The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 10, 1894, Image 5

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    M (lITIitlltll
Man Stats Thee Neifl
tors asi Kills Himself.
il I til II I DLL I nUl.U I .
AX:.i 5 Z'.ll.l li'.-U ErSil'i l T"J
C:2.-5 :Zi A20!ll2r Lll! BiTSlr S2T51.
Tin. ! Ill 4111.
Unllf i.u.r.l, M.nli .'.
lli.cof IK- tii.i.t terrible tragdiea
ever i iiii. tt il in Central Oregon m-curr-i-.l
in in- liwt night. Shortly after
hu'rl.H'W in tin evening the rumor
hlitvml rapidly over the liUniucM ur
Moll of the city Unit Oavld Coleman,
uu olil re-idem, ami Iii two daughter
had Ini ii shot. I'll vhU-Iiiiik iiihI ottlcera
were tit omi di-patched to the acehc.
A (ii'Aiiu n Hrti-r following muni after
in tin- ( ipIi iiiuii n-nidciMv, mi the cor-iii-riif
Kiflli uinl Kincoln atrvcls, gli-ati-the
fi How ing facts:
Mils. l.ilM.l iism KN KM.I.KH.
Several pintol. nhota aroused that vi
i -lolly iilxnit s o'clock, ami hurrying In
tin-ilirciioii from whence tln-y came
tlx- n. luhlua f.-uml a Hlatenf alluim at
the ulxivi iiii-iitiiiiii-il nldriu-e whii-li
were iiiiiilliiii. I:i Id Coleinan lay
i ii.-M-ii-i I ! in iii ilixir yard Junt where
he had hilleii frmn the iMin-li. Willinir
I . . .11 i i i . . i
ha iU -hi. had earned him into Uu-
hotl-H- til hit lid.
(i.iiiiH into the uirlor they found
Mi- ll.lli ('ul.'iuaii pnistrulnl, and
jiiat o'.ila.di. the ihair on the front
Ixirell, Mr. I 111 i III :t
(Miuni, mint her'
lauuiiier lav
tlyiiitf. The lutterludy
wu earrietl into the hoiiae and ilaeel
on a iniich. She wua iinuhle to apetik
lind died ulnitit H milillteit later. Mint
llclle Coleman Waa (flven Inimeilla'c
iitteiition, hut it waa mniii letirmal that
her injtiric were not fatal.
lira. I'aiue and T. V. Ilarri were
the lir.-t pliyali laiiH to arrive and their wu turned at onee to reviv
ing the old i.-enlleuiau. Two wouiitl
Mere fotiml in hi hri-antum! hi vitali
ty waa very low. The Ktroiitp-td atlmu-h-nl
were'iidmililateretl and ull ellurt
HM-;l.le ninde to l-rillif hltll out of the
ahiH'li. It wna
. llioi.Kht for .mine time
niilN.i t an hour. Dr.
that hi wound
can to revive In
A. Siiurplea, the family pliyniclun, hail
urrived Lv thi time ami nHUUiei
chaie of (lie paliciil.
I ot-iM -i liil.irniatloti oiilalnalile a
lo li..v the iltt-il wua eotnmitted in the
hlati meiil iiia.le hv Mr. ColelliHIl last
iii'l.l w'li-li it wa aiipjHtucil he could
not live. I irant Moaa, nun of a next
lour iieljhlmr, came to Mr. Coleman'
In. u-- that eveuliiK iilaout o'l-ltK'k. He
wa met at the door hy tin old eiille-
liiau uinl iiiliiiltleil. I lie youii) lellow
had la tn there In-tore thatduy and in; a In
t ai'lii-i' in the eveiiini; no that Coleinan
thouk'hi airanu'i-ly of thin call ami kept
a Hii-i ti-iaiiiri waleli on hi action.
Mum aked w here the Indies, Wen and
wna told that lliev Were 111 the IMirlor
i ii-v. lie aiartui lor Unit riHini uinl
Mr. Coli-miiii prepared to rcaiiiue read
in,:. When Aloa oiK-iied theiarlor
il'ior M ia Coleintili wa Mainline Dear
t!ic Move iiimiil four fi-et fn.i.i the
oia niii diMir. Mm. Oahurn Mood only
aVteiior two from her. Without a
wor-1 M.i- U-caii alnmtln. Twoahotn
werv lire. I, one nt Minn Coleinan which
htrtirk In r In the elbow, and the tee
ond ut Mra. Oahurn. The latter made
it lalal wound in the right hrent.
All thin uii done U-fote Mr. Colt
inan could get to him. He met the
voiiiik fellow jiiat coming out of the
hallway and received two idiot him
m lf. lie uttempteil to grab tliemur
ih n r uinl wu mi i-lono when the nliot
wen- tired that hi clothing wu xiw
ih r hurui tl ut one of the wound. He
ntiU'i-n d and hi auilanl wa limt in
the net of leavinir the hounu by the
trout d.H.r when the na-eoiid nhot wa
liiediit Coleiiuin. The hitter attempt
ed to foll'iw ami fell eshaiiated otl'tlie
p.Teli whi-re he waa found. When
Mra, l lahurn wa ahot nhe aturtedout
ut the front il.air ..f the purlnr hut could
p i no farther. The wn-uiint of both
l;.ili a iittraeted a-aiatniicc ami Hot
many niiiiuti el:ipred More help ar
rived Ml Kll.lJi IIIM'-KI.K.
Ii. I'.ire iielKhhiir livid),' lena than a
block uwny could It ucli the holinu two
more allot wen heard htit the llijund
family uti acted nil the attention for
the inonieiit. When it waa found that
murder hud l-eu committed Mr. Cole
man, havliiL' revived milliciently, waa
ii.-ki.l uIhuii thenllair and (old the .do
ry ii told alivt in rubatance. SV-arch
wu lit-Kun id onit for the murderer.
Tlo home of hi pan-nta, Mr. and Mr.
J. II. M..a, wa aeurchud and llually
Uu hick yard Here he wa found hy
Sln riir Nolainl and nome of hi ai
t ml, ileud. He hud taken 111 own
liiehy ahootm hiui4 If throiiifli the
t- llipli a. Hi lllliat llUVe lll'll ullllOat
liiataiilly. The revolver, a .'W eallhn,
w a f i il 1 eliiiched in hi right hand.
A- he ! II he involuntarily 11 nil a eo
on I -Imt cinia-il hy hln d-ath grip on
t'li do'.il le m-tlon weatmn.
Tin-m atery w hich nurrouuded the
i .iil-e of the nll.ur laal lllght, liaa Inrell
paniallv tle. r.d away bv matter
w I. Iiil have mine to light Illi llloril-
i t.j. Muan came hen w ith hi family. 1
! 'hau two vear iiiw, from Florida. I
l.-i-t aiininier hi eye In-a anie afllictetl
wit.'i iiiiif w ink lien and for aome
tune he reUin d nlmont eotuttaut. per utta uttoii. He waa in 1'ortland
fir aome time, reit-iing treatment;
it,. I it wa w.nie time after he nturnel
U he eaiuld nml any for hlnim lf.
I ii.i ing thia time, the Coleinan, beili$
r i. :t r i.i i..'hla.r, the ladle often read to
him mi l :i.l rail other httl kind-it-
a mii ii u nre generally aiiprea-iaied
l.y a m k li nn. He culled at their
i i I-, ii ui:d u h grew l-l'o,r,
aaa n, ei hiih to a r"ii-u.e (nun the
aM-;ittion tiio'iie!.
In un Inter, lew with the Injiinal
lady thi morning we were Informed
I hti mum
113 I
that they had lautioued Mom, Ju.
yenU-rday, Hot to come often, u ho
an fur rwuvt-nil Ihul the kindn-.
ha-rctnfore l.-atowed wa imt naaled.
Ill- had U-.ll llCtlng in a muiiiicr
w huh led thrill touanl 1 1 it t In1 nil-
III I pill id att'ci'llotlut n-lulioll Ullll the
ob;it-t i 'I their rillet una to dinnhliM
III III. lid of BliV ellrll llllli.
Wlla ll he Cllllie llgiaill lut -V- I llT.
Mr. ( uli iiiiiii noticed tliut In acted
1'iTVOIIl, hill tin In- 1HI1II .i.l, lltllcut
(i lit lot Wnn lit. I III II.
Ilr wriiii-il In l.;,a- tin- punon n
111 lid W ill II Itllg.lld. It WU oll!y It
few liliilitliii ngo tint hi- lllll it iU llli I
1,u ' uml II wuannly through
tlif timely liiicrvchilnii of
Unit lie w'u prvvt-nted In hi lrei.y
I fruin doing thi) olil gentleman M-rioti
! injury wit li a nuor. Hi parent f.iiin,
a not in l.u nm thi. morning, tut-
lug w hat dlnininltion ho dcnlrcd mi h
jofwhat artl.loa he --l. M.-t
of the lie bequeathed to hi nlnlt-r.
In an Interview w illi hi father Ihi
luortilug It wm atatcd Unit t lit trouble
. w hich hap.iied when the ami wa for-
j hidden hi father' Inuiae, at 1 1 if time
of I lie iiuurnl, liuil l.n siuloablv
m itliil ami the boy rcturncii home lo
live lnt Sunday. The rumor Unit the
Ixiy wtinteil the ( 'oli-iinin fit nllv to In-
ti-ri-i-ile with hi father In hi In-half in
t-vlilelllly fule.
The Uxly of the nuiriile wim tuki-ti
i to the uinli-rtiikiiii; room of lny A
llt-mlt-nioii win-re It Iioh Ut ii vii-weil
hy humlitiJ IoiIhv. pI ratine In Niy
there weru M-Veru'l of the fair mx
nmoiiK the iiiiiuU-r. Corinii-r llarrU
fun ml a Uote in the ni-ail man' xxkit
whii-li waa w ritten evidently, In fore
the tragic ilitMl wnn eointnilteil. lie
iiientiotis the nhootiiiK of the unmar
ried hiily ami her ninter, hut ny lu-tli-illii
of Hhootlliif Mr. ColelliHIl. lie
irnve itM the ri-aMin for hi art Unit hi
1 love had hueli trilled with.
The note wu nhown to
iio-illli'iieii. iiii iiiiFriiiiiKi mm "lie
Ilmk,.. ni, un.,ualillti .U-i.hil. Thefu. U
I .1... ..!.....
inentliilied, thin Inornlmr.
a he aM-rta thi'iii. lire if'ven almve,
ami it i evident that he never received
aiiytliliiK hut kimlm-xit from the Colt.
.... r... ii,. t.i,i...ui. r..i...r i.. l.u
, ' ,1.1 .rli'..
tiir. naivi..
The platol which wu lined In the
tragedy wan ,1.J enllbre Ave nhot re
volver which he had procured only
yeaterday. He pur.-huM-d it of Knitik
Kliappaild ntuted that he wautetl it
to take to the ranch owned hy hi fam
ily Hear HprillKtleld. He hail no aliot
Kun and wanted hoiiid kind of a k'iii
while Htnying on the farm.
lilt- lNJlllKH.
A eareful examination of the wounil
of the two Murvivor of the injured trio
j iiiaa-ua-ia iiini lur iui in aim pt-iiuiiaiv
lnjurMj r,K. H,lol .
elU.w at, rantiinn toward the
u.)M.r ,rm. JA Uitutmi arm I ll.e
iIIm-IiwiI that the luily I not m-rloiialy
womt iermaiieul
from thia.
rinult auticipittetl
The old gentleman I 110 year of age
ami the aliiN-k wa no M-riou that lie
recovered fn.m it very nlowly. It i
fi. nml that one of the hull final at him
iiuiat have m ruck him In the right
hn-ant, and ranging acroa on the out
nldoofthu nternum i-ame out on the
left nlde at a niiuilar Miint. Thi did
not penetrate the cavity of the client,
to all apH-araii(e, hut it I feand that
the large bn-imt bone 1 cracked, u
there I extreme nort.uen in the cheat.
A bullet wa found oil the Moor of the
riMitu In which the ahooting Imik phuv
and I evidently (he one w hich made
thi wound.
The wound made hy the other hullet
I Junt over the right 'hip, In the hark,
and I an ugly one. Thi i whcic the
gn-titent loan of blood hlw la-a-ll nuatullied
ami the ball Im uot Ixi-n loated. Mr.
Coleman ntill remain weak and miieli
m-riou anxiety exint regarding hi
chance for recovery.
The phot w hich killed Mr. ( lahui n
entered the right lun', evidently atrlk
Ing the aorta. No linjiieat wu held
over either laxly a the uutliorltieaeou-
lderetl It unnecenaary a then I no
doubt aa to the manner In which both
came to their death.
Owing to the condition of Mr. Cole
man the doctor advlm-d that the funer
al occur with aa little delay aa ihaihle.
Thcrefoie It waa tleclded that it take
pluee thi afternoon to the I. ().(. K.
peuieterv. I he ivreinonle ixrurn-tl at
:tl o'clock, ami waa very lurgely at-
tendeil. Iletvaned wa IkiNI January
lo, lviO, and wa married alut eight
yiar Hime, to Dr. C. I). Oahurn, now
of Portland. She leaven no children.
She Im four nurvlvlng aiatcm, Mr.
Sala, of Southern Oregon, Mie
latum, How ami llelle, of till city.
The latter, the Injured one, I mar the
age of her deeiiwed alnter.
The n inaln of (Iran t Mom will lt
hurleil at I'leaaaut Kill tomorrow.
The ritea will be performed under the
direction of Itev. 11. L. Koardmati, hut
no regular ceremony will lie held.
It baa been inanv veara ainci- Klli'i-ne
witnesHed a Irageily eUul to that of
laat evening. Almul twenty-live year
ago an equally nhockiug iM-curn-nee
took place on the ground where the
Catholic cliun li now ntand. In the
early morning an Inrt-lidinry net lire to
a dwelling liouw tlieream and Mi.
Steveimon and three of her ehildn-u
were burned to death. The i rn-tnttor
uf the deed waa never puhiafied.
Dallw .UM, Mrch i
Lamkh' Mioiit S IKIV. The hi
dieaofthc t. li. church lin t nt the
church yesterday afterinMn. und organ
ized I jadicV M'lght San ia ty. IIIIil tTt
were eli ted aa follow : I'n-aid. iit,
Mr. J. K. Snyder; vice pn-nideiit, Mr.
I). II. Canwell; an-n-tary. Mi I aura
harrow; tn-aun-r, Ml Maggie I. uek-
ev. The object of the wn-ia tv are to
promote the
general welfare of the
it llnaiieiullv, im-nuai
church, help
the noeial inleia! of Ihe li)eiiiln-r, and
ecure the nalvntion of nouln. Tin-initiation
f.- in llXed at S Ifllta, W llil a
nmiithlv due of In cent -arh.
Will IIkmovk. Ilmw nnvilh- Time:
The many friend of liVv. C. C. S rry
ami wife, w ill be lileaaa d t linril thli't
tha-y Will noon le n-i,-nt of thin
phuv. Mr. Serry aay Kugene i:t
very goanl tow ll, but it d - Hot -"i lli
like home, and you know th-n-' no
pi ice Ue home, I, it ever an h'lllil-l'.
I h-v '.ll i-cupy thtir n aiih inv lour
tl.-IUnll-t eliureh. Kli:,a Hale and
family ill move in their farm near
thi place.
r. HiU.iir Lecture.
l'l!)T Uuaril, M.r. h :
Mm. i:. M. WlUm, of Tin Ihille
lii-llin-il nt llliinl Hall lnt ewiillii;.
Ihr nddn- l-oliMated of a l-rief luo -
KPil'lih .il aketell of i iii-li of t he I hrve
enrli.-t i ihiealur In Dnon w itliin
in r tin inurv. uu- nr-t m Unit o I wn inuml.
Dr. John .MiT.iiiul.ini. uIhm- lin 'ii1 I he h!t that hit Mi l'. llo l oh
work date from eurlv III the '.'Ul'it. lli iuuii uinl fun-lurid I lie Kiiiin 111 her
Waa the Ht.1 lit of the iliidxill Hay t'oln unit ulilllod ell mid Want tlltullk'll tier
'any f'lr i in-iron Ti ri llnry. Ilia una n ! clot limn and tnirk u enr-x-t tnv, or
lofty example uliieli ell ui'i'nriled ' el' it ould I'rohalijy have nuiile mi
Itli hia miii Inn -the antui-rat of the!ii:ly wound.
main liiter-t lili li tin- whiten then j l'rof. K Id iitid M-viTal othem heard
hud here. In thin inn net-t mil miiiu i four uliota In tin.- ri-i.i inv, then-fun1 it
Very Ititi-n-tllii; lllforiiuirlnll wnatiivill iao-rtllill that Mr. ('ulelnall
n irntilnu' tlit- t ally t i I . -i t i 1 1 ot s..-; u lis. IV. i.. , utter .Lilnn hia lleinh
eiely at llllit tlllla-.' ; ili ihi d, the lutirden-r l.illded Ilia i-
Till- tMll othera u l.nau live ahe I II- J tn llirillll ill till liollaa-, and four l-llliy
I. if I .ii I. wen Jiimea H., who ahellt nud one loaded wen- found oil
cm I in- in 1"I I, mid Ciialii'iK I -a 1 -, w low i tin ll.xir in the limine, (he wc:imii la--hiatnry
in ( iri'ion data a li.iek lo l.. inu a Hve-RhooU-r.
The lalta-r :ia f a r it time nl ruclur in j Mr. t'olemaii it ateudily improving
Tliulntill Ai-aileliiV, Ineati d Hear the I Imt la not Vet fHIlden-d out of daliii r.
im-aelit alte ol ' iii in. lie iilterwiiri
e-talili-tied W hltlllttll t'ollet'i lit
Walltt Wullii. nt I'leaauut Hill today. Kin imn iit
Mra. Vla.n, nllli.iiii;ti u-lvumtal in ami Blater have the aympatliy of
Vi lira, la a cli ill itlnl llilellt hjieiiker. ninny.
Tilt ohjeet of her iliaanurx miiiu d to llafnn1 tin I my Weill to ( ulciliali'a
U thill Mamie kimhI llilhl la- left llil-1 the niht of the liiurder he eiune IioIiik
lirtaMil from it review of (lie livin of j from u iicIIiUh lv cull ut Jann-n llar
theae tunly, coii-cliiili,.iia mid hoplt- t,'rw nd paaaa-i) tlir.nifli the nNiin
nlila li. en, ulii M- edoentioli i niihled u here hin father ua xiiiiii)r corn to
tht'lu to ililltlciuv Ihe early M-tthm the In-dnmiu, hia mother having re-
loMurn im niovi-i n mm iiroi'n-a.
SI u- niMike to nil lutenated uudleliit
w ho Bppn-eiated the iiifurmution thua
TIKKD ok" U Kld.iK'K.
Her II nahaiitl Spent Hi Kurnluir on
Oilier iiiiii-ii Mini lln-u
CorvalUn Tiiui : A nuit for divorce
hun Ina ll cominelieed hy I '.lilt Ciltterlill,
funnel I v IJIu Ihoinianoii, of
Ugalllrt S. I.. t utterllll. lilt coll.
plaint ntatt (hut the part let weie mar
ried at Monroe, In thi county, on the
Ulth of S-pteinl-r, IVhi, and liuil they
liveal together Ulllll l)eccuilnr, l!d, lit
I'ortland. The ilefemhiiil in charged
with erui-l mid liihiiiuiiu treatment of
plullltitriii that he uliiiaed her; fulled
lo pniviile lu-r or the child w illi cloth
ing or food and that nhe wu ndilii d
lo the e xtn-mity of wiling canned fruit
nhe hail im-pun-il for lu r ue to buy
wihh to keep h. r nud her child warm.
and thene in tn, together with habit of
intemperance and tlrunkeiitienrt cvii
tnieted ufter their uiarriuge, n-uden-d
it tiniHiaaihli fur her to live w Illi him;
Hint he aia-nt hi earning on other
women, leaving- plaint ill' to the charity
of ntraiigcm, ami tliiullv ii-na-rtel her
when nhe retiirinil to live w illi lu-r fa
ther, S. li. Thompaon, at .Monroe.
She ala.i link to In given lli l lllaidiil
name nud the t-uatodv of the minor
child, 1'eiirl Cattcrlln. The nherltl
n-turu ntale that the truant hiiahaml
could imt la- found w llhiu the ntate.
Ill .Meniorluiii.
The Kugene Kxelupt Kin inciin' As
MN'lution ni..aed the following n-nolu-Hon
at their meeting hint evening;
Whkiikas, In view of tin gn-ut lo
we have nuatullied hy the iliittll of our
moat worthy brother, J M. Ilemlrlek,
ami of Ihe nlill greater lu-n niiatiiineil
by tho-e neiireal and tleareal to him;
therefore U It
Kl.nil.VKI, That it i hut II Jiiat
tribute to the memory of our departed
brother to nay that in regretting Iii re
moval from our mid-t, wc mourn for
one w ho wua In every wny worthy of
our n-nn-et und regard.
HlXH.VKH, Thul we nim-a rely con
dole w ith Ihe liiinlly und n laiive of
the ditt-uncd on the ili--liaftl ion w illi
which it ha iileuned I'ivluo I'mvi-
deliiv to ulllicl Ihein, mid commend
them fur coiiMolution to llliu w Im or
der nil thing for the l-t.
lUxil.VKI., Tiial llil heartfelt leal),
moniul of our true nympiilhy and nor
row Iwnpread tiMii'the journal of thia
anaociutloli, and a copy of Uu-aann In
traiiaiuii tail to the w idow of our de
purled lirotherand alao to each of the
city piiM-r for puhlii-ntion.
I.. r,
C. HoliKS,
I. L. Cami-iiij.i.,
ii:j (,uni, Mareli .1.
A. O. Campbell und wife huve re
turned from a trip to California. -
K. ('. Smith exiiecl to leave on a
trip to San I'ruiieiacn tonight.
J. C. ( 'urn-ui, of Portland. I in Una
elly, vlniting hi daughtel, I'nif. K. C.
W. W. I tui lie returned from a vli
to the midwinter fair hint night. He
n porta many Might worth Having.
Mr. Nellie Sladdeii ha returned to
her home lit IH Aligi'len, C,. she
w ill iniu In married to a gentleman of
that city.
1'mf. T. M. Martin and mm Will re-
turned to their home mar Flon-uce
llil morning. Carey will remain here
a few Week la-fore altemp'.ing to make
the trip.
Hon. J. N. Teal, of Portland, vlalbal
Kugene toalay. He came up to mv hi
uncle, Ilavid Coleman, then nfortiinute
victim of Thumilay night' tragialv.
e aeki.ow ledge a pliu-iint call. I'.y I
the wuy, J. wu Imrti in Kugi ne. !
Oaily Telegram ava:
The I'ortliiml i
I'lietiuiet little !
I i
eily of Kugene, the nant of huriilug und
eullure, ha laa n the a-ne of one of
j the in. -t horrible trugi.lien that ever
. oi-elired ill On-gon. Kugene 1 Ihe lunt
1 plait in the world to laa.k for the n-r-
a trat..i of nucli it crime. It ia a col
lege town w here all of Die influence
are of tin lie ml Mining nature. That
kiicI. a crime was r Ir.iii-d In aiiei. a
i-oininuiiily give aaihiriiig to the due
trine of total human depravity.
Mahhikii. Miaat Ca iia I'iekiunani, a
foimer riaideiit of thi city, but wlio
' fur llil. Itiaal l'.ari,rlu.i l.i.a L- 1.1
temliug na-hmil at lleiio, Na-vuda, wa :
' t.uirriail lit Hint city a few day ug'i lo i
Mr. Willa-y, of Sun Kram-iMn. J'hey
nae n movaai 10 .al. r raiieiaan, wln re
they will reaidc in the futun-.
o 1 St lil-I.M.V. Mr.
C. SI ad-
ll -tl, naa-a.lid W i lif Capt.
.-. . Ala
ur- ii.lor
f.-rmer;y of thia city, we ur- informa-d,
dld aiidda lily lunl waa k": Hot.J I lor
eme. ji. IHego, California. Mr,
.-huldi n had rt-a-i.!ly arriv-l fr.iiu
hli-uni und waa Uit unpanii d hy her
i in: siioiitimj ihKAiir.
.Murr rrtlrulari-1 h 1'ri-rut
l it loll of ttie Wuilliileil.
, l'..t i. ..;.!. Minli ;
The hullet that hilled M
i min d i nliri ly llnnuli her
. I i-liiu ii mid
The wounded lady I ul-ai iIoIiik nieelv.
'l'l... I 1.. ..ft 1- l . . : I
The IhmI V of I irant Moan was huried
i iintl. lie mhiko to Iter. rne aav. te
lug her he had Ihi ii to Coleinan' that
day. 1'iiaaing out by hi fatlierngiiiu
he reipieated und reea ived nome of the
J "opium and went upl!iir to hi room.
Il pari ula upMncd he wan ntill there
Ulll l the olll.vrn ealli.- to aa-ureh for
him. I 'e fun- ri-liriug Mr. heard
i.. n... .ii. i.... .. ai... i i a
r.,1.., i. in ,ii,-iin,aai.iiiia an' a'la n, j in 'l
but dlaeovt-n-d nothing oil going out
ami nupiNiacd nome lieighlmr wa
aho.itiug iloga. Nothing wiiaaiiaH-cted
wrong wnn the imv a ll had in-en ii r-
i lane.-d hilll to lmi oil a nil if land
Ileal SptiiijIIcl.l la-longllig to hi rail.-
The only intiii i.V ion (hut anything
wna w nmg wn w hile he wn tit llur
gir'. Ha hid (ii-orge I larger good bye
alaling that he inljit hot nee hhu
ug.iln. Nothing wu thought of thin
a they, too, aiippivna-il he wa going to
the farm. He liniilenimilar reuuirka to
nome lady nludeiit living III pait of
ninir. Win n he cauie down and I. ft
in lamer in. Urn- When lie went u t-
Hie hoii-e no am-chil notice wnsaltrai t
ed. 1'opullst I'rllil'll'iea,
l!y liilnnl, Mlrlt I.
A niiiiiln-r of the no in bom of the
Mipuli-t party lin t at (he iiurt houe
thi lifteruooii lo a lcet delegate to
their county cii'iveiitioti. J. I-'. Ami
wu elected chairman nml I,. - Crow,
clerk of the iin-i'timr. After wanting
an hour nt last an elect I. m wa made.
North l-aigeiie 1'ici-liict No. '2, elect
ed S. It. Jciikina, Jo, p. Turner, I,. K.
Crow, ami W. V. Itohrcr, tit-legate.
Ten vote Wen ca-t.
S.'lllll l-lllgelic J'reellli'l No. I, ch-ct-etl
M. Ilollmaii mid J. Cliue. Vote
cant, .'!.
No voter npH-u I from North Ku
gene No. I or South Kugene No. ',
ht-liet no alt-legate were elii-ted.
I nder the eiri-umntuiii.-t-a, of coiirac,
no a-ntliiiaiii-m prevuili-d. At the time
ol going to pn-a die Initiative vote
waa living taken.
110! hi;;
The follow lug c.i:
I'oiideliec in na-lf-
explamiiory :
-.!, Ore.,
March I, V...
I.. J. M Ci.anaii in, Dear Sir: The
tinnier Kugene will leave of Tar-
lorntnet, ul .'.:.!( a. in., Mmeh IJili, foi
You will huveyiitir fielght go to the
Oulien Co.'s iliH-k, foot of Taylor stn-t.
Ita-ajH-clfullv yours,
I'. II. J..NKH.
Ileal Katale Truufi-ra,
WCJohi.aonto I. It Johnson, lot
0 ami Id, block I; (1'si.
lnll)T (lunnt. Man h 1.
AiuiinTKH ami I'im:ii. Ii-puty
Sherill' Cruller arrenteil liev. W. I..
Ifluckwcll yeaterduy ill Miihuw k val
ley, on a complaint charging him Willi
huvlng eomiiiitted the eriuieof iiHnault
and hultery iin.ii the N-rmiii of H. II.
Stlekliey alxtul om week ago, III thi
city, llclng unable to give Iniiid hint
evening, he waa placed in the eountv
Jail. '1 III morning In wa tukeii bc-
lore Juntice Kinney, ami on motion of
the priM-eutiug attorney, wa lined
K and eonls, the reverend gentleman
pleading guilty. The llm was paid.
il!jr i. uar. I. Man h :.
CuoWliKH. Uhiuehiilt'n opera lioune
wa eiowded this afti-riioon to over-
llowing by the Ntuileiit of Ihe public
na-hMil to hear the exa-reiae pn-pnn-d
for the oeeaaloii. The Central m-hooj
luipila inarehid in a Innly to thuoin-ra
lioi.nt, Indeckeil wilh'tlieir acliool
color lavender. They nlao gave their
nehool yell with much gu-to
Hi! Yi! Vi!
in Hum II. i!
Kugene Cent nil,
Hull! Ui.h! Ho!
Iliolf lluarl, 'j'. h I
Ml.-vlo.NAIIV TKA. The India n 111 int
si'"iury society of the Cumla rlaiid
1 n-nliyterlul. ehureli, met at the par-
. ..... .... a t . . ... II..B..I. ,a a
n.aiiai7 ai .1 p. III., .inn. II a.. yIU.r B
very eiitertuiniiig progniiuiue, n-fn-nh-
llli-lil were na-rvad by Mm. Sellirldge
and Mr. lUair. Tint n-uiall.der of the
afla-rmnui waa - nt aN-ially, and all
pxprenw-d Uii iii--lve aa having had a
inoat enjoyable time.
I ..jr'iur., tIi J,
bltiiMtn Kl.KiTMi. The Kxempt
Fiia i.iair A-- liitlun, ,if Kugene, lunt
evening, i-ei ted nillifra fur the eni.
lug a-ar, an follow: I. I.. Camilla II.
idetit; It. K. ISirrla, Vea--.realdelll:
Will. II SliOtli aaf -ra't n ri" I l..rr
11. .-iiini
tretiaiin r. 'I In- nnaan-iatlaiii la iii a high-
ly pro-iaTou eomlition. Kva-ry ex-
empt lln inai. aliould Join Ihe orgulila-
In f i, 0r-l, Marah 2.
I'l.aTI-oxtn. -The W. It. C. l'l-ei lit
aan-i:,L ul.ii-li u na klil.i.iiiif.Ml f..w fei..t-
ur lay i vi nii c, ha irfa ri n-iHaiaeai in-
it Hi v lv I'll aeraaui.t i.l the -ii krie.;
of...i-..f th- priii. act,,,, m ul
far w hleh w aa to liuve laa-ii irivi ll.
. 4 ,J
ilu.l.t.iti..i rtaimud tu premier of
KngJaud. I
t;ii:y cam, this h:kk ikiik.
I'o tin t-tlitor of tin" New York
We U'i to nub. nit (!)! f. I 1 . v i i . :
l'.i.;t.a; havo ju.-t rcnivi t L.
fti-mur Othell.i, which arrived
January "i.ii.'iS Utxca rum.
ui.'ii window (s'la-iH, wl.ii-h coat,
loaded tin fieamcr nt AntHtrp,
f .'i.niltl. ''. duty which we have
jit.-t paid on tlii.a nt am. unit- to
$7,i'." 'i.C1.' or ulxnit l.".'.l ier cent.
This in under McKiiihy tariil"
ra 1'inlcr tin- iroocd Wiloit
t.u ill" the duty on thi name lot of
nl.i-i would he $:t,7si.3, ,ir over
(IS percent. There in unite u Inn-
"t-i U twii-n the iroHaed lis H-r
fi t. t and free trade The freight
and insurance on this fhiiunent
aninllllt to over 12 IKT Wilt. Iliak
iiiii a natural protection to that
Vamioiim:, (iiun i:n V
New York, Feb. 11, is;t.
Why (Iin-h thin New York linn
fei.d abroad for coininoii window
gla-a when they aro ooni"elltHl to
pay, in addition to the f",(XK) that
tin glat- cunts, the sum of 7,t."i:i.
0'.' duty on il? An there no edana
fan rits in the United StateH.
Yi -. there uro luindrtHl. of them,
bti tlicv arc all organized into one
: l"'
trucl ho that they can keep up
i'!. Ihe New lork court.- have
led that there is no law to pre
t a trust from railing prices at
, and Mclvinley lias flint out
:pi competition by placing u
. of lo'.l jmt cent on window
-s. The jjlass trust therefore
everything; its own way and
raised I ho price of common
low glass so high that this New
rk linn can send abroad and
a tluty of l.o'J on every II
tli of glass and then get it
I c'- IK'r tbaii you can the home ar-
tn ii, t say nothing of ri per cent,
fp ilit and insurance.
Wlio pays this extra 1..HI. Or
ep in fanners help tin it. W ho gets
it? Is it likely that the laborers
di There aro four millions of
inn mployetl laborers in tho United
St itcs und each of them want a job
in.. I is willing to work for what
ever bo can get. Kuroeaii pauper
luoor continues to swarm into tin
country, and from this immigr.i
tii n tho mill-owner selects tlx
workmen ho can cot for the least
money. That is to nay tho opera
tivt i of tho glass factories com
n-io wnn loreigu labor ami every
i.lut r kind of lulx.r, while tho own
ers of the factories aro protected
ll.o'Jon every dollars worth of
ghisn. It is certain that from the
consumers and from tho laborers
th-! protectiil trusts steal H.-TJ oil
of every dollar's worth of window
gliHS in a n u fact u ri I in tho Lnited
Is there uny wonder that the
glass men have ietitioiicd congress
not to reduce the dcty on glass? Is
it any wonder that the manufac
turers of the ICast get rich, and tho
farmers of tho west aro tioor? Is it
any wonder that a nystctn that
given n few tho opportunity to filch
nud mulct tho many, that tl o
wealth of tho country ia concen
trated into the hand of an aristo-
err. tic few while the masses strug
gle for employment and for bread?
Tlii Wilson bill protects tho rich
gliiss trust OS per cent, and this
added to 12 r cent, freight and
iiiHuranco on foreign glass gives
tho glass makers a practical pro
tection of 80 tier cent, ami that is
ciij'jgh. 1 hey ought to bo satis-
Ik 1 with an eighty per cent toll on
lb' producers of tho country.
ho question is often asketl:
".'ill an object thrown into tho air
ciT cr from tho hand, a volcano, or
ev i when shot from a rillo or can-
ni ) return to the earth with tho
sit .o initial veloc'tv with which it
le ?" The answer is: A i.roiectilo
th. wn vertically upwards into tho
ai will return with a velocity less
th l tho initial. The word less is
ci ..hasized because, this view of the
m -ter is contrary to tho one gener
al y acccptitl. In tho air tho ac
ci rating forco which acts durinc
tl i decent is not equal to tho re
hirding forco during ascent. Tho
n '..rding forco is tho same for tho
w iht of tho proji-ctilo and the at
n. j-pheric re-istanec Iwth acting
ii. the same direction. In tho tie
st nt tho accelerating force is the
di l.-r'-nce of these two since they
in t in opposite directions. In a
viicuuin it would bo different. In
that case, the weight of tho projec
tile being tho only forco acting,
this force would generate in each
fit of the ball exactly tho same
amount or velocity that it had lost j bill pa--soil without delay. Ma--in
its passage upwards. Thus, the j guire i-i the ablest representative
final would find it with a speed , and the truest friend of tho neonle
e.,',ial to its initial velocity.
duelling in Kuasia has become
so very common that the govern-
meiil hai Umi ?omicltxl to decree
a cmle of tiuiiinhtncnt. If a duell-,
't kill an antagonist, it will cost
him iix years in prison; for s-.vere i
woundiiiir. tl ;- naitv will 1- thn
.. .. ,. , ..;
irn, uuii wiiiioui injury, aix
"'Oiiins; f rovonirig a duel, six
weeks to three months.
Colored Slum,
Tli" Idaho World uieiitioiis a fall
..f .hi t. ov mow at that place.
!.i-t Wi t L, a: i d It letter in thcMoun
ta n lh. uu li .Hi-tin nod i a fall of
dark M.o.v at l'ii.c ( irovc at aliotit
the name tiill'1. These fills of ofl
colorcd nii"w mi rc preceded or al
im r-t co-iin i. I nt with the auroral
display. C. Tatro say that nt
K.icky l'.ir a n uiiiIht ol years ugo
a fall of bl.n'k mow iimuiiliatcly
followfl an uiiu-ually niiipnitiwnt
i xtiihit . u ..f N'otthi'rn liglites.
W I. ell, a i- the apji-iiMtuv of the
aiir-Ta and colored snow wero
im p-Iy coiiii-idi ncc or whether tho
fornu-r in sotiit way caused the lat
ter we arc unable to say. falls of
colored snow an now rare, and
while many attempts to explain
them have Int. n .made, none have
been satisfactory. Oust of tho
earth raided on the win; of tho
wind may account for some of them
nietecric dust others, while red,
black ami other colors may Ik
caused by northern lights or other
elcctrieal phenomena.
The l'liindon Keconler, erstwhile
a rtl hot K)pulist journal, pub-
li-hes a declaration or liulejicnd
ence. It says:
"With this issue the Kocorder
ceases to U a distinctively partisan
journal. The newspaH-r business
is governed by those laws of trade
which control other enterprises, and
we have fell that a live iudciictid
cut paper were U tter than a dead
populiat journal, ami tho which is
why with this issue the liecordcr
ceases to le a dintinctively partisan
journal, as above stated. Our
friends of cither of tho parties hav
ing candidates in tho field at tho
enduing campaign will lind our col
umns open to them at our usual
l!y a comparison lietwcen tho
quantities of firm products in 1SU3
and 1 SS(J according to tho census of
that year, it is found that in 18'JJ
corn produced nearly 150,000,000
bushels less; wheat, 03,000,000;
bushels less; oats, .Ml.lXXl.OOO bush
els more; hurley, Uo.OOO.OOO bush
els more; buckwheat, thosiime; rye,
o.OOO.tMKI bushels more; polatoi-s,
11.000,000 bushels more; hay, 30,
000,000 tons more, ami tobacco,
only 1 1,000,000 pounds moro than
in 1SSM, Comparing this with tho
growth of tho population, it seems
as if there must hare been some ex
ceedingly active element in opera
tion to produce this enormous dif
ference in the great staple crops,
as here shown, Not alouo has
there Im-cii a great reduction in
prices between ISS0 and lS'J.'I, but
even since hist year tho valuo of
farm animals alono in tho United
States has shrunk to tho amount of
f'5 12,000,000. The government sta
tistician reports that the shrinkage
in the raluoof horses is 1223,000,-
OiK), or 22 m cent. Oxou and
other marketable cattle hare shrunk
ll.OOO.OtK), sheipt3(,000,000 ond
mules f 1S,OOU,000.
Keports from tho east aro that tho
worst of the financial and industrial
crisis is over ami tho normal tono
of affairs is being rapidly restored.
Tho surplus and overproduction 0f
manutacturcH occasioned by the un
healthy stimulus of tho McKinloy
tariff, bus bmi disposed of and fac
tories aro resuming work. The
prosHcts for tho agriculturist have
not improved to any considerable
extent. Tho world is our market
for tliedisjHisal of surplus agricul
tural products, and tho universal
depression has been such that our
exorts in that lino have fallen off
over :HX).0(X),(XX) compared with
tho prcrious year. Tariff or no
tariff, it is useless to look further
for tho causo of hard times. Our
boasted homo market cannot con
sumo tho surplus, and when the
foreign market is weak or the peo
ple are too pixir to purchase only aa
absolute necessity requires, the pro
ducer hero and abroad must suffer.
Congrensman Maguire's postal
telegrajih bill provides for the con
struction of postal telegraph lines
bv th') government not to pur
chase the present lines. It sug-ire.-ts
the isue of bonds for $25,
0X),(XJ in sums of f j0, each paya
ble in t ve years. This
would be among the greatest bene
fits that could bo bestowed upon
the country. It would break the
most oppres.-ive tnonojtolies that
ever existed. We bono to seo that
ever sen. to congrers irom Cantor-
It takes an editor to fail in
manner to leave creditors out in
the cold. L. ('. Cummins, a nctia.
paper man of romona, California,
l.a liliI a )etition in insolvency.
Hi liabilities are IS.H'JAO, and bis
. i .
m--i are vaiiliM a; fltiUU, upon
iTiaich there is an incumbrance
lbOj. Figure it out.
O G0
o o
o o
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O 00