The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 10, 1894, Image 4

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    Kugcnc City Guard.
The opulit primarim lil not
tlm uy alarming Hrtirth in
tlii vicinity.
Tl.eorJrrin wlikli tU " v r:il
.-.t.. ninvc-nti-ni uill b-j h ! l aro
f.ji,..,. P.muli-t. March 1 1; j
republican, ATil Hi di-mocratic,
April 17. m
Tl... l-!ii-. -in- tir- I-;nrt:ii-
lit .1
prompt mi l tlli' i' i'i "" a"
.tiil '"lM '"I""1'1
Willi U
mcli ci.i'ii' si uhiv alii ruy.
Tin- t..imT Ku.x nc will
i jrja-.-.l l.y any -t on u
him tu river in the ipu'.ity of K-r
buntinir. IV ar? k-nh1. W
rliollH Ht tlut !!. l" " "t
Mr. k-u-? claim to ! a M:
It may U that fl-- i a nun
In r .-Liini if lllt. It lliiliht If
t 11
bvf rc
t have an ii.vii-tiiMtioti
prunouni' In r an i.notor.
Tim public k1k.1 of Kune
will tv- uUin-l, but tin.' tivm y
to pay running expinc-n- will U
borroVil only a .--' ! -1 . 'I hi
plan in lx tU-r'tliin that of lx nl i n ts
th! dii-trict which w.n ! f-i'.oi t
Vhc poll' Il tt r tiini - will "x
com tlnn th iii'Ut.kiliit!' can I
easily paM without dixtroi-ing the
The firt nuinlu r of the Uroa.I
Axe, a populist orpin, wf cannot
call it a m wHi:ir f r it uiv no
new, in on our table. It m ili-vut-wl
kliiKift rutin ly to opuliit tin-
iri oftlie regulation lyli Iyj
graphical it i, conn'nlcrinK
that it i the liri-t number. Wf
believe there in room lor all anl
thai the litt-t will Hiirvive, there
fore winlt thu new venture proper
ity. The publication day will lx
on Tuesday.
The one iiccl of the agri
cultural region of the Tinted
State irt good wngoll road, thi 1'
ing in many ceriums coniieetel in
titnately with unecennjty for In Hit
drainage f ' Within the
laxl tiarter of a century the eoun
tiv ban Ihm ii irridironed "team
linen, while the improvement f
wagon road ban Im-cii cynteiimlH-al-ly
ncglectnl, a if the latter were
rendered inutiln ly the former.
Never wa there a greater mis
take. Our bucineH men and liipM-rii
should rememlH r that the htcamer
Kupetui leave l'ortland for thin
jioint Mond ly moririmr, March l'J
on h- r trial trip. Thin etcuncr
ban locn built with heavy inachiii
erv and liijlit draught eMvially for
tinner Wil .iimtte trilne, and 11
. .. .
mutably uncuurin-c,! will make r'H -
ular trinn whenever the ctak'e of
the water will admit. Thi in the.
only Mtiiblc competition that we
may hoe to fecure iijiainni ine ex
orb'itant raten of the Southern l'a
cilio railroail. If ICuuene and way
Niintn i.outli of I orviillm can kc
the nteiiincr running the govern
inent will improve the river chan
nel, utherwibe it will Ih left to take
care of itnelf. Order your freight
hhipx-d by tamcr even if it do-ti
take a little nmre time. If you
refuno to avail vuurM lf of thin up
nortuiiitv to curb a monotxilv l
not complain at railroad raten that
leave vou little but the air to live
uiHin. Keineuilx r that last miiii
mer thoie raten were nuch that
freiuht could la hauled from Cor
valli.n at a nrolit. With n nteamer
in winter moutlni, and waoun in
Hummer, we may lo rendered
nomewhat indciciulclit of the
Southern Pacific octopu.
The Hland ceigiiioratfe hill paxn
'd the houne of llcprcneiitativcn by
a vote of H'7 to 1 !(. It provin
iennarean follows: The firt ec
tion of the eiih-titiite in identical
with the tirt nivtiou of the origi
nal bill, which provided for the
coinage of the nilwr M'igniorage in
the treasury, the ii?m of nilvcr cer
titlcaten thereon, if nct-d lie, in the
dincretion of the mvrot.iry of the
treasury in advance of the coinage,
except the coinage i to prooiil u
fat an "Miblc" of "prac
ticable. I lie uh-titute for the
ecoml in an f..ll.n:
r the
coinage provided for in the ful
keetioii, the cigniorage remainder
of the nilvcr bullion purcha-ol in
purnuanc of the act of July II,
khiill Ik- ii.imsl into legal ten
der I rilver dollar as
a ptmble, an the ciin hall In
held for the reh n: timi of ilcr
note iBU- I ag ill.-t HH-ll bullion.
At fart an th nlv-r bullion h:i!l
U c-i.tii'l fr V'h inptimi rai I lio'.m
hall n .t U re-i-ii. l, Imt can.i !!
d in auenii.t-e j'ul to coin lul l,
derived from the com ige herein
i . i i i . ..
.iu, i. r, an.i .jv r ccri.n.ivii
hall U- i.- )
'III III tl.i-
runni r ii.i t.r.iu.l.-l fr l.y I iw."
ProVlilml t!,:n l.iw flll imt U-
conntriitnl tj rli.ii,.
l!.-- Hit - tMi) -
mw n-utan! t thi- I ;
l t.n.l.r!
cliracU-r or m.l.r ,f n -i.-u, i !;..n .
exiitinx tr.-anury m.t, . Wl, r r
act of IVM). A nu!!i :n,t autu
ppmprut. I t. carrv ii.Ui t-'r. t
till act, ttC." Tli fil'l.,a,j, i. tj,,.
vote on tin l.ill:
. r.
k Ul..t.
I-miK-rat ,
I rfut lum.
March T.
I. miit M". tlie mall who
Hie inunlt nui prim In Kui
ami t.'ien klllcl lilnix-lf. I""1'1 J
tlx- IWiiwnt Mill c im li ry on the M
The ick In "ur little vlliaue re all
Improviinfttt till. rimi. J M"r"
Iran, our K'iilnr jtiiii-ier, l ann
till- fur luiy.
lir. I'aine. f Kii-' lie, imule Trent a
I j.ri.f. ional one day lat week.
There hav l-rell " Vera! Jai
IK-ell III o ir eoiiiliiillilty lately. 'J In V
re likely to U-a --l hen- III a few
J ear.
We ln :,r H repuhlieatm ak
hlirhlv In favor of 11. 1. K nev, (
( , . I , . 1 1 , ur their next i-;ilel;late fur
Mr. I'..a, of ls xli r, a iii Trent
i.h'e !y la-t w.t k to relit Uillil'lf
hilt lal'li l to pt one-nil oeciin-l.
When you a !aie wllh
i,.n- you inn .rniioiiiice it .n riiijf
t leVl llt'lul or lio ( li Vellllel.
It i not my ! iri' to enter into any
dl-li loll Wltll limtliel ProXV. He
olute.l that he ilnl not mi-rcpn-x'lil the
liicx k conn til I rem. oui ! u -mutter
of new . If it had U-cii fact- it
mik'ht have !i n li , hut it vva a
(iilw Ktatemelit. lie f V that one of
the le:uilli attorney hn Uli'v "luted
that It not carried on ro'rly.
i'erliaM it w not uirri" d on or l' r
lv or M-ieiitili) -ally a our circuit couiln
lint I will a ore" Itrother Proxy that
there wn no di-k'raiv ill and durmi;
thin court.
ItrotliiT Pioxy hurp oil the II. ml
Martini,' frmn i cl,. n and i-uv Unit I
aid il iLrowiit the mail one day Inter
hut toon enough fur l in. nliniu. I
vvl-ll tont.ite the mad at till plmvvtl
due nfter dark and there were hut few
that ctillo (or their mull until the
liexl day. The mail liow ia ooll
enoiik'li for all ordinary man hut a l"i
iuewt man or n man that wanti a little
tow ihin oltliv and a i m .1 i t i i u m would
like their mail ooiier. I'lule Joe
I jitoii, on r mail currier i an old and
fcchlc mini w ho ha no othi-r menli of
miHrt. When he put In hi t I for
the contrail It wa to otuit from
iohcti mid II v".i. do him mi Itijuti
tliv tn make the chalice.
( rrowrll I aniultir.
March S.
Iiui JmIiiimiii k ut home now and
will noon he hilly rcnivcrcd.
Pmf. ('. I,. Suit elowd a two
month term of julvale m IiiioI lat Kil
day and In the eveulliK the ehlldrcii
remlereil an entertainment that wu
pronounced excellent. The imnl-,
amoimlliiK to over tl1, I to U um d to
piircluiM- iNMikN for a llhrary.
Scim( meetinit wa a very iiiel
irathcriiiir of over to vntern. W, P.
I urn r, n-ilriim din ctor, w n reM lii'tel
for three vcar,J:i. Shtiiih director for
one year, and W. M. Kohiuett clerk.
The meeting voted iiiiiiiilinomU' in
favoi of tciiliOK the upier riMUii ol the
M'hnol Iioiiim1 for pilhlic lln- IMV", elc,
ill the di-crctioii of l,c dmi lm.
Moral: We in ed a hall,
The hi. roti MM' held hv the I. O. (i.
T. on llli -dav oinlit, Wnxa Verv pleim
llllt Ml'air, eoiinldcnihle lalellt latent
U'liu; devi om'i iih the hemming pn
treMM'l. I he l.iii'lii lc.rt who have lali
ly pr .vcii hklilr'ul In dchate, i. roved
Uiciiim Ivi dcticicii! in II. c iix fill art
of new in.:, and were hciitcii hy one of
their r t l hile oppiiuelitH.
Three hor4' hroke he from the
liilchui)! nick near N'urhri.iiKli'ii More
I ucmIu.V eveliinu all. I ill la-l itceoiiuN
one of l lulu, delimiting lo Henry
Pinllli, Wan ntlll luiw-llig.
The iililiual elect ion of iiIIIitM of the
1 1 rcMvvi il .Mimliiv m'hiMil tiNik pit
1 Sunday, n.-iilimu in the revlic
I'roui il huudiiv whool tiNik pltuv lal
t KOI of
S. II. M'lrne, KUiMrintciideiil; Mi
l.illie, a'l. KUiH rinteiideiil; and
for nvreliiry, I. I. t oplin; In-nxiin'r, S.
M. Mor; librarian, Alln-rt Tillany ; ur
ganixt, Mix Anna IIomc.
We liinlertaiid Unit A. W. More
had mi attachment placi d tin I lie
Itock 'reck Colixilidutcd l'l:ni r Mill
lug t 'ompiiny' oiitlll, laic edm wlav
evening on Hii'oiinl of the priir ul n
liog line lillil llolu John Harlot the
li.tltleriiukr Itrni.
Two ll-.lcult, piik'niicloiia and pugill
lie llgliln m'Ctireil mi Hie lnvl UlN
wei k. line U tvvn n (irover W illlalii"
mid Archie (iailin. I toll) are wearing
I. lack even, t Ine claim he la Corla lt.
lillc llio oilier dclilcn the Inline of
Jackson -Miys he' a w hile man
Our whiNil me'ilug went oll'(iiii ilv,
nut eommemvd illM. n iill v. Willie
H'lirattoli U'tweeii (oll'miin, Wllllinim
and lico. liuily.
Peinv ami iiiiictueM now prevailH U
tvvM'ii llootjiick and lirivuhorn, who
Will he friemhi hcrealtcr, I hey having
ixt'ii ni enmity lor m.uie nine.
A few day k'o l-ler Wheeler, llv
lug on i;alili--nake, iIIr, harmd an ol.
rutv gun that had nut Ui ti xhol (or
yearn. The reoiilt wan a hw iiimi and
il ntilt' UplN'r lip. lie, ra liemikdil
have had the w roiig end of the gun In
hit nlioiililer
Man .vimcr mi iii nniivcre.! in. in a
Mcll of hi gripie. Ihlllnnvnlie N lint
the man that refumil the com when II
W n Hot nhelled.
Iloru, Mandi .ith, to the wi.e of Ia
Morgan, a girl, t n Hie rtine ihiv, to
the wile of Walhov Kimlxil, u U.v.
Ml doing well.
.ch.. mi. el in i: nt Trent the 'ith hint.
The follow llllt oltl.i rn were circled: II.
t heeler, director, for Ihhv viarn;
Win. Miller, clerk, loroti.' year.
A couple of y huiii! lad U"0,k' lo ll.
w riling m hind at thin plaiv, trie.1 their
luck al ptiKilmm. I he n-nti It iiu
one M tioimly hurt.
I.a ifripjn' han caiixl a p-!..iitin i,
of oil! linn k i-ourl lllllll the .'till of
March, 7 p. in. All arc Invited. J here j
will In- one Int. n 'In Mate i
iik'ain-l I i-o. W llluu.n in, I r, 'lie ( iar I
tin. Till will lv nil inlet, tun- ,-,, 1
llianiiillcll an It In let- I lll.ii f:i, I.
We have In-eli Kill Ioti.-I l.y tin- court '
to Kive r.roiher I'rovie a n'inl invita-1
I loll tn attend the court al I hi. .lu. c mi '
the nU.xc dale. We l l aurv him
Ilia' he I'd ti..tV ili.i;'!i.vil l.y any of j
the li.t.t a-i.ple pr..v l.llii; he In have I
hlinn If. j
I nee r.rvthcf I'roXie navn that I Jr.n n- I .ti i, 1 1 hi I .r. I ii.iiik- l.r.iii.
J l.i.rf. I.iTi.-Ii l.itt I... l...r.lA...l
mak. - - ai h..i .-I uvnur i..r In. i;iniy
aii-l il-nn. i... I. .u . t ii.iii .I. i-iil.-nt nil. i
'""""" - .
.-. na(..r M ntiii, of Kaiman, li.m
lr-tu-n-.l hi Km- M-nalr a l-l.l a In. h i-y
. Ti-.nn llir- n-lil of ,-Vi rv T.I H.I
.ii t r i at n a iimmiI Ii, nil a.-n.un
frl.nn 1 11, h M ki.-all a ar. I:-
in-Ill ti D.r ail ( ail ...! ii rn ,
r.. in It. at mar, t.i J1J . t lii.ii.tli.
(waia .blnarno.
Nin V-IK. Mar. li (0) . li.
!.' ai. I 1. 1
um i.U ai rt jn. tml atur. .
tiNiiMiii'o a ' "'
t MM turn fmpmutf-
IN. ni I .M, March il -A uumU r
dem.cral. ol Ihentalemel lu r lolay
to wnfer regnrd!i:g pro-r action lo h
Inkru III ll.e coining iwrnpalgll. -X-(tovirnor
Whiteaker prenlded. Ih i' Iht In ll.e apiinlmeiit
f n liil.t. of nrvi li to confer wtlll
coiuiiiitt'n- of .pulit and am rtuln
nil whal htfln a funloii n.uld l
1 port to he made to deliei
rrat.c Mate ooiiventloii. Th commit-
l.n- ,1,1. lilted U W. 1. Kellloll. J. K.
Wrath, rf . r.l, It. K. liihlnum, t'harh
Mckdl, J. J. llurm tt. J. II. Haley aiel
f. K. llvde.
Ik Jkmmf nt
r..irAi.i: lim vr:, March .V J. H.
Mcloean I hm loeli have iniine ill from
the. Mime niiiin. liny have hut
ioviii till the allow x-UU-b. whell thto
m ill make noin e-rmanent reim. It
In r oortil from good authority that
iluriiig their nhort nin they took out
n uriv :t. They are k'etling Into a
In It. f glade of ore the dtn-lr I hey g-t. will n-iime work al)iit the M
of April.
I kr Kalif Ink lailrla.
fr. Paul, Man h . The goldfleldn
neui llalnv lake ar no place for poor
no li. The on- in ill Mgca, ami t" get
th-on tal ntamp mill ar iimMnnmiry.
An t:ei in much tale In the Mnk, it i
yi t to In- Mi ll whether It call I work
id. Thoinan P. liregory, of Klkador,
la., wua pronnn:-tiig W hi II he found
n-ill.e hi;.m in the rock. From thene,
w ll. u tln-y Wi-r elealiml out, he took oimmm III gold .I'Uggetn, Wortll
l.lH.'tlt iri).
I Mill l lkrl.
I'.vKl, March I'pon Information
irlven hy Prince ('oloimn, John W.
.Ma.kny'n -oii in law, Pari oHlclal
Mdei imlav all the copicn of the N'eW
York World of Kchruary 5, which
uere hen- for wile. Prillif
t'oloiinn d.-i larml an article puhlinhed
In t lie World of that date wa liln lou.
l lie H!inik'niill tow hicll he ol.lm tiil
niiml nlreiiuoilnlv raid be had liceli eX-
in Ihd from the Jockey flub lu Itome
for cheating at card. Ilia lawyra
have nerved a writ unhi JoM'pli rullt
ft, proprietor of the World, claiming
loo, i Ml fraiien ihunugi-n. Maltrede Jar-
linen, the prince'n thief counxl, aayn
hia client w ill uiviue ine amoiiiii oi
ilaliiagea which lie exiicctn Will I
aw un I.d him, among the puhllucharl-
ti of aplcaaml Iar In.
Ilia l.raif Wa Hakbta,
'i:TKAI. flTV, Colo., Mareli 6. Ill
pnn ug thiouifli the city ivmetery on
the mouutlilll aide to hi mine, htlprr
inteiidciil .l. nen yimterday morning
nin-le the diwovery that the grave of
Alfred II. n king had lnn-n iin-ikh and
lol.U-d. Ilia klugditnl In Denver aUiut
nl x ato alter a protracted npree.
He wan aln.ut Ml yearn old and imm
- d of coll.lerill.le llieaim. Wlifll
on hin il. athlnMl he rciimtcd that an
Him ll money an could In- rln llt nhollhl
In h.vl. hi d on him after death. He
w u i . t, il (he mo-t exin ii.lve collln that
could ln had, ami hin nhniud miint ln
of ll.e Ufl. Mia nun word were:
"Kl me up like a dude." Ilmlewelrv
al-. inii-t la- huriml w ith him, he naiil.
All I. In rcoucntn were carried out. A
rinc on one of hia fliik'cra wan valued at
H'" and other Jewelry and valuahlen
were l.url.d with him. He waa Mil
ciivntrlc man. and w hen drunk wan
Mm.t!velv fcrocmun. Ill wife feared
for iier hie and left him; and ahe in
liovi in Ciiglaud. A daughter liven in
tin city.
In II kulrl mr nvi4rr.
S vm Kiiam'Iihxi, March H. Ir. J. J.
I.eek, a .lelltlnt.und Minn Aliiv Alder
Icy, a young woman w ho came to thin
city u few ilayn info from Napa, where
liT parenta realde, ar lying Iriwwn
1 1 it- iiinl death in Un-k'a apartment,
con er I'll'tli and Market aliectn, In.lh
-ulh iiug from morphine MilMiiiing:
lull vihelher the drug wan taken hy
U. Hi with niiicidal Intent, th jiurpone
I nd ll g to die together, or w lietlierulie
Irlcl lo polnon the other and to com
nut nillcidc, will prohahly never he
known iiiiIcm thev recover, which
xt-iiia douhttul. I'he Janitor of the
I. nil. ling hroke Into the room and
found t In-Ill. I.n k nlill held ill bin
hand the vial containing the drug that
Im it li had nw allowed. Phynlclaii were
then nuinnioncd ami for w-vrral hour
hu ve worked over I hem. Minn Alder
Icy, w ho in aaid to have Invli engaged
to marry lk, came to thin city to tea
lily lu a llNI nuit brought agaiunt
laVk hy bin hrothcr.
tatlhrf Mfitia.wl In amiflii
Toi'tK.v, Man-h 7. Thin afterniMin
liovernor I.cwi lling removed John K.
llleln from the nlate Umrd of par
don. No cailnc w a annigued.
I.. (.: Judk'e lK-nnv, now- atat
nemitor fioin Multiiomah, who waa In
rendition Sunday, went eanl thia
morning to v 'hin hnither, 1'n-nly
I s 1 1 1 1 v , an attorney of Salt loike 1'liy.
Jin I ne U-liiiv I the geiilleman, who
In l-no, liilnHliimd (he Moinrollnn, or
ring m-cked pheanaut into the Will
aim He valley, the fowln harlng
-nit (err. I all over Oregon.'e l)i-li
ny, tilno, in vJ, a lllllllln-r of
Jupttiicne ipuiiln on rrolirlioii Inland
In-low I'orllalid. Ho had In-en iiiiuin
tcr to China, and at (he clone of h In
term of m-rviiv lu that country had
Inn m Iii the employ of the J a pa nine
M ikado an an advinor.
I'mtuim-nt democratic leaders
lav. r fu-ion with the pnpc!int.
Tin v claim tinier thin move in
ma le the rtate will lie ho lcrIy .111. The follovving in the
resolution pa.-ned by the meeting
of li.i.iing dciuiK-ratn from all tor-
tion f the ntatc, at Tortland,
", That an advinory
i otiniiit'.i c of icven be apoinUn.I
by ll.e chair to confer with any
cuti; n it tm the jnipulirt. may ap
..:i I 1. 1 confer witli them, to ob
t.i! rll.-li itiform.ilioii un they m.iv
ln- . .!.- 1 1 obtain and communi-cat--
toe ranie to the ilcmocratio
r 1 1 convention for it coi.aidcr.i
tion "
IN 1894.
In !,RliB. W JlrtEEIKilUff.
I.Q !i r-..f tin- "GUARD":
wlig"rliT any :" I herein'
,ul ni-'tl, or u-k for in'rbi-.
iii.itinii euiiut -rn ine tJu-rn, will
..lili--- Tfll: QUAKD" hy j
-t.itiii that they .-.iw tin- anj
'Minn liu'iiiiciit :n
the columns
- . -
'I tin- pajK-r.
I nliarg' IIU.
March .
A .prliia' day.
J. f. (i.nrUie ha Klie lo .-alelll oil
hum lien.
Mra. Itolid la Uite ick with
la grlplie, In lng unahl lo teach for the
pant week. Her alnlrr. Ml Clara
llurton, of springllrl.l, I tt ai hing dur-
lug her nieklic.
Hon. K. I". Coleman and family
have Inn ll III Kllgelie for lb part .
attending lb In-d.ldeof Mr. olemall a
hrothi-r, who wa nhol on Thurwlay
evening. Man h I.
pM-hin.l meeting cd oil- Very Uict
hereon the ith m-t. J. A- H t wa
ela ted dinctorund deotge A. Prury
- In-li-l clerk.
I prcrume i-Ulie of the reader of the
(ilAKIi would like to kle-w what
progtenn th in.i..-n party In ii.iik.iiif m
II, In ore. Inct. W w ill try an I i-:
llllle Information. Mr. I aldwell, .
i I.... to mi. all audience on
the (-veiling of March I, ami orgrmi'ed
a in-nplc party cluhoi in meimn ra.
After III urbanization the chili electcl
Hon. It. M. PN.utherlaml pret-ideiit and
(I. L. Coiimtin k wam ln-H ii Mn-relary.
i ............. ,l...t I. ..Ill i.r..
un r-aiuroav rmi...ii ,,'
marv and eleetml Havid l.lllol. H"ii.
II. M. Sutherland and A. ll. Hemic
diletfalim lo the eoUlltV collVelilioii
which in.-, t In Kugvim .Saturday.
Hon. Arthur Holland wan nominated
for ju-tiiv of tin-pea -e and Th"-. Al
f....l c.f-.n.1,.1,.1.1.. The i luh w ill mte-t
Thurntiay iiiu'lil at their tuln-rnacle on
the corner of lx ul ami wiiiameuc
atnn-ta to give the dcleuite limtrue-tion-.
Kl.l.l I. All
A Hrllal" War la Irmphln
Ml .vi-iun, March T War Intwt-eii
the Cathohi-n ami Proti-lanN him
hroken out In Melliphln. I'he Prottt
alit Pn-torn' AnMN-iatioii ban come out
in i I. ngthy curd, defciiding the principle-of
thi-American Protective An.
MH-latloii, and attacking the Caiholie,
whom they charge wltll In lng eligag
el in a eoii-olmcy t ntrol all the
olll. -en of the tow ll. The Prot.-Malit
t-xpn-n determination to curry the
war Into l lie coliillig cieciioiin, mm
w ill endeavor In defeat every Catholic
candidate for ollhv. The puhlieatloii
of the card bun i-au-ed a Irelneiidoun
-hrn IUI.y waa A k, wa raw hrr CatnrU.
Wbm aba a a ChUJ. ah "-l CaMort.
Wbrn aha Inn-anio MUa. aba rlun to CaMeria.
Vim aba bad CblMrra. aha ca Uxna Curtorl.
Dr. l ii rtn'i 1'k-aa-
VVi autre Ik-U. Ttny'ra
v) a compound of rtv
niatr-1 and concno-
Iraltnl botanical x-
Itraeta. Th tiny.
iiKar-oatwl rn-llrU
th immllent and
') lb u.iMt tu tak
alw.liiU-ly aod
prrniaimitly rur
Colinliimtiou. Indl-
(ratiua. Hick and BUioua HmiUubc. Diixl
una, Billoui Attacka, and all drraugeiuanta
of taa lirer, atunacb, and bonrl.
The rura prmantnt!. Un-auna tlijr art
naturally. Tbry don't abm-k and wmkrn
Ua aytttwi. Ilka tb hug, old - f atbinnol
pllla. And tbav'ra mora e(Itn-tli. ua
UttU jallrt for a corrective or laxatiT
lara far a cathartic.
TbrT'ra tha ehtaptd pill you ran buy, fur
tbaT'r puarantrtii to kivo aatirtactiua, or
your Biooay la retunxni.
tow pay only for the good you gat,
rv r "
t.-.k. - i r. -
if ' ..- '. ... v
ir. n I -
m ,
A v: ii!
Kvervboily eoulln't atti-ml t lu Worl l'v l-'air at Cliitairo
evtrvbotlv ean't vi-it the Miil-W nter Fair at Tri-ru
I..,. ... .. I.. 1;, .;., ;,. ii.: . .: :u 1 ..11,
'III c : V I J mm I llllllp III
M-e some of the jiieture
crowd-- at both pLiiv-..
They aro Genuine Oil Paintings, and
Pastel Pictures with Frame and
anil are on tln ra'l hea lel t.r Kl'iiKNK. A oon ;h
tln-y urri 'hey will he hun- up in tmr T(KK, for a
few ilays, li- luattt r how nruh . .."the STtM'K we have
to cover uji.
While the pirturi s are in our j-.-es-i n m- wa it e r ht.!v
in this art of the cuiutry to c ine an 0 ,,-u tlterii
fr-o os char-e. Urin' the little' witli v.mi. Watt U
the paper-, for notice ...f the arri il of the K. 11 HUT.
Halt mil. men'n nli.n-a 'Al to T".-
' WoiliCll'nrillM 40 to .UC
Imynnh.nn VMo'-OC
" ' limnn' nil'" n
I-ulher :ili iiing
K il l, r at' l in,'
All oil.. r repaiiinir a: Ihk
prill ..
ja.Uo tuli lm ! -ipprar.
Wa-ili .roN, March .'..-Th ml
preme in.i.rt loom w an crovvdol to-lay
in antic, jatl-.n Unit ncwlv cIiom-ii
Ju-ll.n- liite would In- inntallid. He
did not n nnr, ami it in learned h" him
dm . remain III the M-mile for a
ti , T. court reudend ii numln-r
of dm ini- '.n.
Ili.rri llrlara la tark.
Wiiiuino, W. Va., March "j All
the mill. :n ill the Ohio niilxliMrict,
numln-ri: over Tl a al. agreed to return
to work t.nlay i-mliug u -elllemclit of
the wak-o -chttfule hy arhltratloii.
Day ii Henderson, UnCeet.ikers and
Emb:i! C:r Wil. anj 7th its.
In not complete
without an ideal
Con.bincj every clement of
beaut) and purity. It is beauti
fying, .;oothinp, healing, health
ful, sir.d harmless, and when
rightly used is invisible. A most
delicate and desirable protection
to the face in this climate.
apes htrin; tht jcraiss.
jr T A will dlirowy br an old
W aJ k-iaa. .VnvnvHrl. 4
L .mnalXJa h$ IkiuaiJl o
taTe and nunllda ill-
corennl. T.-wara tn" nntrlnclilt4 drufjuia who
' cltrr lafi-rl.-r nnll- lnm la pUraof tLK. Ask (nr
' ( aok' l oi.oa llool Comaon4. Ink na uk.ti-
rn(r, or In.-'.. -a tl an.l 4 erau la in"11" h-1lrr
an.lnnnrl.i .-ml. rUnl. If m urn lunlU Fullnralcd
. partlrtiUr i -!nin euvrl.nnf, to Uaira ont, S
urni. aJIim Poa4 Lily i'omaaar.
I Nin S lllca-k. TX-triJI. Mica.
. ji
, 4
-1 ;n
. j. -. n
I I I I - . .;ill, .1111 IH- ;ill'' III '
- . wli : : i have attraet-.l tliel
(Ill'S (if 111
Having long ago recognized the;
fact that to sell goods on a smali'
profit it is necessary to do so on.
CASH BASIS, and being encour
aged by many of my patrons to ti
the experiment, I shall on the Is
day of January, 1894, inaugurs:;
trust that with
ah nil rptrnn thp
bV V aV W A aV W V 4 a V n A W
old customers.
Farm Hardware. Farm Machinery. ' ,
A New Line nf New llanlwaro.
Everythinr; at
moi nt nr-it nivii.
" 3 I
- CO
? " 1
1 S.
tu Si
n en
Iti-nli.illtf (hut tbin In the liliif nf Hi.' Vi nr
I hut nil im-oim nri- amnll, ll
nlijt-ct to ullir nil in nurlii f nt un
low prict-HUa K'xxl i.'iHnln i-um Im-nnlil
ami let un live uii'l h-t our i-uMoim-m livr.
Tlinnklnir our cuntonii rn f.,p j.imt piitnui
np, we ii-k for hluire of vmir iriuk- in
My Stock
Of jrroeeries ainl glassware
Must Go
I am elusin it out
At Cost.
To make more room to li-
lav mv immense stork of
FimUluM In .Uiilitj-. Prliin un low
n the lowin.t. tr to limr
Mil m
A uOlUSIllith.
r i rt;
Ant-m-abl. Iain. .rrsilM K J. rMa
rv-.. hr I r a.l. Z9c-6uc.
aoi f 1 .tj ,vr in,. IS. gajiplra rrr.
HY IO ! rTo.. r:n rr:n
Hlaatkat la titrrt Wan.
N:a 0U KN?, March T. I't.ii-rri-aa.
man lrn, liarj liaa lnr-n appoliilml
I 'llitrnt Matin -liati.r to llnnn-.l Jiiir
White, liin-t nnjIiT'iatlou taki-a t!nt
March 12.
mv new rjrices''
Rimnnrt nf nil vcA
In aV V aV W- 44 Ai
N( ( )11 ( miim.4.
Hard Time Prices.
i.oi-(iiiMii.ij:i: & vnu,
Ii3n I
Eojene Loan and Sariif
Sn::.sscr tD tl! Emu: N.tlc..! Bii
Incorporated with a Capital of $60.
000, with $30,000 Paid Un.
lf(ailu iwrlvtMl ut j-rt trh--c If
fclimfl on time iiH.ii., uiiJ r..i
pprwve-i -HH-iirity.
IKRniitr(T J ' IH i
Vlt B I'ttK-MiClMT I. I' I'M
('AHHIKIl , (..
Thf Ktivriii I in aii'l nvlnv ! s r.,
diifl t-ith otliRipri-IMl and Bat iii ?'!!'" j .
and jnir ri-i; attnitn-n i .i.e.; ih
t''ir ti'tittir v of . Hi rmt ht J P' '
what yiu m.-, ti nt urn- r' ' - V
oMiifiiuntius tin rr re mmuy r-.Ti
li)I:.5ifti, w hit h. if ln.t tlr . lteJ iti tr J '
T iiNtti , M ill (af ulir tT 1r('.,
!t i.rl.riilt tn It-aiii mll Rn.etii.:, ' ' j
h Ii til tfi Mv:iit Irtink t:ii' f': :" ?
-tiii r. turf.ti. Iiein ;iu thl tr- t ", t" f
-n.nir dr thr iirfNKdil fnfr(lon - I '
t'.jiii in t h i rornniuntl), imhu il ',t I
fiti.tvirt- in thli nrtit-r.
Stsrl!," Hi Un:-W Wit-
arWaU-b Ht jalriup a ji::'J
Kt'OKNK, OKI-!'., n
('iil'ih' (.'urr, the v''t ''-', 'a
irtHip cure la for ! I y u- I''1',.1
ailt? l-ontaiiia ti iity-fl v.- .1. - ' 1 '
tint. lliiMn-ri li.vr it.
ClTV I'Kt o :,lS
O o
0 GD O