The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 21, 1894, Image 5

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KiliDAV, APi:iL IX
Ayr 11 MWawvai to mmaIk. 0
ChmiM I.avUy i(nr
ham rMh4 t-ta urW-a.
5Kr idl frf tk tiktf hT k
Muc4 t their rvi-jwvtlv hoint-a.
The iti-ulncr F.Ugclie leXftc ,( r,.
nine llHie tomarmw afternoon.
Tlie Linn count nli i Lit ioti con.
Teutlon Hurl at Albany tomorrow.
Dave Oaburn U ngulu (In- (IoiihntiiIc
nomiuce for idivrlll of Denton county.
C'llM. Klxalngi-r M ill ne t u A-cir
MePhenton' deputy In Full Creek pro
clout. Afttorla I making Kruifl arrange
menu for (lie U iiux-iinio tutc convcn
tlou. We l plcancd to announce 1 1 1 :t t
Mr. E. It. tklwortli continue to Im
prove. MIm Laura Druinl.'V hn Jim r. cov
rl from h prolonged IIIih-m with the
(Joo. A. felccl Iiiim U-cn elected chair
man ol ilia republican Mute wntrul
The republican memlx r of the -tute
ecntrnl committee for I. am-count v I
Dr. D. A. Pulne.
It U expected tl at Ijiiic county w ill
be reprcucnli'd ul tho democratic Mtule
convention by every- delegate In " r
on. J. ('.Oliver, formerly n Stale rni
vemlty itudcnt, hu been ititiinut-l
by the L'ulou unty democrat tor
Rome ik-mou entered A. K. Patter
aou'a "laughter liouxe laxt night mid
tole therefrom a dre d hog, valued
at 0; no trace of the thief.
J. II ISuxtoti, editor of the Willi... k,
Vah., Pilot uiul ex-pnf Idi'iit of the
Wellington Pre AiK'lutlii, I In
Kugcue tod u v. We iicknow li-d;.-- u
jileniiuiit fritternul rail.
The paper x-nk In complimentary
term of A. C Woodx-it' prcc nin-
tloii of the name of ('. M. 1. II. -mini, of
1'ortluud, for attorucy-gciii-rul, ut the
republican Mute convention.
Urand MaMer Workman T. ('.
Mackey, of the A. O. I". W. lodge, ar
rived here on Huh afternoon train,
lie will y the F.uguic lodge a viit
thU evening.
The cyclone hiixinc hat begun In
Kauaa aguili. One ivtviitly paHM-,1
uvcrC'ollcy county doing great damage
to Mock, croii, etc. Pixir Kansas, mIic
no aooiier (ret rid of one cyclone when
another come along.
Don't lie a cluin and m-ih! oil for
your printing when by paying
iiioio you can get xux-rior work. We
live here, Mimd our money here, and
if you patronize u the money xtuy at
home and we ure all beiicliticd. StV
The Salem city council ix dicu.iiig
an ordliiauou that apealH to all lover
o( the liorm'. It U a huiniilie measure,
Iiroviding for the punishment of the
irutal home ow ner, who compel hit
dumb aervnut to Mbmd tied in the
atrect, for hour at u lime unhlunkct
ed, Without food ol wuter, exposed to
the elemeutit. The ordinamr i.x a goix!
one and "liould be pnc. and rigidly
enforced. No punishment ix tiMi revere
for the limn who thu nhuw s hUhon-i-,
l'leaoiuit II til lteuix.
Airil 1J.
In reKHiie to Tay Item uc will
nay that April aliowcr May
Mr. F. L. Kelley it on the -i.-k li-t.
Mr. S. J. Kelley vi-dicd nt l. C.
Collmau'ii hint TiHKd.iy mid Wednes
day. Mr. Daniel Ktmire, formerly a resi
dent of 1'lco.iant Hill, died at Kueiie
hut Huuday of l.i gl'i).'. He w an
about fit) year of age.
J. T. Calliwon xhake Ii:iihU w ith a
Millie now aincc he I U ealidldaled for
coiiimlhiiloner. Ill party place a
good mini In the Held when they put
Mr. Callimin, ami he will he hard to
down by any mini.
I. X. Muikey gave ii two m-ruion
litxt Hunilay. 1. 11. iliirnett will
preach for the church next Sunday.
W. II. IlaiiKhmun hiotiliiveu hi-cuttle
to Mt. Zioii for their HiimmerraiiKe.
He ha ome tine cuttle.
Mr. H. HundMiker, of Junction City,
U vIhUIiik her children III tlilt an'd
other localillcH.
llobert Callimin reivived the t-nd in
telligt ne lut week of the death of In
neice Mr. AUNan Jtniw ning, of Myr
tle creek, Oregon.
Wm. IxMnley write from Nebraska
that a great many cplc want to
come to Oregon If they can mll out
there. He hit found nothing that
ciual Oregon yet.
J. K. McKellziu butchered four 1
month old pig recently that averaged
i;i8 pound. We cnu reuolly w hat
good feeding will do, and Mr. McKcti
zie know how to do it.
Mr. Itom MatlieWK uim ohuking
huuiU with oh I fritlids here Ix-t week.
Ho Ih a candidate for m-hiMtl Hiiperin
tendutit on the popllilot ticket.
Ml- Dora llluine I nt Sprlnglleld
working at the drcwi making biiMiictw.
D. W. Ilrldgc and T. J. Shelley,
delegate to the eoiintv convention
weut to Eugene lust WcJihuiIbv.
I'alljr liutrO, April 1.',
Mr. HherwoiMi Iturr niviviil the sad
Intelligence tin morning Hint n I--loved
hrother, Itrndley D. Iturr. had
died of fever lu Afrb-a. The death oc
curred on February 4 lat, but It ha
taken the Intervening time, over '1
nionlhn, for the new to reach hi rela
tive. Klghl year ngo deirnM-d left
Pendleton, Oregon, a an M. K. iiiIm
Mlonary to the w lid of the dark cntt
tlueut. At the timo of hi death he
wa presiding ilib r of the Congo dis
trict, lie w a an unmarried man .'il
yeara of age ami had xurvived the cli
mate of that country inm-h
than 1 uhuhI with American.
The fuiuily of Mr. Iturr w III n .s ite
the coudoletiee of man v nympnthi.tng
friend lu this city.
(Joxk t 11. C Iio- bU'g IteViltv:,
W". L. Dyliger, lit the 'ash and i.if
factory, I a gone to Jtr.t.-b ( ohm, l ia
to take a poMllon wllli a d imU-r cm i
pany there. Hi family w ill hot go t..r j
"me time jut, I
SATl l.l., Al ltll. M.
A. I
Woodcock hn returnvil home.
Ml Mue HuirU vl.lting in A.t.ula.
O'dteu nuinUrof furiiur In town
Jay Ferree U in haru-e ol the tele
phone (vniral tatlon m prt-M-iit.
VA IIhii.ii will inoxe to hi new
tore In the ru-kclt blm-k Monday.
J. It. Uuxton retuni.d to hi home
at Uil.H-k, Wuh., tint morning.
Col. F. i. Alley and F. I'.. Fr. inont
arrived Inmi Porliand thN morning.
Ml- Dint IHckliiMiu of Cottage
ti.'ovc, l Vi-iling relative bere IinIiiv.
It.-v. tl. A. P.lair wa-taken uddciiiv
ill la-t lilght but U luueli U tter iigaiii
II on. S. I,. M.Hvhcad, editor of the
Juu. lloii 'limin, In in Fugeiie till uf-
K- v. I. 1). Iniver, aihl It. v. W. It.
tiilUr! arrived home from AlUiuv thin
n.i. i iii.iii.
Mi-M. lb-xie ):,v and Flor.i Yo.nnr
aieexH-iti. home fioiu
uIkiiii ten day .
that Hoi, F
l I, il,,
-e e li nl ' '
,.. l.i-l mN,it.
W ar- oi ry to leurn
It. kipworth l ttor-e
'iat mg bad a lieiuorrha
tliator 11. f. Allef
r. lion. . I I......
from I'oi'tlaud
la-l night. He i- eu
tbe n piihtii-uii htnte
thti-i:i-tlc owr
P.ibhop It. Wl-tar Morri of Portl ind
airiti-d on the I.N-al thin afternoon,
i. ml w ill conduct Mcivit-c ut
ii. pal church tomorrow.
the J - 'i - v -
The county trctiMurcr lia in bin iob-
h- i alH.m w hiel. w III U- ,
,H.rt,o,,ed to the Mctcral ,choo . , .
iric.Mof Lane cunt v n.-xl tt,k.
woo .-eonei.ier, Hie l.llicner, WHO
ha worked for 1'nhcr x- WalkniM, for!
i v. r d year, III leave the l!rt of next !
in until on a vi-il to hi old home in
T...' h 1 1 1 : 1 1 i -1 can. li. lab m on the . null-
ty lb -ket had a Uniting ut the court
Iiotire today, lot the purMM of ur
ranging lur the i-oiuiiig eaiupalgii.
Of collide, it wax l.ot a pin. lie ultuir.
ll:irrihhui Courier: Mr. I.oiil' 1,,.,
.old tlie Amity Popgun whirl, hu
U t ii converted llitn nil ili.leH.'l:.l.-nl
..r. We ate imfol'Uied that Mr
l.oii.,' in also negotiating for the xale ol
l.ix Km.! ne paper, the llroad-Axe.
Itofhurg lb-view: I!. S. Sheridan d IiIm ollleial bond to Wai-h
iiigtot: Tmxday. The amoiiiil ? iO,-
km reeeiver of the laud ollbi-, and
jouui iim L'. S. dixburxing agent. Him
Miirt-tifM are J. W. Hamilton, W. S.
Hamilton, T. It. and J. P. Sheridan
ntid S. ('. Miller.
K. v. Hurry Watkin l mumping
the xtate ill favor of the people' palty.
A p:.rt-r xuyx: We ilteliuc to nun
in. lit on the remark" he made but
thcte are mauv w ho henrd him M.-ak
that realize fully that in lu-turing for
(lie lop'-ill-l- he I out of hi phuv.
The CuiuUrlaiid PriMbyterlaii Na
tioiial Aeinblv will iiiii-t in iiImhiI
Hit.-., w.rk". 'itev. (i. A. Illalr I
making an extreme i-ll'oit for Kugeiie
in HiIm matter and we ure glad to
know that he N recti lug gelieroux iim-xi-t
Hu e. Much n r-M.ii xlioubl do ail
ill bin Hwir to NUppleiuelit thi- iim
hi lp uiul ht inpalhy cannot U1 too frH
ly given.
Corvalli Time, April II: Yexter
.lav i veiling the
he grand jury retun.ei
i-t Dr. J. M. Apph w hit
true billxilgailist Dr. J. M. Applewhite
and Mr. C. C. Ki-nyoii on a charge ol
adultery. It I expected they will I.
anaigtied in court thi morning. Tne
trial will prohahlv not Ih reached Ih
fore next week. The iittorney for the
iel'etie expect lo throw the cam' out ol
com t on a legal technicality.
I tie wayoi women ure mim
out. The following from the (iraiit
Pas Conner I to the point: A newl.
r from Wisconsin purcluiM-d
faun on Louse cnek, hot wirk and I
wax well pi. a, d with hi bargain; but
whin Iii wile arrived here a day or
two atterward xhe wouldn't xtop with ,
iulweiitv-loiirh.ini. She iusixled on
h r hiisliaiid purchasing a ticket for
tlii-iiis. lv. mid three children and
take the back track the same evening.
All the furniture and household ill'.-et
had arrived by freight, bill the l.u-
. i " 1 1 ... i ... - .i.i.. . i . .
Iiai l w IIM l-oilllN-ll.-.l l.i IO.IIIII o'
, . i : ' . , , .. ,
iv in i. in- Mis mid L'o hack. She'
u-i.t.lil in.f ..v.'ii I.m.L nl tin. fiirin for
which he had bargained. It -ccliis !
that he had xold hi pn.ix-rty in Wlx-1
coiiMii at a Macrill.r, but the lady ;
couldn't xtoinach our pine-chid 1,111. 1
blue Mkien and Hirer cloud. J.' tinf
Ilth nay that the only way he can ac
count for the lady' action Ix that die
had nd hair.
Ibe .tlliuny Axtnriu Kuilruiid.
Allen It. SlaiiM'ii wribsi from Waxh
lugtoii to the Salem StateMiiuu that
by titiauimoiH consent S-nator Ddph
mi tired the other day the couxidcrti
tlo:i and Dual piis-nge thnuigh tin
seiiH'e of hH bill granting right of way
to the Albany Axtoriii ranroad iiun
puny through the tiratid lloiule In
dian rcM-rvation. Some utiiendmeiiU
were made to the bid III regard to the
right of wny mi that It now provi.h-s
I hi.l the right of way shall not exned
loo firt ill w idth, Instead of 3 feel
u U-fore, "and such additional width
ux may ! rcouircd at any iint, on lie
count of the formation of the ground,
f..r inMi-MMiiry ciiIm and 11IU " 'I be
company I ulo given the right to
tuke from the reservation land adja
cent to the line of the railroad, iiinter
ial, stone, earth, and limlicr for the
construction of the road; alo gmund
a.lj icent to the right of tiny for Mtation
building, machine liop, sidetrack,
w it. -he and water station, lo t to ex
,i d in utiioimt 'Ji ft t in width and
.vm firt in length for inch talioii to
the extent of one slutioll for i nch ten
mile of rmid.
lislly (, i. apt. A.rll
A- tll.T. Jame Jellkill, who
life vent I lllile -UthWct of liele,
wa given nn examination lx-fore Ju
ti.v lin-ey today on the charge of an
a-.iult w lih a datig.-rou w. !iMili. I he
coniplaint .i made by
I.eain. d and the -:i- 'i. r air.-st. d i.y
l-;itity Hicrill' la-t Saturday.
1I' wu itllnwi d bail, mid at the i -. .
of the examination today, h" ttu dis
cha-red; the i-vid. m I ing con-id-cr
I nisiini.-ieiit to bind I. mi over t
tic (.-tatid jury.
M i mil i - In e. ui.ty
A :.. I, !. by l.l i. r .N. I',. Wuldi-n
J..- I ii Piiki.iM bid .-j.rHi, I'rl vi.ii.i-,
all of Lane, eounly, O.egoli.
r ...
V. l
C rue liter t IuIiik He
Kehlied Mlille lraak.
l-.i.jr ....r t. V....1 I...
I- M. taipent.r who ha made
Ilium If .jmte widely known during
hi Mny i.i re f..r MA. r.d mouth pn-t
nc..ciit..i of the t l.e.tnut dale i In
lie hini leei litly ln-cli n lu ed by the
prolmte court li.un tbe eliur:e of t Ii"
e-l:,'e anil I :t -1 Week bad a III t le ti -ur
lo I. mix II. e ial III l.H hi.
I. .,... I, II . 1... 1 ... I
ion a io uf noli , mine coin and a roll
of gie.Mibnek', v hieli l arioiely re
Hir'..l to aiii. iiiil li .mi fjoo tooer
He I. ....r.lcd at the I luieeiie and
llunl .v i M l.;, ' U iul' coli-idcrublv
mid. r the liitlii. n.v of litior H-ri.ted I I lie parent lire i-o..r and hate not !
in Iwping lu a bar chair iu.U cii able to mvure In atiu. nt, or ut
pr. r. reii. e to K,.i,i5 to U-.I. ,.t ,M, ,,ot done M: k and '
I he proprietor of tbe pia.-c made re- Sawter went to tlie r. -id. luv of t he
peiitvU attempt, to Indiiiv him to re-; p.,rent Widnc-dav, and : f - -.
, . i ' nin-iir iii.-v.
: ' l"1'1r,',l''''l made by the laud-
iin; ami pin in-money in a .ate Ia.v.
mi i iN'iiiiiaii i iinuviiiir nmi in nil
. ' , " ,
;! i:lu"i ',"?,', 'f ""l",';'"
i , A ' 1 .'"'"'m 111,1
i',U'''',,k' uwrk"', " " r ,,,M"" ,4 '"mr"
iM.vpniid went cut ,oori to the ivur
I of Him lole Hi... ..( ........ ..I.i..
i- .1 1 1 1 ii i in ! I v
him, but'
ireolll I1IM MIKMUIK i. III. Will
Hie bar tender l-eing did not I.H.k alter him When he n turned
II I -.'lit I j limilll. later he .II-.-..' ered
1 " 1 " K eoiiiaining i he proH-rty
that the I. H.k i
aiMite-meuilolieit lia.l Ihi-ii taken Iroin
l.i. . t ...
, ii',i. ,,'...! i , .. . i
. ' " ""' " '"' V r"s '
I u , "-- In the
' ' ' "' "'V1"' ' ,'"1 UM""';
i In the in. lining the Ih.uU wum found I he note li. I ml,,,. I I....
returned with it
the bill Were
t 'iirpciitcr
rtuit for
mm ore out war
the arre-t of two
who were li.l. . II in-
it" cu-tolt by M.iiMial Ka-tland.
The tune for their examination wa
"'l f"r thlx uttci iuhui, I h fore Jutl.v
KiliM-y and tl Illc-r have
' U111 h""S ''"hit trying to
; II li 1 out t h e w hereabout.
jof the presenting wittu-M. A he
eaiiiii.t be found mid it i r. poited liial
! he left on last l.ighl' overland for
l abloruia, we
lUhihg tin.
part it urrc-tnl.
r. hum
I he
lelcr Item.
April .
II. men Parvine un.l Janu s liutli.lge
made n bu-inis. trip to Kugeiie Satur
day. John (iiiiley hn puri ha-n d a 10 acre
tract of laud fioin hi father, where
hi dwelling ix xitualed.
I'm-lu Tom llarlx r ha U-en on the
xick lihl for the put wit k.
JamiHi Talley of Fugi lie, w um visiting
ut Mr. l'flca over Sun. lav.
Wet Xirt ha planted a Miitill imteh
of Pmlillc, the eurliot of all hop,
rll lllllg ulxilit the middle of Allgllxt.
Mr, itotiey of I ). ell, mid .Mr.
PrcMoli ol l-.llgeliis returned to their
hoiniM Tuesday utter un i xteuded xtay
at D. S. HauMikei'M.
Mr. Norton, father in law of'l
l'.iiinmu of I p r Lost 'aey, Milli r. d
a M-vere Miroiie oi paiult i a lew Hn-.
-ill. , but I Mm, cu hat improted
pn eiit tt riling.
1 lie lllli.lal m-i vici of .Mr. Ilallur
wa held Molidav, at Plcaxanl liill
John liow laud, the inviutor of the
Kow land Ix-ii director, and ugelil for
the PiiciIic M-hiMil miiii.Iv conilian V,
; hn Ui-ii calivasng thi unl of the
,.,,..,.. ,i,i. l
... ',. , , , .
a (rip
"" " .'
Mr. A. I.. Policy Iiiim Inn ipiltc ill
' the home of I liele Dan Haii-aker
pat Wirk.
Mr. A. D. II vlaii.l and Mr. I'., t.
.Morgan of Lowell, visii.-d with Mt
Neet Salurdiiy.iilght and Sunday.
I Cilia Hylaiid I leaching the Kuh
j Ii-laml school, and Mr. Marsh, of Km
i gene, the I.owell xi-honl.
At the democratic prill, my Sntunluy,
..... .(,.. .. . ;. . . it t ,i
Win. .M liler tt ii no ul ate.) Tor justice,
... . . ' '
i mid I'. I Inward for eoliMtahle.
onsldermg the fact that we cunnnt
hort- to have a w agon bridge aero the
"ver ludwirll thi phuv un.l Lowell,
r"" ,""' vear to come, why cuu't we
''" exirii.
erect a w ire mum-
p.-li-ion tin it bridge, which would ! a
most serviceable arrangement. Why
Hot do thi, neighbor, acroHM the river'.'
Aunt Mary Ilainl-ak. r I Mteu.lily
improviiig, and bid fair to I- w ith lis
for MUue lime yel, for which we un
thankful. Mi. Niet'M condition 1
pnietically unchanged.
Died. At hi home in Tr. nt, April
7, of eiiiimiiption, Ia-vI Hur-r, mi
old and highly r.H i t. . eiti.eii of (hix
plii. e. Mr. 1 lar r came to thi iiiiin
try in an early day, frnu I Unmix, set
tling in I. lun county nt; bit lui
lived at hi present home for many
years. Itin-iiM-d wu d yiui of nge,
and leave a huge cin-l" of relative
nnd friend to mourn hi In. Thu
w e go one by one.
Vex! We say t ir Trent friend,
who in the K.-gi-ter, .l.-inalided an In
vest igat ion into the ulliiir of tbe
MiiervlMor, of (hi district, let u have
uu investigation. 11 ciu h and every
one uf il. IiimI heljiing, look into the
d. p and inner n-ceM of our heart,
nnd di-.nvcr if p'Mwihle w hat it I Hint
luix-l 11 to n spirit of fault liii'luig
and cn-tigalioii of our m ighlxint;
thereby proiiiillgating p.'tty neiglxir
Imod xtiili-M r.nd bickering, iusttndof
H-Afc, harmony, nnd gixxl will I
twi ii men, thu laving by Mton- for
the future World. Vex, brethren; let u
have thi investigation light away.
Kt: ,t l. a it.
Di:. Diiivi.n' I. i.i it ni:. Satur
day 'x Albany )emM'iat: Dr. Driver
I, .'in ml a-l night at tin- M. I ', church
ol, l,t.-ll,icdlate Slate," to a fair ail The hcllile wa delivered
w i 111 In u-ual 1 1 m and w a bur lie, I in
it makeup, but -otn-vihal rali.blin '.
Hi- iiri'iimeiil w.-n- fnilill.-d by gem r
al r.ln-'rati"!. ta'l: r than by 'biblli l
.pn. t.itj. -li. an I It I .I.e.! Iful if II,. re i
a in. a, uu, it v of .pinion on the siibj.i t
, . .i .
r. mo:. g i. , - oi :. i i - n n itioi- - o.i.i j t-
vi..c- t ' t t.e I" 1 "re. i in ;.
t I..- I. I I ure.
-. II , I.OM
:ll I it i ll'-t
, .11 Hot I
,ate statejll
. v. iu -4 ,.:,!. I i- i. ,
tie- 'I !:' f- -li '
mad.- ., In- mt
ti e same In, il l,, r.
Hrow imville Tiine: There I now at
the rtiodcncr of J. K. Knnrn. In thl
eitv, Jiime Harnett, ngel ven, n
of bavid llnrnett, of Hollev. Who li. In-
, ibtd In a pitiable iMiidltioii. ttver a
; v nr ago tbe boy fell and Mruck hi
j tine on a rm k, cuindug a bruie which i
I ecccMlutcd hi traveling on erutche. :
I until live month ago, w hen it began
to .w. t mid cti rdav it llleai.lire.1 a
I In t le ever Zl luetic III' eircuiufiTelKV
Im-i .w-ii 1 1,. L iiii.. -ii. I lit., lit., u i.ii..
I.. . .. . . . . -Mi..
i lie leu leg ai Uiul point only iiieiire
a Utile over nix lliclu-ff. I In- unfortu
nate Ixiy uImi ha a xMelling on bl
back an large a a rack ( nhot; m that
Ullll fllI.Nill IIIH'HBll .lllt.l fp-.ii. II. ...
lun ioti l...ri lli'i. In. I a r...lti.....l ii. . I
l...rl .. I.I. I.. .. -L. I.......
, t. fearful iimdition the b
1 1 ne leariui eouuiiiou tlie lov,, ,. ,
determined to bring him to t'bi. place
i .....i if ; I l . I . i : i
' o.-.i ... iiitn.i-'iiirv jinii-i' , iiimiii a ii. i -xiioriiev tliaiie'
""" mnl liiiiiti.lM,.. during the i.u.g.iili.vnl cl.-iugi
tli.Mpla.vona litter, a di-tuuee of l.t J of the Wuxhliigtm. law ter.
'I""' MMTiiltiit !.. Starr and 1 followed by talk of u duel, and Judge
K.,.. umbcil the mWo1I.ii nicoU-r n,l i ltrmlliv. in I.U elo.r.. i il... lore
I.'.. , ....
: remote.! a large amount of pu.
It In
I lllllHWj.ll. I.. It. nl.. Il.u l..r.l.l
1 xiL-lit. Imt ;i. hi.. I ..It .v It I.
iiiewor-l tiling lln-y ever tnw, It
uoiild mnrly Ih- a heart of Mono that
would Hot I' touched with pity Uoli
wring thin mii.I cae. Hi reinterv i
indeed doubtful.
Lane ( unnty NrbuuU,
l.u lln.xhed hi n-H.rl for the year
ending March .'), IMM, from w hich we
glean much of interrt to all. The n-
xirt slums the iiumU-r of n-sldeiit rr
m.ii, .ii siii, h. I age lu l.blie county lo
U-..'.11, of w hum 0i",L' nr.- eiir.ill.'.l in
the public xcIhkiIx. They are itcurlv
i.Uully .lll led Iwlwilii Imyn uiiil
-ul. The uveinge dully alt. Iniiilii-e at
cIiihiI of the county l",u lt-n ."IJil.
I'l.e liiltuU-rol teuch'i ra employed ilur wa Jtn, of whom I.V1
were ten, ale and !M mule. Of tlu-
!''i held llrt grade eel liticutcM, lull held
Mv-coiid glade and SI held third grade,
and the haluncu held H-rmltx. Dur
ing tlie yrar imthoii were vxuiii
I ned for certillrate to tinch, of w hoiu
! I failed.
There are I II organized district in
the iiiunty, the average length of
school term I nearly Mix moiitb nnd
the per ivnt of the taxc levieil dtirimr
the year wax .(M.
The follow ing hIiow the value of
Mchixil proix rty:
Value of sch.Hil hoiiK'M mid groimd
Value of MchiMil furnllure, Ml,
.1s.t.'Ji). Value of nppnratu, f IkVlVi.
Amount ol iniuruiice carried, f7,
M.1.7S. Average anlury paid nude teacher,
Ml. IX
A vi'i nge Hillary pnld female teacher,
The amount of ncluxd fund n-ci-lved
during the year wax t',. --,i.
report mIiow a that the mcIhhiI are In
ex.t-llent condition un.l they make u
g mmI hliowlng in all re-i t.
I'Ur '.ur,, A.rll II.
TlIK ItKi KITION. Till. neeplloli
given by company C ut their armory
.Saturday evening wu largely at L inl
et and tlie evening el.Jnya'hly peiit
with curiUund other gnmi-M. A short
but pleasing muniral piogrum wax alo
rendered, but some were -rccptiby
.li.-npMiiiitei who bud been led to be
lieve tluit ilaiiclng would I' ul low c, I
which pmvud a nil-take.
Inllf Oimr.1, , j nl 1.
SrAii: Convi:ntiin. J. D. Mat
loi'k, J. II. llarrl, and ('. Marx, of Fti
gelir, J. 1. Currill, of Cot luge tinife,
J. F. Kovleaiid W. I.. Iloiiston, of
Junction, left on the I.M'al ycMtenlay
morning for Atorla to attend' the dem
ocratic Male convention which mirt
The i en-larv of the lreaury hax up
iM.inted Wm. V'. Kixsell third assistant
keexsr of tbe light station at Tillamook
I tuck and IMw ard A. Itiookx N-cond a
sisttuit ktrpcr of the light station lit
Ciihi Menrx.
laan l:iprl Ulnrwakir
San 1'ham iHiii, April IL'. Juliti
l.-pb in, an ex-rt w iueiiiaker, hot
hluiMi'lf ill the head thi morning and
w ill probably die. I-pteln, who I :kj
year ol age and come fmin a wi-althy
fuuilly in (ierninny, hn Urn depon
dent for mmo time, owing to llnanclul
IHM'. j
Umrtr Willi lll-rkuiall.
MlNNKAIH.t.iH, April I-. The
grand jury i il.vextlgiitllig the ehrge
of blHckmall ngaiiixt t 'hristmn Miller,
H im Iim Imi-ii a iloinestlc in nevcral
well known fnmilleN, mid Meiired f mkI
from II. H. Sitille. She Ind need I
Siedle to vlxlt her room to iIiciisn a I
sale of property, u lieu I wo eoiilbliint
ruhil lu. hihe ntteuipted similarly to
bleed A. Ilrackitt, but tailed and n-
xultiil In thi proMriition.
An Orrgao Olllr-.
WakIIINOToS, April li - The jirexl-di-nt
ha uomimited Jam. F. .Mixm',
reglxler of thu land olllce, ul The
Ihdle, On-gon.
WaiuniTo, April li-S'iiator
Kyle, of (South Itakota. lntrMiuird to.
day a joint ri-aolutioii .rox.liig a eon
xtitutioiial ameiidmeiit nlating to
mariiuge and divorce. Il wa referred
to the committee on Judiciary. The
urguiiev dellciciicy bill wa umler eon
xi.lenilloii fornxhort time,
I't-II'i-r wa reeogi.ieti and
then Mr.
delivered I
the third Installment of hi taritl ,
r-h. j
AmiIciX. Pa., April (Vtxcy'a j
army today Ix-gnii il trump over the I
mountain. Many would d.M-rt but,
f.-ar the Wlneheler of Ibe lllimutuill- '
m. A cla-li of authority ix-ciirr.-d I'oxey, Ilniwii and Smith,
who detest i-u-li other. I'oxey hn
h-xiiiH r,-., otelisibly in m ulch of
provision. 1
Ittrf Uinl MtnlKalUli.
I'l l Islii Ho, April I'l. Theol.biTMof
i-vi-rv latsir orgniiiatl hi here Imve re- '
ei ivi-d u -' ' I ireiilarealliiig a eoufi r-
nee i.i Pbilicl. Iphia April toi-..n.
-l b r tb- inh ,!ldu!oii , the I Jx.r
orgaiiiintt' ii throughout the country,
In order in preent a wild front lo
employ t r and lcgtlabr.
Mis h liti!H'lkil Id S;ik M
;i.J ('jit't iii (die uf Hi, Cajilil
City's lliojiiuk
tirdi.iii, mi Han.
vmiim.IoN, April It - Hie long
exciting Itiit-kenrblge Pollnld
Ii v( promi-M' eue i Iom .I t.itlnv.
S i -atlon liave fairly crowded
then: h Ivii. into the la-t 'day of the
trial, i'xre bad Ucii -niiiu of the
uiil diHinalle pmx in , winch ever
tir'. I ii j. the dingy little court room,
ul; .ig a
1 of .ehrat
i eel; iig a it mum with the iimnon.
rated t ax ; II i re wa- an iin-
i .
j mmm. I Colonel Thompson ax u lawyer
.:: . '
i m iioui xpokeii in in court.
I ..r IlirV r. llre.l nl HIT .. o. I'l...
llrt t'lillot whm tukeii on the merit of
the i. ixe, leaving out of coiishl. ration
the. iiiMlon ofduinugiM. It reMiilted
in i h t en vote f. r it terdlcl for plalii -
till. 1 hereilMi the dissenting gentle
man wu ligurntively cornered by hi
coll ..mi. and wum, for Moiue time,
urg-.i- d w Ith. In xptaklng uf thi ill
cui. n nflerwnrd. Foreman Cole nld
I the i iry.ueii displayed lully iim great
I fun t'.iarity w ith In' the leth
mo.i y, a w a evinced hv the law v
III tl.eir argument. Ihey laid the
cM fill I V !.lor. 1 1.,, t.l.l.ll t, I., lure li.l. I.
calling lor ground uix.ii which he
In- I blx opinion, ami II 1 1 ul I y over
came him by klnrr force of logic.
1 1 .' lleXl .lletloll to I- M illed wax
the tigureat which damage should Ir
Il x- ; tlinr juror thought the full
HIU. in III xlled for, r 'lO.UOO, should I'
aw. . led: the foreman mini that a ter
diet Tnrtl would vindicate Mi-m Pol
lard in, I punish Mr. Ilni-keiirldgu xiif
tlck'..tly. Fueli Juror wrote the
ami .mt he ii,ii, len d Just on a slip
of piM-r, and the biihunr being xlrm k
tlie nmouiit ranged from II to f i,imi,
an !; ,.noo wa the average, nnd thlx
laxt '.mount wax git-en the pluiutill.
The dclenxc movitl for a new (rial.
W tMHiMiioN, April IV Mix Mad
elln. Pollard wa the mot Inlked-of
irrsoii ill Washington today As
might have Ixeu exx I.-.I ill, n w
mau of her lemH-raioenl, the long of the trial eiilmluated in a ner
von pnwlmllnii. She wa taken last
nig! t lo the Providence hospital, xitu
nteJ In a ipliel part of thu city. The
utte iding pliyxieiniiN do not anticipate
tiny xt-rlou ellW't from her illnexa.
iii ni.t.v t it i. it it i ti.
I ralniHi Jarlil 4 tf
sHiiiuif I HrumvNiii,
N ;tv Vohk, April 1:1. David Dud
ley I'l. ld tiled Miiildeiily thix morning
of . letlllloliia. Field wax S!l M nrx ol.l.
Ill- dentil occurred nl bin resideinr at
tir . i, mercy Park.
Omaha, April Kelley' army of
huh l rial captured tho In ion Pneillc
Irt.l 1 nl F.vuiixtnn, Wyo., nnd are now
riding J!!.
CilKVKXNK, April 11'. Kelley' army
en pi ire.1 a l'ulou Fuel lie freight train
nt I liitiih, a lew mile from Ogdi-n.
Kil'ey tiNik charge, I he engineer and
lln inaii olx-yicg hi order. The employ.-
failed In an attempt to put i ll'
the lender. The train ha ii Ixix cur
lll.t-1 Willi 1 11 HI men. 't he railway of
tic, have given un hor of pn-vctit-imr
1 M-iure and will carry the urmy
Fa n rnpi.lly a wsble. The train
will U- Mlopx-d outside all Wtomiug
town. 'Ibe army will reach t hey,
c mic nt IH o'clix k Friday morning mid
w i'.' I. fed ut tbe xt.M kyar.lx. Tim
army hn Ihnr day' nil bum. A
CI. e nine xnl, M,ii-kei x-r uameil St,.n-y
ha uuiiifit i-oliiinalid of the Wyom
ing livllou and Issued a call fur ru
cm:. ,'ivernor Oxhorne w ill miike no ef
fort lo xtop the army while net of vio
let,. nre not committed. The army l
or.l rly, but there I much iilh-ring
from rheuinntlxiii and pneiiinonla.
Tli"-e are many wcll-drewcd men
nmolig them. It Imindirhlrd whether
to s -id the army via Colorado or Ne
brnskn. t itle along the line are pre
pai ing ample food.
I lr mi Half naau lla-.
Ha lb M.x.N IIav, Cal., April 12
A II . broke out Veslerday afteriliMiil lu
the I b-cldelilal hotel, kept by Peter
H111 ke. The building with most of il
cou'eiit I a total li. The lire xiin ad
to o-her building until It di-stn.yed
the entire block, excepting the Ix.l'loir
el:.,e ami another miiihII building.
Tin' lo I nowr entiinuled ut 1 7,n.
The beavleMt bxter I the t hcldeiitai ho
tel. ( Nino; Inxurnmr '. 'I I. u burned
bliM-x: I in the heart of Spanlxh tow 11,
ami included a large xirtlon of the j puny xlioiibl b,k to the xli, rill' of the
bii 'l ie district. A high w ind blew ! i-ounty for protection,
from the wi.t, ami II wiu with the . .. . ... .
gnati-t diltlcuity the Ham.' were kept f-rr a, .r-r..
from croxalng Main Mtnrt ami willing 1 rnxil li, April 11.-The Ijiw
out almoMt tbe whole town. I remrvlbe ill-trn i ha made ntiother
llratf mil lar llamas-.
OaKI.ANH, Cal., April li- Tlie trial
of the Mint of lleiiderwiii I. Olover
agatiixt the JuiImoii Muiiufaeturlug
I oi: ny for f .'..uooilamagi-M, ha Urn
111111111-11111. (ilover wu arn-sted 011
MUMpiclmi of Ix-illg one of the robtrr of
ne-ri-lary iiil.iiof ..ixl on a train
, , I..,IUU.. -,. r,.l e..-n. .... I,., I .. I
ulwilieiilly reb-axi d, a tbe evlileine 1
wa Hot Mllllclelit to connect him w Ith j
the crime.
l-aaala I aaalf
MM.-ll I'l ltl l.l'AHb.
I'.wUU H'i, tir , April I l.-iThe ih in-
iKt.ti muoe tin- follow lug iioiiilna
tlo:. i l.xlay: 1'. It. Ilccklcy, nbenll',
by .,( iHiimtloii; J. S. Fitbiigh, intin
tv J idge; Mr. Juckxoii, eb-rk; John
Th'. -nton, tn-asun-r; Mr. ( lough, com
mi loin r; C J) Diaiu, I 'hax Fixbur and
Vo ley I.UIidux, repn IllMt ivi x.
I llllMIK, Wyo., Aplll 1.1. -Kellet'
in my w ill aintu in I'. uv. r Stui,f..y
un 1 dug, remain ull dy, ami .r.-. ,J
to Ki,n I Hy. 'liny expiel ibe
hi-!, of (ioVcriiui Wultu and Iewill-
I (To W
Dili- . i .ii, i .i i
gr.- in tl M.ii. I di-tn. : bv
repiilili.-.iti-, on the thirl l'll'.t,
tl e
I lie . 'tiiiti.ili.til of II,
.1. I ' IV f
licrill will U''.cl ,
tlie !
pie on the Itli id' next June,
1 lie cuiiiily denim r itic til-lilt i-
C.llllpo-t-,1 id' g-hfcl clc.lll 1 1 1 -1 1 , .ill l
will n iirieiit the k-.ii1c I ntlil'iiUy
ii it i- ei ct. .i.
It i-cctin that the "cow" county
; replllilic.iliM i l.-.iiie.l out the Port
.Uiul tiii),' at (! l.ilv coiitciilion
tiiii. I. tin-.
! The late Chief Jn.-.i. c Stone, of
Alaliain.l, ccrtcl nil the Im-iicIi lor
more th in lift v vear!, in that time
The trouble w ith Lou, K...-ut:,
... .. ,, ,t 1... ,, ;,.. , . r
'' , " "'' "
l'-t'll llir.ild mV
,l i :t scrioii Mirt id' comil.niit
Iroin ttliich lew recover.
I ' I' lirivLinri.lge
! i ,r.i nig t.) u clone, nil I
. 10 love mu-Ii reailing w ill
1; ,, ., c ., .
tint! C
father to Ih- Mc.iui'c.l
by Millie h 1 1 V
' l'eti:l!e.
A coin js.-itir hitcliercl the
llth resolution in tlie .1. in. n r. i'.
ic pliittorm Saturday, ami tl,,.
proof n-a.lcr in a hurry ot crl .l
the error. Instead of "minimum,"
n pbuiiiv tt rttlen
maximum ."
Ill couri', the nter.iire render c-
tecbil tin- .n t.t rr-.r.
All in t i-titor patciitcil a de
vice for illiiuiiii.itin keyhi'le
w hit Ii promi. to he a Imkui to
pen-utiM mil late at night. A ni'cs
in tl.eil.Mir frame hold n tinv in M i-tit lamp, n hich i lightcil
hy ii ptl.sli liutt.ili. The light l
Mullicient tint only to illuminate
the keyhole, but to ix-nnll the l ite
comer to readily i-eleet the j.rop'r
key fr.mi l.i i hum-h.
The le;riMl.iture meet in Janu
ary, uinl t In- hi'liinillNxik iiun nr
ulreuily making n preliminary cm
viik.4 of lli xbiti', pri punitory to
npriiigiiig a change of text Ixtok
upon the h.i le thrnuj;li the next
legi-latiins We iloul want any
clutiige. The lHik ll'iW in II ii'
are gnixl cinuigli. Kx.
i:n ruriurr m Trial.
Fiiimmi. Cal., April l.'.-l lwa.d
Mori I, faiiiou lu that be assisted Ch. I
Fviil.x lo i M-nr from Fri'Miio jn.l h.xl
lh-.viiiU-r, I on trial today iu I he i
l'rior court lx-fore Judge ' Harn for
loblx-ry. Morel tt ill iiio bat e to an
swer to charge of nxxixtiug I '.van fnun
Jail, mid of taking Ib-iijnmiu CiH-hrnn
eiiituwav fiom.him. ibe charge to
day lx Inking City Marshal MorgHii'
Th klariu mn IU tllanllr.
Xi.w Vohk, April lu'. The hturm
ha abated muucw lint, but a heavy M-a
Ih runiilng 11111x1111'. Incoming Mteniii
erx repnrlci terrible i'XM'rlellceM, but
110 further ciiualltle ure noted. The
Waul liner igllan.-e, from Havana,
loxt her xtiirlxuml fon astle mil, mid
her deck w it wiished fore nnd aft by
thOM-a. The itorm hn gone out to
xen, ami I traveling chhI In the lino of
the ociuil Htnun.xhip.
ft-rrrlarr llrrbrrl ('imIm(.
Vai.I.uu, l id., April IX When the
weretnry of the navy come to the
ciMixt, li will Ir necoinpnnletl by a
mi 111 Ik r of naval ollbri and proinl
iieut hii,,'. It I hi intention, l
mIiIiw inn king n thorough Invent ignlliui
of Mare ImIihhI navy yur.l, logo to Port
Orchard ami hik ul the new diyd.x k
under eoliMtruetiou nt that place.
Alining the prominent olihrr Surgeon
(ieueral J. It. Tlroii, chief of the bureau
nf medicine, who will exiilullie nto
the eonilitioii of tlte mivnl liiMpitui ut
Mure Island.
Tit I'bllMdi-lpUlu Itrlarauiral.
ClifxiKH, Ph., April I.T The I'lilln
delphiu ileljichiiii nl of I'oxey' Army
left South Clii-xler thi morning, lor.
Wilmington, IM , lou Mining.
Xkw Vohk, April 1,1. -I leneral Dan
iel K. Sickle ha Ix gun xuit for 11 por
tion uf hi father' proxrty. HI
xluin- 1 Mild to Im I 'lUtl.tUD).
AthlMfj lar rrairrllaM.
llAKHlMiirKii, Pa., April A l. l,
grnill Wax received ul the executive lie
iiartineiit tiHlay from the Wlxtnr
Furnace Coin pnny, of Dimhur, Fayette
county, Hiking thu tnle for ln tection.
An auxwer tva M-nt Mlnilng the com
;exporiiniii hi v u liiiiigarinix, Ital
ian ami Slut to IcXn cotton plultta-
tlnii. uiiikiiig 7INI fnun thlx ilistrict
alone. I l.i v are tkiii the iiluce
of i.igrix.
Ilii-brx nan In ill.iaurl l.iau.
SI. i.oi-i, .April I.I. -John T. D.ivix.
dry gMidx dealer. Hie li.-he-t mall ill
lb .1 l.xlay. He Uates .,-
Ri4 I ar K-llr .trior.
('iikvun.m-:. April 1,1. Tim Isxkcr
1 have Ux-i. working all night to
for Kelley' nriui, Meml m of the
army g.-u, rally il.-ir.- to go to K nvt r,
and pr.ii.i.blv will ,lo so. Triiiin, 11
proiioiii .v 1 in- n- -i n;u ot.l. rly, hut' ig
110 tumble 00 the I up. I he ulll.v I
i-xpi-i ii -i ut .1 p m
11 1 1 1.11 ,1 , .
Ntv Vo UK. Apnl 1 1 'loo ter to
I r lllel II . ,.p llei-y, of
ii Kluii, mnii.l t.xhiy in the
ColUlllbll fl-.lll I I II.
-il . U " 1. li an -
FilA k I OK I . I.. . ...ft li In a
ix'll.jl let,! r til N !.l .... Ill 1111- lilt,
tr. i kliirl lge xlnie tl ul hi- ill n.ui.u
! a eniigu sxiniiul ruir ul ad b-rd.
A : ( r i-ti ry iMtiveiii
are pli titii'iil. It will