o o t'vltage drove I li nn. M,iflA i-i t, April 21. MlNorrls, of l lugcnc, I" bncMix lllH.I l.llllllHII. Miss (i.-rtlo rmln rlU returned Iioiiih from Ciisncll hist w.-k. Mr. Jut. JUik.hliv, of Cm-licu, re lumed 1 1 her honi" .n it ir"! iy, after a pl.H-i.nl vl.it willi n I . live uml irleiidt. Ml Lury A'l t:n. one of the mut estimable tmC I'""'- "r 11,14 met wilu ' very painful im'iili i-t lu-l Sal'ird.v. M"1 s.litllng me sIovcw.smI win ii Md.-r A. J. Arm strong kindly ollm-d his s-rvlres-i.nd striking viry liur.l Wow Us.n a knotty sti.-l;, the axe glanced, taking ofTa corner, and the font- of tlx Wow caused dm muii Mirk to Hy toward Mi Lucy, who win standing ' foci away. It strurk Iht savag. Wow uUoul th r.viti-r of h'T forde-ad ami inM", nlin t kn N khu her head coiuinciir.-d lonwcll Immediately till. I It was not Ion U for.) it w.isdilll cult to sec out of our eye, whlrll ! cuin.i very black mid nwoll. ii. She nuller-d greatly lor four or llv.i day mut It will I- n lit" u w him In-fore her fmn and eve return to dicir u . urul ii: pcur.iur.-. ' Mr. Armstrong d.s-ply n grnt-.l Hi- w.-ou n-vili of hi kin I intention 111 m- than I.iiiiii nre could eXircs. An old I'louer Itrml. oi!r Jrnii'liiiit I '! of her so. W. I lo .1, . r 1 1 M mini ilii'il at Hid Iioiiii,' ( 'llll'IIINII, on Coyolc ..rc-k . Tito rsd.iv. Atirll lit. Ht die ad vanced iige of nearly ll years, having Inch Is.rn In June, HK. For several yiur lu r health had Is-cii leeblc, and latterly hrr inlml almost failed. Itcalli was 1 1 1 n-iill of extreme olil ngc. Mr. Coleman wilh lur husband came to Oregon In 1v'.;t from Illinois, nud tit on.s- Milled In I he vicinity where hIio died. Four son nml dniightcr survive her, lloii. K. I'. Coleman of Col.urg, W. I. Coleman t.n.l I bury 'oh-man of I 'oyote, Flunk I'oleiiiHii of Sitters, Cnmk eoiinty, itlel Mri. J". 'I'eul, of rortliiml. 'I lieol.l lielv M UU-I. l.lMllie l.'H hie, li II J n In M in hlk'h '' I'" l.y her HelKhlHiK all. I frli loli. The fuiii ral l iiiiiioiinivil to take ,lnif to the eineli-rv at foyote, Hiitur iliiy iifl ruiK'H, Arll 111, at 1! o'eliM k. t tillillllttee Mini Cilllillilnte .M'l llilir. Ixlijr ( uar.l. A..lt There will In-a lii.i (in III KiiKi'Mf toni'irrow of I lie ilnirim li of the r.nin lv n-ntnil eniiiiiiltli w ith a iiiinilx-r f r .... .. it, ..... i till run. II. Kill o ine nine jkiiiiii io mrtie loananuea .lmi of eniivinniii; (he eollllly la-loie the eolulHK eleetloli. At the ini-elillK of tlie xillllKt tvll Inil foiiiliilltee K-Veral tla auo M lilail anil a route were outliui! ami (.'hair- mini Hiiiiii(Ii lile-nliil the xnme I.) .Mih-r. J. I'. Kaiu'V niul A. ('. W'.mmI.in k. chiiirmeii. nirtlvely of the ileiuiMTiilie ami reulliean mm llillteett. Tlie" refllwl toilet without eohniillilii; their i ifli.ll.luli ", hemv the imii Iiiii: for tomorrow. A liiirmoiiiouN lili elln lit i ex. eti .1. Mai rinl. II. I. J i.uai.l, A III .1' Win. K. S'urliroiiu'h an. I Mm. I.u. y Miitthewn Here miirrieil htHt eveiiini; ul I lie hil.le'a rifl.lelus', IteV. W. M. till- Ivrl ollleiutiiiu. '1'he He.l.lliiK wun a iiilet n l hi i r, only alioiit a wore of n-l-litlve w illieNninir the ivremoiiy. The parlor wen- feidMiiieil Willi ltoweri uml other ileinral loim. The (ir inn Joiiin u iih many other fiiriiil of Mr. uml Mm. Seailinnih in wIhIiIiii; them u Millie liiatriluolilal Voui'e. I iiItT ..Ht.'l. A It I .1'. Tin: Mil. I. It ri:--The work of re 'ulrtiir the hrenk In the hunk of tint mill lure bIhivh the i llv In iroi;reHHlii r ipl.tly. Ni iiiiii h of the tUliii. " liiu-h'auil rnvel, hit It-en done lliul the water wat i:irlially turn.il In a iliiyortwo atfo. The rnuro of the uiilrr iilri u ly In entthleil the elect rle Iik'I'I company to run the arc llliln W ith Witter Miwer hint lllyht. It In thought thai the Hiwer tonight will U- miltlelelil to run the whole Want, d.v tomorrow iiIkIiI the work will la in arly, If not iinle comWc tcl. duly two leet more of the hank w III lie Willi up. Thin w ill he auiilv nultti'lelit for the volume of water w hich rillm In at the hem I of the nut' at thN xltttfe of I lie river. T ill" l cHtlinateil at four feet. The lutuk at theilam will he almul I- U- i aliovc the unit r In the liver. The l.iM of the till I. W illi,' maile W illi xhell riM'k liiUell fl olil the liull.lv roil. I Hear the uiiivcrniiy. The roml aiiin'rvlnor tht'l.h'il lo 1'iuir the rii.h' at that (Hiliit, m the eot I' I.-.-. IU .I to Itolh jiaitiio. The nH'k It iii.it ami U viiv 1 1 v ilownl with a lourhorie tiiun. In n the woik l conipletc the wntir Mwer u ill he il:il to lit former caa city at thit m'iiioii of the ;r, ami a die rivei In not ciiiiiiii; uii.l the liuuk In coiil.li re in. ire ...l th ill li e liut ur.'il one, the n i:iii-i In ir out the hn0 of ieriuaiu mi-. Tin: ItoiiiMi. tin mi. - IMikIiui count v ifoole me u i 1 1 it to huihl a rote I Into the Itolitiiiiii in I li imi; coiintrv, if thlit from t lie It.t ouri; I'liilmlealiT of April l'i it nnv liulicatioti: Thi inornliiK the rli;hl of way party cm nixllui; of ten men fully equipped with teiitt, inilt, provi.i.iim, lioixti au.l wai;oiit, ilou anil n int'M, left Oak l lli.l for the oinl of culiillleluvlliellt of the waioi ii a.l to llohrinia. It U the lutelilloii ol llil pmty to clear thena.l of dnilx r mi l hruh, aiol make It p a We for without to lie tloctl III llioviliK camp niul luriiithluir Kiipplle. In alxiiil ten tin another parly will fol .m , iMiupIt tiuK tlx r.ui.l a lin y Km The Htiplc of ( ink l:iu. I are alive lo l!i Ir microti mi l are Uxnnl lo I Ik at Ikihcmia lv the time the miow in. lit. The early Wr.l cutche I'nO Will in PallT ..uar.l. (U .K. Oil I IMS.-1. K. lime u.Tiine in allow hit name lo I- uxd a a eandi date fol r prim iilslue, but Rive no reat.ui I Inn (or. Ills name wa placed o i the ticket without hi iMlisriit, or even pn-v Luis know l.tlge, w hlle at lit boon-nt Hale Jtotottl.s-. I he central coiiiiiiltt.c will mo t Saturday, April t, lo till Ihe varniit place. MxiiiillI'- In Kugene, at tbe bmne ofl.it. M. MilU-r. April I'J. David li. liavloMr. K.turnli lliin. It ith of Fiu-ene, lllder O. M. W hitney oftb t atiug. Th. Ir mime nm fT(eud oiler conjratultlou. II. It. MilliV Letter. lllf (iuniA.rll l. It wat a mirjirl- to many who ilt I Villunl flail lal eveiiliiK, that rM ly a wire of lh al wtuileliU at temlliiK tho L'lilveiKity of Ortou uian !fcUiJ liilertnl niouxii III P",u,r,r in audi-) lecture inuroe. to attclKl. I he au en.f which litlfii. J to Hon. II. J. Mill. r' aihlreMi laat vvvliiliK, wan luriri ly nnule up of cltlfe'li oulti.le the M'hool uml a portion of the faculty. lilt MiWccl wax: "I'oiiiicai r..-.iioiiiy In lit ifelatloii to t Itltt liohlp." Ili reatoiihiK wa clear ami ult inKinil. Ill uiKUIiielil wa that the proni of liumaiilty from the comll- tioii of poverty lo lhoi or comiori, ami from eotnfort to afllueiiiv w a the ureal rUii of evolution from the mi' lerial iiicIIkhI of eKiitrtut tnroUKU me mean of Intellectual wiwi'M lo the hltfher initial plulie of life. The nearer ailliiclic la rvaclietl in tl.lt pnMttta, the Kr'ater lai-oim ii I he ilcelie lo line ami oii.iiiiin more. With (hnire In- Uiitllleil, entrify amUllort follow; ami lh carniiiK Ix i'oiikh Uirtcny oue 10 n.eiilal aervliv. llv till" proem mua- cuhtr lalmr It lifleil to the piano of the iii'iitul. Th uiteorcapltiil U men iy the illtfiu tlon of want ami inm xIhI with the rufivwt of menial hilxT no that when till proceta U eomplete miiM ular lultor la lifted to Hie fame iiliine uml the pruhlem of "capital ami liilmr" tolveil. With the luen-aw of ui-lre mutt come the mean to urntlfy llu'lii. In the iw of the laholer the Kreater liU WBiiln the hlirher mutt be hit waipn. The w hole Ktamlanl ol liviiiK, W'di of employer ami employed, protlucer anil iiiiiMitiuer, muni he liljther, that the want I Increaxtil. A llliimrative oi thin eomparlnoiiH were drawn from the crmlexl lorin of liuiimn cxltteuce throiiKh the illllereiil atiie of clvllla lloii to the hilut eiillKhtemneiit. The application of liia theory a to American cltluliHlilp, wa that no liniiilnnitlou hIiouI.I la-alloweil to winie from a wiuntry where the tlaiiilanl of HviiiK It lower than oura. All other ilcvleca w hich woiihl retluee the price of lalNir houlil he hhune.l, for the capacity to aatify wanta U Unit li -eiKl ami n'lron rewlon follow. The lecture wun too complete to oiler aiiythliiK like a iletalhtl vnoimU, mi wi-kIvo onlV a few of tliu lea.llliK IhoiiKhlt. '1 he am Hence Beeineil iniieli liiteni-te.l, ami at tha eloae evinced their uppreehitlon hy llltrral applmi-c. ,t Di'inurratic Veteran. For iiiuny yearn In drexon Militlct, lililll lately, ihe fiimlliar form of Jmle hhannou, of Monroe, coul.l lie neeli at every ileiiiiM'ratli! atate winveiillon. He made occaMioiiiil vltita to KuRclie to i-ce hit brother, Wetley, now ileivattil. I.ik a reminittvlitu eoine till, from the lien ton TIiiiik: "did reaideiit of lleiilon counly have Hot forjcotlen lll ton Hiiiniion. Two yearn ao, on c count of failiHK health, lie led Monroe, after a nuldenee there of forty year r more, and went to Trxat. The other day Jmlije Iturnett reeelvetl from Mr. Shannon' brother, at Kant land, Trxa. a Idler, HityliiK: "Hrwilur Milton di Inn a copy or two of your county ia tr. Ilewiyii It U alMitit conveiitlou time, and he In now nnxloiit to know w hat In koIiik on." I'hut from a ilit taut Male the old war liorne take a lively Intentt In Ihe political battle ro lux on In lU'iitou. Ihe letter nay that die old man I well ami Htroii. A Hotel I haiiRf. Pllr Ciianl. Airil Jl. The Mipular and nrcommiHlatiiiv Ninth trcet reatauraiit uian, M. K. Ilrowii. ha tiurchaM'd. and today took control of thn hiiNinc of the Hotel Ku uene. Mr. Ilniwn hat maile an euvia- lle retNird uml reputation wun ine i.iiWIi' for M'ttliiK a llmt-4'loMi table at iMipular prici- He inipoc to make no chaiiu'e III ilealluir wltli the piiiuic In hi new place of biiklnc. The lecpliiK apartment wmiiecled with the hotel are well furuithetl, and Kuet of the lioiite may If aMUintt of wirdial trentiueiit. Mr. Ilrowii hnteloB.il the Ninth ttnt-t rextauraut. Knrlne t'oiiipany F.lertlmi. I'tlljr liutnl. .rll J". The annual election of I'.uirene Ku Kine t'o. No. I occurred at the Fire man' hull lal eveiiiui;. The olll.frt cIiom'u for the enulii(j year are: V. Met i hit', pretident: I. I.. SluiMtin, vliv iin'tldeiil: tiett. r. I raw, tvrv- tary;J. II. I tea venue, tnaoiinr; I. I,. himptoli, foreman; J. . Ilolleliltt k. l a-titlaut; W. Mctlhee, 'Jud it aut; II. II. Stone, N. 1'. A. Miller and J. S. IIisi.'Iii, Irutt.-v, ami M. S. Hub U l, M-iKeaut at-arni. F. It. Ilellman having tecured hi exempt paer, the vacancy In the city lard of tlie dele irntc wa tilled by the election of T. V. Jenklli. TAXK.S ToLLKt f EU. I'ailf liuarj April Jl. k Miull liellminetit l.M Will Ketalt. (inly alioiit t;.l f Ihe tax roll ol s;a n'-uialii uncollected. The follow- lux are the llxurc nfcollM llon up till date: tiranillr-I.M ni to rtlr.lh 10I,M M - iliiriui III arrk aplu Ai-rtl JUh "I " T..ut iiv: at Pall? uuanl. Aprtl Jl. Attiik Hivkk. Tito atcaincr F.u gciie, fnmi rortlaml, left Hurrltburg ihia iiioriiliifr for thl point. . ..... Seventy ton of freluht waa reported on . .. ikl ton of w hleh w a for F.ugeiie. The prew-nt stage of the river wa ueh that the captain did not ox pet 1 to ar rive until late thl eveulng. They ar rtvisl here however at about 2 o'clock. Anotiiih TllKaT. It I now thought probable that the prohibition 11 of l.an eouutv will put up a! tl. Vet. They bail an understanding some time ln.v to let the matter go by default, but III coueiunce of some '... ,. .., . .v., c.. j meeting tonight at Mount' ball will settle the lletln. l l! i.uar4, V'Ml -V Fr have w Ihe dam opiswile the east end of; Ninth street. The ohlecl i to xive ac- s-m fci tiover' gravel ttrtl on the; otber lde of I lie river. J ltt.HX. At Coburg Wediiatlay, April Mh. to the wifeol Jainea lliliuaii, twelve pound too. UUv i V. ..ul 'vill....l.l,v;"f'. "J rublWicd In li.,icounus but the charge In the present KHV.-t.over and Wllloughby; I : trial i uf emhcrzlinx fV.St Mav s, the r built a ferry arroa the river be-j Ust day U-fore the imiik cUhnf.i; Ioii - Ihedamopisntite the east end of; ' " ' artl i out on 110.000 bail. hATUUDAV, M'MLZl. I II C. Tt In VlkltlUK relative ill rortlaml. I). V. H. Ib id went to Albany tbl murnliix. i iM.r I w i..lnntfiii vlhii t.l liar rl- i bur-i t.t-lay. i .? , , i .MM. 31. n. naraer ni-mriun "i , lir rwvnt nerloui lllnc. Mr. Frauk Alexander arrived up; from (taleiii thl aflcrintoii. A cold liorilt wind tlilt iiioniliiK i liiaklnx an oven-out dcairable. j Three lecture In town laat evenlnx. J lluther too liiucli for one evening : The .-.uil miner alout I'lttflturif are tilklux to the iiumla-r of about I . " I ri.' i-..rvMltl. Time ha chaiiife.1 to a aemiweckiy ai icati mr iw iiioiitlm. .1 - ...u A. M. Unburn, ileiinaTallo candidate for the leultlalure, made thl ollli-e call t'xluy. 1)1. Nellletoli. of .-lirllitllehl, lift thi luoriiliix for lliif prillK, Nebnw- ka, to I. Mule. The liandtome tieo. K. IJurton, the : Sin Fraiieitco hardware ilruinuier, I in town today. The ltue on the llilrd Judicial ill- trlet iioinlnulioii hat got dow n to who drink the whlnky. H. I.. Moorehead, of Junction, rettulf lican nominee for repreaentatlve, U In tow n Ihi afternoon. I). F. Met lure, a Ntbnuka fruit grower In pnt of a location, arrived up from I oruuim yeitieruny uu r. i . slinWiii. Mr. and Mr. J. A. Huthnell, of Junction, !efl Tliuntday tveniiiK for .Nin FiniiciMi) to HM'iul ix month ul me mhi w Inter rair. Mr. IIukIi Klllott, of Jiu'kMinville. and Mit lluttle Kent, of South Ikiul, were terloiitly injuretl lu a runaway ai the former place Friday. I Dr. V. V. )Klcby, ileiinx ralie can-1 ili.late for the leKltlnlun', ami the i Mewrt. Moebv, of ( ottaire (inive, came i down on the fucul till IiioniliiK. A Wulla Wullu man burieil fliMi near a fence and markctl the picket. , Then the fence wat moved and It took : him two w w kt' hteudy work to lliul k. The bate bull team from the I niver nity ofOrcKonareliavliiKacoiitivt with the HpriuxlliM I'um thl afternoon. A nuiiilt r from Kugene attelidctl the Kiime. The ftoclal xiveli in ('outer .all I :t -t evening hy the luiliet of the l.'niveru litt chureli wu largely uttended. The eveiiinx won KH-nt with dunciliK ufler tliu WM'iul wat over. After Ihe rendi tion of a miitieal and literary program prle were awurded, Mitt MukkIc l.ui key Ntvuriux the llrtt pri.e au.l Chm. IloliMtn the accoml. All had u pit UHim' time. SnIi-iii ln.lcN nleiit, April L1: The A 1 loim and the F.ugciic entai;el in a tnitifli) for Kiipreinacy luxt evening on the river. They met near the nioiilh of the Yamhill 'river, and fur a liltle tpurt the throttle wa thrown open and a genuine old lime Mlhidmitiijil rai-e wn linluliil In, which remitted in the Altona reaching Halein nlMiiit llf In n minute In the lead of the F.u Keiie. The tiUAKli reirter littcnetl to the latter part of a lecture delivered by (ieo. I'. Itiiilolph, the A. I'. A. lecturer, at the oimtu lioiite l;tt cvciiluir. 'I'be it aker UKKcitcd that he wait not llxbt Ing the religion of the Catholic church, I Tel wu uotleetl two I'rolittunt iniiiltler i on the plalfiirm, bit only coiiipaniou. At dine lie wa libernliy applnuded, and n tceueroutlv I.Kted. The lecture i ie i w nit .in , j'i. '.u i.ift in. wiij a.lllllttloll lOlligllt. liltOWM.D IN Till- M.OK.II. The Wanton Water Secur Aimtlnr l.auc t'ouuty Viclliii. Jum-tiou Time, Anril L'I: Dick Katon wiiH.lniw lied in tuenlough el of here Wedm-wlny morning, llv and hi brother Jot. ph Marled for the timber to cut wimmI. They have a camp on the Inland and the timber wn acrtm on the other tide. They hnd no way to cn only in a Imx which wa aome tiiiu titcd'for a Unit. Ho waa cau tioned not to cronn a it wa exceeding- lv dungi-rou. Ho iturtctl out uJone, however, t iiIkiiiI II o'chnk in the morning, and an he failed to return march wa llittllutcd The box wan tlltoovcrcd lloatlng near the bank, and further along hi bat wo picked up. The water w a perfectly clear and lill, and by follow lug along tbe Iwink he -li .... I t l.lloin la aiiill w nn iiiihi nni ai mr wu nu -- IJ feet of water. With tbe aiwlnton.-e ! """" of n laile he wa bruught out. " ' Jutt how tbe atvblclil invurnd will Twe n.rabal. U.ma... never lw know n. The lx-lt could I'uuiv, Oklahoma, April lit. A tci not U uiet and the general tlieory it rtble light (Hrurnnl aUmt 10 uiilce;, that howatandlng up ami Ut hi ; near Kveu mountain, yetterday. lie blnnce and pitched bead foretmwt Into noted outlaw Itill Daltoii, Hill the water and went to the bottom j laiolutl, and another outlaw, altl to b without a trugglo. He wn found at ItltUr Creek, were killed u the op. t. aWxit tf o'clock in tbe evening. 1 alno a womnn, a little girl and t" Mown tbe mm of Mr. and Mr. , deputy manthal. The light I till in Frank ljitoii, of thi city. Hewn progret and 11 l.k an though the in Nrn lit thl county, near Cloverdaie. tire gang will lie awept outofexltt III age wa 11) vear, inoulh and 1:1 eiuv. day. Thi middeu death waaa M'Vcre; Hlti r HttiluiUu? hock to bin uivnt and they have the, . ympathv of the whole wMtimiiultv in ! 1 nTHitt'ltii, IVnn.. April l!t.-D. Ihelr atm.w. Servtw- were hebl at U-b Aeuibly No. S, Knlu'ht : theChrUtlanchun-lial II a. m. Thiir-. Ibor. with a niemberthip of l .,iMi hi. lav bv F.ld. r Skagg and a large nuni- adopted the following nianif..lo to I . In r of friend and neighbors were pre- .. ... win.. i..,.n i.i. ... I,., , ....,,.. ... . Hi. ........ I,.l..,n. I,. I ... n., i iininii ii in. t. . j . Ikm't refuse to hear and couidcr thn PatifOuatxl. April Jo. 'demand. Don't arrest tint nianv of To TllK r.i ixiKM S iiiml..-rerley nine out of tell ef ihe Imlu- Mulk.y, a IVyour-oId toy of Junction, trial of the ittuntrv vnipathlie w ith w as taken lo die reform school by Di p- rXey' object. Neither will It It uty SherltrCnmer, on the overland. a,fe. Small llrislng are called riots, tasi nigni. in uiowicr i a wmm mother I a widow woman and made the coinniaint, claiming she could do nothing with ! her w .tvward mu. ANOi.ill.HK.-Mr. S.TTV,of Linn San JosK, April l!.-lhe trial of eoiintv. how u an old book in the H- M. Leonanl, tesiilent of tho tie ouaiii'i aivle of ivi and bulhllnir of hmct Santa Clara bank, eommeinv.l our great grnn.ltnllier lime. It 1 a . . . . . - - erinoi ou tho Iiieoiiiiin.hetitllit.ii.a . Itlf urj. Ap-11 .v Mahkiadk l.iii:sit. County Clerk W. IL. Walker Issinnl marriage li.-ent.-s last evening to Win. K. Scar- bnHigh with Mr Lucy Matthew, a and lvid (1. Ciay with I Itham. Ki-turah FIlIinV.OU'KIL.SW. I. L. Campla-ll vUlllnK relati at Alblua. J r. KuKk'b. of firciii faiiH', lu towu Unlay. Mr. W. W. Ilalne U vititinu lier dttiiKhter at tio-hen Tht H. P. pay tar panned IhroUMb ' thi inornlnx' 0 l- Street xcttinx iluty. The prlnkl. r thould lie turned lo. Sumner Snellurrlved home from vltlt lo Salem UiU afternoon. Mr. ami Mr. J. W. Hamiltoii are nt teiidlux tbe mid-winter fair. (ico. 1. Itu.lolph, the A. 1'. A. turer, niMin. arrlveil lu the city mi mier- Jlarry Norton came up from Junc tion thl aflernooii. ( orey F. Martin left thl iiioniinif for Florence to pend a week with rel ati vca. We are pleated to note I hut K. IC Sklnworth I reportetl Improvinx in health dally. J. . Whltcaker, of Crewi ll. ilelno cralic 11011111111 for county clerk, u III the City bahiy. rortlaml fed the trump ywdenluy thai panaed throuxh hereon u frelghl train the other eveiiiiiff. C. C. Itowuiatl, of SnrliiBlleld, w ill auperlnteiid die Hnya-Hutler bop yard near ('rcell thl year. The tirillln Hardware Co. put up a new cauva awiilnx Unlay. It I out of the utual order, bcli white. Mrt. M. C Havre, of Clattop county, In vinitiux ut "the Idelice of lur bn.thir, H. K. Ilntwii, in thi city. II. hi. II. II. Miller arrived up from Salem thlt ufterniMiii and w ill delivi r n ht lure ut Villunl Hull thi evening- Hon. J. I. Matlock, tito. A. Ik.rrit and l'nf. 1. V. H. Ucid urrive.1 lioui from Attoria on hu.1 lilfUl' nverlain. Dr. C. II. C'liupmall went to Salem thl inoiullix to deliver the laat lect un lit bl unlvcr-lty ixteiition com-.-there. Jiidxe Whalley and Walt Moiit. i' , of I'orlli.ti.l, were ut Albany the otl . r day ami got a bug of W" Mil In tl.a; vicinity. All of the nomination. made by tl. ttalo repuiilicuii, democratic and mijui litt coiiveiition have liecll Hied it. the n-i-retary of Mute. Itev. II. Sutton, who Iti-anvicffin the ttute in the interest of Ihe prohilu billon party, HHiki to u tuitill xiitlu r lux ut McVluni;' corner l:tt eveiiin; C hi, lluker, of S in Fnwii-lhon, i IH inliiiX ' hiy In n- litiklnx ufler blltiliet l.itere'. He report the Itaki r family pr-roUt iii their Su.i I- inin itco home. Two SMer ol Charily me in town todav ollrltlnif charily for Iri object. Weilo not think they are re ceiving much ciicoiiriiL'cmciii at our people have enough lit home lu that line to attend to. At a icciiil election held Ht Yoll coll.1, April I Ith, the chool ditlrict voted IhiiiiI to the amount of fl,ii, with which to build a new ki1i.miI holrc. Owing to legal tcchnlcuiiticx thi it the third time I bete Wimi have U-en votcil. "The Notice to Mariner," of March, Itmied monthly by the government, ha a notliv of the new light houte ut ll.ta Head. It I -10 feet iImivc mean high wuter and lu clear weather hould I vltiblo 111 mile. Tom Hcgar want to find Ihe man w ho ' appropriated hi plow from a triirt oMmi.l he I cultivating 111 Jud- kin' bottom. It I an H inch plow with a mended beam. Tom any he never heard of a worklngmaii aleallng a plow, and auppoae thin wm taken ami mild to mmo third party. N'lckell. ilemtK-rntlc van- didate for the otllce of secretary of lute, in aliakinx hand with rrieuti here thin afterninm. Ho came up on the local, and will goaouth toiilghlon the overland. Mr. Nli kell iniidc a fm ternalcall on hi brother newnnaper tiiun and eoiniictilor, Mr. Klncald. Tin. iMMtoillce denart melit aometiiue ng waaetl printing return ttddn- on the corner of envelope and the at.u-ti in the dead-letter oil Ire ban iu- i reniHl materlallv hIiiiv. Notice nre tn-liig put up III all immIoMcc warning Htiple to not mail letter Mile a re turn a.l.lretn it printed thereon, to in- tire itn return to the wiiter In can.' of uoiide'.lvery. Tho-e who have any wirrenMindeniv at all nhoiild iuvett in enveloi with their addrif printed In the comer. Have them print.il ut the (ii'Aun ollUv. a we make a t !' . . , ......i- " ij uu-.i..- ... Coxev and hi follower reim-scnt tho "John llruw n inovemetil" withou: arm. I.iU'rate the wage slav.- im uprisings, revolutions. If sin-- r..ful ihe iu.iu'Mi.m will l railed .,ntrots. Hank rrrsMrwt au Trial. t.slav, on a charge of riulf ileuinit. lie wa llltllctetl oil half a tMcll MHcr kacrttser. Raih.ui, N. Hon. Thoman J. C, Aj.ril 19.-Tbe Jarvls ha Nrn ai- poinled lo and ha aixvptisl the i llilted State tt-uattirshlp, to uecvd ' Vance. A m,Ui ;"'' " Anator WAHiiMn.iS, -Mirit i IVIl-r. tlrn-.l "I'l'" H " , ' , by cal-Tng up tb' " ' ' ,!,.' ,t,,n.mentof a- f r lilcalloltalo r..ile 1" " 1 t .tti .' nrfilV. !.H?.r. to U-gin ohject ol the re- mu u. . prrparnllont ior a I ' J .v..rv f .cilitv to present their griev ilia ijb-iv iii ii ii-ii. ait'i n ,'r-. Tlu-M-nute was re- gar.I.d by" ma.y at the Aiiii-rlcan I...... ..f lor.lt. mi. I t icv w ould hava o7.rM riuiiitvt.ihow tliatitwaiioi uml wagoim, ana umi ine army I,, o t P.i li wit t the tnople by , -pl.t Into ,-pmdron of PJo, nml apn, - i, i,,r.-i.n nil Tie coiintrv, out over a tcrritoryoliiii.il.- wide, C . laJ o. he verge of trouble ' ami inurel. on f.H.l ucr, the Jute, and J A we lire w 1-e and manage ; fuel, u ,.lu.l would mm.ii bring the u ralM witlt dltmtion. we would n- pie to du.e, for the ur.ny prnctu-u lv ui the .ear future. The time dcvaMutc die w.untry through m hid, r i .K "'':" .'" n.ilnm.rt would then I, I a iK-awlul one ny men ohii.uk .ii .- -j - - - V, lav heir xrleviiuw I fon. emigre ! of the country.. It 1 wild anurchinu Mr lvtt.r wa followed by Knator III the column, Inurchlng out of Alien popuhtt of Nebra.ka, w ho, i Omaha, had dynaiiilte wilh ihcin, but w hlle'nol approving Coxey'a uctlon, ; how much l not know n. . JT.. i .. .. '.:.,f....i ....l. t of l oxev and I he weather It wild and the men are UPK I I 1 H- t l - - - hi follower M come to ii-lillifion if thev Clio!-; not only that, but they had a'right to collie Into the cnpltol and occupy the gallerlc of die Hcuate, and it would U- now on the part of the hctmte to refute thi privilege. They iiIhi hud the right to le heard, and no man, w hether M.uutor or citi zen, bud the uuthoritV lo deity that .i.i.. if., l. n..rk il.-.wiiiii.l l lie re IHirt 'that (irnerallv tirdwav, of the ; NutloiiaMiunrd of die Dlttrlct of Col-1 i.i.. . ... ..r. ....rln.r lo inol, llle the1 hitteilv ilf uouiicca ine mihtiu lit die routine of the Dittrlet of Columbia. " Thi man It coming here with a jt rftrt right," colitiliiliil Mr. Allen, "with rights which are coii.-tltuiionally a !-aiTid n thoto of anv other uian, woman or child, itud yet we wit net the Hicctclo of thl; citv It iii'' thrown Into u convultlon, over the ex etalloii of receiving fullv u itidv "f men coming Into the city l.lualaTr bl .'I lim.n poll Went Out ul .'lldnlglil. St. l'Al I., April l'i. The lireut Northern employe at Mlniunnlit were ordered out by tciegruph ut mid night, uml the night switch crew lelt work. The tnkei uhmmiiWciI In their hall and ditoucd the situation. They didn't relith the Idea of going out lt fore they thoroughly lllulrltoH the situation. After li.-.leliing to the de rision of tli" MimicaiolU employee, Mr. Del t leclalid tile Mllko oil lor IIIC pr.M ut pi -iiuipg tbe n-ult of Ihe nue-t meclii:g I" l- I .t. l.l ill .Minueapoiin to- luv. I lilt meeting it now in M-.tou. 'Ihe lijiuty inar-halt m nt out to -crvethe liijuiiclioiit rearlicii ineirnen dilation without inlet!', reuiv. It Is: the plan of the companv to work on ' the MiniicMita tlivlslons Hist, und ufler getting them ill Jierfrct order to (int- i red west, a llvi-ioii lit u time. The' injunction w ill not be served in Mon tana at pr -cut. Ihe morning train for Fergus Fall :.:id Itariiesvillo left 1 alioiit t wo Imiirt li,'..-. ; The llrtt move touuid u settlement of the strike wa matte toilay ny 1 resi - dent Davit :,i..l Virc-I'n'.idri.t H;wr;l ct'n I ui; il rim u:n ui l- 11 u 1 n run iu . J. Hill. rn-sideiit Hill culled on tiovinior Neloii t.slav. President J Iill, of tho tireal North ern, hat agreed to a conference with the general nicer or the its-al com mittee of striker. The conference w ill be held Inside of Is hours. A light Mllto llobbrr. til.Asiiow. Mont., Atiril lit. There wat a shooting allray last l.lght twrcii striker, watchmen, and l en .i. he trvlug to steal merchauiIlM) from the car. One of the robber was wound ed. A force of scab is reN tried ell route here to take die strikrrt1 iiliu-es. If they attempt to work there w ill irntuibly If blootbhed. Krlly-a .rtnr Omaha. April in. Kelly' army of Industrial ' . . . 1111 il, wet, la-draggled. chilU-.l to, l4,.", MurU,, r""l"1 icil lliul 1 1 l.atau.ua grouiids, the bom the Comic east. During the night the rank Is'gan lo swell by the arrival from Ne vada of sixty-live men under Cuptmi M. lioriiiaii, mid Pslay further acitil sltlon were made when Captain Mm gall with two coiiipuuic of common weiilert, live hundred strong, nrrivcu 'the I'alltli Hlotrr Dk-ihoit, Mich., April I'.i. Kver thing I ipiiet ill the l'oli-h ijuartex nml Ihe nutliorities anticipate no IroJ blc lU'tweeii am aud :inii luUirer if- w, ul. Ir. t ul tin. kj.ll.i .if V..Ht..rililf 't riot armed with picks mid nhovelt, Hit no work was otl'cred and they are still w aiting. Three of the ringleaders afld twenty of the mob are lu jail. Alllf llabsarl. I.omkis, April 11. The iicti.ni Scott Hall airaliist the Marl of Ah4ig don, in which the court was n-ki.l to eaiut l the contract for the pun-has of 1 u in ut iilu.-e, on the ground that it was imt the original jilace w here Amy of Amv llolisart, nriiev and re-ter, did Hot u.t-ar then' as claimed by the iiuetioi-.is-r, has resultctl in a judgment ' for the carl. The tcttimoiiy of tx'rts shned that the ttiius of" the original Cul.i.tr place were on the j.rojK-rty. t alllerali Industrial Aruif. I'ohti.aM), Or. April !'.. A na-tion of the California industrial iriuy, known us i'o. "A.," wu Joined h.-re by a l.s-al roiui.aii v, nuiiils-ring liltiut Arting Mayor Shelby ha- In ttru. trd the chief of Ntliee to Nlj'Jily iro i-ioiis enough for four im-ult. Ar rangements havo Im-oh made t.n.!iey the men t S uttle tomorrow, r the Northern l'ariilc. The Tillman I nw I nreaslllu lluual Col t Mi l , S. I'., Aj.ril It --The ;Tilhiiuii state di-u-ary liiper law bat ts-ell diflliled II littuis t II ut t liul by the supreme ci'Urt of South Cr..iin, ! two jii-liivs concurring, and Till , manite member of tin- Mipr. iin l-nc!i i ditm-ntiug from the ejiinion. 1 A Ulsasirea Itrrani. WiMi-it K. o.. April l'1. I'ol.'ie Mr. Samuel lliitilm:. ot Iji-t (i nil. 1.1, dr.-am.sl 1 that 1 slfe wn dmwHng vM In a well, she awoke with a -tart to 'Ond that she bad itirowu htr - 1 months-old I ul v on the tUf with ' such force at i rush it skul. nilllla Orrs4 II Ilia?. t.ifx City, 1a., April J' lorn- ltiiies H ol I., of tl 4 Lie, rect ivt d 1 onhr to hold di-iii-lve In readme UT to hold di-ili-lv go to Council lllut!'. i to Omaha. April lU-TIm thor.4I.a hilrlng men nmrch.-d nut of t,,m,. HhImv. will, batmen, Hying, -,und , f rapt.iiii Kell.-y. cominouwealer. ut xv ',,, i , :, II niilceoMt of t orn,, ,.,..,. Kellev l ill (tuiaha ,!. . ! 1'rc.ldciil St. John, of the IUkU IMat.d ' Rlllnm,,. t. j.,,,,, ,d h, waa not 1,7 ,HmMn to grunt a train, a the i,m, ii.. i.. i . i .. .. ter 1 w holly In the hatuUof the prt. delll ol me iruna tine. A prominent mun nuggesletl that n,u arm v levy on the farmer fer horx HUtleringKcverelv, littili.V hnvilij pneu monia, although mi ample Hiipply of medicine 1 ut bund to counteract ill-in.-., tieiierul Manager St. John up on (wring the wet, tdilvcring men e.. pretted u willingnc!' to tarry them l-Mfl and ukeil irmitiiloii lo tin to, The urmv muy ! trnntpurted ilown the liver to Kuntau ity. l ive thou wind nvmpathl.er ttix. hi re ready to Join tl.'l inorlilng'H advance giiard The column marching to Kellej t arm V wo HWellrd to V) oil the man Ii. ( Invernor Jackton in it i (t.t! Ki l- ley that the citi.. lit ol Council Dllllit liave Hrranged to I u r it tli IhhiI to take the army to Kuima City mid provide clieltcr .luring preparation. Kelt, y refused to go, but would HiWnit the propo.ition to hi men. All r.it.tiern nuiwav puitwi empiy ! curt out or louneii ' avoid trouble. Itlulft toduv to Mirlkrr Inlrrfere llih Ihs I ull d suiri Drpulr .lurahala. St. l'.ti.,April SI. 'flu-storm pent, r in tho Lireut Northern strike in St. Cloud. WcitiiHilny und yesterday t'uited Slate deputy tuiilHliuln wem liit. rfncl with, und the restraining orili r ('f tlie court resistcil, train ln-lng stoj pid.-isoll previous days. There aie now lu thut vicinity between l'i mid : t I'lillcl States drputirs, and Murshal 1U lo ttartcd for that place today w it!i an ii.lditioiiul for.-e. Warrant have Is i n swum out ngniiist striker uctivo in oj.pi -ing and thn-atcning the depu ties. Mr. Hill, in hi coricsjKiiulciiio with the union oilltvrs, diss not rvcog- in.'..' tlie union, nut sie'iucuiiy expiaii.t that tlecouijiany Is ready to receive thn men Iti Its employ, or lliiir n irvMiiia livit. Urn pllou 1) I lie Srualrt W.VMIIMiToN, April 111. lU'Jirt'sell tativr Halter, of rhiludelpliia, cnlli'l on ,-uryeuiit-at-Ainis ltright to confer li to u reception lit the rapltol. Col on 1 ltright said that if the iropcr pco tie- tame they would 1st treated u itnv Aln. rleail elll.eii vi-imig in cnpiioi. , ,. lulilll,., ..... .i... law Isnring iiimhi , ;vu-iim ,f Hi the cupitol groumls, I which jirohll.ltt orgiiuiatioii mitrcii ; lag through them us such, uml said, miles overruled hy higher uutiioriiy, If would w e that the luw w as enforced. There would ls. no iuterferetico with tli'-ir privilege, and they would be en tl:led to m-atn ill tho galleries a long a they were unoccupied. The Inter fiew i iniHirtuut, it Inili.allng tho Jtoliry to la' pursued by the cxccutiiro Oilhvr of the senate toward the ilelo- ....!.. Id ..l.itl.i.. VVii.lil.i.ilon for fliM purpose of iullueiiciug legislation, and 'hadu direct Uurilig on the Coxey nioveiiient. It 1 uudc rst.sxl tololitl llright act under advice of the spnate committee on rules. Ill llravatfa au lite Callaw. ! San (rKNTix, ('ul., April L"0. Tat : rick J. Sullivan, w ho brutully mur dered his wife on the streets of San ' inilVITI III .HHVIIM1 I, J --'a., T f ,,,. j nt M v)Kk thi rnln in presence of the prison ofllelalt, re- IMr,;.p, ,llH.t))rH ,', othvn Sullivan V rnneisco In ovemifr, ivi" was orters, il.H'tors nml other, suilivnn pasted the pp'vloiis liieht comfortably ami joked uml laughed w ith the guards several hour. He ute a hearty break fast. After the usual religious consola tion by a Catholic jirlest, a few minutes Is-fore'll o'elis'k he mounted the scaf fold with it Unix triad. He made u short sjieeeh. u.ljuiiag those jirescnt to beware of w ine uml women, "which an- man's downfall." As the black rap was dntwn over hi head be shouted: "You caii'l say 1 died like a cur. Ihe trap was sprung, aim 111 , "'""' wu mManiaueou. , I be I mil i tap Hnlnt. : I5Al.ilMuKK.MtI.. April XL -Owing to the tir fruit croji pross-clt cnnnttl gisslt have ndvauced -Jl to 30 cents a iloeii. K. S. Judge, sti-n-lnry of the , National Canned (iood Asciutloii, has returned from an insjieetioii of the it n. iii;rowiiig dittriots of Virginia, Maryland and lH-lawnro. He say be rut ojs-n many closeil W.s.miiiis ami found the heart black, which showed Af Ibe Ullaan Kill. I'm I. Ai!t:i.i-n I A. Fit., April LU Six 1 1 tl : . Ired textile workers left lieretislay for Wu.-hlngtoti for the jiiirjiose of jh titioning the senate to kill the Wilson bill. The movement 1 under the au-jiiee of the Working Men'i lrotoc tivo Turirt I-ncue. The narrawriile Itriarliiucnl. Sai iiAMKMo, Cul., April 20. The iuilu-triul army has made no sign of h-u lug, and the leaders sny they will remain here In spite ol the authorities until arrangements arc made for their departure. The city official nre deter mined to n-udt-r u ussi-tance. A lllal I rand. Cikvi.i.am., o., April LU The striking working m.-ii h.-re today are viitiug gangs rinployi-.l on public ini pr.iveini nt ami coms Iling them t stop. The situation is threatening and a riot it feared. N:w Yukk. Aj.ril :. iol.l shi liieiii by steamers amount V t3,ui", tm. All but s.'sm.nm come fnui the I'nited State tubtreasUiy. Agala UHk Ilia Itisr. , y t wi H u.1 R-Tow x, Md., April LU Cox- s army arrived tmluy an4 wa aivt at the edge f til Wa Yy Ik MVr, who telldeitsl the u W LurtMi'i Hel. Coxey thanked the ftMTr, a4 kMtda- the hpitalit of .NJurylsnM. rmamur at atllaglM. Wa-him.tix, Aj.riU L'i). C. V. Shurte l.js U-en apjsjil.Ted Jsmtniaster at Arlington, Oilhani county, Or. O o 0 O Q O 0 O e 0 (SB e e