CITY AND COUNTY. ATl?I.DAY rEHHUAHY t Ao Kdlior'a Keeow tueadatlnu. Mr. C. K. lHvl, alitor of the Hlnmi field, Iowa. Parmer, savs: "I can r eamimeiid Chatiils-rlahi Cough I Qui etly to nil auhcn-r Willi cold "d rn.up. 1 have ued ll In my family fur two year m 1 1 1 hove found It the best I ever ucd for tin iirHPW for which it u intended, to win bottle for tale by iMiurn A IM.uiio. 1 kintu Man's Kiperleure. Mr. AlUit Favorite, of Arkansas City, Kan., wishe to give our readers the bent-lit of hlseX.rience with colds. Hoaay: "1 cont racial u cold early act tied on my lumc, aud hail hardly recovered fnuu It when 1 caught another that hungoiiall sum mer auJ li-ft me with a Imkiug cough w hlcu I thought I never would gel rhl of. I had used Chambcrlain'a Cough Humedy some fourteen years ago wiih much suit-, ami concluded to try It again. When I lml got through with 0110 bottle my cough had left me, and I have not sutlered with cough or cold aim. I have recommended it to other, aud ull speak well of It." Fifty oeul bottle for aale by Unburn & DeLa- A Kew Cure I'or KheumatWm. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, III., waa troubled with rheumatism and tried a Dumler of dltlerelit remedies; but aaya none of them acemed to do him any g'ssj, but llualy he got hold of one that iecdily cured lilnu He waa much deaud with It and felt aure that others aimilurly atllicted would Ilka to know what the remedy waa that cured him. lie states for the ben efit of the public that it ! called Cham berlalu'a Tain Halm. For aale by Ohiiukx & Irultallea Are numerous but of the Oliver Chilled Plow they fall to do the work like thr genuine. F. L. ClIAMBKR", Sole Agent, Eugene. Seeds! For all kind of field seeds go to A. Uol.lMtMITII, The Urocer. Coal Hill .Nursery. Call on or address T. N. Ncgar, Eu freue, for all kind of nursery atoek. Prune on iimroMeni plum roota thnt will not spreul, also on each root. HHt:viTit:n. Oliver plow. Henderson, ucutlst. J. J. Wultou, uttorneyHit-luw. Genuine Oliver chilled plow extra can only be bought of F. L. CllAMIIKKH. Monev to loan on farm. EnUlre of Judge Walton. Money to loan on Improved farm for a term of year at a reasonable rate of Interest by K. J. McCluuuhali. Tb New t li ver Htccl Mow lathe only plow that give perfect satlslae tlou In sticky soils. It la guaranteed. Dr. (). V. Middle limy ho found at his residence on Olive street, between Fifth and Sixth streets, one block west of the Minnesota hotel. He In pre pared to do all dental work III the Is-st uianner. Monitor drill, Ievcr harrows, Itolling cultivator, hprlng looih and all other kind of barrows at Itottuiu price. F. I.. ClIAMUKHM. Oliver Chilled Walking and Sulky Oliver Steel ) (iang Plows. A complete slock of all size always on baud. F. I,. Chamhkhh. Tbe Local Market. Ttas followliiK i'jtiliiiu (or tbt local market ar ol null priwo only, lb; arc eonwixl kli nj will Iw fuuinl accural as suco anwcirau bs Dixie: Tm'MUiT, Fib. il. Wbbat Net, ; on buard ... Oin-IVr bu.h.l, ut ruMa ivrluurs Hr ivr r MvrroM-IVr fuaa err r Villain Ik Htaa-lvr rk BHIVUKK-I'rtk atbaa fr rk l.taa Vet rk Burraa-l-rr roll (i Ikt.) KtMk rrrdoten . .. Cmi iiKi-old bciu, l'rdoi.. le lr J.a (aaaa IVr lo H- rk firrATiKn-fl Buihcl uaa lry iranulatrd, Y LxiraC, Ik ItolJvn, rk Curria-ota hioo bi y tk.. Kio firk Jatta f Ta4-y tk or rr A ban ( Naa-I'r rk Woob- Hr- Mora M M 1 W ui (4 U6 14 OV l M (4 It 14 li', '4 1-", (4 3J 14 l.i i m V (4 04 ' a w u v Ml f4 Vi (4 7 ia 1.", 14 lo (4 10 l 10 lo ! 10 l IS 0 X 00 J ft 7 UU so .IS I ho 1 4 IS II 14 (4 la SHEEP INSPFXTOIW NOTICE. All erons In Lane county ownlnir aoabby aheep or ahet'p alllieled with other dlavanea, are hereby iioUHinI that aaid aheep niut lie thoroughly dipicd, aufflcleut to kill aald dlm-axe forthwith. Any peraon falllnir to comply with thia notice will be liable to have hi heep lipiei by the I napector at aaid person' expense. Take notice and save Mmt. Date Sept. 1. 1892. S. li. JtXKIN, Sheep Inr?ctor, Ouion RalslBff. The moat profitable crop any man can nut In in Oregon a good sou i on loon; and the variety that yield the lartrett and I the !-t k r is the 'Oregon Yellow Dalivcr." Hundred of Oregon farmer have proven It, but till there I a shortage every year, (ret the ifeliulne seed of F. L. Cham. bent, alo all other kinds of garden aeecls In bulk. GEO. W. KINSEY, AUCTION EEK When you want your good, hnue hold furiMtun' oi laud sold at auetlmi call on livo. W. Kinwy, the pioneer and mokt uvful auctioneer In Ijtne county. He will attend lo all aalea on reawinalile coiumimion, F.,.i i"ii Hat m no. From tbor fowl. Ml ver Wyanilutu, M. C. Ilrown I-ghoni. Lihl llramaa, Hurrnl Plymouth IU k, 11. Langihaus and ltlut k Minonvs, the treat ev'g nia cliiiu. Eirui tl r 13. Carefully packed to ulilp any ilitam-e. Ad' V'mpnua Poultry yanl. lti'- burg, ire jnn. FhKK ToLt-ia, I'roprU-t'ir. Take aasanUge of Watts' cliii out tle aud get gouus at your own price. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 21. Pay your taxe. Another pleaaut day. Quite cool this morning. Five prisoner now in the county jail. W. M. lU n.haw vUlteil Junction to day. J. K. Hale, of HaywardCal., U lu I'.Uu'eiie. The niervlmiit- ivHirt hiiliic Im proving. Main rrtle bull at Junction City to morrow night. Dow llulfof I.iMeburg waa In I'.u gene hut night. I-wi JohiiMii ' condition i again j liuii'li Improvinl iMlay. 'I'lie iiiacliineiy for llonuv Olllil null I in I .cell n-eivtMl. Win. Driver aud bride nrrivet! home on lue liNul thi .ilteriKMiu. J. W. Hull i iitlug nlative aud friend ill Lunelle today. Prof. T. M. Murtlu, of Florvuw, ar rived In town ili: afternoon. Mlw Funuiu Cmner and MIm Tiittle vNIIihI friend at Junction today. Frank Hamilton exieci to return from eunteru Oregoii about .Murch 1. Mi JcmIc Withers I vUlting friend above Collage tirove lor a few days. Isaac Vaiiduvne, of Coburg, ha almul recovered fnuii hi recent severe illness. Di-Dutv Sheriff Croner I sTvlng wiurl mT in the lower art of the county today. There will be a partial eclipse or the moon March ill, visible here In the early morning. Prof. Thornton, urekldeiit of the I nl- vemitv law school, baa an almanac printed in I4w. S. A. Itihhop, of Salem, who liaa been vllling here lor several day returned home this morning. Iti.ln.rt ltlair accompanied J. W .Hull home to Itimchurg thi afternoon for a little hunting trip. Major Sewall Truax dieil at Spokane ye.terluy. He w at year of age, and wo a S.W iiegn-e .iiaiMiu. A letter received fr.-m Tulare, Cal., Mil inornlnir. a the illlurel mull, Carey Martin, la recovering nicely. James Hollclibct'k kilted a large lack rabbit west of town u few day ago. They are very rare In thi section. We undertaul that Frank 1 lu.ll.y. of I lad ley vllle, w ill In) a candidate lor attMiwor Ufore the republican conven tion. . i i:...... i i i liinrrinKe iie-iif- i'-.u.. . y-terday afternoo'i lo W. E. Calkin, of Salem, and Mi Alice Stowell, of Kugelie. Mi Mattie Walton, a ami girl, who went a a nilioimry to Ja- au rei'eutly, lia oecu liearu irom ami well aud happy, ltoiihaui A Holme have U-cn awanlel a Judgment agalnl 11. S. Simon, in the Snlcm court lor ineaum of t.Vi, attorney fwn. (mini ha A. Orow, waa elected con- grcwmaii-al-largc fnun I'elinxy Ivanla yesterday on the republican ticket by over I jn.tJtw plurality. J. Hull, w ho k.llcd 11. 1 uiiimiiig at Cascade Loek bl January, wan con victed viflerday ut I he Dallea of mur der in the second ilegriv. The Polk count puiht are crowing a good deal over fie l:Hulll levy there, and want lo hear trolii some county that can U at It f r low. Albany Herald: City Marshal Lee hit llntx'hed the imtessmclit of the do! of the city. He f 'und r ilog, which w ill bring In a re eniie oi f.m. The caiiacll v of the Siuth llclid Ian- nin extract work is UMMI gallon a day. It sell for 371 ceiil a gallon. A cord of Iwrk make 40 gallon tifextract. O. H. 11. Simmon, the "exirt," ha tx-ell illdieUMl iiiflilll at Poitliuid, and hu entered a plea of not guilty. Hi trial lia oeen set lor .Maren Mr. Iiovcall. ateil alsuit iJOyear. dieil at her home I- mile west of Eu gene, on Conrad hill, last Monday, from cancer. The luterment took place eicrday. Nick llaeau. nn extcni-ive lleiitoll county cattle dealer, went to Chicago last November ami lias in-cii mnwing ever since. lie wo potwewwu oi con siderable money. The old building on the lot owned by L. Kosteliia. corner of Ninth and Pearl street. I being torn down and a one- story I m I nc block will be erected there nil spring. Prineville I lev lew: An hatcrner write to know If there 1 any game around Prineville. We should say so faro, tan, jtoker lu fact olmosl any game a man want. The banker and barU-r will close their reHH-tlve busineMi housea tomor row Washington' birthday a legal holiday. The prlntera will be m pelled 'lo labor Juxt the same as usual. Portland ho aome candidate for stale print r. Then- are Win. sburn of the OreRonlan, formerly of Eugene, Schwab, lleverldge, of the Lewi, lry den Co., and H. J. Marsh, a Job printer who ha a complete plant. Sol. Sleinhelser, an old resident of Eugene, while going down the stair of hi residence III Portland, In the cellar, last Saturday, fell and broke his collar bone. We understand that he is lying In a critical condition, Irom the ell'i-ctaof hi Injurlea. The Dalles Chronicle says that the people alut The Dalle do not think Union a suitable place for the branch asylum, and Mlcve the Injunction to be the proper thing unless it is a move ment to defeat the measure of placing the Institution anywhere. J. C. Ithodc. of Portland, superin tendent of the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Christian churche of Oregon, deliv ered a line lecture at the Christian church last evening to a good audi eiiif. Mr. Klnsle i a printer on the Portland Iaily Oregonian. Prineville llevlew: Mark Cary left last Saturday for South Africa. He had intended going to San Francisco but the report of the fabulous richness of the irold mine of Africa attracted bis attention, ai d he determined to rnt hi lot In the dark continent. The people of Id J CI ii IT. California, have ul--ill.d $.'),0iaj toward toward building a railroed from the iln-gnn Miort liii" In Ijw'ern Oregon, through Jjike count v, Oregoii, and Mod.-, Miata and 'fehniua untie, Califor nia, and thence I tide water. Other Villi tie will ala. killsKTils lils-rally. t h4 rd will tap all the valley of r .astern Oregon i im .ortbeasteru t al ifornia, with pn olilr a branch con. Iiecting Klamath rail. rucll t sys tem would ojien up a vast, fertile coun tryand prove of g-ueral beiiellt. CoSr'IKSI Tlos. 'omniidoiui of the folloa ing tiiiutera lu (Irrgori have been sigtied: John W. Colin,., Carlton, Yambiil county; John A. Ditlcr, Sublimity, Marion county, lieo. Fiiiley, Crawfordville, Linn .unty; Ix"i K Phortridg', Dolph, TiliaUKwg county. 1 (il EAT (.U T SALE. Tbrff HauU-ome Fa run, One ef 400 Arres. one ef I4 Arreii, and One of 40 Arres, (Iveii Away. On March 1 the Ijtne County Land and Loan Company will l-gin thelr famous sale of Eugene t u projierty i at the end -if which they will give to their iatro'. the als'Ve elegant prl-. Semi for olie of their catalogue, with' full description of pro-rty and prie. THE OUAUir.lCAL CONTEST. I be folUiHii g is tli- prPKriirum f Hie re-Hnl iitpr-iolleglht orali.rii'ul colite-t, to be I eld at Villard Hall 1'ilday evening Febrnurjr lrd: S. l.cli u MuiiJolui Chin l'rnywr llev. 11. L. lUiardiuau Address of Welcoius . . Dr 0 11 Cliapmau Yis'iil Duet .. . Misdta Mat Dorris sud L umn Holt Oration. .T II A lum. 1'aeitlo Uuirersily -Mouut M riuh and the Acropolis." Orntiou, CJ .Uood WillHiuette I'mvtirsity 'Couditlolial Citizenship." Oration, Perry F Chandler. Portland I'uiversity ".Sunrise and Sunset." Vocal Solo, Mis Lulu llelisliaw Orntiou, (1 WJoiiea, Univ- rally of Oregon "Eternsl VigilHiirvis thH Price of Liberty" Oration, Gertrude Lnmli, Pioitlf (illeg "A Niuetwntli Century Poesibihty." Oratio j E Li.toilrelte, MoMllitiVillo "Popular E lui'itioii Hie Palladium of lleiuoerarr." Vocal Solo Irving M Olan Oration, Anciiif E Watson, Moi.incintU Oar lli-iinblic." OrNtioti AM Williimis, Albany, What K,Mid..t Tbon in Nature." g iMit tip "Itibin Adsir" Mr McAllister, Mis Cecils Dorr is, Mistie Aln-e and Ib nett lorris. Hansen Judgment Alllrtued. The supriMiie court ntllruied the judg ment of the lower court lu the cum of the state vs. Hansen, iips llut, from Clatsop count v. The hpimmiI uiih on the ground ol eiror. Wtdnesday, July L'litli last, he murdered his wile, Caio line Hansen, w hile she w us elicaued lu picking raspls-rrlcs at their home in Clatsop county. The deed was com mlttiil with n'sttek abiiiit n yard lu length, Willi a knol on the end. The blow wn upon the head. It iu'eurnl alsiul 4 p. m. Hansen made a confes sion on the follow ji g Saturday to Sheriff H. A. Smith and F. I. Diinlmr. HI wifediisl aiino-i Instantly, aud after reuciiuing by her side nlsiut an hour 1Iums.ii went b n iieiuhlMir's hoii. iiinl told him what he had done. During the evening he burned the stick in a stove in his home. He was indicted and eoiivieted of tl c crime of murder In 'he Hot degree. j To I be Public. TheJ. W. Christian bankrupt stock of hooks, station. TV, etc. can now I' found j at the ' Hal er" Oun Works." The! same will In- sold at unheard of low j price. Hooks that sold for $i no li'ic; Ihlnkofit! A few sinsl IsMiks left. All tiiilimlted umouiit of novels of Hie ' lsst author-.. lilltcdeed mh iiis, the 1 licst authors, 'sic. Clothes and sins-. brushes ,'rom Kle lo Its', the same would cost oOc and Kic uny u here eli-. Uood mouth harps t)c to .'l-'ic; copies of c!miea sheet music, oc 'r (Nipy: some 4'K- and .Vhr mu-lc among It. Itart'aiiis in everything. Come early nnil avoiil the rusii. History of Oregon by W. II. (iray, f.'l, our priiv i'MJ. llAHKKU Ol X WllKKI. Postiuiisler at Hum Ii ore. Postniastvrs W. II. Fisher, lUm burg, Or.; P. A. Ihirlln, Ooldelidale, Wash. Itegistersof land ollltv Ileiijamin F. Morris, Ia-wIsIoii, Idaho; AlUrtU. Floyd. Walla Walla. Wash. Ketviver of public money Milton (. Gage, Holse, Idaho; Lafayette M. Flourby, Ssikane, Wash. Postmaster- lleiiiamiii F. Griffin, F.siiiillilo, Cul.; Jame M. Miller, VaeBVllle, Cal.; J. II. Lynch, Unite, Mont.; Charles W. Allen, lis Vegas, N. M. Hrliool Entertalntueot, The CreMwell scIkmiI will hold an n tertaiumeut on Friday night, March '2, being the last day of the winter term. The exercise will consist of music, songs, declamations and dia logue. A small admittance fee will tie charged and the proceed taken to pur chase Issiks for a scIiimiI library. Kveryoody come. C. L. S., Principal. Et(iKK I'Koi-I.K The Prineville News ban this: "It i claimed that the ill-fated vessel, 1 trot her Jonathan, ha at last Iss n hs-ateil. Among those who went down on this vessel were the pare nts and a sister of Mr. Day ton Elliott; also Jerry I. m key's wile and her two little Isiys; also a sister of Mr. Elliott's mother, whrsie name we have not now at hand. -Mrs. Elliott's parent were Mr. and Mr. Samuel N, Luckey, uncle and aunt of J. L. I.ucKey, of this place. They bad been East and were returning home when the old condemned hulk, known a the ltmiher Jonathan ran onto a rock and sank lu a few moment. It I said that a trui.k iM'loiigmg to Mr. Jerry Luckey I the only pr.'s rty ls-iiigiug to the unfor'unate fiimilv that ever came ashore. The Warm Spring Indi an airenl, wh name we have forgot ten, waa one of the drowned. He bad with !ilm tln.msi, which Monged to the Indians. The I'nit.d htntes gov ernment never made up I he is. S, N. Luckey Inel with lilni Is-twwn t.t, anil t i,0"", all of which funds were doubths ls ked up In one of (he ship's safe. The vicl cariied tl,i".'t in irold, Ims-t ( f whiiii was prohidily guv enimeiil money." rUy buaid. let,. .'I. AKUOl I ! At thedeHit last likdit Ik pUly rsheriff ( roller orresletl Otto illstrap, oil a olnpiaiiit maile by E. C. Miii'b, liiaridiig the young mnu - :.. . !. . I . .. . ... Willi IN'I'llC 0 B'St.'H'MIlit llt'llll'l, 111 the sum of T'l. He gavea f(.r his ai's-arnnee this allcrmou al 1 o'chs k. Al I li p il. mini. I's ll..r. ney lll)s a motion to vicate the writ, but the court lit I I advrliy. At the time of going to pn-s morif motion were being aigucd. To Mv P .who's. take . l.-;u,u re instating b a. I of my patron tbt) fntm and after this d:tt will not have any drug -to- bill to pay. Ml bine wVl ts.' lurni.slii-1 patient wilh oul extra chare. Dk. E. D. Mi Ki.nn IY. iuowa llrrr. L. E. Fa inirton. who suddenly left ; here, wher le had been a' tending the I I'nlverslty f Oregon, last June, on ac count of sii vm, ha entirely recov ered so his lend here will be pleased to learn. J I now pi act leal ly carry ing out lib nblilon to lieeome a min ister, a Hi Mowing from The Dalle Chronicle Icat1: A ti e v. Mr. Itarnhart, who pp nelu-a airfield the first Sunday in the nioi w i also-lit last Sabbath, Mr. l.l'ico K. Farrington took hi place, w ill vnl acceptance. His text whs of,, M, nt.i me all ye that lalsir aud are In . y laden aud 1 will give you rct." I's'slde enlarging Ulsili the Invitation the text, heiiuotcd many ofthepron -es of Old and New Testainent. and nl the same time showed pi .inly that the sinner linisl come ll he '. .Il l' saved. He then told J.ys of the Christian, aud also of his trials. He was listened to with Int rest through the w hole by a large aud etice. Au Explanation. There scc'ii to be nn Idea prevalent Ihal theadi i'asIoii fee to the Inter Collegiate Oratorical contest is higher than need be. Hut when the facts are I known, such Is not the case. We have 'an expense ranging from t0 t" H'H; and w hatever la made over and alsive I this amount, will be kept until next 'year, when It will go to pny the ex j pcusc of delegate to the next state convention. To raise money for this purose, ev I end institution of the state have ' charged a fee of Z'm to Ihelr local con Jest. Aud In order to avoid similar i charge here next year, the committee thought it the better plan lo charge iio I now. The programme certainly la ! worth that amount. It I sincerely i Iions that the fact may U under ' stood and given their due weight. 1 Fhank Mattiikwh, I Pre, local Aanociallon. I Married." I'sily uuanl, l.b. :i. ' Mr. W. E. Calkins, a Salem book I kts-s-r, and Mis Alice Stowell, a well ! known young lady of this city, were I married 'this morning at the residence Jof the bride's parents, Mr. and Mr. J. II. Stowell. The ceremony occurred at H:'J! o'clock i.nd w as jsTformed by Itev. W. II. Gillie . of the First Presbyter ian church, .dcudcllxohu'a "Wedding 1 March" wit rendered by Mr. I. T. ' Nicklin. 1 The nsuut were tastefully decorated und alaitit lulrty guest witnessed the ' ceremony. Immediately after the us ual coiigratu . lions which followed the cert moiiy, tl newly wedded pair left ' for thelr Sal. i home accompanied by , the gnmm'a other, Mr, it. F. Smith, ami the hi e'a sister, Misa Hattle Stowell. ( iiniaulratlon. Feb. 12. KitiToit p in: (ii Aitn: Owing to the close th and coliMipMciit light trade I has' Ity dechled to close out my stiH'k o; tches, clocks, jewelry, silvcrwariM musical goials and con fine myself the repairing business until linns : Utter. As on ind cineiit to purchasers I will oiler i e most of tns sbH'k at actual first eimt nnil a great deal of It nt a sacrillct . In ndditio i, I w III, on the 1st day of May give b ur handsome present to purchasers. J. O. Waith. A Happy Ending:. Ottkuvh i.k, Ya. For fifteen year I was a great sullcrer from dys-'slu and nothing relieved mo until I tried Simmons Liver llegulutor. This i the best medicine In the world. I am now In good health. Mr. N. J. Col lins. Your druggist sella It in liquid or lewder. Tlio powder to be taken dry or made Into a tea. A Bargain. The furniture, stove, bedding, etc., In a suite of rooms couvieutly located In the busincs portion of Willamette street 1 offered for aale at a bargain. Low rent, electric light lu hall, water and toilet room convenient. A good chance for one or two single men to se cure cheap lodging. Inquire at this oftlce. Doi'tTotaccaStt orsao.e lour Lire Avar lath truthful, nurtll'i tills ol a llttl Iss.k thsl tolls all atuiil No-to-bac, lh vniudsrlul, Uu-inUss, iUsstu ladapro hslill eura. 1 h tst ! tridliii antl the man wbo wsiit U quU ml ean't rum no uhraical or Bnsurisl rl.l In uon "Nislo-Us...'' SuidbylMhurn A iHrlano. book at drug atom, oc tj mall Insa. Aitclraa The surrllua Kvnuslf Co., ladlaua Mineral Krln, lal. Jimmy Fkmnei.l Aoaim. Ye ter day' Albany liemocrat has the follow ing concerting a notorious character well, ll not favorably known In Eu gene, and w c I under Is hi d to a-s-ar ld ire the next Lane county grand Jury: "About midnight last ulght a loud i nd boisterous noise waa heard coiuii ,' from the Chlncso row on Second s (eel A policeman hast eued that w: y and fisjnd Jame Fen uell In hot t 'fault of a couple of white men. Kt'ii i ll's version of the matter wa that he a In the house when the two men enii resulting in " declare he watch. Th application but refued aualust the that the pla where sevei habit of cot to l issued kis ping a i ielit evidell trietl." red. a dispute followed tight In which Fen mil as relieved of a I IV) the two meu deny. Au is made for their arrest. it would be two to one rsaecution. It Is claimed la a regular opium Jemt, young men are lu the gating. A warrant waa the arrest of Chung for tlcrly house. If audio- an be secured he will be MaHKII.i - Wtslntatlay'a Salem Journal; marriuge of Mr. J. I Wrsslwiirth nra Laura Itamp, ami Mr. 1. D. D ', Iwtter known at ! Sulem as W i Driver, took place at tbe rciilvitce oi ,Irs. Mary Ilauipoti Caid- tal stn et. a lu o'clock a. in. bsiay, by I la-v. (i. W. Jraiinis. Mr. and Mrs. ! Driver took the untiiiig traiu for Eo ' ir tie whele ihey wol makethelrhoine, Mr. Driver U a ami of Key. I. D. Driver ani!() painter bv trade. II and I his bride at; well and favorably known In fsab-iia cli"lea. 1 Hill. s Yitalijer is AaVial yoi need for Dyspeia, torpid liver, )iUiw I skiu or kidii y Trouble. It U guarun- j teed to give you satisfaction- 1'rloe 75 j oeota. SUJ by Dr. E. D. MtKenoey, 0 WAHIIINOTON'S JilUrilUAY. 1 tie Anniversary Onsrrvrd Hy a Pub lic School Hi ItaUlng. Psi.y iiutr.i, r. b. The holiday wa ciebralel today by the public schiMils Joined by a large Mirtiou of the adult sipulatloti of our city and a numts-r of students and teacher of the I nlverslty of Oregon. The exercises took place ut U4 Geary sclnsd this afleriiisui. Shortly before " o'eliH'k the pupils of tin Cen tral win n hernlcd by I'raer's Juvenile Hand, imrehcd tlowu Wllliimtte street t 1 the iiilcrMvlloit of Ninth, where they were joined by the billow ing orgitiiat inns In dress uniform: Company (', O. N. tl., J, W. Geary Pst, G.'.V. 1!, bended by Kiucy marshal liunl. Sons nf V'eteriin 'of isi. A. l'ut r's I amp, the Women' llellef Ci r", iiinl l 'apt. Siich'a Ma rine Cad-ts. The sclnsd children liialchisl in the rear and the line - cas-tlcil oil ilouu S lllsiiuelte -Ireet to Filth and theineon the latter si nvt to the (iettry school grounds. lU-nlcs lliosc in . I if lin. of march there was a large crovd of the sipulai-u which made up a part of the pron-s-nm. Al tlio intersection t ljiwreni-e street the iih.soii was nn t by the Geary sclnsd children, formed In line of march. Salutisi, in ihe way of cheers, were exchauwisl Is'twt n the schisds, and the band played several selection before the march wa re suuits.1. Coburg Items. Feb. at. Haiti, snow and mud. A very heavy snow fell on the ltlth and 17th. J.A.Holt has Isvn titilte sick for the last few days, but Is much laiter now. O. It. Gisslale, Frank Miller aud Untie John Diamond visited Eugene Sat unlay. C. C. GiMalale went to Iebauon on busiiu-s Sat unlay, returning home Monday. Mr. JastH-r Wilkin was called to the home of her grantlmotlier, Mr. Itlalchley, who was not exiNt-tcd to live. The agctl lady Uvea neur Spring field. The new aclusil house Isiow town la progressing rapidly. Considerable luinls r is laitig hauled to Eugene this week. Horn, to the wife of ('has. Clover, on Feb. 12, 1SU4, a 10 iM.uiid girl. Marrleil, at the resbleinv of David Elliot, on Feb. 15, by W. 11. See, J. P., Mr. Alex (irllllu to .Mis 1,. Klllot. The happy couple have gone to LI1111 county on a visit lo relativist. We understand that the Hotel tie Coburg will have a new proprietor alaiut March I. Mr. Eckcuhackcr has leased the same. Mr. Holland, the tin-scut proprietor, will keep a private boarding house. HKtil I.All. t'tiinnitinlrallon. Ikvino, Feb. 21, iHltl. Epitok Gt:Aiu, Sir: I see III t lie last week's Issue of the Kcglstcr thai my name was mentioned as a probable candidate for the lic'islnture. Allow me to say, I thank the "Hustler" for Informing nw of the fact, as I have not been approached by any of my demo cratic trlelldsoll this suhccl. Neither do I care to I, as it is a well-known fact that I generally sit down on wrong wiierever I Hud It, regard les of party; In nee, thoso who most gener ally run the allairs of tin) stale ami county, tlon't want nut lor any other iurMse, only to I. slaughtered, ami as for the honor Ihal may Is' attached to the posilnui, other are welcome. Could I have men enough to stand w ith me something might 1st neenm- i dished; hut one man would Ih like a one mulleii stis'k In a sin en pasture, and when he came home he would be abused for w hat he had done, us our ex representii'lviv, A.C. Jeiililni;s and H. M. Veal ii. They were calletl the "watchdogs" of Ihu treasury, and you will allow me to say that If we hail a few more "watchdog" Oregon would have been U tter oil today, lluaucially. .hconomy la the walctiwonl. J. .tl. KITC'IIKX. Aotheutlc Statistic. The Florence West ho a long article In Ita last Issue on the Incoming ami outgoing freight fnun Florence, by ocean, during Ihe year 1M,1. The re capitulation I a follow: In frclirht bv sale. 4 s,' tons; by steamer, i.ikVj; tola! l,.')4- tons. Ex port by aale, 4,1 V2 Ions; by steamer, lil Ions; total, fi.l'IH tons. Total amount of lumber manufactured for local trade and export, 7,HI.'U"HJ feet. No. of sail lug vennels arrived, 21; departing 21. No. steamers arriving, 34; departing, q.i. ..,..! i..iui.. r.. .i....u4i...- 64. Total numU-r vesnel arriving ami deartliig, ll)!l. Total amount of sal- mon canned, cast. I ,tn Atiioinii of money expemltsl for lalsir, t'i.lKHJ, The value or ennnetl salmon HM.uimi. Probate Matters. nalty Ouanl. rb. 21. Estate of John llrnwn; Tho Brown apiilntel administrator with Kp0 Ismds. Suretl.-s: G W Knapp, F W Osburn and S It Eakln. The apprais er, J II McClung, F H Hellmaii and 111 rreaton, n-isirted value of prop- erty IlLim. Estate of Candece Helshaw; apprais er report show value of estate to be tJIKIO. rotate of John Illakely; report or ap praiser show real proierty if Hie value off-s HI, and .rsonal of t-14.1. Heal Estate Transfer. (Dl'XTHV, Wm King to Fred Fisher, MO ai re In t M r 4 e: 1 171. J E Nnland. sherlll. to Mr Kale Munra, M0 acres lu 1 10 a r I e; t IH.s-j. I'ostpouetl. On account of tbe reception given by the local union or the . V. H. C, Heller Than Gold" will be sst Mined until Wednesday evening, February Si-oxtxit.K'a Tiiai Hrownsvllle Time: The trial of Dr. J. D. ShiiokIp who ha lss-ri is.hiIiiimI In tho oMinty Jail for tl e past three mouth on the charge o' rus-, w in tsftir lu Aiiiany 011 or alsiul In-IJtli of next month A liirtre nut. ils r of .le will attend from here, sou e having Is-cti sulitsieiiael rui w itnesses In Hie eas... Il promise to 11 ipMlte Interest lug. Hilly url, f I. IX. ptwTPi m;. The hearing of I he case aifallist ( tto (ril-trap has Is. ti tsail- jooimI until tomorniw 11101 ning at W o 1 1'sH iiy jnsiicp icinsey, Drain your fund. You need tiling For tern is anil informatiou about tile, a. hires li Nash 4 Co., manufacturers of tiling, 1UU y, Oregou TilUHSDA Y 1 Ell. iJ. A bcautif il day. Washing! an' blrthdu. Spring a wk of cnifn-U nt Day A Henderson' . TtieMMb 11e wiu donsl (oday the same as on - 1 1 1 1 1 ! : y. Evans, tl ) out! iw, I now ut the H'iiltcntia, at F- Isoin, Cal. Window , las 1 ut to order. F. L. I'll AMIII.Its. IKi you know how cheap Day A Henderson are selling their carpet-'.' Curling Irons , It), l'i cents. F. L. Cham 111:11. Have ymi mvii Ihe new car ts and price at Day Hkmikiimin's. The batiks did Hot close, hut the bar 1st clom-it their places of business this afterinsiu. Frank H. Wilson, of Florence, h... Is.11 npsiiuted 11 notary ptililic I v Governor Pciinoycr. The parade this aflcnnsui pn-sa iiled a very crctlitable apH'aratice, ess ( mi ls' thi sclnsd children. The coldest liiornlnif thi winter, the llu runiiiieter at U o'elis k standing at 2:1 degrts.. alsive zero. The lis'al train was 1" minutes late this aflermsm, caus,. by having to haul seven freight cars. Tomorniw is Hie last day ii"Ui w hieh case paH'rs lu the Man h li nn of cir cuit court can lie served. About 20 delegate to the oratorical association, w hich meets hi Etittetie to morniw arrival on thi afterinsin's train. Shetllt Jackson, of Linn county, has returned to Albany, bringing w lilt him tbe delimiting schixd suia-riutclidclil, Prof. Huss. ll. We have heard the mime of It. F. lloud, of Irving, mentioned as a suit able pc ro u for rcpn-seiitatlve on Ihe n-puiiiicuu ticket. The argument In the sherlll" case w ill Ik heanl by the rvfi-n, II. C. Watson, of Albany, tomorniw after- iiimiii ut 2Wlo'tis k, at the court house. Captain Swis-ney, V. S. A., San Die go, ( al., says: "Milloh s Catarrh licmedy la the first uuNliciue I have ever found that would ever do me any gtHxI." Price AO tvnta. Sold by CiTV Diii'd Smut Albany Democrat: Several traintts stole a calf at llalsey aud ale It, or art 01 It. 1 hey were arrested ami re cosed on paying (111, of which the owner of the calf was to have ntvlvcd II for the calf ami (2 for for histmuble, the Justice of tbe s-uce f.' and Ihe con stable 11 One of the men had f IS and paid the money . Salem Jon mil: "What are the Rus sian thistles any wav?" nsk the En- gene (it'AKI). We have Iss-n Informed by one who lias had exis-rlcnco with them, that they can never ls-come a nuisance in 1 tiy country when- It rains In the late fa 1 ami winter. The seed will germliii. ,e and Ihe least fnstt will Imttoy then . The chan i-leon bubble has bursl. Where the c' angeuble reptile sold for 11 in M-v 1 irk 11 now sells tor 2U is'tits and on y the middle das buy litem, the lilc 1 Kmc 1 crowd havhii; tlnsi of the very .ly fad. It I thought 10 cents, Including chain, will Ut the irice. Ihe,' are bniuuht In Imixc of .MX) fnun Florida, ami a big tutsim was done at one time; but It I Hat now. Up In a Montana town a choir in or der lo get even with the minister sang a Hoo-verse hymn lasting two hours. Ihe result wo no sermon that day. 1 ho next Miiitiatti they intended re peatlntr It; but the minister was tisi much for them. He opciitd the ser vice with prayer, and ended It with a blessing on the sermon, which would Is- a follows, and without shipping he talked three hour on the Immorality of church choir. Mr. ami Mrs. W. II. Hoffman visit ed Junction friend today. A. J. Johnson returned to hi home at Creawcll this afternoon. Mr. J. 11. Chamber returned home from Dallas this afternoon. Ixml Johnson Is much belter today. aud he Is considered out of danger. Frank E. Dunn I extiectcd home from San Francisco Satunlay morning. E. J. Praslcr write from Woodland, Cal., that he will return home alsiul t ebmary 2M. itev. J. E. Hayes, the Universale general missionary, arrived here on this afternoon a train. Nathan Workman, of Mohawk, left on lost night's train for a visit lo the midwinter fair al San l- rauclsco. A. W. Kuykendull, aliUAHU carrier who ha len visiting at Drain for several days, la ou hi mule again. Char lee leaner received a letter this morning fnun Portland, which stated that Sol. Stelnheiser wa not exectcd to recover. Arthur Couiegy arrived home lust night imm a visit lo the midwinter fair at San Francisco. Ho rejsirts a pleasant time. Mr. and Mr. G. C. Greene and fain ily, who have been sneudlug the win ter here visiting at the residence of the lady 'a father, J. U. Green, left on the local thi morning for their Minnesota home. Ill-Metallic League. A reouest lia been received fnun G O. llolinan, state organlcr of the Americaan bl-metalllc league, for Ore gon, that a branch be organized In Eu gene. In pursuance of this a meeting I hereby called for Saturday evening Feb. 24. at I'M o'clock, to lie held lu the court house. All frleml of silver legislation are Invited to be pit-sent and lend tuelr aid toward making strong organ ir.allou. The follow lug la the u!duuce of the pledge: "The undersigns! resident of hereby become member of the American I i-metalllo leairue at and hereby 1 lcdire ourm-lvc to use all honorable in -an to pna-ure the free re- monetlintloi. or silver al the ratio or 1U to I." Now Is tin time for all who have nu interest in tl Is lustier to exert their 111 lltieiioe In be ialf of silver and the tssi pie In a strictly non-partisan move ment. nn.Kjr. Karl's (lover Hoot, the new bbssl purifier, glvea fnnlimst and cleariiesa to the complexion aud cure constipa tion. 2.1 a n Is, ,V) oeiiU and 1. Sold by Dr. E. D. McKeimey, City Dki o Stork. Wamam aki:h's Mihtakk (ie. P. Howell k Co., of New York, have late ly been refunded atsmt ii.t ty me C. S. smtof11ce department, which waa the amount In exc-s of the letral rate of ponlaire paid them under pnita-st. on "Priuter'a Ink," a Journal for advertksera. and whlcli it wa ftialmeil could not be sent as ecud clusa inatler. The court decided other wise, with iba above result. Ytaut K IU4. Sam Slinpsin now of Astoria, la the best l-s't III Oregon, henc hi ps-try I always interesting. The fob lowing on Astoria' long felt want, a r.illrrtad, I worthy of Is'lng read by cvcrylssl'ii 1 regnii. It is rich: There'll ut music In the ulr When lh" la. 'r mil comes, And the wood he young and fair When Hie ra'lr.'iii! come-; For tin1 livloii nf ! 1 1 r And the ainuii nf enrk and care U III Is- haiii In d every w ln-re, When Ihe ra.iro.el coines! There'll U'jc.v to youth ninl ate When the lai'riid comes, I or w . d turn a hrimilcr p'i,'e Win 11 the railroad nunc-; We w ill turn a hruhtc r page In tin- el. pi inn-. uoMi'ii n'e That our prophets did pierage, Win 11 the i.iilioad conn s! I'lie hill-ill 1 ,11 bl.siiii, When I he rallr iol 1 nines, 'lin leil Is- glory nili r gl's'lu, When tin' railroad ctum s, i'lie 'hlli-iliii w ill blcoiii With the baiiin r that Illume Every col 1 olirininr' tomb, When the railroad come! I low Ihe headlands to the buy, When the railroad comes, Will n joiee and seem to say, When the rail mad conies; "We have waited for this day, We have seen it 111 the play Of the rainbow- in yen spray," When the railroad come! I., t Is'aiity turn w lih scorn, When the railroad conic. From the liiL'aid all forlorn, When the nulrot.d cones; Is auty turn w ith si-urn From the mos-luick wnmuly born, Wlicn the railroad cvuies! I'l honor never crew n, When the nil I loin I conic, Any man thai held us down, ss lieu (he railroad mines: Hut let riches and renown He for tliein tliat saved the town ( inlerdark misfortune's fniwn When the railroad comes! 1am L. SiMrsox. Pleasant Hill Item. Feb, 21. Weather rather inclement. Snow fell to the depth of 12 Inches on the 17lh. An eiiloyubleeveuiug wa stH-nt by Ihe issiple of Ihe nc IghlN'rhood at the n-r Ideiice of J. T. Hiiehaniiii, one later also, al the residence of Iml Jlundy. An oyster siips r I promised al It. lluiniihrie' Frblay evening. A gissl time Is anticipated. An ovcrsltfht in mcutloning the births tif the nelghlMirhiMHl on the 3d: To Ihe wife of Clin Wills,', a son; same date lo the wife of Kohl. Drttry, a daughter; and Full. K, to the wife of S. 1 1. Cairn, a sou, Alltloiuir well, and still there are mote to follow. IW. Khod.-sof Portland delivered a Very liiten-stiiig I siure on the 23 Inst., on the subject of the Y. P. S. E. W. L. Wheeler lml the misfortune (o Iimmo another valuable, horse lust Monday, leasing hint without a team. The district at this place ha placed some valuable np itrattls in Hie sclnsd In the shiiiseoi gloiie aud physiology chart. Mr. Jame Kellev returned last Wis k from S,ui l' rauclsco, w here he has Isvn taking a hiisiuc course for a few lliolltlnt. I'lm l.T t'.ill. lia lu. " I" ' J l l-.. the tit'Aitu, Wen' greatly lllsappoluletl 111 not g'-uinn the Fiinio last wis h. Hot these mishap will U few and fur between. Mis Jane Milehel bus none to Walla Wnllu to sis'inl the winter with her sister Mr. G. W. Cmblree. X. X. ItKiiiVKitiNUi T. M. Martin arrived fnun Flon-nco yesterday afternoon on his way lo Tulare, Calif., to attend hi Injured son Cares'. Hcforo the train arrived he ntvived a telegram that Carey was able lo be up from hi ImhI ami a letter would Iss immediately forthcoming. Mr. Martin will there fore await further new Is fore proceed ing. A private letter wa retvlved at this onion thi morning, written by Carey himself 011 Monday. Thi Will be welcome news to a ht of hla friends here, who will 1st pleased to learn that he I recovering ao rapidly. Wii.t. CoNTixr I r The sale of the Oregon Hank at Sheriff 'a sale, la adver tised, being set for the 17th day of Maren. 1 lie Aitsiny iM'moctai is in formed that an ellort will be made to restrain this, on the greund that the mortgturs was Illegal, Ising made on oralsitit the morning of the closing of Ihe bank. The tleMwltors proptsw to con ti-st every Mdul that will give them a chance to regain aome of the money they had deposited III the bank. A HKI.AIttK. A letter wa received fnun A. E. Heamea yesterday after, noon stating that Hon. C. K. Wilkin son had hud a relapse ami that th lever wa raKlug auain. Mr. lleamea stated that the young man waa quit sick but not dangerously so. Mr. II klnson' mother will go to Portland to help cure lor him tomorrow. Ilia many friend here hojsj for hla speedy recovery. PoTATom W'antkh. I want for Im mediate shipment, two cam choice, well assorted Ilurbank K)tatoea, for which I will pny cash. E. C. fciMITH. Watts lia thsidiHl to close out bl entire stts'k and only carry on the re pairing business. JU-ud hi card la till Issue. We will have Special Day Sales and continue same for the season, holding them every WEDNESDAY. Sale Ho. 1Wsdncsdaj, Feb. 21, MEN'S, SHIRTS. Sale la, 2-WcdrrJaj, Pel 23, BLANKETS. 15 Per Cent fcrfuction in These Lines. P.Pl.ANK&SOX, RACKET STORE S ML SALES.