The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 17, 1894, Image 7

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Aa Editor' KMOMrurailatlon.
Mr (' V. Ilavla. tslltor of til 1 Hi nil
field. Iowa, Farmer, says: "I on re
commend Chamberlain Cough lb -in-
edy to all ullrrrra with colils arm
rruup. 1 have used ll in my family
fur twovear ami have found It Him
best 1 aver used for the pure for
which It is Intrntletl. Ml cent noun
for aate by Unburn A iVLano.
A Kansas Maa'i F.ipf rlrare.
Mr. Albeit Favorite, of Arkansas
Oty, Kan., wishes to give our reailer
Ilia LwnetU of hi experience with colds.
It say: "1 contracted a cold early
last spring that art tied on my lung,
aod bad hardly recovered from It when
I caught another that huugonail um.
mer and left me with a hacking cough
which I thought I never would get rid
of. I bad uard Ctiauiberlaln'a Cough
Remedy ome fourteen yeara ago with
much aimw, and concluded to try It
airaln. W hen I bad got through with
ona bottle my cough bal left me, and
I have not suffered with iuh of
cold aioce. 1 have recommended it to
other, and all Deak well of It" h Ifty
oeut bottle for sal by Osburn A De Li
A Sew Care Far KhenmalUia.
Joaepb V. Dory, of Waruw, 111.
waa troubled with rheumatism am
tried a number of different remedies;
but aaya none of them aeeuied t) do
him auy gxl, but flnaly he pot hold
of ona that Kieedlly cured him. lie
waa much pleased with It and felt aure
trial other aimiiariy amicieu wnuiu
like to know what the remedy waa
that cured him. He tale for the ben
efit of the public that it i called Cham
berlaln'a rain Italiu. For aale by
OrniCRX &
Are numerous but of the Oliver Chilled
Flow they fall to do the work like thr
F. L. Chamber,
Hole Agent, Eugene.
For all kind of field seed go to
A. Uoi.ixiMiTH,
The Grocer.
Coal Hill Nursery.
Call on or addrcna T. N. Hcgar, Eu
geue, for all kind of nursery stcck.
Prune on niaroboleiii plum root that
will not sprout, also on -uch root.
Oliver plow.
Henderson, dentist.
J. J. Walton, attorncy-at-luw.
Genuine Oliver chilled plow extra
can only be bought of
Money to hum on farm. Empilre of
Judge; Walton.
Money to limn on Improved farm for
a term of year at a reasonable rule of
Interval by E. J. McOaiiuhan.
The New Oliver Steel Mow I the
only plow that give HTfect salisfiie
tlou in tttk-ky soil. It i guaranteed.
Dr. G. W. Illddle may be found at
hi residence on Olive treet, between
Fifth and Sixth treet, one block went
of the Minnesota hotel. He I pre
pared to do all dental work In the bent
Monitor drill,
Lever harrow,
1 lolling cultivators,
Hprlug tooth and all other kind of
barrow at bottom prices.
F. L. Ciiambkka.
Oliver Chilled ) Walking
and VHulky
Oliver Bteel ) (Jang Plows.
A complete stock of all size always on
band. F. L. Chamhkkh.
The Local Market.
Tfc followluf quotations tor th local marirl
are ot ratal! ncm unlf . IbtJ an eorncbsl
wsaklf, ao4 will bs luuud a accural a aucb
a isport oao ba mail :
Tai'MtUT. Fll. 14.
Wssaf SI, ; on board ...
tura-rar buibrl, oat
ruim-fn luuts
Msar Her l
Merros Frr Is
Pubs Par la
ViAb-IVr tk
Haas-lr n
SHuvuxaa Part
Siuaa Per Ik
La aa Prr tk
Burrss Ivr mil (2 fta.)
Kuua Prr tliiirn
CHirssM old hen, Par do..
iKu aa Par dot
( I'rr dm
Haass )t Ik
SoTaTuSt-M Buabal
pa-lr translated, f
Mtral',11 Is
liul.lan, W tk
CkirrlS I ia Kloo bail tk .
JaraW tk
aviara lr tax, bar
i KIUI'I'll ik
1 H
U6 (4
W li
OA t
US (4
U 14
i ;s r m
1 00 14 1 11
Ju (4 M
IS ( 1 w
75 (0
U1. (
l )
15 in
All eron in Lane county owning
-abby sheep or sheep aMirted with
Other diseaaes, are hereby notltleil that
said sliM-p !iiut lie thoMUghly dipfied,
Uulclent to kill said dim-aiae forthwith.
Any person falling to comply with
Ihl (otios will be liable to have hi
heepdiped hy the IiiHtector at aaid
person's eieiie. Take notice aud
save coftit.
Dated H-pt. 1, 12.
' JJ. 11. JKNKISH, Hheep InKjKitor.
Umna lUNIlif.
The moat profitable crop any man
can put in lu Oregon' good soil Is on
lous; and the variety that yields the
, largest and Is the bent keeper It the
. Oregou Yellow Daii' er." Hundred
of Oregon farmers have proven it, but
still there 1 a shortage every year,
liet the genuine seed of F. L. Cham
: bers, also all other kind of garden
aaedj In tuk.
When you m-ant your good, Iiouk
liold furniture or Innd sold at auction
call on eo. W. Klnaey, the pioneer
and most succevaful aiietioneeriu I-une
' county. He wtltattend to all sale on
k resaonabfe cornnillon,
r -
A rialo Matemeat.
. . .. a
JJew Market, Mijcs. fiimmon
Liver Regulator cured me (J liver
romp laid and palpitation of the heart.
tisod many other remedies but with
no' relief until I began taking S. L. IL
-Win. Hchuiti. Your druggUt sells
It in powder or Iiimid. pe powder to
l taken dry or made Into a (ea. I.NTEULSIl.Mi LLTTEU.
The Mldaluur Fair aa Hera by J. 11.
HaX Fmaxci-xxj, Feb. 8.
Kihtoii (ii AKu: In my Ul letter
I did not mention the mutc at the fair
and irk. for the reason that It would
take one M-arate Item to do It JiiMiee.
Klrt. then. Hie "I'ark lUud," 60
pletiv, tilays eveiy SatimUy and Hun
day In the baud stand In the park,
free to all a regular programme from
1! to 4 o'clock p. in. 'I here are plenty
of seal, very nicely sheltered from
auy wind.
In the "Fair (iruiul," are lwotlrt-
I'laxs band of iVt pieces, each rendering
elivl muaie tv lev every day, ltl In
the grand uluml, near the adinlnlntra
tlou tiiiildnig and ill the exhibit ball.
One band l "The Midwinter Fair
Hun. I," and the oilier the "Iowa Htate
lluml," they exchanging plnces twice
aduv, so each, suit all vUilors are
nicely aivotiiuioditted. llolh tands
are so line that it I hard to tell which
Usuiiertor; when one I out you teally
think that I the lct, but when the
other come then it iUi I the one
Hut the baud for both uniform and
style and number and sweet mule,
the Germuii I'rnter lliind, 64 pieces
with white continental wig, knee
breeches, etc. Trtalnly are very Hue,
playing a they do all domical iiiunIu,
In "The German Village," au Im
meliHe ball ha leuil built for them,
which will hold 4.0U0. l'eople meet
here to listen, see, and take their beer
aud lunches in truly German style.
Then. loo. the ltooue Animal hhow
Ampitliealre bus a band which mixes
in to fill up. Don't think thut they at
all flush, lor the sl.e of the ground
nieveiits you hearing any only the one
where you huiieii to be. Lovers of
fine liiulc can be nut in lied here surely.
The Turk are on every corner, and
representatives of all nation apa-ar to
be a thick a mosquitoes In Kaeramen
li l-'e..rvllilnir la itillduetMi Verv
smiMittiiy although exhibit are still
coming, aud lust of February Is soon
enough to see the fair. i'leiity of
chances to eat on the ground room in
the city can be had for pi to f JJ er
month, and a person can eat where he
happens to be when hungry.
The siieelul attrnetlou are the "Os
trich rami," "EmUlmaux Camp,"
"Indiuii Village," "41 Milling Camp,"
where you can iret a luucli of la'aiis
on rough bourd, and see pistol shoot
ing III old t ulilortila stylo ami ine
sea lion's tank. Then the county
building and exhibit are all fulr. In
buildiiius. exhibits, and particularly
the arrangement of ImiIIi, inside aud
outside, with a world of everything to
eat aud look at ubout three day In
side will hardly take it though one
week ought to U- sin-nt at leant to do it
The w eal Her seems to nave ix-cn
nude c-ixrlully for the fair, though
today has Ut'ii a typical Oregoi. day
mm una sunshine witn ngui wind.
When the grniiud are furnishetl, a
they will Is- very stsin now, with foun
tains, lawn and plants, music and
flowers, birds mid bright colors, It w ill
be a wrne to cntcli the eye and please
the soul.
1 have liecn tliLiklug an excursion of
Eliircne invnle Would ! very pleasant
and not txpciisivc, to take In Isith city
and fair In u liml'ed uuitiU-r of days.
J. It. Itlll.NKIIAKT.
Ihe Stcamrr "Eugene."
The following letter Is self-explutia-
"" .. .
roKTI.A.VK, reo. H, IWH.
(Ihi, F. Chaw. Iiear Hh: The shaft
for the "Eugene" bus Anally arrived
ami we ure able to go on with our
work. W e hud to wail until it arrlveil
la-fore we could do some necessary
On account of the delay we will be
unable to have her completed liefore
next month. I think we will be al
ready sometime between the first and
the llfteeiith. I trust the Eugene (
pie will have a good load for me by
thut time.
Nery truly yours,
F. 11. Jonkh.
Feb. 11
Editor op tiieGl akd: Owing to
the close times and conseiuent light
trade I have fully decided to clow out
inv stiH'k of watches, clinks. Jewelry.
silverware aud musical goods aud con
fine myself to the repairing business
until times get better.
A an inducement to purchasers I
will oiler the most of my sh-k at
actual first cost aud a great deal of It
at a sacrifice.
In addition, I will, on the 1st day of
May give ltr handsome present to
purchasers. J. O. Watts.
DulTofcosmt or me Tier Lilt Aiar
the truthful, HartlliK ttOof a Utile Ihmi
lhal U'llt all aluiil Nu-u-bM Ilia auiiitnrlul,
harmlru. ill ASil tulwio'a bakllur. Iha
coal It Irillil. i"J lha Dian abo nw la null
and rsn'l rum no b?iral or niisnrlal rll In
um "NiMo-bsc Sold lJ Othurn Itoiano.
book at Urun iiorra, or lj mall Irra. Aldiaa
Tba rlfrlms Kcuicdf I"., tudlaua Mineral
h.nni, iimi.
I'llly (.oanl, F.k U
Rki.ioioI'h I.MTt'Kix. The lecture
delivered by II. !. Mitchell, at the
Hrai 1'ri'sbyteriun church lust evening
was lurgely slteiuled. Tlie subject
was, " I he .Moliuiiimeilall lU-liglon."
Next TuiT.l.iv evening hew illciutlnue
the iIIscushIoii o the theme, "The atti
tude of this religion toward the gov
ernment of the I' tilled titates."
Iailj (.uarJ, Feb. 1L
fMlUKIPK'M Sai.k. Hht-rltr Nolttlld,
Ibis uitcriiooii, aold under au execu
tion John K. Ik lshaw's undivided one
tlflil llit.rehl in lot 1, block 2, Ells
worth's iidditlou to Eugene, to G. It.
Dorris, fur the sum of .".i'.
To Mv I'atiuinh. I tuke pleasure
aiming io mi oi iny painuis iiiai i
from uml after this dale you will not
l,nv. I l,,IU ......... M.l I
Icines will I luruislietl putieiit with
out extra i-hargu.
ln- ti- MiKkn.nkv.
Tarlli urn arlv Maf.
Wamiixotx.v, Feb. 13. Democrat
ic niellllM-r isf tht mmniltlM on II
nalnv now tell tlie republican mein
Isrr the tnriirblll will ivrtainly in
shape for prwen:nilu to Ue fu! ('.'in
mitte r",
T 1
nliiloh's Cure, the great cough and
croup cure I for sale by us. Pocket
siw contain tweiity-flve doses, only 25
cents. Children love it.
C'UV Vntt lT0RK.
Kkckptioji roTi"oM:i. It ha
Iwen .'is nd advisable to change the
date of the reception fr Christian En
deavorers aud friends, snnounnrd la-r
Friday, Feb. I'i, to Saturday, b. it
Will all to whom Invitation have
been extended kindly bear this post
ponement lo mind.
A n-gular spring day.
N. Valentine's day.
Diil yoj get a valentine?
Drumt'ier Increasing l.i tinmU-rM.
Washington's birthday one wek
from toiLorinw.
Travel on Isith the overland aud lo
eal I lii rei.slng.
Frnnk A.exainli r is visiting hi r
ent In this city.
A sou was Isiru to Mrs. G. W. l'las
let at Salem yestenlny.
J. II. Itbliiehart writes that he will
return to Eugene niii.
Geo. T. Hull. Jr., went to Gervuis
on the local this morning.
W. F. Ctisdiy, the Nun Fmucisco
wheat buyer, Is lu llieclt-.
Miss Nettie Whitney has la-en visit
lug her brother III Albany.
The sherlir U serving uUc a nuinU-r
of circuit court papers now.
The ctimmlssloiient' court adjourned
for the term tills afternoon.
(several resident of Junctiou came
up on the local this aflerniHUi.
Win. Mayer ha move. I into It. M
Day's house on Seventh street.
The traveling passenger agent of Ihe
is. r. 11. U. was lu l.ugeiie to-lay.
Mr. Stanley, of the Canyoiiville
mines, lias Isen lu Kugeiie for several
Wells, Fargo Co.'s express a'cncy
III this city now sport a bright, new
Tlie Mtonice employe have lcu
very busy iisluy bundling the vuleii
tine crop.
Clerk Wnlker tiHl.iy granttsl a mar
riage lliviise to W. I-. Miller and LU
tie M. Ruth.
Miss Icou:t Gllmore, w ho has sin-lit
a week visiting hen-, has returned to
her home at Salem.
Mrs. Chamberlain, of 1'orllanil, is
the giHMt of Mrs. Wnj.libi.rne nnd Mrs.
W. T. I'kiu, In this city.
We understand that a casket factory
is soon to Is- established at Fnirmouiit
by Messrs. Thomas, Miller & llurr.
A Folk county farmer bus enjoined
the location of the branch Insane
asylum. The legality of the act will
be tested at once.
George Nolund, of Astoria, a former
I.ane county Uiy, sM-ut last nitrht in
Eugene vlsi:ing his brother J. E., and
uumeruusold friends.
Miss Hcna Mcl'.irhind, of Cottngc
(irove, and Mr. G. M. Mclaughlin, of
Ikdse City, Idaho, ure visitihg ul the
reslileliiv of Gisirp1 Siuilh.
Murlv hop roofs fur Mile. Prolific,
to ikt lliousaiid: I-'uv:lis, it" ts-rthou-
sund, by S. SMf i:n,
alter villc, Or.
M. I-vliiL-cr bus Imvii apiNiiuted
tigeut for Frank Hro., uirrii ultinal im-
plemellt dealers, lllld Will iKfllpy the
old slaml of J. M. HelidriekM.
(iuarterly iuiiisil tiaelnrs t xniulua-
tiou al the court house befoie fsujh-riii-tetnleiit
Mevellson lllld KxainiuclH J.
M. Willii ms mid Mary E. MctVrtiack.
A coiui'ion expression hi willing up
the live of great men Is Unit tliev ls--
gaii lilt- n b'ir'-fisit Ikijs. Never in ahl
of u Isiy v Im Is'gau life any ol her wnv.
Messrs. Win. Edri A Shi inform us
that they will commence Hit reiminiig
of the iliunarvil water power mid pliuv
tlie same in nrst-eluss loinlllloli lu the
near future.
Ex-l'resideiit HurrisiMi and Guv.
McKillley delivered sililicul liddresse
to rt publicuii state eliili iiuvtliigs yes
terday itl liidiuuuMiliit and Columbus,
K. ('. Smith iurclined Sutiirdav
fn in M. II. Harlow, jr., 440 bushel of
potutM-s for .'til it-nt per bushel. Mr.
Smith will ship several car loads ol po-tatis-M
to Montana.
Au eminent authority on la gripis
says: "Au Individual I affected by
breathing at once the expired air from
a N'rson suffering from the disease,
and I Isileve this to be the only meth
od of Infection."
Jacksonville Times: M. F. Parker,
of Florence, Lane county, has traded a
portion of his proH-rty there to Scott
Morris for liM) acres on Evans' creek.
The latter will move to Florence about
April 1st.
A considerable number of mtsoiis
came down from the town In the up
per part of the county this morning to
attend the opera tonight. It Isexis.-ct-ed
that a crowd will come from Coburg
and Springfield also.
E. J. Frasier and wife left on a
month's visit to California lust even
ing. Mayor Friendly bus commission
ed Mr. Fraslcr to ivpresent this vicin
ity at the Trans-MiHsisslppI congress
now lu session In Sun Francisco, and
he will attend the same.
Albany Democrat: Louis I.. Will
iams, of Aluska, has been Bpsiintd I'.
S. marshal of Alaska to succeed O. T.
Porter, of Ibis city, who ha held the
posit ion fur four year and four iiiout h.
Mr. Porter w ill return to the valley
with a nlue protwrty as a result of hi
residence there.
Dr. Ozlo. of Kosehurg, who gnlned
considerable notoriety In New York,
sometime aim. was at Ashluml a few
day ago, but left for the north again.
His friend are considerably worried
.over hi condition, as It bus been found
liecis'sary tn exercise a g(Kwl deal of re
straint over hint ou several (Mt-usioli
lately. The doctor 1 said to be a co
caine fiend,
The Opera.
Dallf Guard, r. b. 15.
A w as pn dieted, one of the largest
and ni'sl stiivt crowd Hint ever tilled
Rhluehurl's os-ru house, llstt-iietl to
the rend tlmi of "The liohemluli (tirl,"
by the Cullioun 0s-ra Cotnpuny, lust
The leiidl ig parts were ull in the
baud of artist and the tsimtlfui stibm
with which the pnsluction i replete
hrouirht fourth encore aflereneore from
the delighted aildieluv. Ml-s ItcttlriiV-
.Mi lvi'iu e, in Arilne, the "Ikiiit-iinaii
Girl," Du. da A. Hint, chief of the
cyp.l. j, W. Schuster, tlie Count, aud
(V-olge I.) ding, a Thaiilcu, were
ei'lul fuv irltes; but all the b-ndilig
character were MNtulued so well that
all couM revhly comprehend and en
Joy, altno.igli the composition wan
slrnutre to inanv ot the listeiiera
The ti.orus was rami lu II fullnrts
and the da.i. lug and ,.,11.10 part
BUih aa wou d not nt end t ie fut ill I
... ' I. I ..I .1... .!... .1... I.. '
of this vicinity have demonstrated Vy
a lils-rul attriidunce their taste for
i i,o ( .... .. iii
have more opportuiiitlck and ofleiier of '
,....,-.-,.... ...... ...l.vws .....
enjoying sonn thing realy g'ssl without j
Uiug obliyid to l aw Eugene.
Eooa van Hat iiixo. From tbor-'
ougbbml foals. Mlver WyaMlUa,
S. C. Drown I-ghoms. Light Liifua, j
llarrrd Plyiuouib Wis ks, 11. Ijingsbaiis '
and liUvli .Muion-as, the great egg ma
(bines. Egg tl r 13. Carefully
tackisl to !.ip any distance. Ad ln-ss
nipipua I ssfltry yards, Ryehurg, Ore
fn. Fkek ToLLk,
A Jlertlni," HrU ami ommlllee
i. tly lpHiluicil.
In ve v
asM'iubiv 01
ti rlall cam
M iy 11, Is
ti iile aijd i
IK 1hI Io I.
to meet nt I
cf Eugene aud com-
lie furl thai the general
.ie Cumls-rluud liesby
i I to meet III this city
,. Ihe churches, Issird of
y i-iu in 1 1 were ench re
siiwt Bisiiiimlllivof three
ie I umls'rlalid Presbyter-
lull church
ebruaiy I., al . p. in. A
tsirdinglv t ie various organizations
suit deli iral. 'ii and met III isuincll at
the time dc-lguatctl. Rev. G. A. KUir
called the lucctltig to order and IU-v.
llourdmaii h-d in prayer. The object
oftbetinvtiug wii tutei ami IUV
Itlair was ciioseii chairman and M. C.
Vanl'viie MTniary. It was agreed
that tlie foil. im lug committees Is- B
On Entertainment J C GishIuI
chuirman, J D Matlock. E J McCIuiiu-
ban. Fletcher Linn, Ed Hrlstow, J T
Rowland. Nun Gray, J It Hopkins, A
J Nickel. John Zclglcr, It 11 Nmcklctt,
Jcsmi Miller, M C Van lytic, H W Fish
er. A K Wheeler.
Retvntlon Committee J II Mo-
Chllig.TG Hendricks, S D Hull, Geo
Martin, C S trunk, 1 K Peter, J 1,
I'lhaiiiv Coiuinit lev Mayor S II
Friendly. F M Wllklns, S li Eakln, F
W Osbiim, Win Preston, G P GrtlUn,
P IiGllis-rt.
Committtv oil Ctinveyauce Ell
Rungs, A V Peters, R Mount, It F Dor
Comiaitttv on Muslc-Pnif Jones, L
G Ai hi r. J II .Mi-i'liimr. Miss Marv
McCorunck, Miss Alice Dorrls, This I)
Rowluud, J Atlglcr, A Drown, I .M
Floral Ctminilttee To ls naineil by
Chuirman lllulr, which will U un
lioiineed in a few days.
1'he chuirman of each committee lu
conjunction w ith Rev. lllair form au
exis'Utive coiiimittee who will have
oversight of the whole work.
The chair expressed hi gratitude to
ull present for their manifest interest
and w illiiiguess to do their W-st to
make the eiitcrtuiumeiit a success.
On motion the meetltig adjourned.
We lavpcttk for these committee the
heart v co-ois-rntloti of every citizen
and trust you will receive them lu the
spirit In w Inch they conic lo you and
respond liberally to their rcUcst.
The gener d assembly I the highest
court of the : in nil and meet uuuual-
Iv lu May. It I comiMMtsI of represeu-
tutive men- in tspml iiuiiiInt of min
ister and 1 ivineii, representing every
ciiitiiiiute li. uistrv, aud from almost
eve ry stule I
the I nlon. Also some
itioii. We do not know
will Is- present, but w ill
. ime. ihe pn-sNvt are
i large delegation of men
foreign deh
how many
know In 1 1 in
then- w ill Is
and women.
arrangements have Isvu
il In which to hold the
.suggest that wegiveour
lie East prefen-mv over
i n-lativist wiio may re
nlity. Then when these
t aiv cured for do our
re of the "home folks."
ill und other coust state
ere und eaiiip, tuke cure
, not use the room of
ould otherwise help ell
ues from the l-jist.
ise do uot ibsilne to statu
made for a I
slolls of t
Permit im
oii'ints fioti,
friends oi e
side lu
from u ib-Ui
l i- t, to t: ;i
Maiiv In II
sliolllil CI. ill
of tlieliisel
!l I' liil W llo
li Ituill our
k'aiu: P,
what yi il w 11 do when the committee
culls. Thoi li you may feel you are
not ul ile to t .io for htruiigers us you
would like r take us many as you
should w ish, do ycur best, und your
friend will appreciate your hiwpilullty
mid the ct'iumiitee uud fr nods your
willingness and cntiis-rallon.
I t no one try to place befofn their
guest all the "gissl things" Oregon
bus they might conclude to remain
out here, hut give lliem giKsl, w hole
some, plain food and save some for
"future use."
Trusting every home will be open to
help entertain the assembly and each
one will promptly and hear lily do his
or her best, n 1 believe you will,
I inn yours lu service,
G. A. liLAIH.
bulljr Guard, Feb. l.V
II. N. CiH-kerllne visited Junction
Hon. A. C. Woodcock arrived homo
this afternoon.
Mrs. N. Humtihrcy I visiting relu
lives lu Corvulll.
Mrs. Dr. Powell Reeve ha returned
to I Am Angeles, Cal.
K. K. Henderson has returned from
a trip to Sail Fraudsco.
Frank Alexander returned to Salem
on the thla morning.
Miss Sallie Mast went to Creswell
this aneruoon for a visit with relatives.
II. N. (.'ruin has been confined to hi
residence with sicklies for a couple of
Commissioner Purker and Perkins
have leturned lo their resjieclive
Mr. George Stansbury returned
from a visit with relatives ut Junctiou
this afternoon,
CorvallU Dally New: Mis Allie
Rureh, of Eugene, Is visiting with her
cousin, Mrs. Niruh Cauihoru.
John Cons r ami family, of Linn
county, w h huve Ihh-ii visiting sever
al days at lue residence ol Mr. E.
Conm-r, reti rued home this muruiug.
Lieutenant Shunk, I'. H. engineer of
Portland, w 1 xsiu visit Hiusluw to ex
amine and i srt on tlie damage fntui
winter we. 'her to the government
works in ar lioreiicc.
' ..llr Uuanl, lob. IV
Mltiioh' r Rkvivai.. The revival
Ut the. Met I list church closed Mon
day CVelin withfti conversion and
i i new IMl srs. It closed With greut
loferi-sl, m -,1'tit tlut the puslur ai:d
church dec -d to hold a regular revi
val service is evening. The pastor
ill pr-nel ml a gn ul mis tliig Is ex
lvted. I e Inten-st is gnat there
wi.l l- n .ing tomorrow uigbt also,
i Ari'i.ic la NitnuiM. Sclnol
'Msrinte' . ut Stevenson liiforins u
! Iimi lu . irnls r of applicant for
, lemhi rs'ts, itleuie at this exniiiiiia-
li. n Is I he :irgel ever reisivisl. The
usist of 70 females aud in
,!,,, two of ihe uumUr aJimg for
,i,. i. n
i Povt lti si. ihe let-tun s aniiouiic-
wl A.r frill !. ..I..I S.lnril.L' Ml'Mlilinm
i . : .....j ...... ............. ...........
i r v-t by Jm Hawk.aCbim
rui-siDiiuri , of Portland.
IsMtpoued linb -finitely.
baW bveli
PuTAtoin Wanthi. I want f Im
luedwtle khlpinent, two tars choice,
Wel-aiir1 I liurbunk potatoes, for
which 1 will pay cash.
F. V. astlTII.
Drain jtjr kaiit Y'iW need tiling
For Urms k'.id liifonualll alsnit tile,
aldreM D. Nash k t o., niauufactur-ri
of tiling, Halsey, Oregon
(it e.A-tlou Monday, April 2.
Snow md sutishiiiii. A uiiivr mix-
A litil snow tin iiioiuiug for
Over i W Mongolian havereglstenil
in rortii ud.
St. Va eutine's day wa not largely
l-l ienilllt I III r.UgVIIC.
M. M Davis, well known In Eu
gene, i i calldldute for collector of
custom at Yaiiiliia buy
Ycrlui ton's orchestra will furnish
milslc fir the bull to l given at
!prliiglliid on the evening of IVbruiiry
The senate hu coiillrmcd the iioml
liutioll Hr Hon. It. M. Ycatiil us regis
ter I the I. .". Inn. I otlbv nt Imsh
lurg. The liet ilaiiiv of the series this sea
son will U- given by the Eugene Danc
ing Club next uturil:iy evening, Feb
ruary 1 1.
Mis Emily C. Falling, third daugh
ter of Hon. Henry Fulling, mid Lieut.
C. t 'als ll, of the I'. S. army, a us niur
rlcd 1 1 Purtluiid lust night.
Mull service has Isvu estnblisheil
from Axtell to Waldpoit in l.iuisiln
county, and from Gardiner, iHiugln
county, to Alene, Ijine county, Ore
gon. Judge Fullertoii bus held that the
;u i.oiio of lU iiioti county money di
IsMited III Ihe defunct Huiiillton, Job A
Co', bunk, I trust hind aud must
be iald in full. This w ill Is? hard on
the dcMBiltors.
Tisluy's Oregon lau says: The de
murrer to the ludicmcnl aguiust Or
vlltell. R. Simmon wa stibmitttsl
without argument. John Ditchburu's
niotloii for a new triul wa taken tin
tier adviseuieut.
All editor w rote a head line, "A
Horrible lllundcr," to go over a rail
road accident; hut though It was the
printer' fault thut it got over the ac
count of a wtsldiug, the editor w a the
man thrashed all the same.
Hun. Henry Rluckmau, the recently
pKiilite collirtor of iliti Tliul reve
nue, bus forwarded his bond to
Washington. He say that he has
not, a yet, prom anyone a Nwttilnn
I u hi ollliv. Hn exscts to tuke
charge of the nltlet about March I.
A Rimetullic le ague has lvn organ
ized In Pnrtlaiid, wnh Van R. DeLush
mutt as president ami Glen O Hoi
man, sec-ehiry. Mr. Glen O. Holmun.
w ho I the orgauier fur the National
ltiiuciiill c Uugne in Oregon nspiest
that the silver men lu the various
counties, in the stale who desire to or
galilxe Ic.igues In their rinK(ive sev
lions plan' themselves in communica
tion with him.
Cuiidlil.itcs for county ollhv are nil
iiierous. Spring stin k of carpet til Day A
Heiiderx II s.
One w s'k from today Is Washing-
ton's hlriliiluv.
The utt Miduncc at the theatre did
not lnilii ite hard times.
Unite n isiutrust ladwccll the weather
of ycsteri ay aud today.
Where I the mini that was iroihe-
eying un curly spring'.'
Severui Hew hiisiucs houses are talk
ing of stin ting in this city.
Tuke a l vantage of Watts' closing out
sale and ;;et gotsls ut your own price.
Wlndi w glass cut to order.
F. I,. Ciiamiicuh.
Ihi yo i know how cheap Day A
1 lenders., n ure wiling Ihelr cartad?
Curllni; Iron ', 10, l i cents.
F. CiiAJJiiKiiH.
We uu.lirshiud thut a few of the Cul
lioun ost.i coinpaliy iiiIkm'iI the train
lust night.
A. Rush I suing the Sulem Electric
Light Co. for 1,000, the unioiint be
ing due on a note.
A niarriuge license wa Issued lute
last afteriKsiu to A. M. Griltlu ami L.
C. Elliott by County Clerk Walker.
Huve you seen the new carpet aud
prices at Day A Hkmieiusm.n'h.
Watt ha decided to close out bis
entire stock and only carry on the re
pairing bushier. Read Ida card in
thla Issue.
The Oregon Press Association excur
sion to the midwinter fulr will prolia
bly visit Han Francisco on March ISO
Oregon day.
Grant' Pass Courier: A rotary
snow idow has been busy In the Siski
you lor some time. It throws the
snow hard enough to break window
cliww to the track aud even cover up
tiio smaller uuiiuing.
Prinevillu News: It I estimated
that INK) Jack rabbits have Usui killed
within eight mill's of Prinevillu tlurlnir
the past two mo.itli. The time will
couiu when these ls?autlful little ani
mal will become practically extinct.
The Ilehii family of Dallas, who
were arresU-d lal November by Slierlll
Wells, have brought suit airurciraliiiu'
toOski against the Hherlll', charging
false imprisonment. I he nsrtles were
arrested ou a warrant for resisting au
A man by the name of Corn waa
married In Crvslou, Iowa, to a lady
named Whnt. The fisil choir sang
"Whut Khali the Harvest Re?" A
gamin in the gallery yelled out "Nub
bins," and they cust him out of the
yuugog ie.
liiu populist Voted III JiMt'lddllU
is unity last Saturday forollleers, under
the new system of bolillng primunes.
W. II. Spaiigh received voles for atcre
Uiry of s' ate, stale treasurer und con
gress, llev. J. S. McCain, formerly of
Eugene, reeelvisl vote for rcprcscnta
live, isi nty Judge, treasurer, schisil
siijs riiri-iiileni and assessor.
Antel is- Herald: An old farmer
living n ar Coiidou Intcul on making
bis w ill was skisl by a lawyer the
mime ol his w ifo, when he gravely p
plied: "Well, indeed, 1 really don't
niu.-ml -r whut It Is. We've lirn
marrieil upwnrd of 40 yenis and I've
mIwhvm 1 111 lei I lier lov iilil la-oliiHIl "
The faw yer left a hUuk lo I tilled up
w hen li old woiitair name was a4sT
Lit nisi.
porlliiid Tomahawk: The slate
metit I vs Iss u made in wiiklv im-ws-
pu-r ivhieli are not well tiilorioi d
thut ll n. W. F. MstliH.k, tf Penille
ton, ihirm the uouilunlion of stale
treason r on the ileiiis-rutl' tieket. A
Usual tl.ey are wrong. Mr. Matbs k
deuust ihe statement and 1 know he
has done nothing whatever in the nutt
ier, lie would no doubt make an able
and hoi, ,st olllrlul aud would run well
but he hits no thought wf Ihe prossti-
.it. I'rr-.r win i. store in liisru
' Hall, Friday evening, Fetmiary iHlh.
Hi subject will be: "Miracle: Their
Relation 4 Sieiuv aud lt llglon." Dr.
I it. Drl-er will lecture In
Driver is an originuiand very thought
ful sts-akvr. ard his views urs.n this
mU-rtsttJiig U'V1: will be sure to prove
siimujaiiiig aiimyisirueiive.
I'i. i oiU I men' fnnrt.
Frr, Cltsa t, wihipaa HIsU Vs
llunrfsrt 2 'Jl)
Wm Miller, wit Lisa Mute Ts
liaugsrt ; 'J ()
iU-tMiit n( H () Ia''iwood, super
visor ristd No 77 rs
vivel slid bill fur sem.s tf I
a Hi is nl at 5 IK)
J F While stirs'iu'e.! aiirrisor
Mad district No 77
W It Walker, clerk 'Ji9lNI
Ja Parker, Cuiunrssimicr 'J-' l1
Eil Perkins, " 'JO HO
Iu lbs mutter of tlie J F Smith
road, ordnrisl esbthlishrd and
(pelnsl aa Tie wed and SUIVe)i.
Onlenst allownl:
t O Putter, depul) ilistn.'t atlor-
lie 5 l)
V W Orfleb), tui'ibcal iith-ud-Sluss,
iitiipers 1J IH)
(1 W Kinsey, J P htute v Riug
li aid a 1 ,u
Hill of II M Clisiuherlkin, .1 P,
bolillng uu Jease Mar
tin, 9i III, allowed at 4 i'i
C It .Morgan, summoning jury,
.Martin uiipimt 1 IM)
J 11 Morn, juror, Martin lu
ll in si 'J 40
Wiu llnrdell, juror, Maitui iu
iist '2 40
Jtsstn IKis. JiiMr, Martin injiiest. 'J 10
11 P llerubsrt, juror, Msrtm iu
l'ist 2 40
Frssl Funks, juror, Martin ir-ijusa-
2 40
Ray Joliuson, juror, Msstin in
piest 2 40
Ordrrcsltliat Jssa-r Wilkina bsre
a rebalo ou tax of Julius Hulrl,
suld property having been
doilblo sssi ssnl and Uilu lan-s
paid 7 71
Olsss Jr Prudboniiiie, lieri(T re
ceipts id no
J (i Mevensoti, Jiiiietloll Imtitute 6 !tf
Kiigens Kkoihtkh, printing M no
I L Csmpbell, - SI ii
II It Kuickiil. - fl fl
Iu rustler of piiplisliing court
priHisslings, Kkoihtkh and
(.'nurd d-NUgiistil aa ndK'Uil
( W Kuisey, J p, Htate Ie
Roy 5 70
(I V Kiiim'T, J P, Htate v Prolstt 5 70
" - - " - linn-
tfurt 9 2j
August Lu.lllns witnetsi htab v
llmigitrt 1 70
WimkI Ulame, Witues htate V
Itsrik'ail 1 70
J E Young, witness Htate llau-
gsrt 1 .10
Geo Croncr witness, hlste vs Uau-
gurt 1 70
Wid McOce, wit '.hs H'ule v
llniuinrt 1 70
Plica, Witness .State vs
llaliuart 1 70
A KU'k's, w ituess flute v llaiita
nnd lluriics i 2 00
C A lilery, witui'i slnlovs llaii
ta und fi.iriu-s i Tu
A Drury, w ituess state vs Ritutu
and llariu" 1 no
John llan.i.rd, w it lies slate v-
Italiln and Itarncs 1 IK)
Cclla Ri;gs, a il in vi stale Han-
und I in r i u s 2 W)
Ida Rallies, witi.cs statu V
llaiilii unii lUr.ics M
Susaiiuuli lUruis, wiluesn state
v llaiitu und l.irues I IS)
Julia A Rallies, witness slate
Itiiulu und ilar.ics 1 in)
Rill of W W hhoriridgu tor aW
fis't of hlllils-r, tilowetl 10 110
J W Harris, coroner lees of muii
run over by cats at J unci ion ... 5 00
D llristow, uiuft'r supplies, Mrs
l'crranif H Ul
J G hl. veiison, salary fsl HO
A ll t Isk, salary mi n,i
James Parker, w ho was upMilntsl nt
a previous term of this court to visit
aud astvrtaiu ihe condition of the mm
Hy of Henry James, reportts.1 them des
titute. It is therefore onlertsl by the
court that J. 11. Wblleuker ts, and he
I hereby authorized, to furnish suld
fuiuily with provisions, etc., lo the
amount of f.l per mouth until the fur
ther order of this court ami that he
pn-sent Itemlxtsl bill Ui the court each
E R llollcnlieck, gravel ft 70
PJ McPhersou, making antic
l it Mil IU10 00
Clerk ordered to draw warrant
In favor of All Flsk to de
fray expense of Admauson
from Reform Hchisd to his
home 4 00
Rill or J P, constable and wil
lies fee, alute V I'jtrucst
llurnc ami William llanla;
W Adams, J P, stale v ltunta
allowed 7 80
J R Forls-s, Juror, state v Ran-
ta and Humes: allowed l bo
JC Hlleman. Juror, state v
llantu ami liurnes: alloweti.. I 40
A Carlton, Juror, state v ltun
ta and liarncs: allow in i -jj
ll V Crawford, Juror, state vs
Raiitaand Itariica; allowed... W)
Win Field, Juror, state v Ran
la aud I tunics, allowed 1 40
A Plipiet, Juror, slate va ltunta
and Humes; allowed 160
Win Workman, hauling prison
er to Eugene 6 (X)
M H Workman, cost atato va
Raiitaand liarucs, 117, al
lowed at 10 00
Report of K C Polterf, siist
vlsorofroad district No til,
having Isvu etirrected, the
same is allowed 10 00
John Fields, witness state vs.
ltunta ami llurnc 1 00.
The Muburdlaat (rauge.
Ei ohKK, Or., Fib. 1.1, lhy4.
Notice lo the subordinate granges,
of Lauu county. S-nd thnst d legnte
for the pUI Mstj of elect Tg thie)"iles to
the Oregon stul j gn.ugc. Distriut
meeting w ill be I eld X.uti h 0, 1 ul, at
2 o'clis'k p. m. at the court bou--, Eu
gene, (infill.
Joiim SlMltto'i,
Disiriil De; iity.
To Kim.. The follow lug rets ij t for
the destrii' ilou of gopher and squir
rel bus Is ell hlubly rccouiliii'lided:
"Take u llvn gull, u cull, put a stick if
phosphorus with a little cold wui'T in
the Isittom of It. Pour in hot not
iMiillug w Hter, J 1st hot enough to melt
the phosphorus (.tuduully. And two
isiunds of miliar Mid stir. Then add
eoriiineal and Hour iu eipial ipiuiitltim
ti make a Click tattler. 1 lieu Slir III
whole when! until the butter la titiito
stilt. Pour In ut the same time llllts'ii
to twenty drops of rlnsliuiu. The
wheat wi'll alaMirb all the water aud
the mas will 1st nine hard. For Use
chin oil small niiss-s to the size of a
hickory r.ut and place It In the run."
MoKKu CamiIkati.. We have
heard Ihe names of the follow lug gvli
tlemeli menllonvd III Collins tion with
tlie republican nominatloii for alierltr.
In tvlditlon to those already published:
F. C lAke, Eugene; R. II. Keeiiey,
(asstheii; aud Wm. rt-nltiu, Oexter.
Coxtract to UK Lkr. The city ol
Eugene will U-t the eunlraet for the
grading aud graving of High strn-t,
(nun IU sou ill line of 4lh street to the
north hue of 6t street, Feb. JlU at 7
Lent Ilrmt.
Feb. II.
Mi Eit: William n turned home
fnuii an extended visit at Goshen
where she bus Utn ulteiuliug school.
Ed Parks, of Pleasant Hill, I now
lliu Is,- rider. Ho has been breaking
a wild hor-e for Andrew Mill. r of this
There will Is? several aens of new
Imp set (hi season near Trent.
Tin ru 1 some talk of organizing a
Sunday schisil ut this place III the near
future. I'l u hear from other lu our
Wullaiv Kimball wo the lucky otio
lo ill.) eu a pbsf of hind thntwaaab-sconls-d
by Mr. Raui'ham. I'ucle
Tom left In the suds.
More new after a w hile.
Several cattle btiytrt In the nelgli
Isirlushl, all paying reasonable price.
Is n Guilcy uud Dan Miller paid Eu
gene a Hying visit on important busi
ness lust Week.
I.u grips' still prevail III our neigh
iHirhissl. Several new cases. Peurl
Pitser and wife have hud quite a siege
of lu grips. for the lust week.
Ed Purks, of Pleasant Hill, wa a
visitor at this plate lust week.
Mr. Pnixy, of Iiexter, claims that he
was Informed that the mock court at
this plaiv wu almost a disgrace. We
would ask Mr. Proxy who his informer
was. Was he a reliable mto or was
he a "crank'.'" Now Mr. Proxy, aa
you are In the habit of giving advice,
please tuke my advice: Think twice
la-lore you -ak. Yon have made an
Ininrnt t statement; you have misrep
resented the court at this place; you do
not know whereof you sitkftli. Thla
mock court wa mailt) up w ith the lt
and foremost citizens lu and around
Trent and I will assure you they had
more rc-.Mrt for themselves and the la
die w ho were present than to disgrace
them. Mr. Proxy seem to bother
himself w Ithout cause about other peo
ple' business. I will state to Mr.
Proxy, and others, that Trent has peo
ple as rcspcf tublc as any place, and will
not disgrace any one thut see fit to
visit our court.
Wliliuiii Kifiicy uud wife, of
Goshen, wns visiting this week at E.
P. Wllliums, Mr. Kiiicy' father.
lleiiy Tiltoii uud family are visiting
at Mr. lMvl HurH r's this week.
Mrs. Rarh loP Kiitrrtaliimeut.
A great many of the ladies of Eu
gene, prominent in W. C. T. IL and
titiier liranche of woman's wort, will
Is' esMvhilly liucn-st'sl In the visit of
Mrs. Hester A. Ilailandto our city.
Al this particular time the trend of
thought ws ins toward plan and Ideas
which have lo do w ith eleviillng the
worth of the liiillvlilual, and closely re
luted to Ibis Is the sul.jis t of the indus
trial fns-doiu of women.
The iMiurd of lady maiingera of the
World's Columblii eXsisttlon ut Chica
go, lust ycur, did a work w hich will
murk un cHsii in tint history of wo
an's advancement. Mr. Hurliiud, as
stH n-tury of the board, hud excellent
opiMirtuuhic for olstervatloii and ha
a thorough kuow letlgo of nil thut the
work of the board couipristsl.
ller eiilerlallilueiil here next Mon
thly evening, February ll). will com-1st
of M view of the world's fulr and .10
of Hie Culiforuia midwinter fair, w hich
with the aid of a stereo) it Icon will l
used in illustrating her lecture. This
will not only 1st or inten-st to ladle
but will contain descriptive aud narra
tive mailer concerning the "White
City" which will be pleasing and In
structive tn all. Especial arrange
ments will I made for the attendance
of children.
Ural Estate Transfers.
H K Slgel to W Ruzctt. tract of land
mar railroad; HU2.M.
Geo M Miller tn A K Patterson.
lot 1 ami 2, block S.1; fSM.
U H to II It Mount, iso.7 acre In 1 18
r ft w; pal cut.
wm I' lloir.uaucr to piuio Wilcox,
200 acres lu 1 17 r 7 w; f 'sJO.
Itopabliraa teutral Comtulltee.
The Repuhlican County Central
Committee I cahed to meet at Mount '
ball, In Eugene, on Wednesday,
March 7th, al 1 o'clock, n. m.
.. i t.i . . ...u..
r. .u.,
ClUAItKTTK Fl KM II. Wetllltsttlay'
Sulem Journal: Edward Roiirner, of
Peinlletoii, waa today brought to the
asylum for the liisuue. He completely
loss- himself at tlmtsj and threaten to
kill hi whole family. He I a cigar
ette fiend aud drink some.
Ri:vivAr.. There Is a great revival
meeting In progress nt the United
j.retliren church. I. real interest la
manifested. There ha Usui a great
tiumls-r of conversions, although the
luis'ting begnu last Momluy evening.
The pastor preaches every evening.
We will have Special Day
Sales and continue same for the
eason, holdinj them every
Ui h. lW:dr.Esitayt Feb. 21,
Ut ta, 2 Wsincsiay. Feb. 23,
15 Per Cent Reduction in Thest Lines.