The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1894, Image 9

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    Hunters Find Him a Hard Cus
0 tomer to Deal With.
a ( ullrrtloe ( t.alrrtalalag Tale Ilia.
Iralla ' llrwlw's acrllr and frraarltr.
.la Advrnlurw la lb ilMlN-Ha
llrar lelirl ( In f.rlrf.
I Inr aflrrniaiii w hrn Ijr ing off llrar lalaml
,,, laiat' itmIi left llir Nrw Hrdfonl
ahalrr Mcnkar for Ihrthnr. looking for
j,.r walruarsor whatrvrr tnlifht liiro up
tin! lurlii-ll tb Pirn Willi anmrtbing out of
ihr oniimiry. sun Ibrr bail lm-n uu
l.ra aighted for aoma tlmvand lift on
,1, .nlnianl i gelling moliotoiioua. On
t,l ti,r laatl waa couitnaiiilnl lir III mat.
Immediately after landing tha crew of
t lila Imat aw a niimlirr of w hit brara on a
light, anowclad mlnni-r. Thry paid no
ttnitiiiti loth approach of lb mrn. Con-
piruoii in th partwaaa xiwrful old
lir briir ami m-r cuti.
With fonlhanly and crurl rrcklnunraa
ilir Hint advanced and pltingnl bia lanrw
into th lly of thculi. With a roar of
rai thridd brar riiohwl at tha nrarmt of
ll.r men. w ho lmp-nrl to m a nrphrw of
tli uiil;iin, iianirU IVaxt. I be latti
iim-iiii'Mti-ly. with bruin at bla In
b .l.lpnnti-' following a rloM-ly an
hi and Mivrt th liear
li. .n. A ii.i) had no flrearnm or other
li.hii rung weaMin. tbeiremleavoni In tbl
.1 rtvilnii wer in rain. Tb race waa a bot
in. I HTa-ionauy me near witlilii atop a
in.iini nt ami try to alrike IVaw with bia
,. iiii.l llii-M-linef interrupt ionaof bruin'a
pirr eimlilxl thtyouiig man to maintain
Ilia 1. nl.
Tlirir comix led I hem to the verge of a
timiiiue Mime Ml ferl in height, and an they
u.'.ip'l it mid could etlie water below the
in.tti' caught right of the raptaln'a ml
with M'Tenil men In her but a abort dUtanca
ta.iv. In hia ileir be called upon tha
mm ;n the lMat to Aboot, but they arenml
hrMilili riMl and did nothing.
The ni xt moment tha two wer at tha
nl.r uf the precipir. Th youth baltd for
moment and then mm! tb leap. Tha
lair fiiUiiwed without Imitation. I'raMi
l.m.lil on n projection about 'JO feel down,
tinking up In bin armpilft In lb now, w biln
l.i ii : n p,iMl ilinttly over liim ami atnick
I he nater. lb la-ar waa aiieeilily llialch-
id by the nu n in th boat, and young I'caxa
"an vileil from bla pmitlon, feeling noli
the wiiroe for bla al venture.
I.lirly l:nruuntr Wllh a (trinly.
"The amount of lead a grizzly will taka
Into Ina anatomy without aerioii miulta ia
implr uiinderfiil. I hav aeen an old fel
low fmrly llllrd with lead and Kt ill lie in
gluing trim," nald Jim lng. an old aet-
ller of Xi-w Mexico, ton Chicago lU-conl
5irn-aiimlent. "A few yearn ago," he con
'.mini, "I bad a hunch of cattle over 111 the
-il country. During our flrt two mouth
:brr wr beard from vitriou Mirtira who
bml entile near Uu Hint brunt wer ery
liletitilul ami tlmt one old grixzly had run
ihrre or f.eir out 11 1 a, all of them having
limed to kill, alt huugh they hail abut
lier arveriil tllllet.
line day I Murtol out alone inqueat of
Ihia grizzly. waa riding alowly along
alien I mw ilimii a Utile grade four la-ara
""""t "I the bruah. They were ao hilar
lliraliing iiri.iin.l among the oak a gat her-
"g i ne mill they hail not aeen me.
.iy Imra wan an old hunter, atrady aa
rx k. ami I knew there w aa no danger of
uu h aving me. Two large old fellowawrra
imiing c:km) logrther. Slipping gently
iny nor, i irt drive at on of them,
unuii! for the butt of hUrar, ranging hack.
All Una wax of courae lii leu tune than I
n le it.
"When tbe hear received my hot. which
a uiifortiiiiately too low, atrikiug bim in
Ibe .iiDuhhr. he evidently thought for
fill V Wl.l:g TlllUalllVn AltlllND GATIICII
ffi'inunt that tb other la-ar bad atnick
n. fr he hauled off and gave It a moat
lerr.hc blow, knocking It aome or SO feet.
A from a full grown grixzly'e paw,
let inr if j,i, no Joke either, aa a grix
I ) can cru.u a horae'a akull at aingl
I ., , f ti. paw. The bear acramhli-d to
l feet in an inalant, and I let bim have it
gain aa he roe, breaking hia neck.
' rhr ..t. r. which waa an old aha bear,
uartrd fr mr, and I opened on her. My
r.fle la a art. jtn chilleai ball. With re
I' ahrll.a mine were, I uaed OS grama
J loader, but I let her here it three times
in throat and once in tbe mouth with
''. (topping her. and ahe waa within 40
net of mr w .irn I hrard a nniae to my left,
b am ing out of the oirtier of my eye. I aaw
"at one of the other la-ar waa coming for
" '"'in that aid. Tbrre waa no time for
'gut. Wbatwaa to b done muat be
""ti' iii.tantly.
"At 'liamoiii.tiiiglbaddnippedoldCbar
' rein. In an in.tant I galhrml it tip
""Ja-.p-d iuto myaa.idl. 1)1.1 Charlie
U't have mail alaHit jn ftart at th Aiat
'"'-' I gatbeml mylf Ugrtbrr. and aa
U 1" larcinird anaind lb laat mie I put
l.iilina i,,t ,im at abort range, but
a-4 t U,.g bim down. Tticold an bear
'"ilowing uie up, grunting like aa ttv
'"' "r I tik another ahiH at her.
K - ing a bullet right through brr heart.
f "! cam on. with tb l.l.aaiy f.axtn
0 it out of fa, mouth and tb blond purV
jf n at ream from her la.t wound at
' atep.
kLL"TM in "m" ,rn cartrulgra, th
""Tar krrtnnu aom il,.i.a . 1... l
"l.ltl. cantrr. I cvuld but notic tht
'prraauaj of brr great blia-ky faceaaabt
"... a eH rr,r I, -. . . , i l
ed me.
n kming t
.aa, iuii .'i a uunniiaur
, and brr malL
,fc , - - aiuaaa no, nan a gun
- "-in mat meant death.
- he f,,:0,d oi, fui,y ,ro j-arda. grow
Z Aer at rry ab amble. I had
meantime take a eonpl of thou at
urr, ,,ui rraoy 10 ngbl Mill If It way b,
looked toward dm waa any Itidtcalloa. I
"Seeing It waa all up with brr. I l-g.n to
look round f. ib arc-aid mm I had hi4.
H bad draggrd himarlf o(T up Hesslnp,
raving a l.naid trail behind bun. I a.u
ovrrtia.k bim. and a .but Ubind ) f,,.
J ,lr"l'wl. quit drad Vlim I examined Mi
, . i r.Miud tbaa a d.a U j
"""" uu ur 11 wasiluuotless th
our I hat bad la-rn tbvlrrnar of lb country "
A Klgkl laaTrM.
Gurg It, an old trapper of lb upper
lrlinwaion vally, rrlaira Hit following
aa ou of lb rloar.1 call tbal b vr bad:
"I Wriit out witnmyrayuaenn day lose if
I euiln't akrrr out a deer. Diilu't bar ny
lurk at tall, an I wuxa-aittin doanrhawia
war on my hit o' grub when all 'lwuut
1 herrd Hilatrr tbal'a tb ca)rti ulv' a
nrlgb and a annrtllk. and hcutn rtinnlu
toward in (if aumthln win up. and when I
tried to atop bim b Jit ruahed mv lik a
irrak and wtidu't brketched at all. Waal,
1 didn't run arter til in. but mail up my
rnln tbet tbar might I. a b ar or sometbln
tla lo'fln roiin. and o I all,aad up toward
a pawl of huahe to flu out what In tbt
llrln natur' th rarkrt mraut.
"About Hi fu.t I kiiuw'd a hull van nf
big bar rum larln out of til hru.h ana!
started llrkrtl) apln rlt toward ni, and 1
li ail n I rrrn tluir to about,
fur thr wui
cumin In a mltr Liu hurrr a- f . ,;,t..M
wui pu.liln Vm along. If I Muck to mi
gun, I know'd they'd ketch me. an I Jl.l
dropied tb ohivitin weepun and dugout
fur life, Ki lurk wud her It, tbar wui
rirrtty fair aiinl tree lirnr by, an I mad
Ightniu irarka to reach It, and when I got
thar I jumped and ketched hold of a pro
ject in Inn' aud awung myarlf up In a hur
ry, but th next minute them b'ara-flv io
all wux agrowlin and uarliii and anappin
rotin tbet 'ar tree 'niilT to lieat a bull men
agerie. "They believed they'd got m. aur. and
they liaiked up wicked like, aatif thry felt
mlty aartln. Any one o' tbe rarmluta wui
big 'nuff to her cbawed me plum to pircr
In aaroHit or two and bin fllrin mad rawi
thar wuiu t more. I got up In the forka o'
the tree, 'bout IS feet from tb grouu.and
thar I clucbeil myarlf to wait thar com In
up. Them b amcllin d anclim'd till they'd
nearly git mr, aud then they'd abake and
ahake till they rattled me ao tbet I e'en
'moat tho't I'd he to drop down among
'em. nut 1 coiitinood to bang tbar aud
: T1-"W
THOUGHT TnT.V'D OT vr, lt.
boid on In aplteol 'em till I really b'lerv
the b'ar tho't 1 hrd gniwu rite fu.t to th
tree and rtulu't la- ahuck out at all. Hut
they war luliu overwlth mad and didn't
want to give up tbe Job. S'poae If I hnln't
give them thar b'ar vmr mlty amart rnK
on tbe noli I with a atlck tbet I'd cut off
the tree thry might brr got me anyhow for
aartln. Hut jiat aa they'd git up to me I'd
give 'em anme powerful whacka on Ihrir
amellera, and then they d drop back and
wait awhile to reat their hliaaly maara.
'Waal, air. would you b lerve It, them
thar tarnal b'ar kept me up tbet tree all
the biggeat heft of the aftrrmam, tbe bull
night and till plum daylight the next
moniin, and I win hungry enough to her
eaten a Inled alone. Sonn'a they bed got
out o' kigbt I kmarked roun and foun my
gun and took tbe ul' abut fur borne."
A laanlalnra Rvag.
O'i of the miaat atrlklng character that
ever lived in the character gathering com-
mutiny of Hot hpring. Ark., waa old
htrphen Hutherfonl. He kept a aort of
riwlhouap, which he dcaiunaled aa Hear
I'ark, and mail bia living by admlniater-
ing to the t hi rat and catering to the amtiae
nieut of the wayfaring man. Tliearatiae
nient couaiated of a black bear old, lazy
and flea bitten. Thla animal, adverttard aa
of miaat furioua iliaaition, waa kept
chained to a tree in tbe lack lot, and at
evening, when the accommodating duak
threw biding ahad over the hear' tnit
inking fun lt i. e., lazineaa and flea hi tea
Id Steve would announce to hia gueata
that he waa now alamt to engage in tbe
dangeroua feat of wrratling with the fero
eloua mouater from the Miaaiaaippl awampa.
Thiwe who knew the trick drank their brer
in unconcern, but tboaewhodid not paid
83 cent and paaard iuto the back lot to are
tbe deaperate encounter.
One afternoon, when old latere waa alt-
ting on hi veranda, a man from the moun
tains ram along, driving a red mule and
white aterr bitched to a abaky aud creaky
wagon. In t lie wagon there were a few
email cabbage ami a black larar.
Say," aaid the mountain man, atopping
hi team, "don t you want to buy the nueat
b'ar you erer aeen?"
No," Steve replied. "Got all tbe b'ar I
"Hut you ain't got no aecb h'ar aa thla
here one."
"No, aud I don't waut no arch kitten of
thing a that."
Now, look here, niiatrr, that ain't do
way to do inault man'a b'ar. I bare trav
eled TS mile with tbi h'ar. and you air tbt
ftiat man that haa offered him inaiilt.
That ain't oharrrin the common courteaiea
that I due a b'ar that ain't never done you
Do barm. But putt lu that all to one aide,
Irt me ak you arrloualy If you want to buy
"I told you that I're got all tbe b'ar I
want," old Steve aharply replied.
The mountain man gathered up hi hick
ory flail a if he would drive on. but then.
with the appraranc of baring changed bia
mind, atrrtrhrd bla long neck toward old
Slev and aaid:
"When you aay you're got all the b'ar
you want. I reckon you mean that mouaa
gnawed and bug eat invalid out yandar ta
tb back lot."
Steve got up, aud mastering hi anger
and attempting to prak In a quiet way
aaid: "I have la-en livin her a good whiie
and I'arued how to lar amootb in my man
Drre, but when a man tbal I ain't never
pratmal In no way come along her aud
willfully luaulta a mrmher of my family,
why, It'a time for me to act."
"I don't know notuln about jef family
and wouldn't, ther fu', inault a mem brr of
it," tbe mountain man replied. "You aaid
that thla her h'ar la a kitten of a thing,
and thro I aaid that tb b'ar over yander in
th lot 1 bug rat. and I am willin to
leave it to any jury that can I raked up In
I bia town that 1 am right. I know wbat It
to la- bug rat. and I don't blame tb b ar.
i , i it 1 . rs a 'u ua- wu.u uoi iv. a uaaj m
once that waa bug eat aa kind hearted
tDd gentlrmaniy a doe; aa yon errr aern-
and 1 didn t hold bim rapon,ble. Kay,
row. witnout any mo fooliabnraa. doo l
, f .1 . , L. , .1 I - A -
yon want to buvaan ar?
Ster placrd h i band on a poat to atady
himarlf. II looked at tb mountain man
with all the route nipt be could throw Into
bla watery eye, and then, cull under o
at ron g a restraint that lb baggy knee of
bia trouarra quivrrrd, tha delivered binv
"I am tryln to mak an boorat livin. asd
I boo lo loin tb church nm day. bat if
yon don't go away from brr I'll hurt yon, !
err or ib hora. UH. At It. last sb
"fH lay down, loo airk logo far -
T fle.1 77ir , ' I ijj ' t V,
Land 7 yS, t CVfi?S.K VI V
attm- ct". r. a ; Tii tr
. ff ' . a a
uu. rut it ks in tit
Riittbty luul I In )iniiirar"
"till. yr, I ,ir. and ruihrr than haT
any ilnlikilty 1 11 IHikrti. but I do bop
that lirfo1 im j,,m th rliimh aud brfo"
thdajr la nrr. fur that tunttrr, you niay.
cbangp yo' mm. I aUmt ihla b ar. (irt rp,
boy!" II wunic bl hickory and dralt th
muladnli blow. ,
llulnraa wa dull, ami Sti r noriilrd and
drramnl a lir .,it on th rrrauila. Ilvwaa
anMiml by a n.i -. ami looking up b aaw '
that th imiuiilaiu mau had agaiu atoprd
at th gat. .
"Iiok b. tv " -iil ...... ....i 1
! i . . .; vv.rr. """"
I V 7
goon awav from her.
"You did tell me. and I did go away, but
that didn't keep me frotucomlii hack again.
I bar la-rn to nearly every place In th;i
town, and tiolxaly don't aerm to want a
b'ar, and lb fact haa la-gun lo crawl into
my mind that Hi b'ar Inarkrt down her la
pretty dull. Ikiwn yaudi-r jet now tbe
thought atnick me that arter all you mout
waul a real b ar. and aa I am willin lo help
you out with yo want I will let you bavt
thla here one for 110."
Htve wul out to tbe gat. He put bit
el la. wa on a wheel of the wagon, aad ha.k
lug bard at tbe mountain aanl:
"I have la-rn very kind to you."
"I haven't mail,-thai diaklverr. hut if Toll
hare l-rn kind to me I'm much ohlregnl."
"I have la-en kind to you, aud now 1 want
to tell you what I'm golu to do. I'm gum
to mwil you." I III rillea, and It la ther rule Which gov
And hedld maul bun. II aiiatrlied the ''rn """ " ha no yu tial.iv.
mountain mau out of th wagmi and wal-1 'u I'f'n'ipal harai t. riat ir iaa innat rlal
lowed him In the road. And during tb "f"' alTii tial amiplii lly. The varl
performance th la-ar aat In tb wauon ami "" uteiiaila are fmiiii utly of plain Cora au
I looked on with au itlitiilcrrtice romplrte in
rmj unnii. i ue mountain man cllmliraj i '"I""' "r nann ia aa piain aa
lack to bia aral aa n aa Slev granted (aihlr, though often of very ekN-naiv
bim that privilege, aud gathering up hit ' valuable wiaala. The invitation are
hickory aaid: "After all. I reckon you know ' """""y either for noon or 0 o'cha k p. m.
yu' own mind heal. Don't reckon you real- ' '""'"' ft" ' dinmi una lea. one for au in
ly do want lo buy a h'ar. (iiaal day, ah:"' 'er and Ihe igher for winter.
Kvrnllig caine, and at ranger who bail ! '" ,,,B '"'d aeani the gnrdrn l thickly
bran t that a deaM-rate man would w real I ,reed with pine neaillr. w hich give forth
with a fcrocioua bear gal lured at tbe place I'leaannt aromatic ierfiiiur. The Vlaitora
of encounter. i retain their geta, or outanle fiaitgear, ulid
.Now, gentlemen," aaid Steve, "tb time
haa come for m to how you what a w hit
niaucaudu. All my lolka were b'ar fight
er, and ao far aa heard from nut ou of
them wa ever whipa-d. Some humeri
bavr Jiiat brought In amonatrou b'ar from
down in tb hottoma, and all that want to
are me tight him Jual pay 'Ji cruiaaiid com
A number of mrn paid their money and
followed bim into the back lot. Sieve con-
dinted the iecltora to Ibe tree w here tbe
bear wa chained, lb brim n of evening,
making a myatrry of tbe huge black maa
uf animal life ami biding the at heaon hia
coat, pnarlaiuied bim a aavage nionaier.
"tirlitlrmrn," aaid Sieve, "lafo' I go Into
thla here light I waut to tell you that 1
don't dearrve uo yniuithy, for I hare
brought it on myarlf. Here gora."
He made a lunge at Ibe la-ar. The moll
iter threw himarlf lu an upright N!tlnn
agaiual the tree and caught Sieve In hi
arm, ror a moment there waa alienee.
and then a loud yell atilit the allllneaa of !
the deepening twilight. The la-ar laned
Steve, be hugged bim time and Inn auam :
and theu apM-aml Ul lap biting bim.
"Take him awayl He' killinu me!" the
gladiator cried. Two men arizrd Strve'a
leg and drew him la-yond Ihe la-ar reach, I
and the mimater and lmli-e.1 be waa one Mme and are never left to the diacrw-now-Rtretched
bla chain III the effort to re- l"m tl"' part 'cipaula. The folding of
new the engngrmeiit. Steve wa taken into
Hie boiir. He waa covered with bluial, and
It wa evident that number uf bl rllaj
wer broken.
-ll.. . a.l
.' n.i.uiiia . aaj I aailll line
aakeil. "It may be pmlialile that you can't
talk after awhile. .
"All I've got to aay I tbi," Steve groan-'
eil "I wiah I hadn't got aointermale with
that blamed b'ar." j
Several men Went out with a lantern to
look at the victor. Thry found uothiug but
a cbaiu under Hie tree, but down fanner. In
t fence corner, they found a worn and flea
bitten la-ar aaleep. Haul they continued
their aeanh, bow ever, thry might hav
found, down ibe naiil, mountain man
helping hia la-ar into a wagon, aud they
might poaaihly have learned that the moun
tain man, for purpoara peculiarly bla own,
bad liberated the lazy bruin ami had trm
porarllr chained hi own la-ar to the tree.
I'arful Cow.
Tht web footed row along the St. Jobn't
river in Florida I know that thry ar
Wehfooted, for l aplain l.uml aay no, and
Captain l.uml never In-- are uf aome uae
after all, it are in a, aud till I the bow and
the wherefore of it.
In the merry mouth of April the water
In tbe St. Johu' geta rery low and th
two big ateainlaiat. rredrriek l)e Hary
and City of Jackaonvillr, w hich go up aud
down It during Hie winter araann, ar
aoliieliinea hard put to it to get overt he
nu me roil a bar. If it were not for tb
welifoolcr. Captain l.uml aaja and Cap
lain l.und never lie they would never
get up to Sanfonl and Comfort Cottage,
and would have lo come north a monlb or
mure la-fore they could lap of arrvlre.
The worrit bar of all ia Voluaia bar, and
here, four lime a day. at the hour when
the ateamlaail ar due, a liumhrr uf
cracker (which i the complimentary
way of algnifying Kloridiam put In an
apprarance with from four lo right yok
of the gay and fraiive kind, almoat too
tbiu to (aat a haiow, hitched up for hual
neu. Then follow a arene aui h aa few ateaiu
boat men have ever wilneaanl. The cow
are hitrbed to the laaxt by three tout
chain, the rrni ker pick up enough ener
gy to raiae a about, and w iih all ateain on
and mighty tug of war the alout irou
leamlioal ia draggeil through the mud
and aand aud lamle.1 in deep walrr again.
Captain l.und aara be haa a ai-t of Iron
tire which he put on the pwld le w beela
tbe latof May, which euablra him to take
abort cuta a naa ihe country, thu abort
en ing Hi diatanr by alaut on half, and
aa Captain l.und wa never no, never
known todraw the long bow or to tell
ai.n-y which wa not atnrtly ace .riling to
Hoyte, down go ihe urea, arrua country
and all. Nrw York Hrral.L
Wkal I ..araull llld fur arlvare.
Three wa one dia. ovrrrr w hraae nam, I
think, waa I-. ai. aiilt. w ho added to ai iu
jlii ili ovenea m.,1.) new and uai-ful In-vriitna-ia.
1'oii.a.iit ili-meml thr Inven
tion of a larnplo ant in a initiflrdiarovery.
He invrntnl a m; -lerioiialy ronatructrd
lamp which won id f.-rd the carla.n lo
iretric la:irri-a by Th
worka of thr ri.a k rrr kept in motion hy
elrrtriritr.- Nrw York T kgram.
Maaara la Hriraiarrfa.
n ar.'i.r uf Ihr hriikvard at Fprinr-
Wrila, .Villi . aranrr rf Women, i ant.
tug in Ihr pit afrl larry tlie m..ida. ILa
pj.prr rt of their ine are aimoal
nodaarritha lower par: ar hardly co-
red by coarse cloth. Srvrrai carry baked
bUr wbil thry work.
I ny roiM irou
A OfWMaay la Japaa Tbl la Ilamlrr4
( y tar lllal - rrrallar I Ionia Thai Ar
lalulablairlrt llaell l a Jaaa
' kfM trallaal Mow HuaU Art.
Tulnvil a few to 'come and
dunk a cup of Ira" la by no mr tna mi
le matter among Ibe !.n . Sn. n uu
ll Kill Ion llrt raaltillea a roilll I. hi, I a.--
ally lor Una ia-aaloiia. a almlr pan
phemalia of .! I r Ulni-ii. ami a in. t
rlulxralr crreinonial. The faunnia Ann it
can "high tea," with ila hot nikia,
etia, bam, pie, cil-tanla ami j.ui.a, U.ira
no r..ii.riM.n lu Hiint of
rriariiiioii. Fboguna and nnl.lia rniinal
tliriuarlvi-a giving Ira parilia. Warn, ra
ami knighta forgot I In ir hull
and .riii.r alali.-atol their
they might devoir Ihetllarivr to ilally le.i
t-emuoiiii wbiih grew more ami lin.ra
roll) unt il immeiia auma wen- aa-nt ami
gnat dirt tinea iliaaipatcd Uaii tin ar enter
The ha no il (rrriiioiin a n ioi or ;
)eara old, and have Ntaard limiiih three
dial met atagea.
The largi-al ten party In the a. .rid w aa
given by liilr)iahi Hi the .ine gmieof
Kitano. He laainal aneiln t luwl.hh all
th tea totaru-a in the empire wen- ln.l.lrn
to come to I Ina grove, liringing a ith I hem
any lea i iirnia ther might -e a. ami tb
prim proiniaed to drink le.i at every
laailb. All who filled to pnaint them
aeltea were forhld.leu ever Intake part In
lb ihaliovu agaiu. Tlila grand rnier wlili li in-Ill. inen ainl aiil
alike were weli.une, laaliil leu dnya and
waa a gnat amrraa. The tain t Itarlf la
till in rxiatriier. Hut ili-. anx
among Hi meinU ra of Hi tea cult, aud
one pan y thought t he crremoniea hould
Ibe a rforinnl in ueli a luantier, ami an
nt l r mrty . Hauler. . I their own itnu
lar InrlliiHl th pro r one. ao llnley..i
called all the V annua at lnaila tnhiacaail
nf triiiliinl Mini iiiitl.p l.i,,. w..., .... Il L ...
gathered together, aiinplill uinl arraugiil
' enonuoiia value, for their an-
"" ''' mau over a au,uar llreplac
blll.t In the II. air. lu aiiuum-r the garden
i gay with (lower and curioualy iwiated
little dwarf tree. In Una mule the viail
or remove their geta aud a portulile bra
zier la Hard.
Thrgueat do not come directly to tbe
hollar-there would la) au ahriipliiraa
I alaiul am h pr.a-eediug not at all con
' aiatrul with tbe aoleuiuity of the laraainu
I - but go to a pavilion, miichia ai, in tbe
mlilat of the ganli ii, and wail till all areaa
armhlnl. Then Ihe prim iial g ileal alrike
th wiaali-u lublel or U-ll lo iiiiiioiiiu v their
arrival, lietierally thu Innl baa la-en await'
I ing tlila uuiinoii and apia-nra imme.1 iate
I ly, but aomelimi- a arrvaul auaarr It In-
leml. Ihr rlitmnce lo the teanaim i
curioiia enough it ia aiuiply a aipiare hole
three feet earb way. The gueata creep in
our after another. In onler of pna-rili-iicr,
and after them the lut, who lu the mean
time haa knell la-aide the entrance until
the laat vlaitur ha gone in. The gueata
then Mat Hieiuarlvea ill a M-uiiiirvle. aud
,'",t approai hr the door of tbe aide
raauii n In re the uirnaila are keiii ami aaya:
I "I rejoice thai you have colnl.-aeeiuled lo
' ne and thank you fur 1 1. I will now
1 make up tb Urea."
All the geatumi aud apcerhe are alwayi
'I"1 hand", whether the right ahali 1
claainl ou top or the left oan, 1 aettled
hy atrict rtiiiictte. Tlie hiaat bring in the
I umltori, or charctml Imaket, each piece of
lan,,.i.irlli bh.1 ..r M.....II1M I -
" .. h,., ... vhiih iim m
mitati-ha bruah of threw feather, a pair of
toug like grrat Iron chopailcka, the ket
t1' tnid. Iron handle for the kettle, i
huiiier Ihix containing inceuae ami xune
little roll of taier. If il ia auunni r Ihe
imma lax ahould lie of earthenware. He
ll. Xt bring a Vraael fiar aahe and a little
aaani aliaa-d ahuvrl to remove them. The
charcoal i lighted and inernae burned to
dealroy theamell of the fuinra.
lu alereotyN-l pbraiara Ihe gueata aak
irrmiaaion to examine the iuiriiae box,
which I alwaya curio, or at leal haa
aome biatorical Intrrrat attached to IL
rju h vlaitor recrivea It in turn, and the
laat one mum it to tbe boat, who mean
while alilatr Uaiu Ita auliiiiity or ita bta
loric origin. Tbe Ural part of thecrrrmouy
la now over and the viaiior aud the boat
retire to thr ganleu.
lluriiig lb aecnnd part a dinner l a.-rved
and Ihe tea made. With a Utile nuuore uf
purple eliKh the huat wiH-eah utenail;
then with tbe bamboo apiain, rha-ahake, a
little tea 1 taken out uf the jar.cha-ore, and
hot walerdtpa-d from a highly euihelliahed
irou kettle with adaluty dlia-raml ponn-d
upou the tea iu the laiw I. Tbi mixture la
thru w hipped to a froth, and a boy earriiw
it to tbe gueala. tl rt-qilirr conaidi rable
practice lo pnaluc a froth quickly and
without aplaahing; tbe iiialrumriil liard t
awbiak maile nf a piece of ham law, apt It
intoahredaat on rml until II rraemhlea
aome what a paiiithruah with a hollo
cruter. Tbe tea 1 light green In color and
flnrly powdrrrd, ao that the Uiwl of tea
looka very much like a aort uf thick green
In the final part of the ceremony the tea
la koicha, or very thick, and during the
laat part it 1 uuhn, thinner. It coala
from live dollar lo aig dollar a pound,
and cannot la. kept long. Very few Ku-roa-au
can drink It withimt feeling rery
unhappy, for in tbe flrat plaiM the laat la
Dot agreeable, and then it i ao ililenarly
at ron g that it ia aura to diaagrv with
tb m if thry do manage to awallow II.
Tha utrnail uanl In the arcoud part of
the ceremony are earn..! in by the biatt,
each arparatrly and in Ihr following onler:
I. An iron kettle on a aland. 'J. Thedaiau,
a table of mulberry wiaal, two feet
high. 3. Two i h-irr. or ir Jan., in bro
cade rover. 4. The nuznaachi, or pot for
frrah walrr, which ia al.aal under a lit tl
table, li. T h cha-aen, Iwamlaai whlak; tli
fuatiu,or littl cloth; th rha ahaku, or
railiiy aain. and Inaily the little wouutxa
dipper, ahaku.
If there I only one gueat thr rented! nf
the taiwl ahould la- aatalloaed in three
gulp. After lb gueata bavr rai h drank,
li e empty boa ia piiau-d from hand t..
bind lo l admired. Turn the boat
bra all th Ira llnn.a and wifaratbraa
rjl lb rr rrnn-tii ta ended -o-an Kran
ci-a o t all.
Thlrf featdrr.
"Thlrf powder" baa la-ru invrnted by a
merchant at Hilda l'ratti who haa long brr)
a..lT.r,n a .1. r .... , . K.l.ln Tl...
powder I aprinklnl ovrr aafea and caafe j
draw era and cling to tb baiid of any one
wbo attempt to open aurb rrcrptaclra.
Having laid hia trap, th mrrhant nxt
morning found that a large urn had dlaap
pwr1 from hi drawer, aa uaual, ao be
Called up bia clerk a for inapretloo. (fa
man baiida li-.a-.i rat brr blue,
and thai
merchant I ..le nun waah brfor blax, I taf wfaicb It ia tb aign caua lh cold war
Warn the bandaarre in th water, lbf 1 aerm to h nndrtrrmlneal. but ther la
tamed, rr blu. tb ffeet uf th tbksf om raxinrrt ion bvtwpra tb two, tb ef
powdr7tiiu bnnglni bom therimt I fact having been too often noticed toad mat
in rgbt man. ' ul doubc H lu' (iUtrniurrat.
o -
THE jtou cation.
llww II Hiltrr fii.ia Hi lluk lararalng
The iniaat l .irelr.a i.liarrvrr cannot fall to
Dote I he t hai. a in lalueatlonal meth.ala
huh hat,- Iaa n Int r..lnui.-. In naent
tnawwand In ditera ! i. nf rdiicat Mu
ll. r k i mil ru mi n imluairial ion.
niaiiii ar lr.iu g. inn ,,f ,, ht claaa.- in
la.i.invaml gia.b.) . I.,l.,riii,.rv work and
ermitiiiry inrih.ala in ihe higher couraa-a.
The iiiii i an ie-a iilerver may n , bow
evrr. nan.-thai ll,.-.c m w meth.ala are
all pari a ..) inn,, i in a w hole, ill (Ten nt
pliaa.a of that dew ion w I.I. h la quite
aa i uarai i. riatie or our timr aa th n. w .
w irtn-e or II. e new Ihrology
The .1 . .In, nti.m anneal to give ' II ln t l.e mind aa a rr
rrpfai'l ami kln.u I. .Ie aa ll.r material
II II. la , mpt) rrcepta. le
waa to la- llllid. And aa informal i.m ia
for the llloat ..ut .'nilniiinl in laaika, the
old raliiealiou waa U..kili II la-gan with pr.a-rr.led bv
text laaika; lla aim w aa l.i giv e t h at in lent
aanai iihnm. n tl laa.ka colli .lllle.1 . I X I. iin only or d.i. lly io a ertinn
Whether he had laaav-aaaal buna. If of their
CM. 1. 1 a
I tlder thla talrlll Ibe pllpli atlidlial lail
anv without I. . king nt a r. c.nlou v
I .llnnit exniniiiitig a r.a k.aatr niiy witlr
I out ltiaating ll.e aiara, uitualioii with-
out gomgoii law.r.1 ahip, aurvev ing w illiout
, going out of il.aira. cliciiiiatry without
j aaa ing II relort.
The Hew i-.ln. differ from th old
aliicatioii. li. t lii men ly or mainly,
bill III pliriaiar. ta ia lo hot
; Informati but a.-r. It d.a-a not la-gut
w ilh the alphala t. lla llr-t ol.j.-ct la, mat
loleai li Ita pupil lo read, but lo ol.aci v
and to do. i'ln-refon. the klmleruarteii.
It d.a a 11. .1 pr.a ee.1 by Uir.tna of lb text
laaik. It liar Hie text laaik a little a
aa.aibr; a, la il pupil to Ihlllga,
ina! the litrrarr coma it ion of thing.
Then-fore th lalairatory and the out of
dia.r rxa-miirnlnl rhira In natural
a. ieiu r. It aia ka lo train the will no la
than Ihe lutrllc.1; lo i II.I..H it pupil
with a.Mer lii do aa well aa lo think.
Then fore th manual ami itiduatrial
rlaaaaa, and the g uinaati.' ami military
1 1 aal In develop the aff.a ti Mia all. I the
r mot loiia- faith, boja. love, n-v en-nce, con-
n ine. Il. lii-e it deiiianda in the M-lnail
literal ore. m.1 mere plnloaophy, but litera
ture. Heme, tiai, il di-luailila religion, not
for Ihe aake of dry aa dual calia hiain and
iiietnouii-a i i,,r l lie aake ol Hint iImii
a. liar of riu-l.l. iiil-li. aa, that clear acliae nf
thr Inviailile, that appneiiit ion nf tbeaiih-
lime, tb veiu-rahli, t he divine, which con-Hint.-
the eaarnce of n-llglon, la-ran it
roliatitulr the raaenee uf life. Chriatluli
A llraullful Wild t'luwer.
I' Hi lovelirat or at lrl Hi
nioai atnkuig of all tb Introduced i 1 ,
Ilowrra la lb New Knglalid w I, III. Thi I
m5 the whin or g..r of the Hriliah lalea,
which i In.tnuically I'lex kuropii'U, but
a ai , a uf bnaim geniaia liuctoria. Kew
thing are more tnkitigly In-auliful than
the whin rovrnil Held of llnlain w ben j
covered illi ihr il.t-p golden color f I om
theae flower, and il i aaid of l.lunit'ii
that w lien be Vlaiteil Knglalid and aaw for
the lirat time Ihe gloriou maaara of
bl.aitn be wa viaildy afTertnl by Ihe
acciir. II would certainly have a renewal
of theae feeilngaof admiration could he
have n-r ii aome of the hill of Ma
chilaelta covered by Hie glowing golden j
bloaMiiii uf thla plant. I
1 have aeen w hat l.lnmi'ii aaw, and am
lire.Maaaa. hllaatla, in theae golden, bliailn
ing billa, may challenge Hie world for
parallel to It beauty. In aome lliainurea
over hundred of acre little rlar coo hi
Bern except the rugged and went brr iN-ntrii
ria-k of th rvrrlaaling billa, w bleh would I
Inaiat here and Iherr In not la-ing w holly
Ignored, even by the overwhelming maj.aiy
ul a floral rrn like Ihla have arrii tbi
plant along th llld World fence row , hut
never dreamed II would llll.lertake to work
out a errne like tbi. Kvlilen'ly nature
dia-a mav alwav place thing in Ihelr taral
placra. Soinelhing la left for all creation
todn I'laulaa well na aiiimalamay lake
'rxerlaior" for a moito and in.piov thuin- I
arlvr. Thoiiina Merhiin lu Philadelphia
Hew He aprllrd II.
"How do you aa-l 'ratechiam,' MarlaV
ralhal Mr. Join- up etiilr lo bla wife.
"I bavru'l any light." anawerrd Mr
Jour irrelevantly.
"Wbat ha Hull to do with
'talerhlamV" ahoiltial June.
'I niuaa
have il, for I am gelling my hiimlay achoul
report rraily."
"I'm Inlay," calliil Mra. June, "look in
the dictionary. "
A half hour Inter Mra. June rnme down
taira and found Mr. .lone Mill buried
deep in Welaalrr'a Hiliileniu Uiin.
"Kim- mrny aake, .Mr. Jonea, haven't you
found that wonl yet?"
"No, Maria, and uo wonder. It lau't In
the dictionary. I only wanted to are If it
wa apellcal with an V or an V in the aeo-
ond ) llnlile, hut I have to rtak It, fur theie
la no aui-li wonl here.
"Nonarnae," aanl Mr. June aharply.
"(live in the laaik; I'll aiam II ml It."
"Hut 1 tell you it lau't tbrre. I bar i
gone right through the K 'a ami It ian't in
Then Mr, Jour lauglml loud and bang.
"Didn't you II ml it under the brad of
K a IF" ahe gaaped.
'I don't aee anything funny about It."
retorted J one an Ik lly.
"l)Hi't you Suptaave you liaik In th
C-a l-a. Mr. Jonea. I Hunk you need logo
lo a apelliug cliool a much aa anything "
Hut Jour waa mail clear through and
abut up th laaik with bang, -Dot nil t
i're I'reaa.
TM Murll
I do not prntonally rememlier anything ;
rmnical happening to me when nailing 1 1,.
....... . , r'""'"' '
ail oi ii near. in m laariaii cirra wii.i wa
ao much ah.a ked at bearing tbe curate lie-
aerilaa the litleil wife of the gn at mall of
Hi pariah aa "thi woman." He knew hi
manner better, and promptly rrpltrd.
Who putletn her ladyahlp'e Iruat in
thee "
My fellow curate at a lndon church,
where a fee of eighteen pence wa rhargi-tl
f'allieUaof th chun lillig aerric, once
...I.I ... ..... ...... u n I . I .. , . ... ,.
charge, ..,.1 aJuduig l.i the" brevity of tbe '
arrvicr, replied: "What! r.ightren pence
for that bit. It' an Impoaiiiuu. Head
Mi'-ie more." Cornbill Magaxlne.
Tki llrala ut aa A Hi.
Although an an". I a liny rmature, yrt
It brain la rvrn tinier Hut although It
ta nereaaarily amaller than Ihe ant ' head
which coiitama II, Jet It la larga-r In pro-
pon Ion, a cording to the ant'a aire, than
the brain uf any known creature. Tbe brat
writer iihiii aula thoae who have mail
th aatoiiiabing Intrlligenre of then tiltl
iuarcti a aperial at tidy ar nldlgrd lo ad
mit that they diaplay rraaotdng aliihty.
tali illation, reflection and giaal Judgnievit.
Sin h qiialllira of brain bow a more than
ordinary liiaiimt.aud w are iit aurpriwal
to brar that tb aul'a big brain rarriea
out our Idea that br poaaraaiw a higher lu-
of hia all. Harprr'a Young I'raiple.
Aa t'aiplala1 (aaaarUai.
Th aurora boreal i In wintrr and apring
I an in fall I Id prrrurorof cubl weather.
Wbrlbrr it ia can aral by advancing cold
wave, ia1 whether thrlrtnc iltaturuanor
A lleaaarkal.l. ttofk Thai I llrlng Ilea
by raf.iriii.alra. VI...I uf H hata Ar
Wrtwira, l.i Aid On AemherVerloee
llrani hr a.f lit I.immI tturk.
Piftrrn rara ago Miaa .! nine M. Drink
water, now Mra I onklili. nf Mwllai.n
N .1 . waa al.m iii .,r naiiu by a long ami
tvriniia 1 1 1 ii. Time bung heavily ou her
I. aiula, an. I ade i .aii en ,-. an Idea ao alin
p.e. m.1 ). I a.i full of common Hie wi.inh r la Unit aotur uu
liad not (lii.iulil of it long la-fore. Sh rn-ti-raal
inio a ..rr. a.u,eii. with another
II. ,n 1. 1 r. in ! i i, nk in. u to her, in order
thai lh I I la- uintiially i hrrrnl and
i n;, nam. -o I'lua n aa I br origin nf H at
I. inarkalilei.ra-anir ill. m of Invalid known
! "
the lu a.aiely, which baa
lunula rin f ii ii i a tlmuaaml iu every
colinlrv of mr 1 1 uicl world.
Thr . nrr. alHin.l, in r ao linaleatly K'gUQ
(.roved a i Ii .i.inl I hat it w iu extruded to
other int. tin U, until m va t l.r iorrraHiiid-
Ilia olw llili'l I II. lllvlv ea into the SllUt-
lu a.a 1. 1 1 . nn.l the next year lln na iety
waa in. -r 1 1 t a -1 iin.lir Ihr Ian of tbe
ataie ..f Ni w .nk, witli Mra. Cnuklin a
prcanh ul. u( courar Ihe primary inalill
iil ion for I li i l.o .ii la illneaa. "To Iaa a
ull.rer alii I in Irotn Ihe oiitai.lo world
c.Hiatiiiitea km- a pniN-r camlnlale for
In enila'rl.i' in II. la a... lety," aava the con
tittiti..u llui iherr ia a ( hara.irr quail
II. aiioii alai. and all applli aut for lurlii-ln-rat.ip
must "m ml witli tin ir xpplicalion.
If aailil.-. the name nf their pnalur or
their ph)an lau, or i f aomr aaaaa-late mem
ber of Ihr a n ly, aa au III! r.alm lion."
Th aaia late Inemla-r are Hot Invalid,
but "la-nig In ten. l. r a)niii,tliy with the
auircrliig, volunteer In tin minlatry of
lov." Fjich aaaia iat inemla-r rolunteera
to cnrn-apoml w iih iiiemU-ra iu a rrrtaln
a-n;tic.l ilialrh t ainl I rxa- led to iuu
a. rila- at I. a-l our dollar year.
The a.a my I miiuagial by an ailriaory
lasird couia,ae nf aaaaa late In. Hila r. At
might naturally Iaa rxpaa lrl, Ihr a, a lei y la
largely coniaaa-d uf wiiinrn. Tbrre la a
nail' ilepainneiit, lumevi-r, under th
all rot I,, n f Mr. , j, .liher, of Chi
cago. Ther ia a floiiriahiiig i hililrru'a d
iartincnt, tin. incniU r of w lib h ar pnp-
, many know n a in "aunabiu maker."
I It I under lb dliecllou i.f Miaa li. K
( 1-ew ia, of Ihaatou, ami Miaa Joaia A. Jmr
and Miaa Ahlne A. Miller, of l)on-hrter,
.M aaa.
There I alo department of children
aaxaiale nninla-ra, which have formed
tliemarlve iuto a luind called th LlltLt
Cup Ihan-ra lo the King. It ia rompuard
of laiyiaud girl from aix tu nineteen year
of age, who plnle thruiarlvea to carry
aympalhy and comfort lo aome little au It ia found thai clnlilrtii ruler Iuto
thla work with gnat iilliiiaiuam, aud Hi
litilu cup laan-ra hav helped luauy HaaT
and weary aullen-r to bat-om aauuahlu
Another deuirtment uf tbe ma lety I tb
wheelchair commute, of which Ml C
). It.ava, of Newark, N J , I. the activ
liianagi r. ia toallci late theonn
ilillnii of the ahiii in meiubrra by furulah
Ing tlieui, whcii Huaiblr, with wheel,
chair. When a w lii-rlebiiir invalid die.
little ailvrr plule la fnalruril on the back
f the chair ina, rilail, "To Hi memory of
." and It I wnt bark to th
-ommitti-e, lo la uaed by aom other mem-la-r.
The King' Daughter are lutereatrel
lu th w herh nair w ork, aud in fart a nuui-la-r
uf cln li-a of Kuig'a Dniigblrr hav
la-rn Inrmed au g memla-ra of Hi Shut-
Ju aorlety. Many of Ibe llirinla-r' I brill-aa-lvea
work for Ibe wheelchair coiiuulttae.
The library of lb a.a iety una of Ita
ltiiMirtaul (ealiin-a, Iha.ka, iiiagaxine
and paa-r are freely aa-nt lo Invalid In
every aiute in the I iiuhi. aa well aa to many
loreign count ilea, in I'liiladelpbla a l'a-
It Along club biw la-rn formed, which
t'lrculiiira a rnalli al among invalid. '
Tb 0N-n Window la the nam of th
excellent monthly publication beaut! by
tbe society.
it an iiiiereaiiug laci inal a mlaalon-
ry spirit ha la-en derrloN-d In thla i
clely, although iu iiietulM-r might well b
excuaeal If they thought only of tbem
aelrra. Three i all "luvalld'a auxiliary,"
w hlrh i now aupiMirtliig a uailv uura in
th Margaret Willlaniaon biaapllal at
Mianglial, China, and la alaoraialiigafund
to endow a leal lu the same boapllal, to b
knowu aa tb "Shut lu aiavirir'a bad."
Another branch of miwaioiiarr work done
j by theaia lety la th writing of letter to
I irionrra. Alamt I.7UU letter bar been
I arnt to Sing Sing alone. They are aent uo-
ildreaaeil to the chaplaiti, n lin aililnaiii
them prraonaily to l he courirta. Tb nam
ml addrea of th writer ar not, howrr,
given tu H,e convict. Ill th teatimonr
of tbe chaplain that the letter ha
done much giaal.
The letter written by Invalid toother
invalid have rraiiltrd in uiauy warm
frirnda!iln, and tbe lerui "letter friend"
1 1 la-come a rra-oglilxrd phraa la lh
am lety. Th organization of lb aociety
haa brought out the fai t that lurpria
ingly large number uf Invalid hav been
"abut iu" for a long term of year, many
for twenty fjv or thirty year. Ou mem
ber of Ihe a-iety, w ho illnl laat year, had
been riHiflue-l lo her bed fur aixly year.
Tha roudlliou of audi long term palirnta
la apt lo la-come very draolate, aa tbelr
early frtriid die or drop away and they
are made lo frel Hint I hey are a burden on
tboae who ar charged with their car.
To bach Invalid Hi a a irly com aa a
bleaaril laaiti, for II not only puta them In
dlmt ciiinmunli at Ion wllh many fellow
auffen-r and ayuiuithetic friend, hut lb
earliHia lliterrai of tb ata lrly giv Ihrm
aomrthing to think of, and thu break th
dreary monotony uf their Uvea.
,, , ,B knwl, ,llr,,, of h,,tJ Ml Jennl Ca-ae.lay, of Iula-
vllle. who haa la-rn ciinlln.! lo her room
lor twenty Ov years. Sh baa arftiired a
wiileapread repulailnn aa Iba foumlrr and
tialioiial prrai.lriit of lh Klower inlaalon.
New York Tribune.
Mother' lirbl la Thlr llaughtera.
Were it not for Ihrir daughter tboo
eandanf mother would ararcely erer b
abkr logo oulaide the bona for an even
lug' plraaiir or change of acriir. Mother
U'"U r"U ""'J '''y obligation. U.
tbeir girla, many of which are entirely
overlooked and n-uienila-rnl only when
their danghtera la-long to aome one elan.
Tbe average girl return from et buul al
moat aa neat and prim a ah left bom.
A a nil ab d.a-a not climb Irre, tunibl
into rivrra, play truant or giv her mother
hour of work repairing injured garmrnta;
on the tmitrarv. ah ia a dlatlnct blp to
barm. a Iherel Ihe baby to mind,
th thing to inrti, eutlmeraaaara, atork
Ing and a bol of other art idea lo mak
and mend, loaay inKbing alamt mawaage
to rin nd iiunirroua othrr way uf reliev
ing hrr mother of household dutlr. LajaV
I don 1 it Hit.
A (aware for Mala Vaan,
Tb contractor who ia building the)
niiig factory at Winthrop I rairted to
hare offered ten dollar to the lady who
will go to th top of tbe chimnrv and
lay the lost brick. Th chimney wffi be
110 feet high. Hera ia an opportunity
for aotue woman to get her barn in tbe
i Iper, and perhaps break her neck la
tu attempt; but it' not at all likely
thut th offer will be taken. Lota of
Maine women are rnthualaatio fur new
manufactone, but they help build then,
In other and more aeuaible way than
I thi. Bangor Commercial.
vtay a Ulf h.M laaar He Lira
la rr mt Hrr llaabaad.
Tli auhject of life Inatiraiic it la-gin-ding
to attract attention among women.
It la known that though th aggregate
rolniiiii of thu inn payable on life poll
rl.- lu Kiiroa) ami Auierlca aitioutita to
Hi eii.iriiiona (Igure of IO,(X)ii.iaa:j.UX)
t aiim rt.i .-.ling the tiitul naat nf all th
rnilpNi'I In the world nldiil tu all th
national debt Hie riakl taken out 0:1
(iiiiile live amount to romparatlrely
mull auiil. Tin h i an arn partly from
Hi utiw illingtira of life Inatiraiic coin-
mi. to iiiauro women, f.i-litig which
In. lin e ai'llli' l'(illlmnli In ref uae to In-
ure tin-in at nil, while other rharg 1
(a-rcrtit. a.l.litional for f.-malr rnk. and
partly frmn tlm fai t that the woman it
Hot, an a rule, the family lireinlwinni r,
ami In r diatli il.a- not. av in exec p. ram-a, rriiir to be gmirdnl
Bgninat in jaM-niilary Jxiint of view.
Still the nuinta-r uf woiiicii wlnaae J.
luiac would tukv Im a l out of the motitlia
uf other I on the iurreiiar.
Coiniaiii.- ol.jii-t to tuku feinale rtak
lasiaii-M. women aro eiaael fo die of
caatiultii- and ili.-e;iM- from which men
ure exempt. But, tn tho other hand,
men arv expM to die of acci leiit or of
iIim-am pnaluccl by nrkl. Itvea quit
na frtittontly aa women prnah In cnil.l
birth or from dlaraae lnr.elit to tnater
nit r. The wx.hi are fairly on an eiual
Ity in thi ri-ivt. It i prnhahle that m
healthy young woman uf twenty, wheth
er married ur utimarri.-il, U alaiat a
gianl a rtak a a ynung nuui uf tho earn
Sune of tha cotiipunli't rnlae the point
whether any one ha an insurable Intrr
et in the lifeuf a woman. A man' wif
ml children hav an inanrabl intcrvat
in hia lift, but who iiiffcr a-cuiiiary
hat when girl or married woman
dieaT Certainly not, a general rale,
the father, or the mother, or the broth
er and liaten of the former, or tha hat
band uf thu latter; they may be plunged
Iuto deep alllu ti.iti, but aflliction cannot
be meuaiired tu dollar.
Hut tho uim) alter if th girl or th
married woman belong to the working1
claaa, ao that eh la in w hole ur in part
the breadwinner fur th hnniudiold; then
her father, mother, brother, aiatert,
children, anil rawaihly her htuband,
may hart an Intereat in brr life which
ran Iw imured. If the belong to tb
Iciiiire claaa, and doe not contribute by
her daily exertion to the daily tuat
nance of her family, it U not emy to te
who ha an Intereat in her life which
could b appraiacd In dollar, and for
which company could makecotnpenaa
tion iu th form uf check.
It it common, when marriage take
place between young people who hare no
fortune ami expect to be dependent on
the btialiand't exertion, for the man to
inatire hia lifo in favor uf hi wife and
children. Thi it one of th inoat benef
icent nc of life insurance. Formerly,
more frequently than now, the contort
aaauml their lire reciprorally, each in
furor of the other. Thi operation nrer
could be reconciled with busiueaa prin
ciple or ontid ethic.
Eiporii-n-e, moroover, haa derelopedl
th nnpleaaant faci that the mortality
auuing women whoa live are Insured
in favor of their htialatmlt i larger than
the ordinary mortality table warrant
It it terrible thing to aay, but doctor!
and criminal lawyer believe the crime
of wife murder to lay much more fre
quent than i commonly uppoed. It la
crime that it rarWy unpected, od
till more rarely detected. A woman it
taken ill with tt range pain. 8he con
mi lU doctor, who know that women
re alwayt having atrang paint, and
that they generally aria from very aim
pie canae. He preacriboa for thi or that
organic trouble. Th pain continuo.
Th woman trie other medicine, which
hav relieved friend of her under atm
ilar circutiutance. The buabantl acta
a nam and give tbe medkiit. Ia
theae day of acience, toxicology know
doxen drug which are difficult to de
tect by smell, tout or tight, but which,
it regularly adniiiiiatcreil, will tap life
and eventually rauaa death.
Aa general rule, a girl thotilil refute
to injure her life la faviar of her hut
band, and wall adininitred company
hould refuae to tune inch policy.
Ban Franclaco Argonaut
Car aa Abavat Waaaew.
England hot 20,000 women farmer.
Floral alipr are Ihe correct thing
to throw after bridal pair.
Women exclusively run a Wmiubor
tigh (N. C.) canning factory.
Tb dowry of a TurkUh laride it Uc4
by ctutora at about $1.70.
Roaa Lhmhenr haa Jutt cotnptuted
painting for which th baa refitted C0,
The hoiiaehold maintained by th)
queen of England couaiata of nearly
1,000 persona.
One of tbe moat capable leader In tbe
auffrage party U Laura Clay, daughter
of Caaaiua Clay, of Kentucky.
Th late Mr. Curti. of Philadelphia,
wa for year a manufacturer of Maaoni
When thi country waa but nine year
old woman took patent for it raw
weaving machine.
A haa I male' Mark,
Th interrogation mark or "point" (?)
waa originally a "q" and an "o," the
Utter placed under tbe former. They
were limply the Unt and laat letter of
th Latin word "quealio." Uo, too, with
the ign of exclamation or interjection
(TV In it original purity it waa a com
bination of "f aud "o." th latter un
derneath, a in tb question mark. Th
two stood fur "lo," the Latin exclama
tion of joy. The paragraph mark (D
1 a Greek "p," th initial uf the word
paragraph. The early printer em
ployed dagger (f ) to chow that a word
or sentence wa objectionable and tho old
he cut out. tit. Luui Kepublio.
Ta Hut Msldaa.
Rh waa a pretty commuter, going la
and out every day, until the oonJuctor
fell violently in love with bar, and ooe
month's commutation ticket waa doing
servu for a year of travel.
"My, myr exclaimed a fastidious
friend of hers, "why do yon permit that
conductor to be to attentive to yooT
fibe blushed little.
"Are yoa at all serious?" waa the twrt
"Oh, no," sh said with a tmile; "it la
nly a pasting fancy."
And one more tbe conductor forgot
to punch brr ticketDetroit Free Pra.
Investigation of raindmpa lead to tho
eoocluaion that some of the Ltrg drop
most be moreoT lee hollow, a they fail
j when talking to wet the whole tufae
iiclmd withia th drop.
and I'll mak it a p int cf kart.a Poland -Ntw Vork Sua.