The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1894, Image 6

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'ini(ii t ihe pelt-gales Wlm WIM
yillriiil Ihi i.eiieral
Hf IlllilJ.
TI..-follow lug gentlemen and ladle
.ate informed llu- coiuinltUsj of ar m. nts tln.t (hey will attend ihu
Win rul iiwinlpy lure In May:
I) M I litrrix, .-t. I.011U, Mo.
W F Ferguson, iiinderoinr, I'eiara
hurt.'. I!l.
J !' licit. III.
V II Trailer, 111.
It J IkI.I1.-. Ill
J II Morgan, I'll1'. Kan.
W I! I Unil, Iba-kdale, 'IVit.
I" ' Sni mm, Met n-gor, Txa.
K W Ik-tigc. (.'oiiinhchee, Tela.
Janus II Norman ami wlff, HI.
Jisa ph, Mo.
I . J .Vliuin anil wnr, r.ivanvi",
J. ..... ...i. ..i if c.llln.rlll..
' J '
Jam. - ( Miller, t ciitrrliurtf, Ohio.
J.ilm m iirlmrt, t ctiterburg, Ohio.
IC v I Ir lluahii.-ll iiiol wife,
i; at. rliuii-H- anil wlfu.
Mr. I 'lnilou t'umpta-11.
Miss I illiwlc ( ulllpla II.
J M limit, editor I' I' A l
i: T l.ngl.-, I'urtlitnil, r.
J T Mnlill. loii, Wnxahachle, Tax.
s I. Alexander, Fort Smith, Ark.
J II t'tirrv ami wile, Hamlpbau, Mo.
i A N.nland wile, lanilplian, Mo.
I. II Mi-4 'limine and wile, Fort
Smith, Ark.
W i .raves.
M I-: koisrla ami wife, Malta, Tn.
J I. (i.hHlkiilKht ami w Ifc, Wayma
l.iiri.', I'ii.
I.l.l.r lUvi:, WnyncnbiirK, I'm.
J..111.--. II .New until, Ninia ll"a, ('!.
li A iln ami wife, llurut 1'ralriv,
,Mii Mil n lie Morrison, Itnrnt I'ralrlc,
Mi -. J.l.- Vaneht, Ilnrnt I'rnlrlc,
.I !', Ml-.
M F IVrry, Walwui, Mo.
I K llriiil.-rhoii, IliimU.lilt, Tenil.
N II Mi lurknn, 'lVm-ll, Texan.
J II M. t hiru ami wife, Nahvllle,
F It Furl.-, llomic-txiro, Ark.
I) F. I. Witt, I Hilton, Texaa.
li II Itlcwill, M-Iituu, Texaa.
J ' I:h.'l;, Vim lliiren, l'a.
I. M WiHioli-y ami w ife, Kvmitvllli-,
i; M J.ilimum, Mutton, III.
J T M. D.ivl.l, Mnttmi, III.
A II M .i nly ami wife, (loo.llutlHVilli-,
F I Itiixtcr, (inriivllle, Tenn.
I I K ll.xli iiliiiiiifr, Tehiincana,Texai.
J M llowunl ami wife, aNbrille,
V V IU-. U an.) w ifc, Seattle, Wah.
AlU-it S om, Fiiriiierxvillf, Tvxan.
M II II.iknii. Wortmoe. Tenn.
I; I. (iiiinl, irf-lianon, Tenn.
It.-v A II ItichnniM, Kenton, Tenn.
Win liny, Kenton, Twin.
Ir F M MrCrcc, Kenton, Tenn.
S II I'.rnly, Kenton, Tenn.
J A McKniiny, jouinvllle,Ky,
.1 N linker, Milloh, Texna.
V l W.-.I, fhllll.-othe. Texaa.
II W U-wU, wife nml ami Walter,
M. rl I. nn. MI-.
J M IliiliU-rt mid wife, Iclianou,
I' M .l. ll. rv, Moiititain lloinc, Ark
.1 N i'riinl.l.-, Moiintuln Home, Ark.
J II l.inilwy, Mountain Home, Ark
U I. Toiler and wife, IlllUUirn, Tex.
J W, I Hirllelil, III.
I-'. N Miller, Fatrncld, 111.
il II Iii-m il. Trumvlllo, Ala.
Kev W II JohUHtun, l,a I'latu, Mo.
J. ('. (I.ioiiai.K,
t'liaiininii l-'nlertainmcnt Com.
Sinilli Fiui-ue I'rerliiria.
Htllf (I inl. April 7.
Tin- South isiietie prtH-lncta, Nim.
nml J. met at the court bouae laat
Smlli Fiik'cnc, No. I, elilille.1 lo
tlilrc ill Uuitti-, J. I'. lUmaey
cliaiiiiiHii, nml it. I-., llrlatow, keor-
tniy. I hvi follow iuk iioi.ilnallona for
.lel.x'alek were made: Frank Matte
w.ii, li. I-'.. llriMow, J. I. lUmaey, Hid
H-otl, I I. I. her I. Inn, J M Howe,
South Fnt;ciie, No. '1, entitled to
Hum- ilrli'f at.-a, orKaniml hy electing
ex i.ov. John niteakcr, cnairiuaii
nml F. W. Oahiirn, Mvrelary. The
following liomiiiatloUK were made
iiou.a, i (i.nurn, joint w til tea
ki r, Win. llhiutoH, T (t Ilelidricka,
1 Matlock, J FUamplM-IL
I'.l.jr uuM, April 7.
!.- Mr. T. K. CaulleldofHnlein
nave hiith to n lmy bahy veetenlay am
.11. d ln-t evcnliiir, luat Iwfore W o'cl.M-k
!. 'ce.t-a-d wna ndnuKhtcrof Mr and Mra
i'. W. Voiiiur, w ho r.Kide Just north of
tin-, city. .Mra. i oiinif went to rialciu
nli-lil 1 1 for Inat, in reaiM.tme to tele
gram Unit her .taughtcr w on acrloualy
nl. Mia. f. M. Viuiug ami Mia Mary
1 ollliK Weill o Mtlelll till IHiirnillK,
nml Miia Fannie nnd C. M. Young
w in go t.uiiKiil. I lie runeral aervlcea
w ill lake plai-e th.-r.. tomorrow. The
deis-naed lady hud a large circle of
fnrinla here w ho d.a ply nympathli
with the la-rcavcd n-lallve in their
li o iilllictloii, rendered mora aad by
the thought that one life waa given for
atint Iiit, nml tlie precloua hoM-a which
brik-hii lied the houaehold have btvtl
l-allj i.uanl. April K
I n k MikAiMi Min. Ir. Uglwihy
of t'ol lace tirove, came down thia
mornlUk.'. He l well acplallltwl wittl
ilir. nun- lioiuiniii country, aaya
unit li in.- iiai men, iHiwiuug ami
Wiavi r, ih.l not rvacli the kteamlamt, tlmi ihev have undoubtedly
ri-ln.. Ami he further atalea that
the rvm iiiiii; party which left Cottage
tiiove have had an abiilidatlc of time
to have hiu Hint place and r
luin, iln n-fme he l very luoch afraid
thai Hie uiifortiiiiate men are not alive,
Ik ante., the men h aving their blank
l would tend to preve that they
w hi' i'i', nml traveling prubalily at
iiin-. i rei.itnu iiiuira are loumi
every w here nu.l a inlaatep would III
ui-iny nea-k hurl them below ai'iitance
of hoin lial lo .Vll fm..
A Samiam 1 ;i;r-Albany IViu
i-oiiii: aii exciting attalr AccurreU
l.w .lava Hl(.t on the Hautiaiu. A
you m; loan ui the pn-velice of aeveral
olli.r youii)( men iiiatle a peculiar
kiinl of i remark atmut the three
iiiik- l.i.h. .. not Inteudltic
nil It inii:i..i. t he young ladle were
iuioriu. il i ii. line of them took
aix .li.k.i. r, the other whlj and railed
on the man for thu purp. of doing
amuc active w..rk with Mm; but he
aa.:nli nml d.vUre.1 hi remark
I. a, I I.-, n inix-oiiairued, and the w tilp-
I'.t'H m not Kiveii,
Judg Full-rlon I onnnni I In I!iort
of Hie Kffi-rrr.
1 lllj "nuril, April .
Tim decision of Judge Fulli rtmi In
lhecelchrale.1 ahcrlli'a ese waa filed
In ilw county cl.rk'a oflh-c Ihi morn
ing, and ll l a Idory for MicriH' No
laud. Tin' decision l In tlm follow lug
I l.u ..irrti. i I .... if of III' stilt.' Ol
n.m... in U...l for v of I.-....-:
; li i l'..rkl... V. II. Son'ogli. A. ('.In
'Jennings, -t "I. I'lulmllln va trunk
! Helmer, as trcaaun-r of Lain- county,
: ami Jan. K. NnUtnl, defendant.
I The alve entitled cause cam. for
hearing In clianiU ra at I .u -nc, ( re
gon, on April .!, lv.l, uim.ii t
cutillrui 1 1 . of tlm r. fi r.1- In sni.l
rauee, the plaiutlll npaaring ny ..
WoooWk and Oeo. A. Horn., uii.l the
d.fcnda.ila hy K. K. Itciicoiet,
. II.
Kiiiitlv ami J. F. A ml".
' AfU-r hearing the arKium nt of oun
uixill wild motion hciliK III .lolll t im
to what oi.U-r nlioulil u- iiiikk' iiien on,
the aald matter wan taken nml. ru.l-viNt-melit
for further cmmiilcratlmi nml
now havlliK coimld.-rcd the .nine llnd
that the aald icort Khotild U- .-on-llrme.1,
Wherefoie it U order. .! tlmt aid r
jM.rl of the rt-fenw In aald caux-1- mid
the aame l hen-hy conllrmi d. It Im
furl her ordered that thu Injunction or
der heretofore Ihkiic.1 III aald cnun- U
ml the Milne la hereby VMealed.
It U fuitli.T onli-icd lliut pliilnliU'i.
have and recover Irom the ilcfcinlaiit,
J. .Nolan.l, their iml ami di-liur
liielita In naid cau lo he taxed.
!oii at elmliilieP. in It.wliiir, r.
gon, thiaUth day of April, isi'l.
J. V. Fri.l.KHTuS, Jlldp-.
Tlic ilcclnimt la a curioiH one. For
Instance, the luilneHHya Hint "thu cnu-
came nn for hearinjf on a motion to
confirm tlie r.-Mirt of the refer. v."
Tula iaa utlxtuka. Tlm matter win.
heard Uili m motion mude hy the nt
torneya for the plalntill's, nkiiur tlmt
the reHirt of the referee Ik- -t nxiile,
and that they have leave to tile nn
amended complaint. Then the d-1-lnioli
Hint.' that Woodcncktiml I hrrri
apH-uml for plulnllfli nml Iten.-di.-t,
Kennedy and Amia for ilrfriol iuls.
The attorney nppenred JiNl to the con
trary. Axuln, It ae-ma atrailK'e, to n:iy the
h-nil, Hint after tlinlliiK for the .Icli-iiii-aniN
that the JiiiIkt ahotilit tax the
coalK in the pro.ccdiliK to the ilrfi lol-
Wc nre Infornuil Hint the c.wl in
(be cam- w ill amount tonhout rVi.
Jourtlou City Itrin.
Timea, Man h 7th.
Mnrah IVt lraton nml John M illmrn
have gone to the gold iiiiuea of South
urn Oregon.
A lot of einiiirnnta from l-.ikol:i ar
rived here Monday. They are atoji-
plug hero ami will look lor num.
Sheriff Nolaml exl.-mlixl the time
for the payment of tnxea until April s.
t he taxpayer certninly iippr. ciaic una
Frank I.ovu haa Uh-ii trauferred
fnuu the IbaM-hiirg illvliou na track
walker to thia iilmv; nml loin Wait
will take the Oakland run.
In the Van Vruukeii biiildinu .Mr,
Howard lina purtitloiie.1 oil two r.Mima,
in thu rear fronting Miuth. One of
them w ill beiMX-upied by Pal I .ore mid
the other by Mian Clara 'McKcc.
Mr. ami Mra. II. W. Hall nml Dun
Caldwell returned from Fort Mci.hciia
Wedncndny. Work on Hie Jet I lea nt
that place haa la-en ahut down ua the
appropriation haa la-en cxlum-tcd.
Weiluikxlay luoriiiuu n trniuii in at
tempting to lard the overland mi d
Ma fiMiliug, and but for hla nglliiy
would have Urn criikhcl to denth. A
It waa In heel wnacnught anil nearly
aevered from hi fiait. He waa fur
tilahcd a ticket and a.-ut up to I Jineue
and acnt up aa a county eliare. The
iNiUlity got rid of him aomchow, na lie
paaae.1 down on the ba-nl Thurailay.
The repuhlicnna of Junction City nml
vicinity will meet In thia city Satur
day evcnliiK, for the puriMM of ratify
ing the county ticket. Hon. S-ymour
W. Condon and other from Kiip-tie
will la- preaent mid nddreaa (he meet
ing. Mlalllun Miuw.
Ihiil Ouarj April 7.
Nuuicrlcnlly the ktullion ahow thia
aftcrn.Niu waa a alliu nllair. The
horaea which aero exhibited were up
to the liaual atainhird of blooded I m -riling,
however, and attracted .iiite a
crowd of aN-ctalira. Follow ing ia a
Hat of tha horaea and liuinea of owner:
lloyal Oak; Kngliah .Shire, black.
Owner, M C Uavia, Hpriliglleld.
Kverett I.ynn; Clyde, ba-p bay,
Owner, W T rj.Mn, F.ugcnc.
Ion I'edro; Clyde, dark lmy. Own
er, J F. Kbbert, Hpringtleld.
Sullivan; hall-bl.aal, Cly.le-Cniui
dian, buy. Jniuea Culvert, of Fern
Itlr l.utrvl. April "
lhlKN. At the real.h'UiV of Mr.
Whipple, on South Wlllumette atrvi t,
buit veiling to Mr. Win. Crawford a
2-pound boy baby. Mm. Crawford had
lutende.1 lo at art for her former home
In Michigan thia morning, nml take
the body of her huhnnd w hich waa
embalmed her aoiue tl.tya ago. Al
though In a delicate condition, ahe
waa kllll able to travel, had not the
train of excitement to w hich aln- haa
la--n eoulinually aubjm-te.1 lately pr.n
duced a premature birth. The laxly of
her liuahand waa acnt mi Una morn
ing's local, but the lady w ill u.s-a:ir-lly
delay her trip until ahe tveovcra.
Uter: Tha little lby dil klmrtly af
ter noon today. Although in a com
munity of utraiigvre the lady ia i.-.vlv-Ing
many amuraiicea of ayiupathy in
her repeated U-reavctliiiit.a
Pall? llurvl. April
1'BOItATk M ATTKUa. Kt.1te of John
Chcattiul; K. M. Carpeiiler, executor,
ft lea hla rvaiynalion and further ivsnl.
l(eMirt approve.1 and reaignalioii uc
ivpled. aj 11. Frieiully npsiiutc.l ex-e-ulor
with -.1.uai kii.U; aiirt-IU-a,
Cha. I juer and S. 11. l-jikln.
Pallt liuanl. l rilu.
IIKI. Fred I. Ill as, a brother of
Mra. Adah I.. Sh. Iton, of thia city,
died at IVrtlaud yealerdny morning.
Mr. Lucaa had a w ide a.-uuiiitamv in
Kugene and hla friend ben- otter aym
palhlea to hit ben-aved n lativi-a.
Arbor Pay ttrfi-.
Arbor Day will f by Ihe of Hit- Fugcii.- public x l..Noii
licit Friday, A.rd I all ml both ach.s.l
buildings all' o i-lm-k. ,
1 1 ,.....i in ir tit Ihi- I -'an I of
dir. .
Ion. of the i.uhllcacliooN ln-t t vclilnn
the nam. -. l-. t.d to oinin. Hior-jit.-d I'hilil' Mulk.-y nnd J- M.
Ilelidricka. The trie pialit.-.! lit the
ti.arv wh.N.l will lie in cmmeiiiorn
t i'.f I'hilil. Mnlkcy, ami lr. J. ph
! ! i.i'l ln. kin.llv .ni. in. l t" r
I Oill kln.lly en, nt. -
abort nddr.-aa, itml I In1
I rev planted
nt the eiitnilk. h.K.Uill In -.m-iiieliioration
of J. M. Ileii.lrlck. nml
! the Hdilr.-K w ill la- given I'V 1.
M. Whitney. , will ivli-
alat of ull IllV.aulloll. U wilij.'. live IT
t.-n iiiliiuti-a nddreaa, the tr.- !ntititiji
and another kii.
The pupila w ill Hi. ii r. liini to tin ir
reactive riailii" Mild render
prourmiimea, con-.i-lin of "..up., r.-cl-Intlolia,
The public Ucrdiidly invil.d lo nt
t. lid nil ol I he ex. r I-.k.
l.-ieexen-l-iawill la- In hi lit both
a.-lioola lit the Willie lime, collini. llfillrf
promptly nt - p. in.
, . !. I I',
A Happy Miirna.'e.
A cori.-lKimh-lit at Criwcll aemla
the following:
The uinrrli.ire of Mr. Jum- .Miairc-
and Mii-a Marv sl.erlilan wna the
vent of the wii-n ill Mount lloK-
will. in. lit. Hie elahoralc .npmu
tlon made by Mr. nml Mra. Sheridan
to L-rin-c the liiipliala of their only
laughter, kurpriked nml llrlulltnl the
iiiiiii v I'ueala who were pnwiu io wu-
neaa the happy event, rroinptly at .
o'i'liH-1; on the . veninu of Murvli thc
yoimg .ample took their plait- ill front
.'if theollicialltig clergyman, I lev. K. j
liittilia, nml (he ol let hut aoleliill vow
were taken, nml the I)ivlne Ideaaing
inviiUr l l.y Kev. Mr. Hilma. t'ongrat
uhitioiia by r. lntivea, and fii.-u.l-. fl
low nig, n "inagnilleclil r.-al nw alti-d
the gu. -ta, (he crowning oriiaint-tit la
ing a as'ow-clad cake of iiuiui-ii-c pr-
a,ni,.ua, representing Mount Hoh-. i
were I lie, mid from the llanhoa of ,
w it ami genuine inlrtii II wn - lo ;
mo that wime who were luucli ol.l.r
thnll Him happy Mill pr,-MTVed
yotiihiiil kiuiii. ii wimi.iiiiy nin.H.1
liiovah!. nllair, nothing oil-urrillg to
mar the hnppiiie-a of th iKrnl..i.
i.i &t.
I'ni'imt Xuiuliiuilng .Meitiuc.a.
IallT (.uar 1. April (,.
I'lu- tleliiia-nitii' Voter of the two
North Fugem.- pn-i-iticta met lit the
court holla.-, Inxt evening, hi gixxllv
niiuila-rx, for Hi.- puraM. of placing in
nomination iH-iaona to la- voted for na
n iegau io mi' coiiiu v coiivciukui, hi .
in.- pi 1111:11 .. , .-aii.Miav inn-moon.
Juil.-e Wultoii w aa i-icclcd ehuiriiiau
and II. J. )ay wa-retary of thu North
Fiig.-ne, No. I, pr.-. inct meeting. Thia
prr.'iurl ia entitled to lour lich-gate,
and the foiowiug per-ona were l:ii-'it
in nomination:
J W Cherry, lir A W I'atli -i-on. C
Marx, J J Walton, I-'. Ambj-Miii, I'.rv
i A lll iir nml II F lauria.
North i:u;'elie. No. eiitltlc.l to
oi.r.i.-.egm. a, orga.ii.-.i oy e.e. ,..g
I I..... I....
.v i i.-. i inu
l ll. Illl.'.l
i ,
. . a a itiai
eer.-tMl v
iK llgllt.-a liomillllteil:
J l-.hwcgell,
Lain r, J It I liirri",
t, , i1''
A J l leKlllil, Jlllll. a
' ' iV. '. i ti-o . v
,, ... . ,, , ,,
( lar.-ll, (
nun i '. ik i ' - iii.iuii.'i . i
The iiiia-tinga were bai nioiiluua ainl
cut htlklnalic.
The two South F.ugene prieincU
ui.vt nt the .nine plan-thia eve g to
I !H - ill llolllilialiou their delegalea.
Suilt Current.
Af -
.tl .iiuril, April T,
The Hlc.-itncr l-'ugeiie arrived
thia morning about s ..'clock.
Uiat v:ia tied Up lat liighl lit
1'nvik clollgll ") lilllea la 'ow here.
(er leaving llarriM.iirg notroiilile wua
exa ricmv.l, w itli the e.ri plimi of a
awift current, until they got nla.vo
M.vk'a w nrchiuikc. Here n bar lin.l
lai-u formed by a pile of drift ami the
wheel thlew gravel lively. The la.nt
w na iilaiut dir.-.' houra lining over nml
niter Hint (.teamed aiu.R.thly along un
til ubove tho liioulh of the Mi Kiiiio.
At Hint plucv la a abort la ud and the
current wna ao awift the hunt would
mt fti-ni it. Aft.r lining over thia
place the lamt tied Up for the night
and thia morning huil no iliitli iilty in
priH-e.-ililig to her lumliug here. She I
wna loaded with luarlv 10 toua of
fielght! dipt. C. A. Car.-v, the i.lli.t.
" I .. . :
ni'cninpuiilc.1 the l.ugeiie ami uai(ei
Captain Wnrd nlaive Corvnlli. He
Mutes that nothing occurred on the
trip to cniiae m-riotia ili-counigi-ineut
hut the river nitiat la- given eon-taut
attention by the aiing Uait uud aoine
w ing iliiina w ill Ih- lu ce
river fr.lla.
ary when thej
ASi kamkii Kai K. Yesterday ' Sa -
lem lmlca-mlcut haa ihia coma-ruing
tin- ateuiiicr Kugeiic: Yesterday nl -
t. riuaui the ateaiiu r Fugi-ne mine up
iroiu t'orlliiiul, nmt iliseharge.1 what
ircigni Mie nmi in me .uoiia a wnarr.
she then went on up to her city, and
w ill lav then' over Saturday. The F.l- urrived up yetenlny afternoon j
nnd ut I o'cl.M-k luiiiled nt' the Salem '
diM-ka. I hia fast lime w.-ta oci-aaioiieil
hy u race la-twocn thia v.twel and the
l-.ugeiie. The F.lwiaul nrrlv-.l her.'
hull an hour iilu nd and dim-barged lux
freight ami went on up the river. The
F.ugene started out at the anme time
and alsiul three leiighta in the 1. n l.
but in i word haa jet lavti nvelved aa
to the outcome."
Fll l'l. xilelii StnttKiunli: The
nominations na innde by the state i
ple'a parly imii veiition "at On-gmi (Hy,
on March l .th, have Imi-ii tili-l with
the sivrctnry of atute ill complinine
with the law. There ar nine iioinl-II.-.-S.
:.-id of lina liuuilaT four hnu
li'e.i 'uir in-1-.-ii'.an.v. These nn
(t haa. Miller and Jowph Waldroi,
I iiicmla ra of ongrv, tie... M. iirton,
(state printer, and It. I". Caldwell, state
i tn-naun r.
A I'.i. i SrniKK. In the
mm.-, two nnd one hnlf niil.s
chI of
unit it v, lh re wna a rich quartz
strike Monday, worth H a ton in
the 'si t.s.t , , 1. An eight f.'t led.'.
of thia stud make a rich strike in
mining parlance. A big bayonet and
dance ill la- given at A.lila l S,.a)ir
day night, ua this la lug thing for nil
Southern i hvgon.
Krai K-Ile 1 rau-fi-r.
r.i i. km:.
Alii, il.iii ! Minnie
MihiIC, lot I,
I lk :, i oI!ckc Hill Turk;
D A I'aine to Willlniu Moir. tt, fnn
li.mal Iota 1'. hlk I; ll.-n.-r ,
''chttili. I.aii.r I.. Ihi' h.l SatLi;.hr .
lotak, ;., n, II, Ilk - FA II u.i;
.nn ai.i: t.itovi:.
I, W I ony.t al I., tvdia A Wnlk.-i,
.'ami ;:. ami N "f lot 1, hl.a k 1,
I, a l. uMiu-'ii; -''
hum nv.
-.::.- of i r k- 'ii l. M. N hey.k. ker.
l.'.a. r.- in t.. iil. 1' I" a, r I c; f -!'
Wm II liriitlu to Jninea llarklna, :J)
acre in t I'.i r I w ; f".
IkliliiKti I'nllll to Will M Illlimii,
i nner. Ill t 111 a r 4 w; W:
F.M Warren t W Chcahlrc, J
u.-na in t ls r:i w;
i Win II Maxwell to Mary Maxwell,
I Vi iicrc in t 17 a r I w ; rl.
1 (inli-ou F HmIoii toCCole, ancrK
i in t I'.arl w; t'lin.
K W lllair heirs to MrA Mi
: Clareii, UKJ ncn-a In t 17 a r 4 w: f lo.
F. W lllnir hi ii t Mra I. C lllnlr, l'3
ncri K In t 17 a r 1 w; !.
I F. W lllnir helra to Mra. l-.vellue
froiur, fat ncrca In t 17 a r 4 wj HO.
i: W lllnir helra to Kleiior Hull, ."aJ
i nen-a In t 17 a r 4 w; M".
I Armiml i Maxwell to Henry Mux-
wc l, land In t 17 a r 4 w; (I.
fnU Sand." 'a FiikK Courier: A new rem
civ forilyapepaiii and atomncli trouble
haa iimile li nppi araiice Iti outhern
On gon. It ia nothing h-na thnll a
piaiiifnl of i-oiiunoii, everyday river
laittoiil Kiinl. taken wet, Juat lifter
incn'.a. .Mr. tiyiaa-, n wen-Know ii cm-
r( ,( iri,,r'i, tor of Itytaa'a cpringa,
j, B.,.,i..-. to la- Hie originator of Ihi-'
iiu r in Soiithcrii Oregon, hut
Uit-! lilimla rol vcracioua reiiiicmeu
I icklify to it eiiiulive propcttica,!
; an-auppoM'd to take the form of me
ehaniiul net ion by carrying oU'luipun
ti.a from the nim-oiik lining of the
'wnll of the ktoinach. " lake kuml, la
1ju, u H1,iur ,,f ndvice nroiind
Aslll,i w . mivtualv coinplaina of
,.,r,,Mil. .,,...!, tronl.l.-. Aa there I
,int,.t , ht. H:u ,i mt coinmiMlit v
, ilMu nm., ,,f tK, ,MM.r.-at
i(lf1!1 hi, )rti(.t, vunnl i, ,.(mr, R
, .,,.!,,.. rlls. ineiit. If
ur U,V(V fwcd hv even one mif-
f(in.r w lt, iK.M,.ichil n-aull. the Cour
ier w ill conaidrr Itself niiiply nwnrd.-il
forgiving the aimplo remedy to lh
Wil l. l'l.AM- It K A N s. Corvull!
Tlmea: A. J. O'llrlcii nnd llarn
Hughe lire in 'oilintlng w ith John
Small for a li n-i-until iiutuinii of lu"
ncn a w hich th.-v exi-ct to plant In
i .
Although laana In consiiler:.-
h!o iU:in' il ir are ral-a d lu Marlon,
I. Inn and Folk count h a, I hit will Ih
the liikt crop mi .vi larn' a i-ale to b
planted in thl vii-inity. On g!
land la-ana yn hi UIKJ to l al-lpoum
per acre, ami bring in the uiaiket J to
ecllta M-r pound. '1 In- cn-nter mii
tiou of the beau now eoiiaumed ill I Ir
eg.ui are grow n in California where
III", a.-iixill ia longer till. I II little la-It. i
...I. ....... I I.. III... I.. 1 1........
i , I i.i... i ;.i..... i .-...1. li.i...
, whiu Ul,11(.v a
UK ioiw im.iiiv ii. mi iiiiiii iviiiio
l,u, ,.
i ... I t n t .!( t i.j I I unui
'ri..ll..a .....ll.r rle Mr M-ltrl.'.,
kUTa, however, that iluriug the laat H-
i... , " ...
ii inn im iv null- mi ii i'rin niii-iiin in
: u liU li any kind of Unna
could I un
laa-ii grown ill ( Iregoii
to ja-rfect ma
; turn v.
.,. ,. , , MiM.-O.cgon
rlK. i,,,,,,.. A, , ,.
Ingof the lllue Kiver Mililiing nnd
! Milling Company, in thia city, Inst
j Moiiiliiy, urniiigeineiits were enten-.l
: into for the immediate placing nt their
' mine. In l.uue county, of n .'UMon mill,
i w hieli ia to la., in running order by
July 1. ( IMlernt were elected for the
1 'iikuiiig year, na follow: W II Smith,
iirei.ieiit: Hainiltou, a.'cretnrv;
II Siraight, treakurer: It F I. Inn, W ll
Smith, tieorge 1 liiniilton, J W (imut
nml S 1" (liven, din-ctora. J W (..rout,
I'ully (marl, April T.
til l l.l) Fl.iriloN Tlie ladlcaof St.
Mnry'a (iiiild, met at the homo of Mra.
Munra, Thuraday, for the annual elec
tlon of ollleera. The follow ing were
ehrtrd: Freaidciit Mra. J. A.
Straight; vice rcidciit, Mra. J. t.rav;
treaurer. Mra. ll. K. Loveridge; Hct-ri-tary,
M1m MuU I Siraight. After the
liuaincaa waa traiisu ted Mra. Munra
I' lli-I tl.t- la-lu-i lo .nrti,Uc of one of
ll.T Hill.' .1,11.1 nil. .In. Py 'll... l...v i....l
her aplemlid atlppera. The next Meet
ing u ill e In two week nt the home
of Mra. J. A. straight.
I i!t i.uaM. April (i.
I, INN Col VIV IlKl'l lll.U AXH. The
repuhllcatia of I. inu county, yeatcrday
tioininat. il tlie following ticket: S. A.
! I 'aw ami and A. J. Johiiaon, aecntora,
: T. F. Smith, W. A. Templetoii and
1 J. X. Scott, n prvkcntativm; j. M.
1 Wntcra, county commiaaiouer; J. a!
McFeron, aherill; I). F.
clerk; X. Xta'dham, treasurer. The
alnte il.-legatleu wna inalructe.1 to vote
for J. II. W liltn. v for Male prinler.
. !
Iauiii.Aa Coi n iv i;i:i-i iu.iiANs.
the Douglaa niunty npuhlicuna nomi
tinted the following ticket Veslerduv.
Clerk, F W lteiiaon; jtufgo, A F
Stcnrna; commik.soner, W I. Wilai.n;
a. hiHil siia-rnit. i,.l. 111, J A Under
w.aal; nsaeior, J A Sterling: n pn-u-tajl
ivi-a, Jtiinca K r.luml. li, J T Itridgi-a,
C A S; sherlir, I) I) tavelt
iirvevor, W 1' Haydcti; treasurer, W
A F rater; coroner, Ir K I, Miller.
tiai'.jr i.uril, j-r.l 7.
li. i.iviis I learn from yesterday's
issiicol thia iht tiiat I wa Tiolni
naled to la- ole. for aa a delcgnte to
the democratic primary from the ace
on. I ward ol this city. Now- I tif.i not
nn nspimnt to political houora, uud
w aa iiomiun'.e-l v. i'iin-.t my knowl-
.!. or consent an t .lo luo-t
folly ilci line tlie In iniimiiori.
ti. A. Hi. Al It,
11 AMI 11 I I I. I Nl Salem Jourte,
of l'hiii..lay iv.: The at.-nnier Ci
gene came u:. i-i.t evening, at 1 '
... i ii. . .
in. -. . .1 i t i .- i.e, i, avic.g a g.a .
carg.. for ti,:.: iK'.nt. A.t.-r Inn. In. g nt
s'e.ini.-r Al'.ot.a w barf, she left up
Is.un.l als.ut tl.r.v Icngtha nhend .
the KU'.kKl. At l.i.t aci-ount f t!.,-Is-ata
th,.y wt r.- trying ta aolve the
1 prui ! in of w hi.-h was the
Ciiikldrraldr. lutereat Nijnlf. alJ -llieTli
krta omltilrd.
.11V r.uarJ. April T.
Thl I the day appointed to liobl
the democratic prluiailc. nml the un
terrified an haviug a utdund
cont.-.t, only the regular iimulnatcd
ticket being in the Held. We give
the ludgi-a, clerk, and deli gttti-a la lng
volial for by pnrlnct:
Mill I II M'C.KXK Nil. 1.
J W Chirr v. 11 F la.rrra, K
And.-r-oii. Clerk: John Ik-avenue
and C Crom r.
Del. gntea J W Clierry, A W I'att. r
aon, V Mnrx, J J Walton, K Andcron,
Four to be clwled.
NOHTII Kl'llKSK . 2.
Judge Thoina llmw ti. Jack Mt
rla, Joacpli Kia-li. Clerk: John
Ilurgvj-and L. M. Flalur.
lHlegatc-J V Fhwcgen, It M Iny,
Clin Laticr, J IS Hurria A J l'Ickurd,
Janu- McClnrcn, (1 A Dorrl Jniuc
llargcr, II I. Wlllotighby.
Four to la? elect.!.
Hot'Tll Kl'llKSK SO. 1.
Ju.lg.-a-J V Itiiina-y, FCMntteaon,
John Higgln. CU-rka: It K llrlatow
and Orlando How land.
Ik-legate Frank Maltlaoti, K V.
llrlatow, J I lUiiiaev, Kidney Scott,
Fletcher Mnn, J M Howe.
Three to b- clii-Uil.
Juilgi-a F V Oabtirn, Frnnk lllnii
ton, Clina Currle. l lcrka: F T Whit
comb and Kill Mullock.
Delegate C, llndea, F W Okbimi,
John Whitenker, Win Itlanton, T (1
Ilelidricka, J 1 Matlock, J K Cuiiip
lall. Thnt-to la? i-lci-tcd.
Pallr iiiianl, April f.
Tilt Sk.xiMi Ciil'XTV. Thu Slate
Tniikiircr In aiknowledglng the re
ceipt of I he entire uiuount of tnxca due
from l.nne county, convey the infor
niatlmi tlmt thi"la tlie accoml county
to aettle In full, nml thu flrat nuu wua
u aiunll amount.
Itrnt i t:i IUtks. Tho Southern
1'ucillc nuuotiiicca the ciiatouiury re-
duetimi of rates for delegates lo tl'
atutc nnd coiigreaaionnl cotivciitioiia,
viz: one ami one third furo for tho
round trip.
hlXTV ions. n o aieu ucr r.ugenc
ft llnrrlahurg this morning at
o'cl-X'k for Kllgelie. A telephone lllea
ange alated that khu hud on laiard tai
toua of freight for thia city. hhu U
now due hen-.
Ilttn4rrda ! Ton .aiarrlilus., 1'knx., April o. The
eut In coke region ia gn-utly vxclle.1,
nml fmira of more I'lood-dnsi ami de-strm-tioii
of pnija-rty are entertained.
Armed laiillca of strikers 11 ro nsM'UI-
bling to march cm tlie Work". Tho o
perming workmen wish to continue
hut nn nfrni.l. Shcnfl- W lllieliii ia
busy irn-a .ing inc.. eoiicermal l the
riot in which Knginccr raddiH-k wua
killed, and over Hal men are urn-Mcd.
It la n jairted tlmt thu laxliea of aix
men were found on the rond over
U.' li lelk . ...I llliilk A .,11 .1 HI blriL-.
era started for Ml. I'lenaaiit thia morn
ing but the region ia well guarded. A
mob of ikkj la marehiiig for Mt. llrml
dock and another Iiaai ia going to l.c
inoiitc uud Oliver.
llrad Uotllaa lauud.
xioxtow.v, I'enn., April 5. The
UmIIcm of eight Hungarians were found
in tho wooda nenr Dawaoii tialay hy
la.ys going to w-hiail. All had bullet
holes through their IxhIIcn. It is mip
Kaetl they went ahot yealerdny lifter
niHin by ileputli-a during the attack on
llrndfurd W orka.
The Hill farm mines nn over
run by striker today nnd workmen
nn la-lug driven from the grounds.
The works tin now cloned down.
Ten Kirlker Killed.
U.M.iNTtiWN, I'enn., April 5. Yea
tcrduy'a tragic events hnd a sobering
cll'cct on the strikers and a repetition
of hhrod letting la liiiiimbnble. The
laaliiaj of two inon' strikers wers found
lu the woods, makings ten.
Kioteraut Seottdule nre aubdiicd by
the arreat of 1'rtalilent Ihivls. Diatrit-t
Attorney Jelln-ys luld Information
against accnitnry Durby of the ruwoela
turn, on a ehurgo of murder.
A llallle Wllh iBdlan.
F.t. lU:xo, April 5. A courier Juat
arrived from a Initio between the cow
laiya and Indinna, aaya tho battle ia
still on, nnd that 2 Indiana and 14
whites nro know n to have been killed.
All the soldiers at Fort lUuo an In the
Held except thne trooa of cavalry.
The courier en mo for ammunition nml
aaslstnnee. l'ni th-s nre hnnlily organ
ling nml going to the light.
Folic Ollleera mm Hlcrtlra.
AxtiKixa, April 5 -An order
l'rSK?t JS .aS'W'S
patnd the elty on bicycles. The men
are to a rve all snbxi.naa, Jury venin-a
and answer telephone i-alla and gt-ucr
nl ladicu duty from the po lev iiea.l -
.luurters, Using bieyeles inatead of
horsa-a. Thia Innovation meets with
I much f:.vor in police circles, and num
1 Ilinll la.' ill aiaiiii lu .....! .... ...I. l .
lurr.,,. .,., ...,,... L 1,10 .nakpr, y republicans
HoMteTCAi), Pa., April .1.-11011..-' -,u'r frc0ftnJ wnhmitcd coinage of
slenders have ta-come excited over the fcllvi r at the ratio of 16 to 1. They
leecheaof t'oxey and llrow ne. A j are far apart from the republican
Sevend tnemUr wvre dlSgid fT.r 11,1,1 " Vu,lll12 al,no,,t 8ollJ ,Bllmst
.iiiarn liiigoveraaackoftolMieeo. :ani' further coinage of silver. Sen
Tlila morning, after a auiuptuoua ator Dolph is a thorough gold
tend'X I standard man, and the next legis-
oeiiimi aim the nrmr, fs)0 atrnng. i,i,,. :t i i- n ?
headed by a l.n-nl Und and nu ,'rt a.Klrc' rePubll(;a. will re-elect
of citizens, departed for McKecpx.rt. C ongressmen Hermann and
A M au..,i scrape. '"i'11' Votc1 "Sainst .the free coiuaP
fn.uu.iT..x, W. Ya., April c of lIv(;1! 0,1 n"y ratio less than 20
Last night at Onuley, Jami- Smitii ' to The republicans of Oregon
shot and killed I-oui- I'.row n, faia:iv i reco-nize that the sentiment of the
wond.d Jim lin.wn, her lui-haml, 1 taoplc of this state is in fivor of
and ".rioiisly wounded Sarah Hanlev v. , i . ,n.UXOr..,
Smith made hi. t--.,. and i.,S:lr,0Coln,,,,,ut are votlng w.lth
for a m,ti w ho he claims alienated ' & l,:ir,.v t!ial s'llce 1 S73, when sil
Sarah's niltvtloim from him. ' ver was demonetized, lias uniform-
imiii raki iraiii ii.ib,. j 1" U-. ii hostile to any legislation
Si';t.i, 111.. April S.-lu-imrta' that favored tlie white metal. The
ttiriiSu1 i Sir; r!u,lr-ithd.r pktfo?
me mni cn.iat an- aliiu--t ruined hv
Hie Colli kiuin ol t in-l. -.... I 1
ing to the una.-a.aon.ihlv warm weather
pn-vloua to datei
Thia On on weather li m.l...t:j
for grain that lias been lotrn llj
tlie ili'ilopiii'4it of fruit '
The .r..!.il.ili.n party h., ftUut
l..vii nb.orli'-l hy the iKmulnji.
hut lma niiluu-nt vitality (.
forniulato a state ticket.
After ii convention like that held
Tiii-eitay there in a coniJcrahlo td
clition to the nunilx-r of gcoffcr
who have little fuith i a tho candor
ami reliability of humun kind.
When llio M)ulibt etatc cotiven
lion wa in cion at Oregon City
ami the platform cotnniitteo wag at
w ork, a reform tariff resolution wai
oU'ereil, but tho committee refused
to aih.jit itorgivo out any expres.
f'ioh on that subject.
I.atu n jiortB are to the effect that
the fruit t-rop of Hcvcral ef tho Mi.
iKciiipi valley tates wa about ru
iiied by the recent cold weather.
The proBjM-et-i are that Oregon will
have a largo nurjilus this year for
which o market may bo found
It in possible that Congress
man I'.rcckcnriJgo lias a secret
thought that a marriage to Ming
I'ollanl wouhl have been preferable
to tlie humiliation ho is forced to
eiuluro by tho cxpoHUro of his pri
vate life nml conduct for many
Mr. Cleveland takes more out
liHir e xcrcixo nowadays than she
um1 to take. I'ntil quite recently
hhe waa rarely seen in the Btreet
rx.vpt in a carriage, but now ho
. . i
may be lreiiumiiy oDmrvca out
walking, nttired very simply in
moilot cohtuntes. She in said to
Ik- growing stout.
! Wu an- willing to talk and write
I io icason and out of season about
the U-nefiU of advertising but there
....,:..,... n .i., i.,,t;
I ' . , '
I opinion may be divided as to the
1k.ih.-1U received by tho Coeur
d'Alene man, who advertised for
.. i c .. i r- .. i i..v,:,.
a wJe and found tt fairy blushing
iiainsi i oi .o- (iouiius uvuiruupuis
03 a result. He cannot bluaie the
jirinter, however, as he got plenty
for his money.
Uofeburn Tribune, jajpulist,
paid the following compliment to
Senator V catch: Hon. It. M.
Watch, who for years haa been tho
wht. l hor.-o of tho democratic par
tv of intern Oregon, and wro as
. s.tal. senator stood so faithfully by
, u lnU.Tt.,u uf ,10 in tho
i , . , . , . , 1 1
hii't IcgiMattiro when gross cxtrava
j gatiee ruled the hour, arrived hero
this week with his family, and on
... . . . .'
Ai-iil lttook the tajsition of regis
ter id tlie land office, to which ho
was appointed.
The finances of Kugene aro in an
excellent condition. From pres
ent prospects the city next year
will not require over a two mill
tax. No town in tho state can
make so good a showing. While
our taxes have been low many sub
stantial improvements have been
made. Wc havo an ellicient fire
department, second to nono in the
state, well cuipjcd with Gro ap
paratus, miles of graded streets,
commodious city buildings and a
satisfactory system of street light
ing with electric arc lights. Low
taxes, free public schools and uni
versity, certainly render this a de
sirable location for persons seeking
The policy of calculating selfish
ness advocated by Tom Uced, the
fat Maine statesman, in his recent
speech in Itoston, ought to con
vince the voter who has the least
discernment that the bloody-shirt
orator who talks high tariff in Ore
gon is insulting tho intelligence of
his auditors. Mr. Heed drew this
8u?!'ective picture:
" When Massachusetts sits around
to mourn her destroyed industries,
her ruined machine shops, her ru-
ined factories, she sits around to
; 'n-fOT tlerVit; for if thfy wero
j mcv destroyed the omnivorous
' West will do the manufacturing
I for the country. You havo the
'.,... ,. t ' ,.n
?t'ir,l0U ,, PWcr, yotl
i l,llvo tc prestige, lou can keen it
or you can throw it away."
1 ,u- euicners, oui.
no one who has given the subject
the k it attention will be deceived
O o