heavy pair of iiiluem imnii ami t.iue overallx. Ho wore a pair of light colored pantx under me overnll. lie wit nrmeil with a riltc. SurpiUe Tarty. Illf (iiiartt, Mr i. Lutl evening Mr. and Mri Fru.i r were the rvcii.leiilM of .k-aviiit Nuriirlxe uirty tcii(ii-n-i ihem V the W. It. C, the occaalon being their ilKlib-elith wedding aUlllverxi.r y, the x.-iiiiu Iwlnealxn Mr. Frazer blilii dnv: the xurtirlxt- was complete. The arty iiumiMieii uixmi ininy incmi w ho xix-nt tho evi ulng in aoclul chat. LMHicx, mii-iic, etc. All elegant In .1 ii bad Ix-en piiM.arcd by II ladles, to which ample JiKtlco wo done. A' lute hour the compiuiy departed, un liiiou-ly ileeldiiig that the evening 1 been delightfully xix-nt. Aliiomr Hi lireseiii were Mi-silaiiie llurr, M '1- . I . . I.. I. a a Ml d xe .cr, 1'avh.r, STnluht, druy, IH-I.nno, i;-t- land, Wilkin, Yerington, l.ix.n.ix, ilioughby, .tUivciiucy, t bep y, .Mniirau ntnl i.awn-ii(v; I lie .vis r Hall, Milter and llurr. Mi'i-i. J Wilimiglibv, S. llurr, F. M. WIIUh It. Hayx, S. Taylor, Dr. I.iui, it. W illoughby mi'l J. Law rence. (il ,J'1'- I'arillr Cuuxt lli pi. lion drowelV Journal: When tlio lioneeix of hop culture lii California, Washington mid Oregon were Mending In u for riM.u to plant their ynrd we were told they could not erow hoixxiic- c-fullv in tfio-x.- xlate, and that, if tiiey coiiM, lliccoxt or trnnxMjrtntloti would iM'xogrcnt tlicy never could (inn- Hte with New York. How I thi todiiv? Thinking men concede Hint tho i'ncillo const I a prime factor lu determining the price ol hoim grown on t-w loiitmrm; that the mutter of freight to tho aenboard and to Kun. III no wixe hinder couiN'tltioii, und thut thekteadlly Increujiliig acn-ngo In the l'nclllc tatc will eventually be no great ua to virtually awamp the hop to iluxtry In Aw lurk ireclm.-ly n wheat growing In the deneae country wnwnmpcd by tho c-hen(r grow n w iient or the grvul cut. I'nlrerMly Null. An uttempt I being made to orgnu- l.e a MN-leiy to liicluilo all the mem-Ix-rxofthe four college clnMHt-. Un Wednenday nt aaxembly, the matter wa brought before tho ntudentx, and uhiii motioii that it, committee com-pom-d of three Httident bo apnoluled to loriiiulnte a coiixtltutlnu and by-law, the pn-Hldeiit npiointed the following Ktudentx: d. W. Welch and d. W. Jonea of Hie enlor ciaxa, and J. It. Wi-atbertx-e, of the irymuaxluui. The committee made a rexrt yintcr- uny but tho matter waa laid on the table. lUntrlollon recently placeil u Min the older wH-letlca have pn-pariil Hie way for Ihl oigniilzatlou, but rut It object I not clearly untie nitond, the matter I mill lu alxyaliec. The ixwioflli-e deprtment onietline agoccaM-d printing addix-wa on the comer of en velnh- anil the atM-k in the lb-ad letter otltcv haa lucreaMtl ma terially ince. NolUxw are la-lug put up In all pxaloi'lcra warning -uple to not mail letter unlea a reluru ad dreaa I printed t hereon, to Inxure It return to the writer In cane of non de livery. Tlmae who have any ivrre- Iwnulence at all ahould Invest In en- velniea W illi I heir ail-Ire printed ou the comer. Have them printeil at the UrAHKortl.v, aa we make a xvlliy of thl work. I raM4 l IImi'i llrallk) V t fl ... maii Vllxon has arrived nt liab n I toll ire. He will devote today III aeis, ing IheNighl oflln-clly andxlate inxll I ill lull) liN-ntcd then-, nild Will leuve Fridav for New Oilcan, lie will txn- ibly remulil hen-two or three duyx, leaving lor v nxiiington Monday. Hi health i almost completely rexton-l. lb .Tlarrhlaa in (eke llrclan. Con. vi I. in, ln.. Mav 3. Coke utrlker nxMaullcd the Fort Hill plant today and forced the men to IUv. A iiumlx-r were bndlv Ix-ateii. The plant I now closed. Mob are marehing Hirougli Iho isniiilry and mid are feand at xevcrnl Milut. Women at t ackiil the iHivld-xiii wi rk, but left dixgiixlcil when they found bui one man al tho work. rue rrePer1 nPrnl. WAhiitNunix, May :t. If the pro LTiininie for a compiomim- on Iho larIT bill 1 nrrauged, und t l di-mocrntic vote are axxuivd for it, an ell'ort will I made In ncvure mi agrwmctit w itu the repubtlenn Ui-,ii a lime for Inking a vole. The air of confidence nmoi.g the demiM-rat IimIiiv wa iti-pirillni; io the n pul-ll.-an. It I believed that Si-nator Murphy ami x.pulist Allen, Kyle and Slewnrt will Vote for lie bill. If Hie coiiiiiMmlxc prtH4x.l xhould l cnrtl-i out, the republii-nu would ion lder l: ' ti''lis. t try to talk the lull to dentil, and the if o'cliK-k Inet tii hour will be abandoned. Trilng l ariil ike airiar. ri rTHiit Hii, May 3. Operator ai.,1 nii;,cr' delegate are dixcuxx-lng tl.d ailviMibllity of holding a coiifereme w ,i i the miueni' onicial with a view of M-ttllng the strike. I'nvldeiit John Meltride and other ollhvr of the I'nit- el Miner' I iiloii of America an- in I the clt v. W. 1'. m-rmott, of Hie New j York A Cleveland da A Coal Com- i puny. ay hi work are In xxsewinii ; if alriki-rx Mlol litilil ll.v . . ..t.w... , ll1Ute dervd he w 111 not talk ll'U iiieiiU lit lesa he can lx induced In join the coa ferelice a ih ttleiiient I li.rdly powilhle. The Sonif of the l'oy'. Atlanta Conxlilutloti. We're marchiii' on to Washington, Our ragged coaU we erk; We're liowlin' through the c uutry. Hut Wo Don't Wunt Work! We're wnillii' Hirougli the fnrniyanl Where the fattest chicken lurk; We're fciuttin' on the couutry, Hut We Don't Wunt Work! STATK Cami-aio!. Tlie dfciiurm'.lc riiiiiilate for tute onii'ea Will (XQ the tnte caiiiilgn In Oregon lily next Mondav. May 7. at TuHOp. in There will be present al the meeting: Hon. William dalloway, cnndldate for governor; Hon. Ctiaxle -Mckell, can dldate for aecretanr of tale; lion. T, 1. Ihivl.laun. candidate for atale tn-aa- urvr; Hon. D. V. H. lleld, candidate for ux-rlntendent of public Inxtruo tlou: Hon. W. 11. lloluiva, candidate for attornev-Keuvral; Hon. Johu O'ilrleii, candidate for itale printer, ami Hon. J. lv. Weatherford. candi date for congreaa for flrnt onngrenioiial dlxtricL The gentlemen will apeak in Kiim-iie Wednesday. .May 10. al S P. in ami at Junction City the evening of the name day. That lave. Anvthlnir about the wonderful cave iu JoM-idiine county I of general in terval. The following la from the Urania l'axa Courier: Ueorire Thorn ton came in from the Cave Develop ment Co. 'a work laxt Tuesday after au ahM-iicv from the city of lx week. He any a number of very com fort abl cabin have been built along the line of the proMmed ntnge road and thcee will be um.s.1 aa campa ana aiopping place for the construction force and traveler. The mouth of the cave ha been housed in with a neat building, 12 feet high. Cant. Smith, who la au expert with the artUt'a brush, waa at work on the building recently, paint ing the letter, "The Ureal Oregon Cave," when ho aaw a wildcat look ing at lilm through the brush. Ihe captain Immediately dmped from hit exaiicii imhiIUoi! ana ruxhea ror camp, iiiiiiu nut ami coat ami ueciann thai a huge panther hud been fixing for a murderou apring iix.n him. The crew went out "li-udeil for bear" or iwtnthcr, but the truck plainly allowed that only a wildcat had been the cauxe of the captain' hervoUHiteae. Ueorire bus every coiillueuce In Hie comiaiiy'a ability and determination lo develop these magnificent cave, which have already been explored to the depth of 'J2 milea. When the Ex aminer party arrive they are going to my nil the emu have been reached or till a ikx-lhii.ii hu Ixsen made Hint there i-tnoi-nd. The Kxnmiuer clulnia that the cuve nro 70 uiile deep; the Ken tucky cave end In 7 in lie, dcorge, lilmsclf, ha been lu the Josephine cave a dixliiuce of three milea Willi a lantern. When Hie light gov out tho durkncM I no Intense a to become a painful to the eye as the moet glaring auullght. I ho building have been luoatly con structed of cedar, which r-plit readily into t might board, and deorge luu bei-n ahovlng hi Jnckiluue for week miiiug a ilrcxiK-U aurluce ou the npllt umla-r. The Tranji. Kll (Juarvl. Mar I-Tlilrtv-thrvo genuine tramixi arrived here on thl niornlng'a north bound overland truln. 1'oliceniau Mathews protected against the Southern l'acillo ruilnmd uulouding them here, but without avail. Mandinl i-jutlluud, at daylight, Informed the knight of the road that they must get out ol the city nt once or lie would arreat them anil dace them to work ou the street. 1'hey then Immediately left for the north In body, walking. 1 he train men on thl morning lo cal ttalu Informed u Hint the tramp that arrived here on the overland waa not the ItoHeburg contingent, aa they were still lu camp in that city at 7 o'clock thl morning. They are reg ularly organized, having a captain and lieutenant. They will be unable to arrive here today a uo train will ar rive here la-fore tomorrow from the south. Sheriff hlr. Ullj t.uanl, ! V. Sheriff Nolnild, thl aflcrniN.u, v il-l tbu follow Ing parcel of laud at jiuMlo auction: . The F.ugctie Cannery wa wild to S. II. F.aklu, trustee, f..r 7,Uno. The Daniel Ynughan land, emulat ing of 117.40 acre. In 1 18 , r w, waa bid In by Jacob dlllcsjile for KI7. The land of d. M. Miller, cohabiting of luo.14 acre, lu 1 17 a, r 3 v, wruipur chased by V. W. Ost.urn for tTuO: also the ) Interest In 7U.4S acre io t IS a, r 12 w for fxjo. Th'e J. M. Mom land, In t IS t, r 4 w waa bid In by (Tin 1-auer for f 3, 73.'..63. The land owned by Henry Swart, "to acre in Tp 1 waa purxiiaaed by Joel Hlrllwrt for fV.iO.iM. The C A Harlow pmiierty lu Cot- tage Grove, lot 3, block 4, waa bought by H. N. Calef for ssi. The prr.rty of J. W. Ilolli on Fju-1 F.lghtli atreet waa bid III by J. M. Horn for h. J. McClauahull purchud the J. M. ltowe A Co. 'a tract In t 17 a r 2 w, coutalnlug 70. M aciv for f-V). The Springfield opera bouxe waa ol4 to John Kelly fori:ii00. Otlinrn-llrindon MarrUg. The principal In the following tnar- ringo notice, taken from the 1'eudleton .ul Un-gniiinn, of Muy .1, Have many friend In Ktik-ciiu who oiler congratu lations: lU-v. W. W. Itrnnuiii. at the real- neuceof T. J. Kirk, In Alheiin, united In marriage, Wwlnewlay evening Dr. d. C Unburn and Amanda llrnmlon. Dr. Osburn I pniprletor of the drug ktore at Athena, and Mis Itrnniloll I a nleivtif 1. J. Kirk and of A. It. Price, of Weston. Tho wedding wn a quiet affair, only few Intimate friend l Ing Invited. Dr. and Mr. Oabiirn will go Immediately to housekeeping In Athena. KIbxUw Appropriation. Illj Uusnl, May Mayor Frlcndlv received a tcleirrain late yesterday afternoon from I ion. lunger Hermann at Yuhiiigiti i. c w hleh Htaled that tho river and harlx.r bill had smI the house with a .. out) appropriullon to continue tho work of liuprovemcnU ut Sim-law hurl-or, ijine county, Oregon. Ural Kstate Truutiferx. IVIXIKY. T O Thompson to Allx-rl llaberluud. 40 acrr lu t 1(1 a r 7 w; tMK Marie McC'orimck el al to C. II. JohhHon, 10 acre lu Tp 17 S, It 4 W; Hs. II I' Ilrlgg to JoHeiihluo VrKv. laud in Tp Jl S, It 1 W;U it 1- J nixing to W in W ymiiii, -M arret In Tp 1 A, 114 W;fl0. 1!lz.aki'8 Hay. Mass.. Muv :i. IIoUMchold good and dci-oratiou have beguu to arrive at dray dublo. and it la reported here that Mr. Cleveland and tier little one are to urrive next week. Tho Improvements on the cot tage are not complete, but a few day wilt put the house lu readiness. Among the tiling which the president has caused to be aent along for tho sum mer a enjoyment la a new rowboat of extreme llghtnes with the title print ed on tho slum "The Two Slaters." SilMii, IU.poht. The following I a correct n-M.rt of school district No. So, for the month ending Mny 4: 1 lie liumlx-rof those w ho have not b n absent nor lunly I 14, Willi uniiies :ia follows, Farl, I.ulu. Ik-rt. deon e. Jesse and Dora dab-, Clan ami K. rl Hill, Frank and K I ward Silkwo-.l. Charlie and Flxl Hold, Kftle niui I'earl Hiutoii. Number of d-.y taught a i. Numlx-r of pupil enrol , d -. Average daily attendance Number of visitor it. I,. A. IloLI.MA. Teacher. I 'i w n u n k fii i n in: u y . Th u ntdii ' Salem Imlcpeiiileiit: Mr. l'urter came In fnmi Aimisville thi niorulug and n'Mrt-d Hint the xstonlce at thai plai-e had Ix-en rol.Ud hist night. TI.e Jam-Hun City Item. Times, May 5. Mr. ZelgU-r and family moved to F.u gene .Monday, deo. A. Dorrl talked a little politic while here on oftUinl business Satur day. He I a candidate for district at torney aud ha Iota of frleudi here. A ixiltlon la twing circulated and tiumeniusly signed asking the depart- meiii io nave ine man service increas ed lo two trl a week each way on the route rmiu tlil place to lieadwooil, via. doldson, lllachtey and Oreen leaf. The lucrvase should be grauted. C. J. TibbitU and Wullace Houck were arrested on the chanre of tresiuua by cutting timber on another's land. The preliminary trlul was held befoie Justice liutler Saturday, and when It was learned that Mr. libbitts held a deed for the laud on which lie cut the timber, tho prosecutlug attorney promptly dismissed the case. The folitlrian. The politician is niv shepherd. I shall not want for auythltig during Hie campaign. He leadeth me Into the saloon for uiv vote's sake. HetUletli my pocket with cigar and my beer glass runneth over. He Impiiieth concerning tho health of my family, even unto the fourth generation, yea: though I walk through the mud and rain to vote for him, aud shout myself hoarse when lie I elected, ho straightway forgcttctli me. Yea, though I ineetcth liim In lilt owu oliloc, he knowelh me not. Sure ly the wool hath been pulled over mine eyes all the days of my life. LlliERAU Uosvburg I'lalndealer: It was reported that ou Tuesday last while In thl city, doveruor I'ennoyer, out of his great abuudance of thl world's good, gave the forty odd in duxtrlal anti-workcra, assembled at the depot enroute to Join the Coxey army lu Washington, the magnificent sum offco, with which to purchase food, riles o ned the safe aud s.i-uicd 10 etc. It I uncle fur the governor to he-id,- some tainp, but did no fur- preach agaiust the sinful extravagance Dllr fluara. Mar & FUIIRI.NO MUX I'KUIHiSEK. V. Kratz, of Portland. I lu Fuireiio l Mik ing after a aite for a llouring mill. Hi Idea la, If prospects are favorable, to re move the Dixie mill to this point cel ling power from FMrla A Son. Mr. KraU has a long experience as a mill owner and has the capitul nt-ccssniy to carry on a successful busiiii-ss. There will be a nieetllig of business men nt the First National Itauk parlor this evening to confer with Mr. Krnlz about the matter. We are informed that he doe not ask a bonus or sub scription, but before engaging In the enterprise desires an assurance of u im port from the community. This Is an important Interest to our people, and proper encourngejiient should lie giv en. That Flyinm Macuink. Fn-U Morrill tays hi "akycyclu is bouud to be a success. Several good working models have been constructed and they nrove more and more the feasibil ity of navigntlng the air bv the means of veloclMtie Kwer. The pateuU aro owned by Joaipiln Miller and myself. You have but to wultashort time to 1x3 able to purchase a 'Cloud Itambler' which will enable you to explore the mysteriesnf the world above." Thi I the U. M. Miller flying machine re ferred to. Orr nm Fuihkmk. J. D. Mat lock. A. M. U.burn and Dr. W. XV. Ogluaby, democratic nominees for rvp- rvM-ntaiivea, ana ii. j. nay, J. Jl. Whiteaker and W. 1'. Chesher. dt-ino- cratlc candldaU- for sheriff, clerk and commissioner respectively, left this noon from here iu hacks for Flonm e to take part In the canvass, which commence at that place next Monday afternoon. C. II. linker, republican candidate for tho legislature left at the same time ou horseback. IlofiKiit Ro Items. Work on the Ilo heniia road la progressing favorably and another construction crew will be sent out In a few days to help shove the road along as fust us ossibio Hon. It. S. Sheridan expects his com mission from Washitmton in a few day and will prolwibly enter uion the discharge of hi dutlca a receiver of the lioaeburg land oftli-e next Monday. Tub Harmxu Cask. Snlcm Jour nal: "Thi Important land case wa settled yeaterduy w hile ts-fore Judge Ilunietl, in chamU-rs. liy the term of the settlement, Mr. Harding is to receive o acre ol the nrst-cias land uier damage. I he uxp c on of the ' of Hie late republican Icirixlaturw wbila, 1 i .V i ...s.-i.- wuu re .rouIa.towhocm.,,t.: h,P .ffi t' !i! "ltbV Tr...rP ."J of. w tel the offense. The SiHiknue schiv.l tamrd ha cut down teacher' s.ilsrie at) aa lo i fleet a saving of alx.ul 7lMJ a year, q TlIK H.-MK CoMPl.lrTr.O. lloxebur- I'lalndealer: The Oregon S.ldiers" la.prai'tlcallv comnleUtl. and I will I turned over to I lie ' con.iiii-Ali.n I - the co:itbclir in a few day, l lio curiainx, 11 4 In uum- r, are now ls-ing put up by Alexan der A Strong, and the work of ftirn- , i-hing It will be commenced at oin-e. r.verytning will I in readiness for its J. E. Itronauch. of ihe.-l, nioie. This settle the main coutro- X.ii.p. T r.V. r 1,.,.7-Zr w i Yen,y ,n me estate was Involved I iviil UUIIKI 1 Uiru Ullir att.l la aa J tsi tm. I - I . L-ance himself. Just think of It.' Five hunirrr nirni thau a dime apiece. cerned." name waa deitication next week. Law I'r.r artmiixt. The senior class of the law department of the Uni versity of Oregon is thl year composed of twenty-seven young men. Those who will deliver orations here com mencement week have been chosen, and are C. N. Dolph. Jesse Caplea, and of 'KU. oflfct fiJ.OUO. I roblxfr. (Mr Mia con- n. llanling's maiden Agues Osburn. ! t.)l .Jr;gei. DcxvtB, May 4 -ord haa been received here that W. 1. Vallandig hatu and Tom Minn, miners, were held up in the La SaJhPmounlalii a week ago, and robld of gold nuggeta valued A posse la in j.ursuit of the 0 Q O o 0