The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 10, 1894, Image 7

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hAiinn.vY maim-ii 10.
. r,rlr Mil Hide, i
E. IL Sweliiain, of Fairfax Station,
Virginia, aaya: "A arty tame forty
mil l my lre for I'hiiinU-rlaltr
Cough Itei'uedy and If ugh adoei.
llw. The icrm-dy I great favorite
In tlii vlcltiltv and Im rfortii.d
onie woinlerfuf runn In-re." It I In
tended e-elally fur cough, cold,
croup nJ whipping cough umi I a fit
rorite wherever known. For sale by
OMil'HX k iH l.A No.
For all kind of IU 1. 1 cils go to
A. (iOI.I'hMllll,
The tinnvr.
toal Hill Nursery.
Call on or add re T. X. Segur,' F.u
jreue, for nil kind of nursery stick.
1'runmoii nian.lsileiii plum r"'l that
ill lint spnuit. alMioii -iicli nsit.
UliriiuNtUiu yulckly Cured.
Throe day I a very short time In
wbli'h to cure a bail ease of rlwuitm
tUm; but it ran lie done, if (lie pn-r
treat iiieut i alott'i, a will Iw mi n
by the follow lug from Juiiic l.uiulsrt,
of New llruhswlck, HI.: "I wa Imd
ly afflicted Willi rheumatism In the
hland leg, when I bought a I it tic
of CliainlNTluin'a I'ulii llulm. It cun-d
ma in three days. I uui ull right to
day; and wouh'l iuit on every one
who ia afflicted with the terrible dis
ease) to use ChaiuU-rlaiu' l'ain llulm
and get well at once." .',0 cent bottle
for sola by
Oh it tun A DkLami.
mhkvitii a.
Henderson, Uc mist.
J.J. Walton, nttorney-nt-law.
Hop yard wire. F.L. Ciiamiikkm.
Monev to loiui on farm. Kmpjlni of
Judge Walton.
Oliver Stub mid Chilled lloji Flow.
F. L. I'll amiikkx, mile agent.
M. I.kvimikk, amiiiwor to J. M.
Hendricks, dealer in A(.KK 1 1.TI KAI.
Money to loan on liiiirovel farm for
term of yearn at a rcanonuhlc rate of
Interest by F- J. McClaiiahan.
The lateht thing out for a HOT bur
row ami cultivator I the I.loN reliit
blfl disc. See it at F. 1.. Chamiikk.
Dr. (i. W. Middle may I found at
hla residence on Olive at reel. l-lwccn
Fifth and Sixth street, one hh-k went
of the Minnesota hotel. He I pre
pared to do all ileutul work in the best
They Waut the Hod.
"The people of thin vieinity iiiilnn
having Cliaiubcrhiiu'a Cough Iteiuedy
and do not want unv oilier," wiya
John V. Jtlshop, of Portland MM,
Indiana. That Im right. They know
it to tie superior to uny other for colli,
and an a prevent itlve and cure for
croup, and why should they not In
alit upon having it. "0 cent bottles for
ale by
Usui hn A
Ordered on TrUI.
Oak I.AM", C'ai.. About two year
ago I ordered from J. It. (late & Co.,
Han Frnncisco, a bottle of Simmon
Liver ri'Kulutor on tilul, and so witl
(actory him Ut-u ll um In -x -llin
bile from the oynteiii und rci;ulaliiiK
the action of the liver that from an or
der of one at a time the order Iiiih rU u
to one dozen buttlea at once. It. V.
Tlie Local Market.
Th lolloirliif quiiUllmii lor Ike IikmI narkrl
ar ot rvUil rlva onljr Ihrjr am i'orrwu.1
kLy, iM wtU l fuuui) Arcuraie ftiu-h
A rtMirt i-ftu Iw malu:
Tnt Rut, Maki ii y.
WaiAT-Nrl, 4oe: on Uwnl I
OiT- IVr buthi'l. uet
tuavm Ivr uu Iti
Mwrron-IVf Ik
FonK-lvr Ik
VaL I'rr n . .
Uno-lvr 1
tiMoixoru ft-r Ik
tovf-frr Ik
La i- Vet tk
Duma-iVr ntll (.' th.) ..
Kh I'rrdoivn
Chk lild hvu; l er ln
l)e l er dm .
mci-IVr .Im
rk .
Fiiato 1 Riiihrt .
Sl'UAk lirjr granulated, fl tk ....
KilraC, Y Ik
imlilen, y Ik
Corril ata II Ico twal Y Ik
Klo f lb
Ji kt A
Tia-V Ik
- Ivr boi, 30 ban
CniEX-l'rr Ik
M la) ii
I .
Ul ! 10
u' 14 IU
Ui 14 10
1 10
III) 1.
) IU
1.", II
I.", i l
.n 14 10
1 v ( :i m
u iu i .1 ."1
vi t4 ; uu
.. a n
.'S i I M
:s 1 1 is
1.", ( 1'.
IU i3 "
v 14 i
When you want your eoodn, lioune
hold furniture or land-Mild at auction
call on (ieo. W. Kinney, the pioneer
and ni'Mt Niicccwful auctioneer in Ijiuc
county. He will attend to all aalea on
a reaMiuulile commiitoion.
Dr. Prlc' Cream Daklnz Powder
WofM'i Fair Hlgti t Aar.
Hi'K i ai. Okker. Thone who want
a line fowl or a line actting of ckk
hould write at once to J. M. (iarrlMu,
of the Foreat Orove poultry yardn. Hh
jriveti a valuable present to each cu
lomer that write for It nrior to March
10. Ib'inember to write at once eneltM-
Inir, atstiip. The oiler xiltivcly clonei
March it J.
Karl' Clover Iloot, the new blood
purifler, give frvj-linex and clearnen
to the coiuplexloti and cure coimtiia-
tlon. 25 cent, SO cent and fl. Hold
ly Dr. E. D. McKenney,
City Dkio Stork.
Highest Honor World' Fair.
A put Gur Oi.of Taa fW in. U-i
fcoira AniMnu, AIM nyhcr 1 JuIUXf'w
ComuilMiiiiner' court In mnaiou.
I lev. WiKilcy viilrt Junction tiHlay.
J. II. lnitf nt to AlUuy thi
Hon. A. J. iUl li I ipiile .Irk at hi
farm below town.
dm. D. Tholiia left for hi hotiiv
in Florence thi morniiiK-
lU-v. F. C. Feijley and wife, of Satila
il:ntara, Cal., aie III tiie city.
S. I.. Moivheud, elltir uf the Junc
tion t ity Time, I In the city.
One of L. Minolta' mule died I mill
luiitf lever one l;iy khl Mirk.
A Heppuur mail Ma lined ' fr
ditnrliini; tviiv at a biiptioiu.
J. V. Wlllirow ha rt -turned to F.u
H. lie from a inoiitlit viit to Amity.
t'o iiiiiimiiiii-r I'arkcr and i'erkln
arc in tuvtii in uitciiilaiuv iijihii court.
TlK' color for the liew Klealiier Kil
Ceiie are U-Iiik ili-pluyi I at S. II.
Friendly' toiv.
Mr. M. F. P.irkcr ha relumed to
hrr home at Floreutv after aeveral
ucvk rH'lit III MitiliK' rilutlvK III
Mm. John O'Krli ii and daughter
tiirtrude retiirinil home to (icrvai
thi moi 11111', u:it r M-vend taviit
with relntlr.
,lr. W. II. lloll'maii wii called to
I'orllaiid tin moriiiiii; by a teli't:raiii
xtntlli Unit her niece, Mr. I.. I..
Wlnti, a very ill. .
Tlic local I uui a I'ulliuaii caraltarln d
thli afternoon. A party of iM-ople from
ItoM-lniri; will iim- It for koIii); to the
midwinter l.ur tonight.
The uratnl Jury Iim k a reci- for three
hour tlil afternoon to allow the lon
linili, J. It. Jllll-. to ulU'lid the meet
liiK'of the ri'piililiciin county central
i Sifi. liekeli4oli (o a wvere fall ill
III wimmI hhed ,eterilay. He fell
alnxit live fn-t, dif'liM-utiiiK the thuiuli
of hi rlu'ht hand and cvt rely brul
iliK hi riKht foot-
I'rinevllle Xcv. Mareh .": Mr. and
Mr., F.. Sichel jiave a fun-well dinner
t 1 Fd CU n la't Stiuday. Mr. I.U11
liu pmc to Kuu'ene to n-uiaiii. He
lllii licetl 11 HiiteIIIHII III M. Slchcl A
Co.' More for a iiumlaT ol year.
M. O. Wilkin., of CorvallU, I in
town McuniiK niirnuture to a ctiiiou
to tlie t!overnmciil for aid to prevent
the Willamette river forming a new
ehiililiel eaht of CorvallU, thereby en
daiiKeriuir navigation on the ii)wr
Our Siultlilielil concboiicleiit ntated
tliut 1'. C. Webb of that place wu a
camliilale for a teacher' certificate at
the liet examination. Thi 1 a mis
take and we take plcaxiire in correctliiK
the item, a StiiMTinilelit SteVeliMiu In
form ii that Mr. Webb wu lint 1111 ii
p'icalit. I'rinevilU' New: .S-verjl partie, In
order to tlinl remunemlive employ
niciit, have lately Urn enquired 111
trapplui; and Miioiiiuir the fi-tlve
coyote and wildcat. The cnlw of
tli'ex-aiiiiiial briiiK 1 each and their
M'lt are worth oil cciil each.
I'rinevllle New: A company of
I'rinevllle Hrtx made another raid 011
the Jarkmblut la-t Sunday. Several
hiindn-il were kllleil. The druir ore
men, S. I. Ik-lknapaud J. II. Temple
toi., killiil mon than any other two
men. liclkimp lew : and Temple
ton Mi.
Io you tell 11, O candidate for the
cu-toi'n of t In community, that you
cannot uit'ord to uilvcriie Ut-aii-H- oiir
btl-iuciw li diiil? Liten! It i dull bc
caue you don't inlvertiM', and you
don't adveiliH' U-cau-v it i dull, o
the vacant circle i complete. We tell
you, if you are dolni: ill, to advertie
'that you may do licllcr.
Tin -re lire a pl many thing that
hhould not lie done even for fun. The
lollott Iiik cie a very euilihatio ex
nuiplc: A iiirl limned Tank, need
alxiiit 17 yearn, died iu Diiytou Kumliiy
from a M-.-ire. It up-ar that lu-t
riiur-cl.iy iie "us returning home
from an entertainment, when ncvcral
Imivi w ho were liMini; Ih IiIihI a fence,
Cne-pcd her by the leir while he wa
paxxiuu'. Tlie'jjirl wn o frlgliteiied
that lie became hyMerlctil, epileptic
tit followed and resulted ill her dentil.
Tlie liaine of the Iniy eatiuot Ik-a-certaincd.
Florence Itemn.
The We I, March i
LoL-u'i-r an- making preparation for
cxtciihive work 011 the Siuxlaw.
The Mpulit club at Salon now
Thiit-iM'hoouer 011 their way from
San Fratici-co to thi rt for luuiU r.
It I no longer n iiietion of dotilit
that tieo. O. luioule will l u etiliili
dale and nominated for nil oflice mi
the H-ople' party ticket.
A m-vere jM iialty almtild I' Iiiim-i
by the city council, for gambling iu
Florence. Thi -rniciou, dctuiug
habit I practiced here by young un-ii
and even boy. Then- I no sw ifter
road to dent met ton I tin 11 tlie ilxxocia
Hon urouiid the gambling table.
ThipHT will dicloe the name of
uch olleiider, If tin-re i a law prohib
iting it and kucIi ordinance I violated.
IteWlul at Monroe.
MiiMioK, Ore., March G.
F.l. (il'AlU): Your reader would
no doubt be glad to know that there i
a genuine revival meeting going 011 iu
Tlie unwiiiitly Huintn, under the
wnthiiig, bliteriug, mcn-ile lali
of the gol-l ill the haliil of Itev. It
A. Arnold have U-eii awakened up to 11
realising m um- of their duty and have
gone to work; w Idle the Hiiiin-r under
the MiWerful and -lualve eliUeliee
of Ir. Mclntiirlt of Kugeiie, are l-iiig
brought to lirit. So fur there ha
l-en .'il conversion, w Idle the altar I
crowded with mourner
l'lio IbiMi I't'lil.K .
Card of Thank.
The uiidt-r-dgiicd lien-by extend
their thuuk ami heartfelt aprccinlioii
tor the many kindiiee ret ivel from
friend ut llii- time of altlictiou and le-ri-avement.
May uch calamity never
viit the home of til' w li(e sympa
thy we i di ily appreciate at thi
TlIK MI.--M (Vil.lMAV,
lfi:nv Ciii.kman.
K. I. Cl.l.KMAN.
A Mm. lUr.t-in leave for Kuropu iu
a few month", !ie ofI-r lurentir- fur
niture for a!r at a Imrirain, cuitaiii
ingatine 1 1.. 1 v tinilidQiiuiio, tueeti
Ann parlor t, two black wuluut lil
I mmiiii ai t, 1. i-oaii (lining
I riKHii u t, rar t-. Call f11 li) a.
ni. to 4 p. m. Sal- will coiifTT.ue till
(j.ll I ail. Mkn. il'-IM.V, Cullege
i Hill 1'urk.
M. Lmim.ik.
ILndrii ks, d. l. r
'HT-mr to J. M.
In Ai.HH I l.Tl KAL
LAH1 Mt.llTS rlUt.
Fred iwlluiau't K.Miure lUdly
l4iugrU-t aaril br a Lamp
I a. j iiuanl. Van U 7.
Shortly afur 11 o'cl k lnt hia;1iI
Fugeue 'mu arourvd by the lire lull
aim ill. l lie lireliu ii luriiiil nut 11111111
dialelx. t he lire wu liU-d oil Mint
IV1.H1 tr"t I" Fred llclliuan'a lt-l-Ueni--
and within 1 1 luiuulea Innu the
lime tin- ttlanu wa given all the com
panic ill the depuilmelit wele there
with their appulutu. exivpling the
hand engine.
Tin' origin of the lire a luted by
Mr. licllmaii wua follow: A hltle
l-f..r 1 1 o'clock lie had Minil with
hU familv. It commeuwil raining
im. I lie w"a reminded of a lruiioiu or
kvlight which wa on utuir.
Arl-inu o cloae It "v ". '",ur "
1,1 n,l went iii,i.tair. M-iling
lamp on a bciicli lie
and it fell to the
overreuclied the
tloor exploding
aluiiwt iii-tantly.
Mr. I'.i lliiiaii' iiuilerti'k t" "moth'-r
the tt:iiu and hi w ife Mnrtcd to give
tlienlariu. Nelg!iUr wiw the lire
lirenklu tbrongli the roof und iiiuiu
diutely irave n-.i-liil.if. Itefon- the
tin- ciuiipiiule arrived mo-t of the fur
niture li:el In-cii n-moved from tlie
liiiruiiig building ami the family given
refuge 111 the home of J. M. William
next door.
The tin- w u gotten timlcr control In
a few iinMiti and the lower wall of
the liou-e d with little dulimc.
The up r loom", 11 p-irtioii of Die roof
nod ui-i the cciliiiu" wi-r- badly
biiruid. The luiuituie wa coli-ldiT-ably
d :im:iged by tin- Mill which lell
There wa : l' Insurance on the
pni-rty hel-l by the 11. F. lorri
The u'hii-tlc at the electric lik'ht ta
lion did g 1 n m I M-rvliv iu cxtciiiling tlie
St ule I'ldllics.
A well-know 11 I'urt liinil l
write II alillt tlie new develol
1 i t U-in 11
iu tin iMilitical lit lil.
Jllilge V. P. Lord i the lat.-M re
piiblleun eaudiiliite for governor. In
thUftiw- McFlroy will pnibnbU I1
wi-ri-tary of lute, Frank Klglcr, Mi-r-llltclideiit
of public lu-itructioii, mid
N-rhap Cut. J. 11. F.ddy, ctnle printer.
I Ion. O. X. Ik-liny N coiiMilcn-d the
A. P. A. calidlilate for governor and
Mcl'.lroy for wen-tary o tate. Tlii
oritaiiiatiou I wild to have .V"1 voter
iu tlie Mute, uUiut oiu-fouilh of w hom
are di liiiH-ral. You w ill r by till
II at it 1- 11 republican lr.titutioii.
It I :iid that tii-orge Webb I after
both tlie democratic and Hiili-t uoin
liiiitioii fortnte trca-iirer.
Prof. J. I. Itobb want the demo
cratic nomination for Mate school Ml
Tilitelliiellt. Keiliier, (lie Oregon (.'ity 111:111, w ill
probably Im-the xpnli-t lioioinee for
lute printei. Ivl Kai-T, of Ahlaml,
ha the lt pull oiit.-idi-ol Mil local
ity for the olllce.
I IllurntV .Note.
Pally (iiiaril. Mairli 7.
The apiuiratu for tnedicnl e.Miuiiliii
tion Im- arrived at the gymnasium ami
tlie Indies attending the iiniVclMly lire
l-ing admitted to claw in physical
culture till week.
The M-mtid liistnlliiii lit "' bo !,s pur-chiiiH-d
thi year for the I.. u have
arrived. Tlie tlr-t in-tallmi . I arrived
U'fore Christina. F.ucli lot loiitaincd
hIhiiiI Jim worth of Ixiok, mo-tly ref-en-nci'
Insik und literary works. The
total amount available for III r.iry pur
cIiiimsi tins year I hot over 5 ' '. The
hiHik were selected hi tliil i ..i ll tie
partmelit in the institution i-hould lc
ei-ive a portion.
lr. Chapman will l-uiii 111 courM
of lecture on I'.uglish lilerutncAuau.
time tiller vacation. He has agreed to
thi In te-poiic to a 'titiou Iroin the
Htuileiitn of the university. Arrange
ment. w ill probably I1 made lor those
w ho are not iiitciidiiig thi institution
to l-letlt by tlo-se In'tliri if they
wlsll. I'herc an- twelve lecture in the
Prof. P. L. CauipU'll, of Moiimouth
Xoruinl sehiMil, w ill lecture at N'illiird
Hall, Friday evening, Miireh M. Hi
siiljis't will I-, "The YiM-.itioii of
Lile." Lydell linker, of I 'or 1 1 1,
will deliver hi lecture on "Caesar," at
the same place, on the evening of
March l.
On the evening of March .", the
Junior exhibition will nr. The
spring vacation lgln on the ..1ft ami
last until April U.
Ileal K-tale 1 rdiiifi-r.
Oeo II Colter to II F Alley, lot
li; "71.
J It CiMik, Jo Stiii-cr and C l Xenl
to hcIiimiI ili-trlet .No 1 14, I m a' laud;
II Kix liter, trustee, to Julia S Peter
son, .VII acre in I I r .1 w; J.'tst.
J K Xolniid, shenll to W J Hums,
trustw, land in t Ha r l w; tT.d;t :wi.
Maria McCorunck t nl to Jacob Xu.
iiiiuiii, i;o in-res In t 17 r 4 v;
II C Humphrey to S A Stuvcr, P.i:.7U
ncre III I I'l r - w ; (Jiuki.
KUiltKM K.
A K Oalliiglter to Clara M Xoland,
lot 14, blk 7"), tiallagher'a irt; J..
Thai iikotomy. Dr. Itoynl per
fonmsl the oi-ration of tracheotomy
on J. W. PurKerson, a young man
alsMit 1 year of age, li-sidiug iienr
Jiiucilon City, last Saturday, ny the
Id'gister. Tlie young man had a" severe
ius' of lu gtipi- aliut three vear ago,
ami has m-ver ni-overed. Ills wind
pipe ha ls-n eoggs mid breathing
ls-nme difllcult, and the oimthIIou wn
'rforiiied to relieve him. After imik
mg an opening Into tlie w ind pipe a
!iiece of gristle drop'd over the o-n-ng,
and the do-tor got hold of it and
drew it " it. It was al Kill t three inches
long. The young man' breathing i
again fn-c and there wti no i-casion
for the Use of the liver tul-.
imt 1 l. 'tr r ., T.
Pi kaI" Ni.tOi n.n .Allien Havi-s
ami (no. Harrett, who wen- imlie'teil
ye-lenlay for the burglary of a alin
at Flon io e, were l.rouchl into iniirt
thi morning and cat. It entered a plea
of not guilt)'. It Will be i.-UIMm-ible to
try th. men M-lorv- nexi .Momiay. a
I tlu-.l.erll! wa only given ui.ia-iia
foWI'll. W Hilled bV tlie lief., Haym will I
tried fir-' a the defendant a.kid for
, fj,r:ite liiuls.
j --
; La if.w.J. M..-rh ?.
' ASM'il F.I.I .it I'iN. The Iti-scue
How t-t :i in Hie :m warl held their
aliini.'il ti-.ii of otVi.s i nt rvi iiitiL'.
' Carn .Matthew wa eleeliil pn-i- ,
ib iit; l,.orge IS.trgcr, pr-nli lit; ;
i Will II. l . s.entarv: J. SilK as-!
' si.taiil "en-iurj: lii i.ry MCrady,
I foreinnri ; I- ml I mrdm r, 1-t as-ltiiiit;
Fltsl .-r. sild, Jd ai-tiiiit; ami Car
l ton Ma'.tbew, tn-asun r.
t irralt Court.
:;H"i. State of Oregon v(iii 11 aye:
ap-al from Jii.tliv limit. Apalj
dls llls i d. I
311!'. Henry Kruse vJ II mid It II
. i. i
CiN'tirnu; to recover money. ik iiiiiii.
Juilgn.i nt for .Viii, Intensit at V j r
ix-nl and F'i attorney ft1.
:tV. i; J McClniiiihun v J M
Itowe and Sophia Itwvc; to recover
llionev. Judgment by default for
rsiT.'i", niten-si at In per cent and sale
of attai 'u-d pn'rty mdereil.
.l.iis. Atilloveyv T M timbU,
aitniiu, nitor of Jo'phiiie Mclhv;
fonvlo-ire. Juilgliiclit for f-'!d..'l,
iittorin ff of FJ1, Interest at IU r
rt'iit, ii. .-I order of foreclosure.
;nii. It M Wude V Co v Flmlra
Luiiil" r Co.; to recover money. Jinlg
luelit I
wnt, a .
of (del
bara A
and jn
and Jin
JlsJ.I, Interest
order of sale i
at lu r
if lit tached
rnist.s Hot M. F.. church
lav F. II. Iiavld; to riinver
J. M. Horn v J. W. ami Par
llolli; foreclosure, lvfniilt
I.. W. Itroun John
to recovi-r money. In fault
iiienl for H"i.."s.
Jobn Kelly Vs Sptillgllehl
0H-ra I' iiiscCo.; fonH-liiin-. miaiilt
and Ji 'gnielit f"r MoTXs;, attorney
fee ol ?
of forn
:: it t.
, 111 r u lll. iiueresi. i n(
JikI lliirlbnrt vs Henry
i'oncloMire. Di licilt aiidjuilg-
J. MetnUrg mid I. S-ii di r,
A. M.s '.
and June
Wilt., IU'
as Sleinlu ig V S'liiU rs v A.
; to recovi r luoliev. llefiiult
nieiil for i'.i.', luteret in -r
I ind 'liient for -Jul, interest
S T ii 1. 1., attorney hs s J
.IIT.I. J. SteriiU'ig and
ii-irtliels as MemlsTg A .'liiel V J.
. Fiibui and A. A. Meek: to recover
uioticN. iK'fault nod Jiidgmeiit for
-y.s7I. attorney fiu of 'iT. and M per
wot. Inii-n-st
.111. V. H. Walker, iisigni- v F.
M. l-'it it id; tocotrect divd. In-
env as piaved for ill couiplaint.
;-Aui. J M Horn v J W and Itar
barn A llolli; foreclosure. Default
ami'inciii forili, inten st lit r
will., attorney fie Ml", and sale of at
tached proTty.
:;iTn. surah S Mrl'lure v A C
J t-li li I it
to rcco
mid J W llond, cxi-eutors;
r money. .S ttledou stipuln-
F, (i S'rrv v J M Kei-ney;
II F Kent v Klmira Lund r
Co.; to rei-over money. Coutliiueil.
.'Il'.d. State of Oregon va Murgun-tt
Itniigeit; commitment, (iriuid Jury
reMilcd not a true bill.
.;i:C. Frank Octchcll va xlla J
tai-ti-l.tll. Ilecrcc acinrdlng to i-oin-plaint.
;M'.i:t. State of Oregon v LStiarnd;
commitment. fraud Jury n-isirtcd
not a true bill.
l'olltlral IUm usdon.
I'ai.i. Chi i.k, March
Fin ro i : lit Ami:
TlieeopU-' parly piiiuary wa held
at the fully schiHil limine Saturday.
March ::. After the primary a Mihtical
sH'nkin4 wa hcl I. Mr. John Darling
of Fgypl sMike fiom a Mipulist Maud
Hiii:t and wn replied to by Clin. Kin
singer ol thi place, Mr. Kissinger di
fending toe deuiis-ratn. These gelltle
uieii iMs upiisI alsnit two hour eaeli,
but did not complete their argument,
but iign I to finish at some future
time. We hereby invite sonic of the
at this
forms, i.
singer I
with tl
nil n publican gun to inwt
; I in is and dtseiiim their plat-
I mil informed that Mr. Ki-
reuily any time to take isiio
A Vol Ml OK I'AI.I. ClIKIiK.
Ill '.elalllc League Mertiujr.
The li
uuu X
on .-villi
t regular uus-tlng of the Ore
.ouiil Ili-Metiillic lngue at
ill Is- held at the court house
lay evening, March in. The
progrnii' comiiiiitisi ha iirriiiigin mr
all Intel ling mil ling. There will Is
select r. .ul i tigs, diwussloii, etc., bear
ing upon the history of coinnge prev
inn to tin- year 1.7.1, also llnaiicial leg
ishitinii i i the t lilted State wince tiiat
venr. A. M. Patterson, Dr. J. P. tiill
and Kev. O. M. Whitney will be the
princip: : sienkers All ineliils rs of
the Iriej ie are urged to Ih- present and
a cnnliiil invitalioii I extended to all
voter v. Im take an in-live interest In
the tlmiiicial ilicy of thi govern
ment. II. F. Dokiux,
A Statement.
Monuok, Or., March 7, IS''.
F.IUl'ou (ii'AKH: iM-arslr, I saw In
your ;iH-r a statement in regard toY.
L. I '.lack well w hich I fwl it my duty
to isirrei t, a It I liable to do harm.
That st.'iteiiicht would imply that he
I a milil-ter of the goM-l. He I not
a clergyman nor I lie a iiii-uihc r of any
private evangelical church, having
stirri'iiilisl hi parchment to mi
llionth ago, uiul having recently
withdnm n from our church under
We lire having n very gnat revival
hen-iu Monroe. In U-m than a wwk
forty nine have Iss-n imvertl. Nunc
of the most stublHirn liilldcl are
among the naved. Last night no les
than lifty started for Christ. Your
with great respect.
Daviu X. M Intuw t:
Valuable AdvrriUInc Spare.
The advertising spin- on the map
of Lane county made by Jos. Km'Ii are
of ipeciid value, a many of sld ma
will be sold to kcIhmiI district and
therefore the hcIiimiI ehildretl get ac
uiiinted with tlie ninin-s ami Kugene
bui.luess tlrni and learn what they
have got to e!, etc, lUsiide thi it
will l-nii advertising of several year,
a it i very i'X nsive to gi t up a work
like s;iid map.
Populist Primaries.
Willall,ellD Flllott, Al
Mr Sutherland.
Mohawk T J Fvaiis, N
Ivmii k
P Ham-
mitt. Klmrr Yarnell. J..-h Mi-ths-.
Sis-iicer H C Perkins, It IS Hayes,
S, III' o.
CImsiIh r D K l. ikin, Thm F.van.
Sprlic; leld S. K. (rt-orge, V. liar-L-barger,
.. D. liurtou.
Tin: I'ui-rt.H Timi:. Thi I the
time of . ar w lu-u nil -hrewd buines
; , !iH1VV ,i,,lhlf f,,r t, tri,.
j bieli, : a ii.tturnl .-oii.-Ueiiw. I to
n. ,,,, liy ,,,, we ineail Olterillg
(1J(rl:l. )(, pnreba r, ami the
(-1y pt, .r nv mdo thi I tbrouifh
the is.b
wi, ,
I u,
lis of ..Mr I's al paper. We
'li-sl ttrat a few of our bllsi-
iiiaugiirute tbU plan for a
Dr. Cr
e'a Cream Baklnj Powder
Most Perfect Made.
In ."iu-l.-i prwincl, Man li
: drop-y, John Freeinuh, liifed
A wu'.-1. left to mourn hi
.; intern,' nt b"k place In llie
. mrii ry at l-rne.
I Mil
1. l-'t.
.Vl vi r-l-.
i grange
Cuuutv t oiiteulioa tit lie Held April
li; Priiturlis tpril 7.
Pursiiniit to a n ulitr published call,
the Lnue iMiinty ilcliiiK-ratlu wlitrul
fommittw met al the law ofllw of I..
Ililycii, this aftertiiMin at I o'clisk.
Chairman L. Ililycii callisl tb Usly to
N-cn lnry J. C. Whitcakcr, l-llig ile
tiiiucd at home, on motion, J. P. Cur
rin, of Collate t iroe, wa elected cv
rvtnry pn tern.
On motion, it was deeidvd that the
n-ph-selitulioli to tlie county conveli
tloll -hollld I- lis follow s:
One delegate at large for each pn.
cinct, ami one for every ;tn or fnict Ion
of I j volt cast in each precinct at the
June eh timi, ivij, fr Hon. I'.. P.
Coleman, candidate for state senator.
Thi make the total liumls-r of deli
gale to the county isiiiveiilioti M,di
vidisl us follow:
sir IFF.
V KlU'rll,'. N.. I I it S.. J I.
S. I L4-i :-. N. . .'. s l.uvi'iti-. No I 1.
Kiu. lie. No. .' - I uio'ii.'. V .1 . 2.
k. i ,i:ni' i.ti.ii I M l ii;!hi or. ii- 1.
It Hi I l re.w. Ii . I
l:ii'lia:,..ia .' I'. .. I
Ih-iiit . ..' siii.Iaw ..I.
-eiinitl!. '.! I I i.-t aili'jr.
M 1. 'mm '.I. ,l. r 1
1 1,' II i. M.lllAOk ... J
S .ll11flu,il .. 1. 1111 11.111 .'
i aiiiI'I r. . a . . . ; M.U-l I,
Mikenir .' 1 it, r. 'IM'' .'.
Ol. -lit, ua .1.1 mai' I rii-A .... I.
MaU-I.m . I lli i Minim .1.
Ill IM . .' Mi.l li.. link 1.
I IMlK I. "l.l I'll'-lttlt lllil.
Il. I II, li I I ,.. le .'
I Mill . II iM'.lier. J.
i.Aie ( rii-k . .'. - -
i.iUl M.
Oil motion, it wa decided to hold
the primaries throughout the county
on Saturday, April 7, and the county
convention on Thursday, April IJ,
It was moved ami carried that the
chairman of the central coiumittts- Is
einMiwend to npMiiut Judge and
clerks of the prluiarle III F.ugetie, and
wa Instructed to give the jmi'r no
tiw by publication, a required by law.
After a short discussion a to the jmn
litical outliNik lu the county, the com
mittee adjourned.
Niiiullinting oii cut lull.
Dailr iiuanl, Man h s.
We have Invii fiirnislitsl w ith the
following rcirt of the mis'ting to uoin
Inate kcIhkiI olllcer last night:
A convention of upwards of a hum
iln-d voters of sehisil district Xo. 4,
met in the city hall Inst night and af
tcr organization the following resolu
tion wascarrinl unanimously :
Kixiii.vkii, That It i the m-nse of
thi meeting that the allair of thi
hcIiihiI district Is- plnceil by tlie ill
ns tors thensif on the most economi
cal hasU, and to that end we nisim
liienil that the salary of the prlnelal
In niluml thirty tliris- and one-third
-rwnl, that the Milarie of tlie teach
cr Is- reduced twenty per cent, and
that the scrvli-c of tiie sins-rnunieniry
Ih- dis'iiM-d w ith.
Heveral Clllhlliastli' sssihe Were
made lu support of tlie remilillioii after
w hich Dr. C. K. Lisunl was iiomi uiiaulmoiisly a a candidate for
director for tlmv year to succeed F.
W. Osbiiru to l volisl for al next
Monday' election, (ieo. Craw was
also iioinlniiiiil uiiaulmously for clerk
for the ensuing year.
t lovcrdale Item.
Man h 7, I Mil.
Mr, (iilfry nml Mis XcllieSchmul
paid Fllgclie a visit Tuesday.
Horn to (lie wife of Mr. Lyman
Thonison, a daughter.
Lvcrything ha Iss u dull in thi vi
cinity, but at pn-M-ul there I itilti) an
excitement noised over tliu recent dis
covery of a placer gold mine near the
Cn-iiwell bridge. If n-port are true
the miner w ill soon have their s'k
ct lined w - it la gold.
John Schinut, Jr., felhsl a large tn-e
Sunday. If lie hadn'lit he would have
had two day rest instead of one, a
Monday was a rainy day.
Mr. J. Ft tlcrly 1 on the nick list
thi week.
Mr. Itoy FhlM-ii, of Springfield, I
visiting friends In Clovenlalo
Vah-ba! IU!
LiMik mil yourself at ills:
4 (miuiiiI of silver prune....
l " rolled oat
!i " soap
1IKI " LIvcrjMMil salt
1 box blacking
1 Isix shoe iln ssing
I (Miuud gsnl tea
4 " ktarcli
) " Hoe
11) har Imix soap
1 gal syrup
fd lii
a I
1 00
1 Ul
I l '
10 siuiii fn-sli Oregon lard..
can l'iotieer linking Pow-
At ItlllNKllAKT'H.
l brre llaad-oiue Faun, One of 2(H)
Acre, due of Arrm,
and One of 40 A err.
Idvrn Awiy.
On March 1 the Lane County IjiiiiI
and Loan Company w ill is gin their
fuinou sale of Kugeiie tow n pro-rty
at the end of which they will give to
their patron the alve elegant prij-.
Ht-nd for one of their latulogues, with
full di-s. ription of pn. ny and prizes-
I liavejust nsi-lvisl over a HALF
ToX of narden i-1 In l.ulk ll tested
sei-ds. If you want a strictly first
piality nt bottom priis-s you will find
il at K L. CliAMiiKK' Hardware.
D:jlT:i;::iS;:t orSi;i! Vr.rLL'j At.r
I lh tr-itii!, tmr'Uig tllof tlltl Umk
tliKt mil MVint s-t't ibV'( trm nti'trf'il,
hrniuaa. i a r mi U'at lint ur. Th
r-it m tntlih mi i t r man nt mmuta Ut )UH
ti'l rti l rui ti'j yi,y-i nr hiiai-r-.a! ri in
iiaini "N'ctiistalf PwH.I I J I MlMirii 4 lfllllO
ht.K at Inig irt-, or l.Jr mail (rt. Al'lra
TrV tariit I ruifljf . lit'Un Miuvrai
l'ini0- Wax i 4.i. I nt f"f Im
intIiute lili'MM id, two
itMMrU'l Uurtmiik
wliii li I will ay vwU.
Fol Sl. A bum h of
car choice,
jsjlati-, aj
kev. (ifi'e
bt a:linii'at
ow lier i-iii have Uu- same
I tbi oflb-e and paying for'tix
Cnpt. Hutch I In the city.
C. D. Thotiiaadid Hot goto Flnri-mc
I John Foshay, of Albany, visited Lu
genu tislay.
thtu Mcl'lalu, of Hiirrisbur)!, was in
tow u tislay.
O. P. Holt returmsl luniie to Irving
till lllollllllg.
II. V. llvlaiid of Junction, s nt last
light III Fllgclie.
(iuVerlior Whitt'iikel hit returned
home from Poitlaud.
S. F.. MeChin'. of Jum lioii, came up
on this iifiertiiMiu' lis nl.
S. It. Anils, has H'turiud to I'.ugelic,
arriviu.! home lust Sumliiy.
Dr. W. Kllketiilall and little soil
wi ut to Drain tin afternoon.
Pstt:iiii.tcr J. P. Ctirriu mid J. S.
Youngi r, a merchant, oft 'ullage I rove,
were iu F.utM-iif tislay.
Wovi ii wire tressi-4, l.7" ut Day
A Henderson's.
Loiiiio-s Jii. VI eiu' Day A lleiiihr
soli's. Hack and truck signs on sale nt the
Of A UU ollli-e.
The Wilson tarill' bill is now ready
for the senate.
Fi w ill buy ii Is'd room set at Day
A llelnieriih's.
The n publican carried the city of
Seattle lui-situy.
Window glass cut loonier.
F. L. ClIAMI'.HIl.
I oiii;ii-Hiiiin IIoii Is now con
valescing rapidly.
Curling Irons ,'i, In, I'mviiIh.
F. L. Cham tints.
J. M. McColliini, well kiioiiu iu
I-anc isiimty, w ill stall a sipuli-t pa
per at IcsM-liiirg next wt-i'k.
Cot til net irove whiHil di-lrict elected
S. It. Ii jK-r, director, and J. P. Curriii,
clerk. A one-mill tax wu voted.
The principal of the Albany public
schisils ns-eive Hii s r month, w bile
the other teacher get s r Illolith.
M. I-cviuger w ill trade a Sinltli ham
merles shot gun, Ihiluaseu barn-Is,
and sole leather case for a gentle buggy
The umtlloted land on the SilcU In
diati n-x-rvation w ill l tlimwn oj-n
tOKcttlciuenl. Thry will is- sold at
H.fsi i-r acre.
The present ipiarter of the Salem
Mlof1liv have lu leased for live
venr uion. .New furniture In the val
ue of ,.'Ui w ill Is- put In.
Drain your land. You ms-d tiling
For term and Information alxnit tile,
addn-sH D. Xnsli A Co., liiiiuiifaeliin r
of tiling, llalsoy, On goii
Xot a civil Jury cum w ill is- liuinl at
till term of circuit court. Nocrlinlniil
Jury case ha been tried yet. lu tin t,
the juror are having a picnic.
Tlie Kis'lcy Institute at Itosi'luirg
ha usm-iiiIis o-ratioii, on nciiniiit
of the hard time, which bus In ii
uieasiin- stopM'd drunkenness.
Shiloh's Is what you lietsl
for Dyi-lii, torpid liver, yellow
skin or kidney Tnuible. It i guarati
tissl to give you satisfaction. Price 70
wnt. Sold by Dr. C D. McKenney,
Tlie tjuakcr social to have iss'ii
given I ridiiv evening w 111 Is- deferred
until Situnlay evening al 7:;tn at the
Cumberland Presbyterian church.
The public I Invited. ' Tl fn-c.
Albany lVuiiK-mt: T. J. Slltc and
Hutu I iioiiison are eaeli circulating
a 'tilioii for sigiiatim niiiuimeiiil
ing their iipHiinlmeu( a sistmaster
of AlbiDiy.
It I claimed tliut there wen- over
lun prominent men lu Michigan
mixed tip lu the nittennes III
connection with the falsification
of tlie return on the siilall"-
amendment In the state nml that ill-
dunlin- which will hereafter tie made
will shako the state fmni Ijike Sii-r-lor
to the Ohio line.
According to ourcxcliungea the Initl
ativo voting by the ipullsl, Nathan
Pierce is gi uenilly tiie choii-e for gov
ernor and W. II. Siugli hwiii to tte
the choh-e for srn-tary of state. Poise
and (lasion w ill divide liotior for su-pn-iue
Judge, itlthougli In thi valley
lloimt 1 lar lu the lead. In Southern
On-gon l.lsh Applegutn I crowding
Penuover for V. H. senator. Wakc
lleld, F.lllot and luimp am the choi
for congn-ssmnn, according to Iin-iiIIoii.
The Hipulist county convention met
at How-burg Saturday and put up tlie
following ticket for Dougla county:
County Judge. C. A. On-gory, of Yon-
calla; sherlll, II. M. Martin, of iioms.
hurg; clerk, C. S. Jackson, of Canyon-vllle;lnitHlin-r,
F. tr. Ilatlleld, of Hose
hurir: aMsemor. Jack Wilson, of Can-
vonvlllc: coiiiiulloiier, F. Ward, of
('oh,-' valley; Mr. Whipple,
nelnsi! nil H-rin te iiili-n t, of ( in i iu
valley; n-jin-w-ntatlve. W. V.
Winston, of Itoseburg, J. I.Crltesi r,
of Onrdiiier and J. F. (inley, of Cnn-
Iiahj (luanl, March .
Hkahom OrKNKK. It may m-ciii an
inconirruou announcement to make
on adav like thi. but the Ice Worka
lu thi city commeiiwil running for
the m-asoii yesterday. The ice In stor
agohalsmt rxliausted and iiianufuct
urinir waa commenced In order to un-
ply tlie limited but sternly dcinaml for
li-e wliicli exist tlie year round.
A IlKI.I.AMV IlKA. A. H. Jewett
ami other have organized a colony at
White Salmon on the Columbia to be
jiin after Kdward llellamy'a fiimou
idea, tliougli not atrictly no, some
thing Is lng considered iuiprncticnble.
Mr. Jewett statisl to a reisirter at Tlie
Ihilli-s; Our object I a bllslues one,
having for IU ohjis-t lil-ral n-turii for
capital I u vesit-ii. I lie nmy iiiiierence
between It and other eo-oiH-mtive aa-
WM'Utiou I that In thi one the share
holder will i-cwtve that sirtloii of the
protlt to w lilcli lil shiirm or sts k ami
tlie amount ul Inisir lie una expemitsi
entitle Ii t iji. Kwh inemls r will lie a
worker, and will follow that depart-
i ii.... ... .. 1. 1.. i. i.u u ..i....ii
III lit ll lUi.M V III' II no in
There w ill I no dnine III our organ-
ljitlon." ;it0acn- are now owned by
tlvttJwH'iatiitii. Tlitrv wilt Im ten fuin
Hie to Murl w ith, t! thin nuiiiImt will
IK) llHTl iiHM.
Captain Sweeney, W. H. A., Sun Die
go, Cal., ay:o "Shiloh'a Catarrh
Itemed- la the first medicine I have
ever found that would ever do me any
good." I'rii-e 50 celita. Sold by
(.'ITY DKfO SniKK.
lloHM In Kugeiie, Thunshiv uioin
iug, MM h a, to llie wife of 1. 1. Oil
bert, a T suml ly.
1'KH I
of hllk'l.
Hop It'Kn Hop root
li ( luster and (ieriA'i Orup
varli In-, from and after tliU-riute will
ls wild ut J.ii s r ni., ch nu deliv
ery. H"LI.AM & I'aTTJ IUHIX.
Couimlsimr' Cuart.
Met ill Flll'elie at tin) cnurt house,
islne-dny, Mulch. Pn-si'lit Judge
A. II. risk. Coniiiii-liiner Jaimn Pnr
ker and Lil Perkins, MierllfJ. L. Xo
land ami Clerk W. It. Walker.
.Now come Dr. C. A. higgle
and I rest id to the court hi
bill for servlc.- n'llilereil III
boar hug und nursing Jame
Duii'lierty, a p.niT, and af
ter il le examination ,,f u,
bill I y the court, the saliiii I
hen ' y approved and ullowed
in tb" sum of f 31 0)
And tin- eleik isnrdered lodraw
a wamilit ill favor of said
l!ug!cn for the tiuiolinl.
Pi till, i of W. II. I law ley pray
luu' I r eh . nro In tin- bounda
ries of rim-1 distriet No. pi, nol
Pet 1 1 lo ' i lor eli.iiive of boundary
Inn s of ro .1 district Xo. S7,
not a'lowi d.
Now i-oiiie 1 1. J. llilega und
pre-, nls o Uic court his ri
jiort as sii ei of road ill
Itiel No. 'i, w li it'll h.ivlnu Is-u
cnniinii bv (he iinirl the
: llie I In lehy lijiprove l nud
t In c . nil old. ml to draw a
n. in:. nt in favor of Mr. Hilli-
U-as o it of the general fund for 10 00
t he iniiolllit of the el illll.
No.v c im s T s .Mil,, r and pre
- nts to tin- eouit his n port
and a -eoiiiil a roa I siijh rv isi-r
of r.. id d i-l net No :io, wllleli
having been duly con-ldered
and i '.aim ml by the inurt, it
is iii.t li il l y tin- court
Ins bill for M-rviccs, C, U- ul-
lowed at 10 00
And the elcrli is ilireeted to
drnit a w ,u rant in hi favor
for the -uiii iillotit.l.
Chits Lyons !iipoinied siipi rvis
or of distriet No :;n.
Now i-oiiie J W llond, and pn--sent
to tlo' court hi corrected
n iort a su K r vi -r of mad
district No i!, which n-sirt
was duly con-ldi nil. exainln
isl and approved ami theclcrk
ordered to draw a warrant out
of the celieral fund iu lavor of
said J W llond for service
nuidi red iu the sum of 13 00
Now come A iold-onitli and
pleseiit hi bill for sllliplles
furnished by order of Judge
I'l-k, which said iiii-oiint wn
tl ill V coiisidensl, exiilllllled
ami iippnitisl by the court,
ami theclcrk i ficn-by onlcr
I'dtodrawa warrant for hi
ni-coiint lu the sum of. 1 75
klcWImf Alpha Iff in.
March 0.
Why can't some one kick ulsiut rain?
Clin Achesou i changing the pub.
lie nul. I making a heavy grade
mile next to the mountain. He also
moved hi n-sldemt- fnuu the outlet of
the HelnHil cn-ek caiivou, no a to get
out of the way of probable lide.
l-u Tal sir has arrivisl from Kugeiie.
He Is doing well with hi broken leg.
Mis Llluor Hale i o far recovefed
a to l able to walk ulsiut the house.
She ha Ist-n siek for '7 day.
Kev. Knott, of Floielni-, and Kev.
(!n-n, of Herman, each pn-acli hero
umi. a month.
The coldest weather here thi winter
wa ill degni above wn.
lien l.llgove had hi hand and nrtu
badly Irlrt w hilo working hi pony a
short lliiie u.o. He wn hatehliig
hndloeook, cut wimhI and fwd Ida
stis'k all w ilh one hand.
There nn-a lot of gissl claim here
on Di'ii-'wimmI yet to I si claimed or tak
en. No bachelor wanted.
The people here am kicking! They
want to w some one kicked! 1 They
ought t kick high, hard ami fast.
The Weekly On-goiilan located our
fish hab'hery on Know li-s' ens k on the
Cinsiic river, a well a Senator Al
ley. They w isli it to l known that
Know li s' cn-i'k Is on the south aide of
the Siusluw river. That the llsli
hatchery I on the other nldo of the
Siiislaw river. That it 1 liN-atcd on
Mr. Ileaii' place which I not kicked
alsiiit. Hut the llshlng house I not
built according losi-illciitloii; where
il wa (o Is- ltd grained liliuU-r, there
Is scans ly any nt all. Instead of clear
sliill'. It I full of knot, and i mostly
of Imstiiid slull. Wheru It wu to lie
ncusoiicil IuiiiImt, It wasn't. When
you go flown then) next summer, after
the lunils r h i n chum9 to dry, you
will m-c that tlie wliolo thing I a
"holy" swindle very much o in the
way of hole. The contractordoii'tde
servn kicking half an niiicli a tlioolll
wr of tlie gn-at titate of On goii, that
aewpted the hatchery and bsik it oil
hi hand. We would like to know
who made the most out of thi Job.
We would like a a gissl democrat
lo mil th attention of the populist,
the grand Jury and Unv. Peiiuoyer,
ulso the llsli isiiiimlssloiier and game
warden lo thi great monument of ill.
honi-Hty. Tlie iple near the hatch
ery w lil mooii be kicking too. If they
don't, they ought lo he kicked by the
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
Warld-a Pair Hlrt Mxlal mni Dlplonia.
We will have Special Day
Sales and continue tame for the
season, holding them every
Sale lo. 3 Wednesdaj, March 7,
Sale lo, 4-Wsdnesdaj, March 14,
15 Per Cent Reduction in These Lines.
til), rolled oat :5c-
!t. " t ln-at c
tilti good nil-u ii 20
tilt, dried grain
(if) " plum 2i-
(ill. " app't-H "s-.
! large, filter prune COc.
Of. gissl, iii-w tt ulnul S0c.
(.n. ml..) la.idy 50c.
'jib Arm & Hammer sU, In bulk..-';.