The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 10, 1894, Image 1

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    1 V'
. ii a, j
smbLisiiEn hir t;.2 dimeiuitio opicsotMTin crunim no to eih n fiomu;uc in ni-; nw up ot r brow
NO. 11.
VOL 20
hp u
The Eugene City Guard.
publishf-d kvkky kattkiay.
I. E. cuirr.Ki.L,
ubliahrr anil rprlrfwr.
ttVPWF. ..I In III Itaat ( 1. f Wlaiie
t. 1
tV.r.t. it.'0 Sv.nth ant KUbUi Mt-ss-u
Par aununi
FhrM month"
AJetrtiniii'j llitft Mlil'
-j HI
Knoim oil 1
Tlin. ltlm will l olunjfct '
lowing ru:
Dm iir tliiv iuintU
On. iura lit month
una vmt
tin ('.
XruiI'Dl D"tlcM id im nn'iiiui,
.r lina l..rr.i h invrtinn.
Ailvrti.ln( MIU will lrnl.tliirrljr.
All (ob work mut 1 taih mhoK iiIlivik.
,55k O I
JiiiiJJS' I
Clocks. W.ihnes.Clia p$ Jee!ry, Etc.
gjyUW Work U'arraolvd.'t
Iflf h.llf llHK'iC 'llltb
f r. i'.
"S"-il itt-Mtim
ud I'rohitx liiiu .
ii to r..!Ui'i.ii. I
. .-
L. W. BROWl, M. U.
pi1VHi,.lin ,,, Sui-lviiii.
nijKlLlii ii niiii
Ulho.,.lr-l.lri...wrp.-,lot,.-,. Il.,..r.;
tt.w Iriin. anil New lrln til Kor. iKU aii'l
ItomMile MartiU- mul dr.ii Moii ii'ifiil.
llraiUtnnr. anil (Vniel. rf work "f
all kind, (or Krt.
ALL WdltK (il'Ai:AXTi:i:i) !
Wlllamrtte Kirwt. n-r h-aimllre. Kinirne. 'r
O. Hmi'utu ai",
S. It. I-Iakin, Jb.,
II I IV 1 1
01 Eugeno.
Paid up (ash Capital $50,000
Surplus and Profits, $;o,om
Eugene - - Oregon.
A innera! habkiinc btuinoaa i ll ra ir
.hUUrma. Huht .Irafu on NKW Vol.K,
CUI('At;o. SAX KltAN'. IS. Haul I'.IM.
L4M), OKKiiOX.
Uilli of .f.-hani iii on fiirii.'n c.Mintritv.
OpiMita rrotivwl uhjm.'t U chts k nr i-rrtiK'
Ml nf
All mlliwti'ina rrtrn.U'il toll, will reo'tn
Irfomnt attnil'n.
Of Umi .Mninr. Inwa, wrllfx umler Htj nt
March 1, lf'.U:
H. B. Mkh. Mko. Co.,
Dufur, ()ri'(nr.
(iKM I.I MK.n: On arriving home last
week, I found ail well anil auxiniixly
waitiiiir. Our little trlrl, eiht ami om'
luilf yearn old, who hud wuMed nwuy
to 3H Miunda. in now well, htroinf anil
vlRomua. mid well flenhed up. S. It.
Cough ('urc him done ita work well.
Ilnth of the children like it. Your S.
It. Cough Cure ha ciirril mid kept
away all ImapiiieHH from me. Si give
It to every one, w ith greeting for all.
Winding you prosperity, we nre
Youm, 'Mr. and Mks. J. F. Fom.
It ynu wlh to ft f r-.h ami rhwf'il, am)
rraily lor iln -iirlna'. work, i kaitm ii,i t'i'mi
with Ihe ItaiUchr aii'l l.iir ( uii'. I.y Ukinii
two or ihrH t.if a wi-rk.
noltl miili.'ra piMltlvp cuarar.ti
.a) orut. pr Iwttl. by ril ilruvt'.n
ot Alaplr ftud lU r ttpN r:ii Uuiiht Iti the
Exclusive'.v 1'or Cash,
I oau offer the pulii: - U'tt. r priii-a
than any other Imuw
if all kili'U taken al mutkrl
n LurtaiE
Eugene Oregon
H Kattana
Kli. (ii Al:t. KliinilmrtV opi-ru
i Iuium' wiih i row dfil to ll iitiiioM raimi'
..frtno'ity lu-'t S'ltiinliiy nftirnoon, tin-
H IU ! iU'iN of tllU lilllilli' wlimil", of KllK,l"'.
. . .. t'.' ) to lifiir tin- mt'hh tlmt t-ri' ir'
W .m-uU 1 i.arvil for lln' iMTH-ion. Tliv iiiill of
! Uil Ii im I'in U lin t lit t In' tV lltruI lillllil-
: j, .,,,,) ,l(. nmn h, ,! to tin'
ii. n mill 1 1 i.-i t nmrt'lii-il to tin- oht
limioi', tin-lirt itnuli', (itiiry. In the
li-ail, follinvi'il dv tin llrt Kn"''' v"
tr:il, with tli' ot'liiT Knulin In 'oirv-
"iiiliii onli-r. Tin1 tifiir;
"r' pink folorn nnil tin- Vn
Tin. i', rri-' wi n- i iui ii-il
iirv iiuplU
ntml lav.
out In ii
I vrrv plea-inn niaiini r nil. I all were e
; Miially ill liuhtiil Willi a ilialot.'iie liy
'piipiU'of the wventh unnle. tietiry,
i i.ihI a aiitoniiiie I'V the thiril (.'T'li',
, ii'ury.
j 'I he I ;. iiiy m'IiiniI him not mlopteil a
I yell n tlii-y riiiiMiIrr it letter to he
' M en anil ii"t In are.
! A I't i ll..
lt';.u!ilii'H'i i lull ttriraiili-il .
The Vn'.iiirf Mi u' li I'llhiiemi ( lull
met la-t S.itiirilav evenilii; :U the eoiirt
hoiii'. lie eoiiilnittiv apmint il at
llii- Ti vioili llleetiliir to prepan- II eoll-
cliMl loll a nl hy hiw iiiinle n npoit
Iwhii'hwii - llili'pti'l. Mi'lnliel were
1 lh. n to Ihe iiiiiiiIh r of
'enileri of ihe eMiutivo coiu-
nun.., pi. viileil f. r hy the .on.titu-
i( ,;,. ( , ,,y ,,. I)r,.(,. ;
liHimi,. V. II. Ahrmi...
I Sin monil Itiirr, A. l WimmIc'iu'R mul
J. M. Wihimn.
j I-'. M. Mnlkey mi youiiL'
Ii pil'ilie'ili wilii in kimvi It lfi l ahilily
j il -livere'l a chort athln -i tu lore the
ji liih. He u im fol In will hy Attorney
A . W iioih-iM-k, lion. J. II. Mi'Cliitn;,
Dr. ('. I'.. I.hiihIn, I-.. II. Itarr mul Mr.
CiM hraii, a piomvr n-piil'liean of tri
jjoii. Tin fMii hin were all IntcreM
iii' ami lilx-rally iipplmnletl.
C.:a.T.b.'rlaia'a Eyo and GkJ.
Ae rta'r. ci. for Chronic Soi'oEye.i
Tett-.T,'. lil'.iilim, Sc:ilJ Head, Old
I'hrciuii) S ires, Fever 8oren, Eczema,
Itch, I'raiiie t-cratchea, So re Nipples
mid JMes. It i : fooling and soothing.
Ilmidre'li .ifw.'i'i have l.een cured hy
it;.r:.rr.:! ether trtatnn iit Lad (ailed.
2j tt UtJ per ImiX.
Kor alf l.y oluirn.V Ht luo.
Club llaiice.
The la-t dance of the old aerien given
hy I he Kimene ihilii-i'lg clllh wim held
iii Con-i r liall laitt Saairduy evening.
Ki'twii-n thirty mid forty eouplea
were pn -i :it in tl it very plea-ant tune
reu lied.
The Hi'iitiuieiit of tin' prcNcnt wan
in favor of arranging for mint her Hcric
to eniwi.-t of thnv ilaliei H. It In proha
hle that the m lii't will Iv given, im a
UieiiiU'lhip of l fly will ill-lire reivipta
to cover the nciie-nry eXvliiv.
IlKI.I' Knit i UK C.M VMtslTY. A. II.
Shri-oii, Wa-hingtoii corre.-Miiiileiit
for tl e Sal' iu Stiile-iiian, kiivh: S'lia
tnr Milrln !1' hill, which the aclinic
eoiiilnittiv on pulilie lainln now Iiiim
under ('"iwiili ratii'ii, relating to the
granliitg of two towiK'hip. of puhlie
laud. In the ctnte of Oregon for the ue
of the Slate iiiuvcndty, mithori.e. the
goveninr to -. Ic.-t out of the IlltliU
of the 1,'niteil within
the wiid xlate, 4'i,u-n acre., in legal Mile
ilivi-iolix, Ivltig a total ciUivulc nl to
two tnwii-hlpo, mid nliiiM ivrtify (he
name In the iMi'retary of the Interior,
u hn-li;i!l I. .rl Ii wit Ii, on reivipt ofMtid
ivrtilii'iile, i lie to the nlale of ( Iregoti
patent, for Miiit lalltl-: provided, Unit
the pPM' f.!-of -aid lainla, w hen wild
or lea-ed, -liall Iv, and lorever remain,
a fund lor the u-e of the I'niver-ity of
Sr.Mt I! il TM. A Wa-hingtnii eor-re-nindiiit
writi: Two kiar r.mle
wrvjee !n.e Ui'ii eslahli-hed In Ore
gon, oin' III I. Illll lilld the other ill
Lane county. The first it from Itrow Iih
vilie In Ih l-i-y. ..X mili'i lilld hark,
tlll. e I inn I. W.i'k, hy II lu'liednle of
im! to exi-. i one and nlie-hnlf Iioiiim
rum. inn tune each way. The mvond
in from V: in n to Ivi-. ii, live mil.'
and I .ii k. one hniil whediile inch way.
Hoth of tl.te ) rvi.i-1 la'gin March M
A I' I II K "-KVKNTII 1'lllNT.- A 1 1 lio. !' 1 1
(tie -'nil- it li'.'Ui.n ha. lint made much
n ii-' alKint it- mi'i'-ral wealth, the re
jhii t of lh. ili.-.H'tnr of the mint almu.
Hk rank a- a gold pmnivr to Iv
-cM ii'h, h:i inir an accredited prodin
lio:i of lh.' goVertiiiK nl inint. and a--.ay
i.l!l. .
lut.n. At In. !i"iiie iii Sn'iii r pic
ciiict, alxnit lo mil.-, w. -t of Kug.-nc,
March ::, iv. , ,,f lirighf. dix-a-e, Mr.
Wetell. :i-'..l aliont TJ .ar. lie
i leavra a Alfe. The remain. i re
j huried In the liuiiaii .vun tcry.
I liall; (Inar.i, ".
Wim. 1!hmkt Fiti ha v. Tin nfir
. e in t he Mn-rtll". i-a-.' -iit word here
i tlii- alteiiKMii l.y J. JJ. YVya't toClr
' cuit Jiidj.''- Ki.Hcrtori that he woiihl
' make In- r.-M.rl r iiday.
Cat Is instccrcd dau or
cie, Willamette street.
very Pair Guaranteed.
address San Francisco Cal.
i'!,;'.'.-".!!! 1
tu'wr i ..
I. "Tiv l
szmr' i i
S i m in o ii m
L!vt ILi''ti
l.itor t!i
o n 1 v Live
:ui 1 Ki'lfl'V
iiii'ilicin-t to
whii'h you
i'. m pin your
it i 1.1
t;v", ..
ct .M.'.
. A
.i n .1
', ;ii".
l;r.r:!v . Liver
in ;
" 'i t
:i 11
l.y ;.i!
r in I'tiw !''i
ois'.- in Li'i'ii'l,
taken .lrv m .
t ) I t-'-l.
. r I!, .-il-.v
il I- 1 ."
'i l.l. r It
t . J.VCk-
Thi. Kinff of l.i.r l'ili(
' I liule ii-i I ''. - ml - I
I ill or it ml i u ii " in-. . in - inn . ...
Illll'; of ail l.i i r lu 'i ' lln-. I
Iii-li" iii" t Ii' l In i' . Il .'.
M,M, lllniltlll,'.'.iill.
tfi: rt:v v cu K.r
11m tli. Z M.imp in rr.l mi
CeliiM !Uf I '
The nl of.
"F.UgrllC," I
iiilliliiiltee m
the window .
There nn- tli.
-trljx -, m-ii n
S. Ilag in iiIhi
the ll-iial .I.
.:y I. .
ve I
d nr.'
nf S.
. e pi
tilt a:
Il 1' .
r I lie I'
ii ri c.'i
ili-p! .iy
t McMncr
1 l.y the
I i". . iy in
:. i'
r.t oii i. .-lore,
the star" lilld
I el -l::i-
. I i I II .
The .,
liie C
I .In! of
i nit I
. !y .".nd
strlpM il rt-.l and w lute :!: rn
iiIhiiiI IT fit t loll;: u itii "I
worked lelicthwi-' 111 I il'gc letter.
The ensign it u s.i;.'.re of .;.;e Willi
while Hlar. All ni" -: rmi-l;. . rule, of
g.Mnl material mul : re crilii.'' wear
The eollllll ttif wliicii h:; . .11 charge
the woik of procuring thc-e colorH will
make a tour I hi iiftt runnn or Iniimr-
row lilld enllt'Ct the sllli'l'l ipt lulls to
pnv for them.
Ve will take thi.- nr. mumi to repeal
that the steamer will leave Taylor
Htrect d"'k in I'.irtlviid at .'i:.'l l n'el.N'k
next M'Uida.v iiioriuni.-, March 1J, for
F.iigfiic. Ail order sent from mer
chant hero to i'nnlaml linn shniilil
Include shipment hy lhl- Imat. Kn
cniiragt'ini'iil inu-l U' ..'iin Captain
J.iiiis. to limuif regular H ip- on sched
ule lime. Our t. pie have In en w ail
ing a long til. if for traltle rt liip. Iitii.n
and How the opM.rttiliily pi'r-clits It
self lilirlnl mppo, t slum! 1 he forlli
(timing. JlTiiiK !:iivM:ir
To St iiii
iliili'l.ii',' llii Ka-trrii
gull A 'till III.
lii suit of 'iryl'.r, the ; .'k county
farmer, vs (h.vcrimr ri-iiimyer and
Hlate iHiard lo locale Ihe I rain-h a-y-Imii,
Jll'lg.. r.iiiiii 't rrnl.Hl the di
inurrrr ..I hi e an.; : fuite.l petitioner'
prayer for an iiijim. '.ion. l'nH-r lor
an npl't al lo . he supreme min t are al -ready
'rf. ct 'd and hearing will Iv
nought at Ihe ireseiit trim.
FlM V I.K I !! V Ml'. -Courier:
A ! mul" l.ol.
a few ilavs in "hitting I!
ward la-t vc. It. S a
Crrlil's I'i-sl
s!opM d here'
ii' p. nl" -out h
uif.i with live I
nf the innlefi i t rn.ty in l!,. ( ..mpany's :
wiMidpile i.lrl -i t i:.. n 1 1. rliy at lioiiir ;
in lu r i' ciuaii. .-he i-
IhittV live y. ar-ol .Hj..' a'ld iiad lln iip
pdir.iii.f i f a l iruier - l.aiil u m k"-d j
wife. I'll' r- v a- rn.t hill v i. i.i I- i,lk- I
lug aluiiit I.-r. . h. n - i n hy the'
Courier retKi t.-i .-), wa s.-a!.l in-ide!
a s.iiiar
K I. 1 1 (Mil:
H."d nf Int.
rehouse, eal begged
near li e S I l A
ing a hi-ci il -h" Ir
somi-vi lu r" in lim ii
I., vi
I .: .i ... i .:
. .-I..' I..I
I I..T lap
I an
to c.i
eh !
I new p.iH'i
I lie' i uiih
eatiill' -hr
,. vi .
n .!,. c
.1 in.
it. in
t tl.r ruh
'llll'i'llt to-
j.-Ur I l Ig-
.v. Wbii;
I ha't-o and
; at. -II . -Ir
1 "
lislo d If
.ilil' il al
Ki n its;
Helen. Mi
liva.l lur-
lil.lne in-ar '
he ha- lt ;i
illg hi- 111'
A !
.1. . .-I.
. iinl.-'. ar-
!.' to' his
.1 I.
; V. t II I
1 I II"'
,-. I
., limn it iii. ii
-. v. li Vi a!-.
! r. ; I
-. i 1
' i
V -;- nt
' III. In--,
Hint- jnii- n t !.
the !: I I w n t
innli'l li. Id- ii '.
the Wall'" '"1.
IU'v' pp.v a: . i
. .: lu
ll i - in
in I. n. in
i i 'j -
fri"a. nt
1 1 1 g I ' . iii-
Which pit
Mr. Macau:
of the Imrk
1,1' '.'
in '-
nir! vi id i. t'irii
ni as hi. V '. i:inl
to tint cmiilry i.
w ill M-niiit.
l1i,ft i' it ! 1 h i
fJ,.'Jl I '' t l. I
Milttl, Ml. KIT Mi.
lirporl of the ii
The lllivtlllg "I tin- Voter, nf
IiimiI district No. 4, I .a in- county,
' i in-gnti, n I t lil u( tin court luiiix- in
i I lugciic, Orv;;ui, March "i, It'.'l, nt T
n'cl x k p. III. Mifllhg culli'il to
order I iy I. W. Oshuru, chairman of
! tin- Ivaid of director, who presided
1 ovi'l tin' mini . diti. F. Craw, clerk of1
the tliKtrii't. acted nt secretary. I he
-i i rrtary ri'X'l tin' notiiv of tin- minimi
iiii-i tinu'. 1 he elerK IlK'll ri'int III' nil
, iiiml rrHirt, v hii'll wiw onlinil on tile.
l 1'. V. O-lmrii, iliairiliHll of the tioitrtt,
llii'll riii'l tie nlHllliil n'Hirt of the
Uianl of iliri i lorn, Wlili'll Wim pliuvil
''ii tile. Mn' lull of 1.. I'. rorriKl that
1 ' he Ixuiril of illnvtom of thin illilrict tv
1 nut horliil mul i-nipowiTiil to horn
' ' he hiiin of am, or mi nun Ii thrnnf in
i n iy Iv iii'iv-nry In pnv ( If the iinleht-
iliii oi of n'liil iliKtliel ax it limy li iiiini'
'hie ninl to it milium the m-IiooIi for
I lie Uxii.'il ten i of nine luolit h ill the
, year. Motio i inrrieil iiii:iiiIiihiiiIt.
( hi inn: ion ailjiHinnil.
tiKO. V.,
' 1". W. tlil'H, Ni'n'tary.
( luiiPiiiin.
I-' i in
'I'o Ihe I. gtl
; No. 1, I .line
: I i i.imi:n.
( i, your
j Tie 'in i nr to t
..r t lie year e
I V i )l I i re.':'
(Ill ll'.lllllll
mi ruing a
tax Ii vy a-
I. H i Ii .g It- il
many y. hi-
t.inii."'.l . t
ii'nr ;i v. !" I.
Toll. KKI1.UT.
i:, Or., March .1
voter- of ncli.Mil
unity, ( rcgiin.
I vi I.
l oard of diri'cton., have
I'lnil t.i you our ii'M.rt
ling today. It may he
i the eVeiitK of the pa-t
fuchiilige ill the law
v-uieiit mid laxatloii, no
aiie at our la-t annual
I Ufii the cii-toiii for
I. The hoard wim uu
..e annual meeting otic
iov r'ltinii fur the inir
on I lie -clliKil mid In
.iinl iiilere-t thereon,
:ile l.i-t Si'pl nil" r, ana!
. iv-1 on -nine tit In r iii
I'lin Uirrowcd Vi'i, h ;
t .lie and place a- it
il a.- I.- It nun a-
,.'i.i and illicit t which 1
it f-cpleltilnT, w:m paid
p. i he inler. -t due on
Inn. I of ha- Imi ii '
i In- interest on the Hole ,
nl I'll, i
a l. iiii
!i I-. . ii
!.t' -II"'
.'.I .1, l.t K
.i Id In- hail.
I !" mad
II- Ikiii'I o
i line due '
'. and I.iIm Ii
i ii iiiintiin
.. I, and al-'
. 'i due to (
W. d oling. I
i i.e lollnw i
1 ,i linauriai
.! llii- dale:
I I Al. (XINIill loN. j
rst.t limit' w ill exhihil
condition of the dmlrict
I I III 1.11 1 KM.
r' III ! ""ll
IV, I ' I
. lo rn. I ( i-IiimiI year
lur Min.' 1 1 in v . .
.k liiau rsa-ielT. sail
I't.-in l r I, 1-..I . 'J
IK. nut' July J ', I- 'I
Hi. on. .In; afl. r
I... oj
n I'inU'
. ullt l'i'.i, illll'
.i -I "HI 111'
..I r. . V ..
'. -I on .tni.
.1 .-
Hi, ml
i .-
il II. M. Ml.
t:ii.-i.-.t (in aiiiiii' lo A t'Tll I. I-1!
;.. .i.-iil VV. -. t-u -liirt.', tin. Novi-iula-r
.-l. I-'I
iiili n .t on Mtini' lo Ni.vt'inls'r-'l, l-1!
-ii' ol J. 1.. ! vi, Uue Ki'Lruarj Jl,
j.iiii .ti
Jul u
I oo I"'
I'll ttl
.--I mi sAiin' lo Kfl.rtiary Jl, 1"
i-liani-tiiit, i-'iiiitaii-l
ju to
-.HI 1.1
ai'i.t'ai an.
i..iMJtiii tin' i-iniiitjr ami .tale api-.r.
Il. mil. -Ill li.r l"al, Mr wollltl ict'l Irnlil
thai Miurtt' ni V.rll ami Aiiku'I ol t lit
-n m i.i jmr ' -nil :,iMiti
1 imii tin- -' ,-nnli imx IpvIi-I In January
all. .wing 1" sii rrnl (or .k'lltlUt'll-jr,
almill I.J tl HI
I.- kviiiii a ilill.-lt til .
III, J.I 111
I 1, o ui
Ill e-limatiiiK the expense of the
-.'IiimiI for the year following;, it will Iv
nece ary to only esllnuite for aevi-ii
month a thai will carry to a time
w hen we shall Im ahlu to reali.e n--et
ipt from thu levy which may Iv
t'linle next January.
We llnd that the cost of carrying mi
(lie m'IhhiI foi these, acveii innnths, at a
redilclinii of '(( ja-r tvnt ill the aalarie,
i.i Iv iilxitii C';, and at a reduction
. f LH vr wnt to lie alioiit fHI4.I.
Theae cstiinaies) Include iiiiMvllauitiu
exviine, iiiii wood for the whole year.
' iih thu latt -r estimate we llnd we
-liall have an .ndrhif dues, on the 1-1
f April, v.. of iiUmt ti?.W.j.lrt. Il
aiiuld, lliciel .o ret-in eXNlif nl at this
ti'iie to nut In ' je thv Imard to horrovv
-ul'ilcieiit moi cy to carry on the hcIiooI
a'ld iiImi to meet any of the present
hi a they . my hcitune due.
At incftiu
l.iat pnrj nse
I. arhi T, i tit
phi-ants, wer
Cent nil llu
-hi, Aiigii-la,
I i-ie Wallnll,
lure l-j. .,ui.
. of the lionril, held for
.-t June, the follow ing
i' a large number of np-eliom-n:
ling Missei, Ida Putter
ilteron, Carrie Hall, A.
una Criiiu, Jennie Mr
.' Mr. C. II. Jones,
IhckiiiMiu, Mercy Ap
. ma lemlcy, Mi - llv a
.l.-liliie Aiid.r-oii, Mr-.
W'l.iteak. r wa retained
ry mid i. V. .-. il'-id at
(i -ary !.
Mi--.- 11
i legale, M'
1.1 I"". I. (.
.k nil..,,'
e- salari'
Vl k r in.
lit N .
; at ns-i-laiil- wi ie left
: h, t hut ol -1 1 1 -r 1 1 ii 1 1 it-1 -
n l.t 'l IN . llllllllll, lllllt of VJee prill-
p .l ill t"i r inniitli and of siiN;riii-
i .Sent i.t : .
i ive of I In
:i. a-, live
in I- rt
. !:ly sre II.
; rim. .- it
Ve fivl lh
l '. I'l lake
i'-, pHi.i:
I " Tll'l III
. lu r. and
:ili'4 the
. id I.- I.i.
v the a-'
i -r annum.
" teacher Itoid life di
lute iliploiii.i- iii.d It,"
"ate- of Ihe lii.t ;;r:i.l".
"ii cr. .1. ntial- yo'i w ill
.1 they have all ha I with'
' in ir prole ion.
i it i pro r in tl.i r.
'.llii' linllcc of the i-rit .-
iy made, of the action i f
. gardtolhe I.t-lion .f
lie -nlaries paid to llieln
t-t year, and iu doing ao
fair and iiii.nriiul t .
three year or more, and
ir . (tim-.uri-.n i,f the coil of the
-i lii ami the amount ami .(Utility ef
a oik tlolie.
i h" pie-el,
"o years u
-alary wine
t he sunn' till
pi tin ipul wa. eiiiplov e l
i la-t Julie, al Ihe same
he m w rcit'ivea, ami at
the plait' of (UiC teacher
111 the ( 'elitr. I st-hl was allpplhtl at a
r.-h.rtion of 'Iu tar iii'itith, and one in
the (ieary . ',.( at a rtliietion of f 1
ilid aiioih. r i.t KV-the lir.t two plait
ia-lto 'W i, u .1 I.i- . 1 1, ri. l....-l.r.
-l .- ' I -
w ho are still retained.
Ouring thai vear, -Z, complaint
wa made that the (ieary st h.a.l leach-
er- were ii. x riemt-i, which wa.
I.K true an. I I. li.r lesi
a..r. .I....,."i, ,...l l.v tl... .-Hi...,. .J tl...
t rt-ary ari. itiiiiinaiiieti in
loemla-r nf the (s ard, rsiiall v,
laitiilnir Ihev ha.l i.ul.l thi-lr Ijtxi-a
( laimlng thai they had paid their tax.-
: the aame a. the Central arlnsd ward
iu-liy t Milled to a
I l In I-, mid
-nil utim-t iIik-
I I llllllllll illll' n
l..l, In I'll liUII
ti .ii In r- nr t liul
III I lie x'ln tmn nl
r:ir mill tlii' ini'viiiii- v. nr. Tln -i'
iMiiipl;iinl i. in:i I. l' in'r-oii. w ho
ninli rlnki- to i ! urn -nun' r 1 1 1 1 1 1
iiiiiiiiii; our ril iii-, iitnl Inn' am 1. 1
XI III lO ! IMIIIH' l ' I ' 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 lllllif fill iv in
uii'ir rrnx'iiiiii; 1 1 1 1 1 Mil- huih, in
u liirh i kIiiiII n Ii r l.iliT mi. I Ii t lit-
millllill r'ii'll i'f tlir 1'ii.inl tun M ill-
liilii tin' fai'l III rryiiiil to 1 1 n- i iiii. lux -
im ut of the ir nl 1 1 1 1 -1 1 I .i M -
Inrlll In tin- lollouin lani:il:ik'i', vl.,
, "1'rnf. J. M. W illi.uii-., Inn mi; ri -1 l; 1 1 i
i the i-ition of u nuipal of the 1 1 1 1 1 .
i tIiihiU of Ijujiiii', the ilirielor pro -
iitiled o lllnl one iU:ilili . o nil (lie
, imiNirtaiit i-'-ilimi. ami idler ihie ill
hU nitinn ctiiitrarti tl uiih I'mf. It. V.
S. liictl, wlio caiiie highly rrii.iiinit ii.l
etl hy leading cduraloit nf the atate,
ami in Ii ui we l.i l we have made no
Inl-take." At th' two ucck.
later, two diret tor- who having ex
pressed tin ir pit irrcll. e fur rclalllillg
I'mf. It. Id, W ere i li i't."!, one it hunt
opHnitmii mi, ihe nilu r hy a luai'irity
ol Lis. At the llrsl uits'iii.g of the
Uiartl aft. r the elivtioii of (he two di-nvtnr-
in March, IMC, Ihe laiard again
iMIitliirlr.l or I 'if -.TV i.i' nf the pres
ent pi i iit-i mI at Ihe -'iiue -al 'iv, hy
r.i.ii.iiii.n. . v . ..; i ... I.'.ar I.
1 luring I lie iiintit h nl J iiii--, Iv..', al
the i It tl o ol le. .'her-, Ilic ihicrlora
cllil.'aM.ris i l.i r III" ve the ealiw "I coin
plaint in r u.ii.l to tin
iu.ierifUre of
some ol III I ii'iirv -cli.a.l teaclieis, ami
-"lit ti .1 le n In I - of inure ex 'l It II. t ,
p t iin? t In r. 'lor llir -.line pi lif us had
l it il i
I 1.'.' . a;- at l.i ( t
-'Ii.. .H, . I
inolilli, I"
li ari. 'l- e
I'o.lV I'.l,
ri ( to in.
'. c VV e. it
I'n'lal- p.
! !" -a! I! v
( ', l.t til -
I I lit V I I
1. 'HI W ,1
pud In an
tia! i I
.11 1 lie I i.'.i
: i Ii
I ae ( - i.-1
I a. nty 1 1
I'.a.i - .In"
! .. ii'y i-.i.
i li. Hi
'.me per
"v flu ilal
1- .nl evpii
IIII i- rn I
l.i.tllill,' Ml
iii otlu i fa
ii t
- Iiltv hollas ii.r
and tint tin y vi i ii
able inn! ep, i ii ih'i
-' I ii. d e n I iciit ttl the plllil t' sc'i. o prrnnn.'H Mi I bull
: Ii. ii if iihliiiintl at ascertain tie r f. u lilnu . u id ii
ii I t o L't a v iic pi ill- j repair
liin an. i-t il 'the selnsil ' Al tlie (' 'ii'r .1 t.'li ml we fniunl :
I 1,. ;. , V vrllly-ll vr that thi rn ttl.s in t a toZ ti uhnl.
Vt l lie sauie timi' j invka in thu l.uil-lnig, but tin 'e we',-
- i'o .' i a I" ill I lie 'rugi.ieiitii or Ireki n Inlm of ..I unit i
- : ... .- I Irnl.i Si.xt v huiitlretl l.'nl I enh S.lile ef the .i-
ii -.
'! tl
I' ; -
.1 u
. ii lh. -re wa llir!
- i . ' .ll-' anv mole j
'. ' - ... to r I : 1 1 ii ( ell'
all ,i l-l:llll Ii licll. T j
.i. lim- w tin-it' anv
, ;,i,i t.-u'iii'it in'
iM , i-, jve
: ii
: liar
. I- t li
lil -a!.
.- o II"
I -'li
'.1'a.i .1
ii.i't. .
ii n vi hi. Il
(o mi-ir nl
. I- "'all .
llv of tin
II. . re it
I ::r:i :.
11 II s.
Ityiicnii ixui nl' I !i" -alai irs paid
Hint' y. ar-ago w il l Ihe prc-clit in the
( i litral -t lrsii, we liiel the aver-
llii.t'tif the iilii.iiint paid T III. . Illll
1 1 "en , wa II Incl.nliiig salary of
U lnciial, f in I now isV.l.n. lurlii.lliig,
also, salary of principal; an increase
now, over 1 1 live ycai ago, ol only f.l.u.l
..rover tlie avt rag" iii.mtliiy siuary
or over
paid ill
ill the Central -ehtMil tliiriug the
ar of Prof. William' service.
Thi. estimate d a' lint Include w hat
wan paid to one of the pupil who nv
nisteil three' year. ago.
A similar comparison in the deary
school give an liirn'a.-f now over Hint'
year ago of I..VT in the average anion nt
paid the teacher T umiitli. Hy Ihe
itimparion of the rales of wilaric paid
in car 1 1 w'IiimiI Hint, year ago, we llnd
theavcragc to la-$.".". s-iiiml lim average
paid now h i inonili i r-V.i. It, an in
cifiise of j.'t.ii-i in Ihe average salary
uiid -r in Kith. Willi thu employ,
meiil of hIxIivii Icaclicr ami a nine
mouth nch.Mil thi would itliiount to
r-'.L"J.TJ a year, or a little more Ihali of
of a mill on the dollar on the assessed
valuation of tlin proierty of the di
triet. Hut we tit imt again remind you
nf the complaint made of the iucxvr
le nee of "tune of the deary wIiimiI
leaeliem; and to remove that cause for
complaint, more exvrleiiLtt liar her
Were M'lct'tcil ami tlie same nilaric
paid a for like serviitu In the Central
From Koine desultory remark w hich
have Isfii mad. and cinirlu-liiii ar
rived at by ihiev who have not the
time to Investigate for tliemelve, it
may ni em ,o some of the most lilvrul
HllplMirlcr of the public school of our
di-lrlct, lh it there In Ist'ii nn undue
cxtrtiviigal iv In!. iri'iiieiit of Ihe
luiid of our di-tri.-t, iiiid in order (
prove to those tin. 1 tin re ha. Imvii ju
diel.iii itt.iiiim y in -t. a l, vvi. f.t l that
we alio'ili! i M' r till- Hi" detail,
hut to linn.' vv !io have ni charily or
plillaiil hr. uy, and lo tlii.-e who are
i lv nvs n n Iv lo '.Iii'l. r i .1 irati'iii ami
lear .i .wi, .t.r s.",... i, we . ,,e iiiii.
oVelilil ( llur i j 1 r WI'lklMll lil'l'l'tl'
, I .
.Mtu.-, ami ur'"
"I'-- ' ,
greal iv ill li ed " I
oil er f hc d at pliaiie -., but tliroilgll
I In hi"-.; ol Iiiii..- i. id 1 1 if i oil-. 'plelil
. ur'ailiiii'i 1 nf I iuiiin' cx'ti-- , we
litiv" ii'tii. iie.l I. oin I -in'liu-lng any
Ii mil
I In- .. I t 'ivilllalle- In u
i !. Vie,, . illll, -.IV". led t"l
"...,. . h-
cure roil
ii.iiiii'v.i I.
p. , I ( t i n i
i- .i t itil .1
lit t ' ' I - l.'l IIS cco-
n 1 1.
a i'l to itp-
,.r liii-ir nn-
th it
o l
ee .11.
- I
I. I- 11.
-t I., -b
, r- ' "
lali -il
- hull
n-t of
, I .
p.. I ". .
!!." lit
s j ' ; 1 1 i
of in.,
h... b.
:i 1 1 1.
1 .! s or
1 th" r. ,
in i. u t
l lill" ' 1
:. -.i of .1.
1 1 h ut I h" r. celpt
I : .o line I' ii.'. f r
t :
I ',
,".'i uid :
ml I., n. :i
Vi.n.t t
I . ,o it.. i.
.ug li..;
I Hil l I,
. . . r .v -- --i i r i:i I
i .
fc'riut.t fur full .-li
i- I...-' roll rt.-d i.
.n't.ei p ,st f'
'.'.'. i .' .. .. .i
if '
'... . r mai.Hd iu
I, ., ii. i ,. ii,,
o .lute Ml."
lIlM '
,-i pteuiler, I'J , in
, all I ..I". '11 t
j a-'. I v u if I a I If
i Ih.w ef tl.e .1 rtil.'l
iTa.,1 l.y .' f"f the
11 la
e 1 k iin l is nil.j t
.... ... i .1.. .1,-
i, ...i si sii r..i .', sir . i.e!.
.. i. ... i.
lira. .
At the H'.nu .l i l.e' di t .r. io
March, tiers w;. a h.rg.r ..ta
. . t.-l I i -... . ,- ..r ,n II ii .iHlnrv i.t
Kui-'eiie. ai d the conti -I wna orr the ail
' . ... m .i . .
....'... In. k
1 njllilatr .Clou in l.i" c
- !'' '. 'I le ticket
h.lVO.g ree-Vl-t
of I ) there r-
n . ru' .. -.'enll . ,
ti ., lint a- t!nr!
I,,, ,,,,,
, ..lnry, i a; I.:.., r r -
M ' a. I, . I ti -k. t"
re-fti.ble ril nl
runmcd uLing
hill to I kT. . I l.'l I '
Itig t.-e ).- I I.I .1 .. I
I arm ' I ion i.t svi.nir-t .-' " a.-'misi
liurn g the pa-!
i iu Iks hiiki.ri,
i- t ...r.. .nt Iw'll a
i change iu Ihe huaiii'isl cu d tl .u t.f the I
I whole mtiiitry, and il la th opinion of
tli ii Isinrd tliHt in order to rti"etu' i i.n.l
lie riiBMKl. iit with f lir tune t'nil in I ho
avlcetinu i if teachers for the r-1 1 1 1 1 1 i.i.r
iI.itk i ImiiIiI l k r 1'it't.iiii, peruap f
J'l per I'l'lil IU til HI, I II r I Hunt till' tl'RllllTM
during ti.,' t'oiitiiiicuiiv nf the llriuiiriil
ill ri KKIi ill. We I'llllllot, IlllWt T, r.-'l'M-
in in I tli .t tin' nipt -mnry urn k u Iiii !i
lnitH hinl for tin I'io-I fmir r lit
jfHr lw iIimihiiiu'.I Willi, unr run i'
hhihmioh Uic 'Iiiii Im-li Im. I'.-n mik.
i;i i-t.'. I t.iii ik. tin-I'l'iilrnl mul I ii iry
m'IuniU two M'UiiiiIi m'IiimiU riiliii'lv iti-
il iii'i.t of rm'li ctlit-r. IU'hiihiiiv, tliori 'i jIi
t ork nn.l i'UKilli'iitiuii, 1 id . n. 1 tlmt the
m'IhhiI of IIi.n ilintrirl In i f iiit hn1 I 'u
mini n)i t. in, tlu.t tin to ! ii ktilIiiuIumi
, mul iiumiiiiiiI) of nrk.
' If the two m-lionla were m'iiiri.t mil
ilmlllirl, litnl witlinilt auH'ivit.iHi
me inn' individual whrno I. ii- n. m it
to properly r.'KirUlit the grmltst. Hi. te
mild he today nt l. n-t one more Icich-
errr.pnr.d. i'lieie I. In. I a Iowa in lim
land with ii a'hiH. pi.pu'iiitii.ii ipNil t.t
n urc, will, h ri not prnri.le for ..
'Ipervi i i, mid win never full hi do
i tll'i. ' hull .lk. 11 t It
i llii'ii'iirv
our n'hnola mid retrogrnd.
; not mi int-litutioii iihoiit iih in wlnrh
in ten nr I wrviy (lemons ale i lllpli.M
and niHiiy of a leaa miiulvr, in which
llii'll' IN lint II il'' iTIIlIrllilrllt, or for. lll III
or fume Hitui'nr per mi, an
whnae ll-st
duty la t ' nt:. - tl In '. t g. : ' con . .. of
ll.eunik, nr. I to nit', iiiHiinga nn.l
In. a t. 1 uat w li.r1! im protltal.!.. il .ri
v ite . nil... ri h i. iH'i. U ii. is. in ;.nh.
he HfT.iirn.
It la d nil. d pruts . henlo
tiler. 1 litioti . I fir s'l..
- i,...i nut .
'f l Vcllcl I
in every iiiutr-i ll p.-mt i
Him I'll-' two n .a I iif
tint nun,;. i. r . ,.' IV -' 1 . up.
the nrri'.
"f ,
, Hie pientil pt neipii', thu l!i..ird
I l.t
'f til ilinlil.lilig .ici.t liuliii (;'! id
" lug ti nipli I tmili foi l, i'lie.e rre
I imk en ruitln pMiist, d'.sli.iirttl iili
'UliI 'I'l I' whittled lll.d I IllV.'d Willi". ii luitj nit I iii ai'e.i. ti.'nri'ii. I Im
-nl el .s"l w In.'li I t.nU il ob.'. i .
I I'arvit .., tt'rttingH iitnl Hcrul.-.m, stuii.:
.mill nn ue i I'liiuv i, i.i a ir.' in tu.t nii.r.ti.-i ot il. e ns-ti-
in t lie ! "ig g.'in t .lion, au.l bis. un-igl.tly II wr
Ion.- pivv i-' ''lid retlii prs lite l u v ifw lh it wi.a well
. i - vihii h t'n'cui.i'nl to thiiroiiwhly iIih.'iii.I i-ii
iiiii, iinl as Willi tli" liiiniHii depravity Hint in li -l
' mi'"!l a condition if lliie;i rrointi.e
1 f iiiiiilalii ii nf tlie Inul ling tin rncki I ..-I
, Ixcti tills' l"v.iig l,.i a lh r.'ai III it I . I
nf tlieileli ruiliiiiliii'i nil the pall of Hi -no
ef the vonlli of our cily to ilrgradH tint
pres. 'tviil. ui ot the liuhho chiinl Mti.le,
liepiuri. were luu.l iu and ulnuit thw
IVntral ariiiM.I a well i.i pottl.l he will.
out too gr 'Ht hu ciillny, mid lie. hitil lii:
l rlenui..'ii.
From mi of ihe (it'.iry aelimd
il waa f.ui'id tlmt fmui lim iuaullliiii'iil
fiillliihitliin tlin hulliling hinl nettled,
ctni'kltig the pliiHlrruig an na tu iIhuiiis')
it mul euiisn Home of it lo fall elf. It
then-foro Ut'iiuirt iiiavi.ury to put iu
eighteen lew upinrtn averaging double
the aurfar.'.t of tint interior aiipporta, am I
tliern ii). t iiiHullliU'iil fouiiilatuiu for a
Umlilllig of it MiEtt. The center of the
luiildiiiK had to he raiaeil in order to
level lip tlin ll.siia. Tint Ui)i closet wna
fnillid lo lt iu a hltle bitter oolidiltoii
I him at tli. Central acliool. The 'IiimiI
Imil.hug and out huil.luiga were clnaiial
atid repairo.l in a. ivoiioiuicnl a luamier
an In ooualalent with health and deceiiey.
bmoe that tuue tho huilihnga have
btvu kept in a uiwt and clean ooiiditinii,
and there haa been none of tho school iti
tute wautonly tlelllid or ileetrojetl.
There hua lasnu Odltivaled (ilflli a tie
crlicy, digiilly, pride and prnmirVHtioD of
everything ontiiittoted with the m'IiimiIh, ua
any giMitl citixi'ii might well lw pruinl of.
Iliiring the latter pari nt the apring term
of lKlJ, Hie blackboard of Ihe (leiiry
achool becatue n ptir from the poor
quality of Ihe pWcriiig that it wna
foiiuil nrcesaary to replace them through
out with new one. The old plaaleriug
ami lath were removed, new barking put
in and the board rebuilt entire. The
work wa iilacl in the hand of Ibe pme-
riit principal under Ihe direction of Ihe ami the entire cost
of thewt blae iboarda, which during the
paal year nud a half have proven lo be
llrtt elim, wn only about one-bit. . ilie
iihiiiiI oot id audi Hoik.
It wa Htate l at the school nut Hug
held iu January of this year f'mt ehiidreii
of tin dwtrii t were ilt biinn) from at-
telidliig (rliiMil becu'ioe ll.ey Coll hi lint
pay lln-ir rate lil.n or hcIim.1 lull, i lie
hoard ilcaire hi einpliiitii'idly dt'ii;- i nd
stump ua f.iht" '.uc!i mi am a,. I to
shihi llu.t no "i ate. In la" huve bell e-
L,'uted lo any tiwni of t.,i. diatrie'.
' .... ..
o .r-
("Kill-pact y
.r. lint tit'.tl in bill i
' n pn-.f nl,. I ,, nmi resuleiil wl.
' iw.d (! In r... Hveral pupil
have Imvii iiii hie to 'tvurc l..
becu hiippln I by tl ol'i r pupil . id
''to teucli -rw.
I'llIVArg M IKM.I.s).
liir ng Ihe pail three Jciir ti...e
i ii vtt h. . ii liu private -chool Iini.iitii i, I,
. itvpt r nn I llim a clara of little i Hil
ar. Il iiig't'nl la aoiii- liiiifterg .it. 'ii wmk.
, Il wiml 1 item from lh; ti.ut t' cru m i t h'-eii along a V -) g t ( r .1 i e.
, l.ol. in til t-fl ii'ixtiry . f Die "! I, e-.
i I'lill'y it iit-ll Wo l.ik" . o;,,- dris' .-.'I
that tl:-:.' I Hot a pahllC lli-tiliilur, in
. y L't.uii. limit, hut that h. ui'U. . r
I. Opp. 1 1 lOli. to li UIHIihi iin-ul , t (I
iu it t-r it .hi iiny . al loe l.t . 1 1 i
in i ihrt"' or eoiitiol it.
ror e .. h of the p.u.t three )ur Hi 're
: In. Im eu a lrfc'e cli.aii.r pupil grailitiii. U
(l. l.l lie who. I, l.l. l t It x h.'i bet ' a
or. .1,1 In ..'ir acliooiu i.ti l a miirce f
pride lo i .r cnimuti.t,.. p'i;i
linv" mail . nf IliHtu intir'-.l Hie h'i.:
I'liiv.i'i'y ai.d dii'iiig tl" J.aiit )i.r
theru wet" adimtt. d to tint I'uiver ;v
" " I'Upl'.H who hid only pan ed Itio'll'
!". rrw.l , f.vl that ape ill -r. II
at It-net f .r Ihe w..r di tut Hi tiie t tti.i
, .'aiail. And J II, 'I a
yet linidiie,! th woik
1 if
i",v' K''" l"to the i X'tmiliatmii In Id "l
leiirhiT nurl iihtaim d teacher rmlill-
1 eal.-a li K-airii auiiiMii, aim many who ufe
, graduate t from the public school have
. . . . ... 1 . . .. . ..
gone out without any further luntrti.tmii
I "' wU'l;t .l.'Cliilly.
! " ' "" I "altering (t.ti.lilioli.
r .iv le. i" nun. iuhi v siit' w
with due deliberation and rare in order
I that we may not ini'lr that which ha
been meat wiaely tnaliitailied and fns
tere-l duiiiig Ihe past few year., fur il is
m''r" eaay to dlaorgafiiEti and d. moralize
t httl it la to build up and perfeilt. A
; sel.m.l can lie disorganized in one year In
j aiicb an eitstit a to rupur four or an
Year lo hrnig It up a-uin I.i the same
, ,,
lliiriug the wiater jrar ago, tlia fur
liiii' i i iri the (l.-iiri I. lul ling Imvruih
I'o ir lln.t tin' H'li! room i-mil I imt hj
Ki i lit u!l I'.iuifort ihly wurui, .ml iluring
in "i. i.,t.'ly i'.iM uiiitlitr tlin rlnlilreo
"ii:! ti i l.i in rol l mi l wore their wrn.
hi 'liii, nit! ) c 1 tln' fiiriim'rM hml
he-n l i hut t.i 1. 1 1 . 1 . liHif )er. It
mi-, I l.errfnr', tnivHa iry to Iihvm thcia
ri linilt iliirm thi. iit Hiimmer ht cost
i'f four hnii. In . I i..llnrn.
Tlie rout nf repiuriim the fimniUtiori of
the ( i nry n Ii.hiI Ikiiic, the eiwt of nw
lilBrkli.iiiriln, ih piikt of new fiirmuv.
mill llio fi.iliiri. to Wvj Niiy tut nt nil Inxt
M iii-li. hii l low Hliite r mitl, ?7i I hort,
nil ih.ii Iiiim'iI linve pluiv.1 theili.trirt
in il 'lit.
We hllhlnlt tlli'e f.ii'tH fur tlieciiil.i.lfr
iil.on i f 1'i. rv fnir inunleil nli.M of tliit
-'''. " ! tliNtrii'l, iihiI Hiwrt had It Dot lawn
im f..r the in-.ti-il r. i.aira liefore runtioiiml.
in.. I for I Iih furl I., I im levy waa raadtt
In. I ii- ir, Unit thrre would lihv Im-po. no
audi lime md c.m,liti..ii of tint diatrirt
tnilat. l li. a aohool dialnet in
the aiute which anpiHirta a luiiw or ttD
iniu.l lis at'lmnl enn rnr, hut that liai
nf hr. li plin'i'd in limn. cud ihatreaa from bw-
is nig .l. privi-l hy tin. i'eut rliange la the
a ; law of Ii vjing Ihe rik'ulnr tax one
il, ago.
I'liet'i nre the rnuae. that hare lsl In
H..I .1.1.1 S l. I,. I. s ,... l,s. ........
I 1H1Mi nlij ,Jn, ,.xtravagatit and iojn-
j hi 'i n n .'ip.'ii'litur.f .
I 1L luuinl have en Icavored lo exerrise
tlie Hume jinlii'ioiiM icniioniy ami rare Id
tlie I raiiH.ictiona ot Ihe achool a
I in their it: liv, dust h.laii. and huaineee,
iin l to that en.) tl ey rtitsntl into written
i etititruriH mill the tetu'liera a required
j h) I"W. They have carefully seen to It
uiiii i - i ii iiriirr i .. lie), i a legal cert ill.
- i teacher
I n.g the
. I "' tun of each
i vi a .viild not be de
. f the publio f initial
. feel tliat we have
pnv. ..I.
dll.l t.r
m iv Jl.l'e, ,
of HIIV pll I
il:-r ,i .".I nur di tie fiiillifitllr and to
the 1 tst inter, eta i f ILih district, and that
wet. .1 nilTrr im lint nveineiire from
coin i,irisi"i with f i njsr yeara, and there,
fore coii-t nn tnvt-: i'idli.ll nf our act a
pub ! . Hi.', r.
1 '. el.-, k's bnt.V n Iihvm been carefully
i xkiii"" i eu 'h yeitr i.n. I ftutiid tit lie ery
is nr - , i in .1, 1 of r Inn in s mid neatly
kepi. V.- Cr.i T C ' e.fnily court an n
iiiii' ii. n i I hi u ti hi nli hy any corape
It I.I i.iili.nrily.
We In ve no npol.'i;iei lo nnke for any
i f on ,it !j i.ud are iu,ly to aiirreDth r
the ufTi.ii i f the dn.!rn't to our legal tic
it .. in i ;!ite, i i vHja lniiliig fur the
Kiippott m il hiuld.iig tip of a tlrat claaa
Hcliti l in t-very pnrtiriihir in our faircit.
K. i ,'i rlfully itihtnittetl,
r'. W. OKiirim.
.h.Miit'A J. Walton.
11.1). Pa ink.
Dl.lrli-l lerk'a (nnnl Dnpllrale
Tn iho County Sriiiiol sup't. ol Lane
Comity, Mule of Oicgon:
Air: I lierrwltli iraiiiiuil to you, a.
reipiired hy law, the iiumiul report of
Hie Sclioid. In lliMrlrt .No. 4 In your
I'.itnitv, lr the jear cmllng the flrnt
Mtuuhiy in March. s",i. Title IV, Xec ti! and M, of tho Scliool Law ot
Oregon. ihl .rni-Tit a. male ri hai.e total
1, Ntiiiiiier ef rt-.ltli'iil per
a..iitH'lwiH'riiiiraiiil taeiily
yt'ui i.r hki', l.t'ii.naitia in
Hi.-.11. HI. t al ilato ul llii.
1. No. t.r le.iit.'iit piiill.en
l. iln-il m I'ii l . 1 1- si'ii.M.u.liir
iiiK His yntr Ih-Iwi-i-b four
Ml I0 lilt
an. I ai vi ur-i.t aue
4WI Oil lOM)
t t s
'.'-tl Jul Ma)
I U It
1 I
- 111
- a re-lilt'ii iiii ni lw In
In ilMirl.-l snrnlli'il in lite
piil.lit- ael..M.ln nn. I.t 4 yvai
awe iluilitK lim year
3. At ersir.' .laily alien. lance
timing lliu at-lionl leriii or
. No. of It-nrlirr. rinployi-.l
In lllf III. ill M' o( III.
tliatrlcl itiiritia Hie ytr
i. No. ol leat-lii-r. i'll.ilove"l
liolituig rlisl Krato cvrlid-
N. N... t.f li'ttt-licr. i'ii.iloye.
.In in. K Hit. year llulillUK l l'tl
H. No. ..f leill'llrl tliiil..vei
.luring llu. year liol.ling
M.llit Illil.
II. No. of cniMren iiol at
leinlina any m'Ii.n.I. U nrlit
llu ysar. Iti'lai'vii 4 anil 'fit
yi'ais nl aao
li. No. of IfNl'll.T
In the ii' t.rli.H.1. Iu the
tllttil. i il'irlnx tint ysar
IX N... of oiiii. enroili'tl In
prlval. scli.s.l In .h tlla
liu l tlnriuu Hi. yeur ...
II. K.liiiiut.l' Value of acliivl
..iCS. Ilil'lU.lllia Ht'lllM.l IlllUMI
1. l.stniiitii'tl t aim of wli.s.l Inr
nltul. Iifhoiitlii' In at'li.M.I linliae
.'i. K ti i.sle.l t aim" 1 aiiaralu,
ll'tl. I I . X Itntps.. eliihi'il, t-lulla,
-i-ll' ol I .I. lets, l-le
17. .Vlootti.l of 41.1-1 nil at ll.Mll
I11..1..1 or ..lln-r a. ImmiI .rovr1y,
I .-1 1 1 r 11 1 i" 11. I.e . . y I -
Is. t raw. amount of asUry paltl
tn .ii-11 Melier.t pi-r tiioniU iluruig
III.' j. ul'
I'.l Vi .-r mil niuo tint . f vulary p.ll
fi,, ,i. I .ii-lii rt p t lutiiitli tlur
In. la. ) ear ...
1400 iu 1
tit it
t.i.M.iuL PTtrntru . ai'MBEa.
'.m ... of uiiiiiih, p,.r, Hi-trli. vl taught nut I In' V ear
21. t... . I iiii ullia ptltml. 't'h. M.I laualit
"latuii; ii,t m....
V -.. O' JO ,t ll . l.'Nllt f
i... Nn. ot - U....I hu .'- I.uill ilurlDE Ibe
:i. n... of -r,..s.l litintc In Uil district
i I. in. i- ... ...
.v.. I v. ir - "i'"l f.n tl Willi uila-
hlv l-Nltl.'
'I'.. I-v.iir ii'sil furnllie witU
. I i On Lim il ... l ary I
;7. So. . I . il votsi5 in ih .iBirit-t l..r
."' a' . pur . .s -
t. i .i.i' t i i . i.i ef lukaa t.ttsl anil
! i .. I tl .1 it. Hit
l.AVKail. f4IIHl I.
Nn. of
lu pile la.
naiM in., t Hour
I Ir-t llcelT
I l?
I'll il lie I U' -
I ... it'i II. i.i' r
uiii ...; r
..III. ,lai..y
t'elm. nt 1 e
I'ltiu nv rilliinil,e. V. ol W'rllle
V lt ,ii. .' I VI, i.l .1 A i ll
VV r It' ll Al .11.1. .. tie
I'rhimtv i..-it"iuir
I iii..r. n'ns. r
I'roii.iv t.raiiit.iMr, l..niaiitl. l-.M.aa-.
Ailtjiiic-I i.rt.iinni .
I ti n ... -1st,'. liKiorr
I'ht .nil.. uy autl llyK'.'n.
Ira ina
i iral Lt-.w.ii.
iuat a
aanit. ritAK ial urtnairtt.
tail. ru. ttol. Ct.
art tin..
SI. Wll.iln .llllllllll of
arli.M.I fun. I. Ill han.l. ef
.iLlrictrl.-ia .1 Itis Is-ain-tiiti.
.f ihi- st liiMil yt-ar,
M.ut li S. Is) WI tl
14. An... tint of tis.nev rn-e-i,.-.
..I ti.tinly itts.iirer
f'.un II. s roi.ttly arbtsil
liih.l .It.r.ltallit ).-r U
A... A. nt. ( ui.iney r
etitirl limn rotinly Irfaa
p. .ir.linut-l oa tljhttt pa-l