n T5" 1 1 UTABLIMIEfi FOR THE DIXSE111)TI0! OPOEIOCKlTlfl riMtirLEl. ISP TO 111 IX lOSHTLlTHfl BT TOZ IKT1T OP Oil BROW EUGENE, OH, SATURDAY. MARCH 17. 1804. NO. 12. VOL 20 mi PI ARD. Y jjjj The Eugene City Guard. PUBLISHED KVK11Y HATUKDAY . I. L CAMrBKLL, Publisher i4 Proprietor. llFFH'K -Op th KmI lid ol WUlamatU rVras. hetwrru Serauth aud l.Whta street. TKIOH f HlTrMCKIPTlON. Vtt HOH'II sit Month- three uootlis 12 no , LOO , .7 A hertitiwj Ilutt Mad Known on Aydicution. tiatt adrertlaere will U oluvtf at th ful Out .Uum Hire month J C-Mur( mi moth( JJJ CMiwr una jrear.... ...... 00 Truuunl aotioes la I not! column, 30 mU u tin ! aech inaartina. Adtiin btlla wiU b rendered quarterly. All fob work mart b raw roa o tiiUTiar. J S.LUCKEY DKALKK IX Oocki. irVatcries, Cha'ns. Jewelry, Etc. REPAIR! NO PROMPTLY DONE. far-all W.r Warranted. A. C. WOODCOCK, Attorney-nt-Law. OFFICE -' n. half block auutb ( 1. 0. -SpcUI attention Kino to Collect!.. Mil Probata buiinese. L. W. BROWN, M. D. Physician mul Sureon. Otfioa met nwlilnioe ever laUoflioe. IIihii; 7 to v a. m.: t 2, 0 lo p. m. 313. C. ZiATgT.. CRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. hew Dealgnt and New lrlm In Foreign and Domestic Marble and Uraulla, Monuments, 11,-a.t.loae. and Cematerj work of all klnda (or 10. ALL WORK OUARANTKED! Wl llamelte Street, near IfwtolJlee, Eugene, Or J. L. PAGE, DEALER IX GROCERIES H AVISO A UK'i It ASH COMI'I.KTI tTOt'K ol staple aud fancy Urocerte. twughl In th. DMt uaraeia Exclusively For Cash, I cun offer the public better prices than any other house : IN EUGENE. : Produce of nil kind taken at market price. J. F. FORD, (Evangelist.) Of !) Mulaes, Iowa, writes under data ol IMarch 23, WXit 8. B. Mki. Mko. Co., Dufur, Oregon. Genti.kmkn: On arriving home last week, I found all well and anxlourtly waiting. Our little girl, eight and one half years old, who had anted away to 38 ixmnds, U now well, strong and vigorous, and well fleshed up. ti. H. Cough Cure has done Its work well. Roth of the children like It Your 8. B. Couh Cure ha cured and kept away all Inxirsiiex from me. Ho give It to every one, with greeting for all. Winning you prosperity, we are Your, Mk. and Mhh. J. F. Fuku. Iffnuwlshto feel Iraah and cheerful, and rrlf l.ir Ihe spring'! work, rleanaa the aretem ita the llcs.Urhe and Uver Cure, bf taauig two or three dra a week. old nndera positive guarantee jo rriiU prr boitla hi all tlrugglaU. T. U.lt.HIniCKS, 1'reaident. &U. Km, Ja., CaahU First National Bank Ol Eugene. Paid up Ush Capital 50,000 Surplus and Profits, $.9,000 Eugene - - Oregon. A general banking bueloeae d oa reae.v al.la terma. Bl-hl . I rait, no NEW YoKK, CHU'ViO. SAN FRANCISCO and IVllT. '.M. OKtiiOX. Hill. l .rhan(a iM "O fureiarn ciuntriaa. Ikrpmiu Bswral aulijei't to clwck eartiil aat. ( .t-it. All o.lartla aotruUd too will rx irf il.-m...n. Dav& Henderson, hkhH rCUlITl'RE DEALERS. Eugena, Oregon. very ADDRESS - "An oil as tli.-hilb.".ial in-vir t xoc'.i f l. ."Ti io l nitl proven " in the vcnlict o f million-'. Siramonn Liver lu'u'ii- Betterl'k lator tlx Liver idlK'V meliciiiu t' which you an 1'in your faith for :t euro. A mild laxa tive, 4 a n I purely voij ctible, iict inu; directly on tlio Liver and K id- n van Pills no v.. Try it. Sold ly all Druggiflta in Liquid, or in IWder to bo takca dry or made intoa tea. Th. King of Urer Meilli lne. " I have. uei j-mir Mlinmotn l lvi r K. itn laturand ran ronaoienritioHly wv tl In Ihn king "(all liver luiMlrlne. I On.ldi r II meillrlnerhwt III llx'll.-ilo. W. JaiK aua, Tacxxua, WaablngUm. eut packa;k- Daa th Z Stamp la red un wrapper Hoard of Trade. DallrUuard, March I.I. Regular incetliiit of the Ixtnid of tnule was held lat evening, President llklnt premding. Minutin of pn vioua meeting rend find approved. louiinitice on roiieetioiiH rcporuii pnignKit. omniittee on prugriun ami arntntreinciilit natMrtfl work lu-nrlv eomplete. Mr. McClunalum fruiu I lie mimic poinmltlee reMirtel lavor ably, having m-eured the m-rvlcea of the Kugeiie Hand nt it rvtiMinahle price. Mr. hraler atntel that III Im-IiiiII i'I the committee of itrranui'iiii'iitH lie had M-eured a erinil from ihe whool iliree lorn giving the public wIkm, cliil.ln n bermlwilon to take tiarl in I lie liarade and itltcud the re tiiui of ihe Mi-am- on Velnesdav. Home time wiim oiieut in informal re- mnrka on Icnslng grounil, location mid tiulldiiigof wnrt'hoiixe, etc. On mo tion Ihe president apMiinted a coniiiiit tee HiliHlhtilig of Meiww. 1'Viugcr, Me- litu ttl ill ii and bviirvcruil to vinil the land neur the bridge, hIho a piece of land below the butte, examine the name, get term of lcn-, etc., and re port Hi the next meeting of the Ixianl. un motion a committee wannpixiiiii- ed to eorrewpond with the propi r an- tliorltiea una prcun the imiu ol u l:irl of the Oregon exhibit iiiude at the world's fair in Chicago, nml have the name here in time for exhibition dur ing the Tnn of the ('iimlxThuid PreKbvterian general n win lily In May next. lloanl nillotirmMi. M. C. VasTvm , .S'cntury. ChambcrUla3 Eyo arJ li-.i. Ointment. A certain cm for Chronic Sow Eye Tetter, S.ilt Rheum, Scaid Head, Old Chronlo Soron, Fever Soreg, Eczema, Itch, Prairia Scratches, Bore Nipple and Tiles. It is cooling and tootling. Hundred of cases Lave been cured by it after all other treatment had failed. 23 cents per box. Kor aale br Oiburni IX'lann. tally (iuard, Marrh 1. . STKAMKII NkWS. The atenilier Eu- gene tied up at liiUcM-iiiicncu last Ulglil. 11 w as louiei inai ner w ins-i Wua loo high In the water foraawift current, aud the ntsva-uiry alteration had to be made. A dl-fatch from In dependence at 1 !: thla forenoon atat- ed that t tie ateainer would lay at liar- rlsburg Wednesday nik'l'I. anl reach hm Tlnirsluv. She lelt Portland loaded to the L'tianls. and baa .'' Ions of freight for Euirciie, w hich amount will probably be lnereaeii ny trefon I'ncillC alilpmem at orvams. The river U at an excellent lioatmg alage. Otuioo.v PlXrU The San Francis co Examiner ay that l'.n n-lrigcrator fruit ear are tola- built at Sacramento, Calif, for the Southern Pad fie Co. Thla la an Innovation In car building. aa previously moat of this class of roll- f Ing atoek had Ix-eii con-tructcd In the ; east, the material u-d l-ing oak The , new earn tadng made of Oregon pine, ' which ia aaid to ataild the weal l.t-ron Isitll aide of the continent Ix'tter ard In the end give greater aatisfaction than oak C. F. Croncr vlsits i:,I. iii a urd. y. LINN & FURNITURE UNDERTAKERS 0 Call answered du or ene, Willamette street. Pair Guaranteed. San Francisco Cal t lit Nt II. MlltllMi. i'titiiiii t'ir Iiiiprorturntii Jud:.-e ail.it I leka for the l omllig City Elect lull. I'xi.i Oiiuril, Mtitt h 11 City ruiiiicil met ill regular neai.li ill I il i vi li.iiu in t lie city ball w Ith the : full board re nt. A iiuiuiM-r of bill wen1 retried ; fmni tl'e lliiuniv couiinlttiv ami or-1 ili reil iiai.l. 1 Mrici coiiiiulltif rcMr(cd aldcwalk oidereti i VIiruary 1J, progrewing lavor ably. t ..nt ru. f lor improving High rinVt Id to K tiarrixiu, grading, i-i'; to I., ."iiinni, grav. ling, 'M iviil n r cubic yard. I'diiion of ('. A. Mi rlau for an order to oin ii alley running north and oiith hi block J," kinncr' (lunation, and lo remove llmrii hedgt and put aide walk mi mirth line of the ntrcct; re fir red to judiciary committee. I'i tili.ii nf J allies Audcrmiii el id f r an order to improve the north cud of l.awrcii'v aire, t by grading and grav eling; r. fcrri d loatni-t cominittiv. Petition lor aidcM alk on north aide of t 'lark .-Im l U-tuceti MadiHim and Lawrence alreela; refcrn-d to atreet eomni:tl. c with jaiucr to let. IVI it ion ror "lading and trmv. I, ng atrift: lileired In atreet committee. Petition for aidewnlk oil rotltli aide of Firai atrc t liiim Jel!eroii to Mmli soilatr.it; referred to at nit colulliltlee with porter to act. Petition of r. t'liaiiiliern fur au thority to keep pmiilcr ill iron caae outaide iil alore ill the allej ; referred to coniiiiiitcc on lire and u:.: . Petltlo:i to oik'II a!!cv llllii.l. -1 linrtll and Miutli In block A, .MuIIIk-ui h addi tion; referred to judiciary committee. I Irdiuiiiicc requiring a iio-nm; foraell iug mil.inerv uimiiIh iii certain caw, read w-eolid time bv title, motiiiii lo aU-M-ud rtlliannd read thild time oli jeeted lo and ordinamv la;-! ' r. Mrcel coliiliilttce wan ai.., ..::,:cd lo have the iiiaraliul lake d a i all old telephone and private I -ti l.i;.i Milea and wires that are foil n i lo I c d:inger- una. An appropriation of Jlu :. .i voted lo th. lire dcli galas. Ib'coriler w ax direcleil lo givo notice of the annual election on thclMof April. The following eiti.na were mimed nrai i:i;s ok ki.ixti. r;. Fir-l ward Judges, F. W. Oslmrii, P. K. Siiodgnnw and (i. I!. Chriainau, the I'.r-t two desii;iiiited na clerks, l'oliing tilae In Mrs. I!n nl.-e's build ing lior'll aide of Eleventh atn-et, oipo- alte t lit ml achiHil. SiiMUid ward Jlldirea, 1. 11. Hell ileisim, J. V. Cberrv mid Waller Ediis, tin- tio latter litsignated as clerks. rolling place in engine room in city hall. Third ward Judge, S. M. Yoran, R. M. Day and (ieo. A. 1 turns, the two latter deslgnatisl as clerks. Poll ing place in I), t berry 'a building north aide Eighth atnvt, Islweeii Olive and Clilirileltoll at reels. Adjourned Meeting. Out of courtesy to the liK-mlier of the political convention the imrting of the FiiL'enc ld-.Metallie lengucntthe court bouse Saturday evening was ad journed until Friday evening, March I'i. At that time illiMrtltlit busiiieaa w ill Is- transacted and a full attend ance of ii cnils rs of Ihe league la desir able. All other Interested ill the work of the Icat'iie nr.- also Invited lo be pn--cut. All tho-e circulating pledges will please return signatures at this meet ing. II. F. I it His, President. liallrfiuarJ. March IX Fii.i:i Miit Pttiiii tk. The will of the lute 1 'avid II. Coleman was 11 list fur probate in tlic comity clerk's nilli-e this afi. ruisili. The pmhable valui' of th"c-tatc is Hi.uoii. After milking provi-io'is for the payment of his debt be Is ipii at lis all tils pruicrty, but Ii real and s'ioiiul, in coual tmrts to tils daiighteis, Mary IsulslU Coleman, Jennie icrtrude NiiIh, ! A. Cole man and liiira E. Coleman. The w ill apxiiuts Mary Isala-lla Coleman exeetilrlx without Ixilids. The will w as executed August 3, IsO.I, in the iireM-uet' of f its). II. Dorr Is and H. It. likin Iat,r (iuanl, Mmr.-h 1'.. l'.-t Al'KK. I imrge Park, who wa a-r ing a lifty days' nctitcinv In the city j'til, ccs d from Marshal East land thi- aft. rnoili Just as he waa go ing to cut his dinner. The marshal it. u Id hae easily shot him but did not think it w as la-al. The l.'iat Ms-tl of the primmer be whs going at a lively speed across tb. Eugene bridge. He ha I IT. day of his sentence to aerve yet, Ii.icy h I. Tuiio: Pi:n - Is-JI-.v and William IV. .lt u. rc taken to the iM'iiiteiitiarv at .-.lieui .Saturday by Ilcputy Sheritr Croiier. Eich of t tic prisoner baa a wiiteniv of one year to serve for the crime of burglarizing a lioiise ui ar ILirri-burg. KAYS, DEALERS, I EMBALMERS. '" llijtt l C.U-, niihl. Uwmile ! liriter Items. j March 1.1, Kl. Ia! the gentle aprlng time. I R. L. l'.ilward. who la attending jachiMiiat Dnilu vlalted friend here on Saturday nnd Sunday w lillw on hie w ay to x ihit hi home on Fall Cni k. ! lle'aeak highly of Ihe aclxMiL j MiM I.oiiut Howard la vMtlng rela Itiveaon Fall 'reek duriug the preM'iit ! week. Elder J. C. Richardaoli preached j here Hun lay. he will al preach agulu ; on the m-cind Sunday In April. I-vi llarx r, w ho has been ailing iug for year, I rcortcd a failing Mimewh'it notiivnbly of late. 1 Mm. Nca Xeet haa Uvn very nick, dnce on-lual writing, but la nliuhlly ;inpnvcd nt pn-wiil. Hie la being tit tciulcd by Ir. TIioiiimii. E. R. l'urkerwlll teach the aprlng term of x-lnxil at I'h-axiut lilll. It wii our iutetitlou liift week lo latethut 'I'liouiaa llowen tiwt llnwti) had taken a barefiaiteit boy to Umrd. The iM'imlUta failol to hold a lrl mary In iliia preeiiicl. Tim leaving u without a n-ircM'iitatioii In their coiivciiti'iii, KKUt I.Alt. From rejmrlx the voter of LpxT Iist Valley district held a startling seas) mi on the tlrst Monday in March, voting i no director out for the lion x rfornuiv of duly and further lining liliii II. e -inn often dollar. E. J.i lutuller ha niwenxj from his sick -ik II ami Is alsiul again. John Tarker, of Clovcrdale, visited with fiieiidnaud relativist at this place a ismpl. of day this week. Proxy hu gone to Pleasant Hill for a season but we prophesy that Mr. "OrecnhornV hide won't hold water . , ti, ,, y ,,, through with lit in. lie taken the Ol'AHH. The ii competent disseminator of Trent happening, undertake to mis lead the general public In regard to the mail service to this place, aud aaaure iia that only a few Individual are In tcrcated i;i making this change. Now if ailch lu isslmcka aa he ha proven himself to lie, are to eolitiol our all'airs by misrepreaeiittitloii, Inferred or ex pnsaed, then we had beat give up our ruuchi and emigrate to where the Hie won't hi;- u. Mr. "llrecnhoru" are you aware of thu fact that wo have more hour of daylight In July than in December, when the mall w ax carried by this tclicdule, and don't you know there ure n few x-nplo living on Plcax nnt Hill Hint aliould l coliaulted in n-gard to this arrangement, moreover wc never have naked the department to make thla change until ufter July, Isni, and have no explanation to oiler a to the notion of the department in making the change as they did to take effect Immediately. Wc romddcr the fact that Mr. Eaton's wrvlce expired in July, and hnve never nought to do him an Injustice a thu chronic pessi mist Insinuates. Hut we know w hat I Ix-st for u Individually aud ahull not hexitate to axk for our Just desert In spite of nuch cranky, cross Mad statesman aa thin grcenent of "(irccii horn," who aa though ashamed of hi production would seek to deny hi uln a.ly well etdahlUhed Identity. Don't do It any more, take our ud vice. A Cook Nook Free. "Table and Kitchen" Is the title of n Hew ck Ixxik published by the Price Raking Powder Company, Chi cago. Just at this time It will li sent free if you write a postal mentioning the (il'Altn. This book has Ixs n tried by ourselves and it In one of the very Is-sl of Its kind. lltsildell eoiittiinlng over Inn reelpts for all kind of pastry and home cookery, there are many hint for the table and kitchen show ing how to set a table, how to enter n dinning riMim, etc.; a hundred and one hiliti In every branch of the culin ary art. Cookery of the very llm-xt and rli l at aa well aa the nnad eco nomical Mid homelike, In provided for. ICcmeni! . r "Table mid Kitchen" will lx sent, Mwlago iireiiaid, to any lady aeiiding b.-r adilress (name, tow n and state) p ilnly given. A copy In (ier- mau or .-s)'Hiidiiiavian will is- sent tr desired. Postal card i an good as let ter. Addrex Price Raking Powder Co., Chicago, lit. heal Estate Transfer. Cot.NTHY. W C Martin to (Jeo Thonitxjoti, V) ucrc In t Jl , r 4 w; f-V). Ileiirv .Ma-sUr to IVii.lciuv SntlsV, j interest in land in t IS a, r 1 1 w; -!. H FCo ley to U-w lftp Cyul, J) acre in t 17 a, r 1 w;Ki. James K Nolund, sheri:l, to W R Walker, Mi acres in Tn l'J S, R 2 W; lially Uuard, Marrh I.'. Rivku Raisimi. The river is near ly nt a U tx)t stage and still on an up ward movement. The factories at the mill run- are running today, and it is likely that the electric light will be able lo run by water power tonight. I'ailf ',a.m, Marrh I.'. TlllMll CAKVUH. Thox. Sililell of Fainuoiiiit had the misfortune to near ly never l.in thumb from the left hand while using a sharp knife thi morn ing. Dr. McKenuey sewed up the wound. oallfOuam Marrh Ii Pm.im NTAI. IsnmTiox. Major O. O. Yoran went lo Huhlaud thi morning where ti will ! Jolnel by C. E. I.l-lin. adjutant of the ud4U-g-Iment ami Captain (irltn of Compaiiy i;o. N. ii. The IxnM Will then make a tour ol the regiment aud in- i speet eaeli cooiny. I E. Fiul'-y KilsMi. f.xrmerft of the i Corvalli tnu-lU; baa irtircha! an ' '"'crest in tle It-xx-burg PUiiudealer. jr- Kitu in au able new-papf-r man. j! a plenaant, x lal gentleman. MONDAY, MAIICH IZ. Circuit com I convened this morning. I All the chtirclic bad gisi.l inngrc ga llons vesterday. Travel mi the railroad i ery light dining thfs gl io my Weather. J. A. Pond, of Flordiiv. is in the city attending circuit court. R. II. Roach, of Portland. Itiiting clativexaiid friends in Eugene Dr. J. C. tiray has Us u siillcriug w ith a f. Ion on one of his lingers. The national republican league will huvt at IVnvcr, Col., June 'J1.. Prof. Ceo. II. Wilkin, of Aibuiiy, sx'iit Sunday w ith friends In Eugene. Judge J. ('. Fllllertoli came down from K.Meburg oil the lis nl train (his inoriiiug. Rev. (i. A. P.lair and two little laughters went to Albany on a abort visit this morning. The anng Isiat Corvalli left Harris, burg this morning to work Ix twceii that point ami Eiiii ue ieo. W. Him hart, formerly ef Cr" Well, wn elected last wivk city tre-- urer ol the low u ol l omlDii. 0 Constable C. It. Morgan, of l l )r n-. In in the city in altend iniv at the Irinll of Allien Hayes ntnl Oisirge Itarretu r PhU Wilmaii, well known in Eu" gene but now a roideiit of Colfax. ' Wash., visitc I in Hariisbtir laal1 wts-k. N. S. Dullois w ill go to Albany tu morrow morning, I. axing Ixs-u sill no l naed as a w It lies- In the trial otlr. Sxiuogle. I'nlt.il Static Itatik Exainl'ii.r K. I,. Carson, of S attlc, is in l liigene 1..-1 lay hxikiug over IlieaH.iii of the I'i 4S, National Hank. - : The funeral of the late Mrs. Oroige likin occurred from I lie residence ol D. M. Iti-doii, on High street, to the I. O. O. F. cemetery Ibis foielliMin. The Eugene dramatic company will reproduce "II. Iter Than (told ' In llar r.aburg, as wxni as the wvnerv for the new oera house in that city arrlvsi. J. I.. Scott, the iioinilar gnxiry drummer, cx)x-ct to n-move his family lo l.ugeiie In the near lilllire. lie ex las ts to make tills eit v his head' inar- tcrx the coming season. Mack mid Harvey Huinmervllle, of llarrisburg, b:ive ri'iited the I aiidsome reaidelliv latch' ol lied by E. R. I.llck- ey, on eaal Ninth atns't, and will ih c'upy the aaiiie w ith their mother. Another crunk has apiH'ared. He I to Iks hauled fioiii Jaueaii, Ala-ka, to New York Clt v bv dogs In '."on dny on awngci.uol entering the l". S. until he rcuclii- Dakota. We have received voluuio one, mini- lx-r one, of t he E-pnrto Pri"., datisl at partn, ( nlllornla, .Man n ., imm, nun tlitisl by llyroli li. Ruck, formerly an employe of this ollbv. It I a Heat, sprightly pajxT. We wish it aiicecsM. The editor of the Itcliton le ader Is said to have la-en nmvi rted and lo have Joined ttie .Mctlnxliat church, and this, aci-ording to nn exchange, 1 viewed by the press of Lincoln county with "much consternation." Why till is so is not explained. The (junker s.xinl given by Ihe Ciimlx-rlaml Prcshvtcriau church un der Ihe direction of Mrs. i. A. Rlair ami Miss May Joins, Saturday even ing at the church was largely attended and a pleasant allalr. The program wax well received and each w ho took part did honor to thu occasion aud themselves. Thu Willamette Pnwliytery of the C. P. church meet at Albany bsluy ut 1! o'clix-k p. m. The csssial bllsl neas aside from the routine I arrange ment to secure a huge attendance ut the coining assembly of those from this state, also that such come lo care for themselves. Rev. ( 1. A. lilalr Is In attendance. Imllus Transcript: Smie xs:iple wonder how it Is that pas rs liku the On-goniiin can make anv money. Here is one of the reason: The adver tisement of Dallas city bond for aale wax published In that tmperoiie month aud Ihe bill was Ml. In a couutry pns-rf- would Is) considered n gixxl price. llarrisburg Courier: Our business men have received linth-e that the new steamer Eugene will leave Port laud for Eugene next Monday, the ll'th lllst. This boat ha Is i n bull eax-elally for the upx-r river nn I l! l'ie sonlc want n Ism t tiny can i. lv usm It that II ataudx tlicin in ban i to sf that the Eugene I pntroiili ,!. "We would urge t vciy one to rend the udvertixemeul of : bunions Elver Ib-gillator. We have never Ix fore xald one word III fuvor of any patent medi cine advertisement in our columns, but having given Simmons Liver Reg ulator a fair trial, we do not hesitate to av that, for DvsH'isia and general de bility It cannot' he excelled." Fred M. Chil'ds, editor of New, Kenton, Ohio. The pripulMa of .biaphlno rsiunty met III coiiM ii'iou al (.rant' Paxa laxl Saturday nn. I hoiiiln. 1. d the following ticket: R.-;..-. - niative, W. C. Ed ward, of t. r--.it'. P..-; county Judge, F. (i. Dav, i f '.In! 'i'i.v; commissioner, W. A. Mr.-.. , ol J uiiip-oll'-Jix.; sherlll', N. Reynold-, of iranl's Pass; clerk, T. Syson ( 'un ly , of ( irant's Pass; trcaaiir ei, W. I . la ..ii, of (imit's Pass; as xssor. J. V. Hunt, of Kerbyvllle; seliixd siip-riutendeiit, Ji II Huyi, of Murphy. Tmk Anmk Miu Roseblirg Re view: F. Itowell, wlio has Ixx-n work ing at the Annie mine in the Rohemia di-triet, wax in J.cburg the hitler pait ol the w.s k. He atute that the mine has io d dow II nfter a very sue-s-aful aeuaoh's rilll. They worke.1 t) men In summer and I i in the w inter, and w hen they aiis-udeil work 13 of t hem came out together on snowabis. The snow wns in many pbu-.- I j feet deep and th. y came dow n the moun tain at a lively mt. Mr Roweil will return In a few weeks to resume work iu the mine. Rf.llKKtll Km mtion. The Eu gene lli ah lslgi- No. .Vi, I. O. O. F., are preparing to enVrtuin the (hid Fellows und their f.ihiTi.- and vl-lt-ing brother and ait rs nt their bull on Wediirdny evening, March -1. All liiemlx-r of the order are cordially In vited to Ix- pn m tit Hon. C. C. lUxkini.n, i f Juckson- ville, is aai I to I, a republican candi - jate for governor. l it r ml Court. .11.7. J Ii MolUt and Hetty Mollit v W E llM,iiet, ct al; partition. -: Rkipworth npxiited guardian ad litem for minor. J F M.nIc, mi l Fergtiaoii ami Morris Alien aps.iut, . to make partition of real pr.srty. Partition mmte and coullrinc.1. :tM. El-ie F. I ns niaii vs K P I'im man; divorce, la-fault n-'ened to lii gelie llis.ni to take ti-atltimiiy. I c i-rs of divol.v. :ll'i.'. Ida I. Car.. n Vs State luur amv Co; lo recover tuotiev. Cutititi. ed. Slate of I In g. ui (b-o II I'.arrt tt, iiulictiiieut f i r burglary Iroui a a.il.s.ii at lion. uis. I'll a of not guilty enter ed. Monday aftcrinain the lollow Ing Jury was taken in the ca-: W P Cheshire, W II Abranis, I .r I'ct. r aon, I ins u uiiiw.iIi, I'. Ainlcr-oii, llrown. W It It.. bn r, N Wmtei-, W J Johnson, J T Row laud, W til'iukir son and f arson Mathews. The court, ruis.day in. .ruing, after heaiiic: the evidemv in-truclcd the July ton turn a verdict of inl . h"). ' ',. '. ' ., wi. done, and I lie tt leniitit wax dim'li'.rg t J Iti'tn i-" " ' , ., . rH "IV , ,t , ..il ol i inu'io v or Sn.aii, in- Vlltlin lit i handng the) defend. ,n'. vtuii the rrlnii' of larccnv of Iwo lings, near Cottage I i rove. liu defelidalit was arraigned and entered a plea of not guilty. On motion of the prosecuting attor ney the indictment against Mr. Smith Has dismissed, tills Wednesday morn ing, and thedi fciidant discharged from eustisly. A. V. Peter vx J. II. Michael, alter ill's aale of land; continuation. Elmer II. Itoger lippoluled clerk, rcxirtcr protein, to lake mid rcrl the evidcutv In the case of the Mate of i Iregoii V I'elkllls. .TitM. Iii reassignment of II. D.I. in isiln; aa-lgnmeiii. L. Itilyeu. Con tinued. .il.'l. 11. C. Pi rklns, ctulv Fiank llclxiicr, ns treasurer of l.ane niunt v, Or, ami J. E. Noland; injunetloii. J. F. Ami, Jno. lliirnett aud L. liinn for plaint ill'. M. I,. Pix-, (i.s. A. lain is and A. C. WiMxhsn-k for defend ants. lteMirt of referee II led. Arguiiii'iil wen' luinle by Attorney IWucdlct for the plalntill's asking that the n fena-'s llndlngx tx ael aside, ami asking that the plaintllts lx allowed to tile an amended complaint. The same wa n-xistil liy Attorney Wisslis k and Oeo. A. Dorrlx, for defemlnnt. The court then gave notice that hu would return in a few day to hear At- torney Keniiisly in thu matter. HWZ. The New England Mortgage Srurlly Co., (a private corixiratloii vs I.', I ...I - .1. It I, . - I.-1 1 ........ r.ii.nix'iii . ivx.a, loriniTiy -.ii.aixi u W, OiMMlchild, el ul; fons.-ha.urv. A. C. Wcodi'.X'k for plailltlll. Continued. ltd. Ilelle Mon ttl vs Frank Mor etll; divorce. E. Ililyeu for plaintltr. Referred toj. E. Young to take text! Illoliv. Ix-criS' of divorce. .'IVll. J. M. Itowcs v Kate Wiliant. (its.. It. Dorri for plaiutlll. A. C. WixslisN k fur defendant. Argiiisl and NUhmiltcd. Contlnueil. III'M. J. M. lUiwes va Silihiu Reeves; ixpilly. Oeo. II. Ihirri for plalutiil. A. C. Wiaideock and tli. A. Dorrlx for defendant. J. M. William np. ixiinUsl refensj to n'Mirt testlinony. Continued. SITU. H. H. Steven, i t al v T. T. Raruhart, et al; foni'losure. I.. Ilil yeu and A. C. WixHlcix'k for plalutiil. lleo. A. Ihirrla and E. O. Potter for de fendant, E. R. Sklpworth attorney for R. V. Howard. Jildgmeiit for R. V. Howard for t-,y', liit n-st at 10 kt cent.; ami f um attorney fix-. SlHl. F.. J. McClunahan v (Iiki. II. Wallili, et al: to recover money. A. C. WixxleiM'k for plalutiil. Coiitinucd. 3IVI. Kate W iuunt vs J. M. Howl's A Co.; to recover money. A. C. WixidiHM-k for plalutiil'. li.s). It. Dor ri for defeudaut. Referred to J. M. William to rcixirt testimony. Con tinued. .(t iJ. ('. D. Maxwell v J. H. Yttt.-s; writof review. J.J. Walton for tdaiu tlir L. Jtllyeil for (Icfeiidant. Minor children awardisl to eustisly of fxtlier, Maxwell. Judgment for plaintiff for coat. ;SH7. Dilih, Mallory .V Simon vs James Howard, and J. E. Noland, as sherilfof I.niiit county, Dr.; ispiity. (ieo. II. Ihirrlsnud Dolph, Mallory A Simon for plalutiil'. A. C. W iHshss-k and L. Hilyeu. for dcfeiidaiil. Con tinued. 3I.VJ. Mary (-'. Haw ley v (lw. M. Haw lev; divorce. U. R. Dorrl for nlaintiil. E. Ililyeu and A. C. Wixxl- iHN-k fir dcfeiiilunt. J Jccree of divorce. AI.UlWAM TJi. Ruiliir, i rand Jury, (I. W. Klnsey .'ulays.... I'.alllll', court, A. E. Put- terxoii, U day Ilalllll', court, Ji'nx'pii Kix'h, n davs Reporter, M. O. Wilkin.. " E. 11. Roger .115 IKI r'-,7 10 I .. ) ...Id k At this time the jury wax discharged for the term. S. . ( oiidon, prosecuting attorney L. Ililyeu, attorney for defcml ing Hayes and llarn-tt ... .. llfi oo ... Id K) this lif- Court ndjoiirmsl at I'o'cbs k termxiu, until April JJ, at 10 a. in. niai. Alllawc. aMSlal to 111. lll'ASD Okkiiox Citv, March 11. The atate alliance I in aeaslon hf re. It ha pawsvd r ilutlon on the tranr tntioii uestioii, and In favor of the government ownership of railroad, wuiitx maximum freight rati-, alliance liiMiiruuiv, condemn thu last legisla ture aud commend the public sch.xil. Makkikii. At the residence of Strand lmg In Eugene Wednesday af ternoon, March H, Mr. E. Willoogh ly and Mi- Clara Haw k, both of llar risburg. Rev. C C. Sperry jx-rfoniu-.! the eeremoiiy. J We understand Hint J. E. Young I 1 contemplating a trip to the South African gold miiww. ' A P.Ul.lIOUi PKOJITT. Atiorui'V Ni.rinii ami S. I.. MiMirlicad Kepi ut uiir Hie Conipatiy, l.nkcvicw Examiner: The following l. tt. r lioiu '. C. m i liing at IUs Rlulf to lin e m.i :lin-, of thia plaix', li self epl in:i(or : ! "Iii j. ur . tt. r oii TH.ke nf the pro. Jis-h.l railroad, au'l which if built you ex et to I a-s tliroiig!i lour country. No- I u ill endeavor lo give you the facta in regard to this uiatier as I have lavn able to gh .in tlicni myst-lf from person i, our tort ti, who, on account wf the Inter. -t that tin y manifest In the r.iiho id, and the wealth that they rcir..cnl in our count . ' "They 'ay that Ihe coii-lrilctloli is nlino-t an a-uii d f.ni. Of ismrse they , realize th:it (lure will ihy lx a c... ii in i.l.-!s. !. s to overcome In (lhe fill ii.-. tin- Inicrfi icnee of the ."southern I'a.illc, etc., all of which they thought would have no ell'ect. I l:i tact th. y s.i iii to think that the piojictor are -rfcctly reliable. j "ihe gi n'.. i li if n n presenting tb u . a-. I lailfo.id i oiapnliy hi re ure II. ! ! Soil ii. of Eugene, Or., mul K. lu Miairl.ei I, of Junction city, or. They . i- I i uial.e this ti.w n the terminus III tl.l. valley. They exss-t this town iii I ijniiity io buy ij,'i,it nf the rail nx.d sic k, to Is- paid rt hen Ihe road I a.ipl. !- d to thU pi. ice. The time for ' 1 eoiir.letion to this place is llgured 'n tw n , i ai. 'The road i exs-c. , to start from a -Mi at tide water on .vui Pablo bay, Mie .Mli. inns to s on the Idaho line, no (.articular place aH-cillcd. ' I .-ki d Mr. Norton If he had any i. lea alx ui tlcMirvey throiigli your ..Hig;-y. Il. replied that hi' had no kn.iv.leUe o (he nunpaiiv'x inrvey other Hi in It ran through the tbsrs.. Lake coiiii.ry into Lake county, Or., through llai.icy vxlley and to the Mallu iii Yen I-an udgi from that as lo tlie ct.'irx' nf the road. " They exet to complete Ihu entire road In lour years from the date they la-flu construction, which will ! as sixui n- they tin. I that the x-opln liv ing la'tui-cii her.' and the starting Miinl of the railroad mis t their de mands, l b. v llgure the time now at two in. u 1 1 1 1-. but I hardly think that can U' relict upon at the present. "Our nplc have raised the required amount in the town, and Ihe commit-ti-e hnvlng the matter ill hand have appointed coiiimitt.ss in every pte cliict In tV county to solicit the xs pic for the required amount." WLl.t OME Ti STEAMER EH.KNi:. rrugrnin of r.rrrlses. Presentation of Plugs, and ( liri.iteulng. lH.llr nianl, Marrh I t The aleumer Eiiirrno la exxx-ted to arrive here early Thursday afternoon, w hen the prcsciitutiou of Hag and Ad dressed w III lx made. One half hour after thu steamer whistle blows live times the priasswlou headed by the Fiigene bund, will leave Willaincttu and Eighth street for the river bank at the bridge. One hour after the warning whlatlc the pro gram of exercise will commence as follows: Music by thu Eugene Rand; selected. Sssi h aud pnwutatiou of Hag to steamer, by Hun. F. M. Wilkin, pres ident of the Eugene Hoard of Trade. i hns. chi-cra for thu American Hag by pupil of Eugene public schools, w ho will also give three, chirrs for the ateainer Eugene. Ri-siKUisc, by ('apt. June. ChriHtcnlrg of steamer Eugene, by Mis Carrie Friendly. Music, "Slur Spangled Runner," by Eugene Rand. Add re- by the Mayor of Eugene, Hon. M. II. Friendly. RcHinc, by Hon. A. C. WixKlcock. Music by Eugene Hand. 0x'iiing of ateainer for public in ls'ilon. Ruby Hendricks, Nina Wllklns and ' lua Craig will carry the tlins.. tings for the steamer. Supreme Court Decision. Rolaii Wnrd, r.-sindciit, va Sou th em Pacl lie Compauy, iipx-llant, a K'iil from Douglas county; Judgment ol the .i Ai r court reveiwsl. Opinion by Iird. C. J. A six year-old son of the plalntlfl and nspoiiilcut was kllld by a hx-o-motlve of thu apix'llant, Ihe accident (ss urrlng on the farm of thu plalutiil In Doiigl.ia (Hiiint v. The respondent's, complaint alleged that thu Ixiy waa killed bv negligence In thu managn incut of i he engine. The answer do nlcl any alleged negligence and made a claim that the plalutiil' and his sou were eoiitrlbuiorlly negligent. The re ply denied the new matter. The result of the trial wa a Verdict for the plain tilf und ii-sMiiuh'iit, ami upon this the apH'id w ax taken. AIIOlTiHiKETETvEB. Ilutt. It. S. Sherhlan (iet Away M ilk lbs Plum. Mx-!al Ui i ho in aii: WA.siii.(iT.v, D. C, March 14. I'n-sidciil Cleveland, Unlay apMlnted lion. R. M. Sheridan, receiver of the I lllt' d State land ottlce at Rom-burg, Oregon, and thu end a long aud bit ter tight. C. II. Valid ill rg, formerly a real deiit of this city, Is now residing at hall Joe, t al. Awarded Hlehcst Honors World' Fair. oa MOST PERFECT MADE. A rure Crar Orim cf Tj-1 Jf Pow Jn. Fie doni Ammonia, Alum or iny otlier a Jultnant. 40 YEARS THE STANDARD WMMm o 0 r, I