EUGENE CITY GUARD. rrrti ETJOENE CITY. OREOON. OCCIDENTAL NEWS. St. Loui S)rulator8 Investing la Mexican Mint-. A FATAL XSOWSLIDK IX IDAHO Another Klrh ldge Dlsrovrrfd In talifornla-White Purrlw Ing HiU Squaw. San Diego Ulkt ol a new II.O00.0u0 hotel. An entomologist at Seattle all the fruil tree! in thai vicinity are infit Willi rCPtt. Tin- re. ml florin p'aved havoc with the whistling buoys otf A.toria. Five wentalnft. Tli white are pun-hating Hunan women liv wholc.alc Irom siaathca in Noilh.rn llnti-h I'oluinbia. (iovrriKir Md'olihcll of Idaho hat Br tarinled delrgatrt li the Trantuilt.i.sippl t ongr '1 lie tiovernor i I'rrtidnil ol the congress. ICedotido ha Wn dt-ignated by tin rWrclary ol tlm Treasury at a plai-e where trwlii mav mtrr and clear and ru.toius olti.-ers receive duties. A nowslida In Whit llird (itiMi. Mslio county, Malm, wrecked a Mr. Tboiii'oii'i home, and killed lr ifirla. Their parent !! an infant rsi-aiml. Johnnie I (out. Hit in- .li.i. alio Ku lor vi am worn (enisle rlothinit, ban dually U-en compelled by th buiIioiiIic to resume prorer cioin in. pn..kaii Vali.. is elated over the i,ro.ieet Dial thetirrat Northern Hail roal Company will build a law Hwl bridge over Ilia Spokane river near that citv. Samuel A. Ames ol f'al , haa Ih-vhii anil against the Riverside Hanking Company lo recover (6.00U. The rouiilaiiit contains tome serious chsrgi-s awainxt Manager O. T. I'yt-r. The atmosphere of Mexican California la lo I revived at C-oronedu in April, where aSpauiah lictla it to neht-ld. Th porta ami nreta of tin- participant will Ut thoM in v.rgue forty years sg. Arthur Stewart, Deputy Sureriiibnd nit ol Ktrce ta at loa Angelc. has It-rn found KUilly of cmhruling I'sJO. Ie partment money wat loaned lo friends, ml alien he mad liii return! lie could not collet t the money. A party ol St. Iannis peculator are at fan Ihcgo, which place they have visited Willi the intention of flirting the deal that ha l"fii on lool for some tune for the piirihaH' ol gold ininea at tVlrot Itlaiid ami Tanama in biwt-r Calilornia. Mra. liitirKe II. VVilliaina, prietti'M ol the laitli l ine at I'.irllainl, Inu mtivtrfl In. in hi rfa t ol aevt iily laya on t lan t ml rrarkera anl l.nly Uv on aater alont', bikI with her I BO ilimiplra l re Jouili( tlixl they have paiei llin.ujjli tiie " w iMernea.'" Krank Aikln.ii of San.l Uke, Tilla mook county. Or., it the herool the lat rtl lear alorv. lie tuiokeil the leat out of a hullii rt 'lar, woiiimIihI it with tlie only lotul ol aiiii it ii 1 1 1 ii he tiaul. pHlleil it out ol the atuiup hy the cat ami braintxl II ami an at. The rriiort reaohea Caliente, Kern county, i'al., that a very n. h lotir-fool;e haa Uvn ilim' tvi-nil on thetuiiiniil of one ol the mountain" wlin h turrouinl the oil llavilali iniuiiiit ramp. Thai plaee haa lieeu ilea.) to liiiiniiK lor I lie pa-t leu yearn, hut Ihia tliw-overy hat awakened llili reol anil rit'lleuieiii. riert in atuit toetlahlinh theowner hiii to t lie au-rt ol hanla Ana river have hern ervel at Kiveralile. 1 he tint la l.roiiKlil l.y thtt Anaheiin I'liion ter Cuiiiiiiiy and hanla Ana IrriKatnm Company, hotli eorpoialiona ol draime county, i al. I Ik' two couianiea lay claim to l'.'.UnO lui-hea of waier riinmnx in tlie hanla Ana river, ami it it to have tint t laitu tMlablithnl that tuil hat lieen brought. The circulation ol petition! tliroii(li out UkanoKAU county, Wali., akiiiK the I'otlal IK partiiieiit loettalihah a ilirvvl mail lutite Irom Wenat. lice to Coiieoii ully haa rrvivml luiiili lnleret in the iii.jet't ol huildinn a wtiftin roail from Chelan to tlie (neat Northern railway down the right hank of the I'oluuihia river. A tpmial inetueiiiter tent Irom Chelan to V eliatchee reiorta that place alive with inlerei.t in tint mailer, ami all along the line the universal cry la, uiurl have tlila roa. built. In view of theeiK-m which wouM Imi enlaileil ml the lart that ts-atlle won 1. 1 derive a tlirect heiielit the Iw-ople 111 I that aul tlanlial anl thmilii be given by that city, hu.h a roail won 1. 1 toeure to Sallle the hole tia-lt) of the Clielau-tlkainvan baxiu. The I'ortlan.l Savinga Hank, which itiipcmlol tit inontht aiuce, ilnl not rr tuiiie t on Kel.iuary 1, atwtt liopeil, but the receiver a ill pay a 10 per cent ilivi.h'inl on all ilepna ita. t'l the :'.4'l,Uio(.h Ht eilen unit hal Inch tignetl by all but 7lHt,. UV, wircn a report waa cin iilUl that the bank wonl.l rttume on helirntry I, ami the leHMiirt topts tigtnng, ami the broken were hil mg ih .itt at W per t-riil ol the I. e value. A liuiulwr vl the largett ih ium. who are al.le to wait, wonl.l mil tign, ami were to ruth in ami ilraw ail their money. In. at not contiih rel fair lo tli.m) w ho ha.1 tiguel rxteii.iont, ami the court tmlenl that 10 N-r cent of tlie ilm.lemlt l- panl to the l p.illoit. Thelmnk waa i.ieii.l lor tin. purpe Kel.ruary I. i lie court will not ha.len to ll.row the bank into liiiiiilliiiii, ami it i. hopi-tl that airange Uii nttwill jet v ma le lo rnal.le it to re'iiine bii-iuoa. at the a-ct are ainple Xii I'.tv ail th pimtora il rvaonal'ie tune It given. II there it anv coul in the vicinity ol Port Angelf., it l likely to U niKxiM-itil wilhiii the lie ll lew nionlli. Kill. en men are now at work in tliecreet I..U nil on Ka. e alr.i t, jn.l oiiUnle tlir citv litiiilt, ami Mia. tin.wolil ami Hil.l ar.l. w ho are in i harye of the work. re cn'i I. lit llmt tlie In.hcatioiit at tlial p..lnt are coniiii'iveet ntenir tliat Willi in few httti.lre.1 l.i-i ol the turface a pay. tug vein of coal will m foun.l. A i!am eveiitylive f.-rl Irom liik to bank an. I ten lert high lit lern tv.ntrii tel in tlie be.1 of the irnk.ln:ii lmh a watei ... r tillti. .em to oH-rai a drill a ill lie ohtauie.1. 1 he formation at the point at vhi h the .lull will I iHTaie. it ani tolie, Willi h li.linl..hl hv the .ulphnr funiet tupr. to ii Mil from the coal beneath. 1ewit ltol that city i. tlm, miout to o n mI mine in that i cinitv. He fit the t II i.-n. of I'.Kt An-f-tet for a I'.M.IVW lan.l )HiUt, over hall of which bt alrra.W Uen tuh rilw.l, n t in return tra U . n up B Vein Ol coal lUrtfw auJ a hall Itxt ida. rkou wasbixgiox citt. Tli fiUU Department haa rwnive.! Information of tha leth of IT. J. llartigan, z-rmtaJ btataa Coniul at Irietle. . . Coinutrollef t kela hi tlecMaJ to - cept tha reaignation of Lie htagra at re, river of Ilia Ureyou .alloiiai nana. .No Portland mau will ba apjioiuUd ra- ceivar. nrprtaentativa EIIU hat Introduced a hill to til the northern boundary line of tha Warm hr.nngt Indian reeervalion in Oregon atwording b a aurrey niaia oy T. 11. Uamlley in 1H1. Tha lloute Coiuiiiittre on Miliiarr Al fa ra haa ordered favorahlr rrportwi a hill to repeal tha art prohibiting tha rt rnlittuieut of private toMiert who have terved ten yeart or are over 35 year of ge. fecretarr Carlitla hat appoinlIW. I. Ilaen( Cincinnati duel of tha i-n-t arrvn-e divitlon of tha TreBtnrv le partmenl. trie A. I- lrtimmoiid re igned. Mr. Ilaien haa hern in the arivnf lor yeart. The Pre.i,iciit haa alfirme4 tlie finding and trntemr of the court-martial in the cbm-of 1'avmai.ter John Clyde Mllllvan, who waa lriel in Han Kraiicic and ei-clle-l grrat intercut. Thlt involve! lilt friui the tervice. Ilarinbroiigh hat aiicimlil in having the hciiale CtmiinltU-e on Agricullure favorably ri jrt bit bill appropriating ,ni,iiil for lint extt-rmiiialloii ol the Idi'.mii thi.lle, llhoiigh iii-ore, Chair man ol the twllillllltea, ill. nlrd. Coligretaiueii are latiiiiiiig very tolic itoilt in preetllig the claim, of their dlt tncta Ill-oil the IIoUm Cillimitter on Itivera and llarlxirt aa the lat week o' hearing drawt to a dote. A deh-galioi waa la-fore the committee reprrariitu.g Hie watcrwsvt of ahiin(ton. Ihey were Informeil by the mmiiiiltee that It doea not intend lo l.rancli out in recom mending BppropriBtiona for new work. I he condition ol the Trea.urv forhnlt. l lier have little hope of getting what they atketf for. The Hi nato Coinnnltee on Naval Al faiia hat Bilthoriied a favorahla reimrt the lull introduced hy hdialor lint ler aiithoruing the Secn-Uryof the Navy U fiiriiir.h the naval militia of any Slate with a ve. not tuitahle or re.iiire-l for general acrvice for Die puroe of drill and int ruction, with an amend men that detail of teamen thall Ire made lo take rare of any retael atipplii-d lor the pur- (mwv. The hill ptovidi-a the ventelt thall e luriiir.he.1 with chart, Imikt and in ttriimentt of navigation. Tha Secretary of the Interior hat tent to the lloute a communication from the Commimtioner of Indian Alfjira, giving the iiamt-a ol the nettle n Upon the I'rotr Creek and WiiinclMiro retervation in Souih Hakota and the amount ol dam ag-a they eiintaiucd U-lween the time ol the opening of the n-acrvalion and the iirociil lime. htH-retarr Smith recoiii- meiidt the appropriation of 'llil.l'.HI for Hie reimlMiraemenl ol lo-t n-taini-l hv 1114 aettlert and an appropnaiion ol f.'l. tJ to rt-iinburte enine tlfteen othert whoM-claimt are held lor lur'li. r There will la Very lew, il bhv, more wiliieKM-a la-fore the Senate ll.twanan Invetligation Committer. Chairman Morgan of the commilter paid that to far aa he knew at thlt time no other. would he pilimnotii-d. He added that no ri-ixirt would prohahlv la inadti for ti-n lava or two week.. Ilia e.tinute it more likely to he too phorl than loo long hut the report w ill nt-omm.-nd lo the Senate no one can pay. Il it not mihkt-lv Ihere will Ire two ri-.rt.. rx-rhapt three, for it ia tcanvlr t-ontidertil prohablti a patchwork could be agreed iim.ii which would harmonize the riewi ol all the memlM-rt ol the committee. At the instance of Senator Carey of Wvomiiig the I'ommiationer ol the lien- eral Ijind (Htl.-e haa ordered examined all the hnta of applicaliona for palt-ntt for landa on the part ol the I'll urn I'a cilic mil nd which have hern told in Wyouiiiig in order that patt-ula muy Ire i. P'icl. Thete lamlt have In tome in ttaurt l U-ell trveral 1 1 met, and Una) paynienla have It-rn to the 1'nioii I'ai-ilh-. The company hat ii. mphc.l w ith all the mpt rt-inentt, in cluding the payment ol leea and mrvey iug ohhgatioua. It apN-ara there have Irn-n no i.atentt i.piml to the comianv on land in Wyoming tince 1HH.I. There are I.Otm.triiil acrra ol land in volved, all in the handt ol actllcn. ('a rev lin-lt coulldi-nt the itmance of it- enta will a. mi u follow the proroeei eiain- illation. Kepretenlaliva iHailittle had ImiHtl to get Ina Nicarak'iia canal reaolution In- lora the llotipe U-lorr the tarilf hill came up, and had everything Hied lo puth it thnuigh I h-lore that ineanre, but the rit'.iileiit got anitoiia to have hit net arhemet U-lore the im-oiiIk aa toon aa ixtttihle, ami the laritf hill waa n-portetl iiy the Wayt and Meant Committer aiiiier than waa eHvtei. I'nlil tht and the liiiiiine tax are nut ol the way there it no hoMforanyot'ierlcgi.latioii. nut in the meantime the fnemlt ol the Nicaragua canal are not idle. Thev are working in coiiiinittett and among their M-rminal friend, evervwhere. and voice are iM'ing gained lor it every dar. It it itv that the retolutioii tvuld not have I fii ailisl ttMin and the i-ommitti gone totirevtown to tnveetigate the work to aa to have lieen able to report by the lime i ne Monte w at again to do tomelhing Innli't talk. Whether the IVillc Mail Coumanv will carry out the tcrmt of ita i-ontract with the irovernmeiit for carrvunr the mail betwtwn New York ami Colon ia a matter of ontidernble doubt amomr I'oetolllce olMciala. The ivntrai-t made two veart ago provided lor a change in tcrvie rehruarr 1 of tint year from Ii. ling a tteamer everv tell davt to weekly tripa. The I'lNttmatter-tieneral haa mi-ivcd a cominiinication from Sec retary V. II. Une of tha Pacini- Mail impaiiv, ttatina it ia oortllnnahle a helher the company can meet ita re- Hiin inentt, luit no action on the mm- iimnicatloii baa hern taken by the d.--wrtineiit. If tlie contract ia mil carried out, the rottmaatcr-t ie ncrat hat the ower to inir a limri line. A like .i.ii.lition of alUirt exi.ta in the mail trnice between San KrwncixM au-l Hong nit. lor lm Ii me I ucitlc Mai l oin. pauv alu hat the contract. The change in that tervice ia from thirteen lo Iwen- tv-pti trip, a year. The I liitiae Committee on Military Af- fair, wnl reiM.rt favorably the bill ol i.eneral Curtia if New York, which re viMt the rrviilationi f..r eii'iplment in I he regii'ar iimv and it dctn-ticl to Vmencaiiire the tro..i. (ta ii.! nn rtrtiit proiioiit rr that no men .hall If rnli.lid in tune of -.-e eit-pt American cilucii. or thu-u w ho have dt land their intciilioiit to Us-ome cili- relit; that the m D mn.t lie ht i. l-ak, read and write the an- it'iae. riuw rtt'et do not to In- '- The official reimrtt pIiow thai iver 37 tier iriit of o;ir aoldiert at the l.rewnl time owe a!!ctriani-e U foreiirn govern men I a. I andi.latet for en!itiuent mn.t ! under 'M yeart of age. I'nder therxi'ling rulta the enli.tmrnla are for minimum of rive yeara and the length of tervice restricted to ten yeara riie committee mumnienda all enliM inrnttbelor tennt of three years, and no man thall rr-rnl tt who hat oot trrveit h Hy and failiifully during tha Aral tana. EASTERN MELA5GE. New York Cliinese Enfajfe In the Mercantile UuhlnesJ. AS A5TMVILS0X BILL PETITI05 Hug-a Until Nug-g-rt Found In Color do-Hal I road Kiuploye Ku lulned from htrlklug-. Of n-veiitvnine uicidt-a In IVoaton latl year tixty wrra women. The World't rair exprn.ea amountel at C Tin-ago Ui over 3l,tttt,0ir0. New York citv hreaera have given tlU.IMAI hi relieve tha uneiiiployeil. rroreediiitft for the ilitlution of the Chicatro gut tru.l, il ia taid, are cuntt-iu-platt-d in Ilhuoit. A void nugget weighing I'M poiiml. haa It-en drum! on tha tampion property t llret kinrnlge, Col. The inert hanta of St. Iiuit an- aviiig tha tch trf tax, which they have lai n fighting in the coiirta. Thero waa a h-reae of t-'l -r mile in the net ol the railroad, ol the country the pal year. Atymlicaleof Kngli.h hat It.uglit the Kitk gold mine near lilack hawk, Col., tor .Vk,omj. The larg.-tt diitill. rv in the world it to Ire built at Terra Haute, lud., aa a rival to tlie ahiaky tru.t. Tha Mi.tittippi Igi.lalure vote.) down a hill for the rtiahhtiimetit of a di.ahled Coiifcleratca' home. A llaltimore pai ker will erect in Omaha one of the largett vegetal. le ami chicken canning (actonea in tha Writ. Sttrpritingly favorable retulta are mid to have re. n 1 1 w I from exirrimeiita in lenling wheat to Inrga in Kaliaat. llaltimore fire inturance uiiderwritt-rt have raiped the ratet liecautu of the al legtxl inaileUate lire department. The climated revenue of Chicago for thii year will be about IH.iMl.UIO. I.att year the revenue waa l,(HJ,liO more. Malignant tontilitit, due to cigarette tmoking, caute.1 the death ol Commo dore C. II. Colt of Hartford in Florida. The ailver production ol the Cnited St iti-a la.1 year la estimated at tel.Ot a .- IM oun.ct, againtt ik'i.llUU.UUO oum ra in IW2. The total prorerty loaa ol Kantnt Cily by lira latt year waa alaiut J7iU.7l', with iiitiiram-e involvol to the amoiiiitof f-t,- llJ.IRKI. Aiixrding to Secretary Carli.le the (M.ijile o( Utah owe the Tinted SlaU-a tT'-' i fW) for the eiM-nteof proteciitiont mice li75. The Muyi.rof Cincinnati haa U-i-n ail thorueil by the Council to cXm-ii. (lUU, i aj (or impr veuieuta to give work to the unemployeil. In IChitle they ttill ring the Maielinun la-ll to call the l-giplatiire togi-ther. It ii a Urge hell, and can be hearl all over the stale. Many Chi nitc in New York have di canhil the laundry hutment and di-vel-ohi into merchault. The I Iriental gooilt aie popular in the melropilia. The Il.iltimore American expeett the proi.rmil din trie railway between ll.illi more and Watliinglon to Imi in ojK-ration la-fore the tuiumer of next year. A bill ia lo Ire introduced in the New York U'gi.ltture to provide lor the ct tahlithnienl in citiet ol 7-Vl iuhabi Unitol free public hurt-ana ol employ-mi-lit. The trouhlca in the MuiiHlichl mining dimrict in I'cnn.i Kania are at an end apparently. The Slavt. who ran thing, aa thev pleated for awhile, have Ix-cn COWUal. The railroad emi.lovcaol rcnntvlva'iia huve formeil an a.Ma-iation to coin hi ne on candidate! for the U-gilature. It it C aimed that lUtl.OUU lin-li will Vote to gether. The olliciitl return! thow an increaiw in exporta (rout Canada for the in.t 'x moiilhi ol nearly H.tHHl .Otkl. The im portt (or the tt ii( monthi incream-d I he pihsxTi of Senator Jonea of X- vad.t during the tilver deUte will till ninety imgea ol the Coliv-reri.i.iiial Rec ord, and a trevial liumlrcr haa la-en aa tigned to it. Uu the prorotHl tiibwsv to enwe the city ol llotton (A.mxi.tktl are to le ex-lM-ndil. ratpcngertwill from I'ark Square to the Union ttation on (. aiiteway trect in lour minute. Tlie M-titiona prctt-nted to Congrcta again.t the Wilton bill Ix-ar the iiamet ot I, i'Kl.U K) H-rmilia, the largett numla-r of remonttralila ever known in the cate of a Hnding t. heme of Icgitlation, The New York Stale Kailmad Com, mittion toa.k h-gi.litlion giving il power lo art at arbiter in grade-cropt-ing ii altera. The idea comet from Mat idchuteltt, where it haa lireu nirtvnr.ful. Judge McAdam ol the Suerior Court ol New York, who haa prohahlv gratite.1 more divorce! than any living Judne, ha. mini that il men act trai to catch tin (althful w ivci they cannot get divorce.. Judge Pundy at Omaha haa ittutil an order leilucing wagea on the Union l'a cilic tyttein. The average ri-iluctioii pel man it hi n-r month. The employe, are cnjointl from finking againtt the cut Motion haa It-rn temsl with the tub u r I) aunexalion lever again. A bill hn. Ut-ii intrttlueed in the U gi.latim- lo al low the "Huh" to gather to iUh-II all townt within ten niilea of it! gilded Slatchuuta dome, l're.i.lent llarerof the Chicago Uni vertity ia rt-portcil to have thai the.toryol Cain and Able ia a invth, with no more truth in it, at far it known, than the .lory ol the wittlen hortr that loured in the capture of Troy, or than the myth ol lb mot and Ibimulut a conutr'.eii with the founding of Koine. The I -aw and Order league at Jackson ville. Kla . bat repolvrd to make it livt-lv for the i.rinci juiU, aider ami al-ettom in theCoifftt-Mitihell light. It hold, that the injunction granted by Judge Call wat nn ea.ion ot the l.t-t-x riUil ttatute. ami if the State autliorit let do not very on bring the matter up (or review in the Supreme Court, the league will do to. Tlie n tilationt of Jamet Andcreono! In. I ana. a well-connected la yeart, w ho it emploveil at a metM-nger iii the l rea-ury vaulta at Wt.hington, prove, more M-rinut than waa at fiil !iiik..I They am unt to 7Wt aa lar aa wtcer lamed, ami the in.iury ia .till in .mk-rt-tt. ben the theft wat llret ditcvvervd it wat inppoeed to amount only to lew dollart, and at the rriicpt ol the Treat ury otticiala publication ol the fact wa t.ippretet. Amlerton ha.1 a.-ct-ta to the iivrr vaulta f the purroe of thowing u.itort throilifh. lie pried open the wital aork ol aome ol the tilver client, n. ar the lattice wmk. tlit the hair con 'alning tha tilvrr dollara and helped himtrlf to a faw doilart al a lime aa ha wauled theaa. FOREIGN CABLEGRAMS. IWrlin Intand to ann" s rich iule urba. TLa Engllth naval rttlioatrt lor 14 mount to 7.(X.UW. The quern of Afghanlitan baa decided to adopt Kuropran ilrrtt. Tarn may follow ManrheaUr' exam pie and brtuma a tat port. Thoutandi of h-.iiU ara In tanr' in if condition in Hungary. of hinh-hreil CaU hat iuit len iiuhlni.e-i in Kngland. A companion ol frenchaxria biiowi a grrat di-create in tha year pati. Ktutli tayi hit "Hittoryof Hun gary " it almoat rt-a-iy lor tne prre.. J'coplc In Kiiglaml are llncl 4W tul liiiKt for walking on a railraM lra a. Sa.ilen will tirend ll'.TUU.IKW extra for live yeart in building new war ilupa. I .on. loner. t,av a trifle oier Ii liea-I in taxtt, imal aiel national, i-r -.. Premier Critni rxnrett t gn at ilt-tirr t-jeiid the commercial war with France. It haa la-en definitely trilled that Klig land la to buy the trunk-line telephone.. The Kmirerorof tiermany hat become interfiled in tha American game ol ker. In no country hut the marriage rate to ureatlv in recent yeara aa III Ireland. Kor commenting bti freely on govern- mi lit idaua the Moniteiir .le Lome Hat 11-11 PU-peii'lcd. Iii tlie opinion of the lmlon Timet the new American Itrmlt a' not likely to I taken in l.nglaml. Ih l.iverirool overhea.1 electric rail wav proved a great tiicvtti ill ita oir- erttioi pi nee It. I .March. Kilnia and France are .reiaring for an intcrtiruferriiig of honora during the coining Kramt-lliitpiaii fctci. The Japanoe Km(H.ror hat jutt re-i-eive.1 from tha Kaitcr ol .ermany an a pretent a horte value-1 at f'.i.tmO. From all a.rounta from (.erinany the voting Kaix-r ina-le all the a.hancea for reitniciliutioii with l'mice Hi. man k. Mr. Kalfoiir in hit treech at Manclien- ter announced that hngland haa now on hand two tcarct rrauce and liuttia. Hriamlage hat become mora common in Spain in coii.iiUence, the atllhoritli-a tay.ol the large iiumirer oi unempioyni I hi r i ii g U.t year 1 :1.IVI7 (ew er em igran tt h it the I'nit.-d Kingdom (or placra out ol Kumpe than during the pn-vioii! year. The grandnin of linl Uyron i-liiM ol the htph-i-t Ada haa tucctttle.1 to the Karldom ol btvclaco by the death of Ilia lather. A new kind of fuel, made from tolidi licit iflMleiim and other material, ia now being cxtcn.ively inanufartureil in France. The Fn-in h rutom revenue lor lHlKI waa .N.itl.lKl (ranci la-low the rttimate ami Zi.ttJii,liU Irani! Iwlow the revenue of lsjii. The French CliamU-r ol Ileputiea hat n-j.-ctil :W7 to I!) a motion to reilm-e the taxt-a of farmer! cultivating their ow n Held. The I'ni'pian budget for ISiH thowa a dcliritof Kl.iN).(iirt, moetlv due to in n-awl war expciitca in a tune of pro- fotlltd iiener. The amount of money received and 'XM-mhi for the relit- of the niint-ra luring the rin-nl general ttnke in Kng- land wat 1111,711. 1 he government of Franc ia convert ing itt4' percent into 3'. i-r iviilt in or. ler to nave I p-r rent in the annual intere.t charge. The Itelginn army haa a t-ildier ll f.-vt inchea tall, who ia allownl doill. It rat ion., on recommendation ol hit Colo nel, on account ol hit ti.e. tilad.tonu it to admired in Spain that all partiea in the Hamtie province! have tent to him at Itiarratx a m-ighltirly mcfUgH ami a tyinln.l of lilrerty. The next Univer.iil Kit ion oena in Antwerp on May ft of this year. The next after that, at far at at prem-nt known, will be the 1'aria Kxitotitioil of P. H.I. Iterlin cab tlrivert to the liuinher of U-twivn 400 ami fioti have ttruck againtt a Milice order rtipiiring them hi wear white glared hat. aa a dittiiiguiphing mark o( their calling. The Itii.tian government, which alwti doned the idea of an income tax tome time ago, lint now to iniHr a tax iihiii the rental of occupied houtea, to Ihj paid by the tenaiita. It tNrtta tireat Hritain IIM.OOO to tcra the bnriiaclct the Uittom oltmvof itt big men-of-war and repaint it, ami thta hat to Ih tloiie tw ice a vt-ar in the cat ol nearly every vettel. There are tome aigtia in ltuntia of relaxation of the aillhoritii toward the pea taut, and Social it. A greater meat ure of juttitv ii hiutetl at in many public document!. The Czar in a telegram totheliovernor o Motcow expretting thankt for New Year't congiaiulationt ta t: " May IiihI grant H-av, re t and general welfare to all nationt, and more enjiecially to my own tlear country." I'arit, not tat it (led with the river Seine, trek a shorter cut to the open tea, and a e in p canal to Houen baa leen pr)nrnil. I'herw would Ire no great phytical obtta-ch-a in the w ay, since the point! are only alroul seventy miles apart. According to an advertisement txin laintil in the 1'itni.h (iovernmeiit tia U'tte, published in Copenhagen, two big voh-aiioct are .ir sale. Ihcv are situat- i in Ireland, ami are the principal at traction of the island. The owner asks lor I hem the sum of $400 apiece. A coticvp.ioti haa Item ttvnrtsl by an Vmerican for the count ruction of an electric railway between Tukio and Yo kohama, a distance of alrout thirty miles. Two American engineers are said to In. now on their way to Japan in con nection with the matter. There in.iv Ire another attempt at rev. oltition in th Itcpuhlic of Colombia. The government is on the alert, lieneral llmi. military chief of the l.ihrrala in the piovin e of raiiatna. has lieen ar n-le. I in t.iranittiila and taken to Pan ania. He is guaidett most carefully. The So, mli. t ttudenta of the Vliiver met oi lirrlin, rrellilirg, .MUetitter. Marburg and Kiel for the lirtt time in ib lu.toiy of tiernian universities htvi nitile a public declaration ol their So- i-iali.t sentiments by dinpa'ching an a. I dirts to the International Congn-n ol Sta-talitt student! at Oeueva. I.ieiiteiuint John II. Alexander, a tal i-nti ollicer. w bo hat It-en B itnuttl to the pr.ifemrb p id nnlilan t it-m-e and tactics at W lilt-rlorc I'm vrritv. W ilU-rfon-r, O.. it the Hist ap inniitmeiit ol ita kind to l? made in tint .vuntrv. Pitt. burg it very happy over the ar rival ol a heavy carM of moiasM i bv trainer dirti t fnmi New Orleant, (hi thst n riirtl. llfrft'-forf the rule h& '-. n to break cargo at Cincinnati and re--hip. K.Miiia Vokra aaa the last ol Ilia fa- uiJUt family of that name. q illDWLNTER FAlli. The Uppnlnjr aSucce In Every Sense of the Word. THE DAY WAS BEAUTIFUL ONE TLa Strut One Tbtt Xo Stran gtr l onU Possibly Kail to te Impressed iVIth. A'othinx was Licking fo mukethenfflo UI i-it-ning of the t ahfonila Midwinter t.. .1 r. tuition a fcuccen! in er trnut of tha Word. In tha first phice, the sun came tip Klori.mlr. in a iky aa clear aa a Ml. and all day lonif it (hone down upon happy Sun Framinca Happy wat she in the thought that it wat her lot ti Im cradled In the lap of Lin. I where sue b weather la midwinter poatibility, mid proud waa sha that she hud to ji'lai N foro tha thoutamla of people who visited her lair on iniu uay a program of such im-ontroyertabla ex cellence and of such uuiuipeachaUa at tract ivt-Ilett. The i.peiiinir took rilaca on a jrnind stutid tf pecially erect ed for thii occanion. with a tenting cni.acity of 7,Ki. The aenta were alt tuketi and tena of thonnutida of yiMtnra guthered on the BTit-iinwurd in fruit of tha streaker platform. The total number of people who panted thmiiKh the tiimttilea waa IJ.W. Neurly ten thotit.tiid or these were in the iipn-rwaion which marched in triumph to the f xposition (rrounila. There were mora lunula in thii street pageant than were ever It-fore ae-n in Km FrunciM-o. Halt a doten of those niu.icul orgiiiiizatiotia, occupyinn a place on the grand stand, joined m unison in the patriotic feat una of the musical proirrain. Vhen the npeninn orertnrea had lieen played, Jiuuiw D. I'lielnn, the president of the tiny, Hindu hi! addreM. intnaluc itig at iu ilote tha Itt. Kcv. Nichols, who offered up the inTocation. The aiembhigo atotMl with uncovered in the warm midwinter sun, with the green lulu towering altive theni, and not a element in the air blew across their brows. People from the Euxt took off their top routs, onthiaSTtb of January, and made of thein cunhioui for their seats. As the bishop called 0Hin the Almighty to mako glad tha heart of everyone pr-t-nt in this lund of unnhine, fruit and flowers, each visitor from the sriowt.miid districU undoubt- adlv siiid "Amen." The set-no waa one that no stranger ootild fail to lw impressed with, and so it wat alto when the governor of Cali fornia. lion. II. IL Markhum, cams to extol the mtiuagers of tha expmition for the wonderful things they had accom plished within tlio five short niouthi which had panted since the original con ception of the idea. On every hand were tnaterial evidence of the In-auty and power of this great Kmpire State of the I'ncilii-. mid when Director Oeneral M. II. d Young, to who fertile brain and utitiriiu' energy Califoniiaowes this xutilioii wh.-n he arose to deliver his addrcne a uiiu-hty shout went up and honor waa tlnra accorded to whom was due. Mr. d. Young Isire his honora modi-atly. le.--t of all, hta speech was ahort, and when Mrs. de Young waa anked to ir-t the tmtton which shnnlJ art the machinery in motion, she did so gracefully, and this wits all thero waa to the formal ceremonies of the opening tlie great Midwinter Fair. The act of starting the machinery waa signalized by the shriek of every whistle in the exK!.it ion grounds, by the blare ud faufure of artillery within full sight of the aiwemhlcd multitude. On the amespot, when evening fell, thora waa gratid dtspluy of fireworks, but in the Interim the recreation ground waa de aerted, for everybody made a grand ruOi aa soon at tho opening exercisea were oyer to visit the mats buildings of the exMrsition and to patronize the con cessional f rntitn. It mattered not that aome of the exhibits were incomplete aa jet, for there was enough to keep all yea and all thoughts busy during what waa left of that short afternoon, and trrcrything, tiuinhed or niiflnudied, waa novel and untune to rvcrotiody. It waa in the concessions, howarer, that the holiday spirit of the crowd waa made more prominently manifest. The '49 Mining camp immediately established itself aa one ot the moat popular institu tions in the exposition. Seven thousand people paid their way Into this conces sion on opening day. The Firth wheel carried nearly six thousand, the Scenic railway was loa.h-d down all day and far into the night: tha wild Animal Arena, the Ostrich Farm, the Indian Enca.npmetits, the Hawaiian Village, the Vienna lratr-r, Heidelberg Castle, the Aquarium, the Sea Lions, the Colo rado Gold Mine, and the score of other concessions did a big business, and everybody seemed siitudled with the pat ronage they recelreil. All this established beyond a donbt the popularity of the Midwinter Exposi- tiou, Since the ot-iiitig day there haa been an average daily attendance of 8,000 people, or aa many aa paid admis sion so the great World' Columbian Exposition during the first few day iter the official opening. Visitors ara loud in their praite of what they have Been and are freely predicting that the exposition will be an immense success. The exposition management begin to feel aa if they could take time for good night's rest now and again, for their undertaking has now been fairly launi'iuii, aim tiiey are willing to trual iu drawing powers to prove sufficient fur its satitfactory continuance for tha en- eat ire terra of six mouths. l he great glory t.r a i alifornia winter la just now at its height. People nding in tne open atn-et cart read of the blu tarda a:4 mow blot k.ul.a that Larow their cat. th fii.-nds. an 1 once more tin w ord of vc. conie pa.iM taiotig every lin. of ran:erura..i. ad. -O.uie to California are the gnat .Mijwiuur Fir, aiid get Warm." Tke rdll.r Lkl.( Mra Annie CauUe srnils nt an sutUy which it as large as a g.tit egg and which was Ui.l by an etiterpntiug l-g ro hrn fj,, rir - ., and wesliail attempt to set it. and ex pevt to liatch out a full grown ottricn sntn large and woo.lerf ul simra Whet- tne ottru h it tratwl we shut: nde him w a (treat pojaUa.-Uurhaui Ulba. THE PORTLAND MARKETS. What -Valley, KHQWci Walla, oVgSlc par cental raonatoaa. Eabtim BuoaiD Miat aud Laan llama, medium, 12 i 13c per pound ; ham, large, USatiV' l,uui i'''-.. ' lli, 12c; breakW Ucon, Uiglacj short clear .idea. UtglSc; dry salt ide. lU'.igllc; dried brt-l ham, K'S lard, compound, In tin, lt(4l0',o per pound; pure, iu Una. US4l3S,c; pig le-t, B0,a.W; plg' W ora, wool axd aioaa. Hora Via, choice, 15 4 lUc per pound ; medium, 10(jtl2cj troor, 6ii$7c. Wool Valley, lOujllc wr pound; UiuHua, 11C4 lci Futern Oregon, M lUc, atx-onliiig to quality and shrinkage. Ultras Ury elected prime, 6c; green, palle.1, IHJ pound and over, 3'9c; under Oil pounds, i'.rt 3c; llierp pelts, shearling, lOiaiftcj uietlium, LDniMc; long wool, MkiuOc; Ul low, good to choice, 3d3'iC er pouud. LIT! amo naaaaio miat. Bair Top steers, f2.5U:LUU; fair to git. I steers, rZ.UUts 2.1!S; cow, f.UUnJ J.S; dressed href, 4nt6.',C rr round. M tTToa lk-st sheep, 2.6U; ewva, 2.25 j lam tat, . lloua Choice heavy, f 4.00(44.25; me dium, M.UO; light and feeder. J.UOoi 4.UU; d rested, li'.WTc rtr round. Vbau Small clioitre, oc; large, 4c per pound. COKOAUI. Manilla rojre, 1 '4 in. cir. and up, 10','c ; liiauilla rore, 12-thn-ad, diam., 11c; maiiilla rore,tl and U-tliread, l4 and 6-10 diam., lllc; manilla bail roe, in coil or on rceis, lUc; maiiilla lain yarn tarrnl, Ire ; manilla hawser-laid rope well It.rmg. etc. 13c; maiiilla Uaiisiiiission of-irowt-r n.ire. 14c: maiiilla pait-r twine. 11c; manilla spring twine, 14c; sital rope, I1 in. cir. and upward, 7c; aisal roire, 12-thread, m diam., 7'.c; usal n.ire. o ami U-thrca.1. 1 and 5-ltJ diam. Mc; sisal lath yarn, tarred, 7c; hojr-vine lw me, larretl, 7c; sisal paper twine, b,c ruiua, raao, rrc Fuiua -Portland, $2.75; Salem, 12.75 Cana.lia, 12.75; laytoii, 2-76; Walla Walla. t3.UU; Snoallake, l.'.KU; Corval lis. IJ.U5; Pendleton, 12.05: Oraliatu 42.40: utrertine. 42.25 iwr barrel, Oats White. 33(34c per bushel gray, 3l(d.'i2c; rolled, in bag, ti.25 O.frt); Urrels, 4d.75m7.OU; in cases, 13.75, .Mii.urrprr Hran, It3ctl0; shorts, IS.alti; ground barley. fltl18; chop lertl, IS er ton ; whole leed barley, 00(4 70c H-r cental; niiddlinga, 23tAi per ton; chicken wheat, Oocyfl.lS per cental. Uav iool, 10(412 per ton. DAiar raoouc-a. BtrrrgB Oregon fancy creamery, 30(4 32V; fancy dairy, 26(; fair to gtaal, 20(n 22 c; common, 10170 per pound ; l allium! i, oucaoot! ftvr roll. C'iikkhb Oregon, 10(4 lllc; Califor nia, c; Young America, 12(4 15c Swiss, imported, 30i(32c; domestic, 10 (tt I He rtr MJUnU. Eooa Oregon.l 4(f 15c per doxen ; FjuU ern. nominal v the same. roci.TBY hie ken, miitxl, quoted at (.'I.00ia3.50 tier doxen; duck, H-OOCit 11.00: geese. .H.nOtirO.OO; turkeys, live, U(jl2c per pound; dreaseti, 14o. TBUtlABLta AMD rBDITB. V bo BTABLBa California cablrage, l'c per (round ; potatoea, Oregon, 00(4 75c per sack ; omolis, 41.25 per sack ; iweet pota toea, :ic per pound; California celery, Nxu'.iOc; artichokes, n-i iiiiu-n; i nn lorn ia lettuce. AHt .vyc lozen; Oregon hothouse lettuce, 40(4 VK-; caulillower, 2.75 per crate, 00c per dozen; parsley, 'k r doxen pprouts, l.(Kl(1.25 er liox ; string la-aiis, l.xitlN- H-r poiitnl; asparagus, I2'...c iM-r iHiuud: Iaw Angule toinatoes 12.00 tHr Uu. r ktiiTs Sicily lemon, 4.00(44.00 per oob; Calilornia lanrv, l.l.Wii.(4.oo: coin iiioii, f2.riO(r3.0U; baiianaa, 1.50(43.00 per bunch ; Honolulu, 1.60(t 2.50; Call lornia navels, 42.2i.u2.76 er Itrx; netnl lings, l.S-'iui'.'.OO; Japanese, M.752.00 suiitlowrr, 42.76; apple (buying price) green, b0(ttti.M per box; red. 60n(Ik' late w inter pears, oomJHOc per box. CAJiHBn ooooa. Cannbo Goooa fable Iruita, aasorted, 1.75(42.00; treachea, 1.86(2.00; Hart let t (rears, 1.76(42.00; plums, 41. 37,(4 l .mi; straw uerriee, li.Mt'2.Vi cherriea. 2.5142.40; black lierrioa. 1.86(tf2.00 lanplrerrire, 42.40; pineapple, 42. 25(4 2.H0; aprioota, 41.05. Pie fruit, asHiirted, 41.20; prachea, 1.25; plum. 41.00i4l.20; blackberries. 1.25(41.40 ir doxen. l ie truila, gallons, asaorletl, 3.16(43.50; peachee, 43.50(44.00; apri cut. 43.60(44.00; plums, 42.75(43.00 blackberries, 44.26(44.60; toiuatoea.41. 10. M bat vornetl beef, 1. I1.6U: 2a, 2.25: chipped. t2.W: lunch tonaue. Is. 43. 50; 2a, 44i.76iui7.00; deviled ham. 41.50 a2.75 per doxen; roast beef, la, 1.50 2a. 42.26. Fish Sardinea, t4', 7oc(4 42.25; ,',. 42.15(44.60: kibsters. K.Mmi.W. sal mon, tin 1-lh tails, 41.25(410; flat, 1.75; 2-lb. 2.26ui2.50;-lNU-rel, 450. BTArLB oaocaaiaa. Corrxa Oosl Kica, 23 '.c: Rio. 22 (423c; Salvador, Zic, Mocha, 2)(3 2Sc; Arbuckle, Columbia ana Lion 100-pound rases, 25tu:i0c per pound, Dai bo Fbuits 1H'.I3 pack, Petite prune, 6148c; silver, 10(4 12c; Italian, U , . I L . flUM...aM ,t..lLna I - tl 1,1. omiw, IVIUIW1. vnov, riuuia, oil IUC : evaKrated apple, 8(4 10c; evaporated aprioota, 101410c; peaclie, 10(412', c pears, 7 (4 11c per pound. Halt Liverpool, 2U0s, 415.50; 100, sio.ou; oua, tio.oo; itora, sn.ooia H.0O. pyair Fjtstrrn, in barrels, 40(.V)c in ball barrels, 42.40, c; in cases, 3.V4 HOC tier irallon: 12.26 nrr Iim- I'mIII.t.... in barrels, 20(4 40c per gallon; US per ara. Hooab D.4l,c; Golden C,4,c; extra C, 4'jc; roufectionen' A,6tc; dry gran ulated, 6'4c; cut, crashed ana pow dered, 6 ',c per pouud; I4C per pound discount ou all grade for prompt cash ; wmyv vug,, v . nj rrrr puunuu Ku b No. 1 Sandwich Island, 44.75(4 5.00; no Japan in market. Huss Small white, No. 1, 2'.'c; So. .. - c; largo winte, 2',c; pea oeans, 2'4c; pink. 2',c; bayou, 24c; butter, 3c; l.ima. 3'jC per nonnil. I'll ki rn Barrels, No. 1, 28 430c per gallon; No. 2. 2ti(a28-: kegs. 5. h5c per ten nan gaiions. per doxen ; quar ter gallons. 41.75 tier doxen. lUiaiNe Uindon lsvers. boxes, 41.75 la.'.tat; Halves. 2.0H(42.2.i; quarters, 42.25(4 2 75; eighths, 2.50(43.00. l-r uuf-ateis, Iroxea. 1.60; fancy facet!. fi.,o; imgt, .1 crown, 4','rt.V wr pound 4 crown. 5.45Tr. Srrtlles Sultanas, ouxre, i.,.)';-.'.ov; tags, 6'rfSc per W m WI...I.. 4 II ' 11 " ooie All.Illi-e. la-il-lr- rw.. r-u.eii tat.ia. mainc; cinnamon, 22i4 4i V; cloves. la:iDr; black pepper. 2il(4 iV; iiutmtir. 75 alc. TIoIpI. Ara Praaiabla. Violet cut no mean n ,k. 1. "f New ork. and in sromna when they "Ha,. di-rate tbey ar huiy protiubla tolhrgrowera One florist, whose green houtrs are ju.t on the lge of the city, picked from twenty five ta thirtv.t..ti. worth of ymleu weekly all through the winter alt hong h the blanuot.-rnr.i4. cotiiparatirely .WM .r. Tha .t pK king is little or nothing, and askill- "o pnaer actjnaiutrd with the natnre .f the pUnt can t-nll so that th. f,i.. of tba plants shall be vaatjy tncraaawl Sw VorB Urtler. FARM AND GARDEN. Called Matter of Interest to the Thoughtful Firmer. DBAWIX0 WATER FROM A WELL Cement Replacing Board for Floor, lug of Stables, Piggeries, Cowsbeds, Etc. Cement I largely replacing board f.,r flooring of slimmer kit. hens, Mtiltry ami dairy, for stables, piggt-m ,, walks. Wherever the pl,un the principle is the same. Dig out find, cu nt to admit from twelve to twenty inchea of stone, large at the U.ttom, with smaller to llll in thucliiiiki.. I'.ni,, the stone well together, so tin re shall 1 no alter settling and to leave as Imie space between aa opsible. Mix one part la-st cement and two putt tlmrp pan. with water, to be thin enough to .iir, and use lor filling among the shunt. The next coat should Ire thicker and lw a couple ol inchr above the shines ii. not used until it hardens. Wheilicr a x or floor prepare always for thewarh; that is, have sltqie to a drain that will prove a water-shed. The beauty o( the iloor aside from their inder.triiclil.ilnr i that they can lw washed ; but to have all the good that should follow Hushing there must I a drain. Some say crineiit floor are too cold for poultry ami cattn. shed and pig pens. No one iiut-ttioi.. this, but no one til.fes such Honrs air to remain bare, but are to Ire covered with litter. Ton of leave have been gathered for the iroultry house. In one place several load ol earth have lieen brought in, and il ia already scat tered two inches deep over the Iloor.. The droppings, raked up once a week, go into barrels under cover for use iu the garden next spring. In the cow ami pig pen and in the stables the Ii iter is siraw, and a good generous I ml of it. The floors in the horse, cow and pig house should have drains for carrying the liquid ma nure to reservoir prepared to save it. WII.I. VS. I-OOKLY BALAXt'KII BATIOX. From a late bulletin of the Marylund agricultural station on data aa between a well-balanced vs. a pooily-haluiict-d ration we give a siiminaiy of i-om-lusioiis a follow: For fattening steer a well balanced ration ia very much more prof itable, than a poorly-balanced one. Steers fed on a well-balanced rat on made an average daily gain of 2.78 pounds; tho-e given a poorly-balanced ration made an average daily gain of 1.7 pounds. The increased profits from this test showing a dill'erence of 1.08 per steer were in fa vor of the well-balanced ration. With a wcll-lralanecd feed ninety days I ample time in which to prepare an animal for market. Where the more iiitrogenou foods are used it is believed nearly as good daily gains can lie made by mixing the grain with cut corn fodder aa though hay were used. The nse of cut corn (mI tier instead ol hay in feeding cattle may make the dilferrnre of a prolit instenil of a loss. Filty percent more msnme was made from the animal receiving the well-bslnnccd ration than Irom thope receiving the poorly-balanced one. The manure i also much richer in plant food. don't knlabiik tub fa mm. Farm News says : There seems to be a very general desire on the part of the farmer ol this country to obtain a larger quantity of land. 'Mu re are casta in which thii i a wise ambition, but such instance are not nearly as common at it the wish to obtain larger farms. I'mirr the present conditions of agriculture oar farmers a arulealready have more Isml than they can cultivate lo the U-tt ad vantage. A things are now, and a they are likely to be for a long time to come, the profit ol farming are to be incrca-ed by securing larger crops n-r acre rather than by tilling a larger tiumlier of acres. Most of the farmer who wish that they hud more land now own considerable area which have not yet Ireen brought nearly up to their limit of prolilalde prttluction. In these cotes I lie owners will find it much more profitable to ma nure their present fields more liberally and cultivate them more thoroughly than it will Ire to spread their work over a large number of acre. BUST WAV or MAKINO MAY. The poor men in Finland accidentally discovered the best way ot making bay. Having no meadow of' their own, they cut the grata oir waste lands, and for want of roads they stiillcd it among the branches ol neighboring trees lo wait the winter snows, when they could carry it home on sledges. After a wet rea.on the farmers noticed this hay was better in quality than they made from lietter grass, so they made imitation trees by setting up roles ten feet long, with long traverse pegs, and heaied the grass low ly upon them : the result was excellent. Kveu in wet weather onlv a small sir tion of the outside was dissolved, while the inner portions, exposed to the air tiem-atli and protected from the rain altive, are dried in perfect condition. Mowing can Ire carried on in spite of wind and ruin, mid w hen once the gra is placet) upon the drying (Miles it mav In? Ii-It without serious damage until the weather change. PBAWIMI WATXB fBOH TUB WELL. The cheapest and pasiest method of drawing water from a well 100 feet deep is by a force pump and a windmill, savs the Itnral World. To convey the water to a house on an elevation a nine mav Ire attached to a pump, ami to keep 11 n a constant supply there should Ire a cittern near the house, w hich would hold a stock (or nse in cate of failure of the wind at anytime. Where the cold is interne in the winter the pump may I placed in the cellar, well protected by a bank over it and a double disir, and the tliteharge pipe should be laid in the irronn.l Irelow the reach of the frost. It will b a help to fill the ditch in which the pi re is laid with sawdust or chair and to lay the pipe in a wooden box, so a to have air around it. TUB CI.IPPINO or IIORSK. The Irenrf'ita of rlir.tilni in tl.a, t. at work, encumbered bv lomr. thick rout. of hair, sweat profusely, an.l tlirrrl.r p - - . - r. r 1 1 1 1 1 , 1 their health and usefulness are promoted by the removal of their natural covering. When itMlin. fnrim . ... .. nK.l..iH -ante . irni.t w..l. I. . I a ..... ..! ..... . , w.i , .lir-v u iii . ui , occur in the horse it is alwavs noticed that it is accompani. I by watte of mus cle, general debility and loss of tone. The rirtl IMaa. So one can trll riu-tlr.luimi.uii,. a ptano for tha reason that It bas gradually "evolved"' from an ln.i nintMlt la rtittr-k llrt. lika ittrlf as one could well Imagine. In th twelfth erntury il appears to hat bre a aiirantle duh-imp w 1 , , r. u . blong box holding a srrirs of strings ar- n.nk-ro m maciaiiaf form acrotaiu cuter. In the thirteenth and tAnmk ...,.i.Im the clavichord." another muinl mnm. tpisity, bad developed from It and waa Ctrd wall up n the e chtsrnth erntury. About nt 1m, 11 at I n ar-atn t wl real piano, bat it is said to remind ons of a oal box when com pared with tha rltjant r.d perfect Uod inatnunent of today.-