Kugcno City (Juard. hATLKDAY, ... MAY 12 lirmtrt-raile Mate Tlrk.i. WILLIAM 01 liWAt . . . .. i.u.u..r. .uiliUl (mm; It AH. MlkKk FrnUti'lMl-, JrkMjO luuill). . a. a. HKSSttt nuifinn ".iif. T L. IA IDIMiN "' Tieeui. r, Merlon l.iuixr yt, II. HOLME" AlloflM J UrWfl, M.rkun oiihijf 1. V. B. UtW "M' I'uWIr Imlrurtlua, t "Ulltf. JOHN O BItlKN Hut Printer, Muitittttiih County t. K. C ATII tl. !. cMirwn. Uun i nuniy. iK0. A. IKJKKI". . Pi.. .uliii Allj , M llt Alt f utility. Uae fa-am jr Dnui.fralir 'llikrt. Svo.lur ltnil!:iT L'lW . W. (XII r-nv J. I) MM I'M k. A. M. MlllK.t . Sheriff CWik .. Tneaurer CoBtmiMtiiuer A ril kw-li.na...i. PKra.MAIia. .of i'iiitii.-i;r.. til I unt il ... ill I ..Mill!! ; ..IIINKY J. liAV III hllielie. J. II. WIIIIKAKKH cil Creivall. It. K. KltlMuW ill tuai-lir. W. V. I lll.'IIMl til hbllnaftrl.1. . r. j. y I'MKititi.M ..I viiwKit -houliirliitni'l-it Al i.l eTA I'AVI KltenN ol .uii. urrejur Jii. KIM II ul Kugrlia. toniuer M- UAT ul Kuir.'iie. HEI'L'BI.IUM INSISt KIUTY. Klamath Falls Kxi.mh: Tlm jiruiiiix tnailo by tlm n publii-itiiK in their state platform that "Wo ! tuatnl thu iliwft KiTtitiny ami economy in einewlitures; we ctm- ilitimi tlm nrtxIiL'itlitV awl excess of t legislature ami rail Ukii tint net legislative assembly to kf p II aiiiiroiiriations within tho limit of the most it-oniiinieal administra tion consistent with 'llici;ncy" niuht, in tlm lijit f '" ir f'Ttiwr uractiet s, m reisunletl a a iiliI to take the "Keeley cure" fir tin ir eitravugAiit lmlil. Tho Lint IfgisUluro in wliii li tho tlcmocrut with in tlm mujority wn in 1S7S. 1 luring that seshinn tho amount iiirnriatii fur statu trintinf wan IIS.OOO, while tho ujf jirtipriatioii for the same puristse. in 1SJ;, in a n-j iiblican ligir-Uture, wan 'JitXK). Tho general appropriation hill tif 1H7S earrieil an appropriation of I.TJ7.H2S.87, wh'lo tlm i-neral ap proprintion hill ul 1M3 eftmeil an appropriation of l,l'.)(),0rj.'.l.'). Tho amount appropriated in 1878 fur expense of tho legislature of that session wan ',(),( K M , ami for tho year IS'JII it wan .".",( HX), for tho same purjKiio. Thia last ilem ohow clearly the cxtravaftanco of tho ri-puhlieanti, there being tho caiuo number of ineinlxTS at e.tcli ncM-iion, drawing tho baiiio pay, receiving tho i.inm raileao and wero in cexhion tho vaiim length of time; yet it took nearly twice aa much to pay the re publican legixlaturo of 18'j:t an it did tho on of 1878 under demo cratic control. Tho alxive clause in the republi can platform i a jiict and de:erv ing rebuke to tlm republican ma jority in tho hgiclalivo branch of tho Htato government, but it oc cur to a fair minded m ihoii that this declaration in not made in good faith, and, to miy tlm Icaxt, their nincerity tuit uention able, for what UH.'tiraueo have tho taxpayer of tho lalo of any ro form from a party which for tho latit fifteen year has uteatlfactly burdened them with tho fruit of leginlati ve cxtravairaiuT? ICugono hai been particularly fortunate in not having been forced to entertain any of tlm largo gang of train m that are panning through tho country. Onto aboard tho trains they paxs by, ami it in need let to nay no one complain about getting rid of them. The t'oxcy armies throughout tho country arc breaking up. It Wat certain that would bo the cane when tho niln.nln refused to haul them and the people to give them fiKxl until they could bo fointed oil the licit community. Tho mem ber will now go back to their old trade of tramping ningly or in ruiall uad. Henry W a lemon in bin icchin Portland the other thy aid: "The happy man i the one who Indie ve bin own wife in the bent woman in the world; the vint-cov-fred cottage he calU his homo is the dcurcKt iKit tin earth, ami who would not await lim frtvklc-faccti brat for tho bet dreiol kid ho ertr aaw." An election wa held in Ohio the Other day to till a congrenhional vacancy. The th mot-ratio candi date, although bitterly fought by the A. l A., win elected by IStKJ inaioritv. McKiulev carried the dUirict lant fall by HiH). The con teat wa fought on tlm tarilf ixnuc, and khowd that tho hard time crv doc not hoodwink tlm ptsple when it come down to a tlixtiuctively jHjlitical indue. Hon. Y. II. IIuIdiik, the nomi' nee for attorney-general, i a na tive koii of Oregon and ha al ready proved bin fitnent for the place. lie wa elected proeecuting attorney t.f tlm third district iu 1SS2, ami in 1S7 he wa appoint ed clerk of the eupreme curt, a I dace be tilled acceptably for a ong time. Mr. Hulnii, who in considered one oftlmlt Unir ill the tit ate, i practicing In pr fesion in hJeai, and ban a 'Q-" and growing practice. 1 II K IIII.IIT MAX. The Eugtiie JtigiUr, a alraight out republicui) paper, publii.hel at the In. nm of the deiiiocratiu lioini lice fur ."uK riiitendelit of I'uhlio lii-tr .ction, ha tho following to ciy of I). V. K lleid: We notice that our fellow town nun and neighlr I'mf. mmr D. V. S. liei l. i tho di-mtx ratio iioininee 1 for atatu itlperilitendelit of public iiintruLtioii. ix'tur ioiiniiauoii colli I have l e nrtde. Trofennur Iicid came to Kugene a few year ago and took t:harg of the achool oacr.y fuiriiittJinlciil. lie noon evinced much ability a an organ irr, u dicijilinaii.iii and a tlior ough teacher. And he haa mio cecdi.l by induntry and giil judg ment in wringing tlm m Inml" u to II high htJIldaril of exc. Hein e. For good work and good order, the achooU in Kug no have no mt.cr ior in tlm utatc living a profenionul ttlucntor of intelligence and tact, h inanagt tho school with illiciency and economy. Young and active, ho never break tin n. The teacher' iimtituU hero in Kugene have licen attended with profit by teach eta from the w hole country. A man of miick n n-eption a to the need of the dIuhiI. tif install- taiiMiim action, and of liruincim of purxicc, he devote bin whole lime to educational matter. During the Hummer vacation, 1m uttend tho meeting of the atnto teacher' aMtociation, nnJ hold teacher' in elitutea iu variou part of the aUto. In both KatiUrn und Vitt crn Oregon, tlm pant aumuier, he conducted very ucitful innti tute. Thoroughly identified and familiar with tho educational in tercuts of the entire Mate, and a liieuilx r of the atate Itoard of ( X- uininer. he i a man well tjuahlictl for tho intuition. Dr. V. W. Oghnhy, of ('ottngo 1 rove, one of tlm deiniK-raliu noin incc for Ieei.itive honor, wa born in Illinois .Ml years ago, and is a nephew of (iuv. Dick Oglenby, of that Htate. lie croM-el the plains with Ids parents in 18.VI, and fettled on llotvo river, Lane county, in the fpring of 18o4. Since lliut time he has continuous ly renided in this county. On July I, l!C7, he was tho reader of the declaration of indes-udcnce in this citv. lie commenced tho practice ol ineiliciiie in 187(1, hav ing graduated from the medical tlepaitmenl tif Willamette, that year, with hiuh honors, and hut Miccesafully followtJ his profes nion ever ninco tluit time. In cur ly day his father was assessor of Lane county fur several years. Last April tho ihtctor wa elected Mayor ofl'tittuge drove which office ho now holds. Mr. Oglcsby has been ono of the prominent factors in the opening ami developing of the rich liohi ini.i mining district, beside bo bus uhvay Urn prominent in all etiterprist s that looked to tho development of l.uno county many industries. Ho is a man wt 11 "calculated to represent the M'opl' in tho legislative iisfcmhly, iMing ut II eilucale.1, imiusiriotis i ml Irini st. Heshoultl Ik cleetetl by u rousing majority. alilrla rtmf l Hah iiaiio, May u.Ailvlr.- Lave Im-u h ivril fimu Interior ilnt lliat Urn I r .in' crop, which mouth ti in. In uiloi. ( U lug a hxavy one, will iml Hint ure, Ilia 'iunr ou lli lre In IliuliJ lullilliU JellnW ami failiiik'- A ill llnilK ollinalvof lite tUiinie c-niiol Jel I inaile, tiut early In ll. v tt Hie coining cni w -li.l' 1 yield Uul b.'i.i,'.'M immiii ! wl.crrMn Hie primpeellve crop imluy l bii-mt .Vi,ihi,s pouinU or a lillle uv. r null. A vtfirriwa MurSrr. Ill xo, N-V.t May U. New a lina Ueu rniviviil nf llio killing In N eoiiuty 1 1 tl...rt-II. Miilih, of !;. river, lie . it Inline lor lliu lilIU, alioul live IhIIik away, to look alter anuiu alw-ep. Not i 'luriniiK at Ihe Bpilntel time, hla W l(e Wi lli III aearch lit liilll, BImI (ouinl hU ImmI.v almt tliroiiKh "' uml Mick of thu m-ck. At prew lit then la li lew. tliiliitiaai mm bMall N w YiiHK, May I. ArraiiKciiM-iiU were Hiuale yi-teiluy la'lweell iUib I II, iiiiiiinia anil Joe t'lniyimkl to llijlil lo a llni-h at eat. li weiirht. 'Ilieie u lin imulile III coililUK to IrriiK, as lioth men agreed not to llk'ht utile. a n-KMiinilil cluli put up a pur- of tl'i.lMl. KiU'linniona aava he llieana Imallli-M. Mela done lulkluK linli-eiiM-, and t lie cluli which tin. I pula up the purae which they il. inulid will .vuro their attention. Mm article have lint la--li sinned aa yet, Lilt they w III ho III a tlay or an. nauili In Hrlaait. JaiksoS, Mich., May . Ail at tempt waa made lual evetilng to blow up the priMill with ilyimuilte. Aa the eoiivlela were inurclillig lo their oella, Iwurd lllintle), Julio iM inent, and Arthur Law rem hroke fmui the rank. One M iju-il a Kuanl and aimlher iraiiK up Into a window and attempted to liKhl a flew In con necl Ion with a tly nuliiite Umih. Ifc-puty Nnrthelip and ( apt . In Mime arrived In time to iuell the illaturlmliee, and tlm convict were wain ha- ked In their cell. Tho ward i lia Miy their has Un ruumr of dyna mite III the priaon lor over a jear. uui no I race of ll could ! found. Kkvlhk FltofT. Wednewlay'a Salem Journal: Iai..t night wvtirn.il thu worsl fna.1 known In many ycurs nl wi late a date. lee waa formal a (iiiarterof an Inch thick In aome phnva and nil klnda of fruit and vegetable wen- inure or h liijurged. Mr. I.yoliN, of the tiardell road, rejairt hhariileaa straw U rrle nhntt ruined, and tlm Wllon', which are begin ning lo bliKim, as fully liali Heat nyi. tllher fruit he thinks la eoliaideralily alleiied, hut could liol aauk deli nltel. II. I.. Itluck came In from the Wallace farui thia morning ai d though rather early t Judge he venlured the aier tlmi' that tme-thlnl the l-ar which an- olnmly well (united are killed. I'll lea they an totally killed, a thinning out will only help the crop, but il la f. arvd lai-t night' nal wits entirely ti act ere for such results. Ittlljr liuanl, May . S IIIMil. TKAt llLIW FXAMIXATION. I'he nx-ular quarterly aelnad examina tion la lalng held at the court hotlae by N IiihiI SU rllilendelit Steveuaon. and HNKlnlauta J. M. Williams and MIhkM. I- Met ornack. I he clit- will lie Is'twtvii lifty and sixty. Ml , i 9 i riniiir i i Kjtf i 1 UIllUJI I i Ividlea iMiiigola liultoii Sin UdleaCalf IJuttou Shoe Ladle Oil drained ll iltoll Slna Slena Hurveat Shoe Mens I'low Slna-a Men C'ulf Sins- I,VI I. "ill ! .."si IMl IM t ke W. rid Fair n in.: remain such without tlm bl.aniiiiiK '"k and radiant complex loll which heullh alone Impart. I'ark' Tn, t y t l- aiiiiir ' bhaal of Impurl tlm, Uiakea the miiiU-x U-n regnlll the dun of youth. Foraamul Yerington' Ninth stm t drug store. I'arka I yrap I I la. U e . so highly leeomuicnded to uathatwi have taken the agency for lit and now ask our friend who are HUllering n-lih a cold give it a trial and If It d not glv ull-rnction your money w I I be refunded. Kvery lailtle I. Mild mi i-itlve guarniilee. I'rltW .'siceiii ami tl. At Yerlngion' Ninth at reel dnii' store. li.f iiuard, May . ! Finn Al Al.M. Alaitit 11:15 o'clock. ', In. I eteii.i .rf, u tire alarui waiiuudel, i iiti-. il by the burning out of a Una Iu i Mm. Skin. mr'a realdcnce on 6tli street; no iallia". I lie nrv oi-ibhiih-u luilicd ou. with lla uuul prompt m-aa. HEWo HARDWARE STORE. , LOUGHMILLER & PETER. Farm Hajdware. Farm Machinery. 1 CANTON CLI1TKK l'LOWS.; 0 aitaairn . tin nin... STUDEBAKER : BROS. : CARKIAuto, buiuu ; aru waiuhs. A New Line of ew lianiwuic. vjuut18. ie Kricet. t rj;n:ii Everything at Hard Time Prices. MOOT BfllMMI, hULtlll.'ll-'''' Special AttentionI EVERYBODY! Kcport from all ixirtions of the cntintry are that Henry lay is steadily gaining strength among the voters. His well known pro bity nnd coiniK'tcncy enlist tho BiiniHirt of all taxpaycra who wish to make a certainty that the ollice will ha run in a husiucM like man ncr. The cry of a court house ri nj: i tialnahlv thin, and i only iu dinged in bv hi oniKiitcnts w ho have no other reason in the world to oiler against hi election. . . . J Portland Welcome: (1. M. Ir win, the republican candidate for superintendent of publio instrut' lion, wa lired Irom the tiicrin- tendency of the I hcinawa Indian HchtKiI several year nun, after brief incuinliency. The govern ment soon fouml tlmt lie was not lit to teach Indians, but now be want to i ust met nil tho ik-oiiIo of this state. The Salem Statesman, a rotiubliean paiH-r, exioscl hi in competency when he waa an Indian teacher, and it should rcitcat it statement now. The Oregon Citv Knterprise, one of tho most radical republican lie wsiianc r in tho whole State of Oregon, print the following in it editorial column of May .id "Tho Knterprise i not Uniming the democratic iiomintT ltd yer but cannot refrain from expressing on eronal ground' its appreciation of !. V. S. Ketd, the nominee for xchool suivcriutcudcnt, who t live stlits"! man and in every way iMialitiod to fill the position for which lie ha been named. When the editor catue to the atate Mr Ueid wa county school superin tendent of I.inn county and he is sued him tht first certificate which he received in the state nndshowel bv hi visit to tliescluxd ami work while there hi appreciation of the ilu'.i. s of sux riuleiu!ent and his nbihtr to iM-rforin such duties well." I he n-'W ti.illot law of Kansas is a dead'v blow at woman suffrage, 1 1 tirovid' s tliAl" he lower limb of a vottr a hik'h t:ti aa t!n knees shall In- vi-ilde (r.-ttl tlie i.tlti-i'le while ll..- v ter it. in th Until pn paring the In the lower Tart of the lil!i to be left open f r that pur Exclusive Shoe Store. No. 181. A SAMTIAM ClHltITY. The Salem Journal tell the following: Sila K. Howard relurneil lat nlglit fmui Ihe Klkhorn country, where he went with a party to explon the pyrainltlleal atruclure of black sleiililte na k, w liich waa n-viilly dlcoveretl seven Inilea eaal of Mill I'lty. He waa awistetl by N. 1'. quiiuby, .f Mill I'lty and f.if lord Joliea. They aiMill found it Im laaolhle to drill the na k, which la so hard that It n-ndlly cut giant, la near ly black and full of gli-lelilng illa-miiiid-like particlea, tlmt take a high H.l.h. S-veral hour were aa-lit III atteinpliiig toilrlll hole In luoaidtt but all the drill were aaiilly ruined ami the uae of explosive lial lo lie abalidoneil. The party Ihell went lo work in Ihe top of the atruclure ami iia tieil a pawagt by hn-aklug away the tenth wull and cleaning away all the debrl and dirt. It haalhe opar ance of a small pyramid, eitcawtl hi atone wall, rlxlng at an uligle of alsiut ' tli gni-a, but tlie luyalery of Ita pur aa la atill unsolved. ll would limb ably lake all exicrl gHilogiat to deter mine w diet her it i a pnalucl of nature or human hand. Theexploriug party haa not given up the Inveallgatiou but willn-turn with a dynamiting oiitlll alaiut July 1 to continue to la-ucinite Into the mystery of Coxey' leuiple on the Santlam. A new stiM-k of tin and granite ware. FJ Ol a M hkiui-3 Day & Mefdersorii Undertakers and Embalmrrj. (Jor Wil. and 7th its. A 1 ba ii v llrcwiDe Cos. CELEBRATED Frenrb Tansy Water, Thtw wafer are for the relief and cure of tiainful and irregular meiiw-, and will remove all ota.truetloiia, no nailer what the cuum-. ami are mire and aafe every time. tuersoll 1'nig Ui., all Jtaa-, l ill., aim Ketail and Wholesale. COLD STORAGE. Corner gene, On 7th on, E. WIEDEKANN, Agent ami Olive street, Ku liny 4 laixe K' oil ''ill blueing '?C can irot 'I lye -o 4 lb pa'i- good com starch 2jc 4 lh imiN-!- giaal gliamatarch -c .'1 IIm gtaa! gloa starch In hulk 2ie In bar a i Z'tc 1 .... 1. j lh Arm . Hammer sotla Zc .1I1IIIU1III lllllll lT I .... .Mce fn-M' alinoiitls, la riu .X' for sale hyOxhlirii A DeLauo. Ax Itll.l.V. I tiro. Ilawara kurrrnSi Maker. a J. H. McSLlG. nt- VmtK. Mbv 8. ic!llTu1 lh O. Iltiunnl won lMliiy t'lUl n-iili'iit of, ti. V..i.tiiiil 'rnstMriiiii'H SMli'tV. t 1 lliu .tm a - t 1 aiiee. td John Wunauiakcr, of I'hlhuh I- phlii. KaiulMWIIaua tuallraira. V iHiiiNtiTos. May h. The w-niite haa continued the lituiilnatlnlia of Her man Wlw, poalniaater ut Astoria, Or., and John William, poet master at Hcppncr, Or. -l raubla In .Tinalaaiiipi Pauis, Teiin., May lh jairla from HiPIioum-, Mis., are to theelttct that M-rii'tia race tmublea a it imminent. A white planter named Ioinbard inter fen d and prevented a mob of negna from lyneiilng one of thelreolor. Since then Ida gin mill haa been burned, and lailh sltlea an- armetl, ami me iiiacKa are swearing vengeance. The place l remote from railroad and telegraph, and Ihe black iiuuila-r nlai.it lo to 1 of the white. Appn-lielisioii la fell for the outcome of ihe trouble. Wakiiimitox. May D. The story of the llreckf lirlilgf caw w III lai alloweu In naaa llirotiuli the mails. First-Aa- .l.t.uit-1'.a.tiiiaaler tieneral Joma ha liolitled the amtinaater ut I hlcago that the depurtmeiit ha 110 authority to exclude Ihe taaik. Itrawara In Ilrrar4 Inlrt Vamxiivkb, May Yeaterday two young men employed iu a shingle mill were drowned 'y the eapilug of a boat In lUinard lulet. Their uniiies are I.. K. IVaiie and Norman lliadicl. Ileane'a laaly waa recovered by paa InglUlieriueii, and when taken out of the water he waa still alive, but thmugh Ignorance of the iina r nielli lala to n-stnn-anluialiim, Ih-nii diiil a few inlmilea later. lUilli were married men. i:alrra Orraaw ira.tr. Tiu: HAi.i.i-t. Or. May It I feannl the heavy Iroal of laat night ha done much dainiige to all the cnsi in thl accllon. Ill 1 he Dalh- Ice formed in many placea and In the uplands l.v waa a iiiarter of an Inch thick. Ite airta from farmer are very dl-inur-aging- Head the 1.1 ter under the heading of F.liuira, Or., fourth age lop of ctduniu. Tni-pax notice on cloth for sale the til' A HO ollice. Our stock of Dry (iomls for tho pick ami in injr Trade is now coin as jii i ge Notwithstanding The Hard Times ot course of stajilcs at nalTrlti- u.a 1 1 w.-.j il'A crsri! ictrLiU AiiT U1h truthful. .UriUm Ul ol tltulr that U-ll all Wmi1 .N.u-trr, tttv tni.tlrtil, hrtii'i-M. (' mfif K Kl IflaatH'o liat'tl tir. 1 h rNt i irttliii ml lh niati t h. nt u ifuti r ak 1 rtiim tut htsi4-ttl r r.nm l f k iu it-1 ni "Ni-t-(-r.' h1 l-y i-sMtni 4 lK-ltnv b ul ilon-. r Lt mU Inr. Addfe Th r.i.riiot ktttrJr U, lmtln Whiti1 iiii luil. ror cax ssx it, P,:!iiti.oite ot Dr. t.-rre't i'lessanl I'lltets but vou rtn't feel It aftrr l'l'tijilo must liavo goynh and wo liavo thorn, not to many lino ami fancy goods, hut plonty that cveryhody wants ami must have. Those goods wore houpht CHKAT for C'AH. and will Ik; sold iiCORRESPOflDIIlGIiY LOW.- We have goods on tho full assortment of Sme merchant way continually ami shall keep such articles as are in demand s . a allow their stool; to run down in times like these, ami it is dilluult to get what you want, but it makes notlillereiice to us about the times we carry as many goods as over, and by selling CHEAPER we keep up our trade. We ask an insjH'ction of (Joods and lrices, and will assure vou courteous treatment ami gtx I values. J. H. MCCLUNG. ISr ( - u d y" .. l'vWf-' pld-faah loited y. i'Ui llh ,hrlr i r 1 1 iriyr and vlo-li-tien. Thrte ilr.y Iellc ts, tli smallet and lnt to take, brln i vou help that Usli. t ntiation, Imll -eOnn. Ilillons Ai:a.-k, .ick or ltlllo.i llpsdaclio, t:. I ail deranr. uieuH of liter, ttn h, and bowels, are prrmaurntlr itnL S (I ! IS I lit. n Rflvsi Ml l V 1 11 1 1 END u'your prescriptions nd a we asiure you that tho utmctl care will be used in dispensing them only from strictly pure drugs. Osburn 0 DeCaijo. HARDWARE. Iteallzlng that thia I the lime of the year that all Ineoinea are small, it la our object to oiler all pooda Iu our line at a low prices aa irood gotala can l sold and let us live and let our cuMon.cr live. Thanking our customer for paat patron age, we ak for at share of your trade In lMH. GRIFFIN HARDWARE GO . H A riK.t i.r,Vr of f " eah U stsii by t'.c pr..inrtr of Or. Sagr' t l irrh Kenwlr, for anr ran- vt t 'alarrh. no maltrr how ! I or of boar Ion f alautiitti;. hicl) tlicjr caa BoC cure. Clothing. Underwear. Overshirts. Extra Pants, Trunk and Valises, Latent Style Hats, and Neck-wear. CO TH THK o .3-BROWJISVILLE GLOTH'iNG STORED HOWE k RICE, Proprietors. O C5 CO o Q 6 W KIUS If KOTICE FOB PCBLICATIOS. Land Offlcs al Boaaborg, Or., I April 2t. ly. Kotlos la hsrsoT aiven that Frank I.. Moor and Baaan W. Moore, rl Ilakrr Ciiy. Oregon, Rrantee of lbs ()rron Central Military Wagon Itoad Coropanr. do hereby clTsnollcaol tnair inirnunn In Bias ddki i .,-j . -,i. p-, f cn proof ander fifth section oi ih.artuf M.reh , Incorporated with a Capital of $60, 3, IBS, t MtBlillnB IbPir claim lO Iba lol lowing draorlbad laud, viz: 8 E ll of H K THE mm Loan and Sarinss BANK. Sc:cssor to Us Enzene KatlcmJ Int. W ii of 8 E '1 and Frae. E , ot S W I l)i-lt rwltt .ni.j.Tt to rhwk. Inti (twioff lots 11 aod ll.) 8. II. Tp 18 8 alloa.! mi tlm .Um.ii., aiel 1o.ii. mi.l. ua n,iua idh vain inui Said Mol iil ba mailt bafors lh Judga or County Ch rkot Lane Coonly, Oragun, al Knjru. (irfgoti. on TncaJay. Juna 6, 1SUI, by two ol tbo lol lowing witaraaaa: Juliu D. UatuptcB anil Jama Parker, ol Uuaban, Laoa Couuly. Oregon, sod Joaepb Malloc-r, of EiiKvue, Lana County, Oregon, and Lotiin Cnryall. of Crow, Latin CotiD'j, Origon, at allien tlm they niuat provs: I. I bat tba lrrl was of Ik numbend tact it it s prtseriueil by tha (,'raol. 'i. That It waa toteruittioua with con structed part of sal t nn.l. 3. Thai ll waa aohl by Ilia Con.iauy to Ihe appliraola, and one nuih-r kuuill.ey claim, aa a pail ol l a Mut. 4. Thai II waarlcrptrd fmiu tba opeta tion of ibe gtaiil. 6 Thai at th d ile of tl nat ll waa not in lb bona flJa ocenpanry ol adrerae elaitnanta nnder lh pre-emption or bntne tlaad lawa. wboas claim and orenptucy have not linca been volantarily ahanilonetl. 6 That it baa not lie u Milled upon auharqtieut to tba lal day ol lieoriuhrr, IM'J, by any peraoo or peraooa claiuiiug lb right to enter ander th neUlrmetil lawa. 7. That Ibe applicant ars cilii-na of li e United htate. H. And that they, ml the one nnil. r whom ibey rlaioi. are b.itia-Biie punbM-r ol ti land from the Compiuy It M. VitTca, H-filMer 000, with $30,000 Paid IV. IntrTij i,lnMtl riiKNinicxT j v. 1'iiritni. Vli B lHaCmiKKT II U I'MSr-; C.nHIKB K. W.OHHt KN Tlif r:nrriit ljnn .imI MtvttJk'o Hmtk t!Inn lurl tiiith 4'ntnmiTDiel mut havinri hut;m, mi four rp.Til uttriilit'ii u rtli-t ( llr mt liiKt ffpjtun- ut IL 111. tint whnl ji'U rtlc. but nhatl you MiVf, ll:nt mnkt full rii'h. Uill riimnmnitii-i their r iimnjr iirtuji of imUl luililltiK, whtrh, if iititilrNei,U'J In Mime Uik. r h-kiMHl, 111 lapiriit in niif y or iiHir.fT. It l l i (lU'ull lo li hiii ttniHll a m mi n U, Iml thry ran Iw put In tliii twhk mil nmv to Unut im rrturii. Hfllvlnt Ihnl th Urn Im rnmc fur th urvhil ostrlltili of fsir.UK Hmikt In thli rimiiiiiiilt)r, Mllr't vour -m-riHi-jgi' In this matter. H.N.CRAIN. Watclics Clocks. Jcwclrv, Sterlinu tnd SOiier-PhtEd Ware. Watch Itepalrlng a Sjarlullj.-jij EUQENK, OHKOON. CIIOlTINCi AND -MILL. Graham, km llotice io Farmer or LANE COUNTY" Having sfciind Mitchell, Lewis tV Co's at'iicy, on ('all Ti-rins, I can sell all linen of FAEH1HB IMPLEMENTS at 3rtf Hottoin Prices. I. K. PETERS Ninth St Feed Store. Vihole Wheat Flour Z3lrri Costanllj on imLJEZ ""as MM. T . tVimia a '"f done to enter .1 rratoaat.;. talra. .a (itiVa. pat ortier. 1. 0. OfFyn, PrcpieScr. Vl'.l at Fvwier't WwhiMie. turner Paul u4 riwna hima Lttfrna, lireaun. 0 0 CKOVE I01L1 RY YARDS. M. HAItltlfOX, l'r. i. Wyandottes, Plymouth Recks, Light Brahmas, Brown and White Leghorns. The Five Best Brasds on Earth. My atiick h.a (Untd In th.- fur tl r (i t n U-rll Jitn. fOr-BmrCMiU HUN tVKIS.ffil A lew rhulee InwU for wlr: aim itii 'tnm I' ' lir.t Lrre-lm. k.nlinn the I'.rlllc I iwl. -tltl l.iup ur rnt.ltt.il.-. Atltlrrei. J. )e. 1 t It H I ! rurest i.nni-. nr. My Stock Of groceries ami glassware Must Go I am closing it out At Cost. To make more room to tli? plav mv immense t-tock of ' GROCERIES'. Kirat a the gunila. i-laaa In tiality. Prices a ,' lowest. No In nl.le to -It" A Goldsmith, WASinstiTON. April 2 Ilattun, eilitor of tlie tstlh paraljsia yeetmlar, la-tter tnda. ,.Krsna t, etrit JU sllL-MJ o 4 A O O o o C3 O Q CO