The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 31, 1894, Image 7

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MA Kill 31.
A Koriy Mil Kid.
E. It. Swelnaiii, of F.rfax Station,
Virginia. ays: "A party came forty
mile to my store for Chanils'rlalu
Cough ll niedy nnil Uugh adosci. bot
tle. 'Uv remedy U gnat favorite
In ttil vicinity and ha is-rfnrmcd
om wonderful cures hero." Ill In
leuded cssiavlully for coughs, colds,
croup and w h'puig cough mill U a fa
vorite wherever known. For sale by
Omiihs A, DkLano.
For til kind of Held M-eds ifo to
A. Uol.lwMITII,
The Cirooer.
Coal Hill Nursery.
Call on or address T. N. Scgar, Eu
gone, for all kind of numcry slick.
Prunes on iiiiirolsilcui plum riMita thut
will n! irut, also on js-ach nU.
M II . I I 1 ..
Henderson, oculist.
J. J. Walton, utlorncy-at-luw.
Ilopyar.1 wire. F.L. Chamiikkh.
Mom-v to loan on farm. Enquire of
Judge Walton.
Oliver Muli Ulld Chilled Hop Plows,
F. L. t'llAMHKKJt, mlu agent.
The latest thing out for a HOI har
row aud cultivator I tlio LION relia
ble disc, SrJ It ul F. L. Chamukhm.
M. Lkvimikh, successor to J. M.
lleudricks, dealer in Aohkti.tuhal
Dr. (1. W. Itildle muy be found at
hi renidcinv on Olive street, between
Fifth and Sixth streets, one bha-k went
of Hi Minnesota hotel. He 1 lire
pared to do all deutul work in the best
W sell l'arki' Cough Syrup on a
positive guarantee to cure all throat
and lung trouble. It hu stood the
teat for many year and Unlay I the
leadlug remedy for the cure of cold,
consumption and all disease of the
throat and lung. Price 60 cent and
11. At YerltiKtou's.
BbruuiatUiii nulcklyTured.
Three dny i a very abort time In
which to cure a bad cm of rheuma
tism; but it ran le done, If the proper
treatment I adopted, a will be awn
by the following from Jann Lambert,
of New liruuswick, 111.: "I waa bad
ly afflicted with rheiinintUm in the
liips aud legs, when I Isuighl a Isittle
ol Chamls-rluin'a l'uiu liulm. It cured
me In three day. 1 am all right to
day; and would Insist ou every one
who is atllit tcd Willi the terrible dis
ease to use Chnuils-rlHiu's l'aiu Ilului
and (ti t well at once." 00 celt bottle
for aale bv
Osiiukn A DkLano.
A Visit li North Carolina.
CooikaxtoN, I'o. Home year ago
I had occasion to visit North Carolina,
and while tlicru had one of my billlou
attacks. Hearing for the Hint time of
Blmuions Liver Hcgululor, I tried it.
Nothing before luid do cltcctually re
lieved me. I could In no way benefit
others more thau by putting such a
remedy in their hand.- N". N. Shcp-
It a symptom of discusc of the kid
ney. It will certainly he relieved by
Park' Sure Cure. That headuche,
backacho uud tirvd fueling come from
the tame cause. Ask for 1'ark' Sure
Cure far the liver, price 1. At Yer-
TLe Local Market.
Th lolliiwlni quotation! (or the (oral market
art of mall (.rltva only. Ihcy am corrvruil
ralf, ami will I louuJ aa accural ai uih
a rv(Mrt caa bt utadu :
Tars-u Y, JIch f.
W4T-Nt, on Uianl I '7
Oars-lVr hmhol, url V ( A
ruwa I'vrluulbt i :)
Unas lvr t ua ( 10
Murros-lvr Ik ul (4 l
Piiu-I'rrlt trt i 10
Vaab I'rr la . . M (4 10
Mias-lvr la U I''
SHuuuikka -rlk '4 10
filbia-lvr It. I." j 14 14
I.akb I'. r la U", 14
Burria-lvr mil U !) "t 0
Koaa IVrtlofrii
(Mians-ul. I hciii. I'vt I '. .,4 )
ln'r--erd..i a no 14 -js
oiua-lvr lna (4 7 Ul
baana ft l 01
Huihi-1 4U4 V)
acoaa-Dry ranulatHl, Y l 0Vt
llrai:, f Ik I"
(HiMvn, f l 01
Corri-l llicu lical la
Klupit 2
Jar I MI4 U
Ttk-T l AK I
H.)ra lvr JO liara "4 14 I S
( Ma.-ivr lb I.". 14 is
Wool-. 10 (4 11
Ilora... . . IS (4 11
They Haul the Kent.
"The people of tlii vicinity lnit on
having ClmmU-rliiin'a Coiigli Iteiutily
and do not want nnv oilier," av
John V. ili-liop, of l'ortlnnd Mill,
Indiana. That I rislit. They know
It to I Huperior to any other for cold,
and a a prevvutitive and cure for
croup, and why xliould they not In
hit uM)ii hnviin it. 50 cent bottle for
aale by
Ohlil'KN k DkLa.NO.
A High Liver
Uaually ha a bad liver. He l bll
loua, coimtlateil, ha ludigention and
dyipepala. If them I no organic
trouble a few do- of I'aik' Sure Cure
will tone him up. I'arkV Sure Cure
I the only liver ami kidney rure w
aell on a MMitive guarantee. Pi Ice tl.
At Yerlugtou'a.
rbnBabraa alck, w c h Oaftorta.
Wbaa aha vu a CblU, aba crvd for CMtorla.
Wbta ah becaiM Mia, ah clunj to Caafria,
Waaa aba taJ Qulno, ib pnllia Caalorla.
I havejuat rualvi-il over a HALF
TON ofiranlen ml in bulk ell tted
wed-. If you wnt a atrlitlr fintt
oualitv at bottom prior you will And
it at K. L. Ciiamhi.ka' Hardware.
Dr. Prte'fCreaiii Baklnf Powder
Wirtt't Fair Mlfkvaat Aar.
r;rf:iKJS; orS;:n !::rLi:! Aw-y
laiha tnithfui. i.amlui tlt u( aim; rk
tba. tr;:t ail atHt No.Uvlc. lh nD4rt ll,
harm... (.LAaANrrtp ttrro haoit mra. ln
ej-t i ir.fl liir abd man too aanta to nun
aa.l ran i noa no t, or financial rla in
"li.Uu.. rl I T Nunj A lrit.9
h.vk al nt( or ty mall Irw. A llrvaa
TIO trrhi'c Kmrl; lo, itullat. Miucrai
Egg! hl a-iita i t don n.
J. C. WaTalna Wiitol Jiiik in to.
O'velity-thrve Chiuamell registered
at Ittiaeburg.
The local train wa 1") miuute late
Ihl afternoon.
V.liiicr Itoger I In Portlaud looking
for a ituutlou.
The raiu ha ruid tlie fiver
about three feet.
Municipal politic mviii to be at a
dlacouiit thi year.
Albany will let the contract for a
new achool building April 10.
J. It. WVtli. rlee went to Suleiil
this inornliig to iend vacation.
II. S. Hylaud and C. F. Hurlburt re
turned injunction tlna muriiiiig.
Fretl H ull, an S. P. freight conduc
tor, wa in Kugeiie thi morning.
The alalo prohibition convention
will be held in Salt-lit next week.
The ten tiler Kilnelie N exj'clrd to
arrive here hIhmii noon tomoriow.
The ainig In nit CorvullU i lill work
ing between here and Corvalla.
Attorney L. llilyeu returned home
luit nlglil froiii a trip to l'ortlnnd.
Hon. C. K. Wllkiintoii wiw out walk-
lug around the Direct thi afternoon.
The reputilii'un of Mapleton pre
cinct, it ia wild, did lint hold a primary.
Mr. and Mr. S. L. Morvlieiid re
turned home to Junction thi morn
Mia lUnwin, the Cothige (irove
millinery, vlxiled relative lu Eugene
The tlierilionieter Htitlld 2 degree
thi Hllcrnoon. egetatlou I growing
Auewwir McPheraoll, who ha been
quite kick with the liieiwle, 1 now
The overland train wa four hour
late thi morning cauicd by allde in
the mountain.
Ueo. V. Pickett returned from San
Frauclitco thi morning. He ay the
fair I a grand mucccm.
In Coo coui.ty the republican and
democrat funcd and iiwued a citieim'
ticket for county otHce.
A wild gniiiw) Hitting contentedly on
J. 1). MalliH'k' brick More, attracted
quite a crowd hod evening.
J. H. Churchill, of Eugene, i now an
active candidate for the republican
nomination of county clerk.
F. M. Miller, postmaster at Ix-haiiou,
died Iroin coiiHUiiiptioii at that pluce
Monday evening, aged 50 year.
Moot Itev. ArchliUhoii (inm nrrivctl
on till afternoon' local and will lec
ture at the Catholic church thi even
We have heard the name of It. it.
Henderson mentioned a a nuitnhle
IwrtMin for councilman from the necoud
The Linn County bank, at Allmuy.
I announced to pay another dividend
next month ill ixTccnt.; aggregating
alniiit f.'l7,iM).
When Harry Urintow left Ale
Keiuie llridge yesterdar a little know
wa atill on the ground, but it wa
(liappcuring pretty laid.
Jame Steel, a pMinineiit Portland
capitallHt, and one of the heavy utoek
holder in the telephone company,
kcul lait night in Eugene.
Policeman Mat hew inform un that
the city give lodging to from ten to
fifteen tramp daily now. They are
nearly all northward bound.
Mr, llenn, who ha liee.i vUiting
her aon, Judge Itenn, at Salem, arrived
here ycMcrday, ami will leave for her
liome at the Head of Tide tomorrow.
Prenldelit Newlin, of NewU-rg Col
lcge ha Imi-ii Invited to deliver tlie
baccalaureate addrva at the clone of
the clnd year of the University of Or
egon, in June, and will accept.
A gentleman named Lever, rtfidiiig
In Iowa, ha written to partie in Eu
gene that he will soon arrive lit re to
ee what inducement will lie ottered
for tlie eHtablikhmeut of a woolen null
in thi city.
Albany Herald: Another new pa
lter ha made it apicarnncc in this
city. It I a prohibition campaign pa
per and I called the Flying Wedge.
T. P. Hackleman I tlie citor-in chief.
(ieorge Heiliert, of The I a Ilex, ha
been apMiiitvd L'liited Stale tdorc-keeM-r
at (iraut, w here the l'ortlnnd
Dixtilling Compniiy It located. Air.
Hcrlx-rt w;a litrltr of Waco
county for' two term, and former
ly a l' ul vend ty atudent in Eugene.
How hurg IU-view, March 1: J. M.
AIcColluiu ha arrived here with hi
newHpaier plant, and expect t ixiie
the tint mimlier of the Oregon Triimne
next wi-ek, and will advocate populixl
Iiriuciple. It. A. Stewart, of Oraut
'a-tK, will be foreman of tlie mechanical
Mr. H. Merlau, accompanied by her
daughter, Llla, left on the local thi
morning tor an extended vUlt in east
ern ktate. The lady goe for the ben
efit of her health, aud after ending
the aumuier in Alinneitota and neigh
boring talc, w iU return via. South
ern California.
Goto the "Old Song" Koelal to be
Kiveii by the Itt-lief Coqi next Satur
day evening, March SI, at the i. A. It.
hall. There w ill be a Hue program,
coiiklting of old aong n-preenied in
character, a farce by five children,
good recitation, anil twelve chil
dren' voice in the aong 'Oregon."
Program begin promptly at H o'clock.
Admliwlon only 10c
The headquarter of the executive
committee of the people' pariv of
Oregon have been entahliahcd at
Sulein. The committee I oom
poneil of the following gentle
men: W. H. Satigh, Lane coiintv;
1. H. McMahan, .Marlon county; J. F.
Heudrix, Llun county; W. I. Hare,
Wahliigton county. A. P. Nelaon,
Multnomah county. Air. Spaugli la
the chairman, Air. AIc.Mnhaii the ec
retaryaud Ur. Hemlrix the treasurer.
Twenty-five atudent of Vaahoti
IMand college, Wanh., have left that
Institution, and they ny that niore
will follow. They alleged niixniaiiniri
ment and petty tyranny on tlie i.nrt f
the rrekideiit. 'I lie catiM) linding to
tlie leavinir wa the l'liited State Mir
vey khlp Haaalvr. she wa at tlie dry
dock, and the atudent viaited her.
Pnfeir Jolie, at religioU exerciae
the next day, took them to tak for
Viaitlng the vctwel, aav li:g thut tailor
were Dot tit akMH'iute for young ladle
and gentlemen.
Prof, tiillart, of Stanford v,
fha been in Aatoria itlierliig prelimi
nary information with a view to a
thorough inveatltration of the habits of
ledircnt apecie of aa Ilium arid
other tUh in the Columbia. He will
endear or to trace the aalmon run from
tlie ocean to the wnlng irruumU
and learn what ultimately become of
the nub. borne ol th- vatiner hold
the opinion that the hluelack lithe
fish that apawi, in tlie Idaho lak-a,
and Ppifewair l.illn-rt will a-ntnin, if
poible, If that theory i will founded.
lioabra llrnia.
A Mr. Ilainllloii fnuu Siutheriyre
gou haa charge of the railroad aeitlon
here now. W. W. Atinire wa traii
fcrred back to hi old place atCrvaWell.
Mr. II. I a man of family, which he
wilt axon tiring to thi plait' to realde.
Air. Wiiiula Davl hn returned
from Plenaatlt Hill on account of the
llllu-M of her daughter, Mr. II. F.
Kei-uey, of thi plaiv.
Tok-ak of every 'rm in thla hv
cahty w ho hrw I Hill atllicteil with the
grip lu the lat at vi-ral weeka, would
U' touniiienliiioat the rut Ire population.
A lady from l'alrinoiint wa here
I nt vn k and mad a few utilv to un
uiectiug pnrtlea of a painting or
gilding iiiutcnal, coiiMllng principal
ly of a 111 t lu gilt puilit aud bevswax.
I'ha. Smith aud wife have removed
to their holm-Mead on Itow rivi-r for
the altmilier.
Chit. Malhewa haa two young Hit-II
grulibiiur for him.
Ilcv. Mill ird, of F.tigcnc, preached
aud Iccturtil for ua a few time lnt
Wil k. lie keem to pn4 a lleW the
ory n gmding c-rlaiii religioiia mat
tei. Air. Lizic llruiiiinii went to Eugei e
la-l Moiiitay to relnuill tor a time.
A joint diM-u-wloii on the merit of
l lie two iHiliti -al part lea, democrat ami
republican, will U- Indulged III here on
Siilurdnv, April i, lu Hie evening. A.
M. (Mium, V. 11 .Matlock, A. I..
Honey and other will lie "in it."
Come everybody.
Mill a Short.
ElUTolt (il'AKl: I find the follow
ing lu the (il'Altli of .March lllat: "Tlie
hortet aenleniv tliat contain every
letter of the alphabet 1: "Puck i:iv box
with three dozen liouor Jug.' " It
will In mcii that two letter ure want
ing, " f " and " v. " Change the word
"three," to "live" and the acutfiice i
correct. With thla correction the ivii
li'lut' contnlna 3.1 letter, the anuie a
the Albany Democrat pllbliahea:
"Ijuick brown fox luinim over the la.y
A Parody.
After the ball I over.
After the game I doue,
After the actor leaving,
Tlieu ifa not iiii(e mi much fun.
Hobbling on calic and crutchca,
With planter on your mme,
Tim It i ever with foot bull,
After It clone.
aai 1 -afr -
Slllliuerr Opening.
I will be plcaed to uni t the ladle of
Spriuglleld and Hiirroundiug country
at my Ml I.LIN EHY Ol'ENINl.,
Alarch ::Nt, Isnl. I will how a new
and complete ntock of all the luteal
novelties In millinery. Pleuaecall and
wee my good uud get my price.
Your truly,
AIh. F. A. Nkwman.
Spriuglleld, tre.
To Trad.
I wiah trndo my reideiuv pntin-rty
on WuHhington stn-et, ncur Third, for
a home near the bualne ortlon of
the city. The lot 1 noxltio feet aud
hn a lient cottage. See me at Lilckcy'a
bluckkinitli chop ou Pearl wtrevt.
For Kerorder.
I hereby aniiouuce myavlf a a can
dldate for rf-clcctloii to the olllce of
city recorder, at the city election on
.Monday, 2, Isul.
II. F. DoltKlrt.
For Tpunirrr.
I hereby announce myself a a can
didate for ref lection, to tlie otllce of
City Trcaniirer, if Eugene, ut tlie com
ing municipal election.
II. I. Pvivr.
A lioul) ()NK. I'lie Klumuth FalU
Express ays: An Indian from the
reservation dropped into a certain
Klamath county town lut week and
proceeded to an undertaking cstabllnh
mciit aud ordered a colIln for a rela
tive. The Indian handed the denier a
string to indlculo the length of the de
sired casket, aud the latter not having
one long enough, slyly out the string
to fit the short box. The Indian paid
large crowd of symnitlii.lng aud wail-
his money and Inking string and colli n
hastened hack to the nuervulleti. A
lug native were on hand when the
corimo wa put lu the coftln, but w hat
wa the consternation of the Indian
when they discovered that tlie dead
"Injun" had Increased lu kIm nearly a
foot since his demise. The Indians
were overcome with siicrlltion aud
wondered greatly, but finally knocked
out one end of the colli II and proceeded
with tlie burlul. We are not Informed
whether the Indian' head or feet are
sticking out In the cold, cold ground.
ImdhpohatkI). The South Itohem
la Itoad company ha tiled article of
incorMiratiou with the secretary of
state, the capital stiH-k U-lng flo.noo.
The principul nlllce will be at lbmehurg
Itougla county, aud the object of thi
incorioratioii is to build, operate and
enjoy all the privilege iM-rtuiiiing to
railroad btiaiiieM. C. V. Ileiijamii,
L. A. Suiictuury and F. W. Z.igicr are
the iucornrator.
liallfloianl. Mairh .
Ki.UKI pAtlt. The sum of $5,HJ) wn
received by sheriff N'olaiid yeaterday
in payment of taxe from ciliu-n of
Lane county. Taxes w ill be delin
quent next Saturday evening.
Saki'AsTIC Coxey's Ho-ralled in
dustrial army l spoken of ly a Eugene
man a "The Industrious army."
Or. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Most Perfect Made.
John I'.lew wad arretted at J um tiou
(,'ity, M'.inl , and linul til for Using
olsMflie language oil tlie atnit.
Thrroiinty seat fight i warming up
In Llnisiin county. The contest prom
ise to be a hot one. A new candidate
for county K-al honor i Vt Ya
quina. The other to 40. that want it
are Ne rt and Tolebi,
Pokti tM'. .March 1 II. I. Irr,
committ d suiejile I'-lny, at his home
near mil nysble. He wa C ar of
age and q'li'.e wealthy. Ik-Hnde!iey
over the , of a small sum of money
is suprf-d to have prompted the & I.
lUltlr-naVr Items.
O li
Andrew Miller ha purchased him
a rl.ftn; plow, and now he plows with
all caw.
Itev. I. N. Mulkey and wife Visited
one uU-ht w ith the family of Air. Cull
A large cougar wa seen lu ur Pluts.
ant Hi!! some time ago. Men uud
hound- Here wmu summoned but they
stnibk the trull of a coyote and did
not ea' .h the cougar.
Alio v Miller's Utile child Is vviy ill
at this vriling. It l aull'cring with
spinal 'Diction. Ir. ThoiiiM.n, of
Trent. .
i si tending it and sa w he
e w ill Is- able to mix- tin-child
ful nursing.
republican primary at lVxti r
atoil wa nominated for as
t. C. .Miller, J. P.. Wiill.e e
sli to npologl.e to the votet
ile of iipHT Lost Valley in rein-
article w ritteii by "SimmIs-'
. ugo. We wen- 1 1 i I. .ri m-1
with i
At li
Win. 1
mi ir,
We v
aud n
gurd ti
two w
that .Mr. . Muthew wu lined tl" for
not ulteiidiug the M-hiMil meeting, but
we only got one side of the mutter. II
a director of uny district fails to do his
duty, I s:iy enforce the law uud it
should U-doiie many time when it 1
Will the tii AKii or Mime w riter in
form us for the liellellt of muiiy kchd
district w ho Is a legal voter, l'lr-li
how long di- a man have to la in the
state la-fore he cull vote at u m-Iiimi!
meeting. Tlie law says any citizen
residing lu the district .HI day. How
long doe it take him to Is-coinc a citi
zen. Is it termed a citien of the state
of Oregon or of the l". S.; It also nuy
that an Individual hn to own pror
ty on which he or she pays taxes; dis-
it menu to have pnqsrty over and
above exemption?
Singing lust Sunday evening ut Air.
Thomus Holcc's.
The riNtd are getting good.
Tlie Trent court wu In session lust
Suturday night, M-venil cases is lug on
tlie docket but only one wit tried, it
being a case ol theft, Wm. Keeliey vs
Hard Case. E. P. Williams ami Ed
tiriftlll appeared for the defendant and
II. C. Wheeler for the pnmceutinn.
Air. Html Case w a cleared ami It")
(Miuuil-i "f Hour given him for the sup
port of hi family. All enjoyed theiii-m-Ivc
and everthing was orderly con
ducted. Alls Mamie Ilormun uud sister were
visiting friend at Trent thi week.
Comeuguiu ladies, the Trent boys are
proud to see you any time.
IloU-rt Williams has a force of men
at work erecting a saw mill on Air.
Friendly' farm. He will saw ten
thousand railrad tie at present ami
w hen tills contract is completed, Air.
Friendly Informs lis thut he will
make n '.argei contract.
Air. .- II. Friendly Is spoken of by a
great iiruiy republicans in this part of
the cou My a running for our next
senator If we huve to put up with re
public for olllcers Air. Friendly is
Just a . -oil a wr can do. Hu I un
and wi.
are saw
, go-all end business mall,
w mill at Trent i running
continue so until ull the logs
I that they have on hand.
Ireswrll Casualties.
The . cul politician Ix-ginni'th to
hump hiuiM-lf and to buttonhole the
likely candidate, and whlscr pro
found Merits.
I .eft the State. Wednesday evening
Alurch .s, 'Ul, at the residence of the
bride's ireiits, at Lynx Hollow, Air.
James Moore uud Alls Alary Shcriditii,
left the .state of single blessedness for
the slate of matrimony. A numU-r of
Irietids from Creswell attended.
The ilelegate to the n-publlcan
county convention are Johnson men,
and we are sure Air. Johnson will
make an acceptable candidate.
We are bound to have a mining
boom in this vicinity if xssiblc, a
prosH-ctor are out In the hills hunt
ing for the yellow ore. It seems thut
the placer mine ou Itock creek are
about abandoned, but miners are pack
ing tools uud supplies up toward the
head waters of Hear creek, aud only
await the melting of the snow to startle
the world with specimens.
Died. At the old homestead, Fri
day, Alurch 2t, !4, Mm, Mary .Martin,
wife of H. O. Martin, agrd TO year aud
13 days. Two sons and one daughter,
five grandchildren and her ago I luix
band remain to mourn for her. Fun
eral service were held at the resi
dence Sunday, at 11 o'clock, by Itev.
(iittins, assisted by I lev. Itichurdauil.
A largo gathering of nclgtilr were
present. Among those from a dis
tance we noticed Air. ami Mi.
J. H. AlcClung, of Eugene,
Air. aud Air. Ioui IScInhaw, Mrs. T.
D. Lliitou, .Miss (iruce lirown, and
Air. Itclahaw. sister of the di-eaedf
of Eug lie. I Hi-, used wa a pioneer of
'VI and had lived ever since at the
pluce w here she died, bhe had been a
ineuils-r of the Aletiiotlist church for
J j eai ,
I lie r. ..y announce myself as a can
didate ' c the oRlce of pberill, alll.Jw l
to the ..' lion of tlie deties.Tatlc county
con yen' i hi, to be held April li
J. II. WtiiT.
Plea- ut Hill, March -"t.
lailj (juartl. Mart b
!in -A I t year-oi l daughb r f a
widow nined llrothers. residing on
1 Weill r I ml Hear .Mill, dli - lat
Mtl.t ' the lue'.-s. The nimlly
I is In L-stitute Safcumrtances and
the Wi leu's 1U lief t orj have cm-red
theirs Aiir. Tne funeral at rviiv
w ill p-)) iK r the dint lion of that or- 1 1
lailr i.'iaMl, Marrh
i. W. Pick it vl-ted Junction to.
d iy.
Ir. Ku kendull Is ou u professional
visit to ihiiiii.
J. H. lUcklcy is visiting filcinl lu
I' county.
Attorney A. C. Wis.dc ck returned
hoiiie I. ist 1 1 ' 1 1 1 .
.Most Kcv. Archbishop (irons re
turned hoiiie to l'oitlnud this morn
Philip N.. hols and Walter Luliu' ar
rived here this I'.irchiHili fnuu Flor
Hop. t hn.. Nickell of JncksollVill.', thiMin:ii op tin- nlteriiiMiii
S. P. Sladoeii and w ile have n turned
to Portland I'roui a visit tof hicngt)
nim i in venue.
Mi-- M.i'I'l Howe, who has Isvn
visitim; nl the nsldeinv of J. M
ilouc. iii this rily f r a fvW .lays, r.
iiirue.i to n r lc .on- nt r.r.itt uvii;e
this I r i - r 1 1 i t : . -.
II. W. II .,. u niiivid to. in Myrtle
crii'k thi morning. II.- un Idcntallv
fell .Vi tie! iow ii un cuibnnkiucnt re
cently, Ulld 1- sollleu h it iuili-ssi ,
cm-. lire.
heal I'.-lute I rju-ti-r-.
t r n i k .
ll l ivinir-toii et nl to It F Mulkey,
uud V F, mi ucre In To III S,
IU W:Vsi. "
T (i Mi lull l.'Ls i l il In 1'lln ' True.
Is, M nen s lu llendriek's addition to
V oni yo inn rarK: W.
1 ti lleiiilrickset ul to l.llu FTravii
hi acre in Hendricks addition to Col
Mill Park! SiHI
J W Nelson to li W Pollidextcr, Ttl
licrti. III Ml l'.si, It 1L wjtnui.
NW While to (lllie Cuny, 171.12
acres in Tp "Jl s. It :t W; tTim.
Theislor JuhiImou to Mnrle Hansen,
laud in Tp Id S, It V W;tl.
C I. Ilnll-ell to Theodor Jncols-oll,
lund in Tp ii S, U.1 W; tl'.
At J lUyburn to J F Alexander, lot
1, blisk I, III F.V IPs addition; tl.
Jl'NITloX t ITV.
J M IWs-ls- toSuluthlel 1), lotfi,
block Vl; f'. ii.
t ijikkm :. M Miller to (I Itcttuinn, lot ",
block I, origiuul town; tl(".
About Hops.
Puciltc Northwest: ( Is now appar
ent to evcrytsidy thut there Is serious
lunger or over-priHluctioii of hops in
the Immediate future. Then1 ha been
an enormous expansion in the area tie-
votui to imp raising lu tlie post two or
thn-eyenrx, ami the prosis-ct of low
price us It couscqllf liiv, w ill prevent
the pluiitintc of more yards for a time.
In view, however, of the irn-ut Invest
ment w liich has Imi-ii made In the hop
iiiisiness, in me ruciii.i .ortliwet, it
Uisiines a mutter of the highest iiu
sirtaiiiv that I hem- yards and their
product Isj m can-d for a to iiriMluiv
the la-st gnnle of hop possible, and
that this ls done at the lowest smsihle
iiwit. Portions of Oregon and Wash
ington Mi'iu to Is- iivciiliarly adapttil
to hop culture ami there Is n ason to
Is-lleve thut with the use (if pros r
skill we can produce hostof gooil qual
ity ut Ii-sh e.nse than any other
known lio-growiiig district. It I
evident that in Hie stress of over pro
duction the 11 1 test will survive uud
that III the long run this will result lu
much proilt to those who do survive
lu tlie liunliu s.
M ire Uclegales.
liallr OuarO. Man-h ."J.
We have learned of the following ad
ditiounl delegate to the republican
county convention:
l lon in-e -II E llultman, II F Alley,
Jnrcd Snitt, J A Pond, John T Butter
Held, J L Furnish, C It .Morgan, J A
Mel, .-oil, S li Lllldsley.
Jiisthr, J C llrow n; lr!W Suvery,
The delciittioii was liistrili-tcd to
vote forS. II. Friendly, for senator.
Muplctoii AlUrt Iuiowlcs, II li
Hcrmuiiu l'"rniik Taylor. Our In
formant could not rcim-mlsT the other
Full Cn-ck-A I) Hyland, Fnd
Warner, it (i Culllnoii.
A liii.Mi Sii'AitATiov. Da v 1 d
Warner, of South llcud, Indiana, and
Moses Warner, of Pendleton, bnithers,
met .Monday, after a M-parutlon of
years, ay the Kast Oregonlmi. Tim
latter i year of age, hi brother "0.
though hale and hearty, and engaged
extensively in the agricultural Imple
ment business. Moses wo a young
man of 1 when he left the South
lkml home to Mi-k hi fortune In the
northwest. The brother. David,
short time ago, started out to M arch
for the long absent one. He went to
Sun Frunclsco, came to Oregon, and
fliinlly In Corvullls, w here, AIimcs had
lived, got truck of his wlien-ulsilits.
Ile telegraphed Hiruui I'rlcklnger, and
came up to Pendleton. He ran in an
accidental manner on AIimc, but
would not have nvognlM-d him unli-s
told ho wu hi brother. F'orty-lwo
years have erased the resemblance to
the Uiylsli Adrnes of Is'i
Illjr i.uanl. March -M.
A HaI'HV St hi'liisRLiot evening
a large crowd tisik uolllpletu msmi-shIou
of tlie Mithodist parsoniiL'e, rich
armnl with wiiue sul-slantlal token of
love and rcs-ct. The surprise was
complete; and the pastor ami wife
were wt tuken that It was wmie little
time U-fore they could collect their
thoughts. Tlie crowd was so large
that the pursonaife would lint hold
them, and they hud to repair to the
church where a very pleasant social
evening was enjoyed. The gifts were
valuable und most highly appreciated.
Two Pakis-iNh. The governor Wed
iiesdny burdoiicd J. J. iiutcliilc. and
Hugh i iibboni from the stutu prison.
Eatclilfe was miit up from I'nlon
county for two years for altering a
check. His ndeasr was n-eemineiided
by the di-trlct stb.nn- and lie wa
iianlotied to nutore clti.eiisliip. (iin
suis came fri in Mulhl-ur county and
wio isiiiiuiitted foroneyi-urforlarei ny.
The di-tilet attorney al-o rn-omiiirnd-d
his pardon.
Makkii i.-Snlem, .March
IT': At I be r -ideiice of ll. J. rlmri,on
Twenty lir-l Mro-I, alem, Weliies.luy,
Man h i, l-'d, at !iin a. lu., Fram-ii A.
(-tchi l and 1-sls lle urr, Id v. It.
J. Sharp oilb-iitting. The grHiui
1 a Ml!, r of the Mill in that
isirtioii of Ijtne county near Co
burg, and the bride hn lin following
IliB mru put loll of M'h'sil teacher ill
M.-iriou county. They tl ou the 11:17
train yester-l.iy f. oburg.
I.r. is'-t Soriday evening, Mr.
I'orn-sler w- in this ei(jy g..ld breast
pin. 'I he I'.iiderwill i-hU rally n--w
ard d by leaving the same at this office.
I'fitrr Item.
Alnich '."J.
Silllslillie and show t-M.
The fnrnicr an utili.lug every I' t
of siiiishlny weather In plowing mi I
sow ing for the spring crop.
1-evl ilarpor I even more sn
than at our lost w ritllig and can linn
ly survive many days. Mrs. Nn-l i
steudily improving and Airs. 1 1 iin-ak
er's condition Is ulsitit the su.ue.
.Mr. Mnyoainl fninlly of SsMiii-r pn -clnct
vi.u'cd at Mr. Vincent lut Sui
Me.r. J. Al. and C. Al. Parker vi
Itcd the county town on luisiui ss Tuo
day. Mr. I-Mith Slenrns, n,i Mi ssengi-r,
of Porliand, is visiting old-time friends
und lie ilnlntaiiccs ol this place.
Alex lirilli n and w ifc are vl-ltlng :.t
Cobur;: during the pnveiit week.
I'nci I inn Parker bus Uiii on tho
sick li-l this wiik.
Airs. A. L. Itom y, of (i.h, n, Is vi
iliiik' w nil her mother, .Mrs. Ilun-nkei
during thut l.idy's llln..-.
I. . Chandler made n visit to
1'vypt .-'ntuiihiy. ictiiiuiug Sunday,
lie pieaehid at that phni- Sundnv iit
1 1 o'clock.
sin nil Held items.
March L-i.
Spring has come at lust.
John Cii-tls visited Eugene Friday.
H.T. Smith and P. C. Webb paid
Junction a business trip Thursday.
It. V. and I). Smith and family vis.
Itisl the county M ut on business mut
ter Friday.
11. T. Smith attended the I 'olnolin
grunge at Irving lust Saturday.
J. N. DeiinU wa lu Eugene Satur
day. Sclusd w ill la-glu here April 'J, with
P. C. Webb as teacher.
Itev. Haines preached here last Sun
day. A Sunday tchisil w 111 1. organlcd
here next Sunday.
A Hsrgain.
The furnitun-, stove.lstlding, etc., In
a suite of noum conveniently Iivatcd
in the I () O F building on Willamette
slnvt Is otl'ered for sule at a bitrguln.
Iiw n ut, electric light lu hull, water
and toilet nsmi convenient. 'Agisxl
chance for one or two single un-li to se
cure cheap hslging. Inquire at this
arlawtaraaa Hill Vrls4.
Sis-elal to lull T ni ikli.
WahIII.N'OToV. Man-h 'S Pm.l.
di lit Cleveland returned tlie IUun.1
M'lgulorage bill to thu houmi ol n-prt-M-iitatlvcs
nt noon tislay w It I a hi veto.
ins ncisimpanying mcssugo is not
Icmrthv but a coiicImi sliilenieiil of 1,1.
opinion, which is eutlrely consistent
with Ids former rswitioii on silvei
Isillf liuanl, Marrh Ji.
Lasii Si HVKVKii. The land for the
wan-house and dis k, at the foot of
iJiwn-nce street, was surveved yeater-
day afteruiMin. A subM-rlptlon pajs-r
asking for material uud money to
en-cl the bulbllnii and irrade the road.
will Im circulated in a few day among
the cllleim of Eugene. It 1 the duty
of every one to contribute to this
worthy object. Ixiwer freight rate an
what will help build up our city and
county; and river comiM-tltlnii is what
will bring about this n-sult so badly
lieednl. Eugene has pnwclitcd a set
of colors to the river sunnier, but till
will amount to nothing If cur citizens
do not mi-that a dock I cn-cted and
freight furnished to y the owner of
the steamer to come, to our city.
Again, we would say, give liberally to
thi must worthy object.
Cfltlot H ViiTINU.-Colisldenihhj dis
satisfaction, It is said, exist ut Irving
over the manner in which the
n-publlcail primaries were conduct
ed In that prvclnct Inst Sutur
day. It wa a fn-e for all vote, re
publicans, deincH-rsts and ieopc par
ty men taking part. In June, two
year ago. mi n-publlcail votisi were
i-ast, wliilu in tlie Saturday primarie
UU voter wrre on hand, aud that loo
when an actual count show .11 repul
Mean not pn-M-nt, Two faction of
the rty were contending fur su
pninncy and everything went. No
nomination were made, but the vot
ing shows that none were necessary,
so well were the plans matured. One
faction cast JU vote and tlie other 3H,
with one scattering.
Eihtoh IU.TlKKii. The Albany
Democrat says: "Air. J. II. Ixmg ha
n-t I nil from the editorship of the Pop
ulist, and E.C. Neal.of L'pr Ssntlain,
will suceeeil him. There are said to be
four or live men who think they know
mi much mora alsiut running the paper
than the rd I tor himself that the man
really at the head dissm't know where
he is at. Mr. Iong Is to be congratulat
ed upon hi escaie."
Pally Ouard, Marrh T).
Htkami h El OK.NK.A telephone
messaire from llarrlsburg says the
slimmer Eugene left for this city al
10:.'MJ o'chs'k this morning, with sev-enty-flve
tons of freight. Tlie steamer
therefore will arrive hen aome time
this afternoon, bliew lll leave on the
down trip Saturday morning.
Latkk. The steamer arrived here
at -:!') o'cl's-k this afterinMiii. A gisxl
run from Harrlshurg,
IwIIt biiar.l, Marrh ..
Watkk AM) Wkatiikk. The river
stands nine feet alsive low water bslay
and I alsiut a slaiiil still. llrste tmu
fist aineu yesterday. The wealln-r lm-n-ail
predicts light shower tlay and
fair weathrr Friday. The change of
temperature Is slight.
I) It: P. At Springfield, On-goii.
Alarch 'JH, lv.-4, at u p. m., from con
sumption, Air Jame Armstrong. The
funeral servln-s will be held at the
lUfitist church, Friday morning at h
o'l I'S k. The tssl y w ill be taken to
On-gon City for Interment.
Carey F. .Martin U Is-ing urged by
his ) nils to allow his name to be
used in the republican county iimven
Hon f'-r the iiomiiiation of county
Si hool sun-riutenent.
adia kM Itii4 jysj a.Pt A
A. AI. lUs-ves ha been S s'lntr.
iMMtmn-ter at Halsey and E. liall at
Cortland, Tillauesik fiiunly.
1U.KV. To the wife of I.. II. Pnlton,
ns.idin 4 m i Un sou t li of Kugeiie, l ues
day evening, Alarch 17, a 1 ) siund
Commissioner court lu xl wn-k.
Fiuo lot of vuIIm ut l.iwu .t Lliv's.
Ilu k and truck algiM on sale nt the
(it Altll offllf.
Curling Iron r, In, H ivnta.
F. L. ClIAMIlKll.H.
Tn-pu- notice on cloth for tale at
the i, AUK ollicc.
Ni.v -t lino of tin in town for tl.e
money ut Huwu it I'dcu'o.
Solid ash extiir loii t.'thli fi nt Dny
A I lein lei toll's.
V. ry line line of tlie lnt.-rt stylo
huM s. Homo & Phi's.
T.iM nr.- coming l:i nt a lively rate
Ul till- si, . Till H olllre.
W. Wilh .en li.t. inU starting a uer
d. live y Lii-in. si up ,o llrst.
iov Win McKinlcv delivered four
sjs-ech s :,l Maim np.ili Je-lerdiiy.
Win low ulu- cut to order.
F. L. I'll VMKl.bH.
New sto. k of window hailes 4s.,
V'o, 7'i.-uud II at I) iy ,t IL nder-
S ill's. I iro did i.ot l.i tun1 lust
llii hi .ii announced but ib iivered a
si-niioii appropriate to Easier.
'I'o reduce sto li Ii:iy it Hi iidcrou
are selling nil wool My liigmlii caqs-t
ul loo. 7i)' C. C. at .Vic. Agntull
wisil Jl, at s'h'.
We understand thut Alartln l-
Uoach, nf W olf Creek, w ill Is-a candi
date ts-i'ore the ileiiiiH rntlc county tiin
entloii for sherill'.
Dniin your Innd. You imd tiling
For term and liiforuiatioii alsmt tile,
uddn-ss D. Nash it Co., muuiifacturvrs
of tiling, llalscy, On-gon
Oct your meusiin- taken and have
a suit ni'ido to order from the best
gisxl manufactured lu Oregon, the
Itrownsvlllc, at Howe A ltlce's.
Shlloh's Cure, the gn-at inugli and
croup cure Is for sale by u. Pis ket
size itintulns twenty-live di-, only 23
cent. Children love It.
City Ditt o SroRE.
Next Muck will Is quite lively In
Eugene, KilUicj(y sieaklug. Iteplib
I lean county eonventon Tuesday, and
deiniHTnllo primaries the Saturday fol
lowing. J. W. Wels-r want it understood
that he will take out liivuso for the en
suing six months, notwithstanding
rumors to tlie contrary.
Fml Wagner, associate ulitor of tho
Ashland Tidings, s topi si I otf here on
hi return home fnuu Portland yester
day efteruonii and shook hands with
numeniii old friends.
The largest iirune orchard lu tliestate
is located ill lleutoii county. It cun-priM-slllO
acre, on which I plnntiil
," tn-c. and I known aa the Excel
slor Fruit Knriii.
Karl's Clover Idsit, the new blissl
purlller, give fn-shmiwi and clearnesa
to tho complexion and cure constipa
tion, lucent, o0 cents mid tl. Hold
by Dr. K. D. AIcKcnuey,
Citv Dklo Stork.
Sulein Indeiriideiit, Alun li 'X: The
steamer K.ucniie usm-I Salem last even
ing alssit o'clock, without stopping.
My so doing she lost some fnilgbl thut
wu lying here for her.
Captain Sweeney, U. H. A., Kan Die
go, Cul., says: "Shiloh' Catarrh
lU uiiily I the llrst nicdlclne I have
ever found (hut would ever do me any
good." Price W cent. Hold by
City Ditto Ktokk.
J. C. Wutkius' little girl hn a light
attack of scui'lfl fever.
Alsiut ifliihO In tuxe were ctillet'ted
by Sheiitf N'olaud yestcnlay.
Aildglev' olauliig null Is running
today. fhu river I nearly ten feel
alsive low water.
W. F. Osbiini lias Isi-n rv-eliH-ted
M-cn-tnry and Capt. John o'llrlcii del
eirutu to the fetierated trnde bT tho
l'ortlnnd tyMigntphlcal union, jtoth
gentlemen were former nsldeuts of
I jiiiu county.
Huleui Stutesmau: Tho steamer En-
f;enr I now on the upM-r river bended
or Kugrne, with Captuiu Wutid at the
wheel, I'uptaln Young having Imi-ii re
lieved of such dutle. Capluln Waud
wa formerly pllol on the steamer
Al (sloe.
At the last term of tho county court
ofLluu county, Umiq applicatinii of
Sherllf Jiu'kMiu that puyiueiit of taxes
lie extended to May 1st, before being
du lnml dellnqiieiit, the court made
an order setting April Mm the llnio
for their being delinquent.
Twenty-six bid were o-ned at
WiMslburn for erecting new brick at
thai city In place of the frames burned
evcral month ago. Tho lowest bid
wa t-VW, and the highest tsl. Con
tractors are watching every point for
Thu ninth annual convention of the
On-gon Slate Sunday School Associa
tion ha Isnn called to meet III the
First AI. E. church In Salem, oi-nlng
Wednesday, Muy isul, at " p. in.,
and cloeliig Friday, Alay 4, at noon.
Thi I a mas convention. Every
s'rson Inten-stnl in Sundny Ri-hool
work I cordially invited. Every
school In the state is exs-cted to aend
a many delegates a pswlble. The
iinsM-m-e of Air. William l&cynnld, in
ternational Held sil-rlntendcllt, will
add much to the Value of the meetings.
The names of al! -rson existing to
m pn-scnt and desiring entertaiiiiuenl
should lie sent to W. W. Unsiks,
Salem, not later than April 23. Dcle-irati-
buying lull-fare ticket to Salem
will receive ccrtillcate at convention
entitling them to return-trip ticket at
one-third fare over Southern l'acillo
Leiu Mretlnf.
Tho Eugene Ill-mc tollic'Lraguo, will
meet at the niurt liou- Friday even
in ir, Altrch 'M. Owing to other press
ing engagements, Carey F. Martin,
cannot (ill his appointment to sis-ak at
this time: but the meeting W III bo ad
dressed by Vitw-I'resideul Ciill aud
other rqa-nkers. A Inrv'e amount of
reading matter I still I. ft whicli may
Is-hail for the asking. You are earn
estly Invited to iiinis out to this meet
ing of the I. ague, hear the speaker
ami obtain some literature on the
financial situation. Inform yourselvta
that J -hi muy vote liitellk'.-i'it v tqsin
a Uelioii ot vital iiiisirtuiice to every
American home tlay.
11. F. DilMKI.
Wa ri.i.. A loan of tlJ'J for thn
t" five yi am. Fimt eta- security In
quire at tlii oiliiv.
AI. I.ivim.ik. suctv-sor to J. Af.
Il.-lidl ick. di aler l.l AiiilU L I.Tl'lt AL
lm .l.Jll. la.