V STEAM1XG0GT TO SEi Sometimes Accompanied by Strange Sights on CoardShip. IROTSlvr. THE tStNKFM CREW. and a Mot lev Crew It la una Trass tleeu. r Tit Ancient Art at Shanghaiing Sllll rinurlahea The llemoreele Brlsg Mutfr Bad Ilia Vlrlluas. Many reader who hv perused with rUhteou Indlgnalloa in tb ar lr of Captain M.irry.iU. Dr. Sinollrtl mi J other old time howli.ls atortr of the mil raw. a perpetrufrd 11 x ti .ai;..-:nsn, doubt Ira con (,'rutulute flu-ins. lira (liitt trepanning, ahaiifcliuiihir ami kindred cruel procure an Jut of dute .11 tlusclvil.Msl ami 4-iitliiifiii.il fit. A vol age uu Nova Scotiainan, a Yankee suiting cmft or itm a modern Irauip steamer wuuld beau unpleasant rev. DRAWS Ot-T BT THE sTEAM WIM'H. flat lull to such a rratlrr. aa II to a gen tlemnn who recently sailed from New V rk to 1'urto Hio and In k on a ilrilish tramp steamship. Hi would find that condition In t lie furcc'X l are not much mora tolrr bio today than they rt a century go, and t hut poor Jock la atilla prey to remorse laws bonrdinit master and unfortunate cir cumstance ih.it muk bis life worse tlmn one of actual slavery. , The K' jitl Muun above referred to thus described hit experience lu conversation with a Ni-w Vork Sun reporter: "When we Stsrttd, thr tint tMlitf tbnt ktrui'k Ui was the remarkably kiiitill uuinlar if men Id sight. Hiry wore so few thut It hsArd though the ' ' -i otic quartermaster Were guilt. ...... t .e ship to I'orto Itlrc Tbo steward wua stretched out on the floor of hit Untcnsjin dead drunk. The first and second mate wcrcou duty, but tnu former was In null iv condition that be navigated the iK-ck wr.b un-at dlfllculty. The only niun lu nl.t In-fore the must waa thequur-term-u-r perfectly sober. ,-I smv aa noun u we were under wny that the captain was worried, It was lint ha."l to tell thut it was lt.e condition uf bla crrw that worried Mm, but be took off biscoul aud wrtit to work. fcvcrytUlig vrm. lovely In th-r engine room, the Sootcn engliss-r onj hl two liugli.h assistants being sts-i-ly tucn mid the four conl passers straight enough to shovel c i ll. "As soon in we were outside and all com-munic-itiou with theahorecutoff the tup tain begun nrtive oh rations w ith the in visible crew. Ilia first step waa to call tlio chief mute aside mid give him a talking to. What be aitid 1 do nut know, but whatever llwaa U au very effective, for the mate straightened up and from that moment waa aa sober a- nny man u bonnl. rutting tbe quartcnu.ioter at the wheel and the aecnud mate on the brlili't,l the captain and cuief mnte i.l forwmd. "Tbe live men who were alilpl before tbe liiMil and who bad lx-eu liroiik'lit ou bounl hy the rbippltiK lllnti r ail hour or two hefure the eel Milled, all under tbe liillii'Mice of l:iiior, and at leitt twoof them unahlu to wnlk without aaaiatMiice, were tbrn pulled out of the forecattle one by ono. h ive men the ahlpplnu maalrr'a con tract called fur. und five men be bud deliv ereil. din J or alive. They did not come out willlnuly, either, In niuat cara. The Drat two who uppenred were too limply drunk to offer any reaiatunce, and t'n, y were drag ged out hy the beela and rolled nud ahaken about the det-k till they were alilo to ataod. The ttiinl ni.iii win a powerful fellow with a rich broiiur, who waa apuirently aching - for a chance to fluht the whole crew. He wna aober enough to know what waa Koliitf on, and the two oflirers ai-iieil biui by the ahouldera and dr.iued him out. "A ciipiiiin, you uuilentntid, boa norlijbt toatriko n aailor except in eelf di fi iue or in coxi of mutiny, but Una fellow waa do aooncr on bla feet outalde than he aimed a furiuui blow at the en tuln. Tbla waa pre ciely what the captair. expected and ile al red, aud tbouxb the aailorwaa double the oilicer'a ante ilio plucky little captain tol lahed him o(T beuutifully inoue aimrt round aud made hi in cry for mercy and promise to obey orders. Aa fut a tbe men were pulled out aud wibered up they were atood Atf.tiust the mil, uud three reeuunt mu tiueera were Dow In line waiting fur fur ther nrdera. "The fourth man came out without re alimnce. Ha bud been anionic the drunk eat of all when the buttle U-ifau, but the KufllinK haj partly lobered bini.and ba ciau led out, pulled hlniM-lf togi tln-r and took hta place In the Hue, where be made No. 4. He wita by long lalda the lined looking mini cf the five, thouttli ali'hliy built. He bad the mol aailorlike appear ance, too. In dark blue trouaer. shirt open al the throat, aailor but and ahiatli knife lu hia belt, ail brand Dew. lint cutiouly i-uiuixli be bud never been ou board a ahip I turn thut ilujr. He wna an Ameiican me chanic who bad been ahanchaied. How ever, 1 niuil not eet ahead of my atory. "Thei e waa only one man left now in tbe lo-vc.itle, another biic. burly fellow, aud be leave more trouble than all the other, lie Waa aobcrenouub to know w hat waa ftnintf on. but atill iliuuk euouuh to be obstinate und iletermliied Hot to come out. TheMom ha " a in ua aoamall thut be could biutv biinwir tffeciiely aaiunt Ita twoenda, and the couibintd atrenirtb of the captaiu nnd the fliM ollicer waa Dot audicieut to dia IihI'c hiiu. "I'm bimcn the winch, Mr. Humphrey.' tbec.iptu n ordernl, after unaucceuful if forta bud ben made. "The chief mate produced a atout rope anil funieued it aeeurely around the man' Ira: then took tbe other end of the rope to the forward winch aud attached It aud alarted the winch. , " ' Voii'vei;ot tocoincout,' Mr. Humphrey aaid. na the winch atartvd. Thia waa i.-vi dent n hen ll eroe la au to tighten. Lltbei the in. in mut come out or the front coma ouli.f toe forecallr. "'I'M cotueou'!' tbe man ahouted. when tb.i ro;. Ieii;i to Hike firm bold of hia likT. A a l.e-iH Kt ne bit o bia bold and n al l:..-.il by alutm to Ine foot of the wiuUl, ViljiTo tua mule uiilleil hull. "Tu rrnj.e cn.iv bel.ne the mail wert B'j'T marha'l aIooi tbt nul, and the t nfCa n Ui; in ut aearcb them. Flatka of ;.q..ir were found la all earivbl place In th-.r clot uiitf and a faat ua found were thrown ctf-riaunl. 7.9n, with the men tliil atan'li.ii) In line, the forncaatle waa c-ercbed. Tliere waa enoilich wbiaky there t-v have kept the crew glonuue tbroUKhotit the vol Ai.-e. Lut it ail went over the aide Half an bour later the 3vt men were at work, but a'. ill moving about at tbouitb ha.f iif i. The ateward waa shaken Into compnrativt wakrfu!oe4,atid ahortly after dark we ha i our Drat meal. "Tboae fellows don't know bow much wbUkr tbey bar loat.' tbt eapiaio (aid wan aviss. "Tbnjjoil 0 4 r what tbey bring on boanl. The 1nling kouae kerarraput a bottle or two In a maul kit before ba ounea on board, of conn charging him well for Yra, that'aalaiul fair aampleof tbe l.t duy i( a voyage. At the end of a voyage we discharge ail the men before the uiari and hire new ones for tbe next trip. That la the rilotoiu, berauaa It Mni pn)iug and feeding the men while welle lu xrt. The iiaiterm.ter we keep, aud of Courae the two malea ami tbeetigl Ueer and bia two a-i4nta. That makes seTiii of na, liiclmliiig myarlf enough to run the ahip on a pinch without an) body forw ard aud qulteruouub to overpower the men. no mnitvr how ugly they are.' "That night everything beijan to move like rliM-kwi rk alwrd I lie alnp, and you would Dot have an.ecteil that there had been any trouble. Next morning I waa standing on the iipa-r deck, Juat aft the en gine room, when the aajlur wuo bad fought the captain came up to me. 'Miatrr,' adid he, 'I bear We're bound for I'orto Itini. I wlb you'd Ml me how long a voyage it ia.' "I told bini. of courae, and aked bitn whether be hail not made liiquirira about It before be aiuued the ahlp'a articles. He said that he hud Hot alined atlT article, aa j far aa be knew; some one mut have signed them for Mm. thut he bad been ou a spree for several das, mid that the llrt thing be remembered waa lieing ilrm:ifl out of the fun-cu'tle and fighting with the cap tain. He h very r' H-iitaut alamt It; said that th captain did exactly nuht aud boied that lie had not made very big ftwl of hliuw-lf. "Throughout tbe day two mure of the sailors came up to me and akrd nlaitit the duration of the voyage, w hat orta we were to make, what our cargo waa, ami so on. None of them bad any recollectloii of com ing aboard the ship or signing the article. These thin prewred me for a peculiur In terview with the American, w hich I bad that evening. I nolut-d several times lu tbe afternoon that be seemed to Ix watch ing for a clii.uce to speak to me, but there was always some one lu the way. That evening, however, while 1 was standing la tbe moonlight leaning against tbeopeii sky light of thr engine room, ba found bla chance. '"Kxcua me,' be said, 'but I think you are an American. 'I am an American, too.' be wrnl on, 'and I'm afraid I've got tnyaelf Into a devil of a scmpe. I hexe no Idea bow 1 ram aboard tins steamer, but th niste says I've shiped for the voyage and bave got to go. 1 have wife aud family In Springfield. Mu-"., and they'll not kuuw w hat bna become of Die.' " I)o jru'i mean to aay that you were car ried oil ugmii'l your will' I aaked him. "'I cau't say whether I waa or not.' he replied. 'I rertuiiily did Dot come here In tentionally, for 1 never w aa on board a ahip before and know notblngof a sailor's work. I am a molder and inuke giaal wanes In Fpriuglleld. Lost Tuesday 1 came do i u to New York to attend to some buaineaa, and having to stay over night I went into the Ikiwery to see the sights. There 1 drunk too much bad ltowery w blky. I'll not deny that, and 1 remember getting acquuiuted wltb a man w ho seemed a good fellow and taking more drinks with him. That ia the lut thing I retni-iulier distinctly, tbouuli I bave a bazy recollection of being In soma dirty bedroom and having wluitever I waut ed to drink. I hud alsjiii lll in my pockets w hen I went Into tbe Uowery, but wben I woke up ye-ienluy aboard ship my money waa gone and I bail a new shirt and a w hole sailor's out 111.' "Nulurntly I took au interest in biscaae, be being an A tncrloau, and I spoke to the captain about bitn. "'Ibere lau't anything I can do fur the man,' the captain told me, 'except make bis work aa light oa possible for bun. and I'll do that. I cunt put hi in ahore till we get to I'orto ltico, and then he'd be woise oil than if be Mood by tbe ship, for we'll probably tie the first vewl coining luick from there. He baa beeu advanced li out of bis 19 V) wages, so be will have 100 coming to biin when we return to New York. The boarding master and tbe sail ing master of course got the money. Sail or are so plenty now that there would be do object lu crimping men in this way ex cept to Increase their profit. Such thing happen almoat every voyagit, but I cauuol belp it. I have to take what men 1 can get. Tbla landsman's Ignorance of the business Is loss to me, but what am I going to dof Such follows will get druuk aud let them- "IXCl'BK ME." UK SAttl, "HIT I THINK TOO AUE AX AVII.IIICAN." selves ba taken dowu Water street, and tben they're In for a sea voyaue sura. He's lucky that he's shipped for only a month' trip. Wemight he bound around the Horn or to Calcutta, and then ll would be all the same wilb bitn.' "Wben we were approaching New York on the homeward voyago tbe captain told me that If 1 took any lnteret In the kid naped American I bad better see biin clear of the wbarvea, or the boarding bous shark would bave bold of lilm again sure, and be'd be shipped off on another voyage before be got th Imd ruin out of bis bead. It was do unusual thing, he said, after a man had ouce been shaugliHied in this way, to keep ll i ill goiug from ship to ship, keep ing bun drunk always ou shore, until he almost forgot that be bad ever lived any other life. I saw my man safely off foi ripriuglivld, and wish hiiu better luck next time. "However, Jon see bow easy It Is fur a New Yorker to be carried aw ay and made a sailor ajfaluat bi will. Th other four whenever tbey bad a chauo to talk to uie, deplored Ibu miserable ysiem which make them worse lbu slave to in 'mooters' oa shore." Mlmlery In Caterpillars. A very largo caterpillar stretchi-d it self from the foliage of a tree which 1 was examining, ami startled tne by its resemblance to a small snake. The first three) segments behind the head Were dilatable at the will of the insect, and haI on each side a largo black pupillated pot. which resembled the rye of the snake. It was a poisonous or vipcrine pecioa mimicked, und not an innocuous snake. This was proved by the imita tion of kebil scales on the crown, which was produced by the recumbent feet us the caterpillar threw iUelf liai kward. I carried off the cati-rjiillar, and alarmed very one in tbe villuge where I was then living to whom I showed it. IU-o-ord of a Naturalist in the Amazon. The lioligioue lllllsualr. Maaaacbuv-tu l-giilators, according to the notice Josled on tbe fence sur rounding" the stat house extension, wU tievaK bave a change to go heavenward. Sotticone interrrsted in th-dr welfare baa issued an iuvitatiaxwhl. U n-ala, "Coin to Jesua." UndiT' the rncoorsglng word U tbe bopvles aunounccment, "This way is closed." Boston Post. It Jul OLD TIME TROUSSEAU COW Ipleadors ( ail It sail t.olil. feat TVhsl Earth Mere "I arna" and "Alls.?" Some one wlm h:i Urn delving into bM, tnuatr liia,Mlne ba brought la liht a descnpiioti of some trouaacan fowti ma.1 1- for I'rinces Charlotte when ilie luarriexl IVtucst Ls.iold of Suie Co burg. Here is the le-riiitioti of the welilllig fown: "Tbe wadding dree wa a alip of white and silver atlas, worn under a JrfMof transparent silk net, elegantly embroidered iu a silver camit with a bur s' r to tiiuU li. taut. -fiilly worked tit floral desi(.Ti to form fi'Mootis rmnd tlio bot lont. the sleeve ami neck tninim-.l with niit.t rich suit of lirussel oint lace." All very fun1, but wbitt, t'ritliw. tboti qimuit olil fashion writer, are "c unu" ami "atlua;'' "Matittnr i a linnet aa ol solete a part of the vocutmLiryof fashion, but woslill retiigiiize U-hituI it the ilil a of u flawing !. Hut "atlas? It I conundrum. And "ruina?" An Egyptian nddle. It ns-in to have been quite popular, whatever it was, fur an other of the tneix Hii gown wuaof while net einhroiilered iu gold cuiua. with tnir dor laid over w bile satin. Ill thi case the inaiitiiu was vt rii-h gold lirm-uile, with Mown rose richly woven in and trim I lied with gold lace. Of the other guw tn of tin old time bride, one wa of transparent net richly embroidered in the bright and dull tone of silver; an other wa of die white india tntislin worked over iu little spota wrought iu CU,Tee cold and flonuced with brussel point; another wa of ailvcr tissue trimmed with silver lace. In addition to ull thi gold am! silver finery, tbero were two wbuli drttuwa of bruasel Ucv. Valued respectively at S00 nod UGJ tunicas: also two of Dritisli blim.l net, specially worked for her royal LighufMi. The last but one of the gown described wa a white tiitisliu morning gown, trimmed with three broad row of valeticiotmca luce. All the gowns, it will lio noticed, were w hite, uud Ino-t of them wcru gorgeous with gold und silver thr.'.id. Hut lhuKoi:igaway gown of the Prin ces Charlotte i enough to inuko a mud era bride w. It was of the riciiest whit silk, trimmed w ith a broad fiad ruche of white aulin, lieadinl by two deep (lolUKcJ of brussel iint. The short sleeves and low bodut iuiagiut a decollete traveling gowu! wt-ro Veiled in the same lace. With tin was worn IM-lihseof white satin, lined tvith aar aeiiet uud triiuuied with broad bands of ermine. Unfortunately there is tiu i'.c cription of t ho milliiiery which uccoui puliied ull thi inugtiiliceiii e. Vt coure the bat must have been white uud enor mous, with sweeping pliinn s and voluui inou lace veil. New York Sun. Nu llllef VWII Touch It. A costly ring, unguarded by police or other special protection, bangs uin tided to a silken cord round the neck of statue of the Maid of Aluiudeiia, the patron suint of Madrid, iu one of the most freipuelitt-d parks of the Spani-h capital, it issi-t with vuluablediaiiioiuls uud H.-arU. but theru is not the least danger of its buingstolen. The greatest thief in Spain would sootier steul tbe plate from bis own mother' coflm thuu to even so much aa touch the uncanny relics. It history is curious uud inter esting, U-ing equal to anything related in inediii.val folklore. It waa muilo ill uccorduuee with a special ordir from tho late Alplmuso All, who gave it to hi cousin, thu beau llful Mercetles, on the day of their b- trolbul. Shu wore it constantly dunug her short married lit'o. L jkhi her death the kiug presented it to hi grandiuotlier. (jiits-n Christina. She died soon nftcr accepting it. and the king tlieu uumc1 the deadly little jeweled bund of gold to hi sister, Infanta de Pilar, who dies) within a month after. Again the ac cursed circlet started on its deadly rounds, next finding a place upou the finger of Christina, daughter of the Duke Montr tinier, lu It" than liH) days shu, too, waa dead. Alfonso then put the cursed jewel ill his own casket of precious relic and liv.il less than a year after so doing. Is it uuy wonder thut such a harbinger of death can safely hang ou a statue in uu unguarded square. Phila delphia Record. Jan lh Wlmluw Ninaahar. A woman ha been arrested at Went Superior who is though! to be the erratic and notorious window auianher known a Harriet Ueece. who created such a sensation lu Ashland recently She wa noticed acting strangely iu Tower ave nue, in front ol the olllces of ra C V and L W lieebe. aud arrested on sus picion She told this story 'My noin de plume u Mary U linen but my real name ui Sirs K J Ualey, und my btuv baud is a well to do St Paul druggist. I enme here to smasb Or Curl ll.s-ls.-'s windows Why do I break windows? Oh. I like to hear the crash and Jingle I nse stone like tin." producing one from the Usiuiof her drena The woman la well drvswed and quite good looking. Cor. St- Paul Olobe laassvssl a Stountaln LbHa. A savage monnlutn lion was turned louse at Kidgeway. and two hours later large band ol horsemen and a pack of bounds began a chase Tbe lion bad been lu captivity a year aud a half It feet Were tender ami llinlat unu.ied to exercise, and ll had traveled only a few UHles when It whs treed A cowboy htasoed it and pulled it down from the tree, and It waa taken back to towu l.i wagon and again plaed in it cage Tbe chase was witneiml by many - pie from Ouray and the entire popula tion in and around Kidgeway O iray (Colo. J Cor St lom Ololw-lH-inucrat- A Twaal lis an A Ilia-slue. A boy hsliiug di-overed an alligator In a ditch between liKes I tore and Mm Die. in the soultirtru part of Orlando He raised an alarm U I KntilcaiiK with a small rope and Ihm the .tu nan. A ternhc atriiKgle then ocgitri Mr Middlekauf arnve.1 prewntly His ax waa brought into play and several large gaslie were rut Hi the reptile's bead II meaure. eight aud a half feet He I responsible for the Ion of many duck dog etc. -Cor Honda Times- Cmon Cava I ttrhual fallllf) II t Tbe crown prince of japan who benrr tbe euphonious name of l ishihito liar noomiya and is now thirteeu ymrs old Is made to rvi-i-guize that there la uc royal road to teaming He attend the high school in ToXio and in ni school report of last term partu nlar mention it mad of bis diligence and of tbe fact that during the whole of laja, vr hi im penal blghnew did not tu k7iogl tsar aiiDujknc. London Tu-UitaiT) A IHIAVE HOG DEAlU HE HAN WITH THE FIRE ENGINE UNTIL ONE OAY WHEN HE FELL. .hmI Nalurrd I Mil "I I. apple." ol U l.nlne Alwats knew W lien Ills Ma rliln Was alle.1 lint and A I wave It. Ahead nf I lie Margin. Ituraea. Kverylssly ill tbe I'ighteeiith war 1 knew Cliaj pic, the white bull ten-jot that ran v. It ll 11 engine. Chuppio w.i a faitlifnl utt.'ii.lciit at all lin i in hi tliMrn-t. Stn.icln' I out ill front of the engine the first ringing of tho goti; would oh ii his eyes. With cocked eur be uouiil wait to ms) if 1 1 w as wanted. When tho doors were tiirowu n n he racist in and out with an ul-ur.) encr,-y, playfully snapping ut cveryNsly, tuuili ling over liiiiiself, bis incessant barkliii; savin;; plainly a words; "Come, now, get a move on you; uu time to is- lost; rusii in-r along. Chappie is dead now. uud tho firemen ,.,. ,. (0 whirling ov. r a trench, of 1 1 engine speak regretfully of bitn. tlll, lar,er it is to make men ruie tli. tr It was on the way to the lire thai ' .a,i. V(.r it to take tliui. Smokel-sa Cluippie wa in In glory. He woiilj ,Ui r make it ea-i. r for the ultack lo iK.tiii.l ahead of the galloping team fun deliver such u lir.-; hence the difiiculll.- ously burking uud springing up la-twoeti I f the d. fctiM. will Is. increased, the horW legs. Sss tat.rs would clout j prther. in the absence of smoke, theireyes.xsvting tos.-eliiiiitriinipl. . Miiti.miirv on the defense cannot or cm. bed. but from under the thinu t!H.a,. tK. d.'pr.Mtig inlliieu.-e of the hoofs Cluippie would come racing again. .lead and wounded lv mg nroiind them, lead the pnowioii for a inoineiit. then i i,llt ttltiU., ,.aves'ull these evidciice. back to the horses, biting Mid burking 0f tno jht Is l.iud it. So here ogaiu and urging them on. tll,. advantage is on its side. Arriv.sl at tho fire. Chappie became a i illi reference to the question of tho reasonable creatim. ugam iustallins I UM of smokeless K.wder by the artil himself on the driver's scat, coiuforla I ,.rv, the general idea serin to be that blv wagging bis stub of tail lis Ik watched his comrade ut work. Now and then be would indulge in a short bark of cncotiiageinent. The nltuk) terrier bad not . m ussI unscathed in hit frolicking with the galloping horses, lit lost a piece of In tail ut one time, had a leg broken at unother time und received nuinls-rlesM bruises. One Saturday Ihh ll.'J wa pull.sl, uud Chappie started to pilot the machine tc Twenty-third street and Third nVeiine. It proved a tough trip for the dog. Hi turned up with a fore paw brvkcu in twi place uftcr thu t xciteiueiit wus ull over. It wus buudaged and be wua placed on the sick list. In spite of thut ho nil swered llli) on the next night, rnuuing ahead ou three leg. He didn't havo fat to go, the tiro being on Proadwuy, U twecu Ninth and Tenth street. Prulutbly the broken paw bitidensl him, but soiuehow ho got under the honwV feet aud went down. A lit righted himself either the pan of the en gine or the pump cuugbt biui in th buck und cnished biui to the pavement. The stout hearted fellow of 1 1 vngilit could have cried us they returned tt their quarters, tenderly l-arnig tin lliuillled Cluippie. Tbe dog cume of the Is st blue bbssl in P.iiglaml, having Is-cu iuiHirte.l by William Waldorf Astor. He had all the gauieiiesa i haructerislio of hi bri-.il, and scarcely a whinis-r 1s t rayed bit stifTering. l)r. T. I). SIiitw.hmI. a vet erinary surgeon, who examined him, fotiud a fractured spine, u broken leg and severe internal injuries. At first the firemen were for shooting tlm d and putting him out of his inisoiy, but afterward it was dit-idcd to try aud aavc him. A canvas baiidage waa tigged or two billiard cues ulsive a dry go. sis box and Chappii. was suspeude.1 iu it. Ur.SberwiMi.lt.Mik great interest iu the caw), calling several times the following Tuesday. There wus a little Iiojsj on Tuesday evening, but us tho night wore uu tho brave dog gave such evidence ui suffering in hi suspended Muiition that lie wua taken down and l.;i I iiMin the straw. It Is cuine plain from the aui nial's agony that be was fatally injured and opiates were administered. He died at 2 o'cliK'k on Wednesday morning. Cbuppiu weighed slsiut forty-five pounds. Ilia funndous liMik utterly Ik liisl him. Ho was ess'ially utta. b. to any one wearing a lireman's timf- but be wus friendly enough to civiliuii. ....I 1 1... ..I.il.l.n ll... 1.1-.. I I ' .1.... ..v., tl.u ,..1.111.1. ll.nni were hi playmate. The only time he lost hia toui'NT was when a siliceuiun hove in sight. lie could not tolerute thut kind of a blnecnnt und could tell it at a glunco from a tireman' uiiifonn. None of the linoat made 11' house a lounging place while iu uniform. A policeman onto used, hia night stick on Chappie, and the wholo fort e was inude to suffer for it The firemen of 14 engine ant full of reminiscences of their dead playfellow. Reinurkablo stories of hi intelligence aro told. Ho uiiderstissl the signals and would nut stir if tbe alarm dniot.-d a Ore out of l l'sdistrict. While strangers were jMrmitted to make friendly ad vances outside the door, a snarl and gleam of ugly teeth warned against tres passing inside. Chappie wu left iu the house on guard iimu one occasion. Fire Commissioner Martin came in, but was nut permitted to leave until the men re turned. New York Kiin. Mwvnbl Cnrtaln I'ol, A firm in Uirtniugham, Kugland, U manufacturing now stylo of iilo for hanging portieres in such a manner that the curtain will not luterfero with open ing tho door. One of the bracket sup porting the polo I attuched to tho disir frame, the other being fastened to the dour itself. A joint iu thu le on tho line of the hinge of the disjr allows the polo to swing back with the iha.r when opem-d. The polo is held bsstely in the bracket on the door and slides over a small roller in the bracket when the door is movoL One of these lixtiin-s, ull brass, with rod three-quarter of an inch in diameter, sell for alamt $I..V) all complete. Pliilailelphia 11. -cord. Hwert nollrllad. Ilusba.id My dear, the air is very damp tonight. You'd better wear your fur. Wife I buve them ready. Husband And tut j our boaoncknely. A little exposure often l.-al to sore thnait, and sore throat I-ad to diph theria, a ino-t dahg. roiu. disease. Wear your thick nbb-r, I"', and g'"l thick slua-s, und warm glov.-a, and, my love, 1 think you'd better wear a warm veil. t. .... .1 ul . . m i One can t be b careful when ones life ' , " , . a . i I insurance Is in arrears, and your Is. v- v,u VC Llw I CUIng- aa Order. Small Boy Mamma wants you to send her tip quarter of a pound of cofTe and a pound of tea. Careful tikj'-er Isn t It a qnartiT of lea and a pound of cuff, e she waiita? Small Uoy Well, it somehow tliai way, and oh, I forgot; send na tap a Larrel of onions aud half a dozen iieirw uada potatoes and a peck of gjs;vavw lua't forxet. Oood Newt. . w 8M0KELEC3 P0WCEH.IN WAfC ll (.! Btant Adtanlafra la h lil Makln lit Alia k. The lntrHliictioii of unokeWa pnwtler hrts hnj coni.l. ruble to do with a change of tactic on tho tli ld of battle. In Uv ali-iiiie of tin smoke scrrs-n on both sides, the company officer, not only find It easier to work together, but c:m con trol their men and judge the elTcct of their lire oi the enemy to a far greater degree than was formerly posMlilc. Prom their point of view tins increased jsiwer f control more than compensate the iitt.u k for the incn-iOMil facility of con tealiuetit smokeloa powder I'onfcr on the defi iimv It is true that the l.tttt r nlso profits by t!ie"naine incn aw-d Mwer of control, but tin y urgtie that from tlm nature of things tho defense, striving only lo prevent Is mg la-ateii. whereas the attack tights with the determination to win, the latter is in a pitiou to make far la tter ue of this new powd.-r than the former. Put in uiiother form, it , ,.,,. i ti,,4- Th.. I... n .. r .....i ...,.r it was all a gain to the side which thought more of killing its enemy than of avoiding U-ing killed itself. It enor-moti.-ly facilitate the maintenance of I-.....I. ..O.I .. .il.... I... I. ........ I of continuous lire i veil ut the most rapid rate, for no smoke interfere with the laying of the guns, and ulsive all thing ch.s'rs the hearts of the nieti by enabling them to see the results of their lire. A a mean of coinvuliiif ut it is of no use ut nil, for even ut extreme ranges of 5. 000 yards nud upward the flash of dis charge i ul way distinctly visible, and ut lighting range the lla-.li enable one to note exactly the siMtion of the ene my' guns. Thi wa not alway possi ble with the old Hiw.lers, for the smoke obscured the object and prevented one's picking up hii exact siint to aim at. The itrtilb.-ry will bo fur from regret ting tho loss of the two cloud which hung, i lie one in front of their own and the other in front of the enemy's gun. Smoke i a cover udd.tl to that furnish ed by tho ground, nnd no ono ha ever been anxious for hi opponent to buvo cover which he himself could not turn to advantage. If latth are deprived of this cover victory will la-long to him who, nil els., ls-ing eiptal, call unt skillfully supply the deliciency. .Maneuvers will hereafter prolmbly take plain over larger area Ix-fore ac tual lighting Is-Kins, uud something of un Indian's cruft und natural keenm-aa will 1st needed on the part of stall offi cer. Slliokd ha la-en so good a cover on many occasion that it absence will impose new conditions, and natural cover will havo to 1st much more ex tensively utilized. With tho vanishing jMM'try of the r.moke liattle the prose of a new era will la-gin, in which comlmt will be morn like a game of clicn in view of the piece aa a whole, und new dispiMitiuus of old qualities and virtues will lie wanted. Iron Age. rurkelknlve and Nrlaaurs Any hardware store clerk will U ll yon that there is a marked falling off in the) demund for MM-kutkiiive und very conspicuous increase in the demand for pocket scissor. Up until risently al most every man carried a knife, not for the punsjee of probs lion, but to have it handy fur shurpctiiiiK -ncil or any similar puritsi. Now, however, the fashion ba grown to keeping a knife ul - H'avi un tin. ila.kl. .....I a flliu It.iIvim. im ! generally of a high iiuulity they are 1 preferred to tluste curriisd in thu tsjcket On the other band tho convenience of pocket shear ia so grout uud they are nuw tnudo so cheaply and more con venient thuu formerly thut men now carry them who never thought of doing so until quite recently. Interview iu St. Louis U lube-Democrat. ftalnsnander f ruiu Artewlaa ta'vlls, Mr. II. (1. Zimmerman, of Albion, Ind., reci'Utly discovered ill a trench leading from an urtcsiuu well a guod sizwl and very lively mud puppy or wa ter dog. This well is eight mil. north of Huron, 8. I)., ami t I .MO f.t deep. Everybody wus confident thut the rep tilo cume from thu well, a there ia no other water for mile and mile, t Load wa shaNsd like thut of our com mon cattish, ita color wua similar to that of the catfish, aud it hud bushy external gills, besides fuur leg. Many conjectures a to what th ani mal could be were made; some persona thought it princiutlly fish, other lizard, and the moat general conclusion was that the thing wu a mongrel 1s t wis-n the two. A gen ill (Proteus) belonging to the same family a the uls.vo (w hii h we take to he Necturus), and found in cave in sutithwi-stem Austria, is blind and colorless. Mr. Zimmerman stales ass ni cully thut the puppy found by hiiu hud a good air of eyt-s and waa dark iu color. ' Luke Hymn, twelve miles north of where this butruchiun was found, is said to fur nish gixsl fishing. Forest and Streutn. Where Artiste 11 Under. "I never saw un artist yet who could correctly 'mint a horstwless," remarked a f nend of mine, pausing before a Proud way picturo store. "They invariably paint it with an equal ntimls-r of nail on each side sometime three, some time four, and even live nails. As a matter of fact, tliere are four on on side and three on the other, the extra nail being on tbe inside of the foot, whero tho greatest strain comes. " Which remind ine of tbe lines of a distinguished American poet in which be sweetly depict thu drowsy cattle on ! a summer's day laxily lapping the cool-1 lug waters of the crystal stream. The same peculiarity La also jMstuaily at- -il I ... il. 1 t . : vtiuuit.j mj in ursn auii oi.ii.-r anuiiais. . . . , . ,, the model of the pca-t having probably . ,, , v u n n e3"1 iuv uuwsi.ai.-i.nw auia iiereau. Lleere ml Psrlur Malda. English parlor maid wear a distinct livery, not often, though occasionally, seen in New York house, Thia consist usually of a plain, lung, black or dark I woo.y. skirt, a Iiums, os n ja ket of tbe same maU-riul, and either a white vest with gilt or omamentisl buttons or a vest made of livery stripe. With tbla ; re worn cap and apron. New York TUaea. I FEASTED IN SILENCE. minese banqjet ruined by a Mongolian ward m-allister. laa franclaeo's f'elr.llal lour llun.lr4 1'lui.se.l litl.t t.l. iimii anj Anser by lb Wanluw llupllrlty ut Its lnUiallng Sw elal lllrlal.ir. The Pour !!'.:i 'n I and lie ine of Chlnv tonti -thut is I siv, tho 'O and more thii ken but- hers, p .wi. broker and a.iuaie I uiiiif it i .irers. r. In a wild flutter of H i.il ex it m o-iil . The luritniK calls" of Lie f iirore w ilie ibmier kiwii hy the Mer iliaius' Kx.i.iiii." of I'hinntonn to th Uniii-iiT .'.. in i .. i .--..I . .iry from Pi-kitur, .mg ii. und il.i- si-. r.. of pig IhiImI diplo mat in I. ii I r im I in the pn-vimie rvrtiiug his '-.!:. in y 1. 1 I Is.-u iliii'tl in the true or lit .il t le hv I lie ninesr S. ('iuiiiAiilea and .Vtl'Tii.-y ioorl iu, nn I lust ulghl It mine to llir turn of tin- um lassill.t men of trade III the .M.nnjolisu colon) lu alutf th repr.-M Hint ive of I lie I i i.-sl mi eiiipire with sill he it.iii in . s knon n to lh. ir cuisine. The rrvnr,ii is -itusi.-.! on l)iiMint I net, n. ar I oiniui-rt nil. lu s three atory structure, with liilcnin. a iu the oriental stile und a prof isimi of tinsel, red uillit, Chinese lunlerus ainl iniisie ihul would set theterthof uu nllikstor on .sle. To this repmitory of Moiigoliuii ilcliiaili-s nil the liiiit.d t.iifsta were proudly whis-letl lu American bucks pliut.il hy scute Jehus who llk'nr.-il with grim satisfaction on the glorious npMrt unity tontllut the heuth.-n an I In saline dearie even up matter by charging tin iu sit pins- for the liliaerus tomed l.iMiiyof a rule In a f our w heeled ihariot, I he 1. our i f th'-illum r waa 7 o'clock to the liiiuiite In Peking Ihla la the fashion ahle 1 1 ilia for taking 11. u evening meal, fur tho l.l of Confucius ba so art ll fur all time iu China. PreciM-iy ul 7 o'i l.s k the backs began to roll up to the lUisjiil street n-stauraut, and the anxious hut delighted sjrk butchers, cluar stuff, rsnud fish ssldlrr lav gun to roll out and illsiw eoh other up stairs in the trial of the plenipotentiary, from whom they wire separated by 30 dlplomais In rostumeithut balked Ilk the blind anitid niithtshirts niuferml ou pop ular brnl. urisims hy niliniring female rela tives. The lut n hauls were also sllinal In long flow ing garment of th rob de mi it pattern. Tbe guests were soon seated without any ceremony, but with nunh sorrow, fur a cold hlcMslcd MH'ial plot drveloHsl Itself lh luotlieut that the Isiuquet hall was rracheil. II wus exH-ctcd, of course, that the plea iMjlentiary would l ike a sent somewhere in tbo tliaiu luniiUet ball, where III nre totscf Spsjffurd alley, which Is noted fur Its i quell t speaker, would h a v a free w back at him. tiu fat Mrk butcher hl a mil of Chinese lithukir.tplMsletiMpielice In hisMs k et, nud several J ink sou stir. I and Cum Cisik alley flniiliciera Were alsml a Well heeled. It proiniaisl to Is? a great night for the Chinese biuiiiiage, and lu expectation of a prolonged tluw of elispirnce a brass I and and an extra st.s-k of nee brandy bad been provided. The unexpected, however, happened, as alw ays dis s ix-cur on momen tous occasions. The Ward McAllister of Chinatown la a aleek pawnbroker who dta s bllainesa back of thu Jackson Street theater. His dictum is supreme court law on all social question wilhiu a rudiu of six block of his store, and be nut ii rally fell into tbe poaitiunof chief director of the mwlifa festivities, lis had been much sought after for several day by aspiring merchant who desired to situ close a sjssihle to thu plenlssiill ry, and every wire w us pulled to further such ambit lou. Merchant who can draw their checks for four figures approached him under the ill Ileal preleiisuof being hurd prrsst d and sonktat lluir silver watches. He baa done a roaring trade fur several days, 1ml bia pntaia-rity laiilniicnd. ltlsusptH.-ted thsl he tacitly allowed at Iraat CO uierchanta to Is lieve that h could rub elbows wltb the plenipotentiary. Mat ter reached aiii-h a crial at 7 o'clock that there was nothing bit forth Monuolian Want McAllister but to snub tbs whole band of ambitious guesU and thu get him self out of the frying pan, ao to siwwk.br Jumping Into lliu lire. To the unspeakable consternation or the gursta, the bead of the grand procession did not slop wben It reached the middle of the iaciuil bouquet ban, an ueueckM wun iwrrie and redo lent of burning aandal winmI, odorlferou punk nud del Icioua In nl neat soup, which, neil to lailled cauliflower and eoru beef and rulihage, I the moat fragrant of all kitchen coucot'tioua. Kight straight ahead went the plenipo tentiary, piloted by th Mongolian McAl lister, and before the iaral)'ied merchant eould catch their breath lb minister and suit were out of sight lu snug chamber at tbo farther end of the Ismquet ball, where all that could he seen of them wa th oo oaaional flutter of th plenipotentiary's fan or a glimpse of a diplomatic foot atuck out beyond the edge of a screen that bid It from th vox popult. A distressing silence fell on th assem bled merchants, ami dark ami algiilflcant scowl were turned on the Mongolian Ward McAllister, who, after ushering th pleni potentiary out of siiiht. tisik a seat with a couple in! athletic ha.kiug srk butchers in a distant corner of th hall. Th menu, which onmpriardi everything In the markets of Chinatown, waa dis cussed wilb evident pl.vu.ii re hylh pleni potentiary and the dlplomatio onrpa, fur occaaionally hurst of merriment cume over the screen from their issnin, but tbo motley crowd in the main ball bad neither eye nor stoinui.li for th feast. Tbey chewed mechanically ou their shark' fins and went through thu pretense ol shoveling rice aud mine duck with their chop sticks, but their apls-tiu-a were gone, and the only thirst that allllcted them waa a thirst fur Vengeance ou the man who bad humiliated and bet rayed Ihrm. After frasllng for an hour aud a half In Ibi sequestered insik Ibe plenipotentiary aud suit n-apM-ard, and bowing lo th merchants, w ho kuw towed rluhl aud left, atrrsiedown stairs to their carriK and raLtlcd off to th Ml oca well theuler. The Ward McAllister of Chinatown let Miliar If out of the restaurant through a Skylight, and at th latest arromita waa awaiting lh lociely rvKrtaof the bauquet In Th Spoffurd Alley l.aicit on th roofs of Chinatown. Nin Kninciaro Chroulcl. Th Wrong; llaa. First Cilisrn ( Dimmit City) Chargem, tbe plumls-r, has sh.H a man, and b says be did It toduiiily bis tr ule. Becond Citixeu Uid beshisst the rascally bookkers-r wbu make out bla bills? First Citizen No; be shut a DwspauT paXCgrapbta. ss'i-w Vork WeeUy. A aaballtwt. A. Laroart Why do tbey put such a lot of stuff on bills of fare' T. Ahledhol 6o that jou 11 eat leas, Tou know Bacon says, "Heading niakala a full man." Newport Daily wa A man waa guillotined In Switzerland two weeks ago fur murder It was lb first execution In Switzerland for twen ty five years, capital punishment having been abolished In IV7, and that method of Inflicting punishment having been rw snmed only recently Thus far the Unites! State fish com inisMoa ba not extended Its 0a rations with res isi t to tbe arAticial breeding of salmon into Alaska. Ita attempt la thu line bave beo limited to tbe Co lumbia and Sacramento nverav ADMIRAL JEAN BART. ITs BlasT UU Martnee Arise W rrvMla Waislils) Is Ma mad. On of tbe French warship which took part In the Columbian naval review at New York wa named th Jean Itart. Aa the ship was one of the first class, and attr-r. rd consequently a (real deal of attention, no little I 'll lowly waa aroused by lla luuue, which tu most people seemed a strange line. In tsxik of refer tic people were told that Jean llurt wa a Krrm.li admiral who flourished', th rhsie of the seven teenth century, and who, brulnuliif life as I fisherman, ism to hii;li rank and became I k. pillar hrrn, but lion nf th current iiogrsphirtst.taliiany of th curious and siiiuamg anei-ilotes stsiut hlin which bave Comedown from the time when L lived. One of tbra stiri.-swlll srrv to show what sort of inuii Jrau Itart was. Whrn h bad mail a brilliant record a a kind of buccaneer ami shown that be waa a much shier sea warrior than any nf the officers of nohl hlrtlt who commanded tbe navy, King Iniis XIV made luiu first a lieuten ant sud then th csptaiu of a frigate, la which pia.lt lun lis greatly distinguished himself. Un day, while several tlegnnt courtiers Were w ining tu the ureal monarch' ante chamber fur au Interview with the Ling, a rut lu-r rough looking aailurcame'in. The ruurtlrra and attendant were greatly shiKkrd, but th sudor aiinounrrd that b wa Jrau ISart, and tl at he bad cume to See the king. Due of bis mm, Keysrr, bod Isen tuhuViiined todeaib for killing a man In a duel, ami be wsa goiug to nsk th king to pardon him. "Hut, M. le Capitalnr," said tho attend ant, "Lave you n roial Invitation eulitling you loan nuoiencel "A myal Invitation?" rxclalmrd th cap tain. "What do 1 want of thut r The k lag aud I are good frirtida. No lireil of oil thai Uouseiis Iwtwern Usl You just tell him thai Jean Hart w aula lo talk to Lim, and that'll b enough!" "Uu I I can't annoiiuc any on who baan'l an Invitation," said th attendant. "All right." aaid Jean Hart. "I'll an nounce myself!" He bounded tow aril the door of the king's spartuirnt, very much aa If hewer atari lug to run up a mainmast. The attendant, with pale face, placed himself before him, exclaiming: "Hut th k inn's orders! Don't you obey th king' orders'" "Oh, well," said lb sailor, "If ll come to thai, I'll wait, 1 won't go against the king's ordrrw." 11 aat down among tbe astonished court ier, took out a ple and some tobacco, struck a ligbt with In Dint and tinder and began to smoke. Th attendant protested that uo on smoked In th king ante chamber, but Jean Hart insisted that when be was wailing be always smoked. "Put him out," some one whispered, but noon ventured to do more than whisper it, Boon the king teamed what wa going ou and ordered Jean llart ushered In aa soon as be should bave finished bis pip. The interview. In wblcb Jesn Hart con ducted himself with all du respect to tbe king, ended In the granting of Keyser'e pardon, snd Jean Hart came back Into tbe courtier' presence triumphant. Tbey all crowded stout tb bluff captain, very obsrquloua to hlru now, and completely blocking bUexit. lie waa in great bast to carry th pardon to Keysrr. "Oh, tell ua, M. Jest! Uart," th courtier began to exclaim, "tell us how yon got out of the harbor of Dunkirk when you ware blockaded there by th English fleet!' "You wstit to kuow, ebf " asked tb caps tain, pausing. "Certainly!" tbey exclaimed, crowding till mora closely about him, "All right. I'll show you Just bow 'twas done. I-ook here. I'm Jean Dart, ain't If Well, this room Is tbs harbor of Dunkirk, and you fellow arc the English 0t block ailing me. And now" - Whack! bang! whack! Jean Dart laid about blm, now administering a cuff, now a kick, and vary forcibly clearing a way to ward lh door. A be reached It be ex claimed: "And that 'a tbe wsy. gentlemen, that I got out of Dunkirk harbor wben I was blockaded there by tbs English fleell Good bye" Tbe warship that bears the name of this redoubtable aeadog should be a formidable antagonist. Youth's Companion. Th thab's Cat. Tb ah ah of lcrla baa a great affection for cat aud I so foud of them that bo ba some U) feline favorites which are generally to be found In bis apartments, audio which b has assigned officials aud attendant of their own. Tbey also bave their own spe cial room where they assemble at certain hours to bsve their meals, Un bis summer excursions tbey all accompany him, being carried by apeclal men on horseback in cages lined with velvet. Tb fsvorile of the lot used to be a large gray cat called Dabr Khan, which may be translated aa Prince Tiger. When th shah lunched or dined, Dabr Chan was alway alway let Into tb room, and sometimes Lla majesty tud the cat with bis own exajtedj bauds. Ouo, while Id oauip, Uabr K ban dlsapenred aud waa searched for In vain. A servant who bad mad fun of the cat and bean beard to re mark lhat It waa better out of tbe way wa arrested on suapkluu of baviust caused tb animal' disappearance. II waa car ried to Teheran lu chains, flung Into a dun geon and wa never beard of again. Nor waa tb cat Newr York Tribune. Hew Parts lulls Bat. Almoat everywhere In t be world, xorpt In Pari, rat are eousldeml aa a trouble some nuisance to lie gotten rid of by any snaan possible. Tb Parisian, on tb oua trary.'ounvart tbla iiulaance Into a useful nienilsrr of society aud a source of revenue. In Paris rata are collected from every pos sible suuro and placed In a great pound, where tbecarcauw-e of all animals dying In the city ar thrown. These reniaioa are speedily disKSMsl of by tb rata, wblcb leav behind nothing but the cleanly picked bone. There are ao such scavengers aa rata. Four tiniest a year the rat are rounded up and killed, aud their skins are utilized In tb everywhere admired form of gaot d Paris, to decorate tbe bands of loveliness tbe world over. Philadelphia Press. When rsn Ware Kitravaajaat. Such a bu and cry as la raised about the extravagance of the women of oar day, and yet at tbe court of St. James in a dress of velvet emhnrtdrred with fold, which Is said to bar cut no lea than lloo ilarie de Mr.li. Is bail a gown sown with Si,WU pearl and 3, UuU diamond, and her example waa follows! by leaser per sonages, who cheerfully expended more than their uiconicm on gown so laden with precious stones ibat their wearer could scarcely niuv about in tbem. Mini, d Uooleapan, th beauty who reigned at the court of Loul XIV, wore at one great court festival "a gown of gold on gold, and over that gold frieze stitched with a cer tain gold which makes the most divine stuff that bassver been imagined, "accord ing lo th panegyrics written bythpa of Mm, de bevigue, Han t rau-Lsco Ar gonaut. Aa laaall Mutfcar Mae It i I know soma Lome where a sick mother makes herself a bleating. Hi ia as wbol som aa circumstance allow. Wendell Phillips' wife waa always an Invalid, but sh held blm to bis post of duty. Tbe beat faith cur in tb world ia try cur doing aa well aa we caa for other. Don't UU about your ailment, but about your acallby Inula; about year blassung. Count op what you havo, not what yen bar not. Mary k. epencer la at. Levis U loses-Dansucrals